#scheduled shittttt
chmerical-a · 1 year
what’s  your  phone  wallpaper : uhhhh lock screen is joylene & background is giorno. both from jjba <3 last  song  you  listened  to : cigarettes out the window - tv girl currently  reading : weyward - emilia hard last  movie : PORTRAIT OF A LADY ON FIRE ( i need someone to give me this au pls & thx ) last  show : abbott elementary craving : idk, chicken katsu what  are  you  wearing  right  now : low rise baggy jeans, crop top, unbuttoned button up how  tall  are  you? : iykyk piercings / tattoos? : tew many :’) glasses ? contacts? : porque no los dos last  thing  you  ate? : lamb gyro favorite  color(s) : a lot! current  obsession : pedro pascal as agent whisky & angela giarratana as grace chasity any  pets : my son, stitch. he’s a kitty & i love him always do  you  have  a  crush  right  now? : bruh i may have a man’s but lord do i got my celeb crushes ( florence pugh & paul rudd ) favorite  fictional  character : i cannot pick only 1 sry last  place  you  traveled : somewhere socal ( hollywood )
tagged by : i swiped this tagging : swipe from meeeee
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dog-ending · 1 month
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thoughtsfromataco · 1 year
I am so stressed but so excited right now
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1-800-call-ria · 1 year
chenle 👏 is 👏 a 👏 thigh 👏 guy 👏
i know he loves thick thighs, he fucking go crazy when he was eating you out and you close your thigh when youre cumming, crushing his big ass head with that plump soft big thighs. he doesnt event try to hide it, hes always touching it, caressing it, biting it, shittttt. even when you guys are watching movies together with ur friend over at his apartment, he'd sit on the floor between your legs hanging from the couch, just so he can lay his head to the side on top of your plushy thighs. THIS MAS LOVES THIGHS
yes. yes. absolutely yes. EVERY SINGLE TIME TOO. sorry this is so short :(
warning: smut, oral (f) , not edited 😭
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You’ve always known Chenle had a thing for your thighs. He would touch and caress them during car rides, pinch them whenever he was just walking by and even just staring whenever your wore anything that remotely showed them off. It was a matter of time before you would learn the true extent of this love though.
Every so often your friends and his friends gather around to have a movie night. It’s usually once every few months because if everyone’s packed schedules but every time it happens it’s always so fun. You all vote on the top two movies that what to be watched and you sit, eat snacks and just vibe.
It just so happened that this time it was at his house. His house always had the best food, TV and especially best seating.
He always, and I mean always sits at your feet. Chenle places himself right between your legs and if your legs ever feel like they’re falling asleep, he’ll move them. Opting to put them over his shoulders so he can move even further between your legs.
If you’re wearing shorts he’ll definitely turn his head every so often to nip and suck at your thighs. If you’re wearing pants he’ll go ahead and just lay his head back even further into you. Whenever you jokingly squeeze your legs together, he just laughs along bringing his hand to rub up and down your leg (even pinching causing you to purposefully have you close your legs around his head).
Remember this is a movie night. Whenever everyone has fallen asleep he goes ahead and takes you to his (your) room.
He’s been hard ever since you first let him sit down between your legs, now he wants to suffocate between your thighs.
Maybe even let you sit on his face, you know 😉 Burry him in all the glory he calls your thighs.
“Don’t worry pretty baby, I’ll take care of you…”
Now the problem is making sure you stay quiet enough while he eats you out like a starved man.
Silence has never been your strong suit, now has it?
“Shhh, you wouldn’t want our friends to hear you, now would you? But I bet you’d like that.”
He’s licking and nibbling softly, even being very deliberate in where he’s placing his tongue and nose. Chenle loves all this is you…but especially your thighs :)
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trans-zhongli · 2 years
okay literally how do i train bad behaviors out of a cat who 1.) does not respond to being sprayed or any other method i have tried and 2.) knows EXACTLY the behaviors that i CANNOT ignore such as scratching my face while i sleep or clawing the carpet to shreds.
like i literally love my boy to death and i have no hard feelings towards him i would die for him. it's the situation itself that's annoying and frustrating. like i can't get a full nights sleep, my carpet and chair are torn to shreds, and it's not exactly easy to ignore when he starts yowling for food 2 hours early despite having a strict and consistent feeding schedule
he is ENTIRELY motivated by food and will NOT stop until he gets it. he will do these things for HOURS before his meal time, and do these things the entire fucking time. he meows until they are croaky and waltzes right back in after being sprayed (or has no reaction to it at all), and he knows exactly the things i can't ignore. like literally the MOST manipulative cat in the world
like i said i have no bad feelings towards him it's the situation that is frustrating. never have i thought about him being a bad cat or wanting to get rid of him. so don't misunderstand me here, he is one of the things i live for tbh. he just acts so goddamn annoying sometimes holy SHITTTTT.
(methods i have tried are entirely gentle such as blowing on his face, attempting to ignore him when i can, clapping/making loud sounds at him, gently pushing him away. nothing that would be harmful in any way)
for real if anyone actually has advice i am literally begging. the only reason my dad hasn't kicked him out is because we plan on replacing the carpet with hardwood anyways.
i have scabs and scars all over me from this gaslight gatekeep manipulate mansplain little kitty. baby boy. baby. evil
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When it’s the festive season and you’re getting approximately 75 ppd (parcels per day) through your letterbox, but then you get a note saying you need to pay extra postage for one item 🙃🙃🙃
1. I don’t know what the item is, I have an idea but I could be totally wrong as I have a million things all scheduled to turn up this week.
2. They spelt my name wrong on the slip so if I get a particularly officious hag at the parcel depot they might not even allow me to collect it. Even though I will have ID. But since I don’t know which parcel it is I can’t summon up proof of postage 🙃🙃🙃
3. If it is what I think it is I paid enough for postage already as it is so an extra £2.50 is just taking the piss and I am going to go ape shittttt
In conclusion I may end up making another very angry post about post on Sunday which will change you opinion of me considerably. And I apologise in advance.
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nothingbutalgae · 3 years
Im just a wreck lately. Both of my jobs are getting busier and its a strain mentally and physically. I've been taking an extra day off a week (so two days off a week lately woo) but ugh its not enough. I just need things to level out at some point at the pet store and I would probably be fine but ugh
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frogmascquerade · 3 years
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harginger · 2 years
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005 — her, not us . . . 🌷
The date is here: both of you are surprised at your attraction — for very different reasons. 💞
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AN / omg i said this was gona be embarrassing in the last an and i also thought i was gonna do the date in one chapter but LMFAOOO i sont rlly stick to plans that closely… this is just yn being mesmerized and then realizing Shittttt. they r so “she fell first but he fell harder” u will see that often… credits to my baba bee for the blank photo i didnt rhink u’d mind❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 also i’m ngl i have sooo many ideas for childe fics bc he is the only tjing in my brain. ever. and not just smaus also actual WRITING so if anyone’s interested plz tell me!! and i told myself i was gonna update this sooner but. Idk we’ll see how things pan out with this fic my future schedule!! (Me rereading the an says damn… it was only 2 days!! summer messing yp my brain)
taglist @arakuki @tbhbee @iaetherballs @midoriapologist @slvdsjjk @nerdy-simp-7120 @kimiesstuff @tsunotaro-san @mei-simp @jeongyucore @hvntlowlvr @ariespellz @n-akaharachuuya @goodthingimsam @kusanalogy @ttaechi @bubblegum-angelquartz @aromaticism @racoonlvr
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sardonic-the-writer · 3 years
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my goddd
had first practice today bc last few were postponed due to covid and scheduling issues
there‘s a really pretty chick there
and she’s superrr gooddd,
i messed up a couple times when we were doing 2v2s and she was so
it was overwhelming holy shittttt
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dayasbun · 5 years
Fame - Angus Cloud (5)
Summary- a luckily timed audition leads to you falling for your new and unexpected co-star.
Warnings- okay HI welcome to my first multi chapter series woah?! this is actually so exciting for me like wow especially since angus doesn’t have any fics yet im just really really excited- so warnings! smut for sure, bad words, lotsa fluff, angst- everything in one basically. here comes a ride and I hope you enjoy :)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5 {reading now}
You woke up to an empty bed and cold covers. With a sigh you sat up, wondering where Storm and Z had gone. Grabbing your phone, you shook your head as you read the messages on your home screen.
Babygirl Z <3: Yoooo so we dipped cuz Angus's weird-ass kinda threatened us to gtfo out cuz he wanted to spend time w you but don't tell him I told you that, I don't wanna deal w him
Lil storm!: i think the hood boy in love with you or sum- it's weird.
Angus ☁️: you free today? i got some plans for us so if you ain't you free now
Angus ☁️: i'm playin btw like if you ain't free i can change shit around
You giggled as you heard your nails click against the phone's screen as you sent responses.
-mhm i'll act like i never saw this...have a good day of filming gorgeous <3
-see storm, i highly disagree
-i'm free :) is this a date mr cloud? don’t forget we have filming today
You got up brushing your teeth and washing your face. You waited for Angus's response before picking an outfit for the day, and instead decided on making breakfast for now.
Babygirl Z <3: thanks lovely same to you!!!
Lil storm! laughed at your message
Angus ☁️: shittttt ion know maybe- n yeah ik
-i'm making breakfast, come over if you want
Angus ☁️: food?? i'm already on the way
-my trailer door is unlocked so just come in
A few minutes later you heard the heavy trailer door creak open. You flipped a pancake before turning around and facing the taller man in front of you. "Gooooood morning- you look so tired?"
"Damn, thanks Y/N you look great too!" Angus said sarcastically rolling his eyes.
"Boy, I'm kidding." You grinned wrapping your arms around his waist "How'd you sleep?"
"I slept ight, you? Any dream-"
"I was just checking damn, just checking!"
You let off the hug and walked back over to the stove turning off the burners. "Okay, done! Pancakes and eggs- and fruit! Can't beat that." You made both you and Angus a plate and sat them down on the small table.
You both ate with smiles on your faces, talking the whole time. You learned some more about Angus and his past, and he learned more about you and what you want your future to be like. You couldn't help but laugh when he spotted a carton of store-bought sugar cookies on your counter and insisted he eat at least five. You didn't deny his request, so he polished them off with the rest of his pancakes.
As soon as the breakfast came to a close, both of your phones dinged at the exact same time.
"That's strange," You said picking up the electrical device. You quickly unlocked it as your eyes scanned the screen, and when you finished you immediately looked up at Angus. From the look on his face, you could tell that he clearly had finished reading the message as well.
"So…" he said quietly.
The text message wasn't too big of a deal, just a simple message from Mary of a suddenly new shooting schedule. You weren't worried until you reached the paragraph that made very clear that instead of shooting you and Angus's sex scenes next week, or possibly two weeks away, they would be shot tomorrow and for the rest of the week.
Shooting the scenes wasn't exactly the problem, it was the caliber of the scenes that you two would be shooting that was the problem. Also the fact- that though there isn't much talking during the sex scenes- you would have to memorize the lines of the new episode. Even though you and Angus were more comfortable with each other, sex scenes were not anything that you two were ready for, you guys hadn't even kissed yet, whether that was a real kiss, or a kiss practicing for the scene.
"I think we need practice."
"I agree."
"So uh..." He turned red as he picked at his nails.
You let out a sigh. "Okay so look. Basically, the scene just consists of me being naked, you being naked as well, but they're going to jimmy rig something so that obviously we aren't actually doing it. Mary told me in my message that I would have some type of pad over my you know what, and you would have some type of cup on."
"I'm not done, wait. There are covers over us; so even though I have to give the effect of riding you, I'll just kind of be awkwardly rubbing my padded- you- know- what up against the cup."
"Okay, don't we make out before?"
"Yeah, we do." You stood up and rinsed off the plates. After placing them in the dishwasher, you turned back to your male co-star. "Okay, so it's about 11 AM right now. If we practice our lines, make out some, and I awkwardly ride you clothed in my bed, I think we should be fine..what about your plans?" You asked softly.
"It’s ight, they can wait. But there's another scene- where I smash you from the back. That's the part where I gotta show my cheeks man, damn I don't wanna show my cheeks!"
You laughed a bit "You'll be fine... tomorrow we'll be shooting probably just making out, then the next day the riding scene, and then the day after that more. And I know this seems kind of shitty, but if you read over other peoples paragraphs besides just ours, a lot of their sex scenes were moved up too, and some of the pairings are a bit weird and unexpected."
"Okay let's stop talking about it and just do it."
You nodded and silently walked into your small bedroom, sitting on the messy bed. You hadn't made it because, well you didn't exactly expect to have Angus in your bedroom, let alone to do this.
You turned to look at him with a raised brow, "What?"
"So imma kiss you."
Why did that one sentence make your heart. Skip. So. Many. Fucking. Beats.
"Yeah well, that's what the script says right?"
He nodded and licked his lips. "Come get on my lap."
"Why? That's not in the-"
"It'll be more comfortable, especially if we doing this for a minute."
You took in a breath as you went over and straddled his lap, your legs around his waist, and your arms resting comfortably on his shoulders, wrapping around his neck.
You looked into his eyes, and god they were just gorgeous. "Angus.." You said softly.
And for .2 seconds you actually debated telling him- telling him that when you kissed him, you didn't want it just to be practice for the show. Telling him that you felt like you lived for the nights that he would facetime you and tell you dumbest shit that would just have you dead tired the next day. Telling him how much he made you laugh, and how it made you so unbearably happy every time you saw his name and knew it was the cause of your phone screen lighting up. Making sure he knew that the past 2 months of your life had gotten so much brighter just because of him.
You didn't though.
But if you had? He would've told you how he felt the exact same way. He would tell you how he loved how your eyes sparkle in the sunlight, how he loved how your nose scrunched up when you laughed. About how you were the only person who would listen to his dumb Mandela effects, even though he knew you didn't believe in all of them. And how it made him blush every time you sent him a mirror selfie on Snapchat for your streak- which he always lost.
But neither of you said anything.
Instead, you made out for a full 32 minutes with absolutely no passion, no lust, no nothing. Too scared to open up to the other due to the fear of rejection.
Until he got hard.
And that was your little 'ding!' to let you know yet again, 'he wants you.'
So your hips began to move {finally, after 32 minutes of dead nothingness} and you and Angus's lips began to fight for dominance. His hands moved from being awkwardly placed on your sides to under your shirt on your waist. Feeling his hands on your bare skin, you let out a soft moan into his mouth- which you could tell completely caught him off guard.
"Fuck you moaning for?" He teased, still not letting off of the kiss.
"For you."
He bit your lip causing you to moan yet again, your hips still bucking against his hard-on- holy fuck that felt a lot better than it should've. You grinned a bit as you felt his beard brush against your face.
"God. you're so hot."
'Oh my god' you thought, 'It's happening.'
"Baby, I have nothing on you." You replied seductively, sliding your hand down from his shoulder to his crotch.
"Fuck Jess..."
You grinned as he- wait what?
Jess- right, your characters name. Reel it in, you told yourself. This is just acting, nothing more. Just acting. Though you stayed into it, something about him calling you Jess turned you off a bit. After 10 more minutes or so you stopped, getting off of his lap and sitting on the side of him.
“Yeah, that was good!” You quickly cut him off. “I definitely think our awkwardness has melted away a bit.”
“But don’t you wanna talk-” 
“We have some scenes to film at 1, its 12:30 right now so we should head to wardrobe.”
Angus looked at you with a confused expression on his face, but just nodded slowly and stood up following you out.
All you two had to film was the scene of you coming back, so it was a calm and chill collection of scenes to go through. Everything ran smoothly, and by the time you two were done around 9PM, you were as tired as could be.
“You're such a good fucking actress Y/N.” Angus complimented you as you two walked back to his trailer. He offered you to stay over for the night- just to sleep of course- and you couldn't reject the offer even if you wanted to- which you didn't want to. “Thank you,” you replied softly. “You’re quite talented as well.”
“Nah girl, I'm just being me.”
You two went into his warm trailer talking of filming the scenes, and how tired you both were. You both tried to avoid the topic of the scenes you had to film tomorrow and for the rest of the week; though you were supposedly ready, it was a strangely sore topic.
Soon showers were taken, clothes were changed, and all that was left to do was cuddle.
Angus flipped off the lights and then crawled into the bed with you. You moved closer to him, listening to his rapid heartbeat as you traced hearts on his chest. “Night Redhead.” you said softly, placing a kiss against his cheek.
“Goodnight Mamas.”
And as you lay next to him listening to his light snores, you thought about something. You thought about how though today had been so amazing, and finally, you felt as though the awkwardness had melted away… it was all acting.
Angus didn't like you; that's what you told yourself. Any man would get hard if an attractive woman was sitting on his lap, so that was self-explanatory. Any man would call you baby during a heated moment, any man would talk dirty to you in a heated moment. And a good man like Angus would always make you feel comfortable when you practiced for a scene- that's all he was doing, he wanted you to feel comfortable.
You couldn't be hurt about the situation, the whole point of doing any of that was just practicing for the scenes. And after all, Angus called you Jess, not Y/N.
But at the same time, a little part of you wouldn't stop screaming that you really really really wished he had said your name instead. A little part of you-
Your thoughts were interrupted by the soft glow of your phone lighting up along with a light vibration. A smile appeared on your face as you saw who the message was from.
Babygirl Z <3: GIRL
Babygirl Z <3: BABES ARE YOU UP??!
-yeah you okay? what's wrong?
Babygirl Z <3: shit I'm sorry but i have to tell you this
-what's wrong????? are you okay?
Babygirl Z <3: I'm fine but
Babygirl Z <3: fuck don't hate me ily okay this is for the best just remember that
-Z get to the point...
Babygirl Z <3: okay so...storm and i just did some digging and
Babygirl Z <3: and we think Angus got a girl back @ home
@nikkixostan @melaninmarvel @celiajrs @siriuslycollins @patientplum @babygurlbarnes
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cplusbass · 4 years
holy shittttt i am so thankful right now. my advisor was able to squeeze all my classes into a tuesday - friday schedule so that i don’t have class on any days that im working. AND i will be taking american sign language!! so fucking hyped for this semester
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bucky-iss-bae · 5 years
TGIF - Bucky x Reader
Summary: Reader and Bucky relax on a Friday night enjoying baths and facemasks xoxo 
A/N: A whole ass mess, that’s me. Trying to still think of fics I can write up, like big official ones and shittttt but still a whole ass mess xoxo 
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Fandom: MCU/Marvel
Warnings: Fluff? I guess?? This is the weirdest, cheesiest shit man. 
Word count: 1500ish 
Masterlist Fandom list
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“Bucky” You called walking through your apartment looking for him, “Buckyy” You called again,
You were sure he said he was going to be back from his mission by the time you got home from work that day. You hadn’t heard much from him these last few days and to say you missed him was an understatement. Aside from a few text messages between the two of you, you hadn’t spoken in over two weeks. Knowing that you would most likely see him today got you through work and made leaving on a Friday all the more sweeter.
You walked through the apartment, dropping your bag, and kicking off your shoes in your room. As soon as you were out of your shoes, you chose to quickly swap out of your work attire, and into some leggings and a hoodie, especially because comfort on a Friday night outweighs anything.
Once you walked back out onto the landing and through to the living room and kitchen you most definitely didn’t see any sign of him, his gear wasn’t in your room, and everything was exactly as you left it before work this morning.
You sighed realising he was definitely not home yet and went to go grab your phone to find out where he was. Although Bucky, with texting, was atrocious. He only ever sent messages if absolutely necessary, and those messages constantly being only a few words long.
You grabbed your phone out of your bag to see a few more emails from work, all of which making your roll your eyes, you can get back to them on Monday morning, you saw a few messages from friends asking if you were down to go to a bar tonight, and despite hating going out once you were in your ‘Friday night attire’ you were potentially thinking of taking up the offer depending on where Bucky was and when he would be getting back.
You instead sent him a quick message before tidying the place up a little, you honestly had no clue how the place got messy when you were the only one here at the moment. And you tried to make sure it was tidy before Buck got back.
You were singing and dancing along in the kitchen whilst making some food for yourself when you finally heard Bucky,
“Damn sugar, you think you could show me some of those moves in the bedroom?”
You spun around so fast you were sure you gave yourself whiplash but stood there was the love of your life with a tired smile on his face as he watched you,
“Bucky” You squealed throwing yourself at him, he caught you and kissed you before he hugged you and buried his head into your neck before breathing in,
“How are you?” You asked him, pecking him once more,
“Happy to be home with you sugar.” Was all he said about himself before giving you another small smile, “What you got cooking?” He then asked,
“Not much, chicken fillets and rice. You must be hungry”
He nodded, “Hungry, tired, need to shower and sleep for about a week”
You frowned a little at him, “Did you not sleep much?”
With Bucky, you knew his nightmares were a constant, and him getting a full night’s sleep, especially whilst away on missions was a difficult one,
“I slept when I could. And you know me, I can sleep anywhere, when I need to” he grumbled,
You shook your head, “The chicken and rice are both cooking, they’ll still be another half hour, how about, you go get in the bath, and I mean the bath, not a shower, and I’ll come to wash your hair for you. Get a bit relaxed. We can eat and have a chilled out evening and a good night sleep huh?” You asked him,
He chuckled a little but leant down to kiss you on the cheek before nodding, “That sounds perfect sugar.”
You smiled at him, “Good, you go get yourself sorted, and I’ll be there in a few minutes”
He trailed off to the bathroom, and you finished up in the kitchen before joining him, he was lazily getting undressed and you decided to run the bath for him, putting in the bath crystals that you only ever used on the worst days.
A few seconds later he came in and wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your forehead, “Thanks doll, I really appreciate this.” He mumbled into your hair,
You turned around and gave him a kiss, “Anything for you Buck. I know how tired you are. But I have to ask, did you by any chance get either shot or stabbed”
He grimaced at that, “You caught that huh?” he asked looking down on the right side of his torso where there was a fresh scar, “I got stabbed pretty bad. But Dr. Cho sorted it out. That’s why I got back so late” He told me.
“Why, and how did someone get that close to stabbing you like that as well as through your tac gear?” You asked, brushing your fingertips across it,
“It happens sugar. It happens. The main thing is I’m here with you,” He kissed your forehead and it scared you knowing that Bucky could get hurt at any time,
“I really don’t know what I would do if you got hurt, Buck.”
“I’m not gonna get hurt doll. I promise” He said, “And are you not going to join me?” He asked,
You shook your head a small smile on your face, “Maybe next time. Go on get in”
He stripped down completely before getting into the tub, his whole body relaxing within seconds. The water was at the perfect temperature, you were pretty sure he would fall asleep within minutes, especially when you stared wash his hair.
“I had a shower when I got to the compound, but damn, nothing can beat this” He murmured,
You chuckled at that, “When did you get back?”
“A few hours ago” He replied back, “Had to get stitched up, showered, debriefed, all hell”
“You worry me buck” You whispered thinking back to his stab wound, “Especially when we don’t talk for so long. I don’t hear anything about you, and you get stabbed!”
“I know babydoll, I know. But I’ll always come back to you. I promise” He said tipping his head to smile at you,
His blue eyes were content as you massaged his head, “Tell me about your day sugar. How was work?”
“Eugh” you grumbled thinking of work, “Ok it wasn’t that bad I’m just, it’s been such a long week” You started as you washed the shampoo through his hair.
He listened to you about your day which so quickly led to any drama that was happening. Which led you to bitching about people that you didn’t like. Which then led him to talk sense into you.
“Tell me about you now. I talk too much” You said when you were finishing off,
“I love listening to you talk doll. And thank you for this” He said,
You lent down and kissed his head, “You wanna finish up and I’ll go finish dinner?” You asked him,
“That sounds good,” He said to you.
You went to finish dinner for the two of you before he came out. Both of you ate, carried on talking while watching some Legally Blonde before he cleared out the dishes and came back in to join you.
His head was in your lap, you were playing with his now dry hair, “You know, I never realised how satisfying it is when someone plays with your hair. Like this, this right here makes everything worth it”
“It does” You smiled at him, “Also...” You said touching his face causing him to scrunch his nose up, “You need a face mask” You said tapping his face,
His face fell and he shook his head, “I’m sorry what?”
“Face masks, Buck. You know you love them deep down” He sighed and shook his head but you quickly ran to your room grabbing a clay face mask so it wouldn’t go all over Buckys beard.
He was sat up and was staring at you, a small smile on his face as he shook his head,
“Honestly doll, I never thought I would care about skincare before I met you”
You just grinned at him, “How else are we supposed to keep you young and well... what else could we be doing on a Friday night huh?” you asked him,
He rose his eyebrows at you and looked you up and down with suggestive eyes, his blue eyes twinkling with a little bit of cheekiness despite his tired look,
“I could think of a few things doll” He murmured,
You rolled your eyes especally since you were stood in a hoodie of his and leggings, but smiled at him, “Oh don’t worry. I’m sure we’ll have time for that tomorrow. Pretty sure my schedule is free”
He laughed as you sat beside him, you handed him a headband to put his hair back and he sat there whilst you painted the face mask on his face,
He flinched when the cold product hit his face but relaxed after a minute or two, he then helped you put the sheet mask on your face. Both of you sat there pampering yourselves as you carried on watching the film.
This type of Friday night made you feel like a grandma but considering your boyfriend was literally over 100 years old, you could get away with it.  
A/N: Any requests, send them in xoxo 
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groupie-inspired · 5 years
this college application process really has me like dead
my mom for some reason applied to Berklee for me which like. you don’t do. and she said NO SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS. so what the fuck.
and Berklee sent an email and was like once you send ur transcripts we can schedule an audition and interview :)))))
and now im like oh my godddddddddd
we can’t undo this what is happening
and I like the new school and they have a jazz AND contemporary program but everything is so heavily geared toward jazz when it comes to like the application process and tea like idk what to do
where the fuck am i even gonna go to college
i think im gonna have a stroke honestly
and it’s not like i can go in on musical theatre anywhere because i can’t FUCKING dance well even though im a soprano with really high notes i don’t want to get locked into having to major in musical theatre when i am also a WRITER and poet and like doing my own shittttt
also i have never done a monologue in my whole life what do y’all WANT from me
i just don’t even know anymore
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mosofa13 · 5 years
Yesterday was pretty rough. My shoulder felt like shittttt. It’s frustrating because my knee if feeling so much better but now something else is acting up. I talked to the H&S guy at work and I am going to really get my posture better. I also scheduled a massage for next weekend. I really need to start doing that every month. I used my electrode thing and that seemed to help. I am going to do it on both shoulders tonight. 
Anyways, today I did arms and it was pretty good. I am taking the day off of work tomorrow to go camping with my parents. I am going to do my best at tracking this weekend but I am not going to be too strict. I have been doing really good during the week days, so I just need to be moderate on the weekends. 
I am actually feeling pretty good about how I look these days. My shoulders and arms look pretty good considering I have been so inconsistent with lifting the past year. My motivation is also pretty high right now. Just gotta ride this wave and when it gets harder, just keep pushing.
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