#sds vivian
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Been awhile since I've done one of these, and I have returned with Vivian! I debated on whether or not to do a redesign page for her, but since she's fairly relevant to Elizabeth in the rewrite I decided it was necessary.
As you'll notice, I got rid of Vivian's absolutely abysmal hairdo, and gave her actual bangs. I still let her keep the general shape of her hair since it suits her but with the goal of making her look a bit older than she does in canon. Considering she's supposed to be a grown ass woman lusting after Gil, Ifound it a little strange how young she looks in comparison to him (i.e. the baby face syndrome this show suffers from). Now she kind of looks more like a Karen, which... honestly suits her, all things considered.
Her new mage outfit is essentially just one of her Grand Cross designs with some minor tweaks, since I liked the armor with the bold red, black, and yellow. Vivian always seemed to wear very big, poofy dresses with poofy sleeves, as if to make herself appear bigger and more intimidating in comparison to how minuscule she actually looks with her helmet off. The helmet is relatively the same, with the exception of the added horns in mimicry of the Demon Clan, and the little Goddess Ambers hanging off of them. I do love me some irony.
In comparison to canon, Vivian now has a slightly more prominent role in Liones. Considering she was Merlin's student and arguably the best magic user they have, she's now the Royal Mage. Initially, she probably started as a Lady in Waiting for Queen Caroline, given that she was, at the very least, in her late teens 10 years ago when everything went down. Nowadays, she's still a Lady in Waiting, but holds a much higher position than the other Ladies in Waiting, partially because of seniority but also because she's the Royal Mage. In the first chapter, it will be established that she primarily attends to Elizabeth, managing her schedule and whatnot. This, in turn, makes Elizabeth trust her more and makes it a bit easier for Vivian to kidnap her rather than just appearing out of nowhere like she does in canon.
Vivian may be the worst, but she still knows how to serve when it counts.
That's all for now! I'm now going back to schoolwork and working on the comic, so I'll see you all later! And don't be afraid to ask any questions ;)
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thirstyokapi · 11 months
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seiyuucrossovers · 1 month
Mamoru Miyano and Kotobuki Minako
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In a world where Vivian finally wins over Gilthunder
Anime: Seven Deadly Sins & Fuse: Memoirs of a Hunter Girl
Mamoru as Gilthunder & Shino
Ooyama as Vivian & Hamaji
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zeldriszezinho · 1 year
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Chion tragic backstory - Part 1:
Chion, on behalf of everyone, we forgive you for everything that happened and that you said. I would also become the same person you currently are if I experienced what you did. From now on, you’re my baby and I will protect you from anything and anyone.
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azari-the-enby-geek · 4 months
Since she lost the poll, I drew her after Jericho, here’s Vivian, aka the weird teleporting wizard lady that wanted to fuck a 10-year-old but waited until he was legal!
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What I changed:
Gave her better hair… Because wtf were her bangs!?
Gave her better armor… Because she wasn’t protecting anything but her face… And her mask didn’t even have air holes, which would make her suffocate- (though... I'm not the best at designing armor, so please forgive me)
Gave her Yang Sanpaku eyes, which is where there's more white above her iris than below, and it indicates a domineering personality and possible violent tendencies (which has never been proven, but it makes good foreshadowing)
Also… What was that lilac panel over her chest? It’s not her skin, because she literally has a human skin tone!
She doesn’t wanna fuck a 10-year-old, anymore (seriously, why are there so many damn pedophiles in this anime!?), but… She’s still a groomer
The end goal of grooming isn’t always to get a child into bed with you, it could also be to get someone to do something nefarious for them, like The Beldam from Coraline, who grooms Coraline into sewing buttons over her eyes so she can eat her
I won’t explain any more of the story, or else I’d be spoiling my rewrite-
You can find my AO3 account down here ↓
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autumnsorbet · 1 month
Worreldane and merlin
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So if the theory that Merlin in lions is true
Why not contact any of the other sins especially meliodas and Elizabeth
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Maybe she that afraid of chaos,or maybe something else happened maybe Merlin got turn old by chaos or someone else like Worreldane
It been said that maybe Worreldane from merlins old home that the SD and Dk destroyed
Other think Worreldane and Merlin were students under demon clan/ of gowther
Other think she one of Merlin former students
Worreldane said to be an old mage ,so if that's true she could maybe be one of the 3 things I mentioned
If she upset with merlin do to 2 things ,Merlin getting there home destroyed,or her being a former student of Merlin she may hold a grudge against her like Vivian does
So I can see these two possibly fighting in the future and I'm sure we'll get more on the white witches backstory since she seems like such an important character who's linked to Merlin from what Elizabeth said and one of the recent chapters
She could possibly be an old friend of Merlin's or like I said a student and she could possibly cited with Arthur wanting to seek out Merlin and get revenge on her but I don't think she's letting the revenge part be known or she could just be seeking out Merlin for one other purpose and maybe that's why she cited with Arthur because they're both looking for Merlin
I actually hope we get to see more interactions between the two in the future
I especially think that Worreldane may have some hitting agenda we might not know about this is just me guessing at this point but she could be the character that could be a standing for Arthur's sister who's always appeared and aetherian legends Morgana or in some versions Morgan lafaye , Arthur's sometimes biological sister through uther penragon, and in some versions she's Arthur's half sister through his mother queen igdeg
Cuz I'm not sure if we'll see Morgan lafaye in 4 knights or not or maybe we will because in some versions of some stories like even in some of the green night stories and even in the green night movie we're going to lafaye was Gwaine mother instead of mordreds so we might not even see Mordred in this story
I would be shocked if we maybe see
Worreldane turn on Arthur and try to take him out is a way to get revenge on Merlin because if there's a possibility she wants revenge on Merlin what better way to get revenge on her then taking out something she takes so much pride in and put so much effort in for 3000 years Arthur and chaos itself
Even though we've only seen her only a little bit in the story I wouldn't be shocked if something like this happened I'm hoping we do get some twist like this where we end up finding out we have to fight her for some reason at some point in the future I think it'd be an interesting thing to see in the story but I'm also thinking some other things will happen with Worreldane down the line I don't think she going to die but will play a bigger role in the funeral especially if she ends up fighting Merlin in the future
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We see that she's there along with Arthur and the other four evils but we also see in the cloud of smoke to the left a silhouette in the smoke that could possibly be Merlin
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smokerswifey · 5 months
Can you Rank the Sins' entrance in the 7ds
Here's mine:
1. King
2. Escanor
3. Gowther
4. Meliodas
5. Ban
6. Diane
7. Merlin
1. Escanor ( I can't even put into words how much I loved his introduction. First showing us à tiny timid man then showing said tiny timid man turn into a huge buff monster that just casually beats up Melascula and Galand, the same two beasts that gave both Ban ad Meliodas a hard time. " I stand at the pinnacle of all races-" I MISS HIM SO MUCH HE WAS SUCH A BADASS )
2. King ( his entrance was so sudden and so dramatic, randomly spawning behind ban and stabbing him with chastiefol, grinning maliciously at his supposed companion, we were all shook as fuck lets be fr . Chefs kiss you will always be iconic
3. Ban ( the guards whispering about how they tried to execute him like 30 times, showing Ban pierced by metal rods and bound and chained up . The ominous music being harmonised with Ban's morbid humming showing us how much he doesn't give a fuck...perfect intro )
I'm tying Meli and Ban cause I loved their intros the same amount but for different reasons . Van for the more ominous and daunting reveal and Meliodas for the more wholesome and exciting one .
3. Meliodas ( I absolutely loved his reveal, him effortlessly beating up Twigo, Elisabeth staring in shock, him telling her he's not a member of the sds but their " CAPTAIN " go off my short king then him telling her to join him on his adventure, with the uplifting music and her smiling widely and nodding and following him on mama hawk.... oh fuck I am getting so nostalgic rn, back when it was hawk meli and eli, my roman empire frr .
5. Merlin ( incredibleeeee, I love it when she taught that rat vivian a lesson and when she pulled of her cloak it was giving " its britany bitch" sorry sorry sorrry . Plus with the hand I the waist, the flowy hair, the smug smile, she knew she was serving .
6. Gowther ( goes from random green haired background character to pink haired hottie, like no wonder hes the sin of lust-
Kidding .
But fr we all thought he was the armored giant so most of us were hella confused when he actually turned out to be the guy we saw in the beginning of the arc it was one hell of a twist and Nakaba is actually really good at doing this sort of thing with character reveals . )
7. Diane ( first time we saw my girl she was chilling asleep, in a forests that she " conquered " lmao . Those little creatures thanking Meliodas for taking her away will never not make me chuckle )
There ya go, thanks anon you really made me nostalgic about the old series I think I'm going to rewatch it or reread it again some time :D !
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ramjam · 6 months
what are your favorite sds ships?
UHHHHHHH... I like a lot, but I'll try to narrow it down...
My favorite pairing is Jericho/Guila and it's been that way for almost a decade. For other F/F, I enjoy Merlin/Vivian and Isolde/Anne quite a lot. Gelda/Elizabeth is cute when I want to ignore canon. Gawain/Isolde has potential, but I think Gawain should cut her losses and get another girl, tbh. I'm curious if Nakaba might introduce one of Gawain (Arthurian)'s lovers, like the unnamed Lady from Sir Gawain & The Green Knight?
For M/F, my favorite pair is probably Gilthunder/Margaret. I like all three of the big main ships, too. Meliodas/Elizabeth is tricky because I loved it in the latter half of the series after he did a bunch of retcons to make it less weird, but it still has those problems when viewed as a whole. But King/Diane is my favorite from the big three ships. Also lowkey like Diane/Howzer, too.
Lancelot/Tristan and Dreyfus/Hendrickson are my favorite M/M pairings. Nasiens/Percy has also really grown on me while watching the anime. I mourn the loss of Gowther/Slader... and King/Ban was one of my first ships when I started watching the anime back in 2016. They're a guilty pleasure.
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chaosagenda · 2 years
i really do hate sds and only like a solid maybe 5 characters and heres why
(spoilers because i cant talk about my hatred for this anime without spoiling it)
theres so much pedophilia. i dont give a jack shit if shes the repetitively reincarnated version of your lost lover meliodas STOP groping a 16 YEAR OLD!!! “the age of consent in japan is 16″ die. that isnt even true, the age of consent varies by reigon. but even then, sds does not take place in japan or anywhere that even exists on earth, so shut up
and then there’s ban who engages in a relationship and has children with an actual child “elaine’s thousands of years old!!” that is a CHILD and if you’re attracted to that, and if you think that’s okay, i ask for you to seek help because if you did not feel uncomfortable at all watching his romance boil and kiss someone who looks like she is 6 you have serious issues
the only scene i genuinely like is that one scene in the first season when meliodas and ban reunite and bro so hard they break an indestructible barrier and all their problems were solved yeah man i didnt even need absolute cancel i just threw my bro through 13 different walls and it just busted
then theres the typical anime thing where the men should be twinks but are ripped for no reason. technically this isnt problematic but you seriously cant look at him and think nah man that dude has an 8 pack
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that is a twink. and im not sorry
then theres your standard “these characters should have been gay” and then they werent like guila and jericho were a thing at one point and nobody in the world could convince me otherwise 
and there are scenes so laughably bad, like when veronica kisses tiny griamore on the head and he reverts back to normal size except all of his clothes are ripped and hes ass naked. then guila comes in and just. blasts him (this scene was both actually horrible and legendary at the same time)
then this is more of a dub thing but some of the voices are actually so bad. why does zeldris sound like that. that is a short emo man that is not a buff member of the swat team
fanservice is bad too. you cant tell me nerobasta’s back doesnt HURT from those actually gargantuan jugs. i dont even think those are possible. that dress is hanging on for dear life. this doesnt even work you cant trick me into thinking this animes good by putting e cup anime titties in my face
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anyway this anime’s a 10/10 i recommend it to uh to uh uh a very large audience
and the movies arent that great either, especially cursed by light because you spend have of this plot lollygagging and then suddenly everythings fine, but youre still halfway through the movie so elizabeths mommy has to descend and start throwing hands and with the power of teamwork the cast defeats this universe’s version of god the only part i like about that movie is the two 10 second scenes where arthur and merlin are present and the whole time they’re just like 🧍 ominously
is there anything i like? plot wise, absolutely not i cant think of anything but i do like some of the characters
diane, while annoying a lot of the time, was genuinely okay. she was my first kin and for that she’s pretty close to my heart. but her intense infatuation with meliodas in the first chunk of the anime actually drove me up a wall, but she does get better
king was pretty great, and while a little bland, i still liked him. hes also dubbed by max mittelman and that just increases my adoration for him
gowther is... gowther. the buildup of a tall muscular man in armor but is actually a pink haired androgynous twink was great i loved that, i cosplayed him in 2020 and i still say “✌️sparkle!” to this day
escanor was pretty cool until he... wasnt... and then im not gonna say any more (rest in peace king)
i liked gilthunder after he was out of his emo phase and even enjoyed him when he was still in it. the circumstances of his villain arc were generally stupid as well as confusing and vivian’s existence gets on my nerves but gil was cool, along with howzer, who is probably one of the most horrendous looking characters ive ever seen (as controversial as that statement is) but at least hes funny. theyre also voiced by robbie daymond and ray chase, so if youre a persona fan, like, come on this duo is iconic (duo. i have a strong dislike of griamore and to my concern he does not exist)
merlin, i liked merlin. i liked merlin. a lot. for reasons. for a lot of reasons. she was she was uh and her character arc and backstory was um... i liked merlin yes i did
okay i cant not talk about arthur anymore. i love arthur. hes my little closeted ginger homosexual guy and he’s just great. he has actually zero idea whats happening at any given time but still is op as all hell, and i just love him. he has a baby face and is dubbed by zach aguilar so its really hard for me to not just want to hug him when he died that extremely brutal death i just sat there like ☹️ come on man thats not cool you cant kill off the best character and expect me to keep watching this
yeah thats right i never even finished it. i was a huge sds fan in like 2018 when season 4 and season 5 werent out yet, and then i stopped liking it, and when they did come out, i never finished. i watched a couple general scenes, and im very aware of the plot and what happens after the point i stopped watching and as much of a hate watcher i am there is no way that those last couple seasons are even sort of worth my time. ill watch the movies whenever they come out but... i cant handle any more than that.
anyway seven deadly sins is actually horrible and nobody should watch it unless its the filler episodes where the characters sit around and complain all day because those have the capability of being fun
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Game 28 Highlighted Tues, August 20 7:00pm EDT Seattle @ Washington
Starting: WASH: Atkins, Austin, Dolson, Sykes, Walker-Kimbrough (Samuelson knee injury) SEA: Diggins-Smith, Horston Loyd, Magbegor, Ogwumike
1st Quarter We're back in the loving embrace of Meghan McPeak and Christy Winters Scott! And it's an interesting time. It's trade deadline day and we just booted (career Mystic) Myisha Hines-Allen and DiDi Richards and acquired Sug Sutton. Karlie Samuelson is out still with injury. So Stef goes for 3. Then we let Seattle go on a 15-0 run. Things are physical and on the Mystics' part, sloppy. JVL hits from 3 on her second attempt. DC is fouling too much. There's a nice play—JVL to a cutting Shakira inside, but no finish. 17-26.
2nd Quarter Shakira is putting in work this quarter—rebounds, drives, floor spacing, taking fouls… Slim gets a block on Vic Vivians as revenge for her 1st quarter block on Austin. 24-28. Slim steals. Energy is back in the building. DC is getting some great second chances. We're running our offense well, but not finding net. 30-44.
3rd Quarter Earl hits back-to-back 3s to open the 2nd half. Credit to point forward Shakira Austin on that second one, who also has two D boards and now a foul line visit. Ogwumike blocks Shakira, Earl block SDS back. "Slim pickins," says Christy as Slim picks a pass and runs it out. "Moms have jokes, too." We're going to Austin inside on every play and she is shooting really poorly. We have the league's best 3-point shooter on the floor right now, can we mix in some plays for her? Meanwhile, we are still fouling too much. Atkins hits another 3. Defense has been good if not great. JVL scoops a pass way out to the perimeter to find Ariel. It's another 3. 4 of 4 this quarter. Hand on fire. With that we've roared back to 51-55. Austin makes it a 2-point game. Stef appeared to get fouled twice but no whistle. Seattle has stepped up their defensive intensity. JVL throws what looks like a mistake because it goes so high, but no, it's a classic St. Louis Arch shot. It's the kind of shot that needs slide whistle sound effects. Reverse Afternoon Delight style. Karlie's reaction is priceless. 57-61.
4th Quarter Nneka has been doing her thing all night, she gets it going to start things off. Twice now they've given Sykes space and she's put up great shots. She had a tough first half shooting wise so I love to see it. Uh oh I jinxed her as she misses everything. Atkins goes again. Good play on both sides, we benefit from some Storm misses, they benefit from some fouls. Now in a wild sequence, Slim fast breaks then cools it down, takes the shot and Engstler barely saves the rebound from going OB but it bounces to Magbegor then Austin rips it away, passes and Horston blocks the shot, she passes and Shatori steals, passes and Engstler couldn't get the scoop shot. Seattle takes a timeout and I feel like I need one, too. Stef steals a pass out of the timeout and Austin goes and-1. She now has 20, game within 2. Jewell dribbles the ball off her knee and we get a chance to take the lead. The officials had called it Seatlle ball and Eric reviewed and won, but had to sacrifice a timeout because of the ref's mistake. Next Seattle possession they immediately call Shatori on a light-if-any foul and she waves her hand, earning her a tech. Wow. Very stupid. She didn't even say anything. You don't allow reactions? Come on. Shatori serves up a driving assist to Shakira on the next play, and then Shakira steals. With 1 point separating things, Slim passes to Jewell who runs it out. 3 points down, we have 1 minute to fix it. Austin loses the ball out of a timeout. The final minute is frantic and fruitless at first, but then we finally settle down and Sykes hits a 3 with 10 seconds. Horston misses the first free throw, but makes the second for a 4-pt advantage, too much to overcome. At least we got some great basketball, especially in the second half. 77-83 final.
Ariel: 25 points Shakira: 24 points DC shooting percentage by quarter: 1st, 40%; 2nd, 26%; 3rd, 50%; 4th, 39%
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thirstyokapi · 1 year
Vivian from seven deadly sins because I wish she had gotten a redemption arc.
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sortanonymous · 4 months
You know, I've had the original Thousand-Year Door on my backlog for a year now, specifically on Nintendont on Wii U. (So let me make it clear, I've never dropped a penny on this game other than I guess for the SD Card to mod the Wii U.) But the remake is making me tempted with how beautiful it looks, the quality-of-life improvements, the handheld mode (even if my Switch's air vents are so bad now that I can't play it on the TV), and of course them no longer censoring Vivian (Massive W there). That said, really feel like sticking with the original just for now. Hopefully I'll procrastinate on it long enough that someone mods the original to at least get Vivian's identity right and so at least that won't be an issue.
Don't know why I'm even posting this when I have to quickly finish a fanfic, I'm already bad at commiting to games these days, and I've never come close to completing an RPG in my life, but hey, this is the Tumblr - the platform of why not!
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zeldriszezinho · 1 year
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Chion tragic backstory - Part 2:
That’s also why Chion is so loyal and grateful towards his cousin. He saved him from that nightmare. Now I wonder what happened to that Vivian, did someone captured her? What happened?
(Anyway, Chion… you’re already 10x a better character than Jade could ever hope to be, I wasn’t wrong when I chose you as my favorite of the Tris platoon (Besides Tristan, of course)
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azari-the-enby-geek · 2 months
Outfit 3 won the poll for Elizabeth's next outfit redesign, so here ya go!
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What I changed:
I made her skirt shorter, but gave her long pants underneath, just to make her outfit more interesting
The ruffles on her jacket didn't make any sense, so I just made the sleeves bell out (or whatever the right word is)
Her boots also made no sense. Why did they randomly have fur when there's no other fur on her outfit? And assuming Brittania has a warm climate, having furry boots would be really uncomfortable when she's running, jumping, climbing, and fighting all day.
Gave her four smaller wings on her lower back since that's what I'm giving Goddess Elizabeth (who I renamed Uriel to not cause confusion) in my rewrite
Kept her original bangs, because the ones she originally has with this outfit look bad, and they remind me of Vivian... Who I hate, along with all the other pedos in this damn anime-
Gave her a necklace with the crux immissa quadrata, because I'm adding a lot of Ancient Greek and Roman influence into my rewrite, and it's the Greek version of The Cross in Christianity... Because there's a lot of surface level Biblical references in SDS
And ofc, by the time she's in this outfit, she'd be 18... Because a 15 to 16 year old wearing the outfits she's constantly put in is just... Creepy-
You can find my AO3 account down here ↓
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nettchan01 · 5 months
photography part 2
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Photography Part 2  
When comparing the use of the SD card with my phone there is a big difference in quality.  It is a bit like comparing the quality of an IMAX movie with a regular cinema or watching something on TV.  When using the Canon 800 camera the images were much easier to focus in and out of the picture.  The settings on the Canon were similar to that of the phone but the phone's data storage became full.  The camera allowed for the storage spaces to be managed.  It is probably cheaper to buy a high quality SD card than pay for ongoing storage space.  However, this is questionable as friends say it is best to save photos in areas such as Google Photos.  
At college, I had the chance to test out not just photography but also classical animation.  It is important to mention this as Phraxiniscope, Phenakistoscope, Zoetrope and Thaumatrope because they are also part of photography as many photographic artists and illustrators used this to create games and movies for children.  This formed the beginning of motion film and movies.  This is a combination of photography and motion  
Photographs are used for ID's and passports.  There are times when gaming designers such as, John Rafman, uses animation but also uses photography to give different perspectives to help create ideas for different levels of gaming designs.  Animators use photography as a backup reference for their work.  Old family pictures are taken so that future generations can have family photographs showing their blood line.  These photos could be repaired and catalogued for future generations of for exhibitions.  
Nowadays, there are many questions about the ethics of photography as some people use social media inappropriately.  Instagram prevented me from posting some images that I had taken in Greenwich as they said that they were unethical.  Why were my unaltered images inappropriate whereas the original objects were not? 
My old family photographs show few smiles.  They are not expressing true smiles which may be covering up their true feelings.  They are almost in the style of John Berger, Vivian Maier and Susan Sontage.  They show people's expression of interest and disinterest.  Some show fake interest.  One photograph shows a drunken man which is an example of real photograph of a person.  He may have been drunk in the hope that he could forget communism and his experience in the army and as a prison guard. 
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ardn631oliviagardner · 7 months
Below in my contact sheet of RAW images, there are 3 different locations where I took these portraits. Truthfully, I didn't love this exercise, so I was getting very impatient with myself for not delivering what I wanted to see.
In the first 2 rows, I am in my bathroom, I had briefly seen some of Vivian Maiers's work and loved her style of portraiture. In my bathroom, I remember specifically listening to Normal Girl and Fade Into You. I find these songs are very different as Normal Girl is more mellow and upbeat (maybe one of my favourite songs so I love it), and Fade Into You gives a more sombre vibe.
In rows 4-6 I was in my bedroom, amongst sheets on my bed. I was changing my sheets and duvet, which I really don't like doing, so I always put on music to make it a bit more enjoyable. I had my desk lamp on and thought it made some nice shadows on the walls so I set up my camera to capture it. I was listening to Phoebe Bridger's Punisher album at this moment so a very slow, and still vibe has been portrayed alongside the light work.
And the last images are in my living room. These were the first portraits I took for the task, so the whole thing was me getting used to being the camera's subject. In this moment I was listening to Tolerate It and the more sad energy was portrayed while playing with the natural light and the curtains.
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Below are some of my favourite images
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By the end of this exercise I didn't mind being the subject of a self-portrait. I realised I liked the more simplistic/documentative approach like the ones of me sitting on my bed compared to the more contemporary/creative approach
EDIT: had to swap an SD card halfway through so some image quality is worse than others...
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