#sedgewick sable x you
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1m-1nsane · 2 months ago
Bug Knight
Summary: Sedgewick Sable x reader who has Entomophobia (fear of insects)
a/n: This is the first time I ever post my writing anywhere hence this might be a bit crappy, please let me know if there's anything I should fix. I read over this a few times to correct the mistakes I've made, but English isn't my first language so I cannot provide you with proofread writing, sadly. Please let me know your opinion!
Before we begin: The reader is gn. There is a brief use of (Y/N). This scenario can be taken as platonic or romantic, it doesn't really matter.
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You and Wick met at the Lackadaisy speakeasy and shortly after, you became good friends. In one of your conversations you mentioned you liked reading, it was a great opportunity for Wick to mention his own collection of literature that he was keeping in a small library in his house. At the sight of you getting all excited, Wick was more than happy to invite you over so you could take a look at it. You gladly took him up on that offer and his place turned out to be rather comfortable to spend your free time at.
Today was nothing different than usual. You were at Wick's house and you just finished peacefully reading a book. You stood up to wander around in hopes of finding another piece of literature to read, however, first you wanted to return the book where it came from. You passed a few shelves until you stopped in front of the one you previously took a book from. You wanted to place the book back in its place, but suddenly you froze up and-... 
-"AAAAAH" an awful scream left your lungs followed by the quiet thud produced by the book as it hit the floor.
Wick nearly jumped in his seat, his ears shot up in alert. He looked up from the papers on his desk, a look of fright crossed his face. He jumped to his feet and rushed into the library which thankfully was near his study. 
- "(Y-... (Y/N), are you alright?!" 
He stopped himself on the doorframe almost crashing against it. He looked around the room and spotted you frozen in front of the shelves next to the window. He took in a shallow breath after which he started placing careful steps in your direction. Once he was already by your side he took a glance at whatever made you let out that horrific sound.
-"what's going-.. oh!" His frown quickly turned into a smile. "What a beautiful specimen of a stag beetle!" He leaned in to take a closer look. "I really find them interesting... you see, their skin is an exoskeleton, which protects them from harsh changes in climate. They have also small hooks at the end of their legs to-.." he stopped in his tracks as he felt something grabbing his elbow.
-"Kill it." You stated bluntly in a tone of voice that sounded higher than usual.
- "uh-.. uhm.. excuse me? " He turned his head to look at you over his shoulder. One of his eyebrow rose at the sight of you ducked behind him. Then he turned to look back at the beetle. "I cannot just kill it." he pursed his lips in a light pout.
- "Then just do something!" You whined in desperation. You tried to take another peek at the bug over Wick's arm, but it was a bad idea. The sight of it made you shudder and hide behind the 'quarry magnate' once again.
Wick glanced at you, taking in your shaken state. His eyes softened and a sigh escaped his lips. What else had he left to do? After a short moment of contemplation he moved closer to the shelf, grabbed the bug with his thumb and pointer right behind its head and carefully picked it up. Within seconds, the beetle was placed on the windowsill, where it escaped into the outside world without much thought.
- "See?" Wick smiled proudly. "They might look intimidating, however there is nothing to be afraid of. They're harmless as long as you don't threaten them." 
- "It still doesn't change my point of view..." You grumbled meanwhile moving forward to the window and closing it. "their thin little legs, the way they crawl... It's awful! Don't get me even started on the flying kind!" - You shivered in disgust.
- "Erm... Well, that one had wings also, they cannot fly very well, but when-"
"No!" You yelled in horror and turned to the other side, trying to take your mind off of those disgusting creatures.
- "Okay, okay, no need to be rude." he crossed his arms on his chest.
Wait, you didn't offend him, he was only joking, right?
You bit your lip and looked down at your hands - "Sorry... I didn't mean it that way-.." suddenly you felt Wick's hand on your shoulder. You tilted your head up to look at him.
- "I know, I was just teasing. Everyone has their own fears and that's completely normal." His lips curled up in a soft, polite smile. "Now, if you excuse me..." His hand fell back against his side. "I have some paperwork to finish"
- "right..." You muttered under your breath with slight disappointment as you observed him walk towards exit, but before he left, he looked at you over his shoulder with that typical smirk of his and said:
- "If you ever need a knight in shining armor to save you from these vicious beasts again, you know where to find me."
Your muffled laughter was enough of an answer for him, so he left the library and returned to the files awaiting in his study.
a/n: I hope it's not ooc! I know I'm repeating myself but please let me know if it is!
In case any of you liked my writing and wanted to see more, you can send in some requests! :)
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multi-fandom-imagine · 1 year ago
May I request Zib and Wick rut headcannons?
A/n: i am very happy to see so many lackadaisy requsts
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•Dorian "Zib" Zibowski•
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Haha! He's probably too drunk, hung over or a bit of both to even realize that he's in a rut. Zib does his best to actually try to remember when his ruts actually hit him.
Though it seemed all that fall on you when you formed a relationship with the sax player. It's not like Zib asked you to do it, oh no you were just worried for him. That couldn't be healthy right? Besides it's not like he was that active for sex right?...
Zib does his best to not drink as much as he used to when he started a relationship with you. It's not like when he used to be with Mitzi, whatever that was I mean sure he cared for her but any lingering feelings he might have had vanished the moment his gaze met yours during one of his performances. He's really smitten with you, thinks he's finally found the one.
He may not be the one with the highest sex drive but do not count Zib out. He's really the best at the lazy sex, he doesn't like to leave the bed when his rut hits him nor does he expect you to leave either.
Bit of a whiner { he won't admit it }, will crack a few jokes as you two lie in bed together. Will smoke, if you really don't like it then he'll try to quit for you but please give him some time.
Very flirty, get's more flirty during his ruts, even more handsy.Zib is constantly hanging onto you if he's not with the band and if he is then you're just sitting on his lap. He likes keeping you close, he needs to keep you close.
Zib love's you have your scent all over him, you swear he steals your perfume just in case you're gone to long and he needs something to calm him down or take the edge off.
Lazy nips, claws digging into your hips as he leans into you. Zib can't help himself, you're just so soft. He's just gonna fall asleep on you real quick.
Loves it and will lose it if you wear nothing but his hat.
•Sedegewick "Wick" Sable•
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Ahaha....what? Poor boy was talked through this his whole life never really experienced a proper rut due to his up bringing. Wick tries to understand, especially when you due your best to try and explain it to him but he end's up getting flustered and leaving you standing their confused.
Wick does his best to act normal when his rut's hit him, he shouldn't be acting unclothed but you smell so good, you feel so good he really can't help himself when you're near.
It doesn't help when you smile at him like that, with your pretty eyes.
Is a bit more possessive, though he is a gentlemen it's not going to stop Wick the moment you two are behind closed doors all that fades away. He likes to pin you to the desk, likes to mark you. He need's any man that comes near you your is { as if the ring wasn't a dead giveaway. }
But please lock the door next time, he doesn't want another incident with his assistant walking in you both. Poor boy couldn't look her in the eye for over a week.
Wick keep's you by his side, he loves having you by his side normally but when his rut hits him he needs you by his side. { please don't leave his side }
Tends to spoil you a bit more, even if you tell him not to he doesn't care. In his eyes, you are his princess.
You deserve the world.
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speakeasyaoi · 1 year ago
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Sedgewick Sable x M! Reader
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> Requested by anonymous | I actually really enjoyed this prompt! I might go on to write some fanfic inspired by it, just because I had so many ideas...
PROMPT: The reader is Sedgewick's secretary.
He has to sit himself down with a bit of alcohol to contemplate and think once he manages to realize that he's falling for you. ...A 'bit of alcohol' soon turning into a bottle or two. His feelings are all mixed up and complicated when it comes to yearning for another man, let alone one who's working so closely with him, which leads him to have a bit of a personal, moral dilemma; this is all so new and strange to him, and he's completely lost on how he should handle his newfound feelings. You likely being his queer awakening certainly doesn't do anything to help that. As opposed to women, whom he's significantly more flirty and forward with, with you, Wick is more inclined to bury his affections under a front of nothing more than a typical professional relationship-- out of a cross between repressed queerness and fear of his feelings not being reciprocated. He's not opposed to it, just very...inexperienced.
With so much extra money at his disposal, he can't help but dote on and spoil you with gifts and raises in your pay (which would already be considerably higher than he would give to anyone else in your same position, considering how he feels about you). He tries to limit himself to more discreet, smaller gifts--knowing anything too drastic would give away his feelings, no doubt--but in the end it's rather obvious anyway. Fancy pens and pencils and office supplies to 'help with your work' soon progresses to buying you clothes and accessories and other, more luxury items, and eventually it wouldn't be out of place to find a new set of cufflinks boxed on your desk, or a fine pocketwatch, or a rock or geode that he found interesting. ...That last one is probably more meaningful in his eyes than it is in yours. But it's the thought that counts.
Oftentimes he'll get the urge to come by your workspace to 'check up on you' and make sure you're doing your job properly, which normally just consists of him standing over your shoulder for as long as he can without raising suspicion, paying more attention to you than he is to anything you're doing. He'll comment and make an attempt at sparking up conversation here and there, but he soon grows nervous he's being overbearing, and leaves you to your own devices with a hasty pat on your shoulder.
If you burn through your paperwork and manage to finish everything you need to do early, Wick gradually begins to ask you to do more and more mundane, everyday tasks for him just so he can get you to stay around him a little longer. And if he's feeling particularly bold, he might ask you to stay afterhours, just for some quality time.
He frequently comes up to you and adjusts your uniform, straightening your lapels, tightening your necktie or messing with your buttons, and while he tells you it's for the sake of maintaining your professional image, it's pretty obvious he just wants to be up close and make any sort of physical contact with you. His hands linger for a second or two longer than they need to.
He tries his hardest to foster a connection with you outside of the workplace. In his eyes, it heightens his chances of gaining your favor, and lowers the chance that his advances will be rejected. This initially starts out with him taking you out to a quaint little bistro or a nice restaurant to discuss business, and over time, the topics of conversation become more and more personal and intimate. It's most likely that he'll end up drunkenly confessing on one of these occasions, or giving away too much, which prompts him to fluster and apologize once he sobers up.
He always finds some way to join you on your smoke or lunch break. Maybe for the whole period, or a part of it, or even just dropping by to check in on you, but it's practically a guarantee that he'll be there. Half of the time he can't even muster an excuse or any sort of reasoning to defend himself, he just wants to be able to spend as much time as he can alongside you.
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Other notes: N/A
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glowinggator · 1 year ago
Current WIPS (Lackadaisy)
Sorted by character, updated semi-regularly. (Note: Some request notes are abridged here for space: Written works includes still include full details!)
Last Updated: 8 April 2024, 12:00am PST (oopsie) (♣️=Most recently updated categories)
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Rocky Rickaby ♣️
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Untitled Status: Not Started Yet Type: Headcanons Requested: Yes Request: rocky x gn!reader who frequents little daisy's cafe not knowing there's a speakeasy underneath it, only to find out and stop going there? i wanna see how rocky tries to get their love back.
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Untitled Status: Not Started Yet Type: Headcanons Requested: Yes Request: romantic relationship headcanons w/ rocky? preferably with a male (he/him) reader? (A/N: HELL yeah brother. I've missed seeing you in my notes <3)
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Untitled ♣️ Status: Finished & Queue'd! Type: Drabble; 327 Requested: Yes Request: Rocky x reader who's just as chaotic as him, when they get confortable, but when they aint they're just really shy and polite?
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Untitled Status: Not Started Yet Type: Undetermined Requested: Yes Request: Rocky/Reader, wherein Reader is a little too aware of the narrative.
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Untitled Status: Not Started Yet Type: Undetermined Requested: Yes Request Notes: Rocky/Reader, who is a really strong assassin. Akin to Yor Forger.
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Untitled Status: Not Started Yet Type: Oneshot Requested: Yes Request Notes: bursts into readers shabby apartment in the middle of the night, clearly very hurt physically after a rum running gig. Rocky says he didn’t know where else to go and reader practically forces him to let her patch him up at stuff. After a while (and a lot of tension) reader finds out Rocky’s homeless and forces him (again) back to stay with her in her apartment. Sprinkle in some purring, affectionate head bumps, and tail twining.
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Untitled Status: Not Started Yet Type: Undetermined Requested: Yes Request Notes: rocky rickaby x reader celebrating their bday?
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Temperate (Or, the 2 times you ran, and the 1 time you didn't. Rocky/Reader, Friends to Lovers, Light Angst at parts, ultimately Fluff.) Status: In Progress (30% complete, currently at 1.4k) Type: Oneshot Requested: Yes. Request Notes: Reader first denies his romantic feelings for Rocky, because of this reader is distant from Rocky, but then, either gradually, or due to some accident, reader still confesses to Rocky. Ends in fluff.
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Codeswitch (Or, the Lackadaisy cast's reaction to the reader's colder, working alter-ego. Includes all members of main cast, sans Atlas and Asa Sweet) Status: In Progress (10% complete.) Type: Headcanons, may include drabble for some characters Requested: Yes Request Notes: See Above.
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Untitled Status: Not Started Type: Headcanons Requested: Yes Request Notes: Rocky/Reader, Reader is very loving and caring towards him and also everyone else and is also very eccentric, theatrical and has a very maniacal laugh.
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Double Sided Cloth Status: Not Started Type: Undetermined Requested: Yes Request Notes: Rocky/Reader, reader is nonverbal or doesn’t talk much, yet it is kinda social? Idk, basically someone whose more reserved yet is still rlly kind. (Bonus points if the reader is an artist like him!)
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Nothing Money Can Buy Status: In Progress, 60% Complete, 1.3k. (Taking back burner until next Christmas due to overshoot (oops). Rocky/Reader, Kissing under the mistletoe.) Type: Oneshot Requested: No
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Soranna Sorcha Status: In Progress, 40% Complete, 600. (Taking back burner until Rocky's next birthday due to overshoot (oops x2). Rocky/Reader, A kiss for each year of age, birthday fic. Type: Oneshot Requested: No
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Mordecai Heller
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Untitled Status: Not Started Yet Requested: Yes Type: Undetermined Request: Mordecai Heller with a fem or gn s/o who runs their own business making clothes and costume designs for theatres?
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Dorian "Zib" Zibowski
Nothing here! ...Send something in?
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Sedgewick "Wick" Sable
Untitled Status: Not Started Yet Type: Undetermined Requested: Yes Request Notes: Working class reader who never got the luxuries he has in her life
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Ivy Pepper
Untitled Status: Not Started Yet Type: Headcanons Requested: Yes Request Notes: Can I get general relationship headcanons with Ivy Pepper dating a fem reader? (If not gn is ok!)
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Calling her by her government name Status: Not Started Yet Type: Headcanons Requested: Yes
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Serafine Savoy
Untitled Status: Not Started Yet Type: Undetermined Requested: Yes Request Notes: can I get some stuff for snuggling with the crazy Creole gun lady? (I am down bad, please assist) (A/N: Real and True :pensive:)
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Viktor Vasko
Untitled Status: Not Started Yet Type: Undetermined Requested: Yes Request Notes: How would Viktor react on working with lackadaisy with his wife(reader)
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Untitled Status: Not Started Yet Type: Undetermined Requested: Yes Request Notes: **VAGUE SPOILERS FOR COMIC** Viktor reacting to seeing his wife -- the reader -- again.
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Untitled Status: Not Started Yet Type: Headcanons Requested: Yes Request Notes: Headcanon on how being in a relationship with Viktor would be.
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Mitzi May
Calling her by her government name Status: Not Started Yet Type: Headcanons Requested: Yes
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Wes Clyde
None, yet! ...Send something in?
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Untitled Type: Undetermined, likely a drabble or oneshot Status: Not started yet. Requested: Yes Request: Avery (One of the pig farmers from Lackadaisy!!) x a male reader who is very well read? A smarty pants that though a farm would be a quaint calm place to be,,, And it turns out is not. A/N: Your brain is huge, and I LOVE this idea. MUAH
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lordofdestructionm · 6 years ago
Chapters: 16/? Fandom: Lackadaisy (Webcomic) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mordecai Heller/Rocky Rickaby Characters: Mitzi May, Sedgewick "Wick" Sable, Rocky Rickaby, Calvin "Freckle" McMurray, Dorian "Zib" Zibowski, Asa Sweet, Mordecai Heller, Nico Savoy, Serafine Savoy, Ivy Pepper (Lackadaisy), Viktor Vasko, Dom Drago Additional Tags: Prohibition, Organized Crime, Speakeasies, canon's here it's just mutated, Shooting, Shooting Guns, Captivity, Sleepiness, Sleep, somewhere between haggersnash and cacophony, Reminiscing, Anger, Exhaustion, 1920s, Guns, Attraction, Opposites Attract, Bathrooms, Lunch, Clumsiness, Tea, Pancakes, Dialogue, Pain, Injury Recovery, Phone Calls & Telephones, Arguing, Hostage Situations, Lies, Trust, Showers, Gunshot Wounds, Past Relationship(s), Relationship(s), Gay, During Canon, Cats, Feelings, Negotiations, Not Beta Read, Late at Night, Injury, Stabbing, Feelings Realization, Crushes, Mutual Pining, Fights, Fist Fights
Love this and had my heart broken at the same time.
 You would think if they really hated each other they would have a completely clean break rather than still drifting towards each other as Mitzi says, even if its only to argue. Considering how much they bickered when they were together it probably feels like old times.
But that’s just the view of someone who cannot get enough of that Mordecai x Viktor goodness in any context ;)
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multi-fandom-imagine · 4 months ago
Well in that case I hope you won't mind if I send the request again?
I loved the way you wrote Wick as a dad and I started thinking about something domestic, something like... One morning the reader decided to bake cookies. Immediately after the baked goods were taken out of the oven their daughter started jumping around, begging for a piece, however the reader goes into that motherly mode where they say "eat a full meal/dinner first, then you can have some" or we just want to save the cookies for later? Doesn't matter, you get the idea. The kid starts pouting and sulking - That's when Wick appears in this story. He overhears our conversation. He wants to be seen as that fun, cool, entertaining dad by our little girl and he wants to spoil her. While the reader doesn't pay attention he sneaks up and snatches a cookie or two, then shares it with his daughter. Unfortunately for him the reader notices those missing cookies and we go into an investigation to find out what happened to the cookies. Shortly after we catch him and his daughter red-handed and they get a big, good, ol' scolding, just for the sake of it ;)
This poor man😔
I thought that it's a cute lil idea? Idk if you'd be up to writing anything like that? Or maybe it doesn't even need to be written lol
Have a great day/night!
A/n: Here it is
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Watching you intently, your daughter couldn't help but kick her feet back and forth. The house smelling like cookies as she watched you take the sweets out of the oven.
Sliding off the chair her little hands grasped your skirt as she started to tug. Her energy abound as she started to jump up and down. "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy."
Letting out a soft laugh, you tilted your head to the side giving her a gentle smile. "What is it princess?"
"Can I have a cookie?"
Pausing, you sighed as you turned to face him as you ruffled her hair. "Not now sweetie. We need to have dinner first."
Pouting, she puffed out her cheeks as she crossed her little arms over her chest. "But I don't wanna wait!"
"Well the answer is no, end of discussion."
Biting back a yawn, Wick rubbed the bridge of his nose just happy to be back home. Walking past the kitchen, Wick tensed then frowned for a moment hearing his daughter's sniffles. While he knew you were right he just hated knowing his little girl was crying.
Always one to spoil her, he waited until you stepped away. Snatching a few cookies he then made his way to where his daughter was sitting. Moving next to her he gave her a soft smile holding a cookie out in front of her face. "Here you go princess."
Eyes going wide, a bright smile formed on her face as she beamed at her father. "Thank you daddy."
Flinching from the sound of your voice, Wick gave you a nervous smile as your daughter rushed off with the two cookies giggling to her room.
"You are eating your dinner missy! I will make sure of that!" You called out.
Clearing out his throat, Wick took a step towards you as he wrapped his arms around your hips. "Um love you."
"Ya, ya." You muttered, a small smile forming on your lips.
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multi-fandom-imagine · 1 year ago
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-💕means it has sexual content/Implied sexual content..
-💔means it is an angst fic
-😍means it is a family fic
-💘means it is an angst fic with a happy ending.
-🚫means it contains a Trigger Warning.
─ ★
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─ ★Dorian "Zib" Zibowski
Zib in a Rut blurbs-💕
Men who moan
"i can hold the whole world in my hands"
─ ★Sedegewick "Wick" Sable
Wick in a rut blurb-💕
Men who whimper
"i can hold the whole world in my hands"
─ ★Calvin "Freckle" Allen McMurray
Freckle in a rut blurbs-💕
Freckle with a clingy s/o
─ ★Rocky Rickaby
Rocky in a rut blurbs-💕
want a romantic Rocky x male!reader
"i can hold the whole world in my hands"
Men who moan.
Rocky as a girl dad
Rocky with a shy!fem reader.
Rocky noticing his S/O is in heat
Rocky with a clingy s/o
Comforting an insecure reader
─ ★Viktor Vasko
Viktor in a Rut blurbs-💕
"i can hold the whole world in my hands"
Viktor in a relationship with a crybaby!Reader.
Viktor sharing the reader with Mordecai
Viktor having a child that's a runt
Viktor with twin girls
do Viktor x reader, like where his wife is pregnant
Viktor being late to his daughters birth
Teasing Viktor until he snaps💕
─ ★Mordecai Heller
Mordecai in a rut blurbs-💕
"i can hold the whole world in my hands"
Mordecai sharing the reader with Viktor
Mordecai having a child that's a runt.
Mordecai Heller x pregnant!Reader
Mordecai having a child who is just chaos incarnate like Rocky.
Second time's the charm
Mordecai with a pregnant reader
Comforting an insecure reader
─ ★Nicodeme Savoy
Nico rut hc's
─ ★Images I happen to like!
-➤- 1:
-➤- 2: Humanized Mordecai and Viktor
-➤- 3: Baby rocky and Freckle, baby mordecai
-➤- 4:Valentines cards
-➤- 5: Valentines cards { Pt2}
-➤- 6: Humanized Zib / Zib { i love him so much }
-➤-7:Viktor in a suit 🥰
-➤-8: this and this...no words
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multi-fandom-imagine · 1 year ago
I wanted to say that I love your blogs and seeing that you posted something can make my day :)
I would like to ask if I can request a blurb/hc of Wick taking care of a sick reader?
Or Zib teasing the reader (shorter than him) about their height which makes the reader upset and then Zib having to appease them? - i hope it makes sense😭
Also I wanted to add - please don't overwork nor rush yourself, get some proper rest and take care!
A/n: I WILL DO BOTH, and ahhhh you're so sweet, thank you for giving me my to favorite boys 😩
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<Wick taking care of a sick reader>
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Stepping into the room, Wick frowned as he looked you over. He hated seeing you like this, all bundled up between the blankets. Hearing your coughs, seeing your body shake.
Stepping close, he flinched at your cough as he sat next to you. Rubbing your back gently, he brushed a stay curl aside as you weakly looked up at him.
"I'm sorry Wick." Coughing, you looked up at him as you gave him a weak smile. "I'm sorry you had to cancel our date night."
Shaking his head, Wick smiled as he bent down giving the top pf your head a gentle kiss. "Never apologize love....I'd rather spend time with you....now I know the perfect thing to make you feel better. My grandmas famous recipe!" He beamed.
Letting out a weak laugh, you did your best to hide your cough as Wick covered your body with another blanket. "Get some rest dove, I'll bring you the food and you'll be better in know time."
Sitting by your side, Wick made sure that you were comfortable. He set a bath for you and while you were cleaning yourself he changed out the sheets for fresh ones. He even went as far as to carry you back to the bed.
"What if you get sick Sedgewick?" You weakly looked up at him, your ears flattened on your head, tail twitching as he moved to lay next to you.
"Then I will take that risk." He muttered kissing the top of your head. "Now get some sleep, rest is very important in getting better."
Letting out a soft laugh you nuzzled your face into his chest. "Okay, but I'm only doing this for you."
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<Zib teasing short reader>
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"That short enough for ya....I mean...you sure you can reach it?" ​Dorian Zibowski or Zib as everyone called him teased you as he hovered ofer your short frame.
"I can help ya of you like." The cigaret dangled from the corner of his mouth.
Puffing out your cheeks, your fur bristled as you tugged the mic close to you. "How very kind of you Zib but I'm fine! Maybe you should worry about not hacking up a lung on our next performance."
A deep chuckle left his lips as he took a step towards you. Grasping your chin he gave you a teasing grin bending down, his head pressing yours as his hat pushed up. "I keep forgettin how cute you are when you get all flustered."
Humming, Zib put out the cigaret as he then placed his hat on your head. "You weren't complanin last night though. Gotta say you looked really good wearin my shirt."
Feeling your body grow warm, you turned your back to him. "You....shut up!"
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multi-fandom-imagine · 5 months ago
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Are they on the Naughty List? Or have they’ve been good all year?Well that’s for you to decide.
Start:November 12
End: December 31
Green > SFW prompts
Red > NSFW prompts
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⇀bold is the fandoms i really want. ↼
◇ day 1-7: {Nov 12-18}
Day 1: - Ice Skating- Rocky Rickaby
Day 2: “I can’t believe you did that to Santa…”-Stanley Pines
Day3: - “I made you some hot cocoa.”-Stanford Pines
Day 4:we were going to a Christmas party but fuck if you don’t just look sinful in red, and you know what? Fuck that Christmas party- Logan Howlett
Day5:- Dancing In The Snow-Rocky Rickaby
Day 6:-Sucking on a Candy Cane- Viktor Vasko
Day 7: - “are you really playing christmas music already? it’s barely November” -Mordecai Heller
◇ day 8-14: {Nov 19-25}
Day 8:-Watching the snowfall from inside a cosy house- Dorian Zibowski
Day 9:-“Carmel apples, leaves falling down. What could better then November?” “I don’t know maybe fucking June?”- Stanley Pines
Day 10: -we got a little too carried away with the Christmas lights, and now suddenly my hands are bound with the lights and oh my god are we about to have sex?-Bucky Barnes
Day 11:- it’s holiday dinner with your family, and oh Jesus where are your hands going?- Stanley Pines
Day 12:-“Do you need help hanging up the Christmas lights?”- Joel Miller
Day 13: -“HAPPY NOVEMBER!” “No one wishes anyone a happy November.” “Well I just did.”-Spencer Reid
Day 14:-one lending the other their scarf to keep them warm.- Mordecai Heller
◇ day 15-21 {Nov 26-Dec 2}
Day 15:-Handing their S/O a positive pregnancy test with a sprig of holly and a note reading ‘Merry Christmas’- Dean Winchester
Day 16:Baking holiday cookies.- Overlord!Husk
Day 17:-“The turkey’s not the only thing getting stuffed today.” - Sylus
Day 18:Jingle Bells: Our muses take a sleigh ride-Spencer Reid
Day 19:-Build A snowman.- Stanford Pines
Day 20:-Silent Night: Not a creature was stirring… It’s Christmas Eve and everyone is in bed, except for our muses.- Luis Serra
Day 21:-The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting): Our muses have snuggled for some fireside Christmas dreaming.- Dad!Fiddleford
◇ day 22-28 {Dec 3 -9}
Day 22:-Christmas Decorations- Dad!Fiddledord
Day 23:-“Breasts/thighs are my favorite part to nibble on.” Rocky Rickaby
Day 24:“You know, tying the legs together keeps everything moist.”- Overlord!Husk (pause)
Day 25:-Christmas Morning- Dad!Stanford Pines
Day 26:-Hanging Stockings.- Dad!Husk
Day 27:-Reader wearing nothing but a Santa hat-Vander
Day 28:-“Dancing in the snow- Reuben "Ruby" Pepper
◇ Day 29- 35 {Dec 10-16}
Day 29:“You look even more beautiful covered in snow.”- Gregory House
Day 30:-ice skating-Reuben "Ruby" Pepper
Day 31:-sneaking around after the other has fallen asleep to put up their gift.- Aaron Hotchner
Day 32:-“Go on, open it.” - Bucky Barnes
Day 33: Day 33:-“Did you decorate the tree without me? I can’t believe this!”- Rocky Rickaby(pause)
Day 34: -Kiss Me Under The Mistletoe. - Poly Fiddauthor x reader
Day 35:“Excuse me—where is my Christmas kiss?” - Remy 'Gambit'
◇ day 36-42 {Dec 17-23}
Day 36:-"Why are there so many mistletoe?"-Connor { DBH }
Day 37:-“It’s time for hand turkey’s everyone.” “FUCK YES YES!”- Dad!Stan Pines
Day 38:-“Alright, mister. I know you’re the one who keeps hanging up mistletoe everywhere." --Sedgewick Sable{pause}
Day 39:-“Thanksgiving is for giving thanks” “And for body slamming each other during the family football match!” - Nico Savoy {pause}
Day 40:-The scent of real Christmas trees-Joel Miller
Day 41: -“I’m going to have you stuffed better than the turkey by the end of the night.” Adam {Hazbin Hotel} {pause}
Day 42:-“I’m not much of a cook, but I’m good at glazing.” -Stanford Pines
◇ day 43-50 {Dec 24-31}
Day 43:-Cabin Sex { Christmas Eve sex }- Stanford Pines
Day 44: -“Merry Christmas, motherfuckers!" Stanley Pines.
Day 45: -“Did you spike the eggnog again?”- Sedgewick Sable
Day 46: “Will you make a gingerbread house with me?”- Dad!Husk
Day 47: - “It’s Snowing”- Rip Wheeler
Day 48: -Peppermint-flavoured everything-Penelope Garcia
Day 49:-wearing ugly Christmas sweaters-Gregory House
Day 50:spending christmas morning together.-James Sunderland
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speakeasyaoi · 2 years ago
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Requests currently closed! | 20/20 slots filled
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What I WILL do:
Headcanon lists and rambles
LD x reader (including specifications + details)
LD ships (platonic, romantic, familial, etc.)
Female, male, NB & GN reader
All characters, including niche + side characters
Practically anything! Don't feel afriad to ask
What I WILL NOT do:
Anything I find immoral or uncomfortable (Incest, noncon/dubcon, underage, etc.)
Explicit NSFW; I'm willing to make allusions and mentions to NSFW if I find it appropriate in the scenario, but I will not go into heavy detail (if you would like to request something of that sort, go to my sideblog @crackadaisie)
Fully written fanfiction/scenarios
A lot of ships involving Ivy and Freckle that aren't with eachother, considering the age gaps and the fact theyre both 18
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Roark 'Rocky' Rickaby
PROMPT: Rocky is in a close friendship with the reader that looks more like a couple at first, and has the beginning buds of a romantic relationship. {GN!Reader}
Mordecai Heller
Prompt: N/A {GN!Reader}
Serafine Savoy
Prompt: N/A {F!Reader}
Mary Ellen 'Mitzi' May
Prompt: N/A {F!Reader}
Sedgewick 'Wick' Sable
Prompt: The reader is Sedgewick's secretary. {M!Reader}
Atlas May
Prompt: N/A {F!Reader}
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Art deco dividers by @saradika
I take on average 4-7 days to answer asks, but this can fluctuate heavily!
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