#scp Dr Jack bright x reader
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bertieorangy · 1 year ago
Dr. Jack Bright : Honey, you forgot your lunch~
Dr. Jack Bright : So I thought it would be, like, cool if I break a rule and deliver your lunch!
Y/N : Aww and I’m here with YOUR lunch! God, we’re cute
Dr. Jack Bright : So damn cute!
[Gunshots sounds]
Dr. Jack Bright : Shit— more guards are coming. Didn’t think they’d be here this fast.
Dr. Jack Bright : Okay good luck on your first day, I love you so much. I’ll see you later tonight!
Y/N : Love you more! Byee! *makes kissy noises*
Fellow researcher, stares judgingly :
Y/N : What? 🤨
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pantheraviva · 3 months ago
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merry christmas/happy holidays! to celebrate, i drew brite again + attempted to write a little reader x bright drabble. enjoy!
Anyone who works at Site-19 knows Dr. Jack Bright has a certain... reputation, for being a playboy. Well, playboy isn't exactly the right word. But he certainly isn't the type to just pick one person, or hell, pick several people to settle down with. You were sure he'd made out with at least one person from every department you knew existed, the ones you didn't know existed, and the ones that would make your head implode if you even thought of them existing.
There was one small problem.
You desperately, desperately want to be one of those people.
You aren't quite sure when it started. Maybe it was back when you were an intern, hearing stories of his crazy antics throughout the decades for the first time. Maybe it was when you caught his eye in the hallway, realizing his eyes were a deep, deep red, red as the ruby of SCP-963. Maybe it was when you had an unexpected conversation with him in the break room and realized he actually was capable of acting like a reasonable person and not a chainsaw cannon-wielding, Pokemon spawning, pandemonium causing, anomaly of a person. Maybe it was after several of those conversations after you kept running into him around the site. Maybe it was when he called you his friend like it didn't feel like a nuclear bomb settling in your chest.
When it started didn't matter. What mattered was that it is the Foundation's Christmas party, and you are going to get that kiss.
Your eyes dart around the room, trying to find him. It doesn't take too long to spot the bright (ha!) ginger hair of his current body, chatting with Director Kondraki and some other personnel near the soda dispenser. You zigzag your way through the crowd, your eyes locked in on your target. As you draw closer, you see him, holding a red cup filled with... something, wearing a blue sweater that read "[ ] Nice / [ ] Naughty / ��� Keter" and you fondly scoff. He must've gotten it made just for Christmas. "Hey, Dr. Bright? Can I borrow you for a second?" you ask. He turns from Kondraki to you, those deep red eyes meeting yours once more, and you steel yourself to not tear away from his knowing gaze.
"Yeah, what's up?" he replies conversationally.
You turn over your plan in your head. "I need to talk to you about SCP-3671," you say, cursing yourself for not thinking out your excuse more. You weren't even assigned to that SCP, you just heard about its vendetta against Dr. Wright from your co-worker. "The vengeful cereal box!" Bright says with a laugh, and you want to capture that chuckle in a little bottle in your heart forever. "Alright, alright, lead the way. Kondraki, you still owe me." He pointed at the Site Director before looking at you expectantly.
You lead him to the other room, the one where you spotted a mistletoe hanging in the door frame. It's a stupid, stupid plan, but you were getting desperate, and no self-respecting SCP researcher was going to get caught just asking Bright for a smooch--or maybe that was just a you problem--you did have the tendency to overthink matters of the heart. He leans on the door frame. "So, what's the matter with 3671? Did it brutally tear apart Frank yet?"
"Uhm, actually," you say, then you point above the both of you to the mistletoe, hanging innocently.
Bright doesn't even look surprised. You recognize his expression as barely masked playful amusement, like he just thought of a new prank to pull. "Oh, would ya look at that."
That was it? THAT WAS ALL HE HAD TO SAY? Oh, would ya look at that. You tried not to show your disappointment, but he looks down at you and his playful expression immediately softens.
"Don't look so sad, jeez," he huffs. "If you wanted to kiss me so bad you should've just said so."
You sputter, seeing your plan fall to pieces. "I- but- you-"
He crosses his arms and looks through you. "Yeeesss? I what?"
"You're... you... and I can't just ask, because, well..."
Bright leans forward slightly. "Because I'm practically a living legend and you feel like dirt beneath my feet even though we work in the same god damn site and drink from the same coffee machine?"
Curse him for being able to read you like a book. "Yeah..."
"Oh, don't worry about it," he said, patting your shoulder. Then his hand slowly moves up to lift your chin up to face him.
"So, just so we're clear. Are we here to talk about the sapient cereal box, or did you bring me here to kiss me?"
You glance away, your face feeling as hot as the surface of the sun. "The- the second one."
"Well then," he says with a cheeky grin. "Let's do this, yeah?"
You nod shakily.
You've had daydreams about kissing Jack before. You supposed he'd be good at it, seeing as he had decades of experience under his belt. But you severely, severely underestimated him.
Jack hums softly as your lips meet, and his hand moves from your chin to caress your face. His other hand, still holding his cup, snakes around your waist and pulls you closer. Your lips move in tandem against each other, and you're nearly overwhelmed with the complete ease he has at making you fall apart without using his teeth or tongue.
You pull apart after a moment, softly panting.
"Wow," you say.
"So it does work," Jack muses, removing his arm from where it was wrapped around you, and you mourn the loss.
You quirk an eyebrow. "What works?"
"This," he holds up his cup, filled with a shimmering, clear liquid. "I snuck in to use SCP-294 before tonight's party and I asked for a cup of "the stuff dreams are made of." I thought it'd get me high, or something."
You laugh disbelievingly at the absurdity and utter cheesiness of what he just said.
"Are you serious?"
"I am! Do you want a taste?' he said, eyes darting to your mouth and his tongue running across his bottom lip. You can probably see where this is going.
"Yeah, sure thing, Jack."
He doesn't even hesitate to put his lips on yours again, coaxing your mouth open with that clever tongue of his. And oh, if you thought the last one was good, this was divine. There's something possessive in how he hums into your mouth, and you're sure everyone in the room is watching. He nibbles on your lip as if to say 'Ignore them, only pay attention to me, me, me,' in the insistent way he does during your little conversations. Bastard probably wanted to show off. You find that you don't mind. You taste the stuff dreams are made of as he gently pushes you against the door frame and rubs soothing circles on your hip. It tastes, oddly enough, like cereal.
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sojuzz · 1 year ago
Dr. J. Bright headcanons.
I love using random fonts B))
-dr bright is just a professional name for him, he's more fond of the name jack since it gives him some humaness i guess.
-overall his default pronouns go by he/him but he will respond to the hosts pronouns like if its a woman you can call bright a she and they'll respond.
-his wildish card personality comes from how scp-963 absorbs some personalities like clefs, rights mainly, causing him to be chaotic.
-whenever he possesses a new host, during the 30 days the host starts to look like him, the hosts hair turning into his hair before the incident rapidly and starts to grow a lot like the resemblance of jack.
-he likes spicy foods and will cry about it if his tounge is burned and will complain to glass about it.
-personally the most annoying doctor in the site, not on purpose tho
-he has a shrimp allergy and it genuinely shows up at every hosts body 😭
-therye tired, give them a break bro
-on family behalfs, he has horrible nightmares about them, especially TJ.
-no he is not ed sheraan and will never be
-i genuinely like to think that the list of rules never existed and was just written by some snobby level 2 assistant trying to ruin dr brights reputation.
-hes a grown man who's depressed and suicidal, that's literally it
-closest friend? No one, he doesn't wanna stick to someone because he knows that he'll become attached to them and hes afraid of that.
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worldwide-simp · 2 years ago
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Um, so I’ve decided to start writing drabbles, headcanons, and silly little things like that on Tumblr
So here are characters you can request for
Dr Jack Bright/Elias Shaw
Dr Gerald
Dr Alto Clef
Dr Iceberg
Dr Cimmerian
Scp 001- (Gate Guardian or Scarlet King)
Scp 035
Scp 040-JP
Scp 049
Scp 073
Scp 076-2
Scp 079
Scp 096
Scp 105-(post Omega-7)
Scp 106
Scp 682
Scp 953
(you can still request for more characters, either message me or comment on this post)
Please remember that I won't get to writing your request as soon as you send it, I surprisingly have a life outside of writing.
Anyways have a good day
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theyanderespecialist · 1 year ago
Jack's Wife (Headcanons) Yandere Jack Bright X Wife Reader  (SCP Foundation)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am here with a new chapter! This one is where Jack Bright is yandere and he will be yandere for you as his wife. I will also have this in audio/video on YouTube! Please Enjoy this!] 
(Disclaimer: Artwork is Made By GavImp on Tumblr, all credit to her!) 
(Disclaimer 2: We do not support Admin Bright! Jack and Or his genderbent (Jackie) Bright Are more so their OWN STAND ALONE CHARACTER. Jack (Jackie) Bright is NO LONGER a self-insert of Admin Bright! We DO NOT Support Admin Bright, He is despicable! Separate the creation from the creator!) 
(Disclaimer 3: Dr. Jack Bright is NOT Yandere In canon! This is Just for Fun and Not To Be taken seriously at all! Simping For Fictional Characters is fine, just do not be illegal or gross about it! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life. Also, Remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon!) 
-Headcanons With Yandere Dr. Jack Bright X Wife Reader- 
.Dr. Jack Bright is a chaotic man. 
.He also is very loyal to the foundation. 
.And he is loyal to his family. 
.These are three main facts about Jack. Another one is that he is in love with his wife. He is so in love that he is obsessed. 
.You, his darling wife. The love of his life, the woman he wants to bear his children. 
.Jack Bright was lucky enough to have you as his wife, for you to put up with his chaotic nature and to stand by his side. 
.Jack Bright's soul is tied to SCP 963, an amulet that anyone who touches has the soul gone and a copy of Jack Bright's soul remains in it unless removed in the first 30 days. After those 30 days, a permanent copy of Jack Bright's soul remains. 
.You were Immune to SCP 963. Abel to touch it without having your soul erased. 
.That is how you met Jack, you had an anomaly where you were your type of immortal and able to not be affected by some SCPs 
.Jack instantly felt you were someone that he could spend his life with. 
.Not only that, but when he had met your eyes he fell head over heels in love with you. 
.You were the perfect woman to be with him. Both of you were able to spend the rest of your time together. 
.Jack had stalked you and read your file, learning everything about you. 
.He was beyond obsessed with learning everything he could about you, and then he used the information to court you. 
.He loved to make you laugh and to tease you getting you flustered. 
.Seeing you give him a reaction of a blush, smile, and or laugh made his day. 
.When you had agreed to date him he was over the moon, then in a few years dating became marriage. 
.Everything seemed perfect for him and you. 
.Though Jack is still a yandere and even the best of yanderes have their toxic traits. 
.Anyone that dared hurt you ended up on keter duty and they did not make it out alive. 
.You also did start to notice that less and less people wanted to spend time with you. 
.Leaving you more time for yourself and your husband. 
.Jack told you it is probably because you are the site Commander's wife now. 
.He never gave you any reason not to trust him. 
.Jack cut out only a few people who could be around you, and even then he did not like you alone with them. 
.You never looked at another man or woman. Though he cannot help that one day you will leave him. 
.He has been so used to those he loves and those who were his family being taken away from him or leaving him. 
.So he has a deep fear this will happen to you. 
.Which makes him a very paranoid, protective, and clingy yandere. 
.He also likes to feed you and take care of you, loving when you get sick and he got to feed you, bathe you, and just look after you. 
.For him it made him feel like you needed him and just him. 
.Made you dependent on him, where all you need is your husband. 
.He was always pouty when you got better and would start to take care of yourself once more. 
.He is a very dotting, loving, and caring husband and yandere. 
.But we have to remember Jack Bright is a bit of a mad scientist. 
.So he has moments where his sanity is very unhinged. 
.Like a new researcher starts to hit on you, he would take sick pleasure in hurting them. 
.He also will sometimes go on rants to you that people are trying to steal you away from him. 
.That he knows this in his heart and that he is JUST TRYING TO keep you safe. 
.He has deep fears of losing you and this causes his mental health to be on the edge of sanity as a yandere of being stable and snapping. 
.He deals with rivals by giving them keter duty where they die or cutting them up with a chainsaw, slowly and painfully. 
.He has isolated you, where he has a firm hold on you and you do not even know it. 
.You have already accepted his love, but if you ever decide to leave him? Well, he loves taking care of you, he can take a leg or two and make the files say you terminated. 
.He is high enough up in the foundation where the foundation would not do anything to stop him. 
.YOU Help keep Jack Bright sane, so if you bring one or two legs fewer imprisoned by Jack Bright keeps Jack Bright Sane. Then That is for the greater good. 
.He can easily put you in containment as well since you are an anomaly. 
.That way you are trapped always and of Course Jack Bright will be your caregiver and or researcher. 
.This is all if you tried to leave him. 
.If you never leave him, you have nothing to worry about. 
.You and Jack will have a family and you and him will be happy together, forever, literally FOREVER! 
.Side note since he needs a new body every 30 days you always get a new physical lover that is Jack's new body. 
.So if imprisoned by him, you will never know what face your husband will have, if he is in a male body or female body. 
.It keeps you on edge, cause if you somehow did escape, you would NEVER know if your yandere husband was right there and you do not even realize it! 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Another chapter is done I hope you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my Sexy Muffins! 
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scp230kinnie · 2 years ago
HIII!! Can i request Dr. Bright, Dr. Glass and Dr. Clef with an s/o that can burn anything they touch when they want to? ty!
Various! SCP researchers x fire powers! Reader
Ermmmm okay itts been so long since I’ve written stuff
Characters: Dr. Bright, Dr. Clef, Dr. Glass
Warnings: Fire, cringe, not proofread
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Dr. Jack Bright
-he loves lighting stuff on fire in the first place
-when he met you (or found out about your abilities) the interest in fire went up by 1000
- makes you light anything he needs tbh😭
- candles, joints, whatever the hell
- would LOVE to show you off whenever he can
- “look what my partner can do 😻”- him before making you light something on fire probably
- prays you won’t turn on him and light him on fire or something
-would for sure tease clef and kondraki
- would show you his favourite things to burn (everything)
- tries to get you to help him in pranks and stuff with that
- would probably try to get you to light him on fire to see what happens
- would make s’mores with you duh
- He thinks you’re………
-I’m so sorry
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Dr. Alto Clef
not sure if he’s jealous or terrified
- at least you can keep him warm
- would get you a fire extinguisher every holiday as a joke
- will get insurance on everything immediately
-would definitely make dates exciting
-whether you do it for fun or just when necessary, he does NOT care
- would always get you to light his cigarettes
-will literally not accept a lighter
-like seriously will cross the entire foundation or something to find you just to light his cigarettes
-wants you to blow stuff up
-anyone he’s mad at he would definitely threaten to have you light them on fire
- will not stop with the fire puns🙁
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Dr. Simon Glass
he thinks it’s badass as long as you’re not hurting anyone or yourself
- would spend all his time trying to make sure you’re not lighting anything on fire
- Without his permission
-definitely wants to study you more
-sorry but you’ll always be a test subject with him 😭💀
- would also get you a fire extinguisher every holiday, but not as a joke
-this man is always TERRIFIED for you and your safety
-along with the people around you
-is absolutely fascinated by you
-if you live together he tries his hardest to fire proof and safety the house
-even if you’re not using it
-he would honestly try to find ways to use your abilities in beneficial, productive, or creative ways
Okay guys that’s it pls enjoy
That’s all bye
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05-redacted · 2 years ago
Dr. Bright x new employee headcanons?
So do you want to play tug a war with 682, ring around the rosie with 049, hide and seek with 106, peek a boo with 096 or blind man hide and seek with 173?
Take your time really! Not like you much time left anyways
This motherfucker will try to kill you without you noticing it and then act innocent when he gets interrogate.
"How was I supposed to know that they were gonna get lock up in 682's chamber?" Cue the "innocent" face.
Luckily you'll only get a broken bone since he has been under tight supervision when it comes to new employees.
You will also be getting a ton of pitying looks and when asked about it he will just give you "don't worry about it"
Congratulations if you guys get along I sincerely hope to God you have medical insurance because your now stuck with him and you won't ever get rid of him.
If you hear your name coming out the speaker and you hear shit in the background. You have two choices
You go and (Unintentionally) get in some chaos
Or you could wait to be picked up via shopping cart that runs on a car battery with Kondraki in the steering wheel while Clef shoots an angry 682 and Bright gives you a run down of what's going on.....
Good times!!!
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average-limbus-fan · 1 year ago
Think I went a bit overboard with the yandere drabbles… almost 1.5k words and that’s not including Hong Lu’s part. Welp I hope you all like it at least. >.<
Might start on that Faust angst in a few days, I kinda wanna do some things for the scp doctors tho, I kinda feel bad I’ve barely written anything for them. So feel free to send in some requests for the doctor’s. :3
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fiona-my-love · 2 years ago
SCP Foundation Personnel Masterlist
Even if a character isn’t on here, there’s a good chance I’m still writing for them!
Doctor ———— (redacted for now, due to creator’s actions)
———— x immortal! reader oneshot (hurt/comfort)
Doctor Alto Clef
Nothing yet!
Doctor Benjamin Kondraki
Nothing yet!
Agent Draven Kondraki
Nothing yet!
Nothing yet!
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feralsimp2005 · 1 year ago
Little about me since I've seen other authors/people put this in their request rules and statuses
- 19 years old
- They/Them
- Bunny and Age Regressor
- AuDHD (Autistic and ADHD)
- Taken/In a relationship
Request rules
• Please be specific and straightforward, don't be vague or beat around the bush. I'm autistic I don't understand most phrases, emotions and situations
• Please be patient and forgiving with me, I know I can't write or end any fics properly so if I do that I'm sorry and I'm not sure how to fix that social cue situation
• You can suggest other things you do like pet/age regression since I'm a pet regressor myself (bunny) but there's hybrid aus that I just got interested in so if you want reader to be half human half animal that is okay but Reader is at the age of consent. Except Age regression since Reader is technically in a child/toddler/younger state so that's strictly SFW
• I don't write for Zoophilia, Pedophilia, Scat/Piss or any other things that'd I would send a Chris Handsen gif too, please don't ask or directly request of me to do that. Monster Fucking is a 50/50 since I'm not too well knowledgeable on them so I might have to do research on it.
• More rules will be added later on if I need to put then or remember what I'll put there, I get side tracked and easily overwhelmed, stressed, and anxious due to my AuDHD especially around new things I'm unfamiliar with or got traumatized around
Fandoms I do request for and what'll be most frequent updates and posted by me
Helluvaverse : Open, I see how some of these aren't as popular as others like Striker x Reader or other characters, they won't be the best but I'll try very very hard to get the character right.
Scp foundation : Open, this one would be lighter but still no Pedophilia or pro-ship, I will be replacing Dr. Jack Bright for Dr. Elias Shaw - ik most of the requests will be scp related especially with my friends.
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bertieorangy · 1 year ago
[During the foundation annual Christmas party]
Dr. Jack Bright, clearly tipsy, with a mic in hand : mAY I HAVE EVERYONE’S ATTENTION PLEASE?!
[Everyone turns to Bright, now curious]
Dr. Jack Bright, wobbles a bit : I’D LIKE TO CONCLUDE THIS PARTY BY SAYING THAT—
Dr. Jack Bright, shows off his wedding ring : EXCEPT FOR MY OWN MARRIAGE TO MY DARLING BELOVED OVER THERE! *waves to you with a stupid grin*
Y/N, happily waves back, also showing off the wedding ring :
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insomniac-djmm · 8 months ago
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"I so badly want to say, 'would you like a cup of tea?' But... You know how it is." - Asgore, Undertale.
Hey guys! It's the Desk of Asexuality here, and this is my intro!
I use she/he/they pronouns, and I'm asexual (if that wasn't already clear, haha)and biromantic! You can call me Luna, Dave, Matthew, or Alto! My main interests are Undertale, Deltarune, the SCP Foundation, and Five Nights at Freddy's!
I'm here to write one-shots and such for my fellow asexuals, as I've noticed that the internet doesn't have much for people like us (and by that I mean almost anything and everything is sexualized). :(
[[This is NOT gate-keeping!! Allosexual people are allowed to read my works and interact with my page!!!]]
I do take requests! Don't ever be afraid to request something or ask me a question! I'm always open for communicating with you guys!
I write:
Canon X Reader
Canon X Canon
Family Figure
Angst (occasionally)
I write for:
Undertale (No AUs though, sorry :()
Friday Night Funkin' (Although the only mod I will write for is the Hex mod, as it is the only one I am familiar with :))
Pico's School (A more niche, and quite frankly, controversial game. I will make it clear now that I do not support or condone anything that occurs in the game.)
Five Nights at Freddy's and the books surrounding it.
Gravity Falls
That's Not My Neighbor
Psychocuties/ПСИХОНЯШКИ (I am aware that this source of media and its creator are considered problematic. The same statement made for Pico's School stands for this as well.)
SCP Foundation (The SCP Foundation is a very extensive universe, and while I love it sooooo much, I'm not familiar with very many characters. The list of characters I'll write for is listed below. The list will hopefully get longer as I do more research :))
Dr. Agatha Rights
Dr. Alto Clef
Professor Kain Pathos Crow (only platonically!)
Dr. Charles Gears
Dr. Jack Bright
Dr. Theron Sherman (If Dr. Sherman has stated that he is uncomfortable about such works being written about his character, let me know, and I'll take him off of my list!)
SCP-166 (only platonically!)
And maybe a few other things I might've forgotten, haha!
Keep in mind that "fanfiction for asexuals" means that asexuality is applied to the reader and the character if it is a Canon X Reader situation. The requester can ask for as much emphasis on asexuality as they wish, but it won't be a huge deal or take up most of the plot. The whole point in this page is to write fanfiction and such with a lack of sexual content for those who are uncomfortable with it, like me, and for people to feel like they're seen, even if just a bit, because I know lots of asexuals out there wish they were represented more.
If I am writing for Canon X Canon, there will simply be a lack of sexual content, because I know that Canon X Reader is what a lot of people might come for and look for an emphasis of asexuality in. Canon X Canon things I write might mention a character being ace here and there, but it won't really be a huge deal.
Also! Most one-shots, headcanons, etc. won't be all colored up like this unless requested for, so don't worry! :) It'll only be like this maybe if I'm just posting something outside of requests, fanfiction, etc.!
I usually write in the third person, and I do not refer to the reader as "you". I apologize if that drives any of you away :(
I hope that my writing can be consistent, and I stay active! Sorry if I do become inactive. TvT
Have a wonderful day!
"To my people, I am a hero... To you? I'm the bad guy!!" - Chaos King, Deltarune.
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amber-hollyhock · 3 years ago
Rule 189 (Injured!Dr. Bright x Reader)
Summary: Dr. Bright’s most recent hijink has left him with quite a few abrasions. Luckily, you’re there to patch him up.
Category: romantic, light hearted, fluff
“You really can’t control yourself can you?”
You stand in your office at Site 19, hands on your hips as you glare down at Dr. Bright, who is sitting on your desk. His most recent hijink has resulted in quite a nasty laceration on his leg as well as several bruises and just general dishevelment. But despite his sorry state, the doctor meets your glare with a smug look. 
“Honey…” he drawls, voice syrupy sweet, “we’ve been dating for two months! Honestly, I would have thought you would’ve known me better by now!“
You roll your eyes and huff. “Well, I know when you’re trying to butter me up! Isn’t this a violation of rule number 189…”
“Is it? I have a hard time keeping track these days…”
You slap your forehead. “You’re such an idiot,” you mumble. 
“Yeah, but I’m your idiot,” he says smugly, planting a kiss on your upper arm. You can’t help but smile at the gesture. Try as you may, you can’t stay mad at Jack for long. 
“Yes, and one who is currently bleeding obscenely,” you say, “c’mon, let’s get you patched up.”
“Oh, don’t bother,” Bright says, “I’m getting a new body next week.”
“Yes, but you’re bleeding now,” You object as you hunt around the office for a first aid kit, “you can’t just walk around with an actively bleeding wound!”
Bright shrugs. “Why not? It’ll stop in a minute.” 
“Jack!” you cry incredulously with such a shrill, high voice that it makes Dr. Bright fall off your desk. 
He scrambles back up to face you as you stare down at him with shock. You snap your fingers and point to his chest.
“You. Desk. Now.”
Dr. Bright, stunned and slightly turned on, returns to his position on your desk as you acquire the necessary supplies. As he waits, he leans back on the wooden surface, pushing some papers onto the floor carelessly.
“You know, being sprawled on your desk like this is really putting me in the mood for some- Woah what the fuck is that?!”
Bright gestures to a small brown bottle that you are holding. You give him a blank look. “It’s Neosporin.”
Bright blinks at you.
“You know. The disinfecting agent.”
Bright still looks at you blankly. 
You slap your forehead. “Are you telling me you have seriously never used this?”
Bright smiles and laughs nervously, “Yes, that is exactly what I’m saying.”
“What are you talking about!?” you exclaim, “this is a pivotal childhood experience right here!”
“Well, not to be redundant, but I didn’t have the most quintessential childhood, remember?”
“Right, right,” you say, and you unscrew the cap and pour liquid onto a rag, “well, I’m honored to be the one to educate you on this topic.”
“So, you’re taking my Neosporin virginity?” Dr. Bright asks with a smug smile. 
You laugh. “Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.” You sit down and carefully begin to wipe down the afflicted area.
There isn’t much laughing after that.
“That’s the sting,” you say, “I forgot to mention that.”
“Hold still,” you say, now unable to keep from wheezing uncontrollably, “you’re gonna make it take longer!”
“Oh my god!” Bright exclaims, whipping around to face you, “you owe me big time!”
“What, for nursing your injured wounds,” you say with mock innocence, “I was doing you a favor!”
“Alright, just hold still for a bit longer,” you say, “I have to bandage it.”
You grab some gauze from your first aid kit, beginning the slow process of gingerly wrapping it around Dr. Bright’s leg. He, of course, does not spare you the melodrama. 
“Oh, the pain!” he moans, “I don’t believe I should ever recover from the absolute torture this wretched woman inflicted upon me!”
“Oh, you poor thing,” you say sarcastically, “would you like a kiss to make it better?”
Dr. Bright smiles. “Always.”
You laugh, leaning down to Dr. Bright’s leg. You plant a soft kiss on the newly applied gauze. He takes your chin in his hand, guiding you back up so that he can kiss you properly on the lips. You stand there for a moment, lost in the brief moment of tenderness. When you pull away, Dr. Bright smiles softly at you. 
“Thanks,” he says, “seriously… it’s, um, nice to have someone looking out for me like that.”
You smile, kissing him once more, “you’re always welcome.”
But seriously, how tf does a doctor not know about Neosporin?? (Lazy writing is how but shhhh we won’t talk about that)
Honestly, this is was probably my favorite Bright/Reader one-shot to write, which is odd because, like any good writer, I thrive off of putting my characters through as much emotional pain as possible, but this one-shot contains the least amount of angst or suffering... hm, I guess we writers are capable of some lightheartedness every now and again :)
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theyanderespecialist · 11 months ago
Can you make it's on own story on archive of our own? Name the story "Dusk till dawn! I MAKE YOU BE MINE" and can you make reader a photographer and make them gender neural (the normal verse)
All the detail i want:
-SCP 085 trying to persued reader to become a vampire like him when he going to die by SCP 298 music and reader act like "Why would I want to be pathetic like you?"
-Reader splash SCP 085 with cat urine and garlic juice and riding the back of SCP 682 and confused to why everyone say they behaved recklessly and a potential liability.
-Dr bright bet five grand that reader wouldn't be able to throw cat piss at SCP 083 and reader infact actually splash the liquid onto SCP-083.
-SCP 682 is asexual (He doesn't know what that mean) and he hated that he having very sexual thought about reader and that he wanted to breed them.
-Dr clef being overprotective of reader.
-Dr iceberg hatred for reader turnd into a lovesick obsesseon.
(Sorry for taking this very long to answer because I didn't know you already answer my ask)
Title: Obsessive Photo: Various Yandere SCP X Non-Binary Researcher Reader
Summary: Dr. (Name) (Last Name) is a Researcher at The Foundation. Once They take a bet with Dr. Kondraki against Dr. Bright that they could throw piss on a certain SCP. They knew how to win it with ease. This is the night their life began to change. And Maybe not for the better. With SCPS and Staff falling into obsessive love with this Researcher.
Find It On Archive Of Our Own:
Tumblr media
here is the teaser but the rest will not be posted here!
(No One's POV)
(Name) was sitting in their office with Dr. Benjamin Kondraki when Dr. Jack Bright came into the two doctors' offices. (Name) was working on their camera and looked up at Jack they smiled.
"What are you doing here Bright man?" They ask Bright.
"I am here to give you a new case, SCP 83 wants to request you." He says.
(Name) frowns and snatches the files from Jack. "Why would he want me, I am not a woman." For a little personal info (Name) was intersex but identified as non-binary, they had both working parts though, and a small chest, which was held together with a sports bra with ease since they are so small.
"He must have heard something," Bright says. "So I have a bet for you."
"And what would that be?" (Name) asks raising one of their eyebrows.
"I bet you five grand and a date you cannot throw cat piss on him," Jack smirks. "You cannot do it, I get to go on a date with you, if you do, you get five grand."
"I will throw in five grand that (Name) can throw cat piss on him, if I lose you get 5 grand and If I win I get five grand." Kondraki butts in.
"Sounds good to me." (Name) says and stands up. "I expect to have my five grand by lunch, Bright."
They walk out and both of the two males glare at each other and go back to work.
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS here is the teaser I will also post the teaser and link to Archive of our own version on Tumblr! I hope you all enjoyed this and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!]
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heymamasitas · 2 years ago
Bright Places
Yan! Dr. Bright x Reader
TW: DRUGS, Death and slightly Stockholm syndrome.
Jacks comes home, he is tired, as usual, this time he is actually happy because he could stay for couple of days and is able to stay with his lover in the time being. He opens the doors of his house just for him to be greeted by his lover with a hug.
"My love! you are here!" You said, so happy looking at him. He couldn't help but to hug back and smile a little.
"How was work?" You ask.
"Shitty as usual" He responds bluntly.
"Oh, that's not good. Come in maybe i can try to make it better" You said.
"Can i first get a kiss? I missed you a lot" Jack smiles.
You smile and blushes to then kiss them, Jack smiles the kiss lasted for about 15 seconds. Then you dragged him inside their house. In the bedroom you take all his clothes, coat and shoes off, trying to make him more comfortable.
"Are you hungry? " you asked looking at him from the floor after taking his shoes off.
"Yeah" he responds.
"Good, cuz i have a surprise for you"
"Surprise? That's new" Jack said, he smiled.
"C'mon" You stood up happily and grabbed
his hand and dragged him into the backyards door.
"Hun, what did i told you about going outside? You know it's still dangerous and what exactly did you plan?" Jack said, he had stop you.
"I know" You whine. "But, i didn't go anywhere too far and trust me, you will like it, it's nothing bad, i promise" You said.
"You should have told me, but I will trust you this time" You smile and took Jack out. Outside in the garden, the grass has grown a little, maybe for next week it will be ready to be cut. You still pull Jack to a place, not so far from the house, a blanket and a set for a picnic was there.
"Whoa" Jack said. "Darling, how long have you been planing doing this?"
You stop to look at him. He knew it must have been a while, maybe, the day he told them when he was coming home.
"For a good while, i can't recall the day" You said.
"Don't worry, you don't have to" Jack said, he started to walk to the picnic and sat down at the blanket, followed by you. You opened the basket and took out the fresh food, it was getting a little cold, but that didn't matter. You two started eating, after several minutes and finishing eating, you looked at Jack who had his head down.
"What's wrong?" You asked, touching his arm making him look at you.
"Well, i told you i kinda wasn't feel well"
"Do you need anything?"
"No, i guess"
"Would you like to cuddle?" Jack blushes, while you look at him and kept touching him.
"Yes" You stood up and gave him a hand so Jack could stand up.
"What about the-" you cut him off
"We can leave it there, no one is going to take it" You said, you started walking, but then he took your hand stopping you from what he thought it was the wrong the direction.
"Sweetheart, the house is over there, that's the wrong direction from our house" Jack said looking at them.
"I know, im taking you to a better place for us to cuddle"
"My love, i told you that shouldn't go far from the house" Jack said.
"Please, trust me. It's not that far from" You said looking at him, he sighs and he lets you take him to a place. And that's when he saw it, a beautiful flower field.
"We can cuddle there" you took his hand and ran to the flower field. You both lay down in the flower field next to each other. You giggle, Jack look at you.
"Can you get closer my love?"
"Of course" Jack said, he placed his head in your chest and put his arms around you.
"So, tell me, what's have been on your mind"
"I...I just want to die already"
"Why is that?"
"I have been alive for so long that i... don't... want.. to...." Tears felt down from Jack. His lover listens to them, while pattinh their head, and running their fingers through their scalp and hair.
Jack still, cried, but felt comforted. He closes his eyes and he gets closer to them. He closes his eyes eve more harder. Butthen suddenly he opens them. He smells the smell of death and fells his lovers turn into a decompose corpse, with some bugs already consuming them. He looks around and sees the gray walls of his basement.
Little far from him was the blanquet and the picnic set with the plates and ants eating their food and some dead bugs. Jack stood up, he starts walking, but he steps on something, he looks at the floor surrounded by used syringes. He sighs and he goes upstairs for another dose and goes back downstairs. He injects the syringe, and goes back to his fantasy land.
He feels once again the warm of his lover, their comfort, and their softness, he still doesn't want to let them go, he still wants to go back for his fantasy, to their home where he belong with his love one.
Author's notes:
"Sweetheart, the house is over there, that's the wrong direction from our house" Jack said looking at them.
There's no wrong direction, there's one direction *Big time rush sound*
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average-limbus-fan · 1 year ago
I just got an idea for an angst scenario with Faust and Dante(reader) like she had talked about somewhat knowing Dante before they lost their memories but we never knew what they’re relationship was exactly… cue angst.
Might start on that after I finish up my Yandere drabbles for Ishmael and Sinclair, Hong Lu will have to wait until his canto comes out though
Also Scp Doctor’s descriptors tomorrow maybe, since I have no artistic talent and everyone presents them differently🫠
Also also please make sure to vote on the poll after finishing the Limbus Speed Dating series, the sinner with the most votes will get something written for them >.<
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