btswolfaublog · 7 years
We are moving!
we have decided to move to @kpopaublog please go request and follow over there! love you my little lotus blossoms~
~Admin Pearl
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btswolfaublog · 7 years
Applications are now closed!
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btswolfaublog · 7 years
C U R R E N T L Y  C L E A N S I N G  B L O G
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btswolfaublog · 7 years
Where it says name of the admin form do you want our actual first name
It's what you would want your admin name to be~Admin Pearl
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btswolfaublog · 7 years
Become an Admin!
If you couldn’t tell I would like some help on the blogs and I think you would be great at it so apply here!
Best of luck my lotus blossoms, Admin Pearl
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btswolfaublog · 7 years
this means requests are close and we are not going to be posting for a while please respect this hiatus because i have so much stress right now and i need a break from the blogs since no one else is posting anyway. in the mean time i will be do the requests that are already in the ask box. lots of love!
~Admin Pearl
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btswolfaublog · 7 years
Hey bbys❤️ Just wanted to let you know I love the blog and all of the stories + reactions🔆
Thank you!
~Admin Pearl
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btswolfaublog · 7 years
How you you feel if one day bts announce they will be playing in a Hollywood wolf series? wait is that even possible? I think it is cuz they already make it to billboard so I don't think they will not make to Hollywood too lol!!
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that sums it up
~Admin Pearl
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btswolfaublog · 7 years
What are all the blogs you currently have?
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btswolfaublog · 7 years
I wrote this awhile back and I deleted it because I was stupid to write it, but guess what? I didn't mean to romanticize abuse in anyway, again I'm sorry for writing this but I am going to reblog it because I wanted to apologize. ~Admin Pearl
BTS Reaction: They attack you in a heated argument
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A/N: I was a little to excited to write this reaction! A little background on this by the way, so they blacked out and didn’t realize they attacked you. Okay? Okay. Let’s do this.
Edit: Oops this is super long 
He saw you huddled in the corner shaking like a leaf with tears streaming down you face. When he looked closer he saw you with cuts and newly forming bruises all over your body. He crawled towards you cautiously like approaching an injured deer. But when he got closer you filched away in fear. 
Jin would be very startled at first at the fact you filched away from him. The last thing he remembered before he blacked out was yelling at you for some stupid reason. Jin looked in your eyes for answers but all he saw was fear. Realization washed over him and his eyes filled with tears.
‘Jagi? Did I do this to you?’
You nodded your head as tears continued to run down your face. Jin looked up at you and started to break down. He was so ashamed of himself, it wasn’t like him to lose control over himself like that. Jin sat there with tears falling down his face while his sobs broke your heart. You carefully approached him like he did to you before and you cautiously put a hand on his shoulder, he looked up at you with broke eyes.
‘Jagi, I’m so sorry. I’m such a bad boyfriend, it’s better if you stay away from me if I can’t even control myself around you.’
You hugged him tightly as he wrap his arms around you and sobbed into your shoulder.
‘I can never stay away from you. I love you too much.’
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Yoongi looked at you in confusion when you filched away. A million thoughts ran through his head. Did he do this? Did he hurt you? When he blacked out, did he lose control? You broke him out of his thoughts with a loud sob. He could tell he had something to do with you being hurt.
‘I did this didn’t I?’
He looked up at you with concern in his eyes, you slowly nodded at him. Yoongi put his head in his hands and sighed in disappointment at himself. You could hear him choke on a sob. You grabbed his free hand and rubbed it soothingly to calm him down.
‘Jagi I can’t explain how sorry I am, please forgive me.’ 
‘It’s okay Yoongi I understand you didn’t mean it, I forgive you.’
‘I love you (Y/N)’ 
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(i’m crying, he’s so soft)
Namjoon would take one look at you and realized that this was his fault. He was over thinking everything he had said that lead to his loss of control. Tears would form in his eyes from frustration, he never actually let them fall down his face. He would ask you so many questions.
‘How much does it hurt?’
 ‘A lot.’
He be so angry with himself the moment those words left your mouth. He probably stand up and grab his hair in frustration and then punch a hole in the wall, at this point tears where falling like waterfalls. He slowly would take his hand out of the wall when he heard you sob.
‘Jagi. I’m so sorry.’
Namjoon would then breakdown on the floor across from you. You crawled over to him and comforted him by putting your head on his shoulder and rubbing his arm.
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Hoseok would totally break down the moment he saw you, much like Namjoon he would immediately know he was the cause of you being busted up. Knowing him to get emotional, he probably cry his eyes out. Let’s be honest he crawl over to you and just cry while trying to say sorry.
‘Jagi *hiccup* I’m so *sniffle* sorry.’
You rubbed his arms soothingly and would shush him.
‘Hobi it’s okay I know you didn’t mean it.’
In the end you be the one comforting him. He probably try his best to try and comfort you and help patch you up.
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Jimin would be worried about you then anything else. Much like Namjoon he would ask you questions, he would rush to get a first-aid to disinfect the cuts and put a bandages on you. Jimin would go through all the medical stuff and after that he would comfort you by any means possible.
‘I’m so sorry Jagi, I will never talk to you like that again’
Jimin would cradle you in his arms and kiss all over your face and kiss every band-aid he put on you.
‘Jiminie it’s okay I forgive you. I know you did it by mistake.’
Jimin would kiss you and thank you. After that he never let go of you. He probably end up falling sleep with you in his arms while you brushed your hand through his hair. I feel like even tho you forgave him he still beat himself over what he had done to you.
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Taehyung, oh god Taehyung would be such a mess, he probably sit there and look at you. He stress himself out more by asking how much it hurt, but he probably be like Jimin and run to get the first-aid kit to patch you up. He be helping you with your bandages when realization hit him. He had done this to you.
‘I can’t believe I hurt my baby girl.’ 
You’d look at him with soft eyes and realized how much this hurt him on the inside. 
You take him in your arms and rub his back, he would clutch your shirt while tears streamed down his face. A string of apologies left his mouth while he choked out his sobs.
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(this boy is always so happy i couldn’t find one gif of him crying)
Jungkook is Jungshook. He did this? He couldn’t believe that he did this, he would do anything to protect you, yet the first time you got hurt was because of him? He look at you and ask:
‘I did this?’
You’d nodded your head, scared of what would happen next. Would he lose control again?
‘I’m so so so sorry Jagi.’
You look at him and saw that he was a mess, tears streaming down his face. He looked worse then you, you realized how bad he felt about what he did. You quickly hugged him and repeatedly said that it was okay and you forgave him.
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~Admin Pearl
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btswolfaublog · 7 years
Their mate in heat but not telling them
Request: How Bts would react when their mate is in heat but doesn't tell them
They would all know it, even if you didn’t tell them. Their own bodies reacted every time this happened, it was simply nature. They honestly could smell you from miles away and all they wanted to do was wreck you… gently, no, rough, no, gent… argh they couldn’t even think straight. None of them would get sad or mad, it’s your body. They don’t want to force things, even if you are their mate. You own each other's heart and soul, but you don’t own each others body.
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He would literally be on his fifteenth time cleaning the whole house… in just one day, protesting adamantly that the house could never be clean enough. He cleaned and cleaned and cleaned until the house almost glinted, still his thoughts ran rampant with sin as he imagined just how he’d love to mess up the couch, refrigerator, dining table, bed, everything. He stood there drooling at the door to his bedroom, only coming back to earth as he fell to the ground, the vacuum cleaner rolling out from under him. Jin would not address it with you, but you’d more than likely figure it out after his thirteenth “bathroom break” in under an hour.
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Even when you weren’t near him he could feel it. He could feel the pressure, the pulse of his heart pounding, he was sweating as his shaky fingers danced across the keys and mouse of his computer. He pressed his head phones harder to his ears as he tried to drown out the filthy, filthy thoughts that filled his mind and swallowed the lyrics down, twisting them and turning them until they all pointed to you doing a number of different things (jumping up and down in a schoolgirl outfit being the tamest of them). He would angrily send you a text message as he beat himself up over his weakness.
“You smell way too fucking good unless you want to get ruined I'd stay away and lock the doors and shower… like constantly. My room reeks of your scent and I’m literally getting lightheaded because all of my blood rushing south.”
“Also, if you get the time send pics ;)”
“(Do)n’t do that”
“Fuck Y/n”
“I’m dying”
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The boy would try his best. He had done everything he could think of. He washed everything you had ever even glanced at in his room, locked himself in, told you he wasn’t feeling well and that you should stay away for a few days, but it just wasn’t working. He was so on edge he could hear a penny feather drop from miles away. Every creak, every sniffle of his neighbor was grating on his nerves and all he wanted to do was run to you and block out the noises with your moans. But seeing as he didn’t want to overstep any boundaries, he converted his pent up energy and emotions into dance. It’d be the most erotic dance he’d ever done (soooooo many hip thrusts and body touches/rolls). All the while thinking about you.
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Rap Monster
Namjoon would bury himself in his work until he really couldn’t stand being alone with his own thoughts anymore. Only when he was on the verge of ripping himself apart at the seems would he finally come to you to talk about the fact he could smell you and it was driving him crazy.
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He’d still be around you, but he’d start touching you more than normal. He’d brush your skin with his hand, sniff your hair when you cuddled, and if you tried to get up he’d instinctively pull you into him a little tighter before laughing it off and letting you up reluctantly.
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TaeTae would have come straight out about it, making you blush in the process. Taehyung wouldn’t even beat around the bush with this. He’d come up behind you and roll his hips into your butt as his kissed your next and growled out
“Mmm, god you smell so good. Good enough to eat out~” *eyebrow wiggle*
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He would either bury himself in something like work or exercise, or he’d be like Tae and come to you about it pretty frankly. I can’t really decide between the two, but I can definitely see him hearing you in the shower and ending up behind you before he could comprehend what he had done. OR I can't see him staying away from you viciously working out until you brought it up.
Hey guys, this will be my very last post on here. The owner of these blogs is changing things around, I hope you guys enjoyed the posts us admins worked on, and know that we loved reading and working on them. I’m going to leave my personal account (It might get removed, I don’t really know.) And if you guys want to keep in touch that’d be awesome. I loved being a part of this while it lasted, and I’m really glad I got to make some of you guys happy. Thank you for being you, and for having amazing, fun requests! Bye guys <3
~ Admin Ellie ~
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btswolfaublog · 7 years
BTS Reaction: Being Possessive
Anon - Reaction to seeing a burn from your straightener or curling iron and thinking it’s a hickey from another wolf and getting angry/ possessive 
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As soon as namjoon saw the mark his expression would darken, “who did this to you y/n? answer me! what have you been up to behind my back..” he would grab your face and tilt it to inspect the ‘hickey’ all the  while growling lowly. If namjoon gave you a chance to explain that you were just trying to straighten your hair he would soften his grip on you. “I’m sorry y/n I shouldn't rush to conclusions like that, I just don’t want to lose you”
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He would notice the reddening mark as soon as you opened the bathroom door “I hope that isn’t what I think it is y/n...” He would start trying to see if he could smell any other wolf on you. When he couldn’t find any other scent but the one he left on you he would frown. “did I do that..? I don’t recall doing anything last night.”
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Yoongi would try not to show how angry he was. “Where is he?” When you frowned in confusion he would clarify “you know who I’m talking about, the unworthy bastard who touched you” “you belong to me and only me y/n” When he found out it was a burn from trying to do your hair he would frown “Be more careful next time, I don’t want you to get hurt”
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Hoseok would be the one to actually ask what happened before rushing to any kind of conclusions. In the back of his mind he would still be worried whether of not you were sneaking around. “are you sure it’s just a burn?” After assuring him it was he would pull you in for a hug “Never make me worry like that again y/n, I don’t ever want to loose you”
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Jimin would always be self consious so as soon as he saw the ‘hickey’ he would snap “Am I not good enough for you y/n?! What did I do wrong for you to go sneak around with some lowlife?” Once the situation was explained he would apologize over and over. “I shouldn’t have doubted you y/n, please forgive me if you can”  
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“y/n! come stand closer... what the hell is that?!” if you tried to cover the mark with your hands he would grab both of them tightly and growl in your ear. “You have a lot of explaining to do missy or do I have to remind you who you belong to? hmm...”
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Jungkook wouldn’t know how to approach you about it, instead he would just glare at the red mark until you noticed. When you asked what he was looking at he would drop his gaze “I can’t believe this. You belong to me. Nobody else can touch you. And if they do, they won’t be breathing for much longer...”
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btswolfaublog · 7 years
what would the boys do if you came home late seriously injured and crying for them to help?
We shall see!
~Admin Pearl
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btswolfaublog · 7 years
Can you do a bts reaction to their s/o moving her tail when she's needy?
I hope you like it!
(I’m sorry if there’s any grammatical error)
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Jin would melt, really, we all know how sweet he is, so I don’t think that the fact that their S/O is moving her/his tail would be a turn on in him, he would just found it cute.
He would say something like “Do you need something Jagi?” While stroking your ears.
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He would give you a soft smile, but inside his heart is rushing, he would rub his cheek on yours because when you’re begin that cute he can’t handle it. But lately, he would give a little smirk while pushing you in the sofa.
“Babe, do you want something from me? Ask me properly”
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This dude is probably going crazy, (We all had seem the effect of Jimin cuteness on him) because of you, you’re the kind of cute, clingy person when you’re on heat or needy, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he picks you up and takes you to your bedroom.
“Let’s help you with that honey”
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Okay so let’s imagine this:
A super hot Hoseok, making music in the kitchen bar, with his headphones on, then you came into the kitchen whining a little, he honestly wouldn’t pay you too much attention, but when you rub yourself against him, he would definitely stop everything, and when he see your cute brown tail, damn, prepare yourself.
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His heart, like Seokjin would melt. Jimin is the kind of mate that wants to make everything in a romantic way, so when he sees your tail he would give you a smile and then proceed to kiss you in a slow, sexy and cute way, you can obviously imagine what’s next.
“I just love you way too much y/n”
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This puppy, ahh, he would move his tail along yours, he would also twine it with yours, while kissing and rubbing against you. I feel like Tae would love to rub (in a innocent way) (also in a sexual way tho) against you, is like his favorite part of the day.
“I love you, I love you, I love you”
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Jeongguk wouldn’t think about it in like a needy action from you, he may think you want to play or something like that, but when you take his controller and throw it away, and sit on his lap, he would understand, so he would kiss you pleasantly, ready to help you with your problem.
“Damn y/n, are you that needy? Kookie is gonna help you baby”
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btswolfaublog · 7 years
Reaction to their mate’s reluctant family finally apologizing for judging them too quickly
Anon ask: Hi! Could u do a bts reaction to their mate trying to convince her family that BTS (member) is not dangerous, n they can protect her. Their mate family don't really approve them because they accidentally found out that they were a werewolf. N in the end, their mate family apologize to them for judging to quickly. Thanks! Luv ur blog! 😘
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“Whew, thank god, Y/N. Your family is scary. I guess we really should have just told them earlier.”
“Would we really have eloped?”
“Nah, you love them too much.”
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He looked up at your parents, and your younger brother who had tried to beat him up only days earlier. 
“Try not to judge so fast next time, eh?”
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His grin was so wide, it almost hurt to look at him. 
“Y/N, now we don’t have to worry anymore. We really can be together now!”
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“I-It’s okay. Are you sure you’re really okay with me b-being a werewolf? A-and being with Y/N?”
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“I shall think about whether or not I should accept your apology, Y/N’s parents. Or maybe I should just gobble you up like a hungry wolf!”
Your parents looked petrified, while you shot him a glare, warning him that he shouldn’t blow his only chance of being part of the family.
“Haha, just kidding!”
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“You’ve said it now, you can’t take it back. You really agree with me being with Y/N?”
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“Really? You’re really going to... To let me be with Y/N?”
- admin widow
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btswolfaublog · 7 years
Their S/O’s Pet Not Liking Them
Hello, i am wondering if you could please do bts reaction to their mate getting a pet and the pet doesn't like them (bts). Thank you have a nice day/night.
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Jin/Seokjin: Buys tons of treats and feeds it table scraps to win it over.
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Suga/Yoongi: Gives it treats and toys, when that doesn't work he growls at the animal when it gets near you “How does it feel huh?” Secretly cries though because he wanted a cuddle buddy for whenever you weren’t around.
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Jhope/Hoseok: Sticks tongue out at pet and snuggles closer to you, but also uses you as a shield because it’s still “small and vicious” Honestly, lil sunshine is sad he isn’t loved back </3
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Rap Monster/Namjoon: Reads up on how to make pets like you, but pulls out the Alpha male aura when that doesn’t work.
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Jimin: Tons of whining and trying to slowly creep up and love on the animal. Tries to make it like him in both human and wolf form. Exposes his tum, licks them when in wolf form, submits to them really. This backfires and your pet rules your boyfriend. “Yahhh, they don’t rule me! *pet makes a noise* Awhhhh, you’re so coot lil baby I love you so much~ *looks back at you* Hehehe... maybe a little?”
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V/Taehyung: Thinks he can become friends with them in wolf form. Whines and gentle paws at them with his ear all pointed and perky. Would be the one to pout and curl up to you whenever it doesn’t work.
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Jungkook: Insists you don’t need a pet when he can satisfy all of your needs (also winks or licks his lips every time he says “satisfy your needs”)
~ Admin Ellie ~
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btswolfaublog · 7 years
Mtl likely to smell a potential mate and 'go after' said person? Like actually doing something about the said person who smells amazing either like going to talk to them vs do nothing.
Taehyung/V (son is so ready to start a family he’d straight up ghost mid conversation if he smelled his mate) & Jungkook (Usain Bolt would being sweating)
Seokjin/Jin & Hoseok/J-Hope
Namjoon/Rap Monster
They would all definitely go after their mate, but I would take some longer than the others. A mate is someone precious that shares a bond so deep words don’t do it justice, they wouldn’t miss out on their chance. Tae and Jungkook seem like the most impulsive and would run after their mate, tracking them quickly and Tae would flat out walk up to them and be like “Hi, I think I’m in love with you.” Jungkook would be a bit more hesitant and try to “accidentally” bump into them to start a conversation. Jin and Hoseok wouldn’t drop everything, but they would start to quickly walk around sniffing the air and really following their nose until they just KNOW it has to be them they’re staring at, neither would have a problem approaching their mate. Namjoon would smell them and try to focus on whatever he had been doing, trying to focus on the person he was talking to until it drove him nuts and he literally seemed to go feral, frantically tracking down the scent. Yoongi and Jimin are placed at the bottom purely because I see them freaking out and not feeling like they would be good enough. “What if they don’t like me? I bet they’re out of my league... Oh god, what if they think I'm a monster?!” Jimin would be the one to beat himself up the most, the only reason he broke from his trance of arguing with himself was the fading of the scent. He couldn’t stand letting his mate get away without at least seeing them. Yoongi goes above Jimin purely because curiosity would fuel him, he really liked the idea of having someone to curl his body around when he got home from the studio at 4 am, but it hadn’t been a priority until this moment, he had to take his chance. All of them would end up out of breath, blushing, and with their sweet, goofy smiles in front of their mate before wobbling out a shy “Hi.”
To be honest, this post gave me butterflies to think about how cute and nervous they would all get, and I loved it so much. Thank you for requesting, I really hope you like this!
~Admin Ellie~
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