keshetchai · 1 year
Btw the reason gentile pagans are fixated with Lilith is because she is the parallel to their fixation with "Lucifer," or "Satan," as a means of deconstructing their fucked up relationship with Christianity and Christian theology, and the internalized terrible garbage they picked up from Christian normativity, even if they weren't previously practicing Christians.
Lucifer/Satan gets to replace Jesus/God (the representation of XYZ Christian theologies they have issues with) and Lilith gets to replace Eve (the representation of XYZ Christian theologies relating to women that they have issues with).
The replacements represent - to some extent - themselves. They choose means of interpreting these characters that specifically make them into people who were unfairly victimized (within Christian theology) and marginalized, and who were ultimately "right." Or more "powerful," or ultimately more sympathetic/human/compassionate.
It's a fantasy wherein they get to validate their own frustration/pain/feeling of exclusion or powerlessness/treatment of being seen as an "ungodly" or "bad" person, and then make that person who typifies those things in their mind as the real hero, regardless of how doing that affects other people, or even if it makes sense.
It's actually very transparent when you think about it. I can almost guarantee Lilith would hold almost no sway to any of them if she wasn't explicitly mentioned as a counterpoint to Eve.
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akajustmerry · 1 year
poison inside his dna by @yourgirlcath on TikTok
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catfindr · 2 years
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antiquatedsimmer · 5 months
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( Hello Everyone! Been awhile, had to rebuild my entire world & find horrible bug fixes. But I'm so happy to make a post! I hope u enjoy.) Subtitles will be available under the cut
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So glad to be able to play my favorite pixels again, even if just for a little. I had a ER visit recently so I'm mostly sleeping till my health is better.
Everything was ruined in the save corruption, I had to completely start over, I mean complete restart, an entire new EA folder.
I love everything and had to rebuild my entire save + replace all locations in other worlds + remake broken sims.
Took forever..... But! I Tried to catch everything up to speed with a diary entry since a lot of stuff was lost in corruption.
Thank you for reading!
Dear Diary, 1908
I am utterly exhausted… The rain jus' won't quit, and the Mud puddles cling to my skirts, chilling my ankles while dampening the hems of my dresses.
I'm struggling to tend to the farm like ah oughta, since Ma and Pa need so much care. Everyday I thank the Lord for Josephine,
The only thing we've ever expected of her was to make Silas happy, She's never lived or worked on a farm in her whole life...yet. She's taken it upon herself to learn the skills so that I don't have to do all the work alone. Josie's clothes aren't particularly built for gardening and are more for a garden party but her heart is in the right place. 
Perhaps I can get her some proper work gloves and boots... I couldn't stop laughing when her heel got stuck in a mud puddle. 
I'll be honest...I didn't expect Josie to enjoy living here, I figured going from a comfortable lifestyle to a poor farmers wife would be tough for anyone.
Did you know her father liked to bet on horses? Sometimes I wonder what its like having so much money u can afford to throw it away. 
I'm happy Josie is Happy here but, there are times I think about what if we had that money. Would Mama and Papa be cured? I Don't know… At the very least I would be getting better help, Josie can only do so much.
Silas hasn't lifted a finger in regard to anything involving the farm in a long time. I remember how he would beg Papa to allow him to learn so he could improve the farm for us.
I'm confident all aspirations of that are gone.
Now, all I hear is money money money. I know I don't know much but I think money changes people. Josie keeps me updated on Silas since we hardly speak anymore, she tells me He's been promoted to factory overseer and hired as a inventor for her fathers company.
She says he has the 1st patents for some of his inventions, which makes me a little confused, Where's all the money? If true we could be providing better for our family!
I would be angry if my heart wasn't already heavy with worry. The thought of living without Mama or Papa… Josie is the only thing keepin' me steady.
Her and the never-ending things that need to be done.
I pray every day for a change. Please Lord.
Yours truly,
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gusujay · 11 months
Just listened to nothing else matters by Metallica and thought about Pavel and Artyom the entire time. It’s me and the 80 partyom on fics on ao3 against the world.
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 1 year
Headcanon that c!Ranboo would be genuinely very intimidating and dangerous if it weren't for the fact that they'd cry if they hurt a fly
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transmandayoung · 27 days
sorry but your 'well-researched' article about the most iconic horror soundtracks/songs of all time instantly loses credibility when 'the murder' from psycho and 'hello zepp' aren't on there I don't make the rules
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binch-i-might-be · 3 months
well this flopped
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 3 months
Why are half of the boys in Bi colors in the stitch event? Like Azul is in a subtle pink purple and blue, and for Lilia it's not even subtle. Same with Floyd! Like the purples, blues, and pinks! Great for pride month ngl
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lime-ether · 2 years
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worse than him timothy, my god.
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dailydoseofshoko · 1 year
I normally don't scream into the void and share my opinion, I'm kinda cringing right now but since I'll be reblogging alot of Shoko stuff later ( i needed a break to recover from 236 lmao) i need to get this out Lots of people are super upset how Gojos arc is resolved and I can understand that but its so funny to me how my grieve for this whole situtation (get it together, its a fictional character goddamn) is from me projecting myself onto Shoko. I think this feeling of having been there from the start, not being able to do anything and having your hopes up just to have them crushed and realize that you're all alone hits so close to home its not even funny anymore.
Jujutsu Kaisen has alot of pacing issues and for me it was kinda clear that he has to die or something had to take him out of the plot once more, it's just funny that me being affected by this has less to do with the canon but more with fan theories, reading between the lines and imagining the interpersonal relationship he had that are NEVER shown in the manga. I feel like that's just a common feeling tho when you're a Shoko fan. The other day I told a friend "It hurts, but what hurts me more is Shoko being all alone now" and he answered "I never understood what you see in her, she never really stuck out to me". And I realized how much of this is just me filling the gaps for myself lol cuz I like her
Anyway, I am readying myself for getting no reacting from Shoko whatsoever, another 8 chapters of fighting with Kashimo that I am not invested in and then the manga concluding at some point lmao.
Does this post have any sense or reason? No. Good, now i can go and reblogg some Shoko Content :'D
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sekiguchi momoko doll x moon kana 2006
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hisacookie · 2 years
BROOOO my art just got a total upgrade i feel so stupid for not using Ibs paint beforehand i been using Medibang and it's been such a hassle, always backing up on me like look at the DIFFERENCE;
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Rinky dink mlp design i made as a crossover for my favorite junker bois but like. THIS IS WITH MEDIBANG it had backed up on me and its linework is so not gooddd. So compare this...
To This doodle i did at not even full strength/compacity;
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IT LOOKS SO MUCH HECKING BETTER DOESN'T IT?!?! like Ibspaint rn is a total life saverr i only regret not using it sooner it was so much easier TwT.
My art now has poteintal guyssss
Anyways i just wanted to screetch about my idiocy your welcome also here take this horrible practice animation i did;
Your welcome okay Byeeeee :3
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unheald · 7 months
@corignem said : i kept you like an oath. ( seblijahhhhh )
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getting to this point in itself had been... quite the journey. making his way through life being led to believe one very specific truth, only for it to turn out to apparently not be true at all. of course, when sebastian had approached him, but not with the intent to attack him, of course elijah had had his doubts, had his back up. he'd been told that the other would be coming for him one day, and that when that time came, he should be ready to be the one that ended him...
and there had been an attempt at attacking him - elijah had not wanted to waste time or give sebastian an opportunity or a chance to get the upper hand. but sebastian had somehow, managed to settle him somewhat. apparently the other had a wealth of patience and had been willing to put in the work, because if one thing had been true, it was that elijah's council had made damn sure that elijah saw sebastian as a threat, as an enemy. that that idea was firmly fixed in his head, and with elijah's stubbornness, it had taken a lot of work on sebastian's part.
sebastian had explained to him how things had been before. how instead of them remaining enemies until the end, that they had bloomed into something much more... and for a while, elijah had done his best to avoid entertaining the idea. it was... complicated, and scary in a way. the idea that he'd had something that felt and sounded so... foreign, and so... well, something that elijah never saw for himself, never thought that he deserved for himself either. but even when sebastian stopped mentioning it, elijah ended up finding that he couldn't stop thinking about it, wondering about it.
and so for some reason, he'd let himself ask about it. ask about what it was like, what they were like - even if he might end up regretting asking. kept him like an oath? that made it all sound so... intense and meaningful and above all else, and again, it was something he didn't quite know how to wrap his head around. it sounded all profound and full of feeling and it was the exact opposite of everything he'd been told.
" like an oath? and how did i keep you? because i can't help but think that keeping me like an oath probably would have been a mistake. "
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allieisacrybaby · 1 year
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This ain’t scary at all…hahaha😳😨
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randomjreader · 1 year
OUR ONGSASUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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