#sean denis
ab--n · 4 months
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Here's some more facts about him lol.
• He has NPD (Narcistic personality disorder). I just wanted to hint at this but I realised that I suck ass at writing so Imma just say it.
• Has a little half sister named Selene Denis, She's 10 years old while Sean is 19. She made his apron because "You're a Baker! So look like one!"
• His mom wasn't the best wife nor mother. (In this house we hate Aslin Denis) But his Father was decent.
• He masks REALLY well, like in the first two chapters you would'nt suspect anything than chapter three happened...
• He is slightly creeped out by Micheal but finds him interesting (Micheal is his equal person i think thats the term)
• He was forced to take care of Saesae/Zaezae, Khali, Micheal and Kendo when they all got sick thanks to the despair disaese during chapter four.
You known about that affair for how long now? Your father is suffering because of your naivity. She had nothing to hold above you except that she's your mother. You do know that she could hurt that girl, right? You know that she hates that angel.
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djzbasement · 3 months
Horrible idea just came up.
Yori and Sean as Nicole and Jecka from Class of 09
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Them both having NPD just adds to this.. not to mention that Yori was inspired off of Nicole (and mettaton but we don’t talk about that) so it’s PERFECT.
Quotes that I think suit them-
Tw for mention of suicide (?)
Sean- “Fuck you’re right- what’s your name?”
Yori- “Yori, what’s yours?”
Sean- “Sean. Why’d your parents name you ‘Yori’??”
Yori- “Well no they called me “Yorick” but I started doing ‘Yori’ for short. Also “Yorick”’s a name that just screams ‘married at 20’.”
Sean- “Oh yeah marriage sucks, never doing it.”
Yori- “Totally.”
Sean- “Whenever I play fuck-marry-kill I always pick fuck marriage and kill my self.”
(I know the roles are reversed here but I thought it would be funny if Yoris full name was Yorick)
Yori- “You.. you wanna watch romantic-dramas?”
Sean- “This is like a really bad date.”
Yori- “At least we’re not in school.”
Sean- “That’s a horrible comeback for that. What are you gonna do when you’re 25 and preforming in a low budget movie?? ‘well at least we’re not in school!!’.”
Yori- “I would never fucking preform in a low budget movie.”
Yori- “I dunno, hold on… what’s another mental disorder I could pull off?”
Sean- “Quite a few.”
Sean- “I got your text- sorry, I was caught up.”
Yori- “What happened?”
Sean- “I was in French 2 and called the weird kid ‘rugrats fettish’ and got held after.”
Yori- “Like rugrats the cartoon?”
Sean- “Yea.”
Yori- “That’s a really good diss.”
Tbh all Nicole and Jecka interactions just scream them
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arthursfuckinghat · 5 months
There's a specific ache in my heart that eats at me every time I go into the Tumbleweed stables and see Silver Dollar, Branwen, Gwydion, Boaz and Ennis there.
Part of me knows it's just a fun bonus for the players to be able to buy some of the gang members' horses, but the other part of me aches because of how much the gang members loved their horses and aren't around to love them anymore.
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Blade Runner 2049 (2017) Dir: Denis Villeneuve DoP: Roger Deakins
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fortunaegloria · 5 days
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Scans of the Brazilian magazine "Preview" from September 2017, with Harrison Ford and Ryan Gosling in Blade Runner 2049 on the cover. There is an article about the movie, an interview with director Denis Villeneuve and a revisit to the original 1982 movie.
This edition of the magazine also has articles about the movies American Made (which I will emphasize in my next post), Mother!, Kingsman: The Golden Circle and the 30th anniversary of Dirty Dancing, as well as Star Trek and a tribute to actor Jerry Lewis, who had just passed away at the time.
BONUS: Two posters with the main protagonists of Blade Runner 2049:
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The poster with Rick Deckard stuck on a wall in my room (btw, I'm in love with it!):
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killeroos · 10 months
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redconejo · 3 months
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Sean if he had gone to the party at the Mayor's house before
ya know
art for an RDR2 AU a friend and i are making
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desire-mona · 5 months
if i know anything about fandoms its that people WILL ship some real guys. someone on here, no matter how long ago, probably shipped ethan hawke and rsl
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Well, i have read the sample from Shusters book and what can i say. Now i get what the other anon was saying. Just from two chapters it’s already clear that Shuster is trying to paint Ze like some applause dependent dictator, who doesn’t give a fuck and his kids and wife(As Shuster wrote «Puts his work above everything else»🤡🤡)
Interesting, what you can say about that book because i’m already disappointed…
#thanks for the review / opinion anon#yeah i am also afraid the anon is going to be right about the book#i read through the first chapters and ... yikes#very very big yikes#the book is not bad#the book is bad bad bad#and yeah he tries to write a fair and balanced biography about ze but hes very clearly trying to portray him in a bad light#turning all the good character traits into bad ones and somehow there is also an undertone that ze is actually a bad person#the puts his work above everything else is still wild to me#because this is about the man who would not sleep and travel the whole night to bring his daughter on september 1 to school#who made sure his wife and kids to travel with him to jobs whenever possible two just name two things#not to mention all the wrong facts i already stumbled over which is embarrasing for shuster#or stating things without context or explanations so it gives a totally wrong picture#also the very...irritating handling of the sources that sometimes give the impression youre reading shuster fanfiction#which i wouldnt rule out#i wouldnt be surprised to learn that he made up several parts because i really really doubt certain things were said#which would also explain why for certain things he doesnt have direct quotes and just writes something what he thinks feels interpretates..#also some of the sources are just a no#and denys really contributed all the private pics to the book like buddy get lost ze and olena are not your cash cow#i also get strong sean penn vibes#nothing against sean penn but you all remeber his documentary “about ze” that was basically just about him?#yeah shuster is the same just with his book#like oh my god I was the one who was allowed to talk to zelenskyy and I was in the bunker and I visited him 2019 and I and I and I and I an#buddy youre not the special snowflake you think you are#literally lots of other journalists also had access to ze#there are journalists who had way closer access to him#you had shit so stay fucking humble#youre not a best friend youre not a family member youre not part of the inner circle youre not someone who has a close or special bond#youre just some journalist#“love” how he is sometimes just paraphrasing interviews (his or from other journalists)
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ab--n · 5 months
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Damn, I actually did it.
Here's some fun facts ig
Khali Abdullahi Ultimate Meteoriticist
1. I had the most fun designing her.
2. She is the most mature of the cast, although she isnt mature at all so that says a lot about the other 15.
3. She hates tea, I know. Dissapointing..
4. Idk how to word it but its like she absolutely believes in something is right but if that something isn't she wouldn't defend it, like at all.
Sean Denis Ultimate Baker
1. He had the most prototype designs. like 8 of them.
2. Out of all the areas of his body, His back has the least melanin.
3. He is really prideful of... well everything about him especially his Ultimate talent. He crashes easily though.
4. He doesn't get along with the others but Micheal is an exception. (Maybe because they both share similar worldviews.)
Micheal Sebasi Ultimate Mortician
1. Our protag! They don't deserve the title of the protag but who else am I suppose to pick?
2. The reason they became a mortician is because they have a morbid fasination with dead bodies.
3. They somehow are able to excatly pinpoint the time of death of someone either by glance or some other methods.
4. Despite their Ultimate talent, they process grief horribly.
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cloud3francois · 6 months
Blade Runner: What is the Tannhauser Gate?
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arthursfuckinghat · 7 months
I think a lot of people forget why a character like Micah exists - aside from aiding the plot.
Micah is a guide (of sorts) for you to see what a "bad man" really is, to help you understand why Arthur does what he does and to show you that there's actual thought and morals behind his actions.
Micah, on the other hand, kills because he wants to and for stupid reasons. He is a malicious, mocking, hurtful, and sadistic man who cares very little for anybody but himself. He's a misogynist, racist, and frankly irredeemably evil.
As much as Micah was able to manipulate Dutch, Arthur could see right through him. Ultimately causing a rift between Dutch and Arthur, which is exactly what Micah wanted.
Micah was made for you to see the differences between "good" and "bad" people.
Characters like Sean, Lenny, Charles, all "good" people who have done "bad" just like the rest of the gang, including Arthur. I think the reason that people are quick to say that Arthur was "a bad person until he got tb" is because we see his experiences first hand (plus player choices) and not much of the other "good" gang members' "bad" actions. That and his motives and his background is sometimes misunderstood by players.
Arthur is a "good man", "a saint", "an angel", "a blessing" to some and a "bad", "evil", "cruel" man to others.
Playing as Arthur means getting to understand his internal conflicts and his desire to be a better person, something Micah had no intentions of being.
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stereax · 6 months
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ad-j · 1 year
WATCHLIST 2022: Milk
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badmovieihave · 2 years
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Bad movie I have  Stargate SG.1 :The Complete First Season 1997
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