todayinhiphophistory · 2 months
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Today in Hip Hop History:
DJ Kool Herc threw his Back To School Jam August 11, 1973
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widowshill · 3 months
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eaktionsshaytan · 6 months
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Vinyl (1965)
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xxhorace · 2 years
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Edie Sedwick
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Episode 445: Powers of persuasion
Fluttery heiress Millicent Collins has been staying at the great estate of Collinwood as the guest of her second cousin, haughty tyrant Joshua Collins, and Joshua’s wife Naomi. Today, Millicent has news for Joshua and Naomi. She has agreed to marry naval officer/ sleazy operator Nathan Forbes. Joshua and Naomi are stunned by this announcement. Millicent had been obsessed with avenging herself on…
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biolums · 1 year
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i call this look “maybe makeup on will make me do my paper since nothing else seems to be working but then i got too into the makeup”
um yeah would love advice on getting things done with adhd. like i am struuugggling
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tsa-ref · 2 years
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fanhackers · 4 months
On Thirsty Audiences
Dramatic literature and theatre is my first field: though I was a fan before I was anything else, I wasn’t a fan studies scholar till later in my career.  But, like many academics, my interest in the subjects I’ve studied borders on fannish interest, and so theatre is one of my fandoms.
Kirsty Sedgwick is a major figure in audience studies, and she’s recently crossed over from academia into more general public intellectual spaces with her latest book, On Being Unreasonable: Breaking the Rules and Making Things Better (Faber & Faber, 2023.)  There’s always been an overlap between fan studies and audience studies, and Sedgwick is a scholar of theatre audiences. Her work frequently questions the rules (explicit and implicit) of being an audience member and asks who those rules exclude: for instance, mothers with small children. In her 2018 book, The Reasonable Audience: Theatre Etiquette, Behaviour Policing, and the Live Performance Experience, Sedwick talks about the ways in which behavior standards can be sexist, racist, ableist, and otherwise exclusionary of the very diversity of audience members that theatre-makers claim that they want to attract.
I thought that I would highlight a different essay from Sedgwick’s oeuvre: 2018’s “How can we talk about ‘thirst’ in theatre?” written for Exeunt magazine.  In it, Sedgwick talks about the ways in which women are seen to enjoy theatre for the “wrong” reasons, stinking up lobbies with their love of Benedict Cumberbatch or Hugh Jackman or Tom Hiddleston or Kit Harrington. Sedgwick describes how  “the fear of female audiences reached its peak recently in the handsome-celebrities-onstage trend – like when the theatresphere nervously anticipated how swarms of Benedict Cumberbatch fans might ruin the star’s 2015 Hamlet with their tardiness and addiction to instagram, or when Tom Hiddleston’s fans were criticized for “colonizing the pavement” after Coriolanus.  Sedgwick argues that “the real mystery is how theatres have been able to get away for so long with using the desires of girls to fill their seats while simultaneously shaming them for it.“ 
Sedgwick also argues that not all forms of thirst are equal, and that while male thirst can be dangerous because of how it keeps women down, “female thirst almost always operates to build men up.” In particular, she cites the ways in which fans work to “give underappreciated actors of colour the attention they deserve.” She quotes Bim Adewunmi and Nichole Perkins of the Thirst Aid Kit podcast talking about John Cho.  The podcasters explain that:
“every time we saw him, we’d say, ‘Oh my gosh, he’s so amazing, he’s so hot.’ We really wanted to give him some shine. We see you–not just because you’re beautiful, but because we see what you’re doing on and off screen, and we want to amplify that.” 
Sedgwick concludes that “If male thirst simplifies women to bits of flesh, then female thirst tends to be all about fleshing out the person inside,” and concludes that thirst can be radical. The whole article is worth a read, as is much of Sedgwick’s other work.
–Francesca Coppa, Fanhackers volunteer
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charsawdeath · 10 months
I'm spiraling into the darkness again, HARD
Not only does grandmum seem to be forgetting things, I have a coworker who is and fast.. Can't get away from this
But NOW my DAD, the mentally, emotionally, verbally abusive man who stole our money just before Thanksgiving years back and left us poor and hungry is coming to my big sisters college graduation 
Work (Sedwick) says I wasn't sick enough to get paid after 2 weeks out cause of Covid so I risk now losing my job (being used for the holidays first)
I wanna listen to the voices
I work my sisters graduation and hope to the Gods my PPTO is enough or someone switched
I'm so.. Fucking DONE
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justbusterkeaton · 2 years
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Director Edward Sedwick and chorus girls watching Al Hirchfield drawing Buster Keaton on set during filming of Free and Easy 1930
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mosertone · 2 years
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Teenage Edie Sedwick at Silver Hill mental Institution (?)
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poeta-do-caos23 · 1 year
Há 50 anos nascia uma das maiores culturas de vida, o Hip Hop. O nosso querido Kool Hearc e sua irmã Cindy Campbell organizaram uma festa, na avenida sedwick, 1520, Bronx, em Nova Iorque. Essa festa ficou marcada pelo nascimento do HIP HOP. Hip Hop, uma cultura que através do seu estilo, mudou a vida de milhares de pessoas. Mudou a industria da música, da moda, e principalmente da política. Mudou o mundo em geral. Uma cultura com 4 elementos : DJ, B-Boy, Grafiteiro, e MC. Ritmo e poesia, encantando a vida de muitos. Muitas pessoas que não tinha identidade, começaram a ter por causa do Hip Hop. Pela linguagem, pelo estilo, pelo ritmo, pelo significado, pela luta, pelo propósito, e principalmente pelo amor. O Hip Hop de alguma forma salvou a minha vida. De Kool Hearc, Cindy, Coke, Grand Master Flash, Afrika Bambaata, Grand Wizzard, Krss One, Salt-N-Pepa, a Tupac, Big, Queen Latifay, MC Lyte, Lil ' Kim, Negra Li, Racionais, Thaide, Pepeu, Nelson Triunfo, e milhares de irmãos e irmãs espalhados pelo mundo. VIVA O HIP HOP !
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eaktionsshaytan · 2 years
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dirtymindsd · 1 year
Code couleurs → Couple / Réservé(e) / Célibataire
Coline Mikaelson → Célibataire & Maman
Olympéa Burton → Célibataire & Réservée
Leslie Abrams → Célibataire & Réservée
Galadriel Morningstar → Célibataire
June William → Célibataire
Rachel James → Célibataire
Anastasia Steele → Célibataire & Réservée
Svetlana Lanoukovitch → Célibataire
Anastasia Mikaelson → Célibataire & Réservée
Arielle Kenny → Mariée & Maman
Athéna Richard → En couple
Kacey Crowley → En couple
Rose Rolland → Célibataire & Réservée
Ezékielle Kristiensen → En couple
Charly Humman → Célibataire & Réservée
Tanya Dillon → En Couple
Garrett Farleighn → Célibataire
Ethan Bailey → Célibataire & Réservé
Dany Johnson → Célibataire & Réservé
Marcus Fletsher → Célibataire
Paul Lahote → Célibataire
Don Massimo → Célibataire
Elliott Scott → En couple
Wesley Phoenix → Fiancé
Samuel Jackson → Marié & papa
Rick Wolfe → Marié & papa
Marco Ilso → Célibataire & Réservé
Tom Hiddleston → Célibataire
William Sedwick → Célibataire
Parker Andrews → En couple
Jacob Black → Célibataire
Roy Johnson → Célibataire
Tony Stark → Célibataire
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Episode 394: Not a simple woman
The ghost of Jeremiah Collins has gone to the newly built great house of Collinwood and made a terrible mess in the bedroom that was to be occupied by a house-guest of the Collins family, the Countess DuPrés. Among those who discover the mess is Angelique, who was the countess’ maid before she became the fiancée of Jeremiah’s nephew, Barnabas. Not everyone in the house knows of the change in…
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