#schoolyard jam
positively-peachy-143 · 5 months
Got Schoolyard Jam stuck in my head again chat, brain going mushy !! /notneg
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puppyeared · 9 months
HOW can you be bad at being a furry???????
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chaotic-super · 8 months
Joining The Superfriends - Chapter 27
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Kara stares at the lifeless body slumped across the floor.
It’s an odd feeling that’s settled deep into her bones. She just killed a man. A man who murdered a crazy amount of people, but a man no less.  A man who has caused immeasurable pain in the lives of countless people, including the woman standing just behind her.
Her gaze falls to the gun where it lies on the floor, discarded not by choice but shock. She can’t believe she just killed Lex Luthor. Her sapphire blue eyes flinch up to look at Lex’s face. What she can see of it anyway. With a hole in his head, the blood and brain matter seeping out covers his face, a veil of a dark, natural kind. Despite that, a sneer is still fixed in place. He was a bitter, malicious monster until the very end.
Her legs are throbbing with pain, her veins still assaulted by kryptonite. It makes her feel awful that a man has just died because of her, but her focus is instead on herself because, to put it bluntly, it hurts like a bitch.
“Kara?” Lena calls out, her voice soft and delicate, like she’s speaking to a child that has tripped on the schoolyard and is two seconds away from crying because of their scraped knees.
An unwelcomed flinch ricochets through Kara’s body at Lena’s first touch. It’s a tender caress to the back of her head, her open palm taking the weight, solid and sturdy despite the barely perceptible quake in her fingertips.
Lena doesn’t retreat at her unconscious, harsh reaction. She just keeps the pressure there. Kara leans into it, happy to take her touch's comfort and the distraction it presents from the searing pain.
“Kara?” Lena tries again. “We have to go.”
This time, Kara responds. She tilts her head back to see that Lena is crouching behind her. She’s not looking at her now-deceased brother. She’s not sparing him so much as a quick glance. Green eyes remain pinned on Kara, worry and anxiety swirling in pools of jade.
“Come on, put your arms around me.” Lena urges, helping her by physically wrapping one of Kara’s arms around her shoulder.
Kara plants her feet on the floor, trying to help gain some leverage to assist Lena’s attempt at getting her standing up, but the soles of her boots slide in the rapidly growing pool of Lex’s blood. She grits her teeth, biting back a cry as she fights against the rapid increase in pain taking over her.
“Lena, I can’t.” Kara breathes heavily after spending far too long trying and failing in the task. “You should find a way to get to the others.”
“I’m not leaving you,” Lena continues, trying to get her up. Except with Kara not even trying, she’s got no chance of succeeding. “Come on. We’ve got to get out of here together. You’re not staying here next to my brother’s corpse.”
Kara’s eyes dart back to Lex’s body at the mention and she can’t help but feel a strange kind of peace at seeing him this way. She doesn't have a guilty bone in her body after all the pain he’s caused to not only herself but to her family, to Lena. That’s scarier than the prospect of waiting next to his body for a while as Lena goes to get help.
“I’ll be ok. Maybe go and see if you can find whatever is jamming out comms so we can get J’onn to get here.” Kara pants, the pain in her legs growing with each passing moment. They’ve begun to feel heavy like they’re made of lead, and it feels like even a passing breeze could take her out, any shift in them making every muscle in her body tense up.
“No,” Lena states firmly. Kara slips further onto the floor as Lena unhooks her arm from around her shoulders, but it’s short-lived as she takes up her earlier position and deftly squeezes her hands beneath her armpits to start dragging her down the hall and away from Lex.
Kara tries her very best to contain her cries and whimpers, but the waves of agony engulf her, the current much too strong to swim out of.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Lena mumbles out, her voice strained because of the effort she’s exerting. “I just want to get you away from him, ok?”
It’s phrased as a question, but based on how she’s being manhandled, Kara’s guessing she doesn’t actually get a say in anything. “Ok.”
Lena pulls her into a side room and it’s not until they’re fully inside that they see what it’s used for.
“Tools. That could be helpful.” Lena sets Kara down with her back to some shelves, giving her something to prop herself up against. She allows her shoulders to drop with Kara’s weight off her and Lex’s body out of her direct eye line. Just like that, the adrenaline keeping her going wanes.
She’s once again aware of the searing pain of her own injuries where the shrapnel sliced her where the armour doesn’t cover and winces, hissing between her teeth.
“Oh, fuck.” A trembling hand attempts to reach over her shoulder to smooth her hand over the painful spots, not that a single hand could cover them all; there are far too many for that.
Kara’s head shoots up at the sound of her pained curse. “Lena? Are you hurt?”
“Just a little. Please remind me never to set a bunch of robots to self-destruct beside us again. That wasn’t a great idea.” Lena’s attempt at humour falls flat, the pained edge to her voice making it impossible to jest.
“Will you still be ok to find a way to get out or at least get a message to the rest of the team?” Kara questions. She’s concerned about Lena, but her main focus is on getting them both out of here as soon as possible. When Lena set the Lexo-suits to self-destruct, the ones closest to them did so, but they have no confirmation that any outside of their direct radius did, and that needs to be a top priority.
“I'll be fine, I swear.” Lena closes her eyes and takes a few grounding breaths. “You just stay here and I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
“Ok.” Kara lets her head loll back to rest against the sharp ridges of the metal shelves. “But, Lena?”
Lena pauses for a moment. “Hmm?”
“Please be careful.”
“I will.”
Kara doesn’t look convinced. “Promise me…please.”
Taking Kara’s face between her hands, Lena presses a lingering kiss to the centre of her forehead. “I promise I’m coming back, Kara. I’ll be just fine.”
With that confirmation, they part ways, Lena sealing the door behind her to keep Kara safe the only way she can.
Lena rests her head on the edge of Kara’s bed in the med bay. Her eyelids are heavy and her bones are tired but she just doesn’t have it in her to sleep. She’s been stitched up, and loaded up on pain meds, courtesy of Alex, but even without them, she’s half convinced she wouldn’t feel anything anyway. Everything just feels…blurry.
She got lucky. She had no clue what she was doing when she left Kara in that room, and with how frazzled her brain was and still is, she has no clue how she would have figured her way through that predicament.
With a few hours between her time on Lex’s ship and his death, Lena feels like she’s yet to come back to herself. Perhaps sleeping would fix that. She’s not about to test that theory. Sleep feels like it’s a mere step away and thousands of miles all at the same time. Not tonight.
If anything, seeing Kara lying there unconscious in front of her makes her push away her exhaustion even more, her desire to watch over her much too strong. She was only alone in that room for maybe three minutes. Four at a push. Still, it was enough for her to lose consciousness, and she’s yet to regain it.
Alex has meticulously extracted all of the shards of kryptonite from her skin and sewn up every last cut she could find. She’s sure she got it all, but Lena’s seen her recheck the kryptonite scanner more than a dozen times, not convinced even with the countless confirmations. Lena understands. Of course she does. With her hand in Kara’s, every once in a while, she lets her fingers trail up to her wrist to press into her pulse point there so she can feel the steady beating of her heart, the rhythmic beeping from the heart rate monitor not enough to soothe her nerves alone.
Looking up at Kara’s face now, she can scarcely believe what Kara did for her and she can’t believe she let her.
Kara killed her brother for her.
Kara killed Lex.
Lex is dead.
She’s free.
A hand on Lena’s shoulder startles her and makes her wince all at once, the pressure directly on her freshly sewn cuts.
“Oh, sorry. I forgot.” Nia says, her voice barely more than a whisper. “Here, you need to drink.”
A warm mug of coffee is pressed into her free hand. “Thank you, Nia.”
Without waiting, Lena takes a healthy sip from the mug. “I wouldn’t have thought you would be one to promote caffeine this late at night. Shouldn’t you advocate for everyone getting eight hours of rest per night?”
“It’s decaf.” Nia shrugs as she pulls up a chair beside her.
Glaring down at the mug, Lena sniffs harshly. “That’s smart but I’m also upset it won’t help keep me up.”
Nia leans back in her chair, her eyes dancing over Kara’s face. Seeing her look so hollow and worn is strange, a complete loss of her usual sunshiney demeanour that usually coats every aspect of her mind, body and soul. She sighs before looking back at Lena. “You can rest, you know. If you want me to watch her so you can do that, I will.”
“That’s not why I’m not resting,” Lena admits before she can think to stop herself.
“So you’re punishing yourself?”
“I didn’t say that,” Lena argues.
Despite the harsh tone she’s expecting to be subjected to, Nia’s voice remains soft. “Sometimes, you don’t have to say anything.”
Lena momentarily pulls her lips into her mouth, letting out a shaky breath as she releases them. “It was my brother that caused this, and when it came to it, I didn’t even do it myself. She did it. She was protecting me when I should have been the one protecting her. She couldn’t even stand and she shot him so that I wouldn’t have to and I should have insisted. I could have taken the gun off her physically if that’s what it came down to. She wouldn’t have been able to stop me. I let her kill my brother and now I don’t know what to do.”
“You move on.”
“That’s easier said than done.”
“But it’s right.”
Lena shakes her head. “How is that right? How am I meant to just move on from this like it never happened? Like he didn’t murder all of those people, destroy a city and try to kill us. How am I meant to move on when I feel less guilty about all those people who died than I do about Kara having to live with what she did for me because I was weak?”
Nia takes a deep breath. “A lot of those questions are out of my pay grade. I would suggest Kelly as the go-to woman for that kind of stuff, but just for the record, Kara wouldn’t have done what she did unless she truly felt that what she was doing was the right thing and as long as she knows that, I don’t think she’ll struggle as much as you think she will.”
“What do you mean? She’s Supergirl. The woman with the strongest morals known to man.”
“And she’s Kryptonian. She might not believe in killing, but she knows why it’s necessary, and if you talk to her about Kryptonian history and culture, you’ll see why I know she can handle what she did.”
The corners of Lena’s lips press down as she frowns, her head dropping down until her chin is to her chest in a motion that is usually much more synonymous with one Kara would do, a fleeting thought Lena has and has to push away to stop her frown from deepening even further.
“I have a lot to learn about Kara, don’t I?”
“You do, but that’s ok. I think she’s got a lot to learn about you too.” Nia nudges her shoulder with hers. “You have a lot to learn about yourself as well. You’ve lost the monster that’s always been lurking over your shoulder. You have to figure out who you are when you don’t have to watch your back every hour of every day; you might be surprised at what you’ll find.”
“I think the day of his death might be a bit too soon for the ‘find yourself’ speech.”
Nia hums half-heartedly. “Well, that’s all I’ve got. There aren’t exactly written instructions for how to make your friend feel better when she just watched her girlfriend shoot her brother.”
“I suppose not.” Lena barks out a laugh. It’s cold and harsh but there’s something else buried deep inside it—the tiniest speck of gratitude. “And just for the record, we’re not official.”
Nia rests her hand on Lena’s forearm, nodding down at her mug to remind her to drink it before it goes cold. “Not yet, but I’ll leave you to it for a while. You look like you need time to think.”
“I do, but you don’t have to leave.” Lena hesitates before asking her next question. “Would it be inappropriate to ask you to sit with me? I know I’m not technically alone in here, but I don’t want to be by myself.”
Nia keeps her tush firmly planted in her seat. “I’m right here.”
“Thank you.”
“We’re all here for you, Lena. You’re not alone anymore. Not like you were before you found us.”
“I’m glad I did.” Lena mumbles. “I wouldn’t have managed to get out from under my family’s thumb if it wasn’t for you guys.”
Nia shakes her head. “You would have. It would have looked a lot different, but you would have done it. You’re much stronger than you give yourself credit for, and we’re lucky to have you on our team.”
Lena scoffs. “My maniacal brother followed me here, destroyed the city and murdered people.”
“Yeah, that’s bad. We didn’t sign up for your brother, but we did sign up for you. Having a crazy family comes with being a Superfriend though. Just ask Kara about hers. She had family try to mind control the entire planet, so she understands better than most.”
“Why am I learning all these things from you and not her?” Lena’s eyebrows furrow. “Why wouldn’t she tell me?”
Nia shoots her an exasperated look. “Between missions, crises and calamities?”
“Good point.” Lena gives in. “I’ll ask her when she wakes up.”
Nia nods. “You do that.”
“This is the third day you’ve spent sitting in that chair. Don’t you want to go and stretch your legs?” Kelly squeezes her shoulder softly as she lowers herself down into the chair beside her. “You know we can take it in turns sitting with her. We’ve made that more than clear, so why are you taking on that burden alone?”
Lena’s eyes flick up to Kelly’s cold and sharp. “Kara’s not a burden.”
“I never said she was,” Kelly replies, her voice no less soft, her calming demeanour setting Lena’s raised shoulders back down. “However, sitting anywhere for a long period of time is a burden, so if you would like to go and stretch your legs or go home to shower, there are people here more than willing to sit here for a while so you can do that.”
“I stretch my legs when I go to the bathroom and J’onn has been letting me shower here. Alex gave me Kara’s spare clothes to change into.”
Kelly covers Lena’s hand with her own. “Why are you so insistent on being the one to sit with her all day? Even Alex, who has been spending hours here every day, goes home each night.”
Lena turns her head away from her for a moment, and Kelly braces herself, ready for whatever reaction may come her way.
Lena’s lips are quivering when she turns back around, her eyes straining to hold back her tears. “I don’t know. I guess I just don’t want to leave.”
“What do you mean by that? You’re scared to?”
Lena shrugs half-heartedly. “Kara just tossed away one of her greatest morals for me. The least I can do is sit with her while she recovers.”
“So you’re paying her back?” Kelly tries to pin down Lena’s thoughts.
With a heaving sigh, Lena shakes her head. “I don’t even know. I just know that I want to be here, and as nice as it would be to go home and rest in my own space, I can’t bear the thought of her being here and me being somewhere else. I just know I wouldn’t be able to relax, so instead, I’ll sit here and watch over her so if something happens, God forbid, I can get Alex here as quickly as possible.”
“And while you trust the rest of us to watch over her, that anxiety and restlessness won’t fully disappear.” Kelly finishes for her.
Lena nods solemnly.
“Ok then, we’ll see if we can find you a comfier chair. We were going to pull one of the better ones in here, but Alex thought you would be more likely to go home if you were uncomfortable here.”
“You guys let me sit here in this devil of a chair for three days before realizing I wouldn’t give in?”
Guilt coats Kelly’s face. “Sorry.”
Lena doesn’t have it in her to be mad. “No, I get it. I appreciate you guys trying to give me a kick in the right direction. It’s just one that isn’t going to work. I’m staying here. As soon as she’s awake and stable, I can get back to my life. I have all of the business stuff to deal with at Luthor Corp once she does. With Lex gone, the company goes to me. I’m sure my mother will try and take over it, but she always did love Lex the most, so she’ll probably go into a grieving period for a couple of months before she comes after me.”
“That’s awful, Lena.”
“That’s my mother, for you.” She brushes it off without much thought.
Kelly frowns, her eyes locking onto Kara’s slack hand that is cradled between both of Lena’s, her thumb brushing over the back of it as though she’s trying to bring comfort to her, even in her unconscious state.
Clicking her tongue, Kelly leans back in the chair, already annoyed at how uncomfortable it is and wincing at the thought of how much pain Lena must be in after three days. “Is there anything we can do to help with that part while you’re here? Alex and J’onn both used to run the DEO and are used to bureaucracy. I’m sure they can handle some stuff for you, and the rest of us can help too.”
Lena shakes her head. “No, no. It’s fine. Sam is covering a lot of that for me and Jack…well, I assume he’s attempting to help but really slowing Sam down.”
“That’s nice of them.”
“Yeah, they’re the best.” For the first time today, Kelly has seen a hint of a smile grace Lena’s lips.
Kelly’s glad to see it. She’s seen people completely shut down in situations like this, but Lena is pretty aware of herself and her emotions. It’s impressive. Usually, people end up acting out of character or making dumb decisions. “So, Lena. If you don’t mind me asking, do you see you and Kara dating long-term?”
Lena’s head flies to the side to look at Kelly, shock written over her face. “That’s the question you’re going with?”
Kelly shrugs.
“Do all therapists start out with those kinds of questions?”
Kelly eases off. “I’m not here as a therapist, Lena. I’m here as your friend. It was a question that has more to do with what I’ve been wondering about your budding relationship rather than me trying to psychoanalyze you.”
Lena takes a few beats to think over her answer, taking Kelly’s claims of simply being her friend at face value. She hasn’t even got the energy to let her self-doubt have a voice, so she will blindly believe her.
“I would like to see where my relationship with Kara goes,” Lena says with a firm nod. “I had a discussion with Nia the other day and realized that I don’t know as much about her as I initially thought, so that will be my first point of action when she’s well enough. I need to learn more about her. It’s not until we get to know each other better that we can fully commit to each other.”
Kelly tilts her head, her eyes pinned on the side of Lena’s face. “Interesting.”
“Don’t do that.” Lena recoils away from her, her cheeks flushing.
“Sorry. It’s just not the answer I was expecting. You guys have been all gung-ho about following your emotions that seeing you putting logic to your relationship is a little odd.”
“Well, I realized I don’t know much about her as a Kryptonian, and that’s a very large part of her life. I can’t be with someone if I don’t know everything about them.”
Eyebrows furrowed and lips tilting down, Kelly frowns. “You know, you don’t have to know everything about the person you’re with. In fact, I would recommend you don’t.”
“Doesn’t that take away from the whole spiel therapists usually drone on about, the one about open communication and talking at every opportunity?”
Shaking her head, Kelly replies. “Not at all. In fact, I think it’s good for couples to have privacy within the relationship. To have their own private space in the far back corner of their hearts.”
“If you don’t have that, where will you grow? Every person deserves to not only grow with their partner but to grow within themselves. We adapt, we overcome, we change. To do that, we need our own space, and it’s not wrong to have that. That private space is what gives us the space to become who we need to become so while, yes, you should know about all of the important parts of each other’s lives, it’s ok if you never fully learn every last thing about one another. Holding yourself to that standard would be as good as you walking away right now.”
Lena’s brain can barely wrap around the words. “What?”
“I’m saying that yes, there’s plenty for you to learn about each other, but if you add the caveat of you needing to know everything about each other into your relationship, you’re setting yourself up for failure.”
“Oh. Ok.” Lena nods, her brain too tired to fully follow exactly what Kelly is saying, but if there’s anyone who does know the healthiest thing for her relationship, it’s the therapist who is happily married with a gorgeous little girl at home. “I’ll think about that.”
“Good. Now, are you sure I can’t talk you into a nap on the couch in the other room?” Kelly asks, shifting her weight.
Lena shakes her head. “Bring the couch in here and you’ve got yourself a deal.”
“You know what? I’ll take it. I’m going to get J’onn and Alex to help me.”
It takes five days in total for Alex to determine that Kara has recovered enough from the kryptonite poisoning to come out of her coma and let the sunlamps finish the job of getting her to heal, and when she does wake, it’s with every member of the team crowding around her and two Legionnaires hovering about in the other room waiting for an update.
Upon being informed of what is happening by Brainy, they all hustled back to come and check on her. Mostly at the insistence of Winn, but Mon-El didn’t exactly put up a fight either.
Lena is right there beside her in the same place she’s spent the best part of the week but she’s in a much comfier chair than the one she started in.
Kara wakes slowly and it’s a lot less anticlimactic than the group was expecting, except for Alex, who knows how this stuff works – thank you, med school.
Lena’s hands are sweaty around Kara’s, but she can’t seem to force herself to let go, especially when her eyes start flickering open. She stands, leaning over the prone Kryptonian. “Hey, Kara.”
“Hi,” Kara mumbles out, her throat dry and scratchy.
Alex rushes to do her tests and checks. All the while, Lena is talking softly to her, easing her back to the land of the living. As soon as Alex clears her, Nia, Brainy and Kelly move over to wish her their best before leaving to give her some privacy and also give the others a chance to come in and see her.
Lena doesn’t move.
Winn and Mon-El make their way in once the others file out, both of them unsure of themselves, not only because Kara isn’t in the best of shape, but because there’s a woman they’ve never met before at her bedside looking at her like she’s just hung every star in the sky with stands of her own soul to declare her love for all the universe to see.
They round the bed to stand on the opposite side to Lena and end up beside Alex, who simply rolls her eyes at them and joins Lena on the other side.
 “How is she?” Winn asks, directing his question at Alex despite Kara being awake.
“She’s good,” Alex says. “She could have told you that.”
Chastised, Winn meets Kara’s eyes. “Hey, you. Long time no see, best friend.”
“You’ve been demoted.” Is the first thing out of Kara’s mouth, followed by a round of giggles that everyone has to suppress a smile at. “Lena’s taken your place, ex-best friend.”
Winn’s mouth drops open. “How? I’m the coolest person I know. I made your suit for you.”
“I made her a suit too. It has anti-kryptonite capabilities and doesn’t have a skirt that will accidentally flip up and give the enemy an eyeful mid-fight.” Lena raises a challenging brow at him, a deadly smirk in place that disappears when she turns back to Kara, her expression instantly softening.
Winn huffs a little, but a nudge from Mon-El has him refocusing. “That’s rude, but I’ll debate it with you when you’re not high on sunlight.”
Kara scoffs. “Whatever. Thanks for coming, guys, even if it’s not necessary. I’m fine.”
“You were just in a five-day induced coma. You don’t have a good sense of what ‘fine’ is,” Mon-El says with a boyish grin. “We wanted to see if you were ok with our own eyes. It’s not every day that you defeat your greatest rival. How do you feel?”
Kara and Lena share a look, and Lena does her best to sense what Kara is thinking, but it’s impossible, the cluster of emotions running wild and free behind those bright blue irises making it a task and a half even to try.
Kara swallows harshly. “A lot. I feel a lot.”
The mood dampens and Mon-El shies away from the group a little, realizing he just made a mistake. “Sorry, that was a poor question to ask. It’s just that we used to speak about the Luthors when we were dating, and there wasn’t much positivity around that. I thought you would be happy to have him gone.”
Lena freezes. Partly because she never realized that this is Kara’s ex and another because he said ‘Luthors’. They spoke about her entire family, probably including her. She understands why she would be lumped in with them; it is her surname after all, but it’s not information she would have liked to have learned in this situation, with Kara’s ex spilling the beans.
“Mon-El, shut up.” Alex hisses.
“What?” He asks.
Lena takes over, her face once again cold and unfeeling as she lets go of Kara’s hand with one of hers so she can offer it to the man. “Lena Luthor, pleasure to meet you.”
His eyes grow wide and his jaw practically drops to the floor.
Winn is the one who saves the day, jumping in to shake her hand in an overexaggerated manner in his excitement. “Oh my stars! You’re the Lena Luthor. I can’t believe I’m meeting you; this is insane! Your work with…I don’t know if you’ve done it yet, so I can’t say anything, but your work is the most impressive thing I’ve ever seen. It’s unbelievable! Can I pick your brain about your ongoing projects?”
Lena shakes her head. “Perhaps another time. I would like to spend some time with Kara. As you can imagine, I’m not in the best state of mind given that Kara is hurt and my brother just died.”
Mon-El seems to wake from his stupor at that. “You’re letting a Luthor be in here? You’re letting her touch Kara?” He briefly pins his eyes on Alex before they dart to glare at Kara and Lena’s joined hands.
“Stop, Mon-El. You’re acting like an asshole.” Kara jumps in, the words taking more effort than she has to give.
“I’m the asshole?” He asks, his voice coming out in a whine, his eyebrows practically meeting his hairline, which is quite the task.
“Stop. Just stop.” Kara pleads, her free hand coming up to cover her face, a headache sinking in. “Can I just please have some time to rest? I can’t deal with this.”
Alex jumps onto Kara’s request, using it to get everyone out. “Alright, you heard the lady, everyone out.”
Winn goes easily, looking pissed at Mon-El and grabbing him by his arm to pull him out of the room. Lena watches them go before she stands up too, leans down to press her lips to Kara’s forehead and then moves to leave.
“You don’t have to go, Lena,” Kara says, clinging to her hand.
“I won’t be too long. You rest. I’ve got a few things to handle, and then I’ll be back.”
“I promise I’ll come back. Go to sleep.”
Check out the next couple of chapters on Patreon here!
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lanymme · 8 days
Hi! : ) If fic requests are still open, can I ask for some HakuRin? Perhaps them being gay idiots while the student council are getting a little tired of their oblivious flirting?
It would be my pleasure! I love these two.
Can you believe they gave extraverse Rin such an interesting fetish and then never did anything with it?? Criminal.
Hakuno Kishinami gazes warily down the steps leading out of Elizabeth’s labyrinth and into the final floors before the core.
“… It’s almost showtime. Are you stocked up on healing items? If you don’t have enough, head back and stock up at the Commissary. The jamming is up, but if Meltryllis is waiting for us, you’ll end up fighting. Healing is fundamental; the most powerful strategy."
As always, Rin is right. Hakuno may not remember everything, but she knows she has always been relying on this girl to help her through difficult situations, even before they all formed the student council.
Ignoring Gilgamesh’s insensitive comments, she has to agree with him that, one way or another, her friend is one competent woman. She’s glad they’re on the same side.
She makes her way over to the gateway leading back to the school grounds, and leaves Elizabeth’s labyrinth behind. Vertigo comes over her as she enters that brief white void, and her senses fade back into attunement in the familiar student grounds. As always, the relief from the strange pressure of the labyrinth, so far under the dark waters of the Lunar Sea, is welcome.
Gilgamesh draws up next to her, armor clinking, and makes a dismissive wave of his hand.
“Go. Make your preparations. I have matters to attend to. Don’t keep me waiting.”
In a scatter of blue particles, he disappears, leaving Hakuno alone in the schoolyard. Waving to the contemplative NPC who always sits out against the wall and offers advice, she slides the door open and heads into their little refuge. The wood creaks familiarly underfoot as she crosses the floor.
Truthfully, it’s a relief. She knows she’ll have to face Meltryllis eventually, but she’s still nervous. It’s hard not to think what could happen if that woman catches her, to make peace with the fact that she ultimately has not control over whether they’re attacked. Gilgamesh is the most powerful trump card she could ask for, and even still…
She can't help remembering that spiked kneeplate, charging toward her. The bloodlust in that lovely voice.
Everyone they've lost.
She shivers.
That suspicious priest bows to her, but she can’t deal with him right at the moment. She needs some time with her thoughts.
So she heads up the stairs, and passes the Student Council Room where Rin and Rani are working hard as always, and makes her way to her own personal room to sit down. She closes her eyes, and takes a few deep breaths. It’s all going to work out, if they just keep doing their best, and never give up. The predictions of Seven Days Later don’t have to come true: they can stop it. She has to believe that.
Suddenly, she hears a knock and a polite cough at her door.
Her heart beats a little faster. She checks to make sure it’s all clean.
“Come in!”
Rin slides open her door and steps inside, shutting it behind her. Her face is a little flushed.
“Look!” She says, before Hakuno can say anything. “I just came by to do a follow up exam on you. It was my first time using the Ten Thousand Colored Stagnation, and I want to make sure I didn’t misplace anything in your frame when I changed your spiritron granularity.”
Hakuno considers reminding her that Sakura’s infirmary is just downstairs, but wisely decides against it.
“Okay,” she says. “Thank you. I’m glad to have someone like Rin looking after me. I’m in your hands, as always.”
Rin nods, matter-of-factly, and pulls her over to sit on the bed, a lingering hand resting on her shoulder.
She knows Rin handled it perfectly. But if Rin needs to confirm it for herself, that’s just as important.
Briefly, she communicates to Gilgamesh that she’s receiving a checkup, and that she might be a little bit late. All she receives in return is his laughter. Seriously, what a difficult Servant.
“Okay,” Rin says, imperiously. “Now strip.”
She sits there on the bed, uniform shirt off, while Rin examines her back, cool, slender fingers alternating between laying against her skin and clinking on her virtual keyboard. It’s, well. She’s a healthy young lady. It’s just a little embarrassing that Rin can probably see every change in her vitals.
Anyway, this is nice. She smiles fondly while her lecturer continues.
“—and you’re going to buy healing items and equipment like I said, right? You know all of us are relying on you. You have to do whatever you can to maximize your chances of survival, especially against an opponent like Meltyllis. Supplies and preparation are an essential factor in any form of conflict.”
“Of course! I always listen to Rin’s advice—I know I can always count on your support. I just. Well. Had to take a moment to calm my nerves.”
The next touch against her back is slightly less clinical, slightly more sentimental.
The permeable boundary between those two attitudes is just not fair to her heart.
“Anyway, I have more than enough money to throw around as it stands. It might feel nice to just dump a bunch of Sakurament into—Rin?”
Her friend freezes, hand against her back. One of her fingers twitches.
Ah. Right.
She remembers the neon figures of jewels and bills floating through the dark waters of Rin’s heart as she dived down to save her from BB’s control. “Hey! I don’t have a thing about money! I’m going to punch you!”
Briskly, her friend jumps up from the bed behind her, and starts making her way to the door without looking back.
“Well! Looks like you’re in good condition, you don’t need anything more from me. I’ll be in the Student Council Room monitoring your linkage to the school, so good luck out—“
“Wait.” Hakuno demands, standing up and taking her wrist. Rin still doesn’t turn back to look at her. “You know I wouldn’t judge you, or make fun of you, right? It’s… it’s okay.”
She can feel Rin’s heart beating in her wrist, fast and hard. She hears her swallow.
Her own heart is pounding in her ears. Her chest writhes with nerves.
It’s now or never.
She takes a step forward, then another, until she’s standing behind her, can feel her warmth.
Then she takes another step forward, one arm coming forward to wrap around Rin’s stomach, holding her tight, pressed up, against her back. That sweater is soft against her skin, and just a little rough.
She tries to put some steel into her voice. To give Rin some direction, something to hold onto, to calm herself. And. Well. Okay, her thoughts have been spinning ever since she saw Rin’s satisfied expression as Elizabeth whipped her with her tail, ever since she collected that Submission Desire SG. Maybe her intentions aren’t 100% pure.
“There’s something else I need you to do for me,” she says, gravely.
Is that… is that her own voice?
Rin trembles, slightly.
Desperately, she keeps hold of her thoughts.
She lets go of Rin’s wrist, still holding her around the waist, and manifests some of her saved up Sakurament with a stored hum. A thick, weighty stack of bills.
She reaches around, and presses them into Rin’s hand. Rin gasps.
“This is 20,000SM,” she says. She lets go of the money. Rin holds on.
Rin whimpers.
“Would you please,” she says, without a hint of question. “Go down to the commissary, and buy some healing items for me?”
She can feel the tension trembling in her friend’s body. She leans in close to her ear, and whispers. “I trust Rin’s decisionmaking to keep me safe.”
The sensation of Rin’s body melting in one ragged breath is the most erotic thing she’s ever felt.
“Y-yes,” she breathes.
“Thank you. Now go on.” She pushes Rin toward the door. “I’ll wait here.”
After Rin leaves, her legs turn to jelly. She sits back on her bed, supporting herself with her hands, and takes deep breaths to calm herself down.
After a few minutes, her heart finally stops racing, and she sighs, looking up at the ceiling.
Did she really just do that?
She has no idea where she got the nerves for something like that. She felt like she was going to pass out.
But more than that, Rin’s little reactions are carved in her memory. Maybe they’ll never go away.
Feeling her shiver. Feeling her relax. Feeling someone she’s always looked up to, admired and chased after giving up control to her. That moment where Rin’s trust in her took over her body.
Damn. Now she’s excited again. She can’t wait for Rin to get back.
She knows she has to face Meltryllis soon, but right now all she can think about is Rin.
And for now, that feels alright.
She realizes she’s still shirtless, and starts to dress herself, hands shaking with adrenaline
A few minutes later, there’s another knock on the door. Immediately, Hakuno’s heartbeat is back at full pace, nervousness swirling and tumbling in her chest. She stands up from the bed and opens it.
Rin is standing outside her door. Her face is flushed, and her brow twitches.
Hakuno steels herself, reaches deep down for the courage to push ahead.
She steps out of the way, and ushers Rin inside, who enters walking stiff-limbed.
Rin sticks out her arm toward Hakuno, a small item folder in her hand. She doesn’t look at her.
Hakuno takes it and stows it in her inventory.
“Thank you. I can always count on Rin.”
“You…!” she whips around. “Aren’t you even going to check out what I bought?”
She sounds angry, but looks nervous.
Hakuno looks her in the eyes. Earnestly, seriously, she says, “Why would I have to? I know you made the right selection. I asked you because you’re the most competent person I know.”
Rin colors.
“You did what I said, right?”
She nods.
“Good,” Hakuno confirms.
Rin shivers. Her eyes are looking a bit hazy again. Hakuno’s stomach flips. Maybe it’s not fair to push her buttons like this, but Hakuno is doing it. She’s not stopping now.
I”n that case, I have something else I need you to do for me,” she says, with false confidence. She half expects Rin to snip at her for overstepping but… but instead, she’s staring at her, waiting, like Hakuno hung the moon.
Oh. Her eyes look so soft. She looks so relaxed, breathing fast and deep and even. Hakuno swallows.
“I need you to take this for me,” she hears herself say. She raises her hand, and a stack of 20,000 materializes in it. Rin’s eyes track to it like magnets. Hakuno is so turned on she feels like she might faint.
She presses the bills into Rin’s hand, folds the fingers around them. Rin watches it happen, breaths coming quickly, and then looks up at her, expectantly, waiting.
But she doesn’t tell her what to do. Instead, she materializes another stack in her hands.
Rin looks nervous.
She presses them into her other hand. Rin’s eyes track between her outstretched hands. She squeezes the wads of bills, eyes slamming shut, and shivers.
But she opens them again when Hakuno pulls out another stack. She stares up at her, pleading, as Hakuno presses it into her hand, balancing it between the other two. Her eyes say it for her.
It’s too much.
Hakuno pulls out another stack of bills.
Whether her life lasts only the next couple hours or seventy more years, she’ll remember the sound Rin makes until she dies.
Rin holds the 80,000SM in her hands, staring at it in disbelief. Hakuno heroically tries not to melt into a puddle, and instead circles around behind her, starts massaging her arms.
“That’s all yours. I’m giving it to you,” she says.
Rin whines.
But before she can object, Hakuno continues. “But Rin, I want you to do something. Would you please buy me a Mystic Code, and… whatever pair of socks you like best?” She laces her arms around Rin’s waist, and rests her chin on her shoulder. Rin melts into her hold. “It’s your choice,” she murmurs, her own breaths shaking. “The money is yours. But will you spend it all on me, if I ask you to?”
Rin takes one stuttering breath, and then another, and then another. She swallows.
“Yeah,” she says. “I’ll do it.”
“U-um, just to be safe, I checked if Kishinami’s condition was normal,” Sakura offers, her voice coming in clearly, if compressed, over the communication line.
Hakuno blows a foggy breath between her hands, and tucks them into her armpits. She looks around in the icy chill of Meltryllis’s hostile, forbidding Labyrinth, eyes tracking to each intersection in sight. Just in case.
“And then… well, it’s just that the temperature is cold on this floor, so I tried to raise Senpai’s body temperature a bit… but it won’t go up. Out of curiosity, I, um, secretly administered a healing item. The effect was negated.”
“… I see. Considering this floor represents her “Sadistic Constitution,” it makes sense for it to have this characteristic.” Rani is unshakable as ever.
Hakuno hears a distant scream of frustration come over through Rani’s audio connection. “But it seems Miss Tohsaka is upset by this.”
Gilgamesh laughs heartily at their mistake.
“…Hakunooon, I’m so sorry!”
“It’s okay,” she replies. “I still think it was money well-spent.”
After all. The tights Rin put on her are doing a pretty good job of keeping her warm.
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san1tysfall · 18 days
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These tapes were so freaky bro
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sonxofxgondor · 2 months
With the rise of the sun, so, too, does Boromir begin his day. A morning person, after a good stretch of the back and muscles, he starts with getting himself ready. A quick bath and scrub of the teeth - mint chewed thereafter - he allows the air around him to dry his wet locks, styled with only a wooden comb, his favorite tunic thrown overhead and pants tugged up his legs. Burgundy at the top, black at the bottom, boots to match. Once cleaned, Boromir retreats to the kitchen for breakfast.
Able to feed the entire army, from appearance alone, Boromir enjoys, often, a larger quantity. Prepared alongside the cook - an older woman who treats him more like a son than a steward-prince, does not mind his help nor scolds him for asking - eggs of three kinds are placed onto his breakfast plate. Scrambled, poached, and fried, served with toasted bread and strawberry jam, crispy potatoes and onions, seasoned with herb and spice, sliced fruit, apples and pears, salted pork, baked butter biscuits, and two links of sausage. Gobbled up as soon as it is made and served, after drinking down a cup of juice from an orange, onto his chores does Boromir go next.
Tactical training and combat exercise, Boromir is grateful for the life he is given, the responsibilities of a captain. Teaching the next generation of Gondor's finest men, he takes his role very seriously. Despite personality for fun, Boromir does not allow for the morning hours to be put to waste, especially when there is so much left to do. He trains and teaches. He speaks with his military counsel, conducts thorough check of weaponry, armor, and the health of those under his watch, and reviews defensive and offensive strategy and plan. Finishing on chores that have been assigned to him, too, by the orders of Denethor, Boromir, in the hours that still have not signaled late afternoon, goes to the people.
He talks to them, listens and shares. Hears their concerns and offers promises. Partakes in friendship and merriment, always a prince for the common people. He assists in the construction of new and fallen buildings, though he need not to. Hands dirty in the work, he shares stories with the children during their lesson times, teaches them safety and self-protection. The children so smart - Boromir knows that they are wonderful students and is proud - from the schoolyard does he move to the shopkeepers, eager to rest their woes. Financial and other, he tends to the struggling with compassion and deals with the corrupt with a just hand, firm and swift, punishment to be decided before fair trial.
Returned from the people, Boromir searches out his family. Finds Faramir and listens to his stories, the books he has opened upon his lap or the drama that involves his life, beneath the White Tree and sat on the lawn. Enjoys still the morning sun, up for hours by then but not bothered. Wonders where their father has gone, frowns when the door to Denethor's bedchamber is locked, mumbles behind the darkened wood and a near sob escaped. Boromir worried so, he does not linger, waiting for his father. He moves along; back to work to organize paper and royal decree, in his private chamber, the efforts of both he and Faramir for the sake of their kingdom. One half the brawn, the other the mind: the general and the diplomat.
An early bird by nature, Boromir finds rests when, too, the sun sinks beneath the horizon. Only to start again come the next day; the life of sunshine to his bedchamber window, ivory curtains bright.
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tbfamily-if · 6 months
Bo Wu
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made with bing image creator
Bo Wu's childhood was marked by a sense of adventure and curiosity. Growing up in a bustling city, he was exposed to a diverse array of cultures and experiences, sparking his love for exploration and discovery.
From a young age, Bo displayed a natural talent for music, often spending hours practicing on his father's old guitar. His passion for rhythm and melody would later lead him to pick up the bass guitar, a hobby he continues to indulge in to this day.
Despite his outgoing personality, Bo's childhood wasn't without its challenges. As a child of immigrants, he navigated the complexities of cultural identity, straddling the line between his Asian heritage and American upbringing.
Relationship with Rakesh:
Bo's friendship with Rakesh blossomed during their early adulthood, forged through shared experiences and a mutual love for music and adventure. Despite their eight-year age gap, they quickly bonded over their love for baseball and late-night jam sessions.
Rakesh's easygoing nature provided a perfect counterbalance to Bo's flamboyant personality, creating a dynamic friendship built on mutual respect and camaraderie. Their shared passion for music and karaoke nights cemented their bond, making them inseparable companions through life's ups and downs.
Relationship with Rachel:
Bo shared a playful and affectionate relationship with Rachel, Rakesh's wife. As childhood friends, they shared many fond memories, from schoolyard antics to impromptu dance parties. Despite Bo's occasional flirtatiousness, his interactions with Rachel were always light-hearted and jovial.
Rachel appreciated Bo's ability to inject humor and levity into any situation, often turning to him for advice or a much-needed laugh. Their friendship added a vibrant dynamic to Rakesh and Rachel's household, creating a welcoming atmosphere for friends and family alike.
Bo's eclectic interests reflect his vibrant personality and zest for life. In addition to his musical pursuits, he enjoys singing karaoke, channeling his inner rockstar with every performance. Bo also has a knack for martial arts, finding solace and discipline in the practice of karate.
In recent years, Bo has embraced the world of social media, showcasing his musical talents and comedic wit on platforms like TikTok. His entertaining videos and catchy tunes have garnered him a loyal following, adding another dimension to his multifaceted personality.
Love/Sex Life:
Bo Wu's love life is as dynamic and colorful as his personality. With a natural charm and magnetic presence, he effortlessly attracts romantic interests from all walks of life. His flirty nature and unabashed confidence make him a sought-after companion, with no shortage of admirers vying for his attention.
Despite his penchant for casual flings and playful flirtations, Bo's heart remains elusive, guarded by layers of wit and charm. While he enjoys the thrill of romance and seduction, he struggles to find lasting connections amidst the transient nature of his lifestyle.
Bo's relationships are often passionate and intense, fueled by spontaneity and excitement. However, his fear of commitment and aversion to emotional vulnerability often lead to short-lived affairs and fleeting romances.
In matters of love and intimacy, Bo values freedom and autonomy above all else, relishing the thrill of the chase and the excitement of new conquests. While he may yearn for deeper connections, he finds solace in the temporary bliss of romance and the fleeting moments of connection it brings.
Job as a Musician in Bars and Bands:
Bo Wu's passion for music extends beyond mere hobbyism, manifesting in a career as a professional musician. With his talent for playing the bass guitar and commanding stage presence, he has carved out a niche for himself in the local music scene.
Bo's evenings are often spent performing at bars and clubs, where he entertains audiences with his soulful melodies and electrifying performances. As a member of a band, he thrives in the collaborative energy of live music, feeding off the crowd's energy and enthusiasm.
Despite the late nights and grueling schedule, Bo finds fulfillment in the music, channeling his emotions and experiences into every chord and riff. The stage becomes his sanctuary, a place where he can unleash his creativity and express himself freely without inhibition.
Bo's musical career not only provides him with a means of livelihood but also serves as a form of self-expression and catharsis. Through his music, he navigates the complexities of life, transforming his joys and sorrows into melodies that resonate with audiences far and wide.
Green Flag: Mutual Respect
Red Flag: Dishonesty
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Gooooood morning, everyone! Feel free to come on out to the Schoolyard to get bageling! Is that a verb? We made it a verb!
We got plain! Cinnamon swirl! Sesame seed! Poppyseed! Everything! Blueberry! Cheese! If you can bagel it, we have it! And we can even sandwich it, in true Paldea fashion! Eggs and bakey? Yes. Cream cheese? Oh, you know it. Berry jams? The entire store shelf!
So don't be shy! Come bagel with us and get this party started!
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alas9 · 1 month
✨ 📖 ✏️ studyblr masterpost jam ✏️ 📖 ✨ Day #1 as an independent game designer maybe?
how would you describe this topic to someone who has never heard of it?
Games are instances or controlled practice spaces where the consequences do not impact real life. Babies and not-so-babies of various animal species play to prepare for adult life, or for new circumstances of which they have no experience. In short, playing is practicing.
A game designer is a person who prepares the practice space through rules and objectives they create. Designs the player experience so that the practice instance occurs.
This is going to be long, tehe.
what careers are available?
To participate in the process of designing a game, it is not necessary to create the rules themselves, since the process touches on several aspects, that can both artistic and technical. As games are not a one-dimensional experience, nor are all games the same, the creation process can be quite varied, and does not necessarily respect a market logic. A game can be created by a single person, by children in a schoolyard, by one or several programmers, or by a toy designer. But in the case of video games, others may be in charge of the music, the UI UX, the graphic design, the coding, or it can all be done by one person. It really has no restrictions. Bigger studios have more specialized people. That doesn't mean it is mandatory.
What I consider beautiful about making games is staying in touch with something as natural as designing interactions between people or mental exercises for oneself, and at the same time, developing a career from it. To me, its a form of art.
what professional organizations/conferences are big?
Since I don't know many, neither follow many tbh, this is what I've found on the internet.
Professional Organizations
International Game Developers Association (IGDA):
The IGDA is one of the largest organizations for game developers worldwide. It offers resources, networking opportunities, and advocacy for game developers. The IGDA also has local chapters and special interest groups (SIGs) that focus on specific areas of game development, such as game design, narrative, or diversity in gaming.
Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences (AIAS):
AIAS is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement and recognition of the interactive arts. It is known for hosting the annual D.I.C.E. Awards, which honor outstanding achievements in the video game industry.
Entertainment Software Association (ESA):
ESA is a trade association that represents the video game industry in the United States. It advocates for the industry and hosts the annual Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), one of the biggest gaming events in the world.
Game Developers Conference (GDC):
GDC is both a conference and a community, offering year-round content and networking opportunities. GDC is the largest and most prominent event for professionals in the game industry, featuring talks, workshops, and expos.
Women in Games (WIGJ):
WIGJ is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and promoting the role of women in the video game industry. They offer networking opportunities, resources, and mentorship programs.
Conferences and Events
Game Developers Conference (GDC):
Location: San Francisco, USA
GDC is the largest and most influential event for game developers, featuring a week of lectures, panels, and roundtable discussions by industry experts. It also includes the GDC Expo, showcasing the latest tools and services for game development.
Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3):
Location: Los Angeles, USA
E3 is one of the most anticipated events in the gaming industry, where major publishers and developers unveil new games, consoles, and technology. It’s a key event for networking and understanding industry trends.
PAX (Penny Arcade Expo):
Locations: Various (PAX West, PAX East, PAX South, PAX Australia)
PAX is a series of gaming festivals that include panels, game demos, and tournaments. It’s a great place for indie developers to showcase their games and for networking with other industry professionals.
D.I.C.E. Summit:
Location: Las Vegas, USA
Hosted by the AIAS, the D.I.C.E. Summit is a prestigious event focused on the business and creative aspects of the game industry. It includes talks by industry leaders and the D.I.C.E. Awards.
Locations: Various (primarily USA)
IndieCade is an international festival of independent games, featuring game showcases, talks, and networking opportunities. It’s a key event for indie developers and those interested in innovative and experimental games.
Tokyo Game Show (TGS):
Location: Tokyo, Japan
TGS is one of the biggest gaming events in Asia, featuring major announcements and showcases from Japanese and international developers. It’s an important event for those interested in the Asian gaming market.
Location: Cologne, Germany
Gamescom is the largest gaming event in Europe, attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors. It includes game exhibitions, panels, and networking events, and is a major hub for the European gaming industry.
SXSW Gaming:
Location: Austin, USA
Part of the larger South by Southwest (SXSW) festival, SXSW Gaming covers all aspects of video games, from development to culture. It features panels, showcases, and networking opportunities.
Location: Cologne, Germany
Devcom is a game developers conference that runs alongside Gamescom. It offers a more industry-focused experience with talks, workshops, and networking events tailored to game developers.
what journals do academics publish in?
Another question I don't think really fits in what I do, because alot of people in the indie side of the industry don't really look after this, maybe big corporations or studios do. But here is an IA generated answer.
Top Academic Journals in Game Design and Related Fields
Journal of Game Design and Development Education (JGDDE)
Focuses on educational aspects of game design and development, including curriculum development, teaching methods, and academic research on game design education.
Game Studies
One of the leading journals dedicated to the academic study of games. It covers a wide range of topics, including game design, game culture, and the impact of games on society.
Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds
Explores the cultural, social, and technological aspects of gaming and virtual environments. It often includes research on game design, user experience, and the impact of gaming on users.
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (IJHCI)
Covers research on the interaction between humans and computers, including topics like user interface design, usability, and game design. It's relevant for those interested in the UX aspects of game design.
Computers in Entertainment (CiE)
Published by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), this journal focuses on entertainment computing, including video games, interactive media, and digital art. It covers both technical and creative aspects of game design.
Journal of Virtual Worlds Research (JVWR)
Focuses on the study of virtual worlds, including their design, use, and social impact. This journal often features research related to game design within virtual environments.
Games and Culture
This journal explores the cultural aspects of games, including their design, development, and impact on society. It includes research on game mechanics, storytelling, and the cultural significance of games.
Entertainment Computing
Published by Elsevier, this journal focuses on all aspects of digital entertainment, including game design, virtual reality, augmented reality, and interactive storytelling.
Simulation & Gaming
Covers research on simulation and gaming as tools for education, training, and entertainment. It includes studies on game design, game-based learning, and the use of simulations in various fields.
Journal of the Society for the Study of Video Games (SSVG)
This journal focuses on the academic study of video games, including their design, development, and impact on players. It covers a wide range of topics relevant to game designers.
International Journal of Game-Based Learning (IJGBL)
Focuses on the use of games for learning and education. It includes research on game design, game-based learning environments, and the effectiveness of educational games.
IEEE Transactions on Games
Published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), this journal covers the technical aspects of game design, including algorithms, AI, and computational methods used in games.
New Media & Society
While not exclusively focused on games, this journal explores the broader impact of new media, including video games, on society and culture. It often includes research on game design and digital culture.
Digital Creativity
This journal covers creative processes and digital technologies, including game design, interactive art, and digital media. It is relevant for those interested in the intersection of art, design, and technology in games.
Conference Proceedings
In addition to journals, academics in game design often publish their research in the proceedings of major conferences, such as:
Game Developers Conference (GDC)
ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
DiGRA (Digital Games Research Association) Conference
International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC)
what are the big questions, goals, or challenges?
What is next for technology regarding gaming experience.
what are the sub-fields/sub-topics/areas of specialization?
This question is alot like the second one. The bigger the studio is, the deeper are the specializations. But indie studios kinda do all at once with a much smaller crew.
You can specialize in gameplay design, narritve design, system design, UXUI design, audio design, art and animation, technical design, game analysis, game production, game testing, virtual reallity, or like me, be an independent game designer.
what are some resources for learning about the field itself?
You can go to a college that have a degree in videogames, but at least in my country, those are mostly to network in the industry. To learn, you can learn from everything. If you can think about any new game or way to tell a story, you can make a game using online resources like courses in Udemy or Youtube.
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nyaagolor · 1 year
Hello, this is a really cool blog you mods are running. I wanted to ask this question; do you have any headcanons involving the dog people of Paldea. Arven is 900% a dog person and already got a few headcanons revolving his Mabosstiff, but if possible, could you provide a couple headcanons involving the other dog people and their dog pokemon (which include Nemona - Lycanroc , Ryme - Houndstone, Tyme - Lycanrocs, Clavell -Houndoom, Giacomo - Mabosstiff, Mela - Arcanine & Houndoom, Ortega - Dachsbun, Eri - Lucario, etc.) Sorry for the long post and thanks if you answer!
Under the cut bc it got long
Slight disclaimer I didn't include Eri and Lucario bc that's a jackal-man idk how to mentally handle a Lucario acting like a dog. That's a person. Featherless biped
Nemona: - She caught Lycanroc as part of her new team. Lycanroc hits hard and fast and mostly acts as her hazard setter or revenge killer. Bitches love stealth rocks - Off the field, they often exercise together! Lycanroc LOVES to run. Nemona has a chronic illness and can't jog, but she does bike or ride a Cyclizar while Lycanroc runs alongside her. They love to race around Mesagoza together - They have the same personality
Ryme: - She is the biggest dog person in Paldea, she loved her puppy so much she rapped it back to life. No one is doing it like her really and truly. When she raps about love? She's talking about the dog - She hosts an adoption fair in Montenevera every year. It's a musical festival centered around getting strays adopted and it's had RESOUNDING success so far - Ryme's semi supernatural powers are actually related to her Houndstone-- she spent so much time along it and all the other soul draining ghost types that she built a resistance to their effects. Now she can (and does) play with entire packs of ghost puppies! And sneak them too many treats
Tyme: - All her pokemon are named after numerical prefixes (kilo, giga, nano, etc). Her Midnight and Midday Lycanroc are named Deca and Deci respectively - She spoils her puppies rotten just like her sister, always sneaking them table scraps and letting them run around in the schoolyard while she's teaching classes - Deca and Deci are bargaining chips to get kids to come to extra help. Who doesn't want to snuggle with two cute dogs while you go over math problems?
Clavell: - When he was a teenager, he used to work for the Pokemon Daycare. (I saw a whole hc where he was a delinquent and got sent to the daycare as part of detention and honestly? Canon in my heart). He found his Houndoom there as a Houndour-- it had been abandoned and adopting it taught Clavell a lot about nurturing others. It's what inspired him to eventually be a school director! - Clavell and his Houndoom are always locked in a constant battle, since Clavell likes to garden and Houndoom likes to dig. For the record, Houndoom is winning - Clavell no longer has his pompadour, seeing as Houndoom took matters into his own paws and lit the wig on fire
Giacomo: - He taught his Mabosstiff, Beethoven, to DJ. He's not good at it by virtue of being a dog but the gimmick is very funny - Beethoven has a tendency to nod its head back and forth, so during concerts, Giacomo will get him little earplugs, a hat, and some shades so he can jam with the crowd. Plus he likes the vibes of the raves - He's the vaccuum cleaner for all the crumbs or snacks Giacomo happens to leave lying about. It's a win-win
Mela: - All her puppies are from the academy itself. She just happens to bond well with those pokemon and uses them on her team despite them not technically belonging to her - The Pokemon world has an ultimate frisbee esque game that involves running with your partner pokemon-- Mela and the dogs are the academy champs. They're unbeatable - Don't tell anyone, but Mela really likes styling their fur
Ortega: - That dog is a purebred (purebread?) and definitely cost like 10k. This dog is worth more than most people's kidneys - Daschbun is a total brat and has very specific diet requests. He can, will, and does pick the carrots out of his food mix and spit them out. God forbid Ortega tries to give him dry food? Oh there is hell to pay - Both Ortega and Daschbun are drama queens. Daschbun is a lapdog and knows it and will sit there haughtily. They're having too much fun
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chaosites · 1 month
Fuck it. Official chaosites playlist masterpost. Everyone is always taking song recs for theirs.
CATRA'S MIX (empty)
C'S MIX (empty)
KRIS' TOP 10 MIX (empty)
MAL'S MIX (empty)
MAXIE'S MIX (empty)
RED'S MIX (empty)
🧤's OST (empty)
X'S MIX (empty)
???'s MIX (empty)
🔪's MIX (empty)
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annoying--moth · 2 months
Silly Game Time: What was one of your favorite games as a kid? Could be a video game, a board game, a schoolyard game or sport (like tag or volleyball), etc. And what is one of your favorite games now?
God my favourite game changed a lot growing up. I always loved making up stories and acting them out with my sister, but even as a kid the subject often changed. Favourite videos games growing up include Animal Jam, Roblox, and Pokemon (just in general- I played whatever games I could get my hands on)
Currently I'm a pretty big fan of Hollow Knight (Silksong when)
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gayyoungtapeworm · 1 year
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we're expanding the far cry jams library to include your favorite top hits from yesterday and...also yesterday! some of these songs were considered "rock" when they were released, some are rock-adjacent, some are sung by rock artists.
the post has them separated by theme, which are "oh fuck, i'm stuck here", "stop stalking me ♥️", "we're going to kill each other :)", and the honorable mentions "bliss trip hheugrrhhh".
not a fan of the classics? here's the southern gothic edition.
A Horse With No Name - America Bad Moon Rising - Creedence Clearwater Revival (Don't Fear) The Reaper - Blue Oyster Cult Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood - The Animals Five Hundred Miles - Peter, Paul and Mary For What It's Worth - Buffalo Springfield Gimme Shelter - The Rolling Stones Hotel California - Eagles Open up Them Pearly Gates - The Seekers Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana White Rabbit - Jefferson Airplane
Every Breath You Take - The Police Happy Together - The Turtles I Hate Myself for Loving You - Joan Jett & the Blackhearts I Put a Spell On You - Annie Lennox Missionary Man - Eurythmics Personal Jesus - Depeche Mode Stuck in the Middle With You - Stealers Wheel The Killing Moon - Echo & the Bunnymen White Wedding - Billy Idol You Don't Own Me - Lesley Gore
All Along the Watchtower - Jimi Hendrix All You Zombies - The Hooters Burning Down the House - The Talking Heads Everybody Wants to Rule The World - Tears for Fears Murder By Numbers - The Police Paint It, Black - The Rolling Stones Reptile - The Church Sunday Bloody Sunday - U2 Wanted Dead or Alive - Bon Jovi
🕇 Walrus Gumboot 🕇
Come Together - The Beatles Downtown - Petula Clark Helter Skelter - The Beatles I am the Walrus - The Beatles It's The End Of The World As We Know It - REM Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard - Paul Simon Mr. Tambourine Man - Bob Dylan Space Oddity - David Bowie Tusk - Fleetwood Mac
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honourablejester · 1 year
A random schoolyard list off the top of my head of ‘what is your favourite ________’:
Gemstone/Crystal/Pretty Rock
Element (dealers choice of system)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle
Fantasy Creature
Movie Monster
Type of Magic
Thing To Spread On Bread (Jam/Butter/Pate/Whatever)
Dried Fruit
Subgenre of Horror
Subgenre of Fantasy
For the trifecta, Subgenre of Science Fiction
Thing to Fidget With
Dinosaur(/Ancient Animal of Any Kind)
Because I'm in a schoolyard sort of mood, apparently. Feel free to elaborate on any answers or not :)
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commanderogerss · 5 months
thanks for tagging me @aim4dream c:
RULES: put 5 songs you actually listen to, then tag 10 people.
helter skelter the beatles
uh alaska thunderfuck
children of the night schoolyard heroes
transgender dysphoria blues against me!
silhouettes in motion seeyouspacecowboy...
i decided to shuffle my "main jams" playlist. anyways, people i tag are:
@galeofwaterdeeps / @muxthecryptid / @peterbenjamminparker / @artemisbows / @wickedhawtwexler / @asexualdindjarin / @meganqwynn / @poedamnerontrash / @du-hjarta-skulblaka / @paragonwarden / + anyone else who wants to do this!
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goatcheeeez · 1 year
Green NBA Star (Midori Takamine Side Story)
Season: Spring
Location: Takamine Greengrocer
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Midori: Another day, another slay.
Morisawa-senpai said he wanted to see me after school and it sounded like an emergency. Is it because I skipped practice yesterday?
I hope he doesn't make me watch another season of None Piece while rambling about Boro for hours again... Just thinking about it makes me want to vanish into nothing...
Location: Schoolyard
Midori: So, uh, how did you find out?
Chiaki: Find out about what?
Midori: ...
Chiaki: ...
Midori: Uhh... April fools...?
Chiaki: HAHAHA! You're always so funny, Takamine! You should be a comedian as a side gig one day!
Midori: I think I'd rather be water boarded.
Chiaki: Anyways, I bear exciting news!
I have drafted you into the NBA!!
Midori: ...
Are you fucking with me again?
Chiaki: Nope! You're gonna be as big as JeLon Brames from Saint Peanutsburg himself, I just know it!
Midori: Who??
Chiaki: JeLon Brames! The basketball player famous for being in the film "Cosmic Jam"!
Midori: Somehow I don't think that's what he's famous for...
Chiaki: It'll be a blast, Takamine! Just have fun! Come on and slam! And welcome to the jam!
Midori: Is drafting me into the NBA without my permission even legal?
Chiaki: Nope! But what are you gonna do, undraft yourself? HAHAHA!
Midori: Cowabummer...
Chiaki: Come on, Takamine, trust me even if it's only a little bit! This will be good experience for you!
Midori: I guess...
Chiaki: I'll get you that Tiger-Bear plush you've been oogling at each time I walk you back home if you go.
Midori: Sign me the fuck up. I'm ready to head in.
Chiaki: That's the spirit!!
Location: New York
After the NBA Game
Midori: That was exhausting as hell...
It never really crossed my mind until I was on the flight to here, but when Morisawa-senpai told me he drafted me to play in the NBA, I didn't think about the fact that people play in teams.
Why was I sent on my own and not with the whole basketball club? I'm not even the captain of the basketball club? Why me? Then again, this could be a comeback for giving him a whole box of eggplants for Christmas.
Yeah, I kinda deserved it then. Can't say it wasn't funny though, shit was funny as fuck. "AHH TAKAMINE MASTER ZANDRED IS HERE FOR MEE!!!" lmao
I got off topic. Anyways, it all made sense when I arrived.
JeLon Brames is, apparently, a big fan of me and wanted to do a meet and greet but was too busy with this NBA stuff to come to Japan and see me there.
Why didn't Morisawa-senpai just say that? Why'd he have to hype it up like that?
Then again, he technically wasn't wrong in the end... After I mentioned I'm in the basketball club I was asked if I could play with his team for a mock-up game tomorrow. He was chill though and I brought my ass all the way here already so I said sure why not.
Ugh, this is kinda annoying... But, I can't say I'm not excited. You know what? I think I can have a bit of fun here. Yeah...
Next Day, After Mock-Up Game
Midori: Phew, that wasn't so bad actually. Playing with the big league basketball players was pretty fun now that I actually went for it. Everyone said I would be a perfect basketball player. I was flattered and all, but I'd rather be with RYUSEITAI if I have to be honest.
Maybe Morisawa-senpai was in the right having me at a chokehold to join his basketball club and RYUSEITAI. I should be more grateful for all of RYUSEITAI... Just thinking about them makes me miss them more than ever...
Location: Takamine Greengrocer
Midori: (groan) Wh– huh??
Oh, it was all a dream...
Well, wonder what Morisawa-senpai is gonna hit me up with after class today. Would be cool if it was something like the dream I had...
Location: Schoolyard
Midori: So, uh, what's up?
Chiaki: We're watching another season of None Piece. You know exactly what you did.
Midori: Mother fu–
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