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ME AND MY FLORIDA HOME GURL FELLOW SINGER /RAPPER. @juicyteampowershitRodriguez A8T the Ben Collins music expo on Martin Luther King drive in Atlanta GA. #DENOWORLD #SDYG #SDYGGURLZ #Teampowershit
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#SquattaSigns #denoworldmusicgroup Thank you God for changing me from a jail bird mess to a good father, and musician...... I appreciate the opportunity and I'll never forget that journey... $$$ #AMEN #RAPPER #RAP #DENOWORLD #SDYG #DARKFACESQUATTA #SDYGGURLZ #PHOTOSHOOT #SALAMAR #TRILLIONE Jonathan D Brown https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1246984852038954&id=100001823523266
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Can't let you go by Sim the singer feature Darkface squatta and banga so gifted #freesim #618hiphop #ripdeno #DSDW #juggnation #sdyg #sdyggurlz #soundcloud #reverbnation #japan #r&b #darkfacesquatta
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Shout out to daily hip hop jams for showing me love on my birthday and posting my music and profile right on my birthday that's true hip hop love #checkmeout , #darkfacesquatta #denoworld #sdyg #hiphopdailyjams #sdyggurlz #juggnation #freesim #DSDW #sharethis #repostthis #thejuggprint #support http://www.dailyhiphopjamz.com/darkfacesquatt-hi-my-name-is-darkface-squatta-denoworld-iam-a-unsigned-hip-hop-artist-raised-in-southern-illinois-ive-been-doing-music-over-14-years-ive-opened-up-for-plies-kevin-gates-bla/
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Shout out to daily hip hop jams for showing me love on my birthday and posting my music and profile right on my birthday that's true hip hop love #checkmeout , #darkfacesquatta #denoworld #sdyg #hiphopdailyjams #sdyggurlz #juggnation #freesim #DSDW #sharethis #repostthis #thejuggprint #support http://www.dailyhiphopjamz.com/darkfacesquatt-hi-my-name-is-darkface-squatta-denoworld-iam-a-unsigned-hip-hop-artist-raised-in-southern-illinois-ive-been-doing-music-over-14-years-ive-opened-up-for-plies-kevin-gates-bla/
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Thank you God for another year #Aquarius #squattasigns #darkfacesquatta #denoworld #sdyg #sdyggurlz
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#darkfacesquatta #liveperformance #firebird #sdyg #sdyggurlz #hiphop
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This gonna be a blessed year, my fan base looking real foreign right now. I'm bout to perform international next with the grace of God Check out my digital epk 11,514 clicks for booking me to come perform in your country , i can't wait to get my passport and turn up , happy new years 2017 let's work hard no brakes #thejuggprint #darkfacesquatta #downloadnow #sdyg #sdyggurlz #japan #brazil #canada #australia #CzechRepublic #unitedstates #bookmenow #darkfacesquatta #hiphopnews #showbookers #atlpromoters #lapromoters #nycpromoters #bookmenow #darkfacesquatta #800 #historyinthemaking #hiphopoverload #thesource #soundzone #rap #rapper #newhiphop #hitmaker #darkfacesquatta
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I come from a long line of hustlers some shit you just can't teach. You gotta show! #denoworld #sdyggurlz #juggnation #darkfacesquatta #mirmir #eastcdale #Darkfacesquatta Hot new artist coming out of southern Illinois making a big impact on music, he's been featured on alot of nice platforms #Thisis50 #betablock #hoodillustrated #217hiphop #618hiphop he's opened up for #blackyoungsta #kevingates #plies#lilherb #kinglouie #Katiegotbandz #yayogang #gangstablac #bigkuntrykane #montana300 , #Darkfacesquatta #denoworld #hiphop #hotnewhiphop #newrelease #hiphopartist #hiphopnews #hiphopoverload #music
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