#second (and third) are older than yoichi
shih-coulda-had-it · 2 years
whispering ''kiss me'' to your lover for duo holders please,please🙏
a/n: oh man okay. this is a nebulous Modern/No Quirks!Verse, but whatever plot you might perceive, it's super unimportant. for names, it's Hisashi (AfO), Kenji (2nd), and Sanjuro (3rd). wc: 773
For a birthday party dedicated to Yoichi turning twenty-four, it certainly seemed more like an excuse for Hisashi to hold court with his shadier friends. Already, his older brother had excused himself from the courtyard three times, leaving Yoichi to linger uselessly at the edge of conversations that turned awkward and quiet when he came into proximity.
Same situation, new year, he thought.
And then a warm presence brushed past him, followed by a second. Yoichi held back the instinct to apologize; he blinked upon seeing the back of his boyfriend’s head--russet-brown hair, sticking up in ruffled tufts--and also the back of Sanjuro’s spiky ponytail.
Had Hisashi actually agreed to invite them? Yoichi blinked several times, just to make sure it was Kenji and Sanjuro, dressed in similar-looking suits and doing their utmost not to draw attention.
Sanjuro turned his head to catch Yoichi’s eye, lifted an expectant eyebrow, and followed his friend away from the party to the front gates.
Yoichi muttered something like, “Excuse me, I have to be a good host,” and gladly withdrew from the latest group chatting around the subject of a pyramid scheme. Fading into the background was easier said than done, though. It wasn’t enough to hide in the shadows. Not with a crowd so accustomed to keeping watch in the dark.
So he pulled a trick from Hisashi’s playbook and wandered, weaving his way forward on a less-than straightforward path. Yoichi pretended to be the ignorant younger brother to the point that one asshole had dismissed him, saying, “Run along, boy, the adults are talking.”
He was definitely remembering that guy’s face. But Yoichi took the excuse, huffing exaggeratedly at the slight, and stalked outside the courtyard.
“Happy birthday,” called Sanjuro, smirking at the abrupt beeline Yoichi made for his direction. “Your brother kicked us out of the party before we could deliver the goods.”
“The ‘goods’?”
“Your present,” he clarified. “Mine’s a little less tangible, but Kenji’s got yours all prepped for the taking.”
“No one appreciates euphemisms,” said Yoichi pointedly. He came to a stop in front of Sanjuro and, sighing, bumped the offered fist with one of his own. “Where is he, anyway?”
“Little further down. There’s an alcove out of sight from the cameras. I’ll signal if it turns out your brother has a sixth sense for your location.”
“Count on it,” he said, and wiggled his fingers in a goodbye before skipping down the pavement to find Kenji. It was probably the first time Yoichi appreciated the architect who designed the walls; there were alcoves carved into the sandstone, deep enough to provide refuge for anyone caught in a downpour, or two lovers trying to have a private moment.
Kenji was leaning against the wall, hands tucked in his pockets. The light fixtures studding the space in-between the alcoves cast a yellow light on him; Yoichi grinned when they caught sight of each other, and saw his smile mirrored.
“Kenji-san,” Yoichi greeted, side-stepping into the alcove and leaning against the opposite wall. He held his hands behind his back, fingers curled around a wrist. “I didn’t know you were coming.”
“Surprise,” said Kenji. “We knew it’d be testing your older brother’s patience if we showed up last minute, but we also thought it’d be better to ask forgiveness than permission.”
“Nii-san definitely threw you out.”
“Yeah. Would you, uh, would you believe that this is all according to plan?”
Yoichi’s grin widened. “I would. You two didn’t seem like your tails were tucked between your legs, and Sanjuro already gave me a hint about my birthday present.”
“Ah, he’s spoiled it. The magic’s ruined. Wait for next year, I’ll give it to you then.”
He pushed off the wall and went toe to toe with Kenji, hands flying up to both sides of Kenji’s head. The angle was too high for a good pin. Begrudgingly, Yoichi rested his wrists on his boyfriend’s shoulders instead and tipped his chin up.
“Hey,” Kenji echoed. His hands stayed politely on the outside of Yoichi’s blazer. “Happy birthday, Yoichi-san. How was your party?”
“Very boring.”
“A lot of people means a lot of presents.”
“More like tributes for nii-san,” Yoichi corrected. “Not to sound like a spoiled young master, Kenji-san, but…?”
“KENJI, THEY’RE ONTO US!” hollered Sanjuro.
“Goddamnit,” his lover muttered. Rubber-soled footsteps slapped against the pavement, louder with every second. It was too dark to see the color in Kenji’s eyes, but the intent focus and underlying frustration was clear enough.
Yoichi knew what the present was. Inexpensive, priceless--plentiful, unique--he tilted his head helpfully and whispered, “Kiss me.”
And Kenji obliged.
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For the ask game, AU where Izuku is low key embarrassed of his uncle because he is so beautiful he keeps accidentally seducing everyone he meets, please. (Yoichi reserves the not accidental seduction for his husbands.)
Heh I love this one:
1. Hisashi and Inko are business partners who often travel for work, so they leave Izuku to stay with his three uncles: Yoichi, Second (Kaiji), and Third (Sanzou). Izuku doesn't mind because he loves his uncles, but man does he ever hate going outside with Uncle Yoichi. Because it's nothing but trouble! Every time they go out, Yoichi gets approached by modeling agents, every shop gives them discounts, and people take pictures in public. To Izuku's great annoyance, people keep mistaking his uncle for his older brother. Furthermore, Yoichi attracts every train molester, flasher, stalker, and kidnapper. Izuku carries a taser to handle all of them. He's appointed himself as bodyguard because he believes that his air-headed, beautiful uncle is way too clueless, defenseless, and prone to giving people the benefit of the doubt.
2. Over the years, Izuku has developed an itchy trigger finger with the taser and a policy of preemptive strikes towards anyone who looks at Yoichi wrong. Izuku has been capturing perverts and taking them to the police since elementary school. In middle school he tasered Re-Destro from behind for trying to kidnap his uncle (without knowing who he was). Izuku got a medal for taking down such a dangerous villain.
3. Izuku also dislikes how everyone treats him differently after meeting his uncle. He's dealt with bullying issues in the past because of his quirklessness. But as soon as they lay eyes on his uncle, his teachers rush to favor him and even the other kids try to befriend him to have an excuse to come over to his house and gawk. Izuku hates the fakeness even more than the bullying.
4. Katsuki Bakugo is the first person Izuku ever met who didn't go gah-gah over his uncle and Izuku really appreciates how Katsuki doesn't treat him any differently. (Katsuki is not immune, he's just too stubborn to show it. As a result, he tries to avoid Izuku and whatever weirdness is going on around him.) In this AU, Katsuki's bullying got cut off very early on because all of Izuku's teachers intensely favor him. In fact, Izuku's teachers make excuses to come over to his house for frequent parent-teacher conferences specifically during the times when he lives with his uncles. It annoys Izuku that Yoichi does not seem to realize these conferences are unnecessary and can happily talk about his cute nephew all day.
5. Yoichi constantly causes gay/bisexual awakenings in everyone he meets, including women who discover they like women after meeting him. Don't question how that works.
6. Izuku also hates how when he goes out in public with all three of his uncles, people whisper behind their backs about how Kaiji and Sanzou aren't handsome enough for Yoichi. Strangers are disrespectful enough to hit on Yoichi in front of his partners and tell him that he could do better. Kaiji and Sanzou are very secure and just laugh it off. Izuku "accidentally" tasers the rudest ones.
7. Izuku's also embarrassed because Uncle Yoichi dotes on him in public, which attracts attention to him. A lot of suitors see playing nice with Izuku as their "in" with Yoichi or think they will impress Yoichi by showing off how good they are with kids.
8. On the bright side, Yoichi gets lots of hero autographs for Izuku. (Any autograph Izuku wants, including villain autographs.) Izuku assumes that this is because even people in the hero industry can't resist his uncle's smile. He's right, but he doesn't know the whole story.
9. Yoichi is a famous villain. All the heroes and villains alike are infatuated with his alter ego. In this AU, Izuku's entire family is full of villains: Inko is a villain and All for One's business partner, which is why she goes away with her husband on business trips frequently. Kaiji and Sanzou are also villains. Izuku has no idea.
10. Izuku also doesn't know that his uncles ruined lives of everyone who bullied him in past. The perverts who get tasered by Izuku are the lucky ones. You don’t want to know what Yoichi does to perverts who harass him when he’s out alone.
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fractiflos · 1 year
One of these days, I'm going to write a no-quirks AU with all the OFA users, starting with AFO Yoichi's childhood and ending sometime around the time Deku has kids. For now, I have a WIP and some logistics to work out, so enjoy me posting something for this every once in a while.
Yoichi Shigaraki: March 20th, the International Day of Happiness
(I like irony.)
Second: December 25th, Christmas
(He seems like the type to not care about holidays, so I made him born on one. There are some jokes I want to make, but I'll let you think of them.)
Third: September 8th, World Physical Therapy Day
(Best I could find that fit his quirk. Plus, now Yoichi gets to brag about being older than both of his heroes.)
Hikage Shinomori: July 28th, World Nature Conservation Day
(The man lived in a forest. In a different no-quirks AU, he would be a quiet librarian who seems so nice until some evil CEO decides to destroy a forest. Then he hits them with a dictionary.)
Daigoro Banjo: September 17th, International Country Music Day
(Look at him and tell me this isn't a man who listens to country music. He probably had a cowboy phase when he was six.)
En: August 1st, Lung Cancer Awareness Day
(I have a headcanon that his parents both had smoke related quirks, but theirs damaged their lungs. His lungs evolved to handle smoke though.)
Nana Shimura: October 4th, The beginning of World Space Week
(Since she could float, she was probably super into space stuff as a kid. Little Nana in a space suit making a space colony with LEGO. Think about it.)
AFO: June 6th, 6/6/6 so he really is a demon king.
(The only bad thing about this is that Yoichi talks about "catching up to him" every year.)
(All Might and Deku are not included because they already have their birthdays revealed.)
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grimalkinmessor · 20 days
in Absolute Power was there ever a time when AFO was ill or injured and Yoichi had to take care of him? I imagine it must have happened at least once..young AFO overestimating his powers in a fight and escaping from a battle with serious injuries but unable to go to the hospital due to the danger of being arrested as a metahuman, which means Yoichi has to learn how to suture his wounds and change his bandages. How would AFO react to being vulnerable for once and having the one he cared for have to tend to him?
Well, in Absolute Power they actually have a brief stint in an orphanage before they become street rats, and during that time Yoichi is actually the one who gets hurt because some older kids try to kill him because, well, he's a baby, and babies get adopted out far more easily than kids who are about to age out. Takashi goes after the older kids later and comes back to find that one of the caretakers actually has a healing power and is using it to help Yoichi.
What Takashi took from this was four things: 1) The orphanage is not a safe place. 2) He cannot leave Yoichi alone even for a moment or people will try to hurt/take him. 3) There are other people with special powers and they are more common than he previously thought—some of them hide. 4) Healing powers are very useful and that's a power he would like. So he takes the caretakers power, and then grabs Yoichi and leaves.
Now in Absolute Power, the first Quirk Takashi steals is a fire-breathing Quirk, but the healing Quirk is second. The third is an invisibility Quirk but that's less relevant—the point is that by the time they hit the streets Takashi has a very well-rounded Quirk arsenal, and his low empathy/high intelligence brain makes it easy for him to take the most logical course of action (to him) when it comes to keeping Yoichi safe. And himself safe, by extension, given that he's the only one Yoichi has and if something happened to him, Yoichi would have no one. Yoichi would die.
So no, there's never really a point in Absolute Power where Takashi is seriously hurt and Yoichi has to take care of him, though there are plenty of times where he's superficially wounded and he lets Yoichi "play doctor" to indulge him. It tickles him pink to see how concerned Yoichi is over his little cuts and scrapes—but this also feeds into the idea that Yoichi tends to overreact to things and thus shouldn't be taken seriously when he has concerns.
In another universe however, likely even the canon one, I do see Yoichi patching up serious wounds as canon and I really like the thought of it. But for the AP-verse, unfortunately no :')
Imagining tiny slightly feral Yoichi cornering his even more feral bleeding brother with some gauze and antiseptic while he hisses and shrieks is something near and dear to my heart though 💕 Then even older All For One sitting stock still while Yoichi bandages/stitches him up like (⁠●⁠_⁠_⁠●⁠) because now he's old enough to know that Yoichi is helping him and making sure he doesn't die. Baby AFO nearly getting his arm torn off and coming back to their hideout to just plop down in front of Yoichi like "Fix (⁠●⁠_⁠_⁠●⁠) Fix plz (⁠●⁠_⁠_⁠●⁠)" and Yoichi just staring at the mangled mess before him like "(⁠(⁠(⁠;⁠ꏿ⁠_⁠ꏿ⁠;⁠)⁠)⁠) big brother wth" lmao.
Yoichi: *deep sigh, already getting the kit out* THE SHIT I PUT UP WITH—
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epickiya722 · 1 year
It just hit me, AFO is just 100+ years old, right? And he and Yoichi lived around a time of absolute chaos due to the rise of quirks... which isn't that long ago from the present day within the storyline.
Listen, listen. That is insane.
In the span of just 120 years...
People randomly manifested quirks so much that in present day only less than 20% of Quirkless people exist, the first person being a GLOWING BABY
Some people actually used their quirks for selfish deeds, causing a time of chaos
The Second lead a rebellion against AFO, the Third being his right-hand man
There was a time when people with quirks faced discrimination, a time Chikara Yotsubashi (Re-Destro's ancestor) grew up in and even lead a movement to spread his message about quirks which still exists in present day
And people still are facing quirk discrimination
Leading off that, his mother became known as the Mother of Quirks because she was the first person to use "quirk" instead of "meta ability"
Vigilantes became a role people picked up which soon turned into the profession Heroes, only 7 of those first 100 something Vigilantes became known Pro Heroes
Multiple of the OFA Users did live around each other's times, around those 20 years Hikage held OFA Banjo was alive, En was alive and possibly Nana (remember they all were adults when they inherited OFA at some point in their lives and didn't hold the quirk for a long time)
Mind you, this all happened within just a 120 or so year span. I say 120 because I just remembered Doctor Garaki... who is OLDER THAN AFO.
Note that he came up with the Quirk Singularity Theory 70 years ago. HE WAS 50 WHEN HE CAME UP WITH THIS THEORY.
This would be around 20 or so years before ALL MIGHT WAS BORN, which is not a lot of time in between. All Might is only about half of AFO's age, around 50 to 60 years old.
It is very possible that there are people who actually lived through all of this other than AFO and Garaki. There are people in their world who lived through a societal collapse to the present day.
Can you imagine?!
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pocketramblr · 2 years
...reverse DFO. First was AfO's father and One for All was simply an overeager (and overly attached) child's gift to his parent.
The real reason AfO looks kinda different in every panel is because it's an illusion quirk to make him look older as he actually froze in teenagerhood when he stole a regeneration quirk. His father, Yoichi, was an ill single father doing the best he could to keep AfO away from the riots and dangers of meta-human haters, but AfO decided he needed to be the one to protect the family since he had the power, and then like, to take over the entire country or world because being evil sounds fun. Yoichi is constantly like "please don't do that actually" but AfO gets mad when he's threatened with grounding for implying to one of his followers that he wants a teacher's house burned down. He decides to ground his dad instead, and then give him a present because Yoichi loves presents, and this will smooth things over, and he'll have to see his side once he has a meta power too!
Except Yoichi is still like "don't do murder, don't be a loan shark, yes you owe it to the world to be a decent person actually" and worrying about if AfO fell asleep too soon when listening to bedtime stories so he never actually heard the moral at the end and that's why he's evil now. So AfO huffs off, and Second and Third break Yoichi out.
Yoichi never refers to AfO as his son, but never says he isn't either- just that he's related, family, and failed him before being betrayed. As AfO is using memory and illusion quirks to look older than he is, people just assume they were brothers. Second actually found out the truth when Yoichi died and AfO screamed for his father, letting the quirks come down for a moment in grief, but he never told anyone mostly to not sully anyone's memory of Yoichi, who died protecting him. Third just mentions the "brother of the first user" when passing it to Hikage, who spends so long alone before meeting Banjo it's a wonder he remembered that when assuming it was a "bad big brother, good little brother" thing
The rest is history, but when AfO heard En say he wasn't getting his brother's quirk back, he choked so hard it distracted him long enough En easily escaped. The next time AfO was ready though and just rolled with it, since he figured he could set the record straight after getting OfA back
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boss-the-goofball · 2 years
Sure I'll bite. More Fantasy AU!
All for One is completely unaware of the deal his father made. Had he known, then he would have searched and wiped out the entire Akatani Bloodline so it would never come to fruition. That wouldn't have saved him from the contract, because they always have a way of coming to fruition in ways he would not expect.
Yoichi was born with malformed wings that had to be removed, or else he would have died. This resulted in his poor health and being completely removed from the line of succession. He was even stripped of the Shigaraki name and forced to work in the kitchens under the name "Midoriya" - a name All for One takes for himself after stripping the Shigaraki Name from Royal Status and removing it from himself.
Around the time All for One first took the throne, Yoichi actually had hope that he would be allowed to leave the palace and see the world. Meet more people, and perhaps find a way to ease tensions between Humans and Demons. Unfortunately, his older brother decided to keep Yoichi locked up. So it's no wonder that Yoichi ran away from home with a sword he had forged in secret with his brother when they were still children who got along.
The Humans welcomed Yoichi with open arms, and their King even had him knighted. Yoichi became the first Demon Knight in the Human Realm, but also the last for two centuries. He soon became tried and sentenced to death for keeping his true identity a secret. His death was what kicked off the war, as his head was soon delivered straight to All for One.
The Second and Third holders of One for All did not agree with what their king did. They knew Yoichi was innocent, and the one who wanted to stop his brother more than anything. So they vowed to carry on Yoichi's dream of defeating All for One and find a way to unify Humans and Demons in an era of peace. Even if it means there will be blood on their hands.
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I figured it was time for them to meet
(Made non SCP au Gabriel and made some changes to his design)
(Background on Gabriel in non scp aus and scp au-
- He’s pro Meta-ability, himself having a super speed quirk
- trilingual
-definitely the protective parent
- he considers Yoichi and Third as his own kids (by marriage) even if in the scp au Third would still be his boss)
- he also considers Izuku his own grandkid
- He’s only a few years older than Shinomori )
All in all I wanted to give Second a good dad and mom for some reason
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 3 years
Sounds of Laughter, Shades of Life
Sounds of Laughter, Shades of Life (are ringing through my open ears) by Under the water
Oh, my god, he thought blankly, detachedly, hands hanging uselessly out in front of him. I just talked to a girl.
“You didn't actually say anything, though,” someone said, and it sounded older, maybe by a couple of years, less pubescent than most of the kids his age.
Izuku looked around, cheeks reddening as he realized that some upperclassman must have witnessed his disaster story unfold, but he didn't see anyone that looked any older than the students here to take the exam, like him. Maybe they had poked fun and walked away right after and he had missed them?
“Give the kid a little credit, Leader, this is his big day,” another voice chided.
“Tch,” the first voice—Leader?—said. “I still think it was pretty pathetic.”
“Oh, for sure,” the other voice replied. “He's like an overstimulated chihuahua, but we're the only two here right now, and I can only take so much of your pessimism before I try to defenestrate you. Or myself. Or both of us.” - Or, what happens when Izuku can hear all the past users of One For All talking in his head, All. The. Time.
The answer? Chaos. (And a lot less bone-breaking)
Words: 8247, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, U.A. Faculty, Yoichi | First One For All User, Second One For All User, Third One For All User, Shinomori Hikage, Banjou Daigorou | Lariat, Sixth One for All User, Shimura Nana, Class 1-A, Shinsou Hitoshi
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-A & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Additional Tags: One For All Quirk Haunted by Past One For All Users' Ghosts, Midoriya Izuku Has One for All Quirk, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Gymnast Midoriya Izuku, Smart Midoriya Izuku, Genius Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Yaoyorozu Momo Friendship, Yaoyorozu Momo is in the Dekusquad, Good Parent Midoriya Inko, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, BAMF Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku is a Dork, Midoriya Izuku is a Problem Child, Midoriya Izuku is a Good Friend, Sentient One For All Quirk, POV Alternating
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37203343
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shih-coulda-had-it · 1 year
Could you tell us more about your corpse bride au? It sounds very interesting :)
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[From left to right: Yoichi (minimal decay to face, full bone arm), Third (most recent dead, zero decay), Banjo (full skeleton), Shinomori (minimal decay; I'd love for him to be a bog body, but his corpse might just be in a research hospital morgue), and En (missing left arm, otherwise minimal decay).]
Thank you anon for making me remember about corpse bride AU and hastily writing shit down in order to provide you with answers--
The setting of the story is split between Musutafu (for the convenient park location where Yoichi’s body was interred) and Yomi [黄泉], the land of the dead referred to in Shinto mythology. Yoichi references Izanagi and Izanami re: Izanagi sealing the entrance (and his wife away) with a huge boulder, but otherwise, I’m not incorporating any demons or folkloric creatures. A lot of pseudoscience will be handwaving the existence of Yomi.
Yoichi died first, of course, but the most recent death among the dead is actually Third (Sanjuro), hence why he looks like much older than the rest of them. Second (Kenji) has one foot in the grave, but he’s holding onto life for as long as possible to find proof of Yoichi’s death, and is generally making himself a nuisance to the local law enforcement. 
Toshinori loves Captain Hero so much, he sort of forgives Gran Torino for being an asshole just because of the costume similarity. Kotarou, on the other hand, has high standards and gives Sorahiko the evil eye for wasting so much time re: saving the Shimuras from losing Toshinori.
Banjo and En are Yoichi’s hype-men, like how the worm and spider were for Emily. Regardless of how they died on the job, they did like being heroes, and they don’t see why Sorahiko had to be such a jerk, saying that Yoichi couldn’t be one.
All for One is aware of the world of the dead, and he fully intends on using Toshinori to access it. Does he know how he’s going to do that? No, but that’s what Garaki is for.
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For the ask game, how about an AU where Yoichi and AFO are both Yanderes.
But, while AFO is only yandere for his brother, Yoichi holds no love for him and directs all of his Yandere-ness towards his love interest(s) prompting AFO to try and take them out (as in kill) because his baby brother belongs to him alone.
Meanwhile, Yoichi sees his older brother trying to gather information on his love interest(s) and thinks that he's trying to take them out (as in on a date), causing him to try and take his brother out first (as in kill).
Yanderes, always great fun!
1. All Shigarakis are yanderes. It runs in the blood. The Shigaraki family parents killed each other as the epic finale to a toxic relationship when their kids were very young. From this, both brothers learned that they should hide their natures. Alas they failed to take away any better lessons.
2. Both brothers became villains together because this Yoichi has nothing in the way of morals. However, AFO is a familiar yandere with a massive brother complex. Yoichi is a romantic yandere who puts his love ahead of any family bonds. A conflict was inevitable.
3. Yoichi has always had crushes on the heroes in his comic books, even though he prefers to be the villain seducing the hero. He's written many fanfictions on the subject. Perhaps it was inevitable that he would fall in love with two heartbreakingly noble vigilantes. Yoichi approaches Second and Third pretending to be an ordinary civilian, because he figures they'll be more likely to take the bait than if he admitted to being AFO's righthand man. Soon he has the two of them wrapped around his little finger and convinced he's the most pure angel in existence.
4. AFO is not happy when he learns his brother is sneaking off to meet with vigilantes. At first he suspects Yoichi of betraying the family business. He's even more horrified to learn Yoichi is dating them. His little brother belongs to him and only him!
5. AFO orders Gigantomachia, his much smaller bodyguard in this time period, to investigate these unworthy fools and ultimately kill them, since AFO is sharp enough to realize that he'd better not murder his brother's boyfriends personally if he doesn't want to upset Yoichi. Gigantomachia is in love with AFO and desperate do anything to please him.
6. Yoichi notices his watchers--and assumes AFO has also fallen in love with Second and Third. His lovers are irresistible so that's the only possible explanation. For a yandere, this means war. Cue comical looney-tunes style murder attempts with Second and Third hunting AFO, Gigantomachia trying to kill Second and Third but make it look like an accident, and Yoichi trying to kill AFO. All of Yoichi's murder attempts are mistaken for affection by his brother.
7. Since Yoichi likes Gigantomachia (more than he likes his brother, actually) and would rather not kill him, instead he tries a different tactic. Yoichi tells Gigantomachia that AFO is only interested in people who are obsessively in love with him. Therefore, the best strategy to win his affection would be to kidnap AFO and stick him in a bank vault. AFO loves bank vaults. Besides, hasn't the master been working too hard lately? He could use a vacation.
8. And...it works. Yoichi's intentions were not pure but he's right about his brother's love language. AFO is super-flattered that Gigantomachia abducted him, tries to express his feelings by reversing the kidnapping, and they enter their own toxic romance. Basically just picture the two of them taking turns abducting each other.
9. While both brothers are distracted with love, their plans to conquer Japan take the back seat, fortunately for the world.
10. Yoichi pretends to be a house-husband for Second and Third while he secretly runs his organized crime business on the side. He orders his minions to do all the cooking and cleaning for him. It works surprisingly well.
(All of ask game AUs are free to use in my Three Weeks of Trioholders event.)
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Sounds of Laughter, Shades of Life
Sounds of Laughter, Shades of Life (are ringing through my open ears) by Under the water
Oh, my god, he thought blankly, detachedly, hands hanging uselessly out in front of him. I just talked to a girl.
“You didn't actually say anything, though,” someone said, and it sounded older, maybe by a couple of years, less pubescent than most of the kids his age.
Izuku looked around, cheeks reddening as he realized that some upperclassman must have witnessed his disaster story unfold, but he didn't see anyone that looked any older than the students here to take the exam, like him. Maybe they had poked fun and walked away right after and he had missed them?
“Give the kid a little credit, Leader, this is his big day,” another voice chided.
“Tch,” the first voice—Leader?—said. “I still think it was pretty pathetic.”
“Oh, for sure,” the other voice replied. “He's like an overstimulated chihuahua, but we're the only two here right now, and I can only take so much of your pessimism before I try to defenestrate you. Or myself. Or both of us.” - Or, what happens when Izuku can hear all the past users of One For All talking in his head, All. The. Time.
The answer? Chaos. (And a lot less bone-breaking)
Words: 8247, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, U.A. Faculty, Yoichi | First One For All User, Second One For All User, Third One For All User, Shinomori Hikage, Banjou Daigorou | Lariat, Sixth One for All User, Shimura Nana, Class 1-A, Shinsou Hitoshi
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-A & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Additional Tags: One For All Quirk Haunted by Past One For All Users' Ghosts, Midoriya Izuku Has One for All Quirk, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Gymnast Midoriya Izuku, Smart Midoriya Izuku, Genius Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Yaoyorozu Momo Friendship, Yaoyorozu Momo is in the Dekusquad, Good Parent Midoriya Inko, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, BAMF Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku is a Dork, Midoriya Izuku is a Problem Child, Midoriya Izuku is a Good Friend, Sentient One For All Quirk, POV Alternating
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37203343
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ichika27 · 3 years
OnS Chapter 108
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New chapter!!
I nearly forgot about this lol. I suddenly remembered the new chapter coming out when XU was recommended to me on youtube.
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Mika is now Yuu’s demon and holy shit he changed appearance! He’s no longer a shota demon and is now a bishounen. And is it just me or does he look much more bishie now than when he was just a vampire?
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Yuu says he can already feel Mika devouring his desires. Is that why Mika looks older now? I don't think this transformation happened for the other demons. I mean they all still look the same even when their contractors accepted the whole ‘devouring of desire’ thing. Or is this what Yuu wanted... to see the Mika he knew again even though it’s just by appearance for now?
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Mika tells Yuu that they've got a lot to talk about, especially their future (in regards to which, I do not know. Mika now has access to Yuu's memories so it could be anything).
I'm sorry, the handholding is getting to me lol. Like, look at their fingers touching as they let go of each other’s hand (and the fact that it was a focus of the panel haha)
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This convo makes me happy somehow. Like they're talking more like friends now and are more calm unlike earlier. Mika is even laughing while teasing Yuu! It feels like it’s slowly going back to how it used to be.
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Time to continue the fight against the 1st Progenitor! Yuu uses Second Edge Black Gash which can apparently warp space which decapitates the 1st who couldn't move due to the poison Shinoa put on herself.
Mika as a demon sword is pretty powerful.
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Sika Madu gets his head back of course. It won't be easy to beat the final boss right now cause we're not even at the finale yet!
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Yuu gets to reunite with Kimizuki and Yoichi who suggest they work together to beat the 1st. Yuu asks Mika to gauge Sika Madu's power and holy crap he grew an eye at the hilt. I'm sorry, I love Mika but that's creepy haha.
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Yuu is being Yuu. If it wasn't for the fact that his current demon is Mika, I'd be really worried about this by now.
I’m torn between fangirling cause this seem like a mikayuu thing with Yuu’s words but also facepalming cause if this demon wasn’t Mika then Yuu just did something dumb.
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Yuu gets informed of what's happening and affirms his desire to protect the people he loves who would love him back. First of all, I'm glad Mitsuba is clearly in that image of his friends and second of all, boy has issues and some self-hatred thing going on. Probably got worse by rewatching his loved ones die in the mental world.
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Sika Madu keeps telling the duo to stop and that it's not time yet (seriously, what does this mean, hmmm?) but of course, Yuu isn't gonna listen to this guy. They use the third and first edge to try and beat the First Progenitor.
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Yuu and Mika seem to be using their most powerful attack as Sika Madu looks worried. "They" would notice apparently is Mika used that much power.
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By "they", I guess he meant the seraphs. Some divine intervention thing is happening. Yuu and the others aren't reacting to this very worrisome turn of events as their goal at the moment is to beat Sika Madu.
Meanwhile, Sika Madu knows that if he does nothing then he’s utterly fucked.
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Yuu and the others have successfully weakened the 1st and was gonna land another blow when the seraphs blew their horns. And then they spoke. Bringing the dead back is considered a crime and Sika Madu is guilty in trying to do so after all. They’re here to deal with the fallen angel.
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The seraphs are gonna execute Sika Madu but at the last moment, Sika Madu asked for help from Urd and Rigr in exchange for telling them everything. Before disappearing, Sika Madu says that the angels aren't just his enemies, they're everyone's enemies.
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An explanation is something they also wanted. I guess that's why Urd is okay with helping Rigr.
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And now the 1st is finally locked up in the cage that was created for him. Next chapter would probably be another interesting lore dump.
Hopefully cause I got questions.
I just thought about this but if Sika Madu is Mika’s real dad, who’s the mom? Sika Madu is some kinda angel, right?
That above said, I’d love for Krul to to tell the guy how much she hates him and the whole separating her from Ashera and in the end taking custody of Mika right in front of the guy’s face. I think that’d be really funny.
Anyways, Sika Madu kept saying the entire time he’s fighting with Mika and Yuu that the two shouldn’t use that much power yet and all and in the end “Merge any further and they’ll notice”. Merge? And then there’s the fact that Yuu is a sacrifice to raise Mika from the dead. Does that mean in order to get Mika back to how he truly is (an angel, I presume), he has to absorb Yuu or something?
That said, Rigr was one of the 1st Progenitor’s vampire “children” being one of the ones turned way back when so that would mean he knew about Yuu and Mika all this time. He was also a member of Hyakuya Sect which is the cult that Mika and Yuu’s human parents are part of. I’m realizing something in a way and I feel kinda dumb for asking why Yuu from Greece and the current Yuu have the same name: the human parents were probably instructed to give the kids those names specifically. Still weird that Yuu’s name is “Yuu” in Greece when it’s a Japanese name from what I’ve read. Is it supposed to be a shorthand for something?
Speaking of Yuu, why is he a human’s child? Is he still a clone they just created recently and given to the Amane couple or were the Amane couple physically altered so they could produce a natural born Yuu? Why though? Were the clones not good enough for the entire project?
Back to the subject of Rigr, he made sure Yuu and Mika survived and are in league with Mahiru and by extension, Krul who knew about the Hyakuya orphans. Kinda makes sense if he did all this to bait in the 1st Progenitor who would of course, want his son back. What happened to the Mika that’s in the coffin back at Greece many years ago, though? The vampires left so did they take the corpse or not?
Also about Krul - had Mika not been in the verge of dying and was unfortunately one of the kids who were killed first, could she bring him back to life? Krul needed Mika specifically (she probably would’ve turned Yuu as well if Yuu had been dying since those two are the most important of the Hyakuya orphans) as he is the 1st’s child. Does Ferid know about all this since he seems to be in league with Guren for a while now? Did he know the specifics? I mean Rigr was the one who turned Ferid but it seemed to be way past the Greece stuff. Would he have known about Mika and Yuu or was it all just a coincidence that Mika of all kids made a deal with him that enabled the massacre of the orphans in the first episode happen?
So many, many questions but so little time. At least I’m hoping some stuff gets answered next chapter. It’d probably start from the beginning of this entire vampire thing before it gets to the present time answers though but it’s a good start. I’m kinda disappointed I didn’t see Mitsuba with everyone in the fight against the 1st Progenitor. Like come on! Give her some better screentime already!
So yeah, if you read this far, thanks.
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pocketramblr · 2 years
for the trivia game can you make an AU little mermaid out of duoholders?
with a happy ending🙏
ive done some doodles of mer!yoichi with human second before.... so lets switch that
1- Second is a mer who does not particularly agree with the king or council of the aquatic citystate, and many of thier restrictive rules- he doesn't care about humans and if its safer not to engage, whatever, but there's sumptuarary laws and restrictions on marriages and other things he doesn't like. so he hunts outside of boundaries away from watchmers, sneaking when its dark and stormy so he isn't taxed half of what he brings back to Third and their group.
But one day, he goes too far, and gets swept away into a storm.
2- He ends up near the surface, and flung against rocks in the storm. he passes out as he sees a light draw closer. When he wakes, it's late morning, the sun breaking through clouds on a tiny rocky isle. There's a stranger leaning over him, asking if he's alright. Second almost says yes, but then realizes this stranger's eyes are wrong, and he doesnt have any gills, and pushes away to realize the rocky isle has a small cabin on it, and human with a lamp and frown. Second rolls to race back into the water but the human calls for him to stop, please- and he does, cautiously. The human offers food, to check for any more bleeding, before he goes- there's no one else there, and he has enough to share. Second slowly nods, and the human smiles, says his name is Yoichi, and he'll be right back.
3- Second makes more visits to see Yoichi- slowed because he has to sneak, and Yoichi is insistent he avoid his older brother's monthly supply visits, and he does have a crew to provide for. Though, at that last one, Yoichi asks if he can help, he's got more food than he needs, and most isn't great for mers but some is, and he's also got some more valuable objects- his mother's gold bracelet has no monetary value for him here, and no sentimental either. same with the pearl choker or ivory statuette, and if his brother asks where they went, Yoichi can just say he threw them into the sea in a fit of anger, Might as well put them to good use. Second realizes he is in love, and he also realizes that Yoichi really needs to get out of there.
4- Second doesn't like the sea-witch, not anymore than he likes the king or council, but... well, he needs a spell. He needs some way to get Yoichi off that rock, and he goes to the witch to bargain for one. The witch asks what he has to offer, and he pulls out the ivory. it's nice, but the witch looks at it, raises a brow, and asks what else he has. he pulls out gold coins. 'what else?' asks the witch, and Second dumps out the bag- a some more coins from scavenged ships, bone jewelry, loose glass beads, and a few little wooden birds yoichi had carved back when he was still allowed a knife on the island. the witch looks at him, says "youre desperate, huh? ok then" and gives a potion to turn a human into a mer for a day. It's not much, but Second figures its a start and races back to Yoichi to give it to him and start to plan.
5- Yoichi is ecstatic when he hears about it, and quickly gathers essentials. even if only a day, he should be able to get far enough away from here in that time, even if he has to swim twenty hours straight. but when he drinks the potion- nothing happens. And the sea-witch rises from the water behind Second, furious- he recogonized those carvings, and knows Yoichi wouldn't have tossed them to the sea to be scavenged. Yoichi's eyes go wide seeing his brother like this, but Second doesn't stand a chance before AfO lunges, saying his won't give up his little brother so easily. Yoichi scrambles to get between them, promising anything if AfO lets Second go- Yoichi was just being dumb, surprised and awed by a merman and the chance of a magic day, but of course he'd never leave his brother. so let him go. And AfO, grabbing him by the arm and dragging him back, agrees- if Second does. Second looks at Yoichi, who shakes his head. "it's not worth it. don't get hurt on my account." (all things AfO expected his brother to say.) "I love you. go." (not something AfO expected... because...)
As soon as it's said, AfO and Yoichi collapse, writhing. Long ago, AfO'd drunk a potion from the witch before him that would allow him to move between human and mer form, but just for as long as his brother loved only him. As soon as Yoichi told anyone else he loved them, he'd be stuck permanently in the form they had- and AfO would be stuck permanently in the opposite, to separate them. AfO had killed the witch after and isolated his brother, figuring that would keep him from ever having to pay the price.
But now he just sees Second pull a laughing Yoichi into his arms and then into the water, joyous in their escape.
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lostsoulaltair · 4 years
Owari no Seraph - Special Analysis for chapter 95 (Long Analysis)
After so long, I think it’s time I talk about the latest chapter; I believe some might be disgusted, others might have laughed a little, but well, before I start this analysis within a neutral view; I’ll let you know how I felt towards it.
To be honest, I think the comedy was unnecesary, I know the cast required a break but not in that way; I think it could have been a better chapter but well, it happened; and we can only hope next one can be better.
This analysis was updated in the Spanish Fandom and what you’ll read it’s just a translation of it.
Therefore, let’s proceed with this analysis.
NOTE: Analysis and theories don’t include ships; the view within characters is held neutral; posts aren’t made to disregard any character the reader loves or supports.
Perhaps it’ll give more mood https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vfcrC87v8A
The chapter 95 started with Mikaela, on a place something that the reader @jipotato​ denominated as “Demon World”.
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Image from Vampire Reign - Chapter 95
Within the first panels, we take a look on how the demon Mikaela sees the world he is; within this he states his hunger and thirst; we even see how his hand sightly fades and, thanks to the background on his last appearance, it can be said he’s within certain part in Shibuya after the squad and the Vampire Queen left.
First Note - The demon Mikaela
Now that Mikaela adquired the appearance of a child due to the fact his desires were at its highest at that age; Mikaela has no memories of who he was once; he doesn’t recall why he became a demon; the only thing he is a ware is that he needs to feed on human desires to not vanish.
Now, one thing that the fandom noticed is the fact that his eyes were blue instead of red; and you might state that this is due to the fact he has the Michaela trait and the Seraph trait. But these two traits work in a different way with a demon, what do I mean?
Another demon that is well known for possessing such trait is Ashera Tepes or commonly known as Asuramaru; this is due to the fact that Ashera drank Yu’s blood back in the Dark Ages of Greece; such blood was heavily linked with Shikama’s experiments way before the mentioned one was turned into a demon.
Therefore, such traits don’t work as a physical characteristic within Mikaela but rather, they’ll give strength required in order for him to become one of the most powerful demons that has ever existed.
For that, I’ll enter in detail in a theory later on.
Now, returning with the story, it could be seen how Yoichi left Krul on a bed since she ended up collapsing due to Mika’s Death Wail.
Afterwards, there’s the famous scene on which Yu “supposely explains” to the squad the events that happened back then when they weren’t present; within this, Kimizuki states he doesn’t understand a thing and ends up taking Yu to have a spar with him; on the other side, we see Shinoa and Mitsuba drinking without realizing what they’re drinking, giving not so much relevance to what Yu said.
Now, it is known that this chapter was supposed to be a way to give the characters a break, we could see Kimizuki’s frustration along the bond with him and Kiseki-O.
Therefore, let’s make a deeper analysis of these events.
Second Note - The squad’s behavior
Within this, I’m very aware there’s anger or perhaps sadness on how the squad ended up behaving but in fact, there are points on why they are acting that way.
First Point. Relationship between Yu and the squad
The squad, even after spending many chapters together, it’s not a squad that could be compared to what Narumi’s squad was once or what Guren’s squad is like; though, that doesn’t mean they don’t treasure each other; the squad is made of a bunch of kids that were forced to grow up, they were literally forced to take adult like decisions.
The squad itself has difficulties to interact with others without feeling shyness, embarrassment or in other instances, seen as something to laugh about.
Second Point. Kimizuki calling Yu stupid.
It is somehow common to see Kimizuki calling Yu dumb and on this case, Kimizuki had the right to call him that way due to how he literally shared the events way when they were split; Yu expressed all he suffered in an inmature way without really showing the severity of the situation; how it felt for him to lose Mikaela.
That being said, Yu always puts a mask in front of the squad so they can’t see him as someone weak; for Yu, weakness is reflected upon seeing others seeing him fall or seeing him cry.
And despite that, this is something the squad actually manages to see but, Yu, at the same time, has created a wall between them and him to the point that even if they wished to help him out, they really can’t thanks to those walls.
Third Point. Yu’s behavior
As I stated in the previous point, Yu usually wears a mask and a lie stating “I’m alright, everything’s fine”. Yu got happy once Krul told him Mika could end just like Asuramaru but now, why do I state his behavior is something to be noticed?
Yu’s behavior is unhealthy; Yu displays how terribly mentally and emotionally is in reality; but he has reached a point he never analyzes his actions and consequences behind them; he hasn’t realized that all his actions led to misfortune within his family. It seemed as if Yu didn’t care about Mikaela’s condition as long as he were alive. But now, how can I state it’s unhealthy?
Mikaela has been displayed as a character that worries about Yu’s well being; he’s always been with him, he taught him the value of family and friendship; which is something Yu didn’t value back when he was a kid until Mika “died”.
But once he saw Mika alive, it seemed like the lessons he received from mika ended up in half; Yu literally stopped distinguishing who were his friends and enemies due to the constant warnings he received from Mika. Though, despite if they wanted to run away, it would have been impossible at the very end.
It could be said that Yu is selfish. Yu doesn’t value Mikaela’s life. When Mikaela died for a second time; Ashera told him to see with his own eyes what it meant the loss of someone important; but it semed that all the emotional message along what Mika taught him along what Ashera told him seemed like they weren’t present within his life.
Fourth Point. Yu’s selfishness
It has been displayed that Yu in fact is selfish when it comes to his desires, he sets his goals first than the well being of his own self; he doesn’t give time to think and allow the pain flow from the bottom of his heart.
The fact that Shiho asked to sparr with him it wasn’t entirely for Shiho to discharge all his emotional frustration, but in fact, it was because just as Kiseki-O stated; Shiho sees himself as the adult of the family, he sees himself as the one that has to take care of the others because he’s the older figure in there.
It can be said that Shiho actually is aware that Yu is bottling up all his emotions, frustration and pain but despite trying to find out the truth, Yu simply avoids it with silly ramblings along the dismiss of such thoughts.
Fifth Point. The reason behind the sparr between Shiho and Yu
As I stated before, the battle or sparr Shiho not only displayed something hidden between actions, it also displayed how broken Shiho really is.
Shiho wanted to measure his strength with Yu but he only saw how weak he was, he wanted to release all the pain he had within his heart but, at the same time, comparing his strength with Yu, he wanted to be the one that actually could help Yu with that; but at the end, it became the opposite.
The sparr between those two only made Shiho see how weak he was; how he was unable to protect what he swore to protect once; he realized that he was useless to protect or even move a finger to fight against strong enemies that could stomp in front of them.
He realized that he’s feeling like a burden for the fact that he can’t protect his family, thus including the whole squad.
The battle itself displays so much how Shiho is weak, he realized that it’s always Yu the one taking care and making sure the squad is well protected despite him and Yu owning the same rank cursed demons.
Therefore, once his reason to live was taken, Kiseki-O ends up talking with him, he ends up telling him how he’s giving up; and the only way to keep Shiho alive, the only way to give him a reason to live is even with a childish desire that came from the bottom of his heart. 
Despite Shiho stating he wanted to win against Yu, to have more power than him, in reality, what he wished is not just to show off, but rather he wanted to be stronger to have the power to really protect what’s dear to him in case Yu’s not there or in case they end up facing the strongest enemies out there.
Sixth Point. Yoichi, a person that hesitates about his decisions.
Despite seeing Yoichi’s behavior been taken well by the readers; it could be said that Yoichi is one of the characters that looks for the well being of the squad. Yoichi and Kimizuki are the main members with more maturity compared to the other 3.
Despite Yoichi being the one that notices much better the emotional condition of others, he’s aware that pushing and pushing won’t solve anything if the person he might be talking with won’t allow it; and this is exactly what can be see with Yu. 
Yoichi is aware that Yu hides what he feels, but, despite this, he hesitates on asking Yu about it; he’s aware that the answer he’ll receive will be likely: -I’m fine.
Yoichi’s displayed as a shy boy and patient with the actions of others; he follows them and supports them without doubt, but, at the end, Yoichi is a character that seems to act as long as the other members have made their minds or have taken a decision, what do I mean?
When Kimizuki and Yu went to fight, Yoichi asks the girls if they heard what Yu was stating; he even asked what they should do; but despite this, Shinoa tells him they should relax; at the end, Yoichi ends up accepting said suggestion and this is due to the fact that the only help they could receive from is unconscious; Guren and the JIDA are definitely a no for the whole squad. They’re literally facing the world alone and for this, let’s go with the final point.
Seventh Point. Shinoa and Mitsuba’s behavior
Despite seeing the behavior of these girls and well, the spanish fandom in general got angry at this; the girls actually care about the others but there’s something that perhaps many might have missed, what do I mean?
For that, let’s talk about these two.
Mitsuba Sanguu
Mitsuba is a girl that has a hard time expressing her feelings towards others, she’s displayed as a Tsundere; but despite such thing, she actually cares about her friends and family.
Despite Mitsuba having a family, friends that care for her and viceversa; she’s still the same little girl that is terrified of losing her squad; she literally loses all form of authority and strong mentality when things go south; she isn’t capable of getting the whole squad together which is something that can be seen in chapter 77; first the squad hears the sound of a battle going, Mitsuba doesn’t stop Kimizuki, Yoichi and Narumi from leaving; she wasn’t even capable of thinking of a possible strategy and keep them together due to the seriousness of the situation at hand; furthermore, when the Hyakuya Sect takes Yu away; she literally panicked and started to search for the boys but, with all the stress carried away, she ended up alone.
Such behavior appears mainly due to the fact she lived a life on which the Sanguu family considered emotional ties as something worthless; she didn’t develop a strong conviction; later on when she joins the JIDA as a soldier; she ends up behaving how Yu was at the beginning, impulsive.
At the end, she ended up learning fear when her squad was killed in front of her; this only led to Mitsuba being unable to interact with others in a deeper way; she isn’t capable of actually going straight to Yu and ask him how he’s doing or how he’s feeling, she doesn’t know how exactly ask him about the topic.
Shinoa Hiragi
Shinoa is the character that is often seen that takes things lightly, but in fact, right now she’s actually one of the characters that is holding one of the biggest responsibilities of the world compared to the other members of the squad. What do I mean?
The first responsibility is that she has to keep her squad safe, she has to take the best decisions so they can keep surviving against all the odds of the world. Perhaps this might seem like her job but there’s something else she takes care of due to the late events.
And that is to protect the squad from herself. Shinoa now holds all the power and consciousness of the First Progenitor; she now has strength and power but, in order to have such power, she has to shut down even more her heart; she has to restrain more her emotions even more than they were once. This might even sound like a contradiction with how the previous chapters were like but in reality, it’s not.
It is well known that Shinoa feels admiration towards Yu; Yu has been the person that taught her the meaning of caring for someone, the meaning behind having a family; but within this, the First Progenitor used such events to the point he stated she was in love with Yu; when in fact; Shinoa is learning to be human; she is learning what it means to display emotions, to display affection and careness for others.
Just like in chapter 67 she stated she wanted Yu to teach her about the reasons to live and this is because she doesn’t understand how Yu can fight for others with passion.
It is true that Shinoa is not the best to understand others; she’s aware that Yu’s not emotionally right, she is aware he’s broken but with how the condition she has about getting close to him could only make her lower the walls of her heart; it could mean the doom of her whole squad; it could be the doom of the whole world if she set loose of the First.
Furthermore, Shinoa was raised with no love; after she was born, the tiny amount of love she received was from Mahiru Hiragi; but then, she was always alone, she lived alone and could only think about life and dead at night.
Just as Guren once stated in the first chapters, she was an ice queen that slowly melted after learning the lively emotions of caring about others along the values of a family.
Third Note - The meaning behind the drunk time of the squad and Shiho’s heart.
We can guess that the author wanted to give an humorous turn of events to the squad after so much chaos; the whole chapter itself is filled with sadness, what do I mean?
The girls are aware that things won’t ever be the same, they’re aware they’re dancing in the palm of a monster; they’re aware that they have no one to rely on; they’re aware that if they make a wrong movement, they’ll lose the adquired freedom they have along the answers they really seek; the only thing they display with being drunk is that they’ve been carrying so much mental stress despite the silly panels displayed.
The fact both got drunk easily has a lot to do with the emotional tie she has which is the fact she feels weak, uncapable of handling situations, uncapable of keeping the squad together when the leader isn’t there;her drunk state only displays  a sad reality of hers; in Shinoa’s case, she’s aware that things will never go back, if she allows the walls of her heart to get down again, Shikama will awake once again, therefore, her mission is to give them more time so they can get answers with time.
As for Yoichi, the fact he ended up accepting drinking displays his innocence, it’s something new, and the fact he ended up throwing away expresses such thing; a simple wish which is to live a peaceful life just like Shiho desires; they’re tired of the hell they’re currently living.
Therefore, despite the comedy intended in the chapter, it is a chapter that reflects sadness and despair for the whole squad; the lack of meaning of living; the conclusion that responsabilities are something to carry on, the acknowledge of impotence and selfishness.
What do you think guys?
Let me know!
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gif belongs to clair-audients
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Virginity HCs nobody asked for...
Because I needed something to do... and these seemed fun.
Kominato Ryousuke, Miyuki Kazuya, Kawakami Norifumi, Shin Seijuro, Hiruma Yoichi and Kakei Shun under the cut!
Kominato Ryousuke
This kid is precocious af. He’s the type to know what he want and take it and be pretty unashamed as he does it.
Loses his virginity in second year, with a third year in an empty classroom after hours.  He’s surpassingly good at it, since he never does anything without knowing what he’s doing.  His partner thanks him and isn’t even upset that it’s just a one time thing.
 Miyuki Kazuya
Being the type that doesn’t like people getting close, he probably is in his early twenties when he does it for the first time.  This depends on whether he goes to university or pro right out high school. If he goes pro, I can see him letting some person awed by his skill take him home in the first few months of being pro.
If this happens, he’s pretty passive during the act, learning as he goes along.  He’s not at all honest about his experience, but it doesn’t matter, because his partner doesn’t even notice.
 If, however, he goes to university, he probably gets drunk and does something stupid.  It doesn’t go well, but it shows him how good sex could be. He doesn’t really care about his partner, so he reads up and tries it again sober.
Either way, once he’s done it once, I can see him becoming a bit of a player that has a lot of fun.  He’s hella attractive and knows it.  He might not think much of himself, but he knows he’s hot and is not afraid to use it.
 Kawakami Norifumi
This kid is all about love. He doesn’t go all the way until he’s in a committed relationship and they’re both adults.  Sex is an act of love, without love, there’s no point for him. Even if he starts dating his partner in high school or immediately after, they are together a long time before they take that final step.
He’s nervous and jittery, but he’s done his research and is all about his partner.  He asks questions the whole time – am I doing this right? Does that feel okay?  He would need reassurance, because he doesn’t want to do anything his partner doesn’t like.
 Shin Seijuro
Another precocious one, but for different reasons.  Shin is hyper-focused on the sport he plays and on keeping his body in optimal shape for it.  This means diet, exercise and… hormonal urges.  It may take him a little while to realize it, but he eventually figures out what his body wants.
He’s pretty content looking after himself for a long time, at least until he accidentally puts himself in a situation that leads to the dawning that his problem goes away longer if he has a partner.  After that, he just shrugs and accepts it as law.
His first time was early in second year with a third year that played another sport.  He likes muscled forms the best.  He was clumsy and instinct-driven, but he didn’t notice or care. Once he was done, he literally forgot his partner existed.
 Hiruma Yoichi
Trrruuussstttt. Seriously, you aren’t getting near him, let alone seeing him in such a vulnerable state unless he trusts you 100%. This probably means a long term committed relationship, and s/o better be able to handle his eccentricities.
Doesn’t have a terribly high sex drive – most of the time, he doesn’t even think about it.  So he’s probably in late university or after before he gets around to it.  He’s too busy with football.
He continues being too busy with football, even more after he’s drafted.  But he meets his s/o and they eventually get there.  Being the sort of man he is, he has the whole thing planned down to the second, and gets really flustered when his plan is disrupted.
 Kakei Shun
So, this kid canonically joined a street gang when he was like 13/14 so he’s familiar with sex (and violence).  He doesn’t seek it out, but it usually comes to him anyway, because he’s beautiful and big. He’s 6’3 in first year, so yeah, he also looks older than he is, so older people hit on him all the time.
He just sort of stares at them blankly and walks away, because he doesn’t have time for this shit.
He’s in a relationship when he has sex for the first time.  He’s not nervous at all, because he trusts the person he’s with.  He’s not great the first time, and it ends really fast, but he also learns quickly.  The next time is much better.
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