#schnee mansion
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bobauthorman · 3 months ago
I wanna clear up a big misconception
I've seen it on a few posts, and it really busts my craw. So I wanna say this loud and clear. Everyone listening? No? Too bad.
Yes, Oscar did show unease with hiding the truth from Ironwood, and expressed it to Ruby. However, in none of Oscar and Ironwood's interactions before "As Above, So Below" does Oscar say anything about the truth being hidden. During "As Above, So Below", both Ruby and Oscar make the simultaneous decision to tell Ironwood together. In fact, Ruby wanted to be the one to reveal the truth because she was the one who lied in the first place, but had to go off and help save Mantle from the Grimm. Here's a transcript of the scene, taken from the RWBY Wiki;
Ruby: Um... I just wanted to say uh--
Oscar: I had thought that maybe--
Both: We should tell Ironwood.
The two laugh awkwardly while Ruby's teammates run past.
Ruby: Well, uh… (awkward laugh) I guess we're on the same page, huh?
Oscar: Guess so. He's finally choosing the truth over fear. We should do the same.
Ruby: I'll tell him. I'm the one who chose to keep it from him in the first place.
Marrow: Ruby! Transport's leaving.
Marrow points out the door with his thumb, and Ruby waves her hands to him.
Oscar: I think you're needed elsewhere.
Oscar starts heading to the dining room.
Ruby: You're sure?
Oscar: Yeah, I've got it.
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At what point does this look like Oscar is "going behind Ruby's back"? Please don't spread misinformation.
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stripclub-elysium · 1 year ago
The new Man in the Schnee Household (Closed RP with @lewdest-mansion)
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3 years have passed since Akuma started his journey as a hunter and although he was a very popular Faunus, for Akuma there was only one person, he would make his official wife... Weiss Schnee, one of his teammates and the one he got the closest over their time together.
However, marrying Weiss was just the official part, as the law wouldn't allow a polygamous marriage (especially one that includes a family member). In reality, Akuma would also marry his wifes older sister and even her own mother.
Once he and Weiss were officially married, Akuma carried Weiss into their house for the honeymoon, with Winter and Willow joining later not to raise suspicion.
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rwby-confess · 3 months ago
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Confession #491
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echollama · 9 months ago
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Genshin x RWBY when?
(Sorry @rwbyfanservice for taking so long to reply, was REALLY busy)
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arc-misadventures · 3 months ago
The Red Ribbons
Jaune: Okay...
Jaune: The Schnee Mansion...
Jaune: I am utterly lost...
Jaune: Like... this place is so big...
Jaune: and, the layout is so... mundane... I'm utter confused by this places layout...
Jaune: I'm guess I just have to keep walking about until I find a way...?!
Jaune: Or, I could follow the sound of the broken glass, and see if someone there can help me.
Jaune: Okay, I think the sound originated from somewhere around here...?
: Oh, hello, Jaune.
Jaune: Miss's Schnee...? What's... what's up with... this?
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Willow: Oh? Me being caught up in these red ribbons... in a room full of mirrors?
Jaune: Yeah that...
Willow: Oh, Jacques had an excess of mirrors to look at himself in, the vane bastard. We put them in here because there were so many of them, and having a spare mirror isn't bad.
Jaune: And, you were in here because?
Willow: These mirrors double as a full bodied mirror; You can't blame a lady for wanting to check herself out.
Jaune: Yeah, that works... two more questions. What's with all the red ribbons?
Willow: I don't know they were just here, and I walked into them by accident, and well... ended up like this...
Jaune: That's an odd accident to happen...
Jaune: Okay, last question: What's with the.. robe...?
Willow: These are my bed robes.
Jaune: They're rather thin...
Willow: They feel nice upon my skin, and they feel... liberating~!
Jaune: Okay...
Jaune: I'm going to get you out of there now...?!
Willow: No wait!
Jaune: Why?
Willow: Being trapped, and strung up like this... with a strapping young man... Make me want to try out certain... fantasies... Sexual fantasies~!
Jaune: S-Sexual fantasies...?
Willow: Yes~! So tell me, Jaune, would you care to help act out these fantasies with an old, mature woman~?
Jaune: ..
Jaune: T-There some excess ribbons laying about.. C-Can I blindfold you with them...?
Willow: Oh~?
Willow: Please do so, Sir Knight~! Then, please come here and take me~!
Jaune: Alright then, my pet~!
Willow: How exciting~!
Here's another one for ya, @lar-mx
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pilot-boi · 1 month ago
So I know this is probably a really out of date question.
What are your headcanons for Jinder after they get out of the ever after?
If you already did this, sorry, and disregard
AFTER Jinder gets out of the Ever After?
Well first of all, we need to establish what happens to them IN the Ever After. And heads up, this REALLY really got away from me
Jaune and Cinder’s souls never mesh, even when trapped in one body for decades. They each hate themselves and each other too much to truly sync (which then rebounds back on itself and makes it all worse)
Jaune hates Cinder and himself for killing Penny, for killing Pyrrha. Cinder hates Jaune for trapping her here, for helping Winter steal the powers, for getting in her way. They hate each other, and they hate themselves. With that much bad energy trapped in “one” head, it’s really a wonder they dont destroy themselves long before RWBY lands
The worst part, for Cinder, is the sorrow she can feel from Jaune’s ocean of a soul. Not for himself, for her. Even though she can feel his hatred, she can also feel how his soul can’t help but try to heal her
The worst part, for Jaune, is the terror he can feel from Cinder’s tattered remains of a soul. Terror at being trapped, and worst of all terror at the lack of control she has in this situation (The Grimm arm is missing. Will it come back if they unfuse? Can her soul handle the strain of that?) Even though he can feel her rage, he can also feel that Cinder has been terrified every day of her life
So they never truly mesh. Jaune’s soul keeps her trapped to protect the Afterans (and to protect her) Cinder’s soul clings to his to harness his Aura (and to protect herself)
Phenomal power, more Aura than any person to walk Remnant and nitro boosted Maiden powers on top of that. But their minds are fractured. Two souls were never meant to be trapped together for this long. The Wildfire Knight is truly a volatile force
Mentally, Jaune and Cinder actually come to an accords of sorts (twenty years of absorbing the thoughts and fears of another person will do that). The stepping stone for them for not battling in their minds constantly was their realization that they both want the same thing: To leave the Ever After
And eventually they do. There’s shenanigans along the way (I can’t recap all of V9 in this post, it would take too long)
When Ruby runs, Jinder is the first to find her
Their anger compounded against itself and they screamed at their friend-nemesis. Jaune’s guilt makes them stand, Cinder’s determination makes them move. The Maiden powers speed them after Weiss Schnee (Why did she stay? Why does she care?) They reach her, pass her, and dive into a dilapidated mansion
(Why did they dive between the Cat’s claws and Ruby’s unprotected chest? Why did they curl around the girl’s battered, screaming form and shield them from the Mad Hatter’s onslaught? Why didn’t they move faster? Why did they care? Why did it take this long to do something right with their life?)
Jinder finds themself standing in front of the Blacksmith
A Young Explorer left her knife for them. A shining blade to cut through the rusted chains binding two souls together. And for the first time in decades, Jaune and Cinder are alone in their heads
It’s not ascension. Not really. It’s more like rebirth
Jaune got to be the hero he wanted to be, but realized that he ran from the person he wanted to be along the way. Cinder got to be strong as she wanted to be, but realized that she was blinded by fear along the way
Jaune chooses to love. Cinder chooses to hope
When they open their eyes, they’re both as they remember before falling into the Ever After plus a few changes
Jaune has white streaks in his hair, and his leg is now missing as Jinder’s was. A humming white and gold prosthetic attaches in its place, melding so seamlessly that he can’t tell where flesh ends and synthetics begin. He can feel the fabric of his jeans, the pressure of his boots, even the warmth of his socks. He doesn’t know why he’s surprised. The Blacksmith forges people, a false leg must be easy as breathing to her
Cinder has hair streaks of her own, and she definitely doesn’t choke up when she sees that the Grimm arm is gone, she’s free. Wait, but something is different. She blinks, waves a hand in front of her face, blinks again, moves her head back and forth, and only then realizes that she has both eyes. A smooth glowing orb like a coal sits in her eye socket, surrounded by scar tissue like a starburst
They appear beside the Blacksmith’s forge together. Separate, but together. Yang, Blake, and Weiss are all immediately on guard when Cinder appears, but Ruby seems strangely at ease
Of course. She’s the only one among them who knows how liberating this feels
They’re apart now. They no longer feel another presence in their heads. They no longer feel a weight draining their soul, crushing their minds
Jaune and the others gather in front of the portal, and Weiss takes Jaune’s hand, interlocking their fingers and smiling up at him. Cinder rolls her eyes when he starts to cry and wraps the heiress in a hug. If there’s been one constant, it has been Jaune’s over emotionality
What she doesn’t expect is for Weiss to offer her other hand to Cinder, in a way that’s clear this is no accident, this is a deliberate decision. A snowflake trusting a fire not to burn it
Schnee’s blue eyes are ice cold, but somehow they’re warmer than Salem’s fire-red ones have ever been. She’s shorter than Cinder, slight, small, but somehow she’s a rock to the knight clutching her hand. Cinder remembers how easy it was to skewer her like a butterfly to a board. She also remembers how Jaune felt watching that happen.
Jaune is still holding the heiress’s other hand, and for once Cinder doesn’t scoff at the open expression on his face. He trusts her. He trusts her. Somehow, despite everything, despite the pain she’s brought him that she can still feel in the recesses of her mind, Jaune Arc trusts her
And Jaune Arc trusts Weiss Schnee. And Cinder lets the hope she chose guide her decision. She will not let fear take any more of her than it already has
Cinder takes Weiss’s hand, her real human hand touching another person for the first time in decades. Weiss’s face is impassive, but she seems proud, somehow. A first step. Why does she feel like she’s lighter than air?
The portal blazes in front of them.
Jaune and Cinder stand separated, apart, but held together. They’re really here. They never dared to believe it would happen, even as they fought day and night to get here
They’re finally going home. To love and hope, and fight and die. But that’s what being human is. And somehow, despite falling through worlds and fractured minds, they might actually get a chance to do the one thing they both agreed upon
Jaune and Cinder will live
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juanarc-thethird · 10 months ago
Me? Really?
At the Schnee mansion, celebrating the end of the war against Salem.
Neptune: *On one knee* Weiss, will you marry me?
Weiss: I'm sorry Neptune, but my heart belongs to someone else.
Weiss: *Looks at Jaune*
Jaune: *trying to fit a triple stack of sliders in his mouth*
Jaune: *Looks at Weiss and stops*
Jaune: *Looks behind him*
Jaune: *Looks back at her in confusion, and points at himself* Me?
Weiss: *Nods with a smile*
Jaune: *Smiling* WHOO-HOO!
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philosophicalpug · 8 months ago
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given the fact she more than likely has administrative access to all of beacons books and would definitely not deal with teenagers shenanigans if it didnt pay enough im gonna put it down as weiss seeing an exhorbitant price for something and not knowing if thats expensive or not due to her families richer than god status.
Side Hustle
Weiss: *surveying aftermath of exploded leftovers* Ugh…I’ve got to clean up before the rest of the team gets back…stupid microwave…😖
Weiss: I’ll never get this cleaned up before they get back by myself…
*knock knock knock*
Weiss: Oh! That must be the cleaning service I called!
Weiss: *opens the door*
Glynda: Welcome home, Master. ♡ I'm going to fill your tired heart full of lovely energy. ♡ Meow! I'm Becky, and I have the pleasure of serving you today. ♡ We're going to get along so well!
Glynda: …wait…Miss Schnee?
Weiss: Miss Goodwitch?!
Weiss: …you don’t have to tell me what you’re doing if I don’t have to tell you what happened in the kitchen.
Glynda: Deal. Hand me that mop.
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crimson-host · 10 months ago
Blame @brokentrafficknight for this
In front of the destroyed Schnee Mansion
Jacques: you damn animals!, look what you done to my mansion, do you have any idea how much lien it cost!, you miserable worthless bottom feeding mong-URK! A loud cracking sound rings out as Jaune firmly with all his might kicked Jacques between the legs from behind, toppling over clenching his cursed family jewels
Everyone else stood in shock at what Jaune did...with one exception
Adam: ....you bastard! Tossing Wilt and Blush aside he charged down Jaune
Jaune: ah! Adam I'm sorry I don't know what- tackled too the ground as Adam began making out with him and trying to undress him without a care for all the bystanders Ah! No stop not in front of everyone!, Eve help!
Eve: Adam!...move aside I'm getting me some of that meat too! In utter defiance of Jaune, Eve joined her brother on the floor trying to make out and "reward" their great lover, again not caring for any onlookers
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bobauthorman · 11 months ago
The Ace-Ops, the "Best Huntsmen in Atlas": Let's go indulge in the buffet table and not do anything productive.
Teams RWBY/JNPR, a ragtag group of teenagers with attitude: Let's investigate the corrupt businessman's home and see if we can find evidence of wrongdoing.
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meadowindreams · 1 month ago
Yandere RWBY AU: Weiss schnee
Getting close to Jaune?
Weiss is cold", to jaune's face, but behind his back? she loves him to the point that there should an, she has both money and influence, so if he wants something? she will get it for him, anything, expensive merchandise, ticket to movies, or to travel, she would probably pay for everything, to make Jaune, she could also pay off anyone that was trying tog et close, leaving him alone, and make him rely on her more, because of this, like going on mission, hell she would pay Ozpin to get them to live together, her love language is gifts so that how she would play out.
She could easily pay her way into getting to know everything about Jaune, including his family and his entire life, paying off spies and stalkers to get info on him, to get info to use for blackmail or get closer to her.
"protecting jaune"
If anyone was bothering him like Cardin, or people that Jaune doesn't like too, she would either, give them money to get them to leave him alone, or hired someone to "remove" them, she can turn them into ice statues and easily depose of them later on, and whenever they can’t be together, she would kust buy out someone’s services, hire a few bodyguard, of course they can’t be seen but to her Jaune is worth every Penny after graduating, marriage, to make sure no one gets the chance, buy his heart and body, hell she probably doesn’t even need to use money just make promises that his mother that she will give her a bunch of grandbabies.
Getting to date jaune?
Jaune needs cash, and Weiss "needs" a date to high profile parties so she would pay him to be with her, and he cant be with anyone else as this would ruin her reputation which she will use on him, to make him stay "loyal" to him, and slowing shifting his life to where he can rely on her on everything, he will just be at home looking after the children and working the company, so that she can return to a loving house full of warmth, unlike her parent's marriage.
Marriage and Family?
Yes and yes, Weiss would definitely want to be married, for many reason, the main being that no one can claim jaune and take him away from her. She would like to have a few children (like 7), as I doubt she can handle so many, they would probably live in the same mansion letting her mother and sibling play with her kids.Klein would be a major help though, and u think he would be happy to serve another generation. She would be somewhat clingy to her children too as she has witness first hand how the lack of love from a parent can effect children especially the spouse, she would woke only when absolutely necessary, and spend time with Jaune and the kids, and she really doesn’t want to be like her father at all. she would buy him out, such as having him as a house husband, keeping him confided in the mansion which will be his new home. She can’t risk letting him leave the house and being kidnapped, he is far to valuable
How would other react?
Willow would be happy that her daughter found someone that makes her happy and would also want jaune to join their family as her own husband isnt that loving or as kind as Jaune is,
Winter, and Whitley are both happy for her, they know she was kind of stuck up, and was usually rude and self centred but now that Jaune is with her? She is so much nicer, and they actually started to bond
Klien would also be supportive of Jaune, he is kind, and usually helps out, and put effort, so he would say that he would love to serve jaune as the new head of the house in the future, as he is much nicer than the current “head”
She would bring him to any high profile party, to use him as a warding sign to get other suitors away from her but also make it clear that he is off the market, she can feel the jealousy of girls that wanted him at the party that she took him too.
Her father Jacque (jackass) would care but not like a caring father but most like a greedy man who wants Weiss to marry another high class person for wealth, power and profit, but considering that Weiss would do anything, he would be too distracted, or was threaten by her secertly that Willow would take the company back, since its in her name and not his, but would just not care, since he has 2 other children he could use for his own personal gain, then again, Weiss would do a hostile takeover to make sure there’s no chance of him getting rid of the love of her life.
Rejection and Resisting?
she would be devastated. why did he reject her? did she not give him everything he wanted? was there someone else? if (not when mind you) Jaune decided to break up, she would use all her connection and money to make sure that he wouldn't be happy with anyone else, paying the partner to leave him, or paying other to ruin the dates he goes on without her. She would kidnap her knight and keep him confined in the house, she would be like her father but for love instead of money, the other would want him to stay since she is more nicer this way.
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stripclub-elysium · 2 months ago
Recognising the moans as Yangs, Akuma got closer to Weiss "Sounds like she isn't in any trouble... maybe she somehow managed to... talk things out with her mother?" He assumes, Raven being the closest in mind for a 'random' meeting thanks to her portals
A Faunus Herd (Pt. 2) (Closed RP with @lewdest-mansion)
Everything ended in Chaos, first Pyrrha apparently killed her opponent Penny in a Fight, then everyone was attacked by the Grimm, the White Fang and the Paladins going out of Control. And although they seemingly have won with some Silver Light attacking the massive Grimm Dragon, Akuma's group ends up seperating with Weiss being the only one where he knows where she could be, considering her Family.
Akuma was walking alone until he came across a familiar face
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"Wait, you were with that Roman Guy..." Akuma said as he carefully looked around, unaware of the fate of Neo's former Boss.
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madmanwonder · 3 months ago
Jaune is staying over in the Schnee Mansion and tries to sing a romantic song to Weiss from outside of the door. Unfortunately, he picked the wrong one and is singing to Willow instead. She now thinks that it is for her instead.
Romantic, Mistaken Identity
When he sings the song he wrote and sings it to her door, Jaune Arc thinks he will finally get Weiss to see his romantic interest and open to him being her boyfriend...
...it did not as he find himself looking at Willow Schnee, the mother of his crush who was looking at him with lovestruck expression, pink hearts in her blue eyes.
"I never knew such feeling from a kind, handsome young man like yourself have for a old, washed croon like me." Willow replied with a teary smile as she entered his space to give him a tight hug... Jaune returned back with an uncertain look on his face as he wondered how would Weiss react to him accidentally making her mother fall in love with him.
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novankenn · 1 year ago
Can do... with "I DO"
Unlike what many think... Jaune Arc's father, Nathaniel, was not a huntsman. No he was an average, but shrewd business man, who loved his wife Jasmine, and all his children more than anything. So he often took them all with him when he was required to make business trips...
Jaune (Age 4 - Argus)
Jaune: MOMMY!
Jasmine: Jaune! There you are I've been...
Jasmine notices that Jaune is holding the hand of an adorable young red-haired girl about his age. Her cheeks were bright red, and her emerald eyes just radiated adoration for Jaune.
Jasmine: Who is this. sweetie?
Jaune: This is my wife.
Jasmine: I see. What is your name dear?
Pyrrha: My name is Pyrrha... Pyrrha Arc.
Jasmine's heart wanted to burst from the over load of pure adorableness...
Jasmine: So how did Pyrrha, become your wife, Jaune?
Jaune: I asked her if she wanted to hold hands while we played on the swings, and she said "I do"... and I said "I do" when she asked me. It's just like what you and dad said that when you held hands last year.
Jasmine: Yes, yes we did. Pyrrha, honey where's your mom and dad?
Pyrrha: I don't have a daddy... but mommy is by the fountain.
Jasmine: Well Jaune take my hand, and Pyrrha you take my other hand. Let's go meet your mother.
Jaune / Pyrrha : Yes Mommy / Yes Mommy
Jaune (Age 5 - Atlas)
Jasmine was not enjoying her time at the Schnee Mansion. She was tired, and trying to wrangle all her children while her husband finished negotiating an import/export contract was taxing. Yet when she saw Jaune approaching her in his little suit, holding the hand of a darling white haired girl, her heart skipped a beat.
Jasmine: Jaune, who is your little friend?
Jaune: This is Weiss.
Weiss: Mama Arc. I am Weiss Arc, Jaune's wife.
Jasmine's heart skipped another beat.
Jasmine: Jaune. Weiss, how did you become husband and wife?
Weiss: Jaune saw I wasn't happy and asked me to if I like to dance. I said "I do".
Jaune: Then I held her hand and said "I do" like to dance as well. Then we had a dance.
Weiss: It was very exciting, and it made me very happy.
Jasmine: I see. Jaune you take my hand. Weiss honey take my other hand. Let's go find you mother, shall we?
Jaune / Weiss: Yes Mommy / Yes Mama
Jaune (Age 6 - Menagerie)
Jasmine's heart was skipping beats as she watched her only son Jaune walking up to her, holding the hand of a young faunus girl his age. She bit her lip, just hoping he wouldn't say what she knew he was going to say.
Jasmine: Jaune, who is this little angel?
Jaune: This is Blake, my wife.
Jasmine: Is that true... Blake?
Blake: Yes. I am Blake Arc now.
Jasmine: And can I ask... how you became husband and wife?
Blake: I found him wandering on beach, and asked if he wanted to play. He said yes, so we played for a bit, and then he asked if I liked Ice-cream.
Jaune: We were holding hands and she said "I do", and then she asked me and I said "I do"... then she kissed me and gave me cooties!
Blake: You can't get cooties from your wife.
Jasmine rolled her eyes, and prayed to the brother gods that she would be strong enough.
Jasmine: She is right Jaune.
Jaune: Okay.
Jasmine: Blake, where's your mom and dad?
Blake: They work in the big building, near the center of town.
Jasmine: Jaune take my hand. Blake take my other hand, we're going to go see your mom.
Jaune (Age 17 Beacon)
Jaune was feeling slightly better, after emptying what little was left in his stomach into the trash. Sighing, he took a minute and a deep breath. He was here. He was at Beacon. This was his chance to become a hero. To make his parents proud.
????: Jaune is that you?
Jaune: Huh?
????: Jaune? I didn't know you would be here, too!
Jaune: What?
????: Jaune! I missed you!
Jaune: I'm confused. Do I know...
Pyrrha / Weiss / Blake: I'M YOUR WIFE!
Jaune: Uhhh...
Pyrrha / Weiss / Blake: NO YOU'RE NOT! I'M HIS WIFE!
Jaune: Wait... mom told me something about this...
Pyrrha / Weiss / Blake: Pyrrha Arc! / Weiss Arc! / Blake Arc!
????: Ah here you all are.
Jaune: Aunt Glynda? I forgot you worked here!
Glynda: Yes I work, here. Now if you will all come with me, I will escort your accommodations, and I Jaune I suggest you call your mother.
Jaune: Yes, Auntie.
Glynda: And to your three...
Pyrrha / Weiss / Blake: Yes Auntie?
Glynda: You will all be on your best behavior, am I understood? There will be no "grand-babies" until AFTER you graduate.
Pyrrha / Weiss / Blake: Yes, Auntie.
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For some very convoluted reason Jaune has to go undercover as a maid in the Schnee mansion. It was a relatively simple mission, get in, get the info, get out, so how was Jaune pushed into a wall as Willow made out with who she thought was a new maid. The milf pushing her knee into the blondes crotch, making him whimper in her mouth. In Willows drunken state she didn’t notice the additional equipment on her maid, in the end it didn’t matter, Willow was going to fuck the new “girl” for hours.
It’s up to you if this is straight or futa
The mission was easy. Sneak into Schnee manor, steal some incriminating documents from Jacques Schnee's office, and deliver them back to Ironwood. Simple as that, Jaune thought when he accepted the mission. However, no one took into account for a certain white-haired woman.
Jaune gagged as Willow's tongue entered his mouth, liquor lingering on the fleshy muscle. He tried to push her away, but the drunken woman was deceptively strong despite her state. Holding him in place by wrapping her arms around his neck, and pushing a knee into his groin, ensuring he wouldn't escape from her no matter how hard he tried. After a short while, she pulled away leaving a trail of saliva bridging their mouths as evidence of their makeout.
"You taste...*HIC* Gooddd~ new girl" she slurred, eyes half-lidded "
*She doesn't know I'm a male.* he thought, looking down at her leg pressed against her crotch *I suppose this is good that she doesn't recognize me either*
Willow smiled drunkenly, licking her lips "What's you name *Hic* beautiful~*HiC*"
"Jau.....*couch* Joan, ma'am" He replied in a shrill pitched voice, silently promising to apologize to Weiss after hearing that line himself.
Willow leaned forward and licked his cheek, the smell of alcohol making his face scrunt.
"Time for your orientation~" she whispers huskily in his ear before grabbing his top and yanking him forward.
Jaune screamed as Willow thrusts into his helpless asshole. He was bent over the desk, his skirt crumbled on the floor leaving his pale, toned ass expose for the milf to abuse as she sees fit. his hands were outstretched ahead of him with black glyphs locking him them in place.
Willow took a swig from her wine bottle, a single hand gripping Jaune's hips as she shoved her 14-inch strapon in and out of his ass. She still had no idea who he was, and honestly didn't care so long as she got some action from someone. Her husband refuses any of her advances due to her constantly drunk state.
"Despite not having much of a chest.......*hic* you have a nice fucking ass," she said, not filtering her words. "Gah....You cried like a little bitch, J...John.. no....Joan"
"That....cause...you're...being too...Rough!!" Jaune retorted, looking back at the intoxicated milf. Tears pooled in his eyes.
Willow released a throaty laugh, her motherly tits bouncing as she did. She raised her free hand and brought it down hard onto his ass cheeks, leaving a bright red mark.
"If you can't...*HIC*....handle a little toy like...*hic* this....then........" she stopped talking as an actual maid entered the room.
She had short white hair, icy blue eyes, and pale skin. 2B was her name, if Jaune remember correctly. Willow's personal servant, she hardly went anywhere without her close by.
*If she recognizes me, the mission is over!* he thought, hoping she wouldn't notice him.
"Excuse me, Ms. Schnee," she said, giving a small bow
"What is it? Can't you..*hic*...see I'm *hic* busy?"
Maintaining her composer, she continued her report "I regret to inform you that your husband has been arrested by the military"
Jaune's heart dropped upon hearing that statement. His humiliation from being pegged by Willow is made meaningless. the woman ceased her movement, taking a moment to absorb the news she's just been told.
"Oh....*hic* Is that so?" Willow questioned, taking another swig from her wine bottle, "How....*hic* sad..."
The sarcasm in her voice was very apparent. It was no secret that their marriage was down the drain.
"Excuse me, Ma'am, but isn't that one of Weiss's friends" 2B gestured to Jaune. the boy's face widened with shock at the exposure of his identity.
Willow look puzzled by the question, even laughing at 2B's observation "Of course not....*hic*This is the new maid, Joan see"
She released her hold on him and flipped him on his back. She was surprised to see his erect cock standing proud for all to see, much to his shame.
"Oh...*hic*..she didn't mention she was a futa.."
2B discretely rolled her eyes and removed his wig, causing Willow to gasp in shock.
"Oh...it is Jaune" she said, taking another swig of her wine bottle. Seeing it was empty, she dropped it on the floor.
"um....Surprise..." he squeaked, giving the duo a weary smile.
Willow stared at the boy for a while until a lecherous smile spread across her face, her right hand creeping down to her drooling slit.
"Well, this is a nice surprise~" she purred, slowly climbing onto Jaune's lap "I believe this is the perfect way to celebrate my upcoming divorce~"
The reason 2B is here is because of a personal idea where she and 2P are Willow's personal maids. Why? Smut reasons. Also could be used for in-depth story reasons by someone else
i don't know
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arc-misadventures · 7 months ago
The Lady’s Next Door
The 'Milf next door' when she says she just going to say 'hi' to that cute blond boy your daughters friends with.
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Kali: I just want to talk to him.
Blake: Why do you want to do that, Mom?
Kali: I just want to talk to him.
Blake: Why are you dressed like that?
Kali: I just want to talk to him.
Blake: Why do you want to talk to, Jaune?
Kali: I just want to talk to him.
Blake: Is it because he's a human?
Kali: I just want to talk to him.
Blake: He’s just my friend, Mom, he is not another, Adam waiting to happen.
Kali: I just want to talk to him.
Jaune: Hi, Blake. Oh, hi Ms. Belladonna!
Kali: I just want to fuck him.
Jaune: Beg pardon?
Blake: What?!
Yang: Hey, Mom, I’m sorry, but can you do me a favour?
Raven: I don’t wanna.
Yang: Mom! Come on! I just need you to watch over my friend till I get back.
Raven: Back, back from where?
Yang: Blake got…?!
Raven: No! Say no more, since it involves your ‘girlfriend’ I can assume it’s something illegal.
Yang: She’s not my girlfriend!
Raven: But, was it illegal?
Yang: …
Yang: Well…
Raven: Ha! Love the bad girls don’t you? Fine, I’ll watch over your friend. Who is it you want me to babysit; It better not be the, Schnee girl! I swear I’ll shoot her one of these days if she…?
Yang: No, it’s not, Weiss. It’s, Jaune. Jaune’s coming over.
Raven: J-Jaune…?
Yang: Yeah, we’ve got a school project we’re working on together, and Jaune wanted to get ahead of the game. So he asked if he could come over here so we could work on it. Is that okay?
Raven: Jaune coming over here…? T-That’s fine! I’m totally fine with that tasty snack…?! I mean! That fine young man coming over here. W-When is coming over…?
Yang: In… half an hour-ish?
Raven: Half an hour? That gives me plenty of time… Time for a shower, and time to put on something spicy~!
Yang: What was that?
Raven: Nothing! Go, and save your girlfriend!
Yang: She’s not my girlfriend, Mom!
Raven: And, I’m not about to get laid, now get going!
Yang: Alright! Alright! I’m going.
Yang: …
Yang: Wait, ‘Get laid?’
Ruby: Mom?
Summer: Yes, sweaty~?
Ruby: What are you wearing?
Summer: A bikini.
Ruby: Why?
Summer: Well, your friend, Jaune is coming over to help clean the pool, so I thought I’d give him a show~!
Ruby: A what?
Summer: I thought I’d get a suntan.
Ruby: Oh… Then why are you taking the sunscreen?
Summer: So I don’t get sunburned silly.
Ruby: Okay, do you want me to…?!
Summer: No! No, noo, no. I’ll ask, Jaune to put it on~! That way I get those big muscular hands all over me, feeling me up~! Oh gods~!
Ruby: What was that mom?
Summer: Nothing~!
(Ding dong~!)
Summer: Oh? That must be my boy toy~! Coming!
Ruby: Boy what…?
Jacques: Willow! Where are you! Blasted, where is that drunkard!
Willow: …
Jaune: …
Willow: Well, that was close…
Jaune: Yeah… too close.
Willow: Jacques would have thrown an absolute fit if he caught one of, Weiss’s friends snooping about the mansion.
Jaune: I wasn’t snooping, I was lost.
Willow: In a supply closet?
Jaune: I thought it was, Weiss’s room.
Willow: Not even close dear.
Jaune: Okay… but can you open the door, you shoved us in here to get away from, Jacques, and this broom closet is rather cramped.
Willow: No can do… my hands are stuck here… Feeling your broad chest~! Y-You’ll have to open the door yourself.
Jaune: Okay fine… where is the door knob…? Eh? What is this, a pillo…?!
Willow: Ohh~!
Jaune: Ahh?! S-S-S-Sorry! I didn’t mean to…?!
Willow: Jaune?
Jaune: Y-Y-Yeah…?!
Willow: Harder~!
Athena: So tell me, why are you in such a panic to clean up, our already clean house?
Pyrrha: Ooooh… My teammates are coming over, so I wanted to spruce the place up for their visit.
Athena: Your teammates…? Does that mean… Jaune is coming too…?
Pyrrha: Yeah, he’s coming too.
Athena: I see… Well, then I hope he’ll enjoy visiting us in our humble abode~!
Pyrrha: Uhh… Mom? Your top has come undone.
Athena: It’s a little hot here, I just want to cool off.
Pyrrha: It’s not hot in here at all?
Athena: Oh~? What makes you think that?
Pyrrha: Mom, your top has come undone again.
Athena: So it has.
Pyrrha: Mom, I can see you bra.
Athena: And?
Pyrrha: Mom, do up your blouse, unless you want my friends to stare at your breasts.
Athena: So long as it’s him, I don’t mind if he stares, or even copes a feel. I’ll be very happy by the end of it all~!
Pyrrha: C-Cope a feel? Who are you talking about?
Carla: So that’s the, ‘loser twerp’ you’ve been bullying?
Cardin: Yeah, his name is, Jaune Arc, complete loser.
Carla: Jaune Arc…? Jaune ArrrrrrrrrC~! Hmm… Rolls off the tongue.
Cardin: Pff! That’s part of the idiot’s stupid catch phrase.
Carla: What catch phrase?
Cardin: “The nAme’S JaUNe ArC; roLLLs of tHE tonGUE! LaDIEs Love it” Pff! How stupid can you be?
Carla: ‘Love’s it?’ So, he is the boy you are being forced to apologize to?
Cardin: Yeah, the teacher says they’ll end my two month long detention early if I apologize to him… I have no intention of apologizing to that loser.
Carla: I see… You know what, Cardin. How about I apologize on your behalf?
Cardin: You’ll do that?
Carla: Of course! He may not accept it, but he’ll at least get that apology he is owed.
Cardin: You’ll do that? Thanks, Mom. I probably would have decked him in the face if I went over there to apologize to the loser.
Carla: Then I best go over there. Don’t worry sweetie, I’ll make sure he accepts your apology. After all, what better apology can a boy get than fucking his bully’s own mother~?
Cardin: W-What was that…?
Ruby: Amethyst, honey? Why are you dressed so… slutty?
Amethyst: Oh… uhh… Parent teacher conference is tonight…
Ruby: I’m aware…
Amethyst: Yeah… so… Professor Arc is coming over to…?!
Ruby: Jaune?! J-Jaune’s coming over here?
Amethyst: Yeah, he told me so himself.
Ruby: So, you’re dressing like a slut to seduce him?
Amethyst: Yeah… That is the plan…
Ruby: Nonono! That won’t work at all honey! He won’t give you so much as a fleeting glance if you dress up like some common harlot!
Amethyst: He won’t?
Ruby: No! You need to dress in something more conservative, something that shows nothing, but something that emphasizes everything~!
Amethyst: Like what?
Ruby: I’ll show you after I’ve seduce him~!
Amethyst: What?! But, I want to sleep with him first!
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