#sea of azov
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Ukrainian philosopher Valery Alekseievich Bosenko (1927-2007). Photographed in Mariupol. Date unknown.
#ukrainian history#vintage ukraine#vintage photo#20th century#ukraine#mariupol#black and white#old photo#vintage#sea of azov
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Sea of Azov by Mykhailo Kupriianov, 1956
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Hryhoriy Krykun, {1957} Девушка с маяка (A Girl from the Lighthouse)
#film#gif#hryhoriy krykun#Девушка с маяка#a girl from the lighthouse#iya arepina#1957#flowers#sea of azov#seascapes#poppies#red#soviet cinema#landscapes#people#ukraine#women#1950s#soviet union#cccp#light#wind#feature length#male filmmakers#colour
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Ukraine just put two key Russian military aircraft out of commission. It will now be more difficult for Russia to direct operations against Ukraine.
The Ukrainian Air Force shot down a Russian A-50M/U intelligence gathering plane – somewhat similar to US Air Force E-3 Sentry (AWACS) aircraft. And it severely damaged an Il-22M11 command and control aircraft which was able to land but is beyond repair.
It’s official. Russian and Ukrainian sources have confirmed that Ukrainian air-defenses on Sunday hit, over southern Ukraine and the Sea of Azov, two of Russia’s rarest and most valuable support planes: a Beriev A-50 radar early-warning plane and an Ilyushin Il-22 airborne command post. “Who did this?” the Ukrainian air force quipped. The answer, it seems, is the air arm’s 90-mile-range Patriot PAC-2 air-defense missiles. The jet-propelled A-50—one of nine A-50M/Us in service—fell into the Sea of Azov in flames, likely killing everyone on board: potentially 15 people including high-ranking officers and highly-trained radar specialists. The propeller-driven Il-22, with up to 10 people aboard, managed to land in Anapa on the Russian side of the Sea of Azov’s southern coast. “Urgently requesting ambulance and fire crew,” the crew radioed as they wrestled their shrapnel-holed plane toward the air base. Photos of the damaged Il-22, snapped after it landed, illustrate the extent of the damage—a mangled tail fin and fuselage—and also reveal the plane’s exact variant. It’s an Il-22M11, and it might be a total write-off. This version of the 1950s-vintage Ilyushin turboprop is rare. The Russian air force has maybe 12 Il-22Ms after mutinous Wagner Group mercenaries shot down one of the planes over western Russia back in June. While the Russians could modify an old Ilyushin airframe into a replacement Il-22M, they probably can’t do so quickly—or cheaply. An A-50 or Il-22M might cost hundreds of millions of dollars.
Russia had only about ten of the A-50 planes. One was blown up by Belarusian partisans 11 months ago south of Minsk. And now one is sleeping with the fishes in the Sea of Azov.
Here are pictures of the Il-22M11 which was able to make an emergency landing at Anapa in Russia.

Just to rub it in to Putin, here's a graphic from Ukraine's military announcing its hits on the two Russian planes.

ЗНИЩЕНО = destroyed Повітряні Сили = Air Force
The two planes together would cost Russia over half a billion dollars to replace. 😁😎
#invasion of ukraine#ukraine#stand with ukraine#two key russian military planes destroyed#Il-22M11#A-50M/U#patriot pac-2 missiles#sea of azov#defense of ukraine#russia's war of aggression#vladimir putin#russia is losing the war#агрессивная война россии#anapa#россия проигрывает войну#владимир путин#путин хуйло#путлер#добей путина#путин – это лжедмитрий iv а не пётр великий#руки прочь от украины!#геть з україни#вторгнення оркостану в україну#азовське море#повітряні сили україни#російські літаки-розвідники#україна переможе#будь сміливим як україна#слава україні!#героям слава!
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Russian army Captain Vasily Dandykin says about the Russian response to Ukraine invading Russia near Kursk, “it should be a consolidated strike - air, sea, land.”
Should we tell Captain Dandy that Kursk is landlocked? Should we tell this active duty Captain in the Russian army that? I kinda want him to find out the hard way that Kursk is closer to Moscow Oblast than it is to the Sea of Azov (the nearest large body of water). 😉
#russia#ukraine#kursk#kursk oblast#battle of kursk#kursk region#sea of azov#moscow#war#military#russian army#vasily dandykin#captain vasily dandykin#landlocked
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This is home. Who knows if I'm home any time soon. Mariupol is forever Ukraine 💖
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У складі ВМС України вперше сформовано бригаду морських дронів
У складі Військово-морських Сил Збройних Сил України вперше в історії сформовано окрему бригаду морських безпілотних комплексів спеціального призначення. Про створення нового військового з’єднання стало відомо під час урочистостей з нагоди Дня Незалежності України 24 серпня 2023 року. _________ As part of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, for the first time in history, a separate…

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#Armed Forces of Ukraine#Black Sea#ВМС#Військово-морські сили#ЗСУ#Збройні Сили України#Морський надводний дрон#Російське вторгнення в Україну#Російсько-українська війна#Russo-Ukrainian War#Sea of Azov#Sea surface drone#Ukrainian Navy
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The Ukrainian government's recent flaunting of a Russian Mi-8 helicopter hijacked in a Mossad-inspired op caused international uproar. Though the aftermath was predictably chaotic, with both the Ukrainian and Russian governments refusing to take responsibility, there were those who found something remarkable in the circumstances surrounding the event. It appeared that a clandestine organization had orchestrated the hijacking and had been successful in doing so without a single shot being fired. To some, it seemed it had been the collective will of a greater power that had made this feat possible. To others, a ghostly orchestration of events too subtle for the human eye to detect had been at play. Whatever the truth, the effects of this daring mission lingered in the minds of all who had witnessed it, for such a feat seemed to exist beyond the realm of possibility.
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Russia. Taganrog. Yacht club Таганрог. Яхт-клуб
#2017#azov sea#city#july#rostov oblast#russia#sea#summer#taganrog#yacht#yacht club#азовское море#город#июль#лето#море#россия#ростовская область#таганрог#яхт-клуб#яхта#flickr#russian tumblr#русский tumblr
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Old image of Mariupol, Ukraine.
#ukrainian history#vintage ukraine#old pictures#mariupol#ukraine#vintage#sea of azov#coast#eastern europe
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⚡️🛢 Вже відомо, що понад 30 км чорноморського узбережжя забруднені розлитими нафтопродуктами з затонулих танкерів "Волгонєфть-212" та "Волгонєфть-239". Постраждало багато птахів, водоростей та морських мешканців. Птахи, окрім того, що вплутуються у мазут і не можуть літати — гинуть не лише від отруєння й голоду, а й через переохолодження, оскільки наразі в Причорноморʼї та Приазовʼї доволі низька температура води та повітря. Дельфінам та тюленям може загрожувати накопичення токсинів, які вони отримають разом із з'їденою забрудненою рибою. Крім того, шкіра дельфінів дуже гостро реагує на нафтовмісну рідину, вони можуть отримати опіки.
Після розливу нафти в 2007 році в Чорному морі загинули безліч морських істот, у тому числі дельфіни, тіла яких потім у великій кількості виносило на берег.
Міністр захисту довкілля та пр��родних ресурсів України Світлана Гринчук заявила, що через забруднення моря вже було завдано збитків на $14 млрд, а через холодну погоду багато нафтопродуктів осяде на морському дні. Поки що це лише попередні дані, а про остаточні збитки для довкілля буде відомо лише згодом.
Тим часом у Керченській протоці, імовірно, сталась ще одна аварія, вже з третім з танкером держави-агресора — ворожі ЗМІ повідомляють про проблеми з танкером "Волгонєфть-109", якому теж може загрожувати катастрофа.
📹: відео з соцмереж
#екологія#ukraine#ecology#україна#ukraine today#ukraine war#енергетика#russian war crimes#Керченська протока#Краснодарский край#Чорне море#Азовське море#акваторія#птахи#дельфіни#морські мешканці#мазут#танкер#промислова екологія#злочини проти екології#екологічна катастрофа#розлив нафтопродуктів#black sea#russian agression#crimea#azov sea#Kerch#tanker#petroleum#animals
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although it is often inaccurately used as a kind of shorthand description, the term "proxy war" does not actually apply to the war in ukraine. but i do think you have to have your head entirely inside your ass to reject the idea that the conflict at its heart is about spheres of influence.
#which has a corollary of a lot of the stuff (partially) that people do bring up as reasons for the invasion#like the only alternate explanations are: russia wanted the territory surrounding the sea of azov/leading to crimea real bad#(any benefit of that obviously far far far outweighed by the financial and political costs of instigating a war over it)#OR. theyre just evil. they did this for no discernible benefit they just wanted to kill people. (which is a 3rd grader ass take)#if u do think the latter well....... theres a lot to say about it but i think its simplistic#not to get realpolitik about it but nations do not prosecute a genocidal campaign unless they stand to gain something from it#and further still... genocidal campaigns fall under the umbrella of fighting over spheres of influence. forced integration is part of that
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Members of the puppet government which Russia set up in the occupied city of Tokmak are apparently leaving as the Ukrainian military advanced to within 20 km of town.
That’s according to the information of locals reported by Ivan Fedorov, the mayor of Melitopol, which is the next occupied Ukrainian city in the area. “The occupiers are being smoked out of Tokmak. Almost daily explosions and the liberation of settlements in the Melitopol direction transform Tokmak, which is still occupied, to a completely front-line city,” Fedorov said. While the initial distance from the Russian-occupied city of Tokmak to the frontline was about 31 km, it is now less than 20 km as the Ukrainian army advanced, taking Robotyne and areas around it. The Ukrainian army has reached the second line of Russian defense in the area.
A few days ago Ukraine liberated the village of Robotyne. Ukraine's goal is to reach the Sea of Azov and thereby cut the Russian-occupied territories in two.
As was reported, following the liberation of Robotyne, Ukrainian troops are continuing their offensive in Melitopol direction in Zaporizhzhia Oblast, bypassing minefields and advancing towards the second line of defense of the Russian Army.

In other news, Ukrainian drones damaged four large Russian Il-76 transport planes in the city of Pskov near the border with Estonia.
Drone strike damages four Il-76 aircraft deep in Russian territory
#invasion of ukraine#counteroffensive#tokmak#robotyne#melitopol#sea of azov#zaporizhzhia oblast#russia#pskov#il-76#russia is losing the war#запорізька область#роботине#токмак#мелітополь#азовське море#псков#ил-76#россия проигрывает войну#владимир путин#путин хуйло#бей путина#союз постсоветских клептократических ватников#руки прочь от украины!#геть з україни#вторгнення оркостану в україну#україна переможе#крим це україна!#слава україні!#героям слава!
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Calder Moore ArtStation
Software used: Cinema 4D / Octane Render & Adobe Photoshop
#Digital 2D#Digital 3D#Fantasy#Vehicles#Environmental Concept Art & Design#oil painting#painterly#azov#battleship#sailing#seas#ocean#fog#sunset#waves#sails
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Feliz dia de la pachamama ☺️
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