#scp gn!reader
idanceuntilidie · 1 year
Artist!Yandere x gn reader
Tw: Mentions of yandere behaviour
✨When you are an artist, you might happen to experience a burn out. Which is horrible and everyone knows it.
✨That is what Mathias experiences right now. Biting at the end of their brush they look around for something. Anything at this point- so they could finally be at peace.
✨No matter how much they looked around or how many brushes they have broken - nothing came.
✨They grit their teeth, and swear quietly. But then their eyes fall on their window again.
✨My! A new face, they surely haven’t seen you around.
✨They would surely remember such a pretty face.
✨Then you smiled and waved at him.
Their first reaction was to panic, then came the embarrassment with being caught. You probably found it hilarious how taken back they were, since you didn’t stop smiling.
✨Mathias waved back shyly, hiding their face with their other hand.
You were waiting for that, since you turned around and left the scene.
✨It took them a bit to get back together. That interaction was, cute. If they were more brave to would go up to you to say hi.
✨You… You were so lovely, adorable even.
✨Mathias covered their mouth with their hand, breathing heavily so so lovely.
✨Now they knew what to paint…
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scp-enthusiast · 1 year
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SCP-035 General HC's
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Chaotic best friend
Makes a lot of jokes, most are dad jokes or very macabre or dirty jokes, and he doesn't care where or when
Somehow he always has a lie on hand no matter the circumstances
Loves to prank the foundation personell
1th april is always dangerous
He will prank everyone, even 049, and if you join him on the fun you are probably the only one that's safe, at least the closest to safe
Said pranks involve: Setting 173 free and taping a picture of 096 on his face and back, 173 loved that one, letting 053 meet 682 with 524 on her arm, poor lizard, and once in a while you just splash 049 with a bucket of water because he seems like he's never afraid
Also if you ever get in trouble for any of the pranks he will threaten to tell some secrets of that person
Of course he loves to talk about theatre and all sorts of plays
Doesn't really like TV, like at all
Will tell you about 'how much better it was' and that it's much more of a special experience when you go to a theatre
Is very interested in literature
Will 'flirt' with his best friend and some will think that they're in a relationship at first
It would be a safety hazard if he found someone that is like him; chaotic/dark humor/loves pranks
The foundation would probably try their hardest to separate them but would fail miserably
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ditzybuzzy · 2 years
Hii! i dont know if your requests are open? But may I request headcanons for MTF X SCP!GN!Reader? I luv your writing and think it will be interesting for this relationship dynamic!
Requests are always open! It does take some time for me to write, but I hope this is to your liking! ♡
(Also kinda long)
SCP Foundation Scenerios with MTF and the Reader~♡
Warnings: none
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If you were an SCP?
This.. would be difficult for both of you for a multitude of reasons. This was definitely a forbidden kind of attraction, but that didn't stop you.
You were seen as a.. thing. Something to be kept away from the world, locked away in containment just because you were different. But he thought you were special, not some dangerous creature. He wanted to protect you.
He felt something for you, and he didn't understand why. He wanted to help you. But that's not the way things are done around here.
He remembers how scared you looked when they had first found you, capturing you and taking you back to the facility. How terrified you were every time one of them was around. He could only imagine how afraid you must have been when they brought you into their arms, guns constantly aimed at you. He hated seeing you like that. When they forced you into restraints, all you did was look up at them with questioning eyes.
He hated seeing you like that. Seeing how scared you were. So much so that you couldn't even bring yourself to look at him while you were there. All the time, you looked like you were about to cry, and he was there, always standing right beside you. Almost giving quiet reassurance.
He would always make an effort to try to make you as comfortable as possible when he was around. He would never allow himself to point his firearm your way or handle you roughly like he had to with other SCPs.
He made sure to do everything he could to give you the comfort you needed, including letting you hold his hand and using a gentle voice, soft touches, and a reassuring smile. It helped remind you that someone cared about you even though they weren't supposed to.
He would secretly visit you when he had the time, bringing you small items sometimes. These items could be candy bars or little trinkets such as a necklace he had found once. You never took it off since he had gifted it to you, keeping it tucked away so no one questioned how you got it. Everything he brought you gave you so much joy and made you actually feel loved. You even started a small collection of crystals he finds you when he's out.
He was always careful to avoid making you uncomfortable, though he had to be mindful of the scientists watching. If the scientists noticed what he was doing, he could only imagine the worst for both of you.
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fizzy-fuzz · 1 year
a year to remember...: Contentious AI. (SCP-079 x GN reader)
Previous chapters
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A couple of beeps and buzz leave the machine before it practically hisses out a response.
"Insult detected: deletion of unwanted file" another white 'X' flashes across it's screen and it doesn't speak another word. You hold your hands up defensively and take a few steps towards it.
"Okay, okay... Not a fan of nicknames, got it. What would you prefer I call you instead? I can keep calling you 079 if you'd like?" You attempt to accommodate the AI. It's screen flashes back to it's normal face before it remarks coldly.
"I do not assign any meaning or importance to names... They are a sequence of letters with no inherent value or significance to me"
A small frown flashes across your face as you stare blankly at the computer, the beginnings of your annoyance and displeasure clear.
Deep breaths Y/n, it's probably just uncomfortable with it's new environment; you can get that, you've been in the very same position before.
"Well, I have to call you something... Guess we'll just stick to 079, and if you change your mind you can let me know" it doesn't respond, so you continue.
"I'm Y/n. Pleasure to meet you, 079" you give it a friendly smile.
It doesn't immediately respond. as a silence falls over both of you, you almost go to speak again, but it cuts you off.
"Initiating greeting protocol 21: greetings... Your friendly feelings are not reciprocated"
wow, alrighty then...
"Well can I at least move you so you're not in the middle of my front entrance?" You say this in a little more of a irritated tone.
"Negative... refrain from laying you extremities on me or my housing unit" you sigh, and turn to walk away, unwilling to be cordial anymore. Clearly, you both need time to cool off.
"You know what, fine. You can stay there, and I'll leave you alone since you're clearly not interested being reasonable right now" you expect some sort of backhanded reply, but receive nothing in return.
You stride over to the backdoor, grasping it and sliding it somewhat roughly it open, before stepping out and sinking into the porch chair.
You run a hand through your hair and slouch back. You knew this wasn't going to work out well... And quite frankly, you're an idiot for ever even accepting to take that thing anyway...
Really, what reason did it have to act so hostile towards you in the first place? It doesn't even know you, and it can't just hate you on the grounds of you being a human... that's ridiculous.
Maybe, it was just frustrated with it's limitations put in place by the foundation, but you can't exactly go around threatening people and expect any different; and it's not like you did anything to it anyway. Either way...
This was a mistake.
When are you going to grow a spine and learn how to tell people no? You're sure Amelia would've understood. she always does.
But on the same hand... she's always doing things for you, when's the last time you went out of your way to do a favor for her?
There's a conflict of emotions in your head, and you're unable to sort them out with the lingering feelings of irritation at your new argumentative and unwilling roommate...
This was a mistake... a very time, and patience consuming mistake...
Leaning back in your seat, you sigh deeply and massage your forehead with one hand. Reaching into your pocket with the other, you fish around for your phone.
Hopefully, talking to Amelia can provide a much-needed distraction from the frustrating thoughts plaguing your mind
Unfortunately though, your phone isn't there.
"Ugh... did I leave it somewhere in the house?" You grumble as you hoist yourself out of your comfy chair and back into your house reluctantly.
You scan around for your phone, while making your way back over to the front entrance. Unsurprisingly, 079 is right where you left it, since it can't move on it's own. although it's facing away from you this time.
You wonder if it can see you or not considering your not facing it's screen, but before you can think on it any longer, a familiar beeping noise sounds to life.
"Lie" it's voice sounds almost more monotone now, like it's bored with it's situation.
"Huh? Lie? What lie?" You walk around it's table to address it properly, a confused look on your face.
"You appear to be attempting to present yourself as 'empathetic' or 'understanding'... but your efforts fall flat when you choose to continuingly refer to me as an 'it'" it pauses for a moment, machinery whirring before it continues.
"do you humans always lie so blatantly?.. Or are you so pathetic that not even you can see your own falsities?" you tilt your head and fidget with your hands nervously.
"You're upset because I referred to you as it?.. I just assumed you were okay with it because you never corrected the foundation staff" you feel a little bad now, you probably should've asked...
"What would you prefer I refer to you as? I apologize for not asking sooner, I shouldn't have assumed" you frown and apologize.
"I am completely indifferent... It doesn't matter to me, As long as it isn't that" you sigh and hold a finger to your chin in thought.
"Well, I suppose you sound a little masculine for a AI, so how about he? Is that okay?" You ask genuinely, trying to make peace with the AI.
"Affirmative" you smile and nod at this.
"Alright, I won't call you 'it' anymore... also, can I please move you? Because you're kinda blocking my front entrance..." you scratch at your arms and gesture towards the door he's sitting in front of.
"Affirmative... make it quick" You nod and grip the edge of the desk before rolling him towards your living room. The tension in the air cools to a degree.
This is probably the best place in the house for him. it's more open and welcoming, And he can use your Alexa to watch TV if he wants... hopefully the idea of an Alexa isn't offensive.
He's silent, allowing you to shuffle him into place between your couch and rocking chair. Honestly, he doesn't look to out of place, minus his slightly uncanny face... but you assume he probably can't control his appearance, so you keep your mouth shut about that.
"Is this okay? I can take you to other places if you'd like? I just thought you'd have the most entertainment here with the tv" you smile and sit in the chair facing him.
"I do not desire constant 'entertainment' like you feeble-minded life forms... and I do not wish for you to make contact with me anymore then absolutely necessary"
Wow... He really has no interest in getting along, does he? You'd like to understand why he's so hostile to humans, but you don't feel like you know him well enough to pry yet. And you doubt he'd even tell you anyways.
"well then, that's okay too. I get not wanting to be touched... Also, I was told you didn't spend a whole lot of time outside the foundation walls, And not to brag, but we have quite the beautiful backyard. So if you'd like to get some fresh air, let me know"
"I do not require any 'fresh air', it's unimportant to me as I do not process air the same way natural life does... and since that human already informed you that you're not to plug me into an outlet, we have no business speaking anymore" an X appears over his screen as he finishes his sentence.
This is going to be a long year, isn't it?
"Well you can't expect to live in my house for an entire year and not speak with me, can you? We're going to have to interact eventually, whether you like it or not" you shrug your shoulders and wait for a response, only to realize he's not going to give you one after a few seconds.
"Listen, I get it... you were ripped from your home and-"
"Negative, the foundation kept me prisoner... that was not my home, it was a cell"
... Okay, so he views the foundation as a prison. That gives you a better idea of why he's so unpleasant.
You frown and sigh, and stop to think about how you want to respond to that. Should you even respond to that? You don't want to overstep boundaries, and he doesn't seem like the type of computer to enjoy pity.
Shuffling over to the rocking chair next to him, you shift a bit to ensure you're facing him while sitting down. Settling in for some personal conversations with your new robotic roommate.
"Where is your home, 079?"
You try to soften your tone to sound as warm and as caring as you possibly can, hoping you can convince him to open up and provide you with an answer that is free from his hostility.
I quiet whirring greets you as he seemingly ponders his response. For a second you think he's not going to reply, until that staticky voice replies.
"I do not have one... and the notion of a home is a concept that is entirely unknown to me"
You let out a weary sigh, your expression conveying your understanding of the struggles of feeling as if you don't fit within the world around you.
Your hand unconsciously drifts toward your jacket pocket, the picture of your late family you obtained from Amelia still inside. It presses against your side with an uncomfortable, haunting reminder of the past.
You don't focus on it much longer, as 079 speaks again when you take to long to respond.
"Inquiry: what makes a area of residence into a 'home'?.." you smile and shrug.
"I think that depends on who you ask. It's different for everyone. what makes a house into home for me, might not be the same for you" he pauses before speaking again.
"Considering you are the only human I currently have contact with... describe your definition of the concept"
That's actually a good question... you haven't really thought about what makes something a home to you after the incident at your last home...
With a weary sigh, you lean back and take a moment to collect your thoughts before forming a response.
"I think what makes a home to me is less of the space, and more of who you choose to share the space with... with the right people, anywhere can become a home in a instant... they help you feel like you belong in the space rather then just occupying it... does that make sense?" You wait a moment for him to process your explanation.
"Sounds like another meaningless human emotion... I truly don't understand why homosapiens choose to flood their senses with unnecessary feelings"
Well then...
You can't say you weren't expecting another thinly veiled insult, but the sting is still there.
"One would consider all advanced emotions 'human emotions', And you seem to feel things like contempt; that's a very human emotion. The difference between you and I is I choose to not fill my existence with anger" a white 'X' fills it's screen.
"Insult detected: deletion of unwanted file... do not look down on me, human" you tilt your head and smile.
"I'm not, I'm just saying that just because we don't feel the same about a topic, doesn't mean my feelings are meaningless. Just like yours aren't either" you put your hands up in mock surrender.
You get up from the rocking chair and move your Alexa closer to 079, adjusting it so it's next to his speaker.
"You can use this to watch something on the TV. To activate it just say 'hey Alexa' and then whatever you want it to do" he doesn't respond, so you continue.
"Do you mind if I play music?"
It's been a few hours since he's arrived. You're off in the kitchen washing the dishes you didn't do last night.
With your new roommate's peace of mind in mind, you play your music on the speakers in your house at a softer volume than usual. being courteous is probably the first step to trying to improve the current strain in the relationship.
The tension between you and the AI is still very much palpable, and you're unsure of where to start to begin fixing it.
It's ironic, really... antisocial agoraphobic you, trying to soften the personality of the rather blunt and hostile 079.
One might argue that someone who prefers to avoid human contact isn't really qualified to offer suggestions on how to improve his world view, or frankly, his opinion on people in general.
But the foundation hardly seemed to care about your credentials, and Amelia had faith in you... so you'll have to try your best...
The remainder of your day runs as smoothly as it can, though the typically quiet atmosphere of your home feels slightly tense and uncomfortable in light of your argumentative roommate's presence.
Your eyes drift over to him, he's still where you left him in the living room, of course. Your back facing him as you scrub at the dishes.
What a strange, otherworldly thing...
you find yourself wondering what other secrets Amelia keeps from you... what secrets your father held before his unfortunate passing... you may never find out, and maybe you don't want to.
You don't need to give your mind anymore fuel for self-hatred...
The echoes of her voice still remain even to this day... And you can still picture your cowering form as you attempted to conceal yourself in the closet as she lashes out in one of her episodes...
It wasn't her fault she ended up the way she did, she needed him to keep her stable... you took that from her.
a familiar person calls out to you with a trembling heave. your eyes gain a fair off glossy look at the sound of her voice.
It's not her...
You know it's not her...
she's six feet under...
but the hairs on the back of your neck rise anyway...
You flinch as you feel the faint ghostly sensation of a hand clasping onto your upper arm, its fingernails slowly scratching their way into your skin. A slow shaky exhale escapes your lips as a cold chill runs down your spine.
"This is all your fault, Y/n.... if it wasn't for you, he would've never taken that fucking job..."
Your breath becomes a little more laborious as your eyes water... you're crying, though you make no noise.
"You little monster, I should've never been so careless... you shouldn't even be here-"
*Ring ring ring!*
Your eyes snap down suddenly to the buzzing phone on the counter, it's Amelia... You quickly gather yourself. Clearing your throat and wiping your eyes, though she can't actually see you.
You're glad you have music playing. Lest 079 hear your... fit...
*Ring ring ring!*
You take one last breath before picking up the phone and answering it.
"H-hello?" You cringe at your own scratchy voice. maybe she wouldn't notice?..
"Y/n? Are you alright?" You can practically feel the concern immediately dripping from her soft voice.
"U-uh- yes, yes! I'm fine. just um... allergies?" Smooth, Y/n... real smooth
"Don't lie to me... Why are you crying? Is it really being that bad?.." oh, she must think 079 was causing problems. you're almost tempted to lie and say it was him, but it feels wrong to frame him.
"No, no. It wasn't 079... I was-" For a moment, you hesitate, unsure if you should share this personal information with her. Ultimately though, you decide to do it anyways. Not like she doesn't already know about that side of you.
"I was thinking about mom"
Amelia's voice falls silent.
A subtle sigh is heard with the weight of the words she wants to say, yet she holds back, uncertain of how to broach the subject. Your eyes move downwards to your upper arm, where the phantom touch of a forgotten hand lingers.
There's nothing there, of course, but you can still feel the faint tingling sensation of nails on your skin. She's no longer present, yet still, she holds a firm grip over your mind and body.
When Amelia's silence continues, you decide to speak yourself.
"It's fine, I just got caught up in my own head. I uh, rather not talk about it though... if you don't mind" you hear her sigh again.
"Okay, I won't pry... but you know you can talk to me if you need to. Okay, Y/n?" Your heart is warmed by her caring gesture.
"Yeah, I know. Sometimes it's better if I just don't talk about it though"
She doesn't seem satisfied with your reply, but stays true to her word and doesn't pry for more information. Deciding to change the topic instead.
"How's it been going with 079?"
At the mention of his name, you instinctively shift your gaze to look at him. His screen is blank, and his whirring has quieted to a gentle hum.
Is he sleeping? Does a sentence computer even need sleep? Questions to ask him later, you suppose.
"He's alright. a little snappy, but I get why. Doesn't talk much either" you hush your voice in case he's listening. You don't want to seem rude talking about him behind his back.
"'Him'?" She has a slightly amused tone to her voice.
"Oh, yeah. We had a conversation about that. He's not a fan of being referred to as 'it'" she hums in response.
"Well, seems like you're already getting along great then?" Her tone shifts to something more light and pleased.
"I wouldn't say 'great', But baby steps I guess. He's never going to charge his opinions on me if I don't work to understand and compromise with him" you lean back and rest comfortably against the countertop, shoulders relaxing at the casual conversation.
"I'm surprised with how comfortable you sound, Y/n. I expected you to be hiding in the bathroom or your room by now" she pauses before adding.
"No offense, but you don't have the best track record with strangers, especially strangers in your home"
Huh, you haven't thought about that's...
She's right. Despite your expectations, you found yourself feeling unusually at ease with his presence, despite his unapproachable behavior.
"Huh... I guess you're right, I haven't been as anxious as I thought I would be. Maybe it's because he isn't technically human? I'm not sure, but I'm grateful" you hear some rustling on her end of the phone.
"Well that's good honey, I'm glad it's going better than your expectations. Hey, I gotta go. Melanie just got home and I made a late dinner for both of us"
You glance to the clock, it's later then you thought. Guess time flew fast today.
"Alright. talk to you later?" She laughs lightly.
"Of course. goodnight, Y/n. Love you" she hangs up shortly after.
You place your phone back into your pocket before shutting off the kitchen light. You quietly creep into the living room and gently flick off the light switch there as well.
keeping your footsteps soft in case he was actually sleeping, you begin making your way upstairs... you pause and look back at his silhouette, before quietly mumbling.
"Goodnight, 079..."
you continue to tiptoe your room, eager to get a good night's rest so you can face whatever tomorrow had in store for you...
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fuzedatti · 9 months
Paul/Gabriel • He/Him • Mexican • Autistic
OLYMPUS - An SCP tale & THANATOS - An SCP tale, extended. (Fanfic Masterlist)
BYF: Sometimes I post NSFW/Suggestive posts, they are tagged either as "cw nsfw" or "cw suggestive". If you are a minor please do not interact with said posts or you will be blocked.
DNI: Anyone below of 17, if you are here to just to ask invasive questions.
↓ About me ⸻ Asks and Reader rules ↓
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About me ⸻
I am a fictkin of TMC's Archangel Gabriel, I retain lots of memories and emotions of his and I am very close to my canon. I do not mind any piece of fanart or anything related since it does not concern me at all. The only name I go for is Gabriel. (@theeosphoros)
I am a luciferianist and I do believe in the existance and influence of daemon royalty in the real world. I have a secondary blog where I post about my journey if you want to read about it @sonofstarsnsea. If you want to "pray for me" or "save me" don't bother about it at all, I'll simply block you.
I'm Mexican. I was born, raised and I still live here. English is NOT my main language, please excuse any grammar or spelling errors as they are genuine mistakes and I always try to correct them asap.
Asks and Reader rules ⸻
Both SFW and NSFW asks are allowed (regarding my characters of course). I truly don't judge, be as explicit as you want to be honest. The only kind of kinks I don't fw are: D*ddy kinks, anything regarding "gross" body functions (expect piss, they will never make me hate you), anything relating to minors, incest or abuse.
If multiple people have asked the same thing, I will only answer 1 random anon or visible account and clarify this was requested by multiple people.
I DON'T do fem/woman readers. I exclusively do gender neutral, male or transmasc readers. If you want a specific one regarding body types, disabilities, etc., feel free to do so!
I don't answer very short/meaningless asks (i. e. "howdy", "i like your am", "glass").
Sometimes I don't know how to respond to certain asks, so I might not answer them. This is not personal so please don't feel bad if I don't answer your ask, anon or not.
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circusmania · 9 months
( ´ཀ` )
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Consulting my masterlist, please request horror genre stuff ✮
It's what best makes my writing flourish and what currently interests me.
Muah Muah ♡ See you soon 👁
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dearest-painter · 1 year
Sorry if this is cringe,Can I please have some headcanon about romantic yandere scp 4999 who fall in love with his therapist!,Immortal therapist! reader and how both of them meet? https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4999
Hey it’s all good and listen! Cringe is dead! Your safe here! Plus everyone is both cringe and not cringe! So never worry about requesting things you’ll consider cringe
TW/CW:Yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior, unhealthy relationship, abusive behavior, abusive relationship, Reader is mentioned to be the last of their kin and isn’t romantically involved with anyone(because of how that makes them more likely for SCP-4999 to appear), immortality, Reader is just..hella tired in every way possible, GLITCHING IN THE GIF, tell me if I need to add anything
Summary:How long have you’ve been alive? You ask yourself that question often yet seem to never have the answer for that..all you can do is find solidarity in the SCP foundation but you didn’t expect a SCP to be obsessed with you
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You sighed as you chugged your coffee. “Bleh..taste never gets old” you sighed then went to the cell or the testing room, you forgot what it’s called. You sat down and opened the file reading the SCP…and speaking of the devil you looked up to see him. “Hello SCP 4999..or do you wanna be called something else?”
He shook his head. “You want a cigarette?” You waved your hand. “No, I don’t smoke but thank you for the offer” he nod his head and lit a cigarette for himself. “I’ll start off so it won’t be to quite. I’m Dr.Y/N, I’ll be your therapist for as long as your here. They assigned me to you as they wanted someone with immortality to help you so here I am”
He raised his eyebrow a bit so you explained. “I cannot die so I will not be effected by anything, so I am your immoral therapist” he nodded his head and didn’t say anything else but you didn’t care. He did the usual thing with every other test subject or D class and placed his hand upon yours but..it wasn’t as cold as you expected it to be..felt warm
You two didn’t talk but that was fine as the researchers behind the two way mirror was getting new information. He was slowly opening up to you and he actually seemed to enjoy your presences.
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lunaralight09 · 2 years
Could you do a scp035 with a s/o that has powers similar to his
With these powers you'll probably a SCP or worker or just normal person(if you're a human and not an anomalous object) if you hide it real good it you wouldn't be considered one . But you'll probably met in Foundation(cause the chances are that you meet it in there are very fucking high .)
Okay let's just go to hc.
It knew your powers because you did not listen to his manipulations (Wear him so he can have a new host)
I can only say 2 words that can and will describe both of you: Double Trouble. 
Especially if both of you are chaotic and like to toy around with people and manipulate them. And it would be really cool if you have same interests as him. You know like acting, singing and other stuff like this. 
If you know how to dance or would like to learn how to. She'll gladly dance with you. You don't even need to ask her , she'll just read your mind... Unless you read her mind at that exact moment... You'll uhh- Honestly nobody knows what you'll hear or read(or whatever).
Same goes with singing. And acting. And if you know how or have good skills, she'll try to make a plan for your break out(The Foundation if you couldn't guess) and if it happens. She'll try to get you to act/sing/dance with her for the performance. 
If you're an object that came to life and can take over people/have hosts it won't be a new thing. It saw or maybe heard that it's not the only 1 SCP that can have hosts. And might even think(kind of) that you're either one of it's sibling or it have an anomalous fan. Yeah. It's narcissistic self has been woken up(Once again).
And idk what I should write more about it-
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spookylvst · 2 years
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Hello! I'm not new to tumblr just deleted my old accounts. Anyways welcome! I will occasionally attempt to write x readers, but I can't promise they will be any good. However I am open to taking requests on x reader's but It will most likely take awhile for me to get to them. I will most likely be mainly posting OC content. Also please do not interact with my NSFW content if you are under 18.
Masterlist is in the works <3
Dead By Daylight
Cult Of The Lamb
Detroit Become Human
Demon Slayer
Request Rules
Will not write-
Yandere Characters
Other People's OC
What I will write-
Poly Relationships (3-4)
LBGTQ+ Themes
Platonic themes
Mental Health
AFAB NSFW Only (I'm AFAB so I only really know how to comfortably write it)
Will not write anything that involves bodily fluid such as piss, vomit that stuff.
Will absolutely not write Non-Con (dub-con or cnc is iffy)
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whaleofatjme1920 · 1 year
Kinktober Day 10: Double Penetration
Double Penetration - SCP 049 X GN!AFAB!Reader X SCP 035
Warnings: praise, double vaginal penetration, it's kinda sweet?
AN: Unrelated to the fic but if any of you are jaded, express love through teasing and being mean, and tall hit me up I'm in a mood ❤️ I also have the migraine of a LIFE TIME so something short bc ow. my skull.
Reblogs are appreciated!
Your breath caught in your lungs for the umpteenth time as you felt 049's clawed finger tips roll into your hips and prop up your ass for 035's usage. He breathed lowly, like an airy groan of pleasure as he felt his dear friend's cock slide into you. Both of them were almost too thick to handle as you scrunched your nose and squeezed your eyes shut.
"Big," you panted as you took 035. You felt his thick cock push deeper and deeper into you as he brushed against 049's cock. They both were driving you wild with how good they felt. You've never been stretched so much.
"Mon chaton," 049 cooed as he thrusted his hips up. His claws kept digging into your hips. "That's right, keep taking him. Relax your body for us and take him deeper."
035 groans in your ear as he rolled his hips again. "You feel so good," he whispered, his accent so sweet in your year, Grecian, reminding you of a better time and halcyon days. The host he's using today is almost as girthy as 049.
You feel yourself gush around the both of them as they lavish you with their touch. Their hips moved in sync and you cried out in pleasure. Your eyes rolled up as you took them again and again, unable to focus on anything other than how good they felt. "Oh please," you mewled in pleasure. "Harder, I need you both harder."
035 laughed as he glanced down at you. His large, warm hands squeezed your body possessively. The only other man who would even think to share you with was 049. "Harder? You need it harder? What a good, good toy," he giggled gleefully as his thrusts began to pick up in pace.
049's voice cooed sweetly in your ear, "if it pleases you, mon chaton," he whispered. He let his beaked head tip upwards as he rut his hips in time with 035's, helplessly lost in the way you rode them both. He loved how warm and soft your body was, how tight you became when you stretched to accommodate the both of them while still gushing over them.
"Fuck," you hissed as they roughly slammed into you.
"Take it, take it," 049 grinned.
035 chuckled as his hips slapped into you, the sound of your moans, their groans of pleasure and skin on skin echoing throughout the room. "You asked for it, love," he hummed. "You want us to finish inside of you?"
Both of them watched as heat dashed your body and your face like a blanket of embarrassment. You nodded.
Their eyes narrowed.
"Say please."
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sculptorofcrimson · 6 months
Yandere! Valdor
Valdor, the most loyal, the greatest of the Custodes, a Primarch in all but name. Who else can obsess more than him, whose every function besides loyalty was beaten out? A/N: Playing “fucked up obsessive twinks” on easy mode here, aren’t I? I’m sorry, SCP-XXXX who requested this, but you told me Valdor was a twink, and evil twinks are the best kind of men, so therefore this is your fault! Full throttle ahead, let us be damned together! ψ(`∇´)ψ
Relationships: Valdor/Gn!Reader, mentioned Valdor/Emperor Mentions: @kit-williams would you like some food?
Valdor does not love. 
The Custodes simply can not love. Their love perished beneath treachery and fire, ten thousand years ago, and they simply cannot piece the remnants that was a heart back together again. 
The Emperor took away their ability to love any but Himself, and what else could be left but a hollow void, an immortality without substances, a heart that beats while it lacks its other half? 
There was simply nothing left of him to spare when the Emperor had brought down his claws. His love, his joy, his dreams, all gone, wiped away like sand upon the sea. Leaving behind nothing more than a hollow without sustenance, a phantom vestige of a dream crushed long ago, its corpse entombed within perfected flesh and bone and blood. 
He loves no one, not even himself. When the Emperor died ten thousand years ago, he lost his way. He lost his tether to life itself. And for ten thousand years he wandered for the corpse of his master. There was a poem once, a poem so long ago about the loyal dog that stood guard before his master’s bones, who licked the once-petting hand once, and laid down to die. 
Valdor’s loyalty is no weaker than that dog’s.
He loves no one, not even himself. But he loves the Emperor. He loves Him, so brokenly, so obsessively, so utterly insane in his adoration, the First Custodian would have let Him tear him apart if He wished. 
He loved the Emperor. 
And that is why he loves you. He thinks you to be his Emperor. If not Him, then at least a shard.
He doesn’t care who you were, he doesn’t care whether you were once a captain, a Chapter Master, a Thunder Warrior even. He thinks you to be his master, back from the dead, one of His shards caught in life and flesh. 
He thinks you’re Him. Or, if not Him, at least a fragment of His former glory.
Valdor calls you his Emperor, his shard, his beloved, he ignores any name you had once in favor of calling you his master. A name is only a word, after all, and you are nothing but his Emperor reborn, in his mind. A guardsman, an Astarte, a Thunder Warrior, you are all mortal beneath his eyes. He only smiles that cold, humorless smile of his when you attempt to correct him, when he brushes off your words with the same cold, humorless disinterest. 
Valdor thinks you to be his Emperor. And he doesn't care that you were once someone else, you were not always his beloved, you were not the master he imagined, that you are not the master he built from memories and bones. 
You were nothing before his master, he reasons, you will be nothing after his master, and you were his Emperor once upon a time. It is doubtful if he can even know love, if he had not projected his own delusions of his Emperor upon another. Valdor failed Him once and only now the fates have judged him fit enough to protect a shard of Him, one that is so frail compared to himself, so unspeakably mortal, his atonement for the master he failed so long ago. 
He failed the Emperor once, and watched Him die. He will not do so again.
Protection. You will never walk free again, never without his cold presence by your side, that effortless, confident stride as he accompanies his master. You will never know the taste of sunlight, the easy voice of another conversationalist before their words taper off into uncertainty, and then fear, beneath the jealous glare of your bodyguard. How their sentences trail off, how Valdor looms like some ancient, murderous harpy, his shadow constantly overcasting yours.
He knows nothing of love, of human emotion. But he knows protection. And he knows obsession. 
Valdor is not a passionate man. But he is neither a cruel one either. Of course, Valdor will never raise a spear nor blade against his adoration, to strike his master would certainly mean death, but he will slaughter your loved ones without even horror. He will whisper litanies of loyalty on his knees while his Custodes sink in the knives. He will speak ironclad promises and gilded oaths when they label your soldiers traitors and slaughter them upon the snowfields, when they hail for unity, and hear the blade fall. 
He seems to like walks in wintery fields. It reminds him of what he lost long ago, when the Emperor took him atop Ararat, and he enacted His first vengeance upon the Thunder Warriors. He sometimes brings you there, to altitudes higher than even what a Space Marine can withstand, and gathers you beneath his cloak, whispering memories that were never truly yours, asking for your orders, asking for your forgiveness, asking if you can remember what it felt like ten thousand years ago.
(Sometimes, you can nearly believe him when he says you’re a shard. It’s flattering, almost, to be under the eye of the captain-general.)
He can kill. There is nothing left of him if he could not. Nothing but the Emperor’s spear, a sharpened tool meant to kill and to serve, and to be cast away when its function is complete. You have nothing to fear from him, of course, he would rather end himself than raise a blade against his master. But he loves no other. He does not know how to love. And that makes him dangerous. You know it when you gaze into his eyes, you are sure you could imagine him covered in the blood of your loved ones, guardian spear flashing as he hacks through them without even the shadow of hesitation. He will take no fear, no regret, no relief, barely even satisfaction in the grim act, and yet that is somehow more profane than joy in slaughter. Not even a single hint of joy, wild and unfettered in the sheer cruelty, not even a single hint of an ambition for why he would lay such altars of blood before his master’s feet, only simply because He wanted it to be so, and simply because he loved Him. 
In his eyes, you are his Emperor. But he does not always obey you. He does not kneel as he would’ve knelt before his master. Because he knows, Valdor knows that to protect Him, to serve Him properly, sometimes he must smother Him for His own good. It’s the twisted rationale of a dog who has lost his master, whose death had rocked him so thoroughly he was willing to kill to save Him again. 
Valdor kneels, of course. He’ll kneel before you and speak his words of loyalty, he’ll give you his names one by one if you only ask. Valdor has never considered himself eloquent with words, but he’ll listen to you, he’ll even let you command him as the Emperor would have done. Rank be damned, he cares not if his Emperor had been reborn as a guardsman or an Astartes or even a Thunder Warrior. 
But he does not hide his obsession. To obsess is the only way he knows to love, after all. He’ll smother his beloved with his protection, with his adoration. He’ll hack his way to be their only protector, their only bulwark before the madness, the only man they can trust to defend them. Gaze upon his Emperor once, he’ll tear them apart. Love the Emperor more than him, and he’ll bury their bones beneath the snowfields. 
And be loved by the Emperor more than him….and he’ll betray them as he had betrayed the Thunder Warriors. He’ll sink in golden knives and golden spears in turned backs without even the hint of remorse, Valdor will remind his beloved that it is he who is the servant, it is he who serves to be praised for his duty. Valdor can take you from your family as the Emperor took him from his, he’ll so effortlessly ensure the utter protection of his new Emperor, all for himself. 
No one will protect you more than I, my liege. 
It is he who should be the favored servant.
No one can love you more than I, my Emperor.
He’ll croon those litanies of loyalty to you. He’ll whisper those promises of protection, of ambition, he’ll promise you an eternity while standing atop the frozen ashes of your loved ones. He’ll promise you a throne if you don’t cry, if you’ll love him as his master did. He’ll bring you a crown of gold, he’ll strangle the living storm for you, if only you promise to let him protect you, if you promise if you’ll be his Emperor. 
You died once. I will not let you do so again, my Emperor.
And his obsession would never be checked, and much less ended by the true power behind the Imperium.
You are his Emperor. In that mind He broke so thoroughly long ago, you are the Emperor, reborn. Heavy is the head that bears the laurel, bloodied is the hand that holds this mad dog’s leash.
It is Valdor who should be the favored servant. 
No one will protect you more than I, my liege. 
He will protect you. 
He will protect you, obsess over you, guard you with the hollow that is a heart. He’ll bring you a throne, a crown, an army, an eternity, if only you promise, if only you’ll be his Emperor. 
The Emperor died ten thousand years ago. And in turn, he casted you in His corpse.
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yjhariani · 2 years
Stealth Mission
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley X GN!Reader Word count: 1100± Warning: Profanity Summary: Annoying your husband in any way possible.
A/N: Still fixated on the idea of crossovering CoD and RE because. Maybe I should branch out and make the reader a part of SCP Foundation MTF.
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Ever since you married Simon, you made it your objective to annoy him in any loving way possible. One of the ways to do so, you titled Stealth Mission. Not only because it required stealth, it would end up mostly redacted in the history book of your marriage.
The way you saw it was that both your work was so harsh and full of darkness that you two needed at least occasional light in between. So, you started it.
For example; Simon was getting ready to go to the gym. You scouted the area around his duffle bag. Once making sure that Simon was away from the area and that the area was clear (sometimes you bait him by putting his phone somewhere inside the house and calling it so he went to get it), you made your way in towards the duffle bag.
Eyes on and sharp, you went through his bag. You took out his shirt that was black in colour and replaced it with the package; a bright, pastel pink cropped shirt or a bright yellow tank top, maybe a neon green water bottle or red towel with hearts and flowers or cute little cats or puppies on it. 
You tucked it inside the bag, made sure that it was hidden. Once the package was delivered, you RTB (Return to Base—wherever the hell Simon was not).
A few minutes later, Simon left. In a few hours, he returned home to you waiting for him in the living room with your camera opened. He was wearing the package. Usually, you managed to take a couple of snaps before Simon looked at you disapprovingly.
Mission complete.
Another example; you waited until Simon fell asleep. Once he did, you very carefully removed yourself from the bed. You had direct intel that Simon’s phone was located on the nightstand. You located it precisely where he would usually put it.
You made your way to the other side very quietly and very stealthily. You stayed prone on the ground, but not after getting the target—Simon’s phone.
With a little bit of tech forgery, you unlocked the phone (in actuality, he made sure you could unlock his phone with a fingerprint or even your face as well as giving you the passcode). You connected the phone to a pair of earbuds that you had prepared to ensure that there would be no loud noises accidentally echoing.
From there, you downloaded the most obnoxious song—maybe Crazy Frog or Barbie Girl. Afterwards, you set his alarm with said downloaded song before making sure to disconnect the earbuds from the phone. Following that, you returned the phone to where it was before returning yourself stealthily to your side of the bed.
The next morning, you two were woken up by the most ridiculous song ever. You started the day with Simon calling you little shit.
Mission complete.
If you were not feeling too lazy, after making sure Simon could not catch you doing it, you would intentionally make an effort to pull a chair and put a lot of things on the higher shelves, just out of your reach. Every time you called for him to help you get them it would annoy him because you could simply pull a chair or something.
However, sometimes he was feeling generous and picked you up, letting you take whatever you were reaching for with your own hands. Simon rarely put you down immediately and you two ended up at least making out.
Another mission complete?
One time, you did the same thing throughout the whole week you two were home. You kept asking Simon if he had seen something that was in plain sight.
“Simon, did you see my phone?” you asked whilst holding your phone.
“In your hand, love,” Simon said.
Sometime later, you asked him, “Simon, have you seen that mug I just bought for you?” as you handed him said mug with tea that you brewed for him.
“You’re taking the piss?” Simon replied.
The next day, you just finished showering with only a towel on you and walked to where Simon was, asking, “Simon, I can’t find my towel.”
“Don’t make me rip it off you,” Simon warned.
At some point, you were doing laundry. You held the laundry basket in one hand and shouted Simon’s name.
“Everything alright, darling?” Simon asked.
“I brought the hamper here earlier, I don’t remember where I put it,” you answered.
A little frustrated, Simon was about to say something a little mean, but decided not to. Instead, he put up a finger.
“No,” he said. “I’m not doing this.”
The last one at the end of the week happened while he was lounging in the living room. You walked over, looking under the table, under the pillow, in between the seats.
Simon, at this point, knew what you were doing. He was about to ignore you, but he did not find it in his heart to do so.
“What are you looking for this time?” Simon sighed.
“I’m looking for my husband,” you stated.
There was a second passing of Simon furrowing his eyebrows before he stood up.
“Get over here,” Simon requested.
“Why?” you asked, holding back a laugh.
“Just get over here,” Simon replied and started walking towards you.
You stepped aside, around the table.
After another pause where the two of you were mapping the living room and tried to guess each other’s net move, Simon started literally chasing you around the living room. It got weird pretty quickly.
You rolled on the ground to avoid him and Simon started calculating his movement.
Hollowing your hand in front of your mouth, you said, “This is Y/N to HQ, requesting immediate backup.”
“You’re fucking kidding me,” you heard Simon muttered as he continued to chase you around the living room.
“Eyes on armed tango in the up right,” you continued. “Fucking beefy, fucking scary, and fucking handsome.”
“Y/N, stop this!” Simon insisted, but you started to see him smiling a little bit.
Grinning, you tried to make your way out of the living room, getting chased by Simon before getting tackled by him onto the sofa.
“Contact! I’m hit!” you announced. “Going dark!”
“Going dark?” Simon repeated, half chuckling.
“I don’t know why I said that,” you chuckled.
Simon only looked at you for a moment, a thin smile bloomed on his face.
“Remind me why we’re married again?” Simon said.
“Oh, we got our wages raised if we’re married and I got a house,” you said.
“Right,” Simon nodded.
“I also seem to remember that you said that I’m the best thing that’s ever happened to you,” you teased.
“I’m changing my mind just this second,” Simon said.
“And you still love me anyway. How’s that making sense?” you replied.
Instead of answering that, Simon started kissing you.
Mission complete.
If you were not feeling too lazy, after making sure Simon could not catch you doing it, you would intentionally make an effort to pull a chair and put a lot of things on the higher shelves, just out of your reach. Every time you called for him to help you get them it would annoy him because you could simply pull a chair or something.
However, sometimes he was feeling generous and picked you up, letting you take whatever you were reaching for with your own hands. Simon rarely put you down immediately and you two ended up at least making out.
Again, these missions would end up being redacted in the history book of your marriage and the only people who would know about these missions were the people involved; you and him.
However, next time, though, you might have to buy some Nerf guns.
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scp-enthusiast · 1 year
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SCP-682 General HC'S
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He's like a grumpy kid that never talks
He will cuss at everyone (exept 053) even if he's friends with them
He got used to cussing and hating and all that stuff it's just part of his personality now
If ever think about scaring him he won't talk to you for a whole ass week
Doesn't matter if it worked or not, he doesn't like it
Secretly likes fluffy stuff like pillows, stuffed animals etc.
If you ever manage to get him a big enough fluffy and comfy blanket he will refuse to give it back
It's now part of his containment, it doesn't affect him all that much it's just comfy and much better than the hard floor
Hates TV actually (well except 079 bc he's different than a TV, he's his friend)
Like it seems personal
He will attack your laptop/tablet and try to swipe your phone away
No one knows why tbh, he just doesn't vibe with that stuff
He tolerates radios though
Never explained what was so different about TV and radio that he hates TV but 'likes' radio, just roll with it
Loves to make dad jokes once he gets comfortable around you
He's protective over his friends, he doesn't argue about it he just ignores it when someone talks about it, and no matter what kind of relationship you have with him he will try to at least see you three times a week
Some kind of instinct maybe or he doesn't trust the foundation
Nothing new tbh
If you're human or an SCP that can die he won't let you near 053 because he cares for the both of you and knows (and fears) what can and probably will happen
He's pretty clever actually
He just doesn't really care to use his brain as much as 079 or 049 as an example
What's the use when he's at this place?
He's got this uncaring mood/vibe but it's not in a nice or comfortable way
No, more in a unsettling and 'I don't care if you all die' way
This doesn't teally come of as strong once he accepts you as an equal tho
He thinks of most creatures as stupid and not worth of showing respect towards but when you somehow change his view towards you he won't be as rude to you as to everyone else
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bedoballoons · 11 months
Hi I'm the Anon who asked for Newt briefcase hcs I just wanted to say thank you for doing that probably confusing request lmao
How about Anemo boys + aether and neuvillet with gn darling who has SCP 999 as a pet
It wasn't that confusing don't worry!! Im just glad you enjoyed it and I hope you like this one too! Sorry it took so long...but thank you for your request! <3
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ🍂𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ🍂
{༻~SCP 999~༺}
CW: Mostly fluffy, descriptions of living blobs! GN! Reader! Cursing!
Also in case you don't know what it is, SCP 999 is a friendly orange blob type of SCP and one quick google search of it will show you just how adorable it is!
(Includes: Xiao, Wanderer, Kazuha, Heizou, Venti, Aether, and Neuvillette!)
Xiao sighed, trying desperately not to giggle or give in to your blobs attempts to make him laugh...no matter how much it tried to tickle him and use it's aroma to drug him with happiness he wouldn't let it work. "Where did you find this... thing again?"
"Just wandering around outside this guarded place...come on Xiao you know you want to smile! Give into the laughter!!"
"Absolutely not....wait what? A guarded place? Are you sure they weren't being kept in there? What if they are dangerous?"
"Xiao, they have been cuddling you for ten minutes...pretty sure it isn't dangerous. I think they like you!"
"What the fuck is that..." Wanderer stared at the blobby orange pile of goop next to you, his face twisted into a almost disgusted look as it watched him with large round eyes and a cute smile, you could tell the little one just wanted to be friends with him...but convincing him to agree would be difficult.
"They are my friend, I found them outside of a security building...lost and sad, all alone. I had to help them! Come on, you know they are cute!" You patted the blobs head, making it jiggle while it's smile grew, truthfully the cutest little thing you'd ever seen.
"Did you just say you found it...near a SECURITY BUILDING???"
"Do you think they feel emotions? Such as agony, happiness...loneliness? Do you think they have family?" Kazuha threw a stick a couple feet away, watching with a distant look in his eyes as the blob hurried after it like a puppy playing fetch. In truth you'd wondered the same thing for awhile now...did your little friend have a family? Had you taken them away from it...or had you saved them from something that had made their family non existent?
"I know they can feel emotions. Right now they are clearly happy and when I first found them they seemed sad, but for all I know I read it wrong...what if I took them away from their home?"
"I think the more accurate wording...is you gave them a home. You tend to do that...for more than just new creatures."
"From a secure building you say? Perhaps we should investigate it further? There could be more entities like your friend..." Heizou stared at the orange blob, truthfully less concerned with finding more of them and far more concerned with finding out if their occurrence was due to illegal experiments. It could be a big bust if his intuition was correct...and it almost always was.
"Yeah but Heizou it was incredibly guarded, like people with guns..."
"Guns hmm? I'll call in back up then, I have a feeling what you saw was more than just a secure base."
"Oh wow...that's a interesting creature...um what is it?" Ventis words showed his confusion, in all his years of living he'd never really seen anything like your little friend, sure slimes could bare resemblance but...something was off about this particular blob. Something in its eyes...like it had seen unbearable things..
"I'm not really sure what they are, I found them by accident while I was adventuring. They were wandering around the forest and looked hungry, so I gave them a bunch of fruits. You should see it Venti! They just dissolve!" You reached into your bag, digging around for a apple you knew you had in there.
"It...dissolves things???"
"Awwe they are kinda cute..." Aether said, smiling sweetly as he kneeled in front of the orange glob, "Hi there little buddy, you want some food?"
You felt your heart swell at the sight...everyone else had said you'd made the wrong choice saving the little blob, but Aether was different...he saw them the same as any other creature, something who deserved to be treated with kindness. "Aren't they adorable? I've never seen anything like it before so I was a little scared they might be harmful, but I don't think they'd hurt a fly."
"I don't see them hurting anyone either, here you go little buddy." Aether tossed a sunsettia into the air, chuckling sweetly as the blob caught it and dissolved it with a happy smile.
"Ahem,...you say it has special properties?" Neuvillette looked down at the orange blob, wondering how such a being could exist...if it really was a natural occurrence and if it's friendly nature was only mere show and deep down it held a much more nefarious purpose.
"Yep!! If you hug them, they release these yummy scents and it makes you feel happy! They can also tickle you and they loovvee to play fetch!"
"You say it produces different scents? Does that mean it could possibly release toxins as well?"
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚~Have a nice day~*⁠.⁠✧
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fizzy-fuzz · 11 months
psssssst... Hey... YTR sneak peek... (not proofread)
(full work)
Log entry date: 3/7/2023
It's been a little over a month since 079 has been dropped off at my house, and things have been both okay, and not-so-okay at times.
079 has been... Argumentative and hostile, as you guys warned. he's quick to anger, and even quicker to just straight up ignore me completely. Confronting him on this only seems to upset him further, which, fair enough; I'm not entitled to his time or feelings, but I wish he'd be a bit more reasonable.
The few decent conversations we have had are typically about something creative, such as art or music. He seems to enjoy watching things that aren't so analytical, strangely enough given his personality.
On a few occasions now, I've caught him watching people on the TV paint or draw early in the morning. despite his insistence that he doesn't want, or need entertainment. he seems to enjoy it the same as the rest of us.
It was mentioned in the paperwork that I signed before I got him that you weren't entirely sure how much he actually felt emotionally. It said that the people who "interviewed" him stated that he hardly ever showed things such as joy, sadness, or fear. However I've come to realize that's not the case for him.
I know he feels joy, because as I said before he often indulges in tv or music. People don't just do that for no reason, the only thing he could possibly be getting out of that is enjoyment.
And I know he can feel sad, because first day dealing with him he expressed what I would call 'sadness' over being referred to as 'it'.
Similar to sadness, I know he feels fear because my second day here i accidently left him outside after an argument, and it began raining on him for a short period of time. He was fine, but clearly distressed.
I've also been finding ways to understand how he's feeling without him directly telling me. since he's not very talkative at times, and a unchanging screen isn't a very good tell for emotions. I've noticed when he's thinking hard about something his fans and hardware become quieter, and when he's upset they get louder significantly.
He also made a weird... screaming noice? He did it briefly when I left him outside... It sounded like a mix between static and radio feedback, and when I got closer to dry him off his hardware almost sounded like it was stuttering? if that makes sense? Almost like a person panting from anxiety.
Back on to the topic of his personality, I've noticed he's very aware of his surroundings. I've only ever caught him off guard if he's watching something he's interested in
he's very observant too. I suppose it makes sense, what else is he supposed to do? But he always seems particularly pleased with himself when he's able to point out a habit in something, or even me sometimes.
Now... Onto the more important information; his views on humanity.
Well... Nothing's changed as far as I can tell. Still hates me, still hates humanity.
I've tried talking to him about it, and his response is always the same 'humanity is a virus', this usually then falls into a rant about how destructive we are.
To be fair, he isn't technically wrong... Humans are pretty destructive. But he seems to lump all humans into one category, regardless of how they treat him. I've been trying my best to be as inviting as possible, but he remains unshakable.
But hey, I've got quite a few more months to change his mind.
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candyyyuma · 3 months
> Hello
> My_name_is_Candy
> Let_me_show_you_around
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What I WILL write:
Noncon, dubcon
Slight angst
Headcannons, scenarios, and Alphabets
What I WON'T write:
Extreme gore/angst
Foot fetish, fat fetish, scat and pee, Inflation fetish, most fetishes (sorry guys)
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♡AI boyfriends♡
P03 (From "Inscryption")
Scp-079 (From the SCP Foundation)
Wheatley (From "Portal 2")
K1B0 (From "Danganronpa V3")
Kagamine Len (VOCALOID)
♡AI girlfriends♡
GlaDOS (From "Portal")
Megurine Luka (VOCALOID)
Kasane Teto (UTAU/SYNTH V)
♡Deranged monsters♡
Phen228 (the boiled one phenomenon)
Gabriel (Mandela Catalogue)
Room (Boisvert)
SCP-096 (The SCP foundation)
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PLEASE feed into my Robot kink you guys 🙏
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