#sds hawk
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the-face-in-the-mirror · 9 months ago
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I cannot express how LOUD I squealed the moment I scrolled down and saw Zeldris' rewrite after months of being away from Tumblr and I legit cannot praise you enough for the absolutely delicious serving. You did that man justice in the best ways possible!
And of course, I LOVED what you did with Margaret and Veronica along with Gilthunder, Guila, and Jericho! They're absolutely stunning and love the more roles they play in here.
And Helbrim- (I cannot for the life of me remember how the hell to spell this guy's name, he always eludes me. So I just spell it however it sounds like to me) -and his added lore actually brings home the angst! And adds more world building. I love it!
Zedris and Guila have to be my favorite rewrites, I love their designs that I just stared at them for a good solid 30 minutes just taking it all in!
Now then, for me questions in this rather jumbled up and messy ask; Is the Boar Hat changed at all? What kind of role does Hawk and his mom have in this rewrite, is it roughly the same? Or are they taken out completely?
Apologies for the rather jumbled writing, I don't have time to edit it all neatly so sorry if something doesn't quite make sense.
OMG, it's so good to hear from you again! :DDDDD I'm so glad you like the redesigns I've done since you've last been on here. I do pride myself on Zeldris' and Guila's redesigns if I do say so myself... I have a knack for creating people, what can I say? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
As for your questions: yes! Hawk and his mama will still be in the rewrite, because they are simply perfect. I love them with everything I have. Although, Hawk might be a girl this time just because it feels right for some reason. Either way, we all know Hawk transcends gender.
I think they'll roughly have the same rolls as they do in canon, with slightly adjusted designs just to account for art style. Hawk's abilities may be changed a bit as well because they always just seemed kind of random and out-of-nowhere when they showed up in season 2. I also think that Mama, this giant pig that just wanders and chills, being the original prison of Chaos and essentially one of the most powerful beings in all of Britannia, is absolutely hilarious, so of course I'm keeping that. And, because I loved seeing the little bits of her own personality in canon, I hope to convey her as more of a character rather than just the vehicle that takes us from place to place. (Love you, Hawk Mama, they could never make me hate you)
And the Boar Hat will have minimal changes; the layout was always a little bit unclear to me so I'll be adjusting it a bit. Since Mama Hawk is technically "hollow," since she's basically a moss shell, there may be a basement for cold storage, and more rooms for the Sins to stay in since it's never fully established what upstairs looks like outside of a few scenes - Meliodas made the Boar Hat to stealthily look for the Sins, after all, and even if he didn't have the expectation that they would travel with him I think he would still have set up the place with them in mind. And, slightly unrelated, but Elizabeth actually gets her own room this time instead of just sharing one with Meliodas since it seemed a bit weird to me that she was sharing a room and a bed with the guy when she only just met him. But that's just a side note.
Thanks so much for asking, I love your questions!! XDDD
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amberskywrites · 1 year ago
Chapter 22 - Confrontations
Chapter 1 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 23 || Masterpost | AO3 Link | FF.net Link
Fandom / Genre: Nanatsu no Taizai (Seven Deadly Sins) / Canon-Divergent and Hurt/Comfort
Pairings: Meliodas/Elizabeth, Zeldris/Gelda, Meliodas & Zeldris & Elizabeth & Gelda
Overall Story Warnings: Angst with a happy ending, Canon-typical violence, Canonical character death, Canon temporary character death, Cursed characters, Lmk if I need to add anything else!
Chapter Warnings: None, lmk if there’s anything I need to add!
Story Summary:
and chains.
For 3,000 long and painful years, these four have been doing all they can to lift their curses. They have failed, again and again and again. With only a sliver of hope left, they try once more.
Or, what if Zeldris accepted Meliodas’ offer to go with him 3,000 years ago?
Ban ignored King following them, fixed solely on the collection of lights flying further and further away from the others. Eventually, the lights vanished as they entered a clearing.
No, vanished wasn’t quite right.
He couldn’t see them, see her, but he could feel her. Ban took a deep breath, the only sound with King frozen. At least- he assumed King was frozen in place. And then he started speaking, floating up next to Ban. He was glaring.
“What are you doing here, Ban?”
Ban leaned back, away from the fairy, and forced a bored expression across his face. He hummed low and waited a moment before answering, watching King’s expression sour further. Then he let a smirk form, no matter if he actually felt smug or not.
There was one thing Ban would always be good at, after all. And it was pissing off King.
“I think you know what I’m doing here.”
King scowls further. “How dare you even come here, after all you did? How dare you smile to my face, if you know well what you’ve done?”
“How dare I?” Ban’s expression grew disbelieving. King didn’t respond for a moment, cooling his expression and lifting off Chastiefol. Before Ban could finish blinking, the sacred treasure was behind him and suddenly his limbs were gripped and pulled apart. “What the-?!”
“After the Sins split up, I decided to return home. I hadn’t been home in centuries. I was horrified to come across the Fairy Forest burnt to the ground. The Fountain of Youth gone, the forest abandoned and trees charred as far as the eye can see. No sign of the Saint who was guarding the fountain and the forest…
“It took me a while to realize what had happened.” King tilted his head at Ban. “I never questioned why a human seemed so indestructible, unkillable. We have all committed grave sins, but I never… I didn’t even think that anyone had committed one so heinous. I didn’t think you had killed the Saint of the forest and drank from the Fountain of Youth.”
Ban barely held back a scoff. “So what, is this a ploy to avenge her? You just said it yourself- I’m unkillable!”
A small, self-satisfied smile graced King’s face. “Maybe not normally, no,” he said, holding out his hand. “Spirit spear Chastiefol, third configuration: Fossilization.” Ban’s eyes widened as behind him a whirring sound pierced the air, followed quickly by the squish of flesh and guts being torn out.  “You never did pay attention to anything anyone else talked about. If it wasn’t something to fulfill your greedy desires, it went in one ear and right out the other.”
Ban stared at his chest where the spear impaled him - and King sure did have a thing for impaling him, huh? - and watched as a gray started to crawl over his body outward from the spear. It felt… odd. Not painful. A tingling sensation, as if his body was slowly falling asleep.
“Are you watching, Elaine?” King murmured, only audible to Ban because it was otherwise so silent.
Ban took a deep breath a moment before he could no longer properly feel if he was actually inhaling air still, looked back up at King as the petrification spread to his neck, and smiled as gently as he would ever smile in King’s presence.
“Do you have any last words, a deathbed confession perhaps? I won’t forgive you either way, but still.”
Silence, as the last of the petrification enveloped Ban. “Then suffer alone for all eternity here in the Necropolis without dying it ever finding peace,” King said quietly after Ban refused to say anything.
 King was left staring at that infuriating smile. “Goodbye, Ban,” he said softly, smile disappearing. Chastiefol withdrew from Ban completely. King took one last look at Ban, committing his stone face to memory. 
“Maybe we should turn back and look for Ban and King?” Hawk asked. “We haven’t seen anyone!”
“We’ll meet up with them soon enough, have patience,” Zeldris scolded lightly. 
“We have been walking for a while, are you sure they’ll be alright?” Elizabeth asked. “You said Sir Ban might see someone he cared about a lot here.”
“Zel,” Meliodas sighed, tone toeing the line between exasperated and disappointed.
“She was going to talk to him earlier, I don’t know what you expected me to do, telling her not to talk to him out of seemingly nowhere,” Zeldris huffed before looking up at Elizabeth. “I’m sure they’ll be fine, Ban included. I’m not saying it won’t hurt, that he might not spiral later whether he sees them or not. But he’ll be alright in the end, I promise.”
“Still, at this rate, I doubt there’s any of the other Sins here, I haven’t sensed any of them or any powers like them…” Diane chimed in, looking around over the crystal walls. She slowed to a stop and the others followed suit, Hawk sighing in relief as they finally stopped moving for a moment.
“Mmmm… that is true. We don’t have a lot longer here, so I guess it wouldn’t hurt to-” Meliodas cut himself off abruptly.
Everyone stopped at the odd sight before them. A young woman, bent forward slightly with her eyes closed, long hair drawn over some of her face. A hand was resting across her chest - no, not across, Elizabeth realized with dread forming a pit in her own heart, the hand was in the woman’s chest.
The power radiating from the woman was strong enough for Elizabeth to feel it. It felt like she was being suffocated slowly, her breath hitching as the others tensed around her. Elizabeth chanced looking away from the woman for a brief moment, taking in even Meliodas’ stiff shoulders and Zeldris’ hand twitching over his sword. Gelda stood straighter, her eyes narrowed at the woman, only raising Elizabeth’s unease further. Diane had taken a step back upon seeing the woman, confusion and apprehension flitting across her face and switching frequently with annoyance. Hawk also took a step back, placing himself between Elizabeth and the woman but keeping the brothers between him and herself.
The power felt… less than Gilthunder’s, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t dangerous. Elizabeth couldn’t feel the Sins’ powers, and they were the most dangerous beings in the world as far as she was aware. 
The woman finally moved, moving her hand from her chest to rest on her own sword but not drawing it. Her eyes seemed to remain closed, but Elizabeth could still feel her calculating gaze.
“How do you do, Dragon Sin Meliodas? Serpent Sin Diane?”
“And you are?” Zeldris asked, eyes glued to the woman’s sword and his hand tightening over the hilt of his own.
“I am Holy Knight Guila.”
“How did you get here?” Hawk asked, taking another half-step back.
“By dying,” Guila answered as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.
Hawk’s breath hitched and he looked at Meliodas. “Did she just say she came here by dying?” 
Meliodas hummed in affirmation. “She sure did.”
Before anyone could say anything else, Guila unsheathed her sword - rapier, Elizabeth realized - and propelled herself forward quicker than they were prepared for, going between Meliodas and Zeldris and they had moved before remembering who was behind them, but Guila was already past them.
Elizabeth had only a moment to dodge Guila’s attack, a mangled shout of surprise bursting from her lips before she was toppling to the side and just barely managing to duck under Guila’s body.
Guila landed far more gracefully, spinning around and about to attack again. She was forced back as Gelda appeared in front of her, a ball of fire in her palm aimed to hit Guila at short range, and forced back even further as Diane knelt and brought some of the earth up from under Guila. 
Elizabeth stumbled back onto her own feet, Meliodas already in front of her and backing up, putting even more space between her and Guila. His jaw was set tight and Elizabeth couldn’t see his expression, but she could imagine it wasn’t a pleasant one.
“Hawk! Take Elizabeth and run!”
Hawk was at their sides instantly, and Elizabeth only hesitated for half a second before clambering onto Hawk’s back. As soon as she was secure Hawk booked it, squealing the entire way about how strong Guila was and how he couldn’t believe she just attacked Elizabeth. Elizabeth spared a glance back just before they turned a corner, catching sight of Meliodas and Guila locked together in a small crater, and then they were gone.
Elizabeth squeezed her eyes shut and hoped with all her might that the Sins would be fine.
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sk-yay-sk · 15 days ago
Honestly when you think about it Hawk really is the strongest character in NNT. He's been eating Meliodas' horrible food for years with little complain or reaction
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spaceydoo · 2 years ago
just thinking about him eating you out on your kitchen island till his face is coated with your juices. a puddle of your juices are on the floor, you not even caring about the mess. you were too out of it, eyes rolled back and all. you tug at his hair desperately needing him deeper in you. “you’re so needy today aren’t you gorgeous?” he said in a subdued tone against your pussy, not taking his eyes off you. you couldn’t do anything but throw your head back, letting out a whiny moan. “make a mess on my face again, you deserve it ma” he’s tracing circles, triangles, squares— hell, even his own name on your clit. your thighs began to shake once again as your juices coated his face “fuck..fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckk” you let out such a loud moan you might as well be a pornstar “mm you taste so good baby” he said in a soft tone. your grip on his hair tightened, riding out your high with his tongue. he moved his face from your cunt, giving a couple of kisses on your inner thighs “now how bout’ i blow your back out right here, yeah?”
toji fushiguro, eren yaeger, sanji vinsmoke, jean kirstein, tengen uzui, kakashi hatake, satoru gojo, roronoa zoro, ban, dabi, getou suguru, benimaru shinmon, portgas d ace, leonard burns, ryomen sukuna, spirit albarn, that teacher from silent voice, kyojuro rengoku, guren ichinose, hawks, connie springer
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librathefangirl · 8 months ago
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the way meliodas would probably never describe himself as a good guy... </3
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zorria · 4 months ago
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comiclaxys · 6 months ago
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dance-to-mythoughts-blog · 1 year ago
Just a small appreciation post is all. <3
Recently became obsessed with Ban again and Karasuma from Assassination classroom. Gojo is so pretty I had to use 3 gifs of him lol.
If you want a request, just send it to me. :) Requests are open.
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moldy-flowers · 17 days ago
In my head Sakura weilds her axe like Diane from seven deadly sins weilds her Gideon
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ladymerlin-lab · 2 years ago
Merlin: Have you ever seen something that changes your life and you are just like... "wow"
Escanor smiling: Of course, I saw you.
Merlin, trying not to blush: ...darling that's so cute and sweet, but it kinda makes this awkward because I was gonna show you a picture of Arthur and Hawk in matching dinosaurs costumes.
~Escanor's mind: God I love her so much~
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August 06: Happy Birthday Hawk / Mild (The Seven Deadly Sins)!!!!
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sydns · 2 years ago
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Bye Bye Hawk 👋
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monabee-draws · 19 days ago
Character Motivation, Inciting Incidents, and Veilguard Backgrounds
Okay, big title for what will likely be a short post but I hope this draws out some cool idea-generation from the fandom. [Spoiler, it got long and out of hand, apologies.]
One crucial aspect of the origin stories in Dragon Age Origins is that it answers the question "Why the hell is the protagonist out here?" in an incredibly definitive way. None of the warden candidates start out wanting to be a warden. Many of them are full-on coerced into it at the end of their storylines by Duncan, and the choice is taken away from them as part of their narrative. They aren't presented with any other option. This is echoed in both Hawke and the Inquisitor's 'inciting incidents' even if we never see their background play out before the tale begins: Hawke is running from the Blight and not only has to leave home, but is actively corralled into going to Kirkwall and staying there by his deal with Asha'bellanar. There is no other option for them - Carver says so outright ("The Wilds are to the south, that's no way out.") The Inquisitor is faced, similarly to a Warden Tabris, with the threat of being hunted down and killed if they don't accept the protection that comes along with playing Herald. You begin the story in chains, and the condition of your release is effacing yourself to become what the Inquisition needs you to become.
None of these stories offer any kind of meaningful alternative to the direction the protagonist must follow to begin the narrative. If Hawke tries to sell or lose the amulet, it reappears. If someone refuses to drink from the chalice at the Joining, Duncan kills them. The Inquisitor has to play along just long enough to prove their innocence to the wider world, and by that point it's impossible to get out of it.
By contrast, Veilguard assumes Rook wants to be here without offering us any reason for them to be (positive or negative.) Now, I'm sure you want to say 'but their backgrounds!' but please, hear me out first. "Rook is a heroic character, they're a good person who wants to save the world and hey the world needs saving!" is a very 'Guardians of the Galaxy' character motivation: Greg lives in the universe so they would very much like said universe to continue existing. From one perspective, this supports Rook's characterisation as (almost) too selfless. Of course they jump onto the Solas bandwagon with Varric and go off to save the world! They're a hero, that's what heroes do. However, this is true of literally everyone in Thedas (except for some reason the Venatori and Antaam, though I guess they want the world to survive in a very specific way, so.) What makes Rook's heroism special? The lack of ability to insert nuance here harms Rook's 'Realness' as a protagonist. We cannot actively roleplay the kind of motivations that would push someone to travel with strangers away from everything they've ever known in pursuit of quarry they're not even sure they understand (Rook is confused in the introduction about Solas' many names, which I read as poor explanation on Varric and Harding's part of the true nature of their quarry; additionally, Laidir's letter from Isabela implies that Varric hasn't really explained Solas to Rook yet in the 'Six Months Ago' letter.)
Yes, each backstory justifies why Rook cannot go home, but why does Rook go with Varric? This aspect of the story is written around - Varric is there and Rook always cares about him. But why? Why not lay low somewhere until your faction drama blows over? For certain backgrounds leaving isn't even required, just suggested, and you could easily relocate your operations for a little while (GW, SD) or stay home away from work (MW, VJ.) Only a Crow and LoF Rook could reasonably expect to be hunted down and killed even if they laid low, maybe Shadow Dragon at a push. The backgrounds are written in such a way as to justify why Varric might see a spark of good in Rook, but give little to no reason why Rook would consider following that spark to work with Varric. I reiterate here: Taking a hard stance and writing Rook as a heroic character IS FINE, but even heroes have motivation. We as the audience NEED to see that to become invested. Not everyone is willing or able to make things up to fill this gap.
This is why, like many others, I think we should have had the opportunity to play through our origin missions rather than merely reading them in character creation/having information drip fed to us (if you're lucky and play a MW or Crow Rook) or not be expanded upon at all during the game. [Disclaimer: Yes wardens absolutely get the most reactivity but not in a way that explains who Rook was, which wardens they knew or areas they worked in, or anything beyond them knowing Antoine and Evka from before.] Show us how we meet Varric, and why we should care about him. Plenty of Tabris' probably hate Duncan, plenty of Broscas and Aeducans probably love him. But all origins give the player the groundwork to decide how that dynamic is going to play out before the character exits the narrative. So when Duncan haunts it - through Alistair, through Loghain, through Wynne's dialogues about duty and sacrifice and through the Landsmeet decisions - it actively draws out an emotional connection.
Veilguard gets away with handwaving a lot of emotional investment because it trusts players have played at least one game with Varric in it already - and if you have, of course you'd love him and follow him to save the world. It is practically impossible to not be friends with Varric in DA2 and Inquisition (unless you make very erratic, specific decisions on purpose.) Would Rook be any different? But there's the rub - Rook doesn't get to decide if they are any different. There is only one option - to travel with Varric to help stop Solas. But because that is never defined - we never see the lack of alternatives, we are never faced with the Blight or the Wilds - the motivation along this single path never arrives. All Wardens have to stop the Blight. All Hawkes have to survive. All Inquisitors have to become the Herald. But we get to see the moments in which that non-choice is made, and it is a crucial moment to understand who a character is, and what kind of narrative they live in, and why they maintain forward momentum along that path. Rook's story is a hero's story - specifically the kind where they actively decide to be that hero - but we never get to be there when the difficulty of that choice occurs.
All that to say, in the end, that I am deeply curious why YOUR Rook decided to try and save the world. What is their relationship with Varric? With the task at hand? If you had to write the recruitment mission or Inciting Incident to reflect your Rook's morals, beliefs, motivations and relation to Varric, what would it look like? These are big questions I wish we could have played out even basically in Veilguard proper, but I'd still like to know. It's a question I struggle with for all of my Rooks, and there's great fanon out there. It would have been nice to not have to rely on that.
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judgemark45 · 3 months ago
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Crew members spell out "BYE SD" on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63) as small boats escort it out of San Diego Bay on January 3, 1987. The Kitty Hawk was reassigned to the Atlantic Fleet.
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zorria · 2 years ago
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lefarte · 2 months ago
Gamer Ranking
(Modern au / any au where they’re given access to video game consoles really)
Abella: A hardcore nostalgia gamer. Only plays on PC (built it herself). Bethesda hater and still won’t let it go. Has a picture of Todd Howard in her desk drawer with his eyes cut out. Her favorite series is fallout and has a solid year worth of time spent on New Vegas alone. Well known in the TF2 community. Used to have a competitive record in Tetris, but lost her touch from spending too much time at work. Favorite games are factorio, subnautica and terraria.
August: Calls every console a ‘Nintendo’. Calls on Abella for help with his computer frequently. It’s still on windows 7. Favorite game is solitaire.
Daan: Wouldn’t call himself a ‘gamer’, but has a steam account which he opens once in a while. Prefers narrative based horror games or puzzle games. Never spends more than 7 dollars on a game. Favorite games are bioshock, disco elysium, signalis and pathologic.
Henryk: Likes to dip his toes into a little bit of everything, but never able to get into the gamer scene. Owns a perfectly good PS4 that sits neglected and unused. Likes to talk about the nostalgia of his favorite games when he was younger and how modern games aren’t as fun. He also just has no taste. Favorite games are detroit: become human, fallout 4, borderlands, until dawn, bully and minecraft (the type of guy who always wants to make a big group world, and then when it’s made he never uses it). Abella trashes his collection.
Karin: Runs every game on her shitty company work laptop. Likes roguelikes, or any game that has a satisfying ‘tactile’ feeling game loop. A big resident evil fan, but they make her computer ‘make weird noises’. Favorite games are: Ultrakill, pizza tower, project zomboid, and multiplayer games like phasmophobia and lethal company. Currently has an obsession with Balatro that has gotten her in trouble with her boss. Has been known to play Fortnite regularly. Note: she’s BAD.
Levi: Definitely prefers 3D horror games. Nothing actually scares him though. Favorite games are amnesia: the bunker, alien isolation and the forest. Fromsoft fan, favorite game was bloodborne. He owns a decent gaming laptop and a PS2 where he plays tony hawk pro skater. Also likes half life, silent hill and the shin megami tensei series.
Marcoh: He owns a crunchy ass Nintendo DSi where he plays some pokemon like, once in a blue moon. He already finished the game 7 years ago but will never delete the file. If you look into it you’ll see that his starter is like level 100 and everything else is level 8. Never learned how to play, probably never will. Not a gamer.
Marina: Marina is a visual novel supremacist who downloaded the entire Fate series off a shady backdoor website that probably did something horrible to her computer. She loves horror, but is also not opposed to lighter fantasy stuff. Doesn’t like games that have no story. Favorites are the WTC series (Umineko supremacist), tsukihime, melty blood and rance. General classic nerd stuff.
Olivia: She runs a custom steam deck with a really cute pastel purple layout. She’s pirated the sims with every single dlc + a disgusting amount of mods (including That mod 😏) and it took up so much space she had to put in a 2 TB sd card to hold it. She likes all kinds of games, but has a preference for games with heavy writing/plot. Favorite games are SOMA, Mouthwashing, Stay out of the house (Really any games by kittyhorrorshow, puppet combo or yames) and Who’s Lila. Similar taste to Daan, but likes her games more gory.
Osaa: Probably the worst gamer of all time. Even mobile games are confusing to him. Always complains that the screen is too bright, even at the darkest setting. All games bore him. Horror games are juvenile. Story games are predictable. Action games are a waste of time. Don’t bother.
…Favorite game: Papa’s Burgeria or Bloons Tower Defense.
Pav: Favorite game series is metal gear solid. Owns a PS3. Another ‘nostalgia gamer’ who won’t touch modern games. Likes the typical PlayStation stuff like GTA, Assassin’s Creed, and New Vegas. Yes, he’s the type of person to play COD. Doesn’t have time to play games much anymore due to work (thank god).
Samarie: The same kind of visual novels as Marina, but worse. Big into denpa horror. Yes, she plays eroge. Has no one to talk about her niche vns with. Favorite games are cross channel, saya no uta (of course), chaos head and gore screaming show. She also read homestuck (which is technically classified as a denpa on the visual novel database, so….)
Tanaka: The number 1 mobile gamer in the world. Clicks on every single weird ad he gets with no hesitation. Like a cocomelon baby. Top of the worldwide charts in candy crush for 3 weeks straight. Plays these apps in public with the sound on. No shame.
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