you know ive always found high pitched feminine voices to be endearing in a way, i think i was preprogrammed to be a miku fan
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kyliafanfiction · 1 year
I’ll bet the same people praising Andor are the ones that are praising Picard Season 3
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alienaiver · 1 month
Multiple gold medals 🥇
Kuroo Tetsurou x gn!reader
synopsis: athlete is a noun. it is the person who is involved in the physical activity of sport or containing that agile quality. athletic is an adjective meaning physically active. you are neither, at least according to your rude boyfriend.
tags: summer olympics 2024, fluff, sfw, established relationship, banter and playfighting, canon compliant-ish, post-timeskip, no use y/n, humor, poc and body positive reader tho reader is Not sporty, one shot warnings: theres a minor-minor description of tickling/blowing a raspberry. otherwise, none! wordcount: 1.2k
notes: written for @tetzoro 's summer olympics collab! this was so fun. ive probably watched a total of six minutes of the olympics this year, i apologize 😔👊🏽 i love a good banter, tho. i hope i delivered!!! ✨
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You throw an M&M up in the air to catch with your mouth, but it lands sadly on your collarbone before sliding down by your neck, lost underneath you between the throw pillows. You mentally promise Kuroo to pick it up as soon as you get up for water.
It’s your day off and you’re beat. The heat is nothing to scoff at, either; the humidity making any endeavors outside of the apartment walls virtually impossible.
Well, to you at least. Kuroo’s on a convenience store run to pick up as many snacks as he’s able to carry, and your favorite milk tea. The men’s volleyball game in the Olympics is tonight, Argentina against Japan. He’s been buzzing ever since they qualified for the finale. As much as you love to listen to him yap, his excitement is only working to make you impatient for something you didn’t think you’d care that much about.
Volleyball’s never been your strong interest. Sport in general isn’t high on your list, actually. It wasn’t until you met Kuroo that you even began watching the Olympics at all.
Right now the Olympics are on, too. It’s been on most of the days when either of you occupy his home, and right now it’s time for the Men’s Single luge. You’ve never heard of it before, but it’s a sort of sled competition in an ice tube sort of field.
You’re about to throw the next M&M into your mouth when the door clicks open. “I’m back!” you hear Kuroo yell out, and you greet him back before eating the candy. You hear him sit down by the genkan to take off his shoes; he firmly refuses to toe his new sneakers on and off like his old ones. It ruins the structure of the back quicker, he claims. He wants to be more environmentally conscious and take better care of his things.
He groans as he comes in, wiping his neck and collar with his handkerchief. You smile up at him, admiring the way his bangs stick to his forehead from the perspiration. On his shoulder hangs his tote bags, brimming with contents you can’t wait to dive into. When you reach out for it, he yells, “ah!” and pulls it dramatically away from your reach.
“It’s for tonight!” he huffs, puffing up his chest and jutting out his bottom lip. You shake your head, “just lemme see! Gimme an unboxing, at least!” you make grabby-hands at him, and he throws his head back, “nuh-uh. I’m putting it in the kitchen for later. You need a real dinner first, too.”
You fall back onto the couch with a huff, “as if you’ll be able to eat anything during the match anyways.”
“What was that?” he calls back tersely from the kitchen but you just blow air out through your nose, “nothing.”
As in defiance of him restricting you, you put four M&M’s in your mouth at the same time.
Just to prove a point.
He comes back out after he’s washed his face, and leans against your head, “what’s on now?”
He kisses your cheek.
He jumps the backrest of the couch to land next to you, and you laugh and dodge the arm that almost pulls your head down with his entire weight. The plastic of the M&M’s container crinkles as you lift it to offer him some. Instead of reaching for it like a normal person, he pushes his face into the bag like a freak, and you pull it away with a screech. He looks proud when he looks up, crunching loudly to prove he succeeded in getting a few.
You take a handful before you put the bag on the table and cuddle up to your boyfriend. He sighs as he settles with an arm around you and you start to watch the games silently.
There’s an awkward sort of silence from the commentators as the athletes ride on their sleds, like they’re holding their breath and waiting for something spectacular to happen at every turn, but it’s pretty straightforward. Technical, sure, but straightforward nonetheless. It’s only during the sharp turns that they really say anything, and it’s without much substance. It doesn’t really give a fair idea on how much skill is needed to do this.
You throw an M&M and succeed in catching it. “I could do that.” you conclude after a person reaches the goal, the successful catch fueling your ego. Kuroo doesn’t even spare you a glance or a visible reaction, “sure.”
You playfully punch at his thigh, “I totally could! It’s just downhill.”
Kuroo snorts, “yeah, then to the left in a sharp turn and oh! Right after that another sharp turn. I’d sooner see you crash walking up the stairs to the ice tube.”
You gasp in offense and sit up, shaking off his arm from your shoulder, “excuse me!” you say, your voice high-pitched and scratchy. Kuroo gives you one of his handsome, disarming, lop-sided smirks that you almost fall for, before you catch yourself.
He reaches out for you again but you move further away, “have you no confidence in me?” you mock-cry, giving him a look of absolute disgust, “are you all talk? Lowering the net for people to enjoy your favorite sport, but you don’t care about other athletics like me? Huh?” you cross your arms and pout, and Kuroo snickers at your choice of words before he leans his head back onto the backrest. Athletics.
“You can barely catch a stray piece of candy you throw yourself.”
You gasp, and point to the bag of M&M’s, “you saw me catching one just a minute ago!”
Kuroo lifts his arm, his hand closed in a fist. You follow his movement as he reaches out for you, turns the fist and reveals a half-melted M&M in his open palm, “there’s like six of them between these pillows right now.”
You raise an eyebrow, “so? That’s from when you stuck your head in the bag like a pig.” your exaggerated lie makes him nod thoughtfully, “yeah, yeah, I’m sure you’re right. You’d win, but not at luge.”
Your eyes open up, excitement visible as you lean forward, “what sport do you see me winning?”
Kuroo keeps his face neutral as he collects the fallen heroes of candy you've sacrificed to throw out, “you’d win a various of games, actually. You’d be the gold winner in all of them, even.”
You lean forward even more, and he laughs then, “qualifications for sports like overthinking situations that happened years ago, jumping to conclusions and complaining about your stomach hurting after eating dairy”- he’s interrupted when you push all the way onto him with your entire weight, smashing your face into his chest and immediately blowing a raspberry -”and best of all,” he laughs and feebly tries to push you away as you try to reach his neck to give it the same treatment, “being delusional on main, and hey! Stop it!”
He’s pushing at you more desperately now, unwilling to let you attack him directly on the skin. There’s mirth in his voice still and you giggle before you succeed. He howls and grabs onto your shoulders, “I yield! I yield! Fine! You’d win in luge!”
You pull away immediately as he yields, a satisfied grin on your face. “Hmph, now that wasn’t so hard, was it? To recognize talent for what it is.” you turn around and situate yourself again up against him and he lets out a chuckle as he kisses the crown of your head and wraps his arms around you.
After a moment of just resting his own head against yours, he asks, suddenly serious, “do you wanna try luge one day? There’s also luges for doubles. There’s a stadium for it downtown.”
“Oh, never in a million years.”
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aviatrix-ash · 6 months
*insert the start up sound of a strongarm momentum radial engine starter combined with pterodactyl screeces*
There's an actual flying 1940s Lockheed Constellation at my favorite little airport right now and I cant go see her right now cause I'm currently stuck at home.
Im gonna go say hi to her in the morning tho. But I cant gonsay hi to her right now and tell her she's one of my favorite airplanes and Im sad ;o;
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yankstrash · 1 year
What do you think would the scenario be for Amelia meeting Gabe’s family and vice versa?
amelia meeting gabes family
she's met his mom and sister over facetime a few times, and of course she is very close with daisy. however, she's never met his brothers or his dad, so this was a big step for amelia.
his family came up one weekend to watch his game, and daisy insisted amelia sit with them and meet all of them.
amelia was very excited but very nervous. gabe was her first serious boyfriend, so she was new to the whole meeting the parents thing.
however, it couldn't have gone better! daisy eagerly dragged her over to the family section and introduced her.
"guys, this is amelia! gabes girlfriend but more importantly, my bestie girl!!" daisy excitedly said.
gabes mom was up and out of her seat instantly, embracing amelia.
"it's so nice to finally meet you in person, sweetie! gabe talks about you nonstop! he says you're the prettiest girl in the world, and oh he is not lying!" july says as she gushes over amelia.
amelias cheeks heat up at his moms comments. "it's so good to finally meet you too! i've been so excited to meet you guys!" amelia says as she goes to hug gabes sister liliane as well, who happily embraces her.
she shakes his two brothers hands and his dad brings her in for a hug.
daisy is clapping happily with excitement. she may be more excited for amelia to meet them than gabe is!
the seven of them sit together all game, amelia conversing with his mom and sisters mainly, with a few conversations here and there with his brothers and dad, but they were very invested in the game.
afterwards, they all go down to meet gabe by the locker room. when gabe walks out and spots them, he beams when he sees his girlfriend with his family.
he hugs all his family members first before going over to amelia, hugging her and planting a quick kiss on her lips.
"so, how'd it go?" gabe asks.
"amazing. i LOVE your family, baby!" amelia says as she smiles up at her boyfriend, who lets out a breath of relief.
"thank god." gabe says and laughs.
"yeah, i can see why daisy is always trying to steal her from you. she's amazing and i'm going to steal her too!" his sister liliane says as she comes up to amelia and links their arms together.
"over my dead body, lil."
gabe meeting amelias family
amelias an only child so that alone makes him nervous as hell. he's been walking around for months with his head held high calling this girl his baby, when in reality, that's her dad's baby and now he has to come face to face with him.
they're driving to her parents house and gabe has the shakiest hands ever. he keeps dropping the flowers he bought for her mom and wiping his hands on his pants to get the sweat off. amelia notices his nervous state and puts her hands on his and says, "baby, relax! it'll be okay, they're going to love you! my dads a rabid hockey fan, so just talk to him about that."
amelias reassurance doesn't help too much.
"correction. your dad is a rabid ISLANDERS FAN. i literally got drafted to the freaking RANGERS. he is going to hate me, meels." gabe stresses.
amelia just rolls her eyes and laughs at her boyfriends stresses, because really he has nothing to worry about.
amelia may be an only child and a daddy's girl, but her dad is one of the sweetest men ever. he has an intimidating look to him and stands tall at 6'3", but she assures gabe once he gets to know him he wont seem as bad.
when they finally arrive at her parents house, amelia gives gabe another hand squeeze of reassurance before they walk inside.
gabe is already dreading this because he is so hands on with amelia, but no way in hell is he going to touch her around her parents. he doesn't wanna come off as disrespectful or too handsy with their daughter.
amelias mom is already running to the door to greet them when they walk inside. after giving her daughter a hug, she turns to gabe and throws her arms around him.
"you must be GABRIEL!" she screeches with excitement. "oh and you're even more handsome in person!"
amelias cheeks burn at that comment from her mom.
"it's gabe, mom. just call him gabe. no need for full government names." amelia says as her mom releases her boyfriend.
gabes beaming from ear to ear after the initial meet with her mom.
"it's so nice to meet you, mrs. l/n." gabe says as he hands her the flowers he brought for her.
"oh you are too sweet! and please, call me m/n! come in! we're just setting up for dinner. amelias dad is eager to meet you!"
that comment makes gabe stop in his tracks and his face burn with nervousness.
amelia notices her boyfriends state, and scowls at her mom for making that comment.
"mom! you're scaring him, stop. he's already nervous enough to meet dad!"
"oh nothing to be nervous about, sweetheart! he's just excited to meet the guy whose been making his baby so happy! come on, let's go in the kitchen." her mom assures.
his baby.
yep, he's fucked.
gabe rounds the corner and sees amelias dad prepping dinner.
oh yeah, he looks intimidating.
a 6'3" new yorker with a taste for blood for the boy who just walked into his home.
or so that's what gabe thinks.
"honey, this is gabe!" amelias mom says to her husband as she motions to gabe then goes to find a vase for the flowers.
amelias dad looks up from his cooking and makes eye contact with gabe, giving him a mean scowl.
"this the ranger you're dating, lia?" her dad asks, continuing to chop vegetables.
"yes dad, this is the ranger i'm dating." amelia says and rolls her eyes.
her dad harshly chops a vegetable as he says, "you know how i feel about them. we're islanders fans in this house."
amelia is about to interject when her dad speaks up again.
"over here, perreault." her dad says sternly, and gabe gulps as he walks towards him.
gabe can't even stick his hand out to shake her fathers hand he's so terrified. her dad keeps his scowl on for a few more moments before he breaks out in a cheesy smile.
"calm down kid, i'm just playing with you! it's nice to meet you, i'm f/n, amelias old man." her dad says as he slaps a hand on gabes shoulder and holds his hand out for him to shake.
gabe visibly exhales as he returns the smile and shakes his hand.
"nice to meet you, sir." gabe says.
"call me f/n. so, i hear you play hockey? come on, let me show you something cool!" her father says as he motions for gabe to follow him.
"dad, he doesn't want to see your nerdy hockey shrine." amelia says, which causes gabe to laugh.
"sure he does, baby! he'll love it! come on, it's awesome!!"
gabe follows amelias dad while amelia stays in the kitchen with her mom.
amelia wasn't kidding, her dad really does have a hockey shrine.
he shows gabe around and the two of them easily make conversation.
"even though you play for those damn rangers, i can make an exception. you seem like a good kid and i appreciate you making my little girl so happy. welcome to the family, perreault." her dad says as he shakes gabes hand again.
safe to say gabe got in very good with amelias family.
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watasemasaru · 1 year
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spotforme · 5 months
what if i wrote something like: the moon was without sun as it pondered on what it's mirror image would reveal, what was reflected on a coin showed an unmoving world, as a bus full of chikens screeced onto a stop it's roof shone like mercury in the moonlight, under it, buried secrets heard the sounds of traveling musicians who marched past, they did not come back, and the sun was unable to share it's loss
but like more profoundly
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towingservi · 9 months
Indeed, it's an unfortunate reality: accidents can happen in the blink of an eye, often when we least expect them. The blaring horns, screeching tires, and shattered glass can leave even the most composed among us feeling disoriented and stressed. In such critical, anxiety-filled moments, you need a steadfast ally that provides expert Accident Repair Services in Washington, DC. At this point, you can trust Towing Services in Washington, DC. This company will be your partner in the unfortunate accident.
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kabbur28 · 2 years
Why do you need to get your two-wheeler serviced regularly
Servicing your two-wheeler regularly keeps your bike in good condition at all times. Frequency is related to spare-parts health because not all bike part’s lifespans are similar.
VOC Automotive, India (P) Ltd, a multi-brand two-wheeler service center with a fast-growing network of two-wheeler workshops owned and managed by VOC as well as those run by its Franchisees & Dealers, is the best service center in India. The best online service in Bangalore and across the country, VOC is technically connected among itself and its Franchisees & Dealers through a portal managed centrally. With cutting-edge technology, unbelieve rates, and hassle-free services, VOC promises you your satisfaction and vehicle’s health.
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Let us have a quick look at the major parts of the two-wheeler that can cause trouble to understand why you to service your two-wheeler serviced regularly and hence need extra attention.
1. Engine Oil: A simple way to avoid any issues would be to check the oil level after every service and get your old oil changed at the right time. Bathed in oil, the engine is well lubricated and has a tremendous cooling effect. However, as time passes, the levels of oil in the engine can recede, or impurities can make the oil thick and viscous which is not good for your engine and can result even in the piston seizing which will have only option to look out for a good two-wheeler repair shop.
2. Tyres: Tyres are from various manufacturers and models. Front Tyre is different from the Rear; hence it should be interchanged. Whichever brand you choose, with time there will be a lot of wear and tear resulting in the treads of your tyres. If they are tubeless Tyres, look for minute punchers, in case the air pressure is less
3. Clean Air Filter: The air filter is an important part of your bike and needs to be cleaned at regular intervals. If dust and other materials get stuck in the air filter, the intake of air by your bike will be adversely affected. This will result in poor fuel combustion which will eventually result in severe engine damage.
4. Get your Transmission Inspected: The sprockets of your bike chain need to be inspected at regular intervals and checked for any damage. Apart from this, they also need regular application of grease. A good bike maintenance tip is to make sure that your motorcycle chain has a free play of not more than 2 to 4 mm.
5. Take care of your Battery: Your bike battery is one of the simplest components to take care of as it is essential for starting some models of Bikes. Battery terminals to be tightly fixed and appropriately greased or sealed. Check the level of distilled water in your battery frequently. It is easier to start a manual bike than an automatic one as a kick-start motorcycle that has a small displacement engine, such as 250 CCs or smaller. If a motorcycle with smaller CC has a kick-starter, you can usually get enough compression from the engine to help start the motorcycle without the power from the battery. On the other hand, if it is an automatic starter, it is not possible to start your Bike without a battery.
6. Engine Maintenance: Keeping your Bike’s engine tuned regularly is something that will reduce your running costs by giving you better mileage. The carburetor is to be kept clean at all times and ensure that the gaps of your spark plug are set correctly. All of these minute details will have a great positive impact on the functioning of your Bike.
7. Get the Clutch Adjusted: Just like understanding the different types of tyres and the importance of their pressure can improve the performance of your bike, getting your clutch serviced at regular times pays dividends as well. Ensure that the clutch has the right amount of free play when serviced. Clutch play is important to reduce unwanted pressure on the engine.
8. Regularly replace Brake Pads: Correct & timely braking of your bikes is critical. Make sure that they are effective and can be a crucial safety factor. If your brakes are screeching, replace them right away.
9. Maintain a Slow Riding Speed: Maintaining a slow & constant speed reduces the fuel consumption of your bike and keeps the engine in good shape.
For details contact:
VOC Automotive 080-41505109 Toll Free Number: 1800-5723-606
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btsx50states · 3 years
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BTS for GQ Korea
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marquillosource · 5 years
5. Favorite canon moment of them? (obviously Raquel/Sergio)
Well, I have a lot of favorite moments, like a lot. But there are two scenes/episodes that I keep going back to to.
One is the scene when they have sex for the first time in 1x12. When they talk and start kissing, the pillow talk that melted my heart (they’re both so happy and relaxed♥♥), Sergio asking her to stay over, Sergio playing the piano and then kissing each other passionately before she leaves… #DEAD
Then there’s almost all of the scenes from 2x04. From Raquel offering to be his nurse and take care of his bruises, to Sergio meeting Paula for the first time and her immediately asking if he’s dating her mom, to them talking about how Sergio kicked her shitty ex’s ass, to them making out and having sex, then waking up the next after THE BEST NIGHT OF HIS LIFE!!! and planning to go away together……. 
AHHHHH!!!!!!!!! ♥ #MarquilloWillBeTheDeathOfMe
pick a question and ask me about Marquillo
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psychdyke · 5 years
3, 27, 47
3. favorite type of weather?
warm, not hot (like 20 degrees Celsius maybe), sunny and with a light breeze
27. last book you read?
Traumtänzerin (a german YA novel abt a lesbian in love with her best friend, who realizes theres someone else with a crush on her)
47. are you outgoing or shy?
I'd say more shy than outgoing
send me some cute questions!
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eddiediaz-buckley · 5 years
Favourite colour?
It’s purple! And in general I like cool tones so I also really like green and blue
Inbox me (1) thing you want to know about me
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ohfantine · 6 years
flowers: what’s the best romantic gift to give someone?
what’s the best romantic gift to give someone? I don’t really think there is one (1) right answer to this? I’d say the best romantic gift to give someone is something unique you personally know they would love and/or that connects to your relationship in some way.I do realise this is probably not what you’re looking for, though, so let’s go with.. an experience? say; a picnic, a home-made dinner, etc.. followed by something small like a flower or a polaroid picture or anything that will then help them remember the day.  does that count? I’m gonna say that counts. 
ask me valentine questions
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apathbacktoyou · 6 years
1, 20, 63
1. The meaning behind my url: 
this is a kasinara stan account and after i was done sobbing when he said “a path back to glory, a path back to you” i changed my url and then cried a little every time i saw it for like a week
20. Height:
173cm-ish (i think?)
63. Have you ever touched a snake?
yup! my neighbour had some when i was a kid!
get in my business? ;)
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aksannyi · 7 years
I swear to you I've just spent two days re-reading all your NCIS fanfics and I can't even say which one I love the most! They are all so amazing! The characters are so well characterized that it feels as if I'm watching them move around and hearing them speak! I've been out of the fandom for a while (11x02ish) but I still am a huge tiva shipper, I've been since I was 13, and when I want to read some high quality fanfics, you are always my first choice! Thank you so much for your work!
This just made my fucking day. Seriously. I don’t know where you got the stamina to read them all in two days but bless you! This is the kind of message that makes the birds sing and the rainbows come out in the sky lool.
I also left the NCIS fandom since 11x02 but I’m still a Tiva fandom member. Does Tiva every really go away?
I want to say there are more fics in the works but it’s been months since I’ve even opened my fic folder. I promise there will be more, I just don’t know when, sadly. But thank you thank you thank you for this message, it really did make my entire day.
(Btw, normally I would answer privately but tumblr’s messaging system is awful and there will be no record of this ask once I’ve answered it and I want to remember this whenever I’m feeling shitty about myself.)
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