#season 3’s gonna come out in april
skamenglishsubs · 6 months
Subtext and Culture, Young Royals, Season 3, Episode 3
Episode 3 picks up the day after the camping trip, and Wilhelm calls his mom to check on her. She dumps a massive guilt trip on him, maybe unintentionally, and Wilhelm is feeling a little bit down.
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Culture: These are Swedish studentmössor. They originated in the 1800's among Nordic university students and they wore them as a common marker. Later, they were adopted as graduation caps for high school students, signifying that they were now allowed to begin studying at a university.
Culture: Valborg, April 30th, is a traditional Swedish holiday where you celebrate the coming of spring with bonfires. It is also the start of graduation season for high school students, and graduates are allowed to start wearing their caps.
Cinematography: This season they started writing most on-screen social media commentary in English, despite those users being pretty obviously Swedish. I suspect it's because it saves them having to subtitle all of them, it makes it a bit easier for all the viewers to follow along.
Subtext: No, keeping up appearances is more important than mental health for the royal family, which is why this is new behaviour that Wilhelm has never seen before.
Subtext: As a reminder of the increased interest, here's a paparazzi intruding on school grounds. Also, where the hell is Malin? Isn't it her job to shoo away photographers?
Culture: Vintern Rasat is a classic Swedish song celebrating spring that's often performed by student singers at Valborg.
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Subtext: Boris cleverly offers August individual therapy, something he sorely needs.
Subtext: It's of course a bit ironic that pretty much the entire fandom hates August and has decided that he can't be forgiven or redeemed. Yes, you, dear reader. But Boris lays out a way for August to start his redemption arc. Will it work? Tune in for next week's episode!
Culture: These usernames reek of white supremacy. Norse mythology references are very popular, and 88 means H*il H*tler, so that's the kind of people we're dealing with. The show is also foreshadowing what's gonna happen at the end of the episode.
Blink and you miss it: Linda made Pabellón, a Venezuelan dish. In season 1 we didn't know where Linda was from, but in season 2 she was canonically made as being from Venezuela, just like Omar is in real life.
Subtext: I think August actually cares, Kristina is family to him too, but Wilhelm refuses to treat him as family, so he lies about how she's doing. Not very convincingly, though.
Cinematography: This is an absolutely hilarious shot with a bunch of students anxiously peering out through the windows as the dreaded enemy arrives: Skolinspektionen! Dun-dun-dun!
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Blink and you miss it: There's a rainbow flag on the board to the left.
Subtext: Vanessa totally knew she interrupted a makeout session between our boys. Oh, and there's a lot of purple in these two scenes, colour theory exploded with joy.
Subtext: Simon will be proven wrong, someone will be honest.
Subtext: It's also ironic that Simon joins the rest of the Forest Ridge boys pretending to have a great meal together that is totally not stiff and awkward at all, absolutely not.
Lost in translation: Simon Walter says that May 1st is a "röd dag" - a red day, which is how Sundays and public holidays are usually marked in a Swedish calendar. "Bank holiday" is the term used in the UK for public holidays. There are 13 public holidays in Sweden each year.
Culture: Första Maj is the name of the International Workers' Day in Sweden, because it always occurs on May 1st. In defence of Henry and Walter's shared braincell, most Swedes actually don't participate, but it's a bit weird to not even know what it is.
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Subtext: This entire sequence shows how Felice's dad tried to stick up for himself, but quickly learned to keep his head down instead and conform and roll with it. And it wasn't just the other students who were racists, the staff was in on it too. This goes for all the shit the students are doing, the partying, the booze, the alcohol, the bullying: The staff is in on it. They know. They're complicit.
And despite all of this, Poppe's immediate answer when asked how his time at Hillerska was, is that it was the best time of his life. This is why schools like this stay the way they are, why they never change, because they're very good and very bad at the same time. Trauma-bonding works, the kids will all get friends for life, they'll forget the shit and remember the good times. They'll become like him.
But when Felice learns what the school did to her dad, she decides to help shut it down, to stop the cycle of abuse. The reason she goes in alone is because she now knows she can't trust her dad, he's gonna defend the school, and she also doesn't want him to know that she snitched.
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Subtext: In official surveys, students from schools like this generally rate them very highly. Student satisfaction is very high. Maybe they're lying, maybe they're delusional, but they sure care more about their schools than public school students.
Blink and you miss it: REAL SUBTLE THERE, SHOW.
Subtext: Keeping with the school theme, this is how students defend the shit that goes on. Outsiders are kept in the dark, you don't tell them anything, because they "wouldn't understand", they're missing the "full context", etc. Oh, I don't know shit about fashion, but Fredrika's jacket smells very expensive.
Blink and you miss it: While Wilhelm pinned a polaroid of himself and Simon prominently on his wall, August keeps a similar polaroid of himself and Sara hidden.
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Subtext: Micke's redemption arc is in full swing, so why not play a song that reinforces the idea that people can change?
Subtext: August's redemption arc is in full swing, so let's cut to him nervously waiting outside Micke's place for Sara to come home, while the same song is playing. Is he gonna be a villain forever?
Blink and you miss it: Micke introduces himself as Micke af Eriksson when August introduces himself as August Horn af Årnäs. The English subtitles for some weird reason went with "Micke Eriksson of Bjärstad", but that's actually not what he says.
Subtext: Sara is pretty realistic about her expectations of her dad because she's seen this before, but this also applies to her expectations of August, because she knows that he can also slide back into his normal shitty self. Also, she's wearing a purple sweater.
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Subtext: In case you forgot, August's dad also struggled with addiction, and died from it, so he and Sara actually has that in common. Maybe there's hope for this redemption arc thing?
Cinematography: I don't fucking know why they included this baking scene. It serves no purpose, and I suspect quite a few people in the production have a serious hand fetish, because what is this? What is this? Also, why are Simon and Wilhelm joining what appears to be a Manor House thing with the rest of the girls? How? Why? This makes no sense! It's very cute, though!
Subtext: Oh ok, we got a social media pic that Sara could see and feel bad for her lost friendships. But man, those Hillerska aprons! On point!
Subtext: This is unfortunately a very common thing for people on any kind of psychoactive medication. How can you tell if you need medication if you feel good right now? Is it lasting or temporary? Can you trust your own brain? Either way, fantastic conversation between Micke and Sara, which starts her on her journey to reconcile with Felice at least.
🎵 I can change, I'm not the same, not forever. 🎵
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Culture: The official hat-on-putting ceremony where all the third-year students put on their hats, set to another traditional Swedish spring celebration song: Vårvindar Friska.
Culture: It's Valborg, so Hillerska has their own little bonfire. We saw some students with torches pretending to light it, but it's actually floating in the middle of the fountain so, uh, how did they do that? Normally, your local bonfire or Majbrasa is just a huge heap of wood that you set on fire.
Cinematography: Man, this is a pretty show. Look at that shot. The fire, the sunset, the pool reflection. The end of April is over a month after the spring equinox, so the days are getting longer, and the sun now sets at about half past nine in the evenings.
Subtext: Ok, let's do one more on-the-nose lyrics thing for when August sees Sara back at school. Yes, yes, he needs her.
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Culture: I had to post about it immediately after watching the episode, because setting a sex scene to Uti Vår Hage is hilarious. Everyone in Sweden knows it, most people have sung it at school, it's a cute little song about enjoying your garden, flowers, and giving your loved one a wreath of flowers. I can now never hear this song without thinking about this scene. Thanks a lot, show.
Blink and you miss it: Simon fucks Wilhelm. Yay! Versatile supremacy!
Subtext: Sara is still so suspicious of her dad's behaviour, she can't make herself trust that his current good period will last.
Subtext: Even though this dialogue is about how Simon and Sara are so different, it of course also applies to how Wilhelm and Erik were different, because Wilhelm struggles with not being able to handle his duty the same way Erik could.
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Culture: Alright, it's time for the actual local Första Maj event in Bjärstad. The town is probably a bit small to have a proper demonstration parade, but there's people with banners and socialist slogans, and a bunch of local organisations have joined in, including Bjärstad BK, the football club Rosh plays in.
Culture: Meanwhile, the absolutely not socialist rich kids at Hillerska are nursing their hangovers and enjoying the day off, and they're doing some yoga and playing some padel instead. As you do.
Subtext: Drugs. He looks like he's selling drugs.
Culture: These apparently confused a bunch of viewers, but they're just raffle tickets. It's one hundred numbered, rolled up, paper tickets stuck on a metal ring. When you buy a ticket you just tear it off at the perforation, and when all tickets are sold you can just break the seal on the ring and pour all the stubs in a bag or whatever so you can draw winners.
Blink and you miss it: Cute kiddo has a pride pin on his jacket.
Lost in translation: The show waited a bit with showing what it says on the banner behind them in the photo, but if you can read Swedish you immediately saw that it says KROSSA ÖVERKLASSEN - CRUSH THE UPPER CLASSES. Oh no, Simon, what have you done?
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Blink and you miss it: Like a pack of rabid wolves, the social-media starved Gen Z kids rush to their phones for an hour of glorious feeding on Instagram and TikTok.
Blink and you miss it: I love Vincent so much, he's terrible, but he's just so much fun! The little fist he makes as he says "kampen" just seals it.
Subtext: The show still hasn't revealed the banner text to the non-Swedish audience, but Wilhelm immediately sees it and knows how bad it is and why Farima tried calling him seven times. Also, Vincent is just on a roll here.
Cinematography: Man, this is a pretty show. Look at that shot. Look at how they perfectly aligned the hole in the window with Simon, the police car, and the entrance to their house, as he discovers that someone decided to vandalize it.
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perfectlysanexd · 25 days
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So, what have I been up to...? Since I was in Tumblr's spam-bot prison for more than 5 months, I thought I would create a little ICYMI post. (That's "In-Case-You-Missed-It" for the old folks like myself that have to look up all these new acronyms.) Basically, I'm gonna highlight/link to some of the posts I made this year, and you can check them out if you like. :) I didn't want to necessarily do a bunch of reblogs of my own content and clog up the system or something...
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I finished posting up my 100's of edited screenshots from Advent Children Complete! You can view the archive of 53 different posts, separated by character, here. It also includes a fun side post about the Mysterious Case of Sephiroth's Missing Straps. :3
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I confess, I haven't made too many wallpapers this year. But it's September now, and I have a thought rolling around in my head. We'll see. The archive of wallpapers is here.
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Speaking of, so many cool wallpapers came out for Ever Crisis, and I've posted them all! Find them here, at the bottom of this archive post. I swear I'll eventually beat TFS season 1, but...they sure made it difficult for people who don't purchase their packs.
Did you know that Tumblr is feeding your posts(including reblogs) to theird party AI? Well, they are, and you can set it to be prevented in your settings. I talked about it here.
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Rebirth coming out was the biggest thing this year, and I made my first manipulation for it back in March! You can see the post here, as well as a simple tutorial for it using GIMP(GNU Image Manipulation Program, free at gimp.org) here.
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I also made a second manipulation for Rebirth! If you want to see the additional dialogue that goes with it, that's here.
When I played the demo for Rebirth, I noticed that they had changed Sephiroth's eyes, and it reminded me of something...
Did you know that in Advent Children, Sephiroth's gloves are not as tight as in Remake and you can see his wrists? 😏Check it out! What? Of course this is important!
I took a look at Sephiroth and all his forms over the years. Then I did the same for Cloud.
My AO3 sefikura work In Death was finished on April 26th, and came with a special manipulation. That was also the first story where I was accused of writing non-con, when it obviously wasn't, so that was fun. If you need to hydrate, you can go drink that tea in the comments of, I think, chapter 16 and after. Several people have asked about a sequel, and I do have eventual plans. Hang in there.
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I made my first(of many) Rebirth memes, which also came with a blank template.
A peek under Sephiroth's jacket, courtesy of Rebirth. 😏Yes, this is important, obviously.
Another Rebirth meme, featuring Sephiroth being badass.
I put my design for Lucrecia's locket onto my edited EC Sephiroth artwork! This one actually got a lot of notes thanks to reblogging. 💕I also put the locket on Sephiroth's EC in-game model.
I wrote a long one-shot as a thank you for 400+ followers! It's based on my most popular sefikura manipulation of all time—a very indulgent work, and my first time writing for Rebirth. Thanks, guys!
Another meme, haha...oops, and another one. Damn, another one? AND a Sephiroth/Cloud arms-crossed companion meme set?
I did another Rebirth manipulation, this time of the famous sefikura hug scene. I added a second part to it here. AND a third part to it here! This set has quickly become one of my favorites. I also gave it some Japanese dialogue+translation here.
I did a little PSA because I've seen a lot of awfully suspicious digital paintings lately...
I made an account on Twitter/X, just in case they never fixed my blog, so if you're over there, follow me @ perfectlysane77 and say hi. :)
The FF7 crew have super hearing, confirmed??
Do you play Ever Crisis and want to join a sefikura guild? Check here. All skill levels are welcome, and you don't have to talk to anyone if you don't want to.
My first ever edited Rebirth video: "Fill your hollow heart...with me-ow."
And now I've been released from Tumblr spam-bot prison, so I'm sure you've seen even more silly memes from me. So what now? I hope to release the rewrite of Stranger Inside very soon, maybe by the end of the month if possible? The sequel will follow, for real this time. At that point, we'll be back to voting, so you guys will be able to choose what comes after that. I'm really focused on writing now, which is probably why I'm mostly making memes and silly things. Still, if it makes you laugh, I'm happy. 🥰
If you read this to the end, you're amazing.💕
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kissbeginswithkay · 2 months
Watching 2012 TMNT (aka peak TV) again and I have so much to say. I'm gonna combat the writer's weird romance stuff with ✨headcanons✨ (spoilers for season 2 in here!)
Leo doesn't have a crush on his (unknown for season 1 and 2, maybe season 3??) stepsister, (s)he wants to be her! Leo thinks Karai is pretty and realizes she might be a girl. April is a good friend, but Karai is cool, she's got a (literally) metal style, with a kickass hairstyle and rocker makeup. Leo wants to be as confident as her, as a girl!
I actually do ship Casey and April together, they have much more chemistry just from Casey's first appearance rather than how long Donnie and April have been friends. I'm lowkey a big fan of jealous Donnie though, it just fits him somehow. Not creep/stalker Donnie though, too creepy :(. Like I can understand that he doesn't know how to express his feelings for her, but I don't like this portrayal of him, he's not like in any other series! (As far as I know, I've only watched this and Rise, but I feel like I would've seen people talk about it if it happened in other TMNT series.) I don't ship Casey and Donnie either, I like the bromance between Casey and Raph much more. Casey and Donnie do Not like each other at first, cause they're both fighting for April (which is so ridiculous)
Also Casey writes in his diary that April is someone close to him! That's so sweet, whether it's romantic or not, (even if the intention is romantic) they have a really good bond.
Not liking how April will make Donnie believe he has a chance when he doesn't with kissing him, but I do believe she genuinely calls out for him because she knows he'll come for her fast, whether she's aware of his feelings for her or not (she probably is :/)
Also I'm watching season 2 episode 8 right now and why are they making Derp!April freaky???
I'm sad that Raph lost Spike, I wish he didn't turn into Slash, I think Spike was a great pet to show Raph's softer side, and a good constant in his day to day when his brothers were pissing him off. He literally starts destroying stuff now that Spike isn't around in season 2 episode 9!
I love how much Raph loves Mikey (AS BROTHERS!!! i feel like I have to clarify cause the amount of brother shippers is too many, and y'all aren't welcome on my page) like any time Mikey gets hurt Raph is the first one to notice and scream "Mikey!" I love their younger sibling dynamic since they act the most like siblings (though Leo, Donnie, and Mikey got their part of teasing their siblings)
Casey is so punk, you know he DIY'ed all the stuff he has, especially with the makeshift electrocuter. And wearing both face paint and a mask? Hell yeah! I wanna read more on punk history and why people wear a mask rather than Casey's reason of "cause it's cool!"
yeah I love this show despite all its problems, I enjoyed it when I was younger and I still love it now
okay let me actually keep watching instead of trying to write this post and watch at the same time LOL, I've gotten through 4+ episodes trying to write this post. This hallucination episode is scary cause imagining it in the perspective of people who experience hallucinations irl,
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eazy-peazy54 · 6 months
Laserhawk musical nation, I come to you with TREMENDOUS news. The amount of pure COOKING done in this fine April 13th evening has been MONUMENTAL.
To recap what has been consuming the thoughts of my brain recently in the past few hours:
WILL WOOD. I am so fixated on his music it is genuinely insane, and it its also insane....ly good for my CLH fixation, and inspo for the musical!
so immediately, fuck yeah.
Secondly: I have created a base for a song during the mirror confrontation scene!! 🙏 Once again channeling Will Wood energy for this, (mostly Self-Ish and Everything is a Lot,) along with a wee bit of inspo from Falsettos and Heathers, and a whole lot of DRAMA. (because Rayman was DEFINITELY a theater kid.)
It's more of a speaking-with-music-in-the-back type of song, but the lyrics that are sung are very theatrical, (or so I think)
I also added some more dialogue between Mirror Rayman (no clue what else to call him, so you're gonna have to deal with this. sorry.) and Rayman. Mostly to smoothen things out and make the transitions from singing to speaking more clear. :3
• Due to my internal, slightly rational, fear of people stealing my lyrics, I will not be posting any lyrics until the song(s) are finished. Sorry for the inconvenience. I have anxiety shhhhh
Anyways THIRDLY: I figured out a (one) song title!! I'm gonna call the song at the end of act 1 "Was it worth it?"
The song basically details the end of Episode 6 of the first season.
Or, at least, I want it to, since I haven't even written the damn song yet.
Either way, huge progress!! Yay!!!!
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a-very-sparkly-nerd · 4 months
Sparkles' Masterpost
All my works are separated by fandom, series (or lack thereof), and have a description and rating!
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The Dragon Prince
Viravos edit ▪︎ Sorvus edit
The Dragon Prince Songfics
Songfics all based on Taylor Swift songs.
Highest rating: T
Status: Complete
Last Kiss: Rayla and Callum miss each other while Rayla's away. Rayla is trying to cope with what she did, and Callum is trying to figure out why she left and how to function.
Stay Stay Stay: Soren's struggling to deal with his own stuff after Finnegrin's ship and everything he's gone through. Someone he knew was there for him becomes a lot more in the process of healing.
Foolish One: A look into the lives of Callum and Rayla after she left, and what happens when she returns.
Mary's Song (Oh My My My): The progression of Ezran and Ellis’s relationship, what they face, how they deal with it, and what ultimately becomes of them.
You Are In Love: Rayla and Callum realizing they’re in love, and how that love manifests (hint: it’s a lot of deflective teasing).
Daylight: Amaya reminiscing on her time with Janai, and working through post-war struggles together.
Fifteen: Slice-of-life Rayla and Callum post-season 3, reflecting on who they are and how they became that person with the other’s help.
Don't Blame Me: How Claudia and Terry change each other for the better, and what leads to Claudia’s snap.
TDP Prisms 2024
Prompts from the 2024 TDP Prism Event.
Rating: T
Status: Complete
You'll Be Alright, No One Can Hurt You Now- Come Morning Light, You and I'll Be Safe and Sound: March 10-Twist. In the pits after over a year fruitlessly searching for Viren, Rayla makes a new friend.
I Wake With Your Memory Over Me; That's a Real Lastin' Legacy to Leave: March 17-Chains. Ezran desperately misses his dad and seeks his guidance for the first time since his death. Soren wonders how differently things would have gone if he'd been a mage. Viren prepares for his final moments, resolved to do something good for once in his life.
I Laid the Groundwork and Then, Just Like Clockwork, the Dominoes Cascaded in a Line: March 24-Dance. Desperate and terrified after the events of obtaining Aaravos's prison, Rayla makes a deal. And no matter how hard he tries to evade it, Callum and Aaravos's fates are intertwined.
Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye… You Were Bigger Than the Whole Sky: March 31-Strive. What Runaan thinks about in the dungeon and in the coin.
I Persist and Resist the Temptation to Ask You if One Thing Had Been Different, Would Everything Be Different Today?: April 7-Resist. Terry's not sure why he keeps running into the same Dark Mage in so little time, but he is sure that she's really pretty. And nice. And oh boy, he might be in trouble.
Hell Was the Journey, But it Brought Me Heaven: April 14-Reward. With Aaravos gone and peace possible, Callum has a choice to make. (It's not even a choice.)
I’ll Be Summer Sun for You Forever: April 21-Tomorrow. It's Sarai's birthday, and she's still not here. But Janai is.
The Dragon Prince AU's
A variety of AU's for the Dragon Prince, ranging from Canon Divergence to Modern Setting.
Highest Rating: M (for Graphic Depictions of Violence)
Status: Ongoing
living in winter, i am your summer (T): Each year, Callum and Ezran's family go to the Banther Lodge for the holidays. One year, they meet a girl, Rayla, and become fast friends and eventually lovers. But when Rayla mysteriously disappears, everything comes to a crashing halt and only resumes two winters later.
i never saw it coming, wouldn't have suspected it (T): What if Rayla didn't kiss Callum at the Midnight Desert? Not getting into a relationship, that's for sure. At least, not a real one. When Rayla thinks it's funny to play along when they're mistaken for a couple, everything spins way out of control way too quickly.
I'm Gonna Hold You Forever; The Wind Will Never Change on Us (M): After nearly two years since Rayla left, Callum finally gets a real lead. He manages to track her down to Scumport, not knowing she can't come home with him. So. Just how far would he go for her?
TDP Between Canon
In-between moments that canon didn't show
Highest Rating: M
Status: Ongoing
For a Moment I Forget Just How Dark and Cold It Gets (T): After narrowly escaping the Banther Lodge, Rayla sustained injuries from her not-really-a-fight with General Amaya, so Callum fixes her up. For practical, mission-related purposes, of course.
make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it (G): Ezran finds out Rayla's never had a stuffed animal, and that just can't be allowed to continue.
say a solemn prayer, place a poppy in my hair (T): Fresh to the Standing Battalion, after a reckless injury, Commander Gren cuts Amaya's hair, and her him in return. Maybe she'll be okay, after all.
when the sky turns to grey and there's nothing to say... at the end of the day, i choose you (T): When Callum clears out Viren’s office, he finds a stuffed animal of Soren's. It's time for him to pass it on.
let's believe we have control, our grip is weaker than we know (T): Rayla won't kill him. Callum knows this. There's one more person he can ask, though. And he knows, too.
his hands are in my hair, his clothes are in my room, and his voice is a familiar sound (T): It's really just a short break they intend to take. They surely can't help it if "relaxing" turns to "kissing."
I Had This Feeling as I Was Falling (T): Callum and Rayla are the only ones who can save each other. The only ones they'll let save each other.
The World Falls Away… And It’s Only Us (M): Callum and Rayla clean up together after their first time at the Starscraper.
Snake Boi Callum Week 2.0 - When Does A Man Become A Monster?
Prompts from 2024's Snake Boi Callum Week.
Rating: T
Status: Complete
I Am Your Darkest Moment: May 12th-Prince/Choices. Finnegrin gets his karma at Callum's hands.
How Much Longer 'Til the Snake Breaks Free?: May 13th-Snakes/Power. Ezran discovers what Callum did as Finnegrin's prisoner.
I'll Become the Monster, Like None They've Ever Known: May 14th-High Mage/But Rayla Was In Trouble/Mirrors/Magic. When there are complications with Rayla's pregnancy, Callum makes sure that she and their child survive. It's surprisingly--terrifyingly--easy.
Brace For a Storm, the Likes of Which We’ve Never Seen Before: May 15th-As the Ocean Is Deep. Callum knows that the ocean is terrifying. And with that terror can come freedom. Not for him, though.
Close Your Heart, the World is Dark and Ruthlessness is Mercy: May 16th-Ruthlessness. After Aaravos and Viren are gone for good, Claudia's fate remains undetermined, and Callum once again has to make a choice he never thought he'd have to make.
I’d Rather Bleed For You, Down On My Knees For You: May 17th-You Mean Everything To Me. Callum knows Ezran won't approve of him and Rayla going to the Starscraper to free her parents, and he suddenly understands where Rayla was coming from those two years ago...
The Blood On Your Hands Is Something You Won’t Lose… All You Can Choose Is Whose: May 18th-Darkness/Light. It took a while for Rayla to finally talk about the two years she was gone, about everyone who hurt her. Callum makes sure they'll never hurt her again.
Rayllum Month 2024 - i'm gonna marry him if he keeps all this up... i might just be in love
A series of unrelated (unless otherwise stated) one-shots using the prompts from Rayllum Month 2024!
Rating: T
Status: Complete
i’ll always think of you, i’ll love you ’til the end of time: July 1st-Thinking of You Under Every Full Moon. Callum can't stop thinking about Rayla, and he shouldn't be expected to. The full moons are the worst.
i'll keep you close, give you the most: July 3rd-Stay With Me/Don’t Leave Me. Callum and Rayla are idiots, but there are some things that they just don't joke about. Staying is one of them.
he's got hands that make hell seem cold: July 5th-Hands/Touch-starved. Rayla's always been an affectionate person. That's why having Stella was nice, especially when the loneliness got bad. But even a cuddlemonkey can't make up for human contact, can't make up for the love always right at her fingertips that she could never return to. Until she doesn't have to.
white flowers and love letters, you say i'm yours forever: July 7th-Flowers. On their way to the Starscraper, Rayla finds some interesting flowers.
you know i still love you, babe: July 9th-“I Still Love You”–Reconciliation. Rayla and Callum are both edge-frazzled the night before they set off to the Starscraper. They suppose it's just the catalyst for their long-awaited Big Feelings Time.
i'm sorry that i couldn't always be your teenage dream: July 11th-Dream/Nightmare. Callum has a nightmare, and Rayla has a dream. Part of love is sharing in both the other's misery and their happiness.
'cause you said forever, now i drive alone past your street: July 13th-Promise. Callum writes lots of letters in Rayla's absence. He just wants her back, and he won't be mad, he'll just love her... In a world of unknowns, that's all he can promise.
i miss the way he kisses and the way he made me laugh: July 15th-Second First Kiss. All Rayla could think about since getting back was Callum. Finally holding him again, kissing him... The time is just never right. But a watched pot never boils.
what a mesmerizing, paralyzing, messed-up little thrill: July 17th-A Prince and His Princess. Callum and Rayla didn't exactly realize what the consequences of staying in an inn together would entail. But the other is a package deal, and they're worth too much to let a scandal bother them.
i try to rationalize, "people are people," but it's like you're made of angel dust: July 19th-Magic. Four (4) times Callum does magic for Rayla, and one (1) time she does magic for him.
i guess love is never logical: July 21st-An Outside Perspective. Tiadrin is used to adapting quickly, used to non-stop pressure. She's a Dragonguard, after all. But her daughter and the human boy she's far too fond of might just be the hardest thing she'll have to adapt to.
all i ever wanted was to be enough for you: July 23rd-“I Don’t Deserve You”/“You Deserve Everything”. Callum was just supposed to fix her cloak, keep it intact and her warm until he could get her a more permanent one. But he'll be permanent, too, and last far longer and patch her up much more than any coat. Warmer, too.
even after all this, you're still everything to me: July 25th-You’re the Moon In My Sky. Rayla has a fear of falling, even after Callum keeps catching her. But when that fear finally dissipates, when it sinks in that he always will, it's too late.
Sparkles' Smutember
A few works for rayllumsmutember2024!
Rating: E
Status: Ongoing
get your ass in gear, make this whole town disappear: Rayla just wants something--or someone--to distract her from her parents and the quasar diamonds. Callum and their shared room are just the thing.
never thought i'd hold starlight in my hands: Callum and Rayla get intimately acquainted at the Starscraper.
only bought this dress so you could take it off: Rayla's gorgeous in her ballgown, just like she always is-- it's just a lot of skin.
could go to hell, but we'll probably be fine: Rayla finds Callum practicing drawing horns.
Season 6 Speculation
Stuff I think will happen in Season Six or just WANT to happen and so I make it happen.
Rating: T
Status: Complete
Red Blood, White Snow: Rayla gets seriously injured at the Starscraper after putting herself in danger yet again, and Callum must rush to get her help.
The Stakes Are High, The Water's Rough: When Callum and Rayla get into a skirmish on their way to the Starscraper, Callum does the unthinkable.
you drew stars around my scars: At the Starscraper, Callum finds out Rayla's been hiding a secret of her own. All he can do now is kiss it better and promise to be there.
the best of us can find happiness in misery: Rayla finds her mother's weapon in the Storm Spire on the way to the Starscraper. In trying to figure out what happened, she and Callum both get some answers.
all's well that ends well to end up with you: 5 times Corvus tried to hug Soren, and the 1 time he did. [Collab with @sagegreenfrogs!]
out of the darkness we can shine; TDP S7
Things I either want to or think will happen in season 7 of The Dragon Prince.
Highest Rating: M (For Graphic Depictions of Violence)
Status: Ongoing
and i don't even like you that much... wait, i do (fuck) (T): Soren shouldn't be focusing on Corvus, not with the world about to end. But he can't help it. [Collab with @sagegreenfrogs!]
will i wake tomorrow from this nightmare? (M): Claudia has accepted that she can't bring her dad back. But she can talk to him, and all she needs to do it is the blood of a Moonshadow elf.
love heals when pain's too much to bear (T): Callum helps Rayla heal--in more ways than one--after her run-in with Claudia. [Sequel to #2!]
it's so quiet in the world tonight (T): Callum and Ezran through the years. Through thick and thin. Through the unthinkable. [Collab with @chocolatecake47!]
Future Thoughts
The future of the Dragang, the Pentarchy, and Xadia.
Rating: T
Status: Ongoing
the night you danced like you knew our lives would never be the same: Callum hasn't let Rayla go far from his side since the Starscraper, and especially not weeks later on their wedding night. But he supposes he can manage to let her go to dance with Ezran.
the devil's in the details, but you got a friend in me: Rayla's relationship with all four of her parents after their de-coining is… rough, to say the least. They're not her family; Callum and Ezran and Soren are. And so she wants the Crownguard to walk her down the aisle.
the taste of your lips is my idea of luxury: On the night of Callum’s eighteenth birthday, the first one he's had with Rayla, she has some birthday kisses to make up for (sixty-six, to be exact).
I'll Do Whatever It Takes (i'll make a million mistakes): Callum didn't remember much about his own father's disease. But he gets to learn all about it with his own son's- and this time, he can do something about it. However dangerous, however vile.
Works not in a series.
Rating: T
Status: Ongoing
Would You Still Wanna Kiss Without Mistletoe?: Rayla finds out about mistletoe, and wonders why Callum isn't kissing her. Goofy holiday fluff ensues.
Dragon Prince Drabbles (Tumblr only!)
Prompts from @dragonprincedrabbles.
Rating: T
Status: Ongoing (indefinitely)
Avizandum + Aaravos, Head, Hand, and Heart: Aaravos gives Avizandum some not-terrible parenting tips.
Gren + Pip, Clear: Gren has an epiphany sitting in the dungeon with Pip, and maybe even a plan for a coup (that is not really a coup because Lord Viren is an illegitimate ruler, but he digresses).
Nyx + Corvus, Foreboding: Corvus finds out just enough about Soren's kidnapping experience to be pushed over the edge.
Other Tumblr-exclusive drabbles
Various ficlets my brain whipped up.
Highest Rating: T
Status: Ongoing (indefinitely)
for once, the shadows gave way to light (G): Stella decides to do something about Rayla and Callum's beating around the massive bush of their feelings for each other.
it happened so fast and suddenly the only thing i saw was you (T): Callum can't help but be sad when he doesn't have an excuse to cuddle Rayla at night anymore when they reach the Starscraper. But maybe they don't need an excuse.
i scratch your head, you fall asleep (T): Rayla sings Callum to sleep at the Moon Nexus.
i'm grateful you're my daughter more than anything (T): Post 6x09, Runaan finds Rayla as she takes care of Callum. She's changed, and he couldn't be a prouder father.
make a new excuse, another stupid reason (G): Callum goes on the hunt for his comically large block of ice.
borrow the moonlight until it is through (T): Callum and Rayla make out in the library at the Moon Nexus.
when you aim at the devil, make sure you don't miss (E): Crack.
Rick Riordan-Verse
he has the kind of love for her that you and i once had (T): Hera won't allow Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase to marry. Aphrodite takes matters into her own hands.
Six of Crows
i see your fingerprints around my soul (T): The first time Inej returns to Ketterdam, she has decided that something must change.
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 years
Rewriting The Season 5 Halloween Arc
A TMNT 2012 Rewrite
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The Halloween arc in TMNT 2012 (S5 Ep14-17) was an exciting 4 part arc where the Turtles team up with their time traveling friend, Renet Tilley, and with her help they travel to different time periods to stop Savanti Romero from recruiting history’s greatest monsters and take over present day New York City. The whole arc was entertaining, seeing the Turtles fight these iconic monsters, but a disappointing detail, in my opinion, when watching this spooky arc was the exclusion of April O’Neil and Casey Jones. 
I feel the inclusion of April and Casey helping the Turtles and working along side Renet was wasted potential. I was hoping we were going to see Renet’s dynamic with April and Casey, but sadly that hope was taken away when April and Casey were turned into vampires in the first 5 minutes of the arc, casting them off to the side and missing out on the adventure. 
So for this rewrite I ask the question: What would’ve happened if April and Casey where involved in the Turtles and Renet’s Halloween time traveling adventures?
Lets start with the beginning of the episode, cause I’m rewriting that whole opening of April and Casey trick or treating. Instead the episode opens with a familiar scene, the ending scene to the season 3 episode Tale of the Yokai.
The arc starts where the episode Tale of the Yokai ends with Renet bringing the turtles back to the present day, Renet kisses Mikey goodbye, and leaves through the portal.
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We then see what happened to Renet as she went through the portal and left the turtles after the episode, returning to her time, she takes a deep breath as the portal closes behind her. Once it closes she lets out an joyful fangirl scream and begins expressing how thrilling it was for her to work alongside the “turtle warriors of legend”. She talks to herself about how much of an honor it was to actually meet them along with the flattery that Michelangelo had an romantic interest in her. Renet blushes as she reminisces about what happened between her and the young turtle just moments ago and there potential blooming romance.
“I can’t wait to see him again!” Renet cheers happily.
“Oh no you won’t!” An angry voices call out as someone grabs Renet’s ear. It’s Lord Simulantius, finally seeing his true human form (not as a floating head, but as he appeared in Renet’s flashback sequence in Turtles in Times)
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Lord Simultaneous rips the Time Scepter out of Renet’s hands and begins dragging her by the ear across the Time Masters’ Temple (like an angry mother with her in trouble child at a grocery store). He immediately begins lecturing her about taking the Time Scepter and Savanti Romero almost taking over history with it, calling her foolish and irresponsible. Lord S. then comments that she was lucky enough that the Turtle Warriors of Legend helped her but she shouldn’t be getting involved with their history especially with Mikey’s, since now he’s fallen for her. Renet comments that she likes Mikey back and that there is no harm in having a crush. Lord S. tries to shoot down her ideas of being with Mikey by saying he’ll one day fall for a girl named Shinigami and many more potential partners will come his way that he’ll fall for.
(Note: In this rewrite their would be a sequence during the Kavaxas arc were Shinigami rejected Mikey’s love confession, which has Mikey realize that Renet is the girl for him. I actually have a short fanfic on this that you can read HERE)
The two Time Masters are both unaware that Mikey will be rejected by Shini in the future (which we the audience would already know), Renet feels heart broken, but still shows that her feelings for Mikey are still there, but with more sign of resentment, regret, and feeling used. She begins thinking that if he’s gonna flirt with others, there’s no harm in her flirting with others too.
Lord S. punishes Renet for her “screw up” by having her do scouting reports of banished time criminals they sent to other time periods. First on her list is Savanti Romero. Worried she’ll lose the Scepter like last time Lord S. gives Renet an emergency time travel device before sending her off. We then see the scene that was originally a 2D flashback sequence in the original show of Romero attacking Renet with a dino army and stealing her emergency time travel device. Instead of it being a 2D flashback it’s a short action sequence of Renet fighting Romero, but (like in canon) he escapes and times travel to a different period.
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The scene ends with a panicked Renet, realizing she has messed up (once again) as she says in a worried defeat, “Oh Groak…”
It’s Halloween night in present day New York where we see April and Casey trick or treating and with them is a little girl with black eyes and long black hair tied into two ponytails dressed as pirate. It’s Casey’s little sister! (Because I think this would be a cute little cameo so we can finally meet her). Her name is Angel and through dialogue we learn that Casey’s dad made him bring his little sister with him for trick or treating, he apologizes to April for the “third wheel” but April says she doesn’t mind, she loves kids. We would even see through the little dialogue that Angel is spunky, bold, and full of attitude, defiantly a mini female Casey Jones.
Like in canon, Casey pulls a “trick” on someone for not giving him candy (for this imagine instead someone was mean to his sister and refused to give her candy) and the three are laughing and having a fun Halloween. As they walk down the street we see a mysterious figure lurking in the shadows watching them. 
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Soon just like in the episode the vampires and other monsters attack. Casey’s little sister gets bitten and turns into a vampire. April and Casey fight them off the best they can, but soon they realize there are far too many of them. They are surrounded.
Suddenly a bright portal appears in the sky and April and Casey get saved by a girl in weird clothing holding a strange looking device. It’s Renet! 
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She instructs them to follow her. With no other choice, April and Casey run off with her. Once they are safe up top a building’s roof, they ask her what is going on and she says there’s no time to explain and how she can fix everything before matters get worse. 
"It'll be easy,” she explains, “I just need to find Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael and Michelangelo."
April and Casey’s eyes widen with suspicion.
"I-I'm sorry?" April asked.
"You know..." Renet says coy. She then leans in towards them and whispers, "The Teenage Mutant Ninja Tu-"
Before she could finish her sentence, April and Casey draw their weapons, April with her tessan and Casey with his hockey stick, and aim them at Renet, cornering her.
"Okay listen, we don't know who you are or what the heck is going on, but how to you know about the turtles?" April asked aggressively.
“Yeah!” Casey adds, “Start talking, headdress.”
"Oh... I-I... Well, um... You're right. I'm sorry. Let me start over," She clears her throat, "My names Renet Tilley, I too am a friend of the turtles."
"Funny," Casey glares, "They never mentioned you..."
"They don't tell you a lot of things. You'd be surprised of the secrets those boys keep from you," Renet smirks. April and Casey share a quick look as she continues, "Listen we have no time to waste, here's this criminal, Savanti Romero, who wishes to take over your time and later mine. I know the turtle warriors are the only ones who can help me stop him. They've done it once, they can do it again. So please.... will you take me to them?"
April and Casey look at one another. They can hear the screams of the people down in the streets being attacked by the monsters. If what this girl is saying is true then they have no choice. April then pulls out her T-Phone and calls Donnie.
We then cut to the turtles in the lair getting ready for Halloween. The scene will play out in canon: Leo’s Spaceheroes fanboying, “Smooooth Donatello~” and Mikey’s fairy princess costume suggestion to Raph.
(Note: I’m changing that “Smooooth Donatello~” joke, Donnie is still dress as a pimp surrounded by the TMNT girls (April, Shinigami, Rook), but replace Karai with Mona Lisa, because WHY IS HE IMAGINING HIS SISTER IN THAT FANTASY?? Also all the girls are dress in pretty purple dresses to match his mask. Add the funny idea of Raph glaring at Donnie in the background, hinting that Raph knows Donnie imagine Mona in that fantasy and he is NOT happy.)
As they discuss their costume ideas and express their excitement for their favorite holiday, Donnie gets a video call from April and answers it, "Hey, April! We're just getting ready- "
"Yeah, that's great Donnie, um, look, there's some weird things going on up here." April tells him through the video call.
"Yeah, weird, but metal!" Casey said popping from behind her excitedly.
Donnie's brother's hear what April said. She sounded worried but also confused. They huddle around Donnie as they look at April in the video call.
"What do you mean weird?" Leo asked.
"There's these monster, vampires, werewolves, everything! They tried attacking us!" April turns her phone to quickly show the turtles the monster attacks from the streets below.
"What the-?! Are you alright?!" Donnie panics.
"We're fine. Thankfully we got some help. She says she know you guys."
"Who?" Leo asked.
April moves the camera of her phone and aims it at Renet. She smiles and happily waves, "Hello Turtle Warriors!"
"RENET?!" The turtles all cried out in shock.
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"O-Okay! We'll be right there!" Leo tells his friends through the call.
"Just hurry!" April hands up.
"Knowing that Renet is here she must've been the cause of what’s going on." Raph comments.
"Looks like Halloween is on hold tonight," Leo says, "Let's go ninjas!" and the turtles head off. 
The turtles then meet up with April, Casey, and their old friend Renet up on a high roof top.
"It's so great to see you again, Renet," Mikey said happily hugging Renet, "We haven't seen you in, like, a year."
"Really?" Renet asked with a surprised look on her face, "Huh... Well, for me it's only been about two... maybe three hours."
"Fascinating..." Donnie says, "It makes sense for you since you're from the future and have the technology to travel to any time period you wish."
"I'm sorry!" April said confused, "Future?! Time Travel?! What’s going on?!”
“Yeah, and how do you know this chick?” Casey adds.
There was no time to explain, for Savanti Romero arrives. He attacks and Renet creatures a time portal to escape, sending her, the turtles, April and Casey to Ancient Egypt.
The rest of the arc will go out as it played in canon: Same order of time periods they travel, Raph turns into a vampire (April, Casey, and Donnie all will too later on), Mikey befriends Frankenstein, etc. And yes, when the gang travels to Transylvania, April and Casey will also get their own monster hunter outfits from Renet just like the turtles, because April and Casey deserve more outfit changes! I like seeing them in different outfits!!
I imagine their monster hunter outfits would look something like this:
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I also want to note a little detail of dialogue of when Raph is bitten but not a vampire yet, April would make comments about how she can sense something is wrong with Raph, how his aura is off. Maybe she would even try to use her psychic powers to get through to Vampire!Raph, but fails because Dracula’s control over him is too strong to break. Her powers can only temporally break free from Dracula’s mind control. If they want to free Raph from the vampire curse, they have to kill Dracula. 
Lighting Round! (cause this is already a long post) Like I said, everything plays out like it did in canon. I just have some little details I wanna add that involve Renet, April, or Casey (or all three):
Because of meeting Renet and her comment that their are things about the turtles that they don’t bother telling them, it makes April and Casey question their friendship with the turtles and they wonder what else have the turtles hide from them or haven’t told them about. They are all growing up and sometimes growing up means you drift apart.
While in Egypt and later in Transylvania April and Renet get to talking. April starts by trying to make small talk with Renet, but slowly realizes that Renet and her have some things in common. She also starts to take note of Mikey’s flirtatious actions towards Renet. “Weird...” April thinks to herself, “I thought he liked Shinigami.” This would make April realize that she doesn’t fully know the turtles, that Renet was right. There are some things that they will keep from her. 
Casey would end up getting flirty with Renet, causing Mikey to get jealous. 
Casey: That Renet girl is impressive. She’s pretty smart.
Mikey, looking out at Renet lovingly: Yeah! Isn't she amazing?!
Casey: And she’s fun.
Mikey: Totally!
Casey: Cute too.
Mikey: Gorge-
Mikey: *death stare at Casey*
Casey:   ¬‿¬
Mikey would begin to take notice of Casey’s flirtatious behavior towards Renet and Renet even starts to flirt back. This causes him to get jealous, while Donnie is happily relieved that Casey is no longer putting the moves on April.
Later Mikey would ask April to tell Casey to stop flirting with Renet. April would say no and call Mikey out on his Shinigami situation (because now she has the full story from Renet and realizes that she and Mikey were kind of a thing when he was putting the moves on Shini). Mikey tells April he thought there was no harm in it since they aren’t “technically” dating so he can flirt with whoever he wants, to which April tells Mikey that if that is true then Renet has a right to flirt with Casey if she wants to. This makes Mikey question what his relationship with Renet really is. Does he want to start something serious with her?
I can even imagine Mikey and Renet have a short moment to talk about their relationship and what will become of them in the future. Renet tells Mikey she does care about him, but whether or not they have a future together is now all on his decision. Should they try dating? Or is it best that they just stay friends? Mikey has to make that decision, because Renet has made up her mind either way.
To sum it up, April’s role in this arc is basically:
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And Casey’s role is just:
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Also this:
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I think you all pretty much got a good gist of how I’d rewrite this arc, it’s mostly the beginning of the arc that takes a drastic change. After that it all plays out like it did in canon just with the inclusion of April and Casey in the beginning, they still have their moments to shine and fight along side their friends and get to show off their skills. The two would still become vampires shortly after Raph officially turns, mostly likely when they return to their time period or before that in Frankenstein’s time, and then Donnie gets turned by being bitten by Vampire!April later on. 
I even imagine their would a moment where we and a the gang learn through Renet that April and Casey are historical legends as well, well known for helping the turtles in many battles throughout history. This info explains why Renet looks for them in the beginning of the arc and not the turtles themselves. April and Casey are historical legends just like the turtles!
By the end of the arc, instead of Renet saying goodbye, kissing Mikey, and just going back to her time period, instead the Turtles and their friends offer if she would like to join them on their trick or treating before she leaves. Lord S. who was going to escort Frankenstein, the gypsy man, and Renet back home, agrees as long as she returns to the future once she’s done, showing that Lord S. is starting to have more faith in Renet and letting her actually act her age. Maybe he even adds the comment “Its not everyday you befriend turtle warriors of legend and their comrades. This is an honor you should enjoy.” Renet smiles and the arc ends with Renet happily running off with her new friends (holding Mikey’s hand, hinting that they going to try a long distance relationship) as they head off to go trick or treating, all cheerfully shouting “Booyakasha!!”
The End!
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alphinias · 8 months
Heyy, what do you think the timeline for obx4 is looking like from here on out in terms of when we get stills, clips, episode title list etc.? I'm personally hoping for it to come out mid-year 🤡 I consider you an expert on these things and really appreciate your logic and have been following you since the very first season so I know you know your stuff!
Also... thank you for being so active and always including all the bts content from asks!! I hope you have a wonderful day/night 🧡
Haha I am definitely not an expert, just someone who has spent entirely too much time thinking about release schedules. Take everything I say with a grain of salt because I was super wrong about the S3 release date and would’ve bet money it wouldn’t come out before March since I was convinced they wouldn’t release it in such a wintery month.
I personally think mid august is the earliest we can possibly hope for the season, but I’m hoping for September to measure my expectations a little. This is me just guessing based on the assumption that they finish filming in late April or May.
They’ve rolled out promo for the seasons a little differently so I expect s4 won’t be exactly like either of them. For s2, we got a handful of stills over two months before the release date and a teaser about a month and a half out. For s3 we got the teaser super early, but I’m not gonna put too much stock into it because it was for tudum and that was special. The s3 stills didn’t come out until about 6 or 7 weeks before the season, but I think that was also because of the holidays. We’ve historically gotten episode titles 4-3 weeks before release. If the release is close to where I guessed, I’d expect something (maybe stills) by July.
I hope the s4 release schedule is a little less condensed than s3’s, and I think it will be slightly because no holidays, but I’m not holding my breath for total miracles. With the strikes having pushed everything back I really think they’ll want to get it out asap though! And they may want to throw us a bone with some stills a bit earlier since it’s been so long. We’ll see.
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alliumbunny · 1 year
Headcanon time I guess(TMNT 2012)
If any of these end of very very very canon you can blame netflix for not having 4/5 seasons so I don't know everything oopsie :3
I'll start with my favorite character since obviously I'm gonna have alot to say about him :)
Oh girlie this is gonna be long(I TYPE ALOT LOL)
Michelangelo, Mikey, The best boy!! :3 sunshine boy idk
He's very very VERY fond of bugs, He picks them up and smiles at them :) and sometimes eats but only when his brothers aren't around because they 100% yell at him everytime they see him eat the bugs because B U G S!! Listen what else are they gonna eat that technically has meat? There's not gonna be any chicken in the sewers... maybe... who knows... chickens are weird like that <3
AS SOON!!! As they got internet and stuff in the lair he learned EVERY SINGLE CUSS WORD ✨✨✨ He also learns very quickly how and when to use them etc etc because he finds them so funny, Also He ONLY uses them with villains and only when his brothers/family/friends aren't around!! He comes up with the weirdest crazy fuckin Insults and thinks they are SO funny <3 lol (... Projection maybe :3 )
He's PanRomanic Asexual, because He deserves to be alittle(ALOT) Fruity 💖 (Kinda projection but not really, I'm Pansexual so sorta close LOL)
Tends to learn how to use weapons REALLY fast, He finds it really fun and interesting to learn how to use his brothers weapons!!! :D
Reads ao3 fanfics, Doesn't write any but found out Leo writes them and loves reading his, Mikey's just so glad his Oldest Brother has something fun he likes to do that isn't really serious!!! :D
Doesn't like Horror Movies(To much gore for him normally) but fucking loves Psychological Horror. I was about the say he liked The Magnus archives, but it didn't start until 2016 lol. So Umm :3 He likes reading horror stories alot. (This is projection probably but hey, I think he would hehehe)
Forgets his own birthday almost every single year(Oops going angsty now beware >:3 ) He doesn't see his birthday as important as his brothers or even his fathers so his brain just forgets about it, He always remembers his brothers tho(this is paired with the headcanon that they choose different days in the same month so that they didn't have to have 4 different birthdays on the same day lol)
April gave them a notebook and Mikey sketches in it, he runs out of space and starts to draw in between every other drawing because he doesn't want to ask for another one... :')
HE PUTS STICKERS ON THAT NOTEBOOK!!!! they're not very good stickers but like, He's collected them for years, every time he found one that wasn't destroyed then he takes it >:3 His brothers know about his little stickers and leave any stickers they find in his room <3 :'D
believes in luckiness/unluckiness and that sorta, luck theory(I might be the only person who's thought of this So I'll explain it oops) Basically Mikey believes that if Something good happens to him the same amount of bad will also happen later on, and vise versa :3 He doesn't let it bother him but it's always in the back of his mind.
The last thing also plays a part in this one. Mikey doesn't like when something REALLY good happens to him. He 100% believes that something REALLY bad will happen to him sometime after, Normally it does tho so he's kinda valid for it :')
Loves Animals, All kinds, He doesn't technically have a favorite(Until ICK comes into his life and it becomes cats) He loves cows and dogs and bunnies(PROJECTION LOL) and fish and Frogs and birds and dinosaurs and erhjdkjgbhdfkjbndfkjnjdfns ALL OF THEM, He doesn't really have a least favorite tho :)
He finds soda really weird, He likes diet soda tho, for some Weird reason, If he were to ever go to a fast food place he'd do that thing where to put some of every drink choice in one cup >:) (That's projection kinda, I used to do that so much omg, not anymore tho sadge)
Likes legos and stuff like it :D he likes building things that have instructions, He likes looking at the finished product and smiling and holding it and just OvO
LOVES COLORS!!! His favorite color isn't orange surprisingly tho, Instead it's the colors of the sky(in the day and night!!)
Likes sunsets/sunrises alot
He likes sitting on building roofs and just looks at the sky... It's when he cries the most LOL
DEPRESSION ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (PROJECTION TO THE MAX) His room is messy and he can never get to cleaning it and it makes him sad and like, numb sorta lol
Has sleep issues lol <3 Insomnia but nobody knows <3 I'm lovin it but Mikey ain't ✨
Gets Auditory hallucinations every now and again. They spook him alot since they're normally of stuff breaking loudly
Can't stop moving ever and it's very endearing to me!!! Stims constantly when happy and it's really endearing to his brothers because that's how they now he's actually really happy to be there and hang out with them, He just loves them so much(in a sibling way of course, I swear it anyone thinks differently I will hit them with a chainsaw and eat their flesh!!!!) aka they also know when he's not happy because of it aswell tho.
He bites people when he wants to >:)
. . . Raph and Leo are tied for favorite brother...
Okay I should probably stop with the Mikey ones oopsie daisy :3
So Um!! Next lol!!
Leo... Leonardo <3 <3 LEO!!! :D
He is such a mother hen(Honestly that's canon oops) He has the second most Medical knowledge and uses it all the time (The first is Donnie)
He squints his eyes when he's confused or upset lol
He doesn't like crime but keeps accidentally doing it without thinking
Quotes space hero's and Raph and Donnie are sick of it, Mikey quotes it with him but isn't as good at remembering the quotes lol
Likes the stars and star gazes whenever he can :D
watches videos about space!!!!!! He rambles to His brothers(Mostly mikey) about space facts til he runs out and gets new ones and goes through the same thing!!! It makes him so happy!!!!!!!!!
Likes gum, like minty gum!!!! He finds it fun to chew lol
cries in his room alone, silently at night....
Okie doki Leo is hard to think of :( Umm so NEXT :D Raph!! Raphael!! Yippeeee
When He's confused his eyes go all wide and shit >:3
Surprisingly likes calmer music that's softer and shit y'know? :)
Hates the velvet texture...
Has a calendar in his room that's been on February(20XX idk) for years probably
God raph is also hard to do...
Okay okay next!!
Donnie, donatello....
I wish I could headcanon him out of liking april. /hj
STARES AT PEOPLE for ALONG time, without realizing
Collects blankets that are textures that he likes. He just... has a pile of blankets :)
Donatello isn't my favorite if you can't tell ._.'
I tried my best with the others :3
I only did the brothers cause... Idk I didn't wanna do the others, k :3
I hope there's no spelling mistakes but know me there is oopsie ;3 lol
I guess... bye then? Idk
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coffee-at-annies · 10 months
3, 11, and 18!
3. Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?
That I discovered this year? That’s hard. I’m not sure I discovered much music this year that wasn’t new releases from bands I already liked or singular songs. My most listened album of the year was fob cause I’m specific and sm(f)s came out in like January. My song of the year for the second year in a row was one I discovered late last year and fell in love with. I’ve listened to all of 3 songs from the artist tho.
Jukebox the Ghost was probably last year or the year before when my partner introduced me. They’ve tried getting me into The Family Crest but it’s never been the right time for an adhd hyperfixation deep dive. I got back into Matt Maeson after seeing him live, but that was my second time seeing him so he’s not new. I got super into Sammy Rae and the Friends for a hot minute after seeing her live but I first found her during quarantine looking for songs for the moss playlist. If you’ve got a moment, listen to the song I’m gonna link. It’s good. Sammy Rae described it as for the girls and the gays.
I could maybe claim Sub-Radio after Stacey’s Dad went viral but I’ve had flashback in my Spotify likes for a while so connecting the dots was just what got me to listen to more and also follow them on YouTube. If I had to pick a single that isn’t from one of the artists I’ve listed it’d have to be Drink Water.
Maybe the obcr of Some Like It Hot counts? That came out this year. I’m only obsessed with it since I saw the show live right before Christmas last year and then had to wait months for the obcr to come out so idk if it counts.
11. Something you want to do again next year?
Answered that one here with a lot of small joys I’m looking forward to repeating.
18. A memorable meal this year?
I’m trying to think of a meal that was worth remembering. A place that was worth going back to. My first instinct is my mom’s 60th. We splurged and she got reservations for the place up on Mount Washington. The one that overlooks the point. We weren’t close to the windows cause my grandmother can’t do steps and it was rainy but it was a lovely celebration.
Oh! God this is the dumbest fucking story but it’s certainly memorable. So like I’m sure you’re probably vaguely aware that I decided I wanted to be disappointed in new and interesting ways after the Pens let me down so thoroughly last spring that I decided to fuck around and become a Pirates fan. What you probably don’t know bc I didn’t do much lbing is I watched a stupid amount of Pirates games. What you’ve probably forgotten is the Buccs had a ridiculously hot start last season. 20-8 in the month of April. One of those games was actually two - rain reschedule meant it was a double header. My best friend spent the day taking his black belt test (I forgot if he’s second or third degree now but he passed!) and wanted to go out to celebrate. There’s a new-ish chain crab place in the waterfront where the TGIF used to be. The bestie isn’t a sports person at all but my sister and I are so we asked for the tv to be switched to the game. The second game of the double header was one where the Buccs scored 16 runs off the Nats for a final score of 16-1. Watching them light up basically every Nats pitcher who hadn’t pitched in the earlier game while systematically demolishing an order of crab legs was just an excellent experience. Was the food memorable? Eh the crab is fine for a chain. The meal itself was very very fun. Like exactly what you want when watching a game at a bar/restaurant. I won’t say platonic ideal but like the vibes were certainly right.
End of the Year Asks
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chaosandwolves · 7 months
im ready for the season but all i know is it's prob gonna be a painful april for buddie until may comes around and really kicks into high gear. But if the spec is true regarding Buck that's the only confirmation you need to know the show is doing Buddie. Buddie is inevitable and endgame. BC once you ask yourself why are they doing that now in s7? It's cause now they can tell the story they've wanted to tell for the last 3-4 years and that is the story of Buddie slowburn romance.
Hey hey
I'm so sorry for the late reply I simply forgot
Yeah I can't wait for all the angst they're gonna throw at us straight away. That's gonna be delicious and stretched over 3 weeks is torture but I'm here for it
Yeah honestly I think ep 100 will tell us if they're going the Buddie route or not
I still find it soooo sus that they're naming ep 100 after one character and a love song, followed by an ep named after another love song.... Like.... Ok
So I really do think, whatever happens in ep 100 with Buck will determine where we're going
I mean we know things have been intentionally romantic at times and we know that some cast and crew are absolutely here for it
Maybe the network change is the thing we needed after all
I think they have a chance to tell a beautiful beautiful story with these two
They've laid it all out over the years, they just need to pick it up and join it all together
But I hope if they do that, they'll do it with the utmost care... no need to rush
With the way abc is promoting the shit out of the show, I'm hoping they're already aiming for s 7b/8
Cause 10 eps it's just way too short
But yeah... I'm having (probably too) high expectations for ep 100
0 notes
cru5h-cascades · 9 months
2023: A Year That Existed (Wrapping Up the Year)
Hey everyone! Now with xmas outta the way practically nothing else is really happening this year except for New Year's Eve, which means 2023 is another year in the books!
Here's a highlight reel of the year in order (sort of idk):
January - My track Blissful Ecstacy gets frontpaged on Newgrounds and a month later gets noticed by luminoghost himself!
February - The Splatoon 3 Expansion Pass gets revealed to the world, launching me as well as others into speculation on whatever the hell Side Order's plot is gonna be, a state of insanity that would last until Spetember (unless if you're like me and found out about the leaked Side Order files that were datamined sometime in the summer!)
March - Wave 1 of Splatoon 3's Expansion Pass comes out alongside Fresh Season 2023. Anyways, Cereza and the Lost Demon came out and boy was it hella fun to play!
April - My birthday was on the 13th and we also had the Zelda splatfest that month, which was pretty neat :D. Also, Cult of the Lamb's first major content update came out. I wouldn't be able to actually play this thing until a few months later because of some bug connected to the reclics room.
May - Tears of the Kingdom came out and I'd end up spending a month plus away from S3 trying to finish the game.
June - The disapointment of a season known as Sizzle Season 2023 comes out and I'm still working on TotK, only finishing it halfway through the month and then finally experiencing Sizzle Season myself shortly after finishing TotK. Also, school went out for me that month :D
July - It was either this month or August where we got the summer nintendo direct. Still no Side Order, but we got the announcement of Princess Peach Showtime tho!
August - School started up again and it felt like being dragged back to hell. Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, formerly known as the Jet Set Radio 3 that never was, came out but I didn't get to play until September.
September - A bombshell hits the Splatoon community shortly after the catastrophe known as the fallout after Shiver v Frye v Big Man as a full trailer for Side Order comes out in the September direct, revealing that Agent 8 would be returning to the game, Pearl has been turned into a drone, the Inkopolis Square we play in isn't the actual Inkopolis Square but a replica of it, and most importaintly DEDF1SH WOULD BE AN IMPORTAINT CHARACTER IN THE DLC. Also I consumed as much media related to Dear Evan Hansen this month for some reason.
October - Spooky month. Nothing much happened this month besides me ending my long running Hellbent Concept OST series tbh so moving on...
November - My track Hellfish Heretic would get frontpaged on Newgrounds and Scott Pilgrim Takes Off released on Netflix.
December - To cap off the entire year I basically turned into a full fledged victim (the Killers fan) by listening to a bunch of their music & listening to video essays on folks tryna piece together the story of the Murder Trilogy, even doing so myself over here on tumblr some time ago. Also I finally played Deltarune and I'm currently starting Undertale (now I have to unlearn everything I did in Deltarune just so I can play Undertale lmao).
This year didn't start off that great for me, but it eventually improved as the months went by, to be honest. Got two more tracks on the front page of Newgrounds, my art improved a bunch over the past year for the most part, and I've gotten a few more followers across all my socials (not a lot but it's something!), so this year wasn't too bad.
Now, what am I gonna do in the next year when it comes to my own content? Well, of course I'm gonna continue with my usual writing pieces, art, music, ect., but I'm also gonna throw in some extra bigger projects into the mix as well! Because Side Order comes out next year, I'll be starting finally writing my Splatoon OCs' Side Order arc stories (I've been teasing the arc for a while now), as well as reworking and finally writing other stories about my OCs as well. Also, I plan on starting a seperate blog for a story surrounding Ribbon & WD sometime next year! The story is being worked on right now and I plan on structuring the blog as part ask blog for Ribbon & WD and part comic sorta thing, so something similar to that one fannmade Splatoon comic #14 crush.
Anyways, hope y'all had a great year and I hope y'all have a greater 2024. If you've been sticking around my blog this entire time, thanks for being there to see my stuff. If you're just finding out about my existence via this post you should give me a follow if ya want :D
See y'all on the flip side (of order)!
Can't wait to finally play Side Order in a few months yay!!!
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I posted 1,795 times in 2022
20 posts created (1%)
1,775 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 134 of my posts in 2022
#* - 19 posts
#stranger things - 19 posts
#tvedit - 17 posts
#strangerthingsedit - 17 posts
#first kill - 16 posts
#eastenders - 16 posts
#ballum - 16 posts
#firstkilledit - 14 posts
#charlie x matteusz - 14 posts
#dailystrangerthings - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#this was gonna be longer but my laptop is hot photoshop keeps crashing and im going to watch that preview clip 500 times before tomorrow
My Top Posts in 2022:
9 notes - Posted March 30, 2022
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fate: The Winx Saga (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Terra Harvey/Riven, Bloom/Sky (Winx Club), Terra Harvey & Musa Characters: Terra Harvey, Riven (Winx Club), Sky (Winx Club), Bloom (Winx Club), Stella (Winx Club), Musa (Winx Club), Aisha | Layla (Winx Club) Additional Tags: Post-Season/Series 01, Trauma, Psychological Trauma, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Night Terrors, Nightmares, Insomnia, Fear, Panic Attacks, Panic, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Angst and Feels, Feels, Soft Riven (Winx Club), Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt, Emotional Hurt, Captivity, Isolation, Developing Friendships, Developing Relationship, Character Development, Friendship/Love, Enemies to Friends, Female Friendship, Emotional Manipulation, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Implied/Referenced Torture, Implied/Referenced Mind Control, supportive friends, Secret Crush, Team as Family, I Made Myself Cry, Tears, Men Crying, Confessions Summary:
Terra is a good person. She’s always valued that about herself. Knowing right from wrong and good from bad. She’s always known what choice is best to make. This time, however, she’s not so sure.
Or Riven is suffering worse than anyone knows and Terra is the one to help him learn to heal.
14 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The 100 (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin, Clarke Griffin/Wells Jaha, Clarke Griffin & Wells Jaha Characters: Bellamy Blake, Clarke Griffin, Wells Jaha Additional Tags: Bellarke January Joy 2022 (The 100), Established Relationship, Past Relationship(s), Misunderstandings, Letters, Idiots in Love, Love Letters, Running Away, Clarke Griffin & Wells Jaha Friendship, Modern Setting Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Modern Era, Forbidden Love, Getting Back Together, bjj2022 Summary:
Somehow, they always seem to find their way back to each other.
15 notes - Posted January 21, 2022
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Walker Scobell as Percy Jackson wasn’t even on my bingo card. This kid did such a fantastic job in the Adam Project and I’m so excited to see what he does with Persassy.
91 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I trust Rick. I cannot wait.
99 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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herebutnotpresent · 4 years
Sometimes I just want to draw Thunderbolt Fantasy characters, but then I look at their outfits and its just- 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘴
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thenewblackcanvas · 2 years
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20's ♡ she/they ♡ POC
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⋆˙⟡♡⟡⋆˙ writing: stray kids, ateez, bts, seventeen, etc ⋆˙⟡♡⟡⋆˙
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IMPORTANT: MINORS DNI 。°⚠︎°。 I do not want minors interacting with my content esp nsfw content. It is also NOT my responsibility to safeguard your experience. Please pay attention to warnings if you are sensitive about certain topics. This is your warning.
directory ♡︎ fic rec page ♡︎ nsfw visuals
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Stroking him while holding him pt 2 (Feb 18th) ♡
↳ Changbin, Jeongin, Hyunjin, and Minho; nsfw
Stroking him while holding him (Jan 16th) ♡
↳ Felix, Jisung, Seungmin, and Chan; nsfw
Big Dick!Chan and Possessive Reader (Jan 8th) ♡
↳ small drabble; nsfw
2023 • Done ♡
[depression break]
Poly December (All month)
↳ masterlist for all 2023 Poly December writings
spooky season masterlist (All month) 🎃
↳ masterlist for all 2023 Spooky Season writings
#3: mischievous swaying with chan (Sep 30th) ♡
↳ chan mild public play; little smutty
#2: chan being a meanie nsfw (Sep 29th) ♡
↳ mild brain rot of chan going from sweetie to meanie in bed; smutty
#1: Chan comes home from tour (Sep 29th) ♡
↳ my feelings about chan coming home; fluffy and smutty
Siren 2 (Sep 4th) ♡
↳ Seonghwa shares something special with you
Chan comfort (Sep 3rd) ♡
↳ you bring Chan home from work and you can practically hear his racing thoughts
7 nurses, 2 patients (July 24th) ♡
↳ you and Mingi are recovering together with the most chaotic staff of nurses: your boyfriends
April (oops)
The Innocents: 01 (Apr 26th) ♡
↳ Jimin saves two innocents caught in the crossfire; Mafia!Jimin x Yoongi x Reader (8pm est)
Felix makes three: 01 (Apr 26th) ♡
↳ The morning after the ice is broken; Chanlix x Reader (6pm est)
Bang Chan masterpost (Apr 17th) ♡
↳ just a masterlist of my Chan content because im a whore for him :)
[10:45] felix ft. jisung, changbin, and hyunjin) (Apr 15th) ♡
↳ you get impatient; nsfw
[1:56] chanlix 2am tears ; suggestive (Apr 15th) ♡
↳ a late night visitor’s tears
chan draft drabble, mildly nsfw (Apr 11th) ♡
↳ chan unknowingly insults you, felix hears things he shouldn’t
just a finale (Apr 10th) ♡
↳ the finale, pt 7 nsfw yunho drabble (thank you)
don’t shut me out(dont shut your legs) (Apr 4th) ♡
↳ pt 6 nsfw yunho drabble
tourist fireworks (Jan 10th) ♡
↳ yunho new year’s drabble
private new year (Jan 10th) ♡
↳ bang chan new year’s drabble
it’s been a good year (Jan 1st) ♡
↳ woosan new years drabble
2022 • Done ♡
poly masterlist (Nov 15th) ♡
↳ masterlist for my polyamorous posts
imagine someone found your sex tape (Nov 9th) ♡
↳ woosan drabble (2am thought)
spooky season masterlist (All month) 🎃
↳ masterlist for everything I released in October
Notice:// some haven’t been posted yet
vampire training: prologue (Oct 13th) ♡
↳ vampire!yunho mini series | series masterlist
request: demon!wooyoung x angel!reader (Oct 7th) ♡
↳ spooky season request (smut)
darkness falls across the land (Sep 30th) ♡
↳ Halloween masterlist 2022
chanlix and comfort skz reposts (Sep 23rd) ♡
↳ reposting of my poly chanlix and soft comforting skz drabbles from my old acc
just a room away (Sep 23rd) ♡
↳ pt 5 nsfw yunho drabble
woosan drabble add-on (Sep 17th) ♡ 
↳ something extra for the woosan one👇🏽 he’s gonna leave marks
woosan drabble (Sep 15th) ♡ 
↳ San hears screams and bursts in to scold woo. Bad timing?
just a mistake (Sep 11th) ♡ 
↳ pt 4 nsfw yunho drabble
Hard hours (Sep 10th) ♡ 
↳ a few asks
just a little thunder (Sep 9th) ♡ 
↳ pt 3 nsfw yunho drabble
Hard hours (Sep 9th) ♡ 
↳ a couple posts
????! JK
↳ finally posted this JK au
RIC ch 4
↳ the start of part two
↳ the past and present
use me - bill withers (July 7th) ♡ 
↳ drabble based on use me by bill withers
perv!chan (July 7th) ♡ 
↳ lil thought of bestie perv channie
channie comfort during depressive episode (June 25th) ♡ 
↳ chan fluff comfort drabble
just a ride home (June 13th) ♡ 
↳ pt 2 nsfw yunho drabble
don’t hang up (June 8th) ♡
↳ nsfw yunho drabble
Random hard thought (May 31st) ♡
↳ nsfw yunho thought
please don’t regret it (May 31st) ♡
↳ angsty chan drabble
the monsters in all of us: one (May 5th) ♡
↳ vampire!jungkook story from my old blog (nsfw)
reconciliation in currency ch 3 (May 5th) ♡
↳ the interview (nsfw)
reconciliation in currency ch 2 (May 3rd) ♡
↳ tae’s pov
reconciliation in currency ch 1 (May 2nd) ♡
↳ sugar daddy! former bestfriend! taehyung
slightly insecure reader with comforting channie (May 1st) ♡
↳ bang chan drabble, slightly nsfw
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♡ directory ♡  
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thigholstercas · 2 years
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March & April
hi :) I don't know where this two months went but here are some more fics I read (and a cute little banner). as I said in the last one, this list includes drabbles or ficlets, even poems, that I read here because fic writers should also be praised when they only write a couple of lines. on another note, you should go throughout the deancaspinefest fics and the deancasreversebang fics, and spnpoetryrenaissance, I listed some here, but you should take a look to the others. remember to give kudos, leave comments or just let fic writers know you love their work. it's a long list so it'll be under the cut
the coffee kissing crisis (4.6k, GA) by FallenAngelOfThursday @pointyearedelvishprincling
I’m just gonna share what I thought the second I finished it (yeah I took note off that)
Aoife!!!! They are dumbasses but they really love each other. The last paragraph...THE BEST THING I HAVE EVER READ. Dean is sleepy and kisses Cas after he gives him coffee. Some time later he freaks out. Cas talks to the bees 🐝 ♥. (Honestly just read everything Aoife has written )
sequitur (23.4k, E) by butterflyslinky
The pain...of Dean grieving...is horribly good. They changed the ending (you’ll understand when you read it). Freaking good!!! Cas is also awkward during sex, is so cute.
The Legend of the White Light (50k, E) by EllenOfOz
Purgatory my beloved <3 I literally read the first chapter and my first thought was "this is so fucking cool". Cas and Dean's pov. For me the first half is the best (purgatory) and then is mostly in canon for all season 8, up to the crypt scene. I'd read this again just for purgatory.
heal me with (3k, T) by ilovehowyouletmefall
Cas comes back from the Empty during the call from 15x19, but he's dying. Dean's soul reaches for him. So nice. Sam getting angry at Cas is so funny for me personally.
Samson went back to bed (9.7k) by piesexuality @twoheadedcas
Look I probably wouldn’t read it again because I swear I cried a lot, but at the same time it was so good. Cas is a selfish bastard and erases everyone's memories about Mary. No kidding, so fucking freaking painful but good. (art from @citruscas for it)
Desideratum and other mishaps (28k, T) by thefandomsinhalor
I thought that it was so sweet. Instead of Dean using the pear, Jack uses it and let´s just say things don’t go as planned. Sam is the bitchy brother. Cas is a dad!!!! Dean is a dad too!!! 
with this stab I thee wed (9k,T) by TheSilverQueen
Adore how it is written. It starts the moment Cas is fighting demons to rescue dean from hell, it ends with them married, really nice.
What's already mine (2.1k, T) by elephantsinthestars @blanketforcas
I swear I’m not putting this one here because I love her. This is just really beautiful. Cas learns to love his body and something something about loving yourself first before being with someone else.
the closer the star, the greater the parallax (8.7k, E) by kettleknight
Cas shows and explains to Dean how he rescued him from hell. I don’t know how to explain how much this fic changed me as person..
Okay, you should also read some of these:
divine by @bixlasagna
nothing but this by @buglovescas
castiel’s guide to loving a human by @redleavesinthewind
Dean x Cas: a prayer for a prayer by @faithdeans
Dean overthinking “[...] the one in the dirty trench coat who is in love with you" by @mishacollinsthighsss
about a boy by @universalcas  
cas trails his fingers across dean’s chest by @angelscas
To Dean Winchester, 1995 (tw sexual abuse) by @jactingjoices
my faith is shaken, but I still believe by @interrogatethecat (last minute addition)
I re-read these ones and I think they deserve to be here:
The Mantra (3k, GA) by amirosebooks
“You're safe, you're home, I got you”, this one is so soft, is pretty much about Cas and Dean taking care of each other.
Damn You Auto Correct! (8.3k, E) by Chiyume
Porn without plot but I like it, Dean can´t talk cuz’ he's sick. 
What to do when a good man hurts you (8k, T) by @fellshish
Dean thinks that the way he'll stop the empty for taking Cas is telling him he hates him and every bad thing he can think. Turns out it doesn't work...angst okay a lot of angst. But there´s a happy ending.
Alright this is already too long, I read so much more, but I can’t put them all here, anyway give all your love to writers <3
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silverhallow · 3 years
Right guys... i'm going to attempt to be some sort of voice of reason and logic here... after shonda dropped this: Bombshell regarding the books and the seasons... https://twitter.com/etnow/status/1506755668765782020?s=20&t=a2P6UI7cM2Z8RiF8tgr2fw
But... there are a few things i'm gonna point out... it's not "in order" not that we're losing anything but there is a key thing to remember here...
there is a timeline and ages of the siblings...
Fran's book... book 6... starts in and around the same time as Benophie's story in 1817... so logic dictates that we will start to see more of that early... which moves her story out of order...
there are things that happen in book 5 (Eloise's) that happen in the 7 year gap between Ben and Colin's story...
Books 4/5/6 all happen at around about the same time and have things that start to happen earlier...
I think... what Shonda means and this is purely speculation... given what I know about S2 and the ending of Season 2, which I am not sharing as this blog is a spoiler free zone...
Whilst Ben and Sophie may be the "main focus" i don't think we will get a full season of just them, much like a lot of the side plots happen in this season, we will see John and Fran be introduced, we will see (I hope) LW redemption arc... (i'm hoping this is something to do with Sophie) but i think we might see a lot more crossovers.
We will see some married life of the married siblings who come back (JB and SA i'm looking at you!) i think, Shonda and Netflix have realised they can't do a "A BOOK A SEASON" because it won't work... 4/5/6 would get far too messy... so they're breaking it up and moving them around and starting early or... maybe starting late.
I can't see the whole LW reveal coming in season 4... because it's too big a thing... so i wouldn't be surprised if we see that dragged through to Season 6...
I know enough to have faith that the next couple will be Ben and Sophie but I do not think it will be just them. Don't be surprised if we see Ben and Fran taking centre stage a bit more in S3.
they're not going to tell us before Season 2 is actually released. they're going to keep us on tenterhooks and let us know in early April. the cast don't know but they will have an idea...
pre-production has started, we will know... they like to tease and torment, we didn't know we were getting Season 2 last time around so they didn't have to deal with this... because if they said "Yes Benedict is next... with a bit of Fran..." the next questions would be
"Who is Sophie?"
"where is sophie?"
"who is john?"
"where is he?
"are we going to see michael?"
"who is playing michael?"
which detracts from season 2
whereas by waiting and then saying this is what we are doing...
then going into filming they can play it coy, they have it more under control...
so guys... have patience... we've waited for season 2. try and enjoy it... i know i'm going to... and then if come Easter i've not heard anything about season 3... then i might start to panic...
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