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panda1987n · 5 years ago
I'VE COME TO REALIZE THAT HIP HOP MUSIC IS VERY STRONG IN RHYMES, BUT LACKS IN MELODY, WHILE CLASSICAL MUSIC IS STRONG IN MELODY AND LACKS IN RHYMES! IF YOU MIX BOTH MUSIC GENRES, YOU GET MÜSIK 🎶!!! Seated Leg Press: Benefits, Muscles Worked: They're a Killer Warm-Up on Leg Days. They Can Help You Break Through Plateaus. They Build Awesome Quad Strength. They Also Strengthen the Glutes & Build Strong Hamstrings. They Build Well-Rounded Legs. There are Lots of Variations with Fast Progression. They Improve Your Running Speed and Vertical Jump. The leg press is excellent at building some of the most important muscles in your legs including your glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings. These muscles are responsible for basic lower body movements like running, squatting, and leaping. Plus a well-developed lower body balances out a bulky upper body on guys, and puts a little more junk in the trunk on women. #beethoven2020 #Beethoven #tkmmafit #classicalmusiclovers #hiphop #hiphopculture #legpress #legpressmachine #seatedlegpress #legdayworkout #legdaymotivation #fitnessmotivation #strenghttraining #strengthandconditioning #fitnessbootcamp #furelisebeethoven #furelise #gymlifestyle #strongmantraining #fnxambassador #blackbeethoven #musicislife🎶 (at TK MMA & Fitness) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB1a_XqhsDA/?igshid=yn8q4261rc6
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gymkitshop · 2 years ago
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Hammer Strength Select Seated Leg Press. Black frame and upholstery. Available now, DM for more information 🔥🏋️‍♂️ #hammerstrength #lifefitness #seatedlegpress #gymequipmentforsale #gymequipment #gymkit #gym #fitness #bodybuilding #ukgym #londongym #lifefitnessofficial #hammerstrengthofficial #dubaigym #glasgowgym #bristolgym #essexgym #cardiffgym (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CitK6mjNgMF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gadgettrish · 7 years ago
#3isthemagicnumber for ending week 4 for #nomorebellyjelly. On average I do a #30minuteworkout. It may not sound like a little , but #everythinglittlethingcounts! #foucused #noexcuses #greenisthenewlean #veganfitness #janetjackson #janetjacksonnosleep #nosleep #legday #legwork #stepmill #seatedlegpress #seatedlegcurl #planetfitness #snapchatspectacles #onedayatatime
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4ever-the-1stlady · 7 years ago
Still feeling yesterday’s #gymflow #legday #workout #seatedlegpress today😂😂 #gains
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vbfitnest-blog · 7 years ago
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My strength is definitely improving as I prepate to take my body to the next level for summer. I worked up to 500 pounds and lifted it twice which means my 1RM is higher. #vbfitnest #vbfitfam #seatedlegpress 🚨Its important to keep track of your progress; otherwise, you wont know if you're improving, remaining the same or declining.🛑 #weekend #training#shredded #muscle #fitness #health #vbfitfam #fitfam #workout #fitnessblogger #exercise #healthblogger #blog #sunday #atlstylist #mensfashion #imageconsultant #weights #bodybuilding #physique
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sweetemilybowl · 8 years ago
Leg day! #seatedlegpress #legday #weightloss #weightlossstory #weightlossgoals #weightlossjourney #newbedfordma #newbedford #newbedfordguide #newbedford #newbedfordmass (at Planet Fitness)
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nutritionmartin · 8 years ago
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Its a long way down after leg day #squats #seatedlegextension #seatedlegcurl #seatedlegpress #calfraises followed by 20 mins #fartlektreadmilltraining 😰👌 now time for a shower and dinner
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fabeuless · 8 years ago
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Summer Sunday stemwork. #LEGZ #legday #stems #summersunday #legday #legdayworkout #deadlifts #thighabduction #singlelegpress #seatedlegpress #kickbacks #cardio #stairmaster #glutes #hammies #quads #sundaysesh #sweatysunday #neverskiplegday #ladieswholift #lafitness #doyouevenlift #fittexas #highvolumetraining #gymlooks #fabletics #chucktaylors #legs #shreddingforsummer #bodyspace #strongerthanyesterday
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fitnessexpertny-blog · 7 years ago
Seated leg press max weight for reps, great pump 🔥💪💯😈 #bodybuilder #bodybuilding #powerlifter #powerlifting #legpress #seatedlegpress #legday #fitness #fitnessmodel #nyc #dedicated #dedication #inspiring #inspirational #fitnessmotivation #fitfam #gains (at 24 Hour Fitness - Sheepshead Bay, NY)
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steppittee · 5 years ago
#Today #Tonight #Tuesday #Gym #Gymming #WorkoutMotivation #WorkOut #LegAndGlutes #LegAndGluteDay #SeatedLegPress #HipAdduction #CalfExtension #LegCurls #LegCurl #Bike #Cycling #GoodLifeHealthClubs #GoodlifeGyms #GoodlifeWantirna #LegMachines #LegMachine (at Goodlife Health Clubs Wantirna) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9jQ2tflDqs/?igshid=yh2gauqkievp
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gadgettrish · 7 years ago
#Achievedmygoal for #exercising at the #gym for the first week of #nomorebellyjelly! #greenisthenewlean 🏋️‍♀️💪🏾🌱#seatedlegpress #innerthighmachine #stairmaster #stairmill #cardio #strength #torsorotation #kneeraises #parallelbars #planetfitness #allthestars #gadgettrish #fannypack #waistbag #workout #blackpanthersoundtrack #focused #plantpower #veganfitness #wecandoit
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thischickrocks-blog · 11 years ago
#seatedlegpress ;) 110lbs #letsdothis #fitness #reps #nike #justdoit #bored #emptygym yay! Hahaha
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