bailingnotoptional · 5 years
It was a reaction that Deepspace was used to wherever he went; People parting for him in droves like baitfish to a shark for fear of being caught under the crushing pressure of those great onyx pedes. If the impact of every footfall didn’t make people startle and step aside, falling under his shadow usually did the trick. 
This was probably the easiest time Bailtrack would have navigating a heavily populated spaceport. He just became a second shark.
“I have been heavily informed of the importance of this specific delivery, reading the job requirements waiting for you. I can assure you, the cargo will arrive in the same condition it is brought aboard of. Of which, I will be locking down the rest of my altmode aside the cargo hold. Any non-permitted attempts to move beyond there will result in me firing off a charge that will offline the offender for the next few hours. Just thought I would put that out in the open” 
That last part was with a direct look to the smaller loading team. First and only warning.
Striding away from Bail and his loading team to exit the warehouse, for good reason, and Deepspace was letting his frame fall back into a series of sharp clunks of his t-cog to drop into the giant transport shuttle of his alt mode, the faint whine of an alarm as the rear cargo ramp lowered to the ground with a hiss of pistons. 
Lets see how good this team was at filling a cargo hold. 
The loading team nodded at Deepspace’s note, as the leader looked back at the rest of his team and started navigating them. Bailtrack just stood aside by the gate as he watched the enitre procedure go down.
Cargo after cargo, the smaller mechs moved quickly, and handled the locked adamant boxes as if they were made of glass. Once they have finished loading the goods up in Deepspace’s cargo bay, they gave the OK to Bailtrack as he moved over to Deepspace. 
“Well, that's been dealt with. I will lead the way.”
While Deepspace was much more immense compared to Bail, he still was set on guardian duty - one he found boring, but was paid for.
Transforming and circling abit in air before they were off to go - leaving the planet’s orbit.
Escort work
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bailingnotoptional · 5 years
((Well would have came back earlier but life got in the way. I didnt sleep much so… we will see about how rping goes.))
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bailingnotoptional · 6 years
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It was @knife-red‘s birthday a few days ago and I drew Somnambulance and Bailtrack for them <:3c
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bailingnotoptional · 6 years
Redstrike snarls, for what little good it does him, remaining defiant and rebellious even as the sedative is introduced to his system. It was undoubtedly a pathetic sight, considering the circumstances of his capture, but it felt better than laying back and letting shame wash over him as the world faded to black. If that smiling bastard thought this was going to be the end of it however, he had another thing coming. Redstrike swore on it with the last bit of cohesive thought he had left before his processors became completely useless and his optical feed shut down.
Reality came back to him slowly and the temptation to ignore it for a bit longer was almost too good to pass up. His helm hurt, his entire frame throbbed with the dull ache that originated out of his spark; The whole process of being alive and carrying was so stupid and inconvenient that he just wanted to tune out of existence for a little while longer and avoid having to function yet again. His surroundings would give him no such break, however, despite his best efforts. They were uncomfortable, they were wrong, and after these annoying facts began to settle in Redstrike remembered what had happened.
He bolted up right, optics wide and battle protocols coming online as he assessed the area around him. Three walls surrounded him and where the fourth could have laid was a series of metal bars, spaced apart far enough for a a mech of his size to get an arm through but little less. Redstrike sneered as he strode up to them, gauging at their width and strength a moment, then checking what was waiting for him on the other side.
Directly across from him was another cell, sporting a different set of bars that were spaced tightly enough to trap a minicon. Next to it was another cell, though it lacked the old fashioned metal bars his and the other had, and instead sported a wide open space which Redstrike assumed could be filled in by a force field of some kind; Likely a cell for larger, more durable mecha - like Tormentor. And although he couldn’t actually see it, Redstrike assumed there was a cell neighboring his, probably built differently like all the others to hold who knows what. He didn’t really care to find out, having more pressing matters at hand.
A single push against the bars of his cell tell him right away that there is no way he can bend or pull them apart enough for him to slip out easily, which lifts an irritated growl from his throat. Smelting the bars with his thrusters was always an option, but he wasn’t sure how much time he had to go through the process. Then again, did it really matter? If he waited too long to get a full assessment of the situation he could wind up dead, and he would be dead anyway if he was caught trying to break out.
Better to die trying than to die not trying at all.
Turning on his heel, Redstrike angles a pede to rest against the bottom of a bar and ignites his thruster. A small flame bursts to life at his heel and burns lightly against the metal, warming it but not changing the color of it. Not hot enough. He narrows his optics, channeling more fuel to his thruster while narrowing the width of it to create a more concentrated flame. The bar soon began to turn color, and Redstrike smiled with satisfaction.
Now all he needed to do was burn his way through the bars, and find the bastard who thought it was a brilliant idea to throw him in this primitive cage.
As Bail’s recently captured mech came back online and started moving around, it wasn’t left without the bounty hunter’s notice as he received a ping from his cell. Not only that, he had the feeling that his current captive might have thought he had any chance at escaping - except he always loved demolishing their hopes as they have realized that his cells are more durable than they thought. That there is more to them that one could quickly pick up on. That it’s his home turf - and he is prepared for almost all scenarios to occur.
Getting up from his seat and leaving his ship to run on autopilot, he headed back to the back of his ship. Noticing a faint orange glow coming from the direction he headed to, his assumptions were confirmed. It didn’t take alot to figure out that the red jet would attempt burning his way out of the cage with the help of his thrusters. Bail really should have placed an inhibitor claw on him hm?
Too bad for Red, no such escape opportunity will be given.
“Not so fast with your plans.”
He snapped his claws as a forcefield immediately dropped down behind the bars. As the bounty hunter finally showed up, his captive could finally get a glamorous look at him.
“As fiery as you are, you would have to be foolish to attempt breaking out. I am quite used to your kind: Attempts to break out, then forget this is not their home turf.”
Hunting Season
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bailingnotoptional · 6 years
“Try not to crush me.” The mech is humongous and Skyshade is nothing but a scrawny stick compared to him. Sturdy as he might be, a strong, hulking mech like Bailtrack could easily snap him in half. Though he trusts Bailtrack enough that this spine-snapping experience won’t happen to him.
“Are you on your vacation? I should have been eavesdropping on you and Farsight but I was too distracted by tapping into my datapad.” He repositions himself to better support the weight of Bail’s arm. “So you know why I’m so on edge? Someone’s after me.”
He taps away on datapad yet again, going through photo albums. “You might even recognize him. I don’t know. He’s some boss of some black market deals, can’t remember what. Let’s say I’ve stuck my nose somewhere where I shouldn’t.”
“Crushing is reserved for special occassions.”
He replied as he moved most of his arm’s wieght off the smaller infobroker, continuing his response.
“Pssh, vacation? I’d be off somewhere with Somnam if that was the case. Just got the night off is all.”
Mused amusedly the big hunter over the question of the smaller jet. However, as he continued listening to Sky, he leaned closer. Someone sure mingled with the wrong company, as his optics moved between the smaller jet and the photo albums.
“Oh you need someone to take care of them hmm? You think they are nearby? What can your lil finials pick up?”
He teased for a moment as he continued.
“I don’t know who you mingled with in the worst ways possible, and it depends on my... mood if I want to kick their aft for you. Granted that there is a pay for it.”
While he didn’t mind helping Sky out here and there if they had mutual grievances towards someone, his help always came with a catch.
A bounty hunter walks into a bar...
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bailingnotoptional · 6 years
In all honesty? These were probably Deepspace’s least favourite type of job, if only for the fact he couldn’t do anything stimulating with her servos like the occasional construction or demolition job requests, but he didn’t mind cargo runs. Cargo runs, while boring merely because you had to sit around while people ticked off every crate for transport, were wonderful when you left the atmosphere. Cargo runs, where you got to enjoy the birth and death of new stars with your own optics, could bank ever slightly to run a wing through a planetary dust belt to send it curling in your wake, or even mingle with an Orcus Galacticus pod if you moved slow enough. 
Still, with all his information pulled up on his HUD, Deepspace was being a good contractee by staying put at the Comm’s hub of the spaceport waiting for the apparent third party that would take him to the correct loading bay to start signing off cargo. 
Tap tap?
Raising an arm to look down at the impact to his leg, and Deepspace was bringing up the email again of who he should be looking for as his go-between. Well, they called his temporary boss by an abbreviation so even without photo identification he’d found his mech.
“Pro and a con to this industry. It is rather hard not to be seen” Deepspace smiled, tucking the datapad into his subspace and clapping a pair of servos together to rub.
“Right. Lead the way. Sooner we get loaded up, sooner I can get off this little mudball. Nothing against the locals, lovely people, but I am so paranoid about breaking some law when they get under my pedes.”
“The feelings mutual. There are quite a handful of small, squishy ones.”
Bail pulled up the information on his internal HUD as he oriented himself in the direction of the warehouse. Luckily it was nearby - so the chances of Deepspace crushing anyone in the process should be low. He wasn’t in the mood for legal trouble, just thinking of it made his troublemaking itch tingle.
“Follow me. It’s nearby.”
As he led the way, he took amusement in watching the locals steer clear of their way as he was followed by the big shuttle. Seems like no one wanted to end up in the flatter side of life tonight, and others were tossed aside who refused to move. He was not in the mood to deal with organics and it was showing.
As they reached the warehouse, two smaller mechs were waiting for them. Nodding knowingly in Bail’s direction, they opened the gate up for the two arrivals. For Deepspace’s luck he didn’t have to crouch to get inside - and the interiors were just as suitable for his size as well. The gates locking behind them with a click, Bail was approached by a smaller mech - along with a smaller team, ready to move that cargo.
“Well, would you look at that. We have a smaller team helping us out.”
He noted as he looked at the smaller mech.
“You know what to do, and he is our cargo delivery agent.”
Bail turned back to Deepspace as he continued.
“I am sure that the Boss let you know it’s some important cargo, so that you won’t have an issue navigating these mechs where they can put it and whatnot.”
Escort work
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bailingnotoptional · 6 years
He amused himself as he tapped a claw on Brainstorm’s chassis a few times, not yet letting the scientist go.
“Oh sorry, were you just on your break before going back to work? B) That might have to wait.”
He teased as he kept his optic out for a reaction.
“Wait? Wait for what?” Squirming a little bit more. “Whaddya got planned now?”
Laughing as Brainstorm started to squirm in his hold, he let go of the smaller scientist, bemused he’d be all squirmy just by teasing him.
“Oh I was just pulling your leg there, I had nothing planned.”
☀ [from bailingnotoptional]
☀ – A hug from behind
[a yelp when a large weight presses behind him, wraps around him, squeezes just a bit too tight]
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bailingnotoptional · 6 years
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Long time no art huh
Drew this as warmup and then added the shading after I got some other sketch done last night
Humanverse!Bailtrack rocks those pink highlights and I am so angry over how handsome he is.
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bailingnotoptional · 6 years
“Missed me Stormie? B)”
Asked the bigger jet as he only have loosened that hug just a tiny bit.
“Nn. How could I miss you, you’re too big to miss.” He joked, trying to squirm his way out.
He amused himself as he tapped a claw on Brainstorm’s chassis a few times, not yet letting the scientist go.
“Oh sorry, were you just on your break before going back to work? B) That might have to wait.”
He teased as he kept his optic out for a reaction.
☀ [from bailingnotoptional]
☀ – A hug from behind
[a yelp when a large weight presses behind him, wraps around him, squeezes just a bit too tight]
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bailingnotoptional · 6 years
“Missed me Stormie? B)”
Asked the bigger jet as he only have loosened that hug just a tiny bit.
☀ [from bailingnotoptional]
☀ – A hug from behind
[a yelp when a large weight presses behind him, wraps around him, squeezes just a bit too tight]
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bailingnotoptional · 6 years
rp pet peeve ; when writing with a villain, one continues to poke the bear but once said villain retaliates, others grow upset or perturbed.
always remember ; if you choose poke the bear, you will get bitten. 
VILLAINS are not punching bags, they are opposition that pose a TRUE & REAL THREAT. antagonize one & you incur the wrath. do not smite the writer for their chosen direction as they are simply reacting as their muse commands. ( & believe me, if you’re writing a villain, the muse is in control ). villains are not teddy bears. villains are complex, multi-faceted. perhaps they react in one way to one & differently to another. bonds are formed different. villains can sometimes be unhinged mentally where reasoning is skewed or twisted. they are not to be underwritten as little puppies with attitude issues. they are rabid dogs most tend to shy away from. they don’t need a little love or a sprinkle of fairy dust to feel better, to be good. some villains don’t want to be redeemed. some villains don’t want emotional connection. many are selfish & if an emotional connection is sought after the villain will usually ( ALWAYS ) put themselves first. always talk to the mun, get a feel for the muse, get to know the limits - what lines to cross, what lines to avoid like the plague. 
(( Please, for the love of heck. Some villains are more like rattlesnakes; you’ll get a warning, maybe a lot of warnings. Even a more conscientious person with a slow fuse will stop playing nice if you insist on stepping on them. ))
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bailingnotoptional · 6 years
Send in Kinks and My muse will rate them:
Definitely Not | No | Not Really | Its Okay | Kinda | Yes | Fuck yes | There go my pants |
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bailingnotoptional · 6 years
Escort work
[ A few thousand years ago... ]
:: Hey Bailtrack! I need you to run a slightly different task for me. I need you to assist another mech as they are my current delivery agent. This is an important delivery too, so I need it to arrive safely and intact. I need you to guard them. ::
Bailtrack huffed abit as he listened back to the encrypted comm message Slickade left for him. As much as he enjoyed indulging his... current boss, he wasn’t a body guard, nor did he ever want to be one.
:: His name is Deepspace. Here is an attached image of his looks. He is a big bot, so I doubt you will miss him. ::
Big bot huh? Great. The question was his actual size.
:: I need you to meet with him at the Spaceport of Vallius-XI and deliver the cargo to another planet within the same star system. I have attached the coordinates for you. ::
Bail pulled up his mapchart as he located the star system and the planet. Vallius-XI... Neutral territority. No need to hassle with Autobots or Decepticons. Cybertronians aren’t blacklisted from there either. Sweet, he wouldn’t have to waste his ammo on fanatic organics trying to get on his back.
:: And don’t worry, you will be paid well for this round. ::
Just as he finished listening to the comm message, his ship was put on autopilot. It was time to meet Deepspace.
As he parked his ship by the spaceport and cloaked it, he headed out to meet his contact, who was...
right there by the Communication Hub of the Spaceport.
 Primus, he was massive and twice his own height.
Shaking his helm, he finally headed over to Deepspace, knocking on his thigh lightly.
“Guess Slick was right that you’d be one hard-to-miss mech.”
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bailingnotoptional · 6 years
Through the convulsions and the burning pain, Redstrike strains to turn his helm and glare back at whoever had dared to put their pede on him, acting like he was some kind of prized animal they triumphantly caught. And in a way, he supposed he was, and absolutely hated the fact. He should have been more aware of his surroundings; He shouldn’t have gotten so cozy and relaxed with his life. But he had, and now he laid on the ground like some damned idiot, snarling at his captor as they proudly mocked him.
What he’d give to pummel in that stupid, glitched face…
“F̶͞͏rag̨͡.͏̷.̶.̕ ̢y͟͏où̴̷.͏” He just barely hisses out, his digits curling at an agonizingly slow pace. The intention was to ball up his hands and make a pair of fists, but with how slow his frame was responding it’d be a while before he’d even come close to finishing the threat.
“Plenty of mechs would love me to do that, don’t worry~”
He replied smugly as he finally took his pede off the red jet. It was time to sedate his little prize. The area was clear, and he didn’t drop anything, so there was nothing to be cleaned up prior that.
Turning around Redstrike, Bail pulled a sedative from his subspace to administer it through his neck. Leaning down and lifting the jet’s helm. With a little click and a pricking feeling, it was all done faily quick.
Watching the dazed mech pass out, the immobilizing net got untangled from him. Placing his external cloaking device on him, it was time to become invisible once more - unsuspecting of the neighbourhood what just went down. As quickly as Bail have arrived and caught his target, he was gone just as quickly as he headed back to the ship. 
Putting his prize into one of the secured cages, he was ready to take off to deliver him.
Hunting Season
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bailingnotoptional · 6 years
Reblog this if you’re a Transformers RP Account
Looking for more people to RP with!
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bailingnotoptional · 6 years
Send in Kinks and My muse will rate them.
Definitely Not | No | Not Really | Its Okay | Kinda | Yes | Fuck yes | There go my pants | Bonus: Giving | Receiving | Both
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bailingnotoptional · 6 years
Oh you know lil fry… There is a version of Jenga some big bots would gleefully play by turning others into the Jenga pieces.
Do you mean Twister? I absolutely don’t understand what you mean
No. That’s something entirely different. B/
-furrowing his optic ridges, he crouched down next to the smaller jet-
It would be a shame to learn that some big bot decided to cube you and turn you into a Jenga piece is what I was talking about.
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