#scream into the void yes thx
byuntrash101 · 1 year
Just saw ur post about depressed at work and went like, "mood". Is your job hurting you or is it something else...?
first of all thank you just for reacting to this i was just kinda just screaming into the void with this post like idk i didnt even know actual people would see it so thx for just checking on me this means the literal world <3
i try to keep my blog as much "good vibes only" as possible so if anybody reading this post dont want to be bummed out (which i understand) dont read under the cut
to put it simply yes. yes it's my job.
like i've been knowing this job was the problem for a rather long time because i was super stressed all the time and all it wasnt fun but like i only truly understood when i went on vacay some weeks ago it was the FIRST TIME that i enjoyed my days off without stressing about work and/or just ended up actually working FOR FREE because i was stressed that too much work would be waiting for me when i get back. that time i was literally stranded in the ocean and i didnt have a choice to just let go and not worry about work it felt AMAZING. i've been having non stop headaches and panic attacks and i didnt have ANY while i was on vacay. i remember so clearly thinking at some point wow that is what life is about...
and yeah so im gonna quit. like freal. yesterday they anounced us something again and i know this new thing will result in more work and im sick of the pressure they constantly put on us because they treat the clients like literal infants and we have to find every way possible to make them satisfied. so that was the last sign i needed from the universe to get the fuck out.
sure im well paid and can afford to travel and go to kpop concerts and buy the things that i want but honestly at what cost? no amount of money is worth the mental and physical torment... because at this point my stress level is constant and so bad that im noticing physical repercussions.... and yeah not worth it.
so im going to quit. ill look for an other job i know grass is not always greener on the other side but there MUST be a side where the color of the grass suits me! coporate life is a bitch honestly and clients are the worst i love my team so much ive been holding on for so long for their sake because my colleagues are the greatest but honestly none of them deserve to go through what they put us through. they should all quit.
i dont wanna settle. i can find better. (honestly none of us should ever settle for less. lets know our worth. we are bad bitches <3)
so yeah ill make an anouncement soon about an incoming writing hiatus (i will still be reading and reblogging and lurking like the cave troll that i am) because i'll be looking for a job and that takes a lot of time and i still have my current job i have to go to (unfortunately).
sorry for the unsolicited rant... but yeah BUT because im a person that focusses on the bright side... other than my shit job! everything is good! im okay if it wanst' for that my life would be perfect! dont worry too much about me <3
also i've seen your recent post your job also sounds complicated. i hope you're ok too <3 dont hesitate to rant to me lets both talk shit about our company together. lets bond over hatred <3
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b0nes-mcgee · 1 year
K, boutta go on a feral rant for a second, bc it’s too weird to post on a social media where ppl know me irl
AnywaY, any of y’all have control-over-your-own-body problems?? Or am I just mentally ill??? Like, im a hair dye girlie, right??? I do it like once every 1-3 months, and I get really intense about the color staying bright, that I will waste full paychecks on color conditioner. Anyway, I got really bothered recently over my hair not being the right color, and I had a mini internal breakdown about it, so hard that I had to bleach it and dye it again today. (Yes my hair follicles are screaming, thx for asking.)
so I’ve just been thinking a lot about how I have so many control issues, that when I get into new relationships I get really scared about my own bodily autonomy, or their acceptance of who I am, or if they’ll try to control me, make me someone I’m not, etc etc. Like, for example, I’m mildly terrified of getting pregnant. It’s a completely horrifying thought for my own body to betray me bc someone decided to knock me up. AddiTIONALLY, I’ve spent like 87% of my life being scared of/hating doctors. (As a kid who had to go to the hospital multiple times and lose my right to bodily consent, this makes sense.)
BuT, the thing that bothers me the most, is that those fears make their way into my life in really odd and specific ways. I neeD for my entire wardrobe to feel like it belongs on my body. I need for people to perceive me in a certain way. I need my hair to be that exactly perfect shade of pink. I NEED (in a relationship) for the other person to give me just the right amount of control over… everything. And that bothers the fuck out of me. Bc I think deep down, I want for someone else to just take the fucking reigns?? Plan all the dates, tell me when and where I’m meeting their parents, and know me well enough to just know what I want (even with really little stuff, like ordering food, or watching a show.) and yET, I can’t let anyone get close enough to learn that shit about me.
So. Yea. Wanna give a shout-out to the void for letting me scream into it.
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sankatin · 4 years
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it yell
(thought someone might appreciate)
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missblissy · 3 years
Glad you're back!! Miss you! I see about your post, can I have some modern AU maybe of Human! Alastor x reader going to an aquarium? Maybe a cute date? Haha thx amazing to have you again
(( QwQ/ It's good to be back! And I would be honored to do that. I had a lot of fun with this. I hope you enjoy!!))
It was hinted with salt filling the air. Misty and warm, the summer sea winds rolled off the coast and into your hair. The Long Island sound was picture perfect, just as you remember in your childhood dreams. You were staying in a quaint little town your familly use to visiting summer after summer when you were a child. And it was the perfect place for you to bring yourself on a long over due vacation. Work had been too much to handle this past year, and now you could spend the next week relaxing on the soft sandy coastal beaches of Long Island. 
However today you had plans to take the ferry across the sound to the aquarium. Sure... you were going by yourself but... So what. You didn’t particularly have many friends, nor a partner in your life. But so what? You were an introvert natrually and a social gathering over five people where never your thing. 
You had just made it to the ferry docks. As always, you were fifteen minutes early. You couldn’t bear to be late, especially since you considered “on-time” to be late. You were sitting on a public bench facing the sound. Dozens of other people have started to gather around the same place as you. You were just about to take one of your favorite books out of our bag when someone approached you.
“Do you mind if I sit?” You saw a man standing before you. He had a pleasant smile. A soft one that just barely met his eyes. You took one second too long to peer at him.
“Uh-...” You tore your gaze from his soft brown hair and to his polished shoes. They were out of style yet he somehow managed to pull it off, “Yea-.. I mean no...! Help yourself.” You tried to return his smile but you were far more awkward about it. This man had some strange sense of fashion. He looked oddly in place, however, he seemed like he was trying to live in a time long since past. 
“Are you waiting for the ferry too?” He asked, making simple conversation to fill the void of silence. 
You glanced at him quickly a second time and made a nervous little laugh. His dark complexion matched his brown eyes hidden behind perfectly circular glasses, “Oh... yes.” You remember you had your ticket in your hand, “It shouldn't be much longer until it arrives,” 
The stranger nodded his head slowly, “Have you ever been on a ferry before?” You nodded your head to his question, “Ah, first time for me. They don’t have ferries where I’m from.” He said with a cool expression.
He seemed chatty for a stranger. Most of the time when strangers tried talking to you, you’d brush them off. But this man was lucky that you thought he was rather... stunning in the looks department. That, and he seemed rather harmless as of right now. So you indulged in his conversation, “Where are you from?” You asked. 
The man paused only slightly then turned himself to face you. He held out his left hand for you to take. You were hesitant but you still reached out, “Alastor,” He said, “I’m from New Orleans. I’m guessing you’re a local?” You wouldn’t have ever guessed that, he didn’t have any kind of southern twang or drawl to his tone.
You shooked his hand but you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing a little at his question, “No, no,” You waved your hand a little, “Uh- aha... I’m (Y/N). And I’m not from here, but my family and I use to come here all the time for summer vacations.”
“Well, it’s certainly a lovely place to visit. I’m here for business though so I can’t say I’ve gotten the real experience of it all yet. Today was my day off, however, and I thought I’d go see this aquarium one of my friends keeps telling me to go to. She’s rather annoying about it, truly, spoiled even and quite the nagging little thing. But she is my friend after all and I’d rather not deal with the consequences of not listening to her.” 
There was a moment there went you felt your heart stop for a minute, “That’s... really ironic.” You said slowly.
“Oh? You have a bossy friend too?” He jested with a smile. 
You laughed for a second then shook your head, “No, I mean that it’s ironic that you’re going to the aquarium,” You paused for a second then reached into your bag and pulled out your phone. You showed Alastor and said, “I’m going too.” 
He peered at the e-ticket on your phone, the pushed his glasses up on his nose with a deep laugh, “What a small world!” He laughed, then laughed some more, “How truly ironic indeed!” Then without a second to waste, he faced you once again then asked, “Would you like to go together?”
The question startled you. You didn’t expect that. He was very bold, wasn’t he? You had only just met and he was asking to spend probably what would be the rest of the day with you. You were flustered suddenly, then you were tongue-tied, lastly, you cracked your voice as you answered, “S-Sure! Yea- um--....” You felt your cheeks turn a little pink, “Sorry. It’s just... That was unexpected.” Just as you said that the loud horn of the ferry screamed as it pulled into the docks. 
Alastor stood up while smiling down to you, “Life wouldn’t be life if what you expected happened all the time.” 
He then held out his hand, offering to help you up from the bench. You took a moment, sitting there and taking everything in for what it was. Alastor stood before you, looking as though he was some kind of mathematician, or professor, now that you got a good look at him. His red tie was tucked behind a brown sweater vest that stopped just shy of his belt. His hand was offered to you, while the wind dusted his brown hair around in the breeze. And that smile on his face, it was soft yet firm enough to show that he was pleased to help you up. 
So you decided then... why the hell not? He was right, life wouldn’t be the same if it was exactly like what you expected. You took Alastor’s hand and pulled yourself to your feet. The two of you chatted while boarding the ferry, and then stood beside each other while leaning along the guard rails of the top deck.
The both of you talked about all kinds of things. You found out that Alastor was some kind of internet personality, not really. He had a podcast he ran and owned with some friends of his. It was apparently very popular and well known, though not that well known because you’ve never heard of it before. And to say that didn’t hurt Alastor’s ego a little would have been a lie. Apparently, Alastor also had a strong taste for liquor, because at one point he went to the ferry’s indoor bar and came back with two rum on the rocks.
You told him it was only noon, to which he replied, “It’s five o’clock somewhere,” And laughed before taking a sip of his drink. You decided to have the one he got you and told yourself it’d only be one which Alastor stayed true to. He didn’t wander off for another drink once he finished the one he had. There was another point that you learned that Alastor had the habit of ignoring his phone, to the instance where he got annoyed with it and turned it off. It seemed he only wanted to focus on talking to you and listening to what you had to say.
Alastor and you talked the whole ferry ride, which was just under an hour long. And when you docked, you both walked side by side down the three and a half blocks to the aquarium. It wasn’t a massive place, but it was a good size with a decent amount of animals. You originally came here with the idea of looking for inspiration within sea life. For you were an author, after all, writing stories for a living came with its ups and downs. For instance, right now, your much-needed vacation wasn’t really a vacation. The current book you were working on took place in late century seaside town, much like this one. And you had run into the worse possible writer’s block you’ve ever been in. 
As you and Alastor had finished passing the entry gates and showing your tickets, you wondered why Alastor would want to come here with you. Maybe because he realized how terribly awkward it would be if you continued to cross paths all day. You also thought about how you wouldn't be able to focus on working with him around now. You also didn’t really want to out yourself, or your current story. 
But that would soon be unavoidable. You and Alastor had just made it to the open exhibits of the aquarium. You had stopped on an old wooden bridge to briefly look out at a beautiful koi pond. Alastor leaned over slightly while resting his arms on the bridge railing. He had a soft smile that was barely on his lips, “This one oddly reminds me of home,” He sighed. 
You learned along the railing as well, looking over the swampy like pond. It lily pads all over, with a dark green water filled with dead trees and moss. You couldn’t see them, but you could hear the bullfrogs chirping away. Seeing it gave your a sudden surge of inspiration. Something about it made you get several ideas for your book. You couldn’t let them slip away, so you reached into your bag and grabbed your notebook.
While you became lost in your own world, scribbling down idea after idea, Alastor quietly watched you. It wasn’t in a way that you noticed, because he’d only take a side glance here or there. But after a moment or so, he finally asked, “Forgot something to add to your grocery list?” 
It was meant to be a joke but it went right over your head (Mush to Alastor’s dismay).
“O-oh..” You then laughed weakly, “No... It’s for a story I’m working on.” 
Alastor turned to face you slightly while still leaning on the rail, “Oh, like an author?”
You took a dry swallow then glanced away and shrugged, “Yea,” You didn’t want to egg him on. But of course, he asked anyways. 
“Are you published?” He seemed genuinely interested. Yet there was a reason you wanted to avoid it. Oftentimes when you told people about your books, the general reception wasn't that good. There was a reason you wrote under a pen name. 
However, Alastor wasn’t from around here, and you weren’t on New York Time’s Best Selling List yet, and probably never would be. So there was a chance he wouldn’t know or ever heard of your books. 
So you took the chance and said, “Yeah. I’m the author of Sea Rise.”
“Oooh,” Shit. “That book series about the pirates?” Dammit. 
You felt your cheeks burn as you took in a deep breath and nodded your head, “You’ve heard of them?” You wouldn’t look at him though. You just kept your gaze on some turtle resting on a log. 
“Yeah, never read them,” He gave a slight chuckle, “But the girl I work with-”
“You said her name is Charlie, right?”
“Yes- Well, she reads ‘em. She’s a big fan. I’m under the assumption that it’s about fictional pirates?” 
You took in a small breath then sighed, “Pretty much. It’s... not that amazing or anything. It’s okay.” You noticed that Alastor pushed off the rail and started to walk again, but slower this time.
“Tell me about it.” His words surprised you enough to look at him with a shocked expression. He laughed at you while giving a small wave of his hand, “Only if you want to. I’m sure you can’t talk much about spoilers.”
You blinked, then let out a shaky laugh, “I-I don’t know. It’s... A long story. This is for my fourth installation.”
He hummed with a slight chuckle, “Well it’s a good thing there is a snack bar over there.” He pointed to one not that far away, “And plenty of places to sit too.” 
There was something that flickered around in your chest. You felt butterflies you always wrote about in your stories. You peered at Alastor finding it hard to stare at his face. You glanced up from his shoes and got caught in that tilt in his smirk. Heat ran to your cheeks and spread across your nose, you gave a sharp nod of your head then awkwardly stuttered out, “O-okay!” With maybe a little too much excitement. Who knew that today, of all days... You’d run into someone like him. 
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ehehehe let’s do this (thx @space-ace13 for the tag!)
1. Name: abby
2. Gender: girlish
3. Star sign: Gemini
4. Height: 5’2
5. Time: 8:45
6. Birthday: ima spring baby :)
7. Favorite band/groups:bts, queen, imagine dragons,mother mother, the national parks, the oh hellos uhhhh more probably but i cant think
8. Fav solo artist: lemon demon, hozier, cavetown, radical face
9. Song stuck in my head: it’s definitely u by v and jin :) this song bops go check it out
10. Last movie: hmmmm i literally cannot remember, its been a while
11. Last show: hwarang!
12. When did I create this blog: ermmmm 2017 i think
13. What do I post: mostly i reblog stuff but sometime i post memes that are extremely niche because i think im really funny. also i scream a lot into the void
14. Last thing I googled: "taehyung in the soop”. and what of it
15. Other blogs: @basket-of-loquats for art
16. Do I get asks:hm sometimes? rarely on this blog, but fairly often enough on my art blog. im always open tho!
17. Why I chose my url: i was fixated on hamilton at the time of the birth of this blog. the first refrain is from the line “and he wrote his first refrain/a testement to his pain” from Alexander Hamilton. Yes I’ve considered changing it many many many times. no i have no clue what to
18. Following: 984
19. Followers: 480
20. Average hours of sleep: solid 8 usually
21. Lucky number: seven? idk i dont really have one lol
22. Instruments: some piano, trumpet, uke
23. What I’m wearing: hoodie, jean shorts because i got hot today, lion king shirt
24. Dream job: concept artist or storyboard artist for cartoon network probably? something like that
25. Dream trip: uhhhhh i really really want to do a road trip with my best friend and my sister across america
26. Fav food: right now i really like these peanut butter cookie bar things my mom made
27. Nationality: american
28. Fav song: i. i literally could never pick. some songs ive been listening to for like a year now and still havent gotten tired of: touch-tone telephone by lemon demon, let’s pretend by michael philip reed, burn him down! by kitsch club and louie zong...
29. Last book I read: demian by herman hesse
30. Top 3 fictional universe I’d like to live in: harry potter no contest, that’s always been my absolute dream. avatar the last airbender, and i’d want to be an earthbender or water bender probably? and uhhhhh warriors cats yeah shut up dont fucking ask
I’m tagging @gusu-emilu @lokiindistress @wishicouldpostfromsecondaryblogs @impossibletruths
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kennysommer · 3 years
I just opened an email saying this blog is 11 years old! Haven't wrote anything in sometime and would do a little pre blog work on topics to write about and events to go to and write on and also do some pictures and Vlog, Short documentary. Who wants to advertise and pay me to do this again?!! Maybe you or u or him or them or it, the big it, the mass pit, the gutter, the ho, the upper, the slow. Canada and the USA have 2 war ships in the Sea of Japan and China isn't happy and might have launched a test rocket that goes 5 times the speed of sound. Winter Olympics in Beijing, didn't they recently have the Summer. Oh yes its the best, yes , yes ,yes, softer, faster, more, more amora. Give it away, keep, keep, Kepler, 4,000, time, ticks, tocs, witches, worms, reindeer and Ted. Idfun hello are we back , back again. Shana, Weather, Heather, feather, and Sid. Nancy the Butcher, Bruce and Texas road house guy. The best Western what a film but gift card day and those Vertigo cars sure took a trip. So, yo, way, woo. Wow e zoo e, q, n, see, C Si, oh, why, why, because it's time, time for the winning lotto numbers 22, 33, 41, 11, 63, 4, and 37. Yes you won, a billion and pop goes your mind. Rocking out like your someone. Not a billionaire as taxes took a lot. Do a little dance. Congrats to the Chicago Sky WNBA champion's. Got my Sky shoes still and a 6 string buddy. Buddy, yes it is. Sunshine the dog, Mr Tamberune. Tennis time with punk rock g. Q n X n Mc 3d. Golf oh 4 o 3 2 1. Earth below us, us them whatever makes you sappy, Diddy, pittu the cool. Contest walk that way. Turn to the correct or then sit, stand, let it be. We need video, action, action. Alternate, control, delete its time for scream and shoot. Better then the Beatles, gor aga decor. Inside your outsides its in the wind ah blow. Corn, cake and barbed wire. You made a mistake. Aged So, and a gal named Wit. Another adventure, avatar, garden of Eden of Ab, Jesus its time back or forward in time. Why go well why flow, zo, Co MO n e Mc a o I e u know. Ready let's take it forward. Progress, present the ultimate fresh ghost. Little bitty town of Flow, figs and freedom. A dream, a cow, a goat and burgers with eggs, frame it, now. Till next time on this site or others. The blogs, vlogs, not docs , sir real adventures in sitting, standing and direction might just might alter the universe and a light or a dark void will or wall or kid or fall. Thx
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btswolfaublog · 7 years
When you get into an argument because you followed them when you weren't supposed to
Hello! can you please do one where you get into an argument because you followed him when you weren’t supposed to ( if it’s too complicated you dont need to do it thx!)
-Request from anon (sorry, I wasn’t sure if you wanted reactions or a scenario…)
“Jagi? Why are you here?”
You tried to hide behind a wall, to no avail, because he had already caught your scent.
As he rounded the corner and found you there with your back to the wall, intimidated by the way he was towering over you, he said, “I told you not to follow me.”
His face was void of emotion, although his eyes were filled with silent, dark fury. You shuddered and involuntarily shrank back further into the wall, your alpha showing no signs of noticing the motion.
“I-I couldn’t let you go by y-y-yourself. It l-looked d-dangerous.”
He stared you in the eye. “Well, you aren’t really going to be of much help against something dangerous, are you?” This time his voice was gentle, trying to convince you to leave, in stark contrast to the sarcastic words he was saying.
You looked down at the floor, hurt. “I-I’m sorry. I’ll j-just, leave.” The tears started running down your face and you started to turn away and leave the abandoned building before he could say anything else.
He grabbed your wrist. “Wait,” he whispered. “Jagi, be safe, okay?” he gripped your wrist in a way that was tender yet firm and face suddenly animated by the concern in his eyes. “Don’t ever come near here, okay?”
Your eyes were locked onto his as you processed what he said, then you tore your arm out of his grasp and said harshly, “What the hell, Jin. You may be my alpha but you don’t decide everything I do.”
He growled deep in his chest, the fury seeping back into his gaze again. Then he snapped out of it to the emotionless face again, saying in a low voice, “I am not your alpha anymore. I thought I made that clear a month ago. I just want you to stay away from this place.”
“Well, you have no right! You shoved him hard in the chest, which didn’t bother him the slightest, although he reached out to grab your wrist again. “You little-”
“Please, jagi. Just listen to me, for once.” How could he say that when his face still had less emotion than a statue?
“Fine,” you gritted out, “I won’t come to this dratted place anymore. And you’d better not ever come out of here and let me see your ugly face again!”
And you walked out, back into the sunlight, leaving Jin standing there as the mask fell off his face, the pain now bare in his expression.
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His eyes widened a fraction when his righthand dragged you in kicking and screaming. You quieted down as soon as you saw Yoongi, lying back in a leather chair, but still trying to shrug off the two thugs that had captured you.
“What is this?” he drawled, keeping his relaxed posture in his seat.
The henchman on your right replied, “We found the omega trespassing on the territory, sir.”
Sir. Yoongi?
No… It couldn’t be…
“Just leave her here,” he said disinterestedly, “I’ll deal with her later.”
Both henchmen released you and bowed, speaking in unison, “As you wish, sir.” You immediately rubbed your shoulders and your wrists which they had grabbed so hard that bruises were sure to form as they left the room.
Leaving you and Yoongi alone.
His teeth were clenched. “What are you doing here?” Your eyes snapped to him, rising out of his leather chair and bounding towards the door, locking it before walking briskly back to you.
“I just need to know-”
He came to a sudden realisation. “You scent-tracked me? You followed me here?!”
“Were you just so nosy you had to sneak in?!”
You burst. “What the heck, Yoongi! You’ve been coming back so late the past few weeks and always smelling like alcohol and cigars. If it wasn’t for Jungkook and the rest of your pack that tried to convince me, I would’ve left with my pack! Go back to where we came from! They thought you were cheating!”
He fumed. “You think I’d do that to you? To our packs?” His nostrils flared. “And Jungkook. Why is it always him? If you don’t trust me, then leave.”
You stared up at him with wide eyes, him a few inches taller standing.
He took a deep breath. “Yeah. Leave.” He stepped away and walked back towards his seat to plop down. “I’ll make sure Jisung and Jackson know that you’re useless.”
“You can’t possibly mean that.”
He took this as a challenge. “Yes, I can.”
“We’re mated! Even if at the beginning we thought it was a mistake!-”
“The bond will fade.” You stared at him, wide-eyed, shocked at the resigned way he said it.
“Min Yoongi, do you know what you’re-”
“I do.” He cut you off for what you were determined to be the final time tonight.
You took a deep breath. “Fine. I’m disappointed that all I meant to you was a nice fuck and a temporary relationship. When the bond calls, I hope you’ve got yourself locked up enough not to come salivating after me,” you spit out the last part.
He just nodded, as you walked out of his room with your head high, not knowing the way you were shivering and howling inside. Then he pressed the intercom button on the cable phone on the small table in front of him. “Let the girl go.”
“Yes, sir.” His hoarse voice could be confused as static through the microphone, but the tears on his face couldn’t be seen by anyone. So he sat there for hours, letting the hollowness in him gnaw him from inside out with the door locked.
The pub that had been the entrance to this place. Where you exited. It had been full of people partying and drinking, and now it was empty and your heart just sank further and further as you padded out of it in wolf form, bounding into the forest beyond.
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You saw your chance. Hoseok had been running off in the middle of the night for a few days in a row now, thinking you hadn’t noticed a thing. But you did, and you were determined to find out what it was he had been sneaking out to do.
Creeping out stealthily in your human form (your scent as a wolf was far too potent for your mate not to notice, shame), you went out after Hoseok, who had crept out of your joint bedroom after pretending to be asleep for 15 minutes or so. Does he really think I’m such a lightweight? you thought.
Where was he going? you thought as he ran block after block in the night, heading into shadier territory. Somewhere on the way he had knocked into a stranger, surprised, and then exchanged a couple of apologies before rushing forward again. But then the way he was going started twisting around, going zigzag then gradually moving backward. 
Something was wrong. But you noticed too late.
One corner you lost sight of him and you rushed forward to catch glimpse of him again, tempted to shift into wolf form, and came face to face with Hoseok. “Jagi.”
“Jagi?” you replied, nervous at being caught and still half-shocked from being discovered so suddenly. 
He ran a hand through his hair. “When Yoongi told me I was being tailed, I thought it would be some wolf from a rival pack. Jagi, you’ve got to be more careful! What if I attacked you?” Looking at your confused face, he added, “Yoongi, the guy who pretended to run into me.” 
You puzzled that out in your head for a while, but in the meantime, the tension in the air was palpable. You didn’t understand why Hoseok was so angsty and concerned. “Wait. Why have I got to be more careful? This is our pack territory, and you’re the one roaming around at night without telling your mate or your friends…” you trailed off. “Unless you did. Yoongi knows. Ah, so all of them know.” 
Hoseok smiled bitterly. “I apologize. But you shouldn’t be involved in this, okay? For your own safety.” 
“Involved in what?”
“Just pack stuff. No biggie.” He failed at trying to sound nonchalant. He was nervous, and you wanted to know why. “Please, just go home.” 
“I’m serious. The pack doesn’t need you there. We don’t need any of our mates there.” 
You were angered by this. “Why? Why do you- what are you hiding from us?”
He just shook his head. “I can’t tell. And I’ve got to go now.” With a swish of his tail, he shifted and ran away, too fast for you to react, and with a breeze too strong for you to scent afterward.
You spent the next week trying to thwart him and the male part of the pack, trying to break into their defensive circle around whatever hiding place they had established on the edge of the pack territory. Asking Minji, Seokjin’s mate, she had brushed it off and joked about it being a new bachelor pad for the alphas. 
You were certain it was not something so trivial. But were you really ready to confront Hoseok again and again until you found out? 
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- admin widow
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veliseraptor · 7 years
Jane Foster is AWESOME, and because of you now I low-key ship her with Darcy, and even though I didn't see an epic love story between her and Thor, I want her back! Why can't the MCU do better by the women? WHY?? I scream bitterly at the void! I want Pepper, Jane, Darcy, Helen, Betty and Frigga back! Thank you for being who you are and doing what you do. They deserve so much better than canon (and most of the fandom tbh) and you truly do them justice, so thx ❤️❤️❤️
Jane/Darcy is a Good Pairing. I definitely have a thing for “Darcy has a low key crush on Jane but is just going to leave it alone because she’s pretty sure Jane is a clueless heterosexual, but actually Jane is mostly a clueless bisexual”. 
About Jane/Thor - while I do ship it (I think they’re adorable!) I do think that they were given pretty short shrift in canon. Part of the problem with Jane/Thor is the problem with most of the romances in the MCU: lack of development because it wasn’t given the screentime to develop. Out of all of the relationships in the MCU, I’d honestly say the only one that doesn’t suffer from that syndrome is Pepper/Tony. But even if you were going to end that romance, that doesn’t actually mean you need to pull Jane out of the franchise entirely. Because you know, NOVEL IDEA, women can have roles outside of “love interest” and people can break up and still be friends. So like. Even if they weren’t going to put in the work for Jane/Thor as a relationship...cutting her out of the franchise entirely is just bullshit. 
BUT GOD YES TO ALL OF HIS, why do we need to keep tossing female characters out the window like they’re disposable/replaceable, they’re really not. 
Thank you so much for telling me I do them justice! I am embarrassed by how much of my oeuvre is male-character centric, but I will always try to do the lady characters justice in anything I write. 
Now I just have to see about working Betty into something, because justice for Betty Ross. 
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