#fear and hunger headcanons
schromp-lee · 1 month
The Count Dragul of Lyyr
what do y'all think this book is about?
in my mind it's about Just Some Guy who suddenly inherits the title of count from an obscure great-great-great-great aunt and has no idea how to live up to the cape-swishing-creature-of-the-night-standard everyone's come to expect.
he's not even a vampire. all he wants is to do is catalogue his library but he keeps getting caught up in Hijinks & Shenanigans™. vampire hunters keep showing up to kill him. every single noble family in a ten mile radius with offspring in the marriageable age bracket is obsessed with his balls the kind with dancing and hors d'oeuvres not the other kind
many a treatise has been written by scholars on the subtext between the count and his butler, who goes from resenting his new master's presence to being one of his most staunch supporters. there's a scene where they get locked in the wine cellar together that oozes symbolism and tension
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sinceyousawvienna · 1 year
Too pure for this world
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lucraven · 13 days
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Even Cahara agrees
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liusia-piu · 2 months
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espiritesaint · 5 months
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Marina is polish. End of discussion.
I didn’t expect for this to take SO long. oh my god…
I will reblog other color versions and possibly speed paint later
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fresasconcremaart · 6 months
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yipeee trans people in funger ^_^
2 days late as always lmao
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fallenintothewell · 9 months
Ragnvaldr: ‘doesn’t want Cahara’
Party: ‘gets Cahara anyway’
Ragnvaldr and Cahara:
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sinceyousawvienna · 1 year
future god is scared of cats due to the weird masked man that visits his dreams, more at seven
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lucraven · 4 months
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Individual pics under the cut -
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ari-or-art · 2 months
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Funger party-
(The designs are pretty obviously done in a more headcanony way, also I changed Ragnvaldr’s prompt slightly to be more accurate to him)
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lucraven · 3 months
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diss2arts · 3 months
what if you could have a 5 person party?
(aka my headcanon heights chart)
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Karin doesn't use magic, she's just in the general vicinity of Daan
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(also a textless version!)
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yandere--stuck · 1 year

Can you do Yandere! Cahara, please? <3 I think he would be an interesting one
💙 Cahara hadn't exactly been the best person before delving into the dungeons. He'd been a thief, a burglar, an assassin for hire, the works. The stories he could tell… The point being: Cahara's record wasn't exactly squeaky clean. He could've spent the rest of his life like that, living adrift and moving from one job to the next, going where the work took him. But, then he met Celeste. It was meant to be a one-time encounter, but they hit it off. They kept meeting just to talk and get to know one another. And, gods Alll-mighty, he fell for her. She was with child, probably not even his own but, hell, he loved her and the child already. He wanted to take care of her. Start a family. Settle down with someone after years of being adrift. And the perfect job came at just the right time - for enough riches to take care of his family for generations, all he had to do was go into some dungeons to retrieve some guy. How hard could it be?
🔪 Incredibly. Incredibly hard. Cahara had never seen anything like this. Guards turned into horrible monsters and all kinds of other horrible beasts stalking the halls. And of course, he just had to go and get himself captured and thrown in a cell. Just his luck, huh? But just when he thought he'd spend the rest of his days in a dank, bloodstained cell… Lo and behold, his savior had arrived! You had managed to snatch a key from the hulking guards and were kind enough to allow him to join your party, the only other member being a girl you'd found locked up in this place.
💙 Now, truth be told, Cahara's initial plan was to take some silver and vials off your hands and hit the bricks while you were none the wiser, but something about you made him stick around. And not just because there was strength in numbers. Maybe it was a result of the sanity-sucking darkness of the dungeons, but something made him gravitate toward you. You were like a light in the darkness and he soon worried about trailing too far behind you or too far ahead. As you traversed through the dungeons and courtyards and prison, you slowly began speaking more and more. When you had the chance to, at least. Little things. Jokes or observations, which lead into a rapport between the two of you that seemed as easy as breathing. Just like with Celeste…
🔪 Not only that, but you made an amazing team. Usually, Cahara thought he worked best alone, but working with you in sync, like a well-made machine… It was like nothing else. When you both, not even needing to call out instructions mid-battle, struck at just the right time to send an enemy toppling and their head exposed… It was thrilling. Electric. Despite the terror found within the depths of the dungeon, Cahara couldn't recall a time where he'd felt more alive. And considering the dungeons themselves absolutely reeked with death, Cahara knew it had to be you that made him feel like this. He wasn't sure how long he'd been down in the depths with you and the girl, but already, you felt almost like another limb. He hoped you thought the same.
💙 Apparently, you were getting concerned about his state of mind. So sweet of you, always so sweet. But, the Mercenary had a feeling he was thinking so much clearer than he ever had before. He didn't need any ale or something to smoke. He just needed you. To be around you. You were his light in the dark. Someone he could tell everything to. It became so much easier to talk to you and the girl - well, chat to her, rather. You spoke of tales of old, of funny memories, of how you got certain scars… Of why you came here. His Celeste… And you did the same, spilling every detail for Cahara to soak in like a sponge. Maybe, partly, because you were scared of dying here and no one ever knowing the real you. It felt… Almost too perfect. Something preordained. Destiny. Like you and he were meant to meet. Because he was the one who was supposed to know you and love you. Cahara had never been a praying man, but the next ritual circle he saw, he prayed endlessly to Sylvian for bringing you to him.
🔪 If Le'garde was found alive, he'd quickly book up the levels of the dungeon with you and the girl in tow, all but shoving Le'garde through the halls in a frantic attempt at escape. If you try to part ways, Cahara would insist on thanking you for your help with money, or favors, or staying at his and Celeste's new manor indefinitely? He took in the girl as a daughter, too, which meant leverage over you if you were still particularly attached to the child. Cahara hoped just showing that he and Celeste wanted to provide and take care of you would be enough… But he isn't above drugging the meal Celeste's made for you (either with her knowledge and support or otherwise) and using chains or other restraints when you wake. 
💙 If Le'garde is dead, Cahara would still be annoyed at the whole thing, but grateful that he was led there to meet you. So, it all works out! Cahara would try the straight forward approach to asking if you wanted to join his and Celeste's relationship not long after emerging from the dungeons. He just… He just felt like he loved you. How could he not? After all you've been through together, you couldn't just leave. You confided in him, and he in you! You snuggled together for warmth and became companions… Friends… Something more? And he told Celeste all about you, and she loved you already! Please? Please, he needed you. The children, their- your growing family needed you and… Don't fight what's meant to be. He still had that bonesaw he found down there. That place changed him. You could see it. And you had, too. Don't think he wouldn't use it to keep you with him. Safe. Together. The lights of his life. Please. You have to understand. Bearing the soul of the endless meant that his love for you, his addiction of you, was just as endless and all-consuming.
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maripr · 10 months
Obsessed in general with the idea of Enki going inside the dungeon of F&H expecting dark knowledge at best and a horrible death at worst and this last thought doesn't even bother him because he was just literally trying to commit ritual suicide the other day. He has stopped giving a shit about humans, about himself maybe even long ago.
He's not there to make bonds. Bonds have done nothing but hurt him (his twin sister? Yeah he's not met her in years and it would probably end badly if he did). But then he sees a girl inside a cage with a hopeless, defeated expression (but still in her eyes the glimpse of fear which means here's still fight in there), bandage around her arms, clearly been hurt and oh now he's reminded of a hurt, hopeless little boy who crawled himself out of a well instead of dying like he was fated to.
So he frees her - obviously not because he cares! her pitiful expression pisses him off, that's all! - and then the girl starts following him around, what a pain. Still, he figures, she can be cannon fodder in case things get ugly, but the moment she shields him in combat for the first time (btw this is a thing she can actually do in the game! There! Just to make you sadder!), surprising even himself, he panics. After the enemy is dealt with, he treats her wounds and scolds her for attempting that and from that moment on, he doesn't let her out of his sight.
Speaking of sight, Pocket cat suggested the trade once and Enki's stare was enough to make him known it's time to back off.
Aaand then he meets all these other people. A girl knight searching for her love when in truth she's probably searching for an identity for herself. A rogue who tries and sometimes fails to laugh in the face of all the hurt and the horror they're all experiencing and that he's experienced. A beast of a man who, behind his sad eyes, has just as strong of a mind, he's there to not only fight the enemy but to study it as well.
And they start journeying together, even just to keep themselves sane (an impossible enough task in this hellish place) and Enki discovers feelings that he though he left behind long ago. Blasted humanity, he thought he left his own in the well, but it's still inside his own beating heart. Why does he care for these people? This can only end in hurt. Again. And yet, yet he fights so it doesn't end in tragedy. With them. For them.
Does it end in tragedy? That's up to you.
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