#dr Jack bright x reader
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bertieorangy · 1 year ago
Dr. Jack Bright : Honey, you forgot your lunch~
Dr. Jack Bright : So I thought it would be, like, cool if I break a rule and deliver your lunch!
Y/N : Aww and I’m here with YOUR lunch! God, we’re cute
Dr. Jack Bright : So damn cute!
[Gunshots sounds]
Dr. Jack Bright : Shit— more guards are coming. Didn’t think they’d be here this fast.
Dr. Jack Bright : Okay good luck on your first day, I love you so much. I’ll see you later tonight!
Y/N : Love you more! Byee! *makes kissy noises*
Fellow researcher, stares judgingly :
Y/N : What? 🤨
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pantheraviva · 3 months ago
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merry christmas/happy holidays! to celebrate, i drew brite again + attempted to write a little reader x bright drabble. enjoy!
Anyone who works at Site-19 knows Dr. Jack Bright has a certain... reputation, for being a playboy. Well, playboy isn't exactly the right word. But he certainly isn't the type to just pick one person, or hell, pick several people to settle down with. You were sure he'd made out with at least one person from every department you knew existed, the ones you didn't know existed, and the ones that would make your head implode if you even thought of them existing.
There was one small problem.
You desperately, desperately want to be one of those people.
You aren't quite sure when it started. Maybe it was back when you were an intern, hearing stories of his crazy antics throughout the decades for the first time. Maybe it was when you caught his eye in the hallway, realizing his eyes were a deep, deep red, red as the ruby of SCP-963. Maybe it was when you had an unexpected conversation with him in the break room and realized he actually was capable of acting like a reasonable person and not a chainsaw cannon-wielding, Pokemon spawning, pandemonium causing, anomaly of a person. Maybe it was after several of those conversations after you kept running into him around the site. Maybe it was when he called you his friend like it didn't feel like a nuclear bomb settling in your chest.
When it started didn't matter. What mattered was that it is the Foundation's Christmas party, and you are going to get that kiss.
Your eyes dart around the room, trying to find him. It doesn't take too long to spot the bright (ha!) ginger hair of his current body, chatting with Director Kondraki and some other personnel near the soda dispenser. You zigzag your way through the crowd, your eyes locked in on your target. As you draw closer, you see him, holding a red cup filled with... something, wearing a blue sweater that read "[ ] Nice / [ ] Naughty / ✅ Keter" and you fondly scoff. He must've gotten it made just for Christmas. "Hey, Dr. Bright? Can I borrow you for a second?" you ask. He turns from Kondraki to you, those deep red eyes meeting yours once more, and you steel yourself to not tear away from his knowing gaze.
"Yeah, what's up?" he replies conversationally.
You turn over your plan in your head. "I need to talk to you about SCP-3671," you say, cursing yourself for not thinking out your excuse more. You weren't even assigned to that SCP, you just heard about its vendetta against Dr. Wright from your co-worker. "The vengeful cereal box!" Bright says with a laugh, and you want to capture that chuckle in a little bottle in your heart forever. "Alright, alright, lead the way. Kondraki, you still owe me." He pointed at the Site Director before looking at you expectantly.
You lead him to the other room, the one where you spotted a mistletoe hanging in the door frame. It's a stupid, stupid plan, but you were getting desperate, and no self-respecting SCP researcher was going to get caught just asking Bright for a smooch--or maybe that was just a you problem--you did have the tendency to overthink matters of the heart. He leans on the door frame. "So, what's the matter with 3671? Did it brutally tear apart Frank yet?"
"Uhm, actually," you say, then you point above the both of you to the mistletoe, hanging innocently.
Bright doesn't even look surprised. You recognize his expression as barely masked playful amusement, like he just thought of a new prank to pull. "Oh, would ya look at that."
That was it? THAT WAS ALL HE HAD TO SAY? Oh, would ya look at that. You tried not to show your disappointment, but he looks down at you and his playful expression immediately softens.
"Don't look so sad, jeez," he huffs. "If you wanted to kiss me so bad you should've just said so."
You sputter, seeing your plan fall to pieces. "I- but- you-"
He crosses his arms and looks through you. "Yeeesss? I what?"
"You're... you... and I can't just ask, because, well..."
Bright leans forward slightly. "Because I'm practically a living legend and you feel like dirt beneath my feet even though we work in the same god damn site and drink from the same coffee machine?"
Curse him for being able to read you like a book. "Yeah..."
"Oh, don't worry about it," he said, patting your shoulder. Then his hand slowly moves up to lift your chin up to face him.
"So, just so we're clear. Are we here to talk about the sapient cereal box, or did you bring me here to kiss me?"
You glance away, your face feeling as hot as the surface of the sun. "The- the second one."
"Well then," he says with a cheeky grin. "Let's do this, yeah?"
You nod shakily.
You've had daydreams about kissing Jack before. You supposed he'd be good at it, seeing as he had decades of experience under his belt. But you severely, severely underestimated him.
Jack hums softly as your lips meet, and his hand moves from your chin to caress your face. His other hand, still holding his cup, snakes around your waist and pulls you closer. Your lips move in tandem against each other, and you're nearly overwhelmed with the complete ease he has at making you fall apart without using his teeth or tongue.
You pull apart after a moment, softly panting.
"Wow," you say.
"So it does work," Jack muses, removing his arm from where it was wrapped around you, and you mourn the loss.
You quirk an eyebrow. "What works?"
"This," he holds up his cup, filled with a shimmering, clear liquid. "I snuck in to use SCP-294 before tonight's party and I asked for a cup of "the stuff dreams are made of." I thought it'd get me high, or something."
You laugh disbelievingly at the absurdity and utter cheesiness of what he just said.
"Are you serious?"
"I am! Do you want a taste?' he said, eyes darting to your mouth and his tongue running across his bottom lip. You can probably see where this is going.
"Yeah, sure thing, Jack."
He doesn't even hesitate to put his lips on yours again, coaxing your mouth open with that clever tongue of his. And oh, if you thought the last one was good, this was divine. There's something possessive in how he hums into your mouth, and you're sure everyone in the room is watching. He nibbles on your lip as if to say 'Ignore them, only pay attention to me, me, me,' in the insistent way he does during your little conversations. Bastard probably wanted to show off. You find that you don't mind. You taste the stuff dreams are made of as he gently pushes you against the door frame and rubs soothing circles on your hip. It tastes, oddly enough, like cereal.
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sojuzz · 1 year ago
Dr. J. Bright headcanons.
I love using random fonts B))
-dr bright is just a professional name for him, he's more fond of the name jack since it gives him some humaness i guess.
-overall his default pronouns go by he/him but he will respond to the hosts pronouns like if its a woman you can call bright a she and they'll respond.
-his wildish card personality comes from how scp-963 absorbs some personalities like clefs, rights mainly, causing him to be chaotic.
-whenever he possesses a new host, during the 30 days the host starts to look like him, the hosts hair turning into his hair before the incident rapidly and starts to grow a lot like the resemblance of jack.
-he likes spicy foods and will cry about it if his tounge is burned and will complain to glass about it.
-personally the most annoying doctor in the site, not on purpose tho
-he has a shrimp allergy and it genuinely shows up at every hosts body 😭
-therye tired, give them a break bro
-on family behalfs, he has horrible nightmares about them, especially TJ.
-no he is not ed sheraan and will never be
-i genuinely like to think that the list of rules never existed and was just written by some snobby level 2 assistant trying to ruin dr brights reputation.
-hes a grown man who's depressed and suicidal, that's literally it
-closest friend? No one, he doesn't wanna stick to someone because he knows that he'll become attached to them and hes afraid of that.
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worldwide-simp · 2 years ago
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Um, so I’ve decided to start writing drabbles, headcanons, and silly little things like that on Tumblr
So here are characters you can request for
Dr Jack Bright/Elias Shaw
Dr Gerald
Dr Alto Clef
Dr Iceberg
Dr Cimmerian
Scp 001- (Gate Guardian or Scarlet King)
Scp 035
Scp 040-JP
Scp 049
Scp 073
Scp 076-2
Scp 079
Scp 096
Scp 105-(post Omega-7)
Scp 106
Scp 682
Scp 953
(you can still request for more characters, either message me or comment on this post)
Please remember that I won't get to writing your request as soon as you send it, I surprisingly have a life outside of writing.
Anyways have a good day
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theyanderespecialist · 1 year ago
Jack's Wife (Headcanons) Yandere Jack Bright X Wife Reader  (SCP Foundation)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am here with a new chapter! This one is where Jack Bright is yandere and he will be yandere for you as his wife. I will also have this in audio/video on YouTube! Please Enjoy this!] 
(Disclaimer: Artwork is Made By GavImp on Tumblr, all credit to her!) 
(Disclaimer 2: We do not support Admin Bright! Jack and Or his genderbent (Jackie) Bright Are more so their OWN STAND ALONE CHARACTER. Jack (Jackie) Bright is NO LONGER a self-insert of Admin Bright! We DO NOT Support Admin Bright, He is despicable! Separate the creation from the creator!) 
(Disclaimer 3: Dr. Jack Bright is NOT Yandere In canon! This is Just for Fun and Not To Be taken seriously at all! Simping For Fictional Characters is fine, just do not be illegal or gross about it! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life. Also, Remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon!) 
-Headcanons With Yandere Dr. Jack Bright X Wife Reader- 
.Dr. Jack Bright is a chaotic man. 
.He also is very loyal to the foundation. 
.And he is loyal to his family. 
.These are three main facts about Jack. Another one is that he is in love with his wife. He is so in love that he is obsessed. 
.You, his darling wife. The love of his life, the woman he wants to bear his children. 
.Jack Bright was lucky enough to have you as his wife, for you to put up with his chaotic nature and to stand by his side. 
.Jack Bright's soul is tied to SCP 963, an amulet that anyone who touches has the soul gone and a copy of Jack Bright's soul remains in it unless removed in the first 30 days. After those 30 days, a permanent copy of Jack Bright's soul remains. 
.You were Immune to SCP 963. Abel to touch it without having your soul erased. 
.That is how you met Jack, you had an anomaly where you were your type of immortal and able to not be affected by some SCPs 
.Jack instantly felt you were someone that he could spend his life with. 
.Not only that, but when he had met your eyes he fell head over heels in love with you. 
.You were the perfect woman to be with him. Both of you were able to spend the rest of your time together. 
.Jack had stalked you and read your file, learning everything about you. 
.He was beyond obsessed with learning everything he could about you, and then he used the information to court you. 
.He loved to make you laugh and to tease you getting you flustered. 
.Seeing you give him a reaction of a blush, smile, and or laugh made his day. 
.When you had agreed to date him he was over the moon, then in a few years dating became marriage. 
.Everything seemed perfect for him and you. 
.Though Jack is still a yandere and even the best of yanderes have their toxic traits. 
.Anyone that dared hurt you ended up on keter duty and they did not make it out alive. 
.You also did start to notice that less and less people wanted to spend time with you. 
.Leaving you more time for yourself and your husband. 
.Jack told you it is probably because you are the site Commander's wife now. 
.He never gave you any reason not to trust him. 
.Jack cut out only a few people who could be around you, and even then he did not like you alone with them. 
.You never looked at another man or woman. Though he cannot help that one day you will leave him. 
.He has been so used to those he loves and those who were his family being taken away from him or leaving him. 
.So he has a deep fear this will happen to you. 
.Which makes him a very paranoid, protective, and clingy yandere. 
.He also likes to feed you and take care of you, loving when you get sick and he got to feed you, bathe you, and just look after you. 
.For him it made him feel like you needed him and just him. 
.Made you dependent on him, where all you need is your husband. 
.He was always pouty when you got better and would start to take care of yourself once more. 
.He is a very dotting, loving, and caring husband and yandere. 
.But we have to remember Jack Bright is a bit of a mad scientist. 
.So he has moments where his sanity is very unhinged. 
.Like a new researcher starts to hit on you, he would take sick pleasure in hurting them. 
.He also will sometimes go on rants to you that people are trying to steal you away from him. 
.That he knows this in his heart and that he is JUST TRYING TO keep you safe. 
.He has deep fears of losing you and this causes his mental health to be on the edge of sanity as a yandere of being stable and snapping. 
.He deals with rivals by giving them keter duty where they die or cutting them up with a chainsaw, slowly and painfully. 
.He has isolated you, where he has a firm hold on you and you do not even know it. 
.You have already accepted his love, but if you ever decide to leave him? Well, he loves taking care of you, he can take a leg or two and make the files say you terminated. 
.He is high enough up in the foundation where the foundation would not do anything to stop him. 
.YOU Help keep Jack Bright sane, so if you bring one or two legs fewer imprisoned by Jack Bright keeps Jack Bright Sane. Then That is for the greater good. 
.He can easily put you in containment as well since you are an anomaly. 
.That way you are trapped always and of Course Jack Bright will be your caregiver and or researcher. 
.This is all if you tried to leave him. 
.If you never leave him, you have nothing to worry about. 
.You and Jack will have a family and you and him will be happy together, forever, literally FOREVER! 
.Side note since he needs a new body every 30 days you always get a new physical lover that is Jack's new body. 
.So if imprisoned by him, you will never know what face your husband will have, if he is in a male body or female body. 
.It keeps you on edge, cause if you somehow did escape, you would NEVER know if your yandere husband was right there and you do not even realize it! 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Another chapter is done I hope you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my Sexy Muffins! 
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05-redacted · 2 years ago
Dr. Bright x new employee headcanons?
So do you want to play tug a war with 682, ring around the rosie with 049, hide and seek with 106, peek a boo with 096 or blind man hide and seek with 173?
Take your time really! Not like you much time left anyways
This motherfucker will try to kill you without you noticing it and then act innocent when he gets interrogate.
"How was I supposed to know that they were gonna get lock up in 682's chamber?" Cue the "innocent" face.
Luckily you'll only get a broken bone since he has been under tight supervision when it comes to new employees.
You will also be getting a ton of pitying looks and when asked about it he will just give you "don't worry about it"
Congratulations if you guys get along I sincerely hope to God you have medical insurance because your now stuck with him and you won't ever get rid of him.
If you hear your name coming out the speaker and you hear shit in the background. You have two choices
You go and (Unintentionally) get in some chaos
Or you could wait to be picked up via shopping cart that runs on a car battery with Kondraki in the steering wheel while Clef shoots an angry 682 and Bright gives you a run down of what's going on.....
Good times!!!
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average-limbus-fan · 1 year ago
Think I went a bit overboard with the yandere drabbles… almost 1.5k words and that’s not including Hong Lu’s part. Welp I hope you all like it at least. >.<
Might start on that Faust angst in a few days, I kinda wanna do some things for the scp doctors tho, I kinda feel bad I’ve barely written anything for them. So feel free to send in some requests for the doctor’s. :3
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fiona-my-love · 2 years ago
SCP Foundation Personnel Masterlist
Even if a character isn’t on here, there’s a good chance I’m still writing for them!
Doctor ———— (redacted for now, due to creator’s actions)
———— x immortal! reader oneshot (hurt/comfort)
Doctor Alto Clef
Nothing yet!
Doctor Benjamin Kondraki
Nothing yet!
Agent Draven Kondraki
Nothing yet!
Nothing yet!
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mrs-weasley-reid · 8 months ago
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Spencer Reid x bau!reader
Synopsis: a shivery trip to a liquor cellar turned into a steamy secret between friends and a not-so-subtle reveal between a small herd of colleagues. Word Count: 5k+ WARNING: SMUT. please, please, MDNI !!! penetration (piv). unprotected sex (but fr wrap it up!!!). fingering (a lil bit). obsessed!spencer (bc why not?). ex friends with benefits to lovers. a pinch of angst if you squint. cursing. troublemaker spencer reid and reader. not proofread!! A/N: heavily influenced by the song Dress by Taylor Swift. I love me a TS song. I'm obsessed, and I saw the opportunity. Also, this is my first Spencer Reid smut fic. Be nice, and tell me what you think!
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  The sharp brush of spring and little kisses from the evening air prompt you to savor the shivery feeling on your skin.
  You take a deep breath before sliding your heels off, dangling them in your hand as you trail down the maze of a hallway in Rossi’s lavish home. Your dress is now a product of a shoddy decision. 
  All you knew was how presentable and wedding-appropriate it was, but you never realized why you would wear such a dress barely sewn for the crisp evening weather in May.
  “Hiding from everyone?”
  A smile instantly layers over your painted lips before you can even raise your gaze ahead. There’s this tickle of warmth that sparks inside of you the moment you hear his voice. Hands shaking in an intense subconscious buzz of excitement. Thrilling.
  No other than Dr. Spencer Reid is ten feet away from you, standing lazily against the wall. His hair is messy from all the magic tricks he tore out to Jack and Henry and, funnily enough, Penelope, too.
  Bright gleam shines on your face, flashing a saccharine smile you can only muster when the receiver is him. You shake your head.
  "Are you?"
  One hand in his pocket. Spencer shyly nods, “I ran out of magic tricks, and Jack figured out one of my tricks halfway through my little show.” He explains without persuasion, staring into space with playful horrid written all over his face.
  You steal the half-full glass from his other hand, cringing at the taste of sparkling cider. “One sip won’t kill you, you know…” You say, shoving the glass back into his hand.
  Spencer laughs, “You’d love to see me drunk, don’t you?” He quips, a sheepish smile growing with each syllable.
  “Very much so,” You nod, making a beeline to the kitchen to find some kind of beverage that’ll knock you out ‘til the next day.
  He follows you like a tail. Your senses feel his warmth, his breath fanning against your exposed back. The feeling of his tall presence behind leaves your breath hitching between inhales and exhales, and you’d love more than his figure on your trail. You ache for something more than the image of him in your wake. You need him merged with your soul, his body tightly pressed against yours. You crave something harsh.
  It’s wishful thinking.
  “What took you so long? Did you not notice I was gone?” He wonders.
  Or is it?
  “It’s cold out here, you know,” Spencer pouts in your peripheral. 
  You want your lips to wipe them off, then turn them into an O.
  “Aww, does pretty boy genius feel lonely?” You tease over your shoulder, tapping his chest with the back of your hand. Your brows jump, twisting on your heels to face him. “I’ll be damned,” You exclaim, pushing your palm against his pec with more pressure.
  It's been so long since you touched him with more than an accidental brush of your fingertips. His body stiffens under your light squeeze. And the thirst for more slowly dries the circumference of his throat.
  “Reid, when’d you get this fit? No wonder women are all over you.” Genuine curiosity takes over, looking up at him with fluttering lashes.
  Spencer scoffs, leaning down eye to eye with you, “I’ve always been hot.” He retorts with a straight face. The confidence radiates, and it does something in the pit of your stomach.
  A brief silence whooshes between your bodies, and the next thing you know, both of you are laughing ‘til your cores cramp.
  You gasp for air, head against his sternum, hand still placed over his pec. “Don’t ever say that in front of Morgan. He might get a stroke.” You begin walking once more, turning your back to him. 
  “I am! Don’t you agree?” You do. He banters a few feet away, keeping a safe distance—or so help the impulsive thoughts that are whirling around his mind. A playful grin works his facial muscles out, only hoping that you didn’t notice the way he takes in your scent like a bait set out for him.
  Spencer didn’t even need to run to catch up with you. His strides are five times longer than yours.
  You feel a soft fabric cover your shoulders, accompanied by a heavy arm that burns your skin in pure reflexive need. “I thought you were cold?” You ask, glancing to your left, where Spencer walks beside you.
  Spencer shrugs, “Rather feeling cold than you getting a cold tomorrow morning. The chances of me getting sick from being cold tonight versus you sneezing on me like a troll is 15 to 85 percent.” He replies calmly, earning a light smack from your hand.
  You roll your eyes, but your smile never travels far. It only happened once. And you both swore once was enough.
  The two of you became friends during your time in the Academy. You’ll never forget the first time you met him. The urge to shove a sock inside his yapping mouth over the repercussions of shaking someone’s hand. Most people say the two of you are best friends. Somehow, his intelligence didn’t set you apart. You tolerated his constant rambles, and he tolerated your random bursts of sass. 
  It's more than that though. The entanglement was more than two friends. More than innocent study sessions. More than a trip to the nearest shooting range.
  As two twenty-one-year-olds who's never felt the most sensual touch before, one minute of forced proximity and all hell broke loose. What seemed so platonic was sexually intimate behind closed doors.
  However, in lieu of staying attached to the hip, the two of you went your separate ways after graduation. You went to pursue each respective interest. You both said no hard feelings. And both believed things would never work anyway, because no one was willing to put in the work.
  The two of you reconnected when you joined the BAU team almost a year ago. Meeting him once again was nerve-wracking. With unresolved fallout and nonexistent communication, it scared you a bit. But you should’ve known Spencer Reid has always been different—good, different. The bond you had didn’t seem too damaged. If anything, it was merely locked in a vault and became stronger than ever before. You managed to be civil—become friends.
  And since then, you never ran out of ways to be in each other’s vicinity. Or he just always succeeded in keeping you interested in his antics. Or you’re just addicted to him more than you’d like to admit.
  But friends don't shake from mere self-control. Friends don't choke on breaths when the other touches them. Friends don't—
  “What percentage of alcohol will you get from Rossi’s cellar?” He curiously asks, his warmth keeping you from shivering.
  The damned dress.
  And his damned loose tie.
  You chuckle shakily, “You’d love to see me drunk, don’t you?” You mimic, throwing back the same antic he used not a few minutes ago. He rolls his eyes, and you open the door to the cellar. “I was tasked to choose the best whiskey ever made.” You announce, sinking deeper into confinement.
  “So you lost a bet.” Spencer laughs, following behind. He shakes his head when you nod yours. “You don’t even drink whiskey.” He smirks.
  “Go back out there, then,” You shoo him away, waving your hands. “I didn’t ask you to join me on my quest.” You add in a giggle, tying your hair up in a messy ponytail after setting your shoes on the table in the middle of the room.
  You don’t see the way he swallows at the sight of your nape. The same way you hadn't notice his self-restraint for the past year, for the entire evening, dipping his hands in his pockets to hide his clenched fists. Because if he doesn't, they just might crave the feeling of your skin against the texture of his palm.
  “And what if you can’t reach the best whiskey?”
  “I’m a federal agent, too, Reid. I’m smart enough to figure that out.”
  “Doesn’t change the fact that you’re similar to a hobbit.”
  The brows on your face lift over your forehead. "Excuse me?" Your mouth fall agape in disbelief, scoffing.
  Spencer shrugs, "You're excused."
  Amusement twitch the ends of your lips. "You sure you're not drunk?" Your eyes narrow, scanning him from head to toe.
  "I'm not." He defends. Scarlet skin glows underneath the soft light. Spencer averts his eyes, stealing a mouthful of a sigh from the chilly air. Okay, maybe he stole one glass of scotch from the unit chief, took a sip, and felt his body on fire, so now he's settled down for ciders the entire evening.
  You smirk, "Then, why are you being so clingy?" Arms cross over your chest. You raise a brow in question.
  Spencer rolls his eyes, silently clearing his throat. "Why not? There's no harm in hanging out with you." His tongue pushes against the inside of his cheek.
  "There is when said friend is acting like a clingy boyfriend." You say, skimming through the shelves of liquor adorning the walls from ceiling to floor.
  “Right,” Spencer states blandly, finding himself a seat. “I’m just a friend. I can’t act any other way. I can’t even give you any affection, huh?” He deadpans, tracing the wood patterns on the table.
  Your eyebrows crease in the middle of reaching for a bottle. You slowly go up behind him and smack the back of his head without warning.
  “Ow!” He hisses. “What was that for?” Spencer complains, face scrunching in temporary pain.
  “For being weirder than usual.” You say, hitting his shoulder. “Stop it.” You scold, finger-pointing over his chest.
  Spencer is not one to be petty. Never petty over the boys you mingle with for a short period. Never be petty over your tendencies to somehow land on the worst species of men. Since the two of you reconnected as colleagues, he's minded his business. Why now? And why the hell is your heart pounding obnoxiously?
  He theatrically rolls his eyes, “Am I wrong? Aren’t I just your friend?” There is something in his tone that you can't distinguish. His face is awkward and reserved, as always, but something is different.
  You know. You just love lying to yourself.
  “What else are you going to be?!” Even you are surprised at the volume of your voice.
  The creak of the small open window fills the room. None of you dares to say a word. No one dares to breathe within each other's personal bubble.
  You break eye contact first, stepping away, but Spencer has other plans. His hands land on your waist, gripping the flesh to keep you between his legs.
  “That’s a question I’ve been asking myself,” The luminescence of his eyes turns a shade darker. Chocolate hazel eyes gradients to deep earthy irises. Or it may have been the dim lighting in the room and the glass of wine in your system.
  You swallow—roughly like a ball of sandpaper rows down your throat. Fingers lace above his textured ones, wrapping over the long digits to get their bruises off your skin.
  “It’s a simple question. There’s no reason to dread it.” You almost stumble on your words, taking well-needed pauses to huff a small breath. You try to break his grip on you, but they don’t budge one bit. 
  The more you attempt to remove his hold, the more they tighten against the little fabric over your skin.
  Your brows knit. A sigh of defeat escapes your lips as your gaze travels back to him. “Spencer, stop—” Your spine shivers when he starts to lazily move his thumbs in slow, firm strokes.
  Spencer stands in silence, staring at you like you are a doe he preyed on. His eyes start to make your legs melt, and your heart races wildly.
  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
  His gaze flickers over your lips, “Why don’t you answer the question for me? Since you’re so smart, it seems.” A tone of clear mockery spills from his lips. Spencer smirks under his signature smile—smug and utterly amused by the sound of your small, hitched breaths.
  “Can you stop kidding around?” You prattle. A peel of awkward laughter shoots straight down your bones. It was all you could do to relieve the growing tension between your thighs. Or else you’d jump on him like a desperate psychopath.
  "Who says I'm kidding around?" Spencer narrows his eyes. "I never kid around." He squeezes your sides once more and grins when a soft gasp rattles out of you. He hasn't done that in so long, and the nostalgia and buzz spark something in his chest.
  Thick, airy gulp forces itself down your throat. You know why he does it. The same pattern of movements you knew so well in your younger days. The days you spent with him.
  "We can't." It is almost inaudible, but he catches it. You lightly shake your head, backing away, "I-it's not— We can't."
  Spencer raises his brows. "What are you so afraid of?" He reads your features for a moment. The gentle touch of his gaze along your searing skin is electrifying.
  You nibble at the corner of your lip, "Let go of me, Reid." And it seems you love lying to him, too. Because you don't want him to let go. Desperate for his touch. The soft trail of his thumb. The primal clutch of his fingers, like they were claws. It was all too intoxicating to ever want him to let go.
  “Answer the question first.” He flashes the smirk he’s been trying to hide like a villain, exposing his true colors. “I dare you.” Spencer challenges.
  “You know the answer.” Your chest feels like exploding.
  “Say it out loud, then.”
  “Why should I?”
  “Because we’re not leaving this position until you do.” His voice sparks fire in your core. Spencer doesn’t let his eyes stray from your moving lips. If anything, he makes a point that he is, in fact, staring at them like a starving lion, ready to pounce at any given moment.
  Well, isn't he such a sweetheart to feed you just what you crave? You don't know where it comes from, nor do you care, but there's at least four liquid cubic centimeters of boldness that flows through your veins.
  Your laughter echoes in the cellar. “Please, or what?” You relax in his hold, convinced that he's just the same lanky guy you've always known. “You going to fuck me like a slut? Not exactly your M.O., pretty boy.” You tease, playfully tapping on his shoulders.
  A low, hoarse chuckle vibrates across his chest. With lust-filled gaze and a thin, mischievous smile, Spencer shifts his eyes to look straight into yours. 
  Your eyes grow the widest they have ever been your entire life. “What—” Before you can stop him, his lips are already clashing against yours.
  Spencer holds onto you as if he is falling off a cliff, and you are a branch about to snap any second. He kisses you aggressively, pulling you so tight, like he needs you glued to him.
  You try to push him, but it doesn't take long until you give in. Until you kissed back.
  You kissed him back.
  You fucking kissed Spencer back.
  The hands that recently danced on his shoulders begin to tug on the soft curls over his nape. The weight of his lips is starting to make your legs wobble.
  Every scrape of his teeth against your stinging lips feels new. It isn't what you're familiar with. Your mind recalls his gentle touches and gentle words as if you'd break if he held you too tight. But the one kissing you isn't. The slice of his tongue over your lips is primal. He's not the Spencer you once knew. He's the Spencer you've been craving, so much so that the mere thought of bruises caused by his grip has been contaminating your mind since you started in the BAU.
  His kisses deepened, warmth enveloping the two of you despite the chilly breeze inside the cellar. With breathless and plump lips, a new strike of desire courses throughout your body the longer you kiss.
  Spencer breathes you in like oxygen, starving for more, never satisfied with just one gentle breath. It's new. And you love it.
  Heaving, you and Spencer pull away, lips detaching and reattaching like magnets ’til distance is too far to push back. His lips are a darker shade of pink, swollen, and adorned with smeared lipstick. You don’t doubt the effect of making out with him gives you any more leverage, imagining your lipstick thickly outlines all over the rims of your mouth.
  Judging by how Spencer stares at you like a satisfied drunken man, you presume he's loving every second more than he's prepared to admit. Most will wonder if his eagerness is merely a product of lost inhibitions. But a simple educated guess tells you that none of his actions are driven by alcohol. He's as sober as an ice cold water splashed over one's face.
  Spencer lifts you on the table, standing between your thighs. The fabric of his pants scrapes against your skin, and your aching cunt throbs at the feeling. He cups your face into his large hands, reattaching your lips once more like it’s an unforgivable sin to keep them apart.
  He pulls away after air fails him, resting his forehead over yours. “I want to be the only one who gets to fuck you like a slut, or so God help me—” Spencer closes his eyes agonizingly slow, “—No man near you will ever see daylight again.”
  Your heart pounds against your chest, and you mentally beg Spencer to do so too—pound against your hips like you’re banned from ever walking again. The pressure of his voice and hot breath fanning against the land of your skin is ecstatically satisfying. 
  Spencer's hand drives up the slit of your dress, and at that moment, you know exactly why you chose to wear such an article of unfriendly clothing amidst your intolerance to the cold wind.
  You wanted him to take it off of you.
  You needed Spencer to take the dress off of you and fuck you hard.
  The tickle of his lips trailing from your jaw to the spot underneath your earlobe has your back arching almost a hundred and eighty degrees. Ever the opportunist, Spencer takes it as his chance to pull you closer, squeezing your thigh with his palm.
  You throw your head back, giving him access to more eager-to-be-touched skin. Legs wrap around his middle in utter pleasure, “Spencer…” You whine breathily, eyes fluttering close at the way he holds your flesh with both hunger and caress.
  His mouth falls agape. Your voice. His name. It’s addicting. His world stops in a millisecond, reveling in the joy of your mouth, uttering his name with the intense pleasure he provides.
  “We’re barely starting,” Spencer whispers against your clavicle, snaking his hand under your dress to the lining of your underwear. He swipes over your clothed clit.
  You twitch under his touch. A total puppet wrapped around his finger while his literal thumb begins to toy with your clit. The pace makes you painfully and deliciously squirm.
  Spencer loves the image before him, especially the rise of your chest as he plunges a finger, then two, inside your needy cunt. It’s the first time he’s ever heard your moans so... needy and begging and desperate and sweet and hot and something he knows you’ve never reached the volume before with other men, and he’s hooked—addicted.
  “You have no idea what your dress did to me the whole night.” He muffles on your neck. Wet kisses echo at the touch of his lips. Spencer buries himself in your scent, one hand unzipping your dress. “No idea how much I wanted to take it off of you.” He whispers next to your ear.
  A hum spills at the ring of his words. His kisses start to sting, and burning hues form on your skin. Spencer marks you with his tongue and teeth.
  It's euphoric. His hunger. His need. And you want nothing else but to give him whatever he wants, the same way he gives you everything you need.
  The sound of his fly distorting in the air makes your skin tingle, nipples perk, and cunt quiver. You whine when he pulls away, already missing his heat. 
  Spencer’s eyes soften, “Are you sure you want this to continue? When we were friends with benefits things didn't work—”
  “Shut up, take my dress off, and fuck me, Spencer.” You heave, or beg, or whichever fits the way you eagerly undo his tie and unbutton his shirt while kissing the soft spot on his neck, marking him yours.
  The vibration of his chuckles sent delicious throbs down to your cunt, drooling to be filled by him.
  “Aren't you needy—” Spencer lifts his arms in defense, “—alright, shutting up now.”
  The cold is nowhere else but the back of your mind. You feel wetness on the peak of his boxers. Spencer's hard erection suffocates him, and you're eager to relieve him in every possible way.
  He immediately sighs when your dress droops down your waist. Spencer takes you in as if you're the most prized art in a museum. He takes every line, scars, birthmarks, or as simple as the crease of your breast into memory. 
  “So, so beautiful…” Spencer murmurs in sheer adoration and awe. He looks up as if God has listened to his prayers as if he’s a passionate believer. Thankful to have you within his reach.
  Warmth coats you with every sweep of his hand on every curve and slope of your body. He’s memorizing each soft plush and perfect flaw. The sentiment alone heightens your arousal like you’ve been touch-starved for years.
  A yelp comes out of you when he unexpectedly spreads the wetness on your folds, touching where you need him most. “Spencer, please…” It’s a plea. A begging need.
  He circles on your clit with more pressure than the first. “You ready for me?” A vigorous nod responds to him while you bite your moans to keep them at bay.
  Spencer pulls you closer by the small of your back. Your ass is almost falling off the edge of the table. The lacey cloth stretched on the side of your entrance. He aligns his slobbering tip with your equally desperate cunt.
  Unsatisfied by your response, Spencer grabs your chin with so much force your bitten lips set free. “I need a verbal answer, sweetheart. I need to hear your voice say the words.” He’s begging, too, aching to slam just about all of him in one push.
  The anticipation is frustrating. "I wa—" With a mere echo jumping out of your throat, Spencer takes it enough confirmation and thrusts his hips to meet yours.
  Temporary pain and electrifying pleasure cause your body to shake, followed by a pornographic moan that Spencer muffles with his hand over half of your face.
  Your mind spins around in endless bliss as his cock throbs at the pressure of your hold. Spencer doesn't move an inch, waiting for your signal.
  “Please… move. Now.” Your voice is caught in the middle of your throat, dragging into a lovely gasp when he pulls back slowly.
  With the tip of his cock the sole filler inside your cunt, Spencer thrusts back so fast, so good. He keeps a steady pace that leaves both of you a moaning mess. 
  Spencer pins your hips on the table, making sure he satisfies you with every force. He sucks a breath in, dizzy at the sight of your breast bouncing on his beat.
  Can he surpass the knowledge that other guys have seen you undone like this? Never. Will he clash heaven and hell for the sake of pleasing you? The almighty and the merciless needn’t make yet another bet because they know Spencer will drag anything, anyone, to kneel before you.
  Because Spencer needs you undone like you have never been before. He craves to be the first to fuck you like it's the last thing you’ll ever do.
  You're addicting. An influence he freely lets himself get sucked in. Spencer wishes he could brand himself with your name, eager to be yours. He's desperate to be called yours.
  Spencer adorns your skin with red and purple hues, beaming at the sight of his marks with every echo of his lips popping yet another possessive tattoo.
  The pleasure he gives sends you beyond time and space. Euphoric daze fogs up your brain. Vision locked inside your skull, eyes permanently rolled into sensual darkness.
  Fuck. The nickname drips perfectly off your lips. You and only you can make his cock even harder just by saying his name. He doesn’t try to keep his head from spiraling into desires, desperately imagining all the ways he can own you.
  You gasp shakily, feeling the knot in your abdomen begin to tighten. One, two—five more strokes and you enter a void filled with sparkling stars and mind-numbing pleasure.
  Spencer doesn't stop, just as you wish, through broken moans and nails digging into the thin layer of his skin. Not a single pace slower or faster. And it is fucking blissful.
  Your moans drool off your lips, clenching around his cock. He rides your high like a limited experience that he will never get to try again. Though, you're sure there’ll be more clandestine rendezvous than you both are willing to admit. You both know this isn't the last you’ll ever get a taste of him. And it is not the last time he’ll crave you like oxygen.
  A hand reaches out for his nape, carding your nails at the tangles of his hair. You begin to comb between his curly strands, massaging the scalp beneath. Spencer spits out a tasteful curse dedicated to the pleasure the sensation of your touch has given him.
  “I keep up with my pill. I’m on a good window.” You assure him, breath hitching. “Fill me up, Spence.” You implore greedily, wanting nothing but all traces of him engraved inside and outside of you.
  His mouth slacks open, burying his cock in the deepest part of you. “Fuck, you’re too good to me,” He hisses in utter bliss. Spencer jolts at the ecstasy that vibrates out of him, emptying himself through the depths of your walls.
  Spencer rests his forehead against yours, whispering praises like you suddenly became his goddess. His senses tingle. And he doesn’t want time to continue.
  Your ragged breaths sync with his and soon turn even. Years of yearning are fulfilled in one evening. The prick of his bites floods your senses. 
  “What was the question again?” You giggle out, still, a bit out of breath, breaking the silence.
  Spencer playfully rolls his eyes, zipping up the back of your dress with a kiss on your shoulder. “I basically asked, ‘What are we’ like a typical chick in a movie.”
  “I can’t believe you just said that.” Your sweet laughter follows while Spencer covers you once more with his jacket despite the clear indication of sweat glistening over your forehead that you’re not nearly as cold anymore. "That many?"
  Pride surges across his chest, beaming. "Like a canvas drenched with paint." He softly bites his lower lip, satisfied by the work he has done.
  You glance down, gasping at the sheath of love bites. "More like a slab of beaten up flesh." Your head lifts up to look at him in disbelief. Spencer painted every inch of your skin, no space left untouched. You don't even recognize your skin anymore.
  "Maybe this will help," He reaches on the back of your head, tugging on the band. Your hair drapes over your neck.
  "No, Reid. It does not help at all." Blinking, you slap his arm lightly, earning a shrug and a peck on your lips. He simply fastens the buttons of his jacket on you, covering everything the fabric can.
  He hunches down to pick up the tie you discarded on the floor. When he stands back up, he says, “We can keep this between us for now while we figure things out if you’d like. But we have to agree on one thing.” He tucks in a wild strand of hair behind your ear. “I’m yours, and you don’t have a choice. Sounds good?”
  You giddily smile, nodding as you dangle your weak legs over the table. “What about me? Can’t I be yours?” You coax, fixing his tie.
  "Do you want to be? Because I'm content with just pleasing you every chance I get. I'm not in a rush."
  "Spencer," You take his face in your hands. "Do you really want to just be friends with benefits?"
  He swipes his tongue over his lower lip. "No..." Spencer squeaks under his breath.
  You nod, humming. "Good, because I don't want you like a best friend either." You flatten the crease on his shoulders.
  "So?" Spencer chases your eyes, hoping he can read your mind.
  "So, you're mine, and I'm yours. Sounds better, don't you think?"
  "Sounds great." He simpers, helping you get back on your feet.
  The two of you come back to the others with the worst whiskey in the cellar. Your hair is neat, and your lipstick is replenished. His tie sits presentably on his chest and hides the smallest purple mark on the base of his neck. Intricate measures for intricate people.
  Derek complains. Penelope agrees. Rossi objects. Hotch sips his drink with no care. Emily laughs hysterically. JJ shrugs. 
  No one knows. Or no one cares. But the secret remain as is.
  Perks of being seen as the most platonic friends. More so than the great Derek Morgan and Penelope Garcia. What they know nothing about won’t hurt them, right? And it’s not like it’ll be any worse if they did.
 Yet the absence of suspicion brews boredom and discontent. How come the others are suspicious enough, but not you and him? What's so dull in the air between you and Spencer that no one dares to wonder if romance ever crossed your minds?
  Spencer drags his fingers on your thigh under the table. And no one suspects why you never take off his jacket despite dancing the night away. 
  And as the night deepens, like any other gathering, the group disperses into different areas and smaller groups.
  “So?” JJ starts, wiggling her eyebrows. 
  “What?” You chuckle into the wine in your glass.
  JJ rolls her eyes, “Did you give the photographer your number?”
  Oh, yeah. You’d forgotten about the entire thing, glancing at the photographer who happens to have his lens on you. He smiles shyly, but you swear in your life that your shy boy is a lot more charming.
  “Because if not, I think Will’s cousin has his eye on you, too,” JJ adds with a mischievous smile. The most supportive friend you’ll have. How will she react when she finds out?
  You smile, looking far ahead at the pair of brown eyes.
  Spencer returns the smile, Hotch’s voice muffling in the background.
  “Like I said, it’s quite a little paperwork, but if you want to try things out and date, I have no problem with helping you out,” Hotch advises between sips of warm whiskey, talking about that one agent who approached Spencer at the bullpen thrice. What will he think when he finds out two of his agents are participating in fraternization?
  They have no idea. Not an inkling of doubt whatsoever.
  The naivete. It bores you and Spencer. It’s prosaic. It’s unglamorous.
  From one end to another, the same words echo.
  “I’ll have another drink.”
  The two of you stand from each end, meeting over the table with vast choices of alcohol. You pick up a glass as Spencer stands next to you.
  “Take it off?”
  “Take it off.”
  And you went separate ways.
  JJ’s eyes widen at the small hint of marks on your chest, jacket slightly drooping over your shoulder.
  Hotch doesn’t say a word when he notices the hickey on Spencer’s neck when the younger agent loosens his tie and undoes one button—and Hotch quotes—because of the heat. His peripheral catches JJ, Emily, and Penelope hovering around you like a group of crows scavenging for some sort of fleshy information he thinks he knows what’s about.
  “A simple no would’ve suffice,” Hotch says evenly. “But you’re still filling out paperwork. Am I clear?”
  Spencer stifles a smug smirk, looking down on his drink. “Clear.”
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reid masterlist | masterlist
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bertieorangy · 1 year ago
[During the foundation annual Christmas party]
Dr. Jack Bright, clearly tipsy, with a mic in hand : mAY I HAVE EVERYONE’S ATTENTION PLEASE?!
[Everyone turns to Bright, now curious]
Dr. Jack Bright, wobbles a bit : I’D LIKE TO CONCLUDE THIS PARTY BY SAYING THAT—
Dr. Jack Bright, shows off his wedding ring : EXCEPT FOR MY OWN MARRIAGE TO MY DARLING BELOVED OVER THERE! *waves to you with a stupid grin*
Y/N, happily waves back, also showing off the wedding ring :
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basketonthedoorstepofthefbi · 10 months ago
"obstinate, headstrong girl" part 2 - aaron hotchner x fem!reader
read part 1 here
wc: 3000
cw: mentions of food and alcohol! enemies to lovers! poorly researched medical information lmao i am a liberal arts girly i just need it for the plot. typical bau meddling, reader is lowkey a bully but dw bc hotch is still a little bitch, part 3 to come c: 
a/n big fat thank you to my bestie @cerisereids for all her help workshopping / brainstorming with me! i also got the BEAUTIFUL dividers from the immensely talented @saradika-graphics
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With your red dress and your attitude, throwing back amaretto sours like they’re tequila shots - who gets drunk on amaretto sours? They’re basically safe to drink while pregnant. To be fair, you didn’t get sloppy, or even really that drunk. By the end of the night, your eyes appeared just a bit heavy, like someone had tied miniature weights to your eyelashes. 
Your eyelashes. Aaron had never found eyelashes, of all things, to be attractive, but here he is, in the middle of a work day with a report half-finished (and half-assed, at that), and he’s thinking about your eyelashes. 
He’s thought of basically every part of you already today. Your knees, your dress, what’s underneath it. You have been sucking him into a black hole all day long, and he’s to the point where he’s halfway wishing for a serial killer so he can focus on something else. 
He plows his hand through his dark hair, shaking off the overwhelming thoughts of you. He checks the silver Rolex on his wrist. It’s nearly time to leave. Aaron doesn’t usually do this, but he decides to leave this report for tomorrow, when he can look at the letters on the page and not see your face, hear your voice. 
Just as he starts packing up, there’s a knock on his open office door. Aaron’s dark eyes flicker up to see Garcia standing in the doorway, Morgan’s tall frame looming behind her. “Hotch, you got anything going on tonight?” 
Aaron shakes his head. For once, he actually doesn’t. “Jack’s at a sleepover,” he says. “What’s up?” 
“We’re taking Spence and Jacqueline to this nighttime vendor market thingy,” Penelope says, scrunching her nose up with a smile. “You remember Jacqueline?” 
It’s been a week since Derek’s birthday, when Jacqueline and Spencer were introduced. More relevantly, since Aaron laid eyes on you. “I remember.” 
“You wanna come with us?” Penelope asks with bright eyes. Aaron opens his mouth the decline almost immediately, but Penelope beats him to it. “Y/N’s not coming.” 
Aaron arches a brow. “What makes you think I care if Y/N’s coming or not?” he asks. 
“Oh, c’mon, Hotch,” Derek puts all his weight on the doorjamb. “We saw you staring at her at my birthday. It’s about time you moved on from Haley, any-”
“If I say I’ll come out, will you stop talking?” Aaron cuts him off, grabbing his briefcase. 
Derek ponders this for a second, even looks to Penelope as if to ask permission. He shrugs his shoulders in what Aaron suspects will be the first little white lie of the evening. “Yeah.” 
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How anyone was able to sprain their ankle while shopping for books is beyond you. Leave it to Jacqueline, the wide-eyed, quirkily clumsy ingénue of her very own romantic comedy, to trip over a curb while gazing starry-eyed at the oh-so dreamy Dr. Reid. She called you from the emergency room with a shrill panic lining her voice, and you immediately leapt up from the couch. You didn’t even bother pausing your show on the TV, just slid some shoes on, grabbed your bag, and bolted out the door. 
You’re taking extra long strides, your flip-flops smacking obnoxiously against the linoleum tiles of the hospital floor. When you spot Jacqueline sitting up in the bed, still in her own clothes, you feel instant relief. At least she’s not panicking anymore. Spencer sits diligently by her side, fidgeting with the edges of the sheets. Jacqueline’s right leg is elevated atop several pillows, with a meek smile on her face once her eyes meet yours. 
“Spencer, you’re supposed to keep an eye on her at all times,” you joke with a weak laugh, sighing as you plop down in the empty chair beside Spencer’s. 
“She saw something shiny and wandered off,” Spencer shrugs, and Jacqueline glares at the both of you. 
“This whole talking about me like I’m not here, thing? Not my favorite,” she deadpans. There’s the Jacqueline you know and love. In crowded social settings, she can be reclusive and difficult to open up. But with only a few people around - especially people she’s comfortable around - Jacqueline is a completely different person. 
You’re glad she feels comfortable around Spencer after just a week of knowing him. They’re not even officially dating, per se, but tonight they went out with Penelope and Derek to test the waters. You think it’s cute - like two fifth-graders on a chaperoned outing to the movies, with their parents sitting a row behind them. 
You were invited to tag along, but you didn’t want to be the fifth wheel. You also were having a really long, insufferable week, and you simply needed some recharge time. So you politely declined. 
“Oh, shush, you’ve got bigger fish to fry,” you tell Jacqueline playfully, eyes darting down to her elevated foot. “So, what’s the damage?” 
“Sprained ankle, possibly fractured,” Spencer rattles off. “Usually an x-ray isn’t required, but since Jacqueline’s having pain in her malleolar zone - that is, the top part of the ankle that connects to the tibia - the doctor ordered one. We’re waiting on the results to come back, but I think they’ll just put her in a brace for a few weeks. Statistically speaking, only about 15% of sprained ankles result in significant bone fractures.” 
You release an awkward little chuckle, very nearly overwhelmed by the amount of information Spencer just dumped on you. Jacqueline shrugs her shoulders a little, like this is just how he is, and I love it. 
You blink a few times as you absorb all of Spencer’s ramblings. “So.. she’s gonna be fine?” 
“Yeah, she’ll be fine,” Spencer cracks a smile, and his thumb brushes affectionately over the top of Jacqueline’s hand. Your friend blushes furiously, ever-so-clearly under the fluorescent lighting. 
“So what exactly happened?” You ask. 
Before either of them get to answer, imposing footsteps grow louder, and you hear a familiar voice say, “Okay, coffee acquired.”
Smooth like the neat whiskey he was throwing back the night you met him, Aaron’s voice drags down your spine. Your belly does acrobatic flips. You visibly tense up for a second before turning around to see Aaron with a cardboard drink carrier in his hand containing three to-go cups of coffee. 
“Oh, hi, Y/N. When did you get here?” Aaron’s voice goes flat, and he meets your eyes civilly. 
“While you were getting coffee, I presume,” you deadpan, and you swear you see one of those imposing brown eyes twitch. 
“Right,” Aaron hands Jacqueline her coffee, and then has to lean over you so he can give Spencer his. You catch whiffs of pine and espresso and dark leather. His chest is basically in your face for a solid three seconds. God, he’s broad. He’s also in a suit, save for the jacket and tie, and your eyes catch the crinkly lines in his white dress shirt, no longer crisp from being worn all day. They look like rivers on a map. “Well, I guess I’ll be going. Glad you’re okay, Jacqueline, that was quite the fall.” 
“Oh, no, Aaron, you don’t have to go!” Jacqueline pipes up, holding her coffee with two hands. “I mean, only if you need to, but, we’re still waiting for my X-ray to come back, and I know I’d love the company.” 
You look at Jacqueline with a bewildered expression. “I mean, I’d love the company of all of you,” Jacqueline corrects, her cheeks pinkening. 
You cross your ankles, suddenly aware that you’re in your loungewear - beige linen shorts and a blue Georgetown sweatshirt - and your hair sits in a haphazard knot on top of your head. You have to remind yourself that you don’t care. That Aaron Hotchner’s opinion of you does not matter. 
Aaron seems momentarily frozen in place, standing at the foot of Jacqueline’s bed. His eyes dart to you as if to silently ask permission to stay, and you give a subtle, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it shrug and tilt of your head. He inhales and you see his nostrils flare. He clears his throat and says, “Let me find a chair, then.” 
There’s something humorous about a man as tall and imposing and draconian as Aaron Hotchner looking for a chair in the emergency room bay of a hospital. Shoulders hunched so he doesn’t inconvenience anyone. You hope he feels embarrassed and humbled by the experience. A muted smirk rests upon your lips as you watch him most unhelpfully, not even bothering to move from your seat. 
Eventually he finds a free chair in the corner and drags it to the other side of Jacqueline’s bed, keeping a respectful distance. He looks across the bed at Spencer, who sits beside you. “Did you tell her that Garcia basically pushed Jacqueline over the curb?” 
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Fluorescent lighting had never been so flattering before. Under its clarifying spotlight, Aaron gets to see details of you he’d missed at the bar where you first met. The texture of your skin, an extra little sliver of thigh from those linen shorts he wasn’t privy to before. 
And when he leaned over you to give Reid his coffee? He caught your intoxicating scent and now he fears it will either be stuck in his nostrils forever, or it will fade too quickly, before he can commit it to memory. 
“Penelope did what?” You’re asking, looking at Reid, then Jacqueline, brows creasing in the middle. 
Aaron folds his left leg atop his right, then nods with an amused smile. It’s clear you still don’t like him - might even hate him for how cold he was to you at the bar the other night. He can tell by the way you refuse to look at him unless absolutely necessary, how your jaw visibly tenses every time he addresses you directly. 
“I have no solid proof,” Aaron begins, offering the information as an olive branch. Your eyes snap to his and he’s jarred for a second, then he continues, the corners of his lips ticking up into an amused smile. “But one second, I see Garcia and Morgan at least three feet behind where Jacqueline’s walking, and the next thing I know, she’s on the ground and Garcia’s apologizing profusely.” 
“Why isn’t she here?” You laugh softly, and Aaron’s chest thrums. He can’t diagnose his reaction to it, but your laugh, no matter how strained and merely polite it might be at this moment, could be the thing that kills him. 
“Something about feeding JJ and Emily’s cat while they’re on vacation,” Jacqueline chimes in. Aaron clocks the younger woman’s eyes and how glued they are on Reid. She’s been so closed off every time Aaron’s around, so this tidbit of information coming from her surprises him. Aaron’s wondered this whole time if she truly likes Reid or if she’s just being kind. 
You nod in understanding and lean back in your chair. Little wisps of your hair fall into your eyes and you brush them back delicately with your index finger. 
Jacqueline pipes up again, her voice still timid and maybe a little tired. “Would you mind maybe getting me a snack?” She asks you. 
Aaron watches the softening of your expression as you look at Jacqueline fondly. You would do anything for her, and he can tell. “Of course,” you squeeze Jacqueline’s uninjured leg as you rise from your seat. 
“And maybe Aaron can go with you? Since Spence is pretty hungry, too, right, Spence?” Jacqueline proposes. 
Your soft expression twists into one of slight irritance. 
Aaron knows exactly what Jacqueline is up to, but it takes Reid a lingering moment to catch on. “What - oh, yeah, I’m starving,” the good doctor adds, even going to far as to pat his stomach, as if to say it’s hollow in there. 
Your eyes shrink in annoyance, and you seem to plaster a sickly sweet smile onto your lips, one that would make demons shake in their boots. You lock eyes with Aaron, as if to say, well? What’s it gonna be? 
Aaron asks Jacqueline and Reid what they want, then leads the way out of the ER and towards the cafeteria. The hospital’s signage is fairly easy to follow, and Aaron slows his usually long strides so you don’t have to struggle to keep up.
He gestures to your Georgetown sweatshirt. “You graduated from Georgetown?” He asks. 
“No, I just like to wear merchandise for schools I didn’t attend,” you deadpan, and there’s that goddamn attitude again. 
Aaron considers laying it all out - right here, right now. You’re not even thirty yet, from what Garcia’s told him. He shouldn’t be attracted to you, but he is, and god, is it killing him. Instead, he just furrows his brows and doesn’t say anything. 
“Yeah,” you soften a little, shoving your hands in the pockets of the sweatshirt. You seem to be cutting Aaron a little bit of slack, for whatever reason. “Yeah, I went to Georgetown.” 
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Aaron holds the door open for you when you reach the cafeteria. You feel a little bad for your snarky comment in the hallway. You were not raised to be outwardly rude. You were raised to hoard your resentment like a precious flower, nursing it so it grows big and strong. 
“Jacqueline made it really sound like an emergency, huh?” Aaron asks, following you to the line. You shoot him a quizzical brow, and he gestures to your ensemble. 
“Oh, excuse me for not wearing an Armani suit to the hospital,” you roll your eyes, but they linger on the wrinkles in his dress shirt. “You just went out right after work, then? In your fancy suit?” 
Aaron smooths his fingertips over the white cotton. The color reminds you of freshly cleaned bedsheets. “Yeah, and it’s not Armani, for your information.” 
“Sorry, Mr. FBI. What is it, then, Dolce & Gabbana? Ralph Lauren?” 
“Tom Ford.” 
“Like that’s any less pretentious,” you scoff. 
“Hey, I can spend my money however I choose,” Aaron says, and you know he’s right. That doesn’t mean you’re not going to give him shit for it. 
“Must be nice to just burn cash,” you say dryly. “I’m sure your wife loves that.” 
“I don’t have a wife.” You look at him over your shoulder and his eye twitches a little when he says this. 
You’re not sure why you mention a wife anyway. Maybe you’re merely curious, but then again, you’ve already clocked that he’s not wearing a wedding ring. “Girlfriend, then,” you correct. “Do men your age call them girlfriends, or do you prefer the term mistress?” 
“Men my age?” Aaron laughs bitterly. “I don’t have a girlfriend,” he says. His voice is stringent, right on the line of annoyance. You smirk to yourself and grab a tray so you can carry the food. “Even if I did, I wouldn’t call her my mistress, because I don’t have a wife to cheat on with her.” 
“Bachelors in the 1800s called their girlfriends mistresses,” you point out, though your facts are coming from Bridgerton, so you’re not sure if they’re entirely accurate. “I don’t know how old-fashioned you are.” 
“I’m not,” Aaron says simply as you load an individual-size veggie pizza on your tray for Jacqueline, then grab a bag of chips and a soda for yourself. Aaron grabs the sandwich Spencer requested, and you lead the way to the checkout. 
The cafeteria worker punches in your items, and then Aaron’s. “Oh, we’re not together,” you correct politely. 
“It’s fine,” Aaron insists, pulling a silver AmEx out of his wallet. You reach for your own wallet to try and beat him, but he’s already swiped by the time you even get it out. 
You thank the cafeteria worker before gathering everything in your hands. “You didn’t have to do that,” you say as you and Aaron head out of the cafeteria. He holds the door open for you, again. 
“It’s not a big deal,” Aaron says as you walk through the open door. “Chivalry is still alive, as far as I’m concerned.” 
“Not old-fashioned, huh?” You smirk as you look up at him, feeling your cheeks redden a bit. Wait, when did this become playful jesting rather than straight-up bullying? 
“Maybe a little old-fashioned.” Aaron’s lips hint at a smile, and you feel your mouth go dry. 
“Shocking that you’re still on the market,” you say, admittedly because you’re curious about what Penelope said the other night at the bar. Something about Aaron going through a hard time. 
“My job requires a lot of my time,” Aaron explains. Your footsteps slow a little and he matches your pace. “Even if I found someone worth all the trouble, I don’t think I’d have the time to dedicate to a relationship.” 
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“Worth all the trouble?” You repeat, a scoff lining your voice like a thousand tiny needles. Aaron resists the urge to visibly wince at your reaction. 
Why you’re prompting all this relationship discussion is beyond him. He’s a profiler, for Christ’s sake, but he can’t pin you down, for some reason. He lays the brickwork down and builds his walls up again. For a moment, back in the cafeteria, he was starting to let you in. 
But, no, it doesn’t matter how god-forsakenly adorable you are when you scrunch your nose or call him out on his bullshit. Aaron’s not ready for this kind of thing yet, so iciness is necessary. It protects him, it protects Jack, but - and, maybe most importantly - it protects you. 
You’re young and you’re willful. You’re a goddamn hurricane, a force to be reckoned with, but your stubbornness is a house of cards. Aaron Hotchner knows that if he hurts you, the cards will fall. And he could never forgive himself for something like that. 
So when you look at him for some kind of explanation, throwing him an arched brow and the opportunity to explain himself, he doesn’t take it. Instead, he watches as you pick up your pace and walk ahead of him, leaving a hell of a view and a frustrated, fully-grown man in your wake.
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scp230kinnie · 2 years ago
HIII!! Can i request Dr. Bright, Dr. Glass and Dr. Clef with an s/o that can burn anything they touch when they want to? ty!
Various! SCP researchers x fire powers! Reader
Ermmmm okay itts been so long since I’ve written stuff
Characters: Dr. Bright, Dr. Clef, Dr. Glass
Warnings: Fire, cringe, not proofread
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Dr. Jack Bright
-he loves lighting stuff on fire in the first place
-when he met you (or found out about your abilities) the interest in fire went up by 1000
- makes you light anything he needs tbh😭
- candles, joints, whatever the hell
- would LOVE to show you off whenever he can
- “look what my partner can do 😻”- him before making you light something on fire probably
- prays you won’t turn on him and light him on fire or something
-would for sure tease clef and kondraki
- would show you his favourite things to burn (everything)
- tries to get you to help him in pranks and stuff with that
- would probably try to get you to light him on fire to see what happens
- would make s’mores with you duh
- He thinks you’re………
-I’m so sorry
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Dr. Alto Clef
not sure if he’s jealous or terrified
- at least you can keep him warm
- would get you a fire extinguisher every holiday as a joke
- will get insurance on everything immediately
-would definitely make dates exciting
-whether you do it for fun or just when necessary, he does NOT care
- would always get you to light his cigarettes
-will literally not accept a lighter
-like seriously will cross the entire foundation or something to find you just to light his cigarettes
-wants you to blow stuff up
-anyone he’s mad at he would definitely threaten to have you light them on fire
- will not stop with the fire puns🙁
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Dr. Simon Glass
he thinks it’s badass as long as you’re not hurting anyone or yourself
- would spend all his time trying to make sure you’re not lighting anything on fire
- Without his permission
-definitely wants to study you more
-sorry but you’ll always be a test subject with him 😭💀
- would also get you a fire extinguisher every holiday, but not as a joke
-this man is always TERRIFIED for you and your safety
-along with the people around you
-is absolutely fascinated by you
-if you live together he tries his hardest to fire proof and safety the house
-even if you’re not using it
-he would honestly try to find ways to use your abilities in beneficial, productive, or creative ways
Okay guys that’s it pls enjoy
That’s all bye
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year ago
Wakey Wakey
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Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating SMUT AFAFAF!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I sat on my bed flicking through my book, the fire burning bright enough to light my room, the house quiet and content my family gone for travelling for at least a few weeks. A storm was overhead battering everything in its wake, the darkness of the storm and of the night coming together to provide a dark void of endless night. 
I perked up a little as I heard a knock. 
For a moment I was frightened as to what could have caused such a sound, but I looked around my room and soon enough jumped! as I saw someone at my balcony door.
But I knew who it was, so I fixed my nightie and rolled my eyes taking a candle over and opening the door the sounds of rain flooding in, as he stood there soaked though. 
"Hello, you fancy a bit of brain surgery?" Jack smirked as he came into my room,
"Is this what you think flirting is?" I sighed, 
He was sheepish for a moment "...yeah," 
"Come on, take your clothes off," I said going to throw another log on the fire,
"Ohh... I didn't think it was gonna work that well?" He smirked eagerly getting his jacket off,
"You're soaked if you don't take them off you'll get sick," I told him, grabbing a towel from my linen cupboard and throwing it at his head,
"Thank you y/n." He sighed, he stripped the rest of his clothes off and wrapped the towel around himself, so I took his clothes and set them on the clothes horse to dry,
"Come sit by the fire," I told him as I set my kettle on its rack letting the fire heat the water, he nodded and came over, sitting on the sofa by the fire wrapped up in the towel, Once the water boiled I poured him some hot tea, and handed it over 
"Ooohh thanks." he smiled sipping to warm his insides, 
"You're welcome," I smiled going and fetching another towel "So? what brings you to my humble abode then Dr Dawkins?" 
"Well, I know your family is gone-" He began but stopped short as I threw my towel over his head using it to dry his still dripping hair "Ohh thank you, But I know they gone so I figured I'd come to keep you company," 
"Thanks very kind of you Jack," I smiled taking the towel off his head and kissing his cheek. 
"Well, I have to be nice to my fiance don't I?" 
"You should be nice yes." I laughed, 
"So... I've been thinking."
"Ohh dear, don't think too much now Jack you'll give yourself a headache."
"Very funny. but seriously, I've been thinking."
"About?" I asked sitting in my chair,
"I should really make the time to come up and see you more often, I feel bad when I don't."
"It's fine Jack I know your busy working."
"I know but, I don't like leaving you all alone so long," he said, 
"That's very sweet," I smiled 
"You'd like to spend time with me?"
"If I didn't want to Jack I'd have left you out in the rain." I chuckled, "Also my family isn't here why didn't you just use the front door?" 
"... Hu, Strangely that thought had not occurred to me." 
"Silly boy,"
"I know," He yawned "Ummm You've made it far too cosy in here. I'm getting sleepy." 
"My apologies for having a cosy bedroom."
"You mind if I stay tonight?" 
"Well..." I began, "You really shouldn't, but you are all warm and dry I send you back out you're just going to get all wet again." I sighed, "Alright,"
"Can I stay... in your bed?" he made eye contact with a sweet smile 
"Alright," I rolled my eyes playfully
"Could maybe..."
"Yes, Jack?"
"....Could we cuddle?" 
"Alright." I rolled my eyes a little but moved over to the sofa and cuddled him laying my head on his shoulder and nuzzling into his neck, he smiled down at me and wrapped his arms around me too,
"Umm... My dearest y/n." He cooed, "How I wish this rain would never end, so I may remain in your arms longer." 
"Well, we shall just have to savour the rain."
"I shall savour every drop" He smiled giving my lips a gentle soft kiss, I smiled and gave him a gentle kiss back before we cuddled up again, 
"You smell nice,"
"Do I?"
"Umm," I nodded,
"I'm pleased I could be pleasant to you dearest." He yawned,
"Come on Dr Dawkins. Bedtime." I told him getting up and offering my hand he happily took it leaving his towel on the clothes horse with his clothes and I took him to my bed, I took my book away and helped him into bed plumping the pillow and tucking him in, he yawned very comfortably 
"Can you sleep with me?"
"I'm coming, I'm coming," I smiled climbing in too and nuzzling up to him so we could cuddle with him holding me close our noses touching, 
"Yes, Jack?"
"Can I fall asleep in your arms tonight?"
"Of course," I smiled wrapping my arms around him too, "Goodnight Jack,"
"Goodnight Y/n." He smiled pressing one final kiss to my lips before with a few happy sighs and shifts we gently drifted away to sleep. 
I woke up listening to the rain still attacking the house, but I knew it was early morning, I softly opened my eyes seeing Jack still deep in his sleep so I pressed a kiss to his forehead and carefully climbed out the bed doing my best not to disturb him, I went across my room making sure to keep the fire burning to keep the room warm, I checked his clothes and they where to dry so I took them and folded them on the table at the end of my bed for him, I did want breakfast but I didn't want to make any till he was up, so I made myself a tea on the fire's flames and paced my balcony windows as I sipped it. 
He grumbled a little so I turned and noticed him half asleep running his hands over the bed and looking for me 
"Good Morning," I cooed 
He sat up not even opening his eyes, yawning for a good few seconds and scratching his messy bedhead "Morning dearest." he Yawned 
"Ohh my, that was a big yawn."
"I'm tired." he pouts 
"Aww well stay a few more minutes in bed if you like?"
"No, I'm up. Just about," he said rubbing his neck "You sleep okay?"
"I always do when you're here."
he blushed a little, "Yeah I always sleep better with you too." 
I smiled setting my tea down and running back to bed jumping on him and pushing him onto my mattress for a cuddle, he laughed at me but wrapped his arms around me anyway "Breakfast?"
"I am hungry,"
"Good, I'll go make breakfast." I smiled patting his chest before I tried to get up but he pulled me back "Whoa... Hello" I laughed at the surprise of being back against his nose 
"Hello," He smiled giving me a sweet kiss "Now you can go."
"Silly boy." I giggled getting up and heading out of my room down to the kitchen, I made some hashbrowns, some eggs, and some toast and got a big jug of orange juice taking it all upstairs. When I returned Jack was exactly where I left him clearly fighting with himself on whether he was going to go back to sleep or wake up,  "Breakfast." I smiled setting it on the table.
"You're an angel." He smiled climbing out of bed and rubbing his eyes as he walked across to the table "Thank you Y/n" he smiled kissing my cheek as he made himself a plate and a large glass of juice, we sat together and ate breakfast or well I nibbled and he consumed it as if he hasn't been fed in a week, 
"Peckish?" I laughed 
"I don't often eat breakfast, don't have time to make it or if I do I get called off for something else. It's nice to sit down and have breakfast, especially with you,"
"That's sweet Jack, well once we're married I'll make sure you get breakfast every day before you leave for work."
"You will?"
"Course got to keep the doctor fed." 
"You're too good to me," he winked sipping his juice,
Once breakfast was done I returned it to the kitchen and when I got back he was yawning 
"Ummm I needed a nap."
"A nap? You just woke up!" I laughed "I think they've got you working too hard if you're like this." I laughed,
"I can't help it, your place is so cosy. Plus the rain makes me sleepy." 
I took his hand and took him back to bed, I gave him an extra couple of pillows and even an extra blanket tucking him in tight and kissing him on the head "There, That nice?"
"That's lovely," He blushed a little making himself cosy "Can I have a cuddle?"
"No, because then I'll fall asleep."
"Please dearest?"
I rolled my eyes a moment but crawled into bed and sat tapping my thigh, he happily moved and laid his head in my lap with a wide smile, I softly began to pet his hair taking my book from the table and reading to him, I know he struggles with his reading so I like to read to him sometimes let him just shut his eyes and listen and I know he likes it too as already he began to drift away, so once I knew he was asleep I kissed his little head and let him rest. 
I went and got dressed into one of my little day dresses that was comfy for a rainy day, I went to my desk and grabbed some paper writing some letters and notes that I needed to get working with.
Eventually, he sat up, "Humm?"
"Ohh Hello again." I laughed, 
"Hello, Dearest."
"Hello, Jack."
"How long was I asleep?"
"Uhhhh?" I pondered taking his watch from the table, "An hour."
"An Hour! Ohh sorry,"
"It's alright Jack you've been busy working I wanted to let you sleep." I smiled as I wrote with my fountain pen, He smiled and moved getting his pants and shirt on coming over as he snapped his suspenders on he came and sat beside me 
"What are you writing?"
"Just letters."
"Alright," he smiled as we sat together for a good while "You're so sweet and beautiful you know that?"
"Aww thank you Jack, you're very sweet and handsome too" 
"Can we have a cuddle?" 
"That would be lovely," I smiled 
we both moved closer and closer until he laid his head in my lap again,
"Cosy Jack?"
"Alright" I laughed getting on with my work petting his hair as I worked humming to myself a little I finished up after a while of writing until I noticed his little wheezes "Jack..."
"Mmm?" He groaned nuzzling closer and almost purring as had fallen asleep,
"Awww such a sleepy boy" I cooed "Wakey Wakey..."
He jumped a little sitting up as he realized he had fallen asleep on my lap,  "Humm? ohh..." He sighed "Sorry."
"You are so sleepy today Jack, Dr sneed been working you too hard?"
"A little," He yawned "It would help if he did some work sometime." 
"aww you poor thing,"
"Didn't help I've been getting up early these last few days," He cooed, "And you're just so very cosy and cuddly it just makes me so happy. I love you so much Y/n."
"Aww, I love you too Jack." I smiled kissing his cheek, 
"Can I ask you something?"
"Of course,"
"When we get married... do you want to have children?"
I smiled at his question, "I would, would you?"
"I very much would, How many?"
"Three." I smiled, "Two girls and a boy."
he chuckled, "I think that would be lovely,"
"Anything else? when we get married?" 
"A cute little house... with a garden."
"I'd like that Jack, and maybe a little dog for the children to play with."
"A very cute little dog." He smiled, "So I can wake up every morning give my sweet wife a kiss, pet the dog, go down and eat breakfast looking out to the garden and send the kids to school before I head to work." 
"That sounds like the most beautiful morning,"
"I know it will be" He smiled, 
"Do you think... I could cuddle in your lap some more?"
"No more lap jack you'll go back to sleep."
"Can you sit on my lap then y/n?" he asked, "Does my lap look better?"
I rolled my eyes a little and moved to sit myself on his leg so he could wrap his arms around me and my back against his chest, he chuckled and adjusted me a little so we were both cosy, and after a while he gave my shoulder a kiss 
"I can't wait till you're mine dearest."
"I can't wait either," I smiled, 
He then pressed one kiss to my neck, I blushed a little but didn't move, so he tightened his grip on me a little hugging me a little tighter and kissing my neck again only one little kiss but enough to make me feel so happy inside, He then took my hand in his and whispered in my ear "Can I stay with you today?"
"You're welcome to stay Jack, as long as you like."
he smiled a little and stroked my hair "I like you sat here."
"I get to hold you so close." He smiled bringing his face and lips into my neck he gently blew air across my skin before slowly pressing small kisses to my neck "Your skin is so soft" he whispered and I couldn't control my playful giggles he merely continued his kisses so slowly and calculated waiting patiently between each one, his kisses slowly grew more intense until as he kissed my neck his teeth graced my skin, not enough to bite me but enough to make me feel his teeth, he repeated this just slow soft kisses occasionally tenderizing my skin by gracing his teeth on it "Hmmm... do you like when I'm this close to you?" he whispered slyly 
"I do," I admit, 
He chuckled with a familiar sly grin, he continued his kisses now starting little nibbles on my skin pressing his teeth more meaningfully "Do you like these little nibbles on your soft lovely neck? Hmm?" He whispered 
"I do," I admit,
"Just one bite dearest?" he pleads running his nose across my neck before he continues his kisses and nibbles 
"Little ones," I whispered back,
He smirked and continued his bites gently barely anything between his kisses and nibbles which were getting very intense "You enjoying them? Hmm? Umm so soft... so sweet." He asked nibbling purposely on a more sensitive spot I couldn't answer him, so he kept nibbling and kissing for a while "Can I bite your neck once more dearest?" He whispered, "I just can't stop."
"You can." I gasped as now his bites became more aggressive leaving his teeth marks on my skin for a few seconds each time 
"Do you like my bites Y/n?" He whispered as he licked the spot he bit before kissing it again he would do this over and over up and down my neck like a vampire to my jugular, 
"Very much Jack," I almost moaned feeling him so close to me giving me such attention 
He continued with a prideful smirk, getting harder with his nibbles, kisses and bites. "I'm glad you're enjoying it." he smirked getting even harder "Hmmm..." He groaned leaving a hickey on my neck "How was that Dearest?" he asked licking his hickey 
"Ohh jack-" I gasped feeling him force a hickey into my skin he continued biting and nibbling my neck around my hickey to ensure my attention for it, "Uhhh! Jack!" I moaned twisting my fingers in his hair, which he took as a sign to get even more intense "Uhhhhh!" I moaned grabbing his hand that had been settled on my waist this whole time moving it under my dress to my thigh
"Ohh?" He smirked "That what you want y/n?" he whispered between kisses stroking my thigh higher and higher "Hmm? That what you want dearest?" he licked my hickey as he smirked and I could only nod, he teased me further stroking my hip under my dress "Ummm..." he groans now all but attacking my neck with kisses, bites, nibbles and licks. I could feel he was hard against my leg I tugged on his hair almost pulling his hair to bring him closer and he took the hint intensifying his work on my neck 
"Uhhh jack" I gasped moving his hand to where I so desperately needed him 
"Please jack,"
he smirked and whispered deeply in my ear "Yes dearest." he smirked stroking my mound before rubbing on my throbbing clit 
"Uuhh uhhhh uhhhhhhh" I whined as he continued with my neck at the same time by now my neck looked as if I had been in a fight covered in hickeys and bite marks all down one side of my neck, not caring the marks he made just wanting to make us excited I moaned as he made a hickey on my most sensitive spot while he slipped his fingers inside me still rubbing my clit with his thumb but I clamped my hand over my mouth to stop my moan even if my eyes rolled back a little 
"Ohh..." He growled "Such a cute little thing," he cooed "Do you want me to stop?" he whispered and I shook my head "Alright," he smirked nibbling and kissing as his fingers worked but not fast enough I grabbed his wrist and tried to make his hand move faster but he pulled back "Ohh I see," he whispered nibbling my ear "Y/n..." he groaned kissing down to my collar bone and across my gasping chest giving him more space and more real estate to leave hickeys and bites, I tugged on his hair to pull his lips to mine for an intense make out till he pulled back "Let me see them."
"What?" I blushed but with my quick breaths my chest was rising and falling so fast his eyes lingered there 
"Let me see them," he growled "Let me see them y/n." He whispered in my ear making his fingers move much faster
"Uhhh Jack please!" I gasped I took his hand away and moved it to the ribbon tie of my dress I went to help him but he pushed my hand off
"I want to do it." he smirked, he then picked me up in his arms like a bride and carried me to bed laying me down on my back, he unlaced my dress making sure to be agonizingly slow before he tugged it off me leaving me naked on my bed, he smirked down at me pulling his suspenders down and threw his shirt to the side He gasped a moment before he took my hands resting them on his shoulders and letting me slide them down his chest "Feel how breathless I am for you, feel hour quickly my heart beats for you,"
"And feel how I do for you," I smiled and rested my wrist on his neck,
"Hmmm... you are more perfect than any other woman I have ever met" he gasped, "Are you sure you want me?"
"Yes Jack" I gasped, throwing my head back against the bed,
"That's all I need to hear Y/n,"
 He didn't need another word he pulled my legs up and open before tugging his trousers down, he stroked his hard shaft a couple of times before he held the base and guided himself inside me he groaned as he found his way, he held my hips a little raised as he was stood and I was laid on the bed to ensure the best pleasurable angle as he began his almost violent thrusts but this was normal for Jack, as the moment he's allowed to he will not control himself but I rather liked it, seeing him often so composed and calculated a slave to his hormones and needs, I didn't hold back my screams given often when we did this my family would be in bed or his colleagues on the side of a door but as we were alone I didn't have to hold my screams back, he didn't hold back his grunts and groans either which I found sexier then I like to admit, the bed creaking as he thrusted I knew I was close clawing down his back in desperation for the pleasure that was building and building and building until I hit it screaming and clamping my legs around him my eyes rolling back and my jaw hung open, pleasure rushing though my body jack kept going for a while but he was slower sloppier unable to control himself much longer until he moaned loudly and quickly pulled out sending his seed across my stomach, 
"Sorry y/n-"
"It's okay, we haven't had time alone in a while" I giggled, pulling his head into my chest to catch our breath for a while "Do you think you have the energy for more?" I asked tenderly stroking his shaft and he was still hard,
"More? you sure you want more?"
"More" I pleaded
"hmmm you're pretty cute when you beg,"
"Don't make me beg too much Jack you won't like me when I'm too... desperate," I smirked stroking his chest and his neck till I reached his hair and I tugged on it hard pulling his hair 
He smirked and chuckled at little at me pulling his hair slightly and biting his lip "Maybe I like you when you're desperate dearest." he smirked 
I pulled him down to kiss me pulling our lips into a heavy makeout before I pushed his head down 
"Ohh? All alright." He smirked as he began kissing and licking my clit as mercilessly as he did my neck 
"Uhhhhhh! Uuuuuuhh! Jack!" I squealed 
"ummmm! I love when you're loud for me Y/n" he growled as he began to suck, 
I did my best not to scream at the feeling of such intense pleasure but I pulled his hair so he came back to my face "I need you. Now." I half pleaded and half demanded 
"Really? You need me dearest? hmmm?" He smirked grinding himself against me as he had now gotten hard again, 
"Yes" I nodded grinding back on him "Jack, More, Please."
"Are you sure?"
"More!" I demanded digging my nails into his hips and flipping us over so he laid in the middle of my bed and I crawled over his lap 
"Ohh very demanding dearest." he smirked and I didn't hesitate to move to let him slip back inside me "uHhh fuck-" he gasped leaning on his hands to keep himself up a little, I didn't waste my time starting to ride him bouncing and grinding as fast as I could resting my hands on his stomach, he did his best to keep quiet smirking hard as he watched me ride him his hips working with me so we could move more intensely on one another, the bed springs creaking with each thrust and bounce but I didn't care, his eyes squarely on my breasts as I bounced "UUghhhh! I'm already close y/n!"
"Just a little longer Jack." I pleaded 
He smiled biting my neck a little as he took my hips and moved them even faster than I could on my own and he thrusted so hard up into me I had no choice but to squeal 
"UUghhhhhhh! JACK!" I screamed as I hit my wall of pleasure biting his neck as I did but he quickly threw me off onto the bed leaning his head back as he sent his seed across his stomach 
"Fuck- you were... certainly excited weren't you-" He groans gasping desperately given he just had two rounds without much break collapsing on the bed trying to get his head straight,
"I love you, Jack,"
"I love you too," He smiled 
I got up and fetched us both something to drink given we were both now tried and dehydrated, 
"You really like it when I nibble your neck don't you?"
"I do," I giggled,
"Hmmm maybe I'll start kissing and nibbling you again?"
"Yeah? That sound good dearest?" 
I smirked sitting up on my knees and stroking down his chest giving his shaft a few gentle strokes and rubs, 
"Ummm... yes?"
"Just testing."
"If little Jack has enough energy for me." I cooed feeling him get hard again, 
"Always Y/n." He gasped, 
"Round three?" I asked innocently, 
"Fuck I love when your family isn't here." He smirked pulling me into a kiss I happily kissed back and then pulled back and turned my back to him looking at my pillows, he quickly came close his hands roamed my body squeezing my breasts a little before he pushed me to bend over and quickly pushing himself back inside me as he held my hips, "Uhhhhh Jack!" I smirked moving my hips back and forth to start our thrusts, and he wasted no time getting utterly merciless on me I had to keep my hands on the bed to keep my head from being thrusted into the pillow slightly giggling at the sound of our hips meeting over and over but it was often overshadowed by just how deep he could get like this, and after a while, he began to slow, "Don't slow down." I pleaded
"I'm already two shots down y/n. I'm not exactly got a lot of energy left." 
"Ughhh Jack!" I complained moving my hips myself to keep the speed the same, he moaned loudly and moved his hands from my hips to my breasts twisting my nipples as he mercilessly thrusted with enough to tip me over the edge "UHHhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Yes! yes JACK!" I squealed doing my best to ride it out he tried to slow me but I just kept at the pace until his hips bucked quickly -
"Ughhhhhhh! fuck- " He groans forcing himself out and sending his seed across my back, "Sorry- sorry-" he gasped
"It's alright Jack." I smiled, cuddling up to him a little and giving him kisses "You're tired." 
He gasps fast and hard "You are an evil little thing when your horny y/n."
"I can't help it," I giggled "I love you so much"
"I love you too" He smiled playing with my hair 
"Jack..." I whispered after a while of resting 
He chuckled a little "You evil little thing,"
"More." I cooed stroking his shaft and feeling him get hard again for me "Aww little Jack does have some more energy."
"You know I can't resist you." he smirked leaning on his elbows, "Go on then dearest."
I giggled and jumped on his lap this time with my back to him so he could play and tug on my hair as I bounced myself violently desperate for this burning ache to be cured I glanced over my shoulder at him and saw him gnawing at his lip trying desperately to keep his head straight he pulled my hair hard 
"Slow down dearest. you're gonna make me cum."
"Isn't that what you need?" I smirked jiggling my butt as I bounced 
"You know I do" he growled holding my hips and thrusting hard inside me 
"uhhhhhh Jack!" I squealed bouncing faster and harder he often pulled my hair to make me arch my back as I bounced until I began to rub my clit 
"AH ah ah!" He smirked slapping my hand off "That's my job." he smirked rubbing on my clit mercilessly which was enough to tip me over the edge squealing loudly and squirting down him, he let me ride it out moving hard and fast until he pushed me down onto the bed and sent his seed across the sheets "I love you so much y/n
"I love you too Jack" I smiled giving him a gentle kiss as we both lay sweaty, gasping trying to process ourselves, given the last... god knows how long we had been at this like literal rabbits.
Once I had the strength I climbed out of bed and went looking for where my dress ended up quickly slipping it on and fixing my hair having a drink after all that. when I looked back to the bed Jack was fast asleep so I let him rest for a while getting started on dinner, once it was cooking I went back up and found him still asleep so I giggled climbing onto the bed and onto his lap "Wakey wakey"
"Humm? Ohh sorry y/n I think I uhh I think I died for a minute" 
"Really?" I giggled giving him some water, 
"I did just cum four times... I'm surprised I didn't just pass out" he chuckled 
"That's true." I giggled "So.... dinner's cooking."
"Good, I'm starving after all that" he smiled giving me a kiss 
"So... it's gonna be about an hour?" I cooed stroking his chest 
He gasped a little his eyes widening "I'm gonna love marrying you aren't I?"
"Yes you will" I smirked tugging him into a kiss and dragging him down into bed with me...
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dragon-chica · 2 years ago
Goldilocks and the Creeps
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Fandom: Creepypasta, specifically the old x reader interpretations.
Tendency to write one of these for random fandoms when I have trouble napping
You need a place to sleep, here's a pros and cons list you're tried.
Masky: Has no problem with you sleeping in his bed -he's the problem. Too tired to care about getting changed he flops into bed, on top of his covers still dressed in his jeans and doesn't even bother to kick off his boots. Asleep in minutes and sounds like he's sawing logs. You take his extra pillow to sandwich out the sound.
Bloody Painter: His room retains the coppery scent from old paintings hung on his walls, but his otherwise tidy and welcoming, not a big cuddler and might take the opportunity to paint you after you've gotten comfortable and fallen asleep. Not a bad choice.
Liu/Sully: Liu is wonderful, very respectful and a little shy if you want to snuggle. Quiet and sleeps on his side, has a cozy comforter. Sully just wants to fuck and will wake you up to ask once Liu's asleep.
Eyeless Jack: Seems great, comfy enough bed, doesn't snore, will keep to himself or hold you if you prefer. You can easily ignore that deep intake of breath when his nose is at your nape. All's good until you wake up to him licking you like he's taste-testing if you're done.
Hoodie: Sure you can sleep in his room, but it's so sparsely decorated like a cheap motel room and he sits on the edge of his dresser filming you. He's not being particularly weird about it, normal and chill if you talk to him.
Sally: Offers to share her bed when she hears you need somewhere to sleep! An offer too sweet to turn down, but her pink princess children's bed is too small for you both and you end up the rest of the night on the couch, but thank her with pancakes in the morning.
Dr. Smiley: You were exhausted of everyone else and went down to sleep on his vacant operating table, dragging your pillow and fuzzy blanket along. All was well until he arrives home with a new victim screaming in tow.
Puppeteer: Not the most welcoming but you push past him and flop onto his bed. Will trace little lines down your shoulders and arms while you sleep trying not to wake you, may subtle turn you towards him with his strings to see if you'll cuddle him.
Laughing Jack: Super cuddly and comfy! wraps his arms around you multiple times and just envelops you in warmth and he's soft like felt, great night until you get really fucked up dreams. Can't untangle yourself then either.
Jason the Toymaker: His bed is covered in stuffed toys he has made and he is very comfy to hold/be held by. Doesn't sleep much so if you wake up his bright green eyes illuminate looking down at you, but that doesn't disturb your sleep. Similar freaky dreams again though.
Ticci Toby: Great cuddle buddy, little spoon, cozy to snuggle against. Until you wake up with a bloody nose from his elbow and he's still snoring away.
Slenderman: Does he sleep? Might just 'stare' at you for asking if you can sleep in his bed, without an answer you're not sure if he's mocking you or bewildered by the question, too tired you just try the next one. Maybe Smile Dog's bed is empty.
BEN DROWNED: Very high on the list, just take an eye mask and noise canceling headphones, have his bed to yourself while he games. Plus if you sleep-grab him to cuddle he'll just freeze up at let you. No body heat tho and his room smells like doritos and moutain dew.
Jeff the Killer: Sleeps like he is dead, does not move a muscle, such quiet breathing, not bad if you don't mind the feeling there's a corpse next to you. But if he forgets to put his eye-mask on you turn over and see his eyes flickering back and forth at crazy speeds.
Jane the Killer: She prefers her space but might let you out of pity seeing those eye bags and hearing your issues. Gives you a face mask before bed and it's a proper sleepover until you pass out. Wants to talk pros and cons (you're giving her this list) of everyone later.
Kagekao: 10/10, finally no issues. You two get drunk and chat before bed and you peacefully pass out in a good mood. Lets you sleep in his bed whenever.
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dreamerinthemoonlight · 1 year ago
First Dates (Luke, Marius, Artem, Vyn)
Cw: Fluff
NXX boys x Fem! Reader
Luke’s style seems to gravitate towards stuff like them park dates and county fair dates, so that’s what he does for your first
He picks you up early on a Saturday morning, bright eyed and bushy tailed. You're almost annoyed because no one should be so perky before 10 am in the morning. And he doesn’t need coffee rude
The two of you stop for a quick breakfast before descending on the theme park
After that you run through the usual culprits: twirly rides, house of mirrors, a couple roller coasters (before lunch, not after), pretending to be scared at the haunted house rides
he shows off his aim at some of the game booths winning you exactly what you want
You even manage to convince him to do face painting with you
In all honesty, it feels like being kids again. Except kids don’t hold hands and find secluded areas to make out
In the evening you find a nice little hill--scratch that, the two of you are definitely sitting next to each other on the Farris wheel while you watch the fireworks
A date with Marius is upscale. You definitely need a fancy dress which he has no problems paying for
It comes in two parts
First he takes you to an art gallery. One he totally rented out for the night
You’re more than happy to watch him smile and talk about his art. He always lights up and sometimes loses that mask of the rich little shit and it is a treat
You spend several hours there, but he’s mindful of your comfort. Heels are a bitch to walk in for long periods of time. 
When you’re ready to leave, Marius takes you to a super fancy restaurant. You went a little pale when you saw where you were going, then reminded you that Marius has the money to volunteer to give you ridiculously expensive dogs. A private reservation overlooking a quiet park is no biggie for Mr. Acting President von Hagen.  
All in all, it’s very nice. You can’t get out of being the object of his teasing and no matter how fancy the joint, he still gets full named. 
A first date with Artem is classic. Dinner and a movie. 
The two of you ended up going back and forth about who picked the movie and diner, eventually settling on you picking the movie while he picked the diner.
You did your research and picked something that would appeal to both of you. A reshowing of a timeless chick flick: The Titanic (Is the Titanic a classic in 2030?)
Artem makes sure he has plenty of tissues he knows you’re prone to crying at the end
Afterwards, you two have an in depth debate over whether Jack and Rose would have both fit on the door. He tells you that if that ever happens, he’ll make sure both of you survive. 
For diner Artem takes you to a nice Mom-and-Pop restaurant. It turns out he’s been going there since he was a kid and the proprietors are really happy to see that “Artie finally found himself a nice girl. It’s about time.”
Despite their gentle teasing, the food there really is some of the best you’ve ever had
Of course, Artem drives you home himself and walks you to the door
And last, but never least Vyn “here are my red flags” Richter
On the scale of fancy to classic to casual, Vyn ends up bringing you on a date that rates somewhere between fancy and classic. It’s classy, it’s upscale, but it’s not oozing “I run a conglomerate” either
He takes you to see a ballet or an Opera. Swan lake, maybe, Something refined, much like your date
Of course, you have very good seats. Vyn wouldn’t have anything else.
After the show, you go to a quiet, but upscale restaurant. It’s one well known for it’s wine, which the guy is an absolute stickler for. 
Vyn is a complete gentleman the entire time. Really, he always is. Treating you with nothing but the utmost respect, despite his concerning manipulative tendencies and you enjoy seeing a glimpse of what Vyn is like when you’re not calling him Dr. Richter.
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constantcrisis19 · 2 years ago
Hey! I've been following your stuff for awhile and I am obsessed! Keep up the good work and I look forward to the next time you post!
Also, I was wondering if you could write a fic where Will is sick and the reader playing nurse and just giving this man some much needed TLC.
Tender Love And Care
Will Graham x GN S/O
AN: Not sure if this is exactly what you had in mind when you requested this, but I hope that you enjoy it! Thanks so much for your prompt, I had fun writing this!
Word Count: 1,965
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The last week had been a test of your patience, between Chilton claiming to have the infamous Chesapeake Ripper in his care, the death of one of his nurses, Chilton’s theory being disproved, the court case, Dr. Gideon’s escape from an armored transfer vehicle and now all the media attention, it was like a fucking circus.
At this point, you were running on nothing but copious amounts of caffeine and pure will power.
You tiredly shuffled into the already packed briefing room, feeling not unlike a zombie as you maneuvered through the crowd, muttering half-hearted apologies as you mindlessly bumped into some of the other equally exhausted agents on your way to the front of the group.
You had just gotten settled, having saved your most recent cup of coffee from being knocked out of your hand by a wayward elbow more times than you could count, when Jack Crawford finally entered the room, the crowd easily parting for him like he was a shark moving through a school of fish.
“Alright, listen up people.” He began when he came to a halt in front of a series of white boards, every single one of them covered entirely in case notes about, not only the Chesapeake Ripper’s greatest hits, but also Gideon’s own confirmed kills. 
You knew every scrap of information, every little detail, every picture and notation on those fucking boards because you’d spent every waking hour over the past week adding to the steadily growing collection and meticulously studying every inch of data, like if you stared at it hard enough, then all the answers would suddenly come to you.
But alas, your job was rarely so easy.
“Our fugitive is Abel Gideon. Transplant surgeon. Convicted in the first degree in the murders of his wife and her family.” Jack stated to the room at large, his voice rough and tone serious, demanding nothing less than everyone’s full attention.
Though, even despite Jack’s commanding presence, you found your gaze wandering.
You lifted your cup of coffee up to your lips, taking a substantial gulp of the cooling beverage as your eyes scanned over the room, almost choking on your mouthful as you did a sudden double take when you spotted the man rumored to be Jack’s breadwinner.
“He’d been institutionalized at the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane, where he killed a nurse and claimed to be the Chesapeake Ripper.” Jack continued his speech in the background as your gaze raked over the dark-haired man’s figure, your head tilted in blatant curiosity as you watched him.
He was hunched over against the wall, as if he were trying to make himself as small as possible, the man horribly pale and dripping sweat, his curly hair plastered to his head and neck. He was also shaking as if he were freezing cold, which was a cause for concern since the usually comfortable room was actually a bit stuffy because of all the people packed inside, each tremor that wracked his frame looking almost painful.
Your brows furrowed with thinly veiled concern as you tried to meet his gaze, his bright blue eyes glassy as they nonsensically darted about the room, almost as if he were tracking something that no one else could see. 
You glanced around to see if anyone else had picked up on the man’s odd behavior, but either no one noticed or they just didn't care because they were all dutifully facing the front of the room, fully focused on what Jack was saying.
“Dr Gideon escaped this morning after killing three people. He is armed and dangerous. He is believed to be at large.” Jack’s voice became muted as you gave up on keeping up with the briefing altogether in favor of scrutinizing Jack's prized consultant. 
You knew that his name was Will Graham, that he was a special agent and he had a truly insane clearance rate, but anything else about the man was shrouded in mystery. Though, the lack of general knowledge about the man didn’t exactly stop the rumor mill from theorizing about his personal life, if anything it only encouraged the more chatty agents.
You took a peek at Jack to make sure that he was none the wiser to your distracted state before beginning to slowly move through the group of agents, working your way over to the fringes of the crowd and towards the wall that the man was inelegantly slouched against.
You earned a few nasty looks when you had to impatiently nudge at anyone who wasn’t shifting out of your way fast enough, and it wasn’t long before you had reached your destination. 
You stopped about a foot away from Will, not wanting to make him feel cornered, but he didn’t seem to register your arrival, his eyes still wildly shooting around the room. You frowned, reaching out with the intention of maybe grabbing his shoulder or nudging him, but you hesitated halfway through the motion.
Your gaze briefly scanned over the other occupants in the room to make sure that everyone was still paying attention to Jack and was none the wiser to what you were up to, before you tried to get Will’s attention,  whispering just loud enough for Will alone to hear. “Excuse me? Mr. Graham?”
The man still showed no signs of having heard you, his gaze still worryingly distant, and you watched the man tremble and mutter unintelligibly under his breath for a short moment before taking a deep breath and resolutely moving your hovering hand, closing the distance between the two of you and lightly resting your palm on his shoulder.
“Uh, Will? You’re Will, right?” You asked quietly as you squeezed the twitching muscles beneath your hand, trying to rub out some of the obvious tension there. Will violently flinched at the gentle pressure, causing your hand to slide a little further up than you had intended, your fingers brushing across the delicate skin of his neck. 
Your eyes widened when you felt the sheer amount of heat exuding off the man, but you didn’t have a lot of time to linger on the fact that he was worryingly feverish because then Will was blinking rapidly, his hazy gaze clearing as his pale blue eyes darted over to you, settling somewhere near your forehead before darting away just as quickly.
“I- yeah. Yes. Did you need something?” He muttered as he removed his glasses and rubbed his hands over his damp face, sounding a bit dazed and confused, and you felt your gaze soften at the tangible exhaustion in his voice. 
“Well, no, not really. I was just wondering if you were feeling okay? You don’t look too good.” You stated with a weak shrug, scrutinizing every little expression that passed over his face as you spoke. Now that you knew what to look for, it was glaringly apparent that he was horribly sick, if his flushed cheeks, copious amount of sweat, disorientation and fatigue were any indication. 
"I'm fine." Will said unconvincingly, your lips pressing into a thin line as you watched him fumble with his jacket, trembling hands delving into one of the pockets and clumsily rummaging around for a few seconds before emerging with a bottle of what looked like over the counter pain medication.
The pills inside rattled as his shaking hands attempted to get the cap off, Will giving a low, frustrated curse that sounded a touch too desperate when he couldn't manage to successfully open the child lock.
After watching him needlessly struggle for a few seconds, you stepped closer, moving further into his personal space before reaching out to cover his unsteady hands with your own. Will froze, his eyes snapping up from your joined hands to your face, finally looking directly at you for the first time since you’d approached him.
You carefully coaxed his hands away from the stubborn bottle and twisted the cap open for him, tapping three of the chalky, white pills out into your palm before tipping them into the man’s unsteady hand. Will just stared down at the pills resting in the middle of his palm for a long moment, several different emotions flashing across his face so fast that you couldn’t keep up.
“Here. You look like you need it more than me.” You said, regaining his attention before you held your half full cup of coffee out to the man, assuming that the lack of something to wash the medication down with was what was causing the delay.
Will shoved the bottle back into his pocket before warily reaching out to take the offering, like if he moved too quickly, that the coffee cup would bite him or something. You couldn’t help the small smile that spread across your lips at the man’s odd behavior, Will pausing with the cup resting against his mouth when he noticed your amusement.
“What?” He asked a little defensively, but you didn’t take his tone to heart, merely shaking your head as he popped the pills into his mouth. The action was followed by a mouthful of the now cold coffee, the man grimacing as he swallowed before handing the cup back.
“Nothing.” You replied as you rested your back against the wall next to Will, your lips pursing when a thought that you couldn’t ignore came to mind. “You’re very sick. Any chance that you could take a day off to rest up?” You asked, thoroughly unsurprised when Will whipped his head around to shoot you an incredulous look in response.
“I wish.” Will grumbled bitterly as his features hardened into something alarmingly close to resentment, the venom dripping from his words catching you off guard.
“Yeah, I figured, but it was worth a shot.” You shrugged in easy agreement in an attempt to dissipate some of the tension that had descended over the two of you and you hid a smile behind your coffee cup when Will let out a breath as he realized that you were under no delusions about how fucking annoyingly stubborn Jack could get. 
Nothing short of Will being on his deathbed would make Jack bench his best agent during such a high-profile case, no matter how ill Will was. 
“Guess that means I’ll be seeing you around then?” You mused, the man looking startled by the question for a moment before his eyes narrowed, his calculating gaze scrutinizing you for what felt like forever, before he found whatever he had been looking for and the tight line of his shoulders eased.
“Yeah.” He replied as his shoulders slumped, like he was buckling under the weight of the world. You tilted your head at him, eyes flicking over his side profile before you offered him your coffee again. This time, the man didn’t hesitate to take it, sipping at the contents as you both watched Jack wrap up the briefing. 
“Well, I look forward to working with you.” You stated with a genuine smile, pushing off the wall and letting him keep the rest of your coffee since you could just go get more whereas Will would most likely be at Jack's beck and call for the foreseeable future.
He looked a little lost for a moment, as if surprised by your kindness, before he pulled himself together enough to respond. “Likewise.” 
You gave him an encouraging nod and a wide grin before turning on your heel, filling out of the room with the rest of the group once you were all dismissed in order to get back to your desk and go about your usual duties, completely unaware of the way that Will’s keen gaze followed you as you went, his hand clutched around the cup of coffee you gave him.
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