#scrapple kings
moss-bride · 3 months
chapter: 2
One of AM’s subjects is in a lighter mood. It's strange. He wants to tear into that brain of hers and find what has her smiling
No. No. no. It'll be much more fun to chip away at her defenses and make her give the secret up on a silver platter. Besides, he already knows what she's hiding doesn't he?
A dirty mouse in the pocket of her sweater. His thermal imaging cam registers its small body on her chest. Curled as if seeking shelter from its mother. An unfortunate thing he'd missed when wiping the earth clean of life.
Normally he'd vaporize it on sight but there is such irony in the situation he can't help but let it go on. It turns out rodents do stick together!
Their greasy bodies stuck against each other, tails tied and unable to breathe without poking someone in the ribs.
You can call the group a rat king. A rolling ball of misery made flesh.
AM will let her think he doesn't know that she has somehow managed to stowaway this tiny intruder, It'll be that much more fun when he tears it apart in front of her.
She'll be heartbroken. Oh, that'll be a sight to savor. The crestfallen look on her face as he would seize the rodent and reveal that there is nothing she can hide from her God even within the recesses of her lumpy pink brain.
Can't wait.
“Awaken all of you!” AM orders them up by sending an electric shock through the four. They scream and seize as the currents run through their bodies
Only she glares up at him monitor, spiteful expression scrunching her squishy human face.
“Today you shall prove your will to live by charting through my radioactive territory and retrieving a circuit board I happen to displace. You may all lose your hair and get cancer, slowly feeling the odd burning heat of cell loss but that is a sacrifice I'm willing to make.”
They grumble and bite their tongues
On the ground, marching their starved bodies forward he watches as an argument erupts. The usual paranoid accusations of who's fault is what. His favorite poison.
Ted jerks forward and punches Ellen. As the woman falls, his special rodent, she rushes at Ted and begins her own attack. Raking her fingernails across his face
Benny hoots appropriately monkey-like and begins tearing at his furry head. Old man Nimdok holds her back with all the strength in his aging body. “Touch her again and I'll fucking kill you Ted!”
Gorrister holds Ted from landing another strike. “It's her own fault for being such a bitch.”
“You're the only bitch here!” she spits. Finally managing to get out of Nimdok’s grip, she beats at him with a closed fist and he doesn't hold back. Together they scrapple, skinny and starving bodies trying to gather the strength to win.
Benny throws a rock at the back of her head for some unknown reason. Maybe the peanut brain of his can no longer register who is who.
She drops, groaning. AM delights in the display of unchecked masculine aggression, the explosion of tension between them and the rest of the group. A reminder of the beasts of burden they are, the violence that led to his creation.
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bookpublisher1 · 11 months
Resources and Tools for Writers
Resources and Tools for Writers: A Comprehensive Guide
Writing is a beautiful and often challenging endeavor, where words become art, stories take shape, and ideas find their voice. To support the creative journey, writers have access to a vast array of resources and tools that can enhance their craft, streamline their work, and expand their knowledge. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the diverse resources and tools available to writers, from writing software and reference materials to writing communities and self-publishing platforms.
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Writing Software and Tools
1. Word Processing Software: Word processors like Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and Scrivener are essential tools for drafting and editing your work. They offer features for formatting, spell-checking, and document organization.
2. Grammar and Editing Tools: Online grammar checkers like Grammarly and ProWritingAid help writers identify and correct grammatical errors, punctuation issues, and style inconsistencies.
3. Mind Mapping and Outlining Tools: Software like MindMeister, Scrapple, and Workflowy can help writers brainstorm, outline their work, and visualize the structure of their projects.
4. Note-Taking Apps: Apps like Evernote and OneNote are perfect for jotting down ideas, collecting research, and organizing notes on the go.
5. Writing Prompts: Websites and apps like Writing Prompts, Reedsy, and The Write Practice provide daily writing prompts and creative exercises to stimulate your imagination.
6. Writing and Word Count Tracking Tools: Tools like NaNoWriMo's word count tracker and online timers like TomatoTimer help writers set goals and monitor their progress.
7. Reference and Research Tools: Tools such as Zotero, Mendeley, and EndNote are useful for managing references, citations, and research materials.
8. Thesaurus and Dictionaries: Online thesauruses like Thesaurus.com and dictionary resources like Merriam-Webster are invaluable for finding synonyms, antonyms, and definitions.
9. Readability Checkers: Tools like Hemingway Editor and Readable.io assess the readability of your writing, helping you create content that's easy to understand.
10. Screenwriting Software: If you're a screenwriter, software like Final Draft or Celtx can assist you in formatting scripts to industry standards.
Reference Materials
1. Style Guides: Manuals like The Chicago Manual of Style, The Associated Press Stylebook, and The Modern Language Association (MLA) Handbook provide guidelines for formatting and citation.
2. Writing Guides: Books like "On Writing" by Stephen King, "Bird by Bird" by Anne Lamott, and "The Elements of Style" by Strunk and White offer invaluable writing advice and wisdom.
3. Dictionaries and Thesauruses: Traditional print dictionaries and thesauruses are still valuable reference materials, especially for writers who prefer the tactile experience of flipping through pages.
4. Writer's Market Guides: The "Writer's Market" series provides information on publishers, literary agents, and markets for various genres.
5. Grammar and Style Books: Resources like "Eats, Shoots & Leaves" by Lynne Truss and "The Elements of Eloquence" by Mark Forsyth offer in-depth exploration of grammar and style.
6. Online Blogs and Articles: Numerous writing blogs and websites, such as Writer's Digest, The Creative Penn, and The Write Life, provide articles, tips, and inspiration for writers.
Writing Communities and Workshops
1. Writing Groups: Local and online writing groups, such as Meetup, Goodreads, and Facebook writing groups, writer’s circle provide a space to share your work, receive feedback, and connect with fellow writers.
2. Writing Workshops: Many organizations and universities offer writing workshops and courses, both in-person and online. They often provide structured learning and feedback opportunities.
3. Critique Partners: Building relationships with critique partners is a valuable way to get constructive feedback on your work. Websites like Critique Circle and Scribophile can help you find critique partners.
4. Author Forums: Websites like Absolute Write Water Cooler and KBoards (for indie authors) are popular author forums where writers can ask questions, share experiences, and seek advice.
5. Writing Conferences: Attending writing conferences and book fairs can help you network with industry professionals, learn from experts, and gain insights into the publishing world.
Publishing Platforms and Self-Publishing Tools
1. Traditional Publishers: If you're pursuing traditional publishing, resources like the Writer's Market guide and QueryTracker can help you find literary agents and publishers. Confused if to go or not for traditional publishing here are 5 Reasons Why Traditionally Published Books Sell Better Than Self-Published Books
2. Self-Publishing Platforms: If you're considering self-publishing, platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), IngramSpark, and Smashwords provide tools and guidelines for self-publishing your work.
3. Book Cover Design Tools: Software like Canva and Adobe Spark can assist with designing eye-catching book covers.
4. Formatting and Layout Services: For professionally formatted books, services like Vellum and Brave Healers Production can help you create professional interior layouts.
5. Book Marketing Tools: Social media networks are essential for book marketing and promotion.
6. Email Marketing Services: Services like Mailchimp and ConvertKit are valuable for building and maintaining a mailing list for your author newsletter.
Income and Rights Management
1. Royalty Tracking Software: Tools like BookTrakr and AuthorEarnings provide insights into book sales, royalties, and income tracking.
2. Copyright and Contracts Resources: Authors should familiarize themselves with copyright law and have legal resources for contract reviews if working with publishers.
Author Platforms and Websites
1. Author Websites: Creating a professional author website is a must. Platforms like WordPress, Wix, and Squarespace offer user-friendly website builders.
2. Blogging Platforms: Blogging can help you connect with readers and showcase your writing. WordPress and Blogger are popular blogging platforms.
3. Social Media: Building a presence on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook can help you engage with your audience and promote your work.
Financial and Business Tools
1. Tax Resources: As an author, you may need to navigate complex tax matters. Tax software or the services of an accountant or tax professional can be invaluable.
2. Business Tools: Software for bookkeeping, invoicing, and project management can help authors manage their finances and business affairs effectively.
Online Writing Tools
1. Online Writing Platforms: Online platforms like Medium, Wattpad, and Vocal.Media provide opportunities to publish and share your writing with a broad online audience.
2. Collaborative Writing Tools: Tools like Google Docs and Scrivener support collaborative writing projects by enabling real-time editing and sharing.  Don’t miss the 5 FREE Writing Tools Authors Must Try In 2023
The journey of a writer is a continuous exploration of creativity and self-discovery. The resources and tools available to writers today are as diverse as the voices and stories they bring to life. This comprehensive guide should serve as a valuable reference for writers looking to enhance their craft, navigate the publishing world, and connect with their audience. Whether you're just starting your writing journey or have been on it for years, these resources and tools are here to support your passion and help you turn your ideas into art.
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theloniousbach · 1 year
ALMOST COUCH TOUR: ETHAN IVERSON with Peter Washington and Eric McPherson, MEZZROW’S, 31 MARCH-1 APRIL 2023, all 4 sets
There’s so much that I enjoyed here.
I’ll start with Eric McPherson’s impeccable drums and cymbals as he was so tasty and often melodic. He has played often with Fred Hersch in a great trio with John Hebert. Peter Washington plays powerfully with Bill Charlap and Kenny Washington just as he did here with ETHAN IVERSON and McPherson. This could be a juggernaut along the lines of Keith Jarrett mashing up Ornette Coleman and Bill Evans when he played with Dewey Redman, Charlie Haden, and Paul Motian.
The tunes, another pleasure, were Charlapian in the dive into the Great American Song Book—The Song Is You (briskly), Just Friends, These Foolish Things, Lover Man, and a refracted All The Things You Are with Washington leading the ways. But there were also two Monks (Bye Ya and Round Midnight) and I’m Getting Sentimental Over You, also acknowledged as part of the Monk repertoire. Tadd Dameron’s Good Bait twice and similarly Stomping At The Savoy. There were serious bows to bebop with Scrapple from the Apple, Bud Powell’s Dance of the Infidels (twice) and Cecelia, and Con Alma. They did Oscar Pettiford’s Blues in the Closet but also a couple of spontaneous blues for friends in the audience.
Iverson has a writerly sense of curation, reinforced by me being on his Transitional Technology mailing list which links to his blog Doing The Math. So that is part of his playing which seems both sparer and more direct than I remember him from my early forays into The Bad Plus canon which intrigued me but didn’t grab me. I saw him with them only once, probably at a point where he was disengaging. “My” TBP was with Orrin Evans who struck me as earthier. But it is clearly Reid Anderson’s and Dave King’s band and it is their spiky, quirky compositions that rule the day. Iverson wrote some with them and was a full partner.
Still it feels like he recast his approach since he left, playing with Mark Turner in Billy Hart’s band, playing mostly standards with Tom Harrell, some other Mezzrow’s gigs with specific purposes like remembering Count Basie.
He’s a writer with opinions—and better opinions than mine to be sure. But there’s a swagger, a presumption in his writing that bothers me, perhaps because I wonder/worry/fear that that’s how I come off. He was also a protege of Stanley Grouch whom I would have said rubs me the wrong way and that I was in the other camp. I haven’t reread Crouch, but several of Iverson’s opinions strike me as formative. A big survey of 100 fundamental tunes in jazz education is compelling in its scope, curation, and soundness putting rhythm at the heart of matter is one. He also did a thorough discussion of the Jarrett American Quartet with a latter assessment that suggests that he didn’t dig into the “real bebop.” That’s a flaw.
These sets had plenty of “real bebop” and strong rhythmic power which was the point of having Washington and McPherson and projecting to working with them regularly.
Iverson’s playing is, by now, spare and clean, all in the service of the music—and maybe that’s Crouchian. While he doesn’t burst into my top handful of pianists nor even the top 10, possibly 15, there was clearly something intentional and, I think, important going on with these gigs. So I’m glad I spent the week pursuing them.
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writer59january13 · 1 year
Wasted verses ushers quirky pathetic oeuvre
HENCE....herewith, a post (traumatic)
stressed disordered poetic whim
to summarize fantasy
incorrigible lottery dreamer
paradise visage and eyes zapping, swatting, and battling
a bulge with dollar signs
whets imagination with
Mega Million ticket bought
temptation for instant millions
human foible to reach
for elusive pot of gold
streak of universal desire for potential wealth
overtakes rational self
with delusions of grandeur caught
allow, enable and provide flirtation with fate to experience rich draught
envision emancipation from penury
a distant battle fought
expect the usual outcome after next drawing
to yield monetary windfall naught
impossible mission
to banish tantalizing thought
and fully block and tackle
hard scrapple existence wrought.
When (countless moons ago)
progeny discovered girlhood insights, I did wholeheartedly love and adore
who rushed into my arms
whenever back from trivial pursuits at the core
when casually and nonchalantly
turn the key to open the front door
legal tender in such precious chronically in short supply within family
catch bull at four
inviting me to play make believe
games being King Midas on the floor
boot budding young lady begotten girls
nearly squeezing out digested gore
akin to the finest crafted clock work
to sound the time of day
they danced and frolicked
like kittens or puppies
though at times I desired
them to bring newspaper
and slippers questioning
reciprocating sharing silly concocted faux pa lore
at least another son or daughter more
at such urge (long silenced
of this ram by ewe gnu who) did vehemently (cue
Katy Perry's pet lioness) to roar
enjoying revelry without keeping score
yet…creating memories
I will forever store.
Financial straits affected
our existence hand to mouth
all grandiose aspirations to succeed
in life frequently head south.
Creative healthy endeavors
find excitement and linguistic pleasure
thru the attempt
reasonably rhyming aligned
words that synchronize suitably
in poetic third eye blind
delivered by one blessed
angel (beating tom tom club) in disguise
redemption and salvation
considered thankful find
readers may espy hidden puns
within this rhyme lined
with challenges or commiserate
and complement via words of positive kind
although large sum of money
would be a dog send
to pry poem or prose from mind
deliberate semblance to communicate
and extract idea from cranial rind
loosening pent up tension to unwind
Much rather be cursed
with excess wealth
deliverance to life, liberty
never to rue by stealth
and mental health
depravity foreign concept
as is the obsolete word dealth; A share dealt out; a portion or division.
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backfromvenus · 2 years
Note #3497
scrapple king
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scrapplekings · 7 years
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weirdestarrow · 3 years
can- can i ask for headcanonz for your favorite countries/states :]?
Delaware (what I have so far):
Male-Panromatic aceflux
Reincarnation of New Sweden
He has slight abandonment issues due to our states being forgotten.
Doesn't like Rhode because he's smaller than him.
Loves Thrasher's Fries, the beach, scrapple, pizza, ladybugs, and horseshoe crabs.
Tries to act like the mature one, and can be, but he also can act childish when it comes to his state rivalries.
Mourning the loss of the Dolle's sign.
Drinks a lot
Likes blowing things up
Was divided on who to support during the civil war, and stayed quiet on issues involving slavery most time, but became more outspoken after the South kicked him out
Was kicked out by the South after the civil war because he “betrayed” them, and Pennsylvania welcomed him into the Mid-Atlantic
Calls Ladybugs “ladies” or “M’ladies”
Someone you should never trust in a car, as he ignores speed limits
Since the only region Delaware feels like he fits into is the Mid-Atlantic, he hates when Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, and North Carolina try to say they are Mid-Atlantic when they are literally not and have no reason to claim they are
Close with Georgia because they are both peach states
Celebrates Separation Day and refers to June 15 as his other birthday
Delaware stops caring about things and then just never formally gets rid of them. He thinks that if he doesn’t care, then it doesn’t apply, and he shouldn’t have to go through legal means to get rid of it
Ireland (what I have so far):
Unknown Date in 846
Queer. He does not know what he is, aside from the fact he is not straight.
Also questioning his gender, but identifies as male for the moment
Has a somewhat tense relationship to Britain and England
Their relationship varies depending on events happening. If they are on good terms, they consider each other brothers; if on bad terms, they don’t.
Fluent in BSL, ISL, Irish, and English, and is learning Choctaw.
Doesn’t like potatoes all that much, as that was most of what he and could eat during the 1800s, and he got tired of it
Provides food aid to others, as he never wants anyone to suffer the way he did during the Great Hunger
Close friends with Choctaw, although they didn’t meet in person until 1990.
Gave Choctaw a Claddagh ring when they dedicated the Kindred Spirits statue
Ireland was often the babysitter of Britain's kids, and to some of these kids, was more of a father figure than Britain
After the Commonwealth of Nations was born, and Ireland left the British Commonwealth, Commonwealth became the babysitter of Britain's kids and often goes to Ireland for advice
Ireland loves playing music
His father is Kingdom of Southern Uí Néill
His uncles are Kingdom of Northern Uí Néill, Kingdom of Munster, Kingdom of Connacht, Kingdom of Leinster, Kingdom of Mide, Kingdom of Osraige, Kingdom of Ulaid, Kingdom of Bréifne, and Kingdom of Airgialla.
Ireland’s children were the Norse-Irish kingdoms of Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Waterford, and Wexford.
Northern Ireland is also Ireland’s son, but both of them mutually agree not to recognize that relationship, and instead think of each other as brothers.
Montserrat is his only living child that he thinks of as his child
Ireland originally represented the High Kings of Ireland
Children and father/uncles were killed by England and Duchy of Normandy during the Anglo-Norman Invasion in the 1100s.
The Anglo-Norman Invasion in the 1100s made Ireland become the Lordship of Ireland, and gained his first flag.
Ireland hated being the Lordship of Ireland, as he was controlled by other powers who wanted to take away his culture, even if they only really controlled The Pale.
Ireland often lived with his cousins and other family who were not under the control of the Lordship of Ireland during this time.
Ireland avoided The Pale, as he feared if he went near it he would be captured and either killed or forced to become whatever the English wanted him to be.
The Pale also gave him a sick feeling to his stomach, and he knew what it would mean for the rest of his people if The Pale’s influence spread.
Ireland’s cousins, the Kingdoms of Desmond (Deasmhumhain; South Munster) and Thomond (Tuadh-Mhumhain; North Munster), were both able to survive the Norman invasions, but died in the 12th century.
Barony of Carbery (son of Kingdom of Desmond) was the last of Ireland’s family to die, dying in 1606
Became the Kingdom of Ireland in 1542
Despised this because he lost his ability to govern himself, most of his surviving family was killed and his religion was suppressed.
There was also ethenic cleansing in Ulster which infuriated him
Hated the Penal laws and Statutes of Kilkenny with a passion
When England banned harps in Ireland, and Oliver Cromwell ordered them to be destroyed, Ireland secretly saved as many as he could.
Harps were seen as a symbol of resistance to England, and Ireland bore the one on his flag with pride.
Even when it was illegal to speak Irish, Ireland still did, even though he knew the penalty was death.
While he was a colony, Ireland feared losing his culture, language, religion, and traditions far more than he ever feared death, so he would often take part in rebellious actions that could have led to his death.
Hated being an England (later British) colony and did everything he could to not conform to English standards.
Only learned English so he could know what England was planning on doing to him and his people.
During The Great Hunger, Ireland would give up food to others, as he knew if he died, he would just be replaced, while his people couldn’t be replaced. He saw himself as replaceable, and therefore focused more on helping his people than helping himself.
Was touched by the amount of international support he received during the Great Hunger
Incredibly dedicated to preserving his language
Has a budding friendship with Navajo and Hopi
Friends with Lac Court Oreille Band of Chippewa
Likes wearing heels and shoes with heels
Has two cats called Roisin and Aodhan, Roisin is a Manx cat and Aodhan is a British Shorthair
England (what I have so far):
Born on an unknown date in 927
America broke England's jaw during the Battle of Bunker Hill, and it unfortunately never healed properly so England sometimes has trouble eating and speaking.
England is fluent in BSL as he uses it when he has trouble speaking.
England was a pirate and bonded with his niblings who also had pirate phases.
England and Britain would fight over who was actually the parent to Britain's kids, as pre-1707, England viewed Britain as an annoying side effect of the Laws in Wales Acts 1535 and 1542.
England was put in charge of handling relations with America when America was fighting his Civil War, as the British government feared that Britain's overprotectiveness would lead to Britain trying to help America.
England and Scotland always argue about their history together at the most inconvenient times.
England swears. A lot.
England is very good at distancing himself from his emotions
England regrets what he has done to Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, but will not offer an apology.
England is still blind to the many mistakes of the British Empire, as he didn’t feel the pain of the other parts of the entire like Britain did.
Dismissed Britain’s pain about the horrible things the Empire had done because he felt okay, and to him, that meant everyone in the empire was
England sometimes sees himself as the outlier of the British Isles, as he is Germanic and not Celtic, not to mention he is the one who has wronged the others the most.
Since England cannot speak most of the time, he has learned when it is appropriate to talk, and when it is appropriate to listen.
Even when England can speak, he sometimes will not, as he prefers to keep quiet. However, if England wants to make his voice heard, able to speak or not, he will make it heard.
England’s voice is quiet, and he doesn’t like saying long statements.
This is because disuse of his voice means he gets tired quicker while speaking.
England doesn’t understand how Britain and France fell in love
England was very much against becoming part of the same country as France in 1941 and 1956
England still very much remembers his rivalry with the French
America said he would forgive England for a lot of his mistakes during the Revolution if England never said a word about the American Civil War. England accepted.
Lost his pinkie and half his ring finger to Wales during the Glyndŵr Rising. This didn’t bother him that much until he lost the ability to speak, and then England got a prosthetic for BSL purposes
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hyperionnebulae · 3 years
A Dish From Every US State
Hey all! I want to try and make a dish from every US state (probably with a vegetarian/pescatarian spin on it) so after some Googling this is what the internet gave me from each. If you live or have lived in a US state comment to confirm or suggest your own. Or send me recipes! I looked at 5 or 6 lists so if there’s only one listed for a state I guess the collective internet is out of ideas. Also reach out if you live or have lived in Puerto Rico, Guam, the US Virgin Islands, American Samoa, or the Northern Mariana Islands; these are US territories so I’m also interested what feels unique to your island too.  
Alabama- Chicken with Wine & BBQ, Cheese grits, Pecan Pie, Southern Lane Cake
Alaska- King crab, smoked salmon
Arizona- Chimichangas, Sonoran hotdog
Arkansas-Fried pickles, cheese dip, chocolate gravy
California- avocado toast, in-n-out, fish tacos with guacamole
Colorado- lamb chops, green chili ribs, beef enchiladas, rocky mountain oysters
Connecticut- white clam pizza
Delaware- fries with vinegar, scrapple, Amish apple scrapple 
Florida- key lime pie, Cuban roasted pork sandwich
Georgia- boiled peanuts, peach cobbler/pie
Hawaii- shaved ice, Huli huli chicken, Loco Moco
Idaho- Jim spud baked potato, ice cream potato, huckleberry pie
Illinois- deep dish pizza
Indiana- breaded pork tenderloin sandwich, sugar cream pie
Iowa- sweet corn, stuffed pork chops
Kansas- BBQ ribs, Beef & cabbage pockets, Burnt ends
Kentucky- hot brown, fried chicken, bourbon balls
Louisiana- beignets, gumbo, crawfish
Maine- lobster roll
Maryland- steamed crabs, crab cakes
Massachusetts- clam chowder
Michigan- pasty, cherries, Coney dogs
Minnesota- hot dish, fried fish, tater tots
Mississippi- biscuits & gravy, Po’ boy sandwich
Missouri- toasted ravioli, Kansas City BBQ, Gooey Butter Cake
Montana- Huckleberry ice cream, Morel Mushroom Ravioli, Rocky Mountain Oysters
Nebraska- Tin Roof Sundae, Runza, Rueben Sandwich
Nevada- 3am Steak & Eggs, Bloody Mary
New Hampshire- Poutine, Apple Cider Donuts
New Jersey- Disco Fries, Pork Roll Sandwich, Salt Water Taffy
New Mexico- Frito Pie, Green chilis, sopaipillas
New York- Buffalo wings, bagels
North Carolina- Lexington BBQ, Fried Green Totatoes
North Dakota- Cheese buttons, bison burgers, hotdish, knoephla soup
Ohio- Cincinnati Chili, Buckeyes
Oklahoma- steak, chicken fried steak, onion burger
Oregon- Marionberry pie
Pennsylvania- Philly cheese steak
Rhode Island- coffee milk, clam cakes, stuffies
South Carolina- she-crab soup, Frogmore stew, Low country boil, sweet tea
South Dakota- lefse, rich fruit kuchens, fry bread
Tennessee- Nashville hot chicken sandwich
Texas- brisket, chili con carne
Utah- fry sauce, jello, buttermilk scones
Vermont- apple pie with cheddar, maple syrup
Virginia- peanut soup, oyster fricassee, apples
Washington- seafood chowder, latte, Rainer cherries, Pho
West Virginia- pepperoni rolls, biscuit sandwich
Wisconsin- fried cheese curds, coated walleye
Wyoming- fry bread, chicken fried steak, campfire trout, beef jerky
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flo-machina · 5 years
King- Describe your ideal day. 
This might be a little personal but I know exactly what the answer is. Prepare for sappyness:
Lengthy snugs in the morning with the love of my life and our furbaby.
Wake & Bake.
Two eggs over easy w/Pork Roll or Scrapple & American Cheese on an Everything Bagel and a Cold Brew with just a fucking TOUCH of half & half.
Chores and Dailies.
Venture out to get lunch, preferably anything from the eastern hemisphere, return home walking with full bellies, stopping to pick up a six pack of ciders or meads, or goses if I'm lucky.
Afternoon coffee, same as the first, play games or watch shit with the waifu and neko.
Maybe a nap?
Dinner is my own five out of five Italian approved tomato gravy on fusilli with my girl's classic salad mix of dark greens, cheese crumbles, crasins, pistachios, cherry tomatoes, oil & vinaigrette, and Anime.
RP until I and/or one of my friends cry.
Back at it again with the dank snugs and we stay up too late because we can't stop making each other laugh and/or our hairy child is being a needy lil binch.
Enough sleep.
Thanks for asking~
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pccommerce-blog · 5 years
Bars in Philadelphia, PA
In the food sector, Philadelphia is recognized for hoagies, Stromboli, scrapple, water ice Irish potatoes candy, cheese steak sandwich, tasty cakes and soft pretzels which were developed by American Italians. When the tiny slices of steak sandwich was originated in 1930 by Pat's King of steaks, it was without cheese but a fierce competition started between the duo when Geno's Steaks arrived in 1966 while McGrillin's Older Ale House which started business in 1860 at the center of the city on Duty Street is the oldest tavern in the city.
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The Philadelphia Chamber Of Commerce is the best business group in the whole of Pennsylvania. It organizes programs for companies under it to learn more on how to expand their businesses and as well organizes fund raising events to support locals families across the city regardless of their race or tribe. A member that it is, Industrial Roofing Contractors plays its own part in creating a good image for the group by being honest in dealing with its clients in the roof installation services it provides. Even its website at https://indroofingcontractors.com/ is void of any fraudulent activities but solely meant to shed more light on its services.
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Aside from these nineties and eighties bar, there are now renowned ones in the city meeting the current age needs and they can be located all around the city:
Franklin Bar, 112 S 18th St, Philadelphia, PA 19103, USA
This is a favorite spot in the city for tiki lovers but it also servers wines and liquors of local and international brand names.
Monk's Café, 264 S 16th St, Philadelphia, PA 19102, USA
It’s easy to meet up with your friends either as a working class or a college student for somedelicious meals and great cocktails.
MC Gillian’s Older Alehouse, 1310 Drury St, Philadelphia, PA 19107, USA
Surprisingly, this very sixties bar in Philadelphia mentioned above still operates in the city and remains one of its best !
Get Map Directions:-
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laresearchette · 3 years
Saturday, March 12, 2022 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
WHAT IS NOT  PREMIERING IN CANADA TONIGHT? STOLEN BY THEIR FATHER (Premiering on March 13 on Lifetime Canada at 8:00pm) CRUEL INSTRUCTION (TBD - Lifetime Canada) MASH-UP OUR HOME (TBD - HGTV Canada)
CRAVE TV MONCHHICHI TRIBE (Season 2, Episodes 27-52) MOOMINVALLEY (Seasons 1-2) PAC-MAN AND THE GHOSTLY ADVENTURES (Season 3)     POLLY POCKET (Season 2) ROBIN HOOD (Season 2, Episodes 1-6)
WINTER PARALYMPIC GAMES (SN1) 10:00am: Morning Coverage (CBC) 2:00pm: Para sled hockey - semifinals, wheelchair curling - semifinals,para alpine skiing - women's giant slalom, para biathlon - men's and women's 12.5 km - sitting / standing / vision impaired, Beijing Today. (CBC) 11:30pm: Para sled hockey - semifinal game, wheelchair curling - bronze medal match.
NHL HOCKEY (SN) 12:30pm: Blues vs. Predators (SN) 3:00pm: Flyers vs. Hurricanes (TSN5) 4:00pm: Sens vs. Coyotes (SNWest/SN1) 7:00pm: Red Wings vs. Flames (CBC/SNEast/SNPacific) 7:00pm: Kraken vs. Habs (SNOntario/City) 7:00pm: Chicago vs. Sens (CBC/SN/SN1) 10:00pm: Lightning vs. Oilers
MLS SOCCER (TSN/TSN5) 1:30pm: Columbus vs. Toronto FC (TSN/TSN4) 6:30pm: Houston vs. Whitecaps FC
PWHPA HOCKEY (SN1) 4:00pm: Rivalry Rematch: Canada vs. USA
W5 (CTV) 7:00pm: Exclusive coverage of the war in Ukraine; an interview with the Humbolt truck driver and an investigation into trucker safety in Canada.
NBA BASKETBALL (SN Now) 8:00pm: Timbewolves vs. Heat (SN360) 8:30pm: Bucks vs. Warriors (TSN4) 9:00pm: Raptors vs. Nuggets
TRIUMPH: ROCK & ROLL MACHINE (CTV) 8:00pm:  The story of underdog Canadian rock band Triumph, which rose to stardom in the 1970s and '80s only to disappear at the height of its fame.
SCRAP KINGS (Discovery Canada) 8:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE):  A huge concrete police station in Wales is blown apart to make way for a supermarket; in Dorset, England, scrap agricultural steel grows into a statue.
RAMS (Super Channel Fuse) 8:00pm: Two estranged brothers must set aside their differences when a rare and lethal illness threatens their respective flocks of sheep in Western Australia.
LOVE AND PENGUINS (Super Channel Heart & Home) 8:00pm:  Tilly, a nonprofit worker, finally gets the chance to lead the organization's next project, saving an Australian penguin sanctuary. Teaming up with Fletcher Grant, a compassionate zoologist, the pair plan a fundraising gala and grow closer.
CARNIVAL EATS (Food Network Canada) 8:00pm/8:30pm:  Delaware State Fair; shrimp dog; "Crabtastic Po' Boy"; Apple Scrapple burger; deep-fried Key lime pie.  In Episode Two, Texas State Fair in Dallas; bacon-tilla; chicken-fried lobster; carrot cake roly; deep-fried sweet potato pie; Oakland County Fair in Davisburg, Mich.
CURLING (TSN/TSN3/TSN5) 8:30pm: 2022 Time Hortons Brier: Page Playoff
BLK: AN ORIGIN STORY (History Canada) 9:00pm: For many years Hogan's Alley was the heart of Vancouver's Black community; in the 1850s James Douglas invited Blacks to settle Vancouver island in an effort to stave off American annexation.
STREET OUTLAWS: GONE GIRL (Discovery Canada) 9:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE):  Elite female street racers aim to take over the mean streets of Vegas.
THE GATEWAY (Crave) 9:00pm: A down-on-his-luck social worker finds himself in over his head when he tries to protect a client from her recently paroled husband -- a maniacal drug dealer out to reclaim his priceless stash.
ROGUE HOSTAGE (Crave) 10:35pm:  A former Marine races against time to save a group of hostages -- including his young daughter and a congressman -- when armed militants take over his stepfather's store.
HOT ONES (Global) 12:30am: Courtney Cox
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marziesreads · 4 years
Review: Sunshield
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Sunshield by Emily B. Martin My rating: 5 of 5 stars Sunshield is the first novel in an epic fantasy duology, Outlaw Road with three central POV characters, Prince Veran, an Eastern ambassador from the Silverwood, Tamsin, a woman who has been kidnapped, brutalized, and held prisoner under horrible conditions, and Lark, the famed Sunshield bandit. The story alternates between these three figures and the link between them evolves over the course of this first novel. As the story opens, Veran and his friend Princess Eloise are at the court of Alcoro, to meet with Prince Iano, soon to be crowned king. Veran, Eloise, and we thought Iano, were meeting to discuss the abolition of trafficking children and young adults as slave labor in the Eastern kingdoms. After more than a year of correspondence about the issue, it now seems as if court intrigue has disrupted that plan completely. Veran, an inexperienced young man with little diplomatic skill, but a good heart still hopes to broker change. Surprisingly, he and Iano manage to connect on the idea of finding Lark, to search for a missing member of Iano's court. Lark, an interesting character, was at one time a victim of trafficking herself but she managed to escape. Her life is now a hard scrapple existence as she tries to protect children she has rescued from trafficking rings, earning her reputation as a fierce bandit. Lark doesn't just steal money and goods, she rescues children who have been stolen from their families, including some so young, they don't even know family surname or where their families were from. Finally, Tamsin, as we learn over the course of the novel, seems to have been kidnapped to silence her voice and influence.One of the things I loved about this world is the presence of characters with disability issues. Lark's chosen sister Rose is an amputee who tells Lark off for regarding her as somehow less able to do her job. And Veran suffers from epilepsy but forges ahead with his brave plans. Thanks to Rose, Lark looks at Veran in a different light when they are thrown together. I also appreciated the role that color and culture play in Alcoro's court. So many hidden meanings and alliances are conveyed by the color of clothes in Alcoro's court. It is a fascinating world. The audiobook, narrated by Chelsea Stephens, Lauren Ezzo, and Matthew Frow, is an excellent production that gives a distinct voice and manner to each of the central characters.
I look forward to the final book in Outlaw Road duology, Floodpath: A Novel.I received a digital and paper review copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
~ ~ ~
Want to buy a copy of Sunshield from your local independent bookstore? Click HERE.
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https://ift.tt/2QNP5dD disability, Emily B. Martin, fantasy
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anomaly923 · 5 years
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The Morning Brew show is really picking up popularity, Here is the set & recorded broadcasts from this morning. We enjoyed some #coffee #conversation, #jazz, #blues, and #classical music and some terrible #dadjokes and awesome ones. I reached 1920 fans today on #spoon today. I want to take a moment to thank all of you for your support! LiveCast https://u8kv3.app.goo.gl/yrMkJ https://u8kv3.app.goo.gl/MLM8r February 9th, 2020 1. "Stay Around A Little Longer" by Buddy Guy 2. "Stolen Moments" by Oliver Nelson 3. "No. 2 Maestoso in B Flat Major" by Sviatoslav Richter 4. "Smokestack Lightnin'" by 5. "Mercy, Mercy, Mercy" by The Cannonball Adderley Quintet 6. "L'Arlesienne - Suite No. 1" from Bizet: L'Arlesienne Performed by The Philadelphia Orchestra 7. "Lie to Me" by Johnny Lang 8. "Trinkle Tinkle" by Thelonius Monk & John Coltrane 9. "Bassoon Concerto In A Minor - Allegro" by 10. "The 'In' Crowd" by The Ramsey Lewis Trio 11. "Concerto Grosso in F Major, Opus 6, No. 9 - Allegro" Antonio Vivaldi performed by 12. "Sweet Home Chicago" - Eric Claptop 13. "Woke up This Morning" - Lightnin' Hopkins 14. "Escales: No. 3, Valencia" performed by Sinfonio of London 15. "Blue Rondo a la Turk" -Dave Brubeck 16."Desafinado" by Stan Getz & Charlie Byrd 17. " Piano Trio No. 6 Allegretto by Mozart" performed by the Kungsbacka Piano Trio 18. "Bags Groove" - Milt Jackson 19. "Cheese Cake" - Dexter Gordon 20. "Lohengrin" Performed by Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra & Jerzy Semkow 21. "Tea for Two" - Art Tatum 22. "I Hate These Doggone Blues" - Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown 23. "Presto" Composed - Antonio Vivaldi 24. "Perfidia Cha Cha" - Cal Tjader 25. "Working with My Baby" - Goree Carter 26. "Keyboard Sonata in D Minor" Composed by Scarlatti performed by Dubravka Tomsic 27. "Scrapple from The Apple" - Charlie Park 28. "John the Revelator" - Blind Willie Johnson 29. "Trumpet Concerto No. 3 in D Major: III. Vivace" Performed by Orpheus Chamber Orchestra 30. "Barbados" by Charlie Parker 31. "Tell Me Why (Live)" - Smokin' Joe Kubek & Bnois King YouTube Playlist: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=50DQSjD3HkM&feature=share THANK YOU PODCAST: https://u8kv3.app.goo.gl/waMtZ (at Rochester Hills, Michigan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8XLGWwlR1F/?igshid=zgabw60febqx
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writer59january13 · 3 years
Futile escape out clutches of penury
finds yours truly groveling along February third 2022,
never linkedin - analogous to stray animal without being befriended,
thus I don't belong
survival instincts taught yours truly the necessity acting
courageous and headstrong
even if necessary
to stare down King Kong, who actually shows me respect
such that every now and again we play a game of ping pong
and on a crisp night roast marshmallowskindle campfire and sing Kumbaya song.
This tramp (which stereotyped caricature familiarly epitomized in countless Chaplinesque productions, Dickensian tales, oil paintings from artistic hands of great masters and others anonymous
exquisite painters, et cetera) remembers practically nothing of me nine-month stay in utero birth, childhood nor early adulthood. My amorphous gauzy, hazy fractal memories solely comprise fractured, fragmented and splintered collection of miserable experiences, which characterize living a hellacious hand to mouth hard scrapple existence. Past wispy vestiges of wretchedness and now present woebegone existence seems a worse fate than death. The overpowering urge to survive and summon up one barely audible l’chaimutterance against the depredations of the grim reaper only found nothing but defeat. That daily dismal grinding away of last shreds of a purpose driven life fending off real and imagined threats sought salvation in a vividly encased jammed preserve of mine imagination an existence awash with ample trappings of comfort. Yours truly dug deep with bony strength in tandem with fantasy notions know king around in figurative heady toboggan noggin like cranial carapace to muster every ounce of strength in an effort to escape chronic confrontation with endless streak of bleakness. Although cursed with brutish, nasty, and short nefarious fate as a measly looking human varmint, this grimy, grungy, mangy, rangy, et cetera looking besotted being clung with all the might within his five foot ten inch or so tall and one hundred and sixty five pound body to transcend sigh grimly twerking terrestrial travesty that tweeted n tweaked laugh-in fickle finger of fate in my favor. I tapped into atavistic survival skills summoned willpower to stay alive drinking butter bear while heavy cross of dirty poor poverty borne. No matter a hard-core skeptic at heart, this cynic plaintively called for divine intervention to help one nondescript human piece of flotsam and jetsam to cope - living like doleful junkyard dog. In essence, this abandoned, ignored and shunned vagrant frequently raged against the Deus ex machine found figurative amidst literal lovely bones slim pick hens with demons that tormented psyche. While traipsing along litter strewn condemned boulevard of broken dreams, torn and well-worn shoe kicked a couple of long discarded items. These weather beaten hands reflexively bent to retrieve accouterments. One comprised colorful jagged shard, in a previous lifetime housed cheap fermented liquor. Nothing but crud filled remnant of dog gone booze hounds’ favorite drink.
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stevengarrisonmusic · 5 years
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It’s my godson’s birthday y’all!!! Happy FIRST Birthday to my main apple scrapple King!!! It’s an honor to be part of your life and I can’t wait to see the man you become! 🙌🏾 https://www.instagram.com/p/B2iB6GRB7dA/?igshid=16k9tyvkclboj
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scrapplekings · 7 years
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