lifebuoyjournals · 2 years
In a nationwide study of the Netherlands on green school outdoor environments, the authors have found that
Schools in neighbourhoods of lower socio-economic status are less green than schools in higher status neighbourhoods
Between neighbourhoods of low socio-economic status, green space is even less where provinces do not give out subsidies for greening schools
Green spaces in schools do not vary significantly based on whether the school is in a urban or rural area
Policies play a significant role in determining the amount of green space children are exposed to in schools
For similar articles, visit the tag #aslzoology
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younes-ben-amara · 3 months
كيف يتخلَّصُ الدماغ من المُخلَّفات الناجمة عن نشاطه؟
ما هذه المجموعة من المختارات تسألني؟ إنّها عددٌ من أعداد نشرة “صيد الشابكة” اِعرف أكثر عن النشرة هنا: ما هي نشرة “صيد الشابكة” ما مصادرها، وما غرضها؛ وما معنى الشابكة أصلًا؟! 🎣🌐 🎣🌐 صيد الشابكة العدد #96 السلام عليكم؛ وبسم الله ومرحبًا بكم. 🎣🌐 صيد الشابكة العدد #96🧠🥫 طعام الفكر🌟 كارُوسيل اختبار الشخصيّة حُلم “اختبار ممتاز للشخصيات” 📁 من الأرشيف✨ مُبشّر🔌🧠 جدير بالاطلاعمن العدد الجديد من مجلة…
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gudguy1a · 6 months
Atherosclerosis over time - images
Someone, likely the individual who posted the video, has deleted the following links I provided in the youtube comment section. The URLs were provided due to the host/narrator/speaker CONTINUALLY has her head ‘blocking’ some of the content that many would like to see. The video title: Lower & Reverse High Cholesterol: Top 10 Best Ways. I was saving the interested parties time by finding those…
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academicelephant · 1 year
I found an interesting article on ScienceDirect but as is typical, only a preview was available unless you'd like to buy the full article. However, there was a login option on the page and I, just for fun, decided to give it a try. And guess what? It worked! I found my university on the list of institutions and was able to log in via a confirmation link send to my email. I don't know how I didn't realize before that of course university accounts can be used to access research papers and stuff for free but this is pretty damn convenient
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monriatitans · 2 years
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QUOTE OF THE DAY Thursday, December 1, 2022
"One natural laboratory for studying plant evolution is the subnival belt of the Hengduan Mountains (Sun et al., 2014). The Hengduan Mountains are located at the southeastern region of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau; because of its high levels of endemism and species diversity, this region has been designated one of the 36 most important global biodiversity hotpots (Myers et al., 2000; Hrdina and Romportl, 2017). The alpine subnival belt (i.e., highest vertical zone of vegetation) is characterized by extreme environments, such as low temperatures, strong wind, frequent precipitation, intense ultraviolet radiation, and low insect abundance and activity (He et al., 2006; Wang, 2006)." - Yongqian Gab, Jinxuan Zheng, Xiangquin Lin, Fan Du, "Plant Diversity"
Quote choice inspired by Wiktionary's Word of the Day: subnival.
Interested in the study? Check it out by clicking here!
Image made with the Quotes Creator App. See the original post on Instagram! Watch MonriaTitans on Twitch and YouTube!
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coulsonlives · 1 year
I just had to share this video because holy shit, it hits the nail right on the head! So well spoken. This stuff needs to be circulated more, esp with the growing number of people thinking they have this because of misinformation, or just outright faking it.
#it's painful because i knew someone who personally faked this stuff (or has convinced herself she has it i can't even tell)#she had spent all her time on tiktok and i know for 100% sure that's where she got the idea. it's TRAGIC how fast things went downhill#i'm legit horrified at how many people (esp young kids of 13-14) think they have this too. or are just pretending#i've been neck deep in hardcore research (and i'm talking pubmed sciencedirect etc only) for months#and those kids definitely don't have did.. if they have trauma and are dissociating it's going to be something else like dpdr etc#the number of stupid 'you have did' answers i see for totally basic questions like 'i got dizzy what's wrong w me' is insane too#it's like googling 'muscle twitch' and then thinking you have some rare 1/billion familial cancer thing despite other obvious explanations#but worse.. in these cases the information is being fed to them. they don't have an opportunity to explore other possibilities#and the worst part is they don't even know to CHECK THE VALIDITY OF WHAT THESE PEOPLE ARE SAYING. they don't have info literacy#like i'll say this once: did is so rare that it's STILL contentious about whether it even exists#and it only happens in the most unimaginably traumatic experiences. think of the worst possible things you could do to a child#where even just thinking about it makes you uncomfortable. THAT'S the kind of trauma that leads to did. the truly evil stuff.#i'm not even gonna start on the BITE model shenanigans that are happening in the 'did' communities either#or how the people who used to be in them (and got out) always equate them to self-harming cults that celebrated not finding real answers#they got told they were 'perfect the way they were' despite having OBVIOUS psychological issues they needed help for#(it just wasn't did)#they were assured their 'did was valid no matter what'. toxic positivity ig? it just delayed their real diagnosis and ability to get help#but now you have gluts of people like in the video 'talking to themselves' and people on tumblr posting one-liners of 'alters' talking#one after the other within seconds. and i want to fcking cry because it's the same exact shit my friend did before she cut ties#the did/tourettes/ftlb stuff has literally been called a 'mass sociogenic illness' in multiple academic studies#but like qanon believers they seem to immediately discredit anyone who mentions this with 'you're just ableist' so anything you say is poo#aka you're part of the problem you're an 'ableist' so your legit info even though legit isn't valid/acceptable/real/whatever. i'm tired fam#did#dissociative identity disorder#osdd#ddnos#munchausen syndrome#mass psychogenic illness#ableism
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help my partner is asking me what exotic particles are and how they work and idk what they are or how they work can you explain pls thank u i love u
omg researching this was harder than i thought but I'll do my best to explain
what it boils down to is the parts of the parts of atoms called quarks. quarks make up the protons and neutrons, and they can stack (????) into tetraquarks (four) and pentaquarks (five) and this does weird stuff like superconductivity (extreme electromagnetism)
this is the stuff that the hadron collider at CERN does and something like 80% of "exotic particles" are theoretical because we havent discovered them yet but the Physics Math Doesnt Work without them (like dark matter)
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omarfor-orchestra · 2 years
Noooo stop sending me recommended articles based on my research for my thesis please ahahah I'll kill you
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enswbl · 10 months
what, you mean that if i want to hand in this lit review before the deadline i'm going to have to actually sit down and start writing instead of downloading every single article i can find on the topic, no matter how tangentially related to the actual research question? you have to be joking
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dorianbrightmusic · 1 year
my university: 'write this in double-spaced times new roman'
me: T_T but i like cambria
me: wait this is the same exact setup in every science study ever what the hell
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gatewaysolu · 2 years
How to Download Research Papers Free | How to find research papers on Go...
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reasonsforhope · 4 months
"The world's coral reefs are close to 25 percent larger than we thought. By using satellite images, machine learning and on-ground knowledge from a global network of people living and working on coral reefs, we found an extra 64,000 square kilometers (24,700 square miles) of coral reefs – an area the size of Ireland.
That brings the total size of the planet's shallow reefs (meaning 0-20 meters deep) to 348,000 square kilometers – the size of Germany. This figure represents whole coral reef ecosystems, ranging from sandy-bottomed lagoons with a little coral, to coral rubble flats, to living walls of coral.
Within this 348,000 km² of coral is 80,000 km² where there's a hard bottom – rocks rather than sand. These areas are likely to be home to significant amounts of coral – the places snorkelers and scuba divers most like to visit.
You might wonder why we're finding this out now. Didn't we already know where the world's reefs are?
Previously, we've had to pull data from many different sources, which made it harder to pin down the extent of coral reefs with certainty. But now we have high resolution satellite data covering the entire world – and are able to see reefs as deep as 30 meters down.
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Pictured: Geomorphic mapping (left) compared to new reef extent (red shading, right image) in the northern Great Barrier Reef.
[AKA: All the stuff in red on that map is coral reef we did not realize existed!! Coral reefs cover so much more territory than we thought! And that's just one example. (From northern Queensland)]
We coupled this with direct observations and records of coral reefs from over 400 individuals and organizations in countries with coral reefs from all regions, such as the Maldives, Cuba, and Australia.
To produce the maps, we used machine learning techniques to chew through 100 trillion pixels from the Sentinel-2 and Planet Dove CubeSat satellites to make accurate predictions about where coral is – and is not. The team worked with almost 500 researchers and collaborators to make the maps.
The result: the world's first comprehensive map of coral reefs extent, and their composition, produced through the Allen Coral Atlas. [You can see the interactive maps yourself at the link!]
The maps are already proving their worth. Reef management agencies around the world are using them to plan and assess conservation work and threats to reefs."
-via ScienceDirect, February 15, 2024
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herpsandbirds · 2 months
this is gonna be a stupid question, but whats so special about the tuatara's third eye? is it not the same as a bearded dragon's third eye?
whenever you search up tuataras the third eye is always talked about - is that just because its cool for people who don't know other reptiles or is there something especially unique about them?
(tuatara photo was taken at chester zoo, uk and bearded dragon photo is of my little man wump!)
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Parietal Eyes:
Ok so first off... the parietal eye (or the pineal eye) is a "third eye" on the top of the head of some animals. These eyes are basically part of or attached to the pineal gland on the brain. It is a primitive photoreceptor, that helps regulate circadian rhythm and helps track the position of the sun.
I guess what's special for some people about the Tuatara's parietal eye, is that most animals don't have one... also, I'm assuming that many people (including perhaps some science journalists) do not know that many lizards have them.
Tuataras do have the most noticeable and pronounced parietal eye.
Animals with a "third eye":
Tuatara, most lizards, frogs and salamanders, some bony fish, lampreys, and some sharks.
Read more here:
Tuatara - Wikipedia
Parietal Eye - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Parietal eye - Wikipedia
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hellsite-proteins · 3 months
Featured Protein: Bacteriorhodopsin
this fantastic protein was suggested by @imperialinquisition, and i'm so excited i finally got around to putting together some information about it!
this protein is found in archaea – specifically Halobacterium salinarum, which are halophilic (live in extremely salty environments) obligate aerobes (need oxygen to function). it has 7 transmembrane domains and is an analog to human rhodopsin (a G-protein-coupled receptor protein in the rod cells of our eyes *note: bacteriorhodopsin is NOT a G-protein-coupled receptor, but is still in the 7TM receptor family) and forms distinct purple coloured parts of the cell membrane. this protein is also the source of a lot of interest from an engineering and biotechnology perspective.
this is one of several types of proton pumps, which transport protons across a cell membrane against an electrochemical gradient. however, the feature that makes this one so interesting is that it is powered by sunlight. when a photon of light is absorbed, all-trans-retinal (one molecule attached to each of 3 protein chains) is isomerised to 13-cis-retinal. this induces conformational changes in the rest of the protein through a 9-stage photocycle, altering the pKa values of a few conserved residues and allowing one proton to be transferred outside the cell. through this action, the inside of the cell is made 10,000-fold more basic than outside the membrane! this proton gradient is used to power ATP synthase, making most of the cell's ATP
i wasn't able to download a version of the structure with all three chains, but i found some cool images of the structure:
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as always, if i made any mistakes, please let me know!
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Here is the koi fish au I kinda typed up?
Pros to nothliting as koi:
1. CONTAINMENT - the yeerk and taxxon population becomes an inert non threat. Koi are basically powerless against humans, and it's not like they could manipulate people cuz what can Koi Esplin offer? And the greatest advantage is we can keep an eye on every single nothlit, because Koi Can't Escape, especially if we keep them in, like, Nevada or Siberia or something.
2. FAMILIAR but UPGRADED environment - a koi pond or an aquarium can be beautiful spaces. Much like a yeerk pool, yeerks natural environment, a koi pond or aquarium can house potentially hundreds of koi, and multiple can be hooked together. They could swim around, thought-speak, take visitors, even read books and use computers (depending on security level). It's a straight upgrade too, because koi experience all 5 senses and pass the mirror test, so even if you're just going from the yeerk pool to the koi pond directly, it's way better than being a yeerk OR a taxxon OR Any Wild Animal
3. COMMUNITY - yeerks, taxxons could live in community together. Humans would definitely bond with yeerks if the aquariums were visitable. Humanity is scarred by the yeerk invasion, but I believe that we could have a path forwards with our new Koi friends. Imagine this (https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/fdDEsPmZku) but giant talking goldfish are you kidding me??? I would go every day to talk to my new fish friends. Koi can also live long and fulfilling lives, unlike most wild animals.
4. Anaconda plan flaws - it wasn't clear to me why the yeerks were allowed to turn into apex predators and roam free in the first place. Seems. Likely that you'd get, oh idk, some renegade guerrilla warrior anacondas mixed in with the rest. Maybe even some who saw from precedence a whole bunch can be. If it wasn't completely clear by now, I completely disagree with Cassie on the amazon idea. You can't just loose a bunch of snakes in the amazon! You have no way of controlling the outcomes there. And nobody seems to be considering that they're all going to starve in a few months (sciencedirect com/topics/earth-and-planetary-sciences/lotka-volterra-model). Why not put them in a zoo? Or y'know. A koi pond.
*john hammond voice* Somewhere where we have a bit more control
This is amazing and I love it.
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uter-us · 1 year
hey yall i got a great question from @waveofmutilationuksurf !! they asked how i view the process of male or female socialization, so here's some explanation with data on the way we are socialized based upon sex. anyone's free (and encouraged) to reblog or pm me or comment if my information is inaccurate, they have something to add, or disagree w, etc!!!
okay so to start off, just defining socialization: the second definition from Oxford languages for socialization is "the process of learning to behave in a way that is acceptable to society." so male socialization would be about the distinct differences in how people who are male are taught to behave acceptably in our society as opposed to female people. (most radfems would say "men"/"boys" and "women"/"girls" but this post isn't primarily for radfems just the general public interested, so I am only going to be saying female people / female children and male people / male children for that sake! i have more about this at the end.) I am talking primarily about the socialization in childhood and adolescence. (As their brains are developing, gender roles have a greater ability/depth to ingrain into their sense of the world and themselves. The dont have the context or knowledge to discern stereotype from reality.)
Male and female socialization aids in upholding misogyny and patriarchy primarily through gender roles. It starts from birth. From the abstract of peer reviewed ScienceDirect's "Gender Bias in Mothers' Expectations about Infant Crawling." ->
"This study examined gender bias in mothers' expectations about their infants' motor development. Mothers of 11-month-old infants estimated their babies' crawling ability, crawling attempts, and motor decisions in a novel locomotor task—crawling down steep and shallow slopes. Mothers of girls underestimated their performance and mothers of boys overestimated their performance. Mothers' gender bias had no basis in fact. When we tested the infants in the same slope task moments after mothers' provided their ratings, girls and boys showed identical levels of motor performance."
This is an example of how even before the female child could walk and talk, they were already being underestimated, and the male child was already being overestimated. This is a very sad message to send to the female children because it undoubtedly extends into other aspects of their lives. This is just the beginning of a lifetime of underestimation towards female people who will then internalize this about themselves, believing it to be true and hindering their potential. This message is also bad to send to the male children, because when this theme extends in other aspects of their lives (throughout their lives), they will underestimate the female people around them, while over estimating the male people. This undeniably will do harm to the female people as the playing field is not level!
Another example is on the content of greeting cards (separated by age too!). Children get greeting cards from peers and family year after year. From peer reviewed ACM's "Pretty Princess vs. Successful Leader: Gender Roles in Greeting Card Messages." (download for free here) ->
primary topics from the birthday cards:
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and fyi this is the info on the catagorization:
"We further split these messages based on their gender association. We assume that the association is implied by the recipient’s gender mentioned in the message: If a message mentions an indicator in the general female group in Table 2 (or variations of mother or grandmother), we categorize it as a female-associated message."
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Specifically in our discussion of childhood socialization, the difference between the female-addressed cards and the male-addressed cards were between a value in appearance for female children, and a value in achievement for male children.
(the reason i still am specifying sex and not gender for these cards is because the majority of trans people do not come out in childhood (more often adulthood and adolescence), so the vaaasttt majority of these birthday cards going to these children are picked based off their sex.)
this study was actually REALLY very interesting and you should definitely consider reading it (or at least perusing some of the data! they include valentines and wedding cards too w over 18000 cards total, and they additionally have some data on personal messages on twitter-- all very interesting!)
another example is from an article from the New York times titled, "The Gender Divide in Preschoolers’ Closets". The author, a mother to two preschoolers, sees the divide in her male toddler's clothing and her female toddler's clothing. She writes primarily about the functionality of the clothing. ->
"'Especially in the toddler years, the boys have more pockets, they have more fun active clothes than the girls,' said Francesca Sammaritano, a children’s wear designer and assistant professor of fashion at Parsons School of Design. 'There’s leg room for bending your knees.'"
Additionally the author Sara Clemence writes, "It’s not just about avoiding skinned knees, but also the subtle and discouraging message that’s woven right into girls’ garments: you are dressed to decorate, not to do."
As well as the functionality of the clothing, we can consider the text on the clothes from the girls section vs the boys section. In the Irish Times' "It’s time to tackle gendered inspirational guff on children’s clothes," Deirdre Falvey writes about the content on the clothing. ->
"The more that clothes and toys emphasise gender difference, the more our shared humanity is undermined. And the more girls and boys learn to see each other as other. The more children are pushed to conform to gender stereotypes – even via the clothes they’re offered – the more they grow up to fulfil them.
"The messages from most of these clothes: Girls are sweet and flowery, good and kind. Boys are strong and adventurous, assertive and bold. See it, wear it, become it."
Throughout this post, we've seen that female abilities are undermined; female and male children are taught female value is in appearance; female children are taught to minimize, quiet themselves, and "put on a pretty face." Male children are taught the polar opposite. The difference is stark!
Male and female socialization is important to recognize because it explains and contextualizes stereotypes and gender roles. For example, I hear men point to how women (or they often say "females") are less likely to ask for a raise as proof of women's "weak nature" and to justify the wage gap (fyi I find conflicting information if this is actually a true fact lol, but I digress). Is this because female people are just naturally more submissive? are they just naturally less assertive? no, it's not natural, it's nurtured.
Furthermore, outside of this post, I primarily say "men"/"boys" and "women"/"girls" as opposed to "male people"/"male children" and "female people"/"female children," because to me, there is a lot to a woman, but not a lot that makes a woman a woman. Her biology did not betray her; it was weaponized against her. These children in the studies and articles above are not mistreated because of their gender identity, they are mistreated because of their sex.
Another reason recognizing male/female socialization is important is because once we recognize that these things do happen, we can mitigate the harm. From peer reviewed APA PsycNet's "Parents’ judgments of children’s gender-typed play indicate qualities of the early-life caregiving environment." ->
"Mothers who displayed androgynous and counterstereotyped preferences—primarily conveying approval different-gender-typed play—were rated higher on objective assessments of the quality of the home environment and parent–child interactions."
I'm not speaking for all radfems, but in my understanding, a large part of not considering trans women to be women is due to their socialization, and that a gender identity or sense of self can not undo years of male socialization starting from birth.
I hope this was reasonably coherent ! if you have questions and corrections lemme know :)
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