#sebklaine fanfiction
bitbybitwrites · 5 months
Hey! Not to be boring and of course if you don't want to answer you have every right not to, BUT, I'd love to know if there's any news on the sebklaine fic you had mentioned a few weeks ago that I was so curious about! 🤭
Hi! I have started writing a bit for this one.
I've got a rough outline banged out and feel it's going to be more than a short PWP.
Tentatively titled : Let You Put Your Hands On Me
I've written only about 1,200 words so far - just Kurt and Blaine meeting for the first time to discuss about becoming possible roommates - with Sebastian currently running late to the meeting. He's about to make his appearance soon.
I think that's all the news about it at the moment. 😊
Here's a little bit for you:
Blaine laughed.  It was warm and rich and, Kurt had to admit it melted his insides just a wee bit.  “I’ll let you in on a secret, “ he said, hazel eyes shining.  “I actually bake when I get anxious or stressed.” “Oh god, me too," Kurt giggled.  “If this works out we are all going to have to watch our waistlines.” Blaine took an appraising look at Kurt who smoothed down his waistcoat nervously.  “I hope this isn’t rude, but you look fantastic.  I don’t think you have a thing at all to worry about.” It was Kurt’s turn to blush.  “Flattery will get you everywhere,” he murmured to Blaine.  
Thanks for the ask, @fallevs!🥰
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backslashdelta · 2 months
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The wonderful @esilher created this beautiful art for me and asked if I would be willing to write something to go with it - and how could I say no?
It's been a long day.
Sebastian knew this wouldn't be easy. He knows becoming a lawyer is hard, and this is just the beginning, it's a very demanding career and especially so if you want to be good at it, which he does.
And usually, he doesn't mind. He enjoys the classes, the work, enjoys the challenge of it. But occasionally, on days like today, it's just this side of overwhelming and he needs to just – forget about it. He needs to forget about school, forget about the essay he has to write and the five books he has to read and the presentation he has to prepare and the group project he needs to schedule a meeting for and –
He needs to just forget, for a little while.
He needs something to ground him in a simpler reality.
He walks through the door of the apartment he shares with Kurt and Blaine – his boyfriends, it's still a bit surreal when he says it out loud – with heavy, tired steps. He tosses his bag onto the kitchen table and it slides, nearly off the edge but it hangs on just barely, and it's weirdly representative of his own emotional state right now, he thinks. He shrugs off his coat and lets it fall over the back of a chair as he toes off his shoes, leaving them in the middle of the floor because he can't be bothered to put them away right now. Kurt will probably do it later, and then scold him for it, but he can't quite bring himself to care at the moment.
Continue reading To Be Home on AO3 or FF.net
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daisyishedwig · 18 days
What if I just make a series called "good idea, bad execution" and it's me just rewriting all the subpar media I watch/read as Glee fanfiction and fixing the issues I had with it in the process.
Currently working on a Kurtbastian reimagine of the anime Love Stage, a Seblaine reimagining of the manga Possessed by a Ghost, and a bullet point mock up of a Sebklaine reimagining of The Prince's Dearest Guards.
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calsvoid · 1 year
Tag someone you want to get to know better.
i was tagged by @daisyishedwig. thanks :)
favorite color: pink, if it’s not obvious. i switched to blue for a moment because of my not like other girls phase, but it’s pink and it has always been pink
last song: best day of my life the glee cover because i listen to glee playlists during the day
last movie: the half of it, which i was rewatching, but i didn’t finish it. it’s a very good movie, my favorite actually
currently watching: gilmore girls, but i am so so slow at watching shows and stuff because i spend all my time on ao3
other stuff I watched this year: none of this is finished because like i said, horrendous at watching things. eight (?) episodes of glee, one and a half episodes of season 8 flash, two episodes of shameless, the like first 15 minutes of dear evan hansen, that one be more chill bootleg that cuts out video when the squip shows up and i didn’t watch beyond that, more that i probably do not remember
shows I dropped this year/didn't finish: see the above
currently reading: nothing because i’m so bad at reading real books, but hopefully The Society for Soulless Girls by Laura Steven because i am super interested by it. i also am dipping my toes into teen wolf fanfiction because i got curious. i’m keeping up with how bright you burn by lusthurts and also generally rereading my downloaded seblaine fics
currently listening to: my current glee playlist is a blaine song playlist (as opposed to the regular giant seasons 1-6 playlist)
currently working on: technically, i have three wips (all seblaine, but one might have another sebklaine version written once i’m done with the original) but my mental health has been really bad, so i haven’t been working on any of them
current obsession: seblaine truly they are on my mind all the fucking time, they occupy the majority of my thoughts. the occasional stranger things and faberry thought pop up in my head too
Tagging (no pressure ofc): @seblaineaddict @imogenlefay @aelora + people who are interested
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Hi.. could you recommend something that have Kurt, Blaine and Sebastian love traingle? It's ok even if its not Klaine happy ending. I like crying lol 😅 thanks ❤
Hey @whitelies-love,
I suggest you browse the Sebklaine section of sebklaine.net, and the Sebklaine and Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel/Sebastian Smythe tags on AO3.
Below is a list of my favourite Sebklaine fics. Enjoy!
Making Ends Meet by SkewedReality 
The summer after Blaine graduates, Kurt’s excited about finally having Blaine move to NYC with him, but after Rachel moves out and sticks them both with the rent, they end up finding the solution to their money problem in the most unlikely of places: Sebastian Smythe.
Our Other Half by @khal_blaine
In a society where poly relationships aren't uncommon, Sebastian and Kurt, two dominants who have been dating for a number of years, are both lacking the submissive energy they need to properly balance their dynamic. When they stumble upon a talented, humble piano player named Blaine, however, everything begins to change. - GKM fill
Pull the Blindfold Down by @sparrow30
Filled for a GKM Prompt: Sebastian was in a D/s relationship in his old town, but he feels that he’s “moved on” from needing to be dominated. That is, until he starts to notice that Kurt subtly dominates Blaine in everyday interactions. One day Sebastian messes up at Dalton and really needs a Dom. He starts spiralling, tries to fight it, but eventually gives in and phones Kurt, begging him to come over. 
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Fic rec added: Sebklaine
the psychic pirates made me do it by sparrow30 (T)
I gave sparrow30 three ridiculous prompts to put into one ficlet and it was great!
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thnxforknowingme · 3 years
Okay, I forget, how do you feel about sebklaine? (I might have already given you an ask about these guys, I'm so sorry if that's the case 😂😂)
you didn't send me anything else about this! don't worry haha
my two greatest passions in life are klaine and kurtbastian but I don't...ship seblaine...so that kind of precludes any real attachment to sebklaine. But I do love all three of them so much that I can't complain about having them grouped together. Basically I'm neutral - I don't seek out sebklaine content but I don't mind seeing it
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thescribblerqueen · 3 years
I’m waiting right now and so I’m just going to ramble on about some of the fanfics I haven’t discussed yet.
I have these two Sebklaine fics that I started plotting when I was just starting to explore glee a little over two-three years ago. I was starting to blind read some crossover fics because I was running out of things to read from the flash. I watched a couple performances and scenes before I finally started watching glee, which is what I started developing these fics from. Then I watched the first half of the show up until the breakup episode over 3-4 days. [Yes I know I binged glee hard, I was struggling with a lot of things at the time and it was a coping thing.] Then I waited a few months before I finished the rest at a slightly slower pace.
Anyways, the point is my feelings changed about the characters and plot a lot because I only had small snippets of impressions of them when I first thought of the fics and now they’re in limbo. Like I didn’t have strong feelings about Kurt at first and then I loved him. And I loved season 2 Blaine but as things progressed RIB kind of flanderized him and made choices for the character that I disagreed with (and a lack of proper plot and character development in general tbh) and haven’t been able to write a characterization that I feel fits.
Actual fic plot discussion below:
So the first idea that I came up with was a soulmate au that played on the reason for Sebastian’s heavy pursuit of Blaine even though he was in a relationship. If you guys don’t already know most of my glee fics are crossovers with flash and this is where my idea comes in.
Sebastian is Barry Allen aka the flash and attends Dalton under a different identity. He has Blaine’s name on his wrist and that’s why he’s trying so hard in pursuing him because he’s trying to carefully tell him his real name. However, in this soulmate universe the inner workings of soulmates aren’t set in stone or perfect. Who your soulmate is can change based on events in your life and you might not always match up or you might not have one at all, can lose one, gain one, etc. for a variety of unknown reasons.
So eventually Barry finds out that Blaine doesn’t have his name and actually has Kurt’s. He gives up and then after regionals he also gets Kurt’s name. Neither of them have his name so he just decides to move on with his life without saying anything.
Then one day, Barry’s name appears on their wrists and they’re trying to figure out where this new soulmate is and find them while Barry is hiding it from them.
Second fic, I really want to do this as an omegaverse fic because unplanned pregnancy drama is basically the inspiration for over half the plot. I know a lot of people don’t like those things and I completely understand because I’ve been involved with the fanfiction community for 12+ years and it can get pretty out there and I know that I’ve learned to stick to the milder end of it. But I digress, moving on.
Anyway, I’ve rewritten this before and will probably go in for a third rewrite of the two chapters I have to readjust it but essentially, Barry is Sebastian (again) and ends up back in Lima at the same time as Kurt & Blaine. They’re both renting the same house for the summer and whoops slip into a relationship. Barry won’t admit who he really is to them and sneaks back home at the end of the summer.
Unfortunately, Barry learns he’s pregnant and basically decides he won’t tell them. That is until he gets his superpowers and goes through a coma. He misses a good nine months of his kids lives and fears about them not having a parent in the future/feels guilty for excluding Kurt & Blaine. So he tells them & they want to pursue him, all while he’s trying to be a superhero.
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klainecuresmypain · 8 years
There are barely any sebklaine fics out there, and since most of the fandom left when the show ended, the chances of new ones being written are slim to none 😭😭
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Tonight in… I was searching for smutt but I got trapped by the plot in this explicit fanfiction…
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gillian007 · 4 years
Hunting for fanfictions
Hey, anyone know any angst Sebklaine fic? or Sebastian and the New Directions friendship fics (preferably the ones where Sebastian is in trouble and the New Directions help him)??☺☺😥😥☺ 
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bitbybitwrites · 29 days
Okay, I can't decide for your WIP challenge.
So I cheat and take two: 💰and 🛋️
💰 - I Know You Wanna Take Me Home (tentative title) (Klaine Valentines Challenge 2024/Pretty Woman!AU)
(Klaine) I Know You Wanna Take Me Home (tentative title) (Klaine Valentines Challenge 2024/Pretty Woman!AU) Well established business man, Kurt Hummel never thought he could find anyone of substance among the escorts at Dalton House. But after being convinced to visit the upscale club by his friend, Kurt's mind is quickly changed once he sets his eyes on a beautiful boy in a gilded cage who was up for auction that night.
Kurt frowned as he witnessed the change in Blaine’s demeanor.  This wasn’t right. Kurt moved slightly away from the stage as he felt others behind him press in, overhearing muttered comments about “viewing the merchandise”.  It made him feel ill.
🛋 - Let you put your hands on me - (Sebklaine College threesome!AU)
(Sebklaine) Let you put your hands on me (College threesome) - heavily influenced by "one of those movies" - wink, wink . . - Kurt's frustrated ( in more ways than one) and his good friends Blaine and Sebastian find a way to help him out.
Sebastian turned back to Kurt, all manner of joking gone from his face.  “Hey, you don’t have to worry about me.  I’ve got nothing against gay men.” He turned to Blaine with a twinkle in his eye. “You could even say I’m very much into them.”
Thanks for the ask, @annepi-blog 💖
Make Me Work on my WIPs ask game - To play click here
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backslashdelta · 3 years
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And Why Is That? by @20xbetterthanu​ [read on AO3]
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daisyishedwig · 11 months
🌝👨‍👧‍👧💭 for the fanfic asks please
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to? Oh this is tough because since I've been writing Glee for so long, I've probably written almost every character at least once. The best I can come up with is that I want to write more Hunter, I just never know what to do with him so I don't, which is why he appeared so little in A Place To Call Home. And I've also only written Elliot a couple of times, but I'm not that fond of the way I've written him in the past and would love to write him more so I can get better at it. I have a Starklaine fic I've wanted to write for forever, but since I don't feel like I'm great at writing Elliot, I've been thinking about making it a Sebklaine fic instead even though Sebastian isn't /quite/ the right fit for the story I want to tell.
👨‍👧‍👧 Do you tell people in real life that you write fic? I do, I'm decently open about it. Not to like random strangers, but especially if I find out someone else reads or writes fics I definitely tell them. One of my coworkers clocked me the other day, because I keep a notebook with me at my register so I can write or brainstorm when it's slow. She asked if I was journaling and I said no, just writing stories and she immediately asked, are you writing fanfiction? I was both impressed with how quickly she guessed it and slightly terrified that she apparently clocked me as a fanfic writer that easily. Especially because I have no idea of she reads fic?
💭 What is a headcanon you have about your own work? The closest I think I have to a headcanon about my own stuff is the idea that Sebastian and Kurt's squabbling is all a game to them. Like I love writing Seblaine with Kurt being a close friend or maybe even an ex of Blaine's and Sebastian and Kurt just constantly going at it with each other, but it's not actually mean-spirited, they just really enjoy trying to outwit each other.
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xonceinadream · 4 years
it’s been a month since seblaine week and i still haven’t responded to comments or read fics. i am the worst haha.
Seriously, I am going to do that, though. Work has been kicking my ass. We normally run with a team of 20 and we’ve been running with a team of 4 with maybe half the business of pre-quarantine. It’s been awful. But seriously, I’m going to catch up on shit.
And also finish editing my old fics and post new ones. I have at least a dozen finished one-shots that I’ve been too lazy to post (I’m not exaggerating when I say a dozen) and also a ton that I’m just a scene or two from finishing. Plus, all my fanfiction is being polished and sometimes entirely re-written. Plus content added. Like my amnesia Sebklaine fic is nearly doubling in length during rewrites.
Anyway, I’m not dead. That’s all I wanted to say.
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Hi! Do you know of any Sebklaine with bottom Sebastian?
That's not a trope I read, anon. Readers, if you can suggest any fics, please send them to our inbox. Thank you. ~Lynne
ETA:  @backslashdelta has a couple of suggestions for you. 
Two Subs Walk Into a Doctor’s Office by  CustardBattle
And have a great time. Kurt, Blaine, and Sebastian have been on a quest to fulfil their fantasies lately, this is their most recent exploit.
Try Again by My_Friends_Cant_Find_This
"Well for the next 12 hours you boys are going to be in bed, cocks in the cages, hands tied together and that dildo secured into both of you. Consider this a lesson in team work, to make the next 12 hours comfortable your both going to have to work together.”
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