#schmincke limited edition
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harakablack · 1 month ago
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Started it last year, never finished it until now.
Was a Tiktok Challenge.
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lonita · 4 years ago
World Watercolour Month '21 - part 1
Schmincke Horadam - Ocean Grey
Another multi-pigment paint (though limited edition), that includes PG50, which one finds in cobalt colours, so don't lick it. Oh boy the PBK6 settles out. Lovely. Swatching Ocean Grey.
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Renesans - Ultramarine Green. There's a technique in watercolour called beading that one employs to dramatically increase the chances of a smooth wash. I've only ever tried it on paper, so today I gave it a go on yupo. The nice thing about yupo is that paint doesn't cauliflower on it. There are some other drying peculiarities, but that's for another day. This came out a touch streaky, but still pretty good.
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Who needs art when you can simply not clean up after yourself? That surface, by the by, is a glass whiteboard that covers two thirds of the top of my desk.
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it's easy to be green.
Beam - Spring Green Isaro Green Light Van Gogh - Permanent Yellow Green Rembrandt - Cobalt Green Rembrandt - Emerald Green Schmincke - Cobalt Green Dark
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Finetec mica paints. All shiny!
Blue Silver Mystic Caribbean Green High Chroma Blue Orange Copper Tangelo
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QOR - YInMn Blue, also known as Oregon Blue or Mas Blue, was discovered by accident at Oregon State University and is the first inorganic blue pigment created in about 200 years. There's a TED talk by one of its discoverers.
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Beam - Mayan Indigo Gold. Another awesomely sedimenting colour. Wet on the right, and what happens when you let it settle and dry on its own, on the left.
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Van Gogh - Bronze, Copper St Petersberg White Nights - Copper, Bronze Beam - Mayan Rose Gold
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Schmincke Horadam - Caput Mortuum. Probably the most movingest paint I have. The name does mean dead head. Colours like this used to me made of ground up mummy.
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Schmincke Horadam - Tundra Violet. One of their new multi-pigment super granulating colours that separates into its components in very interesting and unpredictable ways.
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Daniel Smith's - Serpentine Genuine. Another lovely example of a paint that can separate. Such a lovely warm green with rusty bits.
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Rose of Ultramarine - This is the Daniel Smith version. The fun of multi-pigment paints is, for me, putting them on super wet paper and watching how they separate into their component parts as they dry. Again, an overcast day day, so this isn't presenting at its best.
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New paints just got delivered day.
Winsor Newton - Brown Madder Van Gogh - Copper, Bronze, Dusk Violet, Dusk Pink Schmincke - May Green, Indigo, Burnt Sienna
Sadly, a rainy day, so none of the helpful beauty of natural sunlight.
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How grey thou art.
Opus - Davy's Grey Sennelier - Sennelier Grey M. Graham - Yellow Grey St. Petersburg/White Nights - Marengo Roman Szmal - Misty Morning
It's interesting not only how some move more than others, but also how differently they can move.
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Painting it black.
Turner - Neutral Tint Holbein - Peach Black Stoneground - Roman Black Renesans - Przybysz Black
According to my Polish source, przybysz means something along the lines of to arrive, arrive, new arrival.
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The exciting world of … beige. From left to right, top to bottom:
QOR - Titanium Buff St Petersburg/White Nights - Dunes Daniel Smith - Titanium Buff Turner - Clove
Titanium Buff is actually a really awesome colour as a partner to things like Indigo or Aussie Red Gold, and is great as a bed to drop other colours into.
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What's in my browns/reds collection - left to right, top row down. Some of those things really move.
Winsor Newton (WN) - Rose Maddee Genuine Schmincke Horadam (SCH) - Galaxy Brown WN - VanDyke Brown St Petersburg White Nights (SPWN) - Mocha M. Graham (MG) - Terra Rosa WN - Potters Pink Rembrandt (REM) - Burnt Sienna Turner (T) - Charcoal Renesans (RNS) - Polish Brown MG - Transparent Red Iron Oxide Van Gogh (VG) - Raw Umber Beam (B) - Bread REM - Indian Red Daniel Smith (DS) - Quinacridone Coral WN - Winsor Red Deep T - Cinnabar DS - Sepia Stoneground (SG) -Burnt Sienna Crimson RNS - Green Brown RNS - Raw Kassel RNS - Monaco Bordeaux RNS - Dragon's Blood Sennelier (SEN) - Sennelier Brown SG - Same as above, forgot I had two WN - Rose Dore REM - Light Oxide Red
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The paint I forgot I ordered from Jackson's in the UK that just arrived: M. Graham's Azo Green. Because you can see I'm low on green paint. I needed more.
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My oranges from left to right:
St. Petersburg / White Nights - Peach Jacksons - Cadmium Yellow Orange Winsor Newton - Winsor Orange Rembrandt - Cadmium Orange
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threesixfive-art · 7 years ago
Sat 3/3/2018 Schmincke Watercolor
Sat 3/3/2018 Schmincke Watercolor
My most favorite set of paints! So far… It fits on my outstretched hand, and slips perfectly into the front pocket of the small bag I use for my travel art kit. And, ooooh, the colors. The travel paint brush is a “Joe Miller” Signature Series #6, from Cheap Joes, and fits right inside. I’ve only used it three times but like it very much, so far. And it was affordable! The paints were not,…
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y--kim · 5 years ago
Limited Editions
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kattestrophe · 4 years ago
Commentary für einen Absatz von Deine blauen Augen (machen mich so sentimental), weil @marquisevonobst so lieb gefragt hat.
Irgendwann im Nachmittag parkten sie den Golf auf einem Feldweg unterhalb eines Schilds mit der Aufschrift „Rheinsberg 28km“ (Das wurde direkt inspiriert von dem Teil des Brandenburgischen Roadtrips, bei dem @marquisevonobst und ich im Abstand von mehreren Kilometern an etwa drei Schildern vorbeigefahren sind, laut denen Rheinsberg 28 km weit weg war. Rheinsberg ist immer 28 km weit weg. Der Golf könnte in Bayreuth stehen und Rheinsberg wäre 28 km weit weg.), griffen sich ein Glas Soljanka aus dem hinter den Sitzen gelagerten Vorrat und Kattes vorsorglich mitgeführten Campingkocher und aßen an der Landstraße zu Mittag. Aus dem Golf tönte das Radio. 89.0 RTL mit Daylight in Your Eyes von den No Angels. (Das lief bei 89.0 RTL, als wir irgendwo in Thüringen hinter zwei LKWs über die Autobahn gegurkt sind. Direkt nach Dicke Titten Kartoffelsalat. 89.0 RTL is just like that, ich schwöre.)
„Was machen wir jetzt eigentlich“, fragte Keith zwischen zwei Löffeln Soljanka, „Fahren wir einfach weiter und hoffen, dass wir irgendwo ankommen?“
„Wäre mir recht“, erwiderte Friedrich und drehte seinen Löffel zwischen den Fingern, „Wenn schon nicht in Amsterdam, dann auf jeden Fall irgendwo, wo mein Herr Vater nicht ist. Wo sind wir eigentlich gerade?“
Keith hatte vor einer Weile die Karte übernommen, während Friedrich sich auf der Rückbank ausgebreitet und Katte beim Fahren über die Schulter gesehen hatte. („Falls ein Wildschwein auf die Straße springt oder so. Vier Augen sehen mehr als zwei.“ „Das kompensiert vielleicht so grade dafür, dass du mich mit viel Einsatz von der Straße und möglichen Wildschweinen ablenkst. Nimm bitte die Finger von meinen Haaren, Fritz. Ein andermal.“ (Fritz tut echt sein bestes mit dem Flirten, Katte ist nur dumm.)) Keith war im Navigieren auch nur geringfügig besser als Friedrich, dafür aber um Längen zuverlässiger als das Navigationssystem (Mein Navi war auch just like that. Ernsthaft. Mein Navi + Genthin, war super.). Er war sich fast sicher, dass sie die richtige Autobahn innerhalb der nächsten Stunde erreichen würden (#ostdeutschland. Ich als NRWsen komm darauf nicht klar. Ne Stunde bis zur Autobahn, was los bei euch?)
„Akut sind wir wieder in Brandenburg. Wir müssen erst weiter nach Osten, bevor wir nach Westen können. Zumindest laut dieser Karte.“
Keith beäugte den kalten Rest Soljanka, der im Glas zurückgeblieben war, zuckte mit den Schultern und trank ihn aus (Mir wurde von zwei unabhängigen Personen bestätigt, dass diese Zeile hier der krasseste Horrormoment meiner Fic ist. Ich könnte noch wen auf grauenhafte Weise sterben lassen und es käme nicht ansatzweise hier dran.).
„Wir haben es ja nicht unglaublich eilig. Wie wär’s mit einer Runde Musik? Vielleicht gefällt‘s den Kühen.“ (Wusstet ihr, dass es in Wust ein Museum über Kühe in Kunst und Kultur der Gegend gibt? Es heißt Muuhseum. Kein Scheiß.)
„Fällt dir was für drei Flöten ein?“
„Ich verzichte“, warf Katte ein und zog ein flaches, schwarzes Metallbehältnis mit Messingschraubdeckel aus der Tasche, „Ich höre euch aber gern zu.“
Keith blickte von dem Objekt zu Katte und wieder zurück.
„Katte, mein Freund… Ist das ein Flachmann?“
„Nah dran. Aquarellfarben. Der Farbkasten hat einen Wassertank.“ (Und ein paar Einflüsse aus meinem Arbeitsumfeld! Es handelt sich hierbei um einen Horadam Aquarellkasten der Firma Schmincke, war wohl mal ne limited edition. Schickes Teil, kostet Himmel und Geld, Farben sind spitze. Der Schmincke-Flachmann schien für Hans irgendwie passend.)
Alles war besser als das Radio eine weitere Stunde zu ertragen. Auch noch, als Keith und Friedrich mit dem Kreativprojekt „Geh mal Bier holen für zwei Querflöten“ anfingen (Dieses Lied wurde Ihnen präsentiert von: Meinem Bruder. Ich bin nicht so gut in Dorffest-Klängen, also hab ich Experten befragt.) („Der Ballermann für reiche Opernfans Ü70, das ist ne Marktlücke! Versuchst du dich am Gesangspart, Katte?“ „Als Operntenor oder als Schlagersänger?“ (Vielleicht starte ich hiermit ja einen Trend, einigen Leuten schien die Idee zu gefallen :‘D)). Katte lehnte an einem nahestehenden Baum, malte die Landschaft und die ein oder andere Kuh und hörte seinen Freunden dabei zu, wie sie ihre Diskussion zum Klassik-Ballermann ad absurdum fortführten. (Dieser ganze Absatz ist im Ende entstanden, weil ich will, dass man die Chaostruppe wirklich als Freunde sieht. Klappt das? Ich brauche das. Let them be happy friends.)
Sie packten ihre Picknicklandschaft erst gegen acht wieder zusammen und setzten sich zurück ins Auto. Keith fuhr, Katte behielt die Karte im Auge, Friedrich hing auf der Rückbank und kommentierte das Radioprogramm (er ist die Art von Bitch.). 89.0 RTL. Es war 90s Night.
Es wurde dunkel und die Kommentare von der Rückbank wurden seltener und kürzer. Nachdem zu Lemon Tree keine einzige spitze Bemerkung gemacht worden war, sah Katte hinter sich. Friedrich hatte sich mit einer gefalteten Jacke als Kissen zusammengerollt und schien tief und fest zu schlafen (Autodiebstahl macht müde, besonders nach dem Tag den Friedrich davor hatte.). Angeschnallt war er freilich nicht mehr, aber das würde auf der finsteren Landstraße wohl auch niemand kontrollieren.
Schlafend sieht Friedrich ganz anders aus, dachte Katte, schlafend fehlen etwa sieben Schichten karbonharter Sarkasmus (ernsthaft, ich kann mir Friech nicht mit entspanntem Gesicht vorstellen, imagine.). Mit einiger Verrenkungskunst manövrierte er seinen grünen Parka (die eigentliche Hauptfigur der Fic, die blöde Jacke) über Friedrichs Schultern und drehte sich wieder in Fahrtrichtung. Von der Rückbank kam ein zufriedenes Seufzen. (Ich brauchte yearning. Jacke teilen is a love language. Sie haben einander liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeb)
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kunstpark · 4 years ago
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Kennst Du schon die neue Limited Edition von Schmincke? Ab jetzt gibt es eine begrenzte Anzahl an Norma Ölfarben in der Metallic Edition. Wenn Du in Deinen Kunstwerken durch metallische Farbe Akzente setzen möchtest oder einfach mal etwas Neues ausprobieren möchtest, dann sind diese metallischen Farben genau das Richtige für Dich. Aber Du musst Dich beeilen, die Farben gibt es nur in einer begrenzten Anzahl! https://www.kunstpark-shop.de/neu/limitiert-schmincke-norma-oelfarbe-35-ml-polarblau-metallic.html
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salomemuffin · 4 years ago
I Tried Mixing the Schmincke Super-Granulating Watercolours - Part 1
I Tried Mixing the Schmincke Super-Granulating Watercolours – Part 1
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Earlier this year Schmincke released a limited edition range of super granulating watercolours and I couldn’t wait to try them. When I looked at the pigment mixes I wondered if I could see if I could re-create them with what I had available. I watched this video by Kimberly Crick Art which was really useful and I used this Jackson’s Art blog post by Evie Hatch as my colour guide.
The range is…
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ownerzero · 5 years ago
Schmincke Watercolour discount on Jackson's Art (July 2020)
Just found out there’s a good discount on Schmincke watercolour tubes on Jackson’s Art. Prices are really good so do check it out. I’m not sure when the promotion will end though. The 15 limited edition Super Granulating colours are listed but some are not in stock. Note that they may not ship to all […]
The post Schmincke Watercolour discount on Jackson's Art (July 2020) appeared first on AWorkstation.com.
source https://aworkstation.com/schmincke-watercolour-discount-on-jacksons-art-july-2020/
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wallpaperpainter · 5 years ago
19 Various Ways To Do Schmincke Watercolor | schmincke watercolor
Global Acrylic ColourMarket Overview:
The all-around Acrylic Colourmarket is accepted to abound at a cogent pace, letters GLOBAL INFO RESEARCH. Its latest assay report, blue-blooded [Global Acrylic Colour Bazaar 2020 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Anticipation to 2025], offers a different point of appearance about the all-around market. Analysts accept that the alteration burning patterns are accepted to accept a abundant access on the all-embracing market. For a abrupt overview of the all-around Acrylic Colourmarket, the assay address provides an controlling summary. It explains the assorted factors that anatomy an important aspect of the market. It includes the analogue and the ambit of the bazaar with a abundant account of the bazaar drivers, opportunities, restraints, and threats.
The capacity of assay acquiesce the readers to accept the aspects of the bazaar such as its products, accessible technologies, and applications of the same. These capacity are accounting in a address to call their development over the years and the advance they are acceptable to booty in the advancing years. The assay address additionally provides astute advice about the arising trends that are acceptable to ascertain advance of these segments in the advancing years.
Click to appearance the abounding address TOC, amount and tables: https://www.globalinforesearch.com/Global-Acrylic-Colour_p425782.html
By Type, Acrylic Colour bazaar has been anecdotal intoArtist LevelMaster LevelBeginner
19 Various Ways To Do Schmincke Watercolor | schmincke watercolor – schmincke watercolor | Allowed to be able to my weblog, on this moment We’ll demonstrate with regards to keyword. And after this, this can be a first impression:
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Schmincke Horadam Aquarell Watercolor Pan Sets | Arte, Útiles .. | schmincke watercolor
Why don’t you consider picture previously mentioned? is actually in which amazing???. if you’re more dedicated and so, I’l m teach you a number of image again under:
So, if you’d like to obtain these awesome pics about (19 Various Ways To Do Schmincke Watercolor | schmincke watercolor), click on save button to store these shots to your laptop. They’re available for obtain, if you appreciate and want to own it, simply click save symbol in the post, and it will be directly downloaded in your notebook computer.} At last if you wish to find new and latest photo related to (19 Various Ways To Do Schmincke Watercolor | schmincke watercolor), please follow us on google plus or book mark this blog, we attempt our best to offer you regular update with all new and fresh pics. We do hope you love staying right here. For most upgrades and latest information about (19 Various Ways To Do Schmincke Watercolor | schmincke watercolor) pics, please kindly follow us on twitter, path, Instagram and google plus, or you mark this page on bookmark area, We attempt to give you update periodically with all new and fresh shots, love your searching, and find the right for you.
Here you are at our website, articleabove (19 Various Ways To Do Schmincke Watercolor | schmincke watercolor) published .  Today we’re excited to announce we have discovered a veryinteresting contentto be discussed, that is (19 Various Ways To Do Schmincke Watercolor | schmincke watercolor) Some people attempting to find specifics of(19 Various Ways To Do Schmincke Watercolor | schmincke watercolor) and definitely one of them is you, is not it?
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Schmincke Horadam acuarela: Sartenes media Metal Set 19 – schmincke watercolor | schmincke watercolor
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Watercolor – schmincke watercolor | schmincke watercolor
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Schmincke Horadam Aquarell Watercolor Pan Sets – schmincke watercolor | schmincke watercolor
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Schmincke Akademie Watercolour Sets – schmincke watercolor | schmincke watercolor
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SCHMINCKE Horadam Watercolor 19ml Set x 19 – schmincke watercolor | schmincke watercolor
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SCHMINCKE Horadam 19 Half Pan Watercolor Set, An Aluminum Tin (74419097) – schmincke watercolor | schmincke watercolor
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Schmincke Horadam Watercolor Metal Tin Set of 19 Half Pans – schmincke watercolor | schmincke watercolor
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Schmincke Horadam Limited Edition Pearl Metallic + Gold Half Pan Tin of 19 – schmincke watercolor | schmincke watercolor
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Schmincke Akademie Aquarell Watercolor Set – 19 Whole Pans – 19 – schmincke watercolor | schmincke watercolor
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Schmincke watercolors- Great idea! | Materiales de arte, Pintura y .. | schmincke watercolor
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Amazon.com: Schmincke Watercolors- 19 Half Pans in a Metal Box .. | schmincke watercolor
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Schmincke Horadam 19 Half Pan Set Watercolor – schmincke watercolor | schmincke watercolor
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Schmincke : Horadam Watercolor Paint : Set Of 19 Full Pans – schmincke watercolor | schmincke watercolor
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SCHMINCKE Akademie Aquarell Watercolor Set – 19 whole pans – schmincke watercolor | schmincke watercolor
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Schmincke Akademie Watercolour Metal Set – 19 Half Pans – schmincke watercolor | schmincke watercolor
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Schmincke : Horadam Watercolor Paint : Metal Set : 19x19ml Tubes – schmincke watercolor | schmincke watercolor
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Schmincke Horadam Aquarell Pearl Metallic Metal Watercolor Set – schmincke watercolor | schmincke watercolor
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Schmincke Horadam Artist Watercolour Set – 19 Half Pans + 19 Full Pan Leather Case Limited – schmincke watercolor | schmincke watercolor
The post 19 Various Ways To Do Schmincke Watercolor | schmincke watercolor appeared first on Painter Legend.
Painter Legend https://www.painterlegend.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/schmincke-horadam-aquarell-watercolor-pan-sets-arte-utiles-schmincke-watercolor.jpg
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wallpaperpainting · 5 years ago
Ten Things You Need To Know About Schmincke Horadam Watercolors Today | schmincke horadam watercolors
Ten Things You Need To Know About Schmincke Horadam Watercolors Today | schmincke horadam watercolors – schmincke horadam watercolors | Delightful for you to our weblog, in this particular moment I will demonstrate regarding keyword. And today, this can be a 1st photograph:
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Schmincke HORADAM Watercolors by TokyoMoonlight on DeviantArt – schmincke horadam watercolors | schmincke horadam watercolors
How about photograph preceding? is of which wonderful???. if you think so, I’l m teach you a few photograph again underneath:
So, if you like to secure all of these outstanding images regarding (Ten Things You Need To Know About Schmincke Horadam Watercolors Today | schmincke horadam watercolors), click on save button to download these photos in your computer. There’re available for down load, if you’d prefer and wish to obtain it, just click save badge in the page, and it’ll be instantly saved in your notebook computer.} At last if you’d like to have new and the recent picture related with (Ten Things You Need To Know About Schmincke Horadam Watercolors Today | schmincke horadam watercolors), please follow us on google plus or book mark the site, we try our best to present you regular update with all new and fresh pictures. We do hope you love staying right here. For some updates and recent news about (Ten Things You Need To Know About Schmincke Horadam Watercolors Today | schmincke horadam watercolors) shots, please kindly follow us on twitter, path, Instagram and google plus, or you mark this page on bookmark area, We attempt to provide you with up-date regularly with all new and fresh shots, enjoy your browsing, and find the perfect for you.
Thanks for visiting our website, articleabove (Ten Things You Need To Know About Schmincke Horadam Watercolors Today | schmincke horadam watercolors) published .  At this time we’re excited to declare we have discovered an awfullyinteresting topicto be reviewed, that is (Ten Things You Need To Know About Schmincke Horadam Watercolors Today | schmincke horadam watercolors) Some people attempting to find specifics of(Ten Things You Need To Know About Schmincke Horadam Watercolors Today | schmincke horadam watercolors) and certainly one of these is you, is not it?
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Review of Schmincke Horadam Watercolours – Magny Tjelta – schmincke horadam watercolors | schmincke horadam watercolors
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Aquarellminiatur handgemalt wandklex Quickies – schmincke horadam watercolors | schmincke horadam watercolors
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Aquarellminiatur handgemalt wandklex Quickies – schmincke horadam watercolors | schmincke horadam watercolors
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Schmincke Horadam Artist Watercolour Transparent Mixing Colors Set – 12 color 12ml tubes – schmincke horadam watercolors | schmincke horadam watercolors
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Schmincke Horadam Limited Edition Christmas Wooden Set – 8 .. | schmincke horadam watercolors
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Schmincke Horadam Aquarell Watercolor Pan Sets – BLICK art .. | schmincke horadam watercolors
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Schmincke Horadam Watercolour Metal Set – 12 half pans tin .. | schmincke horadam watercolors
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Schmincke Horadam | Wet Paint – schmincke horadam watercolors | schmincke horadam watercolors
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Order Today Schmincke Horadam Watercolor 12 Half Pan in .. | schmincke horadam watercolors
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Watercolor portrait | schmincke horadam watercolors
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Schmincke Watercolors Review & Demo – schmincke horadam watercolors | schmincke horadam watercolors
The post Ten Things You Need To Know About Schmincke Horadam Watercolors Today | schmincke horadam watercolors appeared first on Wallpaper Painting.
from Wallpaper Painting https://www.bleumultimedia.com/ten-things-you-need-to-know-about-schmincke-horadam-watercolors-today-schmincke-horadam-watercolors/
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sadiesavestheday · 7 years ago
Watercolorist's Dream Gift guide | Euorpean & UK Edition
Frugal | Gifts Under €25
1. Faber-Castell 12 Polygrade Pencils (€20/ £18)
What: A set of 12 pencils in the style of the original polygrade pencils. The range is from 5B–5H.
Why: All watercolor artists need a good pencil, whether for sketching or for transferring drawings. These pencils are a fun option and very unique. What makes these special is that they are a limited edition group of pencils from a reputable manufacturer that make you feel like you are using a pencil from 1837.
Amazon Germany
Amazon UK
Cass Art
Limited edition “Polygrades” to mark Lothar von Faber’s 200th birthday
A.W. Faber „Polygrades” Jubiläums-Edition – Lexikaliker
A.W. Faber Polygrades: Old and New | Contrapuntalism
2. Finetec/ Coliro Pearlcolors Gold & Silver (€25,95)
What: A set of six gold and silver watercolor paints.
Why: These paint are lightfast, handmade in Germany by a family-owned company, and vegan friendly. If you are looking for an awesome gold paint, you can stop searching. These are the best! I have never seen another gold paint that replicates real gold so well.
Finetec’s Own Store
Amazon Germany
Amazon UK
Penman Direct
Creating Gold Calligraphy: How to Use the Finetec Palette | The Postman’s Knock
Doodlewash® ~ DOODLEWASH REVIEW: FineTec Pearlcolors, Kuretake Gold Ink
3. Viarco ArtGraf Watersoluble Graphite (£14.70)
What: A tin of water-soluble graphite.
Why: this water-soluble graphite is made by a family-owned company in Portugal. They are one of the oldest pencil manufacturers in Europe, so they know their graphite. I love this water-soluble graphite, and it is really useful for sketching or learning to paint with values. If you only have one pain in your travel kit, this would be it.
Great Art
Amazon Uk
Amazon Germany
Review of ArtGraf Water Soluble Graphite - painting on paper - Belinda Del Pesco
Review: Viarco’s ARTGRAF watercolour graphite set | Parka Blogs
Doodlewash® ~ DOODLEWASH REVIEW: ArtGraf
Review: Viarco ArtGraf Watercolor Graphite Set — Cole Imperi
Mid-Range | Gifts $26–75
1. Daler Rowney Artsphere Easel (€50/ £30)
What: A super adjustable easel.
Why: You need to take care of your neck and your back! It’s very easy to hurt your back bending over a table painting watercolors. This easel is the solution. It can adjust in many different ways and hold both papers and canvas.
Cass Art
Amazon Germany
Amazon UK
Daler Rowney Artsphere - SAA
Daler Rowney Art Sphere Table Top Easel Review & Unboxing
2. Eventually Everything Mixes Watercolor Sets ($28–30)
The Primal ($28)
[Oslo] Special Edition - Three Shades of Beautiful Sadness ($30)
What: Sets of vegan Handmade watercolors in half pans.
Why: These paints are super high quality, very pigmented, and a great deal. They are handmade by an artist in Berlin, they are vegan, and some of the funds go to workshops that teach art to a wider audience. So not only are you getting unique paint, but you are supporting a good cause!
Eventually Everything Mixes Shop
Review - Eventually, Everything Mixes - Handcrafted artist-quality vegan & cruelty-free wc paints - EveBolt
Art Supply Review: Eventually Everything Mixes — Sadie Saves the Day!
3. Kolinsky Sable Brushes (€27-€68)
DA VINCI Kolinsky Brushes Series 5359 (27,16 €)
Kolibri Watercolor Brushes 2,4,6,8 ($28)
Rosemary & Co Artist Brushes, Set of 3 (£59.00)
What: Kolinsky Sable brushes made by three different manufacturers at three different price points.
Da Vinci - there isn’t much to say about this brand, only because everybody knows that they are synonymous with quality. These are some of the best of the best. Every single brush that I have bought from da Vinci has been beautiful and amazing. They are robust and the points remain over time.
Amazon Germany
Amazon UK
Great Art
handprint : how watercolor brushes are made
Review: Da Vinci Maestro Travel Pocket Brush | Parka Blogs
Kolibri - This is probably not a very well-known brand, especially not outside of Germany. However this small family company has been making brushes for a long time. They have a small line of Kolinsky Sable brushes, called their gold line, which is an amazing value for the money. Some even say they are better than the Winsor and Newton Series 7s! Most cheap Kolinsky Sable brushes are not worth your time or mine, but these are excellent and I use them daily.
Amazon Germany
Künstlerpinsel - Künstlerbedarf › Kolibri
Kolibri Brushes - Artists BrushesFeurer & Sohn GmbH Kolibri Brushes Germany - Making Stuff
Rosemary & Co. - I don’t personally have experience with this brand, but this small, woman-owned company is the favorite of many watercolorists.
Rosemary & Co’s website
Which Brush should I get? Opening my Rosemary & Co Brushes Catalogue - ooooh! - Shoo Rayner
Rosemary&Co Brushes My Review - Faron Adams
Rosemary and Co Brushes a brief review with a cautionary tale | Miniature Painters Guild | BoardGameGeek
Brushes review: Winsor & Newton series 7 vs Rosemary • Chest of Colors
The Importance of QualitY: Rosemary & Co Brushes | MyRitual
All Out | Gifts Over $75
1. TALENS Rembrandt Watercolor Set in Wooden Box ($124)
What: A set of 22 Rembrandt artist grade watercolor half pans in a wooden box with a porcelain palette.
Why: This Dutch brand is high quality, and the watercolor paints have a full range of colors. Not only that, but every watercolorist would be happy to have a ceramic palette to paint on.
Rembrandt Watercolors Good? - WetCanvas
Rembrandt Watercolor Review — Scratchmade Journal
Doodlewash® ~ DOODLEWASH REVIEW: Rembrandt Professional + Ecoline Watercolors
Rembrandt Artist Watercolors - Owings Art
Jane Blundell Artist: Rembrandt Watercolours
handprint : watercolor brands
2. SENNELIER Haute Couture Watercolor Set (€79,35 )
What: This is a set of 10 tubes of water colors, one porcelain palette, to brushes, and one towel.
Why: Of course Sennelier is a brand that is renowned for making watercolors that are vibrant with a special ability to glaze effortlessly. But this set is also just extremely convenient. It has everything that you need to paint except for water. I’m actually surprised that they included towel, because this is an aspect that most watercolor kits miss.
Great Art
Le géant des beaux-arts
Doodlewash® ~ DOODLEWASH REVIEW- Schmincke, Sennelier, MaimeriBlu
Is Sennelier a good brand? - WetCanvas
Review: Sennelier Artist Watercolors | Thefrugalcrafter’s Weblog
meandering mari: My Favorite Watercolor Paints
Jane Blundell Artist: Sennelier Watercolours
handprint : watercolor brands
3. SCHMINCKE HORADAM® Watercolor Set in Wooden Box(142,89 €)
What: 24 tcubes of Schmincke watercolors in a wooden box with a porcelain palette.
Why: There isn’t a single watercolorist who would be upset if you gifted them this set of watercolors. You get a full range of Schmincke’s colors plus a huge palette to paint with. What more could you want?
Cass Art
Schmincke Horadam 24 watercolour set full review, swatches & lightfastness - Andi design
Review: Schmincke Horadam Watercolors | the mind of michelle
Over the Top! – Over $250
Caran d’Ache 80 MUSEUM Aquarelle Watercolor Pencil assortment (360,00€)
What: A set of 80 extremely highly pigmented watercolor pencils
Why: some of the colors in this set are only available through this gift box. You cannot get them in any other set. Since these are definitely the best watercolor pencils around, it is a great gift to get not just the basic set, but the full range of colors!
Caran d’Ache’s website
Cass Art
Caran d’Ache Museum Aquarelle Review - Owings Art
Fueled by Clouds & Coffee: Product Review: Caran d’Ache Museum Aquarelle Pencils
Faber Castell Albrecht Durer/Caran D’Ache Supracolor/Caran D’Ache Museum Aquarelle Comparison chart | Lung Sketching Scrolls
The Sketchers Box ($275)
What: A handmade watercolor box with your name on it.
Why: ! Even though there is a long waiting time, it is definitely a special gift to have a watercolor palette made specifically for you. You can get your name on the pallet, and it comes with a free leather pouch, and space for 18 hole pans. It doesn’t get much more luxurious than this!
La petite palette website
brass watercolor palettes 5 craftsmen now making them | Channeling Winslow Homer
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harakablack · 3 years ago
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Also trying to finish this one.
Purpose was to test the Limited Edition Color 'Ocean Grey' from Schmincke and Desert Green.
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lonita · 3 years ago
World Watercolour Month 2022 - Day 1 to 15
Day 1
Paul Rubens, Precipitated colours, in the super funky round box. From L to R: Shadow Yellow, Misty Carmine, Dense Cyan, Dusky Purple, Chinese Ink Blue, Country Green
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Day 2
One of my favourite granulating convenience colours to come out in the past year is Cesc Farre’s Ocean Grey, currently sold under the Schmincke Horadam family of watercolours. Made with PB29, PBK6, and PG50, you can certainly try your hand at your own concoction. Still available via Jackson’s in the UK, though it is limited edition so it may not last.
I enjoy puddling water on Yupo and watching supergranulating watercolours separate out.
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Day 3
Schmincke supergranulating Tundra Violet, made from PB29 and PBR6.
This one moves a lot, and quite quickly. Another puddle on Yupo experiment.
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Day 4
Schmincke’s supergranulating Shire Blue, PY159, PB29, PG26.
This moves well in a puddle on Yupo. I do love the lines watercolours leave behind as they dry on Yupo.
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Day 5
The lovely red and ethically sourced mica of Beam Paints handmade Wild Salmo
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Day 6
Beam Paints - Strange Lake Bed.
Such a luscious blue. It’s hard to see in the image, but when this paint is separating into a still wet puddle of water, it looks like the colours of peacock feathers.
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Day 7
Left: Daniel Smith - Rose of Ultramarine - PB29, PV19
Right: Opus - Ethereal - PR177, PG18, PB29
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Day 8
Notturne - PB29, PR179 - A. Gallo
Note that A. Gallo uses rosemary essential oil in their mix. These may not be the paints for you if you’re very sensitive to that scent. It’s not really strong, but it is noticeable.
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Day 9
Nordmann Green - PG7, PV16 - Isaro
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Day 10
Mayan Indigo Gold - Beam Paints
Sadly, I couldn’t get the shot just right to really see the gold, but I assure you its present, however subtle. You can see it in the bottom right somewhat.
I did try to get them to change the name to Indigold, because I’m just that kind of person. :)
Update: Apparently they did change it to Indigold. :D
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Day 11
Haze Pink - PR233, PB36 - Schmincke
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Day 12
Left: Stoneground’s Vivianite
Right: A. Gallo’s Harbor Blue
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Day 13
Random Grey (2022) - Schmincke
This year’s party with the pigments resulted in this grey with sepia tones. Each year Schmincke mixes leftover pigments together and releases the limited edition results. Never the same way twice.
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Day 14
Nowadays the world of watercolour isn’t relegated to pans and tubes alone. These double-tipped markers - the Winsor & Newston on the left (don’t get them mixed up with the dye-based ones in similar tubing) and the Faber-Castell Albrecht Durer on the right - are full of actual watercolour paint. Definitely a viable travel option, since you can paint directly with either tip, or spread the paint out with a watercolour brush.
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Day 15
Derwent Pastel Paint Pans are neither watercolour nor gouache, but have aspects of both. As far as I know, they haven’t released the makeup of the paints, so I can’t even tell you what the binder is.
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colrfulcreations · 6 years ago
Date: 2018-11-27 18:01:40
Discover the J.H. HORADAM® Aquarel Wheels-less by Schmincke! A truly Unique collector's item! Only 200 of this limited-edition item W296BO Manufacturing worldWide, and Opusculumculum is the Only Canadian Salespeople them. Availabilities Only Whilst Supply last! During the fair Creative World in Frankfurt, THyskaland the well-known Manufacturing of Color From Erkrath has Been Awards the Desirable 1st Prizes for the Creative 2018. The is a truly Extraordinary Aquarelle set: The Josef Horadam Aquarel Wheels-less, one of the two Compagnie Founders of 1881. It is a collector's item of a special value, and Opusculumculum has the Only four Availabilities in all of Canada. (Only 200 W296BO Producing worldWide!) The HORADAM® WaterColor are well-known for Their Unique and Highly Concentrated Quality Around the world. Their are now Presented in a special, Highly Quality and Timelessness design, Producing in a German Specialise Manufactories for metal processing: An elegant, self-twistable Aliuminium cylinder, out of the Single HORADAM® Aquarelle pans in Blackest Anodization Aliuminium holders will be Turns out Twister like. The 12 well-chosen and colouristically Reasoned Color are Those From the proven HORADAM® Aquarelle Painters box WITH 12 pans. Their Allow a Wide Range of Mixing options. The integrated, Lockable Water tank, as well as the additional Mixing slots, Allow the direct use of the Painters box. The J.H. Aquarel Wheels-less connects the HisTory HORADAM® Aquarelle Recipies WITH an Extraordinary Aquarelle Painters box design. Thus, it represents a Precious must-have collector's item in THyskaland. Visit Opusculumculum Art Supplies this Holiday SEASONS (November/December 2018) to Shops for this Aquarelle set Whilst Supply last:
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10orioart · 8 years ago
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It's been a long time since I've sat down and swatched out one of my palettes. There's a lot of fascinating colors in this limited edition #schmincke set, especially the blues. It was really relaxing to make this chart, perfect wind-down after a tough week. - - - Materials: #watercolor on #beepaper Aquabee Super Deluxe - - @bee_paper #painting #color #palette #aquarelle #paint #colortheory #sketchbook (at Oakland, California)
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threesixfive-art · 7 years ago
I don’t even remember what other paints I have. I’ve died and gone to Schmincke heaven.
Daniel Smith MAY have met his match today. I got this limited edition set of Schmincke Horadam’s new colors. For $70!!! It’s worth 2 or 2 1/2 times that, if you add it all up separately. (check Wet Paint to see if they still have it) Twelve colors in a sweet, almost square tin that will hold 18-21 colors. (I added three colors, too, when I ordered the set) I won’t go into what I love about these right now… except their creaminess, vibrance, the beautiful way they dance in the water (this is fantastic), the color shift upon drying is negligible… the tin IS nicer than the meeden and other inexpensive tins… these are all single pigment paints with high lightfast ratings (of course)… (siiiigh)… I’ll play with them more first and talk later.
  I’m really a huge fan of the granulating potter’s pink.
    Thurs 2/15 SCHMINCKE fabulousness I don't even remember what other paints I have. I've died and gone to Schmincke heaven.
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