#scott x carmela
newwwwusername · 1 year
My Own Private Idaho - Scott/Mike, Scott/Carmela - Pride Month Prompt 3 : Bisexual
Cw for the f slur Prompt : Write either an M/M, F/F, F/M, or Other (to include nonbinary folks since yes, bisexuality often does include them) fic (can be fluff, hurt/comfort, whatever you see fit) in which either one or both of the characters in that pairing are bisexual OR a gen fic in which a bi character (can be a canon or headcanoned character) is coming out to/being comforted by/otherwise talking about sexuality with their friend(s) Headcanons : Bisexual!Scott, FTM!Mike, Autistic!Mike
Scott reckoned sex with Mike wasn't all that bad. A few drinks, twenty bucks, trying to scare off the cops- Whatever excuse he found always wound up with him inches deep into the other man, and a small part of him knew he didn't completely hate it.
Excuse or not, he'd always justify it to himself. Mike wasn't always a man. He had all the downstairs equipment that your average woman on the street did. But that never sat right in his head as a justification for why him sleeping with Michael didn't make him a faggot because, well, he didn't see Michael as a woman. He never did. He could never see Michael as anything less than a man because he wasn't anything less than a man. That was hard to deal with.
It was a slippery slope, too, admitting to himself that his feelings for Michael were beyond the line of platonic. If he admitted that he liked Michael in that way, then he'd have to admit that he didn't hate all the dates he went on with male clients over the years. He'd have to admit to himself that, no matter what change he made in his career path and personal life, that core part of him would always stray from his parents ideals. He couldn't like men because he wasn't a complete degenerate.
That's just how it was.
Maybe that's why running away with Carmela was so easy. He did genuinely like her in the same way that, deep down, he'd always liked Michael. But the difference with her is that she was a safe option. It's like the universe had presented him with two options- Man or woman. He loved them both equally but one was just the far more obvious choice in the context of his life, especially since he was on the cusp of making the change right when his family least expected it. He would be good for them, and he couldn't be good for them if he picked the riskier choice.
He was happy with Carmela. Really, he was. He loved her and vice versa. He was also finally stable in his living situation- As fun as being in Bob's prostitute gang had been, it didn't come with the soundest of sleep. And he'd outgrown them, really. Sure, sometimes he'd fantasize about running around with those boys again, really letting loose, but peace looked well on him and he wasn't soon to give it up.
The fantasies of Michael wouldn't stop either. Nor the guilt over leaving him behind. That was his one true regret in life, abandoning Michael. Not even necessarily that he'd moved on from the boy, no. That was inevitable (it had to be). But he felt bad for the way he'd gone about it because he knew Michael loved him and he also knew that Michael would have a hard time fending for himself without Scott there because of his Narcolepsy and his Autism, especially in a foreign country.
He'd never been Mike's caretaker by any means, but no one else ever really knew how to deal with his Narcoleptic attacks or his meltdowns except for Scott. Mike hadn't felt genuinely unsafe in a really long time because he always knew in the back of his head that even if he passed out or started having a meltdown in an inconvenient situation, Scott would make sure he was okay. But then Scott left, and he felt unsafe again.
Scott never could outrun that guilt.
Eventually, the guilt and the repressed feelings had to come to pass and he found himself sobbing in his wife's arms, admitting everything he'd buried down and wished desperately would've stayed buried. "I loved him" he said through tears, nearly choking from emotion. Carmela just smiled weakly and ran a soothing hand through his hair. She'd always been so good to him in that way.
"Loved who?" she asked. There were so many men in Scott's past, it could be difficult to keep track of them. Bob, Budd, Mike, Hans... The list went on for quite a while.
"Mike" he coughed out. "Michael. The guy who was with me when we- When I met you first" he explained, occasionally coughing or sniffing or gagging through tears. "I loved him. I fucking loved him, Car" he sobbed inconsolably. "And I abandoned him in the worst way possible" he continued. "How am I supposed to- How do- How-"
"Breathe" Carmela caught him off calmly. They went back and forth like that for a while and, by the end of it, Scott was clinging to her like his life depended on it, horribly afraid she would leave him. He couldn't even blame her if she did- No one wanted to hear about their husband's lingering romantic and sexual feelings for another man. But, she didn't. She couldn't. He loved him far more than anything else. She would rather eat nails than leave him over something she'd suspected for a while.
After that, he'd gone out for a rather long drive, just by himself, to Idaho. Why Idaho? Well, it reminded him of Michael. And he needed that right now. He needed Michael. He needed...
"Michael?" he said out loud to himself because there was an awfully familiar figure passed out in the middle of the road. He didn't want to believe it but, sure enough, as he grew closer and closer, he was more and more positive about the identity of the figure. Mike Waters was passed out in the middle of the road, clearly having been robbed if his lack of shoes were any indication.
Without thinking, Scott parked the car and got out. Fuck his parents. Fuck his ideals. Fuck all of that- Michael was in an unsafe situation and no one was around and he could do something.
"Come on, big guy" Scott said quietly as he lifted Michael's unconscious body, dragging him towards the passenger side of his vehicle. "I'm here, man. I'm here"
Do not repost on other sites! If you want to participate in this month's challenge, there are 30 LGBT-centered prompts that you can find here
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scurvyratt · 9 months
Oz S1 E8: A Game of Checkers Live Reaction and Thoughts. As always my thoughts are not very profound lol
OKAYYYY this is the riot episode lets gooo
You know what's interesting is that in most media they use chess as a metaphor for life/whatever, but in Oz they use checkers instead. And checkers is kinda like the dumb mans chess (easier, less moves) so lol
Schillinger getting bullied by the other prisoners and his own sons lmaooo okayyy
"you lose an eye, you get kicked in the balls, you get a face full of shit,,, you become a different man" 😭
The birth of crazy Beecher
McManus would not survive one day in Em city like let's be real...
All I see when I look at Whittlesey is Carmela Soprano who is very mother to me. Like I kindaaaa dgaf about her
McManus is saurrr annoying I hate his bald incel ass😭
Rebadow backstory UNLOCKED... the way he stabbed someone then went to back to reading his newspaper lol he's so real
Some Miguel x Father Mukada realness... like what if they hid in the pod during the riot and kissed heh heh...
and the riot has started! All the Co's are in their flop era😭😭
I bet this episode was fun to film lol
Interesting how none of the muslims have their kufis on
Glynn is wearing an ugly ass vest I never noticed this before lol
Miguel asking to watch over the hostages----Re: MiguelXMukada
The way Idgaf about that cello player dude
Tobias spinning around in the background and doing fuck all while everyone is trying to organize the riot lmao
Mukada's haircut is uggo...
Said is power drunk omggg someone punch him or something
The way Adebisi doesn't hide his infatuation with Ryan😭like can you stop being a perv for one second omfg
Scott Ross fighting Kenny is so ijbol. Like why are you beefing with a little boy plz be serious
Does anyone else think that Miguel has a weird accent lol. I can't explain it exactly but I think he purposefully exaggerates it
The riot def establishes who (for the remainder of the series (or for as long as the character lasts)) has morals and who does not
Scott Ross is like weirdly taller than everyone lmao I notice it in every scene he's in
McManus hallucinating every inmate that has died under his watch... like girl just WAIT😭😭 there's gonna be a lot more where that came from... and you will NOT give af😭
Can I admit that McamnusXSaid is kinda my Oz crackship😭Like there's something there I think idk. But also their beef as a couple would be INSANEEEE
How are some of the dudes watching tv... I swear they smashed it when the riot started lol
NARRRR Adebisi took his little hat off. Put it back on neowwwww
Said is literally so funny when he shouts like what his problem actually. He needs a xanax I think
Adebisi backstory UNLOCKED
the National Guard is coming... the riot is about to end
Schillinger hiding in his pod when the National Guard started smoking the place💀
Okay episode over. Makes sense why they used checkers instead of chess now. Bcuz that riot was the messiest and dumbest thing that I've ever seen. Also the inmates had very limited options/moves (like in checkers!).
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Samsheik (*Sambor ++ x Cassels Genua, by Brusally Zbruenu ++) 1987 Polish Arabian Stallion Race Record: 29/4 (13-6-4-5) $56,769
Stakes Winner: 1991 Arabian Cup Marathon Trails, 1992 AJC Beau Chevelle Handicap, 1992 Florida-Bred Open Handicap, 1993 Florida Arabian Cup (G3)
Stakes Placed: 1990 Araf Get of Sire Stakes (3rd), 1990 Florida Arabian Juvenile (2nd), 1991 AJC Derby (G1; 3rd), 1991 Kentucky Arabian Cup Open (3rd), 1991 KAHA Arabian Stakes (2nd), 1992 Rare Arabian Stakes (2nd), 1992 Charles O Pollard Memorial Handicap (3rd), 1992 Bloodsport’s Race Toward the Future (2nd) Sire of Samantha Sheik (x Anna Maria, by SX Champion - 3rd, 1995 Firecracker Futurity Fillies), Vanilla Shaikh (x Carmela Ku, by SX Champion - 1st, 1996 California Firecracker Futurity; 2nd, 1996 Lonestar Futurity; 2nd, 1997 Jewels of the East Diamond Derby), Phantom Sheik (x Phantoms Tamalene, by Tamarseyns Chief - 2009 Region 9 Competitive Trail Championship Top 5), and Sheik Sheik Sheik (x C R Dasire, by Moniet El Nafis - 4th, 2010 Ride Between The Rivers AHA 50 Mile Championship Ride; 13th, 2012 Old Dominion 100; 2nd, 2013 Pine Tree 100; 2,000 lifetime miles as of 2021). Photo by Scott Trees
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altsalvationhq · 5 years
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Disturbances have been reported to JEAN GREY, to say they’re worried what this could mean is an understatement. little do they know that these disturbances could change everything. Welcome to Altsalvationhq Sam, please look through our checklist and send in your account within 24 hours.
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❝ [carmela zumbado - female - 30 - she/her]  jean grey, also known as an the phoenix, has seen the openings from another universe and is shocked, to say the least. they are currently single. they have no children, so the rumors say. they display passionate & empathetic as well as caring to a fault & overly critical of herself. they’ve been associated with being an x-man for a while now and the people are wondering what they are going to do about the newcomers now. their looking for salvation, but can scott summers/logan howlett/ororo munroe offer that for them? (sam, she/her, 21, pst) ❞
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mareviola · 8 years
List of Sims
The First (and only) Matriarch - Lilian Castillo
001) Adrienne (f: Travis Scott) 
002) Bridie (f: Johnny Zest) 
003) Cecily (f: Don Lothario)
004) Debora (f: Louis Bergeron) 
005) Emi (f: Joshua Shipley) 
006) Amari (f: Duke Schmitt)
007) Bret (f: Duke Schmitt)
008) Conan (f: Mortimer Goth)
009) Fawn (f: Dakota Davison)
010) Gena (f: Kale Draper)
011) Haven (f: Barry Davison) 
012) Dudley (f: Noah Bradshaw)
013) Elias (f: J Huntington III)
014) Finnigan (f: Malcom Landgraab)
015) Garry (f: Colin Whitman)
016) Ianthe (f: Yahir Quinones)
017) Heston (f: Ezra Blackman)
018) Irving (f: Jordon Shipley)
019) Jai (f: Malachi Bergeron)
020) Keanu (f: Alfred Freeman)
021) Jesse (f: Ronnie Riggins) 
022) Lando (f: Alexander Goth)
023) Kayley (f: Tristen Carrillo)
024) Lacie (f: Tristen Carrillo) 
025) Micheal (f: Leonel Sharma)
026) Niklaus (f: Joey Woodall)
027) Marcie (f: Lewis Schmitt)
028) Orlando (f: Albert Wheeler)
029) Petar (f: Asher Rouya)
030) Quentin (f: James De Monte)
031) Narelle (f: Alexander Waldorf)
032) Octavia (f: Darrius Deaton)
033) Raphael (f: Sammy Groves)
034) Stefan (f: Sammy Groves)
035) Penelope (f: Vernon Camp)
036) Queenie (f: Jack Dogwwod)
037) Rylie (f: Yannik Theissen)
038) Theophilus (f: Clayton Wiseman)
039) Ulysses (f: Clarence Fields)
040) Sofia (f: Channing Hauser)
041) Van (f: Emiliano Billings)
042) Walter (f: Gulliver Christensen)
043) Tasha (f: Gulliver Clinton)
044) Unice (f: Gulliver Clinton)
045) Xavier (f: Duke Pickett)
046) Vivian (f: Chance Mosley) 
047) Wendy (f: Yahir Whipple)
048) Xanthe (f: Federico Michaels) 
049) Yvonne (f: Hector Lemus)
050) Zaira (f: Pablo Pringle)
051) Yves (f: Franklin Grove)
052) Zayn (f: Mathias Kay)
053) A. Aurelia (f: Venkat Katz)
054) B. Brielle (f: Joel Arriaga)
055) C. Carmela (f: Ahmad Sneed)
056) A. Amon (f: Ernesto Krause)
057) B. Benjamin (f: Raymond Christiansen)
058) D. Dessa (f: Elvis Escobedo)
059) E. Eliana (f: Phillip O’Neill)
060) C. Caden (f: Kasen Stiles)
061) D. Derik (f: Coty Nardone)
062) E. Emet (f: Avery Weller)
063) F. Fabio (f: Jon Lyman)
064) F. Fiora (f: Edison Lam)
065) G. Ginger (f: Edison Lam)
066) H. Hera (f: Conor Ceja)
067) I. Ivy (f: Omar McKinnon)
068) J. June (f: Aiden Cornell)
069) K. Karlee (f: Frank Kerner)
070) L. Leila (f: Nathanial Duran)
071) G. Glen (f: Floyd Jarrel)
072) H. Henry (f: Floyd Jarrel)
073) M. Mollie (f: Caden Rebuschatis)
074) I. Ivan (f: Giancarlo Vo)
075) N. Nadia (f: Dale Land)
076) J. Jordan (f: Ken Jacobson)
077) K. Kurt (f: Jamie Gamble)
078 ) L. Luis (f: Cannon Swenson)
079) M. Miles (f: Lonnie Robledo)
080) N. Neel (f: Eduardo Gallo)
081) O. Oliver (f: Daryl Costello)
082) O. Ophelia (f: Jarod Hong)
083) P. Philip (f: Jarod Hong)
084) P. Petra (f: Louis Nance)
085) Q. Quirrel (f: Gil Chow)
086) R. Riven (f: Gil Chow)
087) S. Sebastian (f: Ahmad Shipp)
088) Q. Quin (f: Dusty McCarty)
089) T. Tyler (f: Jorden Rodgers)
090) R. Regina (f: Zackery Ngo)
091) U. Uriel (f: Miguel Coley)
092) S. Sissy (f: Walker Bacon)
093) T. Terri (f: Tate Posey)
094) V. Vincent (f: Gideon Richey)
095) W. Wade (f: Gideon Richey)
096) X. Xander (f: Forrest Romano)
097) Y. Yuuri (f: Forrest Romano)
098) U. Uma (f: Pablo Morales)
099) Z. Zack  (f: Jairo Stapleton)
100) V. Victoria (f: Loren Neumann)
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