#school house rock jr
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Im going to a theatre camp where you’re guaranteed to get a role in the play (it’ll be my first ever actual play/performance)
One of the nearby theatres is doing newsies (I was too young to audition cause it was hs and up :( unfortunately)
the same theatre is doing Dear Evan Hansen this season
can I be any luckier???
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chrystal-ink · 3 months ago
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Shadvent calendar Day 8
Shadow x GN Reader
Shadow sat in the living room watching you from the window as you stood in the front yard forming a plan in your head. "What on earth are they doing?" he thought to himself.
He watched you bend down and create a snowball. "they better not bring that in the house" his worries were soon proven to be baseless as you placed the snowball back on the ground and ... began rolling it around? what.
letting his curiosity get the better of him he put on his coat and made his way out to you.
you were off in your own little world there was a task at hand and you needed to complete it. you carefully rolled the snowball around, your smiling as it grew in size picking up more and more snow as you went.
You were chasing the nostalgic high remembering the days of your childhood when school would be called out and there was nothing to do but play in the white fluffy miracle that mother nature had left for you. you were so focused on your task that you didn't notice your partner coming up behind you.
"What are you doing?"
"Gah!" you jumped abandoning your snowball on the ground. "oh, hi." you laughed. "I'm just making a snowman."
"I was feeling nostalgic"
"you did this a lot as a child?"
"Of course, everyone who grew up in a snowy climate did, or at least tried to."
"is it hard?"
"Not really, except maybe when you're little, even then it's pretty easy, you just need someone who can lift heavy stuff. Wanna join?"
"I'm not interested in doing children's activities."
"Oh come on, it's not that bad, besides you've never done it before, why not try just this once, please."
"Fine, just this once."
you gave Shadow a smile as you instructed him on how to construct the middle. once all the pieces were complete and assembled you grabbed some rocks and made a little smiley face.
"There, ta da!"
"He's not done he needs a nose."
"Since when were you the expert on snowman construction"
"It's in every depiction of a snowman. if I'm building a snowman I'm going to do it right." he stated before walking back into the house presumably to grab a carrot.
You smiled at him as he walked away, choosing to make your new task finding some arms for the newest member of your family. unfortunately the only thing you could find were tiny twigs, shadow would most definitely disapprove of the little twigs for arms but you had a better idea.
Shadow came back out as you were finishing up the final details.
"Perfect you're back hand me the carrot."
Obeying he handed you the vegetable, you happily took it shoving it into the middle of the face.
"Done!" you declared.
Shadow came around to the front to see you placed twigs around the eyes giving the snowman a permanent scowl.
"he looks just like his father"
"He's a snowman he doesn't have a father"
"He needs a name"
"No he does not."
"I've got it! Shadow Jr. !"
"Absolutely not."
"It's perfect."
"You've been hanging out with Sonic too much."
You laughed Kissing his cheek.
"I'm just playing love."
"I know my dear" He said smiling at you pulling you into a hug "besides Y/N Jr. fits better."
you giggled "agreed."
The two of you made your way into the house holding hands leaving your snowman proudly displayed for the neighborhood to see.
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hocuspocusbabyy · 9 months ago
I’m sorry but just IMAGINE Eloise and Cressida as parents?!
Cressida would 100% be a full blown PTA mum, planning all the best events for her children’s school.
Eloise would inevitably be dragged along to help decorate and somehow end up agreeing the directing the school play - because she’s read the book a MILLION times! And “Couldn’t possibly let them butcher it.”
They’d have two daughters and a son. Aged, 5, 3 and 6 months. Lunet, Maeve and Benedict Jr.
Eloise would try sneaking treats that Cressida had baked for a fundraiser. Getting caught with frosting on her mouth, she swears blind to her wife she a no idea where it came from.
Cressida baking special cookies just for Eloise to eat! 😭
Eloise would read to the children every night, Cressida insisting she’s just there to tuck them in but ultimately sat across the bottom of the bed to listen too.
Cressida will often insist Eloise continues reading despite the fact the kids are already asleep, and they will have to reread that chapter again the next evening!
Uncle Benedict would love taking care of the children so their mothers may enjoy a walk or weekend alone 🥹 “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do! Though I suppose that doesn’t leave a lot.”
Uncle Colin and Aunt Pen would already arrive with an array of wonderful gifts. Eloise has a shelf of trinkets, many from Cressida and her family. Stemming from rocks, sea shells and pressed flowers to tiny figurines and bottles of sand from Colin’s travels.
Eloise secretly adores that Cressida insists on hanging Benedict’s painting’s in their home.
Eloise will often return home to Cressida and Violet sharing tea in the garden - Violet cannot go more than a few days without visiting her grandchildren.
Aunt Daphne and Cressida would take great pride in buying the children the cutest shoes and outfits - much to Eloise’s dismay when she finds her youngest in a ‘hideous’ bonnet. “Well what has she got this monstrosity on her head for? Oh my sweet girl don’t worry mummy will protect you from the taffeta.”
Eloise often getting emotional when spending time alone with her wife and children, free of any distractions. Forgoing her book to simple watch Cressida and their toddler play in the grass with wooden blocks.
Cressida tired at the breakfast table a child on either knee, as Elouise and their eldest read the newspaper out loud. Gently kissing their temples and stirring her tea.
Eloise and Cressida often indulging in a sneaky cigarette together at the end of a long week. Hidden out on the balcony to their room - their children fast asleep in the next room. Often shushing one another when their giggling threatens to wake them.
Eloise nearly having a ‘heart attack’ seeing her child on a horse for the first time, insisting her wife is insane and she’d prefer both ‘her girls’ back on the ground.
Cressida being the good cop, Eloise bad cop in many matters. I truly believe Cressida would be the biggest softy towards their children.
Eloise helping the children with their school work, whilst Cressida knits across the room (Cressida is utterly no help academically.)
Violet often insisting on taking the children for the evening because her home is simply ‘too big’ and Cressida and Eloise are ‘still young’.
Cressida and Eloise often opting to enjoy their meals in the form of picnic. Packing up the children to spend the evening down by the river.
Cressida rolling up her sleeves and teaching the children to skim stones.
Eloise sat waiting to aid them all in drying off when they’re done. The baby resting upon her chest.
Eloise often scolding Cressida more than the children, her wife simply brushing her off with terms of endearment or a kiss.
Cressida taking birthdays very seriously, waking up early to decorate the house. They keep Violets birthday hat tradition well alive. Eloise made her one their first birthday spent together and she still has it. Violet cried when they did the same for her.
The entire family often visit for long weekends and dinners - Eloise and Cressida opted to live in the country where there is more privacy and space for them.
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thewizardyfish · 1 year ago
Kiddads headcanons: (Lark and Sparrow)
drinks red wine out of a coffee mug every morning.
Sometimes mixes in actual coffee with the wine (it's fucking disgusting and makes Lark gag)
Low-key kinda an alcoholic in the way that white upper-middle class suburban moms are
Still wears the friendship bracelet him and Lark made for each other as kids, along with a bunch of those beaded circle bracelets and the leather strappy ones.
Abso-fucking-LUTELY rockin' the 'Burks.
Still really likes art and painting but feels weirdly guilty about it so he only does it when everyone else is out of the house.
Has so many crystals it's a fire hazard. (Rocks rock!)
Keeps them right next to the Incense too.
Eats reeses peanut butter cups when he's really drunk and cries about how guilty he is cause they're not vegan as he is actively shoving them in his mouth. He never remembers this in the morning.
Actually, weirdly does not like weed. It makes him paranoid and he starts acting like Lark.
Took shrooms once as was convinced he had prophetic doodler dreams where he saw the end of the world.
He was convinced because it's true. That's literally exactly what happened.
Before he lost his love wolf powers, he got drunk and wandered around in wolf form until he got caught by the pound and Lark had to pay 30 bucks to get him back.
He read homestuck as a kid and LOVED jade but he grew up and ended up more like roses mom.
Both him and Lark watched gravity falls as kids and routinely argued over which twin they were.
Hero once told sparrow that his ponytail made him look like a dead anime mom and it mentally fucked him up for 2 day before he cut his hair down to his shoulders "just incase"
Sparrow doesn't have a favorite. he loves both his children equally. (its hero)
Sparrow believes in his heart that he's a bad father and thinks that Lark would do a better job than him (despite evidence to the contrary)
When Sparrow started doing yoga, both Lark and Henry had a heart attack cause he would do EXACTLY what barry did and start just yoga-ing mid-conversation.
Sparrow is still afraid of snakes.
Sparrow still has dreams about when Lark died in Oakvale, and it scares the shit out of him. Because of that moment, Sparrow is so afraid of Lark dying alone on a mission that it has gotten them into screaming matches because Lark refuses to stop going off on his own.
Sparrows favorite TV show actually IS the sunrise because it's been so long since he's seen it. He paints it a lot.
Sparrows second favorite TV show is gossip girl.
Sparrow thinks Harry Potter is stupid cause real spells are nothing like the Harry Potter ones.... but like.... he also owns a hufflepuff sweater.
If sparrow paints when he's blackout drunk he always ALWAYS paints the doodler. He burns the paintings cause they give him nightmares.
Sparrow feels like he, personally, is the reason the doodler was released. Because his drawing is what started the whole mess.
However, he feels like Henry is responsible for what Lark did.
Sparrow participated in heros training but he wasn't the main source of it. And he's the one who made Lark cut it off.
Sparrow has no idea if either of his kids are actually his. He asked both Rebecca and Lark if the timing lined up and they both just grimaced.
He played barbies with his kids when they were little and considered going to AA meetings after hero made the dad barbie get drunk at 3pm and fall asleep on the couch crying.
Sparrow has seen ALLLL the barbie movies #dadofadaughterthings
His favorite is Princess and the Pauper.
Sparrow was the one who set the school on fire. After he became a love wolf, he wrote a letter of "apology" to the school suggesting they make their classrooms less flammable.
Sparrows favorite kiddad (aside from lark) was Terry Jr. But he wasn't really all that close with him. it's like when you just observe someone from the outside and get invested. They still hung out tho. But both Lark and Sparrow are personally closest with Grant.
Sparrow is more afraid of Lark dying than he is of himself dying.
For the longest time, Lark had pretty short hair, especially in comparison to sparrow who grows his out. But after code purple Lark stopped really caring about cutting it.
Lark bitched about normal never washing his mascot costume but Larks bomber jacket hasn't been washed since before normal's birth.
He smells like cigarette smoke all the time.
Lark drinks black coffee like normal people drink water. he drinks it hot when he can, but he also drinks it cold out of a fucking flask like a psychopath.
His ass never sleeps, or when he does its like 4 hours a night. he's constantly running on 14 cups of coffee and a prayer.
like and share if both you and your twin have ADDICTION ISSUES.
speaking of addictive shit, lark does not drink. he's too fuckin on edge to allow himself to be in a vulnerable position. especially since he has to willingly put his mind at the mercy of the doodler shit.
he did, however, smoke weed a lot with nick as teenagers.
Lark didn't get that moment of being absoultely alone in the world like sparrow did when he watched lark die, so lark literally just doesn't comprehend how much it would effect other people if he died. so he's an insensitive asshole about it.
He cares if he dies, but only in the sense that he feels he's the most capable of the kiddads of fighting the doodler and keeping everyone alive, and dying would inconvenience that.
He got arrested for trying to sneak a gun into hero's 1st grade classroom, quote, "in case of emergencies. its fine. she knows how to use it." unquote.
shockingly, this arguments was not taken well by the police.
Lark lives with sparrow because both of them are a fucking wreck without each other and they need that other half to stabilize them.
Lark knows a shit ton about the rocks on old earth from henry and he HATES that its legitimately helpful knowledge on the plane where its really easy to loose your mind and forget where you are and knowing the geology of the terrain really helps navigation.
He wore his glasses one time. for his drivers test. and has never worn them since.
He's is a really really good driver. he doesn't follow any of the traffic laws, but he's never gotten pulled over, and he'll get you places 3 hours early. He knows how to parallel park too its insane.
during one of the "camping trips" with hero, Lark pretended to be a bear to "keep her on her toes" and got shot in the shoulder.
His ass has like three prepper bunkers.
Lark is no longer afraid of snakes. (lie)
he's not a vegan anymore, and he'd never admit it, but Lark actually still prefers a lot of the "vegan substitute meats" that he ate as a kid.
Larks hair is curlier than sparrows because sparrow brushes his and makes it fluffy rather than curly, but Lark hasn't brushed his hair a day in his life.
Lark definitely has a favorite. its hero.
Larks least favorite of Normal's spouses is Lincoln (he slapped him that one time)
When he was alive, Lark and Terry Jr. had that awkward relationship of like "our friends are friends, but I don't really like you"
The main reason Lark grew out his beard, doesn't wear glasses, is all in an effort to not look like Henry. It mostly works until it doesn't.
Sparrow doesn't make that effort to avoid looking like their dad, and sometimes, he looks just like Henry. Especially when he's being kind and fatherly to hero and normal. Lark feels really bittersweet about it.
Lark knows that the doodler is his fault.
Sparrow has walked in on Lark trying to wrap up actively bleeding wounds in the bathroom in the middle of the night so many fucking times they have a jar for it now.
This is extra annoying to sparrow because sparrow HAS HEALING SPELLS. there is NO REASON for Lark to be actively staining the carpets with blood on his tromp through the house.
Lark is the main one who was training hero, the training was much much more brutal when sparrow wasn't there.
He's deffo the one who made her kill a deer with her bare hands.
Lark got the idea from batman to make contingency plans for if any of his friends turn on him. They're all 10 pages long. Sparrow found his and Lark had to make a whole new plan cause now that one was compromised.
Lark was bribed into playing barbies with the kids and then got yelled at by sparrow when he made his barbie kill all the other barbies.
Grant got prescribed anxiety meds, and Lark made a huge deal about them dulling your senses and instincts so he doesn't take them.
Lark should be on anxiety meds.
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shewhoworshipscarlin · 1 year ago
Anderson Bonner
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Prominent Texas landowner and businessman Anderson Bonner was born enslaved in Alabama around 1839. Not much is known about his younger years. Family history states that Bonner was given as a wedding present to the daughter of his former master, who moved him from Alabama to Arkansas. Anderson may have been “refugeed” in Texas during the Civil War when nearly 100,000 enslaved people from neighboring states were forcibly brought there by slaveholders to avoid the Union Army freeing them as it gradually occupied more of the Confederacy. If Bonner was in Texas by 1865, he—like other Lone Star state enslaved people—gained his freedom when Union General Gordon Granger and Union Troops under his command arrived in Galveston on June 19, 1865 and pronounced the end of slavery. That announcement became the basis for the Juneteenth holiday.
Sometime in 1865 Bonner married a woman known only as Eliza. Over time the couple had ten children, Anderson Jr, Newton, William, Ed, John, Andy, Mary, Martha, Charlie and Nash. Bonner arrived in Dallas, Texas, around 1870 with his brother Louis, and sister Caroline and they worked on a farm in the White Rock Creek area. Bonner by this time had acquired modest wealth. The 1870 Census lists his financial worth at $275 or approximately $5,456 in 2020 dollars. On August 10, 1874 Bonner purchased sixty acres of land, signing the deed with an “X”, as he never learned to read or write. He soon began leasing his land and the houses on it to cotton growing sharecroppers. With the money he earned, he bought more land. Bonner eventually amassed over two thousand acres of land in what is now North Dallas and the Dallas suburb of Richardson. The Medical City Dallas Hospital now sits on what was once the Bonner farm and the North Central Expressway divides Bonner’s original property.
Census records in 1900 reveal that six of the ten Bonner children still lived on the Bonner farm. Cotton, corn, and fruits were grown on the family farm worked mostly by Bonner, his children, and sharecroppers. Bonner’s sister, Caroline married into the Fields family, and one of her children married into the Giddings family, both prominent African American families of Dallas in the late 19th Century. In 1903, Eliza was killed in a oil lamp explosion in the family home. Sixty-four-year-old Bonner then married a woman named Lucinda, but the couple had no children.
Anderson Bonner passed away at the age of 82 in 1920. He was buried in White Rock Colored Union Cemetery (now White Rock Garden of Memories Cemetery), in Addison county. His descendants established the Anderson Bonner Endowment Scholarship that helps support Richardson Public School students who attend Prairie View A&M University. The first public school for black children in the North Dallas, the Vickery and Hillcrest school was renamed the Anderson Bonner School before its closing in 1955. The city of Dallas officially named the park west of Medical City Hospital, Anderson Bonner Park in 1976. The park consists of 44.1 acres of Bonner’s original land.
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talesfromawannabewriter · 11 months ago
Adam apple High school AU
. Disclosure on a couple of things, this is omegaverse and most of the cast is 18 and older, including our main couple, and yes everyone is human in this AU
. When Adam Mann was 13, he thought life was perfect he had the most beautiful alpha girlfriend, had amazing parents, was captain of the omega’s soccer team, was incredibly beloved and popular at Eden middle school, yes he thought life was perfect
.until he caught his girlfriend making out with another Alpha
. and that was her way of saying I’ve met someone else, we’re done
. After that he became a bit of a hermit, and just shielded in on himself, so he’d never make the same mistake of giving someone his heart only to have it ripped up again
. and it didn’t help the rumors that went around saying that the reason the couple broke up was because Adam was too clingy and possessive of his former girlfriend, and slightly homophobic over her liking other Alpha's
. but the absolute worst part was seeing his ex Lilith and her new boy toy Luci being lovey dovey with each other everywhere he goes, and not just in school
. and it went like that the rest of eighth grade
. then Adam was sent to Divine Cross Academy by his parents to live with his Aunt Sera in Vermont because his parents saw how miserable he was in Florida at school so he’s sent there
. and life gets better for him
. not instantly of course but over time he doesn’t hold himself back from people, especially when he meets his BFF Lute (an alpha)
. though it did take him awhile to warm up and eventually fully trust her, she helped get him out of his shell and got him to actually enjoy life again, as sad as that sounds
. he manages to become popular again, not THE most popular but still pretty popular, he’s the JR. assistant coach to Lute’s Lacrosse team, started a teen rock band with Lute, called The Exorcists, he’s the lead vocalist and plays the electric guitar which was a gift from him on his birthday, sort of more like his Aunt gave him enough birthday money to buy it but still, all in all he’s pretty well liked at his school for being sweet but badass, sometimes can be a little selfish but people still love him
. it also helps that he’s at the top ten hottest omegas of his school, since A he’s a male omega and that’s rare enough in the states as it is, and B he’s super curvy, helps when your school can afford for lunch perfectly seasoned prime ribs and an ice cream machine with RAINBOW sprinkles
. During his stay with his Aunt Sera he got to become closer with his baby cousin Emily, who sees him as a big brother since he’s been with them ever since she was three
. he’s not that close with his Aunt Sera because she’s a bit of a traditionalist control freak to him, and she thinks he’s too cut loose for an omega
. but he still, somewhat, respects her and her house
. because she’s a devout Christian and was forced to attend church every Sunday he was eventually swayed into the religion and became a Christian as well, not super Bible thumping just someone who believes Christ is their savior
. yes life was pretty great for him, that was until HE transferred
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athousandgateaux · 6 months ago
I spend a lot of time seeking out and listening to queer music and artists, so I thought I'd share a list of some of my favourite artists* in case anyone's interested and doesn't know where to start.
*disclaimer: these are just some of the artists I like, not an exhaustive list of queer musicians. If you want to add suggestions, that would be awesome. I tried to group artists by genre, but many of them cross genres or are difficult to classify in that way.
Anyway, list is under the cut!
-Dog Park Dissidents
-Crack Cloud
-Limp Wrist
-Queen Zee
-Danny Denial
-Fit For Rivals
-The Total Bettys
-Dyke Drama
-Pansy Division
-Art Project
-Trash Boat
-Against Me!
-Sloppy Jane
-Queen Zee
-The Degenerettes
-Size of Sadness
-Seth Bogart
-The Spook School
-Dream Nails
-Gina Young
-Arcadia Grey
-Rina Sawayama
-Kim Petras
-Regina Gently
-Janelle Monae
-George Michael
-Noah Davis
-Sir Babygirl
-The Communards
-I Blame Coco
-Haley Kiyoko
-Boy Jr.
-Sofya Wang
-Allie X
-Tayla Parx
-Hikaru Utada
-Alice Longyu Gao
indie rock / alt-pop / art pop
-Perfume Genius
-Model Child
-Cry Club
-The Magnetic Fields
-Patrick Wolf
-Owen Pallett
-Black Belt Eagle Scout
-Moses Sumney
-Yves Tumor
-Anna Calvi
-Xiu Xiu
-Black Dresses
-Left at London
-Rosie Tucker
-MEN (JD Samson)
-Le Tigre
-Lord Troy
-Hunx & His Punx
-Arthur Russel
-Cris Derksen
-Ezra Furman
-Rhumba Club
-Dizzy Fae
-The Spook School
-Jeremy Dutcher
-Saucy Santana
-Lilac Boy
-Knife Girl
-Mega Mango
-Bree Runway
-The Irrepressibles
-Becca Mancari
-Jayne County
-Gentleman Reg
-Tom Robinson Band
-Chris Conde
-Kalifa (Le1f)
-Quay Dash
-Young M.A.
-Mykki Blanco
-Ocean Kelly
-Cakes da Killa
-Big Dipper
-Cartel Madras
-Angel Haze
-Deep Dickollective
-Saucy Santana
-Big Daddy Karsten
-Ayesha Erotica
-Tayla Parx
-Fly Young Red
-Remi Wolf
-Arlo Parks
-Shea Diamond
-Meshell Ndegeocello
-Dua Selah
-Jackie Shane
-Bronski Beat
-be steadwell
-Orion Sun
-Labi Siffre
-Sufjan Stevens
-Mary Gauthier
-Trixie Mattel
-Lavender Country
-Lord Troy
-Beth Elliot
-Paisley Fields
-Holly Miranda
-Rae Spoon
-Grace Petrie
-Orville Peck
-Lucille Bogan
-Ma Rainey
-Kokomo Arnold
-Peg Leg Howell
-Quanah Style
-Divoli S'vere
-Boy Pussy
-Fritz Helder
-Mx Blouse
-Chippy Nonstop
-Gendered Destruktion
-dj genderfluid
-Electric Fields
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whenreadingiscool · 2 years ago
Stardew Valley Sims 4 Generations Challenge
Original challenge by @chellplays, some revisions by @lybeuh
This is a twelve-generation challenge for all of the marriage candidates from concernedape’s Stardew Valley. This challenge is completely base game compatible with optional challenges for dlc. (Updated to at least High School Years EP)
Usual rules apply, meaning no cheats that give you an unfair advantage. Your sims do not have to look or be named after the characters in each generation. Do whatever you like!
Generation 1: Abigail
    You were raised with humble upbringings. Your dad ran a general store, while your mom was best at complaining about your “alternative lifestyle.” You left home looking to start a life free of rules and parents, and with 20 000 simoleons in your pocket, you settled down in a new city.
Traits: music lover, loves outdoors, geek (alternatively, cats & dogs dlc: cat lover; snowy escape dlc: adventurous).
Aspiration: the curator.
Career: entertainer (musician branch) or tech guru (esport gamer branch).
Have one “quirky” trait, appearance-wise (e.g., Unnatural hair color).
Obtain at least five points in the videogame skill.
max out the rock-climbing skill.
reach at least level 5 in any musical instrument.
Complete the frog collection.
Snowy Escape dlc: climb the top of the mountain in Mt. Komorebi
Have two best friends and marry one of them.
Befriend a ghost. Alternatively, with the vampires dlc, befriend a vampire.
Cats & dogs dlc: own a cat named David Jr., my first pet stuff dlc: have a rat, hamster, etc. named David.
Have at least two children.
Generation 2: Emily 
    You’re just working at the bar to make ends meet… but your real passion is tailoring. You make your clothes from scratch.
Traits: cheerful, music lover, good (alternatively, get together dlc: dance machine; city living dlc: vegetarian).
Aspiration: freelance botanist.
Career: culinary (mixologist branch) or barista.
Must live in the same house as your sibling.
Make a best friend with a sim who lives in another city/world.
Nifty Knitting dlc: max out the knitting skill.
Nifty Knitting dlc: complete the knitted clothes collection.
Grow your own garden. You like your meals organic.
Decorate your house with clothing racks. You love fashion.
Complete the elements or crystal collection.
Develop max affinity with another sim in both the green and pink bars, have two or more children with them, then “ask just to be friends.” 
Never marry.
Generation 3: Sam
    You are an outgoing, friendly sim who is brimming with youthful energy. You play guitar and drums and want to start a band as soon as you have enough songs together. However, you do have a habit of starting ambitious projects and not finishing them.
Traits: music lover, outgoing, ambitious.
Aspiration: musical genius.
Career: entertainer (musician branch).
Must not be the youngest child. Live with your younger sibling(s) until they are old enough to move out and have a good relationship with them.
Have a strained relationship with your father (if not applicable, with any one parent).
Have a job as a part-time retail employee as a teen.
Max out the guitar skill.
Obtain at least five points in the videogame skill.
Reach the job of the entertainer career.
Become best friends with two other entertainers.
Be married twice and have one child with each spouse.
Generation 4: Sebastian
    You are a rebellious loner who lives in your parents’ basement. You tend to get deeply absorbed in computer games, comic books, and sci-fi novels, and will sometimes spend great lengths of time pursuing these hobbies alone in your room. You can be a bit unfriendly to people you don’t know.
Traits: loner, geek, bookworm (alternatively, high school years dlc: socially awkward).
Aspiration: computer whiz.
Career: tech guru (either branch) or freelance programmer.
Have a negative relationship with your half-sibling and stepparent.
Live in the basement of your parents’ house.
Reach at least level 5 of the videogaming skill.
Reach at least level 5 of the piano skill.
Reach at least level 5 of your career before marriage.
Reach the top of your career.
Only have one child, with whom you have a strained relationship.
Eventually let your relationship with your spouse deteriorate and subsequently get a divorce. 
Generation 5: Penny
    You live with your mom in a little trailer. While your mom is out carousing at the bar, you quietly tend to your chores in the dim, stuffy room you are forced to call home. You are shy and modest, without any grand ambitions for life other than settling in and starting a family. You like to cook (although your skills are questionable) and read books from the local library.
Traits: family-oriented, bookworm, neat.
Aspiration: big happy family (alternatively, parenthood dlc: super parent).
Career: none.
Live with your mother (if not applicable, any one parent), with whom you have a negative relationship.
Both you and your parent may not have jobs.
You must cook for your parent and clean the house every day.
Live in a trailer-esque house. You are by no means wealthy.
Reach at least level 5 of the cooking skill.
Marry the first person you fall in love with.
Your spouse is the only one who may bring in any income, while you are a stay-at-home parent. Earning money from writing, etc. is optional.
Own a luxury pool at some point in your life.
Generation 6: Harvey
    You’re a little old for a bachelor, but you have a kind heart and a respected position in the community. You live in a small apartment but spend most of your time working. There’s a sense of sadness about you.
Traits: genius, foodie, good (alternative, get together dlc: dance machine).
Aspiration: successful lineage.
Career: astronaut (space ranger track) or get to work dlc: doctor.
Never date throughout your teens or young adulthood. Focus on your career instead. Get married only as an adult.
Reach the top level of your career.
Own a coffee machine. Drink coffee as much as possible.
Go jogging at least three times a week.
Set up a reading garden in your backyard.
City living dlc: live in an apartment.
Seasons dlc: be a scout.
Have at least two children. Having spent most of your life single, you want to have a comfortably sized family asap. 
Generation 7: Haley
    Being wealthy and popular throughout high school has made you a little conceited and self-centered. You tend to judge people for superficial reasons. But is it too late for you to discover a deeper meaning to life? Is there a fun, open-minded young person hidden within that shell?
Traits: materialistic, snob, outgoing (alternatively, high school years dlc: self-absorbed).
Aspiration: fabulously wealthy (alternatively, city living dlc: city native).
Career: none until after you’re married.
Become enemies with your sibling(s) as a teenager.
Max out the photography skill.
You may only get a career after you are married, and you must follow the same career path as your spouse. They opened your mind and inspired you to have interests beyond shopping.
Earn at least three points in charisma, so you may donate to online charities after you are married.
Bake a cake for every birthday that comes around.
Grow a flower garden.
Become friends with your sibling(s) again after you are married.
High School Years dlc: be a cheerleader as a teen.
Generation 8: Elliot
   You live alone in a cabin. You are a writer who dreams of one day writing a magnificent novel. You are a sentimental “romantic” with a tendency to go off onto flowery, poetic tangents. When you can afford it, you enjoy a strong beverage at the bar.
Traits: romantic, bookworm, loner.
Aspiration: bestselling author.
Career: writer (author branch).
Live in a cabin-esque house.
Reach the top level of your career.
Max the writing skill.
Reach at least level 5 in the piano skill.
Reach at least level 5 of the cooking skill.
Own a small garden.
Specialize in romance books and poetry. Later, you may also specialize in sci fi or mystery novels.
Write love emails to your love interest at least once a week.
Go to a bar at least once a week.
Generation 9: Leah
    You love to spend time outside, foraging for a wild meal or simply enjoying the gifts of the season. You’re a talented artist with a large portfolio of work… yet you’re too nervous to display it to the public.
Traits: art lover, loves outdoors, foodie.
Aspiration: painter extraordinaire.
Career: none (painter later on).
Reach maximum painting skill, and paint at least 5 masterpieces.
Date only one person in your young adulthood and have a child with them, but never marry. Your partner is unsupportive of your artistic lifestyle and encourages you to “get a real job.” Whether you choose to get a traditional career, that is not as a painter, is up to you.
Eventually marry the love of your life as an adult: someone who is supportive of your art. If you did choose a career, quit, and take up a career as a painter.
Have at least one child with your new spouse.
Harvest wild fruits, vegetables, etc. On weekends.
Grow an excellent apple tree.
City living dlc: attend a flea market and sell your art.
Generation 10: Maru
    You acquired a passion for creating gadgets at a young age. When you aren’t in your room, fiddling with tools and machinery, you sometime do odd jobs at the local hospital.
Traits: ambitious, outgoing, geek.
Aspiration: nerd brain.
Career: astronaut (space ranger branch), or get to work dlc: doctor or scientist, or discover university dlc: engineer (either branch).
Have a negative relationship with your half-sibling.
Reach the top level of your career.
Max out the handiness skill.
Max out the logic skill.
Upgrade at least five objects.
Own a rocket ship.
Your sim’s partner must be friends with your father (if not applicable, with either parent) before you can become engaged.
Eventually, your relationship with your spouse becomes strained and you break up. You die as soon as your eldest child is a young adult.
Get to work dlc: get abducted by aliens.
Generation 11: Alex 
     You love sports. You are quite arrogant and brag to everyone that you are going to be a professional athlete. Is your cockiness just a facade to mask your crushing self-doubt? Are you using your sports dream to fill the void left by the disappearance of your parents? 
Traits: bro, active, mean, self-assured, (alternatively, cats & dogs dlc: dog lover), (alternatively, high school years dlc: self-absorbed. 
Aspiration: bodybuilder.
Career: athlete (professional athlete branch).
Become enemies with your father but have had a very close relationship with your mother. 
Begin dating in your teens and go on at least three dates with three different people.
High School Years dlc: join the football team as a teen.
Max out the athletic skill.
Reach the top level of your career.
Do not marry until you are in the later stages of young adulthood. You’re marrying your soulmate, someone who stuck with you despite your arrogance.
Have at least two children with your spouse.
Cats & dogs dlc: own a dog named dusty.
Generation 12: Shane
     You are often rude, unhappy, and suffer from depression and alcohol dependence. However, your attitude starts to change towards your spouse. After work you frequently spend your evenings at the bar. If you could reset your life maybe you’d start a chicken farm. Only free-range eggs of course.
Traits: lazy, gloomy, mean. 
Aspiration: master mixologist, (alternatively, cats & dogs dlc: friend of the animals).
Career: retail worker until after marriage.
Live with your aunt or uncle until you’re married, have a good relationship with said aunt or uncle.
Have a career as a retail worker as a teen.
Go to the bar after work every day.
Get pizza delivered at least once a week.
Only get married as an adult. 
After marriage, quit your job and choose a different career path. You’ve been encouraged by your spouse to give up alcohol.
After marriage, start a garden. 
Have a maximum of two children.
Cats & dogs dlc: adopt a cat and a dog, train the dog in all possible tricks.
Cats & dogs dlc: max out the pet training skill.
Cottage Living dlc: buy a chicken coop, raise chickens, and name one of them Charlie.
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obamousse · 6 months ago
Sakusa and Ennoshita are good friends. Sakusa has a pet rock called Sakusa Kiyoomi Jr when he found a black, ordinary-looking but cute-shaped pebble on a beach during a beach trip with his family when he was five. Ennoshita visits Sakusa a lot and often visits, and even take care of the pet rock, feeding it with water like a plant. He doesn't know why Kiyoomi insists him to - it was a ridiculous idea 5-year-old Kiyoomi thought up when he picked the rock home and thought about the logistics of feeding and taking care of it, and it stuck. It's a harmless tradition Ennoshita was too chill about to question - he is chill about and shrugs off everything. Sakusa's mom knows him, cuz she knows his mom and that's how they became friends.
They had been friends since childhood when Ennoshita sees Sakusa as an unapproachable weird looking guy at first impression, while Sakusa generally was shy toward him. Ennoshita also met Komori quite a few times when he frequented Sakusa's residence - they wave hi to each other but never interact much because Komori is rarely enough in Sakusa's house to see Ennoshita. He's only with Sakusa at school, and Ennoshita only visits Sakusa once in a while during summer break because of long distances.
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ausetkmt · 9 months ago
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William Michael Griffin Jr., better known by his stage name Rakim (born January 28, 1968), is an American rapper. One half of golden age hip hop duo Eric B. & Rakim, he is widely regarded as one of the most influential and most skilled MCs of all time.
Rakim is the nephew of the late American R&B singer and actress Ruth Brown.  He grew up in Wyandanch, New York on Long Island, and became involved in the New York City hip hop scene when he was eighteen years old.
Rakim, then known as Kid Wizard in 1985, made his first recordings live at Wyandanch High School. Rakim was initially introduced to the Nation of Islam in 1986, and later joined The Nation of Gods and Earths (also known as the 5 Percent Nation), and adopted the name Rakim Allah.
First meeting in 1985 after Rakim responded to Eric B.'s search for "New York's top MC", Eric B's friend and roommate Marley Marl allowed them to use his home studio. In 1986, Eric B. brought him to Marley Marl's house to record "Eric B. Is President".
Eric B. and Rakim went on to release four studio albums before their separation in 1992. The duo were described by journalist Tom Terrell of NPR as "the most influential DJ/MC combo in contemporary pop music period", while the editors of About.com ranked them as No. 4 on their list of the 10 Greatest Hip-Hop Duos of All-Time. They were nominated for induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2011, although they did not make the final selection.
The first track they recorded—"Eric B. Is President"—was released as a single on the independent Zakia Records in 1986. After Def Jam Recordings founder Russell Simmons heard the single, the duo were signed to Island Records and began recording the album in Manhattan's Power Play Studios in early 1987.
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On July 7, 1987, the duo released their debut album, Paid in Full, on the Island-subsidiary label 4th & B'way Records. The album peaked at #58 on the Billboard 200 chart and produced five singles: "Eric B. Is President", "I Ain't No Joke", "I Know You Got Soul", "Move the Crowd", and "Paid in Full".[16]Eric B. & Rakim's album Paid in Full was named the greatest hip hop album of all time by MTV in 2006, while Rakim himself was ranked #4 on MTV's list of the Greatest MCs of All Time. Steve Huey of AllMusic stated that "Rakim is near-universally acknowledged as one of the greatest MCs – perhaps the greatest – of all time within the hip-hop community."
The editors of About.com ranked him #2 on their list of the 'Top 50 MCs of Our Time (1987–2007)'. Rakim began his career as the emcee of the rap duo Eric B. & Rakim, who in 2011 were nominated for induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. In 2012, The Source ranked him #1 on their list of the "Top 50 Lyricists of All Time.
After his breakup with Eric B. in early 1993, Rakim kept a low profile, only making one notable appearance on the soundtrack to the 1993 film Gunmen. A reshuffling in MCA caused Rakim to be dropped from the label in 1994. As Rakim continued to struggle with legal problems, he secured a deal with Universal Records and began recording his solo debut album The 18th Letter in 1996. In November 1997, the album The 18th Letter was released. Expectations were high for Rakim, as the album debuted at #4 on the Billboard 200 and went certified Gold by the RIAA.
In June 1999, Rakim appeared on three tracks of "The Seduction of Claude Debussy" by Art of Noise. AllMusic's Keith Farley notes that "the album charts the artistic use of sampled breakbeats -- pioneered by the Art of Noise themselves -- with nods to '80s hip-hop plus their '90s equivalent, drum'n'bass."
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Rakim performing in Hamburg, Germany, June 3, 1998
In November 1999, Rakim released The Master, which received good reviews but sold poorly.
Rakim was signed to Dr. Dre's Aftermath Entertainment record label in 2000, for work on an album tentatively titled Oh, My God. The album underwent numerous changes in artistic direction and personnel and was delayed several times. While working on the album, Rakim made guest appearances on numerous Aftermath projects, including the hit single "Addictive" by Truth Hurts, the Dr. Dre-produced "The Watcher Part 2" by Jay-Z, and Eminem's 8 Mile soundtrack.
However, Rakim left the label in 2003 and Oh, My God was indefinitely shelved. After Rakim eventually left Aftermath Entertainment, he stated that the reason he departed the label was because of creative differences with Dr. Dre. Rakim used a metaphorical example that Dr. Dre wanted Rakim to write about killing someone, while Rakim wanted to write about the resurrection of someone.
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joslincox · 6 months ago
The Bratty Teenage Daughter Trope in Cartoons
Max Goof from A Goofy Movie and An Extremely Goofy Movie, as well as on occasion on Goof Troop, qualifies as a male example. He cares about his popularity and image, loudly complains about minor inconveniences, and is somewhat materialistic, as shown when he expresses envy for his friend who has cool stuff but not a good home life. Most of the time this shows up, however, he learns to appreciate what he has... for now.
Kootie Pie from The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World (1991) is the only Koopa Kid to make "King Dad" sweat via tantrum.
Angelica in All Grown Up! after being a Bratty Half-Pint in Rugrats. In the 1st show, there was Susie's sister Alisa, especially in "The Last Babysitter".
Katie Ka-Boom of Animaniacs. She was more short-tempered and impatient than particularly bratty, though, and was sweet and cute when she wasn't angry.. The 2020 reboot also has one, Cora, who is shown to be upset at having her sixteenth birthday ruined.
Catherine from Arthur in her first appearances. She matures in later episodes, though.
Khalil from Bébé's Kids, who is also an Alpha Bitch, becomes this in later seasons, as Robyn considers it as an "emo phase" for him (the skull in his hat could show proof). The main reason for this is because his voice actor, R&B singer Marques Houston, had just turned 20 years old at the time, while his character was 16.
Caprice the goth teenager from The Crumpets is into fashion and liking boys, but she does remarkably rude things, gets frustrated, and can extravagantly gush when she can't get things the way she wants. She may hate "this world" or herself, the latter case maybe going into suicidal territory.
Quinn Morgendorffer from Daria, as well as Sandi Griffin, who is also an Alpha Bitch. Quinn, at least, grows out of it a bit.
Candy of Dave the Barbarian. Dave and the other lampshade her many attributes with incredible familiarity.
Judy Funnie of Doug is this sometimes, when she's not being a Cloudcuckoolander or Cool Big Sis. Beebe Bluff too, in the Disney version, anyway.
This was the original characterization of Meg Griffin from Family Guy, which was justified by the desire to gain acceptance from her high school peers.
In the short-lived God, the Devil and Bob, Megan qualifies as one, which her mother revels in when Megan, over her objections, tries to adopt a disobedient dog, complaining about it behaving the same way she tends to.
Trina Riffin of Grojband is an exaggerated take to the point of being downright evil in her self-centered, overdramatic attitude. In fact, Grojband gets the inspiration for their songs' lyrics from her angst-filled diary entries. However, it's been hinted that she wasn't always this way.
Judy Jetson of The Jetsons. She sometimes acts much like a typical rebellious American teenage daughter whose interests include clothes, hanging out with boys, and revealing secrets to her diary.
Discussed In The Legend of Korra episode "A Leaf in the Wind" when Tenzin expresses frustration with his teenaged live-in Airbending student, Korra (the fact she's the reincarnation of his father Aang provides a very odd family dynamic). After his daughters witness a particularly bad bout where Korra insults Tenzin's teaching skills, Tenzin tries to avoid the inevitable.
Lori Loud of The Loud House tends to get uptight when things don't go her way. Justified, given her Valley Girl tendencies.
For a non-Valley Girl example, Lynn Jr. She's a Passionate Sports Girl who will often resort to Tantrum Throwing over the pettiest of offenses like losing a board game.
Miraculous Ladybug: Chloé Bourgeois’ father André is not only Mayor of Paris but also a hotel owner. It’s no surprise she’s spoiled and used to getting what she wants, throwing tantrums, or doing petty things out of revenge when she doesn’t. She gets it from her mother.
Serenity Zilla from My Dad the Rock Star, who's spoiled by the rich lifestyle of being a famous rock star's daughter. However, she does have her moments showing she's not quite as shallow or self-centered as she seems.
My Life as a Teenage Robot: Downplayed, but Jenny occasionally acts like a bratty teenage delinquent towards her mother Dr. Nora Wakeman if she doesn’t get her way.
Ozzy & Drix (2012): Ozzy was this as a teenager, as he only cared about shopping for clothes, idolizing artists like My Chemical Romance (Gerard Way in particular) and Avril Lavigne, swooning over his girlfriend Leah Estrogen, delivering comebacks to his popular Mayor brother, Paul Spryman, and arguing with his police chief dad. Seriously, who thought it was a good idea to turn a bratty teenage cell into a cop just because of his family's legacy.
Peppermint Rose has Rose start out as this, and she learns to put others' needs before her own.
Candace Flynn of Phineas and Ferb. High-strung, to boot. Though she's a more minor example. A more major one from the show would be Vanessa, but having an "evil" goofball for a father would do that to any girl.
Martha DeBoar in Pig City is concerned solely with things that benefit her, and takes pleasure in things that negatively impact her brother and cousin in any way
Becky Detweiler in Recess at times. By the end of the movie, she gets better, and is back to the way she was for the DTV movie "Taking the Fifth Grade".
On South Park, Stan's sister Shelley has been this, but it has become progressively less and less covert.
SpongeBob SquarePants: Mr. Krabs' daughter Pearl often falls into this category. She's regularly crying about mild inconveniences and has little patience for Mr. Krabs' weirder quirks even beyond his greed
Gems in Steven Universe are The Ageless, but some of them certainly look and act like teenage girls:
Amethyst is the "rebellious teen" of the Crystal Gems and is frequently at odds with Pearl, the "mother" of the team.
Flashbacks show Pearl acting rather petulant when she was younger, mostly towards Greg, especially for things involving Rose.
After Lapis Lazuli is defused from Malachite, she has a consistent attitude of apathy and untrusting aloofness. She shows a warmer side toward Steven and, eventually, Peridot.
A flashback dream in "Jungle Moon" reveals Pink Diamond to have been a mix of this and Annoying Younger Sibling to Yellow Diamond, with Yellow Diamond acting like an Aloof Big Sis who gets fed up when her bratty fellow Diamond gets in the way of her work. Pink Diamond, clearly trying to get Yellow's attention, whines that she deserves her own army and colony since she's a Diamond and thus just as important as Yellow Diamond. Yellow Diamond snaps that Pink Diamond sure isn't acting very important. The dream ends with Pink Diamond smashing a window in hurt frustration. And by the way, Pink is about twelve feet tall, but still completely dwarfed by the other Diamonds
Molly from Taz-Mania is Taz's younger sister, who despite being more refined than him, often shares his vicious nature, though in a more Sibling Rivalry sense. She loves the boy band New Chips off the Block and worries constantly about her image.
Kitten from Teen Titans (2003), daughter of the supervillain Killer Moth, who forces her father to threaten Robin into taking her to her junior prom.
Amanda Duff, Elmyra's older sister from the Tiny Toon Adventures episodes, "Take Elmyra Please" and "Grandma's Dead".
Debbie Thornberry from The Wild Thornberrys, who would be anywhere except travelling the world to film wild animals with the rest of her family. Though she's at least a little smarter than the average.
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verdemoun · 8 months ago
Sooooo. After the NOT CANON ask about Sean dying early I would like to know if Albert Mason and Hamish were non canon asks (which I would understand since they are not gang members and stuff)
If not how would Albert and Hamish interact with the kids (Jack, Issac, Maeve, and Abigail Jr./Addie)
Also please please please tell me the wheel is NOT canon (at least past Davey and Dutch please)
Also what would Addie and Maeve do on a play date/how do they interact with each other :> (woohoo long ask!)
If i ever get around to writing a proper timewarp fic albert and hamish would not be canon but I do love imagining their interactions with the rest of the gang because they are such good characters.
albert is slightly terrified of maeve and addie and rightfully so i will elaborate later. isaac and jack have the same 'oh no he's a weenie with no survival instincts' response as their fathers did to albert mason. isaac regularly sends him photos of cool animals/bugs he finds on his camping trips with his dads
hamish is isaac's proxy grandfather alongside hosea. hamish is also one of the only ones who can keep up with the girls' antics and will take the little firecrackers fishing with him because they very much enjoy it
the wheel is not canon!! i am not that evil but very tempted to keep davey's death just to maximise angst for mac. bessie, hosea and micah's deaths are the only ones that i have definitely got mapped in my mind and even then haven't decided when to kill micah i am softening to the rat bastard man
addie and maeve are a nightmare in the best ways. them meeting for the first time was just immediate 'do you want to form. an alliance. with me' 'absolutely i do' 'good, good'. maeve is a feral animal and addie had that 1900s farm girl upbringing for the first few years of her short life so they are both the opposite of ladies
addie is much more a mini john personality-wise than young jack, meanwhile maeve has Macguire power. they are almost the exact same age so they are in daycare and school together their entire modern lives at everyone else's expense
take your eyes off them for a second and both are covered head to foot in dirt twigs leaves and mud
they love playing house together but neither one wants to be the woman so they're dads and dads stealing jenny's most expensive make-up to draw moustaches and beards on one another
kids suggesting they play cops and robbers leading to addie and maeve both standing on the roof of the playground throwing rocks using homemade slingshots screaming die pinkerton scum
john timewarping a year after addie having no idea why everyone is so quick to make an excuse why they can't play tea party when the girls are walking around like little angels holding hands asking for someone to play with them. agrees because he is trying to be the best damn father ever, only to be presented his 'dinner' and have to ask 'girls where did you find a dead squirrel'
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daylightandeclipse · 1 month ago
An Eclipse in Space is a Saunter Round the Moon
Chapter 1: Become
Jim Lake Jr wants a Vespa. 
He’s been told by some of the older folks who come into his mum’s clinic for regular calcium shots that once upon a time, a Vespa was a two-wheeled vehicle powered by an internal combustion engine which could carry two. Three if they were close. Jim’s seen the pictures and one of those old grainy 2D vids. It’s not bad, he thinks. Maybe if he had a million credits to burn he’d commission one and zip around the upper levels of Ceres Station and annoy all the tourists. Or maybe he’d use it to do house calls - Lake Medical’s Mobile Medicine Unit he’d call it. Go round to those poor old dears and give them their calcium shots rather than make them hobble out to the clinic on their fragile bones as the low-gravity leached the mass from their skeletons. It’s a pretty dream. But if Jim ever wants to get withing spitting distance of a million credits, he’s going to need a real Vespa.
Vehicular Exoskeleton for Space Projectile Acquisition. Vespa. Despite the term exoskeleton, it resembles nothing so much as a large egg stood on one end. The bottom is flat so that it can stand in stations and part of the rounded side is also curved into a nearly-flat surface from which protrude two sleeves for the occupant to stick their hands out through for near, fiddly work. For everything else, a series of grappling claws extend from the shell, controlled from inside the Vespa via a series of remote controls and hull sensors. Although the Vespa itself is 12 feet tall and 5 feet in diameter, the inside is cramped; most of the space goes to the power system and air and water supplies. And Vespas need a lot of both to do the work of ice harvesting. They eject water - steam really - as propellant to get to one of the many small chunks of ice and rock which make up the asteroid belt of which Ceres is a part, pick it up, and carry it home to Ceres for processing. Bigger chunks may need several Vespas working in tandem - a delicate dance of pressure and counter-pressure to arrest the spinning chunks’ momentum and setting it on a controlled course towards Ceres Station.
Jim saw a video of it when he was in school, back when it still made sense to go to school. It was part of some national-education-style class. Understanding Ceres’ Economy, or something like that. Jim had been half asleep through most of the class, lulled by the drone of the narrator’s voice in the darkened classroom, and the soft smack-smack sound of Toby next to him snacking on a Nougat Nummy. A swell of classical music had made him glance up at the screen - and he was hooked. 
The clip was too long for the attention-span of a bunch of twelve year-olds. Five minutes of white blobs, Vespas, moving through space with a male voice reading out statistics about the water/ice trade in the background. Three minutes in, there was a gentle snore fro the back of the room. But to Jim, there was a kind of sly grace to the whole thing, a hidden skill. The Vespas weren’t just aimlessly wandering, they were moving towards an ice-chunk five times their size. As they got closer, the relative positions and sizes became clearer and suddenly it wasn’t unwieldy blobs bobbing in space, but a graceful dance as two tiny Vespas arrested the spin of the massive ice chunk. Grappling hooks shot out and grabbed the ice-chunk, pulling it in the opposite direction of its spin for a brief moment, then released. Grab, release, grab, release, until by the undulations of light over the surface of the ice-chunk, Jim could tell that it was no longer spinning on its own axis. Again, the Vespas grabbed a hold of the ice-chunk, but this time, it was a simple push-pulling motion which sent the white behemoth off on a new trajectory of their choosing, and off the screen. 
Jim never forgot the grace and sense of control over something so much larger than oneself. As he grew older, a new part of the equation grew in attraction: ice-wranglers made a lot of money. 
Materialism wasn’t a big part of Jim’s make-up. But watching his mother pull fourteen-hour days, trying to run a clinic on a shoe-string budget, the constant push-pull of whether to charge poor people what the medicine was worth or what they could afford... Jim wasn’t materialistic but money would make things easier.
Toby understood. Which was why he was covering with Dr Lake (“Yeah, Jimbo’s at my place! He’s just in the head Dr B!”) while Jim was pulling an extra shift on hull-construction in the new Ceres Cavern VIII. Well, not hull construction per se. That was skilled labor and Jim was... not. But spare hands and skinny boys are always useful in digging work even in the 23rd century. 
Cheaper than robots and full-grown men and almost as efficient. More so in some cases - particularly when digging small wiring and ventilation tunnels. Tunnels like the one Jim was in the middle of scooping out right this moment. Ceres’ geology was... complicated. Ice, and rock, and loosely packed pockets of gravel intermingled so that poking a hole in the wrong place could lead to destabilizing shifts in the ground. Most drilling work was tedious - dig a few meters, then check the ground and see if adjustments had to be made. Dig, check, dig, check, maybe adjust course to avoid an unstable pocket of earth. As he swapped his scanner out for the drill, Jim tried not to think about how one of the other boys had hit a gravel patch three days ago which his scanner claimed was solid rock. They pulled him out eventually - all diggers wear a line which helps guide the dirt they excavate out of the hole - but the thin polymer suits which were all that could fit down these tunnels offered no protection to anything other than hard vacuum and radiation. Crushed to death. Bad way to go.
The drill’s only been going for about five seconds when the earth around him shakes.
Jim drops the drill, grabs his guideline, and tries to scoot backwards. He waits for the tunnel to cave, or for the ground to drop out beneath him, for his imminent mortality to rear up and claim him whole. It doesn’t happen. The shaking doesn’t even last that long. In fact, the shaking was more like a single sharp shock, as though something had struck the structures around him with such shock that it transmitted through the earth, all the way down into his tunnel.
Meteor strike? A part of Jim’s mind wonders even as the rest of his body continues to scoot out of the hole, still locked in the visceral memory of how that boy looked, coming out of the hole. Nobody’s helmet should ever look so flat.
He reaches the surfaces after what feel like an hour. It’s probably only been four or five minutes. Scooting backwards on your belly may not be a particularly fast means of travel but Jim’s had a lot of practice and he was motivated besides to getoutgetoutgetout.
When he stands up, it registers suddenly that there’s an almighty blaring in his ear. The evacuation siren has been activated. Has been activated for a while he realizes suddenly, a brief memory of sirens suddenly layering over his recent memory of frantic scrambles through the earth, piped into all suit comms and sounding the alarm for everyone to get into a reinforced air shelter immediately. Jim doesn’t run though. 
Now that he’s not going to die in a grave he literally dug for himself, he can feel rational thought starting to return. That particular siren means meteor strike. The big danger of meteor strikes is a puncture to the hull of the station, exposing inhabitants to vacuum. The risk of actually being struck by a meteor is practically negligible. But vacuum poses no real risk to Jim just now. Ceres Cavern VIII is still under construction, which means the bulk of it is still unpressurized. Jim, like most other people working on the cavern, is wearing a space suit. He should still get to an air shelter though - a meteor strike can throw up debris which will rip clean through his thin basic suit even if he doesn’t suffer a direct hit. But as Jim mentally runs down the architecture of Cavern VIII, he realizes that he’s an awkward equidistance between the air shelters, and the airlock which will let him get back to Ceres Cavern II - home. There’s a risk the Ceres Cavern II airlocks will be sealed for the duration of the meteor shower but suddenly, Jim doesn’t care. He needs to be home. Even if he can’t get through, he needs to be closer to his mother, the clinic, their small bunker above the clinic. He needs to make sure everything is alright. So in contradiction to all safety protocol, he treks towards the Ceres II airlocks.
If he’d followed protocol, he’d have never seen the aliens.
Jim’s loping along a partially-paneled corridor when he realizes that the light ahead looks strange. The corridor’s yellow-white construction lighting is punctuated by strobes of blue. He slows, and presses a hand to the metal plates which only reach halfway up the semi-finished corridor. Vibration. Jim hesitates. Vibration could mean any number of things, from the innocuous to the very-bad. These vibrations are strange though. Repeated, but irregular. And strong. Whatever is happening up ahead, it’s not just some malfunctioning machinery, and it’s big. He should turn around. He should find another way to the airlock, or even better, head to the air shelters.
Instead, he inches forward.
Wheeew, okay, that’s Chapter 1 down. This is un-beta’d so I apologize in advance (or after the fact since this disclaimer is that the bottom of the story...) for any typos/oddities in the text.
Small nod to influences: I’ve recently been wading in the work of Andy Weir’s Martian and Artemis books, and James S. A. Corey’s Expanse series, so this grungy, (very) slightly more technical feel is a nod to that. (More like: it’s in my brain and I can’t get it out right now. halp.)
If you’re interested in radiation shielding, NASA has a neat explanation here. I figure that in the future, they’ll have improved the polymer engineering to the point where radiation-shielding and insulating layers of the space suit will be pretty thin. Hence, basic space suits like Jim’s wearing will be much smaller and lighter than what we’re used to today. Heavy-duty, bulkier versions exist of course - but not for expendable labour. Space medicine is also a big thing - low gravity really messes with the human body in interesting ways that often don’t get talked about in great detail in sci-fi. I didn’t really get to talk about either of these things because somehow, what I thought would be a technical description about Vespas ended up being a surprisingly lengthy chunk of kids watching ice-in-space and I ran out of steam.
Also, I know Ceres is possibly up to 30% water - but my headcannon for why ice-wranglers still have a job is that much of that water exists as ice which is crucial to the integrity of Ceres. (I admit I didn’t dig very deeply into the geology of Ceres.) The ice on Ceres might be nearer, but it’s also hell of a lot more dangerous to muck around with. With large hunks of ice literally outside the station waiting to be picked up, the economics of ice-wrangling made a lot more sense to anyone operating off Ceres.
I’m also probably going to try to do less world building in the next chapters. Bloody hell, did not think I would ever spend so much time writing about ice...
2025 update: whelp this thing has been sitting in my drafts, entirely untouched since 2018. A global pandemic and career progression meant I lost the headspace for writing fanfic, and I don't know when I'll get it back. Honestly I had an idea about a sci-fi trollhunters (the aliens Jim meets at Bular and the trollhunter) set in a universe similar to the Expanse (albeit with differences in local geography, see Ceres). So chucking this out here coz why not and maybe someone out there will get inspo and make their own fic. And at least this will be somewhere I can perhaps find it if I ever want to work on it again.
Thanks for reading!
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snowstar716 · 4 months ago
Mario: Jump - Van Halen
Donkey Kong: Jungle Boogie - Kool & The Gang
Link: Centuries - Fall Out Boy
Samus: Iron Man - Black Sabbath
Dark Samus: Take Me Over - Red
Yoshi: Walk The Dinosaur - Was (Not Was)
Kirby: Counting Stars - OneRepublic
Fox: Wings Of Steel - Wings Of Steel
Pikachu: Thunder - Imagine Dragons
Luigi: Ghostbusters - Ray Parker Jr.
Ness: It's The End Of The World As We Know It - R.E.M.
Captain Falcon: Don't Stop Me Now - Queen
Jigglypuff: Symphony - Clean Bandit
Peach: Holding Out For A Hero - Bonnie Tyler
Daisy: Umbrella - Rihanna
Bowser: Be Prepared (Cover) - Jonathan Young
Ice Climbers: Ain't No Mountain High Enough - Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell
Sheik: Keep It Undercover - Zendaya
Zelda: When You're Gone - Avril Lavigne
Dr. Mario: Doctor - Jack Stauber
Pichu: Electric Avenue - Eddy Grant
Falco: Birds - Imagine Dragons
Marth: Hero - Skillet
Lucina: Time - Pink Floyd
Young Link: Go The Distance - Michael Bolton
Ganondorf: Hail To The King - Avenged Sevenfold
Mewtwo: Animal I Have Become - Three Days Grace
Roy: Burning Down The House - Talking Heads
Chrom: Awake & Alive - Skillet
Mr. Game & Watch: Game Over - Falling In Reverse
Meta Knight: Wrong Side Of Heaven - Five Finger Death Punch
Pit: Fly Away - Lenny Kravitz
Dark Pit: Bring Me To Life - Evanescence
Zero Suit Samus: Unstoppable - Sia
Wario: Thrift Shop - Macklemore
Snake: Seven Nation Army - The White Stripes
Ike: Legend - Jaroslav Beck
Squirtle, Ivysaur, & Charizard/Pokémon Trainer: We Are The Champions - Queen
Diddy Kong: It's Tricky - Run-DMC
Lucas: I'm Just A Kid - Simple Plan
Sonic: Runaway Baby - Bruno Mars
King Dedede: Fat - “Weird Al” Yankovic
Olimar/Alph: Rocket Man - Elton John
Lucario: Aura - Dennis Lloyd
R.O.B.: Boom - P.O.D.
Toon Link: Come Sail Away - Styx
Wolf: Three Little Pigs - Green Jelly
Villager: Psycho Killer - The Talking Heads
Mega Man: More Than Meets The Eye - Linkin Park
Wii Fit Trainer: Physical - Olivia Newton-John
Rosalina & Luma: All The Stars - SZA
Little Mac: Free Fallin’ - Tom Petty
Greninja: The Ninja Song - Cory Williams
Palutena: Goddess - Iggy Azalea
PAC-MAN: PAC-MAN Fever - Buckner & Garcia
Robin: Magic - Mystery Skulls
Shulk: Into The Future - Chef’Special
Bowser Jr., Larry, Roy, Wendy, Iggy, Morton, Lemmy, Ludwig: Horrible Kids - Set It Off
Duck Hunt: Atomic Dog - George Clinton
Ryu: Karate - Tenacious D
Ken: Through The Fire & Flames - DragonForce
Cloud: Push It To The Limit - Scarface
Corrin: The Middle - Maren Morris
Bayonetta: Daisy - AshNikko
Inkling: Paint It Black - The Rolling Stones
Ridley: Die MF Die - Dope
Simon: Whip It - Devo
Richter: The Sound Of Silence (Cover) - Disturbed
King K. Rool: Crocodile Rock - Elton John
Isabelle: Best Day Ever - DJ Cadence
Incineroar: Eye Of The Tiger - Survivor
Piranha Plant: Mean Green Mother From Outer Space - Levi Stubbs
Joker: The Joker & The Thief - Wolfmother
Hero: Magic - Pilot
Banjo & Kazooie: Best Friend - Weezer
Terry: Fight To Win - Your Favorite Martian
Byleth: School’s Out - Alice Cooper
Min Min: Unleash The Dragon - JT Music
Steve, Alex, Zombie, & Enderman: Diamonds - Rihanna
Sephiroth: Evil Angel - Breaking Benjamin
Pyra & Mythra: Warriors - Aaliyah Rose
Kazuya: My Demons - Starset
Sora: When Can I See You Again? - Owl City
Mii Fighters: Critical Hit - No More Kings
Sans: Spooky Scary Skeletons (Remix) - The Living Tombstone
Cuphead: I Ain't Worried - OneRepublic
Vault Boy: Sugar, We're Going Down - Fall Out Boy
Shantae: Friend Like Me - Robin Williams
Doom Slayer: Out Of Hell - Skillet
Hammer Bro: U Can't Touch This - MC Hammer
Chain Chomp: Who Let The Dogs Out? - Baha Men
Thwomp: Crushcrushcrush - Paramore
Waluigi: Loser - Beck
KlapTrap: Chomp Chomp - Alestorm
Skull Kid: Masks - Aviators
Moon: Bad Moon Rising - Creedence Clearwater Revival
Midna: The Wolf - SIAMÉS
Ghirahim: Welcome To The Black Parade - My Chemical Romance
Metroid: Parasite - DAGames
Mother Brain: Intergalactic - Beastie Boys
Nightmare: Nightmare - Avenged Sevenfold
Knuckle Joe: Fighter - The Cast of Glee
Chef Kawasaki: Eat It - “Weird Al” Yankovic
Andross: Imperial March - John Williams
Krystal: Keep Holding On - Avril Lavigne
Samurai Goroh: Heavy Metal Samurai - Metalucifer
Starman: Starman - David Bowie
Jeff: Rocketeer - Far East Movement
Tiki: Dragonhearted - TryHardNinja
Lyn: Forsaken - Within Temptation
Black Knight: Fight The Knight - Crush 40
Phosphora: Electric Shock - F(x)
Ashley: Hocus Pocus - Marnik
Burrowing Snagret: Angry Birds Rap - JT Music
Kapp'n: Another One Rides The Bus - “Weird Al” Yankovic
Riki: Happy - Pharrell Williams
Color TV-Game 15: New Game - Nitro Fun
Sheriff: I Fought The Law - The Clash
Devil: The Devil Went Down To Georgia - Charlie Daniels
Takamaru: Warriors - Imagine Dragons
Dr. Wright: We Built This City - Starship
Flies & Hand: Fly - Marshmello
Prince Of Sablé: Adventure - Matthew Parker
Sukapon: Robot Rock - Daft Punk
Isaac: With Great Power - JT Music
Starfy: Shooting Star - Owl City
Nintendog: Dogsong - Toby Fox
Dr. Kawashima: Teach You How To Die - JT Music
Vince: Happy Accidents - CG5
Nikki: Mi Mi Mi - SEREBRO
Dillon: Rollin’ - Limp Bizkit
Yuri Kozukata: The Spook - KSHMR
Arcade Bunny: Drunk Arcade - Bombs Away
Spring Man: This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race - Fall Out Boy
Squid Sisters: Just Dance - Lady Gaga
Ghosts: Ghost - Mystery Skulls
Bomberman: Dynamite - Taio Cruz
Alucard: Vampire - Lazyboy Empire
Wily Capsule: Crazy = Genius - Panic! At The Disco
Zero: On My Own - Ashes Remain
Knuckles: Fight Back - NEFFEX
Shadow: Pumped Up Kicks - Foster The People
Guile: This Is America - Childish Gambino
Akira: Kung Fu Fighting - Carl Douglas
Gray Fox: Another Way Out - Hollywood Undead
Rodin: Heathens - Twenty One Pilots
Shovel Knight: Diggy Diggy Hole (Cover) - Wind Rose
All Pokémon: Evolution - KoRn
Master Hand & Crazy Hand: I Will Not Be Moved - DAGames
Giga Bowser: Godzilla - Eminem
Ganon: The Beast - Tech N9ne
Galleom: I Am Machine - Three Days Grace
Rathalos: Dragonborn - Jeremy Soule
Dracula: In The Dark Of The Night (Cover) - Jonathan Young
Marx: Alastor’s Game - The Living Tombstone
Galeem & Darkhon: This Is The End - NateWantsToBattle
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br1ghtestlight · 1 year ago
what everybody in my famous jimmy jr concept is doing btw (tina's class would be 23 years old now):
tina is still living w/ gene and her parents above the restaurant and obviously still works there and helps out around the house. she could probably afford to move out but she likes living with her family and she's saving money. so she isn't really planning on moving out until she has a serious boyfriend
louise is living with rudy in their own apartment but she still works at the restaurant
gene also works at the restaurant & lives with mom and dad but he has his music career going on the side and plays local venues and does freelance music lessons on the weekends for the local kids
jocelyn is training under gretchen to be a professional hairdresser. tammy is her long distance gf
tammy is going to college out of state and training to become a nurse so she wouldn't be in this fic very much but she's around during the summer
zeke is a single dad to a three year old girl after his high school gf got pregnant and decided she couldn't handle being a mom and left him with their daughter. he mostly works as a mechanic but he's still really good friends w/ tina and her group so he's around a lot (gene is trying and failing to get his daughter interested in music and they all take turns babysitting her. the honorary niece of their club)
jimmy pesto still owns the restaurant across the street from tina and never moved away. jimmy junior's mom was more involved with his life than his dad after he moved away at 17
andy and ollie are also around but not really doing that much, they tried to start a rock band and they play video games on twitch or whatever. They're not very bright but they have heart <3
rudy would not be mentioned that much but he's just going to college in bog harbour and roommates with louise it's not that interesting lmao
jimmy jr of course left seymour's bay after high school and ended up becoming a famous dancer/boyband heatthrob etc until he eventually moves back to seymour's bay and moves in with his slightly estranged dad for. Reasons.
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jknerd · 2 years ago
Tumblr media
Full Name: Peter Pete Jr “PJ”
Other Names: PJ, Peej, Peter Jr.
Schools: Spoonerville Elementary School (graduated), Mike Jay Middle School (graduated), Spooner Public High School (graduated), Oswald College of Arts/Music/Sports 
Occuaption(s): Child actor (former), X-Game Competitor (Maxine’s team), Student
Residence: Spoonerville, Ohio
Family: Peter Pete (father), Peg Pete (mother), Pistol Pete (younger sister)
Relationships: Maxine Goof (best friend), Barby Zimmeruski (best friend), Rox Hatchback (friend), Stanley Ampledexter (friend), Fabrette Lewis (girlfriend), The Gammas (rivaling team)
Likes: Extreme sports, skateboarding, snowboarding, video games, pop/rock/R&B/K-pop music, movies, drawing, painting
Dislikes: His father’s antics ad schemes, Pistol’s spoiled attitude, bullies
Abilities/Talents: Acting, Skateboarding skills, fair sportsmanship, artistic skills, drumming, video editing
Peter Pete Jr., aka PJ, is a firstborn of Pete and Peg, older brother of Pistol, and one of Maxine’s best friends. Warm-hearted and friendly, but his passive nature makes him a frequent pawn in the schemes and shenanigans of his domineering father Pete. Through childhood to young adulthood, he has been close friend to Maxine and usually hang out with her. Although he occasionally feared his father, he is actually scared of his mother the most and often seen horrified when his mother angrily scold her husband. Then again, he and Pete are caring towards one another as just as Goofy and Maxine are. Currently, he has a girl friend Fabrette, who was usually known as the Beret Girl. 
Formerly, PJ was a child actor who often star in a show his father was in, usually portrayed as Donald’s neighbor’s son in a sitcom, portrayed as bright but cynical child. In fact, he was labeled as “acting prodigy” for being able to acting from range to a spoiled brat, terminally ill kind-hearted child, and even voice acting. Pete held great pride in his son’s talent at first, but when the attention gets too far (from entire school students giving him unwanted attention to fans stalking the house of Pete’s), young PJ was traumatized and refused to go to school. Upset with the entertainment’s lack of concern for his mental health, PJ suddenly announce his retirement and decided work in a car scale. Although PJ still have lingering dreams in acting career, his father would forbid him from being in any drama classes or acting activities. So, PJ turned his interest in artistic hobbies and casual sports. At one point, his mother Peg visited Goofy who had lost his wife from car accident as she was also Glory B’s besets friend. When PJ turned 12, Goof family moved next door and he quickly befriended tomboyish girl Maxine. At first, Pete didn’t like the idea of his son befriending another celebrity’s child. However, he agreed to let PJ becoming friends with Maxine when he heard of her defending his son from bullies in school, finding her “revenge” on them dangerous but borderline satisfying. If his son and Maxine were in danger, Pete and Goofy work together to get them out of trouble. In some occasions, PJ and Maxine babysit his little sister Pistol. In teen years, PJ also befriended Barby Zimmeruski, the girl with enormous love for cheeses. Both her and PJ were aware of Maxine’s popularity with girls due to her image as “handsome girl” and Rox’s romantic feelings for her. Seeing Maxine also share same feelings to him, PJ reluctantly decided to help Maxine impressing him and was seen delighted when hearing of their blooming relationship. During summer vacation, PJ was seen having a camping trip with his entire family and was surprised to see Maxine on a stage with her father and their favorite singer Powerline.
Years later as high school graduate bound for college, PJ and his friends were preparing to leave, excited for their upcoming debut in college X-Game. At the same time, he was hoping to approach the way back to acting career by taking courses necessary for this chance, slowly overcoming his childhood trauma. Although he would be in separate dormitory, he would still hang out with Maxine and Barby during campus hours. During the first day of college skating around the campus, he and his friends grabbed the attention of the X-Games champion team/Fraternity; “the Gammas”. Although, their leader Bradley was more interested in recruiting Maxine. At some point, PJ was surprised to see Goofy as their instructor in “Entertainment Business” and “Performing Arts”, but very invested in his classes. During fierce confrontation between Maxine and Bradley, PJ was seen frowning when Bradley insulted Goofy, but shocked when Maxine retaliated with aggression causing to destroy Bradley’s shirt, and confusion when Bradley escaped the scene with fear. At first encounter in the cafe Bean Scene, and at the night club, he become the love interest of a beret girl named Fabrette who was attracted to him due to his love for performing arts and sharing much in common wit her. He and Barby were seen witnessing when Rox and Stanley started attending their college, but concerned more of Maxine. In the X-Game competition, PJ’s best event was shown to be bike riding as he managed to pass the semi-finals. However, PJ was abruptly removed by the scheme of team Gammas and Bradley’s father as his inline-skating shoes were secretly attached with rockets. Luckily, he was in the infirmary with support of his girlfriend Fabrette, unharmed at the middle of triathlon. Later, he was horrified witnessing his friend Maxine and remaining Gamma teammates blasted to the X-Games wired fabric logo and decided to go to help them. When finding all the incidents and cheats were made by Bradley’s father, PJ and his friends were seen glaring at them as Goofy angrily called him out for choosing his ambition over his son and others’ safety. Days after, PJ watched the social medias making hate comments on Bradley due to alleged “doping” and “cheating”, he was one of the people to express sympathy towards Bradley’s psychological condition. Noticing something off from his behavior, he quickly informed Maxine about it, which led to her saving Bradley from attempt suicide. As Bradley broke down in tears, Maxine, the other Gammas, and PJ proceeded to reassure him.
According to Donald and Goofy, PJ is still a great actor and currently with Maxine, he became a frequent guest star of variety show “Exit Man”. No longer feeling fright of public’s opinion, PJ was open to restart the acting career with support of his friends and his girlfriend Fabrette. At this point, Pete finally conceded and allowed his son’s return in acting, feeling proud of his son’s progress. Along with Barby, PJ becomes a regular witness in observing Maxine, her popularity and growing relationship problems.
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