#sdc 5 final
roysristi · 2 years
Photo session before you say goodbye.... Captain Yibo thank you so much for Today.
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accio-victuuri · 8 months
fandom thoughts & are cpfs really gonna get banned from yibo related comment sections? 📝
i may regret publishing this cause it will, like it always does, attract the wrong sort but whatever. i don’t really care. for someone who has been here for a good number of years, i have really learned to pick my battles especially fandom-wise. i can tell you that every week, there will always be some kind of trouble going on with fans and you will be exhausted if you obsess over each one of them. i have said before that if there is anything that will drive me out of stanning the boys, it’s the toxic fandom — so that’s why i mostly steer clear. hence, having this small space for myself on tumblr.
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the fandom disagreements, whether that’s within cpfs, so/o vs cpfs, so/o vs other so/os and we somehow get dragged is always gonna be there. and it’s not really unique to our fandom. the question tho is why you are here? is it to participate in fan wars or to consume content related to xz and wyb? is it to be famous and get followers? etc personally, i’m here for xz and wyb. the active fandom is a bonus. there are so many things i love about the cpf community, but my priority will always be xz and wyb + their career. i mostly get involved if the issue makes it on HS and if it’s to amplify something positive within the fandom.
lately, i’ve mildly spoke up about people accusing cpfs of buying likes cause it was all bs.
which leads us to the next topic of being banned..
i guess this is a “hot topic” in other platforms that love drama.
so for the past days, including weibo night, cpfs have been commenting en masse in comments section. for example, with yibo’s weibo night post and ybo’s recent post about bystander ep photos. what you will notice is the use of ❤️💛 💚 to highlight that we are cpfs. the same thing is done in xz & xzs post. the only reason why we are more visible in the top comments of yibo posts is because motos are disorganized. i said what i said. i see efforts for their coordination but cpfs are just more organized when it comes to doing likes and votes. xfx are so much better than us on this tho. they have lots of professional fans. omg i’m gonna get dragged for being a xfx lol but it’s the truth.
you must notice that the friction between cpfs and motos have been happening for a while now. going as far back as SDC 5 finals ( even before that actually ) and so on. this is why i’m not surprised that this stunt from cpfs triggered them again. ⚠️
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the short answer is, no one is getting banned. what they can do tho, and that includes YBO is to report these comments as spam. and if you look at it, they do look like spam posts. if a user gets reported multiple times, then that is when the ban comes in. i don’t think they will be spending money on censoring certain emojis tho. i tried right now and you can still send it.
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i have seen some conversations on wb among cpf, that the comments should not be like this. it should really be actual comments on what is being shared. that we should not include xz’s name or face. that’s what i like about the fandom, cause we can admit if we do something wrong or if we need to improve in some aspects. we don’t blame other people, which is what other fandoms love to do btw. it’s all they can do. lol.
and it doesn’t help that in yuehua’s recent post regarding yibo’s lawsuits, the top comment is about demanding to control the comments section of yibo related posts. so of course they will look into that. sadly, the group that the company will always appease are the solo fans. it is what it is.
so that’s basically what the issue is about.
i’m actually just observing at this point but it’s not where my focus is. i am personally excited about saturday and seeing captain yibo 💥 plus i have other interests and things happening irl. this is why i don’t get people who seem to only be in fandom to start fights or obsess over cpfs. can’t relate.
i’m not saying that we should ignore everything and pretend that things are perfect. the point is, do not obsess over every fandom drama. also, look at things from cpf side before so/os. people usually come to me, sending me things that so/os say and my question is why the hell are you reading their posts? why are you in there? let’s stay on our lane. they are so/os, of course they will be biased. and don’t expect me to be always up in arms about stuff like this. my energy for over reacting is primarily for cpns and not fandom wars & drama.
lastly, being a cpf is not for the glass hearted. if you are weak-willed, this is is not for you. or maybe it is and this is the fandom that will build you up. i hope more and more people will find that perfect balance in participating in this fandom. that we set and implement boundaries — i know it’s especially hard for the new ones — when you are bombarded with the negativity. it’s not all that. there is so much more positive things to gain in being a cpf if you know where to look 🫶🏼
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ryker-writes · 2 years
Hi! It's my first time requesting here on your blog.
Could I request Vil and Jamil with an s/o that saves them from a horde of fans on a horse like a knight?
This is so random lol
oh my god yes! In love with this idea. Welcome to the blog and thank you for your request!
warning: maybe spoilers for book 5?
loves it
he loves his fans, but they can be too much sometimes
there was a school event that allowed the public to visit Night Raven College and Vil's fans took the opportunity
Vil does enjoy talking to his fans sometime but they can also cross boundaries easily
and you know Vil has to be polite to them no matter what
people that don't know him very well wouldn't even be able to tell that he isn't enjoying talking to them
but you know him better than anyone else
so even from a distance, you could see that Vil wanted to be done with the conversation
but about about a hundred fans stood between you two
it would be very difficult to try and push your way through all of them on your own
thankfully, the equestrian club was nearby
Riddle was willing to lend you the horse once you promised to treat the horse well and not go too far
Now saddled upon the horse, you could see everyone better
and see even more clearly how Vil wanted to be done with this
even queens need time away from their subjects
so with the horse, you pushed towards Vil
people naturally moved out of the way when they saw the horse coming towards them
quickly you were able to make your way through the crowd, and near Vil
Vil was surprised once he saw you approaching him on a horse, but pleasantly surprised
he's already smiling when you get to him and hold out a hand for him
he takes your hand and you help him up onto the horse with you
he wrapped his arms around you and waved as you two pushed out of the crowd
as you two were leaving you could hear squeals of delight from the fans and see many of them had their phones out
once you two had fully got away from all the fans, he leaned more into you and rested his head on your shoulder
"Thank you for your help, my knight in shining armor," he chuckled
"Anything for my fair queen"
from then on he may occasionally refer to you as his knight
and of course, a ton of photos appeared on magicam of you two
also the internet now refers to you as his knight
after the SDC festival, Jamil gained a lot of popularity
the world saw him dance on stage and they were impressed by both his moves and how handsome he is
to the world, he was a hidden gem
it's great that Jamil finally get's recognized for all his talent and beauty
but both of you weren't exactly happy with the current situation
of course there was another student event where normal people would be allowed on campus
and one person recognized your dear boyfriend which led to a crowd surrounding him
you weren't able to get to him quickly and so you were stuck near the back
you were worried for Jamil
while he does enjoy getting praised for his abilities, he doesn't enjoy a big crowd closely flocking around him
thankfully, the equestrian club was nearby with their horses
after briefly explaining the situation to Riddle, he agreed to let you borrow one of the horses
mounting the horse, you charged into the crowd
people were a bit panicked when a horse came through and quickly moved out of the way
you were able to make it to Jamil rather quickly
he immediately knew what to do when you got there
Jamil grabbed onto your hand and jumped up behind you on the horse
his arms wrapped around you and you rode off
once you two were out of public view, he sighed and pressed his face into your back
"Thank you"
"Of course, Mr. Celebrity"
he grumbles at that
Jamil may bring up how your actions are similar to a knights in some ways but he won't call you his knight
at least not while you're listening
there may be times where you catch it when you're falling asleep or he thinks you're distracted
and if you ask about it he will deny every time
the media is all over this tho and referring to your relationship as a prince and a knight
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goldenshornyjail · 11 months
People mistake wanting to fuck a character with them being a canonical bottom so anyways uhhh can i get stupid sexy terrorist catsuit blake getting railed into oblivion
When I originally read this, I was so excited to write a blurb for it. Unfortunately, every time I came back to it, my brain just went "Nah... I'm not feeling it." Well, I got the juices flowing now! I'll say Yang is wearing her volume 5 outfit.
On an SDC train approaching Vale.
Terrorist!Blake: (wearing skin tight, leather shorts with fishnets and thigh high, black leather boots, black leather corset with deep purple and red accents, black jacket with red stitching and a purple belladonna flower on the back, and a Grimm mask. An earpiece and microphone receiver are placed in her ear and around her neck in a collar)
Blake: (finishes planting the last charge on the dust storage door and presses a button on the receiver) Final charge has been placed.
Adam: Nice job, Darling. I knew you could handle it. Make your way to the last car so we can ditch the train and blow the whole train sky high.
Blake: Yeah, I don't need you calling me "Darling" anymore.
Adam: What was that?
Blake: (walks out to the car connection and flips a switch on a spare bomb) Consider this a breakup. Not that it was much of a relationship to begin with.
Detonator beeps and Blake steps back into the train car just in time for the bomb to explode, sending the rear car careening off the tracks and down the embankment.
Huntress!Yang: Well, I never would have figured you to be the type to abandon a partner.
Blake: (smirks) Ex- partner. (turns towards Yang and pops her hip) I'm not a fan of being in a relationship with a manipulative abuser.
Yang: (crosses her arms and leans against the doorframe leading into the train car) Yeah, I think you brought that up a few times in this little game of tag of ours.
Blake: (saunters up to Yang and drags the tip of her nail under Yang's jaw) I appreciate you not saying "game of cat and mouse".
Yang: (watches Blake's hand diligently but gives a warm smile) I figured that would be inappropriate, even if it is true.
Blake: I hope you don't think you're the "cat" in this situation~ (trails her nail across Yang's lower lip)
Yang: Maybe at the beginning of this. (gently grab's Blake's hand and gives a teasing nip to the tip of her finger)
Blake: (breath catches in her throat, but she manages to hide her reaction)
Yang: But I know better by now. (releases Blake's hand and rolls the tension out of her shoulders) So! How are we going to do it this time? We fight a little bit before you find a way to distract me just long enough to escape? We fight and I actually capture you this time to bring you to "justice" for your crimes?
Blake: Or you could just let me go. (drags her nails over Yang's breasts, down her stomach, and stops just above her crotch)
Yang: (grunts softly) Sorry, Blake. I can't exactly do that.
Blake: Awww. You remembered my name.
Yang: Of course I did. It's a pretty name. A pretty name (reaches up and pulls the Grimm mask away) for a beautiful woman.
Blake: (blushes slightly but keeps smirking) Well, how about we enjoy the little time we have left before the train pulls into Vale Station? Then we can make a decision.
Yang: (rolls eyes with a smile) I feel like that's a bad idea.
Blake: (continues to rub the front of Yang's pants until there's a prominent bulge) We've made plenty of those already, Yang. What's one more?
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chrimsss · 2 months
What could have been.
- A Kalim rant A bit of Spoilers from Book 4 and Book 5
Firstly, I'd like to say, I didn't expect to like Kalim that much (Or at all, being completely honest), yet he is probably my 2nd favourite right now, it's a bit crazy- So, I'm just ranting about him and what I think of him lol;
Before I talk about what could have been, for Him mostly, lets comment a bit of What Is, right now.
Kalim is a kind-hearted and sweet boy, often described as one of the few actually good people in Night Raven College, but he is Nowhere close to being a Perfect Person.
His friendliness is often commented as being his main fail point, his weakness, but I disagree. His main problem, is that he lives in constant Denial.
He has such a positive outlook to the situation he endured, because, he chooses to see only the good. And that's a terrible, horrible thing to do in general. He was constantly blind to Jamil's situation, which is not his fault, its both His and Jamil's parents, but that's a talk for another time.
What I'm trying to say, is, even with his numerous positive traits, his negative traits are overwhelming to those around him. He is spoiled, not in the conventional way. He chooses to be blind so much, that is something unconscious to him, at the point he is accidentally Apathetic. He was so unnoticing of Jamil's situation, he overworked him at point of Overblot and was still blind at the fact that Jamil betrayed him point-blank, because he couldn't accept it.
Of course, being Positive about your situation isn't a bad thing, but ONLY seeing the good is, unbearable. He is this way because Kalim was made this way.
That's my view for his character as of right now.
Now for our main topic, What do I mean by "What could have been"? It's simple, I mean what Kind of Person would Kalim be if he grew up in a proper way.
First, he was constantly babied by his parents, Jamil's parents and, by consequence, Jamil himself, always being given what he wants. He is barely passing his classes, with a somewhat "weak" magic pool, yet he was given the title of Housewarden because of his family, which only lowered his capabilities. And that's ridiculous.
What I see is, Lost Potential. He is obviously growing as the game goes, but he had that potential from a young age.
For example, Kalim is a Sore Loser. when Jamil finally surpass him at something, becoming the main singer for the VDC/SDC. Kalim was upset, he himself confessed he was angry because he lost. But what did he do? He started to train alone, to get better, because thats the kind of person he is.
Could you imagine, if he started losing since he was a kid?
Imagine if he were to lose a magic duel against Jamil? He would probably use that loss to train his magic better. Because he would want to win against Jamil in a genuine way.
If he were to lose, from a young age, he would use those losses to better himself. He would not use his loss agaisnt other people, because he is not like this. From a young age, he is a kind-hearted guy, and in no way he is dumb.
He is smart, he is quick-thinking, yet he could be even more than that without changing his personality totally. Losing wouldn't change him, because he is not weak-willed in any way.
What I see in Kalim, is someone who had the potential to be a strong, if not one of the strongest mages in NRC. He has the will, he had the ways with his parents being able to pay for teachers for his magic. But for some reason, the Adults, around him, did not see that potential.
However, despite being already a teenager, and with some years lost, he still has that potential to grow better and is using said potential. I'm really excited for the man he grow up to be some day.
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bridgyrose · 6 months
RWBY to their mentors after finding out about Salem
To think that I admired you, well I don't need your condescension I'm not a child to protect Was talk of virtue just pretension? Was I too naïve to expect you To heed the morals you're purveying?
(While this could fit in volume 5, since we want mentors, I think this works better around volume 3. Enjoy.)
Ruby paused as she watched the sky darken as grimm swarmed over the kingdom. Her fingers twitched as she reached for her scythe, only to be stopped by her mother. “Mom, I can handle this-” 
“Dont worry about it,” Summer said as she watched the grimm. “This has to happen.” 
“What do you mean this has to happen?” 
“Salem will continue to attack like this until she’s able to claim her relic. We’ll continue to protect those we can, but only those who are close.” 
Ruby lowered her hand to her side as she watched the grimm, heart pounding as she knew what was going to be coming. “Salem? Who’s… who’s Salem? Why didnt you tell me about her?” 
Summer turned around to make her way back home. “You werent ready to hear about her. Now, let's go home and make sure Patch is ready-” 
“We cant go home!” Ruby said as she rushed in front of Summer. “We have to go help everyone! If Salem is as bad as you think, then we have to stop her!” 
“Ruby, this doesnt concern us. All we have to do is let this pass and keep our home safe.” 
Ruby pulled her scythe off her back and unfolded it, blade pointed at her mother. “Dont talk to me like I dont know what it means to be a huntress! I dont need you to protect me!” 
“This isnt about protecting you, its about keeping out of Ozpin’s schemes!” Summer sighed and put a hand on Ruby’s shoulder. “Ozpin’s brought this onto himself and this is his mess to deal with. We’ll keep our home safe and then we’ll help Vale once everything’s over.” 
“So all of that was a lie?” Ruby asked, arms shaking as she lowered her scythe. “For years, you’ve told me that being a huntress means helping those that cant help themselves, was I really that naive to expect you to follow the same thing you’ve been purveying to me? That all of those lessons were for nothing?” 
“Everything’s more complicated than that. When you’re older, you’ll see-” 
“I’m old enough to make my own decision!” Ruby yelled out as she folded her scythe, glancing out at the darkened sky and stepping away from Summer. “And I’m going to go help.” 
“Wait!” Summer reached out to grab her daughter, fingers slipping through a few rose petals as Ruby rushed off with her semblance. She grit her teeth for a moment, letting out a breath and a heavy sigh before chasing after Ruby. “Dammit, why cant you listen?” 
Blake could only stand in shock and fear as she watched grimm swarm Beacon academy, no longer sure this was what she wanted. The SDC trains were one thing, but attacking students that hadnt done anything yet was a line she had never wanted to cross. Her ears twitched as she heard one of the students struggle against a beowolf, instinctively drawing her weapon and rushing at it, slicing through it with ease. She caught the look of fear in the student’s eyes. “Go.” 
The student scrambled up and rushed off. “Thank you!” 
“You should’ve killed them.” 
Blake turned around and froze as she saw Adam behind her, taking a quick step back. “A-Adam I-” 
“We are here to start a revolution, not to save them.” Adam pushed past Blake and started out to the campus, watching a few of the buildings burn as grimm ran rampant. “We can finally change how the world sees faunus and finally put ourselves on top like we deserve.” 
“Not… not like this.” 
Adam turned to face Blake, glaring under his mask. “What was that?” 
“Not like this!” Blake took another step back, hand shaking as she held her blade tightly. “What happened to caring about what happened to our people? We’re throwing everyone to die just to destroy an academy, and for what? For a revolution that doesnt need to happen?” 
“You dont understand, this revolution will end in our favor with the help that I’ve secured.” 
Blake felt her heart stop as she watched Adam’s frown turn into a smirk as he held his hand out to her. “Roman…” 
“Roman is nothing but a necessary partnership. As long as we fulfill our end and bring Beacon to it’s knees, Cinder will let her mistress know our worth to their cause and then she’ll back up our cause and we can put humans under us like they deserve to be.” 
Blake lowered her weapon as she listened to Adam, legs shaking as her heart pounded in her  chest. “You… you never cared, did you?” 
“Of course I cared, but I became tired of being pushed around and treated like a monster. I’m only doing what I have to to make sure faunus never have to be mistreated again.” 
Blake winced as she saw the brand under Adam’s mask as he removed it. This wasnt what she wanted when she followed him, and yet, this is exactly where she was led by everything he told her. She removed her own mask, then sheathed her weapon. “Everything was a lie, wasnt it? All those times I was naive to believe there wasnt a choice when we had to kill someone.” 
Adam lowered his hand and put his mask back on. “You want to leave, dont you?” 
Before she could answer, Blake jumped back as she felt the tip of Adam’s blade scratch at her arm, tripping over a fallen beam and falling back. She froze as she watched Adam stand over her, blade held above her. 
“I wont let you leave.” 
Blake reached up to block the sword as it came down on her, using her semblance to leave a shadow clone to take the hit while she scrambled up and started to run through the falling academy. All she could see was the destruction and death, grimm going after panicking citizens while students tried to defend them. Finally, she made her way into the forest, panting as she looked back towards the school. She dropped her mask to the ground as she walked away once more, regretting everything she’d done.
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mr-laveau · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers Game
Tagged by a darling, @autisticempathydaemon! Thanks for the tag!
Tagging @agentplutonium because I wanna pull some SH style interrogative shenanigans/lh
1 - How many works do you have on AO3?
Seventeen, not a lot but it's to be expected somewhat I suppose since I'm busy writing NeXus.
2 - What's your total AO3 word count?
64,509-Oh look I beat Lexi/j/pos
3 - What fandoms do you write for?
Redacted mostly, I have some unreleased Castle Audios fics, an unfinished JJBA SDC fic to finish and a Scott Pilgrim fic to start.
4 - What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
#1 is an Ironpanther Marvel Fic of Avenger's Academy I have not touched in forever called "How Tony Stark landed a king and how T'Challa landed a genius". It was fun tho cuz my hc of T'Challa being demisexual was really well received to my knowledge. #2 is "Spitfire", which admittedly is a good FL/Damien fic and people should read it. #3 is "Ghost of the Past", my Sam/SH fic where they both used to be roommates in DUMP. #4 is "Friends...Am I right?" which was a really fun Darlin/Sam & BE+Fred fic. Finally, #5 is "Moments That Flash By" which is a really good Darlin/David fic for my soul.
5 - Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do respond when I remember...ADHD makes me do silly silly things like forget that stuff exists. I like comments and they let me know I'm doing s good job.
6 - What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Easy! "Shattered Glass Makes a Good Weapon" Gods, I love that fic so much. It was really fun for me to reach deep down and write Darlin and Quinn like that.
7 -What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
uhhhhhhh I dunno, probably a Marvel fic called "Crossing Buckies and Dotting Hawkeyes", I am a winterhawk girlie and I had fun writing that, others might think it's "Spitfire" or "Break time, Gorgeous" but subjectively, it's that fic.
8 - Do you get hate on fics?
If I have then I haven't seen it. I don't really engage much with fandom to care about hate comments because "haha, look at you getting mad over words about fictional characters kissing", like shut your goofy ass and move on.
9 - Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have but I'm not releasing it. I don't feel compelled to do it-mostly cuz it's for me and I like toying with the idea in my head and the people of my current fandom are not ready for the depravity I could unleash.
10 - Do you write crossovers?
No? I have ideated one but I'm still not sure if I want to do it.
11 - Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12 - Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nuh uh.
13 - Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Uhhhh no but I have ideated with Lexi about one and I have been too busy to finish the first chapter.
14 - What's your all time favorite ship?
My redactedsona/redacted men What? who said that? It's Darlin/Sam/David/Angel/Damien/Asher/Baaabe/SH/Milo. It's my ship and yes, they're all poly, yes, they're a network and yes, I am happy with myself.
15 - What's a WIP that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
"Platinum Portrait", It was an old JJBA fic with my OC/Jotaro and I really liked how it was going. Dunno, we'll see how it goes.
16 - What are your writing strengths?
I'm good at dialogue and characterization as well as pacing(?).
17 - What are your writing weaknesses?
Gore, writing long fics, Dead Dove Do Not Eats (I wanna do those at some point with Quinn or Hush OR Porter OR OR OR Imperium Vincent) I like dark shit, idk what to tell y'all and I wanna get better at exploring darker topics properly in my writing.
18 - Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Gods, I love doing it. If you've read "Break Time, Gorgeous" then I want you to know, I love you and it was fun as hell to write.
19 - First fandom you wrote for?
Marvel. Specifically it was my Ironpanther fic.
20 - Favorite fic you've written?
An unreleased Sam/Darlin smut fic where they fuck in an alleyway. I think it's fun.
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weird question but do you know any place i can find a summary of chapter 5? or if you have one? i dont like vil so i cant really make myself sit and read the whole chapter but i wanna move forward and read chapter 6 but ALSO feel like i should know the important plot points so im not like "wtf is going on"
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I mean 🥲 I don’t like Vil either, but I’d still highly encourage you to read episode 5! Getting a summary isn’t really the same as experiencing the story for yourself; the visuals, songs, and voice acting really helps to sell the emotions and the stakes. Who knows, maybe you’ll leave episode 5 with a little more appreciation for Vil (or the other characters; they all have various cute or heroic moments)? He’ll come back to play a major role in episode 6 anyway, and his character moments won’t hit as hard if you didn’t read 5. For example, there’s a particular line of Rook’s in 5 that Vil repeats in 6 which really hammers home his character development since 5.
… Although I won’t lie, episode 5 has veeery slow pacing because it’s basically one long, dragged out training arc 😂 so I’ll summarize what happens anyway; just know that I’d still recommend actually playing through the story yourself, especially if any of these plot points seem too cool or too interesting to not witness yourself. I’ll be glossing over things that aren’t relevant to the main conflict, so 💦 please keep that in mind!
Sooo Yuu starts off Book 5: A Beautiful Tyrant by finally starting to put the pieces together; they visit the Great Seven statues and confirm their own suspicions that the figures in their dreams are the same as the people depicted in the G7 statues (though their actions are framed as more “evil” in the dreams).
Yuu tells Adeuce and Grim about Mickey! They suggest that Yuu takes a picture of Mickey with the Ghost Camera so they can use it to investigate who or what he is.
There’s a dorm leader meeting to give exposition about an upcoming event. NRC will be having a two-day cultural festival in about two months! They will put on a bunch of activities, as well as showcase their clubs and give presentations on the art and research their students have produced.
One of the biggest events is the Vocal and Dance Championship (VDC). In EN, this has been changed to Song and Dance Championship (SDC), so I will refer to it by the English name to avoid confusion. It’s basically the music industry equivalent to what the Magical Shift/Spelldrive tournament was in episode 2; it’s a golden opportunity to launch many people’s singing careers in the entertainment industry. (A lot of talent agencies will apparently clamor to sign you on for a professional debut if you’re a SDC finalist!) The favorites to win this year are Vil and Neige Leblanche (twisted from Snow White).
I won’t mention every single time this happens, but throughout the chapter Vil has these segments where he asks his phone assistant Mira (TWST Alexa or Siri, basically) who the fairest of them all is. Mira always replies with “Neige Leblanche”, which seems to greatly frustrate Vil.
Anyway, Adeuce and Grim are interested in entering SDC because if the team representing their school makes it to the finals, they’ll get a cash prize of 50,000 thaumarks (5 million madol in JP).
Ace and Grim are pumped about trying out for NRC’s team, but Deuce is hesitant and bails.
The group eats lunch and then chills in the courtyard; it’s here that they hear singing and follow the song. It was Epel who was singing down a well (a Snow White reference), because he thought the well would help project his voice more clearly.
Deuce recognizes Epel as the crying boy he ran into at the end of episode 4! Epel says he recognizes Yuu and co. from the Magical Shift/Spelldrive tournament; he also heard about them from his classmate Jack.
Epel tells them about how his dorm leader Vil wants him to practice singing and that he’ll be a part of the SDC auditions. However, it seems that Epel isn’t eager to do this (which Deuce notices).
Vil comes to check on Epel and catches him talking to Yuu and co,; he is disappointed in Epel for “slacking off” and tries to drag him off. When Epel resists, Vil reminds him of a promise they made, which makes Epel fall into line.
Ace, ever the nosy one, picks a fight with Vil (because he doesn’t think he should be bossing Epel around). Epel begs everyone to not do it, but they fight anyway and Vil is, of course, victorious.
This reinvigorates Deuce’s motivation to be in SDC; he wants to help Epel, who seemed to be so hesitant about taking part.
Adeuce and Grim practice dancing on the basketball court. Here they run into Kalim and Jamil, who are also planning on auditioning since they already enjoy singing and dancing. The Scarabia boys give some pointers on dancing to Adeuce and Grim.
Azul shows up; he needed to find Jamil (they’re classmates) because Professor Trein needed his help with handing papers out. The boys banter a bit and Azul reveals that he was bluffing in episode 4 about live streaming Jamil’s breakdown and OB to the world. Only the Scarabia dorm members are aware of the incident.
Tying up loose ends from the ending of 4!! Kalim was able to convince everyone to let Jamil stay on as vice and to give him a second chance. Jamil claims that he is behaving for now to atone what he did, though he also says he will work hard to prove his worth.
The Scarabia boys tell Adeuce to sign up for SDC auditions via a “Rook Hunt”, who is in class 3-A. They go and do this and uh (well, Leona cameo but that’s not important) 🤡 well, Rook does what he does best and spooks them.
Cut to the VDC auditions! We see other competitors, one of which is Lilia (who delivered a holiday card from “M.D.” to Yuu) and Cater! They share some tea about the mysterious Shroud brothers, who enrolled at the same time and seem to do everything together.
Cater wants to show Grim a video, but he’s forced to sit through an ad first. It’s an advertisement for an apple soda featuring Neige (who, if you’ll recall, is one of the favorites to win SDC).
We get to hear various characters (Cater, Ruggie, Kalim, Jamil, Epel, Ortho, and Lilia) sing part of TWST’s opening song, Piece of My World!
Auditions wrap up and at first Vil wants to pick only the best performers, a she believes this will give him the greatest chance of beating Neige. However, Rook stops him and suggests that he instead pick people who are rough around the edges so Vil can polish them to perfection. Rook points out that he sees a lot of potential in Adeuce in particular.
Rook shoots an arrow at Adeuce with a letter attached to it letting them know they passed auditions, so they should report to Pomefiore dorm. Yuu is also told to come along.
The gang pulls up to Pomefiore and meet Kalim and Jamil there. Turns out the Scarabia duo have also passed!
A bunch of Pomefiore students start attacking them, but they manage to battle their way to Pomefiore’s ballroom where Vil is waiting. This was all a test he arranged so they could prove their worth to him.
So the SDC team is: Vil, Rook, Epel, Jamil, Kalim, Ace, and Deuce.
There’s only a month left until SDC. Crowley wants Yuu to let the NRC team hold their training camp at Ramshackle, since he is convinced that living together will help them build teamwork. He originally thought of holding the camp at Pomefiore, but he didn’t want some students to feel out of their element. They get bribed with a cut of the prize money and the promise of Ramshackle renovations 😂 so Yuu’s like “Okay, sure. C’mon in.”
Everyone moves in, and Vil starts imposing new rules on the SDC team members. For example, he takes away their snacks (including an apple pie and chocolate cake that Trey sent with Adeuce) and says he has designed low calorie yet nutritional meals for them. (I want to be clear here: some people misinterpret this part as “Vil is starving them like Mama Rosehearts starved Riddle!” which is NOT true. Rook says that this is not a diet in that sense, but to help them be in shape. Vil wants them to eat healthily so they can perform at their best.)
Vil gets a phone call from his manager who says he has been offered a role in a biiig movie production… as the villain. The hero for this movie will be played by Neige. Upon learning this, Vil becomes irritated and insists his manager reject the offer. He doesn’t care how much money he could earn from this, he says that all he wants to do is “stand the stage until the very end”. Vil then tells his manager to not contact him again until SDC is over.
It is revealed that the voting for SDC is done via audience poll, not by professional judges. This is an important detail to keep in mind for later.
Vil shows the group an original song (Absolutely Beautiful). In EN, he says he commissioned it but in JP he is more vague with his wording, which has led some fans to conclude that Vil personally worked on producing this song. (Uhhh, they also sing Piece of My World at some point.)
He tries to show them a video to help everyone get a feel for the dance choreography, and another ad featuring Neige plays. The boys talk about how Neige is such a popular celeb these days, and how he’s a student of Royal Sword Academy so that makes him their rival. Vil says something cryptic about how he’ll finally defeat Neige this time.
Vil picks himself, Epel, and Jamil as the main vocalists. Jamil is surprised and starts to say that Kalim should be picked instead of him, but Jamil stops himself and accepts the role.
Epel says he isn’t sure about being picked, but Vil again brings up their promise which makes him comply.
They keep practicing and Epel pisses Vil off when he says the dance is too girly. Vil chews Epel out for having outdated views on gender and then places him on a solo ballet regimen. Deuce asks to join Epel for his ballet lessons!
A ghost delivers 10 crates of apple juice to Epel. This is unsold stock from his family’s business, which is struggling at the moment. They all chill and sip on the apple juice!
Vil interrupts to lecture them on skincare. Ace asks isn’t there magic to make them instantly beautiful? This seems to annoy Vil, who says that he’s not interested in “beauty that only lasts until the strike of midnight”.
Yuu wakes up in the middle of the night to find Kalim singing outside Ramshackle. He confesses that he’s frustrated about not being chosen as a main vocalist. Kalim’s so used to having everything handed to him that the experience of being overlooked surprised him. He says that he wants to try hard so that he will genuinely be picked for something because he’s actually the best choice for it.
It’s revealed that Jamil was listening in on Kalim!
Adeuce sneak bites of Trey’s apple pie and chocolate cake. Vil catches them in the act 🤡 Adeuce suddenly fall over and can’t move!! Vil tells them he put a curse on the baked goods using his unique magic/signature spell. Fairest One of All allows Vil to lay a curse for anything he touches. The conditions he sets must be fulfilled, for even the original caster cannot lift it. (Vil cursed the pie and cake so that if anyone eats it, they cannot move until morning comes.)
Yuu sees Mickey in the mirror again but fails to take a picture of him. They begin to wonder how their original world and Mickey’s may be connected.
This isn’t relevant in the story of 5, but it may be important overall lore-wise. Apparently it is possible to transfer into NRC; Kalim originally did not go to NRC but the dark carriage came for him one month after Jamil enrolled.
Epel becomes frustrated with practice and wants to quit the team. He fights with Vil and loses, prompting Epel to run off.
Deuce suggests maybe Vil be nicer, but Vil snaps that Deuce has no room to be worrying about others or taking back when he’s falling behind the rest of the team. Vil compares Deuce to Ace, saying that the difference between them is too obvious. Ace tells Deuce to focus on himself more, and Deuce gets mad because someone naturally gifted like Ace wouldn’t understand him.
The team is really fractured at this point, so Jamil suggests taking a break. During this break, Rook advises Vil that he show Epel “the power of beauty”, to which Vil agrees.
Rook and Kalim give Deuce a pep talk! It leads Deuce to nabbing a magical wheel (blastcycle?) from Ignihyde and driving himself and Epel to a local beach. (They also see RSA on the way!)
The two shout their frustrations at the sea, and Epel’s dialect comes out full force which shocks Deuce. Epel then explains how he doesn’t want people to underestimate him because of his looks. On his first day (before he was sorted into a dorm), Vil tells him to button up his shirt and comments on his cute face, which causes Epel to instigate a fight.
Vil wins and tells Epel that “the weak obey the strong”, so until Epel is able to beat him, he has to listen to everything Vil says. This explains why Epel usually hides his dialect; Vil says that he doesn’t have a problem with Epel’s love for his hometown, but that there is a time and place for the dialect and his rude attitude. In this case, he must address his superiors properly.
The two first years have a heart-to-heart! Epel talks about wanting to become stronger, and Deuce talks about how how his own strength is how amazingly stupid and stubborn he is.
Epel gets a phone call from his mom!! Their business was suddenly flooded with orders from all over the world, and she says a customer told her it was because of “Vil”, whom Mrs. Felmier recognized as Epel’s dorm leader. She asks him to thank Vil for her.
Vil made a Magicam post featuring the Felmier family apple juice! All of his fans want to try the same juice, so they’re buying it en masse. This is the “power of beauty” Vil wanted to show him, that being beautiful and being strong can be powerful in their own rights, and that until Epel understands that, he can never defeat Vil.
They’re interrupted by some random NPCs that want to ride on Deuce’s (borrowed) ride. The NPCs get aggressive, but Epel is able to catch them off-guard with his cutesy looks. This lets Epel get some hits in!
The NPCs are beating them 😔 but suddenly…?! Deuce’s magical power overflows…!!
We cut to a later point that day when Epel and Deuce return, apologize to Vil, and rejoin the SDC group. Deuce confronts Ace and swears to him that he doesn’t plan on losing to him!
Crowley gives everyone in the team tickets for them to invite people to see the show. Yuu gives their ticket to Malleus.
The cultural festival has arrived at last! Yuu spends some time looking around at the attractions with Grim. We get a bunch of cameos from other characters.
While looking through some of the exhibitions, they see some NRC mob students bullying some short RSA students. The NRC boys intervene, and then Chenya comes to pick up the short kids (which are twisted versions of the Seven Dwarves).
Yuu and co. go to the SDC location (the Purple Stage) for rehearsals. Surprise?! Neige appears!! Vil is curt but professional with him.
NRC does their practice run and, for a brief moment, Vil is considered “most beautiful” (he checks with Mira). Buuut then Neige and the dwarves do their practice run (EN removed the song Minna de Yahoo), and Neige is on top again 😭 (Their performance isn’t even that well-executed, they’re very clumsy and everything. The song also isn’t very unique; it’s an arrangement of a popular children’s song from the Shaftlands. However, it still makes the filming staff feel nostalgic and they gush about how cute Neige is and how pure he makes them feel.)
Vil gets a scary look on his face and leaves; Rook, Kalim, and Jamil notice the look he made 👁️ 👄 👁️ Errr, Vil shatters his phone (“mirror”) in a fit of rage.
Yuu follows Vil backstage because they have a bad feeling. They see Vil offering apple juice from Epel’s family to Neige.
Neige is about to drink it until Rook intervenes and tells him (his “Snow White”) to hurry away because the staff need him. Rook takes the juice for himself and tries to drink it, but then Kalim cuts in and knocks the glass out of his hand.
It starts bubbling on the ground 💀 Vil cursed the apple juice! Kalim says he recognized the face Vil was making; it’s just like Jamil before he went mad over winter break.
Rook says he wanted to drink the juice even knowing it would harm him because he wants to believe that Vil wouldn’t tarnish his beauty and hard work by stooping so low.
The spilled juice vaporizes into a toxic mist, and Vil begins to Overblot 😔 He is different than the previous Overblots in that he is somewhat self-aware of what is happening to him (he shouts at everyone to not look at him, at his “ugliness”; the ugliness here is not literal, Vil is most likely referring to his “ugly” actions (ie the attempt to poison Neige, perhaps even kill him).
Jamil comes on the magic carpet to whisk everyone somewhere safe! He lets them know he used Snake Whisper to get Neige to put on a performance. This performance lured people away to watch him (plus, the first years went around getting rid of loiterers), so the SDC stadium is empty except for OB Vil, Grim, Yuu, and the NRC SDC group.
Deuce saves the day by directing the damage he has taken so far back at Vil…! This is the unique magic/signature spell he unlocked on the beach, Bet the Limit (Double Down in EN).
In the post-OB flashback sequence, we learn that Vil’s dad was a famous actor as well! It seems that Vil has consistently been casted as the villain ever since he started his own acting career. He resents this, because according to him, “a villain never stands on the stage until the very end, they can only watch the happy ending from the sidelines”.
Vil was also bullied in the past, although it is a different kind of bullying than Azul suffered. Other kids assumed he was as cold and cruel as the villains he portrayed in films, dramas, and musicals. (We see young Jack defending Vil!) He worked very hard in hopes of landing a hero role—but he was still never chosen.
Vil wakes up and finds himself upon a ruined Purple Stage. SDC can’t happen like this…
Malleus shows up with his ticket and uses his magic to repair the stage—he came to see their performance, after all. (It is also here when Yuu finally learns who “Tsunotaro/Hornton” truly is.)
SDC happens!! More cameos from characters in the audience as they vote.
RSA wins by one vote. That deciding vote was… Rook! Now, he gets a lot of hate for this move, but 🥲 he explains that he couldn’t lie to himself; he was genuinely moved more by Neige than his own group’s performance. Additionally, he says that even if they technically didn’t win a competition or get the most votes, so long as Vil has the strength to believe in himself… then no matter how old or disheveled Vil is, he will always be fairest of them all.
Vil collapses and cries…
Neige comes over and??? Turns out that Rook is a HUGE Neige fan 😂 (When first moving into Ramshackle, Vil remarks on a thick book Rook brought with him. They never looked at what was inside, but it was a bunch of Neige bromides.) Neige says he recognized Rook as his fan (“R”) because Rook called him “Snow White”.
Aaand Neige says everyone should sing together :)) (Again, this was removed from EN.) Vil suffers a lot :)))
Crowley is mulling over another loss to RSA and encounters its headmaster, Ambrose the 63rd (twisted from… Merlin???). Ambrose remarks that he senses strong magic in the area (probably residual from either Malleus or OB Vil) and that he’ll have to keep an eye on Crowley’s students.
Yuu finally grabs a picture of Mickey, but then notices Grim is missing so they leave to find him.
They see Grim on the Purple Stage eating Vil’s OB stone. When Grim notices Yuu there, he attacks them.
We finish off on a preview to Ignihyde. Idia gave a presentation at the cultural festival that made a lot of people interested in having him as an intern. Ortho offers to read the email opportunities to him, but in a resigned tone, Idia says to delete them all because he thinks he “doesn’t belong anywhere” so it’s not worth trying to.
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A wild 2023 recap post appears!
Stuff I made this year:
Fiction: Nope. Work continues to consume me.  I DID write like 33k that maybe will be publicly accessible in the future, but who can say.
Playlists: I think the only two I remembered to share were Oleander (a playlist for my Wickedness character) and the vast and the void (what it says on the tin).
RPGs: Also a nope.
Knitting: Made a shawl!  And a hat, technically, that I forgot to take pictures of.
Other stuff: Taught 5 classes, 4 of which were new preps!  Did fieldwork in Japan for the first time since 2019! Gave an hour-long talk in Japanese!  Presented on two conference panels!  Finished two academic book reviews! Survived somehow!  The period between August and December sort of doesn’t exist in my memory?  I was doing things but almost all of those things were work, so. The isolation has been wearing on me, but with the combination of A. not having any time to do anything other than work and B. for Various Reasons questioning whether I want to stay at this job, it's been really hard to build local community. I'm going to try to work on that next year, but also I'm going to have two new preps again in the fall and one of my spring classes is already overenrolled, so who knows how effective that'll be.
Media I enjoyed this year:
Books: I read 46 books this year apparently!  Top picks in no particular order: The Singing Hills Cycle (embarrassingly my jam), The Southern Reach Trilogy (shocking that it took me this long to read this), My Own Devices (even MORE shocking that it took me this long to read this), Imperial Radch (so AGGRESSIVELY my jam), She Who Became the Sun (this was a hilarious accompaniment to one of my fall classes), Camp Damascus (read this on a plane back from Japan which was An Experience), The Tale That Twines (loved the first book; the second book is even better), System Collapse (yeah, no one is surprised that I loved this).
TTRPG: Wickedness!  This was the only new TTRPG I played this year, but it was really good.
Video games: Mask of the Rose and Saltsea Chronicles, both of which I want to/should poke at more. Special nod to 13 Sentinels which we enjoyed 90% of a lot.
Manga/comics: I think the only thing I read was The JOJOLands?
Fanfic: I didn’t actually wind up reading that much fanfic this year again, in part because I was reading so many books.  A few picks, in no particular order: The Gardener (CR C2), Keys to the Castle (CR C2), Whistle Song (CR C2), pieces of (you) me (CR C2), Descriptions of a River Flowing (CR C2), Slip the Blindfold (CR C2), Heart to Heart (JJBA: JJL--PLEASE read this if you care about JJL at all), riverside beatitudes (JJBA: SDC), Fully formed, ready to run (ExU: Calamity).  Honorable mention to Asking for More (Stranger of Paradise), which is a WIP but made me laugh so hard I hit myself in the face with my phone.
Films: I actually watched like eight movies this year!  All but two of the new ones on a plane, to be fair, but.  Top picks: Spider-man: Across the Spider-verse and Shoplifters (『万引き家族』).  Honorary mention to Suzume.
TV: Finally finished Stone Ocean!  It was good!  Rowan and I are also like halfway through catching up on TGCF and it is also very good.
Podcasts:  Continued to listen to way too many of these.  Top picks: The Silt Verses, Trice Forgotten, Within the Wires (hey can we talk about the newest season? truly wild), and Re: Dracula.  Honorable mentions to The Evaporated: Gone with the Gods, 『なんかIWAKAN!』 (WHICH IS TRAGICALLY ENDING???? where am I supposed to get my chaotic Japanese gender and sexuality discussion now :(((((), Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later, Critical Role, and Worlds Beyond Number.
Music: Dessa's Bury the Lede was excellent, of course.  I also apparently listened to Maisie Peters' The Good Witch a lot (it was in my grading rotation in October). And then this past month there's been a lot of Hozier's Unreal Unearth. But a lot of my listening this year was either albums on the bus (rotating mainly between Quiet Company’s We Are All Where We Belong, Bury the Lede, yorushika’s entire discography that I can purchase, Wednesday Campanella, and various soundtracks) or putting something on loop and falling into a fugue state.  Apparently my top song of the year on Spotify was “Square One,” which I think I put on looping while grading in the spring.  My Spotify top songs list was even more inexplicable than usual this year.
Anyway, あけおめ!!! 良いお年を!!! (or else!!!!)
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
CPN Round Up : Sugar Rush 2023 Part One 🍭🍬
It’s that time of the year again where i attempt to recap all the sweetness we got from the past 6 months. I may not be able to add every single incident/speculation but i did include the ones that were most talked about, and added some cpn “archaeology” here and there too. most of the links contain multiple cpn, especially since i made a couple of mini round ups for certain time frames or events.
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this is also the best time to look back on all the fun we’ve had as a fandom and how the boys give us happiness. i hope this remains the same in the next half of the year and that we continue to support them both. 🫶🏼
past sugar rush posts for reference: 2021 ( one two ) & 2022 ( one two ) ; anything before that is mostly likely archived on my masterlist.
• XZS Vlog Number 3 clues
• NYE CPN things ✨
• Paper Planes again
• A CPN Timeline of how LTS stage was made
• KXZ’s sus greeting and rainbow light show for ZZ’s anniversary with them
• 1/5/2022 tarot card reading of XZ & WYB that made the turtles lose it
• Rainbow Thrasher shirt 🌈
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• BLACK PAIRING. 🖤 and the fact that Yibo was doing the same pose as LWJ, keeping his hand behind. the actual performance of yibo also gave way to lots of fanarts of this pairing! they look so good together!
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• fake bits & pieces ( additional 45 fake rumors )
• their studios posting on the same day, 1/12 and the similarity of teasing that content will be released in parts
we also see more similarities in the drawings:
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The appearance of 🦴 necklace at all the studio rehearsals and even the final one makes me somft. He had to remove it for the stage cause he is meant to be bare. I don’t advertise people to treat this necklace as the indicator of their relationship, but i will be lying if i say i’m not happy seeing it. especially if it’s out there, that he can show it off and not have to hide it.
• XZ & WYB mentioned together three times in one day - 1/14/2023
• YBO’s comment on snow
• 1/17 random cpns = the same trousers again ; 330,000 tickets, bg color of studio posts and YBO’s continuing comments about the weather in the city they are in.
• Bouboo replies to a fan with “DAYTOY” on their username
• CPN @ Xiao Zhan’s lunar new year photos and douyin posts
• XZ’s lunar new year post looks like a movie ticket stub. What a coincidence cause Hidden Blade is also premiering that day ☺️ there was also a cinema that showed XZ’s GUCCI Ad before the show started. Lol. and at the Shanghai Roadshow for Hidden Blade, lots of BXG dolls on in the group photo were captured.
• Hidden Blade Guangzhou roadshow : mention kneepads and looking at dandan doll / yibo asking someone with a suo-er doll and him holding a bjd of himself.
• LRLG contribution 1/23/2023
• XZ’s colleague in ADLAD + Zack ( photographer ) talking about watching Hidden Blade
• 7th day of the Lunar New Year CPN + another xzs and ybo similarity
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I don’t usually go for kadians but yibo-official using 13 = yizhan makes me ☺️ ; also the similarity in how they caption posts again. on the same day. yes it’s not an obscure thing to include on a post that is made on the 7th day of the Lunar New Year. Wishing people good luck on a new beginning and all that. but it’s the countless similarities in how their studios do things. they have the same taste? their employees are dating? who knows.
• GG at Sunshine With Me shooting, looking so much like Yibo:
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• Huang Ziteng posted about watching Hidden Blade and the schedule of the film is coincidentally 10:05
• Yibo shares a post about the snowboards given to him by Su Yiming + sweater paws shadow
• Top comment on Yibo’s 2/2 weibo post is a cpf and similarity with GG using a doge emoji when trying to be humble
• YBO posts about a 🍉 video being fake and it looks the same as xz clarification account. !!!!
• Fandom stories that have been on my mind recently. ( includes cpn on wyb kissing xz backstage of SDC and the 232323 kadian which is “new” for this month. ) old ones mentioned : wyb’s side accounts, a bxg story, changsha home and same day tests.
• 2/4/23 Fake Rumor House contribution
• People in the industry supporting (?) them : GQ photographer is a turtles, Yixuan replies to a fan with daytoy on their username, sungjoo using xz’s cover song as bgm for his douyin post back in 2019 + Yubin doing an unboxing of DVD and praising a spread with zz/wyb on it.
• YBO asks to show off glutinous rice balls and XZ responds ☺️
• Night Light fake rumor & same sun emoji
• Candy compilation from Sunshine By My Side filming wrap up
• Fake Story : riding a bike at night / AI art
• On 2/12, Yibo posted a douyin, a stock video where you can clearly see what jacket he is wearing. BXGs noticed that it said “milano” and thought it may be a clue that GG will go to Milan Fashion Week. more explanation here.
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• Both boys have been quiet and not “seen” for the better part of Feb, even 2/14 was especially quiet for them online. Yibo-official did post their candid compilation of Hidden Blade behind the scenes but it’s connected to promotions and not exactly for valentines day. It’s a common CPN speculation that when they are together, they get very quiet online and no paparazzi can take their photos. tho I have to say, 2/14 is not that important to them like 520 is. and then come 2/17, it’s interesting how you get to see them. let me rephrase that, they allowed us to see them. xz going to eat a meal with his assistant and wyb filming his drama. i’ve always been a believer that somehow, they can control when people will see them in public. they can be on ninja mode when they want to, especially xz.
the next day which happens to be 2/18/23 Ai Bo Ai Zhan Day, yibo shows up @ Shanghai airport at 6:30 in the morning. knowing that he finished filming past 10:00 PM, dressed in skinny jeans and looking so stylish. which is not his usual airport fashion these days. he will be in beijing for a couple of hours ( no one really knows for what ) and returned to SH the same day @ 5PM. turtles hope they saw each other atleast. Bobo really chooses the early flight so he can be with ZZ longer. ☺️☺️☺️
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• Lost General Jewelry
• Chengyi comic about ZZ cutting his hair before going off to see WYB
• Them looking so similar with these photos, GG’s is from his 2/22 Milan flight. The same hair. looking like twins. Also, one of ZZ’s photos had that BOarding design & photo. Yes I know it fits the whole theme of the pictures but still, turtles’ DNA was moved. Lol.
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• Using the same security personnel @ PEK?
• ZZ was spotted buying LEGO
• The similarity in their photo composition
• ZZ created an instagram account and his username has similarities to Yibo’s. Again. Same brain cell.
• 2/24 Fashion Show appearance minor candies
• Zhan-ge saw the balloons coded with all the colors! BXGs! ❤️💛💚 @ Tod’s Milan fashion show venue entrance
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• This one is hilarious, Bobi in Milan? @ Tod’s store visit 😂
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• cpn on yibo-official being quiet during MFW
• a possible connection to yibo’s CCTV performance to ZZ’s suzhou embroidery gift
MARCH 2023
• GUCCI infinite possibilities meaning, ZZ’s veteran cadres style and same emoji
• XZS Chapter 5 vlog candies
• giving thoughtful gifts
• Weibo night account posts a recommendation photoset for person of the year and they put their photos right next to each other. 🤍
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• we hear “ i love you” in XZS vlog chapter 5
• Bottled joy campaign/s cpn
• Web’s 3/8/23 instagram post
• A really CPN-y instagram data. HAHAHAHAHA!
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• wooyoungmi brand revisited
• Liu Daichu says WYB & XZ are hard to shoot - not so much cpn cause this is really unfortunate that they have to deal with bs like this. however it goes to show how they deal with their fame is becoming more and more similar and they apply the same security for themselves.
• 3/11 zsww rumor house
• more cpn from 2017
• yibo-official related candies
• xiao zhan as a distraction
• similar looking shirt. lol. Yibo, did you borrow this from zhan ge???
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• yibo knitting sort of confirmed
• gg’s infinity ring ♾️
• LRLG 3/24/2023 contribution
• Same hotel in Shanghai rumor
• the weibo night 22’ seating arrangement. so near yet so far.
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• Weibo Night 22’ candy round up
• XZS posting 8 photos, XZ re posting ads at 10:18 and his missing post-show selfie
• Tencent Video weibo account unintentionally matching XZ/WYB
• Weibo night 22’ exclusive interview sweet bits 💕
• WYB looking at ZZ’s direction 👀
• New Wuji recording easter egg : play with the cat
• 3/29 XZS vlog candies
APRIL 2023
• Esquire Magazine Parallels / CPN
• A new CQL bts photo 😘😘😘
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• Colosseum parallels
• Peninsula iron box BGM
• Another example of XZ missing the 10:10 posting time to give way for WYB’s repost of BTF trailer.
• THEM in white shirt and soft cardigan. I love it when they put on the same/similar style!
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• not really cpn but an example of a brand using art made by a cpf
• one & only’s release is 7/28 which aligns to double airport 1.0 / bazaar shoot & yizhan ttxs episode
• same city ( shanghai ) 4/11
• red string bracelet of lei yu appears again
• “matching” post for china television arts committee
• boys in esspensive cardigans! 💕
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• 2019 kangol bucket hat coincidence
• chengyi comic - kumquat lemon tea 🍋
• zenith pilot series ✈️
• yibo-ge x xiao-ge 👀
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• matching shiatzy chen black and white outfit
• LRLG connection to BTF accidental rollover, Anessa livestream sweets, JD mascot heart with a mole and Fake story ( magic wand and minions )
• them going on HS together @ 4/23 & wyb shut up hs + minor candies ( esquire coincidence, #5 seat, bone necklace, kids lovin them )
• 4/25 candy post
• 4/26 yibo official post with 13 photos and heart with a (.)
• same way of tying their shoelace means they are in the same city or together
• ZZ’s GUCCI Cosmos event CPN
• Fake rumor of what happened in Shanghai when they met ( 4/26 )
• the word “wyb” heard in xzs vlog
• same ip address of shanghai even if XZ was in Xi’An. Fans are saying, WYB might have logged on using a different phone number ( GG’s account ) and that’s how it changed. Because if this was a staff, most of them are in Xi’An or in their Beijing office.
MAY 2023
• May Day Candies - ( ZZ’s off white pants, rumor 1 : learning how to cook and zz giving wyb a rabbit charm rumor 2: couple jackets, in the same magazine, heart with a mole again on ybo
• pickle side dish, bruce lee and btf people supporting adlad ♥️
• number 5 seat on zz’s post, yibo and his pots & pans + the story of plane models
• XZ cues Wei Ruolai and WYB “dreams” hoodie
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• Friday clowning - ( includes : ADLAD castmate posts cpf photos, same line in GG’s note & LRLG post script, Ryukakusen & XZS/YBO same symbols )
• Sunday candies 🫶🏼 WYB’s departure to LA & Xiao Zhan’s Molsion photos + use of captions
• Clean Eyes song and XX symbol ( XZS molsion live event behind the scenes )
• Bag/Phonecase WYB bought @ LA
• Chanel Cruise CPN photo parallels
• Yibo’s instagram photo reel & story
• The CPN about matching phone case went on HS
• XZS & YBO split photo similarity 📷
• Ace Troops cake CPN, Molsion offline event launch clues & sunset
• The fact that when they started being in the same city again, Yibo couldn’t stay away from Beijing. He had work with EVISU, so he left Beijing in the evening of 5/15, went to Shenzhen / Zhuhai. Then 5/16, did his business and went back to Beijing in the evening. He really organizes his schedule so he doesn’t have to be away from BJ that much. They will be in the same city till XZ leaves for Condor Heroes workshop & Shooting in Hengdian 🥹
Also his EVISU car has 1991 on it. Yes 91 was when the brand was established but please let me clown on this. lol.
• 85 is also Z28 design
• XZS posts a photo that shows his phonecase even after the HS and then on 520, HZT, the actor who plays Lan Qiren posts a very suspicious douyin video related to it.  
• 520/521 ZSWW fake stories
• Yibo using the photo for weibo night 22-23
• The story of the 85 logo
• HUABIAO AWARDS CANDIES : their movies featured as key works in 2023 + Bunny drawing in the background ; Chanel Brooch 🎀
• WYB’s btf co star said he has a delicious beef dish that he eats and people are wondering if it’s the “sauced beef” that cpfs think is from GG’s mom.
• Same phone case timeline
• Candies from WYB’s Chunzhen event + XZ’s team denying a melon about a collab with his former co-star
• 5/28 ( A day that two topics about XZ & WYB together went on hot search ) ONE TWO
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• NEW chengyi comic about accidentally listening to a horror podcast & sleeping together
• random old candies
• Cherries 🍒
• WYB’s Fly streetwear shirt going to Japan
JUNE 2023
• Maison Kitsune Couple Shirt. WYB’s is for his Chunzhen Fanmeet & GG’s is for Roborock Ad. Yeah, it’s a pretty good brand that they have both worn before but does it have to be from the same line? and look so much like each other? and for us to see it in a span of a few days on them 5/27 and 6/1? I’m sorry if we’re clowning so much here but we can’t help it.
• 6/1, their studio accounts posting so close to each other. XZS shared WDB video & YBO re posted a one and only movie promo. What a nice coincidence. This would have been something to ignore if we didn’t have so many XZS 🤝 YBO candies. Then just minutes later, YBO posts the photoshoot for WYB’s Chanel show and one of the layouts look like XZS. 😂 also using the sunglasses emoji
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• WYB’s Chanel Japan show clowning + WDB drawings resembles Web
• An unusual increase of hot searches that associate XZ and WYB ✨
• Bottled Joy saga Part 3
• both of their works featured in National Cinema Movie Promotion Conference. movie stars! 🎞️
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• XZ found to be wearing Uggs
• Minor candies from Douyin Movie Wonder Night
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• WDB cast and their connection to web: one / two
• Yibo is an introvert and Chunsheng is an extrovert
• Mosquito jokes 🦟🦟🦟
• CPN WRAP UP ( includes : yuli interview clues, bottled joy using their colors for panther and guangdian drawing, numbers on evisu ad, posting almost one hour apart, cute dogs and missing lyrics )
• weekend cpn : same expression, not holding hands, shuke x beita and other sweets
• 6/20, BJYX went on hot search
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• BJYX IS BE was gone in the hot search
• Moncler Event CPN
• Heurueh brand
• LRLG leaves yibo-official
• some “new” photos from SINA visit
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• Infinity sign on WYB’s clothes
• “how they sleep” CPN
• there are conversations that when WYB went back to Beijing after the Moncler event, he was spending time with GG. it’s also because the shoot for Condor Heroes was delayed so they both suddenly had time to be in the same city 😊
• same-style clothes for recent released ads - NANS
• 6/26 rumors that GG/Web will be participating in the same event and their sus airpot schedules!!!!
• Yubin shares a video and we get a 1 second clip of the boys eating hotpot
• 6.29 Hongkong Event : Timeline & CPNs
That’s all for now! 
See you by the end of the year <3 
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rwbyuser24 · 8 days
Characters that are still likable in RWBY?
Once in RWBYcritics I read that there were no likable characters alive.
I disagree with that. So, let's see characters that are still likable. 1. Whitley.
During volume 8, he showed himself very useful. Calling Klein, helping hold Penny, helping with the idea for the evacuation plan with the SDC freighters, using the computer, killing the hound, coming with an idea for the second evacuation plan.
He was a real MVP.
He is kind, and while have a Tsundere personality, he also is kinda charismatic.
Our based waifu. She is strong, have a cool semblance, is willing to help Mantle and said the straight facts to Ruby, Blake and Weiss.
The protector of Remnant. In hundreds lives he have fought for Remnant, in doing what's the best for Remnant. Of course, he have committed mistakes, but that only makes him more interesting. And despite everything, he was willing to continue moving forward. He was a mentor to our main characters, teaching them important lessons. What's more, he was willing to accept guilty when he had done something wrong. He recognize his mistakes.
4. Winter.
She got a very strong character development. She have made mistakes, but was able to change direction and do what was right. I know she abandoned Ironwood to die, but is volume 8 Ironwood, so it makes sense.
5. Tyrian.
He is a charismatic villain. Crazy and even a bit smart. I mean, he was make Qrow ally with him. It's the wild cart and he have to ability to be, after all, he is even with Qrow in a fight. While can be said that he is only muscle, he is the perfect element to bring chaos. In general, I expect too much of these characters. Winter to be the new general. Whitley to be leading the SDC along his mother. I want to see more of May helping with the Atlesian refugees. I want to see Ozpin giving more lessons. And I want to see a final battle of Tyrian against Qrow were both die.
But that is me, what do you guys think?
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j0tawife · 2 years
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finally, some more detailed info about Ada
thanks @rhaemaya-valwynn​ for making me do this template lmaooo
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Name: Adachi Kujo, née Sarmentero
Angelfish (Jotaro, after getting in a relationship with them)
Ada (Friends/Classmates)
Four-eyes (from Part 3 Jotaro, at the beginning of their friendship)
Ube (family)
Ube-san (other ppl)
Lieutenant Ada/Detective Ada/Ada-dantei (People in Morioh)
Ada-san (Josuke, Okuyasu and Koichi)
Mx. Kujo/Lieutenant Kujo (Post Part 4, Parts 5-6)
Japanese: サルメンテロ足立 / 空条足立
Romanized (JPN):  sa-ru-men-tero adachi or ku-jo adachi
Stand: Sleepwalker (Song by Illenium)
Age (same age as Jotaro)
17 (SDC)
28 (DiU)
40 (Stone Ocean)
48 (Trembling Heart)
Birthday: October 10th, 1970
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Chinese Zodiac: Dog
Gender: What’s that?  Non-binary
Pronouns: They/Them
Height: 160 cm
Weight: 56 kg
Blood Type: B+
Nationality: Filipino-Japanese (with British roots thanks to Speedwagon)
Hair Color: Lavender
Eye Color: Taupe
Student (Part 3) 
Detective (Part 4) 
Speedwagon Foundation Lead Investigator (post-Part 4; Parts 5 and 6)
Color: forest green and any pastel color
Movie: My Neighbor Totoro
Food: kare-kare (Filipino dish)
Musician: Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson
Athlete: They dont care much about sports
Man Type: Jotaro Tall guys with a low, baritone voice
Hobbies: Sketching
Animal: Dogs, cats and owls
Dislikes: Heights, spoiled brats, toxic people in general, DIO
Support Jotaro and Joseph in their journey to Egypt (Part 3)
Protect the people in Morioh/hunt down Angelo and Kira (Part 4)
Protect the Joestar lineage and Jotaro while under the Speedwagon Foundation (post-part 4, parts 5 and 6)
Arturo Sarmentero (Filipino father)
Tada Sarmentero (Japanese mother)
Isobe Sarmentero (older brother)
Jotaro Kujo (love interest/boyfriend (p3-4), husband (post-p4, p5-6)
Jolyne Cujoh (step-daughter)
Alexander Joan Kujo (son)
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sussysatann · 11 months
LIKE STORIES ABOUT THE GROUP LIVING IN RAMSHACKLE FOR THE SDC AND COMFORTING THEM AFTER THE SHOW (vil especially rook i will throw you into the outer stratosphere why did you have to do that man)
I WANT TO GIVE THEM ALL A HUG rook a little less im slightly sorry
-specific book 5 spoilers under the cut that kinda turns into a slight rant??-
OH AND ALSO HIS SIGNATURE SPELL. THE MAN LITERALLY CURSED FOOD TO IMMOBILSE SOMEONE FOR A CERTAIN PERIOD OF TIME IF THEY ATE IT. THAT'S SCARY AS SHIT I'm gonna double check the dialogue but I swear he wasn't as bothered if we ate the treats with exceptions such as not having it around the group but like?? If Yuu was the only one there and geniunely wanted a midnight snack then suddenly BOOM CURSED That's REALLY scary to think about imo
But I'm a little sad that there wasn't really anything after the SDC? Besides that quick conversation between the headmages, it just cut straight back to Ramshackle. I was kinda hoping there would be at least a quick scene of Yuu meeting up with them after the show being like "Hey, the results fucking suck, but you were all amazing out there. You guys worked so damn hard for this and did your very best and I think that's that's something to celebrate." I personally think the way they ended it it was weirdly abrupt? Like we know everyone goes back to their own dorms and the SDC is over, but for me it feels like we didn't get that closure somehow?? I think it's because the actual build up the the SDC was WAYY longer than the competition itself so by the time it rolled around, it came and went really quick.
This video by Songstress Studios shows the comparisons really well!
Another reason why I think it felt so abrupt is because, if I remember right, didn't Vil say it was a 2 day event? The SDC was on day 1 but the actual faire was two days long?? I remember him saying to Ace something among the lines of 'we're putting all our focus on the competition today but you can look around the stalls tomorrow'. I can't remember exactly, but I highly doubt the culture fair will continue into book 6. Though... I'm gonna go back and double check that dialogue becase now I'm wondering if it might do after thinking about the ending?? 👀
(We were literally attacked in the Colluseum WHERE THE SDC TOOK PLACE. THE STAGE IS STILL THERE)
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Random tidbit because I can (Book 5 Spoilers btw)
Chris only calls Malleus “Hornton” a couple times. There’s the second time the two meet where Chris just kind of blurts it out before apologizing and claiming that it was the name Grim came up with and that she’d come up with something less silly (it still got a hardy laugh out of Malleus, which takes the weight of awkwardness off of Chris’s shoulders).
Before I knew anything about Malleus and he was like “You come up with a name for me ;)” I thought the game would prompt me with the option to “name him” and I was gonna call him “Fae” but then Grim was like “he’s Hornton actually” and I didn’t get to choose a name :(
But imagine my surprise when I found out I was right
Because of this I always imagined Chris eventually calling Malleus “Fae” because he reminded her of one. This of course is the point where he reveals that she’s right actually, he is a fae (and she panics because she doesn’t know every fae rule. She knows those exist but oh no did she break a rule? What would it cost her? Does she owe him something?). She has to mention at this point that fae only exists in stories where she’s from, at least to her knowledge. Afterwords Malleus is more than willing to answer any questions that she could have (he’s a sweetie and he’d love to teach her about his people).
The second time she ever calls him “Hornton” she, again, kind of just blurts it out, but more out of excitement than anything. It’s during the SDC right after Vil’s overblot and right before it’s revealed to her that this is the Malleus Draconia what are you doing???? She more or less uses the silly name to tell Grim that this is the guy she’s been talking about! This is Hornton, Grim! She’s so happy that they can finally meet face to face that there isn’t even the slightest thought in her head that she’s doing anything socially “wrong” until everyone clarifies the situation to her. Even then she kind of realizes that Malleus is comfortable enough to be casual with her and doesn’t want to take that from him so she continues being how she has been with him.
After that point Chris only ever uses the name Hornton in a teasing sense. It’s a silly name but given the context it’s pretty funny that Malleus allowed it from anyone. He takes it well, and has become weirdly fond of the name anyway. Grim also calls him Hornton but it’s more or less because he doesn’t really see a problem with it. In his mind it’s just a clever nickname made up by a great mage like himself, so what’s the issue? There is no issue here, exactly!
TL;DR Grim calls Malleus “Hornton” most times while Chris usually goes with “Mal” or “Fae” and Malleus is perfectly happy with that. :)
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jaybuilds · 1 year
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SDCS Banshee
Well…. It only took Bandai 5 years to finally release it, but here it is!
I like to spin the hands around for when the gun and claw are being used, because the back of the wrist makes the appropriate weapons look more connected.
Last two images feature previous projects of mine that took inspiration from This kit’s prototype images.
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When playing Twst, I always wondered if time moved faster or slow in Twst.... My first theory was that time moved faster in the world of Twisted wonderland than our world.... And I went to do a little digging and Twisted Wonderland official release was March 18, 2020 in our world. Meaning us the player have been stuck in Twisted Wonderland for 3 years in our world's time. And my reasoning for time being slower in Twisted Wonderland are two things.
1. Time duration- in Twst we often see time cards and holidays to see the time duration. For example, book 4 takes place during winter break meaning it was near Christmas at that time I estimate that Prefect has been in Twst for about almost a year between the events of book 1 to 4. And during the training camp thing in book 5 it took us weeks to train for the SDC whatever you call it.
2. We are still first Years- in the official website of the game, for the bio of MC we are first Years of NRC along with all the first year gang ( Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel and Sebek) and that haven't changed a bit, until book 6 where it's confirmed that Ortho was going to be a new student at NRC making him a new member of the first year squad, and probably had to wait a few months to officially transfer to NRC as a fully fledged student.
In conclusion, us the player have been in Twst for about 1 to 2 years while we've been missing in the real world for 3 years.
And I was wondering, ' Well, what about our birthday greeting from the characters? ' I then remember about time zones.
In different parts of the world have different time zones meaning it's in different years for example. When people thought 2012 was going to be the end of the world but it was 2012 in Mayan years.
So in my final conclusion, Twst has the same time flow as our world but it's much slower due to our worlds holding different time zones. in Twst we spend about 1 or 2 years there and in our world we have been missing for 3 years.
Or maybe I'm wrong! But this was a fun theory to work on.
Edit: To be specific, I'm going with the story. So Vignettes and side stories do not count. I'm only sticking with the main story stuff.
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