#sebastian stan teen reader request
positivelyholland · 3 months
Hi! I was wondering if you could write something with Sebastian Stan x Daughter!Reader where Sebastian brings her to work with him
Magic of Movies
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x teen!daughter!reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: i suck at summaries but its just exactly what the request says lol
The bright Los Angeles sun is already high in the sky when your dad drives through the studio gates. The bustling world of a movie set awaits you, and you can’t help but feel a flutter of excitement mixed with a hint of nervousness.
As you pull up to the lot, you notice a mix of trailers, equipment trucks, and crew members moving purposefully around. The air buzzes with energy and anticipation. Sebastian parks the car and turns to you, a warm smile on his face.
“You ready for this, kiddo?” he asks, his blue eyes twinkling with excitement.
You nod eagerly. “Definitely. This is so cool, Dad!”
He laughs and ruffles your hair. “I’m glad you think so. Just remember, it can get a bit chaotic, but it’s all part of the magic.”
You step out of the car and follow him, taking in everything around you. The set is like a miniature city, with people rushing to and fro, each person focused on their specific task. You see camera crews setting up equipment, costume designers fussing over outfits, and actors going over their lines. It’s a whirlwind of activity, and you’re fascinated by every detail.
Sebastian leads you through the maze of trailers and set pieces, greeting various crew members along the way. Everyone seems to know him, and it’s clear he’s well-liked. You feel a surge of pride knowing your dad is such an integral part of this world.
As you walk, he points out different aspects of the set, explaining their purpose. “That’s the director’s tent,” he says, gesturing to a large structure with monitors and equipment. “They’ll be watching everything from there, making sure the shots look good.”
You nod, trying to absorb as much information as possible.
As you reach a large soundstage, Sebastian leads you inside. The transition from the bright sunlight to the dimly lit interior is jarring, but your eyes quickly adjust. The space is filled with elaborate sets that transport you into another world. You can hardly believe this is where the magic happens.
“Wow,” you whisper, looking around in awe. “This is amazing.”
Sebastian grins, clearly enjoying your reaction. “I knew you’d like it. Come on, I’ll introduce you to some people.”
“Hey, everyone,” Sebastian calls out, drawing their attention. “This is my daughter, Y/N. She’s visiting the set today.”
The actors turn to you, their expressions friendly and welcoming. You feel a little shy under their scrutiny, but you manage a smile and a wave.
“Nice to meet you, Y/N,” one of them says, extending a hand. “I’m Jack. Your dad’s told us a lot about you.”
You shake his hand, feeling a bit more at ease. “Nice to meet you too. It’s so cool to see everything up close.”
The others introduce themselves, and you find yourself relaxing more and more. They treat you like one of their own, making jokes and sharing stories about working with your dad. You can’t help but feel like you’re part of this big, extended family.
After a while, Sebastian takes you over to the director, a woman with a kind smile and an intense focus. She’s surrounded by monitors, watching the latest takes with a critical eye.
“Hey, Sarah,” Sebastian says, tapping her on the shoulder. “I want you to meet my daughter, Y/N."
Sarah turns and smiles warmly at you. “Nice to meet you, Y/N. Your dad’s a great guy, and an amazing actor. We’re lucky to have him.”
You blush, feeling proud. “Thanks. It’s really cool to see everything you do here. I’ve always wondered what it’s like behind the scenes.”
Sarah nods, her expression thoughtful. “It’s a lot of hard work, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. There’s nothing quite like seeing a story come to life.”
You spend the next few hours exploring the set with your dad, meeting more people and learning about their roles. You even get to watch a few scenes being filmed, and you’re amazed by how much effort goes into each shot. Every detail, from the lighting to the sound, is meticulously crafted to create the perfect scene.
At one point, you find yourself alone with your dad, sitting in a quiet corner of the set. He looks at you with a smile, a mixture of pride and affection in his eyes.
“So, what do you think?” he asks, leaning back in his chair.
“I think it’s incredible,” you reply, your eyes wide with excitement. “I had no idea how much work goes into making a movie. It’s like a whole different world.”
Sebastian nods, his expression thoughtful. “It is. And it’s a world I’m really passionate about. I’m glad you got to see it firsthand.”
You smile, feeling a surge of warmth and connection with your dad. “Me too. Thanks for bringing me here, Dad. It means a lot.”
He reaches out and squeezes your hand. “Of course, kiddo. I’m glad you’re here. And who knows? Maybe one day you’ll be part of this world too.”
You feel a spark of excitement at the thought. “Maybe. I think I’d like that.”
The day continues, and you find yourself immersed in the magic of filmmaking. You watch as your dad transforms into his character. You see the work between the cast and crew, the way they support each other and work together to create something amazing.
As the day comes to an end, you find yourself feeling a little sad to leave. You’ve fallen in love with the world of movies, and you’re already looking forward to your next visit.
On the drive home, you and your dad talk about the day’s events, sharing your favorite moments and memories. You feel a deep sense of gratitude for the opportunity to see your dad in his element, and for the chance to be part of something so special.
“Dad,” you say quietly, looking over at him. “I had an amazing time today. Thank you for bringing me.”
Sebastian smiles, his eyes filled with pride and love. “I’m glad you enjoyed it, Y/N/N. You’re always welcome on set. And who knows? Maybe you’ll be the one behind the camera one day.”
You smile, feeling a spark of excitement at the thought. “Maybe. I think I’d like that.”
As you pull into the driveway, you feel a sense of contentment and joy. Today was a day you’ll never forget, a day that brought you closer to your dad and opened your eyes to a world of possibilities.
You know that whatever path you choose, you’ll have the love and support of your dad, and that’s all you need to face whatever comes your way.
As you head inside, you can’t help but smile. You know for a fact that with your dad by your side, you’re ready for anything.
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mxssingmemories · 1 year
Hi! Can i have a request with Sebastian Stan and his pre-teen daughter where they have a dad-daughter date but it's ruined by the paparazzis? Thank you!💗
(sorry for my bad English )
Paparazzi Sucks
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x pre-teen daughter! reader
Summary: On a father-daughter date, paparazzi do their best to ruin it. Sebastian doesn't let it get to you too much, though; lots of fluff <3
Warnings: mentions of nausea, paps being assholes, anxiety maybe?
Word Count: 630 ish!
A/N: i'm coming back out of the shadows! hope everyone's doing well :) also, your english is perfect, lovely!!
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GIF by justarandomgirly
It was pretty easy to forget your dad was famous. Everyone else knew him as Sebastian Stan, but you were almost a teenager-you just knew him as your dad. He was the man you'd looked up to your whole life, and who was always there for you no matter what happened. You loved spending time with him more than anything, so when he offered to go to your favorite restaurant for a daddy-daughter date, you were very excited.
"Where are we going, dad?" you whined, tugging on your dad's shirt as you walked to the door. Sebastian laughed as you attempted to drag him to the car door, excitement in your eyes.
"You'll find out soon, love." he smiled, buckling your seatbelt for you.
You squealed when you two finally arrived at the restaurant-it was your favorite. They served so many different meals, but you loved the ice cream bar the most.
"I'll have...whichever special pasta that's on the menu, please!" Sebastian ordered, he & the waitress both looking over to you.
"And for you, little miss?"
"I'll have some chicken nuggets, please!" The waitress nodded and left you two alone after confirmation from your dad that it was okay.
"How was your day, lovie?"
"It was okay. This guy won't stop bothering me though, he keeps looking at me from across the room! It's so annoying." you sighed, looking down at your drink.
"I will fight him." Seb deadpans loudly enough to where a few people look up from their conversations, sending both of you into a laughing fit. A minute later, the waitress arrived with your order. You had to admit, those chicken nuggets looked amazing. Exchanging pleasantries & a quick thank you with the waiter, you both dug in.
The food was so good you ended up devouring it in ten minutes, much to your dad's complaint. He said it would make you nauseous, but you disagreed (you later found out he was very much correct.) After a visit to the ice cream bar, you walked outside. You were met with flashing cameras and loud voices, microphones being shoved in your face. It was instantly overwhelming for you-you hadn't been exposed enough to learn how to deal with that in the moment. The reporters pissed Sebastian off to no end, but he was fed up when they started trying to grab you.
"The fuck, man? That's my kid! Get the hell off of her," he snapped, shoving them off of you. You'd gathered tears in your eyes by this point, trying to focus on something else besides the scene in front of you.
All your dad could do was try to shield you from the cameras, trying his best not to think about the pictures that will show up on all sorts of magazines tomorrow.
When you got back to the car, the ride home was silent. You dad's hand was covering yours, as you stared blankly out of the window. The minute the car stopped, you ran into the house. Sebastian followed quickly after you, sitting on the couch just in time to catch you as you threw yourself on top of him. You cried for a solid twenty minutes as your dad's hand stroked through your hair, comforting you the best way he knew how for an entirely new situation.
When you'd calmed down, he shifted to where he was holding you in his chest. He put on your favorite movie, and you let yourself be distracted by all the colors on the screen. Kissing your forehead, he smiled as he saw all the negative tension disappear from your body. He was content with you in his arms, and you were grateful to have a dad like him.
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bergarasunsolved · 1 year
Making Magic
Summary: Y/N is an equestrian, and has been for years. Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan are her mentors and father figures. It's Y/N's first show, what could go wrong? Or in her case, what could go right?
Pairings: Sebastian Stan x teen!reader, Chris Evans x teen!reader, Anthony Mackie x teen!reader, RDJ x teen!reader, Scarlett Johansson x teen!reader, Tom Holland x teen!reader, Mark Ruffalo x teen!reader
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety, anxious thoughts, some hurt/comfort, parental issues, and tooth-rotting fluff
Word Count: Around 3.6k !
A/N: this was requested by @ladki-ki-kathi <3 kind of love this! part 2 is in the works :)
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The funny thing about horse show days is that no matter how stressful they are, anyone in the "show business" would rush to defend them the second someone starts to talk negatively. It's not that they're wrong, though; horse shows can be some of the most exciting and rewarding experiences in the equestrian world. Y/N knew this personally, being an equestrian for most of her life. Having been riding all her life, she's been to countless shows. Normally for her, days like these were not at all stressful, but today was different. It was Y/N's first show, and she was petrified.
After waking up at the crack of dawn to get the trailer ready, she finally made her way over to the stable where she took the route to Mac's stall by memory. Mac somehow seemed to know that today was a big day for them, and the minute Y/N stepped in the stall, he came over and nuzzled her. With a smile on her face, she sat down and cuddled him for a minute. Knowing the coming chaos of the day, a little more time spent bonding and trying her best to relax couldn't do any harm.
Much to Mac's dismay, she stood up five minutes later, taking a deep breath as she put his halter on. Y/N knew they had a little time to spare, so instead of leading him straight to the trailer, she led him to a tack stall. Grabbing her grooming bag, she took out her curry comb and began to brush gentle circles to rid Mac of the dirt that he somehow managed to accumulate the prior night. Y/N fell into a daze as she followed the familiar routine. She had always found it easy to let herself get lost in horses. Her relationship with her parents wasn't the best, but fortunately her father was an actor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This meant she had connections to almost everyone who'd ever acted in a Marvel movie. Even though her dad was absent, she was pretty thankful that she at least has this- it gave her someone to be able to look up to.Except it wasn't just someone. The whole cast, when they found out about her situation, had made it their mission to be there for her as much as they possibly could. This meant 75% of her time was spent with at least one member of the cast. It was a little overwhelming at first, but she'd grown to love it-they were genuinely the most caring people she'd ever met. She was close with all of them, but especially Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans. They took on the role of mentors and father figures in perfect stride, and Y/N couldn't be more appreciative of how easily they took on the roles.
If Y/N was honest, the only reason she was where she was right now was those two. When they found out about your pure passion for horses and realized she didn't have the resources to do it how they wanted her to be able to, the first thing Chris did was research. A lot of research. After about a week, he and Sebastian approached her asking if they could help you out. At first, Y/N said no, but they just kept asking and asking. She finally gave in, albeit reluctantly, and found out they managed to buy an old barn for her. She was absolutely flabbergasted, and kind of angry they didn't ask her first, but that settled down when she saw the place.
Seb and Chris had insisted it wasn't a big deal, and logically Y/N knew it wasn't. They had so much money they didn't even know what to do with it, and it made sense to them to buy it for her. After all, they'd both come to see Y/N as a daughter figure to them, and they loved her so much. When they saw the barn online, they were instantly charmed and knew she would be too. So they did the logical (okay, maybe not logical) thing, and bought it.
As soon as they pulled up to the place, Y/N instantly fell in love with it. It was a bit old, but it was obvious that the place could be great with a little work put into it. It was slightly tucked away in a quiet area with trees surrounding the property, which just made it more charming in her opinion. The paint was faded, and the barn itself had 5 stalls. The pasture was huge, and Y/N was so excited to see what she could do with the place.
It took the three of them (with lots of help from the whole cast) about a year to get it fixed up, but when it was done, it was the most gorgeous barn Y/N had ever seen. It had an aura that was comforting about it, and she took solace in that every chance she got. When she got Mac, her days were no longer spent making repairs on the barn, but taking care of her new horse. Mac's a gorgeous Palomino Thoroughbred, and he's about 15.4 hands. He does showjumping best in Y/N's opinion, but he's pretty awesome at dressage and eventing.
A tap on Y/N's shoulder brings her out of her thoughts, and she turns around to find Chris with a soft smile on his face.
"Hey, kiddo, how ya feelin'?" he asks kindly, looking Mac up and down as if to make sure he's still there.
"I'm alright, just lost in thought. Where's Seb?" she questions, as he's normally attached her & Chris' hip.
"He's hanging out in the truck. He's very excited to make our first pre-show Starbucks run!" Chris says with a teasing smile on his face.
Y/N rolls her eyes, having expected that. It's a well-known fact Seb's a sucker for Starbucks-he doesn't hide it very well. Knowing all of Mac's tack is in the trailer already, she puts the lead rope back on his halter and leads him to the trailer with Chris following close behind, a smile on his face the whole time.
Luckily for Y/N, Mac goes in easily. After securing the knot on his halter, she closes the doors and walks around to the front door of the truck. Climbing in between Chris and Sebastian, she grabs her seatbelt and fastens it.
"Ready for Starbucks, Y/N?" Sebastian's eyes lit up with anticipation, and he flashed a grin that revealed his teeth. He leaned in, and the corners of his mouth twitched as he asked for your answer. You returned the smile, nodding your head as fast as humanly possible.
30 minutes and a coffee run later, the trio was finally headed to the showgrounds. Y/N stole the aux as usual, playing her favorite music(to the annoyance of Chris and Sebastian of course.) The sun had just started to come up, making one of the most beautiful sunrises Y/N had ever seen in her life. The ride there was peaceful, a stark contrast to the events that were to come. The second they parked, the mood shifted from peaceful to anxious. Y/N instantly got out of the truck (climbing over poor Chris in the process) and got Mac out, walking him around and the other two prepared what they could for her.
Seb walks over to Y/N first, noticing her anxious manner as she walks Mac around the parking area.
"Hey, you okay darlin'? I know you're nervous, but pacing with Mac isn't going to help. What do you need me to do?" he questions, concern evident on his face.
"I honestly don't know. I need to go lunge him, but I'm so stressed I feel like I'll trip over my own feet. I'm so scared." she admitted in a soft tone, Sebastian's heart clenching at her words.
"Okay, how about this. I can come in the ring with you to lunge Mac,or I can go grab Chris if you want. Remember how you taught us all that stuff about horses? We've gotcha, kiddo. Let us help."
Y/N wasn't expecting tears to form in her eyes at his words, so instead of showing her face, she barreled into him for a hug while holding Mac's lead rope at her side. Seb's arms came around her, and she took a second to breathe before she pulled away.
"Okay. Can you come in with me after you go let Chris know where we'll be? I know he'll want to come watch, even though I'm not even on the horse." she smiled, and Sebastian nodded and headed off. Y/N got his lunge rope on his halter and led him into the ring, making sure they were alone so she could safely lunge him.
A few minutes after she gets him into a working trot, she sees Chris smiling from the edge of the arena, and Seb heading towards her. He cocks his head as if to ask if she needs any help, but Y/N just offers a reassuring grin and looks back at Mac. When she finally gets him into a working canter and warmed up, she pulls Chris over.
"Could you just go set up some jumps? I'm gonna lunge him over some smaller verticals.Maybe 2'3?" Y/N asks.
"Absolutely, I'll set a line up. Want me to get Sebastian to hold him while you go get changed? I know it's a little early for that, but it's kind of cold. I don't want you getting sick."
Y/N nods as she heads towards the truck, gathering her clothes in her arms as she heads into the back of the trailer to change. She decided on a long-sleeve white riding top, and a pair of her favorite sweatpants. She wanted to put off actually changing into her real riding clothes until she tacked him up.
Y/N gets back into the arena to see an absolutely adorable scene. Sebastian is holding Mac while snuggling his neck, and Chris is sitting on a jump trying to measure it. She grabs her phone out of her pocket and snaps a quick picture, heading over to help Chris out and take Mac from Seb. Bringing him to a canter, she lines him up with the line and he jumps it flawlessly. She can't help a smile from forming on her face as she lunges him over it again, confident she can raise the vertical again.
Y/N made the decision to show in the 3 foot jumpers as well as the 2'8, so she had Chris set up two verticals and an oxer. The oxer was 3'2, just in case, and the verticals were 3 feet. She spent about half an hour lunging him until she was satisfied, Chris and Sebastian watching the whole time in awe.
"Ready to tack up?" Chris asked as she walked over. She nodded and together they all headed up to the barn area, Seb checking them in while they found Mac's stall. The barn itself was deserted-it was around 9 A.M. and the show started at 11. Putting Mac in his stall, she ran to the truck and grabbed her tack box.
She'd decided on a wintergreen saddlepad, a choice much approved by Chris. Y/N hooked mac onto the crossties and began to brush him again, getting the dirt off as much as she could before she started to warm up. Putting the saddlepad on, she adjusted it a little bit and threw the saddle & girth on. A minute later the bridle was put on. Y/N lets Seb hold Mac as she ran to the barn bathroom to change again. She changed out of her sweats to her "show-worthy" breeches, and zipped her boots on. Grabbing her helmet, she walked out and met Chris and Seb by the warm-up arena. After adjusting her stirrups, Chris gave her a leg up and she situated herself.
Thankfully the arena was empty, so she sent the boys off to set up the same jumps she lunged Mac over earlier. Taking a deep breath, she came into a posting trot, doing a few laps around the arena before picking up a canter. Finding her distance, Y/N lined herself up with the jumps and sped Mac up a little bit. She soared over the first one, and had a little bit of a wonky distance for the second one. The adrenaline started kicking in as she went over the last two easily, giving Mac a little pat as she brought him down to a trot. Coming back around, she went over them again, this time trying to perfect her technique. She got lost in the sounds of Mac's hooves, allowing herself to ride the jumps almost perfectly. Going over a few more patterns and heights, Y/N finally got off and checked the time. Leading Mac back to his stall, she calculates the time in her head. She shows at 2, and it's 10:45. 3 hours to prepare. As she looks around, she slowly notices the amount of people there. Naturally for her, Y/N's brain sets off into a spiral. What if she's not good enough? What if she embarrasses herself in front of everyone? What if she falls?
Not even a minute later, Seb and Chris walk over. If Y/N didn't know any better, she'd think that they could sense her negative thoughts. They both had a feeling something was wrong with her when she started staring off into space, and that feeling was confirmed when they saw the tears in her eyes.
"Hey sweetheart. I know it seems fucking terrifying, but you know you're just as good as everyone here right? You deserve to be here, and we're so proud of you." Chris nods along as Sebastian talks, and they both pull her into a hug as she feels her anxiety start to calm down. "Now, how about we go check out your course?" He smiles, as they both take Y/N's hand and lead her to the paper. Of course she'd studied the course the nights before, but you never know. They both wanted to make sure she felt as prepared as possible, knowing how bad her nerves could get. They also knew it was amplified by the fact that it was her first show, so they were trying their hardest to help her feel comfortable.
"I wish the others could be here," she mumbled, staring at the sheet as she got lost in her thoughts again.
"I know love, but you know how Chris is. He's going to be taking a video of the whole thing." Seb smiled, turning back to Chris with an excited smile on his face.
Little did Y/N know, Anthony, Robert, Scarlett, both Toms, and Mark were going to be there to surprise you. Chris had gotten into contact with them a few days prior telling them about her first show, and managed to organize the whole thing. They were so excited.
Once Y/N was confident she had the course down, Seb and Chris set to finding as many distractions as they possibly could. They took her to the show shop, and grinned as she started in awe at all the merchandise. Her eyes kept wandering back to a grey hoodie with the show's logo on it, but she dismissed it. Chris walked off with her to the cafe, and Sebastian stayed behind to get the hoodie for her. After all, it was her first show-he wanted to indulge a little bit.
The time flew by faster than she thought it could, and soon enough, it was time for Y/N to get her number and get Mac warmed up. Chris and Seb did all that they could for her-tying the number on her belt, leading Mac to the ring, and of course feeding him a couple treats. Y/N's nerves got worse as the stands got more crowded, but the boys managed to get her distracted long enough to calm her down. As she went into the final warm-up ring, the boys ran to the gate, making sure that they could send her off when she got in line. They saw her jumping and were so excited to see her compete. Scanning the crowd, the boys saw the cast members in the front seats. They knew it would be impossible for Y/N not to see them when she came out, and got even more excited.
As soon as she got in line, they came running over. They wore the biggest smiles she'd ever seen on them, in turn making her wear an ear-splitting grin.
"Holy shit!!" Seb whisper-yelled, getting some death stares from other riders in your class. He didn't mind though-it was worth it.
"I fucking know! I'm terrified. I know the course though, and Mac is definitely ready. I'm just lucky I have the same course for my 4 o'clock class." she says, a shiver running down her spine for the poor souls who had to learn a whole now course in two hours. Chris reaches up to give Mac a pet on the neck, and Seb does the same with a smile.
"You've absolutely got this in the bag, kiddo. There are so many people out there and I'm confident you're going to beat everyone's asses." Chris says with a shit-eating grin on his face.
Y/N rolls her eyes as an involuntary smile comes across her face at Chris' words. As they move up in line, her smile only gets bigger.
"You feelin' ready?" Seb asks, for the 50th time that hour. She smiles and nods, letting the feeling of the reins in her hands and Mac's breaths
ground her.
After a few more minutes of talking, Y/N is up next. She watches the rider before her with bated breath. Said rider knocks a pole off and ends up falling, and Y/N starts freaking out again.
"Shit shit shit shit shit." she mumbles, as Chris and Sebastian stand there with their jaws clenched. They know this only made her anxiety worse; so far, no one had gotten a clear round. Chris grabs her leg and gives it a reassuring squeeze and Sebastian does the same to her hand- a reminder that they're there. The previous rider comes out of the gate looking devastated, and all three of the trio feel their hearts beat a little faster.
Y/N steps into the gate and the arena as the announcer begins her speech.
"Next up we have miss Y/N L/N! We've heard very good things about her, and cannot wait to see her ride. She's on her horse Makin' Magic, aka Mac, a gorgeous Palomino. We wish best of luck to you both! You may start your round at the buzzer."
She starts her courtesy circle, bringing Mac up into a canter around the arena. Looking out at the crowd, she sees something that makes her do a double-take; her cast is here! Her heart beats a little bit faster as the pressure she's under increases by ten, but the smiling faces of everyone, most importantly Sebastian and Chris, calm her down.
As soon as the buzzer goes off, she makes her way towards the first jump, counting her strides. She soars over it without effort, and immediately realizes she needs to speed up if she doesn't want any penalties. As she takes a deep breath, Y/N squeezes Mac with her heels. He immediately goes where she wants him, and they continue to jump rather easily. When they come to the second-to-last jump, however, Y/N starts to freak out. This is the jump two riders fell off on. Time seems to slow down as she looks for her father figure's faces in the crowd, making eye contact with them. Taking a breath, she counts her strides carefully. She eases him into the distance, keeping her eyes focused on the jump. They get there a stride too early, but Y/N puts all her faith in Mac and they manage to hop over it. She's launched out of her saddle a little bit, but what matters the most is that they got over it without knocking anything down. One jump left. Lining herself up once again, she pushes Mac to his max- getting the strides perfectly. The second they hit the ground, loud cheers break out from the crown. The most noticeable to Y/N, though, and the boys' cheers. She smiles to herself as she waves at the crowd, and can't help but full-on grin when the announcer sounds shocked.
"There you have it folks-our last rider for this class, Y/N L/N, has the first and only clear round. That was truly amazing." She says, a smile evident in her voice. Y/N trots out of the arena and straight to the cast, laughing as Chris, Anthony, and Tom Holland ran up screaming.
"Holy shit!" Chris yells.
"Holy FUCK, Y/N!!!" Anthony screams.
"Oh. My. God." Last but not least, Tom stands shell-shocked as he spits those words out.
Everyone that didn't run up screaming congratulated her, smiles on their faces. Y/N couldn't help but be excited for her next round.
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uselesssomebody · 7 months
blog rules!
this blog is a safe space for the lgbt+ community as well as p.o.c., so please never feel unwelcome. anyone against these values, please just keep scrolling. be polite in requests/interaction. i love a bit of constructive criticism, but keep it contructive. heed 18+ warning and smut/trigger warnings
writing disclaimers!
i am mostly a romance blog, i.e. i write with the intention (usually) of some romantic conclusion between the two characters. i am also a (pretty much) strictly 'x reader' blog; if you have requests for two canon characters, i will most likely not be able to help you.
writing do's!
request anything to me, guys! i will be alright if you request things with triggering content, i will be alright if you choose real niche characters, and i'll be alright if you send a real specific, super self-indulgent request. of course, some asks will be neglected (due to time or other inability to work on it), but, generally, i attempt to complete works that i am alright working with.
writing don't's!
☁ no under-18/kid readers as part of plot (highschool age for e.g. stranger things & teen wolf is fine as long as the actor is over 18 - so no s.t. kids!) ☁ i'm not qualified to write about stuff like eating disorders, self harm or other mental illness especially from a reader's perspective ☁ kinks like ddlg/age play, anal penetration, bodily fluids (besides blood and cum) ☁ I do not write real person fiction ☁ while generally POC reader requests is okay, i can't write specific races for charcaters besides desi readers (cause i'm desi myself)
who i write for! (always updating)
☁ from stranger things, i write for eddie munson, robin buckley, billy hargrove or steve harrington ☁ from marvel, i write for bucky barnes, steve rogers, natasha romanoff, jake lockley, marc spector, steven grant, layla el-faouly and miguel o'hara ☁ from harry potter, i write for cedric diggory, fred weasley, ron weasley, remus lupin, sirius black, regulus black and james potter ☁ from star wars, i write for poe dameron, or din djarin (the mandalorian) ☁ from triple frontier, i write for frankie morales and santiago garcia ☁ miscellaneous oscar isaac characters i write for include basil stitt, jonathan levy, duke leto, kane and orestes (agora) ☁ miscellaneous pedro pascal characters i write for include joel miller, javier peña, jack daniels (agent whiskey), dio morrissey ☁ miscellaneous sebastian stan characters i write for include lee bodecker, carter baizen and charles blackwood ☁ miscellaneous dylan o'brien characters i write for include thomas (maze runner), stiles stilinski, and stuart (the internship) ☁ other miscellaneous characters include felix catton (saltburn) and paul atriedes (dune) and tess servopoulos (the last of us)
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Hi! Can I have a seb stan x teen reader who is very short (I'm 5'0 XD) and he can't find her in the Avengers set??? Thanks x
I’m Not That Short! (Sebastian Stan x Teen!Fem!Reader)
A/N: Okay, I am so sorry that this is so short! That being said, I hope you enjoy this drabble! (Also, I’m 4′11) 
Actors Masterlist
Character Taglist
Warnings: none
Word Count: 485
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Sebastian made his way around the set, it was the last day for filming endgame and what was supposed to be a wedding scene but everyone seemed a bit confused. He sighed to himself as he looked around the familiar faces, “hey!” He heard a familiar voice say. He turned around and spotted Anthony making his way over to him.
“Sup, man,” Sebastian said as he gave him a side hug, “hey, you haven’t seen Y/N by chance, have you?” Anthony shook his head. 
“That kid is around here somewhere,” Anthony stated as he searched the crowd in front of them. 
“I’ve searched everywhere and I swear it’s like she just disappears!” 
Anthony chuckled, “should probably put a tracker on her, you seem to be always losing her.” 
Sebastian rolled his eyes, “I probably should, she’s so short that I can never find her.” 
“I’m not that short!” You said loudly in defense causing the two men to turn around to look at you.
“There you are!” Sebastian said with a smile.
You rolled your eyes, hearing your name being called by one of the Russos you quickly walked away not before flipping both the men off. “You think she heard us?” Anthony asked. 
“No shit,” Sebastian mumbled. 
You casually walked over to the Russos who informed you that you’ll be standing in position up front by Gwyneth. You were one of the only ones who had gotten the whole script, mostly because you didn’t have a reputation of spoiling the movies you had done for Marvel but also because of the large role you had in the movie, it was hard for them not to give you a script. 
You looked over to where Sebastian and Anthony were, they gave you a small wave and you rolled your eyes, not before laughing a bit at the conversation you overheard. The Russos told you to go ahead and mingle for a bit, that there were still some things to be done before filming. You quickly dispersed into the crowd once more. 
“I lost her again,” Sebastian mumbled. 
“Me too,” Anthony said as he squinted his eyes towards the crowd. 
“I’m seriously not that short!” You said as you popped up in front of both the men. 
Anthony laughed, “shorty,” he commented before walking away. You crossed your arms as you looked at Anthony as he walked away. 
You looked over at Sebastian, “go ahead, call me shorty.” 
He shook his head, “Nah,” wrapping his arm around your shoulder, “rather not have you kill me in my sleep because I did.” You chuckled, “I’ve been looking for you, kiddo.” 
“So, I’ve heard,” you mumbled. Sebastian then started a conversation with you, mostly asking how school was going, checking on your grades, doing what he usually did. Being a father figure and you didn’t mind it, what you minded was being called short. You hated that. 
Permanent Taglist: @otomefan @dejaazaro @culturebay @kpopishilarious @fireproof-heaven @iloveyouthreethousand-o6  @weappreciatepower @whereyoustand  @white-wolf-buckaroo @spider-woman22 @coffee-habit @supernaturallover2002 @barnes-parker @therealmrshale @myinternetissoslow @myhippiehopes @celyndavies @xzowiex @ximaginx @wooshytooshy @ellaorelizabeth @rororo06  @chloe-geoghegan1 @hdthdthdt @sophie-barnes26 @thamuddagirl @unapologeticallymimi   @glitterquadricorn @lady-of-lies  @cassmoreiraxo @just4muggles @mellorine-paprika  @agirlruinedbybands @yougottalovefandoms @avngrsinitiative @lizlil
Sebastian Stan Taglist: @acalmandquietplace @sleepylunarwolf @alicat-life @captaiinameriicasass @edgyhargreeves @noobmaster63 @kayleigh2703 @pleasantlysecretdream @tessvillegas @xiumin-girl99 @thejourneyneverendsx @buckybcrness @thewintersoldier1124 @ssebstann @booksarebae2000 @scarletmeii @imjusthereforsupernatural
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rachaelswrites · 3 years
❛ i could really go for a hot chocolate right now. ❜ with Louis and Stan reader? Maybe she's visiting him in London 🥺 ❤️
- 🕸️
You were visiting Louis in London and two things were keeping you wrapped up in your bed and all your blankets. 1. It was freezing outside and around the house and 2. The jet lag.
Louis had let you sleep in a little bit but he wanted to spend as much time with you as he could before you had to leave in a few days.
“Y/n?” Louis called from the other side of the door.
“Yeah?” You asked, voice muffled from all the blankets.
The door opened and you heard Louis’s footsteps get closer to your bed and then stop, “Are you going to come out from there?”
You shook your head, “It’s too cold and I’m tired,” you whined, “But if you want to go out today, you’ll have to drag me out of here.”
Louis laughed lightly, “I understand,” he said, making room for himself on the bed by nudging you over, “I don’t mind staying in today.”
“You’re the best,” you said, peeking your head from the covers.
Louis bent down and placed a quick kiss to your lips, “Is there anything you want first?”
You thought for a second, “I could really go for a hot chocolate right now,” you said, giving him puppy dog eyes.
“Anything for you,” he said, kissing you again before getting up from the bed. He left the room and came back a few minutes later, two mugs full of hot chocolate.
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itsallyscorner · 3 years
hey. can u do part 2 to the’ Being a High School Student on A Marvel Set’? :)
Period Buddies
Pairing: platonic!Sebastian Stan x teen!reader, platonic!Anthony Mackie x teen!reader
Summary: I’m currently on my period so I wrote this to help me cope:) Basically Anthony and Seb being the biggest and supportive guys to you during your period:)
Warnings: Umm not much, some mentions of blood and periods.
Hello my love!💞 Thank you for the request! I was actually planning on making another ‘High School student’ fic with the Marvel cast, so I decided to use that idea for this request! I hope you like it🥰 Also sorry I haven’t uploaded a fic in a while; I was lacking motivation to write and school was pretty hectic😭 Thank you for your patience my loves x
fluturaș - little butterfly
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✧───── ・ 。゚★: *. ☽.* :★. ─────✧
You were laid out along your couch in your trailer, a fluffy Sherpa blanket wrapped around you and your head resting atop two soft pillows. You were laid on your stomach, the pressure of the couch slightly helping with the stinging pain in your lower abdomen. Your geography teacher was teaching via Zoom, though your laptop was on the coffee table that was inches away from you; knowing you weren’t feeling your best, you’ve decided to stay on the couch for school and moved the table closer to the couch so everything was within your reach. You had been lazily taking notes—or attempting to with the remaining energy you could muster up.
You had been surprised by the devil himself when you woke up earlier today at around six in the morning. You knew your monthly was coming; with the constant cravings, body aches, and the newly developed pimple gracing your face, your period was around the corner. And you were right, a dark red stain was splotched onto your white floral bedsheets when you woke up today. What a way to start the morning.
Yes, no woman ever felt their best during their period. You were always bloated, hungry, and blood was constantly flowing out of you, yet you were still expected to show up to both work and school. Not to mention, the pain you were currently enduring was making it really difficult for you to to focus on anything. Your teacher’s voice seemed to fade into the background as your body was blinded with the stabbing pain in your lower abdomen. You may have been overreacting, but everything just hurt.
Geography was your midway class, meaning that you were halfway through your school day. Which also meant that you were soon to be called to set. You had a lunch break and some time to do your homework, but either way you still had to get to set. Usually you’d be antsy to get the school day over with, practically buzzing to get to get into your costume and do some stunts with your two favorite guys on set. Although today was different, the thought of heading to set and being active felt dreadful. You just wanted to curl up into a ball, snuggle into your Sherpa blanket, and take a well deserved nap.
Your teacher’s voice was interrupted by a knock on your door. Already knowing who it was, you let out a faint “come in” to the two men outside your trailer. A second passes before your trailer’s door slowly opens and Anthony’s head pops from behind it. His sparkling yet dark brown eyes and toothy grin etched onto his friendly features. Sebastian pops up behind him, an equally wide smile on his face as he wiggled a white take away box in the air.
“What’s up buttercup.” They cheerfully greet you.
Though both of the men’s smiles drop once they see you bundled up on the couch. Anthony fully enters your trailer, Sebastian following suit. Approaching your little set up, Anthony glances at your laptop.
“Isn’t your camera on? Did your teacher allow you to attend school like this?” He asks you. He knew you were a responsible kid and had no troubles keeping up with your education. But that’s the thing, you were still a kid. Having kids of his own, he knew how unmotivated children can get in the middle of the school year and the laziness that came along with it. Seeing you lounging on the couch while your teacher was lecturing was just a bit concerning for him.
You stiffly nod, “My camera’s off. I just don’t feel good.”
The last sentence catches both of the grown men’s attention. Sebastian rounds the corner of the coffee table and hovers over you, observing your face. He softly places the back of his hand onto your forehead, checking for any alarming warmth.
“You’re a bit warm, but it’s probably because of the blanket.” He mutters, choosing to sit on the arm rest of the couch. “You alright, fluturaș?” He looks down at you in concern, lips tilting down into a small frown.
Anthony had settled beside your feet, one of his arms using your ankles as an arm rest. Strangely enough his arm brought you comfort instead of adding to the ache in your legs.
“I’m just—I’m on my period.” You mumbled in response. You wait for the awkward tension to build but it never came. You glance at the two men and see the realization settle in them.
“And I have really bad cramps at the moment, that it’s just hard to do anything. So I decided to stay on the couch today.” You explain with a slight shrug. They didn’t understand the pain you were going through, but they understood what you meant. While the both of them had female friends and what not, they were somewhat aware of what you were going through.
Anthony claps his hands to his thighs, “Alright, it’s ok to give yourself some rest. You just relax and listen to whatever your teacher’s going on about.” He motions to your laptop and continues, “Is there anything we can do to help you?”
While taking down notes, you momentarily glance at them, “No it’s fine, you guys already brought me food. Thanks, by the way.”
They didn’t want to leave you alone, you were clearly not feeling well and they both wanted to do something. They couldn’t do anything about the pain from your menstrual cycle, but they can help distract you from the pain.
“No, we’re gonna help you. Have you eaten ever since breakfast? I’ll spoon feed you if I have to.” Sebastian insists. You thought he was joking, but when you looked at his face he was serious.
“I had a brownie—wait, aren’t you guys supposed to be filming?” You question the both of them.
“Something went wrong on set so now we have a few hours or something till they figure it out.” Anthony answers, scrolling through his phone. He abruptly stands up to his feet and heads towards the door. You and Seb send him a questioning look.
“I’ll be back.” With that he pulls your door open and jogs out, leaving you and Sebastian in your trailer. You decide to tune back into your class, resuming to take down notes from the slides your teacher shared. Suddenly, a large hand gets in the way of your notebook.
“Gimme that.” Sebastian takes the pencil and notebook from you, placing them on his lap and staring at your screen. His eyes scan the PowerPoint, looking for the part you left off on. He hums when he finds it and began to write the notes himself.
“What are you doing?” You raise a brow at him, scanning his appearance. He was dressed in Bucky’s clothes, minus the black and gold ‘metal’ arm. He was still sat on the arm rest, slightly slouching so he could bend down to use his lap as a table.
“I’m doing your notes for you.” He answers nonchalantly. He motions to the white take away box on your coffee table, “Eat your lunch, I got this.”
You hesitate to sit up, feeling bad that Sebastian was doing your notes. Though, he did insist on doing it and you weren’t feeling your best. After an internal argument with yourself, you decided to let it slide and let Sebastian do your notes. Besides, he looked like he was enjoying taking notes on agriculture regions and the different types of farming.
“Are you sure, Seb?” You ask him again, slowly sitting up on the couch. He responds with a distracted ‘mhm’, his eyes focused on your notebook and his tongue sticking out in concentration. You quietly thank him and get up to use the bathroom.
While you were gone doing your business, Anthony had entered your trailer again. This time he had a plate full of brownies, a medium sized cup of ice cream from the vending machine, and one of those red hot water bottles in his arms.
“Where’s the kid?” He balances the things in his arms while carefully placing the plate of brownies onto your coffee table. Anthony locates your mini fridge and stores the ice cream in the freezer.
“Bathroom.” Sebastian acknowledged, still focused on writing the notes correctly in your notebook. He made sure to write neatly and copy the way you organized your notes. Saving you the hassle of missing out on important parts of the lesson and from decoding his personally sloppy writing.
Anthony empties his pockets to reveal more of your favorite snacks from crafties and the vending machine. “So...what are you doing?”
“I’m in geography class.” Anthony snorts at his friend before taking a look at your laptop screen, “And what are y’all learning in geography class?”
“Pastoral nomadism.” Seb bluntly answers. With his arms now free of the items he brought, Anthony decided to tidy up your couch. He folded your blanket neatly, fluffed your pillows, and made space for Seb to actually sit on the couch.
“What the hell is pastoral nomadism?” Anthony thought out loud.
“It’s when people travel from place to place with domesticated animals. It’s usually practiced in dry land climates.” Sebastian explains, eyes never faltering from the screen or your notebook. Anthony let’s out a sound of approval at Seb’s explanation. When he was done cleaning up your couch, he took the white take away box and headed to your kitchen. Emptying the contents of the container onto one of your plates, heating the food up for you.
You walk into the kitchen section of your trailer, shutting the bathroom door behind you. A delicious aroma lingers in the air, your nose picks up on the smell, sending it straight to your stomach. In response, your stomach lets out a low growl, making Anthony snicker at you.
“I’m heating up the food.” Anthony mentions as you pass by him. You thank him with a small smile as he gently nudges his shoulder against yours.
“Want me to make tea or something? I heard it helps reduce the cramps.” You raise a brow at him amusingly, “Where’d you hear that?”
“I read it on Google. You know, research, gotta make sure our girl’s comfortable.” He proudly tells you. Your heart warms at the fact that both him and Seb were willingly helping you while you were in pain. The microwave dings catching both yours and Anthony’s attention.
As he gingerly takes the plate out he asks you, “You wanna eat at the table or the couch.”
“The couch, I still wanna listen in on the lesson.” For a moment you forgot that you were supposed to still be at school, taking notes, and listening to your teacher teach the lesson. You enter the living room and sit next to Seb, who’s hand was digging into your pencil case.
“Want me to take over?”
“Nah, I got it, I’m too invested to stop. Which one?” He held up three of your highlighters, one was light blue, another was a peachy pink, and the other was a typical yellow highlighter. You grin, picking the peachy pink one. He tosses the other two back into your pencil case and uncaps the highlighter. While your teacher wraps up class, he began to highlight the new terms from today’s class.
“Here ya go.” Anthony sang; grabbing a pillow, placing it onto your lap, and carefully setting the plate of chicken teriyaki fried rice on top of it. You happily thank him and began to dig in. He slumps onto the couch beside you, “Tell me if you need anything else. I’ve got ice cream in the freezer, brownies, a hot water bottle, and a whole box of tea.” He throws his arm around your shoulder, letting it rest against the back of the couch.
You pause your eating, pouting at the two men beside you, “You guys really don’t have to do this. But I appreciate it so much, thank you.”
Seb looks at you over his shoulder, sending you a sweet smile, “Anything to make you happy, fluturaș.”
Anthony squeezes your shoulder, “Anytime munchkin, starting today till you’re not a ketchup packet anymore, Seb and I’ll be your period buddies.”
You snort shaking your head at him, “Again, I appreciate it Ant, but please don’t call yourselves period buddies.”
“What’s wrong with period buddies? You’re on your period and we’re all a bunch of buddies. It makes perfect sense!” Anthony reasoned defensively. Seb looks at the both of you over his shoulder again, “I like period buddies.”
“See! Thank you.” You playfully rolled your eyes at the two. “Fine, period buddies it is.”
Your geography teacher wraps the lesson up and ends the Zoom call. Seb shuts your notebook and puts it to the side. Clapping his hands, he asks you, “Alright, what class do we have next?”
“Calculus.” You smirk, followed by the groans of Anthony and Sebastian filling your trailer.
🏷Tags ↴
*If there’s a line through your username, Tumblr won’t let me tag you :(*
Marvel Cast Tags
↪︎ @ximaginx @lozzypoz321 @sunwardsss @pokemonbong @pjokotlcmarvel201 @whoslili @111111111111111sblog @marvel-is-a-mood @blckyungblood @astroponyo @universemarvel @imthebadguyyy @roseke @bi-myself-forever @httpscarletwitch @millenniumloki @cristin-rjd @swords-are-cool @melaninfalconbucky @deamus-liv @elvish-sky @catsandbooksandsstuff @ellajoy419
General Tags
↪︎ @quxxnxfhxll @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @thegirlwiththediary @agustdowney @bi-lmg @rqmanoff @sesamepancakes @stardustofreading
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So glad you are doing requests! 😄 So could you write protective and platonic Chris Evans, Seb, and Mackie x teen fem reader using 13 & 25? Like say there is this dude that is creepily eyeing her too much or he makes a rude comment to her, and the boys see him or overhear and go all older bros on the dude?
Notes: Of course! 😄 Thank you 🙏!! I hope you like it.
All credit for the request goes to @snarky--starky!
I did this more as a headcanon, I hope you don’t mind 😅
I don’t own any of the gifs/pictures used.
Pairings/Characters: Chris Evans, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, and teen!female!reader
Warnings: Creepy guy, uncomfortable female reader, Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, and Anthony Mackie protecting reader
Prompt List!
13. “Hey, just look at me. Breathe.”
25. “You know, I’m/we’re always here for you, right?”
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You’re an actress
You’ve been one since you were little
You starred in a bunch of tv shows and commercials when you were younger
Now you’re a teen and you’re working with Marvel
Multi-movie deal and all that
You became instant friends with the cast
You consider them like your unofficial family
Sebastian, Anthony, and Chris (Evans) are probably your closest friends though
They’re like your honorary older brothers
They’ll tease the h e l l out of you ’cause you’re the youngest
But they’ll have your back in an instant
Working with them (with everyone at Marvel) is probably the best thing that’s ever happened to you
Y’all just wrapped up filming and Robert decided it’s time to have a “we’re free we can finally go home” party
Elizabeth (Olsen) suggested a restaurant
Everyone agreed
After some arguing, a restaurant was picked, reservations were set, and you were all on your way to get some food
You hitched a ride with Anthony
He teased you the entire ride to the restaurant
Once everyone showed up, you were all seated and everyone was having fun
Drinks and appetizers were ordered, and everyone was just talking and joking around
Until you started to feel a little uncomfortable
Why do you suddenly have goosebumps?
Why is your breathing becoming so shallow?
And why is your heart speeding up??
You feel like someone’s watching you, but you don’t want to turn and look
But you do and you instantly regret it
There’s a guy, maybe a couple years older than you, just watching you
He’s not hiding it either
He maintains eye contact with you when you catch him, and there’s something about how he looks at you that you don’t like
Your heart drops and you feel sick and you immediately look away
“Y/N, you okay?” Anthony asked. He sounded concerned
“Yeah. I’m fine.” You try to sound convincing, but you can tell Anthony isn’t buying it
You don’t catch the look he gives Chris and Sebastian
When drinks and appetizers arrive and your meals ordered, you try and distract yourself with the food you have in front of you
You’re not old enough for alcohol, so you got a lemonade instead
You also tried to keep your focus on everyone else, on what they were saying
But you felt his eyes on you, and it made your skin crawl
Suddenly you weren’t that hungry anymore
“N/N.” It was Sebastian this time. He sounded just as concerned as Anthony did. “Are you sure you’re okay? You look a little pale.”
What do you tell him?
God everyone’s looking at you
What do you tell them?
I’m fine don’t worry about me?
They won’t believe it
You don’t believe it
You feel like you’re going to throw up
Your heart is pounding against your ribs and your breathing is so shallow it’s making you lightheaded
“There’s someone who won’t stop looking at me,” you said, your voice shaking. You catch the look in Sebastian’s eyes, and the way Anthony and Chris stiffen beside you. “He’s been watching me this whole time and I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, but...”
Chris puts his hand on your shoulder.
“Hey,” he said, “just look at me.” You do. “Breathe.”
You start taking steady breaths, but it didn’t do much to calm you down
Meanwhile, Anthony and Sebastian immediately found the guy
He was still looking at you, blatantly checking you out
He didn’t care if he’d been caught
Robert and Scarlett, and pretty much everyone else, were already standing up, ready to give the guy a piece of their mind
Chris had to practically order everyone to sit down
“I’ll take care of it,” he said.
“We’ll take care of it,” Sebastian added.
Chris, Anthony, and Sebastian all stood up and walked over to the guy’s table
You watched them, hoping they didn’t do anything drastic
The last thing you wanted was them hurting someone (or someone hurting them) because of you, because you felt uncomfortable
You felt a hand gently touch your forearm
You nearly jump out of your seat
It’s Cobie
She’s giving you a small, sympathetic smile
“Don’t worry about them,” she said. “They’ve got it under control.”
“And they’ve got all of us as back up,” Robert added, “just in case.”
“You know,” Elizabeth said, “we’re all here for you, right?”
You nodded, giving a small smile. “Yeah, I know.” You felt yourself relax a little. “Thank you.”
Masterlist | Masterlist pt. 2
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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rae-is-typing · 5 years
Requests are closed!
Requests are closed as of 2/9/2020,
Under the cut: request guidelines i didn’t want to delete
I write for: 
The Avengers
The cast of the MCU
Criminal Minds
And I want to try out writing for the cast of Hamilton, so if you have anything you want to see, let me know 👀👀
I want to stick with a teenaged reader, so I am more likely to accept the request if it is, but I’m also open to writing a reader that is older or younger
I only do reader-inserts right now. That may change later on, but for now, I’m sticking with the good ol’ “x reader”
What I won’t write:
Loki or the Guardians
Explicit torture
Anything that involves kink, even if it is non-sexual
Let’s keep this relatively pure and PG13
I would really appreciate:
Specificity. I want to give you exactly what you want. It’s also easier for me as a writer if you give fairly specific details.
Messages. I understand that requesting can be scary without the anon feature activated, but I really do appreciate messages. I like to ask questions, and let you know when your request will be out. And if you don’t want me to tag you in it, I won’t.
With all that being said, I accept requests in all ways, and I just want you to be pleased with the outcome. 
So request away! Like I said, I have about eleven right now, and I will be closing requests when I have seventeen total.
Thanks for reading if you got this far.
ALSO- You’re never bothering me!! I love attention and messages/asks lol :):):)
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rnebbie · 2 years
Hey! If you are taking request can you do one where the teen reader brings their partner on set and they aren't good news? Sebastian and Evans are very protective and try to make you see it and you end up believe them after an incident
Sebastian stan x teen!reader, chris evans x teen!reader, Sebastian stan x coworker!reader, chris evans x coworker!reader, Sebastian stan x platonic!reader, chris evans x platonic!reader
Requested by @youre-amazing-say-it
Readers pronouns: she her :P
Warnings: ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP!!! A lot of gaslighting, he hits her at one point, mentions of killing small lil animals but not explained graphically just mentioned in passing, also mentions of aggression and hitting ppl for no reason… underage sex mentions a few times.. mentions of parents being divorced.. yea… longest list of warnings I’ve ever written!
(A/n): this wasn’t proof read as usual soooo yeah and I don’t really read my fics through so lmk if there’s a mistake or anything. lmk if u wanna be added to my taglist as well! I’ve been mindblowingly stressed lately and might get grounded soon so if I drop off the face of the earth yk why. But I’ll write as much as I can before then. Notes r appreciated, enjoy <3
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Filming has felt like it’s been going on for ages. It honestly felt never ending! And as much as you loved your co-workers and never wanted to leave them, filming a superhero movie is hard work.
You even had your 16th birthday on set. Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans were the ones to set up this whole surprise impromptu sweet sixteen for you. Well, as sweet as a sweet sixteen can get on a professional and incredibly expensive set. But the cheap dollar tree birthday decorations fell off all of the surfaces long before anyone had to worry about damaging any props by taking them down.
They even invited your boyfriend! You avoided talking about him on set because you don’t want to appear unprofessional. It’s difficult enough being a teenage girl in this industry. However, Chris and Sebastian are different from anyone you’ve ever worked with before. And definitely different from your average man.
They dragged it out of you after they saw you smiling at your phone. And you told them all about it, Sebastian literally sat on his stomach on the couch in your trailer, kicking his feet back and forth. And Chris sat on your ottoman smiling fondly as you spoke about your boyfriend, the love of your life.
“We met in middle school. In detention,” You mutter quietly, your cheeks flushing pink.
Chris widens his eyes and side glances at Sebastian. You keep your gaze averted to your hands in your lap, playing with your old, chipped nail polish. “Ooh, a bad boy,” Sebastian lightly teases, sensing the shift in the once comfortable environment. “Why were you in detention?” Chris offered with a light smile.
You glance up shyly. You've missed this, being able to be a normal teenager who could sit around with her girlfriends and gossip. Well, Sebastian and Chris weren’t the ‘girlfriends’ you’d made in high school, but they definitely would make do for however long it took to film this godforsaken project. “He spent every Friday after school in detention. He was aggressive, he was a bully, and he would hit his friends just for fun. During free period, my classmates would tell me he killed frogs and rabbits and stuff,” You gush about him with an aura of such delight, but as you progress further into your love speech, you become disgusted with the things you’re saying, and your blind love starts to wear off.
“Anyways, I told off my PE teacher just to be with him in detention. Also, I was just starting my period and he wouldn’t let me sit out, so,” you trail off awkwardly, looking down to your hands to play with them again. An attempt to avert the attention away from your possibly psychopath boyfriend.
Chris and Sebastian are quiet for way too long, but you’re too scared to look up and meet their eyes, scared you’d said something wrong. “How long ago was this?” Chris finally questions quietly, you look up at him and Sebastian, seeing their concerned eyes fall upon your unknowing gaze.
“We were fourteen. He’s not a bad guy. He just had… issues as a kid. His parents were getting divorced and stuff…” you reassured them, guessing what they were thinking from the looks on their faces. You’ve had this talk a hundred times before. With your parents, who have never approved of him. And your friends, some of whom you lost because of your boyfriend. But you figured it only brought the two of you closer together, even if you painfully lost some of your best friends in the process.
“Aren’t your parents divorced?” Chris hesitated softly, you nod with a confused look on your face. “Did you ever punch your classmates in the face?” Sebastian adds. Suddenly you feel very defensive over your boyfriend. He’s had hard times in the past, but no one knows him like you do. No one understands him like you do. No one loves him like you do.
But you can’t articulate any of those feelings, nothing comes out. You open and close your mouth several times to say something, like a fish. But you can’t think of anything, your mind draws a blank. Finally, something; “This is unprofessional. I’d like you to leave.”
At your sweet sixteen, Sebastian and Chris had the pleasure of spending time with your boyfriend before you had arrived. Inviting him a little earlier than the rest of the guests. You spoke so highly of him, they figured he felt the same way about you. So they figured he’d know you so well, and he’d like to help set your party up. Only the best for their collective y/n.
When he strolled onto set with both hands free, shoved into his pockets, Sebastian nodded up to gesture and show Chris he was approaching. No words were shared, but the silence said enough as they watched the boy approach them, looking judgemental and smug as he glanced around the room at the cheap decorations.
He nodded his head to the men as he approached them, as his way of greeting them. They glanced at each other before Sebastian spoke, “hey, I’m Sebastian. This is Chris. You’re Jacob?”
“Yeah,” Jacob simply spoke. Not meeting the man’s eyes, seeming extremely bored and uninterested with this conversation and this environment.
“I’ve heard a lot about you, man. It’s great to finally meet you,” Chris added happily, holding his hand out for Jacob to shake. Jacob pressed his lips together in a smile and nodded.
Chris furrowed his brows and held his hand out for a moment longer before bringing it down to grab a piece of tape to attach to a streamer. He kept his mouth closed for the time being.
Sebastian scanned the boy, “gifts or cards or whatever…” he paused, his eyes searching for any sign of anything that could be your type, “you can put them over in that basket.”
Jacob finally opened his mouth to form a sentence, a very bold one at that, “Oh, I’ll give her a present tonight. At her hotel.” He smirked, meeting the both of the men's eyes.
They both paused what they were doing to stare at the boy, speechless. Sebastian’s mouth agape, “We stay in our trailers on set, we don’t have hotels,” Chris explained as he narrowed his eyes and stood up straighter, confused by what this young man might be insinuating.
“Well then, when the trailers ‘rockin…” he courageously esponded, with a daring and fearless tone in his voice. Sebastian bit back the urge to allow his entire body to shiver at the conversation they were having with this boy, who’s conversation could only be held by the topic of sex. And in the context of y/n? They weren’t liking this, not one bit. Especially with the prior knowledge you had informed them of.
Thankfully not long after, more guests started to arrive, and they had other things to focus on, more people to greet, and Jacob moved onto Better things. Tormenting other people.
Further into the night, neither Sebastian nor Chris could shake whst Jacob said to them about you. Neither of them mentioned it to each other, but they had a hard time focusing on anything else.
When you arrived, completely shocked and so thankful, they put on a beautiful front. You didn’t suspect anything was wrong with them. Perhaps because you were so wrapped up in the beauty, the happiness, and the thankfulness because of your coworkers, but also the stress you were automatically filled with when you locked eyes with your boyfriend.
Jacob walked over to you, as you stood in the middle of the room, and he grabbed your waist tightly. He instantly shoved his lips into yours, and forcefully kissed you in front of everyone, all your coworkers, your friends, And the staff and directors and those alike. Those you tried so hard to be professional around.
So here you were, in quite the predicament. You loved your boyfriend, and knew what would happen to you if you made him unhappy or said no to him. But you also had a job to keep, a reputation to withhold, and you were only a teenager, in a very vulnerable state in front of all your coworkers, who you’ve previously done a good job at keeping aspects of your personal life from in the past.
After a shocking second of aggressive making out, you pull away softly, looking up softly into his eyes. You hadn’t seen him in so long, you missed his pretty eyes. You’d rather appreciate him, not his saliva in your mouth. But when you pulled away from the kiss, he looked at you confused, and as you looked at him with happy, innocent eyes, he forcefully pulled his hand off your waist, and for lack of a better word, shoved you off of him, walking away to the drink table.
You would have followed him like you usually do, to console him and apologize and make sure he’s okay. But that reputation. You’re worried that only made it worse. So you attempt to act as if nothing just happened, plastering a large, toothy grin to your face. Walking over to Sebastian and Chris and giving them a huge group hug. The party continued without the awkward silence, and moved on as if there wasn’t just a make out session right in the middle of the room.
You socialize with the party guests, and blush as everyone wishes you a happy sixteenth birthday. You wait until the cake is served and you’ve taken a bite or two of your slice, giving your compliments to the chef, before setting your place down since you couldn’t stomach any more, and walking over to Jacob. Who’s spent the remainder of the party sitting in the corner looking utterly betrayed.
“Hi Jakey,” You softly whisper as you approach him. You place a small kiss on his lips in an attempt to redeem yourself for before.
He shoves you away from him again, not kidding you back, “oh, so now you’re comfortable with kissing?” He asks sternly. You watch his angry figure with dad and confused eyes.
“I just didn’t wanna do it in front of all my coworkers. Jakey, that’s weird, we’re barely sixteen.” You attempted to comfort softly, but he rolled his eyes, stomping out of the party. You were thankful not many people noticed, at least that you could see.
He stomped off of set, you following him quickly behind, attempting to preserve this relationship in any way you can. You figured the downfall was coming soon enough, but you would rather it not be today.
“You never want to kiss me in public. You’re embarrassed of me!” He yells at you. Tears sting your eyes as you accept the fact that you’re back in the toxic environment you worked so hard to leave. This is why secretly you’ve been loving all the production delays and how long it’s taken to wrap filming. You love being away from home, because it means you don’t have to deal with this.
“Jake, I have no problem displaying affection in public! I’m not embarrassed of you, I just don’t think everyone needs to see what we do,” you start strongly, before he cuts you off in annoyance and impatience, “so you’re admitting you think I don’t deserve to be seen with you in public! What, is it because you became an actor? So I’m not good enough for you now because I’m just a high schooler? I’m just Jacob, and ‘oh, look at me I'm big time actor big deal y/n’, huh!? That’s all I am to you!?”
He scoffs angrily, his volume increasing, “And, I was going to give you birthday sex too. Yeah.”
You quietly let his words sink in as you weigh your options and try to think of what to say. Once again your brain is failing you, you have no clue how to react in this situation.
“Get off my set,” You quietly mumble after nearly a minute of silence. He scoffs.
“Get, off of my fucking set,” you growl at him, not moving a muscle. Your brain initially made you consider stepping up to him, but you’re significantly shorter than him, so you decided against that. But it didn’t matter anyway, because he approached you and slapped you directly across the face. You don’t react. Not at all, it barely even phases you and you simply blink.
You don’t have to say anything else, as he slowly makes his way off the set and out of the parking lot, towards the bus station. But you don’t care where he’s going or how he’s getting there. You just hope he stays gone.
As you watch his silhouette fade into the street lamps and surrounding scrambling bodies going in all different directions, you hear two people running up behind you. You don’t need to turn around or hear their voices to know they’re Sebastian and Chris.
“Are you okay?” Sebastian worried, cradling your cheek. “That little shit slapped you,” Chris huffed angrily as he watched his body emerge.
“He does that to me all the time. It’s just because we watched it in a movie together, it’s just an inside joke.” You quietly stare into the distance blankly.
“Y/n,” Sebastian says, looking into your helpless innocent eyes.
“No, it’s not,” Chris says softly.
“No, it’s not.” You whisper quietly.
That’s the first time you came clean, the first time you realized something was wrong. The first time you stopped lying about the things he did to you and how he made you feel. The first time you stopped letting him isolate you from everyone else.
You reconnected with the friends you lost because of him. The first time in a long time you had an open, honest conversation with your parents. You spoke in passing about things he did to you, and didn’t rush to excuse his behavior. You let speculation be speculation, because the speculation was fact. And you had the trauma to prove it.
You talked to Sebastian and Chris about it a lot. They were there to listen to it all, they welcomed you In with open arms. Lucky for you filming didn’t wrap for several months after your sweet sixteen, after your sophomore year of high school ended, during summer break. So you didn’t have to worry about seeing Jacob or purposely getting yourself sentenced to detention to make out with him much to the dismay of the detention supervisor of the day.
And lucky for you, when junior year started, after weeks of freaking out and crying and calling Sebastian and Chris, you found out that Jacob had moved upstate to live with his mother, because she got custody.
Taglist: @ohworm-writes @spidyyparker @littlemortals @americaarse plz lmk if u wanna be added x <3 have a great day. Love u
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sebastianstangirl01 · 3 years
I’m not going anywhere
Title: I’m not going anywhere
Pairing: Chris Evans x Daughter!Reader and Sebastian Stan x Niece!Reader
Warnings: Teen pregnancy, talks of abortion, scared reader, jerk boyfriend, supportive dad Chris.
Summary: Reader finds herself to be pregnant.
Authors Note: I hope you guys liked my first Chris Evans Daughter writing. Please message me any requests you have, it would make writing so much easier!! In my pinned post is everyone that I write for and things I don’t write for!! I hope you guys like this next writing!!
Reader is 16
Y/N = Your Name
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That was all that was going through Y/N’s head as she sat in her bathroom, against the bathtub holding 4 clear blue pregnancy tests in her hands.
The word “Pregnant” displayed across every screen.
How could she let this happen, how did this happen? They were safe, always used a condom and Y/N is on birth control anyway for her period but as a plus it protects her from pregnancy.
Or at least it was suppose to.
She couldn’t imagine her dads reaction. Being a famous actor was hard enough, but when the news broke that Chris Evans 16 year old daughter was knocked up. It could ruin his career, and Y/N didn’t want that she knew how hard Chris has worked to get to the point he is today.
They had been living in a apartment in New York for 2 months because of Chris filming a new movie, and as always that meant that Y/N was pulled out of school and away from her friends and boyfriend.
Y/N and Blake had been dating for a little over a year and had been sexually active, not thinking anything would ever happen because of the precautions that they took.
How was she going to tell him? Sure they have been together for a while but they were only kids, Blake is 17 and Y/N is 16. Surly he won’t walk out on her, he loves her.
Y/N sighed before picking up her phone, she decided to go on and call Blake who was back home in Los Angeles.
“Hey babe.” Blake answered
“Hey, could we maybe FaceTime. I have something to tell you and it kinda needs to be face to face and I guess with us being on opposite sides of the country right now FaceTime is as close we can get.” Y/N said fiddling with a string on her sweater
“Yeah sure. Hold on.” Blake said hanging up making Y/N sigh
A few second later Blake’s name popped up on her screen, taking a deep breath Y/N accepted the call and gave him a smile as his face popped up onto the screen.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Blake asked with a concerned look on his face
“I-I uh, I don’t know how to tell you this so I’m just going to say it. I’m pregnant.” Y/N said making Blake’s face drop
“What? Your fucking pregnant?!” Blake exclaimed
“Yeah, I took 4 tests and they all came back positive.” Y/N said
“Get rid of it!” Blake exclaimed making Y/N look at him with wide eyes
“What?” Y/N asked
“I said get rid of it. We can’t have a baby, I don’t want a stupid baby! Do you know how much my reputation will be ruined? No way, either get rid of it or we’re done.” Blake shook his head as Y/N eyes filled with tears
“Done? What? I knew that obviously you wouldn’t be happy and I’m not exactly happy about this either. Your reputation isn’t the only one at stake her, my dad is literally famous if word gets out about this his career could be ruined.” Y/N said
“Exactly, so get rid of it. It will save everyone a headache.” Blake said
“You know I’m against all that stuff, I don’t believe in abortion and I’m not getting rid of it.” Y/N said, she had seen everything that happened during an abortion before in health class and she refused to put herself and the baby through all that.
“Fine, but I want no part in any of this. We’re done.” Blake said hanging up
Y/N just stared blankly at the phone, she couldn’t believe that Blake had said what he did and that now they were over.
How was she going to raise a baby alone? Her dad would hate her, he’d probably kick her out for being such a disappointment.
The only thing she could do was leave before he kicked her out. Y/N got up off the floor and washed her face with some cold water, her eyes were red and swollen from all the crying she had done the past few hours. She went into her temporary room and pulled out her big travel suitcase, she quickly grabbed as many of her clothes as she could. Not sure when her dad would be home, she decided to take as much as she could now and figure the rest out later.
She finished packing her stuff and sat it on the ground, she looked at the nightstand and smiled sadly. There was the picture she takes everywhere, it was Chris holding Y/N when she was a baby. He looked so young but you could practically feel the happiness beaming off him, his smile shines through the frame.
Leaving her dad is the hardest thing she’s ever going to have to do, but she knows that it will be for the best.
She grabbed the picture and stuck it in her suitcase then grabbed a piece of paper and decided to just leave Chris a note, offering a little bit of an explanation so he wouldn’t think that she was kidnapped or something.
Dear Dad,
I’m sorry I’m leaving but I can’t disappoint you. I love you so much and you have been the best dad in the world. Please don’t look for me, it’s for the best that I go.
Love, Y/N
Wiping a tear that escaped the corner of her eye, Y/N grabbed her suitcase and walked out of the apartment.
Sebastian was sitting on his couch clicking through the channels and sipping on a beer when there was a knock on his door. He got up and answered it but paused when he saw Y/N standing outside with a big suitcase and red eyes.
“Hey, what’s wrong? What are you doing here sweetheart? Come in.” Sebastian said gently grabbing Y/N and pulling her into his apartment.
“I messed up, I needed a place to stay and you were the first person I thought of.” Y/N said not making eye contact as she played with her fingers which Sebastian noticed
Sebastian has known Y/N since 2011 when he and Chris had filmed Captain America: The First Avenger. He quickly took Y/N under his wing as a friendship formed between him and Chris leading to Sebastian becoming Y/N’s Uncle Seb.
“Sit down, tell me what’s going on.” Sebastian said leading Y/N over to the couch
“I can’t, you’ll hate me too.” Y/N shook her head as her eyes filled with tears, not catching Sebastian’s confused face
“Hate you? Sweets I could never hate you, never in a million years!” Sebastian said pulling Y/N into his arms. “Is that why you ran? Did you think that your dad would hate you for whatever it is? Because that’s ridiculous, you are the most important thing in your dads life. You are his everything and nothing could ever make him hate you.”
“You don’t know that. It’s bad Uncle Seb.” Y/N shook her head
“Try me.” Sebastian said making Y/N sigh
“I’m pregnant.” Y/N said looking down
Sebastian’s eyes widened and he took a deep breath trying not to show how he really felt. Him being mad wasn’t going to help anything, and it wasn’t that he was really mad it was just that he wished she didn’t have to go through something like this at such a young age.
“Ok, here’s what’s going to happen. Your going to go upstairs to your room here and sleep, you look exhausted. In the morning we’ll talk and figure this out, if you still really think leaving is the best then you can come live with me. But you will not be on the streets alone. I won’t let you go through this alone.” Sebastian said and Y/N nodded
“Thanks. I’m sorry.” Y/N said
“We’ll talk in the morning. Go on.” Sebastian said before pulling her into his side and kissing her forehead before ushering her towards the stairs
A few minutes later there was a frantic knock on the door, Sebastian sighed feeling like he knew who was behind the door. He got up off the couch and opened the door to find a frantic Chris, his eyes were all red his hair disheveled and he seemed out of breath.
“She’s gone, I need your help. Y/N’s gone, I came home from filming and she was gone. Her room was basically empty and she left me a note saying that she needed to leave because she couldn’t disappoint me and that it was for the best. What does that even mean, how could she ever think I would be disappointed by her. She’s my babygirl and I love her more than anything, I need to find her Seb. She must be so scared out there on the streets of New York all alone.” Chris rambled as he pushed past Sebastian into his apartment and paced
“Chris! Dude calm down. She’s here.” Sebastian said grabbing his friends arm
“What? She’s here?” Chris asked with wide eyes
“She is, come sit down before you walk a hole through my floor. I don’t think Ms. Edna would appreciate that.” Sebastian said, thinking about his neighbor who would constantly beat on her ceiling with a broom when Sebastian was “too loud”.
“How long has she been here? Where is she?” Chris asked looking around
“She got here around 30 minutes ago, she’s asleep in her room. She was really upset.” Sebastian said
“What happened?” Chris asked confused to what would make his daughter so upset that she felt like she had to leave
“I think it’s best that she tells you, go upstairs and see her. Your welcome to stay the night, I’m going to hit the hay.” Sebastian said standing up
“Thanks for being there for her Seb. She loves you a lot.” Chris said
“I love her too, night.” Sebastian said
“Night man.” Chris nodded watching as Sebastian walked down the hall to his room
Chris sighed and rubbed his face, when he came home to an empty apartment he was confused. Dodger was staying with Scott since the apartment building was a no pets zone, so Y/N was all he had. And when he couldn’t find her anywhere and found that note, he felt like his whole life shatter before his eyes.
Y/N is truly the best thing to ever happen to him and life without her is something he doesn’t even want to consider.
Chris decided to go on up and see her so he could figure out what was wrong and find a way to help her. Chris walked up the stairs and to Y/N’s room that she claimed when she was 8. He opened the door to see Y/N curled up asleep on the bed with tear marks down her cheeks making him sigh.
Chris closed the door behind him and slipped off his shoes quietly making his way over to the side of the bed, he sat down behind her and rubbed her back. Y/N’s eyes fluttered open and she locked eyes with her fathers.
“Dad? How’d you find me?” Y/N asked quietly
“I know you. I knew you would go somewhere you feel safe.” Chris said
“You shouldn’t be here, I left to protect you.” Y/N said
“Last I checked I’m the dad, I’m suppose to protect you. Not the other way around.” Chris said wiping her cheek
“We protect each other.” Y/N said
“We do. And in order to do my job I need to know what’s going on. Why’d you run bug?” Chris asked pulling her to sit up
“I don’t want you to hate me.” Y/N whimpered
“I could never hate you, ever. You are my daughter and I love you more than anything in this world. There is nothing that could ever happen that would make me think of hating you.” Chris said grabbing her face gently and making her look into his eyes. “What’s going on?”
“I’m pregnant. I’m so sorry daddy. I’m so so sorry.” Y/N cried and Chris pulled her into his arms rocking her back and forth like he use to do when she was a baby.
“It’s ok, it’s ok bug. I’m here, I’m not going anywhere. We’ll get through this together I promise.” Chris said kissing her forehead.
No matter how shocked he was about this news Chris knew that getting mad wouldn’t help anything. All he could do was be there for her and help her raise this baby if that’s what she chose to do.
No matter what, Chris will always be there for his daughter.
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mxssingmemories · 1 year
Making Magic
Summary: Y/N is an equestrian, and has been for years. Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan are her mentors and father figures. It's Y/N's first show, what could go wrong? Or in her case, what could go right?
Pairings: Sebastian Stan x teen!reader, Chris Evans x teen!reader, Anthony Mackie x teen!reader, RDJ x teen!reader, Scarlett Johansson x teen!reader, Tom Holland x teen!reader, Mark Ruffalo x teen!reader
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety, anxious thoughts, some hurt/comfort, parental issues, and tooth-rotting fluff
Word Count: Around 3.6k !
A/N: this was requested by @ladki-ki-kathi <3 kind of love this! part 2 is in the works :)
IMPORTANT! This is @bergarasunsolved 's new writing blog, it's jules :)
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The funny thing about horse show days is that no matter how stressful they are, anyone in the "show business" would rush to defend them the second someone starts to talk negatively. It's not that they're wrong, though; horse shows can be some of the most exciting and rewarding experiences in the equestrian world. Y/N knew this personally, being an equestrian for most of her life. Having been riding all her life, she's been to countless shows. Normally for her, days like these were not at all stressful, but today was different. It was Y/N's first show, and she was petrified.
After waking up at the crack of dawn to get the trailer ready, she finally made her way over to the stable where she took the route to Mac's stall by memory. Mac somehow seemed to know that today was a big day for them, and the minute Y/N stepped in the stall, he came over and nuzzled her. With a smile on her face, she sat down and cuddled him for a minute. Knowing the coming chaos of the day, a little more time spent bonding and trying her best to relax couldn't do any harm.
Much to Mac's dismay, she stood up five minutes later, taking a deep breath as she put his halter on. Y/N knew they had a little time to spare, so instead of leading him straight to the trailer, she led him to a tack stall. Grabbing her grooming bag, she took out her curry comb and began to brush gentle circles to rid Mac of the dirt that he somehow managed to accumulate the prior night. Y/N fell into a daze as she followed the familiar routine. She had always found it easy to let herself get lost in horses. Her relationship with her parents wasn't the best, but fortunately her father was an actor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This meant she had connections to almost everyone who'd ever acted in a Marvel movie. Even though her dad was absent, she was pretty thankful that she at least has this- it gave her someone to be able to look up to.Except it wasn't just someone. The whole cast, when they found out about her situation, had made it their mission to be there for her as much as they possibly could. This meant 75% of her time was spent with at least one member of the cast. It was a little overwhelming at first, but she'd grown to love it-they were genuinely the most caring people she'd ever met. She was close with all of them, but especially Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans. They took on the role of mentors and father figures in perfect stride, and Y/N couldn't be more appreciative of how easily they took on the roles.
If Y/N was honest, the only reason she was where she was right now was those two. When they found out about your pure passion for horses and realized she didn't have the resources to do it how they wanted her to be able to, the first thing Chris did was research. A lot of research. After about a week, he and Sebastian approached her asking if they could help you out. At first, Y/N said no, but they just kept asking and asking. She finally gave in, albeit reluctantly, and found out they managed to buy an old barn for her. She was absolutely flabbergasted, and kind of angry they didn't ask her first, but that settled down when she saw the place.
Seb and Chris had insisted it wasn't a big deal, and logically Y/N knew it wasn't. They had so much money they didn't even know what to do with it, and it made sense to them to buy it for her. After all, they'd both come to see Y/N as a daughter figure to them, and they loved her so much. When they saw the barn online, they were instantly charmed and knew she would be too. So they did the logical (okay, maybe not logical) thing, and bought it.
As soon as they pulled up to the place, Y/N instantly fell in love with it. It was a bit old, but it was obvious that the place could be great with a little work put into it. It was slightly tucked away in a quiet area with trees surrounding the property, which just made it more charming in her opinion. The paint was faded, and the barn itself had 5 stalls. The pasture was huge, and Y/N was so excited to see what she could do with the place.
It took the three of them (with lots of help from the whole cast) about a year to get it fixed up, but when it was done, it was the most gorgeous barn Y/N had ever seen. It had an aura that was comforting about it, and she took solace in that every chance she got. When she got Mac, her days were no longer spent making repairs on the barn, but taking care of her new horse. Mac's a gorgeous Palomino Thoroughbred, and he's about 15.4 hands. He does showjumping best in Y/N's opinion, but he's pretty awesome at dressage and eventing.
A tap on Y/N's shoulder brings her out of her thoughts, and she turns around to find Chris with a soft smile on his face.
"Hey, kiddo, how ya feelin'?" he asks kindly, looking Mac up and down as if to make sure he's still there.
"I'm alright, just lost in thought. Where's Seb?" she questions, as he's normally attached her & Chris' hip.
"He's hanging out in the truck. He's very excited to make our first pre-show Starbucks run!" Chris says with a teasing smile on his face.
Y/N rolls her eyes, having expected that. It's a well-known fact Seb's a sucker for Starbucks-he doesn't hide it very well. Knowing all of Mac's tack is in the trailer already, she puts the lead rope back on his halter and leads him to the trailer with Chris following close behind, a smile on his face the whole time.
Luckily for Y/N, Mac goes in easily. After securing the knot on his halter, she closes the doors and walks around to the front door of the truck. Climbing in between Chris and Sebastian, she grabs her seatbelt and fastens it.
"Ready for Starbucks, Y/N?" Sebastian's eyes lit up with anticipation, and he flashed a grin that revealed his teeth. He leaned in, and the corners of his mouth twitched as he asked for your answer. You returned the smile, nodding your head as fast as humanly possible.
30 minutes and a coffee run later, the trio was finally headed to the showgrounds. Y/N stole the aux as usual, playing her favorite music(to the annoyance of Chris and Sebastian of course.) The sun had just started to come up, making one of the most beautiful sunrises Y/N had ever seen in her life. The ride there was peaceful, a stark contrast to the events that were to come. The second they parked, the mood shifted from peaceful to anxious. Y/N instantly got out of the truck (climbing over poor Chris in the process) and got Mac out, walking him around and the other two prepared what they could for her.
Seb walks over to Y/N first, noticing her anxious manner as she walks Mac around the parking area.
"Hey, you okay darlin'? I know you're nervous, but pacing with Mac isn't going to help. What do you need me to do?" he questions, concern evident on his face.
"I honestly don't know. I need to go lunge him, but I'm so stressed I feel like I'll trip over my own feet. I'm so scared." she admitted in a soft tone, Sebastian's heart clenching at her words.
"Okay, how about this. I can come in the ring with you to lunge Mac,or I can go grab Chris if you want. Remember how you taught us all that stuff about horses? We've gotcha, kiddo. Let us help."
Y/N wasn't expecting tears to form in her eyes at his words, so instead of showing her face, she barreled into him for a hug while holding Mac's lead rope at her side. Seb's arms came around her, and she took a second to breathe before she pulled away.
"Okay. Can you come in with me after you go let Chris know where we'll be? I know he'll want to come watch, even though I'm not even on the horse." she smiled, and Sebastian nodded and headed off. Y/N got his lunge rope on his halter and led him into the ring, making sure they were alone so she could safely lunge him.
A few minutes after she gets him into a working trot, she sees Chris smiling from the edge of the arena, and Seb heading towards her. He cocks his head as if to ask if she needs any help, but Y/N just offers a reassuring grin and looks back at Mac. When she finally gets him into a working canter and warmed up, she pulls Chris over.
"Could you just go set up some jumps? I'm gonna lunge him over some smaller verticals.Maybe 2'3?" Y/N asks.
"Absolutely, I'll set a line up. Want me to get Sebastian to hold him while you go get changed? I know it's a little early for that, but it's kind of cold. I don't want you getting sick."
Y/N nods as she heads towards the truck, gathering her clothes in her arms as she heads into the back of the trailer to change. She decided on a long-sleeve white riding top, and a pair of her favorite sweatpants. She wanted to put off actually changing into her real riding clothes until she tacked him up.
Y/N gets back into the arena to see an absolutely adorable scene. Sebastian is holding Mac while snuggling his neck, and Chris is sitting on a jump trying to measure it. She grabs her phone out of her pocket and snaps a quick picture, heading over to help Chris out and take Mac from Seb. Bringing him to a canter, she lines him up with the line and he jumps it flawlessly. She can't help a smile from forming on her face as she lunges him over it again, confident she can raise the vertical again.
Y/N made the decision to show in the 3 foot jumpers as well as the 2'8, so she had Chris set up two verticals and an oxer. The oxer was 3'2, just in case, and the verticals were 3 feet. She spent about half an hour lunging him until she was satisfied, Chris and Sebastian watching the whole time in awe.
"Ready to tack up?" Chris asked as she walked over. She nodded and together they all headed up to the barn area, Seb checking them in while they found Mac's stall. The barn itself was deserted-it was around 9 A.M. and the show started at 11. Putting Mac in his stall, she ran to the truck and grabbed her tack box.
She'd decided on a wintergreen saddlepad, a choice much approved by Chris. Y/N hooked mac onto the crossties and began to brush him again, getting the dirt off as much as she could before she started to warm up. Putting the saddlepad on, she adjusted it a little bit and threw the saddle & girth on. A minute later the bridle was put on. Y/N lets Seb hold Mac as she ran to the barn bathroom to change again. She changed out of her sweats to her "show-worthy" breeches, and zipped her boots on. Grabbing her helmet, she walked out and met Chris and Seb by the warm-up arena. After adjusting her stirrups, Chris gave her a leg up and she situated herself.
Thankfully the arena was empty, so she sent the boys off to set up the same jumps she lunged Mac over earlier. Taking a deep breath, she came into a posting trot, doing a few laps around the arena before picking up a canter. Finding her distance, Y/N lined herself up with the jumps and sped Mac up a little bit. She soared over the first one, and had a little bit of a wonky distance for the second one. The adrenaline started kicking in as she went over the last two easily, giving Mac a little pat as she brought him down to a trot. Coming back around, she went over them again, this time trying to perfect her technique. She got lost in the sounds of Mac's hooves, allowing herself to ride the jumps almost perfectly. Going over a few more patterns and heights, Y/N finally got off and checked the time. Leading Mac back to his stall, she calculates the time in her head. She shows at 2, and it's 10:45. 3 hours to prepare. As she looks around, she slowly notices the amount of people there. Naturally for her, Y/N's brain sets off into a spiral. What if she's not good enough? What if she embarrasses herself in front of everyone? What if she falls?
Not even a minute later, Seb and Chris walk over. If Y/N didn't know any better, she'd think that they could sense her negative thoughts. They both had a feeling something was wrong with her when she started staring off into space, and that feeling was confirmed when they saw the tears in her eyes.
"Hey sweetheart. I know it seems fucking terrifying, but you know you're just as good as everyone here right? You deserve to be here, and we're so proud of you." Chris nods along as Sebastian talks, and they both pull her into a hug as she feels her anxiety start to calm down. "Now, how about we go check out your course?" He smiles, as they both take Y/N's hand and lead her to the paper. Of course she'd studied the course the nights before, but you never know. They both wanted to make sure she felt as prepared as possible, knowing how bad her nerves could get. They also knew it was amplified by the fact that it was her first show, so they were trying their hardest to help her feel comfortable.
"I wish the others could be here," she mumbled, staring at the sheet as she got lost in her thoughts again.
"I know love, but you know how Chris is. He's going to be taking a video of the whole thing." Seb smiled, turning back to Chris with an excited smile on his face.
Little did Y/N know, Anthony, Robert, Scarlett, both Toms, and Mark were going to be there to surprise you. Chris had gotten into contact with them a few days prior telling them about her first show, and managed to organize the whole thing. They were so excited.
Once Y/N was confident she had the course down, Seb and Chris set to finding as many distractions as they possibly could. They took her to the show shop, and grinned as she started in awe at all the merchandise. Her eyes kept wandering back to a grey hoodie with the show's logo on it, but she dismissed it. Chris walked off with her to the cafe, and Sebastian stayed behind to get the hoodie for her. After all, it was her first show-he wanted to indulge a little bit.
The time flew by faster than she thought it could, and soon enough, it was time for Y/N to get her number and get Mac warmed up. Chris and Seb did all that they could for her-tying the number on her belt, leading Mac to the ring, and of course feeding him a couple treats. Y/N's nerves got worse as the stands got more crowded, but the boys managed to get her distracted long enough to calm her down. As she went into the final warm-up ring, the boys ran to the gate, making sure that they could send her off when she got in line. They saw her jumping and were so excited to see her compete. Scanning the crowd, the boys saw the cast members in the front seats. They knew it would be impossible for Y/N not to see them when she came out, and got even more excited.
As soon as she got in line, they came running over. They wore the biggest smiles she'd ever seen on them, in turn making her wear an ear-splitting grin.
"Holy shit!!" Seb whisper-yelled, getting some death stares from other riders in your class. He didn't mind though-it was worth it.
"I fucking know! I'm terrified. I know the course though, and Mac is definitely ready. I'm just lucky I have the same course for my 4 o'clock class." she says, a shiver running down her spine for the poor souls who had to learn a whole now course in two hours. Chris reaches up to give Mac a pet on the neck, and Seb does the same with a smile.
"You've absolutely got this in the bag, kiddo. There are so many people out there and I'm confident you're going to beat everyone's asses." Chris says with a shit-eating grin on his face.
Y/N rolls her eyes as an involuntary smile comes across her face at Chris' words. As they move up in line, her smile only gets bigger.
"You feelin' ready?" Seb asks, for the 50th time that hour. She smiles and nods, letting the feeling of the reins in her hands and Mac's breaths
ground her.
After a few more minutes of talking, Y/N is up next. She watches the rider before her with bated breath. Said rider knocks a pole off and ends up falling, and Y/N starts freaking out again.
"Shit shit shit shit shit." she mumbles, as Chris and Sebastian stand there with their jaws clenched. They know this only made her anxiety worse; so far, no one had gotten a clear round. Chris grabs her leg and gives it a reassuring squeeze and Sebastian does the same to her hand- a reminder that they're there. The previous rider comes out of the gate looking devastated, and all three of the trio feel their hearts beat a little faster.
Y/N steps into the gate and the arena as the announcer begins her speech.
"Next up we have miss Y/N L/N! We've heard very good things about her, and cannot wait to see her ride. She's on her horse Makin' Magic, aka Mac, a gorgeous Palomino. We wish best of luck to you both! You may start your round at the buzzer."
She starts her courtesy circle, bringing Mac up into a canter around the arena. Looking out at the crowd, she sees something that makes her do a double-take; her cast is here! Her heart beats a little bit faster as the pressure she's under increases by ten, but the smiling faces of everyone, most importantly Sebastian and Chris, calm her down.
As soon as the buzzer goes off, she makes her way towards the first jump, counting her strides. She soars over it without effort, and immediately realizes she needs to speed up if she doesn't want any penalties. As she takes a deep breath, Y/N squeezes Mac with her heels. He immediately goes where she wants him, and they continue to jump rather easily. When they come to the second-to-last jump, however, Y/N starts to freak out. This is the jump two riders fell off on. Time seems to slow down as she looks for her father figure's faces in the crowd, making eye contact with them. Taking a breath, she counts her strides carefully. She eases him into the distance, keeping her eyes focused on the jump. They get there a stride too early, but Y/N puts all her faith in Mac and they manage to hop over it. She's launched out of her saddle a little bit, but what matters the most is that they got over it without knocking anything down. One jump left. Lining herself up once again, she pushes Mac to his max- getting the strides perfectly. The second they hit the ground, loud cheers break out from the crown. The most noticeable to Y/N, though, and the boys' cheers. She smiles to herself as she waves at the crowd, and can't help but full-on grin when the announcer sounds shocked.
"There you have it folks-our last rider for this class, Y/N L/N, has the first and only clear round. That was truly amazing." She says, a smile evident in her voice. Y/N trots out of the arena and straight to the cast, laughing as Chris, Anthony, and Tom Holland ran up screaming.
"Holy shit!" Chris yells.
"Holy FUCK, Y/N!!!" Anthony screams.
"Oh. My. God." Last but not least, Tom stands shell-shocked as he spits those words out.
Everyone that didn't run up screaming congratulated her, smiles on their faces. Y/N couldn't help but be excited for her next round.
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marvelcastimagines · 3 years
Say what
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Summary: Tom plays 'say what' with Jake, Zendaya and Jacob. During that they reveal a surprise for him but also for you.
Pairing: brother!Tom Holland x sister!teen!reader
Warnings: None <3
Zendaya texted you yesterday about that interview they are going to do and asked if you wanted to surprise Tom.
You said 'yes' and Zendaya had something special planned for you as well, which she's going to add in the interview.
She texted you that someone will pick you up and drive you to where they were doing the interview and you were extremely nervous.
A nice woman lead you to where they're are filming and you stood behind a thin wall, already hearing them screaming at each other. You laughed a little and a guy with a headset walked over to you.
"You must be Y/n Holland?" he shook your hand and you nod smiling. "Alright, Zendaya told me what you wanted to do and I will give you a sign when you can walk in, okay?"
You nod and he smiled, walking back to his position and you waited, listening to the others.
"Next question" You heard Zendaya shout and chuckled. "Y/n is here right now"
"What?" Tom practically yelled and they all laughed.
"Y/n. Is. Here. Right. Now" she said slowly and Jake's eyes widen.
He turned to Tom, who has no clue what was going on.
"Y/N IS HERE!" Jake yelled at him and he turned to Zendaya.
"Y/n is here" he repeated and they all nodded.
The guy from before gave you a thumb up and you came over from behind the poster.
"No way!" Tom set the headphones down and immediately stood up, hugging you tight. "I can't believe you're here!"
You greeted them all and Jake offered you his place next to Tom and handed you his headphones.
"You want me to play too?" you asked and they all nodded excitedly. "Alright"
You set them on and only heard loud music while Jake read something.
"Y/n will be...." he started.
"Y/n will be" you both repeated and Zendaya smiled brightly.
"....join the MCU" he read. He and Jacob looked surprised at Zendaya and your eyes widen.
"I'm going to join the MCU!" you took your headphones off and Tom did the same. "I'm going to join the MCU!"
Tom nodded and you literally jumped on him to hug him. He caught you easily and wrapped his arms around you.
"They said that they loved your performance in Spider-Man far from home and already planned you in the next movies. I'm so proud of you, Y/n/n" he said and you both got out of the hug.
"We all are proud of you," Jake said and pat your shoulder. You smiled and ended the interview with them together.
The internet is going to freak out.
Here's the 'Say what' Interview
First post, yeah! I'm going to write mcu cast x teen!reader, because I read some fics of that and loved it so much that I wanted to write my own :)
I'm gonna write for:
Tom Hiddleston (personal favorite)
Chris Hemsworth (personal favorite)
Robert Downey Jr.
Scarlett Johansson
Elizabeth Olsen
Chris Evans
Sebastian Stan
Paul Rudd
Tom Holland
If you have requests, ask away. I'm more than happy to write something for you. It could be sister!au, daughter!au, friends!au and child!reader.
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holylulusworld · 3 years
New Beginnings (8) FIN
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Request: Was thinking something angsty with Sebastian Stan & reader. His friend maybe tells him that she's not nice & is behind his fame & money so she's acting all nice. Once when she's talking abt someone else Seb thinks she's actually talking abt him. He acts cold towards her & throws her out on her b'day. He insults her in front of everyone & tells everyone how bad she is. She leaves the country & changes all the contacts. Seb sees her after 2yrs, with his child. Idk a happy ending???
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader
Characters: OFC Matteo Christopher, Chris Evans, OC Jason, unnamed manager
Warnings: angst, arguments, daddy!Sebastian, shared custody, fluff, getting back together, light smut, unprotected sex, cuddling & snuggling
A/N: Matteo’s lines miss some words etc. on purpose. He’s two years old and doesn’t speak fluently.
A/N2: This part got inspired by Neffex’s ‘New Beginnings (I did not use all lyrics). Lyrics in Italics.
You love me not masterlist
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I needed something
Someone to trust in
I needed something
To get me through this life
“Baby girl, you feel so good,” his rough hands move over your thighs to grip your flesh tightly. “Fuck, I almost forgot how well you take my cock.”
“Seb, not so loud,” you try to keep the noises low. Matteo cannot see you and Sebastian tangled in each other, skin sweated-slicked and voices hoarse. “Matteo could wake.”
“It’s just,” he begins to pump harder into you, moans against your lips wiht every hard thrust. “I need you to cum, baby. I don’t know how long I can hold back. I’ve missed this too much.” 
You claw at his back, try anything to hold tight onto Sebastian. He searches your lips, greedily claims your mouth, almost devouring you. “I—I’m going to.”
Sebastian swallows your screams with his lips, tries to make sure his son won’t hear the lustful noises leave your lips when you come undone underneath him. 
“Just let go, baby. All I want is to feel you fall apart for me,” he groans against your lips. His cock twitches violently and you realize, too late, both of you forgot to think about protection. “Shit, that’s it.”
“Ah fuck,” Sebastian laughs into your neck when you shudder underneath him. “We forgot a condom. Seb, we are no horny teens. What did we do?” whilst he slips out of you, not a care in the world, you think about the consequences of your irresponsible behavior.
“Maybe we made another mini-me,” he looks at you, smirking like the devil himself. “I wouldn’t be too sad having another baby with you. We could make a whole football team.”
“Sebastian,” he rests his head on your chest, sighing against you. “We can’t have another child. Not now. We should find a way to get back together first.”
“I think we are on a good way, right?” Sebastian hopes you will agree to permanently move in with him. All he wants is to have you and Matteo in his life. Everything else became unimportant the moment he saw his son for the first time. “I will do anything to make things work between us.”
“Seb, baby,” you run your fingers through his hair, gently massaging his scalp. “If you want this to be a new beginning, you, and I, need to talk about a few rules.”
“Rules. Sounds good to me,” close to drifting into sleep Sebastian fights to keep his eyes open.
“Hmm…I’m tired,” closing your eyes you struggle to stay awake. “I think we should talk about rules and living together tomorrow. We should get some sleep.”
“How about having a shower first? We can check on Matteo and sleep a bit,” he cages you with his arms to place a chaste kiss on your lips. “Come one, dirty girl. I’m going to get you clean.”
We're just cruising right on through this life with a playlist
And everything is right
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Three months later, ...
“Pancaka, dadda,” Matteo happily munches breakfast while you watch his father hover over him like a mother hen. He pecks Matteo’s hair, smiling when you give him a soft smile.
“What does mommy want to eat this morning,” he points the spatula at you, a cocky grin on his lips. “Name it, sweet cheeks.”
“I’ll go for pancakes too, Mr. Stan,” watching Sebastian dance around the kitchen you giggle. He rolls his hips while singing along to the song playing on the radio. “Whoa, you are quite a dancer this morning.”
“I always was a great dancer,” he bumps his hips into yours. You giggle again, fighting his hands when he grasps for your hand to begin to dance with you. “Look at your mommy, she’s a great dancer too.
“Momma, dadda,” Matteo squeals. He freaks out watching you and Sebastian dance around the kitchen. “Dance!”
“Yeah, your mommy and I will dance together for the rest of our lives,” Sebastian sways to the music until his phone begins to ring. “We will dance some more later, sweet cheeks.”
“I’ll keep you up on the promise, Mr. Stan,” you peck his lips, smirking when he eagerly kisses you back. “Do not forget about it.”
Never really thought I would make it
Found someone who I don't think I'll ever replace and
I'm emptying my heart so, you can just take it
I’m living my best life
“I won’t, baby. Lemme just answer the call,” Sebastian frowns when Jason’s name flashes up on his display. His lawyer never calls on a Sunday morning. “Hey, Jason. Whoa, slow down. What happened?”
“Seb? Is something wrong? Baby, tell me what happened,” watching Sebastian’s features darken and his hand balls into a fist you know something must’ve happened. “Baby?”
“That fucking bitch,” Sebastian spits. He takes deep breaths to calm his anger. “Jason, do your very best and thank you for your call. I’m sorry that bitch is ruining your Sunday too.”
“Dadda, bad word,” Matteo Christopher looks up at his father with big wide eyes. “Dadda mad?”
“No, baby boy,” whilst you run one hand over your son’s head, you watch Sebastian pace the kitchen like a caged animal. “Sebastian, what’s wrong. Talk to me, baby.”
“She’s doing it again,” he sniffs, wiping his eyes. “I thought Sarah got the message and that she will leave me the fuck alone now. But no, my manager called Jason and told him about an interview. Now he tries to stop her from talking trash about you and me.”
“That fuck—,” you bite your tongue, not wanting to use a bad word in front of your son again. “I will scratch her eyes out and kill her.”
“Relax, baby girl. Jason tries anything. He called the interviewer and their boss. I will sue them all if I must. No one will talk shit about my family,” you bring Sebastian in your arms, run your hands soothingly over his back. “Three months ago, I had hoped Sarah got the message, now I know better.”
“We will not let her ruin our new beginning, Sebastian,” you peck his lips to calm your angry boyfriend. “Sarah won’t win, not this time. She already has stolen two years of our life and relationship.”
“Why did I never realize she’s the worst? How could I be friends with her for so long? I can’t wrap my head around the fact she still tries to ruin our family,” he whispers against your hair. “I love you and will not let her hurt you again. “
“I love you too,” you lean your head against his shoulder, try to push the fear away. “We will not let her ruin our relationship again. You, Matteo, and I are a family now, and we will not give this up.”
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And I feel so alive
With you by my side
We can make a life
I've got nothing to hide
Driving so fast
Every town passed
Never look back
We're good at that
'Cause I feel so alive
Damn you look good tonight
“Ms. Y/L/N, please calm down. I tried anything to stop the interview, sadly the interviewer and her boss won’t stop. Sebastian’s newest film will come out in a few days, and they want their fifteen minutes of fame.”
“What will we do now?” you pinch the bridge of your nose, try to find a way to ruin Sarah’s plan. “WAIT!”
“Do you have an idea?” Sebastian nervously rubs the back of his neck. “Babe, what’s going on in that pretty head of yours?”
“I know we wanted to keep our relationship a secret for a while but,” you bite your tongue, thinking about what you are about to say, “if we want to beat that bitch, we should go public. Let’s go to the premiere together, show her we are back together and stronger than ever.”
“That’s not the worst idea, Sebastian,” Jason looks at Sebastian’s manager, waiting for confirmation. “What do you think?”
“I told them to go public weeks ago, right after Sarah tried to sue Y/N. If we do it now, no one will be interested in Sarah’s little story. Especially if we reveal Sebastian and Y/N have a son,” Sebastian’s manager says.
“No pictures of Matteo!” you jump up to glare at Sebastian’s manager. “I told you we will not use my son, ever. If she wants to talk trash about me fine, but no one will drag my son into this shit show.”
“Y/N, we will not show pictures of our son,” Sebastian gently runs his hand over your back, “promised. But Jason ain’t wrong. If we tell them we are a family, and that Sarah repeatedly tried to ruin our relationship, she can say anything she wants to say, no one will believe her.”
“So, what are we going to do now?” you ask, grasping for Sebastian’s hand. “Will we go to the premiere and just tell everyone we are a happy couple or—”
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“Over here, Sebastian!” the reporters freaked out the moment you attended the red carpet with Sebastian. Now they try to get you to talk to them. “Who is the pretty girl by your side?”
“Nice to see you here,” Sebastian smirks, not giving away too much. “Oh, you are more interested in my fiancé than my movie, I’m hurt.”
“Fiancé? Where did you meet? For how long are you in a relationship? What’s her name?” question after question gets thrown at Sebastian but he remains calm.
“Well, we met a few years ago and fell in love. Sadly, we parted ways for a while, but now we are back together,” you hold his hand a little bit tighter, knowing he will talk about your son now. “It was my fault but,” he dips his head to kiss your cheek softly, “this wonderful woman gave me a second chance.”
“Did you cheat on her? Why the breakup?” the reporters yell at Sebastian. “Who broke things up?
“Do you know the kind of movie in which the so-called best friend tries to ruin her friend’s relationship out of jealousy? That’s what happened to Sebastian and me,” you jump in, smiling sweetly into the camera. “Luckily Sebastian and I got back together and, we will raise our son as a family.”
“Son?” you smirk when the reporters begin to focus on you and Sebastian. They barely recognized Chris and Anthony joined you on the carpet.
“We should head inside. I think this was enough,” Chris whispers. “We beat Sarah with her own weapons.”
We're driving through rain riding through sun and looking at plains
We're cruising through towns moving all around but you stay the same
We like to runaway we're ditching all our pain and living for today
We're driving so fast wanna make it last we'll do it our way
Sebastian waves into the camera, smiles widely before he leads you inside, ignoring the screaming reporters and flashes illuminating the night.
He only feels your fingers intertwined with his, and the weight that got lifted off his chest.
And I feel good at night
Full moon the only light
You make me feel like
I'm doing alright
I feel good inside
Maybe a little high
You make me feel like
Everything will be alright
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“Noooo!” at the other end of town Sarah throws her phone against the wall. She’s cursing your name, knowing she just lost Sebastian forever. “That bitch! She ruined everything once again! No!”
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“Looks like she didn’t give that interview. What a shame,” you snuggle into Sebastian’s chest, smiling when he runs his hand over your back. 
“Yeah, I was burning to hear how I ruined her life and your friendship, baby. Maybe we should invite her to our wedding,” you giggle into his chest. “Seb, I’m glad we try again.”
“I’m glad you gave me a second chance. Now,” he flips you over to crawl down your body, “I will devour you and try to get you pregnant again. Matteo and I agreed we want a little sister for him…”
And I feel so alive
With you by my side
We can make a life
I've got nothing to hide
Driving so fast
Every town passed
Never look back
We're good at that
'Cause I feel so alive
Damn you look good tonight
And I feel so alive
With you by my side
We can make a life
I've got nothing to hide
Driving so fast
Every town passed
Never look back
We're good at that
'Cause I feel so alive
Damn you look good tonight
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You love me not Tags
@thequeenreaders​​, @aubageddon91​​, @adayinmymeadow​​, @imsonick​​, @selluequestrian​​, @mccloudchloe​, @harrison-shot-first​, @shakemeupthanks-blog​, @bvckys-doll​​, @firefly-in-darkness​​, @marvelgirl7​​, @spideysimpossiblegirl​​, @sebastian-i-stan​
All works Tags
Marvel Tags
Bucky Barnes/Sebastian Stan Tags
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Sebastian x daughter!reader, so he gets really busy with something and forgets her birthday and it ends up in argument between the two and he says something really mean to the reader? Then the two of them go to cevans for help and don't know the other is already there? i know it's angsty but that's what i live for
Did You Forget? (Sebastian Stan x Daughter!Reader)
Actors Masterlist
Sebastian Stan Masterlist
Warnings: mentions of an absent mother. 
Word Count: 2,032
A/N: Thank you for being so patient! I hope this was angsty enough for you!! Love you! 
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“Yeah, yeah, don’t worry, I’ll be over in about thirty minutes,” Sebastian said into the phone as he rushed around the kitchen. You sat down at the kitchen table, watching him rush around like a chicken that got his head chopped off. Your heart felt heavy; the fact that he hasn’t said anything was eating you up. “Alright. See you later,” Sebastian said before hanging up his phone. “Make sure to clean your mess up before you leave for school, Y/N.” With that, your dad left the house. No ‘good morning.’ No ‘I love you,’ and most certainly no, ‘happy birthday.’
“Happy birthday, Y/N,” you softly said to yourself. “Oh! Thanks, dad! I almost thought you had forgotten about me!” You replied to yourself. “Because you would never forget your daughter… right?” Tears brimmed your eyes at your little scenario. You never thought your father would be so busy that he would forget his only child’s birthday. You were the apple of his eye. 
But with everything, you carried on with your day. You went to school and then came home to an empty house. You heard your phone ring, quickly answering it. “Hello?” 
“Happy birthday!” Chris said with glee. “How old are you now? 100? 200?” 
You chuckled. “Chill, I’m not as old as you, Chris.” 
“Ouch!” Chris laughed before clearing his throat. “Your dad wanted me to tell you that he’s going to be home late.” 
“Oh?” You questioned. 
“Yeah, they’re holding him, hostage,” Chris joked. You hummed in response but Chris quickly took notice of your tone. “What’s up?” 
“Nothing,” you said softly. 
Chris knew not to press it any further; it’s the way you were. If you wanted to talk about something, you would. “Alright, well, you call me if you need anything, okay?” 
“Yeah.” You ended the call. Tossing your phone onto the couch before sitting down. You wondered if you even mattered to your dad at times. If he even cared about you. Of course, he did, right? He raised you. He took care of you all on his own. So, how could he forget your birthday? He already knew how hard it was to celebrate a birthday without a mother and now here you were, basically celebrating it without a father. 
A few hours went by before your dad had finally arrived. It was nearly eight o’clock at night. 
“Nice of you to finally show up,” you mumbled as you got off the couch. 
Sebastian groaned. His head had been hurting all day and all he wanted to do was go straight to bed and forget today ever happened. “Not now, Y/N,” he said as he made his way towards the stairs. 
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” you called out. 
Sebastian stopped in his tracks and looked over at you, giving you a confused look. “No.” 
“Unbelievable.” You rolled your eyes as you walked over to your dad. “Nothing about today rings a bell? Maybe the day that changed your life forever?” 
Sebastian’s expression quickly changed as it dawned on him the date of today. “Fuck!” 
“Thanks a lot, dad,” you said as you moved past him. 
“Hey! I’m sorry I forgot but it’s hard when I’m working these ridiculous hours while also being a single father!” 
“And it’s hard to celebrate a birthday without a mom or a dad!” You yelled. “Sometimes, I even wish she would’ve taken me with her! Maybe then I wouldn’t have been such a burden to you!” 
“Maybe,” Sebastian mumbled. 
You narrowed your eyes at him. Sebastian instantly regretted what he said, “Y/N, I di-”
“Save it!” You hissed as you brushed past him towards the door. 
“Y/N, where are you going!?” Sebastian panicked as he saw you heading towards the door. 
“Far away from you!” You yelled as you walked out of the house and ran down the street. 
“Y/N!” Sebastian called out. He ran out the door. He saw you in the distance, running down the street. “Shit.” 
The streets of New York were no friend when it came to trying to just have some time to yourself. You groaned in irritation as another passerby bumped into your shoulder without saying sorry. The sound of roaring thunder pierced through your eyes. Not even a second later, you felt the droplets of rain on your skin. You rolled your eyes. “Just great,” you commented. Before making your way to the familiar hotel that Chris was staying at. If there was someone you knew you could trust, it was Chris. 
You made your way into the hotel and towards Chris’ room. Softly knocking on the door, Chris opened it seconds later, surprised to see you. “Y/N? Come in! You must be freezing!” He said as he noticed your outfit slightly damp from the rain. 
You walked into the hotel room; Chris closed the door behind you and sprinted to the bathroom. You sat down on the bed before Chris came back into the room with a fresh towel. “Here,” he said softly. He wrapped the towel around your shaking body. “Where’s your dad?” 
You rolled your eyes once again, shrugging in response. “Probably forgetting my birthday somewhere.” 
Chris gave you a confused expression before sitting down on the bed beside you. “Care to explain?” 
You sighed, feeling the tears well up in your eyes. “He forgot my birthday, Chris,” you choked out, “and we argued and I was angry and I said some things about maybe if my mom had taken me I wouldn’t have been such a burden and he agreed with me!” You sobbed out. 
Chris sighed, knowing damn well that Sebastian fucked up, but he couldn’t point the finger at him right away. Chris knew how much Sebastian loved his daughter and how he would do anything for her. There had to be a reason why Sebastian said what he said. 
“You know he doesn’t mean it,” Chris reassured. 
“Yes, he does! He’s been ignoring me for weeks! It’s like I don’t exist to him anymore!” 
Chris pulled you in for an embrace, kissing the top of your head in a platonic way. “That’s not true, Y/N. Your dad loves you so much. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to him.” 
“Then why would he say that?” 
Chris shrugged. “I don’t know, sweetie, but I’m going to find out.” 
Sebastian frantically called your phone, but the sound of the ringtone of your phone coming from the couch caused him to panic even more. You didn’t have your phone, and he had no way of contacting you. 
“Fuck!” He expressed. Grabbing your phone from the couch, he made his way towards the door, and the sound of the thunder caught his attention. He grabbed his jacket and then yours, knowing very well that you were going to need it. 
Sebastian drove around the block, hoping that you were still around. He cursed to himself, “I had to sign her up for track,” he mumbled to himself. Commenting on the fact that you were a fast runner. Sebastian took his phone out of his pocket and quickly dialed Chris’ number. 
“Seb,” Chris didn’t take long to answer. 
“Chris, man, I fucked up,” Sebastian began to say. “Y/N, she ran away and I can’t find her,” Sebastian began to choke up, tears welled up in his eyes as he leaned his head against the headrest. “I can’t lose her, Chris. I can’t. I… I need help finding her.” Chris couldn’t help but chuckle. “This isn’t funny, Chris!” 
“I’m sorry, man, I didn’t mean to laugh.” Chris cleared his throat. “She’s right here with me, Seb. I was gonna call you once she calmed down.” 
“Oh thank god!” Sebastian expressed. “Is she okay?” 
Chris looked at your sleeping form before walking out of the room and into the hotel hallway. “She’s hurt emotionally.” Chris let out a soft sigh. “You fucked up, dude.”
“I know.” 
“She’s asleep right now, but I’ll make sure she stays here until you get here.” 
“Thank you, Chris.” Chris hummed in response. “And Chris?” 
“What do I do?” 
Chris let out another chuckle; he found it humorous that his friend was asking him for parenting advice. “You’re asking the wrong person, man.” Sebastian let out a heavy sigh, desperate for any advice at this point. “But if I were in your shoes, I would apologize.” 
Sebastian let out a frustrated groan, “How the hell do I forget my only child’s birthday!? I was an only child, and my parents never forgot my birthday!” 
“Well, you have been working long hours, I believe you need a break. After a while, it starts to mess with your head… You know this already. You’re not new to this crazy lifestyle.” 
Of course, Sebastian knew that. He’d been an actor for quite a while but even then, with all his other projects and crazy hours, he has never forgotten your birthday. Maybe a break was needed, Sebastian has been jumping from one project to another for the past two years. He hasn’t had a well-needed break in quite a while. “A break sounds nice,” Sebastian commented. 
“And I would also explain to her about the crazy hours you’ve been working.” 
“You’re right,” Sebastian said. 
“You got this, Seb.” 
“Thank you, Chris. I appreciate it.” Chris smiled, even though Sebastian couldn’t see him. They both said “see you later” before ending the call. 
It wasn’t long until Sebastian made it to the hotel, meeting Chris in the hallway. “She’s asleep,” Chris informed Seb.
“Thank you again,” Sebastian repeated before walking into the room. He looked at your sleeping form, letting out a relieved sigh. You were safe. A bit damp from the rain, but you were safe. Sebastian walked closer to you; he began to pick you up gently, but it startled you awake. “Shh, it’s just me,” Sebastian said calmly. 
Tears quickly welled up in your eyes. You covered yourself with the blanket and faced the other direction. “Go away, I don’t want to talk to you.” 
Sebastian sighed. “Fair enough,” he softly said. “You don’t have to talk, but can you at least listen?” You didn’t respond. Sebastian took that as ‘yes’ and continued. “I didn’t mean anything I said, sweetie, and I’m sorry I forgot your birthday. I really am. It’s just, with the crazy hours at work and the constant jumping from project to project, I haven’t had a decent break in a while and I guess it finally got to my head.” Sebastian let out a shaky sigh, the thought of the words he was going to say next, the thought of everything being different. It broke him. “I have never, ever, thought of you as a burden. Never. You know what I thought of you as?” 
You turned your body so you were facing your father’s direction. He gave you a somber smile. He wiped away the tear on your cheek that had gone astray. “What?” You questioned. 
“I thought of you as a blessing.” He pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear. “I don’t know what life would be like without you, and I am so sorry if I hurt you, baby girl. I’m still learning how to be an amazing dad to you. I’m going to make mistakes. There’s going to be arguments, but I promise you, you are not a burden. I love you so much.” 
It felt like a dam broke within your eyes. You got up from your position on the bed and wrapped your arms around your dad. “I’m sorry I ran away.” 
Sebastian held you tightly. “It’s okay,” he said softly. He placed a kiss on the top of your head. “I’m going to ask for a break from work. It might cause some setbacks, but I don’t care. You and I are in a dire need of some family time.” 
“May I suggest a place?” 
Sebastian chuckled, already knowing your answer. “Let me guess, Disneyworld?” 
The door to the hotel room quickly opened, “I swear I wasn’t eavesdropping but did I hear Disneyworld?” Chris asked. 
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rachaelswrites · 3 years
“Did you hear that?” “No.” “Yes you did. You jumped.” “I did not!” “Go check it out!” “No! You!” With Stan!reader and Sebastian
Sebastian knew it would be a long night. He didn’t think about the fact that you were the most jumpy person he’s ever met and you probably shouldn’t watch a horror film late at night. It was nearing one in the morning and you still couldn’t sleep. He didn’t blame you though, he was feeling the same. The movie was a bit more intense than he thought.
He decided to put on something more light-hearted to try and help get you less scared. It didn’t help much. Any time a light flashed out the window or a sound came from up above, you jumped. A single loud sound from the hallway startled you and you nearly fell off the couch.
“Y/n?” Sebastian asked you, making sure you were okay.
“Did you hear that?” You asked him.
“No,” he said. He did in fact hear it and it did startle him, not as much as you, but he still jumped enough for you to notice.
“Yes you did. You jumped,” you said back.
“I did not,” he argued.
“Go check it,” you said, pointing towards the front door.
“No you.”
“I’m the child here. You’re the dad. You have to protect me,” you said pushing him towards the door.
“You’re lucky I love you Y/n,” he said, standing up and walking towards the door, “If there’s something here, and I die, I’m coming back to haunt you.”
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