#sebastian leber
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unfug-bilder · 2 years ago
Ich kenne Sebastian Leber aus langen, gemeinsamen Jahren bei Twitter und schÀtze ihn sehr.
Und ich weiß deshalb auch, dass er und ich die geheime Antwort auf die rhetorische Frage am Ende des Artikels kennen. Und damit nicht alleine sind.
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shape · 11 months ago
Nach schweren VorwĂŒrfen: Berliner Kulturzentrum Oyoun beantwortet Fragen nicht
Wegen eines Tagesspiegel-Berichts spricht das Oyoun von einer „Schmierenkampagne“ – und ignoriert wichtige Fragen. Gleichzeitig lĂ€dt es sich weitere BDS-AnhĂ€nger ins Haus.
Von Sebastian Leber
13.12.2023, 16:01 Uhr
Offiziell verspricht das Oyoun gegenĂŒber Journalisten eine „transparente Kommunikation“. Man sei bereit, „transparente Informationen bereitzustellen“, heißt es in einer Nachricht. Doch die RealitĂ€t sieht anders aus.
Nach schweren VorwĂŒrfen gegen das Kulturzentrum möchte das Oyoun eine Reihe von Fragen auch nach mehrfacher Nachfrage nicht beantworten. Insbesondere solche zum Wirken der umstrittenen MitgrĂŒnderin, GeschĂ€ftsfĂŒhrerin und kĂŒnstlerischen Leiterin des Hauses, Louna Sbou, bleiben unbeantwortet.Die Tagesspiegel-App Aktuelle Nachrichten, HintergrĂŒnde und Analysen direkt auf Ihr Smartphone. Dazu die digitale Zeitung. Hier gratis herunterladen.
Dazu gehört die Frage, weshalb Sbou in ihrer frĂŒheren Funktion im CafĂ© Be’kech Mitarbeiter anwies, israelische Produkte und Speisen zu boykottieren – und weshalb sie Mitarbeitern sogar verbot, zur Beschreibung von Gerichten das Wort „Israelisch“ auf die MenĂŒtafel zu schreiben.
In einer ersten Antwort hatte das Oyoun derartige Boykottanweisungen zunĂ€chst bestritten. Allerdings liegen dem Tagesspiegel nicht nur Zeugenaussagen, sondern auch die konkreten Anweisungen vor, die Louna Sbou schriftlich erteilte. Zur Frage, wie es zu diesem offensichtlichen Widerspruch kommt, schweigt das Oyoun nun.Neuköllner Kulturzentrum vor dem Aus Neue schwere VorwĂŒrfe gegen das Oyoun
Weiterhin beantworten die Verantwortlichen nicht, weshalb das Be’kech, als dessen MitgrĂŒnderin und Kuratorin Louna Sbou fungierte, seine RĂ€umlichkeiten fĂŒr einen Auftritt der verurteilten PFLP-Terroristin Rasmea Odeh zur VerfĂŒgung stellen wollte und dann, als Odeh nicht persönlich anwesend sein konnte, die Übertragung ihrer Videobotschaft vor Publikum ermöglichte.
Entsetzte jĂŒdische Studenten erhielten keine Antwort
Drei jĂŒdische Studenten, die der Veranstaltung als Beobachter beiwohnten, wurden damals von Teilnehmern beleidigt. Im Nachgang schrieben sie das CafĂ© an und fragten, weshalb es der verurteilten PFLP-Terroristin in diesen RĂ€umen ĂŒberhaupt eine Plattform gebe. Sie bekamen nie eine Antwort.Berlin und der Terror gegen Israel - ein wichtiges Thema in unseren Bezirks-Newslettern - hier kostenlos: www.tagesspiegel.de/bezirke
Auch im Hinblick auf einen Eklat im Oktober 2021 schweigt sich das Oyoun bislang zu einer heiklen Frage aus. Damals wollte ein Filmfest in den RĂ€umlichkeiten des Zentrums unter anderem einen Dokumentarfilm ĂŒber die liberale Ibn-Rushd-Goethe-Moschee zeigen, die von der Frauenrechtlerin Seyran AteƟ mitgegrĂŒndet wurde. Nach der VorfĂŒhrung war eine Zuschauerdiskussion mit einem Protagonisten des Films geplant.
Oyoun unterband Zuschauerdiskussion
Als das Oyoun von dem Plan erfuhr, schritt es ein. Es zeigte zwar den Dokumentarfilm, unterband jedoch die anschließende Zuschauerdiskussion und ließ stattdessen ein Statement verlesen, in dem man AteƟ „Islamophobie“ vorwarf.„Ich habe Lust jemanden zu töten“ ZwölfjĂ€hrige in Frankreich bedroht Englischlehrerin mit KĂŒchenmesser
Dieser Vorwurf ist perfide, denn tatsĂ€chlich ist AteƟ praktizierende Muslima und auch Imamin der liberalen Moschee. Allerdings sprechen ihr Islamisten, denen die Berliner Moschee zu liberal ist, immer wieder die Religionszugehörigkeit ab, beschimpfen sie als „UnglĂ€ubige“ und bedrohen sie mit dem Tod.
Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass mir per E-Mail interessante Angebote des Tagesspiegels unterbreitet werden. Meine Einwilligung kann ich jederzeit widerrufen.
Wie kam das Oyoun also dazu, Seyran AteƟ öffentlich Islamophobie zu unterstellen? Welche Aussagen soll AteƟ jemals getĂ€tigt haben, die einen solchen Vorwurf rechtfertigen wĂŒrden?
Auch hierzu schweigt das Haus gegenĂŒber dem Tagesspiegel.
Stattdessen behauptet es nun öffentlich, es sei aktuell Opfer einer „Schmierenkampagne“. UnterstĂŒtzer streuen gar das GerĂŒcht, kritische Berichterstatter gĂ€ben dem Oyoun keinerlei Möglichkeit, zu den VorwĂŒrfen Stellung zu nehmen. Dies ist grob unwahr.
Gruppen zu Gast, die den Hamas-Terror feiern
Nicht beantworten möchte das Oyoun weiterhin die Frage, wieso es wiederholt Organisationen und Personen seine RĂ€umlichkeiten zur VerfĂŒgung stellte, die die Existenz Israels als jĂŒdischen Staat delegitimieren – obwohl dies einen klaren Verstoß gegen das „Landeskonzept zur Weiterentwicklung der Antisemitismus-PrĂ€vention“ darstellt.
Unbeantwortet bleibt zudem die Frage, weshalb das Oyoun vor diesem Hintergrund dennoch den Gruppen „PalĂ€stina Spricht“, „RevolutionĂ€re Linke“ sowie „PalĂ€stina Kampagne“ seine RĂ€umlichkeiten zur VerfĂŒgung stellte – und ob den Betreibern zum Beispiel entgangen war, dass die „PalĂ€stina Kampagne“ nach dem Terror der Hamas am 7. Oktober öffentlich erklĂ€rte, sie halte den Terror fĂŒr gerechtfertigt und unterstĂŒtze ihn sogar.
Die ganze Recherche ĂŒber die MissstĂ€nde im Oyoun:
Neuköllner Kulturzentrum vor dem Aus Neue schwere VorwĂŒrfe gegen das Oyoun
Wie berichtet, lĂ€uft die öffentliche Förderung des Kulturzentrums zum Jahresende aus. Die Betreiber des Oyouns protestieren dagegen ab Donnerstag mit einem dreitĂ€gigen Festival, zu dem das Oyoun ein weiteres Mal gegen das Landeskonzept verstĂ¶ĂŸt und nicht nur diverse UnterstĂŒtzer der BDS-Bewegung eingeladen hat, sondern auch erneut der Gruppe „PalĂ€stina Spricht“ eine Plattform bieten wird.
Dabei handelt es sich exakt um die Gruppe, deren Auftritt im Oyoun bereits im Mai 2022 zu einem der zahlreichen Eklats gefĂŒhrt hatte. Die Senatsverwaltung stellte schon damals öffentlich klar, dass „PalĂ€stina Spricht“ Positionen vertritt, die sich „gegen das Existenzrecht Israels richten und als antisemitisch zu werten sind“. Eine Veranstaltung unter Beteiligung dieser Gruppe dĂŒrfe in einer öffentlich geförderten Einrichtung wie dem Oyoun keine RĂ€ume zur VerfĂŒgung gestellt bekommen. Genau dies wird an diesem Donnerstagabend jedoch ein weiteres Mal passieren.
Die Massaker der Hamas vom 7. Oktober bejubelte „PalĂ€stina Spricht“ ĂŒbrigens als „Lektion fĂŒr die Befreiung von Gaza“. Bei dem 7. Oktober handle es sich um einen Tag, der gefeiert gehöre.
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joachimnusch · 2 years ago
Es ist Spargelzeit.
"Liebliche Speis fĂŒr LeckermĂ€uler" Hieronymus Bosch
Welche Bedeutung hat Spargel im Ayurveda?
Von Joachim Nusch ĂŒber die Beziehung und Bedeutung von Spargel im Ayurveda und dem Kapha Dosha.
Meistens beginnt die Spargelernte schon Mitte April. Wenn Es nicht zu kalt ist. Das Ende der Spargel-Zeit ist jedoch traditionell am „Johannistag“ (24. Juni). Es geht also los mit dem leckeren KönigsgemĂŒse.
Spargel (Shatavari) ist ein beliebtes GemĂŒse, das in vielen Kulturen auf der ganzen Welt geschĂ€tzt wird. In der ayurvedischen ErnĂ€hrung wird Spargel oft als Nahrungsmittel betrachtet, das das Kapha Dosha ausgleicht. Das Kapha Dosha ist eines der drei Doshas im Ayurveda und wird mit den Eigenschaften von Erdigkeit, StabilitĂ€t und Ausgeglichenheit in Verbindung gebracht. Wenn das Kapha Dosha im Gleichgewicht ist, ist der Körper gesund und ausgeglichen. Wenn es jedoch im Übermaß vorhanden ist, kann es zu Gesundheitsproblemen wie Gewichtszunahme, TrĂ€gheit und Depressionen fĂŒhren.
Spargel wird im Ayurveda oft als leichtes, trockenes und bitteres Nahrungsmittel betrachtet. Diese Eigenschaften helfen dabei, das Kapha Dosha auszugleichen, indem sie ĂŒberschĂŒssige Feuchtigkeit und Schwere aus dem Körper entfernen. Bittere Nahrungsmittel sind auch dafĂŒr bekannt, die Verdauung zu fördern und die Leberfunktion zu unterstĂŒtzen. Die Leber ist ein wichtiger Teil des Verdauungssystems, da sie dafĂŒr verantwortlich ist, Giftstoffe aus dem Körper zu entfernen.
In der ayurvedischen Medizin wird Spargel auch fĂŒr seine reinigenden Eigenschaften geschĂ€tzt. Es wird angenommen, dass es Giftstoffe aus dem Körper entfernt und das Immunsystem stĂ€rkt. Spargel enthĂ€lt auch viele NĂ€hrstoffe wie Vitamin C, FolsĂ€ure und Kalium, die zur Aufrechterhaltung einer guten Gesundheit beitragen.
Vorteile von Shatavari
Die nĂ€hrenden Eigenschaften von Shatavari werden traditionell zur UnterstĂŒtzung einer Reihe von Systemen und Funktionen im Körper verwendet:6
Fördert ein gesundes Fortpflanzungssystem
Beruhigt sanft den Verdauungstrakt.
Beruhigt und unterstĂŒtzt die Atemwege
Fördert ein gesundes Energieniveau und Kraft.
UnterstĂŒtzt das Immunsystem
EnthĂ€lt natĂŒrlich vorkommende Antioxidantien.
Bei der Zubereitung von Spargel im Ayurveda gibt es einige wichtige Punkte zu beachten. Es wird empfohlen, Spargel zu dĂŒnsten oder zu grillen, anstatt ihn zu kochen oder zu braten, da dies dazu beitragen kann, seine reinigenden Eigenschaften zu bewahren. Es wird auch empfohlen, GewĂŒrze wie Ingwer und Kurkuma hinzuzufĂŒgen, um die Verdauung weiter zu fördern und das Kapha Dosha auszugleichen.
Insgesamt ist Spargel ein wichtiger Bestandteil der ayurvedischen ErnĂ€hrung, der dazu beitragen kann, das Kapha Dosha auszugleichen und den Körper zu reinigen. Durch die Einbeziehung von Spargel in die ErnĂ€hrung können Menschen, die unter einem ĂŒberaktiven Kapha Dosha leiden, ihre Gesundheit verbessern und ein Gleichgewicht im Körper erreichen. Es ist jedoch wichtig, darauf zu achten, wie Spargel zubereitet wird, um seine positiven Eigenschaften zu bewahren und seine verdauungsfördernden Eigenschaften zu verstĂ€rken.
Pole, Sebastian. Ayurvedic Medicine: The Principles of Traditional Practice. Churchill Livingston; 2006. 271-272.
Simon, David and Deepak Chopra. The Chopra Center Herbal Handbook. Three Rivers Press, New York; 2000. 73-75.
Frawley, David, and Vasant Lad. The Yoga of Herbs. Lotus Press, Twin Lakes, Wisconsin; 2001. 183-184.
Bopana N, Saxena S. “Asparagus racemosus--ethnopharmacological evaluation and conservation needs.” Pubmed. Mar 2007. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17240097/
Anders JPV, Keller JL, Smith CM, Hill EC, Housh TJ, Schmidt RJ, Johnson GO. “The Effects of Asparagus Racemosus Supplementation Plus 8 Weeks of Resistance Training on Muscular Strength and Endurance.” PubMed. Jan 2020. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33467220/
Goyal RK, Singh J, Lal H. “Asparagus racemosus--an update.” PubMed. Sept 2003. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14515032
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eolewyn1010 · 4 years ago
I love your prompts! Could you please do "laundry day" with Thorsten/Sebastian for me?
Yet more laundry! I’ll take the opportunity to torture Sebastian with basic math.
Thorsten atmet erleichtert aus, als er das letzte Paar Socken zusammenrollt. „Wo kommt das ganze Zeug bloß her? Du hast doch nur zwei Kinder!“, beschwert er sich bei Sebastian.
Dessen Antwort ĂŒberrascht ihn allerdings. „Kinder ist gut!“, faucht er. „Eigentlich sind die alt genug, um sich selber um ihren Mist zu kĂŒmmern!“ Damit wirft er schwungvoll die TĂŒr der Waschmaschine zu, schaltet sie ein und rauscht hinaus.
Thorsten blinzelt. Was ist dem denn plötzlich fĂŒr eine Laus ĂŒber die Leber gelaufen? Es wird ja wohl kaum an der WĂ€sche liegen, oder? Bis auf eine Ladung sind sie nĂ€mlich durch.
Er schnappt sich den Korb mit den sauberen Socken und folgt Sebastian ins Wohnzimmer, wo der sich aufs Sofa zwischen ein paar Stapel sauberer BettwĂ€sche und HandtĂŒcher gepflanzt hat und offensichtlich schmollt. Thorsten verlagert einen WĂ€schestapel auf den Sessel, damit er sich neben Sebastian setzen kann. „Na, was ist los?“
Statt einer Antwort hÀlt der ihm eine flache Pappschachtel hin. Kondome, offensichtlich.
Thorsten zieht eine Augenbraue hoch. „Du wirkst grade nicht so in Stimmung“, frotzelt er.
Sebastians Blick verrĂ€t unterschwellige Mordabsichten. „Die waren in Majas Jackentasche!“, sagt er anklagend.
Etwas peinlich berĂŒhrt rĂ€uspert sich Thorsten. Klar, fĂŒr ihn ist das auch
 seltsam, mindestens; schließlich kennt er Sebastians Tochter seit ihrem Schuleingang. Aber, na ja. „Maja ist achtzehn
“, setzt er an und wird scharf unterbrochen.
„Siebzehn Jahre und elf Monate“, fĂ€hrt Thorsten ruhig fort. Vielleicht wĂŒrde er das weniger gelassen sehen, wenn Lilli so erwachsen geworden wĂ€re, aber die Erfahrung fehlt ihm nun mal. „Warst du in dem Alter im Zölibat?“
Sebastian guckt verkniffen. Sein Gesicht bekommt einen zarten Rosaton. „Das tut hier ĂŒberhaupt nichts zur Sache!“ behauptet er und knallt das PĂ€ckchen auf den Stubentisch. „Julia musste ihr Studium verschieben, weil sie frĂŒh schwanger geworden ist.“
Thorsten verdreht die Augen. „Daher die Kondome. Gratuliere; du hast deine Tochter anstĂ€ndig aufgeklĂ€rt.“
Sebastian macht ein GerĂ€usch, das ungefĂ€hr wie „pffhnng“ klingt, verschrĂ€nkt die Arme und lĂ€sst sich schwungvoll gegen die Armlehne kippen, wobei er auf den Handtuchstapeln landet, die Thorsten vorhin so sorgfĂ€ltig zusammengelegt hat.
Vielleicht verliert er deshalb langsam die Geduld mit dem Zickenanfall. „Ach, komm. Maja beschwert sich doch auch nicht ĂŒber dein Sexualleben.“
Sebastian erschauert sichtlich. Es ist schon beinahe lustig. „Sie sollte ĂŒberhaupt kein
“ Er zieht eine Grimasse, bringt es aber offensichtlich nicht heraus. „
keins haben. Das Wort sollte ĂŒberhaupt nicht im Zusammenhang mit ihr genannt werden.“
Thorsten versucht, die WĂ€schestapel unter Sebastians RĂŒcken hervor zu manövrieren, scheitert aber; Sebastian bleibt unverrĂŒckbar liegen.
Entnervt lĂ€sst sich Thorsten einfach auf ihn fallen. Sebastian Ă€chzt leise, als er auf seiner Brust landet, protestiert aber nicht, als Thorsten ihm ein paar KĂŒsse auf SchlĂ€fen und Wangen drĂŒckt und ihm in den Haaren wĂŒhlt. „Kennst du ihren Freund denn?“
Sebastian zuckt die Achseln. „Sie hat ein bisschen von ihm erzĂ€hlt. Klang wie ein netter Junge“, grollt er.
Thorsten gelingt es, die HĂ€nde unter Sebastian zu winden und die HandtĂŒcher vor einem knittrigen Schicksal in der Sofaritze zu retten. „Weißt du, es gibt viele Leute, die Sex haben und trotzdem ganz nett sind. Vielleicht fragst du sie einfach, ob sie ihn nicht mal zum Essen mitbringen will.“
„Das ist gar keine so schlechte Idee.“ Sebastian klingt schlagartig viel heiterer.
Argwöhnisch hebt Thorsten den Kopf – und verdreht angesichts des boshaften LĂ€chelns die Augen. „Sebastian, nein
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frousimabseits · 3 years ago
Samstagsdreier Deluxe
Folgende Spiele wurden besucht:
VfB Helmbrechts : ATS Hof West 5:2
Deutschland/FrankenwaldsportstÀtte/Kreisliga Nord/11.Spieltag
40 Zuschauer
Samstag, 18.09.2021, 14:00 Uhr
0:1 (30ÂŽ) Muhammed SĂŒrmeli
1:1 (34ÂŽ) Sven Scherer
1:2 (39ÂŽ) Muhammed SĂŒrmeli
2:2 (45ÂŽ) Giovanni Arcuri (ET)
3:2 (68ÂŽ) Philip Langer
4:2 (73ÂŽ) Philip Langer (FE)
5:2 (76ÂŽ) Mert ÜnlĂŒtaskiran
 FC Eintracht MĂŒnchberg : ASV Vach 2:1
Deutschland/Sportanlage MĂŒnchberg/Landesliga Nordost/9.Spieltag
220 Zuschauer
Samstag, 18.09.2021, 15:00 Uhr
0:1 (17ÂŽ) Daniel Arapoglu
1:1 (27Ž) Lucas Köhler
2:1 (35ÂŽ) Sebastian StrĂ¶ĂŸner
 FC Eintracht MĂŒnchberg : Sp.Vg Eicha 1:6 (Damen)
Deutschland/Sportanlage MĂŒnchberg, Nebenplatz/Bezirksoberliga/4.Spieltag
40 Zuschauer
Samstag, 18.09.2021, 16:00 Uhr
0:1 (15ÂŽ) Isabel Raithel
0:2 (15ÂŽ) Lara HopfenmĂŒller
0:3 (25ÂŽ) Anna Illmer
0:4 (27Ž) Jana Pöche
0:5 (55ÂŽ) Anna Illmer
0:6 (55ÂŽ) Anna Illmer
1:6 (83Ž) Enna Köhler
Was bei Lewis Hamilton und Co. in ihren F1- Boliden beruflich passiert, passiert bei uns in der Freizeit: VOLLGAS. Dieser Samstag hatte es nĂ€mlich wieder einmal in sich. Von unserem Promillewert her, hĂ€tte man uns auf einer Ärztetagung in Bonn ausstellen können. Aber beginnen wir von vorne.
Bereits am Montag (13.09.21) schrieb Otto in unsere Hopper-WhatsApp Gruppe, dass er am Samstag gerne nach MĂŒnchberg kommen wĂŒrde, um die Landesliga zu komplettieren. Und dies auch nicht alleine. Wir halten fest: Otto + Konsorten kommen in meine heimischen Gefilde, an meinem freien Wochenende. SpĂ€testens jetzt hĂ€tte ich einen Stahlhelm fĂŒr meine Leber bestellen mĂŒssen. Am Freitag, nach meiner SpĂ€tschicht, hatte ich einen GesprĂ€chstermin mit einem wichtigen Menschen vereinbart. Danach wollte ich nach Hause. So zumindest die Theorie. Aber Theorie und Praxis scheinen im realen Leben wenig zu harmonieren, wie ich feststellen musste. Anstatt zu reden, habe ich mir mit Bier, Jack DanielÂŽs und Weißweinschorle ordentlich die Batterie geladen. Alles was danach passierte, war aufgrund meines Zustandes, richtiger Bockmist.
Mein Ausflug in die alkoholische Zwischenwelt hatte zufolge, dass ich am Samstag frĂŒh noch etwas unbeholfen agierte. Mein Bewegungsablauf erinnerte an die Puppen aus der Augsburger Puppenkiste. Allgemeine TĂ€tigkeiten wie Einkaufen, oder Haushalt machen, waren aus dem Universum des machbaren verschwunden. Aber der FrĂŒhschoppen musste schon sein! Wie immer ging es zu Siggi und seinem SchnĂ€ppchenparadies. Hier verweilte ich in guter Gesellschaft bis ca. 12:30 Uhr. Um 13:45 wurde ich dann von Piero und Flo abgeholt, was auf jeden Fall auch besser war. Ich hatte nĂ€mlich schon wieder ein Brett in der Fresse, bei dem jeder Schreiner neidisch gewesen wĂ€re. An unserer ersten Station angekommen, wartete schon die NĂŒrnberger Fraktion mit Otto, FOe, Martin und Fido auf uns. Somit waren die „Asozialen Vollsuff Schweine NĂŒrnberg“, mit der Sektion „Helge Dienstbier“, zumindest fĂŒr diesen Tag komplett. Schon bei der ersten Bierbestellung gab es Probleme, da weder Piero noch FOe, welche das Bier holen sollten, wussten was ein Willibecher* ist. Also gab es eine kurze Einweisung im Wirtshausbasiswissen. Bereits bei der ersten Runde schoss die Nummer 5 von Hof/West PieroÂŽs halbvolles Glas kaputt. NĂ€rrischer Tuck! Eigentlich „NĂŒrrischer TĂŒck“, wenn man die Herkunft des 5ers berĂŒcksichtigen wollte. Ab der 30. Minute wurde dann das Spiel auch spannend, da wir bis zur Halbzeit 4 Tore sahen. Hof/West ging immer in FĂŒhrung, aber der VfB konnte sofort wieder ausgleichen. Beim 2:2 sogar mit Hilfe des Gegners. Leider mussten wir in der Halbzeit schon gehen, da um 15 Uhr Anstoß in MĂŒnchberg war. Mit der Fancard 100 und Schiedsrichterausweisen, verschaffte man sich kostenfreien Zutritt zum Spiel. Wie auch schon in Helmbrechts, wurde zuerst der Bierstand angesteuert. Fußballtechnisch bekam man hier, zumindest in Halbzeit eins, etwas mehr geboten, als beim VfB. WĂ€hrend der Halbzeit wies Otto noch einen Spieler aus Vach darauf hin, dass er sich doch bitte woanders und nicht gerade vor uns warmmachen solle. Herrlich. Der Tormann des ASV wurde in der zweiten Halbzeit dann Ziel von OttoÂŽs SprĂŒchen. Aber der Keeper hatte anscheinend Sinn fĂŒr Humor und somit blieb alles irgendwo im Rahmen. Und immer wieder wies FOe darauf hin, dass man ja mit Otto eigentlich nirgendwo hin könne. Auf dem Feld wurde derweil nur noch gebolzt und gekickt. MĂŒnchberg konnte heute als glĂŒcklicher Sieger vom Platz gehen.
Weiter also zu den Damen des FC Eintracht MĂŒnchberg, die heute gegen Eicha ran mussten. Und das konnte man, im Bezug auf das Ergebnis, wirklich so sagen. Eine Abordnung von uns lief in die nahegelegene Tankstelle um Bier zu besorgen, wĂ€hrend der andere Teil brav das Spiel verfolgte. Da wir erst zur zweiten HĂ€lfte ankamen, sahen wir auch „nur“ drei Tore, dafĂŒr aber zwei in derselben Spielminute, was auch eher selten vorkommt. Da die anderen wieder mit dem Grundnahrungsmittel Nummer 1 zurĂŒck waren, konnte man endlich wieder zum gemĂŒtlichen Teil ĂŒbergehen. Mit guten GesprĂ€chen und immensen Fachwissen verfolgten wir die restliche Spielzeit. Unmittelbar nach Abpfiff kam ein sichtlich unentspannter Mann auf uns zu, der uns darauf hinwies, das GelĂ€nde JETZT SOFORT zu verlassen. NatĂŒrlich stieß seine Aussage auf wenig, bis auf gar kein VerstĂ€ndnis. Der Ton macht bekanntlich die Musik. Nachdem sich der „nette“ Herr anscheinend nicht mehr zu helfen wusste, schickte er eine Ă€ltere Dame ins Rennen. Der Gute hatte anscheinend Angst, dass er noch Bekanntschaft mit der Zahnfee machen wird. Der bitte der Frau, das GelĂ€nde zu verlassen, kamen wir natĂŒrlich nach. Schließlich hatte Sie mehr Eier, als Kamerad SchnĂŒrschuh von eben.
Abschied ist schwer und Durst ist schlimmer als Heimweh! Somit mussten wir uns leider von den NĂŒrnbergern verabschieden. Piero, Flo und ich hingegen hatten noch nicht genug und kehrten noch mal im Schwarzholzwinkel ein. Da wir aber den Kanal immer noch nicht voll hatten, zog es uns in die „Schmiede“. Hier wurden dann die restlichen aktiven Hirnzellen mit Alkohol vernichtet. Als dann Piero durch die geschlossene TĂŒr wollte und sich auf dem Boden wiederfand, dachte Flo, dass es besser sei, den Menschen nach Hause zu bringen. Somit war ich, wie so oft, der letzte Matrose auf Deck. Ich bestellte mir noch ein Bier und nahm noch eins fĂŒr meinen Heimweg mit. Ich musste schließlich noch ca. 4 Kilometer bis in die Heimat laufen. Auf dem Heimweg hatte ich denselben KlĂ€rungsbedarf wie am Freitag, was aber erneut, aufgrund meines Zustandes, in die Hose ging. Manchmal muss ich mich schon selber fragen, ob noch alles in Ordnung ist. Aber zum GlĂŒck hat sich am Sonntag alles zum Guten entwickelt.
Apropos Sonntag; am Sonntag wollte ich eigentlich zum FrĂŒhschoppen, danach zum FC Ort und anschließend zum DĂ€mmerschoppen. Aber mein körperliches Befinden war jetzt nicht gerade das Beste. Zwei Tage Vollgas hinterlassen eben ihre Spuren. Also blieb ich brav zu Hause. Besonderer Gruß und Dank geht an die Herren von Samstag, mit denen ich mir ordentlich die Rinne verzinken durfte: Piero, Flo, Otto, Fido, FOe und Martin! Sobald sich der Zentralrat des Blauen Kreuzes entschieden hat, wie es mit mir weiter gehen soll, hoffe ich auf eine baldige Wiederholung. S.F. (Frouser)
 *FĂŒr Piero und FOe: Ein Willibecher ist seit 1954 ein deutsches Standardglas. Der Willibecher wurde von vielen Brauereien in der BRD als Bierglas ĂŒbernommen und ist bis heute das meistproduzierte Bierglasmodell.
 Postskriptum: Nur fĂŒr dich FOe: „Hinein! sprach Wallenstein; dann trugen Ihn die Englein fort – IN scharenweise.“
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berndsx4 · 3 years ago
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blog-aventin-de · 4 years ago
Die Gemeine Wegwarte
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Gemeine Wegwarte - Zichorie & Radicchio - Blume des Jahres Gemeine Wegwarte - Zichorie & Radicchio - Blume des Jahres Die Gemeine Wegwarte (Cichorium intybus), auch Zichorie genannt, gehört zu der Familie der KorbblĂŒtler (Asteraceae). Kulturformen der Wegwarte sind ChicorĂ©e, Zuckerhut und Radicchio. Die Gemeine Wegwarte war 2005  in Deutschland „GemĂŒse des Jahres“ und 2009 „Blume des Jahres“.  Die Wegwarte blĂŒht meist an und in Kornfeldern. Leuchtend blau sind ihre BlĂŒten, manchmal auch rosa oder weiß. Aber nur bei schönem Wetter zeigt sie ihre volle Pracht, denn bei Regen bleiben die BlĂŒten geschlossen. Unsere Großeltern erinnern sich vielleicht noch an den „BlĂŒmchenkaffee“ schlechter Zeiten, der aus einer angebauten Art der Wegwarte gewonnen wurde. Vornehmer jedenfalls erscheint die Wegwarte als ChicorĂ©esalat. Die Wegwarte ist ein tonisierendes Bittermittel und hat eine leicht anregende Wirkung auf Magen, Galle, Leber und Nieren. Alle Pflanzenteile werden gleichermaßen verwendet. Sebastian Kneipp fĂŒhrte die Wegwarte in die Volksmedizin ein. Die Gemeine Wegwarte - Blume des Jahres 2009 Read the full article
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crystalracing · 7 years ago
Under the skin of the enigmatic Raikkonen
KIMI RAIKKONEN IS ONE OF THOSE BLOKES WHO polarises opinion, that people seem to either love or hate. Ironic really, considering he is the epitome of getting on with doing his own thing, not manipulating anything, staying clear of boring politics and not worrying about things he has no control over. As a private man who can be diïŹƒcult to read – not to mention one who a proportion of Formula 1 followers think has passed his best –he is, as our cover suggests, F1’s enigma. Which is why Ben Anderson’sin-depth 14-page feature, beginning on page 14, is probably the best and most-balanced thing you’ll ever read about him. Based on interviews with Raikkonen himself and those around him, it properly assesses his role on the F1 grid, and in the paddock. Ferrari announced a one-year contract extension for Raikkonen on Tuesday – after the last page of our feature had gone to press – but one thing for sure is that he is closer to the end of his F1 career than the beginning, and this week’s Autosport also provides a study of a talent at the opposite end of the spectrum. There hasn’t been a buzz this big about a young British prospect since Lewis Hamilton was rising the ranks, and Kevin Turner’s chat with Lando Norris (p28)tells us all about his cracking recent F1 test with McLaren. It was good timing that the interview coincides with two more wins in the Formula 3 European Championship at Zandvoort (p40). Funny to think that Norris hadn’t even been born when Raikkonen made his Formula Renault UK debut in 1999, and was only a toddler when Kimi ïŹrst raced a Formula 1 car

It is very rare that a driver comes along who challenges preconceived notions of what it takes to be a Formula 1 driver. But when a true prodigy breaks through into grand prix racing through sheer force of talent, they often create a sort of butterïŹ‚y eïŹ€ect.The world we thought we knew before is suddenly changed, and will never be the same again. Kimi Raikkonen should go down in F1 history as one such driver. It has taken Max Verstappen’s remarkable recent ascension to motorsport’s pinnacle to further redeïŹne the boundaries of possibility – so successful in one season of junior single-seater racing that he simply must be in F1 immediately. Since 2015, Verstappen has been thrilling fans, threatening reputations, and rewriting rules with his fearless and superlative brand of racing. Fourteen years earlier, Raikkonen laid the template –arriving with Peter Sauber’s eponymous team after a brief but highly successful stint in Formula Renault. Raikkonen had competed in fewer than 25 car races; surely he couldn’t be ready for such a monumental leap.Yet there he was – 13th on the grid for his debut in Australia, within four tenths of a second of sophomore team-mate Nick Heidfeld, scoring a point in his ïŹrst GP, ïŹnishing not much more than 12 seconds behind his team-mate. Raikkonen looked immediately like he belonged – a driver so naturally gifted he could bypass F3 and F3000 completely, turn convention on its head, yet be immediately and properly competitive in F1. Truly astounding. The question with all prodigies, in any sport, is what next? Will they fully harness that ability, show the necessary will and dedication to ally proper craft to their genius, and transform themselves into a truly unstoppable force? It is this unique blend that tends to deïŹne the ultimate greatness of an athlete – whether they burn out early and fade away in the Wayne Rooney style, or evolve into an era-deïŹning machine in the mould of Cristiano Ronaldo. Raikkonen’s stats suggest he’s something of an underachiever. This weekend’s Belgian Grand Prix will mark his 263rd grand prix start; only four drivers – Rubens Barrichello, Michael Schumacher, Jenson Button and Fernando Alonso – have started more. For a driver of Raikkonen’s ability and longevity to have scored ‘only’ 20 wins and 17 pole positions, plus a single world championship achieved in fortuitous circumstances in 2007, seems out of kilter. Damon Hill would not consider himself to be the most naturally gifted driver ever to grace F1. Raikkonen could make that claim, yet Hill achieved more wins and poles than Raikkonen has, in much less than half the number of starts. And yet Raikkonen is still good enough that he is still racing for Ferrari – F1’s grandest team – at the ripe old age of 37, and Tuesday’s announcement that he will remain for 2018 means he will continue doing so for another season at least. That shows Raikkonen still has something serious to oïŹ€er in the eyes of those who make the biggest decisions in Maranello. Sport is always about much more than pure numbers. Personality and style also count for as much sometimes. Raikkonen commands a strong and loyal fan base, energised by his ‘Iceman’ reputation, one he says he’s done nothing conscious to cultivate. Publicly, Raikkonen comes oïŹ€ as a cool, aloof, anti-hero character – a no-nonsense antidote to the clean-cut corporate image of modern racing. His ‘wild-child’ early years curry him huge favour with those followers of F1 who pine for the era of James Hunt, when drivers partied away the nights and drove by the seat of their pants in the day. But even lovable rogues like Hunt and Raikkonen are driven by a ïŹerce competitive instinct that belies their devil-may-care reputations.We are left with a confusing picture. How to reconcile the incredible natural ability that once redrew boundaries at Sauber and McLaren, and claimed a historic post-Schumacher world championship for Ferrari, with the later seasons of struggle: bettered by Felipe Massa, outpaced by Romain Grosjean, destroyed by Alonso, now playing second ïŹddle to Sebastian Vettel? Herein lies the enigma of Kimi Raikkonen.
Raikkonen’s first season in F1 was very strong by conventional standards for a rookie, but when you consider his fundamental lack of experience in car racing it was truly exceptional. His results were very good – four points finishes in total, twice finishing fourth (in Austria and Canada) and placing inside the top 10 in the world championship. Raikkonen made a vital contribution to what then constituted Sauber’s best F1 season, but it was his raw speed that caught the eye. Third time out, Raikkonen qualified only a tenth behind Heidfeld in Brazil, and thereafter matched his more experienced team-mate 7-7 on Saturdays. Not only that, Raikkonen performed with a calm assuredness that belied his lack of experience. “Kimi was very young [21] and not experienced at all – it was very risky,” says Sauber driver trainer Josef Leberer, who worked with Ayrton Senna at McLaren and recalls his season alongside Raikkonen with fondness. “A lot of people said, ‘I don’t understand why Sauber were doing this’. But it worked. “He’s not the kind of guy who sits days and hours on the computer. Such an intuitive driver, his instinct is incredible. This way I would say he’s one of the best. It comes naturally. No bullshit. Just wanna be fast, no excuses. “He was not spoiled, so you could talk with him and be straightforward, and he was an incredible, cool guy. Doing the massage in the morning we had to wake him up and he said, ‘Let me get an extra five minutes of sleep before the race’. I’d never seen this – the second race in Malaysia and he wanted to sleep an extra few minutes! Can you imagine being like this in your second race? “He made such an impact. We had a feeling and he was fast immediately. You could see he had the requirements to be a top driver.” Raikkonen’s extraordinary ability to drive an F1 car quickly without the educational foundation enjoyed by his peers left a lasting impression on the paddock. Renowned motor racing journalist and author David Tremayne was Sauber’s press release writer during Raikkonen’s rookie campaign. He recalls a driver aloof and reserved in public, but completely different when hidden from the glare of a camera lens. “He was very quiet, like he is now,” explains Tremayne. “You thought, ‘What is this kid like, is he going to be another Mika [Hakkinen]?’ But he clearly wasn’t in terms of the way he conducted himself – he wasn’t forthcoming. Kimi didn’t want to do any of the other bollocks. He wanted to get in the car and get on with it. “[But] at Monza I heard all this raucous laughter on top of the media bus at Sauber. I went downstairs and it was Kimi, Peter Collins, and a guy who turned out to be Kimi’s kart mechanic – and it was Kimi doing all the laughing. “It was the only time I ever saw what you might call ‘the real Kimi’– with mates, completely relaxed, no need to be protective of anything.
I think he has the ability to compartmentalise. There was a lot of fire in him but you didn’t get to see it. He’s very self-reliant. I don’t think he needs an entourage. “As a driver, he was wonderful to watch. Felipe came in the following year and he was quick but always on a different line. Kimi was just cool and calm with it – not pushing the car or wrestling with it.”So many drivers dream of being world champion, work hard to achieve that dream, but never even make it onto the grid. Others carve out opportunity but become overwhelmed by expectation or consumed by pressure. It seems Raikkonen benefited not only from exceptional natural ability behind the wheel – after all there are many drivers who share that sort of skill – but also a mental resilience and confidence that helped strip away the extra burdens that might have destroyed someone of a different character. Raikkonen never dreamed big or got carried away by the prospect of fame and fortune. It seems it was this aloof attitude, bordering on indifference, that made him so perfectly suited to thrive in F1. “It was a good team to be in; nice people – I still have lunch there,” Raikkonen tells Autosport, relaxing into his seat as we discuss the first stage of his long career in F1. “For me, it was very easy in someways because I didn’t really expect anything.“I didn’t know anything about F1. I never went to see a race. The first time I saw it live was when I was in a test myself. So for me it was like if you just go to Formula Renault [for the first time]. I had nothing to worry about – what’s the point? It either goes well or it goes bad. What can you do?” Ultimately, it went very well indeed for Raikkonen, who made such an impression that he was poached by Ron Dennis to replace retiring double world champion Hakkinen at McLaren for 2002. Even a wunderkind like Verstappen had to wait four races into his second season before earning promotion to one of F1’s biggest teams
Some paddock insiders consider Raikkonen’s five-year stint at McLaren to be his absolute peak. His first grand prix victory at Malaysia in 2003 briefly made him F1’s youngest winner since team founder Bruce McLaren. Raikkonen won eight more times for McLaren in those five seasons, as well as taking 11 pole positions and 36 podiums from 87 starts. He quickly established himself as one of grand prix racing’s most exciting stars, but a world championship title eluded him. He was second to Alonso in 2005, but came closest to breaking through two years earlier, when Raikkonen lost out to Schumacher by just two points. “Back in those days he was massively quick,” recalls Pat Fry, McLaren’s chief engineer during Raikkonen’s stint with the team. “It’s a shame car reliability and engine reliability didn’t work for him really. If you look at him through the early 2000s, he was right up there with the best, wasn’t he? He was absolutely outstanding driving the McLaren through 2003, 2005. He should’ve won the championship in 2005.” Raikkonen was unfortunate in that his time at McLaren coincided with Schumacher’s most dominant seasons at Ferrari and latterly the brief but potent rise of Alonso at Renault. Only once during that period, in ’05, could McLaren be considered to have produced the absolute quickest car on the grid, and senior personnel admit it was too unreliable to ultimately get the job done. In this context, Raikkonen achieved much of his success against the odds. Apart from his first year with the team in 2002 – when he was paired alongside stalwart David Coulthard – Raikkonen was never beaten by his McLaren team-mate across a season. He won many admirers inside the squad for his fearless style of racing. “He was blindingly quick – sometimes the circuit wasn’t big enough to contain him in those early days, but he was pushing to the max and everyone liked it,” remembers McLaren’s chief operating oïŹ€icer Jonathan Neale. “He used to scare me. He scared me because he was so completely fearless. You just knew there was no way he was going to give anything less than 110%, and I don’t mean that lightly. He was just a force of nature.” Out of the car, McLaren found a “completely uncompromising” driver, whose “maverick” style didn’t always sit well with the team’s clean-cut corporate image. “We struggled to find out who he was as he didn’t say very much,” adds Neale. “[But] everybody underestimates him at their peril. He did have a fantastic sense of humour. If there were two drivers going on stage, to do a presentation or a question-and-answer session, he’d be sitting in the back and he’d do an amazing mimic. He had the voices and the phrases, all of that, so he was a sharp observer. “There was never a dull moment, but he was a great racer –somebody who is still spoken of highly in the team for what did with us, for us, and the style in which he did it, which was uncompromising. It was uncompromising in the car, it was uncompromising in the set-up, he was uncompromising on whether he wanted to be with a sponsor. It’s not always easy, but isn’t it refreshing when you find somebody who is brave enough to be candid and frank and not prepared to cower to conformity?
“He wouldn’t suïŹ€er fools. Everyone was taken at face value, no airs, no graces, nobody standing on ceremony, what you see is what get, very grounded, but enormous following with the mechanics and engineers – real loyalty. “Because that fire burns very intensely, it was kind of polarising –either you got it or you didn’t. It is quite diïŹ€icult getting engineers close to him – to be able to have that rapport and reach him without being too much, too little, not a fool. “Any whiïŹ€ of bullshit and you were toast! But [race engineer] Mark Slade was very good with Kimi and they had an understanding. Mark knew when to leave him alone, and when to push him and there were occasions when Mark was quite assertive with him, but because he built up that trust he could be. It is easy to be intimidated by somebody of that temperament.” Slade has worked with Raikkonen twice through the Finn’s F1 career – first at McLaren and later at Lotus. Slade responded well to Raikkonen’s no-nonsense attitude and fussiness for precision. He says the Raikkonen that drove for McLaren arrived at Woking “well-rounded” and was “massively impressive”. “He knew how to manage tyres, he knew how to set up the car – it was like working with someone who’d done it for five years,” Slade recalls. “He knew exactly what he wanted. It was not like working with a new driver. “The only aspect that was a little bit ragged early on was in qualifying, when we had to put the fuel in the car for the race, so 2003. He had a little bit of a tendency to want to be on pole regardless of the amount of fuel in the car. And there were a couple of races where he went oïŹ€ trying to achieve too much. “We basically banned him from watching the other drivers’qualifying laps. We just told him, ‘Go out and drive the car as quickly as it will go’. We did that for the rest of this season and he didn’t do any more mistakes.” Raikkonen is often portrayed as a lazy driver – someone who simply relies on his natural feel for the car but isn’t particularly interested in doing anything other than driving. Slade argues that’s a misunderstanding of Raikkonen’s approach. It’s not that he is uninterested, rather that he sees clear delineation in responsibilities within teams, and wants to trust those around him to do their jobs properly without interference. Slade admits this approach can compromise Raikkonen when internal politics arise.
“There were times at McLaren when things didn’t go the way they should have for Kimi and if he had been just a little bit more involved, that could have swapped things around a bit,” Slade says. “In the middle of 2005 there were certain things happening with the design direction of the car that didn’t suit Kimi and there was a lot of tension and pressure. I was having to fight Kimi’s corner, because he wasn’t really doing much himself. That was quite stressful. “He didn’t like hanging around in the oïŹ€ice for very long. His debriefs were very short, but he gave us the important points and that was almost perfect for me, because it meant we didn’t spend lots of time talking about what was not relevant. He won’t rant about it. It’s just, ‘That’s what we need to fix’. Simple as that. “If people try to push him in a diïŹ€erent direction, it’s not going to work because you need him on board. You need to be on board with him and he needs to be on board with you. For me, it was enjoyable to work with him, because it was logical and straightforward. “One of the biggest diïŹ€iculties with drivers who are less consistent with their approach is trying to filter out this inconsistency. It becomes very diïŹ€icult very quickly. If he came in saying there’s something wrong with the car, the chances are there’s something wrong with the car – even if you can’t see that on data. Ninety-nine percent of the time he’s right. “When we were doing Michelin tyre testing, they desperately wanted him to do the testing. They told us at one point that he was the best test driver that they worked with. They used to give a little array of tick boxes for diïŹ€erent characteristics of the tyre – what the tyres were doing, what the characteristics of the diïŹ€erent compounds were. They said there were some drivers who got most of the points correct, but he always got them all correct. “And his consistency of lap time when we tested eight diïŹ€erent compounds – his baselines would be within one tenth, and that meant that they could properly analyse the lap time data as well as the driver’s comments.” Slade says he’s never seen anything else like Raikkonen’s “extraordinary level of sensitivity” to the car, to the point where Raikkonen could detect problems with McLaren’s traction control so aware the engineers couldn’t see in their trackside data. The chase for a ‘perfect car’ can be a real curse when too many things aren’t working correctly, but this degree of feel made Raikkonen a formidable weapon during F1’s tyre war between Bridgestone and Michelin. “That played a big part of how it went,” says Raikkonen. “I was very happy to do the tyre tests. We could test 20 diïŹ€erent sets of tyres and choose exactly what you wanted, whatever you feel is best for you. It was one extra thing that you could use.” Raikkonen does not agree with those, such as Williams technical chief Paddy Lowe, who would say his McLaren years represent Raikkonen at his peak. But he was certainly unfortunate not to win at least one world title with McLaren, and Slade recalls some truly stunning drives by Raikkonen during that period. “No doubt Michael, Fernando and Kimi were the three guys,” argues Slade, who feels Raikkonen could have won “15 straight races” in 2005 with better reliability. “Then, just slightly behind, DC, [Juan Pablo] Montoya and a few others. When it came to the driving and his racecraft, Kimi was right up there.“In the middle part of the [2005] season the car was phenomenal and he was driving phenomenally well. At Monza, he qualified fastest with the full tank of fuel [before a grid penalty]; at Silverstone, he was half a second per lap quicker than Montoya, who won the race; in France he started 13th and finished second. Japan was awesome because he came from the back and won. “One of the best races he ever did was Indianapolis in 2003, when we were on the Michelin wets and the Michelin wets were rubbish. He finished second. It was fantastic. He just drove his heart out. He didn’t win the race, but it was an absolutely phenomenal drive. “Nurburgring 2006 – the engine was terrible that year and he finished fourth. I remember him coming to the bus afterwards, sweat pouring oïŹ€ him, and he said, ‘I just drove 60 qualifying laps’, and you could see he had. We knew he had to drive phenomenally well to achieve that with the car we had then.” By now Raikkonen had grown increasingly frustrated with life at McLaren and reputedly made an agreement with Ferrari as early as late-2005 to join the Scuderia for 2007. “He signed with Ferrari two years before he moved to Ferrari,” confirms his then-Ferrari team-mate Massa. “I remember when I signed for Ferrari, Kimi already has his contract; the only way I stay in Ferrari is if Michael stops.” Schumacher announced his first retirement from F1 after winning the 2006 Italian GP at Monza. Thus, the way was clear for Raikkonen and Massa to usher in a new era at Maranello.
Does Kimi have particular traits in his driving? He’s very, very smooth, very gentle, very precise – minimal inputs into the car. He wants the car to do the work. Most drivers tend to be a bit more aggressive with inputs, which can have beneïŹts when the tyres are hard and difficult to get into the working window. The other thing is power steering. He came to us and complained about power steering. We spent a lot of time ïŹxing it. Then he went to Ferrari and apparently complained about power steering there. Then he came back to Lotus and complained about power steering. So the feel of the steering is very, very important. He doesn’t want any friction in it. He doesn’t want any play on the brake pedal. Also, Mark [Arnall] always carried a special cloth to clean the windscreen, because if there was a slightest ïŹnger print or scratch, we had to change it.
He says he hates understeer and you often hear him complain about the front
 Even at McLaren there were occasions where we did have issues. Canada was a good one in 2005. We were slower on new tyres than on used tyres because he couldn’t get the new tyre temperature to work. The start of the lap can be a real problem if he just hasn’t got the front grip that he needs to get the car into corners. I would say that’s probably the only real weakness. There were times also that was an advantage, because he was a lot more gentle on tyres. When we won the race with Lotus in 2013 in Melbourne, he just walked away with it because he could do one stop. Those tyres were absolutely perfect for him, then Pirelli changed the tyres and that disadvantaged him unfortunately.
Why does he often seem to make mistakes in qualifying? He takes a high-risk approach to qualifying. It’s all about corner entry speed. And if you get the corner wrong you tend to drop a lot of time. Other drivers probably prioritise the exit a little bit more. He’s trying to carry speed through; that is high risk. 
Raikkonen’s Ferrari career got off to a dream start – pole position and victory in his first race in Melbourne, and of course he went on to claim the championship as Ferrari backed his bid to overhaul the McLarens of Alonso and rookie sensation Lewis Hamilton. Raikkonen succeeded in this mission by a solitary point when team-mate Massa moved aside for him to win the season finale in Brazil.“For me it counts much more than any others – if I had won with McLaren or with somebody else,” Raikkonen says. “Ferrari is Ferrari.I got close a few times in the McLaren. I mean yes in some people’s eyes I [could] have won three championships. I didn’t deserve it.In the end, whoever gets the most points deserves it. “Would I be happier with three championships? It makes no diïŹ€erence. I am happy with what I have achieved.” It felt as though F1 almost owed Raikkonen that championship– regardless of the peculiar circumstances – as payback for the disappointment and near-misses at McLaren. But although he finally conquered the world in his first season as a Ferrari driver, Raikkonen never fully established himself as the team’s number one. Raikkonen says his biggest concern before coming to Ferrari was having to adjust to Bridgestone tyres after years spent honing his car on Michelin rubber, but according to Rob Smedley – Massa’s race engineer throughout Raikkonen’s first stint at Ferrari – the tyres were “never the limiting factor” for Raikkonen during this period.“In terms of raw talent he definitely was one of the best drivers on the grid when he came to us,” Smedley says. “[But] he very much needs a particular set-up. He needs the front to work for him very positively. He turns the car in very early, a little bit like Michael, like Fernando, like Valtteri [Bottas]. They turn very early in the corner, and due to that he’s very demanding on the front-end in that phase of the corner.“He needs to start sending the car into the apex almost immediately when he starts thinking about the corner, especially in medium-speed corners. When he first came to us, it took us a longtime to understand what he wanted. “He’s the driver who, probably the most I’ve ever seen of anyone, is absolutely and entirely unfazed by rear locking at the start of heavy braking. To be able to deal with that and not to be fazed by that is something quite incredible. “We spent a lot of our time in that winter of 2007 attempting to understand how on earth he was putting the brake balance so far rearward. He was running probably 8% more rearward than Felipe and the other drivers – that’s another planet. “We were quite surprised by that, but actually what he was trying to do, in his own way, was to make the car turn as soon as he asked for it.As soon as he asked for response out of the steering, he wanted the car to turn. He had a particular way of driving the car and I think it took us a little bit of time to understand that. Once we did, we got performance from him.” But not consistently. Raikkonen was closely matched with Massa through most of 2007, but would likely have been asked to support his team-mate’s own bid for the championship had Massa not suffered a damper failure while running ahead of Raikkonen in that year’s Italian GP – and narrowly leading Raikkonen in the standings. Massa, who describes Raikkonen as “for sure one of the strangest people I’ve met”, was a fan of the Finn’s honesty as a team-mate, but rates Schumacher and Alonso higher: “Definitely Michael and Fernando were stronger – not quicker, but more complete.” The following year Raikkonen was cast into the supporting role, as his title defence fell apart amid a run of four consecutive non-scoring races in the second half of the season. Massa was unlucky not to become world champion in ’08 and was Ferrari’s leading driver through the first part of a difficult 2009 campaign too, before he suffered a terrible head injury during qualifying for the Hungarian GP. “We never were really comfortable – like if you drive and you have to try and do things that are not normal,” says Raikkonen of his first stint at Ferrari. “We never really found it and put things together. We changed the cars a little bit, but we just struggled compared to what we did in the first bit.” Raikkonen showed flashes of form in a very difficult 2009 Ferrari, which was not a strong answer to the regulatory upheaval of the previous winter. He qualified on the front row and finished third at Monaco, but he wasn’t proving so relentlessly impressive as he had done in his McLaren years– against a team-mate not rated as one of the absolute best on the grid.
“In ’08 Felipe was still in the stage of rapid improvement and overall Felipe was pretty much quicker than him, definitely in qualifying,” adds Smedley, who reckons Raikkonen’s “pure natural talent” made him better than Massa at looking after the rear tyres in races.“That was one of the things that really surprised me, because I expected him to come in and be blisteringly quick but not really manage things in such a mechanically sympathetic way, and in fact the opposite was true. One of the strengths he’s always got is that he can take the tyres further than anybody else and, wherever he goes, the team tries to exploit that.“It’s never a matter of application with Kimi – you just plug him in and he just does it. You often wonder [what would happen] if he had the level of application of others with his level of natural skill and tenacity, [but] one thing you can say about him is that he doesn’t bring any politics. The guy is absolutely apolitical.“I think that comes a little bit from not being interested in this world. The thing that is really important to him is going racing on a Sunday afternoon, qualifying, trying to be better than anybody else. And all the other periphery bits do not interest him. “And that’s kind of where he probably differs to 99.9% of the rest of us in F1. You wake up thinking about it, you go to sleep thinking about it – much to the annoyance of my wife! But that’s how we are– constantly striving to do better and be the best. I don’t think Kimi has that. I mean, he likes it here, he comes and drives his car, then he goes home, and doesn’t think about it a great deal after that.” The feeling inside Ferrari was that Massa was establishing himself as the quicker driver, and that messed with Raikkonen’s head. Raikkonen’s form certainly picked up following Massa’s accident. Kimi was on the podium at Budapest, Valencia and Monza, and beat Giancarlo Fisichella’s Force India to victory at Spa. His performances were made to look all the more remarkable by how badly Massa’s stand-ins Luca Badoer (who qualified slowest of all at Valencia and Spa) and Fisichella (who took over after Spa) struggled. But it wasn’t enough for Ferrari, which elected to pay Raikkonen out of the final two years of his contract to bring Alonso on board for 2010. Raikkonen is still guarded about the events that unfolded behind closed doors at Maranello, but says he was keen to get out of F1 in any case. “I have nothing to hide really,” says Raikkonen, who originally never planned for a long career in F1. “That’s how it played out and I was happy at that point to say, ‘OK, that’s fine and I’ll go’. Honestly, somethings happen in life and I didn’t feel bad about it. Obviously, I had a contract, but that got dealt with. They obviously wanted something else at that point, and for me that’s how it goes sometimes. I wanted to do something else anyhow.”
Raikkonen was temporarily done with F1, but F1 wasn’t done with him. Throughout his two-year stint experimenting in the World Rally Championship, proposals were made for his return. Eventually, Raikkonen realised he missed the joy of wheel-to-wheel competition so began thinking seriously about a comeback. He held talks with Williams – “I had a meeting with Toto [WolïŹ€]; he came to my home” – and Lotus, before opting to make his comeback with the Enstone outfit.“The year before I got people asking me if I wanted to come back– there was a lot of talk but I felt if I want to come back I needed to have a current team that people will at least try to put the money into,” Raikkonen explains. “I didn’t need the money, but I wanted a car and a team that actually had some chances to do something good, rather than just being there.”Raikkonen enjoyed a superb first season with Lotus. He finished every one of the 20 races held in 2012, was on the podium seven times, and claimed a victory in Abu Dhabi – the infamous GP where he told the team to “leave me alone I know what I’m doing” over the radio while preparing for a safety car restart.Then-Lotus team principal Eric Boullier recalls a driver who was“a bit rusty over one lap” at first, but “brilliant” in the races, despite spending two seasons out of the game.“His capability and racecraft was amazing,” recalls Boullier.“The good thing for him [was] he had Grosjean near to him, and he [Grosjean] was very fast on one lap but not as good [overall].The most amazing thing about Kimi is he has a great understanding.He has a GPS in his head. He’s doing his own strategy, it’s amazing. ”Boullier recalls the 2012 Hungarian GP as the perfect example of Raikkonen’s craft, where the Finn came from the third row of the grid to beat Grosjean (who qualified on the front row) to second by saving his tyres and running longer in each stint. “You just have to guess sometimes what he wants, because he’snot the best communicator in the world,” Boullier adds. “Kimi gets quite stressed sometimes; he needs people who understand him and can handle him.“He is charismatic – actually, his charisma is strong enough to make people fans of him. What would be better would be to have more motivation to push people around him. He’s not as complete as maybe a Vettel, but he is a great driver. Some drivers need support. He’s one of the guys who can do it on his own. He’s incredibly talented.“He’s quite easy [to work with] to be honest – as long as you give him space to breathe and you’re not on his back all the time.
That was key – to let him live his life. ”Reuniting Raikkonen with Slade (who came across from Mercedes to work with Kimi again) also proved crucial in helping Raikkonen get the most from his comeback, and Lotus get the best out of Raikkonen. “When he first came back, he was really enthusiastic,” remembers Slade. “Unfortunately, he got messed around a bit on the salary side of things. That was an annoyance, but in terms of the driving, I felt he was still exactly the same. I don’t think it’s any secret that he’snot a big fan of the F1 paddock scene and the stuïŹ€ that goes with it.”It seemed those two seasons of F1, racing on the most extremely fragile rubber of the Pirelli control tyre era, also suited Raikkonen’s particular skillset. Often he would score a big result by making fewer pitstops than his rivals, but Raikkonen himself reckons the design of that generation of Lotus – conceived by James Allison’s team around the Renault V8 engine and exhaust-blown downforce – made more of a difference, giving him the “pure front-endïżœïżœ grip he needs to drive well. Whatever, the combination gelled superbly. Raikkonen added eight more podiums to his tally in 2013, winning the first race of the season in Melbourne and finishing second six times. An unfortunate retirement at Spa that year (thanks to a visor tear-off blocking a brake duct) broke an incredible run of 27 consecutive points finishes stretching back to the Bahrain GP of 2012. “He’s relentless,” says Slade. “I’d say Fernando is the closest in terms of achieving consistent results.” But into the latter part of 2013, Grosjean began to establish himself as the stronger and generally faster of the two Lotus drivers,even though he was twice defeated by Raikkonen overall in the championship. Grosjean describes Raikkonen as “the perfect  benchmark” and says he learned a lot from racing alongside the Finn. “As team-mates we didn’t talk much – maybe three times in two years!” Grosjean says. “Everybody thinks he doesn’t give a shit; he actually does. He works. Same as Fernando – the only thing he thinks on Sunday is 2pm, how to get the car to where he wants it to go.“Once I had a rear soft spring for a race and Kimi tried it and liked it. He was pushing to get the springs. He was trying even though you think he doesn’t [care]. It was interesting that everybody thinks he [just] comes and drives the car and goes. He actually works. ”Their head-to-head record as team-mates is also skewed slightly by the fact Raikkonen skipped the final two races of 2013 – quitting the team over a financial dispute and electing to have surgery on a long-standing back injury, legacy of a testing accident during his first season in F1 at Sauber. “Unfortunately the whole thing [was] destroyed by people that, in my mind, were just stupid to be honest,” Raikkonen says. “They had a great thing on their hands. “It’s not my business, but I left there purely because I didn’t get paid. Without it, who knows? But then obviously I got the oïŹ€er from Ferrari. I never had a bad feeling with them when I left, despite people thinking that. You know how people always think it will end in a mess, but they oïŹ€ered me a new deal and I went back.”
Kimi Raikkonen’s two-year sabbatical from F1 in 2010-2011 led him to try his hand at other forms of motorsport he’d long wished to dabble in but never had the time to do so while fully absorbed into grand prix racing’s goldïŹsh bowl. Having sampled Rally Finland in the summer of 2009, Raikkonen contested most of the 2010 World Rally Championship as part of the Citroen Junior Team, and nine rounds of the 2011 championship with a DS 3 run under his own ‘Ice 1 Racing’ banner. There were many incidents, but also many top 10s. “I always wanted to try the rally stuff, because it looks so difficult,”says Raikkonen. “I wanted to see how it would go and I was happy to have the help from Red Bull to do it. I still think it’s a great sport, it’s so difficult. The problem is that it needs time – experience counts a lot more in rallying than in circuit racing.“In rallying you have to put the same effort in driving, but you [also] have to listen to your co-driver. The most difficult thing is that you have to think about what he says and then react. That takes too much time. When that starts to happen automatically then you can go faster, then it gets easier.I was close to getting to that point,then things happened and I ended up back in F1. ”Raikkonen also travelled Stateside in 2011, to try his hand at NASCAR. He contested the lower-tier Nationwide and Truck series races at Charlotte, qualifying mid-pack for his Nationwide outing.It was this experience that reïŹred Raikkonen’s enthusiasm for circuit racing and accelerated his F1 return. “Without that happening then I would deïŹnitely not be here today,”he says. “I would never have lasted this long if I hadn’t had a few years doing something else, trying things.
It was during Raikkonen’s financial dispute with Lotus that he agreed a two-year deal to return to Maranello. Initially, it looked as though signing Raikkonen was the perfect insurance policy for Ferrari,which seemed in danger of losing Alonso after failing to carry the fight to Vettel and Red Bull in 2013. But despite publicly criticising the team and being admonished by company president Luca di Montezemolo, Alonso stayed put (for the moment) and he and Raikkonen became team-mates for 2014, as Massa departed for a fresh start at Williams. Raikkonen’s first season back at the Scuderia was a real struggle.The first year of F1’s current V6 hybrid turbo era was Ferrari’s least competitive since 1993. The car was bad, Raikkonen couldn’t adapt it to his driving style, and was demolished in the championship by Alonso, 161 points to 55. Jonathan Neale recalls how McLaren found its suspension development pulled “in two different directions” owing to Raikkonen’s demand for instant steering response from its cars, and Pat Fry, who was Ferrari’s chief engineer when Raikkonen returned in 2014, found his team coming up against an age-old problem – one exacerbated by stiff and hard Pirelli tyres that Raikkonen often struggled to get working for a single flying lap in qualifying. “He has a very smooth driving style – you’ve got to get rid of the understeer in the car,” says Fry. “You can obviously play around with suspension geometries and stuff like that to try and give him the feel,and sort out power-steering and all that stuff. ”The process was made trickier by Alonso’s long-standing presence as Ferrari’s number one driver, which inevitably led the team in a development direction that suited Alonso, before he departed for the ill-fated McLaren-Honda project.“In all the years I’ve worked with Kimi, the year I saw him struggle the most was that first year back at Ferrari,” says his long-time trainer Mark Arnall. “Coming from Lotus, where he had a good front-end on the car and had podium after podium after podium, it’s not like he suddenly forgot how to drive – he just couldn’t get a balance with that 2014 car.” But Raikkonen commanded the faith of technical director James Allison, with whom he worked at Lotus previously, and knew that he would have to play the long game at Ferrari to get back to where he needed to be.“I knew what I was getting into,” Raikkonen says. “With the engineers, I wouldn’t say they were bad – maybe the fit wasn’t what I wanted. It just didn’t work, I suppose, and our car was not very good.
“The front end has to be right there. If it’s not right, it’s not right,unfortunately. When it’s right things are very easy. Even when you have a good year, it’s a little percentage that’s perfect. There’s always something. There’s so many things that you have no control over.“Some days everything goes perfectly fine, and some days whatever you do it seems to be against you, but I’ve been long enough in the sport to know it. People look at you in one race and if you struggle they slag you off, but I’m used to it so it doesn’t bother me too much.“I want myself to do well and I know what I can do. That’s more important for me. Obviously, it’s not nice when you are in a team like Ferrari and the results are not coming, [but] I had no issues with them and I knew that things would turn out to be just fine with time. It just took some patience.” Raikkonen’s form has gradually improved since that annus horribilis, during which time the Ferrari senior management has changed, the technical structure has changed, the identity of his team-mate has changed, and so has his engineering group. Drafting in Dave Greenwood as his race engineer at the end of 2014 has made a massive difference for Raikkonen. “The car has been getting better and better every year, and a big part for me has been the people,” Raikkonen explains. “Dave is for sure one of the greatest guys that I have ever worked with. I would compare him with Slade – I very highly rate them. “For me it’s important that when we do something, everything has to be exactly like it should be. A very easy example: the ride height,if it’s [supposed] to be 20mm, it has to be 20mm; it can’t be 21mm or 19mm.“When everything is ‘close enough’, and you have five or six things like that, we all know in F1 how much difference small things make,then suddenly the lap time is not so perfect anymore.”Vettel has generally outperformed Raikkonen since arriving at Maranello in 2015, but their similar set-up demands and harmonious working relationship is helping drive Ferrari’s development in a single direction, and the Scuderia is now finally carrying the fight to Mercedes in the world championship – though it is Vettel leading the charge rather than Raikkonen. “Of all F1 drivers, he is probably closer to him [Vettel] than any of the others,” says Arnall, who arranged for Vettel to travel with Raikkonen on a private jet when Vettel was first in F1, and recalls Vettel’s rapid progression playing badminton against Raikkonen. “Kimi always liked Seb and I think Seb always liked Kimi. They are good friends – as much as you can be in this sort of environment. “The thing about Kimi is that he is not political at all, so I think to be a team-mate of, he is actually very easy as he doesn’t stir up any shit in the background – he is very transparent. Harmony in the team is something that is massively underrated. It makes a huge difference.”Paired alongside Vettel, Raikkonen’s own performances have steadily improved too, to the point where he has earned three contract extensions, which will keep him in F1 until after his 39th birthday.Questions about his ultimate speed and consistency remain, though, stoked further by occasional criticism from Ferrari president Sergio Marchionne, who has described Raikkonen as an occasional “laggard” in races. But Raikkonen’s pole position in Monaco proves he can still be faster than anyone when things are right, and his pernickety obsession with car set-up and tyre behaviour, plus the deep levels of valuable experience from F1’s tyre war era he can bring to bear in an age of severely limited testing, make him a valuable commodity, even if the price is the odd lacklustre performance.“I think Kimi is one of those guys that if he thought, ‘I just can’t drive one of these cars as quick as I used to’, he would stop,” reckons Arnall. “Kimi brings a shit load of experience,he’s very good with the development of the car, very non-political, an easy team-mate for people to have, so I think as an overall package,he is [still] very good.“I think his belief is that he can still compete near the top. He is very honest with himself – if he didn’t think that was the case, he’d stop.”Many would argue that he should have stopped a while ago, that his continuing presence on the grid, in such a coveted seat, is baïŹ€ling when you consider he hasn’t been definitively quicker than any of his last four team-mates in F1. But what does Raikkonen himself think – does he believe he is as good a driver now as he ever was? “That’s so hard to say,” he replies. “I feel that I can drive as well as 2007 and 2001, or whatever people think has been my best ever [year]. For me, if I didn’t feel that I can drive well, or couldn’t win races or championships, I wouldn’t be here, because I don’t have interest to waste my own time and everyone else’s time. “I value my own time too much to use it on something that I wouldn’t be happy with, or that I wouldn’t think that I can actually do well. Plus, all the other people who would waste their time and money or on something that I just want to be part of. It’s not the most friendly place to be if you don’t really want to be
” That Ferrari continues to place its faith in Raikkonen suggests it feels, beyond the headline results and numbers, that he is still fundamentally among the very best drivers in the world, and that it recognises those deeper layers of style, character, substance and ability that make Raikkonen something more than the sum of his parts. He is enigmatic and mercurial, hasn’t been world champion for a decade, but clearly possesses extra qualities that F1’s biggest team finds are still worth investing in. He may lack the single-minded dedication of some of his peers,he may not be the out-and-out fastest driver on the grid anymore, he may well be too Button-esque in his over-reliance on particular car characteristics to drive quickly. He may not be as adaptable as some of his rivals, and F1 may only be a job to him, rather than an all-consuming obsession – but what’s wrong with being naturally gifted enough at your job that you don’t feel the need to take your work home with you every day?His critics will argue that’s not good enough, that Raikkonen has long outstayed his welcome. If Ferrari hands him another contract extension, they will no doubt be outraged if this enigma is given yet another lease of life. But one thing is for sure, Raikkonen will not care what they think. “I can live my life very happy,” Raikkonen says. “Obviously, my aim is to win races and I’m not happy when I’m not doing well. My biggest issue when I’m getting older is that I care too much. In the past, I didn’t care much. Now, when I have a bad weekend it’s more painful because I care more. Before it was still painful, but I got over it very quickly. “I never tried to be anything else than myself. If people like it, that’s good; if people don’t like it, that’s fine. As long as I’m happy what I’m doing, that’s my only interest. I’m not trying to please people because then I don’t live my life as I should. I live my life for myself. “I always said I have a life and that F1 is just a part of that. It’s not like F1 is all your life and then you have nothing. In my mind, I have the opposite. I mean F1, yes I love it and I enjoy doing it, but it’s not my life. My life is outside of it, and that’s how it should be.”
How does the Kimi of now compare to the Kimi you ïŹrst knew back in 2001?
He didn’t really care too much about the PR stuff, he wasn’t interested in that glamour side of it, being famous, I think he would much rather be anonymous! Every time he got in the car all he wanted to do was drive the crap out of it. When I started working with him, I could never imagine him being a father. Now seeing him with two kids is a phenomenal transformation. He is fantastic dad. I think all drivers, everyone learns, go through life and grow; experience teaches a lot. If you look at Kimi, the PR stuff he does now and what the sponsors say, everyone is super happy with him, and he’s got a global following of fans.
He doesn’t give much away in public; is he a shy character?
I think that mysterious side to him is intriguing for people. I don’t think he is particularly shy – the whole fan side of things,he obviously understands Formula 1, knows he is a popular driver, but it is not something he deliberately tries to play to, he just tries to get on with the job and what comes with it comes with it. One area he is very good is with kids. There was a guy who come up to me in Spa once, with this charity, to say this girl has cancer and she’d just love a picture with him or to say ‘hi’, and he spent 25 minutes sitting down and talking to her.
Is he quite a diïŹƒcult character to work with? He polarises opinion – some people get him and say he is brilliant,others say he is completely closed oïŹ€, diïŹƒcult to work with

The nicest thing I’d say about Kimi is what you see is what you get. Zero bullshit, zero politics. Kimi’s always been his own character and will always make his own decisions. He’s got a very strong head on those shoulders, so if he doesn’t want to do something, it is really difficult to get him to do it.
It sounds like he is not too demanding, quite independent and knows his own mind.
That is quite an accurate description of what he is like. I think he is probably the opposite to what most people think. If I was to describe Kimi, it would be ‘Mr 110%’. Goes into the gym and goes 110%. If he is lying on his sofa, he’ll go 110% horizontal! When he drives anything, it would be 110%, if he goes out it is 110%. I think that is just the way he lives his life.
The public persona is the ‘Iceman’: cool, disinterested, closed-off. Is he really like that?
In most situations, he is like that, but Kimi is actually a very warm, big-hearted character, and he has got a phenomenal sense of humour, but that is not really something people see. He needs to like people as well. If he doesn’t particularly like being with someone, he doesn’t do anything other than just ignore them.There is no bullshit, if he doesn’t like someone, he is quite straight about it. I think I’ve seen all the different versions of him, but I wouldn’t carry on working with him if I thought he was an arse. I actually really like him. I think he is super genuine, superkind. That is something people don’t really see so much.
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ksstradio · 5 years ago
Beryl Rae Hendrickson Leber
Beryl Rae Hendrickson Leber
Beryl Rae Hendrickson Leber, age 76, passed away on Tuesday, October 15, 2019 at Hopkins Place in Sulphur Springs, TX. She was born on August 12, 1943 in Ft. Dodge, Iowa, the daughter of Leo Sebastian and Thelma Fern Mills Hendrickson. She was a homemaker and resident of Cooper, TX for more than 30 years. She married James Edward “Jim” Leber on May 29, 1971 in Ft. Dodge, Iowa.
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Beryl Rae

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unfug-bilder · 4 years ago
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melbynews-blog · 7 years ago
HĂ€upl zu Skandal-Rede: „Shoa-Vergleich von Schriftsteller Köhlmeier ging in die Hose“
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HĂ€upl zu Skandal-Rede: „Shoa-Vergleich von Schriftsteller Köhlmeier ging in die Hose“
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In sei­ner letz­ten ORF-Pressestunde als Wiener BĂŒrgermeister schien Michael HĂ€upl (SPÖ) plötz­lich ganz auf Linie mit der FPÖ zu sein. Vor allem was die Kritik an dem Festredner der Veranstaltung gegen Gewalt und Rassismus zum Gedenken an die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus im Parlament, Schriftsteller Michael Köhlmeier, betrifft.
HĂ€upl zeigte sich empört ĂŒber den Shoa-Vergleich Köhlmeiers mit dem Handeln von ReprĂ€sentanten der Bundesregierung in der FlĂŒchtlingspolitik. Die indus­tri­elle Vernichtung von Juden sei schon eine ganz andere Dimension, meinte er. Auch einen frĂŒÂ­he­ren Dollfuß-Vergleich mit ÖVP-Chef Sebastian Kurz durch SPÖ-Chef Christian Kern bezeich­nete er als „ent­behr­lich“. Er, HĂ€upl, hĂ€tte einen sol­che Aussage nie­mals getÀ­tigt.
Michael HĂ€upl, der in vier­zehn Tagen sein BĂŒrgermeisteramt an sei­nen Nachfolger und bis­he­ri­gen SPÖ-Wohnbaustadtrat Michael Ludwig ĂŒber­gibt, ver­mit­telte den Eindruck, als könne er jetzt, nach­dem seine poli­ti­sche Periode zu Ende geht, frei von der Leber weg reden. So fiel es ihm leicht, gra­vie­rende Fehler beim Bau des Krankenhauses Nord zuzu­ge­ben, bei dem sich die ursprĂŒng­li­chen Kosten von 800 Millionen auf der­zeit fast 1,7 Milliarden Euro mehr als ver­dop­pel­ten.
Nicht zuge­ben wollte HĂ€upl aller­dings, dass die rot-grĂŒn regierte Stadt Wien bei dem Entstehen einer isla­mi­schen Parallelgesellschaft zu lange weg­ge­schaut hĂ€tte. Hier brĂŒs­tete sich der Noch-BĂŒrgermeister sogar damit, dass es die Magistratsabteilung 11 (Kinder- und Jugendhilfe) gewe­sen sei, die jetzt einen Skandal-Kindergarten im 10. Wiener Gemeindebezirk auf­deckte.
Dieser Kindergarten namens „MarienkĂ€fer“ kas­sierte von der Stadt Wien 227.000 Euro an Förderungen und ver­mit­telte Kindern tĂŒr­ki­sche Wertvorstellungen sowie die tĂŒr­ki­sche Kultur, also ihre tĂŒr­ki­sche IdentitĂ€t, ĂŒber­dies sei laut Konzept „die reli­giöse Erziehung ein wich­ti­ger Bestandteil unse­rer tĂ€g­li­chen Arbeit“.
  Weiterlesen: www​.unzen​su​riert​.at/​c​o​n​t​e​n​t​/​0​0​2​6​8​1​5​-​H​a​e​u​p​l​-​z​u​-​S​k​a​n​d​a​l​-​R​e​d​e​-​S​h​o​a​-​V​e​r​g​l​e​i​c​h​-​v​o​n​-​S​c​h​r​i​f​t​s​t​e​l​l​e​r​-​K​o​e​h​l​m​e​i​e​r​-​g​i​n​g​-​d​i​e​-Hose
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korrektheiten · 6 years ago
„Nazis raus“ und so
 – Oder: Schreiben am Rande des Gesinnungsdeliriums
Sebastian Leber ist beim Tagesspiegel fĂŒr die Beleuchtung zustĂ€ndig. Er setzt dort den „rechten Rand“ in scharfes und den „linken Rand“ in schmeichelhaft weiches Licht. Etwa als er mit Blick auf Chemnitz fragt, „Wie rechts ist die Stadt?“ oder im Artikel „Danke, liebe Antifa!“ mit pastellenen Farben zur Verteidigung einer „viel gescholtenen Subkultur“ (meine Hervorhebung) [
] http://dlvr.it/QwM914
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clemensv · 7 years ago
Boah Leute, jetzt hört mal auf, den Bernd Höcke stÀndig "Björn" zu nennen. Irgendwann ist auch gut.
— Sebastian Leber (@Tieresindfreaks) January 25, 2018
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nichtinteressieren-blog · 7 years ago
Kiffen (36)
Was habt Ihr bloß mit Eurem Rauchen plus?
Einmal war Mutter sehr böse. Als ich an einem SpĂ€tsommerabend nach Hause kam, saß sie im Wohnzimmer und sagte: „Wir mĂŒssen reden.“ WorĂŒber wir dann reden mussten, war, dass ich mit meinen besten Freundinnen zum Kiffen rausgegangen war. Also sie hatten gekifft und ich hatte ihnen dabei zugesehen. Das wusste meine Mutter, aber trotzdem: Anderen beim Kiffen zusehen - geht auch nicht.
Mein Interesse am Kiffen hat seit meiner PubertĂ€t nicht zugenommen. Sogar anderen dabei zuzusehen, ist mir völlig egal geworden. Selbst zu kiffen ist fĂŒr mich so weit weg wie die AfD von einem Islambeirat. lch rauche nicht, ich trinke nicht, da werde ich doch nicht mit so was anfangen.
In den vergangenen Jahren haben Forderungen nach der Legalisierung des Kiffens auch den Mainstream erreicht. Jede Partei, die billigen Applaus will, spricht sich fĂŒr die Freigabe aus. Aus medizinischen GrĂŒnden ist es schon zugelassen, völlig okay, aber das reicht den BefĂŒrwortern nicht. Sie wollen den Erwerb fĂŒr alle erlauben. Klar kann man Kiffen legalisieren, man kann es aber auch lassen. De facto muss man sich ohnehin schon sehr dumm anstellen, um dafĂŒr bestraft zu werden. „Herr Wachtmeister, Sie glauben nicht, was ich in meinem Rucksack habe - sieben Kilogramm bestes Gras. Wollen Sie mal ziehen?“
Ich finde, es reicht, wenn sich ein Land auf ein paar legale Drogen geeinigt hat. Da brauchen wir nicht noch weitere. Alkohol und Nikotin richten schon genug Schaden an.
Vielleicht fehlt mir einfach das BedĂŒrfnis nach Entspannung. Diese Kiffer-ZurĂŒckgelehntheit gepaart mit vorĂŒbergehend eingebildeter Weisheit macht mich aggressiv. Der ganze Vorgang des Kiffens hat etwas PubertĂ€res - eine Mutprobe, eine dezente RegelĂŒbertretung, die einem spĂ€testens mit dem 20. Geburtstag albern vorkommen sollte.
Aber das Gegenteil ist passiert: Der Ruf von Gras ist mittlerweile besser als der von Rauchen. Rauchen ist Grau. Kiffen ist GrĂŒn. Neben Wein ist Gras die einzige Droge, die das Ansehen des Konsumenten steigert. Bei Rauchen denkt man an Krebs, beim Trinken an eine sehr hĂ€ssliche Leber. Beim Kiffen aber an Rebellion.
Um das zu Ă€ndern, mĂŒsste schon Volker Kauder mit einem Joint erwischt werden.
Sebastian Dalkowski
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verschwoerer · 7 years ago
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Denkt mal bei der nĂ€chsten Rechten Demo daran, wer dafĂŒr sorgt, dass die Vollspacken euch nicht in Grund und Boden prĂŒgeln,ihr Kartoffeln.Falls ihr ĂŒberhaupt zu Demos gegen rechts geht. Tut ihr wahrscheinlich eher nicht. Und nein, Dudde und seine Mannen werden es sicher nicht sein. "Im Tagesspiegel bedankt sich Sebastian Leber bei der ANTIFA, eine fĂŒr ihn "viel zu gescholtenen Subkultur: „GĂ€be es den Widerstand nicht, hĂ€tten Rechtsextreme bald keine Hemmschwelle mehr, in der Öffentlichkeit zu agieren. Sie könnten ungestört FlugblĂ€tter verteilen: vor SupermĂ€rkten, vor Schulen, in FußgĂ€ngerzonen. Sie könnten Druck ausĂŒben und anderen ihre Werte aufzwingen."
Menschen, die sich also gegen autoritĂ€re Herrschaftsstrukturen wehren, sollten in keinster Weise mit denen, die versuchen, eben diese Herrschaftsstrukturen durchzusetzen, gleichgesetzt werden. Es geht den Linken nun mal nicht um Spaß an Gewalt und Zerstörung, sondern um Widerstand gegen die UnterdrĂŒckung und fĂŒr die Rechte und Freiheiten von Minderheiten."
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tyebaumhaus · 7 years ago
Unwetter, Stromausfall, Polizeischutz: Wie wir in Paraguay Barock-Musik produzierten. Und warum.
Urwald-Barock. Es kommt nicht alle Tage vor, dass man nach Paraguay reist, um dort Musik zu produzieren. "Nick und Clemens, geht das nicht einfacher?" wurden wir immer wieder gefragt. Wer sozusagen mit der Musik der Götter aufgewachsen ist, von Johann Sebastian Bach, Georg Friedrich HĂ€ndel, Antonio Vivaldi, wird sich schwer wundern. "Nein, es geht nicht einfacher", sagten wir. Denn wie die Barockmusik in den Urwald kam, das ist wirklich eine sehr besondere Geschichte. DĂŒrfen wir das ganz kurz erklĂ€ren?
Als sich Spanien und Portugal den frisch entdeckten sĂŒdamerikanischen Kontinent aufteilten, kamen auch die katholischen Missionsorden. Die grĂŒndeten Dörfer fĂŒr die Ureinwohner, wo sie vor SklavenjĂ€gern geschĂŒtzt waren, lernten ihre Sprache, grĂŒndeten Schulen – und machten Musik. Der Schweizer Jesuitenpater Martin Schmid etwa baute im Urwald Kirchen, die heute zum UNESCO Welterbe gehören, und er baute Instrumente, Geigen, Celli, sogar Orgeln. Schmid und Kollegen brachten Musik mit, sie komponierten neue StĂŒcke, und so machten es auch ihre SchĂŒler.
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Nicht fĂŒr den vornehmen Konzertsaal. Sondern fĂŒr den tĂ€glichen Gebrauch. NatĂŒrlich fĂŒr die Kirche, aber auch fĂŒr die Arbeit auf dem Feld.
Genau diese Musik also wollten wir aufnehmen. Nicht im Konzertsaal, schon gar nicht im Studio. Sondern da, wo sie ursprĂŒnglich ihren Platz und ihre Berechtigung hatte. Und hier kommen Luis SzarĂĄn und die jungen Musiker von Sonidos de la Tierra ins Spiel.
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Luis SzarĂĄn ist hoch dekorierter Dirigent und Komponist, und als Wissenschaftler hat er sich sehr um die alten Manuskripte verdient gemacht. Vor allem aber ist er GrĂŒnder von Sonidos de la Tierra. Die Stiftung organisiert Musikunterricht fĂŒr benachteiligte Kinder und Jugendliche. "Wer tagsĂŒber Mozart spielt, wirft abends keine Fensterscheiben ein", auf diesen kurzen Nenner bringt SzarĂĄn sein Konzept. In den 15 Jahren ihres Bestehens hat Sonidos Musikschulen in 120 Dörfern organisiert; 10'000 Kinder lernen ein Instrument.
Bei unserer Ankunft in Santa Maria de Fe: eine Szene wie im Film. Man hĂ€tte das gar nicht besser casten oder inszenieren können. Der ganze Dorfplatz voll mit Kindern, herausgeputzt zum Nationalfeiertag. Die hohen BĂ€ume spendeten Schatten, und vor der Kirche war eine kleine BĂŒhne aufgebaut fĂŒr den Festakt. Es war der Startschuss zu einer Prozession mit farbenprĂ€chtigem Tschingdarassabumm. Wir hatten ja Zeit und wĂŒrden mit dem Aufbauen, Einspielen und Mikrofonieren erst beginnen, wenn sich alles wieder beruhigt und verlaufen hatte.
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In der Sprache der Ureinwoner heisst Paraguay "Wasser, das zum Wasser geht". Wie das gemeint sein könnte, konnte man am nĂ€chsten Morgen erleben. Wassermassen, Blitz und Donner. Und Stromausfall. Irgendwann die Nachricht, ein Baum sei auf die Überlandleitung gestĂŒrzt. Keine Ahnung, wann das Netz wieder verfĂŒgbar sein wĂŒrde. Keine Chance, vor die TĂŒr zu gehen, ohne innerhalb kĂŒrzester Zeit bis auf die Haut nass zu werden. Spontane Jam-Session in der dunklen Kirche. Magische Momente. Zum Hinschmelzen. Unmittelbarer Gedanke: Buena Vista Social Club. Mal mindestens.
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Der Sonntagsgottesdienst wird extra fĂŒr uns auf den spĂ€ten Nachmittag verschoben, damit wir endlich zum Arbeiten kommen. Aber wir haben die Rechnung ohne Wirt gemacht, das heisst: ohne die Casualien zu bedenken. Der Sturm hat ein Opfer gefordert, genau genommen war es eher einer rustikalen Elektroinstallation, die auf Isolierungen und Sicherungen verzichtet, zuzuschreiben, dass wir morgens erst einmal einen beeindruckenden Leichenzug abwarten mussten: In russenden Bussen, röhrenden Pickups und einem langen Korso knatternder ZweirĂ€der zog die Trauergesellschaft um den alten Platz der Reduktion, zur Kirche, und nach kurzer Zeit weiter zum Friedhof.
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Ein Problem ist und bleibt der LĂ€rm. SĂŒdamerikanische MotorrĂ€der sind wie Hunde: je kleiner, desto lĂ€stiger. Und irgendjemand flaniert immer motorgetrieben vor der Kirche vorbei – oder doch in vielen Kilometern Entfernung, aber das ist egal, weil der LĂ€rm auf geheimnisvolle Weise nicht nur nicht gedĂ€mpft, sondern magisch verstĂ€rkt wird. Der BĂŒrgermeister lĂ€sst die Strassen sperren. Mit dem dĂŒnnsten Flatterband, das wir je gesehen haben: Dieses SchnĂŒrchen ist - wie soll man sagen: es wird noch nicht einmal als Handlungsempfehlung wahrgenommen. Der Nutzen ist, man muss es so sagen, gleich Null. Aber der BĂŒrgermeister macht, was Politiker immer tun: er handelt. Und deshalb bekommen wir am darauffolgenden Tag Polizeischutz: An der Kreuzung postieren die schweren GerĂ€te, drinnen machen es sich die Uniformierten gemĂŒtlich. Als wir vor Jahren einmal versuchten, in Wien eine Strasse wenigstens partiell zu sperren... man darf gar nicht daran denken! Aber Eintrag ins Logbuch: Aufnahmen unter Polizeischutz, daran könnte man sich gewöhnen. (Nur die Vögel schiessen sie uns nicht von den BĂ€umen: das wĂŒrde eh nichts bringen, sondern nur das Geschnatter verstĂ€rken.)
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Es gibt in den alten Berichten der Missionare beeindruckende Darstellungen der wilden Tiere, vom Tiger bis zur Wasserschlange. Unnötig zu sagen, dass sich unsere Lust auf Safari in Grenzen hielt, wir wollten uns lieber auf die Musik konzentrieren. Das sagt sich leicht! Plötzlich raschelt’s im GebĂ€lk, es macht Plumps direkt in Nicks Hemdkragen, dann macht es noch einmal Pumps, und auf dem Fussboden landet ein haariger Achtbeiner, sucht sich einen Platz zwischen den Kabeln und  hört andĂ€chtig beim Musizieren zu. Jemand stĂŒlpt einen Palstikbecher ĂŒber sie, um sie in Freiheit zu bringen, da zeigt sich eindrucksvoll, welche Kraft diese Tiere haben: Immer wieder springt die Spinne hoch, und hĂ€tte man den Becher nicht festgehalten, hĂ€tte sie ihn locker umgeworfen. Mal klĂ€ren, ob SchĂ€den durch Wildtiere in unserem Versicherungsschutz abgedeckt sind.
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Die Versuche, das mitgebrachte Clavichord zu stimmen, sind so vielfÀltig wie vergeblich. "Das passiert uns hier immer wieder", sagt Luis Szarån: die Luftfeuchtigkeit, die Hitze...  Das Orgelpositiv verrichtet brav seine Dienste, die manchmal hÀngenden Tasten stören uns nicht besonders. Wir sind nur froh, dass wir nicht auch noch auf historischen Instrumenten musizieren. Es ging uns ausnahmsweise ja auch nie um einen "Originalklang", sondern darum, die Musik möglichst frisch und sozusagen von der Leber weg wieder zum Leben zu erwecken.
So einfach ist das gar nicht. Wie in der Zeit ĂŒblich, wurde eigentlich immer nur das Nötigste aufgeschrieben: mehr oder weniger ein GerĂŒst. Wenn man nur spielt, das auf dem Papier steht, dann klingt das meistens recht mĂŒhsam. Also braucht es Musikanten, die etwas daraus machen! Ein schönes Beispiel dafĂŒr ist ein StĂŒck fĂŒr zwei Geigen: Es ist nur ein Notenblatt, die Musiker stehen sich gegenĂŒber und spielen los. Gustavo und Roberto machten sich einen Spass daraus, ein Spiel, ein Duell, und als sie dann auch noch anfingen, sich gegenseitig zu ĂŒbertrumpfen, wurde aus dem braven StĂŒck eine richtig coole Nummer.
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Wenn wir als Produzenten arbeiten, können wir ganz schön lĂ€stig werden. Weil wir nicht locker lassen, wenn wir eine bestimmte Stelle noch einmal brauchen. Aber die Geduld der Jungen mit uns war beeindruckend! Und das GlĂŒck erst, wenn dann doch Stellen geklappt haben, die zunĂ€chst noch völlig unsingbar oder unspielbar schienen. Aber auch das gehört dazu, diese Musik auf eine Art unmittelbar und echt zu prĂ€sentieren: In einer Kirche, in der ein Pater Anton Sepp vor gut 250 Jahren genau das Gleiche versuchte. Mit dem Unterscheid, dass er hinterher keine CD veröffentlichen konnte.
"Als wĂ€ren sie geboren fĂŒr die Musik", schwĂ€rmte Pater Sepp von Seppenburg damals ĂŒber seine Eleven. Wir haben es selbst erlebt: Daran hat sich ĂŒber die Jahre nichts verĂ€ndert.
Die CD erscheint im Herbst 2017 im Label klanglogo und wird natĂŒrlich auch online erhĂ€ltlich sein.
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