#seamus finnigan imagines
justanoasisimagines · 3 months
Blurb #1
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Requests are open! Credt to @cafekitsune for the banner and the divider
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Seamus glanced down at the crib in utter awe. Ten fingers and toes, your beautiful eyes staring back with his nose. How have you both created something so perfect, so innocent?
Seamus grinned at his little girl. Wondering how it was possible. To think Seamus had been terrified to ask you to the Yule Ball. He'd been admiring you for a few months. Yet as a teenager, everything is so scary, so new. He'd never imagined his life would lead to this. You as his wife, in a home you brought together, married and now with a baby.
The road hadn't been easy, you two fought alongside each other in a war, battling one of the darkest Wizards of all time. You'd both experienced and endured so much loss and despair, yet neither of you ever stopped fighting.
"You mam and I love you so much. We're gonna tell you and show you every day. We're gonna have so much fun baby girl, sometimes you might get annoyed, but I promise we're gonna put you first, always."
He observed his little girl staring at him blankly. Too young to understand the magnitude of her father's words. One day she would, she'd understand and feel every ounce of love you two had for her.
There would be many first Seamus and you would see. Each one would be exciting and new. Challenging and rewarding. For now, Seamus was going to stare at his baby girl until tiredness forced him to sleep.Even then he'd wake the next day, wanting his baby girl to be one of the first faces he saw.
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5sospenguinqueen · 8 months
Seamus: How did you find me?
Y/N: There was this massive explosion. I thought, “Well, who could that be?"
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mastermindmiko · 4 months
Gatherings at the Burrow (Ron edition)
Pairing: Ron Weasley + Reader Warnings: none, but lmk Word count: 4627 words Summary: Gatherings at the Burrow, through a series of events always lead to a happy couple forming, this time it's Ron's turn.
I'm going to make this a little series with each Weasley having a chapter with sort of the same overarching theme, I'm not going to set any deadlines, cause we all know I'm not good with that, but here is the first one!
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Gatherings at the Burrow have never been anything short of brilliant, I've only ever gone there for three years, but each year seems to be better than the one before it.
"You really should visit more often, dear." Molly says, whilst giving me a hug as soon as I enter. I raise my voice, sure to make sure that a certain someone that is also present hears, "I would, If my stupid boss gave me some time off every once in a while!"
"Go complain about it to HR!" Percy yelled back from the kitchen. Molly leads me to the living room where the whole room is filled with excitement. I wave to everyone and then take a seat next to my closest friend in the room Ronald Weasley.
"I haven't heard from you in a while, I almost thought about visiting Percy at work just to see you." Ron says, pressing a kiss to my cheek as greeting. I smile at the gesture and replied, "Since when was two days ever considered a while."
"It is when you're my friend." Ron says with a cheeky grin. Harry waves from behind Ron, and I say, "It must be terrible working with him everyday."
"It is..." Harry agrees, "Especially when he only talks about you or the Chudly Canons."
I flush a deep shade of red and pretend to not notice the way Ron shoves Harry. The twins babble about their new inventions and how great the shop's been ever since they finally rebuilt after the war. The older Weasleys (Bill and Charlie, along with their father) bicker about how Bill can't give his child candy after seven at night. Ginny telling Fleur how excited she is about her first Quidditch game as the Chaser of the Holyhead Harpies next week.
Even with all the clatter and noise, it's still very comforting, even more so when Ron slips his arm around my back. Another person enters the room and Ginny runs excitedly to the door. I hear a load of giggles and at their recognizable sound, Ron removes his arm from around me.
Ron and Hermione got together as soon as the war ended. I only got to know them when I started working for Percy, especially since the twins wanted to know who 'Percy's new victim' was. They seemed so happy together but before their one year mark, they broke it off. It's been two years since, I can't help but wonder if they sometimes think it's a mistake.
I've never been one to meddle, but as Hermione sat across from us, next to Ginny and Fleur, I couldn't help but notice the way Ron was avoiding her eyes. He'd only gave her a half-assed wave when she entered the room.
With my heart (for some absurd reason) heavier, I sighed and went to the kitchen to get myself a drink. I stand up and Ron's hand wraps around my wrist. He asks, "Where are you going?"
"I'm going to go get a drink, want one?" I asked, and he shakes his more than half full cup at me with an appreciative smile. I turn to everybody in the room and shout, "Anyone want a drink?"
The room quiets before everyone starts telling me their drink orders, hectic as always, just the way I love it. I head to the kitchen and Percy's got his papers set out in front of him, working. I walk in, and say, "You can't be married to your work forever, you know."
"I'm aware..." He trails off, as he continues to read some paper, underlining certain aspects. He continues, "But until that day..."
He continues to work, not even sparing me a glance as I start filling up eight glasses with drinks, trying not to get in Molly's way while she's cooking. I say, "You can afford to not work, excessively for one day, you know."
"I'm aware of that too." Percy says, and I slide his drink across the counter to him. The noise alerts him and he reaches out to grab it before it slides off the edge. He opens his mouth, but I interrupt him, "You can't possibly be doubting my ability to make a drink for you after three years."
He presses his lips into a firm line, and nods his head in thanks. I've learned to pick up on his mannerisms over the years. I try one last time, "Percy, come on, everyone's waiting for you, and I really don't want to spend the night, thinking that you're here all alone, working."
"I'm hardly alone, I've got mom."
"Who's about to finish cooking and will light up your papers, if you don't spend time with your family." Molly threatens, and Percy's wise enough to start packing up his papers. I finish up the last of the drinks, and place a spell to send each of them to their respective owners.
"Are you sure you don't need any help, Molly?" I offer for the third time that night, careful not to call her Mrs. Weasley as to avoid getting scolded. "No, no, no, you go rest my dear, and you enjoy your time, I simply do not know how we spent all those years without you."
"Your youngest son is to blame for that." I say, blushing at Molly's kindness. Molly fumes, "I honestly do not know how you were with that boy in school not only for seven but for eight years, and he's never even talked to you, I know he regrets it, all those years he's wasted not being in love with you."
"He's not in love with me-"
"He is." Percy interrupts me, and I say, "He's still hung up on Hermione, that's for sure. Besides, he's expressed his feelings about dating his friend more than once with me..."
After Hermione and Ron broke up, it sort of shattered the dynamic for a bit. All the awkwardness hung in the air, and even if it's mostly faded by now, Ron always says how he'd never date a friend, and how he'd rather face Voldemort again than go through all of that again. Sometimes when he talks about it, I feel as though he is looking right through me, warning me even.
"Ron's always been a bit daft when it comes to matters like these, give him a bit." Percy says, and I roll my eyes, I'd be foolish to even allow myself a sliver of hope, especially since I couldn't care less about who Ron dates.
I head back into the living room and once again the only spot left is beside Ron, I sit back down next to him on the sofa. Percy enters the room and the twins shuffle aside to provide a place for him, and Fred sends me a wink while George wiggles his eyebrows between me and Ron.
I roll my eyes at their antics, and Ron says, "There's something I haven't told you."
I shift all of my focus to him, and gesture for him to keep talking. Ron explains, "You know how strict the ministry is about breaking Auror Protocol, even more so when you've just finished training- like me, and long story short, I broke protocol, and now I'm suspended for two weeks."
"Ron! Have you told your family about this?"
"What did you even break protocol for?" I ask, furiously. It's already nerve wrecking enough that he's an Auror, dealing with all these dark wizards constantly, and not just him, but Harry too. Ron says, "Harry was in trouble."
I sigh, knowing that there is no way I could scold him for that. I place my palm on his forearm and say, "You've still got to be careful, Ron."
"I know, I can't have anymore dark wizards harming anyone I care about." He says, and he looks at me, that look, that stupid stupid look with his stupid blue eyes. I feel the butterflies flutter in my stomach. I urge them to stop, these are dangerous feelings and I will not have them.
"You really should tell them, sooner rather than later too." I advise, and he nods. He continues to look intently into my eyes, if this wasn't Ron, I'd be sure that he was going to kiss me, but Ron wouldn't dare. He'd sooner kiss an enemy rather than a friend.
He clears his throat, looking away, and pulling away from my touch. The butterflies die, and they are replaced with a painful feeling in my chest. He leans down, elbows on his thighs. He says, "I hear you're moving."
"With um Thomas?" Ron says, and it's at moments like these where I think that there's something more. I reply, "Dean? No, it's not like that with him."
"You aren't dating?" Ron says, looking at me, eyes wide. I swallow, "No, I would've told you if I was dating someone, and it's been like that with Dean anyways."
He nods, and gulps down a few sips of his drink. He straightens his back and asks, "When are you moving?"
"I'll be officially moved in by Saturday."
*** ⋆。°✩***
"Thanks for helping me Dean."
He sets down the last of the boxes, and he wipes away a bit of sweat from his forehead. He smiles, tired but genuine. I add, "I really appreciate it."
"You know I love spending time with you, but why couldn't Weasley help you out?" Dean asks, and I turn around and start pulling out a few items from the box entitled kitchen. I act, "Percy? He's working yet again, could not get him away even with a-"
"No, Ron. I'm sure he'd be happy to help, after all he is in love with you." Dean explains, looking at me intently, I turn around to face him and sigh. I haven't told Dean about the many conversation I've had with Ron regarding this topic. Last he talked about it was during Bill's birthday party, less than a month ago.
"Congratulations Bill! You're not only old, but you're very old!" George lifts a glass and laughs. The laughter echoes around the table, as Bill shoves his younger brother. Bill replies, "In a blink of an eye, you'll be even older than I am."
George waves his hand dismissively, and sits down next to his future wife Angelina. He wraps an arm around her and gives her a kiss on her temple. I could only hope to be that in love with someone someday. I can imagine how wonderful it would be, the kisses, the stolen glances, the words of appreciation-
"It's manic if you ask me." Ron whispers in my ear over the loud music in the club. I turn to look at him faces so close that I can could the freckles on his cheeks. I ask, "What is?"
"Dating your friend." Ron says, and I sigh, getting ready for another monologue. He starts, "If they break up, not only would if effect them, but also the whole group, I mean, he'd lose her and maybe even Lee, not to mention, it would put Fred in an awkward spot, who to chose, and-"
"I think it's wonderful." I stop him, and he raises an inquisitive eyebrow, I start my own rant, "You wouldn't have to go through any of that first date awkwardness of not knowing what to say or what to do. You wouldn't worry about what to get them for gifts because you've already gotten them gifts your whole life. You'd feel comfortable around them and you'd feel like they're your best friend too. My favorite part of it is that when you get older, and have kids, and grandkids and all that, you'd have so many more stories to tell them about how much that person means to you even before you ever fell in love with them."
I take in a breath, looking at George and Angelina, Bill and Fleur, Luna and Ginny, hoping that someday I might have what they have. I turn to look at Ron whose been silent since I've finished talking, and I could feel the gears spinning in his head, and I could see his cheeks turn red. He says, "You didn't think of one last thing."
"What is it?"
"That if you lost them, it would hurt a million times more."
Dean says, trying to convince me of my hidden love for Ron, "Don't give me any of your bullshit, I'm the one person who knows you better than he does..."
He takes a step towards me and places a hand on my cheek. He bends down and presses a small peck to my lips. He whispers, cheeky, "And that's only because I've been inside you."
I gasp, and hit him arm playfully, he laughs, and I turn red. "And you love him too, and don't even try to object."
"We've been at this for seven years now, and the only times when you stop kissing me or more is when you're in love with someone. The first time, it was with Neville and now, it's with Ron. You can deny it all you want like I know you've been, but you're going to find out soon enough."
"I really hate you sometimes, you know." I huff, pursing my lips. He smiles, "You know you love me."
I break into a smile, and wrap my arms around him in a friendly hug. He reciprocates, and then presses a sweet kiss to my cheek. He sighs, "I've got to go meet up with Seamus."
"Okay, thanks again for helping." I say, and the doorbell interrupts us. I wasn't expecting anyone. I walk over to the door, and open it. Before the war ended, I would've never done such a thing, but now I can open the door to my home without worrying about being attacked.
Ron stands with his face flushed a bouquet of my favorite flowers. Dean picks up his bag from the ground, and that's when Ron notices him, his expression hardens immediately. Dean says goodbye to both Ron and I then walks out the door.
I don't mind Dean's flirts from behind Ron, as I roll my eyes, and pull Ron inside. I close the door behind us, pressing my back against it. A smile on my mouth, as I wait for Ron to say something. Ron asks, "Is that Thomas?"
"Yes, you've shared a dorm with him for seven years, I figured you'd know what he looks like by now." I joke, but my grin drops when Ron scoffs and lowers the bouquet. Ron asks, "What was he doing here?"
"He helped me move in." I explained. He frowns and says, "Magic couldn't help you with all those boxes?"
"Not in a muggle neighborhood, no." I say, and Ron folds his arms. The bouquet bunches up at the ends from the action. I tentatively take a step towards him and I question, "What are the flowers for?"
"And you didn't think to ask me for help?" Ron snaps, and his tone surprises me. I shrug my shoulders and say, "I thought you'd be busy, and I wouldn't want to bother you."
"But you'd bother Dean all you'd like."
"Why are you saying his name like that? You guys are friends." I say, appalled by his tone, spitting venom. Ron sets the flowers down on one of the random boxes that surround us, and spits, "If you didn't want to tell me about your personal life that's fine, but you didn't have to lie to me."
"I didn't lie to you about anything." I defend, getting heated up myself at all his accusations. He shouts, "And Thomas only came here to help you move."
"I'm not an idiot, I know what's going on between the two of you." Ron says, and I sigh, exasperated, "Nothing is happening!
"Please! It's been happening since third year." Ron says, and I huff, "Yes, but it's stopped, for a while actually. And you don't get to do this! I don't owe you any information about my life that I don't want to share."
"My mistake, I actually thought we were friends."
"We are friends, but you don't get to accuse me of things that only you see, and even if I was dating him, why would it be any of your business?" I shout, and he opens his mouth to retort, but then shuts his mouth and the door of my new apartment right behind him.
*** ⋆。°✩***
I still hadn't gotten over what happened with Ron by the time that I go into work on Monday. The first thing I notice is Mr. Weasley not standing beside me in the elevator. The second thing I notice is the lack of red hair on my way to my office. The third and most concerning thing is that Percy Weasley, the Percy Weasley has submitted an absence notice.
If Percy is not working that must mean that something awful has happened. I send a Patronus to Percy and hope that he sends a reply quickly, my worry has me waiting twenty minutes before I rush to my supervisor's office to ask her what happened.
I knock on her door, and wait for her sharp voice yell a sound of acknowledgement. I walk into her office and stand in the middle of the room with my heels digging into her thick fur carpet. I say, "I'm sorry to disturb you, but I was wondering if you knew why Per- Mr. Weasley isn't here today."
"It was a surprise to me too, if I'm being honest." Her voice is harsh as she scribbles something down with her quill. She continues in a slow voice that has be just about ready to start yelling for her to get out with it, "Something about a family member in the hospital."
My heart lodges into my throat, and I think of all the horrible horrible possibilities as I excuse myself and nearly run to the apparition grounds to make it to St. Mungo's.
Molly's been getting really tired with her old age what if something happened to her, and Mr. Weasley too especially after Nagini attacked him a few years ago. What about Fred and George? They couldn't survive without each other! What about Bill? He's got a kid now!
Ron...what if something happened to Ron? Despite his stubborn attitude and insane jealousy, I don't know what I'd do without him. I haven't heard from him since the fight either. My fast paced walking turns into a full blown run, and as soon as I make it to the apparition grounds, I recklessly apparate without any regard for my safety.
What would I do if I didn't have to spend a decent amount of time writing him a letter everyday? What would I do if I had to spend a day without his incessant nagging and his irrational logic, and his gentleness and care, and his dumb smile.
St. Mungo's isn't as busy as it usually is. The receptionist tells me the ward that an unspecified Weasley is staying in, and I'm sure that I look insane, running like a mad woman to get to the proper room. I can feel my heart pumping in my ears as I see a sea of red hair. I see them one by one; Molly, Arthur, Percy, Bill, Charlie, Fred, George and-
"Ron!" I say, as I wrap my arms around him in a bone crushing hug. He's takes a step back from the sheer force of my hug, and encases me in his arms. I pull back and the words spill from my mouth, "I came as soon as I heard, I thought something happened to you."
"People should know that not all Weasleys are interchangeable, they should always mention who got hurt, I was so scared that something happened to Percy or Fred or Bill or-"
"It's Ginny who's hurt." Ron explains, and I feel stupid with the way I've been complaining when someone is hurt, and even more so when I feel everyone's teasing eyes on us. I ask, "What happened?"
"She fell off her broom in a match, and she would've been fine if she wasn't hit by a bludger too." He says and I scrunch up my face at the description. I just can't imagine what poor Ginny must be feeling right now. I ask, "What did the healer say?"
"That she's in stable condition, she's not awake at the moment, but none of the broken bones are that serious. She won't be playing for a while, but nothing is permanent, and she'll be okay." Ron says, and I nod my head. My relief along with worry take over my body.
I look into Ron's eyes, and lift my hand up to cup his cheek. I sigh, looking at him. Grateful that nothing's happened to him. The relief is too overwhelming that I believe I can't deny what I'm feeling any longer. He gives me that look, and he pulls me in by my waist.
Ron was right, it would hurt a million times more if I lost him. That's when his touch felt like fire, and I could feel my throat close up. I can't believe I let this happen. I fell for him, for this moron standing in front of me right now. I let out a shaky breath, and pull away from his grasp.
My initial reaction is to run away and never look back, but instead, I go sit next to Percy, who has worry radiating off him. I provide support for the rest of the Weasley family, not sparing Ron one glance, hoping that the words don't tumble from my throat.
*** ⋆。°✩***
The next Weasley gathering was in celebration of Christmas getting closer and closer as well as Ginny's fast and marvelous recovery. No one, not even the healer's expected her to bounce back that quickly, but Ginny is an amazing witch, it was foolish to not expect it.
I wasn't going though, I'd sent Ginny a gift, and an apology to Molly for not being able to make it. My obstacle at the current moment was trying to get Percy to leave the office to go to said gathering without me. I say, "I can't go, Percy."
"You say that but you still haven't provided a valid excuse." Percy says, and I shrug my shoulders, "I've got work."
"Did you forget that I'm the one who gives you that work? You don't have anything to finish!" Percy says, exasperated, and I sigh, "I just can't Percy."
"But if you-"
"I can't." I stop him sharply, I run a hand through my hair, hopelessly and whisper, "Not while he's there..."
"I'm sure Ron wouldn't mind it, you had a fight, all friends fight. It's normal." Percy reassures me, and I feel my eyes water as I begin to explain, "I fell for him, Percy, and even if he does like me back...You know how he feels about dating his friends, imagine how he would feel about dating me, who is a friend and even considered a member of his family."
"I'm sure everything will be alright." He says, before mumbling something quietly under his breath. He apparates to the Burrow and I organize my office before going back to my apartment for the weekend. I place the pens back into my case. The paper sin the drawers and I lock them up with enchantments and passwords.
I hated not being at the Burrow, not making everyone their drinks, not seeing Ginny after being very worried about her. I couldn't believe that I let my feelings influence my life this much, especially when it came to the Weasleys. They are some of the most important people in my life, and I couldn't-
"Percy told me you'd be here."
I gasp at the voice, and I spin to where it came from. Ron. The silence was thick between us. I cleared my throat, and turned around to continue sorting papers into stacks. I ask, "How's Ginny?"
"Good..." He trails off and the silence spreads over us once more. I ignore it this time and try to focus on getting the organization done as soon as I can to get back home. I'm not sure how long it is before I feel him wrap his arms around my middle and spin me around to face him.
"Mom was disappointed you didn't come." Ron said, and I hoped what he really meant was 'I was disappointed you didn't come.' I don't say a thing, and he pulls me closer to him. The butterflies threaten to swallow me whole. I push his arms away, and I say, "Ron, you should get going."
I try to push passed him but he cages me in between his arms and my desk. I look past him focusing on a picture hung in my office behind him. He adds, "Didn't you think I would notice the way you've been giving everyone the cold shoulder since you saw us at St. Mungo's?"
I stay silent, he was right. I didn't send any letters, and the replies that I've sent were dry to say the least. He says, "I'm sorry, if this is because of the fight, but-"
"It's not because of the fight." I reply, and look at him. I can see the desperation in his eyes, and it gets my heart pumping faster. Ron furrows his eyebrows, and questions, "What is it then?"
My eyes well up, and I look down at the ground. Ron lifts my chin up with his index finger. He says, "You can tell me anything, you know..."
I let out a bittersweet laugh, and sniffle, "Not this, you'll hate me for it."
"I could never hate you." He reassures me, but he doesn't know how little it does. I feel a tear fall, and I cover my face with both my palms. I sob, "I'm so sorry, Ron, I didn't mean to, I promise."
"I'm in love with you." I say, the weight off my shoulders and onto my chest as I await his response, tears falling faster than before. I hear him take in a shaky breath before wrapping his fingers around my wrists. He pulls down my palms away from my face. His movements are slow and they feel like torture, waiting for him to say something or do something.
He gazes at me, and I feel even worse than before, I can't lose him. I can feel another apology about to tumble from lips when he silences me. I'm completely irresponsive as I feel his lips against mine and the feeling of his palms on my cheeks spreading to the rest of my face. I pull away from his lips and ask, "But you said-"
"Everything I've ever said about not wanting to date a friend was a weak and desperate attempt of trying to get you to not fall for Dean." Ron says, and I question, "But when Hermione-"
"The reason why Hermione and I broke up was as I told you, I didn't like her anymore, but the other reason was because my older brother's secretary had it out for me and my heart, and I couldn't spend another moment away from her. I didn't want to rub it in Hermione's face, but I should've handled it better than that."
"You're acting very mature right now." I say, beginning to light up, and Ron chuckles, "Bill had a talk with me after you left St. Mungo's, I've been waiting for the right time to talk to you about it."
"Remind me to thank Bill."
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nickeverdeen · 1 month
Helloo Can I make a request? Seamus Finnigan and the female reader. Reader is a Slytherin. In fact, Seamus has had some feelings for the reader for a long time. But he doesn't want to admit it because she's a Slytherin and has an infamous surname. But she's a good person at heart. Ehh one day, reader sees the 'classic' mishap experienced by Seamus in potions class. She offers to help him because we know Snape is always ready for minus intervention.~
Bad Blood | Seamus Finnigan x female!Slytherin!reader
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Warnings: discrimination, a bit cheesy
Seamus Finnigan had always prided himself on being able to take things in stride. Growing up in a magical household, he had experienced his fair share of magical mishaps, and being at Hogwarts only seemed to amplify that tendency. Yet, no class was as prone to disaster for him as Potions.
Professor Snape’s dungeon classroom was filled with the usual dark and eerie atmosphere, which did nothing to ease Seamus’s anxiety. The flickering candles cast long shadows over the rows of cauldrons bubbling with strange concoctions. As he prepared his ingredients, Seamus couldn’t help but glance around nervously.
Today’s lesson was a particularly complex potion, one that required precision and patience—two things Seamus often struggled with. He had already managed to singe his eyebrows once this term, and the prospect of another mishap was looming over him like a dark cloud.
He cast a quick look at the Slytherin side of the classroom. There, standing with an air of quiet confidence, were you, a Slytherin girl with an infamous surname. Seamus had heard all the stories about your family, but despite the whispers and the reputations, he had seen a different side of you. You were kind-hearted, and your (e/c) eyes always seemed to hold a hint of sadness, as if you bore the weight of your family’s name with a quiet dignity.
Seamus shook his head, trying to focus. “Concentrate, Finnigan,” he muttered to himself, measuring out a pinch of powdered bicorn horn. As he added it to his cauldron, a puff of green smoke erupted, followed by a loud bang. Seamus staggered back, coughing and waving his hand in front of his face to clear the air.
“Finnigan!” Professor Snape’s voice cut through the chaos like a knife. “What have you done this time?”
Seamus’s face turned bright red. He could feel the eyes of the entire class on him, and the weight of their judgment was almost unbearable. “I—I think I added too much bicorn horn, Professor,” he stammered, glancing at the blackened mess in his cauldron.
“Detention, Finnigan. And ten points from Gryffindor,” Snape said, his voice dripping with disdain. “Clean up this mess and try not to destroy the classroom in the process.”
Seamus nodded miserably, starting to gather his things. As he did, he felt a gentle tap on his shoulder. He turned to see you standing there, your expression one of genuine concern.
“Hey, Seamus,” you said softly, your voice carrying none of the mockery he had expected. “I saw what happened. Do you need some help?”
He blinked in surprise. “You want to help me?”
You nodded, offering a small smile. “I’ve always been pretty good at Potions. And besides, I think Snape is just looking for reasons to take points from Gryffindor. It’s not fair.”
Seamus hesitated, glancing at your outstretched hand. It felt strange to accept help from a Slytherin, especially one with your family’s reputation. But the sincerity in your eyes was hard to ignore.
“Thanks, Y/N,” he said finally, returning your smile. “I’d really appreciate it.”
Together, you set to work cleaning up the mess. As you worked, Seamus found himself glancing at you more and more, noticing the way your hair caught the light and the determined set of your jaw. Maybe, just maybe, there was more to you than the rumors suggested.
Over the next few days, Seamus couldn’t stop thinking about Y/N. Your kindness and willingness to help him in Potions had left a lasting impression. He found himself looking forward to your next class, hoping for another chance to talk to you.
One afternoon, as he made his way to the library to finish some homework, he spotted you sitting alone at a table, surrounded by books and parchment. You looked deep in thought, your quill moving swiftly across the page.
Seamus hesitated for a moment before walking over. “Hey, Y/N,” he said, trying to sound casual. “Mind if I join you?”
You looked up, your face lighting up with a smile. “Of course, Seamus. Take a seat.”
He sat down across from you, feeling a bit nervous. “What are you working on?”
“Just some Potions notes,” you replied, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “I’ve got a few ideas for improving that potion we did last week.”
Seamus nodded, impressed. “You really know your stuff.”
You shrugged modestly. “I’ve always enjoyed Potions. It’s like a puzzle, trying to figure out the right combination of ingredients.”
You fell into a comfortable silence, each working on your own assignments. As the minutes ticked by, Seamus couldn’t help but steal glances at you, admiring your focus and determination.
Finally, he mustered up the courage to ask, “Y/N, can I ask you something?”
You looked up, your eyes meeting his. “Sure, Seamus. What’s on your mind?”
“Why did you help me in Potions the other day? I mean, you didn’t have to. Especially since I’m a Gryffindor and you’re a Slytherin.”
Your expression softened. “I helped you because I wanted to, Seamus. I don’t believe in all that house rivalry nonsense. We’re all students at Hogwarts, and we should look out for each other.”
Seamus felt a warmth spread through his chest at your words. “That’s really kind of you, Y/N. I appreciate it.”
You smiled, reaching across the table to squeeze his hand. “Anytime, Seamus. If you ever need help with Potions, or anything else, just let me know.”
He nodded, feeling a surge of gratitude and something else—something he wasn’t quite ready to admit to himself yet. But one thing was clear: you were different from the other Slytherins he had known, and he was glad to have you as an unexpected ally.
As the weeks went by, you and Seamus found yourselves spending more and more time together. You often met in the library to study, and you would patiently help him with Potions, guiding him through the more complex recipes.
Your friendship grew, and with it, Seamus’s feelings for you. He found himself looking forward to your time together, cherishing every moment. But he couldn’t ignore the nagging doubt in the back of his mind—how would his friends react if they knew he had feelings for a Slytherin?
One evening, as you walked back to your common rooms after a particularly challenging Potions session, Seamus decided to take a chance. “Y/N, can I ask you something?”
“Of course, Seamus. What is it?”
He took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest. “Do you ever feel like people judge you because of your family name? I mean, I know there are a lot of rumors, but I’ve seen the real you, and you’re nothing like what people say.”
Your expression grew somber, and you looked down at the ground. “All the time, Seamus. It’s hard living up to the expectations and trying to prove that I’m different. But I’ve learned to ignore the rumors and focus on being true to myself.”
Seamus nodded, understanding your struggle. “I think you’re amazing, Y/N. And I’m glad we’ve become friends.”
You looked up, your eyes shining with gratitude. “Thank you, Seamus. That means a lot to me.”
You reached the entrance to the Slytherin common room, and you turned to face him. “Goodnight, Seamus. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Goodnight, Y/N,” he replied, watching as you disappeared behind the stone wall. As he made his way to the Gryffindor tower, he couldn’t help but smile, feeling a sense of hope and anticipation.
Seamus’s feelings for you continued to grow, and he found it increasingly difficult to keep them to himself. He confided in his best friend, Dean Thomas, who listened patiently and offered his support.
“Seamus, if you like her, you should tell her,” Dean said one evening as they sat by the fire in the Gryffindor common room. “Life’s too short to keep things bottled up.”
Seamus sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I know, Dean. But what if she doesn’t feel the same way? And what about the house rivalry? You know how people can be.”
Dean clapped him on the shoulder. “You can’t let other people’s opinions dictate your happiness, Seamus. If you care about her, that’s all that matters.”
Encouraged by his friend’s words a bit, Seamus decided to take a chance. The next day, he asked you to meet him by the Black Lake after classes.
As you sat on the grassy bank, watching the sun set over the water, Seamus took a deep breath. “Y/N, there’s something I need to tell you.”
You turned to him, your expression curious. “What is it, Seamus?”
“I’ve been thinking a lot about us,” he began, his voice trembling slightly. “And I realized that I have feelings for you. I know it might sound crazy, but I can’t ignore it anymore.”
Your eyes widened in surprise, and for a moment, you were silent. Seamus’s heart raced, fear and anticipation mixing in his chest.
Finally, you spoke, your voice soft and filled with emotion. “Seamus, I’ve had feelings for you too. I was just too afraid to admit it.”
Relief and joy washed over him, and he reached for your hand, intertwining your fingers. “You don’t know how happy that makes me, Y/N. I was so scared you wouldn’t feel the same way.”
You smiled, “I’ve wanted to tell you for so long, but I didn’t know how. I’m so glad you took the chance.”
Seamus pulled you into a gentle hug, feeling your warmth and the steady beat of your heart against his chest. In that moment, he knew that you could face anything together, as long as you had each other.
As you and Seamus navigated your new relationship, you faced several challenges. The house rivalry was ever-present, and you often received curious looks and whispered comments from your classmates.
You continued to spend time together, finding solace and joy in each other’s company. Seamus cherished your moments of laughter and shared interests, while you appreciated his unwavering support and understanding.
One day, as you walked through the castle corridors, Seamus noticed a group of Slytherins whispering and pointing in your direction. He felt a surge of anger and frustration but took a deep breath, reminding himself to stay calm.
You squeezed his hand, offering him a reassuring smile. “Don’t let them get to you, Seamus.”
“I know,” he replied, his voice determined. “But it’s still hard.”
You nodded, understanding his struggle. “We’ll get through this together.”
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keykeep · 2 years
Kinktober Day 13: Picture Perfect- Dean Thomas
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You awoke in the morning, your eyes adjusting to the early morning light streaming into the boy's Dormitory. As you took in the surroundings listening to the snoring of the Gryffindor boys including your boyfriend Dean Thomas asleep under you. You were a regular in the boy's dormitory after lights out, you would sneak into the boy's room for late-night activities before falling asleep with him and disappearing before any boys woke up.
You wandered around his dormitory taking the chance to look through his belongings when you stumbled upon a black old book. You knew this was his art book and that he had taken it everywhere.
Curiosity peaked as you lazily flicked through the book until you stumbled upon the latest artwork. It was a portrait of you naked on top of him mid-orgasm. Hands on your breasts, head tilting back.
You let out a gasp as hands snaked around your waist pulling you into his chest.
"What do you think?" Dean asked quietly before kissing your cheek. You blushed looking at the artwork, it was excellent, and there was no argument that he's talented. "Do I really look like that when I cum?"
"Yes, I should know, I love watching you unravel with pleasure knowing that I caused it," he said pulling you in for a passionate kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you smirked at his cheeky face. "I don't think I look like that though," you said softly. "should we tape it? so we can watch it together"
You had to admit that the idea was turning you on. The thought of you two keeping a video and watching it would lead to round two with him. So you nodded biting your lip at him.
You noticed the boys starting to stir as you kissed Dean one last time as you said "what do you say to us catching up tonight?". "I can't wait," he said watching you sneak out to get ready for classes.
The day passed in a blur every hour was just a countdown of tonight's adventure. Before you knew it you were back inside Dean's room with an awake array of boys. You looked at him confused as he kissed you passionately.
"What is everyone still doing here?" you asked, "Well I promised Neville and Seamus my chocolate frog cards if they could help with filming. "I can't do it in front of an audience" you blushed. "Forget them and focus on me," he said kissing you deeper.
You nodded before turning to the blushing boys "if you say anything about this, I will hex you" they both nodded behind the camera as they pressed record.
He slid his hands into his pants gently stroking his erect penis. You copied his movements as your hand slid down your pants and into your wet folds. Both of you stared into the eyes of the other as you set the pace.
"God this feels so good" you moan as you watched his cock spring free from his pants as you watched his hand stroke from base to tip in long slow strokes. You bit your lip as you undressed from your waist down and sat on dean's bed with your legs spread giving him full access to the show as you continued rubbing your clit.
You watched him as he massaged his cock moving his hand slowly not wanting to ruin the video by finishing too early but as his eyes were transfixed on you watching the pleasure build as you thrust your fingers in and out of your cunt. Your hips wiggled as your finger reached deeper inside yourself.
Dean knew his orgasm was coming faster than he expected. You groaned as your orgasm ran through your body turning it into a shaking mess. You removed your glistening fingers now coated with a white substance and popped them in his mouth. You felt him suck and lick the juices.
His hand pumped faster vigorously as cum shot out landing on his stomach. You bent down licking his tight abs from any mess that he made before wiping your mouth. "that was fun, but we should clean up while we are waiting for you to get hard again" you said giggling as you winked at your boyfriend.
After you showered and changed into a dress you walked into his dorm, to hear your boyfriend bragging to his Seamus and Neville about your healthy sex life. You laughed kissing him "you ready?" he asked, you silenced any words unspoken with a kiss which he voluntarily deepened as you tore each other's clothes off your bodies between hot kisses.
"Are they filming?" you asked quietly, Dean nodded as he fell onto his bed. You joined him straddling his hips feeling his hard cock between you. For the next few minutes as you kissed you ran your hands over his torso, as he ran his hands over your ass cupping it in his hands.
You wrapped your hand around his cock as you moved your hips to position it at your wet entrance. Inch by inch you lowered yourself as you felt yourself filling with his big cock. You moaned against his mouth as he moved his hands across her back as you rode him, driving him as deep as you could with every thrust.
Dean bowed his head until his hot breath was on your chest as his hands squeezed your breasts before putting one of your breasts in his mouth he licked, and caressed the breast and stiff nipple while massaging the other with his hand before switching to the other doing the same movements.
You tilted your head back in ecstasy as you moaned loudly, lips parted slightly and breath shallow, You looked into each other's eyes as your body quivered and your muscles tightened as you convulsed on his hard cock. Dean grunted driving himself deep into her quivering body as his own orgasm hit.
He clenched his teeth as he shot deep inside her. Almost reluctantly they slowed panting you sat aside from him both sweating and breathless and drained.
"Perfect" he breathed against your lips before colliding his with yours. As you came out of your little bubble you momentarily remembered there were two other guys in the room. Your head turned to Neville and Seamus with straining cocks and smiling faces. "Can we watch it now?" you said eagerly "while you two boys have cold showers?" Dean said. Seamus and Neville ran out of the room quickly leaving you alone.
" I forgot they were there" You confessed as Dean nodded "Me too," he said, "well let's watch you cum" he laughed kissing your cheek. "before the boys come back," you said.
Dean waved his wand turning your muggle video camera into a projector. The wall of the boy's dorm danced with footage of your make-out session, your eyes both mesmerised as you viewed you both naked and feeling each other up. "wow nice cock" you said kissing him as he grinned at the compliment.
The sex had started and as you watched it you admitted to Dean it was hot and that you wouldn't mind more videos together. You watched as your past self orgasmed watching the sticky white substance coat his cock making it easier for him to slide in and out of you.
"oh, I do look like that, that picture is so vivid in detail" you confessed as he laughed "I have picture-perfect memory," he said leaning to kiss you. Seamus and Neville joined by Ron and Harry in their quidditch gear entered the dormitory "not again" Neville yelled out covering their eyes. Dean looked at his friends and said "sorry no peaking this time" as he waved them away so you two could have a quick round 2.
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l-uminescentt · 2 months
˚⁀➷。˚ REQUESTS ━━━━OPEN!
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hi! if you guys have any requests for me to do or if you just want to chat (i love making bffs), press ‘⋆⭒˚。⋆₊ ⊹ talk to me!’ in my bio
i only do character x fem! reader requests (just bc i feel like i won’t do female! character x female reader or, male! character x male! reader any justice)
so just give me the character you want, & a short summary and i’ll get writing! — as i still run my hotd blog i’m just going to prioritise regulus, remus & oliver wood requests (my faves)
all characters will be aged over 18, which will normally be stated in my notes before each one-shot.)
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elliebyrrdwrites · 6 months
The Heist pt. 6
You can read it from the beginning, here.
A New Addition
Draco, along with the three other wizards in the room, froze as a swath of red hair preceded the voice of Ginny Weasley. As she entered Draco’s study behind her husband.
“Hello, boys.”
“I thought I said I drew the line at Weasley!” Theo practically bellowed.
Draco quirked a brow at him. “I thought you had been referring to her brother.”
“I was, but you get one and you end up with the lot of them!”
“That’s not a thing. Besides, she’s a Potter.” Harry protested on behalf of his wife who huffed out a laugh.
“It’s sort of a thing.” Ginny Weasley swayed into the room like she owned it. Draco recalled her being rather confident, in comparison to her older brother. But this was a woman who not only exuded confidence, but looked utterly un-phased by Theo's ranting.
“What are you doing here, Aunt Ginny?” Teddy, who looked rather nervous, asked as he slid the guards lanyard behind his back.
Ginny strode over to the couch and set herself down, propping her feet upon the coffee table and announced, “I want in.”
Draco, of course, grinned broadly at her husband. But Theo managed to choke on his saliva as he struggled and failed to dignify the witch with a response.
“She figured out that I was up to something.”
“How?” Seamus asked as he fist bumped Ginny before setting himself across from her on one of the arm chairs.
“Well, first off all, Hermione dropped by the other day and insisted she speak to him in private. I always know that whenever she can’t speak to him in front of me, it has to do with naughty wizards.” She sucked through her teeth. “Secondly, I found Ron covering for him at work.”
“Weasley is covering for you?” Seamus raised a brow.
“Yeah,” Harry shrugged. “Who else can I trust to cover for me?”
“Not Weasley!” Theo growled.
“Ron wont give me away, Nott. Calm down. He knows about mine and Grangers schemes to get the some of the human traffickers caught.”
“Don’t you play Quidditch?” Draco asked, as he searched his drawers for something to munch on.
“Not anymore.” She drawled. “I work with Fred at the Joke Shop.”
“Oh, just what we needed. How fruitful your experience is to us. How useful you will be—”
“Exactly.” Ginny cut him off, casually and completely ignoring his sarcasm. “I’m glad you see it my way. Besides,” She sighed. “I’m bored.”
Draco shrugged, because well, he could relate. He had tried to retire from this life and worked part time for the Ministry as an auditor. But, half the time, he felt like stuffing his head into a carousel, just so he could have something more entertaining to do.
Theo opened his mouth to protest but paused and looked over at Harry. “Where is Granger?”
He shrugged and slid onto the couch beside his wife, who promptly moved her feet to his lap, instead. “I thought she was with you lot.”
“She was.” Theo squinted his eyes, briefly, then shook his head. As if to dispel his mind of any ill thoughts.
“Ginny,” Draco began. “You can help Potter set up a meeting with Astoria Greengrass.”
“Alright.” She didn’t ask anything except for, “Under what pretext?”
“To discuss the ongoing work of incorporating the normalcy of Muggle ways into the Wizarding world. Such as,” He gestured toward the two of them. “Cell phones.”
“Speaking of which. We should probably get some.” Harry tossed in. “Burner phones, anyway.”
“Why would we want to burn phones?” Theo scoffed.
“I’ve burned phones before. They sort of explode with enough heat applied.” Seamus nodded enthusiastically.
“Not —” Harry pinched his brow and sighed. “Nevermind. Just ask Hermione, will you?”
Draco agreed with Harry. Cell phones, though he had not much experience with them, seemed terribly convenient.
“If you had to guess,” Theo mused. “Where would you say Granger is?” He glanced at the old grandfather clock Draco had acquired from an antique shop many, many jobs ago.
“Probably doing something sneaky.” Ginny snorted and Harry chuckled. Theo frowned deeply as he played with an hour glass on Draco’s shelves.
Draco was on the verge of asking Ginny a question about the meeting when the aroma of garlic and onion began to waft through the door.
Just before Granger rounded the corner and held up two bags of Chinese take out.
Draco nearly groaned at the sight of it and the smells. Instead, he grinned broadly at her as she smirked across the room at him.
“Just lovely.” Draco directed at Theo who scowled at him.
“Where have you been?” Theo rounded on the witch who frowned up at him as she handed him a bag.
She took her wand from her pocket and quickly transfigured an old wooden cigar box into a dining table, and then added several chairs transfigured out of random items from Draco’s study, such as pens and decorative rocks.
“Hi, Gin!” Granger greeted her friend with absolutely no surprise at finding her presence.
“Hey ‘Mione!” Ginny called from her spot on the couch.
“I got Dinner, Theo.” Granger said to him.
He settled into a chair and frowned at her, clearly disbelieving her.
“Well,” She sighed and gestured to the seat at the head of the table for Draco before settling into one directly across from Theo. “I did make one extra stop.”
“Oh, did you?” Theo leaned back in his chair and watched as she unpacked takeout container after takeout container.
“I did.” She looked rather pleased with herself, causing Draco to smile at her as her twinkling eyes met his.
“Well,” She bit her lower lip and reached into that little charmed purse of hers.
When she withdrew her hand, she held up a long, slender piece of ivory.
“Is that walrus ivory?” Draco asked, impressed.
“It is!” She handed it to him as he settled at the table.
Harry, Seamus, Teddy and Ginny all joined and began to pick through the food.
“You want to make a replica.” Draco murmured, nodding as he turned the piece over.
“I do.” She grabbed a pair of chopsticks and tucked into a box of chow mien.
“And where did you happen to come up on a tusk of a walrus?”
Granger shrugged and took a bite of noodles. “I stopped by Cormac’s.”
Theo made a gagging noise while Harry and Ginny cringed.
“I knew it.”
“McLaggen?” Seamus’ nose crinkled in disgust.
“Yes, he owed me a favor.”
Draco decided that while it was amusing to watch the lot of them degrade McLaggen, he didn’t appreciate the flustered look on Granger’s face as she tried to avoid all of the disapproving looks from her friends.
“I found out whose blood was used for the ward on The Wand,” Draco broke into the tension as he pinched a piece of salt and pepper chicken.
“You did?” Granger’s discomfort immediately vanished. “Who?”
“Astoria Greengrass.”
Theo choked on his noodles and Granger glanced at him before tilting her head. “How odd. How did you find out?”
“Well,” He poked around the paper container a bit before setting it down. “I saw her at the museum talking with the curator and after a bit of research I found that she is, indeed, the one who donated the item from a personal collection of art she has been building over the years.”
“Oh, well, how do we get some of her blood?”
“That’s where the meeting with the Potters comes in.” He nodded to the couple who nodded in agreement.
“Okay.” Granger’s mouth pulled to one side. Her little forehead furrowed as she thought about it. “How is Harry and Ginny supposed to get her to give them blood.”
“Why don’t you meet with her?” Theo asked to which Draco chuckled at.
“You know Tori hates me.”
“Yes, but, when she inevitably slaps you and cuts herself on your rings as you lift a hand in defense, then we can get some of her blood. Deal done.”
“Why does Astoria Greenhouse hate you so much?” Granger leaned her elbows onto the table, eager eyes taking in the exchange between him and Theo.
“Because he left her at the alter.”
Ginny and Granger gasped, affronted. Granger leaned back in her seat and gaped at him.
“Why?” She finally asked.
Draco swiped the chow mien from where she had placed it and took a bite. When he swallowed, he frowned at her and shrugged.
“Oh, I think I remember that, now!” Ginny nodded emphatically. “Of course, I don’t remember any article saying that you ditched out on her.” She grimaced while simultaneously piercing Draco with a disapproving look.
“It doesn’t matter.” Granger shook her head, as if sensing the same discomfort in him as she felt when interrogated about McLaggen. “What matters is that Draco cannot be the one to get her blood, so it’ll have to be you two.”
Theo nodded. “And it’ll have to be creative.”
Teddy raised a hand, lazily as he reached over for an eggroll. “How does one get blood, creatively?”
Everyone around the table fell quiet as they ate.
“We could stab-” Seamus began.
“No.” Ginny cut him off.
“We could stupefy her.” Teddy shrugged. “Take her blood then obliviate her.”
Draco robbed at his jaw with a chuckle.
“Or,” Granger’s eyes were moving back and forth, looking between everyone around the table and doing some sort of mental calculation in her head.
“We could ask her.”
Theo laughed once. “Why didn’t we think of that, already?”
But Granger shook her head, undeterred. “She’s interested in the Muggles in some way, is she not? I mean, she’s donated a a piece of history to a muggle museum.”
Draco nodded. “She did. She has pushed her family to accept and embrace Muggles and things like Science and Art.”
Granger’s eyes lit up. “Exactly!”
“What are you saying?” Theo leaned forward, pressing his own elbows into the table.
“We could have Ginny and Harry pretend to be involved in some sort of Muggle foundation meant to study the link between the two. We can also tell her that it is meant to help the Wizarding world advance in Magic and Science, save lives or some rubbish like that.”
“Okay,” Harry nodded. “But in the Muggle world, there are specialist that take blood. We’re not Phlebotomists.”
She nodded. “A few of us can act like members of the foundation.”
“So we need to arrange a meeting with her to discuss it, first.” Ginny held up her chopsticks.
“Tomorrow.” Draco nodded.
“We’ll need Polyjuice potion.”
Draco nodded to Theo. “That’s not a problem. We have plenty.”
Granger leaned back in her seat. “This foundation needs to look real.”
Draco nodded and began to dig into his Salt and Pepper chicken with a renewed enthusiasm. “It will be real.” He smiled at her as he chewed.
“You mean Zabini?”
He nodded and Theo chuckled. “Zabini is going to help us screw over Greengrass. This is going to be interesting.”
“It’s going to be brilliant.” Teddy whooped and tossed an eggroll into his mouth. “Please tell me that I get to go.”
Harry and Ginny began to protest but it was Draco who appraised the kid and nodded. “What else can you morph into?”
“I could morph into a dog if it meant you’d let me play a bigger role.”
Draco laughed and glanced over at Granger who looked slightly concerned for the kid. Then at Theo who was grinning broadly at Teddy Lupin.
“This can work.” Theo nodded before settling his excited stare onto Draco.
Both men looked to Granger and watched as she fought the twitch of her lips, the fight against the smile that pushed to be seen once they settled their own onto her.
She sighed. “We’re going to need books on Phlebotomy, Teddy.” She glanced over at Draco’s clock. “The library should be open for another hour. We can make it if we hurry, now.”
Draco nodded, appreciatively, and winked at Granger.
He wasn’t sure if a slight blush had crept into her cheeks, or if it was a trick of the lighting.
"Oh," Theo perked up, suddenly recalling something. "While you're out, Granger, will you get us some of those burning phones?"
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imagininghogwarts · 7 months
i suppose i should probably write a bit, yeah? 🫡
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theaskywalker · 2 years
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Imagine helping Seamus and Dean hold off the Death Eaters with pyrotechnics
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pagsys-writings · 7 months
29. Muddled
“I told you it was a bad idea,” Dean said through a grunt. He fixed his grip on Seamus’s belt and heaved him up, so Seamus’s arm was across his shoulders and the majority of Seamus’s weight was supported against his hip and side. “We’re going to have to walk,” Dean decided. He wasn’t terribly inebriated from the drinks he’d had, but he didn’t want to risk injuring Seamus further. Seamus mumbled something incoherent — but sounded suspiciously like a complaint — as his head lulled to bump against Dean’s shoulder. “You don’t get to complain,” Dean said with a huff as he started to basically drag Seamus down the sidewalk. “I told you attempting that spell while drunk was a bad idea.” It had backfired spectacularly, leaving Seamus in his current muddled state. “Besides,” Dean began his slow, unsteady walk forward, “I’m the one doing all the work.” Seamus made another unintelligible grumble, though this one bordered on a whine. Dean smiled tenderly despite their current predicament. “I know. We’ll get you fixed up in no time. Don’t worry.”
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There isn't enough Seamus Finnigan love out there
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frugzyx · 4 months
Hogwarts AU
James as Gryffindor❤️, Lars as Slytherin💚, Kirk as Hufflepuff💛 and Cliff as Ravenclaw💙
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I'll draw Gryff Jaymz and Ravenclaw Clip more and next time I'll draw Hufflepuff Jason and Slytherin Dave too. i really love this au so maybe I'll draw this when i have time again ;]
*Why I put dave as a Slytherin and not Gyffindor? simple, his ambition is to be better than tallica. maybe his appearance looks so Gryffindor boi but he has a real ambition as a pure Slytherin 💚
My Hogwarts imagination 🪄🧹🔮✨️
These all imaginations, are just my silly imagination of em in hoggy woggy Hogwarts life
Well for Kirky... he'll like muggle studies and magical creatures or transfiguration I guess. also ykw? I'd like to see Kirk in herbology or care of magical creatures classes... it'll be so cute seeing him with a bowtruckle like Newt Scammander... 😭✨️🌿
for James, I think he'll like any class beside divination, ancient runes and other boring classes. I can imagine he prefer to go play quidditch with the sport gang. ohhh and seems he likes duelling to showcase his power like duelling with Dave 🧹✨️ 💨
Lars... hmm... I think he'll like astronomy and charms or maybe defense against the dark arts(DADA) classes. I can see Seamus Finnigan in him when casting wingardium leviosa in charms class and exploded LMFAO 💥💀🪄
Obviously Cliff would love potions, ancient runes, arithmancy, alchemy and history of magic. idk why, but I think it suits him well. I can imagine him being friend with Snape lmfao. and i think he hates divination cuz it doesn't make any sense for him. oh and he's such a good friend of James 📘🪄✨️
I can see Jason interested in muggle stuffs. So I think he'll like muggle studies and muggle arts. not only muggle stuffs, I can see him in transfiguration and charms or care of magical creatures classes with a cute niffler. he's the real Cedric Diggory in this AU hehe 🪶✨️🪄
last but not least... Dave as a Slytherin. yeah you didn't read it wrong!! he has a strong ambition to defeat James, ofc in Quidditch. I can imagine him in DADA class duelling with James. also I think he likes potions and divination. 🧹🔮✨️
okay, we got a new member, Rob!! I can't even put him anywhere bcz I don't know whether he's in Gryff or Hufflepuff. sorry bout that qwq... but dw I asked some of my friends that he's a total Gryff!! I can see him mostly like James. He's okay with all of the classes in hogwarts, but he still finds that divination is such a ridiculous class just like everyone. I think his favorite classes is astronomy and DADA 🌌🪄🪶
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slaymybreathaway · 1 year
WASTELAND, BABY! [prologue]
Chapter List
[Word Count: 762]
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July 30th 1994 ○ Neville's Bedroom
It was 11pm when Neville Longbottom heard a tapping sound on his bedroom window.
He was sitting ontop of his patchwork bed covers, in his pyjamas, reading a muggle book that he had found in an old bookshop near his house earlier that day.
At first he took no notice of the noise, it was often that branches hit against his window whenever the wind blew a certain way. However, when these 'branches' started making a squawking noise, he turned his attention away from the book in his hands.
The boy walked over to his window, where he saw a white barn owl sitting on the outside windowsill. The bird looked up at him, an ivory envelope held in it's beak. Neville opened his window slowly, trying his best not to scare the owl away.
"Thanks mate," he spoke, taking the envelope from the bird and watched as it flew away into the dark summer night.
He shut his window before turning the envelope over in his hands. It was thick and felt like it had something  rectangular inside of it.
The address on the front was written in a neat-but-slanted way, which he recognised almost immediately to be the handwriting of Y/n Finnigan. Neville smiled, letting the excitement show on his face.
Y/n and Neville had known each other since their first year at Hogwarts. She was his friend, Seamus's twin sister so naturally, he was friends with her also.
The odd thing was, that over the summer months, Neville found himself feeling a strange buzz of happiness whenever she sent him a letter. It even got to the point where every letter that wasn't from her seemed unimportant.
He couldn't quite explain what he felt or why he felt it. So instead, he just put it down to the lonely-ness of Summer.
The front and the back of the envelope was covered with small doodles of stars and balloons. The smile on Neville's face, somehow, grew wider at the thought of her taking the time to draw them on, individually.
The boy opened the envelope just above the green wax seal on the back and out fell both a letter and a casette tape. He picked up the letter and started to read:
Dear Nev,
Happy Birthday!!! I was going to give you your present on the train to school but I just couldn't wait. I hope you like the mixtape (it's for the walkman, by the way)
See you soon,
(PS. Tell your granny that I was asking for her)
After reading it a few times, Neville took the box out from under his bed that contained all of the letters she had sent over the past two months and placed the new one on top. He slid the box far enough under his bed that it couldn't be seen by anyone that walked into his room.
The boy rifled through the drawer in his bedside locker until he found what he was looking for, his walkman. When he bought the muggle device, he didn't realise that the music wasn't included so he couldn't use it... until now.
When he looked at the tape closely, he could see that it was labeled on either side with ☆Neville's Mixtape☆ written in red marker. He opened the walkman and carfully placed the tape in before putting the headphones on and pressing the "play" button.
The boy turned off the light and lay in his bed, pulling the covers up to his shoulders as he heard the acoustic guitar play softly through the opening bars of the first song on the tape.
He couldn't help but imagine where Y/n was the first time she heard this song. Did it come on in the radio in her Dad's car? Or did she find the album that this song belonged to in a dusty old casette shop and waited until later that day to listen to it, when she was lying in bed. Just like he was doing right now. He smiled at the thought
A male voice sang softly the lyric:
"All the fear and the fire of the end of the world.
Happens each time a boy falls in love with a girl,"
Neville swore that he would remember those words forever beacause it was in that moment that he finally realised what that buzz of happiness was.
The was falling in love with her...
And man, did he feel the fear and the fire of the end of the world.
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nickeverdeen · 2 years
Harry Potter masterlist
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Match up:
Tom Riddle
Harry Potter
Seamus Finnigan
Cedric Diggory
Ronald Weasley
Ron Weasley
Harry Potter
Luna Lovegood
Seamus Finnigan
Oliver Wood
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood #2
Luna Lovegood #3
Nothing yet
Sorting what house you’re in:
Nothing yet
Book characters/requests:
Nothing yet
Harry Potter
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Hermione Granger
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Tom Riddle
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Nothing yet
Tom Riddle praising Hufflepuff fem!reader for doing great at DADA
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Draco Malfoy
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Nothing yet
Draco Malfoy x male reader - being full blown death eater in Slytherin
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Fred and/or George Weasley
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Nothing yet
Ravenclaw fem!reader who’s a triplet with Fred and George
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Luna Lovegood
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Cedric Diggory
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Nothing yet
Weasley Reader who’s younger than twins, but older than Ron telling them that she’s dating Cedric
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Seamus Finnigan
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Bad Blood
Dating Seamus (with already an info)
Nothing yet
Ginny Weasley
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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keykeep · 2 years
Kinktober Day 24:Hot and Cold-Seamus Finnigan
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It was the time of year for a celebration and Professor Dumbledore had let the students have a spring ball with the theme ‘mystery’, with one request students are to wear masquerade masks to the ball. You walked into the decorated Great Hall in your floor length gown and adorned on your head was a stunning gold eye mask.
 You joined your friend group on the dance floor bopping to the musical stylings of The Weird Sisters.
The dance floor was crowded with students. So it wasn’t uncommon to have someone brush up against you. But what was uncommon was a body pressing against you you convinced yourself that maybe it was because of the crowded dance floor and payed them no mind.
But when they wrapped an arm around your waist pulling you closer to them as they danced. You knew that this was deliberate. You lost yourself to the music wiggling your hips causing your ass to brush against them. You felt arousal pressed against your ass as you leant into them teasingly.
They whispered against your ear in a thick Irish accent “Let me look at you”. You spun around so you were now in the arms of a scruffy Sandy haired boy. “"be a doll and do a spin for me, won’t you? you just look so adorable."
You blushed as you spun around for the mystery boy. You put your hand on his chest and stared into his eyes. He took this as a sign and leaned in for a kiss.
Your tongues mingled with his as you made out on the dance floor. You pulled on his hand to follow you out of The Great Hall. Once you got to the corridor you resumed your passionate embrace. His lips travelling down kissing your jaw, neck, collar bone.
You moan and he declares “if we don’t go somewhere, I’ll have to take you right here” you chuckled as you took his hand pulling him up to your dormitory.
Once inside you took off your shoes sighing with relief as the mysterious man stood watching you. “Don’t tell me you’re shy now?” You asked. He walked closer to you and joined you on the bed “ I was just admiring your legs” he admitted running his hands up your smooth legs.
You grabbed onto his shirt pulling him into you and kissing him. “ i want to keep to the mystery let me blindfold you?”,You nodded smiling at the idea of sensory deprivation.
Normally you are the type of person who doesn’t do one-night stands but tonight was different.
Your hands fiddled with the buttons on his dress shirt revealing the hard-defined body. His hands on your thigh as he continued to tease you by brushing the hem of your dress until he had a full view of your underwear. You pulled them down exposing yourself to the night air.
Your hands went to his pants working them down as his cock sprang free. “You’re driving me wild” he admitted kissing your neck. A moment later his hands travelled up to cup your breasts, thumbs flicking over your nipples through your bra and sending little darts of lightning through your nerve endings.
You arched into his touch desperate to get closer. He chuckled as he took his wand out muttering a spell that turned your world into darkness.
You felt a warm hand on your thigh before you felt a vibrating sensation against your inner thighs. You wiggled as you felt the slow vibrations press against your clit.
It stayed there as you felt his hands memorise every curve of your body.he hummed in appreciation capturing you in a kiss.The vibrations were intense and you couldn’t control your movements.
But what stopped your movements was a freezing sensation against your breasts.You stilled your movements unsure what was going on, your suspicion confirmed when the mystery man ran ice cubes over your nipples. You arched your back at the unfamiliar sensation.
The dripping down your body as goosebumps formed on your skin. The wet warm feeling of a tongue followed. Drinking the water pooling on your body.
You felt a drop on your belly but instead of an icy sensation you felt the heat, as hot candle wax hit your skin. It's nothing you can't handle, but it certainly hurt.
You waited to feel the sensation as he placed an ice cube on your abdomen. Ice was melting everywhere; there were wet puddles on your skin. Which he lapped up like a thirsty dog.
Meanwhile hot wax was dripping on your inner thighs. Suddenly the vibrating stopped and there was no ice or hot wax but before you had a chance to take a breath, the mystery man was kissing his way to your cunt.
Parting your folds and licking on the little pearl in little circles. Your hands went to his hair holding him in place as you bucked your hips against his mouth. His tongue darted back and forth along the folds of your skin slowly, your breath felt heavy as your pressure built up again, and you were desperate for a release.
As he drove his tongue back to your clit, you moaned arching your back off the mattress and swearing loudly. He continued hitting the spot at a faster pace, your knees shook, and you were panting and holding onto his head.
As the vibrations shook your body he licked and sucked continuously until your breath returned to a normal rhythm.
You felt an object being inserted into your ass, slowly as your teeth gritted until you felt full, a moment after you felt mystery man rubbing his cock over your wet folds before entering you.
The phallic object moved in and out slowly in your ass, at the same time you felt his cock rubbing over your already sensitive cunt. His hands were on your hips as he pushed his cock inside you.
You moaned as you moved your hips back and forth meeting the thrusts of mystery man and the toy. The rhythm increased of powerful thrusts turning into full blown pounding.
This was a new sensation for you and you were was loving every moment of it. You felt so stuffed and the intensity of the pleasure was nothing you ever felt before.
You cried out as your orgasm tore through your body shaking it hard, your cum covering the cock inside as the sounds of the sliding body parts filled the room as he pounded hard and fast against you desperate for his release.
You heard his grunts and felt the hard pushes into your cunt. As he grabbed your hips hard emptying his hot load inside you.
You felt truly filled but he continued thrusting the phallic object in your ass pounding away a new level of pleasure. Giving violent thrust after violent thrusts. It doesn’t take long for your orgasm to build again and the feeling builds inside you until you explode again, you were soaked from sweat and juices and you weren’t aware that you could cum that hard or much.
You come down from your orgasm collapsing on the bed. You knew tomorrow you will be sore but it was so worth it. You settled against his body as he lifted the spell and the moonlight was lighting the room.
It didn't take either of you much time before you were both fast asleep.
The next morning you awoke aching and in need of a hot shower to ease the pressure of your muscles. You noticed your mystery man had left, so you dressed and gathered your gear to head to the bathrooms.
When you turned a corner and hit the hard planes of a body.
“Sorry love” he said bending down to pick up your clothes and materials for the shower. Your eyes widened at the Irish man accent as last nights activities flooded your mind once again.Dumbfounded you just stared at him. For your one night stand was none other than Seamus Finnigan.
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anxiousfanchild · 1 year
Introduction to My Harry Potter Imagines
Characters I can do:
1890s Hogwarts:
Ominius Gaunt
Sebastian Sallow
Garrath Weasley
Leander Prewett
Molly Prewett/Weasley
Bellatrix Black/Lestrange
Rita Skeeter
Arthur Weasley
Andromeda Black/Tonks
Lucius Malfoy
Narcissia Black/Malfoy
Gilderoy Lockhart
Alice Fortescue/Longbottom
Frank Longbottom
Ted Tonks
Sirius Black
Peter Pettigrew
Remus Lupin
James Potter
Lily Evans/Potter
Severus Snape
Bartemius Crouch Jr
Mary MacDonald
Dorcas Meadowes
Regulus Black
Evan Rosier
Pandora Rosier/Lovegood (or Lestrange, IDK what her canon last name is)
Xenophilius Lovegood
Marlene McKinnon
Golden Trio Era:
Harry Potter
Ronald Weasley
Hermione Granger/Weasley
Luna Lovegood/Scalamander
Ginerva Weasley/Potter
Draco Malfoy
Neville Longbottom
George Weasley
Fred Weasley
Percy Weasley
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Oliver Wood
Dean Thomas
Seamus Finnigan
Cedric Diggory
Blaise Zabini
Theodore Nott
Post Golden Trio: These stories will take place while each child is in at least 5th year. I've also added their Houses, just in case it is needed.
Victoire Weasley - Ravenclaw (Bill x Fleur)
Fred Weasley - Gryffindor (George x Angelina)
Molly Weasley - Gryffindor (Percy x Aubrey)
Dominique Weasley - Gryffindor (Bill x Fleur)
James Potter - Gryffindor (Ginny x Harry)
Louis Weasley - Ravenclaw (Bill x Fleur)
Lucy Weasley - Ravenclaw (Percy x Aubrey)
Rose Granger-Weasley - Gryffindor (Ron x Hermione)
Albus Potter - Slytherin (Ginny x Harry)
Roxanne Weasley - Gryffindor (Fred x Angelina)
Hugo Granger-Weasley - Gryffindor (Ron x Hermione)
Lily Potter - Gryffindor (Ginny x Harry)
Teddy Lupin - Hufflepuff (Remux x Tonks)
Non-Canon Characters:
Delphini Riddle: Post Golden Trio Era (Teddy's age, possibly a year older). Lovechild of Bellatrix and Voldemort
Mattheo Riddle: Marauders Era, Lovechild of Tom Riddle and an unnamed Witch.
Lorenzo Berkshire: Golden Trio Era
PLEASE NOTE: If there is a non-canon character or a character we as a fandom do not know a lot of canon facts about, I will write them how ***I*** see them!
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