#scinece fiction
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creationsbyhanna · 5 years ago
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Super exciting news!!!
I’m finally writing up my story about this beautiful man Andrey ⬆️⬆️ for a webtoon!!
Stay tuned for updates and behind the scenes and extra Andrey drawings!! As soon as the comic is updated to webtoon you can all check it out!
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pedroam-bang · 6 years ago
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“This is Mark Watney. And I’m still alive. Obviously.”
The Martian (2015)
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labjegyzet · 3 years ago
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Zsoldos-díj shortlist – 2022
A Zsoldos Péter-díj shortlistje a magyar fantasztikus szakmai közösség jelölései alapján, a legtöbb jelölést kapott, az előző évben megjelent művekből áll össze. Erről a shortlistről választja ki a héttagú zsűri a díjnyertes műveket három kategóriában.
A szakmai zsűri döntését illetve a meghirdetett közönségszavazás eredményét 2022. április 20-án hozzuk nyilvánosságra.
A közönségszavazás menete
A díj szakmai zsűrijének döntésével párhuzamosan az olvasók véleményére is kíváncsiak vagyunk a legjobb magyar regénnyel kapcsolatban, ezért közönségszavazás keretében az itt el��rhető űrlapon lehet jelölést leadni a shortlisten szereplő művekre. (A közönségdíj nyertese csak az a mű lehet, amire legalább 100 érvényes szavazat érkezett.) A szavazatokat 2022. március 31-ig várjuk. A szavazók között egy Zsoldos Péter könyveit tartalmazó könyvcsomagot sorsolunk ki.
A jelölt művek listája
A 2022-es Zsoldos Péter-díj shortlistjére a 2020. december 1. és 2021. december 1. között megjelent művek közül az alábbiak kerültek fel (a szerzők neveinek ABC-sorrendjében):
Baráth Katalin: Afázia (Agave Könyvek)
László Zoltán: Mindig egyre több (GABO Könyvkiadó)
Sepsi László: Termőtestek (Jelenkor)
Erdei Lilla: Vadhús (Az év magyar science fiction és fantasynovellái 2021, GABO Könyvkiadó)
Füzesi Dóra: Amőbász (Az év magyar science fiction és fantasynovellái 2021, GABO Könyvkiadó)
Juhász Viktor: Az Eigengrau (Az év magyar science fiction és fantasynovellái 2021, GABO Könyvkiadó)
Kleinheincz Csilla: Növényeknek mondotta el (Spekulatív Zóna)
Kiss Gabriella: Túlélők (Légszomj, GABO Könyvkiadó)
László Zoltán: Hullámsodrok (Az év magyar science fiction és fantasynovellái 2021, GABO Könyvkiadó)
Moskát Anita: Istenanyák (Prae magazin, 2020/4.)
Margaret Atwood: Legvégül a szív (ford. Csonka Ágnes, Jelenkor)
Octavia E. Butler: A magvető példázata (ford. Huszár András, Agave Könyvek)
William Gibson: Neuromancer (ford. Farkas Veronika, Agave Könyvek)
Forrás: https://zsoldospeter.hu/shortlist-2022/
Gratulálunk minden jelöltnek! 
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themilmarzone · 4 years ago
The Return of Dracula 1958 -- A Sci-fi / Horror Movie Trailer
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paosint · 8 years ago
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Time Store, buy time with memories
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princess-of-the-corner · 2 years ago
Do you ever make an AU of your story before you finish the first chapter? Because I did
Birdy: Usually a tech Based hero with a Wing-Pack and a bird Translator
Birdy OS: The daughter of the enbodiment of Spring. Giving her bird wings, the ability to talk with most animals, healing powers, and more.
Voidspace: Guy born with Portal Powers
Voidspace OS: Made a deal with the enbodiment of his city to be a protector for it in exchange for powers (Inspired by DPxDC I've been reading where Gotham is a Ghost)
Blackjack: Magic deck of cards he got by making a deal with a demon
Blackjack OS: Made a bunch of Playing Cards that do various stuff through Scinece and also has some regular metal ones.
And so on with OS standing for (Power) Origin Swap with about half of the charecters requiring new names (Birdy goes by Persephone in OS) and like that's great for if I ever want to get into the multiverse but I haven't even started the regular universe yet.
Original story: Reincarnated Gods who are so very tired with their Cults' nonsense.
AU Story: Interdimensional Bountyhunters.
(And that's not even counting the 'let's imagine my OCs in the various fictional media I'm currently obsessed with)
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Tips to do when your alone and have nothing to do
I had the day off one day this weekend and was sitting in my moms house by my self.. I was wondering what to do so I remembered that I'm a transhuman so I can just make something in my brain to amuse myself without even being bothered that I'm sitting alone without talking with someone. So I sat with a really philosophic way and started to brain storm like if a enormous hurricane was sweeping over a country and destroys everything in his path. After a while I was satisfied with my work and sat down in the couch and started to activate my work. My brain started to tickle me like if a monkey tickles itself on he's balls then I started to make monkey sounds without the noise coming out of my mouth and then my face transformed itself like a hillbilly with rabbit theets and I was talking in my had about how rocks just are laying on the ground without saying anything. Then I got a little bit sad but the tickeling balls effect hold me up inuff to not being to depressive about the rocks. Then my brain started to tell me a love poem about how a girl loves to play bieng a whore but that's only because instead of me doing these strange things to myself I could rather save some money and by a whore for 1 hour or two. It was actually my girlfriend that went into my brain and said that why can't I just ask her instead to be with me. So I don't have to have a ball tickeling monkey in my head to amuse me. But I said even though this is my day of it like to try out new treatments for my patients. And I know who would appreciate this kind of positive energy. The name of my client was something I can't tell but I will call him lord punkdun who lives in a tea pot but hates to drink tea..
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johnchavezbooks · 6 years ago
She cradles me without saying a word. In her arms I find what I’ve been wanting––A reminder of being human
John Chavez, Book 2, The Edge At Infinity
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dlestudio · 8 years ago
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Biohazard Lab by Pedro Veloso
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chipslater · 6 years ago
The Point of View ♦ By Stanley G. Weinbaum ♦ Science Fiction ♦ Full Audi...
Title:  The Point of View
Author: Stanley G. Weinbaum
Genre(s): Science Fiction
Language: English
Read By: Gregg Margarite
Librivox Recording
Summary: Stanley G. Weinbaum is best known for his short story “A Martian Odyssey” which has been influencing Science Fiction since it was first published in 1934. Weinbaum is considered the first writer to contrive an alien who thought as well as a human, but not like a human. A Martian Odyssey and its sequel are presented here as well as other Weinbaum gems including 3 stories featuring the egomaniacal physicist Haskel van Manderpootz and his former student, playboy Dixon Wells. (Summary by Gregg Margarite)
Visit me on Tumblr at https://www.tumblr.com/blog/chipslater
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#ScienceFiction  #SciFi  #Audiobook  #ShortStory #ThePointofView  #StanleyGWeinbaum  #SF  #AtomicAge #strangerThings  #FantasyFiction  #ClassicscienceFiction
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pedroam-bang · 7 years ago
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Craig Drake - Get Away From Her YOU BITCH (2013)
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likozor · 5 years ago
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delreyuk · 10 years ago
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ug4fRXGyIak)
This new Cyber-Thriller TV show looks cool! UK airdate anyone?
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Title Ticknall as if I was Licking a pixel chapter 3
After a stressful day at the office I can finally take a little brake from my work with clients.. I take a walk out of my office and see if someone also are taking a break in the common area for Co workers there are some people sitting and taking a cup of coffee and tea.. I go to one of my most lojal Co workers wich i I'm always happy to shear my view of how treatments should be with our clients.. she is a girl I think and hope so.. at least she is when I talk to her but who knows what she does when I'm not around. I will not say how she looks because she is transforming her self into different kinds of human shapes all the time. But something in my mind always know that she is the person I share the most with. Ahhj I guess I have a little crush on her but it makes me feel that I'm sheating with other girls even though she's the same person. So I start to talk to her about how birds don't like to lick in a poand of coconut water and that it's strange that I have jeans on my legs today because it's Thursday and I always have black tight jeans instead. After that I zone out and start talking about if they should be called tight jeans or just tghits or ! I said with a eureka sentence maby I just call them black pants. The girl who I'm a little bit nervous about if she's really a man undercover like a girl says. Wow you really turn me on with your wicked scientific talking. I'm a little bit stunned by her reaction because I just inhealed a piece of something ucky that made me really not suited to have a normal conversation. But it worked she is actually into me I thought to my self after I farted this thing out I came to myself again. And said hey want to go to my office and look at Penn it's not sharp but really stunning to look at. She said OK with big pupils and took by my jacket and we flew in a lighting speed to my office. And had something called sex it is a action when a male Penis goes in to a female vagina.. that's how I prefer it so that's how we did it.. after 1 hour of moaning session she dissepaired to her own office and I said Ahhj I just wanted her to help me sharpen my Pencile..
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geritsel · 11 years ago
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Edgar Pierre Jacobs - illustration for La guerre des mondes
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sevenofnine24567-blog · 11 years ago
Planet Evern: The Final Day
I will never again see the planet that I made my home, ever again. The destruction that slain everyone, and the planet itself... will forever be within my memory. And those who set out to destroy something so valuable, that they do not know what trouble they just set in motion, for me, for the planets within the galaxy, and for every organic and inorganic soul to ever be in existence. We as a multiverse must prepare for the dark and desolate times ahead. For if we give up, there will be no forgiveness for those who come after us.
-Memoirs Of A Broken Multiverse
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