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thesupercougar · 4 years ago
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jayshieldsscm-blog · 7 years ago
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Right Now it’s going down!!! Live interview on PTE Radio by Marty Party (@martyparty901 ) with the ceo of Palm Tree Ent., CEO Miami Mike @ceomiamimike , recently awarded the 2018 #SCMAwards Man of the Decade. You don’t wanna miss this exclusive interview. www.pteradio.com #pte #scmawards #partypackofnoodles #martyparty #dj #djset #djing #djlife #ceomiamimike #teamscm #2019SCMawards #SCMawards2019 #interview #radiointerview @djtonytgpt
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biggvradio · 7 years ago
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Monday!!!! As you know, #TEAMSCM always raises the bar. So with that said, Volume 3 of the Southern Coalition Movement Mixtape U Ain’t Da Streets We Are!!! will drop May 21, 2018 and instead of dropping 15,000 units, our goal is to press up 40,000!!! This is major promo for the industry. Artists and Record Labels, if you want to take advantage of this promo, contact me ASAP, and don’t wait until the last minute. I’ve already sold a few slots to some artists who were featured on volumes 1 and 2. This mixtape will be hosted by DJ Ms. Hypnotique, DJ Bigg V and DJ Winn. The Mixtape Release Party/Concert will be held at Minglewood Hall in Memphis, TN hosted by Marty Party, and World Famous Jon Jon, with MMG DJ Q on the 1’s and 2’s. Flyer design by RaeShantael #RaeGrafix Get at her for all your graphic needs. My contact number is (901) 231-9581 so hit me up now to get in on this promotional opportunity!!! #TheUnstoppableSCM #UAintDaStreetsWeAre #NoOneDoesItBetter #southerncoalitionmovement #RaeGrafix @raeshantael @djmshypnotique @scmlife @djwinn @biggvradio @jsamuels37 @ms_echia @scmawards @martyparty901 @casharascott @djqmemphis #SCMawards #teambiggv #teambiggarankin #TBR #coolrunningdjs #musiclife #artist #music #scmawards #MeetTheDJConference #dj #djlife #djing #djset #memphistn #2018SCMawards
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justjen523 · 7 years ago
Teaching You A Lesson
Zyglavis x MC
(Rating E 18+)
Two Part pure smut story. I had been reading several fanfics with my favorite god and his darker side. I LOVE the dominating, controlling asshole Zyglavis and this piece shows that dark kind of sex.
WARNING: Filthy Smut Piece. Read at your own risk if you are sensitive to rough sex.
     You knew you just went too far by the way his intense stare seemed to change into something extremely dark and unreadable making Zyglavis even more terrifying. You thought you’d be sassy with him just this once with the other gods all present because hey, if anything went wrong one of them was bound to save you right? Not this time. Even they sensed you crossed a line there was no coming back from just by the sudden shift in his posture. 
     You and Zyglavis always had a troubled “relationship.” A fact which you had blamed solely on him. How could anyone get along with someone who had tried to MURDER them on several occasions? He may have apologized but you knew deep down he didn’t mean it and let’s be honest, you hated him for it. If he wasn’t so intimidating you may have tried to talk to him at least once or twice but it was like every time you even looked at him he would immediately scowl back letting you know with a simple expression that seemed to say “fuck off.” 
     “That was not wise little girl.” His grin seemed downright demonic. He looked sadistically excited and you swallowed hard as he ever so slowly approached you. Unsure of his intentions your body moved automatically in the opposite direction. He chuckled malevolently at your feeble attempt to escape. 
     “Zyglavis, go easy on her. She’s just a goldfish.” The god of Libra momentarily stopped his advance on you to address the one god you were absolutely sure would have stepped in to save you.
     “Oh I sincerely hope you are not telling me how to do my job O Arrogant Lion.”
     “Pfft, I wouldn’t dream of it Ponytail, only she’s important to us and I wouldn’t want you doing anything you may regret.”
     “Is that a threat?”
     “Certainly not, just a “friendly” little reminder. I have no interest in how you choose to train this goldfish.” 
     “Very well.” His focus now turned back on you that same sinister smile from before shines directly at you sending chills down your spine. The other gods seem too curious to see how this unfolds to help you or get involved. You were on your own against the scariest god in the Heaven’s. 
     “I-I-I’m sorry Zyglavis...t-truly s-sorry!” You offer as you raise your hands in defeat hoping he will accept your peace offering. 
     “Oh? You seem to forget you are talking to a god. I can see right through that empty attempt of an apology. You meant what you said did you not? That I’m a terrifying beast risen from the depths of hell?” The casual way he says this causes you to burst into a cold sweat. 
     “Yes, there it is. That terrified expression of yours is....exquisite. Perhaps you have forgotten just who I am? Come, let me remind you why I am called the Minister of the Department of Punishments.” The hushed voices of the others seem louder than usual as all of your senses are on high alert.
     “Wow, I have never seen him like this before. She’s in big trouble...” If you heard it then he had to have yet he acts as though nothing else matters other than terrorizing you. With nowhere left to go you are backed into a wall. Trembling as his imposing figure closes in on you your heart feels like it’s beating out of it’s chest. 
     Once he closes the distance he presses one hand against the wall directly next to your head trapping you from escaping. You are visibly shaking which seems to delight him further as his predatory smile widens. 
     “Tell me ____, am I even more terrifying up close?” His face is mere inches from yours. His dark silvery eyes are intense and staring directly into yours as his index finger is pressed under your chin forcing you to look directly at him. Never having been half this close to this terrifying god before you find yourself acutely aware of his scent. Clean, like fresh linen yet also a hint of bergamot. It was oddly comforting in such a horrific situation. 
     The finger that had been holding your face to meet his moves to run down your cheek as he continues to smile wickedly. When he suddenly leans in to whisper in your ear your entire body stiffens unsure of what his endgame is. 
     “You are quite a brazen little thing speaking to me in such a way. You don’t know your place little girl. How about I show you the vast difference between a god and a lowly goldfish hmm?” You’re so terrified that if Zyglavis’ broad form wasn’t so close that it was keeping you in place you were certain you would have fallen to the floor by now. He softly chuckles in your ear before grabbing a lock of your hair and inhaling deeply making you blush on top of everything else. Still speaking lowly in your ear he says something you were definitely not expecting.
     “I’d be lying if I said the look of fear in your eyes didn’t make me impossibly hard.” Your eyes go wide in shock surprised to hear Zyglavis speaking in such a way.
     “Judging by that expression you seem to have forgotten that though I am indeed a very powerful god, I am also in fact, a man.” When you feel his breath along the skin of your neck below your ear everything you are suddenly feeling is beyond overwhelming. Though nearly petrified with fear, his suggestive comments and actions send a wave of heat through your core. Chuckling he presses one kiss below your ear. It is so light you barely feel it make contact. 
     “Pitiful. Even though you are terrified of me and harbor such feelings of hatred your body still responds with desire.” You want to glare at him and defend yourself but you don’t want to incur anymore of his wrath. Once again his face is directly in front of yours. You stiffen as he leans in like he’s going to kiss you but stops just short just barely grazing your lips with his own. The heat beginning to pool at your core makes you angry. You certainly don’t want your body responding this way but you have no control over it. He’s teasing you making heat rise to your cheeks as you grow more and more embarrassed at the truth he just spoke. 
     “Hmm? What’s the matter? Embarrassed to be exposed this way not only in front of me but also all of the others?” A devilish smile follows the light that seems to suddenly shine in his eyes like he just thought of something extremely unpleasant. 
     “Gods are forbidden to lay with a goldfish but that does not apply to other forms of carnal pleasure.” He says this darkly with an evil grin before placing both hands on either of your shoulders.
     “I believe your kind has an expression on Earth. ‘Little Girls should be seen and not heard.’ It would seem you lack the self control to keep your mouth shut. We can easily remedy that. It is quite difficult to speak when your mouth is full wouldn’t you agree?” He doesn’t wait for you to respond, instead he pushes you down to your knees and you instantly realize his intentions. Shocked at his audacity you scowl at him incredulously though he looks at you dispassionately before cupping your jaw in his big warm hand. 
     “Come now, be a good girl and take it out.” You can hear the room light up with many indistinguishable conversations.
     “Do you not understand my instructions? Have you never had a man’s member in your mouth before?” At a loss for how to proceed you angrily shake your head. 
     “Oh I see. Well then, let me instruct you in the art of pleasuring a man. First you must take it out, so go ahead and do so.” There is no way you are getting out of this. It’s not like you can fight back against a god not to mention what he may have in store should you refuse. Maybe giving a god a blow-job was far better than the result should you refuse. Why you were getting wetter at the way he was looking down at you was beyond you but hesitantly you complied and removed his manhood from his pants staring at it in surprise. You couldn’t imagine something that size ever entering you. The goddesses of the Heaven’s must be far larger than you to be able to accommodate such an enormous member. For some reason that thought left you feeling satisfyingly smug on the inside. 
     “Lovely isn’t it?” When your eyes meet and you see that confident smirk of his you realize this god loves control. You can see it all play out in your mind just how things are in the bedroom with him. He’s dominating. So, how do you turn this moment against him? Take the reigns. 
     You of course had been lying earlier when he asked if you knew what to do. It’s not that difficult even for the inexperienced to understand how to . No, you knew EXACTLY what to do and you were about to turn the tables on this game he was playing. With a devilish grin of your own you lock eyes with him and confidently wrap your fingers around the base of his shaft gripping him firmly. The former smirk he had been so confidently wearing wavers, his eyes momentarily widening. With a nasty shit eating grin of your own you chuckle at his reaction.
     “What’s the matter Minister? Never had your cock sucked properly before?” Without hesitating you take him in your mouth sliding your lips tightly all the way down practically swallowing his godly manhood. You fight back the laugh threatening to escape at the silence that suddenly falls over the room. It doesn’t take long before the commentary begins.
     “Woooooow....I’m soooo jealous right now.”
     “Oh-ho? Well it seems we haven’t been putting the goldfish to good use.” Even though their comments are derogatory at best you love the fact that they are all there to witness this moment. You want them all to see that you are the one who has the ability to control Zyglavis. Still staring into his gorgeous dark silvery eyes you can see the uncertainty pooling within. He is definitely trying to put on a good show which means you need to step it up. You absolutely want to break him and you want everyone to witness that glorious moment. 
     Your mouth tightens around him sucking so hard you delight in watching his long black lashes flutter. You know he’s far too proud to make a sound and he wouldn’t want to let any of them know that you were actually doing a phenomenal job. His lips slightly part as your tongue swirls around his hardness before your hand finds its way underneath lovingly stroking his testicles. When his hand grips the back of your head you feel his long fingers entangle in your hair gripping harshly making you oddly aware just how much that truly is turning you on. Just like your counterpart in this situation you don’t want to give him the satisfaction that you are actually enjoying yourself so you keep up your best poker face. Engaged in a sexually dominating game of chicken a look of pure determination is ever present on both of your faces.
     As you make sure to continue to sexually frustrate him by pulling him to the edge but not letting him over you notice just how dark his eyes have suddenly gotten. His face remains expressionless but you can see the tension in his jaw the more and more you fuck with him. You are absolutely in control and are reveling in this power over this terrifying god. Who would have thought all this icy god of Libra needed was a proper cock sucking. Maybe he’s actually as docile as a lamb underneath all his exterior harshness. 
     “Don’t think I am not aware of your endgame little girl. I promise you that what you believe to be happening here is far from reality. Or have you forgotten once again that I am a god?” His dangerous smirk is more arrogant than ever making you hesitate and release his member from your mouth. His palm cups under your chin and pulls you to your feet putting you directly in front of him and so close your noses almost touch. Once again the entire room has fallen silent and there’s an uncomfortable vibe flowing between the others like even they are terrified of what Zyglavis might do next.   
     “You don’t scare me.” You say sounding as confident and believable as possible. You’re proud of how sure you sound backing up your words with a defiant glare. Zyglavis chuckles darkly amused at your brash attempt of confidence. 
     “Oh? Little girl, you have no idea who I am do you?”
     “No. I am perfectly aware of who you are. The Minister of the Department of Punishments.” His smile turns sinister as his hand cups your cheek, pulling his thumb gently down it.
     “Yes, while that is true I am sure even a simple creature like you understands that one is not simply defined solely by his job.” The way he’s now staring at you is far different than you are used to and it has your stomach in knots. You won’t show him that though so you give yourself an internal pep talk keeping a stoic expression plastered to your face.
     “And?” You say sounding annoyed still staring daggers at him.
     “I shall grant you the honor of being the first human in the entirety of Earth’s history to bare witness to the real Zyglavis. Not even one of the eleven other gods sitting among us have been given such a rare opportunity.” He lets you go and takes a step back before removing his uniform jacket followed by his dress shirt underneath. The room still silent just stares in curiosity as to how all of this is going to unfold. 
     You are stunned to see such a display from Zyglavis especially with the others here to witness whatever he has planned. Standing now shirtless before you the corner of his mouth pulls up into a sneer upon seeing the uncertainty in your eyes. Stepping back towards you he slowly pulls the hairband from his signature ponytail releasing his long locks never once taking his hawk like eyes off of yours.  
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raeshantael · 7 years ago
Fresh up off the press...new music alert...Memphis own BrayBizzle @braybizzlekom and his new single "Shawty". This young man is not only humble, but extremely gifted and talented. Make sure you support him!!! He is the future of Hip-Hop. Cop the single and get at him ASAP!!! Street Certified...Industry Approved!!! . #SCM #SouthernXsposureRadio #TeamBiggV #SouthernXsposure #internetradio #CoolRunningDjs #southerncoalitionmovement #TBR #dj #djlife #djing #djset #SCMawards #TeamBiggaRankin @southernxsposureradio @djmshypnotique @biggvradio @martyparty901 @raeshantael @casharascott @djqmemphis @ms_echia @goddessinanna901 @jsamuels37 @jayshieldsscm
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festfashions · 8 years ago
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I am obsessed over the blue oil slick? iridescent? whatever you want to call it color of this bodysuit! The cut of it is fabulous also. 
That was also one of my favorite paintings in the background from LiB this year!
Lightning in a Bottle, 2017
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plat16 · 8 years ago
Gm let's work I got hits it's on dmvlife - SoundCloud & on @mymixtapez go download it & share it & play it support your artist facts this is my new single - & ppl asks your DJ'S to play this It's a hit 💯💪💵🏃🏃💸💸🏃💸💴💶💶🏃 For the clubs let's go hit me up Snapple facts  #16 💪 Off that Squad life savage life vol.I MIXTAPE Is on the way the radio need this 🎧🎼 dmvlife1 #watchmeworkfilms16 #viral #16fistlinefirstline16 #alleyesonmemovie #100gz #40clips #iheartradio @nike @puma @pumawomen @jumpman23 @russwest44 #wshh #scmawards #healthy #hnhh #vevo #ascap  #viewhiphop #indie #iheartradio #power105 #hot97 #themvmt #RisingStars #Skittles @dtspacely #UnsignedHype #xxlmag  #power99fmphilly #madden18 #Googleplay #nba #nba2k18 #xxlfreshmen #thisis50
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drummaladyxclusive-blog · 6 years ago
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STOP 🚫✋🚫 WHAT U DOING AND GO VOTE FOR (Ox Logan) (SLEPT ON MALE ARTIST OF THE YEAR) LaQuitta Boddie (BEATA) (SLEPT ON FEMALE ARTIST OF THE YEAR) & THE ENTIRE #TDP(RECORDLABELOFTHEYEAR) #BNM #TDP #SCMAWARDS2K19 SALUTE TO ALL NOMINEES 💯‼ WWW.SCMAWARDS.COM/VOTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #memphis #Memphismusic #scmawards #hiphopart #awards #hiphopmusic #Rap #memphisrap.com #southcarolina #northcarolina #atlantahiphop #stl #tdp #mississippi #florida #texas #newhampshire #northdakota #billboardmagazine https://www.instagram.com/p/BtHUXU-Fq3x/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kmhvykwql03x
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macksippient · 6 years ago
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Get your 2019 SCM Awards tickets 🎫 now!! Still counting up nominations but voting begins soon and ends April 1st. 🚨🚨🚨 May 19th...the greatest show on earth...the 2019 SCM Awards Live at the Minglewood Hall in Memphis, TN Hosted by Bigga Rankin, DJ Ms. Hypnotique and Lil CeCe. Special guest performance, live radio remotes from Southern Xsposure Radio, PTE Radio, SODMG Radio, 97.9 The Beat Greenville, K97 FM Memphis, and Hot 107.1 FM Memphis. Live DJ Set by DJ Winn and DJ Bigg V. Official Awards show DJs MMG DJ Q and the Legendary DJ Johnny Blaze. #SCMawards #SCMawards2019 #2019SCMawards #TEAMSCM #PTE #SODMG #SCMPTEtheMovement #RepublicRecords #EntertainmentOne https://www.instagram.com/p/BtCdS-vA5wa/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1k3xfcz2dwxvn
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thesupercougar · 4 years ago
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aintshitbiz · 5 years ago
I shouldn't do this because it's supposed to be for local businesses only, but I know my big bro @biggvradio will show love cause he do what BreezySays ����😂😂 . If you have a business, this is your chance for free on-air promo from International DJ Bigg V! • • (YOU HAVE UNTIL 7PM EST / 6PM CST) follow instructions below 👇 🦋 Go to his page >> @BIGGVRADIO << RIGHT NOW AND POST YOUR BUSINESS FOR A FREE ON-AIR LIVE SHOUT-OUT. 🦋 BiggV X BreezySays hooking to up with #FREE #PUBLICITY. CANT BEAT THAT! 🦋 The number is (call in 6623440979 During Breaks) 🦋 #CallBiggV Promote your Business! Free! Plug! Friday! I am #BiggV #BiggVUS2Europe #TeamBiggV #BiggVradio #LatestDrugOnTheStreets #UrbanSouth #979Beat.com #coolrunningdjs #USADJS #SCMAwards #GreatestShowOnEarth #Baseballrich #Baseballrichclothing #979BeatGvilleMs #ArkLaMiss #MsDelta • • #BreezySays🔥🙈🎥 #DaQueenBreeze🦋🧚👑 @breezysaysnetwork🌎🎶📰 (at All Over the World) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAxxSq-Bnqc/?igshid=scukv22cqsdg
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djskewbeezy · 6 years ago
The 2020 SCM Awards honors Dr. Braque Talley!
The 2020 SCM Awards honors Dr. Braque Talley!
This year, at the 12th Annual, 2020 SCM Awards, we are proud to honor Dr. Braque Talley, the 2020 recipient of the SCM Humanitarian Award. Dr. Braque Talley is the Vice President of Enrollment at Rust College in Holly Springs, MS and reports directly to the President of the institution. The theme for the 12th Annual 2020 SCM Awards is “20/20 Perfect Vision: Everyone will see clearly” and Dr.…
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raeshantael · 5 years ago
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Introducing, the newest, talented, up and coming hip-hop boy band...N-Tro, performing live on stage at the 2020 SCM Awards Sunday May 17th at Minglewood Hall in Memphis, TN. Get your tickets now at SCMawards.com/tickets Flyer designed by RaeShantael Grafix #scmawards #scmawards2020 #2020SCMawards #2020PerfectVisionSCMawards #SCMawards2020PerfectVision #TeamSCM #JayShieldsCEOSCMawards #JayShieldsCEO #PalmTreeEnt #PTE #Ntro #CEOMiamiMike @ntroofficialig https://www.instagram.com/p/B86pSvCFYQ9/?igshid=tig3oo86yx2n
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djsmokemixtapes · 6 years ago
Attention: After more than 30 days of counting and verifying the thousands of nominees we had, we are finally done and it’s time to vote!!! You may know some and others you may not know. But we encourage you to vote anyway & spread the word to this YOU KNOW! The SCM Awards is not a local awards show, it is global. So while going through the voting ballot you will see people from across the United…
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southernxsposureradio · 7 years ago
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🚨🚨We Reloaded!!!🚨🚨 Southern Coalition Movement U Ain't Da Streets...We Are!!! Volume 2 🎧 hosted by DJ Ms. Hypnotique @djmshypnotique, MMG DJ Q @djqmemphis and Marty Party @martyparty901 drops Sunday, November 26th at the Official Southern Coalition Movement Mixtape Release Party held at the Premiere Palace Ballroom (629 Monroe Avenue Memphis, TN) the day after the Jay Shields All Black Affair Birthday Bash 🍾 100 Bottles War event. Graphics by @RaeShantael #RaeGrafix. Let's Get It!!! #SCM #SouthernCoalitionMovement #UAintDaStreetsWeAre #Volume2 #DJMsHypnotique #MMGDJQ #MartyParty @renniemusic @djmshypnotique @djqmemphis @martyparty901 @jsamuels37 @casharascott @ms_echia @hearthrob55 @worldfameusjonjon @biggvradio @ib_johndoe @isignmyself @scmlife @scmawards #southerncoalitionmovement #GrindLikeYouWhine #scmawards #SCMawards2018 #SCMawards #teambiggv #teambiggarankin #TBR #coolrunningdjs #musiclife #artist #music #scmawards #MeetTheDJConference #dj #djlife #djing #djset #memphistn #2018SCMawards
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plat16 · 8 years ago
Gm let's work video shoot soon I got hits it's on dmvlife - SoundCloud & on @mymixtapez go download it & share it & play it support your artist facts this is my new single - & ppl asks your DJ'S to play this It's a hit 💯💪💵🏃🏃💸💸🏃💸💴💶💶🏃 For the clubs let's go hit me up Snapple facts  #16 💪 Off that Squad life savage life vol.I MIXTAPE Is on the way the radio need this 🎧🎼 dmvlife1 #watchmeworkfilms16 #viral #16fistlinefirstline16 #alleyesonmemovie #100gz #40clips #iheartradio @nike @puma @pumawomen @jumpman23 @russwest44 #wshh #scmawards #healthy #hnhh #vevo #ascap  #viewhiphop #indie #iheartradio #power105 #hot97 #themvmt #RisingStars #Skittles @dtspacely #UnsignedHype #xxlmag  #power99fmphilly #madden18 #Googleplay #nba #nba2k18 #xxlfreshmen #thisis50
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