#secret agent sweetie drops
gosha305 · 2 months
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*mandatory backflip to impress wife*
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ask-sprouting-bulb · 5 months
"Did you know that the Equestrian government has been integrating changelings into society with a focus on ensuring their happiness? It's true! Look up 'smile changelings' to learn more!"
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thedarkcircuswritings · 7 months
Since you did this with CRK, can you do the same for these MLP couples?
Cadence x Shining Armor
Applejack x Rainbow Dash
Lyra x BonBon (Or Sweetie Drops)
Aunt Lofty x Auntie Holiday
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Oh, these poor souls have to take care of another baby!! Oh no!! Jokes aside, these two would feel so blessed to have another child under their hooves and wings, no matter what species they are. The Crystal Empire can be their home, blood-related or not! Plus, on another bright side, Flurry Heart can have a new playmate! Shining Armor is doing his best to be a great dad and even lets Auntie Twilight Sparkle see this new child. He'll definitely seek out her advice if it's something he doesn't know how to handle, like how to clean scales for a dragon baby, or how to feed a pony baby bottle to a baby griffin! He doesn't know it all, but he's definitely learning all he can for his new bundle of joy. Princess Cadence has opened her heart to this new life and knows that when you grow older, she will show them that species does not matter when it comes to family, and even if they were a pony, it wouldn't make any difference. They are still her and Shining Armor's child and Flurry Heart's sibling, and they will always love you. That's what the Crystal Empire is all about after all: loving one another.
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These two were originally VERY underprepared. A baby!? A baby that isn't a pony!? The closest thing they ever had to that was Spike, but he's not really a baby anymore! There will be a bit of a freakout, but once things are sorted, things get on quite well. Granny Smith and Big Mac had set up a makeshift nursery for this new addition to the family, and Applejack and Rainbow agreed that they'd do their best to share most of the work with one another to take care of them. Rainbow Dash originally didn't think that they'd keep the baby for too long: maybe find a parent for them or, y'know, somebody who knows what they're actually doing with a child? But admittedly, she easily got attached to them, so she kind of has their weird familial tsundere attachment to them. She's the type to go "Pfft, she's not MY child!" but often whispers to them in secret how cool they are and gets so giddy at the thought of teaching them how to fly if the baby has wings. Maybe a baby makes her 20% cooler?
Applejack is stubborn about being a parent. This baby looks like they could be strong, and she knows how to do strong! Maybe when they're old enough, they can help around the farm! For now, though, the baby is still a baby, but "training" can start early, especially with these plastic apple toys! She... Only has apple-based toys. Twilight Sparkle and the others have to buy non-apple-related toys.
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Upon realizing this baby is under their care, these two would definitely have a long talk on how to work through this. They didn't have a baby on their agenda, at least not this early, but it feels wrong to just give this baby away to an orphanage or anything like that. This baby deserves some loving parents, and they both realize that they can be the right ones for that. Lyra is the "housewife" in this scenario while Bonbon works, spending most time with the baby: playing with them, feeding them, and coddling them. She even uses her talent to play the lyre to her advantage when it's nap time! She's also trying to learn what she can about whatever species the baby is to make sure that she and Bonbon can be well-prepared. If they're both going to be mothers, they're going to work together to give this newborn the best care yet! Bonbon suspiciously knows a lot more than the baby's species than Lyra does: what to do, what to avoid, how to keep the newborn healthy, etc etc. Maybe being a secret agent has good perks too outside of hunting and managing monsters. There's probably one time when she accidentally got the baby involved in a mission and had to go through it with this small child, but in the end, she and the baby get home safe and Lyra doesn't suspect a thing!
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Oh, how these two wished for this day! The two immediately accept this baby as one of their own since they've always, always wanted kids. They both knit clothes, introduce them to the rest of their family and friends, deliver the news to Scootaloo that she's going to be a niece, and even work hard together creating the nursery of their dreams so the baby can have their own place of rest! Aunt Holiday does her best to keep this baby happy and healthy, making homemade baby food and going shopping for whatever toys they need. There are some nights where she just cries of happiness because oh my Celestia, she and Lofty finally have a baby together... Sometimes she even tears up when she holds the baby close or watches them in their cradle. She's as happy as when she married Lofty and adopted Scootaloo. Auntie Lofty spoils the baby a bit more than Aunt Holiday does, giving the baby soft sugary stuff that they can reasonably eat and always managing to leave the marketplace with at least one thing for the baby. Holiday often scolds her a bit, saying she should chip in too, but Lofty assures her that if Holiday can spoil the baby with her own money, so can she. When Holiday cries tears of joy, she holds her close and whispers sweet nothings, and although not as emotional as Holiday is, is also glad for this blessing as well.
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wowtalesofadventurers · 3 months
LyraBon: The secret agent and her wife
A My Little Pony Friendship is Magic LyraBon story for Pride Month.
On a secret mission, Equestria Secret Service agent Sweetie Drops enter the HQ of a rumored enemy forces when she got a call from her cell phone and she groans, "Not now." and answer her phone, "Hi, sweetheart. I'm a bit busy in the moment. Can you call me later?" and Lyra reply from the other line, "Sorry, Bon Bon, but I want to ask you a question here. I'm making some cookies and I'm wondering what you would like, sweetheart. Do you like regular cookies, chocolate chips cookies, sugar cookies, or peanut cookies?" Sweetie Drops sign and said to Lyra, "Are you really calling me to ask what cookie I like, sweetheart? I'm... in the market, so I can't be bothered with answering this type of question, Lyra." and, after a few seconds of silence, Lyra reply, "So, regular cookies it is. I love you." and Sweetie Drops reply, "I love you too." and hang up the phone just as she hear hooves steps.
After her mission, Sweetie Drops return home and enter through her bedroom window. As Sweetie Drops start removing her gear, Lyra open the bedroom and catch her wife on the spot, which made Sweetie Drops to said nervous, "Oh... hey, Lyra." After a while, Lyra ask her wife once the spy gear catch her on, "So, you were not at the market at after, Sweetie Drops. You were in a secret mission." and Sweetie Drops reply, "Yes." Lyra then said, "It's okay, as long you are safe." and give Sweetie Drops a kiss and then said, "Anyway, I made chocolate chips cookies."
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negative-speedforce · 8 months
OC not-so-nice asks for Siv, Jessi, and Jay: betrayal, bound, break, future, skin, torture, and wound :)
betrayal: Has your OC ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust? Has your OC ever betrayed someone who trusted them?
Oh, sweetie. It'd be easier to list the people Siv hasn't either betrayed or been betrayed by than the people she has. They're basically a betrayal magnet at this point.
Jessi both has betrayed and was betrayed by Eobard, and she has backstabbed several of her business partners.
Jay has been betrayed by Siv MULTIPLE times (he really needs boundaries), and by several other people he believed were allies.
bound: Has your OC ever been imprisoned or captured? What happened? How did they get out? Did the experience leave any scars?
Siv was held captive by Eobard when she was 18 for ten days, and by Director Hawke's goons when they were 22, for 45 days. Both experiences made her paranoid, cynical, and added yet another layer of trauma to their already fucked-up brain.
Jessi was kidnapped and held hostage for about two weeks when she was 12, in exchange for $10,000 of her father's money. He did not pay the ransom, and she had to escape on her own wits, an experience which has shaped the dog-eats-dog philosophy which she lives by.
Jay was tied up in his own basement for a week and replaced by a shapeshifter. Because he was unconscious the whole time, he managed to escape with his mental health intact, however, if he ever tried to process what happened, he'd probably have an existential crisis. Soon after Cassandra rescued him, the shapeshifter captured her and replaced her.
break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
Siv's lowest is an extremely dark place. The only thing that could cause them to break completely is for their reality to be completely upturned, which has only happened twice- once, when she found out that their father was Gina's murderer, and again, when they discovered the truth about her origins. Jay's seen Siv at their lowest, and Ember and Hailey have seen glimpses of her in that state.
Jessi's lowest is extremely destructive. So far, no one's seen her at that point, but essentially, she drops all guises of caring for others, cuts off all her connections, and goes rogue, usually on a killing spree or something.
Jay's lowest came soon after the injury that left him in a wheelchair. He went from a very active young man with a bright future as a secret agent to having to spend his days trapped in the house while Cassandra looked for a new apartment that wasn't on the second floor. After that, Jay became extremely depressed, since his prognosis said that it was unlikely he would ever walk unaided again.
future: What's the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they even aware it's a possibility?
Siv's worst possible future involves them losing themself to their own rage and hatred. Her worst fear is becoming like Eobard, and a lot of their self-loathing comes from the fact that the two of them are undeniably similar.
Jessi's worst possible future involves her fading into obscurity. She can't imagine a future where no one knows her name, and in order to prevent this, she's become a criminal overlord/pop star.
Jay literally can't even imagine losing Cassandra. He has nightmares about it, where he's back at the prom where it all went down, but instead of finding Gina's body, he finds his fiancee's. Usually, when mid-March comes around (the anniversary of Gina's death), Jay becomes super protective of Cassandra, to the point of obsession.
skin: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them—a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all?
Siv is terrified of losing herself completely, since they have to live with an entity under their skin at all times. Thankfully, she managed to get away from Eobard before he could bind her to it completely, but they're still very much connected to it, and occasionally lose control to it and it ends up killing a bunch of people.
I... honestly don't know if Jessi even knows how horrible she is. I don't really think she sees herself as evil, or even bad. She just kinda sees herself as "the ultimate girlboss", and doesn't really think about the people she hurts as people, only as assets.
Jay fears the version of him that he becomes when he's desperate. The darkest part of him comes out in the moments where he's out of options and the only choice is the death of his loved ones or to hurt other people.
torture: Has your OC ever been tortured? Would your OC ever torture someone else?
Siv was tortured for 45 days straight by a meta-trafficking ring, as they tried to extract her eldritch abilities to sell them on the black market. Siv probably wouldn't torture another person unless they really had to, like if someone she loved was in imminent danger.
Jessi's never been physically tortured, however, when she was held hostage when she was 12, she was kept in unintentional sensory deprivation, locked in an abandoned bank vault with no light or sound or anything. She doesn't personally torture other people, it's too messy. She has her goons do it instead.
Jay's never been tortured, but he would torture information out of someone in order to save someone he cared about. It's something he feels very guilty about, however, if it was the only way, he would 100% do it.
wound: How does your OC handle being wounded? Are their wounds mostly physical? Mental? Emotional? What's the worst wound your OC has ever experienced?
Siv's worst injuries came when she faced off against Eobard for the first time. Injuries included: several broken ribs, broken arm, broken wrist, shattered kneecap, sprained ankle, two teeth knocked out, punctured and collapsed lung, severe concussion, traumatic brain injury, crushed nose, and a whole lot more. They almost died, and never really fully recovered from that, despite their regenerative healing.
Jessi's worst wounds are emotional, from the parental neglect that she faced as a child. She never really had any support from a parental figure, and because of this, she grew up to become the absolute queen of the attention whores.
Jay's worst injuries came when his team was purposely sent completely unprepared to fight Zoom by Director Hawke, leaving everyone dead except him and Cassandra (well also Hailey but she's already dead so it doesn't count). He was struck by a bolt of speedster lightning, which threw him out a third story window. He basically shattered every bone below the waist and also received extensive nerve damage from both the electric shock and the injuries he received.
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boysdontcryboycry · 2 years
so i just scoured all four seasons on UrnWatch leaping from @wheelercore's post(s) because This Shit Is Fascinating and the wheeler family keeps me up at night and i need answers anyway this one's a doozy
i might've missed a few because i was just going by memory and didn't rewatch the entire show, but these are the important ones for sure.
first is the golden urn that falls during the earthquake, which isn't actually golden! it only looks golden in that specific scene, presumably from all the bright, warm yellow lights in the room, but the timing of the change being exactly when the four gates converged is a little suspect. in every other appearance, the titular urn is a silvery black and fairly large.
the first appearance of The Urn is in 1.01, right behind mike and ted as he fiddles with the tv antennae, watching what we now know is possibly the next week's episode of knight rider, as mike asks for 20 more minutes to keep playing
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next is when el is looking at the wheeler mantle photos in 1.02, and in 1.04 when karen and nancy argue about nancy lying to the cops about sleeping with steve
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in season 2, it's visible in the 2.02 flashback when ted insists the wheelers' patriotism to the lab agents, and in 2.05 when karen yells for ted to answer dustin's incessant ringing of the doorbell
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we don't spend much time at the wheeler residence in season 3, but it still is just barely visible behind nancy's head in 3.05 when nancy and karen joke about nancy's fighting spirit coming from ted
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and in season 4, The Urn returns in full force, lurking behind mike for the sweetie pie scene in 4.01,
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for a flash behind dustin in 4.07 as holly menacingly dodges him with her white rabbit lite-brite, and hiding behind the fridge and dustin's head as he starts to put together the pieces about watergate and vecna opening portals and also erica threatens to reveal lucas' secret,
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again in 4.07 when dustin and lucas steal holly's white rabbit lite-brite,
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and finally The urn shot in 4.09 as it tumbles from the mantle along with several family photos
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we don't see it again for the rest of the season, the camera stubbornly avoiding its designated location as we get a new angle of ted in his chair, turning off the news and rejecting the societal hysteria as holly continues to built her white rabbit on her lite-brite, as karen tucks nancy's old rabbit toy into a donation box
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and it's times like these i wish i used desktop because i'm limited to ten photos on mobile because let's just say there is a LOT going on with the wheelers and urns, and either karen just really likes collecting decorative urns or the wheeler extended family are dropping like flies. i hope i can reblog with more photos. hold please.
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character-tournaments · 2 months
MLP Tourney: Round 3- Match 12/16
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Fanganronpa ideas
Would you like an idea for a future fangan, free of charge? Well, your wish is my command! Here are all the fangan ideas I’ve devised but for one reason or anohter, decided to abandon (mostly cuz I’ve thought of another idea!) Make sure you credit me, first!
(Author’s note: All these character suggestions are just that- suggestions. Feel free to include or exclude any of them. Also, if you think one of the characters isn’t given the right Ultimate Talent, you’re welcome to change it.)
Disney Princess fangan
MC: Snow White, Aurora, Sofia, or Elena
Snow White: [Royal Talent undecided]
Cinderella: Royal Maid
Tinker Bell: Royal Inventor
Aurora: Royal Lucky Student
Ariel: Royal Anthropologist
Belle: Royal Librarian
Jasmine: [Royal Talent undecided]
Pocahontas: Royal Survivalist (Author’s note: If you plan on including Pocahontas, I wouldn’t recommend killing her off. Her real-life counterpart has already been through enough. :[ )
Mulan: Royal Soldier
Tiana: Royal Restraunteur
Rapunzel: Royal Artist
Merida: Royal Archer
Vanellope: Royal Gamer
Moana: Royal Wayfinder
Raya: Royal Explorer
(Author’s note: Feel free to exclude anyone listed here and / or include other Disney heroines (Esmeralda, Kida, Mirabel, Asha, etc.)
Super Ronpa Bros
Super Smash Bros Ultimate fangan
MC: It’s all up to you!
Mario: Ultimate Plumber
Luigi: Ultimate Ghost Hunter
Peach, Daisy, and / or Zelda: Ultimate Princess
Bowser and / or Ganondorf: Ultimate Villain
Wario: Ultimate Microgame Developer
Link: Ultimate Hero
Samus: Ultimate Bounty Hunter
Star Fox, Falco, and / Or Wolf: Ultimate Space Pilot
Mr. Game and Watch: Ultimate Jack-Of-All-Trades
Solid Snake: Ultimate Secret Agent
Meta Knight: Ultimate Knight
Villager: Ultimate Mayor
Isabelle: Ultimate Secretary
Sonic: Ultimate Speedster
Olimar: Ultimate Astronaut
Little Mac: Ultimate Boxer
Steve: Ultimate Miner
Joker: Ultimate Detective
Sora: Ultimate Keyblade Wielder
My Little Danganronpa
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fangan
MC: It’s all up to you!
Twilight Sparkle: Ultimate Princess
Applejack: Ultimate Farmer
Bon Bon- Ultimate Spy (Sh: s revealed as Secret Agent Sweetie Drops later on. :3)
Cheerilee:Ultimate Teacher
Coco Pommel: Ultimate Assistant
Coloratura, Sapphire Shores, and / or Songbird Serenade: Ultimate Pop Sensation
Octavia Melody: Ultimate Cellist
Pinkie Pie: Ultimate Party Planner
Photo Finish: Ultimate Photographer
Suri Polomare: Ultimate Fashion Designer
Zecora: Ultimate Alchemist
Fluttershy- Ultimate Veterinarian
Rainbow Dash: Ultimate Daredevil
Lyra Heartstrings: Ultimate Anthropologist
Starlight Glimmer: Ultimate Prodgiy
Trixie Lulamoon: Ultimate Stage Magician
Vinyl Scratch- Ultimate DJ
If I get any more ideas, I’ll let you know!
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popcorn-poni · 1 year
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Secret Agent ; Sweetie Drops
F2u with credit !
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cedarnommer · 2 months
Oh Bonnie, oh, Bonnie, Bonnie
Ooh, I've been thinking about you since you left
You said we'd be best friends
But you're stuck in my head
Oh, won't you call me back, secret agent Sweetie Drops?
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blogdanielmlib · 3 months
As many speculate lyra heartstrings is capable of putting on suntan lotion herself when sunbathing in the nude has her known to complain of not having tan lines from certain clothing when as bon-bon lathers suntan lotion on lyra’s back as bon-bon knows of not resisting to fondle lyra’s privates.
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gosha305 · 1 year
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Everyone's favorite Secret Agent Horse failing at the "secret" part of her job by running through a park in broad daylight to impress her wife.
Mostly drew this to use the cool running pose I copied from a cat sketch.
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dozindoodles · 4 years
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I had drew these lesbians like weeks ago and forgetting to post this?? How could I 😞.
So these are my designs for Bon Bon and Lyra. Love these two.
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rare-apples · 4 years
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More boards for the mood lol
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urfriendlywriter · 2 years
Shipping Tropes /
Ship Dynamics :
(feel free to use<33 / was requested by @confused-fuckperson Feel free to drop requests or asks! )
Tall Grumpy A x Short Unbothered sunshine B
CEO x BodyGuard
total sweetie pie A x B who hates human interactions
looks scary but is actually soft A x looks soft but could kill you B
calm and collected A x B who loses their mind on a daily basis
Flirty A x Confident B who gets swayed when A flirts with them
"Shut up" A x "Shut me up please" B
secret agent A x B who solves criminal cases for fun
Prince/ss A x B who's their trainer
bakery owner A x floral shop owner B
A who says a lot of daddy jokes x B who finds all of it funny
"I can buy you everything here, love." A x "I can buy them all with my own money, baby" B
Independent A who doesn't love to get pampered x B who pampers A at every opportunity
cold hearted A x B who makes them soft
gets lost everyday A x B who picks them up every time
A who is talkative x B who adores them and listens attentively
class topper A x B, the student who fails every subject
senior who's a spy in the night A x B, a junior who catches them in the act, so now they have to stick together and share the secret
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lily-drake · 3 years
Timari meeting as children at a high class party in Paris (Tim was with his parents and Marinette was with her parents who were catering but didn't have a babysitter for her that night) and then later at a Wayne Gala. They both don't remember that night in Paris all too well but they do gravitate to each other again. It isn't until they both say something they said as kids that the memories of them giggling under tables, sneaking off with treats in hand to a balcony return to them.
No! I’m the best at hide and seek!
5-year-old Marinette wandered around the fancy party in her best dress and was marveled at the sights around her.  There were so many different and pretty dresses and suits and she was enamored by them.  Her parents were catering and helping out around the party and because of that were too busy to notice their daughter slip away into the crowd.  As she walked around she noticed a small boy about her age talking with an older lady.  He looked stiff, and while he smiled, he had a bored and annoyed look in his eyes.  She knew what she had to do, she had to rescue him!  So she ran up to him and grabbed onto his arm.
“Hey!  Let’s play!”
The boy was startled and jumped in shock.  She looked up at the lady and with her best puppy dog eyes said,
“Is it okay if we play?”
The old lady seemed to coo at the sight of them and with a sweet and gentle voice said,
“Of course sweety.  Go run along.”
Marinette smiled brightly at the lady and thanked her as she dragged the boy away. When they were farther away she turned to the boy and said,
“My name is Marinette!”
With a bright closed eye smile.  Tim looked at her skeptically and tried to see if someone was watching.  If this was some kind of setup to use against him and his parents then he would get in trouble.  But no one was really paying attention to them and she seemed so sweet and innocent.  So he took a deep breath and went for it.
“I’m Tim Drake.”
Marinette opened her eyes and mischievous bluebell met analytical steel blue.
“Well Tim, you’re too….how’d mama say…thin!  Yes, too thin.  We need to be secret agents to get sweets for you!”
Marinette cheered excitedly.  Tim was confused and looked down at his chest.  He didn’t think he was too thin, he ate what his parents told him too, wasn’t that enough?
“Wouldn't we get in trouble for sneaking?”
“No!  Mama and papa are okay with it.  Sometimes they play along when they aren’t too busy!”
“Come on!”
Marinette yelled, motioning her hand in a ‘follow me’ movement as she crouched down and almost elegantly maneuvered around the people.  He said almost because she kept tripping and he had to catch her or pull her out of the way before she got hit by someone.
“You’d make a terrible spy.”
He said as they neared the dessert table.  She giggled and quickly grabbed two cookies.
“Hurry, grab the eclairs! Then we have to get to base!”
She whisper-shouted as she also grabbed a slice of chocolate cake and two forks.  Tim grabbed a small plate and carefully placed the treats on it like his parents taught him to.  He almost dropped them when Marinette grabbed his arm laughing as she pulled them out of the main room and towards a hall that had a large balcony under the night sky.  She sat down near the railing and patted the spot in front of her with a wide smile.
“What’d you get?”
She asked as she laid her treasures in front of them.  Tim eyed the treats and he could feel his mouth water.  He was never allowed to have more than maybe a cookie or small pastry before.  Cautiously he looked around, but they were covered by the dark of the night sky with a few scattered stars in the distance.  The noise of the party was almost completely gone, and it was just the two of them and the delicious desserts in front of them.  He placed the plate of three eclairs on the ground and she smiled up at him.
“What do you want first?  Papa made some really good cake, but mama made the eclairs and those are also delicious.  I helped to make these cookies, and mama said that they were yummy so-“
“Wait, your parents are the ones who made these?”
Tim said in shocked confusion.  He had thought her parents were from one of the high class families attending.  He felt a weight lift off his shoulders knowing that she didn’t have a motive on him and that she really was just trying to play with him.
Marinette said with pride in her voice.  Her parents were amazing and they made the best food in Paris!
“Well, let’s start with the cookies.”
Tim said a little shyly.  Marinette’s eyes sparkled in excitement and quickly gave him one.  They spent the next half hour sitting under the stars trying different desserts and getting to know each other while they ate.
“No way!  I’m the best at hide-and-seek!”
Marinette said definitely and crossed her arms in front of her chest with her nose lifted into the air.
“No, I’m better.  I know the best places to hide in and how to use small spaces to my advantage.”
“So do I!  In fact mama and papa are never able to find me when we play.”
Tim rolled his eyes and an idea popped into his head.  He had seen Dick Grayson walking around earlier and knew that he would definitely do something like this for them.
“Fine, we’ll settle this tonight.  Come on, I know someone who can help us.”
She said with amused pride.  The mischievous glint was back in her eyes, and he could tell he had the same gleam in his.  They cautiously walked back into the hallway and towards the hall where the party was taking place.
He said cheerfully.  Dick quickly turned towards them and smiled brightly.
“Hey there, anything I can help you with?”
“We need you to see which one of us is the best at hide-and-seek!”
Marinette yelled out excitedly as she bounced in place.
An amused smile graced Dick’s lips and he nodded.
“Of course.  We must know who it is.”
Marinette and Tim said matter of factly.  Dick had to hold back an amused chuckle.  Alright, I’ll count to 60, ready?”
They said together again.  Dick couldn’t hold back the smile and covered his eyes and began to count.  Both Tim and Marinette gave each other competitive looks before running around to find a hiding place.  Marinette looked around quickly and found an empty pot and quickly hid inside of it.  It was deep and just wide enough that she could slip in and out with ease and she could sit in it comfortably.  It was also at the very edge of the room and out of the way in the shadows so you’d have to be paying attention to notice it.  Tim searched for the perfect spot, his internal clock counting down the sixty seconds he had.  He came across an abandoned cart that the waiters used to pass around food and hid on the bottom of it making sure that the cloth covered it completely so he wouldn’t be seen.  He was always hiding in small spaces when his parents were home, so he could wait for however long was needed and be comfortable.
Dick was scared now.  It had been like a half hour of searching and he still couldn’t find the kids.  He hadn’t expected it to be this hard, usually kids around their age hid in spots that looked secret, but were really obvious.  They would get restless by this point and move, giving themselves away, but he hadn’t even caught a glance of them.  The party was starting to wind down as guests began to leave and he still couldn’t find the kids.  He even asked Bruce to keep an eye out because, wow, these kids were good.  It was nearing the last hour of the party and it didn’t look like anyone was panicking or looking for the kids.  Hopefully nothing bad happened, he really hoped nothing bad was happening to them.  He kept searching under tables, behind curtains, around other people, around the stage or podium, even in all of the decorative pots but he found nothing.  He was Robin, finding two kids shouldn’t be this hard gosh dang it!
Marinette had gotten bored about 15 minutes into hiding in the pot and went to seek out Tim.  She had been able to avoid Richard, as Tim had called him, and after thinking of how Tim had discribed his hiding methods, she looked at the edges and shadows of the room.  She found a food cart with a cloth covering it and knew that’s where he would be.  Quickly and quietly she crawled into it and came face to face with a shocked Tim.
“What are you-“
“It was boring and lonely in the pot.  I wanted to talk to you!”
Tim nodded and looked lost in thought.
“How did you find me?”
She smiled conspiratorially and replied,
“I remembered your methods!”
He made a small amused noise before starting a whispered conversation about other good places to hide.  Marinette laughed at a few and added her own ideas.  Soon the conversation devolved into fashion and they would sometimes peek out and talk about either how pretty or ugly the outfits people were wearing were.  Neither realized how long they were there as they just talked and joked with each other.  Then they heard the microphone turn on and heard Dick’s voice say through the speakers.
“I give up, I can’t find you.”
Tim and Marinette smirked and laughed at the slight panic in his voice.  They had won, and maybe that wasn’t the original intention of the game, but it still worked.  Both quietly snuck out from the cart and silently walked behind the panicking boy.
“So we won?!”
Marinette said loudly with a peppy tone.  Dick jumped and spun towards them, placing a hand against his chest.
“Where were you two?!”
He asked slightly frantic.  Tim and Marinette shared a glance before coming to a silent agreement.  Tim smirked and stretched his small arms upwards.
“Can’t tell you.  Thank you for the help though, Richard.”
Then they both walked away.  As they were walking two adults came walking towards them, and each stride they took was with purpose and they looked intimidating.  Tim stiffened as he saw them approach and he lost all his fun personality.
“Timothy, we’ve been looking everywhere for you.  Come on now, we’re leaving.”
Tim knew it was a lie, they probably saw him walking by and finally remembered he came with them.  But if he was good and listened then maybe they would take him to the zoo tomorrow like they had promised!
“Of course mother.  Have a good rest of the night Marinette.”
Then he left.  Marinette frowned slightly but still called out a goodbye before running towards her parents and telling them of the fun she had while they began to clean off the tables.
Twelve years later
Marinette didn’t remember much about that night when she grew older.  All she remembered was a very blurry figure and playing a game.  She was at the Wayne Gala with her class as they were invited after Marinette won the Wayne Foundation Competition.  Of course Lila took all the credit and Mlle. Bustier let it happen.  It was just one more year, then she would be able to get away from her stupid class and be free.  Hawkmoth was already taken care of, so she was free to go wherever she wanted for university.
She avoided her class like the plague and watched them make fools of themselves. The longer she watched them the more she was drawn near the waiter holding the wine.  But then she remembered that America had different drinking laws and she wouldn’t be able to have any anyways.  She sighed and wandered towards the dessert table where she saw a man with dark black hair and steely blue eyes that felt oddly familiar, but she ignored it in favor of the cookies that were on the table.  The man seemed to stand there just observing her class and his face looked scrunched up as if he was insulted.  And with the dress Rossi was wearing, that was completely inappropriate for a formal gala like this, she understood completely.
“Hair looks like sausages…such a horrible shade of orange….doesn’t even match her skin tone.”
She heard the young man mutter to himself as he took a sip of what appeared to be fruit punch.
“Tell me about it.”
Marinette said, taking a bite of the cookie.  The black hair man startled and turned to her.  The oddly familiar feeling pulled at her again, but she didn’t understand it.
“Not to mention-“
She continued refusing to meet his gaze as she stared disgustedly at the liar,
“how cheap the material is.  I mean seriously, if you’re going to wear something like that at least find something of actual quality.”
After a few moments the boy smirked and turned back to look at her class again.
“Honestly though.  And seriously what was she thinking with the hair?  It looks so weird.”
“I really don’t know.  I can’t think of anyone respectable that would compliment her on that.”
“Moving on from her though, what’s that other girl wearing?  I don’t know what statement she’s making, but clothes ripped like that are not fashionable.”
Marinette knew exactly who he was talking about.  Alya had needed a gown and demanded she make her one.  At Marinette’s refusal she took one of the ones she made for her in the past and cut it with a pair of scissors.  Lila had told her that it looked amazing, when in reality it looked like Cinderella’s dress after the step sister got their hands on it, but worse.
“I wonder if she thought she would turn into Cinderella if she made it tattered like that.”
The man chuckled at that and turned slightly to look at her.
“The only people wearing anything acceptable are the two blondes, the two red heads, and one of the two guys wearing glasses.”
“Yea, maybe they know that this is an important party and not some strip club.”
She joked back, picking up a brownie and taking a bite.
“Your dress looks amazing by the way.”
He said in an appreciative and slightly praising manner.
“Thank you, I made it myself.  It so comfortable and adaptable that I could run around here and play hide-and-seek in it and still win.”
“Pfft.  I’ll have you know that I’m the best at that game.”
He said with a smirk.
“No, I am.”
She said, turning to look the man in his eyes.  At her words both of their eyes widened and memories of that night so many years ago popped into her head.  A small boy with steel blue eyes filled with mischief and dumb jokes.
“You’ve gotten taller.”
She commented as she eyed him.  He had like a half foot on her.  He smirked and gently sat his drink on the table.
“So have you, but not very much it would seem.”
She huffed and crossed her arms turning away from him.
He chuckled and she opened one of her eyes slightly to look at him.  She couldn’t help it and dropped her act, chuckling along with him.
He began when they’re laughter died down,
“how’d you get here?”
“Won the Wayne competition.”
Marinette said pridefully.
“Aw, so it was you.  Congratulations.”
“Thank you.”
“So that must be your class then?”
He gestured to the group of people trying to talk to the socialites and the majority of them failed.  Marinette sighed before nodding.
“Sadly yes.”
“Want to continue critiquing their outfits, then steal a bunch of treats?  I know the perfect hiding spot.”
A glint of mischief and pure joy showed in both of their eyes as she nodded.
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