#school starts again this week so im scrambling real bad
void-dude · 1 month
Are you planning on making a fanfic of the ship tad x stanley if so i would love to read it
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Well the thing is I can't actually...write all that well.
I love making art! I've been drawing so much! Currently I got a comic planned out and a BUNCH of sketches waiting to be posted after the comic drops. I've just been putting it back because it's a bit of a messy comic that I use to cool down after working on bigger stuff like Bill in therapy haha so it's...a bit inconsistent but still fun (I hope)
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httpino · 3 months
back again with naruto headcanons except its team 8 this time! i love this team real bad n i wish they would’ve gotten better development (kishimoto you will pay) again, non canon compliant, im just making shit up, enjoy!
Team 8 Headcanons
- kiba shino and hinata had to raise a (fake) baby together for a project in high school
- hinata was the only one who got a passing grade n she then had to beg kurenai on shino n kiba’s behalf for extra credit because they failed badly
- hinata treats every bug she sees with warmth because it reminds her of shino
- shino is so quiet, people forget he’s there and then boom he knows everything
- shino is no gossip but sometimes he just wants to talk to someone
- which is why everyone learns about ino’s embarrassing first kiss ten minutes after it happened
- shino happened to see it n he made the mistake of telling hinata in front of tenten
- ino was raging and shino fr had to hide from her for a solid week after
- kiba and hinata have some weird eye contact thing that doubles as communication
- kiba will squint, hinata will widen her eyes and then they both nod in acknowledgment
- shino never takes off his sunglasses but somehow, they understand his eye signals too
- shino smiles in his coat when praised but he’s trying extra hard not to be obvious about it
- kiba will unconsciously drape his jacket over his friends if they say they’re cold
- he doesn’t realize he’s doing it and before he realizes it, his jacket is off him and wrapped around someone else
- his jackets have gone home with hinata a lot
- hinata loves cute things and has a habit of bringing home strays
- her roommates (neji tenten n lee) love her but it’s a bit hard to be happy when a stray cat is in your bed
- shino doesn’t drink but he goes to the bar with his friends and he’s very protective
- he watches out for the girls and keeps a very close eye on their drinks
- he also spends his time making sure naruto doesn’t do something embarrassing
- shino has bugs named after hinata kiba n akamaru
- kiba has dogs named after shino and hinata
- kiba and shino scared away nearly every dude who tried to make passes at hinata the entirety of high school
- she had no clue and one time confided in them that she felt sorta unlovable
- realized they fuck up and they had to scramble to reassure her that she’s very very lovable
- this friend group makes zero sense to anyone
- the quiet rich girl, the loud stoner guy who has a weirdly close relationship with his dog, and the even quieter even weirder guy who is deeply obsessed with bugs
- like what the fuck happened to make these three become best friends
- hinata sleeps over at kiba and shino’s apartment whenever neji and tenten start doing too much (they’re loud as fuck)
- lee always heads off to suna for the weekend to see gaara so she’s on her own
- they welcome her with open arms and she already has a corner of their apartment to herself
- this includes her clothes, toiletries, and other trinkets she brings along
- they’re the bestest friends ever😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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areallybadwriter · 2 years
I write this from AZ where my dad’s side of the family lives, about to sleep. I was supposed to fly back home today but my flight, along with a thousand others, was cancelled and we scrambled to find accommodations. my dad flew back to where he lives tonight and i am flying out tomorrow.
arizona has been a lot of fun and its always really good to see this side of the family as i feel closer with them in terms of values and hobbies. we are a family full of artists so its very refreshing being able to talk about art with them and also there is a common disdain for some of my fathers actions or words that i feel comfortable relating to them on. its nice to hear that others also are disappointed by the way he acts sometimes. my 87 year old grandma is also out here, who lived a great life and passed a desire for art and aesthetics to the rest of us. i don't get to spend nearly enough time with her as we live thousands of miles away so its so nice to see her and talk with her. we spent a lot of time looking at old photos of her family and my late grandfathers family (dating back to the 1800s) so that was sooooo cool and ill cherish that forever. some of the names of ancestors were really cool too and if i ever did consider having kids (unlikely) i’d get my inspiration from the registries we have. i also gifted my grandma a book that i had handmade in my bookmaking/photography course so that we could use it as a shared notebook, sending it back and forth between us. she seemed to love it and already drew something for me to “respond” to so im very excited to start that. my dad thanked me for the way i treated her which surprised me as she is my grandmother who i highly value (a trait i think he could borrow). and because she, and the rest of the family, is out here in phoenix and not the midwest anymore, i would definitely consider moving out here if the circumstances worked out. the air and the sun and the landscape help clear my head (and my skin) and i don't feel the same worries and emotional coils i do in the cold, cloudy midwest. my cousin is also getting married in march out here to the sweetest boy ever and i couldn't be more excited for them. i also love weddings and i get to bring my best friend so i think it'll be lots of fun. 
I am officially graduated from college which is crazy and it doesn't feel quite real yet. i didn't attend the graduation ceremony because i was not about to spend $100+ dollars on renting a cap and gown and dragging all of my willing family members to that in the dead of winter. i do hope i get some gifts, mostly money for traveling, but if anything it's really nice to be celebrated a little after a grueling four and a half years. now i just have to figure out what im doing and make money. yay!
I met up with ex b a couple days before i left for arizona, which i was surprised to do but it was a lot of fun. i had gotten a little wine drunk a few weeks ago and mentioned meeting up to catch up and at the time, he did not seem into it at all so i dropped it quickly. but he texted me about a week after and continued the conversation on it so i figured why not? we were both back in the hometown (we met in high school) so it wasn't the easiest to figure out what to do, especially because he didn't want to go into the city for anything. we ended up settling on a townie bar in the town over. when we showed up, about 50 carhartt rednecks stared at us intruding on their karaoke night, so we found a quiet booth in the back. i got a jamo & coke, which ended up being very strong, and he got a beer. its always very easy for us to slip back into comfortableness around each other (we did date on and off since 2017), but i was wary after this last summer. i don't remember if ive mentioned it previously on this blog but it as exes do, we were hooking up and hanging out again and it was bad on my brain. he also was going through a patch of absolute selfishness (which is ok, he needs more of that), so we were clashing pretty hard by the end of it and the fallout was messy. but, we were able to talk about all that and speak about our lives and dreams and it was really, really nice. now, i proposed it as completely platonic which is genuinely ok with me as the rest of my life is quite hard to manage at the moment but i couldn't read whether it was purely friendship or not. he touched me a lot and made a lot of callbacks to memories and things we had done during our relationship and even towards the end of the night prompted the “what now” question as we were both staying at our family homes and couldn't go back anywhere. i don't know if he meant what i thought he meant but we have plans to see each other again some point soon. it honestly was really nice and he is still one of my favorite people and will always be a great person to have in my life. we’ll see where that goes, if anywhere.
another meet up that is hopefully happening is one ive waited on for quite awhile. wyoming is home for christmas and apparently staying until mid-january. i told him that i would literally stop talking to him (we talk every day still) if we didn't see each other, as there's a lot of effort being put into our relationship, whatever it is, and i will not continue to try if there's no promise of seeing each other in person when its possible. i would say that im pretty committed to the idea - i worry too committed at times - and would try very hard to make this work if he shows that he wants it as much as i do. ever since we started talking again, i think he has shown that and has said some things i wouldn't dare to even dream of (but who am i kidding, i think about him all the time) that have urged to me to at least try. there is a promise we will see each other, but its just hard knowing whether he wants it as much and i am simply waiting for him to make the effort to plan something. we live less than a mile away from each other in our hometown so its safe to say I'll be livid if something doesn't happen. and with everything we’ve discussed up to this point, it'd be stupid not to see each other. i am scared that i will show all my cards up front, not that i haven't started already over the phone, and make a fool of myself. i know that we are better friends than that at this point and there are bigger concerns, but i think back to how giddy my 16 year old self was at the thought of him and can't say that i won't revert back to that feeling. corny as it sounds, i have never ever been so delighted than at the feeling of his hands on me. a few weeks ago, he was drunk and told me that bottom line if he felt as much as i did (the big one) that he would never be the first one to say it. as ive relished in it since we were 16, i told him i had no problem saying it first, and about a week later i did. i was also a little inebriated and absolutely terrified, but i said “i do love u” (just like that) and then went to bed. i didn't feel bad about it in the morning, no regret, and would say it a thousand times over if he wanted me to. in a way, it was nice for me to finally get it out there - it had been a thought of mine for so long that i forgot that it was real. he didn't say it back automatically which was absolutely grueling but i knew he felt the same way and was secure enough to not really need to hear it. he had shown me. but in an air of warning almost, he did say it back and basically told me he was scared to start something official as it meant losing me one way or another. i didn't tell him this, but i think not starting something also means losing me. ive kept it in so long and now ive finally said it and i feel like my heart is bursting and i just want to keep going. i said it again a couple days ago when he was driving home from wyoming (in one go, mind you) because i figured it was a hard drive and no way would i have let him get into an accident or something without saying it again. and i will say it again and again and again because i love it. and at this point in my life, i really don't care. if im going to try, im not going to half ass it or not feel it as strongly as i do. one of us could die tomorrow. so in the mean time i will say “i love you” until i can't anymore. 
gracie did in fact pass away a few weeks ago. we hired a vet who specialized in the process to come out to the house and do it there, where the puppy was comfortable and safe at home. she was scared and i think somewhat understood what was going on, as i had been coming home a lot more and goodbyes from the kids were said the night before. i don't think she would've made it through the weekend anyways. it happened on a friday at 1 pm, and she passed laying on her favorite blanket in her favorite spot on the couch. she got a brownie and a lot of oyster crackers on her way out. the worst part was seeing my mom and step dad cry, and the way the vet and my dad carried her out to the car after the process was done. i had never ever felt pain like that before and while its easy to push it away after all of the shit ive coped with, there's a twinge every time i think about her or see other dogs. it feels wrong to be in the house without her and i don't know how my parents do it. i have some of her fur and i want to have it with me in some way, maybe a locket or build-a-bear. my way of coping is to make or consume art (as well as write about it i guess) so i do want to get a tattoo remembering her at some point, but the wound is too fresh right now. where does all the love go for her? i carry it with me like a weight. 
next update will hopefully be a bit more lighthearted and will hopefully have big updates to things that ive been wanting to happen or change for awhile. 
xoxo anonymous
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shoutaaizawas · 4 years
hii :) can i request shoto with either a college au or fake dating au with the prompt “kiss me again” FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF (nfsw if it flows and ONLY if you want) please
thank you for the request! i always forget how much i like writing todoroki. im sorry but i don’t do nsfw but please take my offering of a kissing scene haha
↳ todoroki shoto x reader → ❝all-nighter❞
event: au!prompts summary: you never expected to become friends with shoto todoroki but when you need to share a book for a project due in the morning you end up bonding. word count: 1,939 tags/warnings: fluff, incident with a creepy guy at a party, comfort, first kiss a/n: i don’t know what college is like bear with me. thanks to @lilli-chae for the college insight. also im giving myself a reward for writing and posting before ten at night lol
Todoroki Shoto was the last person you ever expected to befriend. He was a rich boy from a rich family and those were people you usually tried to steer clear of. He was always silent, if someone asked you what he sounded like you wouldn’t be able to answer them. And he always stared, it wasn’t in a creepy way like some guys but it still unsettled you. You had a few classes with him but had only heard a few words from him.
The first time you ran into him he was lost on campus. It was oddly endearing, the sight of him standing there looking around confused. You asked him where he was going and it happened to be the same class as you. He hadn’t said much except for a ‘thank you’ once you reached the class.
It wasn’t until one night at the library that you started to see him differently. You had a project due the next day. Had you received it weeks ago? Yes, but in your defense, you had a lot of other projects. Okay, maybe you had procrastinated too much. It was late and you needed a specific textbook for the assignment. With your ice coffee in hand, you made your way to the library ready to pull an all-nighter.
As you reached for the book you were already so exhausted you hadn’t realized that someone else was reaching for it at the same time.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” You said looking up only to see Todoroki.
“Sorry.” He said, looking sheepish.
“I’ll grab another copy-” As you looked at the shelf you realized there was only one. “Oh.”
“My project is due tomorrow, otherwise I would offer to use it after you.” He said.
“Mine too.” You said. “We could share it if you don’t mind.”
“That seems like the best option.” He agreed.
The two of you set up at a table big enough for both of you to spread out. It turns out you had the same topic for the same class.
“So do you procrastinate a lot too?” You said trying to break the ice with some humor.
“Not normally.” He said but didn’t elaborate.
“I wish I could say the same but this happens to me more than I’d like to admit.” You said. “You can use it first, I have to get it started before I need the information.”
Shoto nodded and took the book before getting to work.
It was surprising how likable Shoto was once he opened up. He was a bit stiff and awkward but he was really funny and very considerate. You felt bad judging him on his family status. He was nothing like the rich brats you had encountered in the past.
The two of you would take breaks, you would offer him snacks, and most likely due to the sleep exhaustion, you shared a lot of personal stories. His family was something else. The more you got to know him all the pieces of who he was fit together.
The last thing you expected was to wake up with your head on his shoulder in the library the next morning.
“Shoto.” You said nudging him awake. You looked at your phone, you had less than ten minutes to get to class for your presentations. “Wake up we have to hurry.” You said.
Shoto’s different colored eyes opened and looked at you in confusion before he realizes where he was.
The two of you quickly scrambled to pick up all of your stuff and run to class. Thankfully everything had been pretty much done before you fell asleep but you were upset you wouldn’t be able to grab a coffee to wake you up before class.
Since that night you considered Shoto a friend. You would study together sometimes and grab a coffee or lunch between classes. You found yourself confiding in him and he did the same with you.
“When did you and our school’s prettiest boy become best friends?” Your friend Mina asked.
“I think best friend is a bit strong, we just barely started hanging out.” You said.
“Well, best friend was me going easy on the teasing. The real question is when did you capture his icy heart?” Mina teased.
“Wow, okay. There has been no capturing of icy hearts.” You defended as your face heated up. Sure, Shoto was handsome and you liked his personality a lot but that didn’t mean you had a crush on him and you knew there was no way he would have a crush on you.
“Have you seen the way he looks at you?” She questioned.
“Yeah, he looks at me like he does everyone else.” You said.
“If that’s what you want to tell yourself,” Mina said throwing her hands up.
“It is what I’ll be telling myself.”
You did your best to push Mina’s words away but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t try to sneak glances at the way Shoto looked at you. Was his gaze softer when he looked at you? It had to just be your mind making it up.
It was a Friday night and that meant parties. Normally you were more of a stay at home and play video games and eat snacks kind of person but your friends wanted to go out and it had been a while so you agreed.
You ended up at a party on campus, it felt like almost everyone from school was there. You found yourself looking for one person in particular but you couldn’t spot him. Your heart sank a little bit, one of your motivations for going out was the hope that you would see Shoto.
You hadn’t meant to drink that much, you really didn’t have that many drinks but your tolerance wasn’t the greatest. You were having a good time, dancing with your friends. That was until some guy grabbed at you. Instinctually you hit him across the face gaining most people’s attention.
“Did he touch you?” A familiar voice said, your classmate Bakugou stood at your side in an instant with an intimidating glare. He was a bit over the top but underneath it all, he was a nice guy. Mina hung out with his group a lot and you had tagged along at times.
“Yeah.” You nodded. You didn’t have to say another word before Bakugou was dragging him out of the party, his friends Kirishima, Denki, and Sero following along. Mina rushed to your side pulling you out of the party in the opposite direction.
“Are you good?” She asked.
It was nice, the cool air of the night. Your head had been spinning but the ordeal had sobered you up a lot.
“Yeah, I’m okay.” You told her.
“What happened?” A concerned voice interrupted. Shoto approached with concern on his face.
Mina explained what had happened and you saw an anger in Shoto you hadn’t seen before. He moved to the direction he assumed Bakugou had taken the man but you grabbed his arm.
“Can you get me out of here?” You asked him. You didn’t want him getting involved, this had been bad enough. You just wanted to pretend it hadn’t happened.
“Of course.” He said before looking to Mina. She nodded and Shoto placed his had between your shoulder blades and guided you away. “Are you hungry?”
“I could eat.” You answered.
The two of you ended up in a 24/7 diner not too far away. Sitting down in a booth under the fluorescent lights you already felt better just being in Shoto’s presence.
It was quiet. You ordered water and chicken strips. You weren’t sure what to say, you didn’t want to talk about what had happened and Shoto seemed upset.
“I should have been there sooner.” He finally said. “My father called me, held me up.”
Was he blaming himself for not being there?
“Shoto, it’s not your fault. It’s no one’s fault. I’m just happy that I got to see you tonight and to be honest hanging out here is a lot better than at that loud house.”
Shoto sighed but his expression softened.
“I’m glad I’m getting to spend time with you too.” He said.
After that the mood was more relaxed, you talked about different things and laughed at Shoto’s jokes. Once you were done eating Shoto paid for your food, refusing to let you do so before he walked you back to the dorm you shared with Mina.  
“Do you want to stay for a bit?” You asked.
“Aren’t you tired?” He asked.
“I don’t want to be alone.” You admitted quietly.
Shoto walked in without a word. You sat on your bed opening up your laptop putting on something to watch before placing it on the table beside your bed. Shoto hesitantly joined you, sitting beside you leaving some space.
In retrospect you probably had a little leftover liquid courage from your drinks earlier when you scooted over closer to him, your leg pressed against his. Or maybe you just needed the comfort of having someone you trust close.
It was nice. The sound of Shoto’s soft breathes, the warmth that came from him, the way his arm brushed against yours. It was all comforting and helped the tenseness in your body melt away.
Before you could stop yourself you rested your head against his shoulder, you tensed for a moment waiting for a reaction but Shoto said nothing. A few moments later you were shocked when he took your hand in his softly. You couldn’t stop yourself from looking up at him. His soft gaze was already on you.
It felt unavoidable, unstoppable, the need to lean up and press your lips against his. At that moment you didn’t think of any consequences the action could have. It just felt right. Shoto didn’t pull back, rather he leaned forward meeting you halfway. His right hand cupped your cheek, you felt so small in his grip. His left hand moved to your waist pulling you closer.
After a moment you pulled back to take a breath.
“Kiss me again,” Shoto said. You smiled at him and leaned in again. You adjusted yourself so you could wrap your arms around him, holding him close. It felt unreal. How could things change so quickly in one moment? In one second Shoto was your friend who you may or may not have a crush on and in the next you were kissing him wondering how you could ever lie to yourself.
How could you not like Shoto? He was so good to you, so interesting in every way. Every day your thoughts drifted to him whether you tried to stop them or not. You couldn’t get him out of your head. When you saw a cute dog you thought ‘I bet Shoto would like to see this dog.’ When you ate at a new place you thought ‘I think Shoto would like the food here.’
How had you convinced yourself you didn’t like him?
“I really like you.” You said pulling back again but keeping your hold on each other.
“I really like you too.” He whispered against your lips, looking deeply into your eyes. “Go on a date with me. Please.”
“How can I say no?” You smiled before kissing him again.
“Hey, how are you doing?” Mina’s voice filled your dorm room as the door opened. You and Shoto froze as Mina stared. “Nevermind, looks like you’re doing great.” She said before shutting the door and leaving.
“I’m never gonna hear the end of it from her.” You sighed.
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kattwritesuwu · 3 years
Can I request a Clingy!monsterTom x Depressed!Reader? Maybe with cutting and suicidal thoughts?
I sure can!!! I LOVE angst!!!!!
Fandom: Eddsworld
Character: Tom
Reader: Depressed
Fic type: Comfort/angst
Warnings: TRIGGER WARNING: This WILL heavily mention suic/de, blood, and perhaps other triggering topics, read at your own risk!!
Notes: People, I'm not trying to make depression and similar illness romantic, this is simply for comfort.
I hate everything.
Well, not everything, but the majority, y'know? Everything just...sucks. Life in general, it's all terrible.
People are terrible. Sure, I've found a few choice people that aren't the bane of my existence, but even they have their flaws.
Am I saying that I'm some heaven sent angel? Hell no I'm not. I'm just as terrible if not more! I hate everyone, including myself.
Am I lying? Yeah. Do I have a crush on someone? Yeah. Am I gonna do something about it? Nope.
Why should I? It's not like I'll be here longer anyways...
I'm planning to kill myself.
Am I scared? Kind of. But at this point I don't care. I'm always scared anyways. Always on my guard around people.
Most people don't know the fear and pain of constantly feeling...numb.
It's not like I never feel anything, it's just so rare. My most common emotion is pain. I just want to curl up in a ball and die. But all I can ever being myself to do is cry, and even that's a rare occurrence at this point.
I feel so alone.
Friends? Yeah I have a few.... they're all a bit odd in their own way. Can't complain though, they're like family to me.
My real family? Not many immediate ones, plus, I moved to England five years ago. They called me everyday for the first couple of months. Nowadays, I can barely get a text back... I get that they have their own lives in their respective country, but man, it just makes me so cold-feeling...
I guess where I was going with this, is that I'm scared. Not of my inevitable death, but everything else.
I'm scared of anything and everything now that I think about it. I don't exactly mean common fears they talk about in elementary school, I'm talking real world problems.
I'm scared of failure, not sure why. I've failed enough in my life....it shouldn't even faze me at this point.
Im especially scared of people.
My friends? Yeah them too. What if I make a fool of myself and they think I'm an idiot? What if I make the wrong move, and they hate me? They probably hate me enough as it is...
That why I won't confess to Tom. He'll hate me afterwards. There's just no point in ruining something for nothing in return.
These were the thoughts that ran through my head as my arms and legs were sliced up by a blade driven by my own hands. It's wasn't like it hurt. All it really did was sting, I'm just that used to being hurt, I suppose.
As I was wrapping up my little 'session' I heard a knock on my door,
"(Y/N)! You in there? It's dinner time! I made breakfast for dinner!" A British accent leaked through my door.
I didn't scramble around at the thought of him walking in, my door was locked after all. It's not like I'm that stupid.
" I'll be there in a few minutes, Edd." I spoke back in a raspy voice, not bothering to yell. Edd has good ears, he can somehow hear a whisper from across the house.
It takes me a minute or two to get up and walk into the bathroom that connects to my room. I stumble a bit with the loss of blood.
Once I get in there I take a quick shower, just barely long enough to stop the bleeding and make it appear as if you just took an actual shower.
Once I get out of the shower, I slip on my (favorite color) hoodie.
That was an easy part of hiding my self abuse. Everyone in the house wore a hoodie of their own designated color.
I also slipped on a longer article of clothing to go onto my legs. Couldn't let them see my thighs either.
Once I finished the rest of my cleaning up, I headed out of my little bathroom, and in front of my door. I took a deep breath, put on a smile, and walked out.
I got about halfway down the stairs before a screech startled me, causing me to trip a bit,
" (Y/N) IS HERE! YAY!" The high pitch British scream could only belong to the narcissistic ginger known as Matt.
Once I got my balance back into my feet, I continued down the stairs and greeted Matt with a wave.
" Yeah she lives here, idiot. She's not going anywhere." A deeper voice had spoken, I turned around and Tom was there as expected. I smile shrunk a bit at his last comment.
" Sup (y/n)." You snapped out of your thoughts and responded with a casual 'yo.'
The three of us then heard a thick accent cursing in the kitchen, no doubt it was Tord,
" For jævla skyld! Just let me have the last piece!!"
Sure enough, when we walked into the kitchen, Edd and Tord were fighting over the last piece of bacon. I let out a sigh, and the two boys finally acknowledged our existence. That alone didn't stop their argument though.
I didn't even bother attempting to break up the fight, I never could anyways. Their little fuss always ends one of two ways. Edd steals the bacon from under Tord's nose, or vise versa.
I just grabbed a small portion of food, and sat down.
I knew I would be gone by the end of tonight...but I wanted to taste Edd's cooking one last time.
Something interesting happened, instead of one of the two boys getting the bacon, they halved it and sat down. Of all my four years living in this house with these people, they've never shared their bacon.
Dinner wasn't as talkative as it usually was when we all ate at the table. Usually we'd all have a big group discussion about our day, or week. Tonight was quiet, giving me an opportunity,
" Hey, guys?" Each one of their heads turned to me, and Edd signalled me to continue,
" I just wanted to say, thank you." Their brows furrowed but I held out a hand to tell them to let me finish,
" You four have helped me with so much over the past few years. From when you let me live here when I couldn't find proper housing situations, to letting me borrow the car. I just wanted to formally tell you all how grateful I really am. You are truly the kindest people I've ever met." As I went on talking, I realized how bad of an idea this actually was.
I mean, will they get suspicious? I'm just showing gratitude right? It shouldn't sound like a cry for help or anything...
As I snapped out of thought for the fiftieth time today, I notice that all of the boys have some type of smile on their face, even Tom!
Edd was smiling like a proud mother,
Matt was smiling giddily,
Tord had a smug, 'cool guy' smile,
And Tom had the smallest smile that made my heart melt.
I awkwardly continued my fake smile, and sat down.
Conversation continued on as would on a normal night, with the topic being past pleasant memories.
I volunteered to wash the dishes, it was the least I could do. There was only one problem. For some ungodly reason, Tom had insisted on helping me.
I couldn't figure out why at first, untill it dawned on me that he probably needed something from me.
So as I scrubbed the forgetten food off of the ceramic plate, he rinsed and dried them. We did this in silence, aside from the running water. Tom's the first one to break the tension filled silence,
" So, how have you been?" It was such a simple question, I could have simply faked a toothy grin, and said that I was great. I could have thanked him for asking. I could have asked him back.
But I only did one of those things.
" I've been doing just as good as I always do." I reply with a small sad smile. I tear my eyes away from the dish water," How about you? You've been awfully quiet tonight."
He chuckles lowly," Just had a lot on my mind, trying to face some of my problems, that's all." I stop what I'm doing and look over at him,
" Do you want to talk about it? I think the others are asleep already."
Normally when Tom is having any type of problem, he comes to me for advice, or even just for someone to listen to him rant when he's drunk. I even gave him a spare key to my room if he ever needs me while I'm asleep. He's offered the same for me, but I told him that I have a counselor. I try not to lie to my housemates all the time, only when necessary.
He simply shakes his head in response," Nah, this is one I have to deal with on my own," I sigh,
" Alright then, but keep my offer in mind. Just try to remember to see me before I go to bed, I'm...going to bed early tonight. I have something to do tommorow." He nods in understanding.
After we finish the dishes, we say our goodnights,
" I'll see you in the morning, (y/n)." I give one last fake smile,
" Same to you, Tom. Sleep well." I see him nod and walk down the hall as I close my door and lock it for the final time.
I walk into my bathroom and look into the mirror. All I see is a monstrosity of a person glaring back at me.
The bags under my eyes had only gotten worse after the sleepless nights I spent writing my suicide note.
I decided to skip reading over it one last time, I want nothing that could alter my decision at hand here. If I read my dying love letter that's written to Tom, I might stop myself in some kind of silly hope that everything could be okay again. It was too late for all that now.
So, I grabbed my blade that had served me well over the years, and stepped into the bathtub. I didn't cry, I didn't shake in fear of what I was about to do. I sadly smiled instead. As I took my hoodie off, revealing a tank top that no one knew I owned. I set my hoodie softly onto the floor, and turned on the hot water.
I took a deep breath in, and sigh, grabbing my blade and getting to work on my first artery. It took me a couple tries to find it.
But once I did, it started the red tint in the once clear bath water. I took in a shaky breath, adjusting to the dizziness of loosing so much blood so quickly.
At this point I couldn't even hear the bathwater running, everything was muffled.
I reached to turn it off, and a hand was placed onto mine. It takes me a good second to register that there was someone next to the tub, yelling my name right next to my face.
I try my best to focus on who could have caught me. Yet it's so difficult to take in my surroundings at this point.
So as I stare at the person beside my bathtub with fading eyes. I feel pressure on my wound, and see something being wrapped around it.
I start panicking, trying to say no, to let me die.
But I just can't. I just watch as my life is saved against my will.
Suddenly I can see that I'm moving, I can't figure out how until I notice the arms carrying me bridal style to a soft surface. That's when I lost consciousness for the next hour.
I didn't exactly 'wake up' more like fazed into existence. It's like I just gradually became aware of what was around me.
I became aware of the sobs coming from my bedside, and of the pressure squeezing my hand.
I forced my eyes open and tried to sit up. Yet I instantly regretted my decision, pain shot throughout my body. I glance over to my hand and up the....purple arm....
Who is this? Or perhaps I should say, what is this?
It's some kind of...monster? Hybrid? It looked kind of human... I could only see the torso and up. Even then, the arms grew bigger the farther down the arms stretched, and turned a deeper and deeper shade of purple. Horns poked out of the head laying slightly onto my shin, poking me a bit.
" Am-" I hold my throat. That hurt. I clear my throat of the mucus and start again as the unknown monster wakes up,
" Am I dead?"
The monsters head shoots up, and I can't help but recognize the 'eyes' that I've grown to love.
" T-Tom..."
He tries to smile for me, but it twists into a sad frown as his black orbs start to water,
" (Y/n)....(y/n) you're...y-you're okay! You're okay..." He said this over and over again as he cupped my cheeks with his transformed hands.
I grab onto his forearm to steady his shaking. This was starting to scare me.
I had never seen this man shed a tear in front of me, yet alone bawl into my shoulder like he was doing now,
" Tom, it's okay, I'm right here." I whispered this, and many other reassurances into his ear. Confirming to him that it was going to be okay and that, to my displeasure, I wasn't going anywhere.
He seemed to get angry after a few minutes, he ripped himself away from me and took hold of my shoulders,
" WHAT IF YOU WEREN'T RIGHT HERE? WHAT IF I HADN'T OF WALKED IN!! WHAT THEN HUH? YOU WOULDN'T BE RIGHT HERE!!! YOU'D BE GONE!! I would have...lost you..." He slid down the side of my bed as he finished his outburst. He sat crying into his knees.
I didn't know what to do. Is he mad at me? But despite the questions, I acted without thinking.
I began to run my fingers through his hair, almost brushing it. He seemed surprised at first, before he leaned into my touch.
" I'm sorry Tom. I didn't think it would effect you like this..." All was silent for a few moments. Until,
" Why..?" He sniffled a few times before I could respond.
" Why? Why what?" He looked up to me,
" Why would you try to leave me?" I couldn't even bring myself to say anything after that. Tom seemed to sense the frog in my throat, and continued,
" You don't realize, (y/n). You don't realize how special you are. To your family, your friends. I mean bloody hell (y/n)! What about us?! Edd would be heartbroken! And how are we supposed to explain something like that to Matt?" I avoided the possible eye contact and twidled my thumbs in my lap,
" What about me (y/n)? How am I supposed to go on living with myself if you, the love of my life, killed herself?" My mind went blank. He took my hand in between both of his,
" I know this isn't the greatest time for this, but if it'll boost your self esteem even a little bit, I don't care about embarrassing myself. (Y/n) (L/n), I am deeply in love with you, and have been since you moved in. I've loved you since you helped me to bed when I came in drunk all those years ago. I've loved you since you beat my Pac-Man score at the arcade, I acted so mad, but you were just so cute so excited like that... (Y/n)... Please let me help you love yourself by loving you..."
By the time he was done with his speech, I was in tears, a small frown on my face. He seemed to get the wrong idea as he instantly dropped my hand and got up,
" I got the message, I'll just uhm... I'll just g-" I grabbed his hoodie strings and pulled him in for a kiss.
We could both tell that there would be many more to come.
I'm sorry if it's extremely long, I just love to write angst haha...
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plus-ultra-oof · 3 years
Break Time! | Bokuto & Kuroo | Haikyuu!! | Tickle Fic
A/N: This is one of the fastest things I’ve ever written lol. I love Bokuto and Kuroo’s friendship a lot but this could be read as Bokuroo too.
Disclaimer: Includes swearing and minor spoilers for the timeskip (Kuroo’s future plans are vaguely mentioned)
Summary: Kuroo’s working himself to death with exam season on the horizon and Bokuto has just the idea to “help.”
Upon a third glance at Kuroo in just a few minutes, Bokuto had determined something was wrong. He could hear him sigh and shift in his seat from where he was sat on his bed. It wasn’t in the restless way that Bokuto was feeling right now though. It was a lot more tired. He narrowed his eyes at his friend, taking in his stiff posture and tense jaw. Rubbing his eyes with one hand Kuroo scrubbed an eraser across his paper with the other, the movement far harsher than necessary. He craned his neck to read something out of a textbook and his lips pressed into a thin line as he tried to comprehend it. The near silence in the room aside from his friend’s quiet frustration was honestly freaking Bokuto out.
When he’d shown up at the other captain’s front door, he’d been ready to go get food, screw around in his backyard, and maybe see an action movie or something. They’d planned this for weeks in advance —their schedules were both pretty packed— and as far as Bokuto knew they were both really looking forward to it. He’d prepared to just mess around and have some simple fun, so he was really surprised when Kuroo opened the door with a tight frown on his lips and not at all dressed for a day out.
“Bo?” Kuroo furrowed his eyebrows as his arms came up to cross over his chest, “what are you-“ Realization took over his features and after a few mumbled curses to himself, Kuroo opened the door further and let him in. The house was the same as Bokuto remembered it: Clean, but still clearly lived in. The mild clutter was charming in its own way and Bokuto had seen it when he’d visited his friend in the past. Kuroo himself was actually the only thing that seemed different.
His hair was messier than usual somehow and the beginnings of dark circles were smudged under his eyes. Instead of his usually clean and neat clothes, he was in a ratty white t-shirt and some old looking red sweats with “Nekoma” written down the sides in faded white block letters. It wasn’t just that though, all of his apologies and attempts at conversation also seemed off as he led Bokuto up the stairs to his room. Like his heart wasn’t really in it with his mind so preoccupied.
“Sorry man, I completely forgot, my bad it’s just-“ he cut himself off with a sigh as he heavily dropped into his desk chair. Bokuto felt overwhelmed just looking at the numerous stacks of heavy books lining the desk, so of course he hadn’t protested when his friend asked for another hour to finish up. He hadn’t been excited to sit and do nothing for an hour, but even he wasn’t going to complain when the usually cool and collected guy seemed so frazzled.
So after running back down to the kitchen to grab some snacks, he’d settled down on Kuroo’s bed to wait, scrolling aimlessly through his phone to try and quell his boredom and keep his restlessness at bay for a bit.
That, of course, didn’t work for long. After maybe 50 minutes —a new record!— he started stealing glances at Kuroo over his phone and as time continued to pass he became more and more concerned. He could practically feel the stress rolling off him in waves as he flipped through another workbook, so Bokuto did the only thing he could think to do at the moment, with what little information he had on whatever was happening; He messaged Kenma.
After tapping out a simple “whats wrong with Kuroo?” he’d set his phone down, not expecting much from it. Even though he barely contacted the guy on his own, Bokuto knew Kenma was terrible at responding to anyone who wasn’t Hinata. This obviously meant his chances of getting a reply before the day ended were slim. He practically jumped to grab his phone when it lit up again, only minutes after sending the message. Pretty damn fast for Kenma of all people.
From Kozume Kenma:
entrance exams. he’s been like that all week.
Ohhhhh. That made sense. Bokuto looked over at Kuroo again, as he glared down at his calculator, a new kind of disdain burning in his eyes. Bokuto hadn’t given the exams much thought honestly, but to Kuroo they surely mattered a lot.
When Kuroo told him that he was going to be quitting Volleyball once they graduated to pursue a career in the marketing side of things, Bokuto’d both understood completely and not gotten it at all.
He’d never really know how anyone could give up something that gave him such a thrill and brought him such joy. Sure, Nekoma wasn’t exactly a powerhouse school, but Kuroo was still a damn good blocker. He surely could’ve made it onto at least a division 2 team if he tried. Still, his friend was different. He wanted something else and that was okay. What wasn’t okay was the fact that he seemed set on working himself to death for it.
To Kozume Kenma:
k im gonna fix him
This time the reply was instantaneous. A simple “good luck” that felt suspiciously like Kenma doubting him. He scoffed, looking over at Kuroo again. The guy was probably even more tired than he looked. Koutaro could definitely take him in the messed up state he was in. Then again, he was incredibly stubborn when he wanted to be.
Bokuto glanced down at his phone. He’d already gone 20 minutes over the promised hour. That plus the whole week Kenma described had to be enough time for now. Going for that long without a real break sounded insane to Bokuto, and there was no way it was healthy either.
“Hey Kuroo,” Bokuto called, sitting up and grabbing his phone after sending a final text off to Kenma (An assortment of emojis portraying his confidence and competence at the given task). When his eyes fell on Kuroo, he hadn’t moved at the sound of his name.
“Kuroo?” He tried again. Still no response. It seemed the blocker was lost in his own world of textbooks and pages on pages of meticulous notes. Bokuto practically shuddered at the sight. He didn’t know how his friend could stare at all of that for so long.
Standing and taking a few steps away from the bed landed him right behind the desk chair. He frowned. Kuroo still hadn’t even noticed him moving around. Then he reached across the desk to retrieve a different colored pen and an idea popped into his head. Bokuto, always quite the impulsive person, followed it without question.
He quietly set his phone down on the opposite side of the desk to free his other hand and then reached out and jabbed him in the ribs on both sides. The action was instantly rewarded with a jolt and a squeak from Kuroo, a clatter from his pencil when it fell from his hand, and a loud triumphant laugh from Bokuto himself. Kuroo whipped around, scowling, “What the hell, man?”
“Your hour is way up bro,” Kuroo raised an eyebrow at him and scrambled for his phone. Once he found it beneath a large stack of colorful print outs, Bokuto saw the suspicion and slight annoyance in his eyes turn into guilt.
“Shit,” he turned to actually face him and Bokuto could see the way his shoulders sagged and his hands fidgeted in his lap in a very un-Kuroo-like fashion, “I’m sorry Bo,”
Koutaro gave him a bright smile in an extra effort to assuage his guilt, “It’s no problem, we can just go now!” He exclaimed, straightening and nodding at the door. Kuroo hesitated at that but before he could say anything, Bokuto’s phone chimed from its place on the desk. It lit up for both of them to see and Kuroo’s eyes narrowed in confusion.
“Why’s Kenma texting you?” He asked. A hint of his usual smirk flashed across his face as he peered at the deadpan emoticon, familiar and characteristic of his childhood friend. Bokuto bristled at the question. Why wouldn’t Kenma text him? Sure they weren’t exactly close, but Kuroo didn’t need to look so smug about it!
“I text a lot of people!” He replied, tucking his arms to his chest petulantly, “and you were busy,” he added before he could think better of it.
Kuroo immediately deflated at the reminder of his work. The glimmer of his usual playful self vanishing as he looked back over at his collection of practice booklets and papers and whatever else was strewn across his desk. Then he bit his cheek, and Bokuto knew he was going to argue before he even forced it out.
“Bo, I should probably keep going,” Kuroo frowned, his words almost pained, as if just the idea of going back to studying hurt him. That was what really solidified everything in Bokuto’s mind, “Maybe we can-“
“Nope,” Bokuto said succinctly before launching his attack with the overwhelming energy of a hyperactive athlete who’d just sat in one place for way too long. Kuroo squirmed in place as the spiker snuck a hand up his side. He was unable to stop from giggling already, too caught off guard by the suddenness.
“W-Whahahat the fuhuhuck, Bokuto?”
Bokuto shrugged and used his other hand to scribble at his neck. He made no effort to hide his shit eating grin when his friend squeaked in response, attempting to lean away in the chair, “You’ve been doing this for wayyyy to long,” he chuckled, grin only widening when the best defense Kuroo could muster was to slap at his wrists. Weak at best, but compared to his usual struggle, it was even more lackluster for the self proclaimed provocation master, “You can barely even fight back!”
“Shuhut uhuhup- Bohoho!” Kuroo’s volume went up in slight alarm. Bokuto grabbed onto his arm, using it to pull him out of his chair while simultaneously continuing his attack on his waist. Then he sent him falling back into his bed with a gentle shove, easily maneuvering him into a semi-pinned position with a practiced grace. Now with one of his arms held firmly away from his side, Tetsuro was feeling a lot more vulnerable. The shift was evidenced in the more frantic giggling as he tried to muster enough energy to pull away from Bokuto’s playful torment.
“Don’t worry, we can get you some barbecue! It’ll fix you right up!” Bokuto exclaimed, as if he wasn’t currently digging his wriggling fingers into Kuroo’s stomach to make him shriek louder. Still, he shook his head wildly.
“Ngh- ahahah ihihi- ihihihi neheheed to stuhuDy!” He tried, his voice shooting up an octave when Bokuto decided that the dips in his hip bones were a suitable place to grab and squeeze. Damn Bokuto and his stupidly extensive knowledge of this particular weakness.
“Mmm no,” Bokuto responded, slowing his fingers to fluttery circle to let the other captain breathe, “From what I hear you’ve already done way too much of that! It’s break time!” Kuroo took in the extra air greedily. As he did, he leveled his friend with an incredulous stare.
“How did you even-?” Kuroo started before his expression dropped and his eyes darkened in realization. His gaze went back up to Bokuto’s face where he was leaning over him curiously, “Kenma,”
“Yup,” Kotarou laughed boisterously and nodded his confirmation, “This is an intervention man,” The blocker scowled and started to say something that sounded like the word “traitor” but he was quickly cut off by his own hysterical giggling. The break was over, and Bokuto had decidedly shoved his hands higher to scratch at his friend’s ribs at the sign of continued resistance.
“He- aHA shihit! Hehehe’s lying!” Kuroo yelled through his laughter, desperately trying to catch Bokuto’s wrists as his hands seemed to continue crawling their way up his torso, “Lehehehet mehe uhuhup!”
Bokuto scoffed and smirked at his panicked movements, “Not a chance,” His hands didn’t pause for a second as they avoided Kuroo’s grasp. When they honed in on the space between his top two ribs he threw his head back with a helpless cackle. Bokuto had to bite down on a fond smile at the sound, “Now come on! Just say you’re gonna stop overworking yourself and come get food with your best friend!”
“KehenmahaAh’s my behest friehehend!” Kuroo jeered defiantly, apparently still sassy despite everything. Bokuto narrowed his eyes and dug into his ribs harder, making him throw his head back with the force of his laughter.
“Rude,” If Kuroo wasn’t so busy dying, he would’ve teased Kotarou for the childish pout on his face, “but fine, your second best friend,” he corrected laboriously, as if the Nekoma student was in any place to properly respond to him.
“Gahahahah yohou’re ridihiculous!”
“Blah blah blah, let’s go get food Kurooooo!”
“I hahave to- wahahait! No no no Bo DoHON’T!” The resounding screech that Kuroo let out when Bokuto’s fingers finally made contact with the soft skin of his underarms was priceless. He fell into a fit of insane laughter as the other captain watched proudly. His hyena laugh even made an appearance, sending Bokuto himself into manic giggling as he set about driving his friend crazy. “BWAHAHAHA NOHOHO NAHA BOHOHO!”
“What was that?” He teased watching as any final hope of escape fell away, leaving Kuroo a laughing mess. His hair was skewed all of the place along with his clothes that had ridden up in his struggles. His face was bright red, from embarrassment, laughter, or both Bokuto didn’t know, but it was entertaining any way. It was also comforting to see that even in his almost catatonic pre exam state, his friend was still capable of loosing himself in something as simple as tickling.
“FIHIHINE! FINE FINE FIHIHINE!” Kuroo screamed, giving up his pride at last. Anything was worth it at this point just to stop the sensations taking over his brain. All he could think of was the way Bokuto’s deft fingers were scribbling over his underarms and how no matter how he jerked or squirmed or squeezed his arms to his sides it just wouldn’t stop. He could never handle being tickled there long and Bokuto was taking full advantage of that information, “AHAH YOHOHOU- GahHAH YOU WIHIHIN DAMNIT JUHUHUST STAHAHAP!”
Bokuto shot up from the bed, stopping to throw his arms up in a cheer. His loud shout of “HEY HEY HEY!” in victory was lost on Kuroo though. He was too busy trying to catch his breath where he laid K.O.ed on his bed. Still, when Bokuto finished celebrating and turned back to him he looked better. Still tired, but significantly less stressed out of his mind.
Even as he punched him in the shoulder in revenge, his posture had relaxed and there was a wide grin left on his face. And as the last of his giggles faded away, Bokuto was inclined to believe that it was genuine.
“Come on bro, I wanna go check out the new Rec center by the park!” Bokuto yelled, earning a raised eyebrow from Kuroo as he moved around his room, picking out new clothes for their outing. He pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it into his laundry basket before turning to face him.
“I thought you said we were getting barbecue?” He asked, amusement coloring his tone as he picked up a new shirt. Bokuto smirked.
“Both,” he replied, squeezing Kuroo’s sides as he lifted his arms to put it on. He laughed loudly, batting his hands away and shaking his head.
“Ahaha enouhough!” He giggled, taking a few shaky breaths. Then his taunting tone returned at last, “As long as you’re paying man,” His usual smirk was now secured back in its place, for better or for worse.
Then he ducked into the bathroom just in time to avoid Bokuto’s distressed groan. Rest In Peace his wallet.
Still though, he was admittedly happy that Kuroo was back to normal, even if that meant that he was back to being a stingy jerk.
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samanthadalton · 4 years
Bottled up part 3 (finale)
I feel like I’ve left this one for way too long but I finally finished it. 
pairings: Ava Lawrence x Emma Price
taglist: @cloud9in @alexroyard @midnitesteph @kamilahsayeet2063 @dopeyouth (again some people aren’t showing up im so sorry) 
word count: 2.3k (i hope you enjoy guys) 
Reality comes crashing down when I see Ava turning away from me running into the direction Bayla has run off too. 
“I have a girlfriend.”
That sentence rings in my head over and over again as I try to assimilate the last few minutes. Bayla was just here and she saw me and Ava almost kiss. Yep that most definitely happened. And now Ava is chasing after Bayla when it is painfully obvious she doesn’t want to be with her, she wants to be with.. me. I thought when I kissed Ava the first time, I would be thrown into oblivion and be lost in my thoughts and feelings. I mean I spent so much time trying to disentangle what my feelings for Ava would mean for me, but when I felt her lips against mine the answer is painstakingly obvious, it’s simply just love. I’m in love with Ava Lawrence.
Ava’s POV
Crap. Crap. Crap. 
This is the last thing I wanted to happen. Bayla wasn’t supposed to see me and Emma like that. It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. My thoughts are running a million miles a minute and my quads are starting to slightly burn as I try to catch Bayla. Damn she’s pretty fast for someone who’s not athletic at all. I manage to catch her silhouette as she runs to the parking lot, so I take a deep breath and just keep running ignoring the burning sensation in my legs and the pang of guilt in my heart. 
“Bayla wait!” my hand clasps around her arm as I bring myself to stop running, which jerks Bayla back, crashing into me. She screams and clings onto my arms as she stabalises herself but as soon as we make eye contact she pulls away from me and I can clearly see the tear stains on her face and my heart  shatters into a million pieces. 
“Bayla please.” I feel the tears prick my eyes as my voice cracks while I try to plead with her. 
“What the hell do you want me to say Ava, you and Emma were about to-” she cuts herself off, running a distressed hand over her face. “God I’m such an idiot.” 
“No you’re not, I am I-” I realise that I have no idea what to say to Bayla, I wasn’t really about Bayla when my lips were centimeters away from Emma's. My mind scrambles for a response but I falter, clamming my lips shut. 
“I am. I should've known Emma would get in between us.” She spits out Emma’s name with disgust as her eyes angrily bore into mine. I remember Emma telling me about Bayla’s threat and anger begins infiltrating my body and the next thing I know I’m screaming at Bayla. 
“Is that why you told her to stay away from me? Because she’s not good for me?” I raise my hands putting my fingers in air quotes and Bayla looks at me stunned. 
“I-.” She takes a half step back before resolve suddenly seems to wash all over her face, her eyebrows furrowing together in conviction. “And I was right to, I mean she isn’t good for you. You even told me that yourself.” 
“She’s my best friend, you can’t dictate who I can and can’t be friends with.” 
“I was just looking out for you, like a good girlfriend does but I guess I was wrong.” 
“Bayla…” my voice trails off as I take in her tone that's laced with hurt and begin to break down, the tears I repressed earlier, begin to free fall as I fall under the heavy blanket of guilt. “Bayla I’m so sorry.” Bayla takes in my distressed demeanour and her gaze slightly softens but her body language indicates she’s still vigilant. 
“What happened between you two?” she hesitates for a second, before her eyes flicker to mine, filled with agony. 
“Last week, we-” I pause, wondering if I should tell the truth, but my mind drifts off to Emma and I take the plunge, “we kissed.” The silence stretches between the two of us as Bayla just stares at me, her expression barren. “I don’t know what happened, we were talking about the last couple of months and then Emma admitted she had feelings for me and then, I don’t know next thing I know we were kissing.” 
We bask in the awkward silence for a few more moments before Bayla curses softly under her breath, but this time when I meet her gaze all I see is acceptance, “I guess I shouldn’t have tried dating the girl who’s in love with her best friend,” though her tone drips with sarcasm I sense the hint of envy masked behind her voice, “i don’t really know what to say now to be honest.” 
“Neither do I,” my cheeks flush in embarrassment as I awkwardly tear my gaze away from Bayla looking down on the ground. 
“So I guess it’s over?” 
I nod, the words lodged in my throat but I’m unable to speak them out.
“For what it’s worth, I hope Emma is worth it,” and with that she walks off without a second glance. 
I exhale a deep breath, whether it was from relief or guilt I’m unsure but right now my heart hurts too much to even contemplate it. Even though Bayla wasn’t my first love I did care about her, she made me feel so comfortable about my sexuality and made me feel at ease when I was thinking about Emma. But I’m in love with Emma, I always have been, but I’m left even more confused because now I join Noah and Mason competing for her heart and I don’t know if that’s a battle I want to go through. Whatever would happen, it could wait until tomorrow, right now there’s a huge pint of ice cream calling my name at home. Before I step into my car, I browse at the school building wondering where Emma is since I haven’t seen her leave yet but just as I’m about to step into my car, I see Emma amble out of the entrance, her eyes wandering as she looks lost in thought. 
Her eyes saunter around until they land on mine and she tortuously looks away. My heart aches as I watch her debate with herself as her eyes flit over to me but then back to the pathway of the exit to the school. 
Emma’s POV
I thought I waited long enough for Ava to have left but I guess not. My heart practically skips a beat as I see her, standing next to her car door. She looks like she’s been crying and it takes all my strength not to run up to her right now and wrap her in a tight hug. I look out to the exit of the school and then back to Ava, she hasn’t moved from her spot since she’s noticed me. After a few more moments of deliberation, I push away all my ill-advised thoughts and begin walking towards her. Almost as if she’s expecting me, she moves to sit in the driver's seat of her car and patiently waits for me to get into the passenger seat before starting the engine. 
The silence hangs in the air, as Ava fixates her attention to the empty roads ahead of her, the car’s headlights illuminating the road ahead of us as the sky darkens even more, its before dimly lit sky subdues into a velvety night sky, as a few stars begin to peak through. Soon enough Ava pulls up to the driveway to my house, still, not a single word has been spoken the entire drive down. Just as I’m about to climb out of the car, Ava reaches out and touches my arm and I slightly jerk at the touch of her cold hand. 
“Emma I- '', her brows furrow together as she deliberates what to say next but after the recent breakthrough I made about loving Ava I know I can’t hold myself back anymore. 
“I’m in love with you,” I squeak out, the words jumbling together in an incoherent sentence. 
Crap she didn’t hear me. I take a slow deep breath before shifting in my seat to gaze at Ava, ready to bare it all “Ava, I love you.” She retracts her hand from my arm, I forgot it was even there in the first place, and looks at me, dumbfounded. 
“Emma don’t,” her voice is barely a whisper as she looks at me like I’m making a bad choice but determination sets in me, edging me to keep going. 
“After our kiss I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you for a while. I guess I’ve been so scared to admit it because if I do it means everything between us changes but I’ve realised that doesn’t have to be a bad thing.” I look over at Ava, her brows creased even more than before, as she mulls over my words but she still remains silent and words keep sprouting from my mouth in an attempt to make this any less awkward than it already is. “I know I’ve been really confused the last couple of months but the truth is, no one has ever made me feel the way you do. Not Noah, not Mason, only you. Every time you smile at me I get these butterflies in my stomach and I do everything in my power to have you smile and look at me like that again. Or when you touch me, I feel like my body is on fire, and I never want you to let go. When we kissed, I felt so absolute. I know you’re with Bayla and I-” 
“No.” she softly speaks out. 
“No?” I repeat after her, in a confused tone, I can almost feel my heart splitting into two. 
“Bayla broke up with me.” 
“Oh.” Although part of me is screaming with happiness, another part of me feels bad knowing that it most likely ended because of me. “I’m sorry.” 
“No you’re not.” 
“I am. Bayla was good to you, and she was there for you. That’s more than I can say.” 
“She knew.” 
“Knew what?” 
“That I was in love with you. And maybe part of her accepted that you would always be my first real love but maybe another part  knew that she could never be you.” This time Ava’s staring deeply into my eyes, her earlier awkward demeanour breaking away with each word she speaks replaced with resolve. “I love you too.” 
Without missing a beat, I move my head towards her, capturing her lips in mine. Her hands move up, her fingers tangle in my hair pulling me closer as I lose myself in the softness of her lips. I open my mouth more, gladly welcoming her tongue into it, as it begins moving with mine. We kiss like we need each other to survive, like we’re living off the feeling we’re giving each other and we kiss for a few more moments until she breaks the kiss, resting her forehead against mine. 
“Wow,” I breathe out, fully entranced by the beauty that is Ava Lawrence. Ava lets out an airy laugh before her eyes bore into mine. 
“What do we do now?” 
“Well I would love to kiss you again.” She gives me a playful smack on my arm in retort. “Ow, hey.” 
“I’m serious Emma, what do we do?” She nervously chews on her lip, her body language slightly skirmish as she awaits for my answer. 
“I meant what I said Ava, I love you. I think the reason why I was always so hesitant about Noah and Mason is because I was missing something from them both, but with you it feels complete.” 
Ava giggles in the cutest way and pulls me in for another kiss. 
3 months later
I watch the football from the stands, with Mack and dad, cheering for Mason and Noah as they work on the field as a tag team duo and obliterate the other team in the first half of the game. The buzzers go off and I start cheering even harder because I know it’s time for the cheerleaders. I see Ava leading the girls onto the field and I give her a wave which she responds with a wink. The routine starts and Mack and dad cover their ears as I scream for Ava. 
“Wooooooooo that’s my girlfriend,” as Ava does a series of flips. The routine ends but they begin playing a different song, a slower one and realisation washes over me as I recognise the song, this is Ava and I’s song. Toni comes over and takes my hand, yanking me towards the field, I protest, unsure about what is happening but Toni ignores all my pleas and continues pulling me towards the rest of the girls. The girls are suddenly holding a huge banner with prom written on it as my eyes flit around looking for Ava’s. A tap on my shoulder breaks my out of my reverie as I turn around to see Ava kneeling on the floor, holding a bouquet of roses in one hand while her other intertwines with mine.
“Will you go to prom with me?” 
My heart bursts full of joy as I take in the glowing smile on Ava’s face, I pull her up and move in to give her a kiss. Behind us the crowd starts cheering and whooping but my attention is focused on the beautiful girl in front of me. 
“You didn’t give me an answer.” 
“Yes you idiot,” I pull Ava in for another kiss, content that I’ll be going to prom with my girlfriend. 
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foryoumyheroes · 4 years
Kuroo’s S/O is a Phantom Thief
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[Persona 5 x Haikyuu!!]
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A/N: asdfgh I’m sorry Haikyuu has just been taking over every corner of my mind. This is so self-indulgent, this is my own version of emergency requests because today was a sad day and I didn’t do so well on my quiz.😔 It’s been a while since I’ve refreshed a lot of my memory on P5 BUT IM STILL OBSESSED WITH IT , so apologies if I get anything wrong! This also uses Akira as the Protag’s name. 
Warnings: This uses they/them pronouns as usual, but if you are familiar with P5 canon, it does hint that Kuroo’s S/O is afab because of how Kamoshida is and how he acts :// Also, especially if you aren’t familiar with P5, hints of harassment, violence, and sexual assault might come up until the bullet point “Now that the context is over.” There’s nothing explicit, but you guys deserve that warning! 
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Here’s some ✨backstory✨: 
He was probably just an huge fan of Kamoshida, your school’s volleyball coach and former Olympic medalist, growing up. So much so that he almost went to Shujin but ultimately decided on Nekoma in the end. 
That’s probably how the two of you met. You were on your school’s vball team and your schools were having practice matches with one another. His eyes probably went 👁️👁️ while his brain went brrr when he first saw you and you spiked a ball in his face because he was too busy staring at you and your form to notice the ball come flying at his nose at 5000 mph. Like oh my god are you an angel. Your form is so fluid yet strong and your jumps take you so high--BAM!  
You two ended up trading contact info as you took him to the nurse’s office and ✨the rest is history✨
Used to fangirl over Kamoshida every time he came to pick you up at your school and got you to introduce him. He got an autograph and hung it up in his room. 
That being said he does think it’s kind of strange that Shunjin Academy has such a weak volleyball team. He’s like asdfghj he feels so bad for saying it, but some of your teammates get knocked back from a single receive and you get bruises all over? At first he thinks it’s because Kamoshida legitimately tries to work you guys to the bone and then as years go by you get more solemn and quiet about your team.  
You do that stubborn Y/N Main Character Thing™ where you keep everything to yourself because you don't want to worry anyone and it drives Kuroo insane. 
He’s the type that tries to take care of the people that he values (as seen when he nags/checks up on Kenma) and seeing you physically hurt or emotionally closed off would honestly affect him personally. He wants to help and he wants you to confide in him, but all he can do is nag you about taking care of yourself the moment you see him because you’re becoming more distant. 
After a while, he thinks that it’s his fault because his parents’ history still affects him. 
Then one day it comes crashing down when you come crying your eyes out to him that you’ve been kicked off the volleyball team because you fought back against Kamoshida and ran off and Kuroo sees red. He’s shaking with anger. 
He’s a scorpio so of course all of his emotions are at full force when he hears you crying loudly on the couch after Kamoshida’s attempt and he’s split between wanting to commit murder on your former coach and comforting you. 
You tell him everything: how Kamoshida abuses the team, how he always molests the girls, how he started out nice to you because of your skills but recently everything escalated and Kuroo’s heart just drops. 
He says, “We need to tell the authorities!! Your principal!!” and that just makes you cry harder because no one would believe you and that your principal is already covering for Kamoshida. 
Kuroo honestly thinks that he failed you because he didn’t do anything earlier. He was expecting something, but never took the first steps and he legitimately ties to make up for it by hovering over you the next few weeks. 
That night he immediately rips up his Kamoshida autograph and throws it in the shredder. 
He moves practice to an hour later to have time to pick you up and take you to Nekoma, he takes you straight to your home every night, and spends his weekends and free time with you. This was routine for several months until tournaments turn up and he has to regretfully spend time away from you.  
Legitimately almost beat up Mishima because he was spreading rumors about you but you held your 188 cm cat back. 
[One day he walks to Shujin and to your classroom because you weren’t at the gates waiting for him strangely? You turn around and he sees you with three other people which puts him on edge because after Kamoshida people in your school avoided you like the plague. 
You just turn when you hear him open the door and you actually smile at him genuinely. 
“Hey, Tetsu, this is Ann and Ryuji -- they’re victims of Kamoshida too. And this is Akira, the new kid. They’re my new friends.”]
Then you spend more time away from him while he busies himself with upcoming competitions and he swears that something’s up, but you’ve promised to be honest with him now and he’s too busy with the Nekoma team to really press it out of you. He’s going to “accidentally” hit  Kamoshida’s face the next time he sees him on the court. 
And then Kamoshida voluntarily publicly admits to his crimes, resigns, and goes to jail and while he thinks it’s strange he celebrates with you. 
Afterwards, Kuroo swears that you’re a new person. Not changed, but definitely different, and he doesn’t complain because you’re smiling again, and you feel more confident and free. As long as you’re happy and your abuser is behind bars, then he’s happy. 
Now that the context is over. 
He doesn’t think much of the Phantom Thieves. He just jokes around whenever people talk about them because he thinks that it’s things out of a fairy tale. Refuses to believe their existence for the longest time while Lev is like :oooo BUT THEY ARE REAL SENPAI!! 
You even try to lay low by agreeing with him that they don’t exist. 
Kuroo: why are kids nowadays talking about these edgy power rangers. 
He feels very bittersweet when you get your new friends. In one hand, he tried very hard to have you get along with his team because in Shujin he knows that you struggled with making friends, but after you made your new friends -- which he’s happy for, he really is!! -- he can’t help but feel like you’re disappearing off the grid? 
Like you’re a lot happier now, and he’s glad that your new friends are able to bring you this freedom, but you’re becoming more busy and he’s :((( 
He suspects that something’s up though. One day he jokingly punches you in the arm and HIS FIST HURT. He thinks that you’ve been going to the gym without him and you could’ve been spotting each other this entire time. 
He gets jealous of Akira the most. Like sure, you get along with the others really well and Ryuji makes you laugh and Yusuke is pretty, you said, but you gush about your team leader the most since he’s the most skilled and Kuroo inwardly feels :/// at the sound of you praising another guy.
You’ve been dropping a lot of dates to fight in the Metaverse and Palaces and so he feels very neglected. He’s mf’ing needy!! He needs attention! 
You guys were already long distance and you’ve made it work so far, but as the Phantom Thieves became more popular as time went on, you spent more time with your friends. He misses you, but he doesn’t want to be seen as the possessive, clingy bf so he keeps his opinions to himself, especially since these were your first real friends in a while. 
Your first big fight happened when you texted him that you were busy at a study group with your friends, but he just so happened to be in the Sangenjaya district for karaoke with the owl and cat teams and as they’re walking home he sees you emerge from the bathhouse with Akira laughing your asses off. 
[”Hey, Kuroo, isn’t that [Name?],” one of his teammates say, pointing across the street at you with Akira. He gulps first and Kenma’s eyes worryingly flash to Kuroo before falling on your figure. Isn’t it suspicious that you were in a bathhouse with another guy after you said you were busy? 
“Guess you weren’t stressing over your physics exam, huh?” a voice suddenly says, beside you.
You guys ended up fighting all night, but it was getting late so per your rules that you established when you first started dating, you both said sorry to each other and went to bed. Yet, the doubt never leaves. 
Honestly, after a while he does think that you might be a better match for Akira because you both lived in the same area, went to the same school, and were both terrorized by the same person. “Birds of a feather” and all that. He loves you but just wants what’s best for you 😢
He’s smart but...yeah. I’m gonna refrain from further comment. It’s that scorpio brain. He would never get that you’re a Phantom Thief until you clearly tell him. 
It either comes out when you guys are fighting again and your relationship is on the line, or you either forgot another date with him and he walks into Leblanc to see you talking with your friends. 
He tries to take your conversation outside, but you guys were discussing really urgent and couldn’t go with him, and then you guys start arguing in front of your friends and that’s ;;; awkward as hell. When it starts to escalate either you end up letting it slip that you’re a Phantom Thief or Ryuji. 
You can practically see the !!!! on top of everyone’s heads when it comes out. 
Everyone scrambles to talk over each other to cover it up but the damage was already done 😔
[Futaba: we can knock him out and pretend that he dreamed up the entire thing!! 
Everyone: Futaba, no 
Futaba yes.]
When it finally sinks in he’s embarrassed af ;;; like the entire time he was doing the provoking act on Akira and for what??? 
Then he feels relieved. He thought that you were bored of your relationship and that’s why you’ve been busier and distancing yourself.
Kuroo: thank god [Name] has just been fighting crime this entire time instead of wanting to leave me. 😊😊 (but if you did want to leave he would’ve let you go he’s not toxic!!)
Your friends were iffy about him at first, but he does prove himself to be a reliable person! They think y’all r so lovey-dovey it’s gross. 
Ryuji: every time he steps into the room for [Name] I feel 10x more single.
If he hears other students of Nekoma try to talk trash about the Phantom Thieves, he’ll legit puff out his chest, walk up to them and go, “HAAAH? WHAT DID YOU SAY?? SAY THAT TO MY FACE.”  
When you try to explain Palaces and Mementos he legit tries to argue with you 🙃🙃
Kuroo: BUT THAT DOESNT MAKE S E N S E WHERE’S THE SCIENCE BEHIND THIS. There has to be an explanation make it make sense!! 
Damn he thought you were hot before now he thinks that you’re a literal GOD ON EARTH. 
[You: [beats up a multi-millionaire in a Palace]. 
Kuroo: [tears up] real hot girl shit.]
Does your homework for you when you’re too tired after fighting Shadows all day. 
He loves Morgana the most out of all your friends!! Because... he’s a not cat. Like c’mon. 
In all truth, he’s so supportive of you!! Yeah, he was kinda disappointed that you didn’t tell him sooner, especially since he was there for you when it first started, but he truly understands your reasoning and why you kept it to yourself. He’s worried every time he knows that you’re going to fight Shadows, but can’t help but feel the sense of pride every time you come back to him. 
Kuroo wants to gloat to his team that he has such a badass S/O so much, but every time he praises you he has to cut so many details out so he just sounds like a crazy person. 
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spine-buster · 4 years
The President Wears Prada (William Nylander) | Chapter 7
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Saturday November 9th, 2019
Aberdeen Bloom was nervous.  
Halloween night has been…interesting, to say the least.  After Will had walked her home and tried to kiss her, she’d gotten into the elevator and started a quick, mad scramble of flailing arms and limbs about what had just transpired.  She couldn’t believe it – how he tried to kiss her and she flat-out denied him – when every single fibre of her being wanted to kiss him back.  But she knew she couldn’t, for her own sake and for Will’s sake, too.  There was no way she would jeopardize her job like that, and there was no way she would jeopardize Will’s good standing with the club, particularly Brendan, who was fond of him.  It was an internal fight she needed to win; reason needed to triumph over passion.  
When she got back into her condo, she took off her costume, washed all her makeup off, and brushed her hair through.  When she was done, she looked at herself in the mirror – really looked at herself.  To try to see what Will apparently saw.  The long, brown, wavy but frizzy hair; the thick eyebrows; the Greek nose; the pink lips with their cupid’s bow.  She was pretty, somewhat, though she knew beauty was in the eye of the beholder.  Not as pretty as Siena though, who inherited much of their father’s elegant Persian characteristics, so much so many people didn’t believe they were sisters; and not as striking as her brother, who was a perfect mishmash of Mizra’s Persian and Orla’s Scottish, with his olive skin and blue eyes.  She wondered what Will saw in her to make him say “I want you”; what he saw to make him call her minskatt, his treasure, when she didn’t really believe so.  
Her first text to him was that night.  text me when you’re home safe please
A few minutes later, she received what she wanted.  im home minskatt
Every time he called her that she couldn’t help but swoon.
But the show had to go on, and Aberdeen still had a job to do, despite what happened on Halloween and despite all her swooning.  She still needed to be Brendan Shanahan’s personal assistant.  She still had to travel with the team when needed.  She still needed to share charter flights with them, stay at the same hotels, and show up at the same continental breakfast areas.  She still couldn’t let anybody know anything had happened between her and Will.  And when she was on the job, running around and fetching coffee and Prada shoes and Gucci suits and organizing meetings and accompanying other teams’ general managers and presidents to Brendan’s office, while simultaneously trying to shield comments from Ethan, she was too busy for her mind to be constantly preoccupied by Will.  But the second she saw him, in work out gear or a suit or in his jersey, she was done for.  She tried not to let it show.
Though every part of her wanted to kiss him back that night, at the same time, she didn’t want him to get too close.  Halloween had her feelings had bubbled to the surface.  That wasn’t the problem, because she could suppress them, especially on the job.  The problem was Will.  He apparently couldn’t suppress them like she could, especially on the job.  He started to flirt.  Openly.  Not in front of Brendan or anyone else in the office, but definitely in front of the team.  And definitely more when they were alone.  She knew it was part of his personality, to be an open flirt, but he’d started asking her how he looked in his suits walking into the arena.  
So she’d have to come up with retorts.  
Saturday, November 2nd, against the Flyers, he’d asked, “How do I look?” when he walked in with a perfectly tailored grey suit.
He looked fantastic.  But nobody could know she thought so.  “You look like you can save me 15% or more on car insurance,” she responded.  His lightning fast wink wasn’t caught by anyone or any camera.
On Tuesday November 5th against the Kings, he’d asked, “What do you think?” as he walked in wearing a black suit that made his blonde hair stand out.
“You look like a honey glazed ham,” she responded.  Jason, who was walking with him, spit out his water all over his suit.
On Thursday, November 7th against the Golden Knights, he’d walked into the arena with the most ridiculous ensemble she’d ever see a person wear in her entire life, and she went to school in downtown Toronto.  He had a Sugo hat – from the great Italian restaurant on Bloor – secure on his head.  Stubble.  A more prominent moustache.  Vintage eyeglasses on.  A blue, yellow, and black throwback Reebok tracksuit jacket on, unzipped slightly to let his chest breath and just enough to show off his chains.  Matching trackpants.  Best of all, a pair of the most absurd looking Leafs Uggs.  They were alone at that point – he was one of the first players in for the morning skate, and even arrived before the media – and she audibly scoffed when she saw him.  “How do I look?” he asked, smiling.  
She knew that he knew he looked completely ridiculous.  She could do nothing but shake her head.  “I don’t even have the words.”
“Find them,” he practically begged.  That’s when she knew this would become a thing between them.
“Honestly?  You look like my father when I see pictures of him living in pre-revolution Iran.  Except blonde.  And more facial hair.”
“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” he asked.
“My dad’s awesome, so take it as a compliment.  But fourteen year old teenagers don’t exactly have the best fashion sense.”
“Maybe I’ll get to meet him and see that picture one day,” he quipped.
“No chance, William Nylander.”
Tonight, on a Saturday Hockey Night in Canada, the Leafs were facing the Flyers again, the second time in a week, back to back Saturdays.  This time, however, the Leafs were at least at home, though everyone had to get on a flight after the game to head to Chicago for a game tomorrow.  Busy as usual, she walked into the staff kitchen to warm up the snack wrap she’d bought to get her through the day.  When she walked in, she saw Ethan making a tea.  
“Hello,” she greeted him, trying to be polite to him though he had never really been polite to her.  
“Hey Girl Friday,” he said.  He wasn’t even looking at her, so she had an opportunity to roll her eyes.  “What brings you into the kitchen?  Shouldn’t you be fetching coffee?”
“I’m heating up a snack wrap,” she said, walking over to the microwave and popping it in for a minute.  
“Should you really be eating that?”
Aberdeen’s back stiffened.  “Why shouldn’t I?”
“Do you really need it?” he said, finally looking at her after he finished making his tea.  “Nobody likes a piggy working for a hockey team with some of the most in-shape guys in the league.”
She couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of his mouth.  Her jaw dropped open as she couldn’t find the words to respond to him.  “W…What?” was all she could muster out pathetically.  
“Seriously Girl Friday, do I really have to spell it out for you?” he asked.  “Your clothes might be stylish but I can see right through you,” he said, leaving her hanging as he walked out the door.  
Aberdeen couldn’t believe what had just happened.  The words that Ethan just said.  Commenting on her snack and the fact she was eating.  She couldn’t believe he had the gall.  He’d used the word piggy.  PIGGY!  What man in their right might would say something like that to another human being, let alone a woman?  She looked down at her body, covered by a black cable-knit sweater and skinny black plaid pants.  Did…did she really…
Ethan Baker was just being a colossal fucking asshole.  
Instead of getting low on herself, she got angry.  She had been nothing but nice to him, and had succumbed to his stupid hazing and initiation, and he still treated her like shit.  What else did he want from her?  Why was he so incessant on making her life a living hell?
As the microwaved beeped to signal it was done, Aberdeen felt a buzz from her phone in her pocket.  It was, of course, from Brendan.  Please go meet Cliff Fletcher at the entrance and bring him to my office.
She left her snack wrap in the microwave, taking the elevator down to the main floor and walking towards the entrance.  On cue, Cliff was getting out of a black SUV.  She opened the door for him.  “Hi Mr. Fletcher,” she said.  She tried her best to conceal the anger and annoyance in her voice, but she could hear it.  She wondered if he could.  “How are you?”
“I’m great, Miss Bloom.  How are you doing?”
“I’m fine,” she said as they walked towards the elevator together.  She pushed the button and waited for the light.  
“Excited about the game tonight?” he asked.
“Sure,” she shrugged her shoulders.  The elevator pinged and the doors opened.  They got on and the doors closed, with Aberdeen pushing the floor button.  “Hope that we don’t have to play Philadelphia for a while after this.”
“Why not?”
“The jerseys.  They’re awful.  Their home jerseys at least are awful.  That hideous orange,” she made a face, sticking her tongue out in disgust.  “Imagine having to wear that all the time?  Who’d want to be general manager?”
“My son, actually,” Cliff said, chuckling slightly.  
Aberdeen’s face dropped.  Oh, shit.  Here we go again.  Aberdeen just had to go and open her big mouth again.  She just had to let her emotions get the best of her; had to let Ethan Baker get the best of her.  “Are you for real?”
“I am for real,” Cliff mimicked her, smiling.  “My my, Miss Bloom.  You’re really keen on speaking your mind.”
“Mr. Fletcher, I’m sorry—” she said as the elevator door opened.  
“That’s quite alright, Miss Bloom,” Cliff waved her off as they stepped off the elevator together.  “It’s quite refreshing to hear your take on hockey jerseys, but if I can give you a word of advice, be careful about who you speak your mind to.  You never know when their son could be a general manager of the team with the hideous jersey,” he winked.  “Or, conversely, if that general manager’s father used to be in charge of the Maple Leafs.”
“Mr. Fletcher—”
“I’ll see myself to Brendan’s office,” he said, making her stop dead in the tracks.  “I’ll see you during the game, Miss Bloom.  I’ll be looking forward to seeing you in the box and hearing more of your thoughts.”
“Aberdeen, can you come in here for a minute?” Aberdeen heard Brendan call out as she sat at her desk outside his office, busy entering some new appointments and meetings into his Google calendar.  She stood up from her seat and walked into his office.  He was standing near one of the windows, moving eventually to lean against the frame.  
“Yes sir?”
“I just had an absolutely wonderful discussion with Cliff,” he began.  It was a normal start, but Aberdeen noticed that he hadn’t corrected her like he usually did when she called him sir.  That automatically made her nervous.  “We talked about his time here, we talked about how the kids were doing, his son who is somewhere in this building…and then we talked about you.”
Aberdeen gulped.  He was going to absolutely annihilate her, just like he’d previously done.  “Mr. Shanahan—”
“Do you know why I hired you?” he asked, interrupting her.  “I always hire the same sort of person.  Male, workaholic, of course…worships the team.  But so often, they turn out to be – I don’t know – disappointing and, well…stupid,” he began.  “So you, with that impressive resume and the big speech about your intelligence and your so-called work ethic…I – well, I thought you would be different.  I said to myself: go ahead.  Take a chance.  Hire the smart girl who knows nothing about hockey.  Hire the girl with immigrant parents who grew up in an old bungalow in Etobicoke,” he used her own words from that disastrous interview.  “I had hope.  My God, I love on it.  Anyway, sometimes you end up disappointing me more than…more than any of the other silly boys.”
She bit her lip.  She didn’t even care that her eyes were watering and he could see that she was about to cry in his office.  “I really didn’t mean t—”
“That’s all,” he dismissed her coldly.
Aberdeen turned and walked out of the room.  She didn’t even bother going back to her desk.  She didn’t want him to hear her cry.  But instead of going to the staff kitchen, instead of going to the women’s bathroom or outside or just anywhere else that wasn’t the office, she found herself walking directly towards Kyle Dubas’s office.  He wasn’t her therapist.  He was barely her friend – hell, barely her acquaintance.  But for some reason, she gravitated towards his office because she knew, at some level, he would listen.  
Kyle watched as she walked in to his office, and he could automatically see the redness of her eyes.  He didn’t put his pen down or close his laptop.  “Everything alright, Aberdeen?”
“He hates me, Kyle.”
“Brendan.  I don’t know what else I can do because if I do something right, it’s unacknowledged.  He barely says thank you.  But if I do something wrong, he is…vicious.”
He knew what he had to do here.  He knew his role.  “So quit.”
Aberdeen looked at Kyle, furrowing her brows at his words.  So simple yet so direct.  “What?”
“I can get another person to take your job in five minutes.  One who really wants it,” he said with such confidence it made her worried.
“No!  I don’t want to quit!  That’s not fair!” she raised her voice.  The notion, to her, was completely ridiculous.  “But…I…you know, I’m just saying that I would like a little credit for the fact that I’m killing myself trying.”
“Aberdeen, be serious.  You are not trying.  You are whining,” Kyle deadpanned.  She stared at him, surprised that for such a soft-spoken and articulate guy, he was laying down the law.  “What is it that you want me to say?  ‘Poor you.  Brendan’s picking on you.  Poor you’?  Wake up, Aberdeen.  He’s just doing his job,” he said harshly.  “Don’t you know that you are working at the place that housed some of the greatest and influential athletes of the century?  Bower.  Clancy.  Sundin.  And what they did, what they created in this city, was greater than the sport, because you looked up to them,” he said.  He stopped momentarily.  “Well, not you, obviously, but most people,” he fixed his mistake.  “You think this is just a company, hmm?  Just a hockey team?  This is not just a hockey team.  This is a shining beacon of light for…oh, I don’t know, let’s say a young boy growing up in Sault Ste. Marie who couldn’t continue playing hockey because of concussions but worked his way through the offices until someone like Brendan had faith in him and gave him a chance.  You have no idea how many legends have walked these halls.  And what’s worse, you don’t care.  Because this place, where so many people would die to work you only deign to work.  And you want to know why he doesn’t kiss you on the forehead and give you a gold star on your homework at the end of the day.  Wake up, sweetheart.”
He was right.  God, she knew he was 100% right.  He was wrong about nothing.  And for him to be so open with her – she knew he was referring to himself when he spoke about the young boy growing up in Sault Ste. Marie.  She was being a complete suck.  “Okay, so maybe I’m screwing it up,” she acknowledged.  Kyle cocked his head to the side in agreement.  “But I don’t want to.  I just wish I knew what I could do.”
“Well, for one, you need to walk into this building everyday knowing and understanding the history of this hockey club beyond just the surface level and what Brendan tells you.  But you already know what to do, Aberdeen,” Kyle said confidently.  “You just need to find it within yourself and do it.”
Aberdeen didn’t know where her mind was for the rest of the night.  Kyle told her she already knew what to do, and that she just had to do it, but she didn’t know what that was.  At least not yet.  It occupied her mind for the rest of the day, until the team started walking in and she greeted them all before they went into the locker room.  
When she saw Will, he was on his way up the stairs with Auston Matthews.  Word had gotten around the locker room that she’d been saying these things – that she had a wicked sense of humour – and now everyone wanted to hear it for themselves.  The game-time roast of William Nylander.  She saw him wearing a tan wool coat.  His face was red from the cold wind outside.  “You like what you see?” he asked.
“You look like a Costco hot dog.”
Auston almost fell over.  His shriek was so loud she closed her eyes from the noise.  “Jesus Christ, Auston,” she pretended to plug her ears.  
“I always knew you had it in you, Aberdeen,” he said, shaking his head and wiping the tears that fell from his eyes from laughing so hard.  
“What’s it?” she asked.
“I don’t know.  It,” he looked back at her before walking into the locker room with Will.
Now he was in on it too.  She had it inside her?  What the hell were he and Kyle talking about?  She didn’t think she was anything special, especially in the world of hockey.  
Instead of winning in a shootout like last week in Philadelphia, the Leafs lost in a shootout at home.  It was dumb, and she knew the players hated the shootout.  Aberdeen and Brendan arrived at the locker room at the tail end of Mike Babcock giving them a stern talking to about something they did wrong during the game, and after he was done, the boys dispersed and began to take off their gear as they always did.  She watched quietly as Will pulled his jersey over his head and began unstrapping his gear.  
Brendan was looking down at his phone when she looked at him next.  He was furiously typing something.  “Can you go pick up guests at the door, please?” he asked, not looking up from his phone.  He was probably still mad at her for earlier.  
She nodded her head and began walking down the hallway, only for Will to show up beside her, his hockey socks still on.  She figured he was being deliberately annoying, taunting her knowing that Brendan was in the same room and in close vicinity.  “Get out of here,” she mumbled.
“You get out of here.”
She rolled her eyes, reaching for the door handle and opening it.  She was greeted with a man and a woman.  The man was tall and bald, already with a smile on his face, a grey polo shirt and slacks on; the woman had long blonde hair and striking blue eyes, wearing a simple pair of jeans and a Leafs jersey.  “Hello,” she greeted them politely.  “You’re here to see Mr. Shanahan?”
“Actually…” the man began, smiling at Will.
“Hi mama, hi papa,” Will said, smiling from ear to ear, leaning in to hug both parents.
Aberdeen’s face dropped.  She took another look at the man and the woman.  Of course.  Of course they were Will’s parents.  He was a carbon copy of both of them; a perfect mix of his mother’s blue eyes and his dad’s smile.  “Mr. and Mrs. Nylander!  Hello!” she said, suddenly nervous.  When they were finished hugging their son, she extended her hand.  “I’m Aberdeen Bloom.  I’m Mr. Shanahan’s executive assistant.  It’s so nice to meet you!”
“Aberdeen?” Michael said, smiling slightly.  “Det här är flickan som du berättade för oss?” he switched to Swedish as he looked at Will.  [[ This is the girl you told us about? ]]
“Ja.”  [[ Yes. ]]
“Så hon var varför du var älskar sjuk hela sommaren?” Camilla asked her son.  [[ So she was why you were love sick all summer? ]]
“Jag var inte älskar sjuk,” Will furrowed his brows slightly at whatever Camilla said.  [[ I wasn’t love sick. ]]
“Säker,” Michael rolled his eyes.  [[ Sure. ]]  He focused his attention on Aberdeen again.  She’d been looking in between all of them speaking Swedish, trying to pick up on any semblance of word that sounded like English.  “It’s very nice to meet you Aberdeen,” Michael smiled.  “Will mentioned that Brendan had a new assistant.”
“There he is!” Aberdeen heard Brendan’s booming voice from down the hallway.  She looked behind her to see him making his way towards them, a giant smile on his face.  “Nice to see you guys!  Come in, come in!”
“William was just introducing us to Aberdeen,” Camilla smiled, motioning to her.
“Ah yes, my new executive assistant,” Brendan smiled at her.  She smiled nervously.  “Come come, let’s take a walk.  We need to catch up.  How is Jacqueline?”
As Michael and Camilla followed Brendan down the corridor, completely ignoring their son and Aberdeen now, Aberdeen and Will were almost alone.  She felt him grab at her elbow gently.  “You don’t actually think I look like a Costco hot dog, do you?” he asked.
She snorted, biting her bottom lip to stop from letting out a laugh and having Brendan, Michael, and Camilla look back at them.  “You really are no thoughts, head empty, aren’t you?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means you have no thoughts going on in that little brain of yours,” she smiled.
“I think about one thing…two things,” he clarified.
“Hockey’s one,” she knew that already.  “What’s the other one?”
The revelation hit her like a tonne of bricks.  He had to know by now that he couldn’t just say stuff like that and expect her to have a normal reaction.  “You just love to see me squirm, don’t you?” she asked.
“I just love to see you, minskatt.”
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Loud House Season 5 Catchup (Blinded by Science, Band Together, Season’s Cheatings, A Flipmas Carol) or Of Mutants, Medicority, Merryment and Money
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Merry Christmas everybody! And it’s Christmas Week so expect christmas out the jingle jangle for the next few days. And starting us off is something long overdue as coverage of the Loud House FINALLY resumes just in time for christmas. Yes it’s been over a month since the last episode and while i’ve covered two holiday episodes since then, I haven’t gotten back to season 4 despite, like Ducktales and Amphibia, it being on my roster. The answer why: I had a ton of comissions coming in, and other projects going on including ducktales coverage, so I kept putting off banned together/blinded by science for weeks.. until they coldied right into Season’s Cheatings and a flipmas carol. So yeah this one’s way too late and I will TRY not to have this happen again. I can’t promise they’ll be same day of or right on time as unlike Disney and Cartoon Network who are really good about putting their stuff on the app same day or that morning or streaming services which I own so.. yeah, Nick likes to take their sweet time sometimes and isn’t as steady with their release schedule. It’s why I ended up deciding not to do regular coverage of the casagrandes, though don’t be suprise if it shows up here on occasion as I sitll like it quite a bit. Nick is just a pain in the ass to deal with. Point is it’s here now and in time for the holiday season so i’ve delayed this long enough. Let’s get back to Season 5 after the cut
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Blinded by Science:
So yeah... i’m just going to say it.. this season.. has been fucking weird. 
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I mean sure there’s been plenty of normal episodes: The Boss Maybe, Strife of the Party, Kernel of Truth, Banned Together, Season’s Cheatings. There are more normal standard Loud House episodes than the weird ones... but that just makes out how looney some episodes have gotten stick out MORE. I mean among episodes tackling Leni struggling to step into Lori’s true, an obnoxious party despute, a news antics episode, Luna dealing with her career, and a holiday shenanigans episodes.. we’ve also had Lincoln get shipped off to Canada for an episode, Lincoln thwart a supervillian plot, Lori learning her school has a friendly ghost caddy that everyone who goes there knows and just accepts like that’s a normal thing, and with two of today’s episodes, Flip being some kind of monsterious miracle of science or possibly having an x gene we don’t know and then being visted by the ghosts of christmas past, present and future, who for no explained reason look and act like Lisa, Lincoln, Clyde and Lucy. 
I mean I can stretch disbelief for a lot of cartoons and i’m fine with it. Lisa does it pretty much on concept. But stretching things a bit for a joke is fine.. but it’s gotten to the point where the plots have gone from grounded slice of life stuff to really weird high concept stuff and it’s really hard to tell if this is going to work or not as Schooled and Family Bonding were not great, especially the latter, Ghosted was pretty good, Flipmas Carol was okay and this one... is decent. So it’s two good, two bad and one neutral. It’l take smore more episodes to see if this is a good thing or not.. I was leaning toward not before this block, but it’s very clear by the fact multiple writers have done this and the one whose done this the most wrote normal episodes last season, that this is an overall creative decision and thus something ‘im just going to have to live with. And hey, it gives me more material to work with so there you go.  So yeah let’s actually talk about this episode: Lisa is scrambling because she has a presentation at a big science convention, but doesn’t have any new discoveries to report. She does have snakebird though, which is exactly what it sounds like and exactly as delightful. Everyone should have one of those I don’t know how this isn’t worth presenting. Just put snakebird in hat. Lincoln comes to help because Rita heard snakebird and wanted to make sure lily was okay, and all he’s doing is taking her for a ride so it’s fine. Snakebird should be a part of my a different world style spinoff I’m just saying. Or with Stella.. I have a lot of spinoff ideas and only one of them has gotten a cease and desist from viacom so that’s progress! 
Point is Lincoln ends up being a very good big brother and takes her to flips for a flippee as that usually helps him think. He also crouchs down adorably to reach her height at one point. 
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Like it’s jsut really precious to see that. It also does something the show does at it’s best: Weave the other siblings into each others plots organically. Lately they haven’t been as good at that with some exceptions and while it’s fine to have a few episodes where the rest of the family isn’t involved it is weird to just sorta.. cordon off 11 of our leads instead of giving them their own unique dynamics with each other. And while I do think Lincoln gets way to much of the spotlight at times, and his episodes have not been the best this season, I do think he works perfectly here: He’s the one with the most history with flips, so his role he ends up taking in the plot make sense, and him taking a big brother role and taking her down there is really adorable. It’s honestly easy to forget sometimes since half his sisters outage and outrank him by a lot that LIncoln has some authority and brotherly duty himself but when it crops up it’s really nice to see. 
But yeah while Lincoln’s gesture was nice it does nothing to help. But what does is Flip himself. Honestly before these episodes i’d barely seen Flip and he’s alright. He’s not bad it’s just with this having happened just a few years ago
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So i’ts really hard for him to stand out in comparison when he’s kind of generic. He’s still pretty damn loveable though. And this episode has as he drops a drum of cheese on his foot, it does nothing, eats cheese right out of the barrel which.. 
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I mean at least have some sanitary standards man. Get a bowl or put it in a bathtub or something. Figure it out. But yeah it turns out his heart is also in his arm, literally on his sleeve.. something they don’t point out so it’s a subtle and well done joke. 
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Anyways yeah... so this is where the weird stuff comes in. Flip is some sort of miracle of science despite in all other episodes clearly being a normal human, And I like it.. while some bits of it are gross, i’m not a gross out guy so if you like that it’ll be up your ally and I respect that. But for the most part it’s just weird, bizzare stuff I can’t help but chuckle at like Flip having gills on his leg or being able to surivive freezing tempratures while not moving at all. See this works better than the spy episode in terms of what the fuck or to a lesser extent schooled because while it is fucking bizzare.. it works and it’s just swining so hard for the fences, it hits the moon. With the other two one didn’t bring it up till the end and the other just.. suddenly annoucned Royal Woods is next to canada and that lincoln taking a boat there was feasable. This just works for me.  So Lisa takes him to the conference, with Lincoln and Clyde joining in to serve snacks and promote the food and fuel which works, I also like the gag about them being late because they argued about what Science Casual meant. Lisa shows off this monstrosity and gets praise.. and a shady scientist asking if  she can use flip for her experiments which lisa talks him into and Flip agrees to because, like his agreeing to lisa’s experiments he likes money and tasks the boys with running things.  Naturally handing a miracle of science over to a shady science lady you know nothing about backfires and lisa trying to search incognito labs just blows up the computer.. somehow. Don’t think too hard about it. But LIsa finds lily petting a rat and soon finds the rat comes from flip begging for help. And upon spying on the lab, Lisa finds that flip is basically being tourtured and feels she did no better which.. no. While she did use him as a test subject, she also did so with his full consent, and for free publicity. She didn’t harm flip as while she subjected him to a lot of crap NONE of it harmed him like Ingognito’s experiments are. This attempt at a moral dosen’t work when Lisa , while still seeing only flip for his achivments, did nothing unethical. Flip willingly signed on for this and was never once in danger. And look medical trials can be unethical epsecially when people are deseperate. I get that. But here Lisa did nothing wrong and given her usual tendency to ignore scientetific ethics, that’s a lot.  Lisa goes to the boys for help and together they all sneak in and free flip in a decent sequence using various stuff from flips. The doctor for her part, as she was planning to shoot flip up into space without a suit to see if he could surivive because evil, gets blasted up. So yeah.. this episode ended with a 4 year old, an old man whose apparently a mutant of some kind x-men or otherwise and two 12 year olds having killed a woman. 
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And then they all just.. have flippees for aj ob well done. I mean yes the lady deserved it but still.. you all just killed someone! YOU SHOULDN’T BE ACCEPTING THIS. WHAT JUST HAPPENED. AND WHY DOSEN’T SNAKEBIRD HAVE HIS OWN MOVIE. EPISODE OVER. 
Final Thoughts on Blinded By Science: This one was okay. Insane, VERY insane, but okay. I’ve seen way worse, from this very season but man is it weird and man is that ending just... 
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Yeah that takes it down a bit but overall really enjoyed this one, Moving on. Real behind and got four to go so
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Band Together: I think I have one of my many reaction images that says it best here:
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Given i’ve seen pretty much every Luna episode, she’s my faviorite and i’ve been blatant about that,  and all of them are pretty good, I had high hopes for this one. And it STARTS promisingly enough: Luna is rocking out with her band which finally has a name! The Moon Goats. Which I like a lot: Besides reminding me of the objectively awesome Mountain Goats, it fits thehir personality and also reminds me of fellow teenage garage band goat cheese pizza from Zits... I miss when that strip was about teenagers and not two old men yelling about teenagers. Metaphorically. Point is I like this and my recent scott pilgrim kick means this is even better. We also find out Scoots is a huge fan of the band. Which is fantastic. Why an old lady with questionable morals is their biggest fan I do not know. We also get a band prank and fully names for the other two: Sully, the guy and Mazy the girl. I mean their not given MUCH character, Sully likes to bash his head on the keyboard and Mazy is uh there. And that is one of the episodes downsides: Despite being the first episode with Luna’s band to NOT focus on just Sam... the rest of them, and Sam really get to do nothing. The fact Sam and Luna are together dosen’t even factor into the plot. I honestly think it’s what removes the episodes punch, that we don’t KNOW these characters and thus LUna posisbly leaving them behind has no weight.  In contrast the series actually did something similar with little build up but made it work with the episode where Leni’s friends are trying to make her choose between them: Her mall coworker friends or her school friends. While we didn’t KNOW her school friends like the mall ones, the episode took time buliding them up so we got why Leni loved both and why this was so unfair to make her choose between them. Here it’s just two well designed carboards and a sam. And without the stakes of it possibly impacting Luna’s relationship, which I don’t want obviously but at least we have a stake in at this point, there’s just.. not a lot. Plus the solutions kind of obvious.  But what’s the problem? The band performs for a big manager who only needs Luna to fill in for a professional band.  The IDEA as i’ve said is good: LUna being forced to pick between her friends and her career, and both sides not being happy about it. But it’s just.. wasted. Besides clearly being bigger than 30 minutes, apparently we needed the half hour slot for a caddy ghost, this story just feels slight. Luna ends up with the other band and the manager gets on her for acting like she does with her friends.. but she’s a 16 year old who dosen’t know any better. What’d you possibly expect? none of it just really works. She goes back, no one is suprised, and the only part that really works at all.. is the ending. After welcoming luna back , as their roadie at first and clearly it’s more of a joke, Chunk plays with the band and gets Luna’s spot. THAT is not a bad ending and while I”ll miss the big lug, it’s really nice to see the guy get a big break and Chunk is low key one of my faviorite parts of the show. But otherwise yeah, this was almost nothing and given how usually FANTASTIC the Luna episodes are, this one was a really huge disapointment. No need for final thoughts moving on. 
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Seasons Cheatings: This is a quick one but only because there’s no real character stuff or bad parts, i’ts just a decent if contrived holiday episodes. It’s the annual family gift swap, and Lincoln wants a backpack for (insert thing he likes #37). That being said I DO like that Lincoln isn’t just into one thing obession wise as even with my tendency to hyperfocus due to my autisim, I have TONS of things I love and glom onto. YOu can tell just by my massive assortment of reaction images and quotes. So it’s nice for a show to for once NOT have a nerdy kid just have one hero they focus on. So it’s rip hardcore this time, with a fancy backpack. Why Lincoln didn’t just ask for it for christmas is beyond me and is the only thing that bothers me about the episode. Ohterwise i’ts pretty decent; LIncoln’s trying to cheat his way to victory by getting the right sister for the swap. Which really ends up boiling down to first LIly, since the parents will choose, but since LIly did her own gift this year, he then tries one of the older sisters since obviously, they actually take this seriously and have the money to get something nice with various shenanigans including lincoln dressing up like his own mother. Neat. It’s nothing amazing but it is neat.
 Naturally he forgets his own, and has to trade his gift to Chandler to get Lola a nice gift in time. Also Chandler is apparently Lincoln’s black market hookup ala hustler kid. I genuinely love everything about this from the fact it fits his character, to the fact him being rich means there’s a genuine way he can get the resources, to the fact that despite being rich and probably not needing to do this it still fits he’d do it anyway because he’s kind of a scamp. If they use Chandler more like this, as Lincoln’s sorta shady frienemy who Lincoln and Co and possibly the sisters go to for shady schemes and crookery, i’ll be fully on board with it. Plus it might finally squeeze liam out of the group and give us someone willing to hit rusty. So all good things. 
But we do get a REALLY sweet ending as Lily, having seen her big brudder sad, paints him a picture. We also get the sweet image up top of LIsa and Lucy having given each other the same gift. Overall not a bad episode. Not nearly as good chirstmas story wise as 11 louds a leapin, but with a shorter runtime and a tight premise it still works and is still very sweet. 
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A Flipmas Carol: Another very simple but alirght one.. and ANOTHER flip episode. And another one I can speed through a bit more. Basically it’s the night before christmas and Flip is taking advantage of the neighborhoods desperation with shoddy merchandise.. and forcing Lynn to work off the debt for some accidnetal damage on christmas eve and day. I mean she is legally of working age so this is legal but it’s still sketchy. Which is Flip’s wheelhouse.  Naturally this leads to a christmas Carol Parody and the weird part as the ghosts resemble and act like the loud kids> This is never explained, it’s really weird especially since Clyde ghost refrences his therapist.. but given the louds were in there and are in there enough for Flip to know them well, same with the mcbrydes, it easily could be a guilt induced hallucination or simply the ghosts taking a familiar form so i’m not going to dicker over it. It’s weird but you know not sudden super spies, golf ghosts or childrne comitting murders weird and as I mentioned up top, holiday episodes get a little more leway with me in terms of weird shit. not by a lot but by just enough. 
So they take him through what you’d expect: The Past gives Flip a sympethatic and well done origin story: Flip had a date with the girl of his dreams, but lost out due to a comination of Scoots selling him bad goods and bad tickets in middle school and vowed never to be hurt again barney stinson styles. The present shows him the consequenceds of his actions on other people’s christmas including whatever he gave the louds to make christmas dinner having turned into some form of abomination, causing him to actually feel guilt. The final one shows him having died, buired alone with no one to care in a ditch with a pizza box and having lost everything due to his practices. It ends how you’d expect, he goes to eveyrones houses and fixes things before giving the loud kids present and clearing lynn’s deabt before that happens. Not much to really dig into here, just a pretty good specail. Both of the christmas episodes are good, and while again not as good as the first one aren’t bad themselve.s 
So yeah overall this crop was okay. No real standouts, but outside of Band Together nothing bad and even that had extra scoots, luna’s band getting a name and that cheeks suish. All in all not a bad batch feels good to be caught up. Until next time courage. 
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kpop---scenarios · 5 years
The Right One
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Genre: Frat/College AU! Bestfriends brother! Enemies to lovers!
Warning: Smut, Cheating, Violence, Drinking 
Pairing: Wong Yukhei x Reader
Word Count:  7.6k Moodboard by the lovely: @lovely-kpopp-blog
You had only ever met one man truly worth loving. Who would have ever thought it would be your best friends brother?
Starting high school is hard for anyone, but it’s even harder when you know absolutely no one there, due to being new. Majority of these kids grew up together, they’ve been friends for year and here you are, coming in, trying to be friends with people. The first few months were horrible. You sat alone at lunch time, when the teacher would announce a project that you had to pair up with someone for, you were left to do everything by yourself. You were always left to defend yourself from the typical high school means girls too. They spread rumors about you, locked you in the bathroom stalls, pushed you around during breaks from class.
Finally, the day you felt like you couldn’t take it any longer, they had smacked the books from your hands before kicking them down the hall and pushing you to the ground. The girls stood there, laughing and pointing at you as you fought to keep your tears at bay. You were angry, no not angry, you were furious. Just as you were about to stand up, and stand up for yourself you heard a loud voice from down the hall.
“Hey!” the voice yelled. “I’m so sick of you stupid cunts always picking on people. She hasn’t done anything to you, so back the fuck off" the girl snarls, offering you a hand to help you up.
The girls who had been bullying you, walked away looking rather offended. You were thankful she stood up for you, but now you felt like thing were going to be much worse for you. It was almost like she had read your mind.
“Don’t worry about them. I’ve got your back, and I’m going to teach you how to throw a mean left hook for next time" she laughs, dragging you down the hall to pick up your books.
“I’m Mina" she says, handing you your books.
“Y/N" you reply with a smile.
“I have a feeling we’re going to be great friends, y/n. But you gotta toughen up" she says, nudging your shoulder as the two of you walked down the hall.
And she wasn’t wrong.
From that moment, the two of you had become inseparable. She also hadn’t been wrong about the group of girls coming back for revenge on you, and she had kept her word about having your back. The girls had tried to corner you in the lunch room as few weeks after the last incident. You smiled and laughed at the names they called you, not letting it bother you anymore. That just seemed to have pissed them off even more. When you shrugged your shoulders at the last insult, the main girl pushed you back into the wall. You had never wanted to truly fight someone, but Mina had been right. You needed to toughen up and now defend yourself.
Raising your fist, you swung before she had even realized what happened. You connected dead on with her jaw, sending her to the ground. She looked up at you with tears welling in her eyes as she ordered the two other girls to hit you. And that’s when Mina had come into the room. Even with all the kids in the lunchroom, surrounding the four of you, she managed to get through everyone and take one of the girls from you. Before the two if you had a chance to really do any damage to them, they both ran off with tears in their eyes. Their leader was still on the floor, holding their jaw. Squatting down, you look her in the eyes.
“Bully me again, and it’ll be worse next time. Understand?” you asked.
She scoffed before scrambling to get up and scurrying away. You and Mina quickly left the scene as well before any teachers came into the room and you got in trouble. Mina made the rest of the school year, and the years after that more than bearable. You didn’t know what you would do without her. The first time you had ever been to Mina’s house, you were quite shocked to know she had an older brother.
She had told you practically everything else about her life, but she failed to mention him. When you had asked her about him, she told you her friends usually became a disgusting boy-crazed mess when they were in his presence, so she tried to avoid having friends meet him or see him if she could. Fortunately for her, she didn’t have to worry about that with you.
You honestly found Yukhei Wong to be the most insufferable human on the planet. His lack of care for anyone besides himself made you want to vomit, really. He was moody, only wanted to party, drink and do whatever he did with girls who just fell into his lap. You honestly were surprised at the amount of girls who just stopped by Mina’s house asking for ‘Lucas’. She had explained to you that Lucas was her preferred name. You made a point to call him Yukhei whenever you had no choice but to interact with him. Although, you would have to admit that the glares he gave you when you used his real name rather than his preferred gave you a small amount of pleasure.
As the years went on, your distaste for Yukhei grew the more you saw him around school, the more you saw him around Mina’s, and he clearly felt the same. You were always catching him staring at you, leaving a room if you entered it, but basically just ignoring your general presence. It was fine with you, you weren’t there for him.
One night, you had decided to spend the night at Mina’s, since her parents had practically unofficially adopted you, and the two of you were watching a few horror movies in the living room. You could hear her parents harshly whispering in the kitchen, or trying to whisper about how Yukhei had been behaving lately. Things had turned for the worst with him. He wasn’t really drinking or partying any longer, but his attitude towards his parents horrible, he didn’t listen, his respect for anyone was nonexistent. Your eyes, along with Mina’s had widened at hearing the words “boarding school" come out of her father’s mouth.
The two of you had heard them discuss it before, off and on but this time it sounded as if they had been serious. You didn’t know if they would actually go through with it, so you went to sleep that night thinking nothing would happen. You were woken up in the morning by a few loud crashes, yelling and some crying.
“Mom! You can’t do this. You can’t just ship me off! I’m your son!” Yukhei yelled, as he tries to fight his father off of him. His dad was dragging him to the car as his mom just stood there crying, mumbling that she was sorry and it needed to be done.
You would always remember the look on Yukhei’s face as their dad drove away to the train station. The look of utter betrayal would forever be etched in your mind. That was last time you had seen Yukhei Wong. Mina never really spoke to you about him, and frankly you didn’t care enough to ask her. After the two of you had graduated, she had been accepted into a prestigious school in America, while you had been accepted into the University of Seoul. You two still spoke everyday, face timed often and she was back in Seoul to see her family and you as much as she could be. She had always been the one to tell you whether or not a guy was going to be right for you or not. Usually when she met them in person she was able to tell if you two were going to click or not and you always trusted her opinion on someone. You had never been good a figuring out if someone was good for you or not.
But now that she was thousands of miles away, you were left by yourself. Which is how you ended up in some less than ideal situations. In your first year of University, you had the misfortune of catching well known bad boy, Im Jaebum’s attention.
The two of you only lasted maybe 4 months. Jaebum seemed to have thought he was far too good for you. He was so attractive, girls always wanted him, blah blah. You knew things wouldn’t work out very well with him anyways. He really only talked about 3 things; girls, his frat and drinking. You needed someone who could hold a conversation for longer than 30 seconds before getting distracted by a pretty girl with a big ass.
You stayed single the rest of the year. You were in your second year currently, and you were still single but living with a couple of girlfriends off campus in a nice little apartment. The three of you got along great, and all respected eachothers privacy. Especially when someone would bring a guy home. You either locked yourself away in your room or went to the library by yourself to study.
It was Saturday, and you had picked up a shift at the local café for the afternoon. Your shift was almost done and you were ready to head home, change into some pyjamas and binge watch a new drama that had just come out. Unfortunately for you, your roommates had other plans for you, and bum rushed you before you even got through the door.
“Hurry up and get ready" Soomi told you, excitedly.
“Why?” you groaned.
“We were invited to the NCT frat party!” Jisoo exclaimed.
You groaned. You didn’t really feel like partying tonight. Although, it had been a while since you had gone out and let loose. So maybe it wouldn’t actually be too bad?
“Fine. Let me get changed" you sigh, making your way to your room.
“Don’t be dressing all frumpy either!” Soomi yelled. You groaned again. There went your plans of being comfy. Thirty minutes later you emerge from your room wearing a tight pair of black leather high-waisted shorts with a cute white bralette. You had touched up your makeup, going for a more simpler look and tossing your hair into a cute messy bun.
“Girl, you look good" Jisoo smiles, grabbing your wrist to drag you out the door.
The three of you arrive, standing outside the NCT fraternity house. The music so loud in the house, you could feel the thumping of the bass all the way on the front lawn. People were littered outside the house, practically pouring out from the inside. A part of you was getting a little excited to go in now, wanting to enjoy the night. The three of you walk into the crowded house, smoke filling your lungs almost immediately. Jisoo is taken right away by a guy you’d never seen. Before you could turn to ask Soomi about it, she was whisked away by another unknown male, leaving you to fend for yourself. You needed to get drunk. You navigated your way to the kitchen with ease, pouring yourself a cup of whatever you could find, while also taking a couple shots. You were way too sober to be in a house full of extremely intoxicated people.
“Move" you hear from behind you, a vaguely familiar voice.
Spinning around, you’re met face to face with an older, surprisingly more attractive Wong Yukhei.
“Yukhei?” you ask, squinting your eyes to make sure it really is him.
“How do you know my name?” he growls, looking you in the eyes. After a second you can see his expression change from confused, to even more confused.
“Y/N?” he asks.
“It’s me.” You say, partially laughing.
“What are you doing here?” he asks, coldly. You can see his body tensed up immensely after he realized it was you.
“I was invited with my friends" you say, raising an eyebrow.
“Do you go to school here?” you ask.
“I run this frat, so yeah I do. I don’t really want to be wasting my night talking to my little sisters friend, so enjoy your night.” Yukhei says before walking away without another word. Still as big an asshole as ever.
Letting out a scoff,  you grab yourself another drink before moving yourself to the living room where majority of the people were. You scanned the room, trying to find one of your friends. They were no where to be found, you assumed they would be busy for a little bit longer. You tried to not be annoyed at your encounter with Yukhei, but you couldn’t help it.
Why had Mina never told you he went to your school? Why was he still such an asshole? You had never done anything to him, yet he hated you. Granted you weren’t a fan of his either, but at least you had a valid reason for your distaste for him. Yukhei on the other hand, did not, at least not that you knew of.
Standing in the living room, you begin to sway to the beat of the music. Letting his words slowly fade from your mind, you look around the room again but this time you locked eyes with someone unfamiliar. Messy dark brown hair, plump lips and beautiful eyes. You had no idea who this man was, but you were instantly attracted to him. He smiled at you, and you smiled back. He stood up, walking towards you but before he could reach you, you were basically tackled by your two giggling friends who dragged you away before you had the chance of meeting the handsome stranger.
You strained your neck trying to get one last glimpse of him before the two girls demanded your full attention while they explained their hookups for the night. You really did try your best to keep focus on what they were telling you, but unfortunately you were lost in your own thoughts about the handsome stranger. You thought about him off and on for the next few days. A memory of him would randomly pop up in your mind as you were trying to focus on the Literature lecture that was happening in front of you at the moment. You thought about his lips on yours.
How would he taste? You smiled as you dreamed, trying your best to keep his face in your mind always. You had yet to see the mystery man on campus that week, and so you did something that was rather unusual for you. You asked your roommates to attend another NCT frat party for the second weekend in a row.
“What happened that you’re not telling us?” Soomi asked.
“Nothing happened. You guys grabbed me before anything could really happen.” You sighed.
“I just like.. had very intense eye contact with a guy" you admit, groaning and shoving your hands in your head. That sounded completely ridiculous to you. The two girls looked at eachothers before bursting into laughter at your lame confession.
“Be ready to go in an hour” Jisoo said, still laughing as you walked away. As you entered your room, your phone began ringing. You pick it up, noticing that Mina was face timing you. Happily you answer and get her help on an outfit for tonight.
“Where are you going?” she asks, excitedly.
“NCT frat party” you hesitantly admit. “Like.. Lucas’s frat?” she asks.
“Yeah. I didn’t know he went here until I bumped into him last weekend. Why didn’t you tell me?” you question.
“Never thought about it to be honest. I didn’t think you were into frat parties.” She says, shrugging her shoulders.
“Normally I’m not. But I need to find someone I partially met last time.” You say. She begs you to tell her everything, and you happily oblige.
“Before I go. I’m going to tell Lucas to just kind of keep an eye on you, okay? I just want to make sure you’re safe"
“You know he hates me. He won’t care if anything happens to me" you say with a scoff. “But you do what you want. If it’ll make you feel better" you sigh. Immediately she perks up.
“Thank you. I’ll call you tomorrow” she smiles before hanging up. Once you’re off the phone, you quickly get dressed into the outfit the two of you had decided on. A pair of leggings with a tight black leather crop top that accentuated your breasts perfectly. Once again, arriving at the party, there was people everywhere. Maybe a few less than last time but who could really tell.
This time your friends hadn’t ditched you immediately, so you all went to grab a drink and a few shots from the kitchen before heading to the dance floor. It was more of a giant circle in the middle of the living room, but it was what it was. The moment you had started drinking, all reminders of the boy you had wanted to find faded away. You were instead enjoying your time with your friends, dancing to every song that played. Finally you had gotten a little to hot, and headed back into the kitchen to grab another drink. You weren’t paying attention and accidently bumped into someone upon turning the corner.
“Oh I’m so sorry" you say, looking up at the man you had seen last weekend.
“No worries” he smiles down at you. Your heart begins to flutter as you stare at his handsome face.
“Did you need a drink?” he asks, stepping to the side to let you through.
“I do. Thank you" you shyly smile, walking past him to grab a drink and a shot.
“My name is Johnny by the way" he tells you, leaning against the door frame.
“I’m Y/N" you respond.
“Beautiful name for a beautiful girl" he says, moving closer to you. “I saw you last weekend. And to be completely honest, I’ve wanted nothing more than to kiss you since I saw you that night.” He whispers, still moving in closer as you back up until you’re against the counter. Johnny grabs your waist before hoisting you up to sit on the counter as he moves in between your legs.
“So y/n, what do you say?” he whispers, leaning in closer now. “Can I kiss you?” In that moment your breath hitches as you stare at those beautiful lips of his as they approached yours.
“Yes" you whisper. You had barely gotten the words out before his lips were gently pressed against yours. Johnny pushes himself against you a little harder, wanting you to open your mouth to deepen the kiss. You do so without hesitation. As Johnny slips his tounge into your mouth, you wrap your arms around his neck, trying to be as close to him as possible.
“Jesus Christ Johnny. Get a fucking room” you hear from a disapproving voice. It startles you, and your only reaction is to push Johnny away from you which startles him.
The man turns around, and of course standing there is Yukhei, looking even more unimpressed that you’re the one who was being felt up by Johnny in the kitchen. Yukhei lets out a small sigh before pinching the bridge of his nose. You look between the two men as you slide yourself off the counter, while Johnny looks confused.
“Let’s go" Yukhei says to you, grabbing your wrist to pull you out of the kitchen.
“What? What are you doing?” you ask, tearing your wrist away from his hand.
“I told Mina I would keep an eye on you. And he is not someone you want to be fucking around with" Yukhei says coldly.
“You don’t even like me. So why would you keep an eye on me?” you ask.
“Who said I don’t like you? Maybe I like you too a little too much” he says, whispering in your ear. You can feel your heart beginning to pound.
“Just stay away from Johnny” he whispers before walking away. Before you had a chance to catch your breath, Johnny rounds the corner, sliding his hand around your waist.
“Would you like to dance?” he whispers. With a smile, you nod your head. Johnny grabs your hand and pulls you towards the dance floor. He has his hands on your hips as you move your body to the beat of the music. You’re in your own zone before you look around and only see one pair of eyes glaring at you. Yukhei.
You did your best to try and ignore the glares of Yukhei as you and Johnny were dancing. You were trying to enjoy the night but he was making it extremely difficult. The rest of your night, your eyes always seemed to manage to lock with Yukhei’s no matter how hard you tried to not look at him. As the night ended, Johnny asked to see you again. You said yes before giving him your number. Excitedly, you lay in your bed with hope’s of a message from him before you fell asleep. When your phone dinged, a smile spread across your face as you saw it was from an unknown number. It simply said ‘I can’t wait to see you again’. You fell asleep that night, with butterflies in your stomach and a smile on your face.
It had been a few months of you and Johnny together, and everything was going perfectly. Except when you were anywhere near the frat house or at school. You had gone all this time without seeing Yukhei anywhere but now he was everywhere. He was always glaring at you and shaking his head disapproving.
One night you and Johnny had gone back to the frat house after a date. You had left your phone in the car, so you told Johnny you would meet him in his room after you grabbed it. You walked into the house, only to be pulled to a dark corner by someone. Of course that someone was Yukhei.
“What the hell are you doing?” he snaps.
“Going to Johnny’s room?” you say confused.
“Why?  I told you to stay away from him.” He growls.
“Why do you care so much? You’re not my boyfriend. I’m just your sisters friend.” You spit back at him.
“You’re going to get hurt" he whispers.
“Just stop Yukhei.” You sigh before leaving him standing by himself. Your mood had immediately gone from happy to sour after being stopped by Yukhei. You were a big girl. Why did he feel the need to butt in with your relationship? Johnny made sure to take extra care of you that night. When you left in the morning, everything that Yukhei had said to you was no longer a thought. As you walked through the frat house your mind was only in one place, and that was thinking about your night with Johnny. The way his hands caressed your body. The way he used to tounge to make you cum multiple times. The way he slowly fucked you. You were finally happy. Finally with someone who was treating you right and making you happy.
The next week, school dragged on and on. You ran into Yukhei more than you liked, and he would always smile at you, which was odd. On Monday he ran into you in the café and offered to buy you a coffee.
Tuesday he was outside your last class, holding an iced coffee for you.
Wednesday he had texted you to see if you were doing okay. Mina had given him your number. She told you he asked her and said if she wanted him to keep an eye on you then he needed it. It was all very confusing. Out of no where he became a different man then the one you ran into in the beginning of the year. When you saw him your heart fluttered. When he texted you, you got butterflies in your stomach. When he said your name, all you wanted to do was blush. You couldn’t have feelings for him. You were with Johnny, and Yukhei was still the man who hated you, but maybe just less now. He was only doing these things because Mina asked him too.
There was nothing more too it. On Thursday you had gone over to the frat house, luckily you didn’t see Yukhei on your way in, only Johnny sitting on the couch, watching TV. You sat beside him and he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, bringing you in close to cuddle. Not even 10 minutes later, Yukhei strolled into the house, sitting down on the chair. Every few seconds he would turn his head and stare at the two of you, sitting there together. Finally Johnny had enough.
“Dude. What the fuck? Why do you keep looking at us?” he asks, pausing the TV.
“I’m not looking at you" Yukhei says, glancing at you one more time before getting up and leaving the room.
“Is there something going on between the two of you?” Johnny asks, pulling away from you. You pull back too, shocked that he would even suggest something like that. Yukhei barely tolerates you, there’s no way the two of you would be fucking. Although you wouldn’t mind.
“What? No? Why would you even think that?” you ask, clearly upset.
“He’s always around you lately. Always staring at you. Seemed like there was" he says, shrugging his shoulders.
“Wow. Thanks for thinking so fucking highly of me Johnny" you snap getting off the couch.
“Babe. Wait.” He yells, still sitting on the couch. You left the house, and Johnny still remained on the couch. You didn’t see the figure standing in the kitchen window, wishing he could stop you to make it better. By the time Saturday had rolled around, you and Johnny had spoken since your small fight on Thursday. You weren’t going to let that stop you from having some fun, and you figured it would be best to talk to Johnny face to face to work it out.
You and the girls all finished getting ready and go to head out. You were wearing your deep red strapless dress, that just covered your ass. Your hair was tied up in a loose bun and you had on your black pumps. There was no way that Johnny could resist you tonight. There was no hesitation with the three of you arriving at the frat house anymore. You all had been there so often that it was practically like a second home for you. Walking in, your eyes immediately look in the living room for Johnny, where he usually is, but he isn’t tonight. You look in the kitchen, and he is no where to be found. A little worried you walk up to one of Johnny’s friends, Yuta.
“Hey Yuta, have you seen Johnny anywhere?” you ask.
“Yeahhhhhh" he laughs not looking at you. “He’s in his room, but he’s not alone” he half laughs, half hiccups. The moment those words came out of his mouth, your stomach and your heart sank.
“He’s what?” You ask, trying to hold back your tears.
“Not alone" he says again, finally looking up to see who he’s talking too. “Oh shit. Y/N.. I’m..” he begins to say, his face dropping. You rush up the stairs, your heart feels like its going to beat right our of your chest. He wouldn’t do that. He wouldn’t cheat on you. Taking a deep breath, you swing Johnny’s bedroom door open and are met with him on top of some girl.
“Are you fucking serious" you say, your voice cracking. You can no longer hold your tears back, you let them all spill as Johnny scrambles off the girl, trying to put some pants on. Your legs start moving before you even think of doing it. Your tears clouding your vision as you race down the stairs, you can hear Johnny’s voice calling out to you. You didn’t see the man at the bottom of the stairs, until you had already collided with him.
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” you hear. Looking up you see the concerned face of Yukhei. Before you can answer, Johnny is at the top of the stairs calling for you. He races down, only to see Yukhei standing with you, his hands holding your crying frame. By now all the music had stopped, everyone focusing on the tension between the three of you.
“What the hell happened?” Yukhei snapped, his hands never leaving you. “It’s none of your damn business Wong. This is between me and my girl" Johnny snaps, coming down the stairs.
“I’m not your fucking girl Johnny. We had a small fight a few days ago and I came to make up with him, but he was too busy sticking his dick in some whore" you spit, the tears gone, now anger just coursed through your body.
“Seriously Johnny?” Yukhei scoffed.
“Stay the fuck out of this" Johnny snaps, looking at Yukhei.
“Baby please. Can we talk about this" he begs, reaching out to grab you. Yukhei tries to move you from in front of him, to behind him, unfortunately Johnny is quicker than he thought and grabs onto your wrist yanking you towards him.
“I’m going to talk this out, with my girl, without your presence Lucas. She isn’t your girlfriend” Johnny yells as you try to fight to get him off of you.
“Let me go Johnny" you cry, struggling to get out of his grip.
“Johnny, I will knock you the fuck out if you don’t get your fucking hands off of her" Yukhei snarls. Johnny stands there staring at Yukhei, he let’s your wrist go, never breaking eye contact with Yukhei.
“There" Johnny says, rolling his eyes. “The only reason we had problems is because of YOU" Johnny yells, pointing at Yukhei.
“You can’t stand that she’s with me and not with YOU" “I’m gunna to do it anyways" Yukhei says before clocking Johnny in the face, knocking him out cold.
“Are you okay?” Yukhei asks you. You’re embarrassed and hurt. He warned you that you would get hurt, but you didn’t listen.
“Is that all you want to say? You don’t want to say told you so?” You asked.
“No I don’t” he said, still looking concerned.
“Just let me go. This is humiliating” you whisper. You look behind you one last time before walking out the front door, and all you see is Yukhei watching you leave.
You lay in your bed for a few hours feeling hurt, betrayed and humiliated. Why didn’t you listen when Yukhei had told you to stay away from Johnny? There was no changing it now. You sighed as your phone buzzed for the thousandth time. Looking at it, they’re all from Johnny. Begging you to talk to him, pleading with you and then becoming mean and blaming you for his actions. If you had talked to him after the fight he wouldn’t have done that. You weren’t supposed to be there tonight. You weren’t supposed to find out. All you sent him was a nice fuck you. You opened up a new message, and typed in Yukhei’s name.
[1:04am] You: Thank you.
[1:06am] Yukhei: For what?
[1:07am] You: For standing up for me.
[1:10am] Yukhei: Anytime, Y/N.
You wanted so badly to ask him about what Johnny said. Did he really want you or was Johnny just overly paranoid? You decided to leave it alone, dreaming about literally anything else you could. The next morning you woke up to a text from Johnny, apologizing for his behaviour the night before. He asked you to meet for coffee and as much as you didn’t want to go, you decided to just to hear him out.
A few hours later you were sitting at a table with a remorseful looking Johnny with a black eye. The two of you has been sitting there for over 10 minutes without saying a word to eachothers. You were not going to talk first.
“Listen y/n..” he begins. “I’m an asshole. I know that. My behavior last night was unacceptable and I shouldn’t have acted like that" he says with his head down. “You shouldn’t have. I agree" you say. Johnny nods his head.
“Anything else you want to say?” you ask, waiting for an apology for the cheating. Not that it would make anything better but you still wanted to hear it.
“I was hoping you would give me a second chance?” he asked, looking at you hopeful. You couldn’t help but to let out a loud laugh.
“Are you serious?” you asked, still laughing.
“Well yes?” he replies.
“Johnny you CHEATED on me" you partially yell. “There’s no forgiving that" Johnny scoffs.
“Don’t be like that y/n. If you want, I’ll try not to do it again" he says.
“You’ll.. try to not cheat on me.. again? Wow Johnny, thanks so much. A true gentleman you are" you say, rolling your eyes.
“It’s because of him isn’t it?” he asks, looking like he’s just had a revelation.
“Who?” you ask.
“Lucas. It’s because of him.” He says.
“This is nothing to do with Yukhei, Johnny. It has to do with the fact that I don’t tolerate cheaters.” You spit.
“Yeah sure.” He scoffs.
“And even if I did get together with Yukhei, that would be none of your business. I’m sure he would treat me a hell of a lot better than you did" you say, grabbing your things and leaving him sitting there shocked.
On your walk home, you cannot believe the audacity of Johnny. How dare he think that was acceptable in any form? You pull out your phone on your walk home, seeing a text from Yukhei, asking if you were okay and if you needed anything. Your heart began to flutter, but you were still confused on why he was being so nice to you. He always hated you and now he didn’t? Things don’t just change that easily. And after the morning you already had, whatever he answer was couldn’t hurt you too badly.
[11:13am] You: Can we talk?
[11:16am] Yukhei: Sure. Come on over.
After you read that message, you changed your route, making your way to the frat house. Walking in the front door, you immediately see Yukhei in the living room. He stands up when he sees you, telling you to follow him as the two of you make your way to his room. You walk in, looking around his room as he shuts the door. Yukhei sits on the edge of his bed, staring at you, waiting for you to talk.
“So what’s up?” he asks.
“What changed?” You asked. Yukhei looks at you confused.
“What do you mean?” he asks.
“You hated me for so long and the last few months have been so different. What changed?” you asked. “I’ve never hated you” he whispers.
“I always have liked you, but you always seemed to not like me so I just went along with it.” He shrugs his shoulders. “When I saw you the first night, I acted cold towards you because it seemed like what I should do. And then the next time I saw you with Johnny and I wanted to bash his face in. Feeling that haven’t felt in a long time cane rushing back. I wanted to protect you and have you be happy but you didn’t want anything to do with me.”
“That’s not true. I don’t hate you anymore, Yukhei. You seemed to have changed.” You say. “I would like to be friends"
Yukhei let’s out a loud groan. “I don’t want to be friends, y/n" he says, standing up. He starts walking towards you, until you’re backed against the wall.
“What do you want?” you ask, looking him in the eyes
“I want you.” He whispers.
“You’re Mina’s brother. We can’t do this" you breathe, staring at his plump lips.
“Tell me to stop" he says, leaning closer into you. “Tell me you don’t want this" he says.
“I want this" you say, closing the gap between you two. Yukhei’s hands are at your waist in a second, pulling you closer to him. You wrap your arms around his neck as he deepens the kiss, slipping his tounge into your mouth. As your phone rings, you hear it’s Mina’s ringtone. You break the kiss by pushing Yukhei away, catching your breath before answering.
“Heyyyy Mina" you say, trying to act casual.
“What are you doing?” she laughs.
“I was just hanging out with Yukhei" you say.
“Oh. That’s weird" she giggles. “You better not be fucking my brother" she laughs.
“What? No, I would never do that to you" you say, as nerves float through your body. “I’m just kidding. I’d support you two if you decided to do whatever. Anyways, I was just calling to let you know I’m coming back in a few weeks and I can’t wait to see you!” she yells.
“Oh my god. I’m so excited" you exclaim.
“Okay, I have to go. I’ll call you later. Love you! Bye Lucas" she giggles through the phone. You hang up and put your phone away. You and Yukhei stand there, staring at each other, not saying a word.
“I better go" you say, quickly scurrying from his room. That entire week the two of you didn’t talk. Until Friday, when Yukhei had texted you to invite you to a party that night, as his date. He apologized for being MIA for the week, he had a few papers he needed to reach, and he figured you needed some time to think. You happily accepted the invitation, with the understanding that Johnny was not going to be around. The day dragged on, and you kept yourself as busy as you possibly could until it was finally time for you to get ready. You put on a cute and tight, yes casual dress and a pair of sneakers. You wanted to look good but also keep it casual tonight.
Your friends had dates so tonight you were on your own with the hopes that they might swing by later. Walking into the house you first spot Yukhei, leaning against a door frame, talking to some friends. He was wearing semi tight black Jean’s with a black shirt and a chain. His hair was slicked back and did he ever look good. Yukhei turned his head, spotting you almost immediately with a giant smile. You walked over to him as he wrapped his arms around you, giving you a tight hug.
“I missed you” he whispered.
“I missed you too" you said back. Grabbing your hand, Yukhei lead you to the kitchen, getting you both a drink. A few drinks and some dancing later, you had been feeling extra needy. You could feel Yukhei’s erection as you grinded your ass into him and it made you very wet. He spun you around to face him before planting a small kiss on your lips. When he pulled away, he looked down at your face, noticing a small pout.
“What’s wrong baby?” he asked.
“I need you" you whisper.
“What do you need from me?” He asks.
“I need your cock" you whine. In that moment Yukhei’s eyes went dark, his face serious. He grabbed your hand, leading you out of the living room, up the stairs and into his room where he locked the door. Yukhei walked towards you, licking his lips in anticipation. You had assumed he was going in for a kiss but instead he told you to raise your arms. You do as your asked as Yukhei reaches for the hem of your dress before pulling it over your head. Looking down he notices your lace bra and lack of panties.
“No panties baby? Naughty girl" he groans, reaching his fingers down, sliding them through your soaked pussy. Your knees almost give out in that moment Yukhei pulls away from you and you moan as he walks away from you. Yukhei gets on his bed, laying down.
“Ride my face baby” he says, licking his lips. You strut yourself over to the bed, climbing on before lift your leg over to straddle him, getting comfortable on his face. Yukhei pokes his tounge through his lips, placing it right on your clit. You grab your breasts as you start to move your hips, grinding yourself on his face.
“Fuck" you cry out, your hands moving from your breasts to your hair. You lean your body slightly forward, gripping Yukhei’s hair instead, as his lips now suction around your clit causing you moan even louder.
“You’re going to make me cum" you cry out, Yukhei rotates from using his tounge and his lips as you thrust your hips faster, needing this release.
“Don’t stop. Fuck" you cry out. Your movements slow down as your orgasm hits, tingling through your body, as you cum all over his face. Once you’ve ridden your high out, you get off of his face, laying down on his bed, feeling extremely sensitive. Yukhei looks at you while licking up your juices from his face. He stands up, undressing as quickly as he can before getting back on the bed, hovering over you and leaning down for a kiss. He slides his tounge into your mouth, allowing you to taste yourself on him.
“I’m going to fuck you” he growls after breaking the kiss.
“Please do" you beg, needing to feel him inside you. Yukhei lines himself up with you before slowly pushing his thick, large cock into your pussy. You grip the bed sheets tightly as you try to adjust to his size. He gives you a few seconds to get used to the stretching, never having been with someone as big before.
“Move" you whine.
“Are you sure?“ he asks.
“Please move. Fuck me” you moan. With that Yukhei slowly begins to thrust in and out of you. You’re unable to keep your moans quiet and he picks up the pace eventually ramming himself into you harshly.
“Oh my god, your pussy feels so good baby" he moans, his fingers grip your hips tightly, sure enough to leave bruises.
“You take my cock so well baby" he purrs, moving his hand away from your hip and to in-between your lips, rubbing your clit.
“Fuck. You fill me up so well with your huge cock" you moan as he continues to play with your pussy.
“You going to cum again baby? Clench your tight pussy around my cock?” he growls.
“Yes yes I will" you cry out. Bucking your hips, you allow Yukhei to push his cock in deeper, causing you to slightly roll your eyes to the back of your head.
“Oh god" you cry out, your orgasm quickly approaching.
“Cum for me baby" he says, pounding himself into you. Before you know it, your orgasm hits you, coating your entire body, making your quiver beneath Yukhei.
“That’s a good girl" he grins, fucking you harder, chasing his own high.
‘I’m gonna cum" he whines, thrusting into you one more time before pulling himself out, coating your stomach with his juices. His head is thrown back as he pumps himself with his hand, milking every last drop. Yukhei takes a deep breath before looking at you with a smile. You smile back at him as you take your fingers to scoop up his cum, and put them in your mouth, swallowing everything. Yours eyes don’t leave his the entire time.
“Fuck you’re incredible” he smiles, leaning in for a kiss.
“Should we go get a drink?” he asks. Happily, you nod your head, slipping your dress back on while he gets himself dressed as well. The two of you leave his room, hand in hand as you walk down the stairs to rejoin the party. Upon entering the kitchen, you’re both met with an extremely intoxicated Johnny.
“Fucking slut" he spits, staring at your hand in Yukhei’s.
“What the fuck did you just say?” Yukhei growled, his body almost vibrating with anger.
“I called her a SLUT" Johnny yelled. Yukhei let go of your hand before pushing Johnny, causing him to fall over.
“Don’t be mad because she’s mine now. It should have always been me, anyways. You’re the one who fucked things up with her by being a piece of shit. But I should thank you for that because if you hadn’t, we wouldn’t be together.” Yukhei yells.
“But if you come near MY girl again or say anything negative about her, I will fucking end you" Yukhei threatens before taking your hand again and walking away.
It had been a few months since you and Yukhei had finally gotten together. Your visit with Mina went better than expected and she was extremely happy for the two of you, although she asked that PDA between the two of you was kept at a minimum in front of her. She had already started planning your wedding. Johnny apologized after a while, realizing he was in the wrong for everything. Now whenever he saw you two he nodded his head before walking away.
It took a while and few mistakes, but you finally had found the right one.
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alright--okay · 4 years
you ever been to a basement show? pt. 4
tsukishima kei x reader
summary: Tsukishima sees you everywhere, and for a big school thats weird. And it’s not like he’s gonna do anything, that’d be even weirder, but one day in your shared lecture he sees you wearing a shirt with some small band’s name. A band he know. And well, now he has to know who you are.
word count: ~2.7 k
a/n: the first five chapters are already on ao3 so imma post them here real quick, hope anyone reading enjoys!
read on ao3!
pt. 4 Go Home. Play Music. Feel Better. - Michael Cera Palin
“Ohoho, look who decided to show up,” you said to Tsukishima as he moved to sit beside you in the lecture hall.
Tsukishima gave you an exasperated look, “class didn’t even start yet. Also please don’t take on those idiots’ mannerisms.”
“Why not? I think it’s fun. And completely unrelated, but want to come to the store with me after class? Bokuto recommended me this hair gel and I’ve always wanted to try-”
“Please stop,” Tsukishima turned to face the front of the class as you broke out into quiet giggles.
“Seriously though, I didn’t get to eat breakfast this morning so I’m gonna get something at that cafe near our apartments if you want to join.”
This wasn’t a date. Tsukishima knew this. That didn’t stop his heart from beating a tad bit faster or the apples of his cheeks growing rosier.
Tsukishima shifted his arm to one of the uncomfortable arm rests of the seat, leaning his head against his hand to hopefully help cover any of the heat on his cheeks, “yeah, I’m down.”
“Cool,” from the corner of his eye, Tsukishima saw you give your own small smile as you turned to focus on the professor about to start the lecture.
This wasn’t a date.
Class dragged on, but soon enough you and Tsukishima were making the short journey to the cafe.
“Did you finish the paper for that class?” Tsukishima asked.
“What paper?”
“The one he assigned last week? Due on Wednesday? The one on that civilization-”
“Wait, no, no, no. That paper’s due on the 18th.”
“y/n…” Tsukshima slowed his pace to look you in your eyes, “Wednesday is the 18th.”
You let a quiet “fuck” slip from your mouth as you faced forward, moving quickly to the cafe now only a few shops away, “then no, I haven’t even started it.”
“Yeah that seemed pretty obvious,” Tsukishima said with a smirk.
“He never mentioned it again! I can’t keep track of everything!”
“Yeah, not even the date apparently,” Tsukishima snickered, opening the door for the two of you.
“Alright, listen!” Tsukishima’s laugh only grew louder, “I thought this class was gonna be fun and easy, and now I have to write a paper in like two days. Disgusting,” your attentioned moved to the menu hanging above the register.
“It’s short, you’re being dramatic.”
“Fuck you,” Tsukishima let out a startled laugh while you moved forward to give your order and pay then stood off to the side waiting for Tsukishima to do the same.
Tsukishima silently pointed to a table off in the corner that was free, “what is your major anyway?” he said as the two of you settled down into the seats.
You told him your major with a small shrug, “Nothing too special, but I liked it in high school so I figured I’d just keep up with it. Are you actually archeology or are you also just in this class for the hell of it?”
Tsukishima rolled his eyes, “Yes, I’m an archeology major, but this class doesn’t count for much since it's pretty entry level.”
“So what you’re saying is that you’re good at this stuff?”
“I’m not writing your paper.” “I wouldn’t ask that!” you said with a frown, “I was wondering if you could at least help me though. Read it over, give me some advice, make sure it’ll give me a decent grade, stuff like that. Come on, I’ll make you cookies.”
Tsukishima paused for a moment, “What about a strawberry shortcake?”
“I mean I’ll have to go to the store…” Tsukishima continued to stare at you, “but fine! Yes, I’ll make you a strawberry shortcake, you bastard.” You mumbled the last part under your breath as you got up to get yours and Tsukishima’s orders.
Making a cake would be a small price to pay for a good grade in a class you honestly didn’t care about. Spending time with Tsukishima didn’t hurt either.
“Get as much of it done as you can tonight, I’m done with class pretty early tomorrow so we can work on it together at my place whenever you’re free,” Tsukishima gave you the short rundown as you place the food on the table.
“Why don’t we do it at my place? You have like three roommates. I have Yachi.”
“Good point, text me tomorrow when you’re good,” Tsukishima said with a small nod.
It was a little past one on tuesday when you decided to text Tsukishima.
To Tsukishima archeology:
hey im walking home now so feel free to come over whenever
From Tsukishima archeology:
alright ill be there soon
You slid your phone back into your pocket, trying to turn your focus on the music flowing through your headphones and not on the lanky blonde that would be spending the rest of the day in your apartment.
You saw Tsukishima at least three times a week and most of that time was spent alone with each other in class or recitation, but this was… different. You were going to be actually alone with the guy. No distractions from a professor or a friend or a cafe worker calling out names. And okay Tsukishima was mildly attractive… Okay he was attractive but you wouldn’t let that come between you and the new friend you made in the snarky asshole.
It's not like anything would happen anyway. Tsukishima definitely didn’t like you like that, and no amount of daydreaming him confessing to you would make it come true (even if it was a very nice daydream).
It wasn’t long before you made it up to your apartment. Yachi had a late class today so you weren’t expecting her back until tonight, hopefully after Tsukishima had already left. It wasn’t that you didn’t want Yachi to know… but Yachi had already been making assumptions and Tsukishima coming over to “do work” alone in your room would do nothing but feed her imagination (even if it was the truth).
In the middle of eating a quick snack, Tsukishima sent you a text saying he was at your building.
You scrambled down the staircase of your building to meet Tsukishima who was waiting (somewhat) patiently on the stoop of your building.
“Finally,” he muttered as you widened the door for him to pass.
“You gave me no warning! Should’ve left you out here longer.”
“Should I just leave then? Seems like you don’t want me here so I’ll just-”
You put your hands on Tsukishima’s back, pushing him further into the building, “Nope, you’re helping me. You already agreed, no backing out.”
Tsukishima let out a dramatic sigh, now trailing behind you, “Did you at least start it?”
“Yes, in fact, I did. Almost done too, just need one more paragraph to push me over the word minimum.”
“What am I supposed to do in the meantime? I thought I was just gonna read it over?” Tsukishima asked as you let him into your and Yachi’s apartment, leading him to your small kitchen table.
“I dunno, dude; do other homework, work on your own paper, pick an album to listen to,” you gestured lazily towards your bedroom door, “all my vinyl is in the crates to the right.”
You could tell Tsukishima tried very hard to hide his excitement, “well, I already submitted my paper,” he ‘casually’ slid his backpack off his shoulders and made his way to the door you just pointed out.
You followed him over, showing him the milk crates you were talking about, your record player sitting on the dresser nearby.
“If you're gonna be sitting here, I’ll work at my desk,” you gathered your laptop and the notebook you had used to organize your paper, settling at the small desk, “if you need any help let me know.”
Tsukishima gave you a small smile and proceeded to get down on the floor to sit cross legged, flipping through the crate closest to him.
The two of you continued in silence for a while until Tsukishima gave a light poke to your shoulder, a recognizable album in his hand.
“I’ve never actually used a record player, so can you…” he trailed off, pushing the album towards you.
You tried to contain your amusement. Tsukishima clearly did not want to be asking you this, but you were glad he took this route instead of trying it and scratching up your records.
“Yeah sure, good pick by the way,” you got up from your desk chair and took the album, sliding the sleeve out to get to the vinyl itself, this one in particular being a bright blue as opposed to the typical black.
You ran him through how to handle the records and how to work your particular player so he would be able to flip and change the records whenever, and soon enough the beginning of Just Friends’ album Nothing but Love began to play.
You smiled again, making your way back to your desk to finish up your paper while Tsukishima went back to sitting on your floor, alternating between listening to the music and playing on his phone.
By the time the album came to an end you placed your laptop in Tsukishima’s lap, “be gentle,” you said, moving to grab an album at random and replace the one coming to an end.
“I’m not gonna promise anything,” he replied, adjusting his glasses to begin reading your paper.
You wandered off to the kitchen for a glass of water, not wanting to be in the room while Tsukishima was judging your writing.
“It’s not that bad!” Tsukishima called from your room, you walked over to lean in the door frame, “I marked some stuff you should reword and you should probably include that thing he mentioned a while ago…” Tsukishima continued to talk about your paper, flipping through notes to bring up examples and point out which parts he found errors in.
“But not bad?” you questioned again with a small smile, taking your laptop back.
“Not great, but not bad,” he said getting up to get his own stuff from the kitchen.
“I’ll take it!” you took it as a win when you heard Tsukishima’s laughter from the other room.
It was well into the evening by now, Tsukishima had helped fully finalize your paper a while ago but the two of you continued to talk and do work in your room. At this point you knew Yachi was going to be here soon. You would have to kick Tsukishima out now if you didn’t want her to notice just how long the boy had spent here and that just seemed rude and unnecessary (plus you didn’t really want Tsukishima to go just yet).
“Did you want to just stay for dinner? Yachi said she's picking something up, so if you want anything speak now.”
Tsukishima paused shortly at your question, “where’s she stopping?”
You relayed your and Tsukishima’s order to Yachi hoping she’d get home soon so you could have a proper meal.
You and Tsukishima were back to the floor, sifting through albums and talking over the music in the background.
“I wish you had A Flourish and a Spoil,” Tsukishima said, examining the art of one particular album.
“By The Districts?” Tsukishima’s eyes darted over to you, making you laugh, “I have that one, just probably got misplaced if it’s not with the D’s,” you took a minute to think back to the last time you had listened to the album, trying to place where it currently was.
You hauled yourself up and went to your dresser. Beside your record player was a short stack of albums you had been listening to the other day but were too lazy at the time to properly put away. Sure enough, the dark album art peaked from the pile.
You took the whole stack over to your crates, passing the album to Tsukishima’s waiting hands.
“We’re listening to this next,” Tsukishima said, eyes roaming the back of the album, examining all the details.
“We can definitely do that,” you replied, sorting the albums, “but Yachi’s gonna be here soon so you good with waiting a little bit?”
He gave you a small nod and the two of you resumed your quiet activities with the current record coming to an end. It wasn’t long after you heard the apartment’s door open with Yachi making her presence known.
The three of you sat around the small kitchen table, eating your food and talking about your days. You tried to ignore all of Yachi’s “subtle” looks in favor of asking about the class she just got out of.
“I hate that it lets out so late!” Yachi complained, dropping her head to the table, “I’m so tired and the walk home gets scary in the dark.”
“You can always ask me or Yamaguchi to walk with you,” Tsukishima said, looking up from his food, “if you’re really anxious we really wouldn’t mind, it’s a short walk.”
“Tsukki!” Yachi let out a cry, tears gathering in her eyes, “don’t listen to them, you’re so sweet, I love you.”
“Wait, listen to who-” Yachi interrupted his questions by giving his stiff posture a hug, “what are people saying about me?”
Yachi continued her hug, Tsukishima slowly raising a hand to pat her back, “nothing, nothing, it doesn’t matter anyway.”
You laughed at Tsukishima’s confused and irked expression, clearly not knowing how to interpret Yachi’s words.
Yachi removed herself from Tsukishima, “well, I am exhausted, goodnight,” Yachi said, giving you both a smile.
“Goodnight, Yachi, see you tomorrow,” you said, Tsukishima giving his own goodnight before turning to look you in the eye.
“It’s time,” he said, quickly cleaning up your plates and then heading to your room.
You laughed as you trailed behind him. He was already setting up the vinyl so you settled on your bed, letting your back fall into the comforter sitting atop your mattress.
The opening beats of the first song gently filled your room, quiet enough to not disturb Yachi but loud enough that the thumping drums still hit in your chest. Tsukishima turned around and you patted the spot beside you. He seemed to hesitate for a second before making his way over, letting his body lay beside your own.
“I used to listen to this album all the time in high school,” Tsukishima said to the ceiling. You turned your head to look at his side profile, “I think at the time it was just cause I liked how it sounded,” he paused for a particular chorus to pass, “but now I actually listen to it.”
You turned your head back to the ceiling, “I get that. A lot of albums have changed meaning for me over the years. This always felt like a new beginning though.”
Tsukishima hummed beside you. You let the music fill the room, you and Tsukishima each focusing on the lyrics of each song and how one connected to another.
Side A came to its gentle end, so you got up to slowly flip it, not wanting to break the calm atmosphere your room held at the moment. You took your spot beside Tsukishima again, trying not to disturb him.
“God, this album slaps,” Tsukishima mumbled under his breath at the crescendo of the song, making you break out into a laugh. Tsukishima surprisingly let out a chuckle of his own, “what? You know it's true.”
“I know, I know,” you let your giggles peter out, “I feel like you have to save that for Young Blood though.”
“It can be applied in a variety of places, don’t go around constricting me.”
“Fair enough,” you smiled at him, scooting your legs further on the bed to get more comfortable.
Young Blood, as good of a song as it was, was eight minutes long and by the final words of it, you could feel yourself drifting. It started with just resting your eyes, but soon your body was trying to catch up on the lack of sleep.
As your mind was shutting down, you heard a soft snore beside you. I’ll deal with this tomorrow, you thought to yourself before succumbing to the warmth of your room and the body beside you, letting the final song of the album lull you to sleep.
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angrylizardjacket · 6 years
sweet chaos {Brian May}
Anons asked (in a roundabout way, I lost the original prompts): Brian/Reader where she has a crush on him but he thinks she’s into another one of the band members, and when he confronts her, he tells her he has feelings too? Also, Brian/Reader where they meet in the studio and there’s flirting and they end up together.
A/N: 3640 words. Something about Brian just makes me wanna write a lot apparently. Y/N is just.... so chaotic. ANYWAYS, so this is the fic I wrote last night and then lost, but I’ve managed to salvage it, and I’m happy with how it turned out. I’m so sorry to the two beautiful anons whose prompts were lost to my mistake last night, just know this goes out to you.
“Deaks, when did you get cool?” You gaze around the studio with an almost awed expression, hands shoved in the pockets of your jacket, before finally turning your grin on John, who was crouched by his bass case, looking up at you with a singular raised eyebrow.
“I’ve always been cool.” John was adamant about this, pulling out his bass and clicking the case shut. “You just don’t appreciate me.” After a moment, in which you rolled your eyes at him, he secured the strap on his instrument and looked up at you with an amused smile. “A year ago.” He conceded, and your eyes went wide.
“A ye- John Francis Deacon-” You cut yourself off, spluttering in surprise.
“Not my middle name.” He interjected, though you just talked over him, bouncing on the balls of your feet.
“You’ve been in a band for a year and you didn’t think to tell me? I’ve been living with you for like a week!” You crowed, and your theatrics had earned both a chuckle from John, and the attention of the three other boys in the room; the rest of the band.
“You care to introduce us to your friend?” The blonde one asked, eyebrows raised, confusion clear on his face.
“If I must,” John gave you a long suffering smile, before turning on his heel to face the others, “Roger, Brian, Freddie, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Roger, Brian, and Freddie, the band.” He gestured between you all, and it takes a moment for him to finally finish processing everything you had said. “How have you known me this long and not known my middle name?”
And, okay, he did have a point; you’d grown up living next door to each other, had been practically joined at the hip since some kid had tried to push you off the swing beside him, and so you’d pushed the kid back, yelling ‘go away, he’s my friend’. You been through primary school and high school together, and it was only when John went to uni and you took a year to backpack across Europe, that you really spent a meaningful amount of time apart.
“Is it Jonathan?” You asked, feigning innocence, and John had to actually stop, where he was tuning his bass to suppress a smile. You couldn’t look at him, if you did, you knew you would just break into a fit of giggles. Instead, you took the moment to really give a good look at the band. The blonde one behind the drums, Roger as he’d been introduced, didn’t seem to know what to do with you, and instead just went back to setting up his equipment. Freddie, who had been quietly warming up his voice on the other side of the room, had paused for the moment, analysing you with a serious look before his gaze came up to meet yours. He gave an approving nod, and went back to his work, already bouncing with energy and anticipation. The guitarist, Brian, just seemed amused by the banter, looking between you and John with a loose grip on his guitar.
“Yes, my mother named me John Jonathan.” His words were practically dripping with sarcasm, but you kept your composure, not even cracking a smile.
“I’ve met Lilian, I wouldn’t put it past her..” You clicked your tongue, raising your eyebrows at John. After a beat, his eyes went wide and he tried to protest, but your facade cracked and you chuckled fondly at his exasperation, and you hear Brian laugh too, before he goes back to also tuning his guitar. “I’m kidding, Deaks, you know I love your mum,” your waved him off with a fond smile, making a move to leave the recording studio, but thought better of it, turning back with a mischievous grin. John’s expression immediately became suspicious. “And of course I know your middle name; it’s Dick.”
“Richard.” He corrected automatically, the word accompanied by an eyeroll. You heard Roger snort out a laugh.
“How do you get Dick from Richard?” Freddie asked with a confused frown, stopping his pacing. The moment the words left his mouth, you’re pretty sure you can see John spontaneously form a headache, and your grin sharpens.
“You ask him nicely.” You hear both you and Brian say at the same time. There’s a beat of silence, and you both look at each other, sharing an amused moment of camaraderie, much to John’s exasperation.
“I like this one.” You say, voice firm, pointing directly at Brian. His smile widened before he ducked his head, going back to his guitar. John had just started shaking his head at you, but he was smiling so you knew you weren’t in any real trouble.
In the sound studio, the tech they had on, as well as the other two girls, Mary and Kristin, they introduced themselves as, greeted you warmly enough, and thus started one of the longest and best nights of your life so far.
John was good at bass, much better than you had realised, much better than he had any right to be, at least that’s how you phrase it in your head when you’re resting your chin on his shoulder, listening to the playback of his latest version of the song they’d been working at for about half an hour. Eyes glassy, your mouth remained shut as the boys bandied about musical terms and ideas that you didn’t really understand, though you knew you’d appreciate their end product. John sort of loved that about you, your ability to walk the fine line between irritating and lovable, yet also knowing when to keep your mouth shut if you didn’t think you could contribute to a conversation as well as you’d like.
“You’ve been awfully quiet, what do you think, Y/N?” Brian’s smiling up at you from where he’s sat in a wheelie chair they’d co-opted from the office in the next room. Snapping back to reality, you take a step back from John, looking to the now-empty studio, and then to your best friend.
“What do I think?” It takes all of your effort not to just blurt out exactly what you had been thinking; I watched John eat a worm once and now he’s making kick ass music and I don’t know how to consolidate those two mental images of him in my mind. “Great.” You answer instead. “I think it sounds great.” After a beat, you duck your gaze, laughing a little self consciously, “I don’t know a lot about music so I can’t really offer much feedback.” 
“Well, if you stick around, we can probably teach you a think or two.” He shrugged, but there was clearly an offer in his words, and you smile, before turning and raising your eyebrows at John, as silent question asking if you could stay.
“He’s the one who made the offer, not me.” John just put his hands up in mock surrender, pushing you a few steps closer to Brian as he maneuvered around you to head back into the recording studio. “She’s your problem now, Bri.” He called over his shoulder, giving you a sunny smile, which only served to make you irritated.
“Problem?” You huffed, before stalking over to the sound desk, leaning over it as you turned on the microphone. “Don’t disrespect me like that, John Jonathan, I watched you eat a worm!” And to that, John, along with the rest of the band and those in the sound studio, laughed, and you felt the tension leave you as you cracked a smile. After a moment, you see John pulling up his bass, and there’s a gentle tap on your left hip, and you turn, seeing the sound technician waiting with pointedly raised eyebrows. Stepping back quickly, you move to make room for him, promptly falling right onto Brian, who was the one who had been trying to get you to move in the first place.
John’s started playing again so no-one else hears Brian’s quiet grunt of discomfort at your landing. Scrambling to stand up and apologise, you hear him quietly laugh, reaching out to take hold your wrist, not to keep you there, more like a reassurance.
“It’s fine, you’re my problem, after all.” And despite the fact that you resent being called a problem at all, the way he’s smiling at you, the way he says it, well maybe it didn’t sound too bad.
The sound got more experimental as the night wore on, and once they’d reached the tipping point while recording the tenuously titled ‘Seven Seas of Rhye’ the night became electric. You spent your time often on your feet, bouncing around the space, listening with a grin as the others would suggest a new, eclectic ideas. If you weren’t in Brian’s lap in the wheelie chair, which you’d claimed as your seat for the night, you were dancing with Mary, or John, or even Roger and Kristin, you’re pretty sure you’ve been a part of something truly extraordinary by hearing this album being created.
“Alright, alright,” when the night wraps up and John comes to collect you, you’re with Brian, chatting to Mary with his chin on your shoulder, “time to head home, dear.” Mary excused herself from the conversation, heading off to find Freddie, while you turned and gave John’s outstretched hand an unimpressed look.
“You cut me loose, Deaks, I was in the market for a new best mate and you pushed me at poor Brian here,” shaking your head, you lay the faux disappointment on thick, crossing your arms and leaning back just a little further against Brian, who was grinning with amusement at the whole situation, “this is really all your fault.” You added, but John just rolled his eyes, smiling exasperatedly at you.
“It’s fine by me, I’d love to have you off my sofa, but I just thought I’d let you know,” and he cast his gaze towards the recording studio, “Brian lives with Roger.” He said pointedly as Kristin’s high, sweet laugh rang through the air, and you saw Roger was grinning confidently, showing her how to twirl a drumstick in favour of packing up his drum kit. Standing abruptly, you took John’s free hand.
“Yeah, probably a good call.” Brian’s expression soured, but then he turned back to face you, smiling brightly. “Lovely to meet you, though; we’ll be seeing you again, right?”
“You guys play gigs?” You asked, and he nodded. “Well then, now that John’s let me in on this dirty little secret of his, I think you’d be hard pressed to stop me.” And with a final, playful wink, you loop your arm through John’s and leave the studio.
And, well, you do see them again. You see them a lot; you’re there every weekend, at gigs, sometimes in rehearsals, you become as regular of a fixture as Mary. The boys liked having you around, you were friendly and bright, and you actually seemed to bring John out of his shell a little. In general, you found it easy to be around them, being close to them, and soon enough, you’ll find yourself comfortable enough to just lean against them when you’re standing close, at bars or during a break in rehearsals. Casual hugs, arms around shoulders, it’s a staple of your existence with the band, which you love because - yay! Human contact! - but with it comes a pretty big detractor.
It’s damn hard to establish whether or not the goofy guitarist who smiles like goddamn sunshine, and who you may have an enormous crush on, is even remotely interested in you as more than anything more than a friend. You’d really tried not to like him like that, for John’s sake at least; he was your best friend, you couldn’t jeopardise your friendship with him, and his band mate, but the heart wants what it wants, and yours wants Brian to never stop smiling at you the way he does when he’s on stage and he sees you cheering for them in the crowd. He’s always the first to hug you when you arrive to a show, never one to brush you off when you tuck your arm into his when you’re both waiting for drinks at the bar, he plays along well when you’re doing a bit, and he’s always the first to drag you away whenever you’re about to get in a scrap with Roger.
That was the main problem you had with the band; Roger was far too easy to wind up, and you were far too willing to kick that hornet’s nest whenever the whim struck you. He respects you well enough, likes you well enough, is even willing to share the armchair in the hall outside the rehearsal room when you two are the first ones to arrive, and the others show up and you’re both arguing over an article in the paper but he’s got an arm around you for stability. It’s not that you don’t get along with Roger, it’s just sometimes fun to watch him get worked up over a joke. Like when you’d told him you’d seen better drumming in a high school marching band. You’d almost copped a drumstick to the face for that one, but you’d caught it just before it had landed, and after a beat of silence in which the both of look a little impressed at your reflexes, you both break out into unintelligible arguing, drawing the attention of both John and Brian who had been chatting at the side of the room. 
You’re about a foot away from the drum kit, brandishing the drum stick and threatening to shove it somewhere unpleasant, and Roger was standing, looking a little like he was two seconds from crashing directly through the drum kit to tackle you, when you feel a pair of arms around you, and you’re being dragged away. Looking around, you see John advancing on Roger like he’s a spooked horse, trying to calm him down.
Once you realise it’s Brian, you stop trying to get away, and simply let yourself be walked backwards until the two of you are near the door, and he turns you, arms still around you, so he’s blocking Roger from your sight.
“Why do you have to rile him up like that?” Brian asks, and you turn around so that you’re toe to toe.
“It’s not my fault he doesn’t know how to take a joke.” You grumbled, crossing your arms awkwardly as they’re trapped between the two, though Brian doesn’t loosen his grip, in fact, he seems rather endeared by your antics.
“Can I have that?” He asks, eyes dropping to the drumstick in your hands, and you snorted. You can hear Roger in the background angrily murmuring that he’s fine.
“I caught it, it’s mine, fair and square.” You say, voice lofty. “It’s a trophy.” You added, and that set Roger off again, just as Freddie walked through the door.
“It’s a trophy, my ass! Give me back my drum stick, you knob!” He hollers, and you use the element of surprise to shift both yourself and Brian to face the enraged drummer, though he doesn’t let go of you. John’s got his arms around Roger, but he’s not being held nearly as securely as you.
“This trophy will go up your ass! Call me lazy again!” You dared at the top of your lungs, even as you were being hauled backwards. “Let go of me, Brian!” You protested as Roger broke free of John and started wrestling one of his cymbals from it’s stand, to both John and Freddie’s shouted protests. “You throw that cymbal and I’m keeping it too!” Are the last words you get in before the door to the rehearsal space shuts and you hear it lock, presumably by Freddie. Brian lets go of her and promptly sat himself on the armchair in the hallway, looking like he was trying to process what had just happened.
With your back against the door, you twirl the drumstick absentmindedly, a skill you’d picked up quite by accident, simply by virtue of having seen Roger show off so much. It’s not something that goes unnoticed by Brian, but he doesn’t comment on it.
“Why?” Is all he asks, and you finally look up. When your gazes meet, you lob the drumstick gently over to the side of the room, already bored with it.
“He was being a dickhead.” You sighed, as if it were answer enough, letting the tension out of your shoulders and resting your head against the door. Silence stretched between you, and when your gaze shifted from the ceiling to look at Brian, he was waiting with a half-smile for an elaboration. “Rog told me that if I was going to just laze around I should start looking cute or being helpful,” already your explanation made far too much sense, and Brian chuckled. “So I said I only help out people with talent, and that the rest of you were fine-” you don’t know what to make of his pleased little smile, but you’re already getting to your feet and making your way over to him, “and of course he feels the need to prove himself.” You say, sitting down on Brian’s lap. Sitting sideways, you hang your legs over the arm of the armchair and rest your cheek on his shoulder. It’s automatic, the way he rests a hand on your thigh, the other coming to wrap around you in support.
“Wouldn’t have mattered what he’d played, would it?” You can hear him smiling, and he already knows your answer.
“He implied that I was lazy and not cute.” You made a face, like you couldn’t believe it, even after the fact. “Me!” Brian couldn’t help but chuckle at that, though his heart wasn’t in it.
“I have to ask, is this some weird, passive-aggressive flirting technique you’re using on him?” And when he says it, you sit bolt upright, frowning deeply, flushing with embarrassment; he thinks you’re flirting with Roger of all people?
“I don’t know how to flirt with people I do have a thing for, let alone Roger.” But as soon as the words left your mouth, you felt your face heat up further, and you scrambled to a standing position. “What makes you say that?” 
“Well you do talk about his butt a lot.” Brian himself seemed unable to look at you, and you started pacing.
“I threaten his ass a lot, I’m not- Is this about what I said about the drum stick?” You asked, eyeing the singular wooden drum stick where it’s lying on the floor. You don’t pick it up.
“You also- the spinny thing he does with it. It’s a thing he does to show off, like his signature, I just-” He’s floundering a little bit, and you find yourself smiling despite the situation.
Coming to a halt, you stand, facing the chair, fond smile on your face as you see where he’s a little flustered. Heartbeat thumping in your ears, you throw caution to the wind, just a little.
“If it was just as easy to learn guitar as it was to twirl a single drumstick, I’d’ve been Jimmy Page months ago from watching you.” You half smiled, heart in your throat. He finally looks at you, radiating pride despite his bashfulness, which is a sweet look on him, and you gently step forward, settling back down into the chair and curling up by him.
“I like seeing you in the crowd, you know?” He murmured, tapping out a gentle rhythm with his fingers on your thigh.
“I like watching you play.” You respond, before admitting. “It’s one of my favourite things in the world, seeing you up there, all confident; you’re very talented, you know-” and you look up to gauge his reaction, but he cuts you off with a kiss. Relief floods through you as you kiss him back, indulging in what you’d been hoping for for what was months at this point, since the first studio recording.
“Y/N-” John unlocks and open the door in quick succession, takes one look at where you and Brian had just broken apart, caught absolutely red handed, and immediately shuts the door again. You and Brian take a moment to look at each other, processing what had just happened, before bursting into laughter again, which quickly devolves into more kissing, until he’s gently moving you off of him, reminding you that he still had the rest of band practice to attend.
John is smug during the entire drive back to his house where you’re still crashing on his sofa, a few days away from the paperwork for your own place being finalized.
“I knew it.” Is all he says when you finally snap and tell him that smug, righteous asshole wasn’t a good look on him.
Freddie caught on almost directly after John; he’d picked it up from context clues, and also because at your next gig, Mary seemed to know without you or Brian barely speaking two words to each other. She’d leaned over to Freddie during one of the breaks and asked how long the two of you had actually been together, saying that she’d meant to ask before but it’d never been so obvious. When Freddie tells you this, you almost do a spit-take.
“You’re joking.” You respond, eyes shining with amusement. “What? Is he looking at me differently?” You cheeks flush as you look over your shoulder at where he’s waiting by the bar, and he looks back at you, shooting you a bright grin that made your heart flutter. Looking back, Freddie’s wearing a knowing smile.
“No, he’s always looked at you like that.”
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timeoutforthee · 6 years
Like It or Not-Chapter 12
Summary: Logan, Patton, Roman, and Virgil are all struggling in their recovery. Their doctors, Thomas Sanders and Emile Picani think they can help each other out.
Aka Group Therapy AU
Trigger Warnings: Denial. Like one big old chapter of denial. Shaming self for eating habits, skipping therapy appointments
Read on AO3!
Taglist: @itsausernamenotafobsong, @sea-blue-child, @iaminmultiplefandoms, @princeanxious, @uwillbeefoundtonight, @zaidiashipper, @arandompasserby, @levyredfox3, @falsett0, @error-i-dunno-what-went-wrong, @scrapbookofsketches, @podcastsandcoffee, @helloisthisusernametaken, @amuthefunperson, @michealawithana, @yamihatarou, @heck-im-lost, @unlikelynightmareconnoisseur, @idkaurl
“Hm?” Logan says, not looking up from the psychology book.
“The bell rang,” his teacher says, “You need to go to lunch.”
Something in him wants to laugh at that, but he catches himself and tries to correct his response. We do need to go to lunch. Food is fuel. You do need it.
“Just let me finish this sentence,” Logan mumbles. His teacher was trying his best, he assumed, and she had a passion for teaching the material. But the class was simply an elective at a high school, he couldn’t expect to learn everything. Right now, he’s skipping ahead to try and learn more about eating disorders.
There’s a whole paragraph on anorexia nervosa, and it ends with the mortality rate. Logan stares at it, trying to burn it into his brain, trying to flip a switch somewhere in there. This is stupid, he needs to function, he needs to eat, he needs to fuel himself, he needs to eat, he’s ruining his brain, he needs to eat-
Logan slams the book shut. His teacher jumps slightly. “Logan?”
He ignores her, just like he ignores the tears in his eyes. He walks out of the classroom without a word. His dad was right, he never should have taken this class. Maybe he could still switch to Computer Science.
Patton, Roman, and Virgil are trying to speak through facial expressions only. They think they are being subtle, or that Logan is too absorbed in whatever he’s thinking to notice. They are incorrect on both fronts.
Though to be fair, he has let his eyes glaze over and gone silent about four times already during this lunch, and it wasn’t even halfway over yet.
It’s Virgil who finally breaks. “Logan, are you like, good?”
“Yes,” Logan says, snapping out of his trance and sitting up a bit straighter.
“You sure?” Patton says, gently, “You seem a bit off today.”
“Yes. I’m eating, I’m fine.”
“Yeah, but you’ve only eaten, like 3/4ths of a celery stick.”
Logan puts the last piece in his mouth. He means to chew it, but suddenly it feels like solid rock sitting on his tongue and he can’t.
“Logan?” Patton says, and he manages to snap Logan back to reality enough for him to chew it.
And that’s how lunch goes. Logan breaks his lunch into pieces, and lets them sit there until someone coaxes him into eating.
By the time the bell rings, Logan has eaten two celery sticks and one fourth of a peanut butter sandwich. It’s when they all start packing up that he finally whispers, “It’s not real.”
“What?” Roman asks, starting to get worried.
“I mean it’s not me,” Logan shakes his head, “I just...look at pamphlets and warnings and definitions, and it doesn’t matter how much it fits. It’s just...not true. It’s not me. I can’t be doing this to myself.”
“Logan…,” Patton says, but now students are standing outside the door, and Logan is brushing everything into the trash and walking away before anyone can say anything.
Virgil pokes Roman in the side, and he yelps.
“Fix it.”
“Me? Why?” Roman asks.
“Because you’re the only one who has a class with him,” Virgil points out.
“I don’t know how to fix it, I don’t even have my own shit together!”
“Well, duh.”
Roman gasps, offended.
Patton debates going after him, but he has a feeling he’d never be able to convince Logan to skip a class to have a talk about feelings, so he just sighs and says, “Uh, guys? We should go.”
“You need to get to the bleachers, Crofter,” Coach says. His student has just walked into the gym. Logan’s eyes are glazed over, and he’s focusing on the students, counting each one as they pass him in their warm-up lap.
“Crofter. Bleachers,” his teacher repeats firmly.
Logan visibly shakes himself out of his trance and starts trudging up the bleachers. He actually considered skipping class, as Roman had done the previous week, but everything in him screamed that was wrong.
He has a feeling it won’t work, but it’s worth a shot. Instead of sitting next to Roman, he keeps walking, straight past him. A noble effort, but useless, because Roman just stands up and follows him.
“Do we have to make this difficult? I was really hoping we could just get to the opening up and talking thing that Picani and Sanders are trying to get us to do,” Logan keeps walking, “You know, Coach is going to yell at us for being up here.”
That makes Logan stop. Roman runs into him.
“Seriously? That worked? I mean, okay,” Roman says as they both sit down, “So what is this spacey thing you’re doing?”
“I am not spacing out,” Logan says, “I am counting.”
“Counting? Counting what?”
Calories. Steps. “Nothing,” Logan says, immediately, then he alters it to, “Everything. It’s not important.”
“I feel like if it was unimportant, you would be able to stop doing it.”
“I can stop doing it,” Logan says. Roman looks skeptical, “Stop looking at me like that! I’m fine. It’s fine. You are making a big deal out of nothing.”
“Me?” Roman huffs, “First off, not just me. Me and Virgil and Patton and definitely Picani and Sanders when I tell them.”
“Tell them whatever you want,” Logan snaps, “It doesn’t matter.”
“Doesn’t matter?” Roman suddenly goes quiet, “Logan, what do you mean?”
“I’m not going back to group,” Logan tells him, “I told you during lunch. I don’t have an eating disorder-”
“You don’t feel like you have an eating disorder,” Roman corrects.
“If I don’t feel like I have one, then what makes everyone so sure I do?”
“Probably because you can’t eat anything other than celery, bread, peanut butter, and jam,” Logan flinches at that, “Shit, no, wait-it’s fine. We’re not, like, judging you for your food or anything, it’s just-”
“It’s too much.”
Roman blinks. “Excuse me?”
“Do you know how many calories are in those? Do you know how much is in the jam alone? Because I do, and it’s in my brain and it won’t get out, it won’t stop, it won’t-” Logan’s hands tear at his hair for a second before he pulls them out and takes a deep breath. “I just started eating everything again, without any troubles. I don’t have a problem at all.”
“...I have several concerns,” Roman says, “Okay, one, I do know, thanks, and even for me, four things you feel comfortable eating is, like, a super low number. Two, you are definitely currently having troubles. So there’s a no for that. And also no to you not having a problem. Again, currently, having a very big problem.”
Logan leans forward, puts his head in his hands. Roman sighs.
“Logan? Do you realize why you’re here?”
“To...learn? That’s typically what you go to school for-”
“No. I mean like, right here. On these bleachers. I know it’s really easy to forget, but you are hurting your body and that’s why you have to be up here.”
Logan lifts his head up from his hands, keeping his eyes on their peers below.
“Or maybe he’s just wrong. Maybe all these complications are just in my head-”
“Okay, we’re going to play a game,” Roman says, holding up a finger with one hand and digging for his phone with the other.
“These complications, what are they?”
“Oh, they’re just little things that show I’m not quite as healthy as someone my age should be-”
“So, little things? Like being cold and shivering?”
“Um. Yes?” Logan says, surprised.
“No, I drink eight glasses a day-” Logan cuts himself off. Wait. “Wait. Dry skin, dizziness, headache...maybe?”
“So, you have headaches, dry skin, and you get dizzy?”
“Yes...I don’t see how this is game.”
“The game is called, ‘Google Anorexia Side Effects and See How Many Logan Has’.”
“Ah. I don’t like this game.”
“Too bad! Ever fainted?”
“No.” His legs have crumpled under him and he’s been left scrambling for the counter to grasp on to. Sometimes his head swims, and he doesn’t remember how he got on the floor or why he’s holding on to the staircase like that. But Roman doesn’t need to know that.
Logan glares at him and doesn’t say anything.
“Got it,” Roman says, putting his phone away. “Now how likely is it that you’re going to explain this counting thing to me?”
“The counting is not a thing, it’s just...sometimes I need to keep my brain occupied.” Because he’s afraid of what will happen if he lets go. He needs something to ground him in reality, to keep him steady. It was a healthy coping mechanism, really. Honestly.
Logan was not freaking out. He was trying to prove-no, he was trying to show everyone that he didn’t have anything wrong with him. So, crying over jam is definitely not a possibility.
But he can’t find it. He has searched and moved everything in his cabinet and shuffled things around but he can’t find it.
His mom walks in and he peeks around the door.
“Mom? Did you pick up the jam like I asked you to?”
“Oh, that,” she says, “I actually have been cutting some things out of my diet, to be healthier, so I didn’t pick that up. It’s too tempting to have around the house.”
“Tempting. Of course.”
“It’s not a big deal, Logan,” she says, “In fact, a healthier diet may help you out.”
His mind, the traitor, thinks back to gym class and Roman’s “game.”
“Actually, my doctor wanted me to avoid that.”
“Funny, that’s usually the first thing they want to change,” she laughs, then immediately cuts herself off, “Oh darn!” she rushes over to the fridge, where the calendar is hung up. “You were supposed to have an appointment today. If we hurry, we’ll still be late, but maybe-”
Logan knows about the appointment, and he knows he should have reminded her like he does every day. But instead he says, “You know what? Don’t worry about it.”
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Anime Boston 2018 | Day One
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This was by far the best con yet! This was Kate and I’s first con where we actually met awesome people! Kate and I always make it a goal to make friends at cons but we get too nervous to talk to new people but this con was so much different! We met brilliant new people every day at the con and it was honestly a dream come true! There are so many faces I cannot wait to see again! 
Day One we went as Deku and Uraka and get this WE WERE ACTUALLY AHEAD OF SCHEDULE IN THE MORNING!! When we left the hotel by 9:15 I was honestly SHOOK! I was so proud of us because usually Kate and I say we’ll leave at a certain time but then we spend too much time being cozy in bed and then scramble to get ready. We left the hotel and the first thing we did was we went and picked up our badges. The badge line was luckily not bad at all! It took us maybe 20-30 minutes which was a shock! SO THANK YOU PRE-REGISTRATION YOU’RE THE REAL HOMIE!! <3 
After picking up our badges we decided to get Starbucks because Deku and Uraraka are basic. Kate and I both got coffee fraps and a double chocolate chip frap for our friend Nicole ( @talacosart ), which turned out to actually be for her friend Orion. Sneaky sneaky! But honestly I would’ve picked up coffee for anyone TBH just say the word and I got you! Because of all the frappuccinos in my hand, I forgot to record me meeting Nicole for the first time!!! It was a chase through the artist alley. I went through aisle and aisle until I finally spotted her! I shouted, I think don’t quote me on this, NICOLE! She stared at me for a moment and just didn’t say anything but then after a few seconds it clicked and we went in for the running hug! She later admitted she forgot what I looked like...thanks Nicole -_- <3 
I introduced her to Kate and she introduced me to three of her very sweet and awesome friends! Later that night I asked Nicole for her friends’ Instagrams so I could stalk them only to discover that I already followed them and already stalked them a few weeks ago. Orion taught me “bust a nut” so that’s exciting! What a guy!! We roamed the artist alley for a long while and I gushed over all the beautiful Lance art and Tododeku art. After artist alley, I really kind of forgot what we did after that...I want to say OH WAIT I REMEMBER!! We went up to Nicole’s room so that she could change into Killua from Hunter X Hunter!!! We waited for Nicole to change and Kate and I bonded with her dad Jim while watching Friends and talking about the origin of the laugh track. Then we went to lunch at California Pizza Kitchen and Kate and I shared a Margarita Pizza. The Margarita Pizza had hidden tomatoes in it and I was not happy but it was still yummy I guess. Jim paid for lunch which was INSANELY KIND AND GENEROUS!! Kate and I insisted that he didn’t but he insisted that he did and I couldn’t believe he would pay for the food of two strangers. It was so sweet! <3 THANKS AGAIN JIM!!!!!!
After lunch, we went to the Vendor’s Room! Kate was on the hunt for a One Punch Man figurine for her brother Alex and I just wanted something cute and fluffy. As we were walking through the vendor’s room we realized that Josh Grelle, THE VOICE OF ARMIN MY BEST BOY, was having a signing which is wild because I thought I was going to miss it because I thought it was at 8 PM!! So I jumped right into line and Kate and Nicole were so sweet to wait with me!! Josh was soooooo sweet and funny and he spoke to me in his Armin voice and I almost started crying. It was an amazing experience and I’m so happy I got to meet the man behind some of my most precious children (Armin, Yuri, and Nitori). 
Kate and I invited ourselves to the Hunter X Hunter meetup and somehow became professional photographers for the meetup. Well I mean not really but I pretended like I was. I snapped 10000000 pics of Nicole and the whole gang! And I’m pretty sure at first the people at the meetup thought I was just some creepy stranger BUT I PROMISE IM NOT!! Got some awesome shots of Nicole and some meme shots of her, Kate, and I. But who doesn’t love a good meme? 
We all went back to Kate and I’s hotel so we could change into our onesies for the BNHA PJ meetup. Kate wore a pig onesie and I wore my carrot onesie. We stayed at the hotel for about an hour and we laughed at Barbie Vlog Videos and we told some fun stories from high school and talked about prom experiences and such. It was really fun and awesome bonding time!! Then we went to Nicole’s hotel room again and Nicole changed into Todoroki for the BNHA PJ meetup. NICOLE CHANGED SO MUCH ON FRIDAY OML BLESS HER SOUL. Then we walked to the place where we wanted to eat dinner but it was too fancy for us to eat there in cosplay so we had to scramble to find a new place. We finally decided on going to a Poke place right across from the con and I don’t think Nicole and Kate liked it that much :( BUT I LOVED IT! On our way there we ran into a nice man on a bicycle who asked us all about the convention and he told us about his first con experience at Katsucon when he was 8. He told us he was thankful we ran into him so that he knew the con was going on and he pulled out his phone to buy tickets. He gave us great advice on where to eat the rest of the weekend and then he biked away! We never saw him at the con but I hope he made it and had a great time!!
The last thing we did was go to the PJ meetup!! It was so fun! I had never been to a meetup of any sorts before and it was fun to see all my fave characters in fun PJs!!! There was a Tokoyami which was awesome and there were a lot of adorable fellow Dekus!!! After the meetup, we did our own little mini photoshoot. We did some Tododeku, Uradeku, and just some trio pics!! A lot of dabbing!! Then we just sat around in that spot for about an hour. We went live and our friend Lu joined us and taught us about how to edit photographs and they showed us their awesome photography project for school. They were worried about it but Kate, Nicole, all the people on the live, and I reassured them that their project was SLAYING AND BRILLIANT AND FABULOUS!!! 
We got back to the hotel at about 12:30 AM and I started looking through vlog stuff, took a shower, watched my friend Faith go live on Instagram and do some awesome cosplay makeup, and watched Netflix till about 2:00 AM. After Kate got out of the shower she was on her phone for about 30 minutes and then she passed out. We were so happy with how the day went and we were so excited to do Voltron the next day!!!!! 
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faithfulcat111 · 6 years
Just Shapes - Chapter 11
Day 11 (Saturday)
RomanoTaco: hey pat, you ok? PattyCake: ya lo wsnt to mad RomanoTaco: did you tell him? PattyCake: most of it RomanoTaco: im gonna go w verg 2day PattyCake: ok
LBerry: Planets are to be pitied as they cannot know how big and cool they are.
Roman managed to slip out of the house with minimal berating from his mom about getting in so late, which he chalked up to a miracle in and of itself. He couldn’t find Elliott or Dr Picani during his late afternoon wanderings, but he did find Talyn back up on the roofs and the two quickly started making there way to the tracks with some more tin soldiers for Talyn to destroy. As they arrived and got into position, Talyn looked over at him and said, “You look horrible. Like you have been through way too many wash cycles, Killer.” Roman rolled his eyes, pulling up his legs and waiting for the train to pass before responding, “Look, it’s been a long week.” “Yeah, how much sleep did ya get last night?” Talyn challenged. Roman furrowed his brow as he tried to remember when exactly he went to bed, “I think it was 14 hours. So, less than usual.” Talyn gave some sort of indistinguishable sound of surprise and Roman looked over at them in confusion. “14 hours is less than usual?” Talyn gasped. “Dude, I’m lucky if I hit five.” Roman turned his head away before answering, “Look, I don’t rest well when I sleep. I feel more rested the more I get because of my nightmares.” Talyn hummed in agreement, “Now, nightmares I can understand. But you really shouldn’t be sleeping for 14 or however many hours you do sleep.” Roman didn’t answer, choosing to just lay there as the train passed by. Once it did, he chose to change the subject, “You know what Possum Springs is lacking?” “Wifi? Cell service? Any technology post-1980’s? A public pool?” “All of those, yes. But I was thinking that what Possum Springs is really lacking is-” Roman paused for dramatic effect, “-a serial killer!” Talyn raised a carefully coloured eyebrow at him, “Dude, don’t you count?” Roman huffed, “No, not me! A real bonafide killer who, you know, wants to kill people.” “Well, you did try to kill someone,” Talyn tried to point out. “No, I didn’t,” Roman turned his head away. “People think you did.” “I wasn’t trying to kill him. It was just a thing that happened,” Roman snapped, his voice trailing off as another train came by. Once it passed, Roman stood up and started to walk away. “Wait, where are you going?” Talyn called after him. “Don’t you want to see the monsters?” Roman turned back to them with a sad smile, “No thanks. I’m gonna go find my own.” Talyn’s whole face melted into one of confusion and horror. “Be safe, Talyn. Please,” Roman turned and walked away, not entirely surprised when Talyn didn’t come running after him. After all, he had given them no reason to.
Roman found Virgil at the Ole’ Pickaxe, giving about a hundred different warnings to his employee, Corbin, about what he would do if he came back and found even one part of the store out of place. Roman was impressed that Corbin’s face managed to stay fairly impassive through the whole exchange, only the slightest inkling of worry etching on his brow. As soon as Roman and Virgil finally left, Virgil lit up a cigarette and said, blowing the smoke into the air, “I hope I didn’t terrify him too bad. He’s a good employee.” Roman frowned, “He didn’t look hardly scared to me.” Virgil smirked as he unlocked the car, “Oh, he was freaking terrified. Corbin’s just really good at hiding it. Now buckle up, it’s a long drive.” “How long?” Roman asked as he shut his door. “90 minutes give or take, depending on how many people are out on the road,” Virgil said, snuffing out his cigarette before climbing in himself. Virgil was right, it was a long drive. Roman was extremely tired still, so he dozed on and off while Virgil blared loud music from the stereo. It was only when they pulled into a small town that Virgil turned the music down and Roman started to pay attention to the town. “I’ve never been to Gainesville before?” Virgil took another puff of the cigarette he was smoking, “Yeah, it is kinda small compared to wherever you went to school, but it has a university. Nice college town. Maybe you should have come here, then you wouldn’t have been so far away.” Roman grunted, “Yeah, maybe. Who do you even know here though?” “Old friend from high school, you probably don’t know her,” Virgil said as he started to pull into an open spot on the side of the street. “Really?” Roman questioned. When Virgil didn’t respond, Roman huffed and turned to look back out the window. He noticed the sign of one of the storefronts, “Hey, look! They have a scouts program here! Remember when we were in that.” Virgil hummed as he stepped out of the car, “Yeah, that’s where we met.” “Why did you even pick me out of all people to hang out with there?” Roman asked, closing his door behind him. “I started hanging with you cause I was new and you seemed smart and fun,” Virgil explained. Roman turned to him, “Well, what am I now?” “Fun,” Virgil deadpanned. “I hate how you keep saying I’m not smart,” Roman huffed, following Virgil who had started walking down the street. “Sorry,” Virgil said with a smirk. “I’m mostly kidding.” “Mostly?” Roman questioned but didn’t get a chance to continue as Virgil quickly snuffed out his cigarette, returned the other half to his case, and started down a set of stairs. Roman quickly scrambled after him, following him into what seemed to be a basement bar. A girl with short brown hair was standing at the bottom of the stairs, peering up with a glass bottle in her hands. As soon as she recognized Virgil, she exclaimed, “Verge! Where have you been? I was beginning to think you wouldn’t make it!” Roman peered around Virgil as he said, “Yeah, sorry about that.” The girl laughed, “Dude, it’s no issue. But I have a few possible prospects and I didn’t want to let that go to waste. Boy, you reek of cigarette smoke!” “This whole place does,” Virgil snarked, shoving his hands into his hoodie pockets. “Yeah, but it is wafting off of you. I thought you said you were gonna cut back and try to- who is this?” the girl had finally noticed Roman and was now glaring at him. Roman tried for a nice smile, holding out a hand, “Hi, I’m Ro-” “Everyone knows who you are, Roman Sanders,” the girl crossed her arms, one long fingernail against her bottle. “Oh, um,” Roman pulled his hand back as he struggled to find some way to respond to that. “Valerie,” Virgil cautioned. “I brought him. Now, what is the plan?” Valerie narrowed her eyes before turning to Virgil, “Dancing first. When the guys I have my eye on come back, then we move in.” “Are you sure?” Virgil asked, his voice dropping more and more into his deadpan. “Now, Verge, have I ever let you down before?” “Well, there was that one debacle with the-” “Other than that incident we never speak of,” Valerie cut him off. Virgil sighed then shook his head. “Good, let’s go.” “Man, she is intense,” Roman whispered to Virgil as they followed her out to the dance floor. “Yeah, well, she is just looking out for me. She was my only friend in high school,” Virgil said. Roman stopped as the reminder hit him, letting Virgil go slightly out in front of him before following once again. They weren’t out on the dance floor for very long before Valerie stopped them and pointed back towards the entrance. “I see them. Let’s go,” she grabbed Virgil’s hand and made to pull him towards whomever she had her targets set on, but Virgil dug in his heels quickly. He looked back at Roman, “You’ll be okay, right?” “Yeah, I’ll come find you when I’m done dancing,” Roman nodded. “Okay, no alcohol, remember.” And with that, Virgil was gone, following Valerie through the crowd. Roman continued to dance for a while but was beginning to think that he should get a drink when he spotted someone leaning against the wall. He slowly walked over greeting them with a loud hi. The mysterious person looked over at him, their piercing blue eyes staring directly at him from under their fluffy blue bangs, “Hey.” “Um, do I know you?” Roman asked, vaguely noticing a hint of black ink peeking out from under the person’s scarf. “Nope,” the person said, a smile on their face. “What’s your name?” “Roman. Roman Sanders,” he introduced himself with a slight bow. “Roman,” they repeated. “I like it. Sounds like it could be royalty if your last name was King or Prince.” Roman laughed, “Nope. But I could be a witch for all you know. Maybe I have hexed you with my name.” The undeniably cute person laughed in response, a dimple appearing in their right cheek, “Well, Roman Sanders. What’s your story?” Roman thought for a long moment. He could lie, but this cute girl, boy? Whatever they were, he just didn’t feel like lying to them. “I’m a recent college dropout,” he explained. “I am chasing a ghost or it is chasing me, I’m not really sure. I’ve had these dreams that I’m not sure were dreams, more like jumbled bits of history. I think I met god, but who’s to say. But I’m pretty sure the ghost kidnapped someone. I’m like 90% sure I didn’t imagine that, but my friends aren’t buying it. I came home in order to feel normal again, but that isn’t really working out. But then I came here and I saw you and…” Roman trailed off, looking up at those gorgeous eyes again. Upon realizing they looked extremely worried, he laughed nervously, scratching at the back of his neck, “I just realized I’ve never listed that all out at once before.” “Wow,” they breathed out. “I stole your life story.” Roman chuckled, ‘Yeah, I guess.” “Hey,” the person reached out to grab Roman’s hand. “Watch this,” they placed their own hand on top of Roman’s and then traced a pattern over top with a blue-painted finger. Roman instantly felt about ten times calmer. “Wow,” he breathed. “Pretty cool, huh?” they smiled, still holding onto Roman’s hand. Roman looked back up at those eyes, “Wow.” They chuckled and then they both just stood there for a long moment. Roman finally said, “Um, I’m gonna go let my friend know I’m over here. I told him I would let him know when I was done dancing.” “Okay,” they leaned in a little closer. “You do that.” They dropped Roman’s hand, leaning back against the wall. Roman took a step back, finding moving very difficult. “I-I’ll be right back,” he managed. “I’ll be here.” Roman took another two steps back before finally turning and ducking through the crowd, trying to find Virgil and/or Valerie and let them know he was going to be over there talking to that bombshell of a person. He found both of them talking to a couple of more guys. “Hey Verge!” he called out as he walked over to stand next to his friend, eyeing the glass bottle of bright green liquid in his hands. “Hey Roman. This is Nate,” Virgil said, waving at one of the guys who merely hummed, scratching at the stubble on his chin. “And I’m Sloane,” the other guy said, a smile on his face. “Your friend is pretty cool.” “Yeah,” Roman looked up at Virgil, noting how rigid he was standing. “Yeah, he’s pretty alright. Did he tell you I saw a ghost the other day?” Roman raised an eyebrow in confusion as Virgil giggled, but Sloane just asked, “Like Memento Mori?” “Yeah, yeah, sick transit glorya nerd,” Roman scoffed. When Virgil giggled again, he turned more towards him, “You’re laughing a lot.” “So,” Nate spoke up, apparently not having heard Roman’s comment. “Virgil, that’s an old name. Like something you hear in a book.” “A book you like?” Virgil suggested. Roman looked up at his friend in confusion. This was very weird. Did Virgil always act this way around others when Roman wasn’t around? That couldn’t be right. “I used to read a lot,” he spoke up, trying to redirect the conversation with the first thing that popped into his mind. “My grandad read to me when I was younger. Before he got dementia and died.” There was silence for a moment before Nate spoke again, “Sorry about your grandad, dude.” “It’s okay, it was years ago,” Roman shrugged. “Virgil’s mom is dead too.” Virgil let out another nervous giggle, hissing between his teeth, “Roman, stop.” “It’s okay,” Roman turned back towards the boys, purposely avoiding Valerie’s darkening glare. “I’m sure everyone here knows someone who has died.” There was silence for a long moment and Roman was starting to worry when Sloane spoke up, “My dog died last spring when my house exploded. There was a gas leak from when my dad hit the line trying to dig up the dog we had before that because we were going to move and my dad said he had to come with us.” There was silence for another long moment as everyone stared this time at Sloane. “Wow,” Valerie finally said, breaking everyone’s stares. “So, Nate, what are you majoring in?” Virgil asked, trying to get the conversation back to where it was before. “Political science,” Nate said, taking a sip from his own bottle, the liquid a murky brown. “Oh, that’s cool. Are there a lot of jobs in that?” Virgil asked. “Oh, I don’t know,” Nate shrugged. “I just find it really interesting. I think you have to be pretty materialistic to go to college just to get a job afterwards.” “That’s interesting because-” “Whoa, stop!” Roman cut off Virgil, his voice low. “Check out rich kid over here. Gonna pay zillions of dollars to go to school just cause something ‘is interesting.’ Verge, check this guy out. You ever worked a day in your life, prep?” Nate took a step back, frowning, “I interned at my uncle’s law firm, yes.” “Well, I bagged groceries,” Roman growled back. Virgil laughed lowly before saying, “That is so interesting. Roman, do you want to go dance some more?” Roman looked up at him, but before he could answer, Virgil gave him a subtle push, “You should go dance.” “Yeah, my parents own their own business, so,” Nate spoke again and Roman chose to stick around while Virgil was distracted again. “Oh, tell me about it,” Virgil asked with genuine interest. “I know a thing or two about running a small business.” Nate smiled, “Wanna go across the street and get a pizza?” “I could eat,” Virgil said. “And it’s a small business!” “You speak their language,” Nate laughed. “You can get us free slices.” Roman growled. He was sick and tired of this guy. “Verge doesn’t like spoiled rich kids, Maggie.” Valerie cut in, “I would like to go with you guys if you don’t mind.” “Sure,” Virgil said with a smile. “The more the merrier.” Roman was done with this whole situation. Why was Virgil acting so weird? He was obviously still super tense, but wanting to hang with these spoiled brats more. The lights of the bar were starting to blend together in Roman’s peripheral vision, but he had his sights set in on a certain guy who still stood out clearly from the crowd. “Hey Michael, let me tell you something about Virgil Alighieri. He is super on top of things, super smart, and super responsible. He runs like the biggest store in Possum Springs.” “Roman, no,” Virgil whispered. Sloane spoke louder, confusion on his face, “What the heck is Possum Springs?” “It’s west, in the mountains,” Nate explained. Roman just kept going, his eyes flashing, making the red more obvious, “While rich kid over here is studying politicians or whatever, Virgil’s out in the real world. Not like you college kids.” “Roman!” Valerie gasped, her hand clenched so tight that if her bottle was plastic, she surely would have crushed it. “What?” Nate looked over at Virgil in confusion, while Virgil just stared down at the ground, nervously giggling to himself. “I’m kinda over the whole college thing myself. Virgil and I basically run Possum Springs except there’s like a ghost or something,” Roman continued. “You two live in Possum Springs?” Sloane questioned. “Yeah, got a problem with that?” Roman snapped back. “Wow,” Nate whistled. “You drove all the way here from Deep Hollow County? Isn’t that like two hours away?” “No, I…” Virgil trailed off, trying to hide the shaking of his hands. Nate barked out a laugh, elbowing a confused-looking Sloane, “These two drove all the way from Deep Hollow! That’s rich!” “But, aren’t you like a student?” Sloane asked, confused. “Yeah, well, you see, I’m,” Virgil stammered. Suddenly his bottle fell out of his hand, crashing to the floor, spreading sticky soda everywhere. He put one hand up to his mouth and turned and ran, disappearing up the nearby stairs. “Wait! Virgil!” Valerie quickly took off after him. “What was that about?” Roman heard Sloane ask behind him. “I don’t think he’s a student here,” Nate sighed and a sloosh followed. “So?” Sloane still sounded utterly lost. Roman turned to give them a warning growl before running after Virgil. At the top of the stairs, he found Valerie across the street, calling for Virgil. Valerie spotted Roman running across the street and ran to meet him, her eyes dangerously dark. “What the hell was that?” she screamed. “I was going to ask the same thing!” Roman yelled back. “How in the world did you mess that up! He needs this! And now he’s who knows where! I swear, if anything has happened to him, I will personally end you,” she snapped. “Okay, geez!” Roman held up his hands in surrender. “Okay,” Valerie took a deep breath. “I’m going to go up the street, you go down to the docks. We find him, make sure he is safe, and meet back here. Got it?” “Got it,” Roman agreed and the two split, intent on finding their mutual friend. Roman ran down the side of the street, scanning everyone around him through the mist, trying to just spot his friend. Finally, he spies the docks up ahead with a silhouetted figure sitting at the end of one. He makes almost completely there before finally collapsing a few feet away. The figure turned around, Virgil’s dark brown eyes looking at him with contempt. Roman just gasped for air, “Sorry, I just ran all the way here. And it wasn’t even that far. I’m just really out of shape.” Virgil huffed and turned back to the river. He didn’t speak until Roman finally could breathe again and asked, “What happened back there?” “What happened?” Virgil snapped. “You ruined that chance I had! A chance at feeling normal for once in my shitty life! I don’t know if you could even realize how bad it is. My entire life ended the day my mom died. Now I have to take care of what is left of my family and every single day what little chance of a future outside of Possum Springs I have left slips away. You gave up the very thing I want so bad and I can’t help but hate you for it!” Virgil’s voice cracked finally as he lowered his head into his shaking hands. Roman pushed himself back up into a sitting position staring down at his own hands, eyes on a scar running along his left thumb. He muttered, “You don’t know anything about it.” Virgil’s head snapped back towards him, his face faintly flushed red under his foundation, “What is there to know?” Roman growled back, “You judge me, but did you ever ask why I left?” “Yeah. Your first day back.” “Oh,” Roman deflated, the little bit of righteous anger left leaving as his whole body sagged. “Right.” There was silence for a moment, as Virgil looked back out at the river. “So,” Virgil finally asked. “Why did you leave?” Roman blinked, staring at the strangely shaped boats across the river, “I… I don’t know. My head is in pieces right now. Any answer would sound nuts.” “Oh, well that’s illuminating,” Virgil deadpanned with a roll of his eyes. At this point, only his hands still shaking betrayed that he wasn’t totally emotionless. “Shut up,” Roman growled. “All this stuff going on all week? Ghosts and shit? I met this god thing for crying out loud. And look, we’re both trapped. But we’re trapped together. And I’m sorry.” Virgil looked back at him in surprise, “I don’t think you’ve ever apologized to me for anything.” “Well,” Roman shrugged. “I guess I’m full of surprises.” After another long moment, he asked, “Would we be friends if he weren’t stuck together?” Virgil sighed before admitting, “I don’t know.” After another long moment, Virgil groaned again before lowering his head back into his hands, “My life is so embarrassing. Why did I even come here? I almost didn’t. If you hadn’t said yes, I would have cancelled on Valerie.” “Hey,” Roman scooted closer so he was sitting next to his friend. “You are genuinely one of the strongest people I know. It takes a lot of bravery to try and change the entire course of one’s life.” Virgil snorted, his smile more genuine then any other he had given that night, “And I guess you aren’t as big of an idiot as I say. And you’re a genuinely good person.” Roman smiled, turning to look back over at the misty river, “I’ll take it. And tonight was a complete loss. I met a cute… someone.” “Really?” Virgil looked over at Roman with a cocked eyebrow. “What’s their name?” Roman opened his mouth to answer, but stopped, his eyes wide, “I-I don’t know. I didn’t even get their contact information. Virgil, we have to come back sometime!” He reached over, grabbing Virgil’s sleeve and shaking it with wide eyes while Virgil just laughed. “Okay, okay, we’ll come back,” he said as he pushed himself to his feet, holding out one still-shaking hand to help Roman to his feet as well. “We should make good time going home, it is such a clear night.” Roman looked back at the misty night behind them in confusion, before turning and chasing after Virgil.
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