#scribblers of soho
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nosferatini · 1 year ago
With All Due Respect
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My little contribution to the Smut War on @goodomensafterdark
Rated E for Explicit Sexual (but Consensual!) Content.
2k words + Podfic!
When Crowley has an erotic dream, the Supreme Archangel of Heaven reaps the benefits! 😇 However, there’s a time and a place for such things, and this is certainly a questionable choice…
“Quickly, Angel, I can’t wait any longer…”
Crowley shoved his mouth onto Aziraphale’s, sliding desk ornaments and paperwork off the antique surface as the angel settled his arse in their place. It would have bothered Aziraphale if it had been his desk at the bookshop. But this wasn’t his desk at the bookshop. And broken things could easily be mended in Heaven…
Read the rest on AO3
Thanks to 77ckk, @secretlywingedphantom from the Writers Guild and Ro_Fell, @the-literal-kj and MisterScruffyPoo from @sohoscribblers for betaing!
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rofell · 1 year ago
The Cure for a Broken Heart
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The premise: Dr Crowley and Dr Az are hot for each other, working overnight in the hospital, and have access to rooms that lock and have beds.
They say 'write what you know' so I've set this story in the Canadian Healthcare System. It started as a vehicle for smut but somehow also became an exploration of systemic racism in Canada. At it's heart, it's about the wounds we carry and how they shape our relationships.
I'm very proud of this fic, and it's so much better thanks to the help of my faithful beta readers Azeutrecia, Springofviolets and rhubarbcrumbles.
The first half of this fic is now complete, I will be resume publishing the chapters of the second half/conclusion starting in one week's time.
TL;DR: smut with some angst and a lot of heart. Rating: Explicit CW: Discussions of systemic racism, families that are not supportive, some angst.
Excerpt: Az felt something blooming in his chest. Something undeniable. This was more than just a crush, more than just some passing lust for an attractive colleague. There was something here between him and Crowley. Something real. Az shivered. He didn’t know what to do. He was falling for a straight guy. Again.
In this moment, it didn’t matter. Az felt locked in this moment, like this moment was the only thing that mattered. Everything that came before, everything that came after, well. That was someone else’s problem.
Az leaned forward, just a fraction.
Crowley leaned forward, too.
Their faces were so close. Az was determined he wouldn’t move another inch. He didn’t know what was happening, but whatever it was, Crowley would have to initiate it. Crowley was staring at his lips now, and was leaning just a bit forward when -
The click of the door startled them both, their heads whipping around.
It was Muriel.
“Oh hi Az, hi Dr Crowley!” she exclaimed, apparently oblivious to the tension in the room.
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angie-words · 1 year ago
How to Play: Good Omens fanfic
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CWs: angst but with a happy ending, unresolved and eventually resolved romantic/sexual tension, light dom/sub, non-graphic smut - no explicit sex, so much yearning
I wanted to write a fic that captured the tension between A&C over the years without including any explicit sex. Hopefully you'll enjoy! Let me know what you think <3
Thanks to springofviolets, azeutreciathewicked, the-literal-kj, playdohangel and MisterScruffyPoo for being amazing beta readers!
Summary: Crowley and Aziraphale have been playing a game over the centuries: finding ways to touch without ever really acknowledging that's what they're doing, or talking about what it all means. But Crowley will follow any rules Aziraphale sets out so he can protect whatever this fragile thing is between them.
This stranger of a demon, Furfur (a silly little thing full of sound and fury and signifying nothing), was practically bouncing up and down on his heels with glee. Crowley growled but refused to take him seriously. It was a demon: full of pride, every one of them (it does come before a fall, after all), and thus easy to trick and outmanoeuvre. He'd think of something, he reassured himself as he leaned back on the velvet sofa, listening with amusement as Furfur absolutely eviscerated the angel’s name.
“Azi-ra-pa-pap. Azi-fa-fe-la-a-la.”
Crowley stifled the snort that threatened to escape his mouth.
And then out of nowhere, there was a voice that surged with self-assured power, a steel fist wrapped in a silk glove; a voice that he had never heard before poured out through the angel’s lips:
The syllables struck Crowley across the face, sunk into his bones, bore themselves down against his ribs and rasped, 'Mine'.
Oh, Crowley thought, head swimming as he tried to catch a breath that his body begged for, Wasn’t that just something?
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finlands-world · 1 year ago
Hey there! This is not a new fic; I simply realized it has never been posted on Tumblr, so here it is! A little warning for internalized little/implied homophobia, body image issues, and alcohol consumption (although not a lot here-).
Aziraphale has lived his whole life avoiding activities his old church would have deemed "sinful", but as he gets older, he realizes he wants to discover new things and eliminate the shackles left by his upbringing. Visiting a gay bar for the first time, he meets this drag queen who doesn't seem like the others.
Crowley, a drag artist in his free time, returns a favor to an old friend whose gay bar is missing a Queen for the upcoming show and notices this funny guy who can't seem to keep his eyes off of him.
"As a performer in a short blue wig closed up her act, another one walked onto the stage, and the room fell silent.
She walked up to the mic, swinging her hips in a way Aziraphale had never seen before. She was in this tight-fitting low-necked black dress so long it almost touched the floor, covering her shoes. And it shined, it shined so prettily before his eyes. With a twirl from the Queen, the public learned the dreamy dress was backless, exposing her pale skin and slender features. Her shoulders were adorned with a black feather boa and a cascade of dark ginger curls, with braids scattered throughout. He’d never thought hair could be so mesmerizing. 
She had quite an angular face, defined jawline and high cheekbones, and she didn’t use any padding to accentuate her chest or hips, but it only made her more interesting to the eye.
She wasn’t hidden under layers of foundations like the others before her. In fact, you could only notice the powerful red lipstick, almost the same shade as her hair, and the discreet eyeliner, which complimented her golden-brown eyes beautifully.
Oh how they shone in the stage lights.
Aziraphale was in awe."
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ines2925 · 1 year ago
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Chapter 2 is out!
Seven Things Archangel Gabriel Doesn’t Know
Chapter 2: Temperance
They wonder why he always feels the need to remind them how different they are. It isn't about their respective lines of work. It’s not like they were meeting to collaborate (not anymore). The sheer purpose of their little chats is to vent with someone who understands certain difficulties their jobs entail. If that someone is from Heaven, so be it. It's not like they are going to war anytime soon.  But Beelzebub would never freely mention Her. They, in fact, would rather hear nothing of Her at all. 
Read more on ao3.
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sohoscribblers · 1 year ago
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Sharing an educational article written by one of our more experienced Scribblers for any new or hopeful writers out there. This is the first in a series on POV
An Overview of Point of View in Writing
by @adeptdragonfruit54
What is point of view and why is it important?
Simply put, point of view is the lens through which you tell your story. It’s the voice of the story and your perspective character.  It’s important because the POV you tell the story from will impact the details available to your reader and the reliability of the narrator among other things. “No decision you make will impact the shape and texture of your story more than your choice of Point of View,” says editor Dave Lambert. Surprisingly, it can also be one of the trickier skills to master for a new or inexperienced writer. A common problem is an inconsistent POV. You don’t have to stick with a single POV throughout a story, but if you’re new to writing, sometimes it’s better to stick with one POV until you have a little more experience under your belt. Another problem I’ve seen is using an incorrect POV for the story being told.  I’ll give you an example of this once we dig into the different types of POV below. So, what are the different types of POV?
Primarily, there are three types of POV. We’ll start with a basic overview in this article and then go into each, in depth, in subsequent articles.
First Person POV:
First person POV uses personal pronouns like “I,” “me,” “we,” and “us.” Stories written in the first person are personal narratives where the protagonist is telling their story or a side character is telling the protagonist’s story. Ie. Suzanne Collins’s Hunger Games is written in with first person from the POV of the protagonist, Katniss Everdeen.
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secretlywingedphantom · 1 year ago
New Tag Game: Quote your fanfic
For my writing pals, mostly. But Who's Counting. It's cocky hours but make it communal.
For as many as you want of your published works, pick your favourite line/paragraph and post it up here. Let yourself feel proud of your creations.
Thanks for the tag @finlands-world !
I only have one very short published fic (more coming, I swear!). I wrote it for a Secret Santa gift back in December, and I prettied it up a bit with some graphics. CW: It gets explicit near the end on AO3 (not below).
Dear Diary... ('Twas The Night Before Christmas)
(plain text appears below the image)
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Text-only snippet:
Away to the front door I flew like a flash Tore open the shutters and peered through the glass.
The moon high above framed the scene down below; A black ’26 Bentley plunged head-first in snow.
Then what to my wondering eyes did appear, But my yellow-eyed demon, his impatience, quite clear.
“Crowley, really,” I breathed as he charged through the door, His eyes blazed with longing, left me weak to my core.
Moving fast as a cheetah, he caught hold of my vest, Then murmured with urgency as we stood, chest to chest:
Read the full thing on A03
I'm tagging @henriettarhippo-hrh on this, because I just read their fic Starmaker and loved it!
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henriettarhippo-hrh · 1 year ago
New Tag Game: Quote your fanfic
For my writing pals, mostly. But Who's Counting. It's cocky hours but make it communal.
For as many as you want of your published works, pick your favourite line/paragraph and post it up here. Let yourself feel proud of your creations.
Thanks for the tag @secretlywingedphantom ! All fics from Good Omens
Miracles on ice (E, WIP, human AU, ice skating rivals, enemies to lovers, fights, bickering it's basically blades of glory)
“I’m not taking the female skater’s position,” Aziraphale said, flustered. He yanked his hand out of Crowley’s and tried to grab him again, but Crowley started moving his hand around and refused to still it.
“Well I’m certainly not,” Crowley growled, grabbing Aziraphale roughly by the wrist.
“Yes you are, I’m stronger,” Aziraphale said.
Crowley let out a bark of a laugh. “You are not stronger than me. I’ve actually got experience lifting other skaters.”
“Oh yes, all those tiny, skinny women. You really think you could lift me?” Aziraphale said with a slight smirk.
“Is that a challenge?” Crowley said with a low growl.
“Guys, it's just waltz position,” Gabriel said, waving a hand. “We don't need to get into the specifics right now.”
One moment Aziraphale was staring into the darkness of Crowley’s glasses, the next he could see over the top of Crowley’s head as the man hoisted him up and off the ice.
“Ack!” Aziraphale let out a strangled noise as he surged upwards, his arms cartwheeling backwards as his body leant back.
“Stop squirming!” Crowley snapped as he pushed forward on his skates, moving across the ice with Aziraphale clasped against him.
“Crowley, put him down,” Gabriel said, he moved hesitatingly across the ice to follow them. “We’re not doing lifts right now.”
Starmaker (E, 4k words, post season 2, smut/angst, Crowley ditches girls' night to get laid, GOAD)
Muriel shook their head. “He’s still awake and in the bookshop, but Mr Fell is there, too.”
Maggie gasped. “Mr Fell’s back?”
Muriel nodded, beaming. “Yes! They were wrestling on the desk. I think Mr Crowley was winning.”
Nina and Maggie exchanged a look. 
Nina cleared her throat.
“Right. I think you should probably stay here tonight, Muriel. Girls’ night just turned into a sleepover.” 
(The story is just pure smut but I enjoy that adorable Muriel bit at the end)
I'm tagging @ukcalico because I really enjoyed their GOAD entry A Bit Much
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nosferatini · 1 year ago
The Sound of Lyrics
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A Belated Fluff Fest musical comedy fic for @sohoscribblers !
4.1k words - And not a trigger in sight.
🎧Recommended listening: Sound of Lyrics Soundcloud Playlist
Crowley and Aziraphale are surprised to find the Metatron in the bookshop one fine Friday morning, but things proceed a little differently than the original Ineffable Plan. The angels depart, leaving Crowley anxious to get back to the flat and Aziraphale anxious to get back to his music.
Crowley might have been a little disappointed that they hadn’t wound up doing drunken breakfast at the Ritz, but he rather fancied emptying his plants and moving back in.
Nina and Maggie might have spoken to Aziraphale about the whole “talking” thing, but they found the bookshop quite decidedly locked.
So, they’re still not talking, per se. But perhaps, with the right persuasion… they will sing.
Aziraphale eyed the record player over the rims of his spectacles. It was skipping; which would be nothing, if he weren’t an angel whose divine presence precluded such an occurrence. His records never skipped. Not since the invention of records.
He left the glasses at the desk and stepped toward the table. He stood there, doing his best at menace, yet his uncharacteristic scowl did nothing to deter it.
“What’s gotten into you?” he asked, as if the record had an excuse.
The golden hue of the bookshop flickered in time with the scratching repetitions of that single, unflattering note of Schubert’s Symphony No. 5.
“Oh, for goodness sake,” he tutted, rolling his eyes. “Crowley, did you hex the record player?”
Now, the skipping seemed to become… musical. Aziraphale stared in fascination as the scratches became notes and the repetitions took on a rhythm of their own. Crowley was certainly to blame. The record now sounded decidedly bebop, if ever he’d heard it (he hadn’t). So he made his way back to the vintage telephone at his desk.
Crowley would simply have to come by and fix it. What a shame. Aziraphale tempered his smile, pouting as he wrapped a hand around the receiver and ignoring the song in the background.
“I was tired of my lady, we’d been together too long; Like a worn out recording, of a favorite song…”
But as angelic fingers dialed—sliding along the pathways to a number known by rote—the angel’s foot began to tap to the beat. He felt a sudden urge to read the paper. And as he gazed at the one on his desk, the letters of the headline began to shift in parody of the record’s playful masculine voice…
“…If you like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain; If you're not into yoga, if you have half a brain…”
Aziraphale stared, dumbstruck; slowly reasoning that the editors of The Times hadn’t decided to go tabloid with their paper. This was far more elaborate than Crowley’s usual schemes, and Aziraphale now desperately wished to talk to the demon. In fact, the more he thought about it, the greater his desire to speak… no… to sing, for Crowley.
He could feel the lyrics behind his teeth. His hand grew clammy around the receiver as he bit lips together to withhold the words like a failing dam, when Crowley’s voice drawled:
“…do it with style…”
Continue Reading on AO3
Special thanks to my betas: @finlands-world , @the-literal-kj , @playdohangel and @goodomensafterdark for the support of my guild friends :)
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cloudstonki · 2 years ago
Qmidi classic activation code
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angie-words · 1 year ago
On starting again
This is going to be just a brief first post as I try to work out what the hell I'm doing. I was never a prolific user/commenter on Tumblr but I feel like I've lost what little knowledge I had accumulated.
Bear with me.
If it helps to get a sense of my history with this platform, I stopped using it waaay before the ban on "female-presenting nipples".
I burned myself out pretty badly on writing thanks, ironically, to studying a Masters about it. But the one thing that's really brought the joy back to the process is the Good Omens fandom.
Thanks to the amazing Scribblers of Soho, I'm putting up things on AO3, getting wonderful help with beta reading, and doing some beta reading myself of incredible, inspiring work .
I'll make some links and things when I have more time but it's honestly kind of nice to be back and enjoying writing again.
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finlands-world · 1 year ago
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Whatever You May Be
As Crawley, the demon in charge of the first temptation, chatted with the angel of the Southern wall, Adam and Eve escaped by the Eastern gate, menacing the principality guarding it and stealing his flaming sword (Or at least that’s what the paperwork implied).
Over the millennia, Aziraphale and Crowley have managed never to meet one another, living their own completely separate lives.
One day, Hell sends an unusual request: This little bookshop in central Soho needs to be watched, and Crowley is assigned to the case.
Crowley didn’t own much, and of what he did own, there was very little he actually cared about. Excluding the lush plants, of course, all his prized possessions could fit into a simple wooden jewelry box, worn out by centuries of regular touch. It had once been adorned by skillfully drawn flowers, but the pigments had faded and the paint had cracked before flaking off, bit by bit.
Inside, a pearl necklace, a few rough-shaped rings, some coins of another time, whisps of fabric and buttons of all kinds, simple relics from those who’d broken his loneliness for a while, the humans who had appeared in his life and worked their way into his heart, taking a bit of it as they left, never by choice but by fate. Lovers, friends, or something in between. 
Read more of this fic on AO3
Little AU I've been thinking of for a while, hope you enjoy!
As always, thanks a lot to the @sohoscribblers for the amazing community, and to @rofell , @azeutreciathewicked, and @springofviolets for the beta! You're all amazing
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ines2925 · 1 year ago
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I can't believe it, but we are almost done! In today's chapter, we will meet someone important to Gabriel as he will introduce Beelzebub to them.
See you all tomorrow for the final chapter!
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nosferatini · 1 year ago
Huzzah! More smut war content! (Inside scoop, the author actually wrote it on the plane ;)
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Fic drop! TBD I’LL WRITE IT ON THE PLANE is a smutty oneshot written for the @goodomensafterdark Smut War in which Crowley is a writer struggling to meet a deadline, and Aziraphale is his gorgeous, distracting seatmate. What could go wrong (or right)? Rated E for EXPLICIT.
With thanks to the writers of GOAD and @sohoscribblers for beta (see AO3 for details)!
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sohoscribblers · 1 year ago
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A Deeper Dive into First Person POV
by @adeptdragonfruit54
What is First person POV more specifically?
First-person perspective is a storytelling technique that narrates the story from the POV of a single character, usually the protagonist but sometimes it can be a side character linked to the protagonist. If it’s the protagonist telling the story, you’ll see the pronoun “I.”  In this form of storytelling, the story unfolds through the eyes, internal thoughts, and emotions of the “I” narrator. It’s a very intimate form of storytelling that lets the character speak directly to the reader or even lets the reader feel that they are the narrator. In the “I” form of storytelling, the reader is looking through the eyes of the protagonist directly and experiencing everything without the filter of the author as narrator.
For example:
Consider the last scene in Season 2 of Good Omens on Amazon Prime when Aziraphale turns his head away from Crowley to hide his emotions/tears. Let’s write that in first person and then third person.
First person POV Aziraphale:  “You idiot, we could have been us,” Crowley said to me. Words jammed in my throat and creased my brow as I looked my companion of many long years. A half motion toward him and a half motion away repeated several times indecisively made my body rock back and forth. Hot tears welled in my eyes. Finally, the waves of emotion became too unbearable. I turned my face away quickly to stifle the cry of pain that threaten to break from my throat as a single tear rolled from the corner of my eye. But as quickly as the tear could slip from my eye, I heard Crowley’s light footsteps cross the space between us and felt him grab the lapels of my jacket.  And then his mouth was on mine, hot and demanding an answer; demanding that I understand what he was trying to say.
Third Person POV:  “You idiot, we could have been us,” said Crowley. He paused a moment, hoping for some affirmative response, or any response from the angel.  Aziraphale looked at him with a creased brow, his shoulders rocking first toward the demon and then away as if undecided which way to move. Crowley watched this indecisive little movement, hoping against hope that his angel would decide to move to him in the end, but his hopes were dashed when Aziraphale simply turned his head away and refused to look at him further or to speak. Then, in one final, desperate act, Crowley closed the space between them.  He latched onto Aziraphale’s collar and kissed him, trying to communicate all his love and need and desperation into that one single human act. He demanded with his lips that Aziraphale understand everything that words had failed to convey. He hoped for a Vavoom.
Advantages of first person
The most obvious advantage of using first person POV is that it establishes an immediate rapport between the reader and the narrator and lets the reader form a deep connection with the character.  You can really explore a character’s growth and viewpoints throughout a story using this perspective.  Second, it can lend the story credibility which if you’re going for the angle of an unreliable narrator can be useful for misdirection. The trust between a first-person narrator and reader can be built by using a narrator who lies and then later broken when the truth is revealed.  Another big advantage of narrating in the first person is that you can express an opinion.  A great example of this is To Kill a Mockingbird.  The narrator is six-year-old Scout and the opinions being explored are bias and racial prejudice in the American south. Finally, as a writer, you can also use multiple first person POVs to express different character views and opinions and tell the story from many viewpoints. This can be an interesting tool for building intrigue in the story if each person telling it only knows part of the story at any given moment.
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ganhosdoelefante · 4 years ago
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London, 07th, March of Year One, Sexta, Doctor.
07:00 - Acordamos, tomamos banho e nos arrumamos.  07:30 - Saímos para tomar café da manhã:  Doughnut Time
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08:10 - John vai trabalhar e eu vou procurar um consultório para locar.  12:10 - Encontro com Bárbara, que está de folga, para almoçarmos:  The Ship, Soho
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14:00 - Saímos, nos despedimos e eu vou a papelaria:  Scribbler
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14:20 - Vou para casa.  14:25 - Chego e tomo banho, coloco um pijama e fico lendo: 
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16:00 - Tiro uma soneca com uma chuvinha caindo.  17:00 - Acordo e malho em casa com Jojo que chegou: 
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17:50 - Terminamos, tomamos banho e nos arrumamos. 
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18:50 - Saímos para comer com Aria, Sabri, Nara e com Barb hoje também.  19:00 - Chegamos:  100 Wardour Street
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Bebemos vários drinks e nos divertimos muito. 
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02:00 - Vamos para cass.  02:10 - Apago no quarto. 
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