#sean connell
phantomstatistician · 8 months
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Fandom: Dragonriders of Pern
Sample Size: 193 stories
Source: AO3
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lucimiir · 2 years
I might be the only person where these fandoms overlap, but has anyone else ever noticed any similarities between the Scorpio races and dragonsdawn from the dragonriders of pern series? Sean Kendrick and Puck Connolly share ~half a name with Sean Connell and Sorka Hanrahan, and Puck’s horse is named Dove while Sorka’s is Doove. Plus they’re sort of similar characters - stubborn and determined red head girls who trailblaze and break stereotypes and love their brothers, quiet and calm and emotionally intense boys with limited family support who are experts in their unique animal knowledge, and they all love horses (and dragons and carnivorous water fairy horses)
I wonder if maybe Maggie stiefvater has read the books, because it feels like an almost deliberate homage. Or maybe I’m ridiculously reading into it
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stairnaheireann · 5 months
#OTD in 1916 – Approximately 1,000 copies of The Proclamation of the Irish Republic are printed in Liberty Hall in a print office set up by James Connolly.
The proclamation would be read by Pádraig Pearse outside the General Post Office on Sackville Street (now called O’Connell Street) on Monday 24th April. The proclamation was printed secretly on an old and poorly maintained Wharfedale Stop Cylinder Press in the printing office that had been set up by James Connolly in the basement in the original Liberty Hall in Beresford Place, Dublin. All seven…
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jamiebamberdaily · 7 months
The Wives : What We Know So Far (UPDATED - 6th September 2024)
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The first casting announcement of 2024 has finally been announced with the news of Channel 5's The Wives.
Written and created by Helen Black, The Wives is a domestic thriller that centres on 3 sister-in-laws, Sylvie, Natasha and Beth who, just as they have done for the last 15 years, embark on their usual family holiday to Malta. However, this year is different.
The official synopsis reads:
Last year, four sisters-in-law and their families escaped to their Maltese holiday apartments, as they’ve done every summer for fifteen years. Sylvie Morgan, was happily married, Natasha, was swimming in wealth, and Beth and Annabelle Morgan, were thick as thieves. But this year, as they come together again, everything is different. Sylvie’s now single and loving life, Natasha’s hiding a desperate financial situation, Beth is barely keeping her life together and Annabelle is, well… dead. When Annabelle’s widower Charlie, arrives with a new woman in tow, Beth tries to be happy for them, but something doesn’t sit right. Charlie’s new girlfriend Jade, looks exactly like Annabelle. Beth’s plans to have a great summer are quickly scuppered by Charlie’s odd behaviour, and her suspicion that there is more to Annabelle’s death is heightened. With lies coming to light and evidence building, the women work together and against each other to unravel the mystery and bring the culprit to justice. But with corrupt officials, drug cartels and career criminals closer to home than ever expected, have they bitten off more than they can chew?
The Wives has been ordered for Channel 5 by Sebastian Cardwell, Deputy Chief Content Officer, Paramount UK and Paul Testar, Commissioning Editor, Drama, Channel 5 and Paramount+. Executive producers for Gaumont are Jess Connell and Alison Jackson. Produced by Margot Gavan Duffy, The Wives was written and created by Helen Black (Time S2, Life and Death in the Warehouse), with episodes by Ciara Conway (Screw, Holby City) and Jamie Jackson. The series will be directed by Claire Tailyour (Phoenix Rise, Deceit) and Paulette Randall (Waterloo Road, Tin Star).
The Cast
Jamie will star as Annabelle's widower, Charlie Morgan.
Also starring will be:
Angela Griffin as Natasha Morgan
Tamzin Outhwaite as Sylvie Morgan
Jo Joyner is Beth Morgan
Katie Clarkson-Hill is Charlie's new girlfriend, Jade Glover
Christine Bottomley is Annabelle Morgan
Catriona Chandler will be playing Annabelle and Charlie's daughter, Sky Morgan
Ben Willbond is Beth's husband, Frankie Morgan
Jonathan Forbes as Natasha's husband, Sean Morgan
Louis Boyer as charming local businessman, Luca Vella
Ajay Chhabra as consulate official Vinay Taneja
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Jamie, Jonathan and Ben will be playing wealthy brothers, Charlie, Sean and Frankie Morgan.
The trailer can be viewed here!
Filming Locations
The series began filming in Malta in February 2024.
There will be 6 episodes.
Air Date
It will air on Channel 5 (in the UK) during two weeks in September. The first three episodes will air on Monday 16th, Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th. With the final three airing Monday 23rd, Tuesday 24th and Wednesday 25th.
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cherriesxinthespring · 2 months
because i'm obsessed with them and yeah. why not, feel free to suggest more!! i'd love to hear what characters you associate with each character! <3
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Reader (in my head her name is Daria and yes she has a face and everything)
amy march little women
love quinn you
alyssa totfw
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Ellie (post tlou 2)
connel waldron normal people
regulus black the marauders
Lee bones and all
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Hannah (oc)
finnick o'dair the hunger games
james potter the marauders
jo march little women
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Sean (oc)
this little guy from challengers
remus lupin the marauders
Jesse before sunrise
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Vega (oc)
katniss everdeen the hunger games
once again, regulus black
marianne sheridan normal people
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Ava (oc)
beth harmon the queen's gambit
rory gilmore the gilmore girls
nancy wheeler stranger things
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Iris (oc)
flynn rider tangled
lucas stranger things
once again, james potter the marauders
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cinemaslife · 1 month
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#140 Normal People
Connell (Paul Mescal) y Marianne (Daisy Edgar-Jones) se conocen en el instituto, pero son de dos universos diferentes. Conell viene de una familia humilde, es popular y tiene un grupo con el que juega al billar, bebe y salen por las tardes. Por otro lado, Marianne es hija de una acaudalada familia, pero siempre está sola.
La madre de Connell trabaja limpiando en la casa de Marianne y la conoce desde hace un año, no puede evitar sentir ternura por la chica y eso es algo que a Conell le genera algo de rechazo.
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Un día cualquiera, cuando va a recoger a su madre a casa de los Sheridan, Marianne le confiesa a Connell que le gusta, y esto abre una puerta entre ambos que el chico jamás se hubiera planteado, después de unos días, Connell besa a Marianne, y quedan enganchados el uno del otro. Connell le pide a la chica que lo mantengan en secreto y que no se lo diga a nadie o se terminaran.
La joven pierde la virginidad con él, en una relación muy sexual que llevan en secreto, donde se van dando cuenta de que en el fondo están hechos el uno para el otro, pero al chico le sigue interesando mantenerlo en secreto, aunque esto hiera los sentimientos de Marianne.
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A lo largo del último año de instituto, ambos mantienen una relación silenciosa que hace trizas a Marianne, ya que no le dirige la palabra, y deja que sus amigos se metan y rían de ella.
Esta necesidad de afecto nace de la muerte prematura de su padre, de una madre ausente y de un hermano abusivo, donde la chica encuentra amor en los gestos de desdén y en la humillación y el menosprecio, cosa que quedará mucho más clara más adelante.
Connell no la invita al baile de final de curso, ni siquiera cuando su madre descubre que se acuestan juntos, y, por el contrario, invita a otra compañera, para agradar a los demás, la madre del chico le dice que es una decepción y que ha estado usando a la chica, cosa que jamás le ha enseñado.
Esto hace que Marianne dejé de ir al instituto las últimas semanas de clase y se prepare el acceso a la universidad por su cuenta. Cosa que descoloca al chico, ya que se da cuenta de que ella le importa más de lo que creía. Y que está enamorado de Marianne.
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En una conversación previa e íntima Connell le dice que no sabe qué hacer con su vida, y aunque, es de las mejores notas de la clase, no sabe que camino elegir en la universidad, Marianne le aconseja que estudie literatura en Trinity College, mientras ella estudia historia y ciencias políticas, así se podrán ver por el campus.
Pero llegado este punto en el que pasa el verano y no vuelven a verse, Connell empieza la universidad solo y algo deprimido, las tornas se giran y ahora es él el desplazado, el que se siente solo, y fuera de lugar. Consigue trabajos poco cualificados y esporádicos para poder pagar su habitación compartida y su vida universitaria.
Connell conoce a Garrett en una de sus clases de literatura, donde Connell destaca en los trabajos, pero tiene muchos problemas a la hora de desarrollar sus ideas con palabras delante de los demás. Garrett le invita a una fiesta para que se suelte, y ahí le presenta a su novia Marianne.
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Ambos se reencuentran, y Connell puede observar que ella ha dejado de ser esa especie de patito feo del instituto para convertirse en una persona que atrae la atención de varias personas, ya sean como amigos o como algo más. Connell siempre la ha visto atractiva, y en la intimidad la invitaba a hacerse de valer, pero en público se quedaba a un lado.
La tensión entre ambos es tan fuerte que acaban juntos de nuevo, esta vez de una manera algo más madura, aunque no termina de ir todo bien. Descubrimos que Connell tiene ansiedad y lucha con periodos de depresión, y que para Marianne no es oro todo lo que reluce, sigue teniendo problemas para relacionarse. Y le es fácil terminar su relación con Garrett porque es alguien que no le dedica demasiada atención.
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Marianne viene de una familia con recursos, y hasta que no acabe el primer año Connell no puede obtar a una beca completa, por ello, cuando llega el verano, le dice a Marianne que se irá a casa porque no se puede permitir continuar en el campus, lo hace de una manera cruel, queriendo cortar la relación con ella abruptamente, ya que se siente inferior a su estilo de vida, ese verano Marianne empieza a salir con Jamie, un compañero que lleva tiempo detrás de ella.
Jamie es un prepotente con problemas de altura, que se cree mejor que los demás y que encuentra en la joven la pareja perfecta para aparentar, Jamie no respeta a Marianne, la trata despectivamente, y el sexo siempre es rudo y sin mirarla a la cara, usándola más bien como un objeto, en la vida diaria. Esto hace que choquen porque son dos personas con pensamientos muy diferentes.
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Ese verano Marianne invita a Connell y a un amigo de este con el que está de Interrail por Europa a su casa en Italia, y ambos aceptan. Connell y Marianne mantienen la promesa de ser amigos pase lo que pase, pero las cosas se complican por los celos de Jamie sobre Connell lo que hace que tenga una discusión muy desagradable con Marianne y esta decida irse a dormir a la habitación junto a Connell. Una vez más ambos no pueden remediar, atraerse, pero Connell le confiesa que no puede ocurrir, está saliendo con una estudiante de medicina llamada Helen.
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Este nuevo rechazo hace que Marianne rompa con Jamie y decida irse de Erasmus en el siguiente curso, para intentar centrarse. Tanto Marianne como Connell sacan las mejores notas y ambos consigue la ansiada beca, él para poder subsistir y ella para poder huir de su tóxica familia.
La relación de Connell y Helen se va haciendo cada vez más seria, y encuentra apoyo en ella cuando su amigo del instituto Rob se suicida. Rob no tuvo la oportunidad de ir a la universidad, encontró un trabajo poco cualificado y ahogó sus penas en alcohol, mientras se iba hundiendo en una depresión que hizo que acabara suicidándose.
En la misa por su amigo, Connell y Marianne se reencuentran y la electricidad entre ambos es tan evidente, que Helen su muestra incómoda.
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Aquí es cuando Marianne decide que esa es la gota que colma el vaso, el Erasmus es la mejor respuesta para alejarse, y Connell se da cuenta de que tiene que ir a terapia si no quiere llevar el mismo camino que su amigo Rob, en terapia habla de todo ello, de Marianne, del miedo al futuro, de que se siente pobre, perdido y agobiado por la vida.
Mientas en su Erasmus de Dinamarca, Marianne conoce a Lukas, un joven con el que no tiene demasiado en común y del que se aburre pronto, pero cuando intenta dejarle, Lukas le dice que eso no es lo que ella quiere, y que él le va a enseñar lo que realmente quiere. Lukas practica el sadomasoquismo, le gusta usar y utilizar a Marianne como si fuera una muñeca, y la joven, ya rota por dentro, encuentra en el papel de sumisa una manera de aguantar la vida. Marianne se deja hacer mientras pasan los meses y está más lejos de todo lo que creía conocer, complaciendo a un hombre que no le importa.
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Connell y Helen se encuentra a una antigua amiga de Marianne que se llama Peggy, y que le cuenta, pese a que él no quiere, que Marianne ha entrado en una espiral autodestructiva en el mundo del sado, donde se deja hacer, y que los rumores corren deprisa pese a que está en otro país. Y que Jamie le ha confirmado que eso es lo que le gusta.
Connell está incómodo con esa información y Helen se molesta con él porque le importe lo que digan de Marianne cuando siempre le ha asegurado que no le importa y que son solo amigos. Connell recuerda que en el entierro de Rob sus amigos le confiesan que siempre supieron que se acostaba con Marianne y que por eso le molestaban con el tema y se metían con ella. Esto hace que el chico se sienta como la mierda, siendo consciente de que le es lo único que se ha interpuesto entre una relación real con ella, cuando sabe que nunca va a ser así con nadie.
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Conell siente responsabilidad por el tipo de relaciones que ha tenido Marianne, ya que está convencido de que tiene que ver con la forma en la que él la trató en el instituto, como si fuera algo de lo que avergonzarse, y que no era suficiente ni querida. Por eso cuando Marianne vuelve a casa unas vacaciones deja que las cosas entre los dos fluyan, tanto que ella le ofrece pegarle si es lo que él quiere. Aquí es cuando el chico se da cuenta del horror que ella ha tenido que pasar, siempre han hecho el amor, pero ahora parece más una cuestión de poder y sumisión y esto hace que Connell la rechace aunque quiera hacerlo de buena manera, pero ella se viste y se va corriendo a casa. Sintiéndose todavía más sucia y menos deseable que siempre.
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Más tarde Marianne le llama, se ha roto la nariz intentando meterse en su habitación para que su hermano no le pegue y la humille, este mismo se burla de Connell por buscar ayuda psicológica y lo llama loco, cabe destacar que el chico abusa del alcohol y le encanta atemorizar a su hermana.
Connell llega y le pide a Marianne que suba al coche, se espera a que ella este dentro para amenazar a su hermano, y de vuelta al coche le promete a Marianne que no va a volver a permitir que nadie se porte mal con ella ni se aproveche de ella. Cosa que hace que ella al fin pueda descansar, lleva años esperando a que Connell entienda que siempre ha estado enamorada de él.
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Al fin, Marianne y Connell hacen vida de pareja, la familia de él la invita en Navidad para que no esté sola, pasa los días en la casa de Connell, son la pareja que siempre debieron ser, y ahora que ambos han acabado la universidad es el momento de saber que van a hacer con su vida. Gracias a esta relación, Connell se abre y escribe con asiduidad buscando trabajo de editor, donde al fin lo contactan de Nueva York para que se incorpore como editor junior allí. La noticia alegra a Marianne, pero le confiesa que ahora ha encontrado su sitio y no quiere irse a otra parte.
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Ahora que ambos habian encontraod el equilibrio y la felicidad, se dan cuenta de que sus caminos se tienen que separar y entre lágrimas aceptan el destino, son conscientes de que manteniendo su amistad estarán siempre undiso y que cuando la vida lo decida volveran a cruzarse de la manera más profunda posible, quizás la proxima vez si sea la definitiva.
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Can we be a lil specific and ask for Scottish n Irish names please 👉🏼👈🏼
Doesn't matter what usage gender-wise just go full fire with what you can find
Of course! The sites we use to find names actually have a nationality / origin filter so this is quite easy for us! Gonna separate them by nationality just because they're two separate lists and it's easier for us that way. /lh
Masc ; Camden, Lennox, Berkley, Duncan, Craig, Bram, Connell, Stennis, Cairn, Iain, Collin, Donald, Malcom,
Neu ; Bryce, Karson / Carson, Monroe, McKay, Ross, Bowie, Blaire, Makenzie, Edin, Leslie, Campbell, Greer, Lorne
Femme ; Bonne, Allie, Mackendra, Isla, Elsie, Maisie, Lila, Elspet
Masc ; Connor, Brayden / Braeden, Finn, Killian, Donovan, Declan, Ronan, Kieran, Finnegan
Neu ; Kennedy, Teagan, Sean, Shane, Brennan, Emmet, Finley, Brady, Murphy, Dillon, Barry, Peyton, Rowan, Kyla, Sloan / Sloane, MacKenna, Rory, Cassidy,
Femme ; Maeve, Kiera, Nola, Bria, Orla, Kylie, Keira, Kayleigh, Aileen, Saoirse, Mora, Aisling
Hope these help! If not, feel free to send in another ask or DM @fireflycollective
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kariachi · 7 months
You know that scene from Meet The Robinsons, where the villain is flashbacking to his childhood and we see a ton of people damn near throwing themselves at him to hang out and be his friends and he's just ignoring all of them in favor of wallowing in how nobody likes him?
That is Sean Connell of Bronze Carenath.
Everything that doesn't perfectly align with the way he wants shit to be and how he wants to be treated is an insult to this man. He got asked to help with essential supplies in an emergency situation and came away ranting about the disrespect of it for fuck's sake.
Like, I get it, he's from a minority group that seemingly got forced on this trip in the first place, that's gonna have a mark, but sir. Your people have been treated seemingly nothing but well and as equals for the entire time you've been here and you specifically have been one of the most well-respected people on this planet since you were a preteen, take a fucking breath and stop acting like every person who doesn't fall at your feet is either the enemy or two steps from it.
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k00297644 · 6 months
Fashion Discipline Day 1:
Artist Research - Seán Hillen
Sean Hillen is an Irish artist from Newry in Co. Down. His work is quite centered around photography, utilisng collage and mixed media within his pieces.
Some of his work utilises humour to deal with serious subject matter- such as his documentary photos exhibiting the Troubles in Northern Ireland at the time.
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Some of his work to me incorporates a sense of fantasy and freedom, are works from his collection “IRELANTIS”. It’s as if the viewer is observing something that came from a dream.
Hillen describes the collection of works: “IRELANTIS is a place where the imagination and reality intermingle with a dramatic of its own, driven of course by what you can get away with in a collage”. Pieces such as “The Oracle at O’ Connell Street Bridge” and “The Colosseum of Cork” embody this sense of whimsy and dream-like appearance within Irish landmarks.
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Picture Below are his works, “The Goddess Appears in Newry, Easter 1993” and “The Goddess of Temple Bar.
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A documentary about Hillen and his work was released on March 14th 2021, detailing his struggles with his health and his struggles as an artist. It was nominated for an IFTA award in the film and drama category, and it went on to with the ‘Audience Award Winner Best Feature’ IFI Documentary Festival.
Below is the link for the trailer:
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coloradohq · 1 year
disabled fcs you’d like to see?
alaqua cox, ryan o';'connell, george robinson, savannah welch, eric graise, chloe hayden, tyler james williams, angel bismark curiel, joel kim booster, sean berdy, lauren "lolo" spencer, chella man, lauren ridloff, sandra mae frank, shoshanna stern, kiera allen, christina applegate, amara zaragoza, jamie brewer, peter dinklage, katie leclerc, ali stroker are a few that come to mind! members, feel free to reply as well!
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labydirb · 2 years
little women ladybird saoirse ronan four weddings and a funeral notting hill love actually hugh grant richard curtis hugh grant bridget jones diary normal people marianne connell sally rooney dead poets society robert sean leonard before sunrise ethan hawke reality bites winona ryder mermaids ghost world fleabag the secret history donna tartt the goldfinch little friend prozac nation harry potter last night in soho mitski taylor swift all too well scream devil wears prada sliding doors aimee mann conversation with friends magnolia PTA my year of rest and relaxation licorice pizza the social network david fincher homesick for another world taylor swift gilmore girls adam brody the o.c. death cab for cutie just kids patti smith eileen.... oh my goodness i am nothing in my soul if not a media consumer.
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brookstonalmanac · 1 month
Birthdays 8.17
Beer Birthdays
Joy Campbell (1948)
Jennifer Garris (1971)
Shawn Connelly (1972)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Robert De Niro; actor (1943)
Maria McKee; pop singer (1964)
Colin Moulding; English singer-songwriter and bassist (1955)
Maureen O'Hara; Irish-American actor (1920)
Boog Powell; Baltimore Orioles 1B (1941)
Eric Schlosser; writer (1959)
Famous Birthdays
Francesco Albani; Italian painter (1578)
Luther Allison; blues guitarist and singer (1939)
T. J. Anderson; composer (1928)
Wilfrid Scawen Blunt; English poet (1840)
Sam Butera; saxophonist and bandleader (1927)
Belinda Carlisle; pop musician, singer (1958)
Larry Clinton; trumpet player and bandleader (1909)
Evan S. Connell; novelist, poet, and short story writer (1924)
Davy Crockett; explorer, frontiersman (1786)
Mirella Csikis (porn star; 1994)
Mark Dinning; pop singer (1933)
Sue Draheim; fiddler and composer (1949)
Henry Drummond; Scottish writer (1851)
Larry Ellison; Oracle billionaire (1944)
Julian Fellowes; English actor (1949)
Pierre de Fermat; French mathematician (1607)
Jonathan Franzen; writer (1959)
Marcus Garvey; Jamaican organizer (1887)
Georgia Gibbs; singer (1919)
Samuel Goldwyn; film producer (1879)
Leslie Groves; general and engineer (1896)
Jon Gruden; football coach (1963)
Sib Hashian; rock drummer (1949)
Ted Hughes; English poet (1930)
Richard Hunt; Muppet performer (1951)
Colin James; pop singer, songwriter (1964)
David Koresh; cult leader (1959)
Oliver Waterman Larkin; historian (1896)
Julia Marlowe; English-American actress (1865)
Herta Müller; Romanian-German poet and author (1953)
V.S. Naipaul; Trinidadian-English writer (1932)
Laurence Overmire; poet (1957)
Duke Pearson; pianist and composer (1932)
Sean Penn; actor (1960)
Rachel Pollack; author (1945)
Francis Gary Powers; pilot (1929)
Dave "Snaker" Ray; singer-songwriter and guitarist (1943)
John Matthew Rispoli; Maltese philosopher (1582)
Larry Rivers; painter and sculptor (1923)
Kevin Rowland; English rock musician (1953)
Jean-Jacques Sempé; French cartoonist (1932)
Gene Stratton-Porter; author (1863)
Gary Talley; guitarist and singer-songwriter (1947)
Guillermo Vilas; tennis player (1952)
Donnie Wahlberg; pop singer (1969)
Mae West; actor (1893)
Monty Woolley; actor (1888)
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denimbex1986 · 6 months
'Welcome to a journey through the onscreen moments where Paul Mescal and Andrew Scott not only captured our attention but held our hearts in their hands. From the raw emotional landscapes of Connell Waldron in ‘Normal People’ to the enigmatic allure of the ‘Hot Priest’ in ‘Fleabag’, these actors have proven their ability to delve deep into their characters, leaving a lasting impact on viewers. Let’s reminisce over seven unforgettable performances that showcase their exceptional talents.
Paul Mescal in Normal People
When Paul Mescal stepped into the shoes of Connell Waldron, he brought to life a character that resonated with audiences around the globe. Fans described his performance as ‘stunning’, and he was praised for his portrayal of grief and mental health struggles. The depth of emotion he displayed, particularly in episode 10, highlighted the impact of losing a loved one to suicide. Mescal’s dedication to his role extended beyond the screen as he used his newfound platform to support mental health causes, demonstrating how art can influence and contribute to important conversations.
Andrew Scott in Fleabag
The character known simply as the ‘Hot Priest’ became a sensation thanks to Andrew Scott’s portrayal. His chemistry with Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s Fleabag was electric, creating moments of vulnerability and connection that captivated fans. One memorable exchange between them had Fleabag admitting her fears and seeking guidance, showcasing Scott’s ability to draw audiences into his character’s complex inner world. His understanding of sexual politics and human connection added layers to the role, making his performance not just charming but deeply significant.
Paul Mescal in The Deceived
In ‘The Deceived’, Paul Mescal played Sean, a builder and volunteer fireman whose presence contributed significantly to the show’s suspenseful atmosphere. While his character was described as one step above peripheral, Mescal’s charisma shone through, offering a different facet of his acting prowess compared to his role in ‘Normal People’. His performance was lauded for its charm, further cementing his status as an actor capable of elevating any project he is part of.
Andrew Scott in Sherlock
Andrew Scott’s portrayal of Moriarty in ‘Sherlock’ stands as one of television’s most iconic villainous roles. His approach to the character was fresh and unnerving, capturing the essence of someone who could be terrifyingly unpredictable yet blend into everyday life. Fans eagerly anticipated each appearance, knowing that Scott would bring something thrillingly unique to the screen. His decision to explore the scary parts of himself for the role paid off, creating a Moriarty that was both memorable and chillingly relatable.
Paul Mescal in The Lost Daughter
In a supporting role within ‘The Lost Daughter’, Paul Mescal portrayed Will, a handsome waiter whose interactions with the main character added intrigue and complexity to the film’s narrative. His performance underscored the film’s themes of motherhood, identity, and regret, showcasing his versatility as an actor who can bring depth even to smaller roles. Mescal’s presence onscreen continued to solidify him as an actor with a remarkable ability to connect with audiences on an emotional level.
Andrew Scott in Pride
In ‘Pride’, Andrew Scott took on the role of Gethin, an owner of a gay bookshop who becomes involved with Welsh miners during Thatcher’s government. His authentic and sensitive portrayal highlighted a story about community and solidarity, resonating deeply with viewers. The film celebrated LGBTQ+ history and showcased Scott’s ability to embody characters with genuine emotion and conviction.
Paul Mescal in Aftersun
The film ‘Aftersun’ features Paul Mescal as Calum, a father on vacation with his daughter, grappling with personal regrets while trying to maintain a facade for his child’s sake. His performance has already garnered critical acclaim for its subtlety and depth. Mescal’s portrayal is nuanced, leaving audiences intrigued by Calum’s internal struggles and hinting at the complexities of parenthood and lost dreams.'
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ulkaralakbarova · 7 months
A thief makes a disturbing discovery in the house where he breaks in. Later, when he returns to the same house with his partner in crime, things are no longer how he expected. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Cale Erendreich: David Tennant Sean Falco: Robert Sheehan Katie: Kerry Condon Derek Sandoval: Carlito Olivero Riley Seabrook: Jacqueline Byers FBI Agent Olivia Fuller: Tracey Heggins Don Falco: Rob Nagle Patti Falco: Lorraine Bahr Rowan Falco: Jacob Resnikoff Nino: David Meyers Detective Wayne Banyon: Tony Doupe Helen Leyton: Lisa Brenner Jocelyn: Sofia Hasmik Officer Aguilar: Delpaneaux Wills Sabine: Hannah Barefoot Mitchell: Danny Bruno Young Cale: Austin Leo FBI Agent: Jared Q. Miller FBI Agent Driver: Lydia Reim FBI Supervisor: Brandon Boyce Female Cop: Dana Millican Girlfriend #1: Emily Kimball Horse Trainer: Sam Bangs Newscaster: Brenda Braxton Uniform Cop: David S. Hogan Valet: Alex Donnolo FBI Agent: Tim Bennett Umbrella Ped: Chris Ihlenfeldt Film Crew: Producer: Dean Devlin Original Music Composer: Joseph LoDuca Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Greg P. Russell Second Unit Director: Carsten H.W. Lorenz Property Master: John Pearson-Denning Makeup Artist: Eva Lohse Director of Photography: David Connell Art Direction: Michelle Jones Screenplay: Brandon Boyce Editor: Brian Gonosey Production Design: Nate Jones Extras Casting: Susan Funk Producer: Marc Roskin Costume Design: Critter Pierce Gaffer: Neil Holcomb Steadicam Operator: Gary L. Camp Extras Casting: Bill Marinella Second Unit Director of Photography: Matthew Moriarty Foley Artist: Jörg Klinkenberg Makeup Department Head: Christina Kortum Stunt Double: Tim Bennett Construction Coordinator: Dean G. Roberts Scenic Artist: Ellen Lepinski First Assistant Director: Gregory J. Pawlik Jr. Sound Editor: James Gallivan Dialect Coach: Mary McDonald-Lewis Script Supervisor: Andy Spletzer Co-Producer: Mark Franco Special Effects Coordinator: William Boggs Assistant Editor: Lana Wolverton Focus Puller: Bob Webeck Stunt Double: Daniel Locicero Stunt Double: Kym Stys Still Photographer: James N. Clark Key Grip: Art Bartels Assistant Production Coordinator: Naomi Yospe Casting Associate: Marin Hope Makeup Artist: Stephanie June Johnson Unit Production Manager: Brandon Lambdin First Assistant “C” Camera: Ronnie Dennis Assistant Property Master: Sean Fong Producer: Rachel Olschan Set Decoration: Benjamin Hayden Stunt Coordinator: Kent W. Luttrell Assistant Editor: Rick Chapman Sound Designer: Mark Hailstone Dolly Grip: Todd England Nicodemus Location Manager: Robert Warberg Boom Operator: Heidi DuBose Stunt Driver: Michelle Damis Utility Stunts: Lex Damis First Assistant “A” Camera: Kyril Cvetkov Hair Department Head: Autumn Sanders Production Accountant: Colleen Emry Hairstylist: Dusti Leon Stunt Driver: Ken Clark Second Assistant Director: Devan Linforth Script Coordinator: Kerry Glover Stunt Double: Anthony Oh Makeup Artist: Tammy Brant Second Second Assistant Director: Jesse Bellis Second Second Assistant Director: James McCoy Leadman: Jason Beveridge Construction Foreman: Jarred Decker Greensman: Rick Lepinski Set Designer: Jason Raines Foley Mixer: Jean-Marie Gilles Stunt Driver: Tommy Goodwin Stunt Double: James A. Smith Second Assistant Camera: Michael Crockett Second Assistant Camera: Madison Rowley Best Boy Grip: Brian Shotzbarger Best Boy Electrician: Jeremiah Skender Costume Supervisor: Alison Carlos Set Medic: Michael Fine Set Medic: Taylor Saxon Producer: Tony Malzone Movie Reviews: offscreenbabble: I did not enjoy the movie. The trailer looked really interesting and I really like David Tennant.The movie had some strange editing choices. It’s unintentionally funny but not a movie thats so bad its fun. To give you a quick spoiler free review it’s about a valet who tries to rob David Tennant’s place. When he is about to leave he sees a woman tied up. The rest of the movie is him trying to notify the police but it becomes a “Cat and Mouse” game between the valet and David Tennant. But increasingly gets silly and overall the stuff that is s...
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artlimited · 7 months
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Amelia Lonsdale, Adam Summerscales and Sean O’Connell | Barnsley : Portrait of Town https://www.artlimited.net/agenda/amelia-lonsdale-adam-summerscales-and-sean-o-connell-barnsley-portrait-of-town-exhibition-photo/en/7585202
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kunesfilmproduction · 10 months
Three - Phones Are Good from Ian Pons Jewell on Vimeo.
Production: Friend London Director: Ian Pons Jewell Executive Producer: Luke Jacobs Producer: Jon Adams Director of Photography: Mauro Chiarello Production Designer: Mark Connell Costume Designer: Ameena Callender Service Company: Radioaktive Film Casting: Kharmel Cochrane Storyboard: Oliver Harud
Agency: Wieden + Kennedy London Creative Director: Hollie Walker Creatives: Tom Bender, Tom Corcoran Executive Creative Directors: Iain Tait, Tony Davidson TV Producer: Richard Adkins TV Production Assistant: Aran Patterson
VFX: Time Based Arts VFX Supervisor: James Allen VFX Head of Production: Josh Robinson VFX Production Assistant: Sean Ewins Lead VFX Artist: Luke Todd Flame Artists: Matt Jackson, Leo Weston, David Birkhill, Stephen Grasso, Jamie Crofts Nuke Artists: Leandro Vazquez, Matt Shires, Bernardo Varela, Sarah Breakwell, George Cressey, Ralph Briscoe, Manolo Perez CG Artists: Oscar Diez, James Spillman, Mike Battcock, Jon Park, James Mann, Nigel Timms, Daniel Davie, Gareth Bell, Cesar Eiji Nunes, David Loh, Michael Hunault, Federico Guzzardo, Florian Mounie, Dan Hope Matte Painters: Lisa Ayla, Sylvie Minois Colorist: Simone Grattarola
Edit: Cut & Run Editor: Ben Campbell Edit Assistant: Chris Hutchings Edit Producer: Ruth Minkley
Sound Company: 750mph Sound Designer: Sam Ashwell, Jake Ashwell Sound Producer: Mary-Ann D’Cruz
Music Supervisor: John Connon @ Mr. Pape
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