#sebastian stan x teen imagine
sergeantbarnessdoll · 5 months
Lets go! Winter soldier!bucky goes on a mission with y/n, it is her first mission. Hydra is obviously sick for taking in you, a easily startled teen. winter soldier orders her to stay in Hydra's vehicles because he doesn't want y/n to get hurt<3 You kept hearing about him at Hydra, of course you would want to stay next to him and try to not look weak!
This might not be the type of requests you usually receive, please tell me in case you're not okay with it. Have a great week!
Trying To Protect You » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Winter Soldier x Teen!Female Reader
Summary: You go on your first mission with the Winter Soldier, but he’s trying to protect you at the same time.
Warnings: Fluff, language, HYDRA, violence, brief mention of blood, use of nicknames
Age of reader: 16 years old
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anonymous person who requested this🩵 also I imagined this took place during Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
A/N #2: This is different from what I normally write so I decided to give it a try. I used Google translate for the Russian translations. I apologize if I got anything wrong.
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators. I found it on Pinterest.
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You jumped at the sound of your cell’s door opening. Brock Rumlow walks in your cell and grabbed your bicep with a bruising grip, pulling you up from your spot on the bed.
“Wh-Where are you taking me?” You asked him nervously.
“Pierce wants to talk to you.” Brock says.
Brock takes you to the room where they do experiments on you, forcing you to sit down in the chair. Brock went to strap your arms and legs down to the chair, but Pierce stopped him.
“Restraints aren’t necessary this time.” Pierce says.
Brock nodded and stepped off to the side. You nervously looked up at Pierce, waiting for him to tell you why you’re there.
“As you know, your skills have been improving since the day you got here, fighting wise.” Pierce approaches you and crouches down in front of you. “From what I understand, you’ve made a great impression on the Winter Soldier. He told me that he’s impressed with your skills, but I’m sure he told you that.” He says.
You nodded your head, waiting for him to continue.
“So I’ve been thinking…” He stood up straight and took a couple steps back from you. “You’re ready for your first mission.” He says.
“Really?” You asked.
“Yes. You’re joining the Winter Soldier on his mission.” Pierce tells you and began walking towards the door. “You’re leaving in a half hour.” He says before the door closed behind him.
You sat there for a moment, thinking about what you’ve heard about the Winter Soldier. You know that he’s one of HYDRA’s best assassins and he has a metal arm for a left arm. He’s also the one who’s been training you. Your thoughts were interrupted when a HYDRA agents gave you a mission suit to put on, along with combat boots. Another agent put a bullet proof vest on you. Then you followed the agents out to the vehicles. You smiled when you seen the Winter Soldier as you got in one of the vehicles. He nodded at you as he got in the vehicle, sitting next to you. Moments later, the Winter Soldier and other agents got out of the vehicles. You were following suit, but you were stopped by the Winter Soldier.
“Stay in the car.” He says.
“But-” The Winter Soldier shut the car door before you could get another word out.
You sighed and watched from the tinted car window. Your senses were telling you that you should be out there helping him. You know you should obey his orders and stay in the car, but he’s part of your team and you need to help him. You opened the center console and found a gun and bullets. You loaded the gun and got out of the vehicle. You located a target at shot at him, but missed. An agent turned around and seen you. He went to walk towards you, but the Winter Soldier stopped him.
“Я получил ее.” The Winter Soldier said to the agent in Russian.
He gently grabbed your arm and pulled you to the side.
“I told you to stay in the car.” He says sternly.
“I know, but my senses told me that you needed help.” You said honestly and looked down, feeling ashamed.
“I get that you’re just going with what your senses are telling you, but I don’t want you to get hurt.” He says.
You opened your mouth to say something when a bullet came flying towards you two. The Winter Soldier grabbed you with his metal arm and held you against him while using his right hand to shoot at whoever shot the bullet at the two of you. The sound of the gun going off startled you. Your hands grasped onto his tactical vest, holding it tightly.
“This is the reason why I told you to stay in the car.” He says.
“Ok, but Pierce said this is my mission too and I intend on helping you.” You say.
He sighed, not wanting to argue with you.
“Fine, but you stay by my side, understand?” He says.
“I understand, Soldat.” You say.
You kept your word and stood by him. Maybe you weren’t as ready for a mission as you thought, because you jumped almost every time you heard a loud noise that wasn’t a gun. The Winter Soldier noticed how jumpy you were and grabbed your arm, running away from the scene. He took you to an alley where it was calmer and quieter for you.
“I’m going to say something and I want you to listen, ok?” He says.
You looked at him and nodded your head.
“When we go back out there, I want you to get back in the car where it’s safer. That’s an order, soldier.” He says.
“But-” You stopped talking when he gave you the look, the dad look. “Yes, Bucky.” You mumbled, loud enough for him to hear.
You’re the only person in HYDRA who calls him Bucky. You learned his name your first year after being kidnapped by HYDRA.
“I don’t want you to get hurt.” Bucky puts a comforting hand on your shoulder. “I also want what’s best for you. Do you understand?” He says softly.
“Yes, I understand.” You say.
He poked his head out from the alley, making sure the coast is clear for you to go straight to one of the vehicle.
“Coast is clear. Follow me.” Bucky says.
You followed closely behind him. You still jumped at the noises, but you were fine as long as you were close to Bucky. He opened the car door and you got in the vehicle. You turned around to see him holding his hand out.
“Give me the gun.” Bucky says.
You pouted and handed him the gun. He continued to hold his hand out and gave you the dad stare.
“I know you have extra bullets and don’t even try to lie and say you don’t.” He says.
You sighed and got the extra bullets out of your pocket and put the bullets in his hand, still pouting cause you want to help him.
“Soldiers don’t pout.” Bucky states. “If you want to help me, you can look out the window and keep an eye out for me, ok?” He says, trying to reason with you.
“Ok.” You say quietly.
Bucky kissed your forehead and closed the car door, going back to the mission. As you were keeping an eye out from your position in the car, everything looked like it was going smoothly. That was until a bullet shot through the front windshield. You screamed and covered your head, ducking to the car floor. Bucky’s enhanced hearing picked up your scream and he immediately ran to the car, opening the car door and seen you shaking on the car floor.
“Hey, you’re ok.” He says softly.
You uncovered your head and looked up, seeing Bucky. You practically launched yourself into his arms. Bucky securely wrapped his arms around you and pulled you out of the car. He gently put your feet on the ground and grabbed your hand, quickly taking you somewhere safe.
“Are you hurt?” Bucky asks, checking you for obvious injuries.
“No. I’m just shaken up is all.” You tell him.
Bucky’s facial expression softens when he seen a cut on your forehead with blood coming out of it, making you furrow your eyebrows in confusion.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” You asked confused.
Bucky continued to look at the cut on your forehead, making sure it’s not deep. You reached your hand up to your forehead and felt something wet.
“Am I bl-bleeding?!” You asked, beginning to freak out.
“Just a little bit.” He says as he continues to examine it.
You took your hand off your forehead and seen blood in your hand, making your eyes widen.
“Hey, look at me.” He coos. “You’re going to be fine.” He says softly.
“But I’m bleeding.” You say.
“Yes you are, but you’re going to get patched up when we get back to base.” He says.
Bucky pulled you in for a hug to calm your nerves which helped a lot. After a moment, he pulled away from the hug, placing his hands on your shoulders.
“You ready to go back out there?” Bucky asks.
“Yes.” You nodded. “Let go kick some ass!” You say.
Bucky gave you the dad look once again when you said a curse word. He doesn’t like it when you say curse words.
“Sorry.” You mumbled.
Bucky just chuckled and shrugged it off. He pulled a gun out of the holster, loading it with bullets and gave it to you.
“Stay by me and shoot when I say to, got it?” He says.
“Yes, Bucky.” You answered.
“Alright. Let’s get back out there, doll.” He says with a smile and patted your shoulder.
After the mission, you were dreading what Pierce was going to say or do to you. You were looking down at your feet as you were walking past him, but he stopped you in your tracks by grabbing your arm and pulled you towards him, making you stumble.
“Mission Report, soldier.” Pierce commands, looking down at you.
“Successful.” You inform him, lying through your teeth.
“I hope you’re telling the truth cause you know the consequences.” He says.
“Yes, sir.” You say.
“You’re dismissed.” He let go of your arm. “Rumlow, escort her to her cell.” He says.
Brock nodded and grabbed your bicep with a bruising grip like he did earlier and escorted you to your cell. He shoved you in your cell, making you trip over your own feet and fall. Luckily you landed on the bed and not the hard concrete floor. You got cleaned up and changed. You sat on the bed, holding your knees against your chest. You jumped at the sound of the cell door open and close. You relaxed when you seen Bucky. Bucky sneaks in your cell to keep you company when he’s able to.
“Hey, kid.” Bucky says, taking a seat on the bed in front of you.
“Hey, Bucky.” You say quietly, loud enough for him to hear.
“How’re you feeling after your first mission?” He asks.
“I don’t know.” You shrugged your shoulders. “What’s there to feel?” You say.
Bucky nodded in agreement.
“I want you to understand something.” He starts. “When I give you orders during future mission, I expect you to follow through with them. I don’t want you to get hurt.” He says.
“Ok. I’ll listen better next time.” You say understandingly.
Bucky smiles and patted the bed next to him. You moved closer to him and he wrapped his arms around you, giving you a loving hug.
“I also want you to understand that I’m trying to protect you.” He says, kissing the top of your head.
“I understand.” You looked up at him. “Thank you for protecting me.” You say with a smile.
“You’re welcome, kiddo.” Bucky smiles down at you. “Get some sleep. You need it after the day you had.” He says.
You snuggled yourself against his side, slowly falling asleep. Knowing that Bucky is there to protect you made it easier for you to fall asleep. By the end of the day, Bucky just wants what’s best for you.
-Bucky’s Doll
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We’re Terrible Influences
Paring: Avengers Cast (Sebastian Stan, Chris Evans, Anthony Mackie, Scarlett Johanson) x Reader
Summary: Part of the Civil War cast throw a 21st birthday party for you
Warning: drinking, swearing, hints of anxiety, drunk reader, WE GET SAD
A/N: Flufftober Day 4, this was fun
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“You have got to be kidding me”
You looked at the three men boys in front of you; Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, and Chris Evans. They had the goofiest smile on their faces, one holding a birthday hat, the other a sash, and a shot glass with clear liquid in it. “I told you guys multiple times I didn’t want a party.”
"We know," Chris said, "and we don't want to force you to do this." he continued. "But it's your 21st birthday, and if you don't get drunk then you are doing it wrong." Sebastian continued. "Actually I'm doing it right because I'm not pushing my body's limits-"
"NOPE! You don't get to be smart tonight. that can continue tomorrow. Tonight you get to have fun and get drunk with your favorite people in the world." Anthony said as he tried to hand you the clear glass.
"I told you no. The only reason I came over was for the birthday movie night we had planned." You said you try to push past the guys. But they weren’t having it and blocked you out.
“What’s going on? Are you nervous or something? Cause we are all very responsible adults.” Chris said as the three men have you the cheesiest thumbs up, making you laugh.
“It’s not that, I promise. I just don’t want to.” You said as you started subconsciously rubbing your thumb over your hand, a telltale sign that you were holding something back.
“No you are doing the thumb thing; what’s on your mind,” Seb said as he took one of your hands and held it. “I don’t know how I’m going to act when I’m drunk.” You said as you felt yourself exhale.
“So?” Chris asked. “So, I don’t want you to see me when I get to that point. I don’t know if I’m going to be happy, giggly, sad, or throwing up over the toilet.” The boys looked at each other before laughing a bit. You slapped each of their chests. “This isn’t funny, plus we have work in the morning. So there is also a valid reason as to why we can’t do this.” Anthony grabbed his phone before showing you a text message from Joe Russo
“Tell Y/n we took her off the call sheet for tomorrow. I don’t want to be emotionally responsible for her not having a 21st birthday party.”
You looked back at the boys as they all looked at you with raised eyebrows. You contemplated for a bit before holding out your pinky. “You promise that no matter how I turn out tonight if I get to that point, you will take care of me and have no judgment?” You said very seriously. They each took a free pinky and wrapped it around yours. “We promise,” Seb said as you all let go. You took a Breathe before reaching for the hat and sash. “Here goes nothing,” you said as you took the glass from Anthony's hand and took the shot. “yeah/Woo/let's go!” The boy said as you handed the glass back and started coughing. “That taste disgusting.” You said.
“You never had a shot before?” Anthony asked as you all walked into the house. It was at Chris’s AirBnB in Atlanta. “I have but I’m still not used to it.” You said as you walked into the living room. You saw that Scarlett was also there.
“Okay birthday girl, what do you want for your first drink?” Seb said ask we walked towards a counter that had tons of liquor, seltzers, juices, and beers on it. “Surprise me.” You said as you looked at Scarlett. She came over and gave you a hug. “Happy Birthday my love, are you ready?” Scarlet said as she fixed the hat on your head. “Ready as I’ll ever be.” You look towards Seb as he walked over with two drinks in hand and gave you one.
“What’s in this?” You said and you sniffed the top. “Vodka and Cranberry, a simple drink,” Sebastian said. You took a sip from it. It wasn’t too bad. “So we doing beer pong, kings cup, what the plan?” You asked.
“We are going to start off with Never have I ever. If you have done it you take a sip, and every 5 sips you take a shot.” Chris said as he brought over the Tito and shot glasses. “That sounds like I’m going to get drunk fast.” You said he placed them down at the table. “Well yeah, that’s the point,” Anthony said.
“Not fair. As the birthday girl, I think after this we need to play a game where everyone has a chance to get a little tipsy.” You said as you sat down on the velvet couch. “Okay, after this we will do truth or dare,” Scarlett said. “Good! Then let’s begin” you said as you took a sip of your drink.
4 hours later (all I will say about what happened is they found out you are not a virgin, you did drunk Karaoke with Seb, and you told them about your crush on a crew member)
“We are terrible influences, aren't we?” Sebastian said to the two friends standing next to him as they looked at you on the couch, drunk out of your mind. You were currently leaning against Scarlett as she was running her hands through your hair. “We are, but that’s our job,” Chris said.
“This was the best night EVER! Why didn’t anyone tell me it was this fun to drink?” You said as you looked at the boys, swaying a little. “I want more; this is Great.” You said as you tried to get up but you barely got off before Scarlett pushed you back down. "nope. you are officially cut off. You are out of it sweetie." Scarlett said as she rubbed your back now.
"Wait you want another shot?" Seb said as looked at the two girls. your eyes lit up like fireworks while Scarlett just gave him a look that could kill. "Please Sebby I want it." You gave him your best puppy eyes. "Of course sweetie. Anything for the birthday girl," he said as he walked back over to the counter. Chris followed after.
"You aren't actually going to give her another shot, right? Cause she is pretty out of it dude." He said as Sebastian grabbed a plastic shot glass. He took it to the sink and filled the shot glass with water as he looked at Chris. "Of course not. But if there is one thing I have learned from...Tom Holland..god I can't believe I said that." he said as Chris laughed. "is that when his friends are drunk, he gives them shots of water if they really want more but can't take more alcohol." he said as they walked back over to you.
"You guys are the bestest friends EVER! like 10 times better than anyone. I love you all so much." you told your friends. "we love you too kiddo. now come on, last shot of the night for the birthday girl!" Anthony said as he and Scarlett help you sit up. Sebastian handed you the shot glass which you took in your grabby hands. "GIMME GIMME GIMME," you said like a kid with cake. you down the water fast as your friends look at you with goofy grins on their faces. You looked at Seb with one of your famous 'death glares'
"You gave me water you bitch." you said in a serious tone. The others around you couldn't keep their snickers in as they all let out a laugh. "I said I wanted another shot." Your head fell back onto Scarlett's shoulder. "I know sweetie," he said as he sat cross-legged in front of you on the couch. "technically I did get you a shot because you didn't specify you wanted alcohol in it." You moved your legs so you were crisscrossed as well. You put your elbows on your knees as your hands went under your chin.
"I want vodka," you said as you looked into Sebastian's Blue eyes. He copied your movement and put his hands under his chin. "Not going to happen." He replied with a smirk. Chris just laughed and made his way over to you. "Okay, time to bed Squish," he said and he tried to get you to stand up. you pushed one of your hands in front of his mouth, never losing eye content with Seb.
"I'm in the middle of a very important negotiation right now Chris," you said as confidently as you could, although it only came out as a slurred mess. He took your hand off his mouth and wiped it on your sweatpants. "No, because you made us pinky promise that we take care of you if you got to this point, didn't you?" You turned to look at Chris and felt your eyes well up. you nodded your head as you wrapped your arm around Chris's neck. "You guys are so nice to me," you said as you let tears out onto his shoulder.
This came as a shock to them as you barely ever cry. You only ever let your guard down around people you really trust. Chris was the only one who has seen you like this. Chris sighed as he looked at his castmates. "Okay, now it's officially time for bed." He took one of your arms and helped you up. your whole body felt heavy and all you wanted to do was nap. You leaned into Chris's side as you felt him put his arm around your shoulders.
"why are you guys leaving?" you said as you saw them head toward the door. "We have work in the morning cupcake, but we had a fun time tonight. Happy Birthday." Anthony said as he rubbed your arm. Scarlett gave you a hug and said happy birthday as well. "Goodnight my favorite 21-year-old," Seb said as he kissed the top of your head that was resting on Chris's shoulder. You look back up at Chris with a tear running down your cheek. "Are you leaving me too?" you asked.
"Nope, don't worry about that now. Come on, I'm putting you in the guest room," he said as the two of you started to walk down the hall. "Did you have fun tonight?" Chris asked. Your eyes lit up again. "It was SOO much fun. Did you know Sebbie could SING? Cause he is really good." Right now you were in between your happy and sad drunk stage, which made conversations very hard for Chris. "I didn't but it was very fun indeed." He pushed open the door to the guest room as he help you get under the covers "it was sad when they all has to leave though." you could see your eyes getting cloudy with tears again. "I know Squish but we have to work tomorrow. But you don't need to, so you get to sleep in," he said as he pushed your hair back. You didn't come to the point of throwing up, but he put a bucket next to you and turned you on your side just in case.
"Can you promise to never leave me?" you asked Chris. He just looked at you with a sad face. He became a very important part of your life over the last couple of years of knowing him. "I can do my best sweetie," he said as he continued to stroke your hair back. You snuggled deeper into the sheets until you felt his hand move off your face. He started to head out the door before he heard a voice behind him.
"Stay, Chris?" you said as you reached out a hand, which took a lot of effort to do. He gave you a sympathetic smile that you couldn't see but you felt his hand intertwine with yours. You let out a sigh as you smiled happily. You two stayed quiet, you still weren't asleep quite yet but were on the verge of falling. "Thank you Chris for the best birthday ever," you said as you finally slipped into dreamland. "Happy birthday Y/n" Chris smiled proudly at you. He gave you a kiss on the forehead before retreating back to his own room.
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So I think I'm gonna open up requests for smau's for all of my fandoms, basically just like a couple insta posts and Twitter posts for your favorite character that may be on my list (the pinned post on my account) I'll also have them all tagged below 😁
Just tell me who and add a little description, or not and I can come up with something on my own.
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allmonstersxarehuman · 9 months
Please read link before requesting so you know how things are working at moment. So you are not disappointed with the time it takes to write or the word count for request.
I am posting a picture of some prompts and just tell me who I should write for.
Yes I am comfortable with writing smut.
List of who I will write for:
(Though there are probably some that I forgot to list so you can definitely look at my masterlist and see who I have written for and just ask to see if I am willing to write for them again.)
Stray Kids members
BTS members
Ateez members (though I am still new to the ATINY fandom)
Members of Seventeen
Sebastian Stan and some of his characters
Chris Evans and some of his characters
Teen Wolf characters
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khaleesiofalicante · 4 months
hi its me the one that sent the long ass post on the new malec fic, and tbh i dont really mind the diff a lot (unlike what it seemed in the post .. uh i read it again and it comes off like i do, it really was just a prefernce like you said) BUT i am just so glad that you were able to write a malec based fic (or will write) after the traumatic TLND experience (which since i was there when it was all happening i would have understood if you would have wanted even a longer break to write them again) , that i would take anything. and tbh i imagine alec as mathew daddario (like with his face) in all alec fics but with his sister's eyes (like have you seen alexandra daddario she is really gorgeous - imagine my surprise when i found out matt is her younger brother) but i totally got sebastian stan as well as a fancast, (but like i imagine him for a older ver of alec u know, anyways)
aside from this, about the hieght diff, and eyes, i think its just because i read them when i was teen, like literally when i was growing up that i just prefer more fics with them but there were sooo less fics with book malec or atleast ones that did get it right that i was sooooo happy when i read your malec fics!! srsly like it was a dream come true considering i have been in this fandom for so long like completely unrelated but the way i silent-screamed (bc otherwise my parents would have thought me crazy 😂) when i found out malec got married in the books ... BUT i have read a lot of show!malec fics, i cannot tell you how obsessed i was and am with matt daddario , like his humor his range amazing all of it but so less fics got them right like none of them like you do, so either works for me as long as you are writing the fics.
that previous post was just me babbling and putting my two cents about the show vs book thing that has been going on in the fandom, but i am just sooooooo excited that you are able to write malec again, i just ugggghhh , i love your writing and i love them (also mavid too) eeeee i am just too excited !🥰 thank you srsly for being willing to write malec again
it's always soooo nice to see people gushing about malec so much (show or book!!) because they are honestly THAT couple and it's what they deserve!!!
i am very excited that i can write malec again too and honestly it's really just about inspiration and finding a story that you really want to share with the rest of the world. There is a LOT of work to be done in terms of characterisations but i am looking forward to it. i think we might get started in august so fingers crossed x
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dr0wning-in-hell · 11 months
Imagine Requests
hello to all, I have been trying to get back into my writing for some time now but have been utterly stuck, so if anyone has anyone requests or ideas in mind please send them in!
Here is the latest update of fandoms/characters I write for-
Star Wars:
Anakin Skywalker
Kylo Ren
Luke Skywalker
Han Solo
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Poe Dameron
The Vampire Diaries:
Stefan Salvatore
Damon Salvatore
Jeremey Gilbert
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Hope Mikaelson
Landon Kirby
Ethan Machado
Lizzie Saltzman
Josie Saltzman
Avatar the Last Airbender:
Jame's Cameron Avatar:
Jake Sully
Nytiri Sully
Netyum Sully
Lo'ak Sully
Peter Parker
Steve Roger
Bucky Barnes
Tony Stark
Sam Wilson
Pietro Maximoff
Wanda Maximoff
Alex Summers (Havoc)
Scott Summers (Cyclops)
Warren Worthington (Angel)
Peter Maximoff (Quicksilver)
Eric Lensherr (Magneto)
Charles Xavier (Professor X)
Geralt of Rivia
Jaskier the Bard
Oliver Queen
Thea Queen
Roy Harper
The Flash:
Barry Allen
Cisco Ramon
Wally West
Julian Albert
Dick Grayson
Jason Todd
Rachel (Raven)
Gar Logan
Stiles Stilinski
Scott McCall
Isaac Lahey
Derek Hale
Liam Dunbar
Brett Talbot
Theo Raken
Billy Hargrove
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Peter/Henry Creel
Xavier Thorpe
Tyler Galpin
Wendsday Addams
Enid Sinclair
Aemond Targaryen
Rhynera Targaryen
Daemon Targaryen
Aegon Targaryen
Grant Gustin
Tom Holland
Chris Evans
Sebastian Stan
Timothee Chalamet
Cole Sprouse
Ben Hardy
Noah Centineo
Shawn Mendes
Hayden Christensen
Adam Driver
Joseph Quinn
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Temporary Home (Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan x Teen!Fem!Reader)
Actors Masterlist
Warnings: somewhat homophobic slurs, foul language, somewhat fluff
Word Count: 1,276
Summary: Chris and Sebastian Stan had been your foster parents for a month, but one event at another foster families house makes you realize that maybe this isn’t as temporary as you thought. 
A/N: May or may not make a mini-series out of this small fic. Depends. Anyways, I was driving and I somehow thought about this and I had to write it..
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You had only been living with Chris and Sebastian for a month and within that month they’ve been doing everything they could to get you comfortable enough around them. You still kept the mentality that you were only going to be living with them for a couple of months before they got tired of you or some couple decides to adopt you but decides they made a mistake during the trial run. But, with every little thing they’ve bought you, you began to wonder if you were actually going to stay longer. They treated you differently than your other foster families had and they actually cared. 
For example, Chris had decided to meet up with another foster family so you could meet kids your age that was going through similar obstacles in life. That’s where you were currently at, at this strangers house with Chris and Seb, talking to this foster families teenage foster son. That was until the mother decided to make harsh remarks about your foster parents. 
She thought it would go by unnoticed but she is horrible at whispering. Chris tried to ignore it, but couldn’t help but wince every time she’d lean over to her husband to whisper something in her ear. Sebastian, on the other hand, was at his breaking point. Sending glares at the woman every time she leaned over to his husband, spitting out sarcastic remarks whenever she made conversation.
You looked over at the boy sitting in front of you at the dining table, “so, do you like cats?” you asked as you hinted towards his Nyan cat tee. 
He chuckled, “y-yeah,” he nervously said. He sat next to his foster mom so he could hear just about everything she was saying to her husband and you could tell that it was bothering him too. 
“Cool, cool, I mean, I prefer dogs but cats are cool. They’re little assholes and I feel that in a spiritual level,” you said causing him to laugh. 
“Language, Y/N,” Chris said softly. 
“Sorry, cap,” you said with a small grin. 
Sebastian noticed Deborah shaking her head in a disappointed manner, “I’m sorry, is something bothering you, Deborah?”
She looked taken back by Sebastian's question, “I’m just surprised, is all. At least she listens to you umm, I’m sorry, is it okay if I say men? Or is that not what you see yourselves as?” Deborah asked, causing Sebastian to give her a warning glare. Chris silently prayed that they could get through this meal, “Anyway, just surprised she listens to y’all, especially coming from her background.” 
That was it for Sebastian, “alright, I’ve had enough,” he said sternly, “I tried to get past you saying shit about me and my husband but I draw the line when you bring our daughter into it!” Sebastian quickly got up from his seat. 
“Seb, what are you doing?” Chris asked with a heavy sigh. 
“We’re leaving! Come on, Y/N,” Seb said as he tossed you your coat that was hanging on the coat rack nearby, “and another thing! I think me and my husband are way better at raising a child than you are! Because at least we are teaching her not to judge peoples lifestyles, no offense, Tyler, you’re an amazing kid and I hope you do amazing things in life,” he said as he gestured to their foster son, Tyler. 
“Alright, Seb,” Chris said calmly as he placed a hand on your shoulder to direct you out of the house, “let’s go.” 
Seb let out a frustrated sigh as he stormed out of the house, you had never seen him this angry, “Uhh, thanks for the roast beef?” you said in a questioning manner. 
Chris cleared his throat, “I am so sorry, about… everything…” Chris waved awkwardly before turning to you, “let’s go.” You followed him out of the house and into the car. “What the fuck, Seb!” 
Sebastian shook his head, “you heard her! You heard all the homophobic shit she was saying! And the way she talked about y/n, I just couldn’t let her,” he let out a frustrated groan as he began to drive. 
Chris placed his hand on his husband's thigh, a gesture that you noticed was a way to calm Seb down or to either comfort him. A small gesture but a big gesture, “I know, seb, I know,” he said softly, “I get it, but we can’t do that, we can’t risk losing y/n.” 
“I highly doubt fighting a woman with the haircut that makes you fear she’s going to call your manager would get us in trouble.” 
Chris stifled a laugh at Sebastian’s comment, “you weren’t really going to fight her, were you?” 
Sebastian shrugged, “I may have thrown some hands if she pushed my buttons a bit more,” he looked into the review mirror, “did I use that correctly? Throw hands?” he asked you. 
“Um, I don’t think anyone uses that term anymore.” 
“Whatever, it’s always changing,” he grumbled as he focused his attention back onto the road. You chuckled at his demeanor. 
“I still think what you did was wrong, Seb,” Chris said softly. From the month you have spent with Sebastian and Chris you have noticed that Chris was the worrier and that Sebastian was the warrior. “We could’ve handled it differently,” he continued, “maybe not in front of the kids.” 
Sebastian sighed, he stayed silent for a few minutes before replying, “I couldn’t just let her say those things, Chris, I know I did wrong but I have to defend my family.” Chris remained silent, he wanted his husband to understand what risks he had put them through today, knowing very well that they would have to talk to their caseworker later on. But for now, Chris decided to just wait until they got home, not wanting to argue in front of you, knowing very well from past events on how it affected you. 
Once you all walked into the house, you were quickly greeted by Dodger. You smiled at the pup and scratched behind his ear, “Y/N, why don’t you take Dodger up to your room for a bit? I have to talk to Seb for a moment.” 
You didn’t look up from dodger, “are you guys going to fight some more?” you questioned as you continued to scratch behind the pups ears. 
“What? N-no,” Chris stuttered. 
You looked over at Seb, remember the things he said today, the way he defended you as no one else has. You walked over to him and hugged him. Sebastian was taken back by the gesture, but he didn’t hesitate to return the hug, “thank you,” you said softly, “for defending me.” You let go of the hug and called for dodger to follow you up the stairs.
Sebastian crossed his arms as he looked over at his husband with a smirk, “Yeah, yeah, whatever, so you were right to do what you did… what matters is that Y/N is warming up to us.” 
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you, you said something about me being right? I think you might have to repeat that again,” Sebastian grabbed his phone from his back pocket, “let me just record it this time, in case I miss it.” Chris glared at his husband, Sebastian laughed as he walked over to Chris placing a kiss on his lips, “I’m sorry for overreacting.” 
Chris sighed, “as I said, what matters is that she’s warming up to us.” Chris glanced towards the staircase and then back over to Sebastian. “I just wish she knew.” 
“I know,” Sebastian whispered as he embraced his husband. 
Permanent Taglist (CLOSED): @otomefan @dejaazaro @culturebay @kpopishilarious @fireproof-heaven @iloveyouthreethousand-o6  @weappreciatepower @whereyoustand  @white-wolf-buckaroo @spider-woman22 @coffee-habit @supernaturallover2002 @barnes-parker @therealmrshale @myinternetissoslow @myhippiehopes @celyndavies @xzowiex @ximaginx @wooshytooshy @ellaorelizabeth @rororo06  @chloe-geoghegan1 @hdthdthdt @sophie-barnes26 @thamuddagirl @scarletmeii @ssebstann @fangirl31415 @thepeggyann @lauren-novak @reerrrrskillz@unapologeticallymimi   @glitterquadricorn @lady-of-lies  @cassmoreiraxo @just4muggles @mellorine-paprika  @agirlruinedbybands @yougottalovefandoms @avngrsinitiative @lizlil
Chris Evans Taglist:  @icegirl2772 @livi-lu @mpc0411 @acalmandquietplace @sleepylunarwolf @alicat-life @captaiinameriicasass @edgyhargreeves @noobmaster63 @pleasantlysecretdream @xiumin-girl99 @thejourneyneverendsx @peachacracy @buckybcrness @thewintersoldier1124 @booksarebae2000 @sebastiansmadden @dyckvindyck @amessybitxh @dumblani
Sebastian Stan Taglist:  @acalmandquietplace @sleepylunarwolf @alicat-life @captaiinameriicasass @edgyhargreeves @Noobmaster63 @kayleigh2703 @pleasantlysecretdream @tessvillegas @xiumin-girl99 @thejourneyneverendsx @buckybcrness @Thewintersoldier1124 @booksarebae2000 @scarletmeii @imjusthereforsupernatural @sebastiansmadden @latsyrc85x @dyckvindyck @dumblani
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labrunereve · 3 years
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Last updated: 12th January 2022
💯 super great fic║⭐️ chef’s kiss
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❆ Get Popcorn by @slytherinchevy
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Scarlett Johansson, Elizabeth Olsen, Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Reader’s script is missing a page. The most important page—one which involves a kissing scene with Tom Holland.
❆ The Marvel Cast Treating Y/N As Their Own Child by @lovemarvelcast0105
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Elizabeth Olsen x Reader
Summary: In which the reader is treated like the Marvel casts’ own child.
❆ Being a High School Student on a Marvel Set by @itsallyscorner 💯
Summary: Being a high school student while being a Marvel actress at the same time is hard, but it gets easy because the casts are there to help you.
❆ Star Struck by @rae-is-typing 💯
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Anthony Mackie & (Hints of NON-PLATONIC) Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Reader meets Spiderman a.k.a Tom Holland for the first time and he’s star struck.
❆ Memories Last Forever by @morizoras-cave
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Chris Evans, Paul Rudd, Sebastian Stan, Tom Holland, Chris Pratt x Reader
Summary: In an interview your co-stars gush over your talent and awesomeness, and reflect on all the good memories from set.
❆ Stackie Sandwich by @itsallyscorner 💯
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Anthony Mackie & (Hints of NON-PLATONIC) Sebastian Stan x Reader
Summary: Reader gets squished in the sofa by the two beefy men at Comic Con.
❆ Praise Unheard Of by @morizoras-cave
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Jake Gyllenhaal x Reader
Summary: You and Jake have grown close while filming together for a new movie. You have a very jokey friendship, and you keep it lighthearted most of the time. Although, in a certain interview Jake mentions how much he admires you, and as someone who hasn’t heard that from anyone before, you can’t help but cry about it.
❆ The Runt by @morizoras-cave
Summary: Headcanon of how each Marvel actors and actresses would treat the reader, the youngest Avenger.
❆ Little Coworker by @morizoras-cave 💯
Summary: Reader is so young yet she has been in numerous movies with some of the Marvel actors and they were so happy when they get the chance to reunite with her again at the Avengers movie.
❆ We’re Family by @marvelgiggles
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Robert Downey Jr. x Reader
Summary: Evans, Hemsworth and Downey finds out that the reader has a crush and forced her to tell them about him!
❆ No Harm Done by @marvelgiggles
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Chris Evans & Robert Downey Jr. x Reader
Summary: Downey acts like the reader’s adoptive father and asks all the Marvel casts not to prank her, but what happens when the reader teases Chris Evans about his favorite sports team?
❆ Show and Tell by @snarky--starky 💯
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo x Reader
Summary: Reader surprises the MCU cast with a hidden talent on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.
❆ [Untitled] by @culturebay 💯
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Chris Evans, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan x Reader
Summary: Reader is the youngest cast of Civil War and is really close to Evans, Stan and Mackie.
❆ Meeting the Cast by @afictionaladventure16
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans, Tom Hiddleston, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Russo x Reader
Summary: Reader plays young Black Widow and Scarlett introduces her to the other Marvel casts.
❆ Come On, Little Lady, Give Us A Smile by @afictionaladventure16 ⭐️
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Chris Evans, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan x Reader
Summary: Evans, Mackie and Stan saves you from a creepy paparazzi.
❆ Lost in Disney World by @afictionaladventure16
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Chris Evans, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan x Reader
Summary: Reader is left with Anthony in Disneyland and he lost her.
❆ The Baby by @mellowavengersstuff
Summary: You are the youngest member of the Marvel cast.
❆ Besties4Life by @mellowavengersstuff
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie x Reader
Summary: Breakups are always hard. Luckily, you have friends to sort you out.
❆ Beach Day by @mellowavengersstuff
Summary: Imagine having a beach day with the Marvel cast.
❆ The First Ever Press Conference by @mellowavengersstuff
Summary: Press with even the world mightiest heroes still freaks you out.
❆ Prank Master, huh? by @mschrisaholic
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, mentions of Elizabeth Olsen and Mark Ruffalo, (NON-PLATONIC) Chris Evans x Reader
Summary: Before you and Chris started dating, Chris had pulled a prank on you. This happened when you’ve just started joining the set of Avengers. You were so terrified of the fact that you’re a part of them. RDJ’s face fear you the most when you’re filming and you realized it was all a prank planned by Chris.
❆ How I Think the Marvel Cast Would React To You Falling Asleep in Their Arms by @lovemarvelcast0105
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Sebastian Stan, Tom Holland, Anthony Mackie, Tom Hiddleston, Elizabeth Olsen, Scarlett Johansson, Brie Larson, Hayley Atwell x Reader
Summary: The title is pretty self-explanatory, right?
❆ Quiz by @borkkybarnes
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Sebastian Stan, Chris Evans x Reader
Summary: You’re at the BuzzFeed studio for the promo of your next film with Sebastian and Chris and you have to take the “Do you belong with Chris Evans or Sebastian Stan” Quiz.
❆ Brother From Another Mother by @morizoras-cave
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: It’s chaotic when Tom and the reader who has brother-sister relationship is put together on a press tour.
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❆ Baby’s First Heartbreak by @itsallyscorner 💯
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Scarlett Johansson & Elizabeth Olsen x Reader
Summary: The reader, youngest cast member of the Avengers, experiences her first heartbreak.
❆ Trespasser by @morizoras-cave
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Jake Gyllenhaal & Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Jake and Tom gets super protective at the reader after being inappropriately touched by someone at the red carpet.
❆ Persistent by @morizoras-cave 💯
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Mark Ruffalo, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Winston Duke x Reader
Summary: The reader and some of the male Marvel actors goes to the mall where a guy keeps hitting on the reader when she politely declines him. The guys take action.
❆ Baby Don’t Cry by @forever-more-never-again
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Chris accidentally hurts the reader while doing a stunt which left the male actors worried when the reader became unconscious.
❆ Sexualization by @morizoras-cave
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Summary: Reader was asked sexist and dirty questions by an interviewer and Tom Hiddleston stepped up to defend her.
❆ Don’t Apologize by @morizoras-cave
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan x Reader
Summary: Reader suddenly cries when the interviewer decides to attack her with a lot of questions.
❆ I Don’t Owe You a Goddamn Thing by @afictionaladventure16
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Scarlett Johansson, Elizabeth Olsen, Brie Larson x Reader
Summary: In which the female casts stands up for each other when faced with sexist questions on an interview.
❆ [Untitled] by @lovers-in-japan-reign-of-love
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, mentions of other Avengers cast x Reader
Summary: A guy kept on eyeing the reader creepily on a dinner together with the whole cast.
❆ The End? by @lovemarvelcast0105 💯
Summary: You’re part of the Marvel cast and you’ve grown up with them. Now you’re promoting Endgame and you can’t hold back your tears.
❆ Survival by @writersblog20
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Sebastian Stan, Chris Evans, Tom Hiddleston, mentions of other Avengers casts x Reader
Summary: There was a terrorist attack in the building the reader was on, the boys were panicked when they saw her stabbed.
❆ Obsessive by @morizoras-cave
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: A super creepy fan gets too close to the reader and Tom is ready to protect his ‘little sister’.
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rae-is-typing · 3 years
hi! For the dialogue prompts things, can I request 17, 20, 24 with Chris e and Sebastian please? Also if you could add chemistry as a class please, it's really getting me down :( thanks!
This was also written a long time ago. Sorry for the wait my love!!! I too hate chemistry with a passion. Although, I do prefer it to biology. Enjoy :)
Chemical Equations
Description: Fuck chemistry lmao
Characters: You, Evans, Stan
Warning: Mentions of self-harm as a result of compounding stress, homework, and chemistry
Word count: 600
17: “You look like you need a hug.”
20: “How long have you been standing there?”
24: “Be nice to the kid, it’s been a rough day.”
“So take 3 mols of sulfuric acid and put it over 72 grams of NaCl- shit, fuck. No-” You cut yourself off with a groan. “Why is this shit so hard?”
Huffing in defeat, you drop your pencil onto your notes and your face into your hands. Chemistry, stoichiometry more specifically is kicking your ass. All of your other classes, writing 115, history 111, and comm 112, were going swimmingly. But chemistry was something else entirely… All of the different elements, terms, and equations confused you more than the two languages you had to learn for a movie early in your career.
“Okay, I am fluent in three languages, I am managing to do high school, a movie for a multi-million dollar industry with up to 12 hour work days. I can do some chemical equations before my day ends. I’m smart. I can fucking do this.”
You flip to your original notes from the online lecture. Near illegible instructions and notes scribbled on the side fill the coffee stained paper. You do your best to make out the instructions and copy the steps on another piece of coffee stained paper. Worrying an eraser between your fingers, you try to work out the problem.
After three unsuccessful attempts, you threw your pencil at the wall with a shout of pure rage. “I am so fucking over this! I swear to God that I am going to jump off a fucking cliff or shoot myself in the fucking head! This shit is absolutely fucking ridiculous.”
During your time trying to focus, you missed footsteps echoing through your trailer. But you didn’t miss the creaking of the door as someone leaned against the door frame. With your head resting on your desk and tears of frustration beginning to slip onto the paper littering your desk. “How long have you been standing there?” You choke out, keeping your head down.
“Long enough.” The worried voice of Chris Evans rings throughout your small study area. “Are you okay, kiddo?” Sebastian’s voice joins the party. “You look like you need a hug.” That was enough to make the tears flow more freely than they were beforehand. “I fucking hate high school,”
“Oh, Y/N.” Chris sighs, moving to crouch by you. Chris always treated you like one of his little nieces or nephews. “What’s up? C’mon, talk to us.”
You sniffle, turning towards him. “Fuck chemistry.” In spite of the situation, Chris smiles. “I’m sorry, hon,” He begins to rub your back. “I think you should stop for the night then.” You furrow your brows. It was only about seven PM, you still had plenty of time to get your chem homework done. “It’s only seven, Chris,” You start, sitting up and wiping your face. “I have to get this done.” “Y/N, it’s eleven PM.” Sebastian cuts in, checking his phone. “You really should call it a night.”
“Really?” You ask, rubbing your eyes.
“Yeah, come on then. You need to go to bed,” Sebastian says, stepping forward and offering you a hand.
“Thanks,” You mumble, letting him pull you up and walk you to your bed right next to the small study area. Meanwhile, Chris takes a look at your homework, trying to decide whether or not he would be able to help. His face contorts in confusion as he flipped through your chaotic notes.
“Jesus, kid. No wonder you're having trouble. These notes are something else.” Sebastian throws a pointed look at his blond co-star and friend. “Be nice to the kid, it’s been a rough day.”
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
Baby’s First Heartbreak
pairing: marvel cast x teen!fem!reader, Scarlett Johansson x reader, Elizabeth Olsen x reader
prompt: the youngest member of the marvel cast experiences her first breakup.
warnings: not much—crying, a break up.
A/n: Tom is 19 here because this is set during Civil War. He was such a baby omg���
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You were always a firm believer in having hope. No matter what the situation was, you knew that you had to at least try before fully giving up. You were only 18, but it was the mindset you grew up with. You were taught to face things with bravery and confidence, you faced things head to head with all your might. Though some things never went the way you planned, you were still the ray of sunshine you were, all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, eager to learn and explore the world.
You had the same mindset going into your first relationship. Love was something you’ve always wanted to experience. Sure, you received it from your friends and family. But you wanted the different kind of love. The special one that was shared between two people. The one that made your heart skip a beat and made you breathless. Where staring into that special someone’s eyes felt like you were being transported into another world where it was just the two of you.
You’ve found that kind of love in a boy from your hometown. The two of you had been friends since pre-k, growing up along side each other, and being there for each other’s success and failures. You’ve known him all your life but the feelings didn’t come till sophomore year of high school. It all just clicked all of sudden; that one day where he said you looked cute in his jumper and the next moment you knew you were seeing him in a new light. Junior year, you were both beating around the bush; constantly pining over each other with longing stares and fingers always brushing against each other. Though you didn’t see him all the time due to your job as an actress. You spent half of the school year in your hometown and the rest at Atlanta. Of course he knew of your job and as much as he hated to see you go, he knew you were doing something that made you happy. So he spent as much time as he could with you before your time together came to an end. A few days prior to your flight to Atlanta, under the night sky of your backyard, he admitted his feelings for you. By senior year, the two of you had been dating for half a year. It had been the best moments of your life, you were in love and high on happiness, it was like nothing in life could ever go wrong.
Now here you were, in your trailer on the set of Captain America: Civil War, sobbing you eyes out. You knew loving could hurt, but not this much. You still felt your heart skip a beat, but it was clenching in heartache. You were still breathless, but because you’ve been trying to catch your breath after every sob that wracked your body. You felt broken. The boy you loved had ripped your heart out of your chest and threw it onto the floor, stomping on it till it stopped beating.
You hiccuped as you stared at yourself in the mirror. You were nothing but a fool. A fool who had hope in something that was never going to work. You sniffled as you snatched tissues out of the box on your bathroom sink, dabbing the material onto your eyes and blowing your nose. Your eyes were red and your cheeks were puffy. A sigh of frustration releases from your body. There was no way you could walk onto set without people asking you what was wrong.
You debated asking your assistant to ask your designated makeup artist to do your makeup in your trailer, you didn’t want to be a bother. But your thumbs were already shamefully typing away the request on your phone. A few minutes later Eleanor, your makeup artist on set, arrives at your trailer with her supplies in hand.
She doesn’t directly question you, but she has the look of a concerned mother once she sees your face. You lie to her and tell her you weren’t having a good day and chalked it up to being homesick.
You dreaded going on set. You weren’t sure if you could face anyone without bursting into tears. The moment you felt like you were okay, your heart would clench, reminding you of the ache it was feeling.
You were in your costume, sitting on the sidelines of the set while you rehearsed your lines. The dialogue from the script acted as a distraction from the current pain you were feeling. The tears had stopped but your eyes felt dry, making you blink multiple times to keep them wet.
“Hey, sweetheart.” You look up and meet the stunning blue eyes of Chris Evans. That typical goofy smile of his was etched onto his features. Usually you would reciprocate that smile, but today you just couldn’t find it in your heart to do so. His smile falters when he sees your face.
“Morning.” You greet him, forcing a smile. Concern shadows on his face as he shifts a bit closer to you. “You alright?” He asks, eyes softening at you. Being the youngest of all the Avengers cast members, everyone had a soft side for you. Especially Chris, who saw you as a daughter.
“Y-yeah, I’ve just got—allergies.” You lied, another fake smile forcing itself onto your lips.
“Well have you taken something to help your allergies? Do you need Allegra? Claritin or something?” He looked around ready to call one of the runners on set to get you some meds.
“No! I took some already, a few minutes ago! It probably hasn’t kicked in yet.” You tell him. He eyes you reluctantly, not knowing if he should believe you. He decides to let it pass and nods, “Ok, tell me if you need anything though.”
You hum in response and tilt your head down back to your script.
The day goes on and everyone had caught on to your lack of—being you. The infamous smile everyone knew you by was barely on your face. You didn’t crack jokes with Anthony or share a giggle with Elizabeth. Instead you were quiet, a frown was on your face as you stared blankly at the floor. You didn’t interact with anybody, keeping to yourself and walking off set whenever one of the Russos called cut.
Anthony and Sebastian watched as you walked off the set. You have all finished a sequence of the airport scene and the Russos had given everyone a break while they rewatched the scenes they shot. Anthony’s brows furrowed while he watched your figure go further and further away. He had tried to cheer you up, telling you a joke about how Seb’s arm lube kept leaking out his fake arm. Your response was nothing but a fake laugh—it wasn’t even a fake laugh, more like a huff of laughter.
“She didn’t laugh at my joke.” Anthony thought aloud. Sebastian quirked an eye at his friend, “Does she have to laugh at all your jokes?”
“No, but even if I tell her a corny ass joke, she’ll still laugh at it.” He expressed, throwing his arms up. Sebastian’s lip pouted as he thought back to your behavior on set. You were acting unusual. He turns to Tom (Holland) and asks, “Hey, has (y/n) said anything to you? Like anything bothering her?”
The Brit shakes his head, “Um, nope. Besides filming, I haven’t spoken to her today.”
Anthony crosses his arms, approaching Tom, “Have you tried speaking to her? We’ve been trying to figure out what’s been going on with her today and you’re the closest to her age here.”
“I—I tried to talk to her, but she didn’t seem in a talking mood. I thought I was bothering her so I just stopped.” Tom answered. He gestures to the direction of the trailers, “I could check up on her right now? Maybe I’ll get her one of her favorite snacks from crafties, it might cheer her up.”
Half of a smile makes it way onto Sebastian’s face at the boy’s efforts. Though you were clearly upset and he felt like they were all prodding at your privacy. “Maybe we should give her some time alone.”
Tom frowns at the older man, “But (y/n)’s upset. Shouldn’t we do something?” Anthony agrees with Tom and looks at Sebastian.
Seb raises his hands up in defense, “I’m just saying—maybe she wants to be alone. She went back to her trailer away from everybody. She probably doesn’t want us shoving our noses into her business, we should respect that.”
Chris joins the group along with Scarlett and Elizabeth. He had overhead the group talking and urged the two ladies to join him in on the conversation.
“You guys talking about (y/n)?” Chris asks, hands on his waist.
“Yeah, Seb says we should leave her be.” Anthony fills him in.
“She told me she had allergies.” Chris starts. “She’s an amazing actress, but kid’s gotta work on the lying.” He finishes. Elizabeth and Scarlett glance at each other.
“Well has anyone talked to her at all today? Besides Chris?” Elizabeth asked the group. Everyone shakes their head. Elizabeth sighs while looking around at anyone else who could’ve talked to you. She spots Eleanor hanging along the sides with her makeup belt on, ready for touch ups. Elizabeth calls her over. Eleanor has her brush ready to powder her down, but Elizabeth politely declines.
“You do (y/n)‘s makeup right?”
Eleanor nods, “Yeah, I do.”
“How was she this morning? We’re just a bit concerned since she’s been acting different today.” Eleanor sighs, knowing if she told them it would be an invasion of your privacy. Although, they were all concerned for you and so was she.
“I got a text from her assistant telling me to do her makeup in her trailer today.” She began. “I walked in and her eyes were red, cheeks puffy—“
Chris apologizes and interrupts her, “Because of allergies?”
Eleanor shakes her head, “No, she never mentioned anything about allergies. But she looked like she’s been crying. She was wiping her face when I arrived.”
“Did she give you a reason for why she was crying?” Scarlett questions her.
“She told me she was feeling homesick.” Eleanor answered. Scarlett turned to Chris and shared a look. Elizabeth thanks Eleanor then turns back to the group.
“We need to check up on her.” Anthony says. All the men nodded and began to make their way to your trailer. Suddenly, they were stopped by Scarlett and Elizabeth.
“But (y/n)—“ Tom said pointing to the trailers. Scarlett shakes her head, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Lizzie and I will go. You guys are gonna overwhelm her with all your questions.” Scarlett insists, much to the men’s dismay. They wanted to be there for you, but maybe a mother figure might help you open up with what’s bothering you. They agree and let the two women go to your trailer. Before they can get to you, they get some snacks from crafties for you.
As soon as you shut the trailer’s door behind you, the tears welled up in your eyes again. It only took a matter of seconds until they fell from your eyes and down your cheeks. You heard some people walk by outside and cover your mouth to muffle the whimpers that came out your mouth. You slid down the door and shoved your head into your hands. You leaned forward against your knees as you cried into your arms. You felt pathetic, embarrassed, anger; you were feeling so many things and the only way to let them all out seemed to be crying.
They heard your cries from behind the door. Scarlett sends Elizabeth an alarmed look as she rushes up to your door. She knocked on it repeatedly, causing you to jump from behind the door. Your cries come to a stop while you try to wipe away the tears as best as you can.
“(Y/n), honey, please open the door.” You hear Scarlett say. You remain silent, getting up and dusting your legs off. You stare at the door, debating whether you should open it or not.
“(Y/n), everyone’s worried about you. We just want to help.” Another voice coaxes you behind the door. Elizabeth. “Please let us in.”
Outside, the two women had their ears pressed up against your trailer’s door. Scarlett tries to get you to open the door again, “It’s only me and Lizzie. I promise.”
There was some shuffling heard behind the door. The door pushes open slowly, making Scarlett and Elizabeth back away. A worried expression appears on Scarlett’s face once she sees you. She cups your cheeks, her thumbs gently swiping away some tears that fell from your eyes. The two of them shuffle inside your trailer. You burst out into tears once again when Scarlett wraps her arms around you. She moves you both to sit on the couch that was in your trailer. She lets you shove your head into the crook of her neck while her hands smoothed your hair. Elizabeth sits behind you rubbing circles onto your back. Your cries broke both their hearts. You were a fairly happy girl, to see you in such pain and heartache was hard to watch.
Scarlett rocks you back and forth, trying to calm you down by whispering comforting words into your ear. She presses a motherly kiss onto your forehead once she sees you start to calm down. Elizabeth waits patiently beside you waiting for when you’re ready to talk. When your whimpers turned into hiccups, Scarlett pulls your face away from her neck to look at you. She frowns when she sees your tear stained cheeks.
“Are you going to tell us what’s going on or are you going to keep bottling it up to yourself?” She asks you softly, tucking strands of your hair behind your ears. Elizabeth chimes in from behind you, “You know, sometimes it helps to tell others what’s bothering you. You don’t have to keep it to yourself, (y/n), you could talk to us.” She gathers your hair together, splitting it into two parts as she began to fish tail braid your hair. 
You take a moment to compose yourself before eyeying the two women. You knew you could trust them. Scarlett was like your on-set mom and Lizzie was like one of your aunts. If you could tell anyone on set what was going on, it would be them.
“He broke up with me.” You confess, eyes trained on your lap. Lizzie’s fingers stop braiding your hair, “What?”
“Peyton, he broke up with me.” You whined, not wanting to say it again. You fiddle with your fingers while a tear falls to your lap.
“Oh honey.” Scarlett cooes pulling you back into her chest. You sniffle and wrap your arms around her torso. Silently crying into her shoulder.
“Did he give you a reason why?” Lizzie asks softly. You move away from Scarlett’s hold and lean against the couch with your knees to your chest. Lizzie wraps an arm around your shoulder for comfort.
You glanced at your phone that was on the coffee table, “H-he texted me earlier this morning. He said he couldn’t do the long distance thing anymore and that he has feelings for somebody else.”
Anger flashes in Scarlett’s eyes, “He broke up with you over a text message?” You nod in response.
“What a dick.” She mutters glaring at your phone. It’s quiet for a few minutes. Until you ask them, “Am I not worth trying for a long distance relationship?”
Lizzie shakes her head, “No, don’t you ever think that because you are.”
You sigh and throw your head back, “Then why did he break up with me? Is there something wrong with me? Am I not pretty enough?” Scarlett interrupts your questions by shushing you.
“There is not a damn thing wrong about you. Don’t you ever let a man, let alone a boy, make you question your worth.” Scarlett advises you a stern look on her face. “You are the most sweetest and loveliest girl I have ever met in my life. You’re kind, you care about the people around you—you even laugh at Anthony’s stupid jokes.”
Lizzie snorts beside you and squeezes your shoulder, “And his jokes are the worst.”
Scarlett continues, “You are a talented young woman already making it big in the movie industry and you did it all on your own. You are beautiful inside and out. You’re perfect, there’s nothing wrong with you.”
“Then why did he leave me?”
“Because he’s an idiot that doesn’t know your worth.” Lizzie answers resting her head on your shoulder. “I know it hurts now but these things happen for a reason. He wasn’t meant for you and you weren’t meant for him. Maybe somewhere in the future you guys will meet and try again. Or maybe you’ll move on with someone new. That’s just how it is. It may sound harsh, but it’s the truth.”
Scarlett nods at Lizzie, “Take it from me, I’ve been married twice. When it seems like you found that special person, sometimes it’ll all come crashing down. And it’s not an easy thing to go through. It’s full of pain, heartache, self doubt and a bunch of other heart wrenching things. But in the end you come out a stronger version of yourself.”
You stare at Scarlett, “How did you do it?”
Scarlett softly smiles at you, “Well, I had lots of friends who supported me every step of the way. But most importantly, I valued myself. I did things that made me happy and took care of myself mentally and physically.”
You bite your lip in thought as you stare at the ground.
“Listen to me.” Scarlett urges you, “You’re young, (y/n). You’re going to meet so many more people in the future that’ll bring you so much happiness and love in your life. Don’t beat yourself up over one boy who decided to leave you because he wasn’t committed for a long distance relationship. You’re going to be okay.” She assures you, cradling your face. Your lips form into a tight smile while you nod in response.
“You have us and the rest of the people outside of this trailer to support you. We’ll always have your back, whatever it is, I promise you that. You’re not going to go through this by yourself.” Lizzie promises you, taking your hand into hers. You hum and rest your head on her shoulder. You pull on Scarlett’s arm to join you and Lizzie. She chuckles and hugs you from behind.
“Thank you guys.” You whisper, genuinely grateful that you had them in your life. Lizzie pecks your temple, “Anytime darling.”
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imaginestuffs · 3 years
ABOUT YOU? -CATWS Cast x Platonic reader
Word count:858
Warnings: none, just fluff.
Summary: the 'Winter Soldier' cast describes their youngest cast mate (the reader)
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"A few things that would describe (y/n), oh wow ok there are a lot." Sebastian said. 
"Anthony you go first I'm still narrowing things down." He spoke up again. The interviewer chuckled before turning their attention to Anthony. 
"Well, that girl is crazy. She is extremely funny and very witty. Really hard working when it comes to acting and her college work we're all proud of her for that." Sebastian nodded his head in agreement. 
"When she reads scripts she gets really into it. She read a part in the newest script and we all of a sudden just hear this loud gasp and turn to see her with a hand over her mouth. She is very dramatic without the purpose of being dramatic. She also loves to compliment people on anything. If she think someone looks extra happy she has a huge smile on her face and tells them they look beautiful. She's a sweet girl and we all love her." Anthony finished up his answer. 
"That's amazing I'm really excited to meet her." The interviewer spoke once again. 
"Sebastian, what do you think?" 
"Yeah like Anthony said, she's nothing less than a sweetheart. Her kindness is seemingly endless. Honestly, I don't know how she does it all the time. Even when people are unkind to her she will always be kind to them. She's the youngest cast member at just 20 years old. She doesn't seem like that, she is mature for her age. She takes things seriously when they need to be and takes criticism well. Of course she's silly and fun but when she needs to she gives her best. It's amazing really. She tends to be hard on herself, which we all can be but with her it hurts to see more than you would think. When you see her like that it just proves how strong she is. Going through that, while dealing with college, work, and just daily life she pulls through and it's amazing to know her." He finishes with a smile. The interviewer smiled brightly at them both and concluded their time together. 
Then it was time for Chirs Evans and Scarlett to answer the question. 
"So what are a few things to describe (y/n)?" 
"There are so many things to say about her wow. She's an inviting and welcoming person. When you first meet her she can be a bit shy but she isn't one of those people who will keep quiet as a mouse. She'll be soft spoken but you'd never feel unwelcome with her. You know her when she opens up more she is not as afraid to really have a one on one conversation. She actually loves them. Being able to ask someone about their day or how their life is going. She doesn't just hear what you're saying, she listens to you. She just cares so much for the people around her." Chris paused and Scarlett took a chance to speak. 
"It's true she will never not give her best to understand someone. She's so young but understands and knows a lot more than you would think." She said, 
"Yeah she always gives her best and puts everything she has into everything she does. It's not an easy thing to do a lot of the time but she does it. She sends us letters all the time. Like actually handwritten letters and sends them to us. She writes poetry and the first thing you read in every letter is a new poem she's written. It's always exciting when I find one in my mail. I love her so much." Chris finishes. 
"(Y/n) has one of the biggest hearts. She always does things for others to get a smile from them. All she wants is for people to be happy. She never forgets special occasions whether it be a birthday or even just a silly holiday she's prepared for it. On set when we first began filming she heard that Sebastian's birthday was coming up. Keep in mind we all just met her. She baked him a cake, got him a little card and a gift. She didn't know what he would like so she went to Chris to ask.
She ended up getting him a vintage comic signed by Stan Lee. She also went around set to each of us and asked for a video of each of us saying Happy birthday and stuff. She compiled it all together and played it for him. That was one of his happiest days on set. She almost cried when he thanked her for it. She loves to see people so happy and knowing she did that for them. She's just the sweetest. We all love her like she's a little sister." Scarlett ended her little speech and smiled. 
The video ended and you had tears in your eyes at their kind words. A fan had sent you that video and after a hard day you decided to watch it. You missed everyone and it really struck a chord, you made sure to send each of them a text reminding them how much you loved them.
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smilexcaptainx · 3 years
Prom Dress
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Teen!Reader
Request: Your Teen!Reader imagines satisfy my heart. Can I have an imagine with Bucky Barnes where he is extremely overprotective over Teen Y/N, who got asked out to prom. The night finally shows up and she sneaks off to it, raising Bucky's suspicion but eventually convinces him that she's going out with the girls. At the dance, it turns out he's actually a douche and he ends up giving her a black eye. She walks home and Bucky is there to comfort her after the horrendous night. Thank you!
Warning(s): Language
A/N: I'm glad my Teen!Reader imagines satisfy your heart. The fact that you enjoy them make me happy. I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 1.4K
Prom night finally arrived.
In the perfect world, you would just be able to have your date pick you up at your house, but Bucky Barnes was the only burden that was preventing that scenario to play out that way. Bucky has been overprotective of you ever since you decided to team up with him and Sam.
Sam cared about you just the same, but he allowed you to do things normal teenage girls would do, like dating. Gosh, dating was something that Bucky didn't even want you to experience period. He has had bad relationships in the past, and he didn't want to put you through the heartache like he had to go through.
Although you try to convince Bucky that your life is nothing like his life, Bucky still made it clear that he didn't want you anywhere near any boy. At first, you thought it was sweet how Bucky was overprotective, but one time, you went on a date with one of your guy friends and Bucky followed you.
Not only did it seem creepy that he was practically stalking your date with your buddy, but Bucky even interjected with the date when he saw the one milkshake and two straws trick that your friend was about to pull off at the restaurant he took you to. You didn't talk to Bucky for a straight week after that experience.
You eventually forgave him and knew that he was just being protective because he loved you. Even thought you forgave him, it also taught you the lesson that you were never going to let him know that you were going on a date ever again.
"What do you mean I can't come pick you up at your house?" Your date to prom asked through the phone. "Isn't that like the number one thing when it comes to proper date etiquette?"
"Yeah, well the thing is, my father doesn't know that I'm going to prom," You explained, twirling the cord of the wall phone. "You can meet me at the end of my street though. How about that?"
He didn't respond but later released a long sigh. He went with it and you thanked him. You hung up the phone and took in a deep breath before leaving your bedroom. You sucked at lying to Bucky. He had those certain eyes that made you want to tell him the truth. Which was exactly why you were planning on not looking him in the eyes during the deception.
You left your bedroom, dressed from head to toe. You walked through the living room, noticing that Bucky wasn't present. A small smile spread across your lips. Maybe you were going to luck out for the night. You didn't dwell on it for too long and picked up your pace toward the door.
You swung the door open, only to unexpedectly run into Bucky on the other side. He immediately noticed your attire, and his glare made you say a little prayer in your heart that he wouldn't kill you.
"Oh, hi Buck," You nervously greeted, trying to keep calm. "Bye Buck."
You tried to brush past him, but Bucky quickly gripped onto your shoulder and forced you to walk backwards back into the house. You went with it, attempting to keep your cool. You knew that if you got too nervous you would end up exposing the truth.
Bucky let you go and slammed the door behind him once you both were back inside.
"No way in hell am I letting you leave the house looking like that [Y/N]," Bucky sternly stated. You rolled your eyes. "Why are you even dressed like that in the first place?"
"I'm meeting my friends that are girls," You lied, lowering your eyes to the floor. In a sense, it was sort of truthful. There were going to be girls in your group to the dance. "Please let me go have a night of fun with them Bucky, I promise I won't do anything to attract attention from boys."
Now that you were done talking, you slowly raised your eyes to meet his worried ocean blue eyes. It didn't seem too likely he would say what you wanted to say.
"Fine," Bucky breathed, taking you by surprise. "But don't do anything stupid tonight, you hear me kid?"
You squealed in delight. You gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before rushing out the door, shouting your gratitude to him. Bucky crossed his arms, shaking his head. He hoped that he wouldn't regret his decision.
Bucky didn't where you were.
It was past midnight and you weren't home. He has called you a thousand times, yet, you never answered. He didn't know whether to be mad or worried. Heck, he was both. He knew that he didn't tell you to be home at a certain time, but midnight should just be the cutoff regardless of the situation.
As he was pacing around the living room, awaiting for his phone to light up with your name, the front door flew open. Bucky snapped his eyes at the door, watching you storm inside.
"[Y/N]!" Bucky shouted, anger dripping from his voice. You ignored him, stomping your way to your bedroom. "[Y/N]! You better have a good damn reason why—[Y/N]! I'M TALKING TO YOU!"
Ignored again, Bucky huffed in irritation as you disappeared from his line of sight. You've never acted that way to him before. Bucky perked up as he heard your bedroom door slam shut. He raised his eyebrows. Instead of being angry, Bucky had to find out what was going on.
Bucky made his way to your bedroom and opened it, seeing you face downed on your bed. His heart softened as he heard muffled crying coming from you.
"[Y/N]? Look, I'm sorry I yelled at you like that," Bucky apologized, approaching you. He sat down beside you. You adjusted your position, keeping your face hidden from him. "What happened [Y/N]? Are you okay?"
You responded, but your voice was muffled from the sheets. Bucky poked you, telling you to look at him and tell him what was wrong. You grunted in refusal, but after a few seconds of silence, you finally gave in. You raised your head up to look at Bucky, revealing the dark purple ring that was around your right eye.
"[Y/N], where the hell did—"
"I went to prom tonight Bucky," You interrupted, lowering your head in shame. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth when I left. I was just afraid it was going to end up like the last date I went on."
"Your prom date gave you that black eye?"
You fell silent. The painful memory of him giving you that black eye flashed through your mind, setting off the tears again. Bucky inhaled deeply, trying to keep calm. As much as he wanted to kill your prom date, his threats probably wasn't what you wanted to hear at the moment.
"I really liked him Bucky," You sobbed, soon to be embraced by Bucky. You buried your face into his chest. "I shouldn't have been so naïve. He was such a douchebag. You were right Bucky. Boys suck. I'm never going to go on a date ever again."
"It's going to be okay [Y/N]," Bucky reassured, rubbing your back. "I'm sorry that you had a bad experience tonight with your prom date. I'll make him regret ever laying a hand on you."
"He's not worth it Bucky," You responded, removing yourself from Bucky's embrace. "He'll get what he deserves. I don't know how, but I'm sure he will."
"What was his name?"
"I'm not going to tell you Bucky," You replied, your spirits gradually rising at Bucky's protectiveness kicking. "You'll track him down if I tell you."
"No I won't," Bucky lied, not even trying to make it believable. He got a small chuckle out of you. Bucky offered you a small smile and returned to holding you. "I'm sorry that your prom date was such a douchebag, but I hope you know that I still love you, and frankly, that's all that matters."
"I know you do," You sighed, hugging Bucky back. You closed your eyes, savoring the moment. You really needed the comfort. "I love you too Bucky."
"Now, how about we stay up all night with the movie marathon of you know what?"
You cracked a side smile. "Sure. I'd love that."
Feedback is always welcome!
I do not own this gif.
Credit goes to the owner!
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Permanent Tag List:
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Master List
Updated 8/9/2024
(S) × Smut / 18+
(A) × Angst
(F) × Fluff
❕ Horror
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Min Yoongi-
4 Months (S)
Whipped (F)
The Truth (A)(F)
Let’s have a baby (F)
Alone Time (F?)
Kim Taehyung-
You’re Mine (F)
Jeon Jungkook-
Problem (F)
Nowhere I’d rather be (S)(F)
Park Jimin-
Peculiar (F)
Kim Seokjin-
Late Night (F)
Kim Namjoon-
Break the Bed (S)
Spilled Paint (S)
Pretend (A)
Bed Warmers (A)
Oblivious (S)
Jung Hoseok-
Tom Holland-
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Fire Meets Fate (S)
Jealous (F)
Why Not? (F)(S)
Don’t touch me (A)
Good-Bye (A)
Arvin Russel-
Figure it Out (A)(S)
Peter Parker-
Supportive (S)
One and Only (F)
Chris Evans-
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Finders Keepers (A)
Craving You (S)
Are you sure? (S)
Andy Barber-
Out of the Woods- 1 / 2 (A)
Late Night Workout (S)
Steve Rogers-
Sebastian Stan-
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Welcome Home (F)
I've Always Loved You (F)
Bucky Barnes-
You are my sunshine (F)
I love you idiot (F)
Hair Ties (F)(S)
Teen Wolf
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Derek Hale
Sirens Call - 1 / 2 (A)
Cody Fern
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Duncan Shepheard
I hate that I want you (S)
Rough Day (F)
Forget What They Say (F)
Be Patient (A)(F)
Why Didn't You Tell Me? (S)(A)
Jim Mason
So Close (F)
The Pact (F)
Michael Langdon
Hell Fire (S)
They Call Me Evil (Teaser) (A)
Let Me Show You (F)
Building Confidence (S)
Betrayal (Teaser) (A)
Stray Kids
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Bang Chan
Just the way you are (F)
Wish you the best (A)
Lee Minho
Seo Changbin
Hwang Hyunjin
Han Jisung
Idiots (F)(A)
Lee Felix
Kim Seungmin
Yang Jeongin
Pennywise- Time to Float ❕
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captainwans · 3 years
credit to the owner of this gif!
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pairing: chris evans x teen! fem! reader
y/n got a role on marvel and she’s about to shoot her first scene, but her nerves are kicking in. luckily, chris evans is there to ease her anxiety.
word count: 401
warning: not really angsty, just lots of fluff
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Y/N sat on her chair as she read her script, her eyes gazing down her lines and muttering to herself. She was currently on set memorizing a few of her lines before she was sent to shooting with others, and she was nervous because she didn’t want to mess up in front of Robert Downey, whom she will shoot a scene with. She was too caught up in her head that she didn’t notice Chris Evans taking a seat next to her waving up his hand in front of her, looking at her with a grin. 
“Earth to Y/N!”
Snapping out of her thoughts she looked at him, a crimson painting her cheeks. She shyly smiled at him, “Oh, h-hey, Chris.” she greeted with a soft smile, her heart fluttering at the sight of him. He returned the smile and gazed down to her hand holding her script. “You ready to shoot your scene for the first time?” he asked her, his smile reaching his eyes.
She nodded her head, “I think so.” she answered, shoving a few hair strands away from her face and gave him a shy smile, “Just nervous since I’ll be shooting a scene with Downey, who’s amazing by the way, and I hope I won’t mess up my lines because I-'' she brought her hand to her mouth, mentally cursing for ranting. 
She giggled, “I’m sorry, I rant when I’m nervous.” Chris chuckled and laid a hand on her shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. “There’s nothing to be stressed about, Downey is a huge softie. You’ll be fine, Y/N,” he reassured, making her cheeks burn as she nodded with a flustered smile. 
Y/N hummed, fiddling with her hands while trying to distract herself from her beating heart and a flushed face. She was about to open her mouth to say something but was cut off when one of the crew members told her to show up at the set. 
“Time’s up, Y/L/N.” 
She gave them thumbs up and stood up from her chair, leaving her script on the chair, and went to a vanity mirror to check herself. She turned to Chris and pointed at her outfit, “How do I look? Will this capture heart eyes?” she asked him with a cheeky smile, making him laugh, his hand resting on his chest. 
“You look great, sweetheart. You’ll do amazing.” 
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cathrin2405 · 5 years
others: wait, so we’re not supposed to leave our house?!
me, literally being on tumblr 24/7: bitch, i’ve been training for this my entire life
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Hi! Can I have a seb stan x teen reader who is very short (I'm 5'0 XD) and he can't find her in the Avengers set??? Thanks x
I’m Not That Short! (Sebastian Stan x Teen!Fem!Reader)
A/N: Okay, I am so sorry that this is so short! That being said, I hope you enjoy this drabble! (Also, I’m 4′11) 
Actors Masterlist
Character Taglist
Warnings: none
Word Count: 485
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Sebastian made his way around the set, it was the last day for filming endgame and what was supposed to be a wedding scene but everyone seemed a bit confused. He sighed to himself as he looked around the familiar faces, “hey!” He heard a familiar voice say. He turned around and spotted Anthony making his way over to him.
“Sup, man,” Sebastian said as he gave him a side hug, “hey, you haven’t seen Y/N by chance, have you?” Anthony shook his head. 
“That kid is around here somewhere,” Anthony stated as he searched the crowd in front of them. 
“I’ve searched everywhere and I swear it’s like she just disappears!” 
Anthony chuckled, “should probably put a tracker on her, you seem to be always losing her.” 
Sebastian rolled his eyes, “I probably should, she’s so short that I can never find her.” 
“I’m not that short!” You said loudly in defense causing the two men to turn around to look at you.
“There you are!” Sebastian said with a smile.
You rolled your eyes, hearing your name being called by one of the Russos you quickly walked away not before flipping both the men off. “You think she heard us?” Anthony asked. 
“No shit,” Sebastian mumbled. 
You casually walked over to the Russos who informed you that you’ll be standing in position up front by Gwyneth. You were one of the only ones who had gotten the whole script, mostly because you didn’t have a reputation of spoiling the movies you had done for Marvel but also because of the large role you had in the movie, it was hard for them not to give you a script. 
You looked over to where Sebastian and Anthony were, they gave you a small wave and you rolled your eyes, not before laughing a bit at the conversation you overheard. The Russos told you to go ahead and mingle for a bit, that there were still some things to be done before filming. You quickly dispersed into the crowd once more. 
“I lost her again,” Sebastian mumbled. 
“Me too,” Anthony said as he squinted his eyes towards the crowd. 
“I’m seriously not that short!” You said as you popped up in front of both the men. 
Anthony laughed, “shorty,” he commented before walking away. You crossed your arms as you looked at Anthony as he walked away. 
You looked over at Sebastian, “go ahead, call me shorty.” 
He shook his head, “Nah,” wrapping his arm around your shoulder, “rather not have you kill me in my sleep because I did.” You chuckled, “I’ve been looking for you, kiddo.” 
“So, I’ve heard,” you mumbled. Sebastian then started a conversation with you, mostly asking how school was going, checking on your grades, doing what he usually did. Being a father figure and you didn’t mind it, what you minded was being called short. You hated that. 
Permanent Taglist: @otomefan @dejaazaro @culturebay @kpopishilarious @fireproof-heaven @iloveyouthreethousand-o6  @weappreciatepower @whereyoustand  @white-wolf-buckaroo @spider-woman22 @coffee-habit @supernaturallover2002 @barnes-parker @therealmrshale @myinternetissoslow @myhippiehopes @celyndavies @xzowiex @ximaginx @wooshytooshy @ellaorelizabeth @rororo06  @chloe-geoghegan1 @hdthdthdt @sophie-barnes26 @thamuddagirl @unapologeticallymimi   @glitterquadricorn @lady-of-lies  @cassmoreiraxo @just4muggles @mellorine-paprika  @agirlruinedbybands @yougottalovefandoms @avngrsinitiative @lizlil
Sebastian Stan Taglist: @acalmandquietplace @sleepylunarwolf @alicat-life @captaiinameriicasass @edgyhargreeves @noobmaster63 @kayleigh2703 @pleasantlysecretdream @tessvillegas @xiumin-girl99 @thejourneyneverendsx @buckybcrness @thewintersoldier1124 @ssebstann @booksarebae2000 @scarletmeii @imjusthereforsupernatural
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