xobaileemadison · 8 months
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FruitFilled Scuffins
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castle-theme · 8 months
FruitFilled Scuffins
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hansengiselle · 1 year
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Muffin - Chocolate Cherry Coconut Scuffins These scuffins, a cross between muffins and scones, are a scrumptious mini treat flavored with milk chocolate, dried cherries, and coconut.
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reflective-muses · 1 year
“  let me explain.  ” Cyno wants to be able to explain the joke--
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"You're going to anyway, even if I say no," Tighnari sighed. Whoever bought Cyno a book of puns and dad jokes for his birthday...
Tighnari hopes they know what they've done.
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florawaycott · 1 year
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Chocolate Cherry Coconut Scuffins These scuffins, a cross between muffins and scones, are a scrumptious mini treat flavored with milk chocolate, dried cherries, and coconut. 1/2 cup white sugar, 1/2 cup coconut oil at room temperature, 1/2 cup turbinado sugar, 1/2 cup milk chocolate chips roughly chopped, 1/2 cup brown sugar, 3/4 cup sweetened shredded coconut, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 3 cups all-purpose flour, 1.5 cups dried cherries roughly chopped, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 teaspoon almond extract, 3/4 cup confectioners' sugar, 1 cup plain fat-free Greek yogurt, 1/2 cup butter at room temperature, 1 tablespoon heavy whipping cream or more as needed, 1.5 tablespoons cherry jam, 1/2 teaspoon baking soda, 2 eggs
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dylmei · 1 year
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Chocolate Cherry Coconut Scuffins These scuffins, a cross between muffins and scones, are a scrumptious mini treat flavored with milk chocolate, dried cherries, and coconut.
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burnwater13 · 2 months
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Concept art by Christian Alzmann. Grogu is being held by a Dark Trooper as it soars about Tython to deliver Grogu to Moff Gideon. Image from The Mandalorian, Season 2, Episode 6, The Tragedy.
Din Djarin knew he shouldn’t read his son’s diary. He knew that. It was an invasion of privacy. It was not the Way. In his defense, as thin and wobbly it was, Grogu had left the file open when the Mandalorian was clearing the table for dinner and one phrase caught his eye. 'Those Dark Troopers were programmed by a burnt out protocol droid.’
He knew Grogu had been trained by the Jedi, but Din Djarin wished he could help his son understand that didn’t make him invincible. No more than his full suit of beskar armor had made him invulnerable. They had both taken hits and had fallen harder than they liked to admit. Certainly Grogu had lifted a mother scuffin’ mudhorn up like it was a fried gorg on a stick, but he hadn’t bothered mentioning that he’d also slept hard for two days solid. 
Same for deflecting the fire or healing Greef Karga or even forcing the rancor to fall asleep. When Grogu did too much he had to renew his energy immediately and that left him vulnerable. He’d been lucky those other times and it worried Din Djarin that Grogu didn't really seem to appreciate the role luck had in their lives. 
As hard as his life was following the Mandalorian Creed and all the risks that his chosen profession of bounty hunting had entailed, Din Djarin never forgot how lucky he’d been that any Mandalorian had noticed him on the awful day on Aq Vetina. When he had been brought back to their ship, he had searched for friends among the other children the Mandos had rescued. There weren’t any. All of his friends were gone. He had been the lucky one. 
He recognized that luck for what it was. Not the luck of the lottery winner who walks away with a bunch of credits and the ability to lead any kind of life they wanted. Not the luck of those who had fallen. Their pain and sacrifice was over. They had given what they had and no one expected them to do anything else. No, he had the luck of the survivor. Gratitude that had to be spent every day saving others from a similar fate, while never forgetting those who were gone and what they had meant to him. 
He’d had a friend a bit like Grogu’s best pal, Ian. Jace had been a class clown and a bit reckless. Djarin had liked him immediately. With sandy hair, skin the color of Mandalorian tea, and a voice that sounded like the crack of doom, Jace had pulled so many tricks, stunts, and capers, that his nick name of ‘The Magician’ was the most accurate nick name any kid at the school had ever been blessed or cursed with. So much better than ‘Sharpy’ because the Mandalorian had been an expert shot even then. 
That had been one of the reasons Jace became his best pal. Jace was being picked up by the scruff of his shirt by some market stall owner and was turning a remarkable shade of purple, as he dangled from the big man’s hand. Before he really understood what he was doing, the future bounty hunter had selected an object and thrown it at the adult, hitting them square in the ear. The stall owner had dropped Jace to pull the remains of an overripe battle fruit from their ear and look frantically for whoever had thrown it. 
Djarin had turned on his heel and ran for all he was worth, only to find that skinny, sandy haired kid tackling him. 
“Why’d ya’ do that? I had him just where I wanted him!”
“Really?” Djarin had gotten to his feet and started to beat the dust off of his robes. “It looked like he had you right where he wanted you, about a minute from unconsciousness.”
“Ahh, that woulda never happened. I put a fire cracker in his pocket. I was just waiting for it go off.”
The Mandalorian remembered rolling his eyes at the other child. There hadn't been any… then ‘BOOM’! Both boys heard a muffled explosion, followed by the most instructive set of cursing that either of them had ever heard in their lives. Even as a bounty hunter, Din Djarin had never heard a finer selection and placement of a string of curses. 
“Are you crazy? You coulda killed that guy!” Djarin, the boy, had been horrified by the implication of the sound.
“Nah. I put it in the pocket of his jacket which was hanging on a peg at  his stall. He thought I stole his money pouch. He had no idea that I put that device there.”
Jace had been smug. Smiling and carefully dusting his pants and shirt off. Then he had casually removed a leather bag from his pocket and handed Djarin a couple of credits.
“Thanks for your help though. Distraction is an important part of any magic trick. You did great kid. Maybe we can team up.”
The Mandalorian remembered shaking his head. That kid was trouble with a capital T. Jace had noticed immediately.
“One day you’ll need a friend. A friend who can pull credits or firecrackers out of thin air. I am that friend. That’s why they call me The Magician. With aim like yours you should be called The Mandalorian. No one has better aim than they do.”
The Mandalorian laughed at that and then closed Grogu’s datapad. He didn’t need to read more of his son’s perspectives on their adventures. They were what they were. They had each taken something from them and that was fine. Maybe the Darktroopers had been programmed by a burnout protocol droid, or maybe Jace, The Magician, Pentya’cx, had done it as a distraction from his next big trick. Neither of them would ever be sure and that was okay. 
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grox · 9 months
you play roblox sometimes dont you you should drop your user and we can go through my huge backlog of games and fuck around👍 i aint got no playmates neither maybe instead of scuffin our shoes morosely in a tiny sandbox we can link arms and traverse through those lego plasticine tunnels together. your call
It's GEORGEHEADED... I'm playong woth other people tonight. But hit my line
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thirteenmyspacegirl · 2 years
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these are apple cinnamon cakes!!!! but really just a blueberry muffin recipe in which i substituted 3 apples tossed in cinnamon sugar for the blueberries, baked them in mini cake pans instead of muffin tins, and brushed with butter and cinnamon sugar after baking djdjajdjw- but FUCK MAN THEYRE SO GOOOOOOOD
I've actually made a few variations on this recipe, which include chocolate chip scuffins, where you substitute chocolate chips for the blueberries and instead of using muffin tins, you just take a large scoop of batter and throw it on a baking sheet, cooking for less time but essentially still following the recipe
i love generic recipes like this so much cause you can really put any kind of your own spin on it!!
I'll put the recipe for these below the cut, and if you make these enjoy!!!
ps @accidental-spice @kanerallels @heckin-music-dork i know how much y'all are into fall vibes, thought you might enjoy these:)))
Cinnamon Apple Cakes!
2 cups all purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 egg
10 ounces (a little more than a cup) sour cream
4 tablespoons melted and slightly cooled butter
1 1/2 cups/3 medium apples
1/4 cup sugar
2 tablespoons cinnamon
Preheat the oven to 350°F/175°C
Peel and chop your apples into roughly 1/2 inch cubes(its perfectly fine if they're uneven!)
Combine your cinnamon and sugar in a medium bowl, then add chopped apples and toss until the apples are coated in the cinnamon sugar, then set aside
Whisk your flour, salt and baking powder in a large bowl
Add the apples to your flour mixture, and gently mix to ensure all the apples are dispersed evenly through the mixture
In another medium bowl, whisk your egg until light and combined, then add the sugar in two additions and whisk until homogeneous
Add the sour cream in 2-3 additions, whisking until light and combined, and finally add your butter, combining well
Using a rubber spatula, fold the liquids into the bowl with the flour mixture, and combine slowly, making sure to mix in all flour while not over mixing the batter
Take out your pans, grease with butter and flour
Divide the batter evenly between your pans. I used four miniature cake pans, but you can use any cake or muffin pans, however i recommend keeping close watch on the time as they won't bake for the same time as small cake pans.
If using small pans, bake for 25-30 minutes. They should have a slightly golden and crisp crust on top when finished.
If using muffin tins, bake 20-25 minutes, though if after inserting a toothpick, it comes out still wet, bake for up to 30 minutes total
If using a large cake pan, bake for 25-30 minutes, checking every 5 minutes after 30 with a toothpick an inch out from the edge, and waiting for a lightly golden crust
When finished, cool on racks in pan for 5-10 minutes before turning out
-For the Topping-
Melt 2 tablespoons of butter and brush/drizzle over baked cakes while they cool. Mix a tablespoon of sugar and 1 1/2 teaspoons of cinnamon in a small bowl and sprinkle over the cakes.
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nyotasaimiri · 1 year
Arc Two 105
Oldarva hummed quietly to herself as she almost drifted through the kitchen. It was hard to move quickly when she felt so calm. She probably should not have felt calm, she realized. Nyota and Hadley were both in the med-bay again, she had gone hand to hand with actual Occasus, and they had a prisoner locked in the storage room turned brig. A few months ago, she would have been nothing but afraid.
“But a few months ago, I was still living under Big Ape’s eye,” she whispered to herself as she took the mixing bowl off the shelf. “I would have never reached the stars.”
She stopped, laughed at herself, and shook her head. She would never have talked to herself like this, either. Too dangerous. But she had stopped being afraid at some point, here. Started to really trust.
A hand knocked on the doorframe. “Someone’s feelin’ poetic,” Lumen said, stepping into the room. “Reachin’ the stars, huh? Now that’s a right purdy way to put it.”
Oldarva laughed and started looking for the flour. “It is better than how Namina would phrase it.”
Lumen hummed and crackled like a chuckling stormcloud. “Don’t ya get me started on him. Yeet at sssky, my boot. The hey’s a yeet? A yet ya stretched too long? Bloomin’ golly. And now he’s got Sonny sayin’ it.”
“Pass the eggs, please,” Oldarva said, trying to mirror that smooth way Nyota had of avoiding arguments in her kitchen. And then, because she was Oldarva and not Nyota, she added, “Does it really bother you?”
“Eh, not really.” Lumen ducked down to get a better look through the fridge. “Just does me some good to fuss ‘bout somethin’ when we got a whole lot of somethin’ I can’t do much about, y’see.” He straightened up and passed her the eggs with a thin hiss. “Hoo-ee, that half smarts, gettin’ the cold air on my brand.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t even think about that…” Oldarva paused in her work with a nervous, apologetic smile.
Lumen waved it off. “Don’t ya worry none, neither did I. I always forget about that. So, whatcha makin’? Don’t think I’ve seen ya use the oven before.”
Eldie looked down at her hands, blushing. “I thought I’d try muffins… SAIL had some useful kitchen safety tutorials, so I thought I might be able to do it by myself.”
Lumen nodded in approval. “That’s mighty wise of ya. And I’m sure the captain won’t mind ya givin’ her a break in here when she’s gotta rest. Saves some worryin’.”
“Yes, that’s what I hoped.” The blush got hotter, but she didn’t mind it too much. “But I can’t seem to find the sugar. Have you seen it?”
Lumen whistled curiously. “It ain’t in the usual place?” When she shook her head, he sighed. “Well, I can guess. Just hang on half a tick, I got ya.”  
He did not even bother looking for the sugar. Instead, he walked over to the wall, wrestled the grate off the air vent, and banged on the metal. “Hey, Ferny! I know you’re in there. Where’d ya hide it this time?”
A raspy chuckle drifted out of the vent and made Oldarva’s fur stand on end. Stars but he sounded spooky like that. Eldie took a reflexive step back and bumped into the counter as she heard something shuffling in the vents.
Namina popped his head out with a sheepish grin. “Lightss-friend has gotten clever,” he said. “Heard Floran in the air pipess?”
Lumen flicked his nose. “Didn’t need to hear ya this time,” he said, making a strange thin noise like a radio being tuned. “I hear ya scuffin’ ‘round in there all the time when I’m mindin’ the medbay. And we all know ya hide the sugar to play a joke on the Captain.”
Eldie had not actually known that, but decided that now was not the time to speak up.
The floran’s grin widened and he pulled himself out of the vent properly. “Is hidden in freezer today. She does not look in freezer much. Don’t tell. Fun can wait until Captain is done sssleeping, yes?”
“Sure, sure. Oh hold on now, don’t ya dare shake off in here,” Lumen warned as he caught Namina shifting in place. He pulled in the floran’s elbow, with absolutely no effect. “C’mon, get outta the kitchen before ya do that.”
“Floran is not dusty!” Namina protested. “Sparkss-friend cleaned those vents lassst week. Floran is curiousss.”
“Sparks? Is that what ya call Sonny now?” Lumen let go of Namina’s arm and ran his fingers through his corona, thoughtful. “It suits her. But what’s up, then?”
Namina ruffled Lumen’s corona and ducked away, chuckling, as the novakid crackled and tried to swat him. “Floran helps, yes?” he said, sidling up to Oldarva. “Floran gives sssugar, helps with the cooking.”
“Oh—” Oldarva nearly dropped her mixing bowl. He moved very fast. “Well, if you like. It’s just muffins, though. But I can always make extras if I have helpers.”
“Yay! More ssnack!” Namina pulled the sugar out of the freezer and scrambled up onto the counter to retrieve the extra flour from wherever he had hidden it.
Lumen fizzed and shook his head. “Boy howdy but I guess I better help ya too, at least to keep an eye on him. Well, not an eye… ya know what I mean.” He pulled a spare apron off the cabinet door and put it on. “We better make more’n usual anyhow. Captain said we’re visitin’ the rebels soon. They always like a good meal.”
Oldarva smiled and nodded. “They do. They more than deserve it. Let’s see… banana and nut, I think. Oh, but Commander Blake dislikes bananas. Chocolate, then?”
The novakid laughed, then sparked and jumped back. “Blazin—whoa!”
Eldie turned around just in time to catch Namina as he fell off the counter. “My goodness! Namina, you must be more careful. Don’t squish Lumen, please.”
Namina grinned and bonked his nose against hers. She blushed and dropped him in shock. He caught himself easily and presented the cocoa powder with a flourish. “Chocolate, yess! Floran helps.” He spotted the blush and his grin widened even further. “Floran keeps this up and we bake muffins on Eldie’s face, yes?”
Lumen swatted his arm. “Give the poor gal a break and go find the muffin tins.”  
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truthundressing · 1 year
lee from steps was so right when he said foot kickin', finger clickin', leather slappin', hand clappin', hip bumpin', music thumpin', knee hitchin', heel and toe, floor scuffin', leg shufflin', big grinnin', body spinnin', rompin', stompin', pumpin', jumpin', slidin', glidin', tush pushin', thunder footin', cowgirl twistin', no resistin', drums bangin', steel twangin', two steppin', end to end, hardwood crawlin', some four wallin', rug cuttin', cowboy struttin', burnin', yearnin', windin', grindin'
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genderlessjacky · 1 year
My boot scootin' baby is drivin' me crazy My obsession from a Western, my dance floor date My rodeo Romeo, a cowboy god from head to toe Wanna make you mine, better get in line 5-6-7-8
Foot kickin', finger clickin', leather slapping, hand clappin' Hip bumpin', music thumpin', knee hitchin', heel and toe Floor scuffin', leg shufflin', big grinnin', body spinnin' Rompin' stompin', pumpin' jumpin', slidin' glidin', here we go
*jammy jam jams x2*
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our-inspire-verse · 1 year
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MAE, Coelocanth, Zim and Mitten.
I absolutely adore everyone here, they turned out so well. Mae's attitude/softness is so gently conveyed. Shes visibly talkin to u with her face! What is she sayin?! Coelocanth just scuffin his feets with hands in his pocket. His tail is just so pleasing here. Hes such a gender.
Then as always we have our Mitten and Zim. She's poking at his antennae and he's acting annoyed, though you can see he's leaning it toward her to reach better. And holding her up still. He loves her so much.
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deshex · 9 months
New Years Scuffin' Eve 2023: Live with Gunfire Reborn
Celebrating the new year with friends!
Been a while since we've done Gunfire Reborn, but it never fails to be a good time, seems like a great way to start the year. Gonna a be a lot of fun, stay tuned!
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dattarajkamatart · 1 year
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Chocolate Cherry Coconut Scuffins Recipe These scuffins, a cross between muffins and scones, are a scrumptious mini treat flavored with milk chocolate, dried cherries, and coconut.
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deestimes · 1 year
Living the Dream Year 2 Day 344 - Easter dinner with Bobi, Justin, and family.
Year 2 Day 344 – “Living the Dream”. Saturday, 4/8/2023. It was a busy day. Up early at five am cooking for Justin and his family. Made two new deserts. Carrot Cake Scuffins, which are part scone and part muffin. Great to have with a nice cuppa. Then the most decadent desert ever. Lemon-Lime Bars. Also made my old favorite recipes, Potato Egg Salad RemasterDirector_22abe5b5f and Stuffed…
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