#i just want my boy to be happy and healthy and also stop tearing my legs and face up tae fuck
trans-zhongli · 2 years
okay literally how do i train bad behaviors out of a cat who 1.) does not respond to being sprayed or any other method i have tried and 2.) knows EXACTLY the behaviors that i CANNOT ignore such as scratching my face while i sleep or clawing the carpet to shreds.
like i literally love my boy to death and i have no hard feelings towards him i would die for him. it's the situation itself that's annoying and frustrating. like i can't get a full nights sleep, my carpet and chair are torn to shreds, and it's not exactly easy to ignore when he starts yowling for food 2 hours early despite having a strict and consistent feeding schedule
he is ENTIRELY motivated by food and will NOT stop until he gets it. he will do these things for HOURS before his meal time, and do these things the entire fucking time. he meows until they are croaky and waltzes right back in after being sprayed (or has no reaction to it at all), and he knows exactly the things i can't ignore. like literally the MOST manipulative cat in the world
like i said i have no bad feelings towards him it's the situation that is frustrating. never have i thought about him being a bad cat or wanting to get rid of him. so don't misunderstand me here, he is one of the things i live for tbh. he just acts so goddamn annoying sometimes holy SHITTTTT.
(methods i have tried are entirely gentle such as blowing on his face, attempting to ignore him when i can, clapping/making loud sounds at him, gently pushing him away. nothing that would be harmful in any way)
for real if anyone actually has advice i am literally begging. the only reason my dad hasn't kicked him out is because we plan on replacing the carpet with hardwood anyways.
i have scabs and scars all over me from this gaslight gatekeep manipulate mansplain little kitty. baby boy. baby. evil
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hyunebunx · 2 months
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⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 ⏖ ' late night moments with skz !
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⁺ 𖹭 . genre: this is just sleepy fluff <3 some of the boys get kind of emotional.
⁺ 𖹭 . a/n: happy binnie day!! <3 to this day, these are some of my favorite hcs i've ever written so i hope you enjoy! (early morning moments with them right here <3)
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𝜗୧ chan 𝜗୧ - 2:34 am
“Do you think Berry misses me sometimes?” He mumbles into your lap, voice full of sleep as you gently massage his scalp. Looking down at him, your eyes soften when he hugs your middle and hides his face in your stomach which prompts your other hand to begin tracing his features softly.
“Of course, she does, baby.” Chan almost purrs in response and your heart melts at the sight, managing to contain the sudden urge to squish his cheeks together. “Remember how excited she was the last time you visited? She was jumping, running around you and never left your side the whole time you were there.”
A moment passes and then two with no response from your boyfriend and that’s when you realize, by his even breathing, that he finally fell asleep.
You smile and lean down to plant a sweet kiss on his forehead, whispering a sincere I love you in his ear, not stopping your massage.
Sleeps like this, in your lap, until you’re sure he’s asleep for good before you slowly move him into a more comfortable position and wrap his whole body in a blanket burrito.
𝜗୧ minho 𝜗୧ - 11:59 pm
“Hug me, I’m cold!”
You hear him groan before he turns over to face you, grumbling under his breath as he envelopes your body in a big hug and begins to squeeze the life out of you. All out of love, of course.
“Better now?” “Minho, I can’t breathe!”
Doesn’t let go but does tilt your head up to look into your eyes and the love you see as you stare back almost has you in tears. A sleepy smile makes its way onto his lips and that’s when you manage to loosen his grip by wiggling into his arms, wasting no time as you begin to plant open-mouthed kisses all over his face.
His smile widens until giggles escape him, loving the way your lips feel on his skin as he lets you do whatever you want until you’re satisfied. When you finally reach his lips but don’t linger for as long as he’d like, instead kissing them repeatedly while also giggling, he takes matters into his own hands and kisses you deeply while still keeping the initial softness of your previous ones.
𝜗୧ changbin 𝜗୧ - 3:47 am
You toss and turn in the sheets for what feels like the millionth time before finally giving up with a frustrated sigh. “Binnie, I can’t sleep.”
“Me neither.” The response comes instantly and you sit up on your elbows to find him staring at the ceiling, visibly exhausted. You frown, scooting closer to hug him by the middle and rest your chin on his chest.
“Everything okay?”
Your soft voice prompts him to let it all out, to rant about work and his daily struggles at a fast pace that you can barely keep up with. When his voice quivers, you look up and plant comforting kisses on his neck and jaw, one hand gently massaging his chest through his nightshirt.
When he’s done and his speech slows down, Changbin moves to hide his face in your hair, muscular arms wrapping around your body to bring you closer, almost like he wanted to morph your bodies together. Being one with the love of your life sounded great right now – to be able to take all of his pain and discomfort so that he’ll always be happy and healthy was something you dreamt about often. Unfortunately, until that was possible, you hoped from the bottom of your heart that what you’re able to do right now is enough.
𝜗୧ hyunjin 𝜗୧ - 1:08 am
“Forget worms, would you still love me if I was a deadly shark?”
Hyunjin looks up from his phone, flabbergasted, just to find you already looking at him. He’s silent, waiting for you to elaborate but when you don’t, he sighs and gives in. “Darling, what the hell are you talking about?”
You roll your eyes, cuddling closer as you place your head in the crock of his neck to inhale his comforting scent. His arms pull you closer instantly, phone long forgotten. “This hypothetical situation, Jinnie, is critical for our relationship. Please take it seriously.”
Is confused the whole time as you ramble on and on about your ‘hypothetical situation’ that at some point, having had enough, he just turns his back to you and gets comfortable on his other side.
When you follow him and throw a leg over his body, continuing on while drawing patterns onto his back, he swiftly turns around to hover over you, pinning you to the mattress. Your eyes meet and for a second, you think he’s going to kiss you until your dream is shattered as he begins tickling you mercilessly instead. A tickle war starts that leaves you both breathless and laughing well into the night.
𝜗୧ jisung 𝜗୧ - 1:56 am
“When you’re away and I miss you, I spray this pillow with your cologne and cuddle it as I would cuddle you.”
Jisung’s eyes widen slightly as you speak against his lips, the lingering sadness in your tone pulling at his heartstrings in an unpleasant way. You’re face to face, staring lovingly at each other while talking in hushed voices about everything that comes to mind.
He knows that at this time during the night, he gets all soft and mushy but he wasn’t expecting to cry this soon. You were so good to him, his own angel on earth that would wait for him for as long as it was needed. You deserved so much better.
Gently cupping your cheek, you lean into his touch and close your eyes in contentment, and he bites his tongue to stop himself from crying. “I’m sorry, baby.”
His voice is shaky so without a word, you cuddle closer, burying your head in his chest and holding him tighter while also kissing his covered chest. “Sorry? Sorry for what? Don’t be silly, Ji. Your love makes all this waiting around worth it every single time.”
𝜗୧ felix 𝜗୧ - 4:02 am
“Wait, what? She said that to you?” Felix asks, voice loud in disbelief as the hand that was combing through your hair stops momentarily.
You nod, looking up at him from where you’re resting your head, on his abs, the bare skin warm and soft under your touch. “Yes! I have receipts, hold on.”
As you scramble out of bed to get your phone from where it's charging, Felix can’t help but smile as his eyes are completely focused on you and nothing else. He always thought you were the most beautiful like this – bare-faced, with your hair slightly messy and missing that furrow between your brows that appeared during the day.
Vulnerable and oh-so cuddly during the late hours of the night, and early hours of the morning you sometimes spent with him, talking, kissing and laughing until the sun rose again to announce another new day.
When you came back to bed, Felix was resting with his back against the headboard and the position allowed him to pull you flush against his chest, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind as you showed him your phone. It was the domesticity he always craved for which he hoped would never end. That you and him like this never ended.
𝜗୧ seungmin 𝜗୧ - 12:32 am
Taking another peek at the bedside clock, you can’t help but sigh as the red digits glare at you, almost mockingly. You’ve been in bed for hours now and you’re still as awake as you were back then too. It was infuriating, and you were this close to actually crying in frustration.
Almost as if sensing your low mood, Seungmin turns on his side to face you. “Everything okay?”
You shake your head and bury your head in the warm pillow. “I can’t sleep, Minnie. Will you sing to me, please?”
His arms come around you to bring your back to his chest, successfully luring you into being the little spoon, which to be honest, you didn’t mind one bit right now. He places a kiss on your cheek, and with one hand softly massaging your hip, he starts humming. Not a lullaby, but one of the group’s title tracks.
When you glare at him over your shoulder, he grins and stifles a chuckle before starting to sing a proper lullaby. Just as suspected – his dreamy voice does have magical powers and you’re asleep in less than five minutes. Or maybe it's the way he holds you so closely and the occasional kiss on the top of your head that does the trick. Either way, you have to let Felix know asap. He owes you 20$.
𝜗୧ jeongin 𝜗୧ - 11:45 pm
“Blanket thief.” He complains, however, there’s no real malice in his tone as you roll around into a blanket burrito and leave him completely exposed to all the monsters that come out at night, laughing loudly.
You don’t see him, but he rolls his eyes, trying to appear annoyed as he hides his growing smile. “Come here, baby, let’s share.”
When you shake your head no, still giggling in your pillow, Jeongin takes matters into his own hands, literally, and lifts you up by the waist to trap you into his tight embrace, which causes you to shriek and laugh again. He soon joins in and your laughter fills the tiny room as you begin wrestling for the blanket.
“Come on, be reasonable, there’s enough blanket for the both of us.” “No.” “Y/n.” “But Jeongin, the monsters – “ ,“I’ll beat them up! Now, come here!”
Somehow, he manages to convince you to share and you fall asleep cuddling while watching youtube videos, with his soft voice whispering sweet nothings into your ear. But during the night, he still ends up uncovered and because he’s petty, he pretends to fall out of bed and says that the monsters got to him because of you and your selfish nature he can’t help but still love so much!
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rainylana · 5 months
“I don’t like dresses, Eddie.”
Eddie Munson x female reader
summary: some sweet fluff at the trailer with eddie. reader is six months pregnant, so much fluff it may actually kill you, so sweet and precious, smut, vaginal fingering, decrophylia, mentions of max’s death and the battle with vecna, eddie’s self doubt of being a good provider, maybe some language, eddie and reader purposely call their baby by different genders it’s not an error lmao. enjoy!! requests always open just have a lot of works in progress i’m trying to get out there!! also! please let me know if the “read more” tag is working!!
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My feet are huge, Eddie.” You said matter of factly, staring at your bare, swollen feet. “I can barely fit into shoes anymore.”
Eddie chuckled, stirring the instant ramen as he put it back in the microwave. “I’ll buy you a size up.”
“But they’re so…so big! I’m so big!” You exclaim, hugging your pregnant belly. “I’m so fat!”
“Y/n,” Eddie said, giving you a pointed look. “What I tell you about that? Stop being so negative about the way you look. It’s not good for you. You’re hot.”
Your cheeks burned in embarrassment, fiddling with your fingers. “You have to admit it though.” You argued. “My feet are huge.”
He rolled his eyes, sticking out his socked foot dramatically. “Well, what about mine! They’re twice the size of yours!”
You giggle, covering your mouth with your hand. “I guess so. You’ve got man feet.”
He scoffed. “I am a man, baby.” The thirty second timer of his soup went off, but he paid no mind, making his way over to you. He got on his knees in front of you, grabbing your foot and kissing your freshly painted, hot pink, big toe. “I love you and your big feet, baby.”
You smiled, your heart fluttering at the sweet gesture.
“And,” He pointed at your belly. “I love this baby, too.” He kissed your six month pregnant stomach, patting it lightly. “Hi, baby Munson! Can you hear me? It’s daddy! Daddy’s here!”
You watched him caress your belly, tapping it, humming a new song he was working on, telling it about his work day. You could watch it all day long. You couldn’t wait to meet your baby. You and Eddie had decided to wait to see what the gender was, but it was getting to be harder than what you anticipated.
“God, I’m so excited.” Eddie sighed happily, resting his cheek on your thigh. “I can’t wait to meet him.”
Him. Eddie was sure it was a boy.
You? You didn’t care which, as long as she was happy and healthy.
“I know.” You said quietly, your hand over his that laid above your navel. “Only three more months.”
He practically squealed, gathering himself off the ground to sit beside you. He grabbed you by the shoulders softly, turning you around so your back was to him. You sighed happily when he began massaging your shoulders, his thumbs working circles into your sore muscles.
“Oh, god.” You moaned, eyes closed in relief.
“Careful, darlin’.” He smirked, leaning into your ear. “Last time you said that you got pregnant.”
You hadn’t meant to get knocked up. That was the last thing you both had wanted, at the time, anyways. Now, it was the only thing you wanted more than anything in the entire universe. The two year mark of vecna was approaching, and after two years of the trauma you both endured, healed injuries and broken souls, the loss of your dear friend, Max, you both could finally say that you were traveling down hill now. You missed Max. You knew she’d be so happy to hear about the both of you becoming parents.
You remembered the day you had taken the pregnancy test. All 14 of them. You’d blown half of your paycheck on them, needing to be sure. You’d cried on the bathroom floor where he had found you that evening. You didn’t need to say anything, yet you did, watching as he stared at the positive pregnancy tests on the counter. “I’m pregnant.” You had spoken over a tearful whisper.
It was one of his most shameful moments, but Eddie had left you that night on your own, not able to process the idea of becoming a father. Wayne had smacked him upside the head when he showed up to his trailer, confessing the news. “Boy, get your ass outta my house and back you yer’ girl.” His uncle had said.
“Feel good, baby?” Eddie said, kissing your clothed shoulder as he rubbed up and down your spine, going back up to the base of your neck.
“Mmm.” You hummed in response. “Me and baby are happy.”
He smirked, eyes starting to droop with tiredness from his long work day. “I hope so.”
You opened your eyes then, noticing the self doubt in his voice that you came to recognize early on in your relationship. Next month will be four years. You craned your neck to try and see him. “I am, Eddie.” You lifted your hand up to grab his, resting them against your shoulder. “So will the baby.”
He squeezed your fingers. “I should get you a better house. We need a safer neighborhood for him.”
“We’ll protect her.” You didn’t let go of his hand, spinning yourself against the leather cushion to face him. “And I love this house. It’s our home.”
“I could buy you pretty dresses.” He frowned, pulling at the string of your pajama pants.
“I don’t like dresses, Eddie.” You laughed, gathering his face in your hands and giving him a kiss on the cheek. “God, you’re so cute. You’re so good to me.”
His cheeks flushed red under your touch, placing his hand on your fuzzy pj’s. “You’re good to me, baby. My two babies. I love you both so much.” The heat of the precious moment took him over and he found his lips on yours in seconds. Hot, plump and pink and all over each other’s, his thick palm coming up to hold your cheek.
He kissed you like you were the only woman left in the world, a hunger behind each swipe of his tongue that begged to be fed. You opened your mouth and accepted, teeth scrapping teeth in a make out session that was just plain dirty. He was always so paranoid about having sex at first, wondering if it would hurt the baby. You were too, until your doctor assured you there was no danger at risk.
“Let me feel you, baby.” He said hotly against your wet mouth, hand traveling down your cheek to your shoulder, down your arm and to your hip. “Let me make my girl feel good.”
You whined when his hand cupped your mound with a full palm, breaking apart the kiss in surprise. He rubbed you over your pajama’s, your body leaning into him, rocking against his hand to gain some more friction that just wasn’t doing the job.
You grabbed his hand, pulling down your pants to your knees, placing him back down to your bare pussy. You found his mouth again, his fingers running up your slick with a full swipe, collecting your wetness that made his hand sticky.
“You want me to touch you, honey?” He gently gathered you close, leaning you back to you could lay on the leather sofa. “Tell me what you want, pretty baby.”
The teasing made you hot and lightheaded, the throbbing between your legs created a burning sensation that ached to be cooled. “Please, Eddie,” You arched into his hand. “Touch me. Fuck me with your fingers.”
He practically groaned, the strain in his boxers rubbing against your thigh. He leaned down and placed a full, deep kiss on your lips, entering two fingers into your cunt. He plunged them deep inside, curling them in one go, before pulling out and repeating the movement.
The sudden sensation had you crying out, back arched and mouth ajar. Eddie hovered over your stomach, one hand inside you, the other holding himself up so he didn’t put pressure on your belly. He lifted his chin at you, eyes dark and sparking with a mischievous glare. “Yeah?”
You sobbed, writhing underneath as he finger fucked your pussy, a third ring finger now plunging in and out of you. The sound of your squelching arousal filled his ears, his pre cum darkening a patch of his jeans. It wasn’t the first time he’d cum in his pants just from fingering you.
“Oh, God,” Your legs were split apart, cunt on full display for him. He looked down, watching as his fingers disappeared in and out of you. Your face was best red, sweat fell down your cheeks and tears fell down your sticky skin.
“I’m so close, Eddie.” You shook underneath him.
“Mhmm.” He nodded, his thumb lazily swiping at your clit, not enough to make the coil in your belly snap. “You gonna cum for me, sweetheart? You want me to make you cum all over my fingers?”
“Yes, yes!” You reeled your head back and pleaded to him, to god.
Eddie leaned down, spit on your puffy, red and swollen clit, and wrapped his plump lips around your sexual nerve, puckering and sucking like his life depending on it. It wasn’t long then, and you were squeezing his fingers and shaking, convulsing underneath him.
He fingered you through your orgasm, admiring your beauty as laid there and cried.
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ovaryacted · 8 months
So, I was not expecting this to be so fucking long, but here we are. At this rate, this should just be considered a fic & analysis post all on its own lmao. But yes, here are some extensive headcanons of Leon being a girl dad because as a writer it’s my duty to make this man happy since others won’t (I’m looking at you Capcom). No specific age of the child is mentioned but look at this as a general periodic analysis of Leon being a father. Hope you like it! :)
2.0k words | cw: tooth-rotting fluff, just Leon being a sappy dad
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I think it’s become a universal and widely accepted headcanon that Leon would be a girl dad, and likewise that he will become the softest man imaginable. A man like him who has seen and witnessed so much violence and gore in his life, completely melting because his little girl has him wrapped around her finger is the most precious thing ever.
During the pregnancy, Leon would already be protective and gentle, wanting his partner to never lift a finger so he’d do everything and anything possible to make it an easy time for them. I also would like to think that he doesn’t care what sex his child is, whether it be a boy or a girl, he doesn’t have a preference, all he wants is for his baby to be healthy and happy. So throughout the pregnancy, you both agree to keep the sex of the baby a surprise, focusing more on their health and how they’re doing as they develop every week.
So the day you go into labor a week earlier than expected, he’s worried that things might go badly and his anxiety is on 10. But after hours of pain and distress during childbirth, the second he hears the loud shrill cry of his child he feels tears building in his eyes. He’s happy, genuinely happy that his baby is here in the world, and his emotions only intensify when he hears the words “Congrats, it’s a healthy baby girl!” from one of the nurses.
A baby girl. His baby girl.
He finds himself crying more than he’d like, and obviously, he’s trying to be strong for you as your body shakes from the over-exertion of labor, but he can’t help himself. As he watches the nurse put your crying baby onto your warm chest and notices how she instantly calms down the moment she hears your voice, he can feel his heart growing in size at the sight.
His two perfect girls, all in one place.
It’s a while before he gets the chance to see his child once they’re all cleaned up and swaddled in a comforting blanket, rocking a baby pink hat. His eyes are taking in his daughter’s features for the first time, going over her cute little nose and round cheeks. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen something so perfect, so small, and it amazes him that he managed to partake in creating something like that. Leon doesn’t believe in love at first sight, but the moment he looks at his daughter he thinks he finally understands what that feels like.
The first time he gets to hold his daughter, he’s terrified, thinking that he shouldn’t be touching her to begin with. His child is pure, untouched by the horrors of the real world and his hands aren’t unwashed of everything he’s done. He’s held weapons of destruction and killed more things than he could count. You’d have to remind him constantly that his child doesn’t know anything about what he’s done to survive, about what he’s been through, and that no matter what she won’t blame him for it and will still love him because he’s her father.
Over time, he gets used to holding her, thinking it’s almost comical how small she looks tucked nicely against his bicep and chest. Holding his daughter quickly becomes a source of comfort for Leon, feeling like the world just stops the moment he has her in his arms where she’s safe. You would find him sleeping on the couch with her on his chest, her head right against his heartbeat and lulling her to sleep.
As his daughter grows, Leon only becomes more attached. He’s always taking care of her, ready to feed her, change her, tend to all of her needs, and talk to her. In a way, he knows it’s good on your end so you can rest and recover, and he gets closer to his child, a child he never knew he could have. He could spend hours just looking at her, watch how her big blue eyes take in her surroundings, and he loves having her tiny fingers wrap around one of his own.
Sometimes at night, he’d just look over her as she slept in her crib, watching her little body take in every breath while the nagging voice in his head told him that she’s a figment of his imagination. He’d spend some nights sleeping in the rocking chair in her nursery to watch over her, not caring for his sore back in the morning. It’s a process Leon has to go through on his own, and you don’t push him in any direction, just let him handle it while reminding him you’re there to support him. He has to do it to accept that his child is real and isn’t going to disappear the next time he blinks, and once his mind finally accepts that fact he’ll be less paranoid.
Eventually, he’s around his daughter so much that he develops a sixth sense to her moods. He knows when she’s about to cry, when she needs a bath or to be changed, when she’s hungry. He gets so good at taking care of his daughter that he’s in tune with her emotions, his fatherly intuition becoming stronger the more he interacts with her. This also means that he generally hates seeing his baby girl cry, it tugs at his heartstrings when he thinks she’s upset or hurt. That’s why when it’s time to bring her to the doctor to get her first shots, Leon starts to cry when his daughter cries from the injections. He hates thinking he’s hurting his child despite knowing it’s necessary for her health, but that doesn’t mean he hates it any less.
“I know sweet pea, I know it hurts. I’m sorry darling”
For the record, he’d have a list of terms of endearment he’d call his daughter on top of her name, but the one he reserves specifically for her would be sweet pea. Of course, he’s called you that once or twice, but during the pregnancy he called the baby sweet pea when they were the actual size of a pea. That name just stuck with him, and now that he has a daughter, it’ll be the one name that’s solely for her.
Leon is always shopping for her, buying her stuffed animals or anything she remotely likes. He quickly develops a bad habit of not being able to tell his daughter “no”, and that doesn’t make her into a brat, she just has a dad that wants to spoil her. In Leon’s mind, whatever his daughter says she wants, she gets, no matter how ridiculous or expensive. If she says she wants a kitchen set and it’s tea party time, Leon will get one for her and sit down with the rest of her plushies at the table and act the part. If she says she wants a damn pony he’s gonna get it for her (obviously he doesn’t because you stop him from doing something ridiculous) but he tries and it’s endearing.
His daughter will continue to grow and develops a personality that closely resembles his own, matching her appearance she got mostly from her father, moles and all. She’s smart and perceptive, a sweetheart and so kind it warms his chest. But his favorite part of his child’s personality is her spunk and sense of humor. He makes it a habit to test out his corny dad jokes on his kid, just so he can hear her laugh and giggle regardless of how old she gets. Leon does it so he can see her bright smile, not caring if it’s just gums or a full set of pearly white teeth, it’s all he looks for. He tries to be the cool dad, and he thinks as long as he has his daughter’s approval he can do anything.
Leon is always open to spending quality time with his daughter, and if anything she’s the one that initiates. He remembers when she first started walking, her wobbly little legs making him worry when he glanced at her taking her first steps. Now that she can run mostly anywhere around the house, she’ll walk towards his direction, raising her arms above her head so Leon could carry her. He always does, always says yes no matter how his body feels. He’ll try to hold her and carry her for as long as he possibly could because that’s his baby girl and he’d do anything to make her happy. Leon is fully aware that eventually, he will get too old or potentially too weak from an injury to carry her, so he stays active as much as he can and maintains his strength for that reason.
He’s always with her, whether that be playing with her and her toys, or just talking to her about anything that comes to mind. Leon and his daughter become attached at the hip, twins essentially. She’ll ramble about things and ask him silly questions, and Leon will communicate with her too. When he does talk to his daughter, he speaks to her like an actual adult and it’s the funniest thing ever. She could be babbling when she’s a toddler and Leon would give a very lengthy explanation of the anti-capitalistic ideology and how much he hates how taxes are broken down. It would be even funnier when she starts to talk and he becomes the designated person she goes to when seeking answers to anything on her mind.
“Daddy, is the moon made of cheese?”
“Yes, I think it’s made out of mozzarella”
“Really? So does that mean cheese balls are moon rocks?”
“Exactly sweetheart”
He loves to entertain her, to make sure he keeps up with her curiosity and interests no matter how silly they are. In a way, this is how he protects her innocence and makes sure his daughter knows that he’s her friend, that he cares for her, and that she will always be safe with him. He tries very hard to keep all of the negative and toxic things he knows is out in the real world away from his kid and household all together, prioritizing her happiness and health above all else. That includes not mentioning anything about his job or what he does, and actively going to therapy so he can show up better than the last time she saw him. He tries every day to be the best dad he could be for his daughter, because he wants to be the father he never had, so he tries and that’s what matters.
His child knows that sometimes he has to go away for days to weeks at a time for work. She doesn’t fully understand what Leon’s job pertains to but just knows that he goes off to fight the bad guys. In her precious mind, she sees her dad as a superhero, looks up to him in admiration, and gets sad whenever he has to leave. But when it’s time for him to part ways with his family, she gives him a big hug and words of encouragement and love. She sticks out her small pinky finger, which Leon curls with his. It was part of his good luck ritual, making sure to pinkie promise his return and that he’ll be safe and he never breaks his promise. He always adored how her eyes carried the same determination he has when he’s focused on his missions. 
“Promise to be back daddy?”
“I will sweet pea. I’ll always come back for you”
When it comes to him out on the field, he usually doesn’t keep any form of identification on him as a safety precaution, so he keeps stuff like his wedding band at home. But his daughter will give him a friendship-beaded bracelet to carry with him, and he’ll wear it proudly on the opposite wrist that isn’t occupied by his watch. It’s not visible to others because of his gloves, but the weight of it against his skin is what keeps him going and keeps him motivated as he takes out any threat that presents itself. When he returns home no matter how his body feels, his daughter is the first one to come running towards him with that wide smile on her face. He wraps his arms around her, hugging her tightly as if she will disappear at any moment, and he will continue to do that for as long as he can.
Leon and his daughter are two peas in a pod, she is his missing piece and makes him feel whole with every moment they share. He’ll do anything to make his daughter happy, and he doesn’t mind being wrapped around his baby girl’s finger, because that’s where he belongs. 
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©️ ovaryacted 2024. Please don’t repost, copy, translate, or feed into any AI. Support your fellow creators by reblogging, commenting, and liking!
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27 and 3 with poly boys? 👀 (if possible, it’s not us getting hurt, instead it’s one of the boys and we are helping care for them?)
3. Go back to your coffin
27. "I'm fine." "You're not, you're bleeding." "What?"
I hope you like this!
I smiled as Dwayne pulled me into a dance, a mellow rocksong playing in the background. The others were out for the night, deciding to hunt on their own. Dwayne had decided to stay with me, knowing how rare it was to have any actual one on one time. I loved the boys, and I loved spending time with all of them together. But moments like these, alone in his arms, being able to really be with just him for a moment - they were sacred.
"What are you thinking about?"
"You," I admitted, "us. How perfect it is."
"I'm glad you're happy," he said as he kissed me slowly, "I know it's a big change."
He was right about that. Going from zero boyfriends to four is a lot, and practically moving in after the first date wasn't a small thing either. Then, of course, there was the fact that they were vampires, and not only that - I literally belonged to them. I was destined to be with them, can you imagine that? It was a lot, but the boys understood that. They knew to take it slow, to let things grow on their own.
"It is," I said, "but I'm happy I found you four. I'm also really happy I don't have to change like, right now-"
Dwayne laughed, stopping the music suddenly as he heard stumbling outside.
"What's going on?"
"Paul got hurt," he explained, taking my hand as he rushed outside, me following close behind. "Paul?"
We stood there, seeing him stumble down the stairs, guided by David and Marko.
"What happened out there?" I asked as I rushed to his side.
"Werewolves. They saw us hunt, and they attacked. Paul just got a little banged up, is all."
I frowned slightly, pulling him into a hug. "I'm glad you three are home. Are the werewolves still around?"
Marko nodded. "They got away before we could do anything. We were too busy making sure Paul didn't get killed."
"Are the two of you okay?" Dwayne asked as he looked the others over. Marko shrugged, as David nodded.
"We should go inside," I said as I looked at the sky. "Is it me, or is it getting lighter?"
"Yeah, " Paul mumbled, sounding tired, "nights ending."
I held him, his arm laying over my shoulder as I guided him down the rest of the steps into the cave. I gently put him down on the couch as I looked him over, brushing some hair out of his face.
"Are you-?"
"I'm fine," he tried to brush me off, clearly trying to sound more healthy and awake than he actually was. I sighed, my left hand resting on my right shoulder as I felt something sticky. I looked, seeing my fingers were red. Blood.
"You're not," I said softly, looking him over again, "You're bleeding."
I nodded, asking him to take off his jacket. There, on his side, was a bite. I froze. Marko had told me that werewolfbites were lethal to vampires.
"David!" I called, trying to keep my fear from sounding through. He was at the other side of the cave, talking with Marko and Dwayne about how to deal with the werewolves.
"What's - oh shit," he looked at me and then at Paul, who looked paler with the second. "Marko, I need the bottle! Dwayne, make sure a coffin is ready."
"What can I do?" I asked as I exposed the wound further so he could inspect it.
"I'm going to be okay, babes," Paul mumbled, sighing deeply.
"I know, I know you'll be." I closed my eyes, fighting back the tears. "If you're not, I'm going to make you regret it."
He chuckled weakly, hissing as David touched the ripped flesh. Marko handed him the bejewelled bottle. David popped the cap off, making sure it was still fresh enough before giving it to Paul. As he drank, slowly but surely, the wound began to close, stitching itself shut. Paul groaned, before passing out.
"He'll be okay," Marko gave me a reassuring look. "I also survived a similar wound. He'll be fine."
"I don't want to lose any of you."
"We don't either," David lifted Paul up, walking towards the back of the cave. "I'm glad you noticed it. If you hadn't, we could have been too late."
I nodded, shivering slightly. If I hadn't found it at the moment I did, Paul would have been dead. I looked up as Marko took my hand, taking me with him as he entered a deeper part of the cave. It was in a hallway next to their usual sleeping area, where four coffins stood.
"We don't usually sleep in them," Dwayne explained as he looked at my curious expression. "But they're best when we're hurt."
I nodded, grateful to see a normal bed standing in the corner, right next to Paul's coffin. I watched as the others laid down in their own coffins, sitting down on the bed myself. As exhausted as I was, I couldn't sleep. I needed to know Paul was okay, and the others would stay okay.
It was eight in the morning when I woke with a start, feeling a sharp thing pierce my finger. I glared at the thing disturbing my slumber when I realised it was none other than Paul.
"What are you doing?" I hissed, careful not to wake the others.
"I'm hungry, babe."
"I know I'm a snack, but I'm not a snack! I can fetch the bottle for you, if you need blood?"
Paul shook his head, stretching out his arm to mine.
"I want yours."
"Well, too bad, because that isn't happening."
"But babe!"
I shook my head, a stern look on my face. "Go back to your coffin."
"Go back to your coffin. I love you, sleep tight, I'm going to see if David has some spare room for me in his coffin."
"Why?" Paul looked at me as if I had just told him his cat died. I'd never seen him with such an intensely hurt look before.
"Because I don't want to wake up being drained from my blood by my own boyfriend."
He pouted, sliding back in his coffin as he yawned. "I'll try again tomorrow," he mumbled before dozing off again.
"Try that," I sighed softly as I tiptoed out of my bed across the room until I stopped at David's coffin. The lid wasn't on it, and to my surprise, he was awake.
"Couldn't sleep either, hm?"
I shook my head, taking his hand as he helped me get in. "I was worried about Paul."
"Seems like he'll be okay, though."
"Yeah. Bastard already tried to take a nible from my finger," I showed David the shallow wound. He had a teasing grin on his face as he kissed it, slowly kicking the blooddrops off of it.
"You taste good."
"Can I sleep safely in here?" I asked, only slightly teasing.
"We'd never hurt you, darling. Sleep. Paul is going to be okay, and you won't be if you don't sleep enough."
I nodded, smiling softly as I got comfortable, my head laying on his chest. David was right. Paul would be okay.
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lazycats-stuff · 8 months
Ok this one is mainly for Alfred but u could add batbros and batdad if u want, anyways i was wondering what would alfred (or any of the fam) do to stop BatToddler reader tantrum? Like i imagine the setting would be grocery shopping and Alfred's only getting healthy food including boring plain cereal and BatToddler is not having it and only wants sugar loaded cereal and starts whining and tearing up right there in the middle of the store, would alfred give in to those tears or find an alternative? I imagine batdad would give in and the brothers might even encourage it giving that they probably eat the same junk food
Oh my God yes! Anon, thank you for sending me this, this sounds so fun. Alfred needs love so this is Alfred centered, but I will put this in batfam since I'm to lazy to create a new page for the masterlist. It's a bit short, but my arm hurts.
Summary: Alfred has to make a deal with his grandson
Warnings: nothing really, (Y/N) crying, but it's short...
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Alfred Pennyworth is a man of many talents. He may look like an ordinary butler to the public, but without him, the Wayne family wouldn't even function. He is the person who makes sure everyone eats, sleeps and somehow functions like a human being. Somewhat.
Some may find it tiring, but Alfred wouldn't have it any other way. He really wouldn't have it any other way at all. Of course, his grandkids so to speak were independent and didn't need anyone looking over them 24/7. That was until (Y/N) came as a baby.
Alfred nearly passed out when they got the call. (Y/N)'s mom abandoned him and just signed off her parental rights and Bruce had realized he had a kid. A baby, defenseless little creature who is untouched by the world. Untouched.
That's something that scared him.
But he knew that Bruce and him had to step up when it came to this little child. They really had to step up as caregivers. Of course, another problem was the press, pushing and prodding. Bruce hated it and told them that there were going to be consequences if they think about photographing his son.
If they did go out, (Y/N)'s face was covered by Bruce and or one of the boys who went with Bruce that day. Gotham citizens, the ones not included in the press, loved the little baby and were happy to him in public. Of course, that may sound weird, but the Wayne family is loved in Gotham and everyone just loves every single member.
In fact, the news of a new member, a baby member, broke the internet and Gotham in general.
Even Metropolis wrote about it.
And there was one thing that Bruce promised to himself. He would be present and he would try to balance everything. Batman, Bruce and the CEO of Wayne Enterprises. Alfred and the rest of the boys were more than happy to babysit and (Y/N) was never going to be at fault for love or affection. Never.
And Alfred made sure he is well fed. And also, Alfred made sure it was healthy. His grandson needed to be healthy. Of course, there could some sugar here and there, but not all the time. Sugar from fruits is more than welcome, but sugar like in cereal? Alfred had put a restriction on it.
At least for now. (Y/N) didn't need a sugar boost just yet. Only natural sugars while he is so young. Bruce agreed. They would introduce him to the sugars gradually. Bruce relayed that to his sons and every son agreed.
No processed sugar while he is so young.
3 years have passed since (Y/N) came to live them and life was going great. (Y/N) has started kindergarten and was happy. He loved his brothers a lot and his father, but he loved his grandpa the most. Bruce's working theory was the fact that Alfred cooked the most and often made tasty foods for (Y/N).
None the less, (Y/N) loved the others very much and that was undeniable.
One thing that Alfred loved doing was taking (Y/N) to the store whenever he could. (Y/N) was just in love with the activity. It was fun seeing new things and bright colors. Alfred enjoyed since (Y/N) held the list while shopping and he didn't have to worry about it.
Although there is one single issue. (Y/N) has a sweet tooth. A really big one, especially for a child his age. So Alfred often had to bypass the cereal aisle and aisles that contained candy.
It would not be a pleasant sight. But Jason and the others want cereal and they will lose their minds if they don't get it. So what does Alfred do?
He goes to the aisle, preparing himself mentally.
This could turn into a battle.
Alfred took a right and started looking through the cereal. He looked at some healthy cereal and (Y/N) was reaching for Coco Puffs. Alfred saw it and moved (Y/N) away.
(Y/N) didn't like that.
" Alfred. " (Y/N) whined and Alfred raised his brow.
" Yes, master (Y/N)? " Alfred asked as he put the healthy version inside the cart.
" Coco Puffs. " (Y/N) said pointing at the cereal. Alfred smiled and shook his head.
" I'm afraid that I can't get you that master (Y/N). " Alfred said and he sighed when he saw tears in (Y/N)'s eyes.
He picked his grandson up into his arms from the cart. " Master (Y/N), don't cry. " Alfred said as he rocked him.
" But I want Coco Puffs. " (Y/N) whined and some tears fell down his cheeks.
" Oh darling... " Alfred whispered and kissed his cheek, trying to comfort him.
" How about we make a deal? " Alfred suggested and (Y/N) calmed down a little bit and looked at him in curiosity.
" You will have to eat the vegetables I give you. "
(Y/N) opened his mouth to protest, but stopped himself. Did he like vegetables? No. But he did like his Coco Puffs.
" All of them? " (Y/N) asked quietly.
" Yes. I know you are not a fan of vegetables, but I need you to be healthy. " Alfred said as he kissed his cheek once again.
" And then I'll get my cereal? " (Y/N) asked and Alfred nodded.
" We got a deal. " (Y/N) said and Alfred smile, kissing his cheek again.
" Good. " Alfred says and puts the box into the cart. " You can have one bowl a day. " Alfred said as he put (Y/N) down in the cart's seat for children.
" Cross off cereal master (Y/N) please. " Alfred said and pointed at the word. (Y/N) crossed it off and smiled happily.
" Now, let me see what else I have. " Alfred said and saw what else is on the list.
" We have one more thing left and then we can go home. " Alfred said and patted (Y/N)'s head.
(Y/N) just nodded and kicked his little legs happily. Alfred saw that (Y/N) often glanced at the Coco Puffs and made sure that they were in the cart.
" They won't be going anywhere master (Y/N). "
(Y/N) let out a little humph and smiled none the less.
" I have to make sure. "
Alfred laughed at the response he got as he moved the cart through the aisles. " The box won't walk away anywhere. " Alfred explained as he put the last thing in the cart.
" Cross off this word please. " Alfred said as he pointed at the last word on the list.
(Y/N) nodded and crossed it out. " Good job. " Alfred praised his grandson and made his way to the cash register. This was not so bad like Alfred thought it would be.
And the deal was nice.
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barcalover86 · 10 months
Unreal nightmare - Gavi
Summary: "How can I learn to live without you when you taught me how to be alive"
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"Your relationship was a private one, and we didn't really get to see you two a lot. How was she?" one of the reporters asked.
Pablo chuckled a bit.
"She was so fearless." he started. "Energetic and chaotic kind of girl, you know. Wherever she was, she would bring the light after her. You couldn't feel sad or hopeless around her."
"She seemed like a really nice person."
"Yes, because she was."
Pablo had to stop because he knew that if he would say one more word, he was going to cry. He hated the tight feeling inside his neck.
The older man comforted the boy, putting one of his hands on Gavi's shoulder, while massaging it.
After a few seconds, Pablo continued.
"Before I met her, I only found happiness in winning. But she taught me to enjoy the process, to be thankful that I am healthy and that I have a house where I can sleep and that I have a really loving family that supports me."
"That's so kind of her."
"Yes, she was really kind. To everyone."
He smiled sadly while thinking about you.
"So tell us, Gavi. What happened? One day, she was out there cheering your name, and the next one, we found out that she had passed away? How come?"
The boy started to tear up. His hands reached his face, not wanting to let the world see his pain.
Everyone felt so sorry for him. They all knew how much he loved you and how happy you had made him.
"Just one day, she started scratching all over her body. We were all really confused especially when her eyes got yellow."
"Yeah.. such a bad memory. Well, then we got her quickly to the hospital, and we stayed there for about 5-6 hours to get her a doctor. She then started to be in so much pain."
"She was having some allergy?"
"I hoped so, but she was not. We found out that she had liver cancer."
"I'm really sorry, Gavi-"
"We took her to the best doctor, but it was all too much for her and after only 1 month of being in the hospital, they let her home for the 'she better dies home with her family, rather than alone' kinda reason".
"But.. After only 1 month, it was that crucial??"
"Liver cancer is extremely dangerous and painful. It expands incredibly fast."
"And she was staying at your house while you just had to pretend that everything was fine... to not worry the people around you."
"Something like that, yes. But our families were there to help me out with her. As I said before, everyone loved her."
"How did she die?"
"She lived more than any doctor said she would. But God.. she looked so different and drained. Even at her worst, she was asking for everyone's health" Gavi laughed a bit.
The reporter smiled.
"I don't know if it was bad or if I'm thankful that she died in my arms.."
"Oh, Gavi-"
"Don't start, please," he once again teared up. "I just don't understand why she had to suffer like that when she was the most angelic person that I've met. She was so, so young.."
"How old was she?"
A loud silence acapared the room.
No one knew what to say in these situations.
"Gavi, go to sleep! Tomorrow you have a big game and you have to be rested."
"Pedri, please leave me alone."
"Then I'd be a bad friend. C'mon, brother, go have a nap. I know you're tired."
"I can't sleep, Pedri! Ok? If I close my eyes I only see her dead in front of me!"
"Everyone is dreaming about the healthy version of her, and I'm the only one that can't even imagine my girlfriend being.. normal and real and-"
"Gavi! Stop!" Pedri began. "You saw her at her worst. It's normal to have that imagine painted in your brain for a period of time. But that definitely doesn't mean that you are not able to also dream about her when she was all healthy."
"I'm afraid that she forgot me and only looks out for her family and not me, Pedri."
"Don't say that! You know that's not true at all."
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because we both know that she loved you more than anyone. Now go to sleep and let's have a great game tomorrow so that you can win for her, alright?"
"Gavira, do you want to play?" Xavi asked the footballer.
"Ok then, go change!"
Before the game, Pablo had promised himself to give his all for you.
And he did that.
He helped his team a lot.
He didn't see you along the crowd, but he somehow felt you in him. You made him stronger and he even scored. Just. For. You.
"She'd be so proud of you, boy."
And then Gavi looked into the sky and saw your shadow.
And then he smiled.
People were cheering his name, and he then promised himself that he would continue to fight for life, just like you did. You fought for every second of life because every moment matters. And by your absence, he learned to appreciate things more. He learned that to live is the most incredible gift that we, humans, have.
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anastasiabowe · 5 months
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𝙅𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙈𝙚 — It's just Nanami and Yuji against the world.
note: I was rewatching JJK since my Crunchyroll subscription ended 2 years ago, and it's ON NETFLIX and I totally forgot about the relationship Nanami and Yuji had (and I personally think Nanami is a father figure but I digress) so I HAD to share this lol. Also Yuji is a baby :p
𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: Nothing!
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Nanami never asked to be a dad. To be honest, the idea always scared him. He hated the thought of changing diapers, buying formula, buying clothes every other month, etc! He hated the drool, the smells, the noises babies made, but when he had the blessing to meet 6 month year old Yuji, none of that mattered anymore. He knew he wanted to care for him.
The first few weeks were TOUGH. Nanami knew he didn't have the nurturing mother capability, and knew he also didn't know what to do. Yuji cried all the time and he didn't know why, his diaper would be changed, he just ate, he just woke up from a 3 hour nap (probably more than he needed) and yet he would cry.
Countless nights Nanami laid awake listening to the heart wrenching yet annoying cries of Yuji. He knew Yuji was taken care of yet he didn't know what else could have been bothering him. So the very next day, Nanami took him to the doctors only to find out Yuji was teething. He kept crying because he was in discomfort, so Nanami hit the first once upon a child he could find and found toys and other gadgets to help Yuji, and they worked! Nani got a good 8 solid hours of sleep until a new problem arose.
Yuji got sick. Yes, Yuji got the common cold yet nanami felt like it was yellow fever. Every cough, sneeze, hiccup, Nanami panicked.
"Achoo!" Yuji sneezed and Nanami dashed from the kitchen straight to the living room (which isn't very far). Nanami scanned the poor boy's slightly reddened face from him coughing and sneezing. Nanami felt up the boy's poor head for the, God knows how many times. Nanami brought his hand to his chest to feel how Yuji breathed which was thankfully normal. Yuji only laughed into a cough at how silly his daddy was acting.
"Dada funny!" He clapped his hands.
Nanami felt his heart flutter at his little boy, and he didn't feel too worried about him after his little check up. Nanami felt so happy seeing his little Yuji happy and couldn't contain the tears brimming his eyes. Yuji only looked up at him in confusion but then quickly got caught by Gracie's Corner which he was preoccupied with before his dad's check up.
Nanami soon embraced the single dad look. He'd go on runs with Yuji bundled up in his stroller, he would show Yuji off to his friends whenever they hung out at his house, and everyone fell in love with Yuji. His contagious smile, cute little salmon hair, wide eyes, there wasn't a single person who could look at the little cinnamon roll and not smile. Nanami also became the world's #1 dad. Nanami would be the first person any of the mothers at the daycare would go to for baby advice because nanami was basically the encyclopedia of babies. Want to know what foods are best to feed babies who just began to eat real food, hell give you recipes and affordable but healthy and nutritional brands.
There wasn't a single thing that could have separated Yuji from Nanami, except you, but that's not important in this part of the story. Yuji was Nanami's reason to go to his lame ass job and deal with his boss. Yuji was Nanami's breath and heart. Nanami couldn't even imagine himself without the little kid. And the older Yuji got the more Nanami became happier. Nanami was a whole new man because of Yuji, and honestly, no one complained.
Even though Nanami wished he had a s/o to help raise Yuji, he knew Yuji didn't care. As long as Nanami had Yuji and Yuji had Nanami, nothing would stop them from being happy. It was really Nanami and Yuji against the world. And what Nanami liked to tell Yuji a lot:
"It's just you and me against the world."
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back2bluesidex · 1 year
Enchanted - KNJ
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Pairing: Namjoon X Reader
Theme: Angst with a happy ending, exes to lovers au.
HIII i want to make a request for the TS song drabble game Can you do Namjoon x Enchanted the genre maybe angst? fluffiest Its one of my favs ..this idea came to mind while remembering the lyrics.. what if Namjoon lost his memory and reader was a museum crying staring at Nam´s favorite works and then they meet and maybe they fall in love again.. leaving an open ending if he ever got his memory back or not. or maybe he did! whatever you want is fine :)
Song: Enchanted
Word count: 1k+
Warnings: Major character accident, partial amnesia, angst, pining, crying, suffering, reader gets called a bad luck.
Minors and Karens Are Not Allowed in this Blog!!
A/N: A huge thanks to you, anon, for offering this brilliant idea. I changed the storyline a bit so that it fits within a drabble length and I hope you like it.
also, a very happy birthday to our best boy Kim Namjoon. I hope he is happy and healthy just as he deserves to be.
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"What are you doing here?"
"eomeoni, I- I"
"Didn't I tell you to keep your distance from now on? Didn't you ruin enough?" 
"Please.. I will - I want to see him once. Please. I promise I won’t even step near. I will just take a look. Please eomeoni?"
"No! You - You are bad luck. Look what you did to my poor son. He was rushing to see you just because you fainted and look who's laying on the death bed now!"
"Stop calling me that! You are no one to me! you are no no one to Namjoon. Leave right away or I'll have to report you." 
The conversion reels in your head as you stare at the man from afar. 
It's been a year since that dreadful night, the worst night of your life. It's been a year since you last saw him, heard his voice, until today. 
Your heart rips apart seeing him standing so gracefully with practiced elegance. Nothing has changed. He still looks the same. It feels as if it was just yesterday when he took you to the art fair and bought you that handmade clay-framed mirror. 
But you know things are far from being so simple, if anything then everything is much more complicated than ever. 
While you still stay awake each night, spending a fair share of time shedding tears for him, he doesn't even recall your name. He doesn't remember who you are, what you sound like, how your touches feel, or the time you two shared being so in love. 
You had vanished from his life long ago, vanished from his memories leaving absolutely no traces behind. 
He forgot you, even if you know he never intended to, even if you know it was a cruel decision of fate, he still forgot you and you can't change a thing about that. 
Silent tears fall from your eyes as you stare at him. Only you know how much you want to run to him, hold him tightly in your arms and tell him that you have waited for him, tell him that you have never stopped loving him, tell him that you love him more than anyone ever can. But you can’t.
And even if you do all these, what will be Namjoon’s reaction? He will just shove you to the ground thinking you are a crazy woman trying to throw herself at him. So you decided to leave. Meeting him unexpectedly here in the gallery should be more than enough for you. You can’t ask for more. You have no right to ask for more. 
You turn your heels to leave but you hear a faint voice calling you from behind. 
"Excuse me.." it's his voice. It's Namjoon. 
You start to panic. Contemplating whether you should run away or give in, you stay planted at your own place. 
"Hey. Um.. I am sorry to bother you but I- uh saw you staring at my direction and you seemed to be really familiar.. So, do we know each other?" Namjoon's voice is unsure and filled with confusion.
Your heart breaks. You know you should have not expected him to remember you but his confession still makes you weak on your knees. 
Blinking several times and gathering some strength, you turn around and face him. 
He's just as handsome as he used to be, if not more. 
Seeing you silent, Namjoon clarifies, "Sorry if I seem weird with my questions. I actually got into an accident last year and lost some of my memories. So I tend to ask people who they are if someone seems familiar to me. And you.." he pauses, his eyes raking through your face as if he's trying to find a clue "you seem to be someone very close to me." 
"I- I think you got the wrong idea. I mean - I, no, we.. we knew each other through some common friends but weren't exactly close." Your words fumble over each other much more than you would like. 
"oh- sorry then." A sheepish smile takes over Namjoon's face. 
His dimples make you sick and you want to run away from him. 
"I gotta go-"
"May I know your name?" 
You two speak out at the same time.
"Y/N. It's Y/N." You say hurriedly. 
"Yeah... Y/N" Namjoon whispers. 
You don't know if you're imagining things or not, but a flash of sadness passes through Namjoon's features. 
"I don't wanna sound like a creep but-" he hesitates.. "I would love to have a cup of coffee with you." 
"I am so sorry but I kinda have to go." You reply with your heart breaking into a thousand pieces all over again.
"oh.. then, can I at least have your number? Please?" Namjoon pleas. His voice quivers a bit or maybe you're just hearing things. 
You don't know what you should do. You don't know why life is playing these games with you. You don't know where this will go but what you know for sure is that you're enchanted to meet Namjoon again. So you give in and take another chance. 
"Sure." You murmur. 
Namjoon pulls out his phone from his pocket, unlocks it and gives it to you. 
As soon as you take his phone in your hands, your world starts to spin, eyes start to blur, hands start to shake because it's you. It's your picture saved as his wallpaper, the one from the art fair, under cherry blossom, wearing the same hoodie Namjoon is wearing right now. 
When you look up at him you find that his dark eyes are full to the brim with tears, which may start falling anytime. He looks as broken as you do.  
"The story line didn't end there, Y/N. It was the very first page. And... And I was enchanted to meet you. I would do anything to meet you again." 
"You- y-you remember me?" your words get choked.
"How could I not? You are deep-rooted in my heart. My brain may have forgotten a period of time but heart kept on trying to make me remember you. And it was successful." Namjoon smiles through tears, so do you.
"I hope you are not in love with someone else, you don't have someone waiting on you." he whispers, stepping close to your body.
"No- I don't." you reply, taking a step towards him.
Namjoon comes closer, cups your face and connects your forehead with his as you two intertwine your lives again standing in the middle of the gallery.
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@phenomenalgirl9 @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @soraviie @sukunabitch @chimchimmarie @coffeedepressionsoup @meowstake @vonvi-blog @nochuel @chimmisbae
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The Arcana HCs: How you hurt the M6
~ I want to be clear again that when hurt people hurt other people, it's not a sign of closeness, it's proof of a need for growth. Healthy relationships will take those signs seriously instead of brushing them off - brainrot ~
This is the sequel to
How the M6 hurt you
TW for angst, yelling, accidental food shaming, saying things you don't mean, and watching your loved one be deeply hurt by what you said or did
You don't know when last you were this emotionally exhausted. It feels like all week has been nothing but listening to other people unload their burdens while you barely have a moment to yourself
It also hasn't helped that Julian's picked up one of the viruses going around and has been bedridden for the last three days
At least, he should be staying in bed. But he keeps getting up because he doesn't like giving you extra things to worry about, only to make things worse by overexerting himself and defeating his own cause
At this point you've had it up to the nose with other people's problems. Do you like helping? Yes! Do you like helping as much when people don't even stop to ask how you've been or if you have time? No! And especially not when you're starting to catch Julian's sniffles too
Against all the odds, you've managed to finish everything early and you're just getting ready to go to bed and get some much-needed rest and alone time when Julian appears in the doorway
Just the sight of him not in bed where he should be adds to your frustration, but you take a breath and meet his sorrowful gaze
"Why are you up, Julian? Are you alright?"
And he, not noticing the bags under your eyes or the vein popping in your forehead, begins his lament
How sorry he is for burdening you like this, how terrible it is of him to expose you to sickness like this, how you don't deserve to live like this, all while he remains the only thing literally standing between you and the sweet, sweet rest of your shared bed
You nod sympathetically and begin to step around him, hoping he'll follow you back to bed to sleep, but then he's placing both hands on your shoulders to hold your attention as he tells you why you shouldn't have to waste said attention on him. It's the last thing you need to snap
"Dammit, Julian, I'm already worn down because of you! If you wanted me to be happy you'd leave me alone already!"
You're regretting your words as they're leaving your mouth, but you don't realize the broader implications of what you've said until you see the look of horror and hurt on his face
"I-I'm so sorry, Julian, I didn't mean it like that, I meant -"
"I understand what you meant." He's shrinking away from you, fever-chapped lips trembling as he goes to the door to put on his coat. "I'll leave you alone so you can be happy."
You're left standing in an empty house, struggling to keep your mind awake enough to figure out what to do next. It takes longer than you would like for you to snap out of it and rush out the door after him, wondering where he would go in the early night
He's not at the Docks. He's not at the Rowdy Raven. At this point you're too panicked to keep thinking so you run over to Mazelinka's, hoping for direction and advice. She doesn't look very impressed to see you when she opens the door
"Before I let you in. Tell me what you did to that boy to make him knock at my door instead of sneaking in through my window."
And with tears on your face and panicked, shaky breaths, you tell her what you said and how it happened and how you don't need to know where he is right now, just make sure he's alright, please
When you finally stop talking she turns away from the door and address the trapdoor in the floor that's ever so slightly cracked open. "Well? Are you coming out now or are you sleeping down there?"
Julian slowly emerges, puffy-eyed and shaky, and meets you at the door with a quiet "Let's go home." You nod and get ready to follow him down the sidewalk when a wooden spoon appears across your chest. You look over into Mazelinka's steely gaze, reminded all at once that her grip is that of a pirate more than a cook
"You hurt him like this again," she murmurs, "and the Devil gets a kinder fate."
Julian is quick to forgive, but it takes much longer to silence the angry words you sent ringing into his head
Living without any memories from before three years ago is hard
It's like joining a class with only six weeks left in the school year. Everyone around you has history - either with each other, or from somewhere else that they get to share over a dinner table and find ways to bond over it. But you've got nothing
It doesn't help that everyone around you knows more about your past than you do. They remember how you ran your shop before the plague, they remember the catchphrases and jokes you'd use to chat with customers, they remember more of you than you do
And nobody wants to tell you
You know that you have friends. There's Selasi, the baker, Nadia and Julian and Portia, Asra's parents Aisha and Salim, and even Muriel seems to be warming up to you begrudgingly
But the silence in your neighborhood is loud when you walk through it, even if it's become fond after your efforts to stop the Devil. You're tired of the quiet - you want to hear someone talk to you with answers and stories already!
You've been stewing on these thoughts for several hours now, starting from a particularly silent customer and continuing through shop closing and clean up. Asra walks in the back door in time to see you grumble and give the counter a particularly harsh wipe
"Did the counter do something to offend you, my love?"
You huff and shake your head, trying to distract yourself with something less irritating. You watch them set their bag down in the corner, full of mysterious parcels. "How was your day?"
"Better now that I'm with you." He's peering at you fondly from under his eyelids, and you ignore the flare of frustration at the typically vague response that doesn't answer your question
"I see you did some shopping, where did you go?" Give me something, you think, give me anything that's present and real to think about
They falter slightly, the way they do whenever they're about to reference a place or person or thing you used to know, and then smoothly sidle up to you. "Oh, you know. Here and there."
You flinch away when he reaches for you, your frustration crashing across your brain as a wave of anger. "Here and there? Just like all of the other places you've been? All the places I don't know about because nobody will tell me?"
You see the hurt pooling in their face, and knowing that half of it is their empathy for your own pain somehow makes it worse. Especially when their only response is silence. Damn the silence
"Why does nobody tell me anything? Why don't you tell me anything? You brought me back all on your own, why don't you try addressing the problem for once? Or are you just going to leave me alone, without anything to help me, again?"
You're stunned by the words coming out of your mouth. You knew that what you were saying wasn't true, you knew that every word would wound him, and somehow you couldn't stop until that accusatory again merited its own silence
You can see them bracing against their need to turn and walk out, and you're hoping for their sake they do, but instead they're dragging their feet one step closer, eyes on the floor
"I'm not going to leave you alone again," he mumbles, voice cracking, "Not unless you want me to." And five seconds later he's putting his arms around you, ignoring his own hurt to take care of you - again, even though you can feel him shaking from your anger
"I'm sorry," you tell them, "I'm sorry, I was wrong. That's not true. I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm so sorry -"
"It's okay," he's telling you, even though he's not. "It's okay for you to be angry at me. You didn't ask for any of this, and I failed you."
No! you're screaming in your mind, it's not ok! because you can feel the pain twisting under their ribs at your stinging accusations and you know they're doing everything they can to hide that from you
Asra's love for you is steadfast, but he doesn't trust lightly and it'll be several weeks before he's able to tell you how badly you hurt him
You know that you're not stupid. And you know that, technically, nobody else really thinks you're stupid. You know for certain that Nadia would tell you all about your attractive intelligence given the chance and the hours on end that she would require
You know all of this, and yet
Sometimes Nadia's desire to provide for your every need translates into keeping track of every project you're working on and every problem requiring a magician that you're in charge of fixing
And her way of helping is offering her thoughts and opinions and advice. Which, granted, is always helpful when you ask for it. But most of the tips you've been getting recently are unsolicited
Half the time her advice is to do the thing that you were already planning on doing, which after a while is enough reason to not want to do it anymore
But you keep biting your tongue and nodding along, because you love her and the last thing you want to do is talk to her like you think she doesn't have anything helpful to offer
It's mid morning and the work day is in full swing. Nadia's touring around the palace and grounds today, overseeing basic building maintenance, and you're hunched over the intricate blueprints for the Flooded District, figuring out where magical aid is needed
You're just circling a ramshackle bridge which would make the ideal spot to control water flow from when two silky arms wrap around your torso from behind and you're surrounded by her floral perfume. "And how is my darling magician this morning?"
You're getting ready to respond when you feel her shift and focus on the papers in front of you. Don't do it, you think in annoyance as she leans away in order to get a better look, Don't say that -
"That bridge would be a good location to direct water flow from. You should consider utilizing it in your plans, MC."
You rein in your annoyance and nod. "That's why I have it circled."
"Oh!" She laughingly traces your pencil marks. "So you do." She turns to you, smug approval radiating from her cocked brow. "I hadn't noticed. My magician is even sharper than normal today."
The irritation flares up even stronger than before. Maybe if you stopped butting in you'd realize I'm always this competent, you think, but you bite it back at the last minute
She's turning back to keep studying your materials, her angle effectively blocking you from being able to see what she's looking at, and you're trying not to say anything, you really are, but then she's straightening up and asking "Have you thought of -"
"Yes," you interrupt her, frustration bleeding into your tone, "yes, I have." The reprimanding look she gives you only makes it worse. "Or at least, I'd have the chance to think of it if I wasn't being constantly hijacked."
Nadia frowns and raises her chin. "You've implemented every piece of advice I've given you. I fail to see how that counts as hijacking."
"It's not advice if I'm already planning on doing it!" You're blurting out all the things you haven't said now, louder and angrier than you would ever intend to. "You haven't even asked if I wanted your help, you just keep assuming you know better! I don't want your help!"
Her face drops all expression and her eyes grow cold. "I see," she says quietly, and then "I'll take my leave, then."
It's not until she doesn't join you for lunch that you begin to realize how badly you messed up. After all the hurt she harbored from her older siblings treating her like she couldn't do anything, your own words were the confirmation of her worst doubts
You don't want to force her to listen to you, but you know the longer you leave things the more she'll internalize what you've said. You spend your afternoon writing your detailed apology instead of working on your plans, and give it to Chandra that evening
Nadia joins you on the terrace after dinner, her presence alone bearing the promise of her forgiveness. The hurt you've caused, however, is going to take much longer to heal
You've been unusually hungry recently. Days in the woods are already cooler and damper than they are in the crowded Vesuvian streets, and now with winter coming on your body has been begging you for the calories it needs to stay warm
There are multiple things you've failed to account for as the one who usually does the grocery shopping. First, your own increase in appetite, second, Muriel's increase in appetite, and third, the cold front that had appeared out of nowhere five days ago
Muriel himself has expressed surprise at how much he's been eating recently, but you can see it as the outcome of him learning not to deprive himself of good things in order to not take up space
You've spent all morning busy in the woods while Muriel does his rounds, and your stomach started rumbling an hour ago. It doesn't help that your clothes are too thin for the weather - that's another item on tomorrow's shopping list
The trees are rushing by as you hustle back. You've been saving a stewed meat pie in the back of the cupboard for a hangry day, and with the way you're getting annoyed at every root that trips you up today is the day to toast it up and eat it
Inanna's alone in the hut when you walk in, so you begin chattering to her mindlessly as you head to the cupboards to pull out your lunch. Your mutters get more and more frustrated as you open cupboard after cupboard, letting the doors bang shut
"I swear Inanna, I'm so hungry right now it's starting to hurt. Where in all the realms did I leave that damned -"
And you look over at the table to see an empty plate, speckled with familiar pastry crumbs. You laugh humorlessly, speaking completely unfiltered to the wolf on the bed
"Of course, Muriel ate it!" You're not mad at him, you're glad if anything that he felt free to eat what you bought, but you're ticked at having to wait another hour to forage and cook something.
"Why even bother buying something for later if it won't even be there? I get that he's a big guy, but does he really need to eat so much? I'm going to starve if this keeps up!"
You're almost shouting at this point, finding a strange joy in your exaggerated performance, until a whine from Inanna's direction causes you to pause. It's that second of silence that lets you hear the shuffle of a large pair of feet not knowing where to walk to next
You spin around, horrified, in time to see Muriel's shoulders hunching down and turning away from the open door. You're scrabbling to catch up to him in the clearing and manage to grab his sleeve
"Muriel, I'm so sorry, I -" How do you begin to explain this? Even worse is the way he refuses to look at you, head tilted down and away in an expression of shame, guilt, and regret. You take a breath and start with what you want him to know most
"I don't think you're too big. And I don't think you eat too much, and I'm not mad, I promise, I love you much more than pie."
His mouth twitches and he turns his face to look at you, which you take as permission to continue your confused explanation: "I was - I was just ... joking?"
His face falls into a scowl before you can blink, and he yanks his sleeve from your hand. "Don't lie to me," he grits out.
"I'm not lying! I wasn't even that hungry, I was just frustrated, and -" you're cut off by your stomach making a loud growl. Muriel's face twists in something akin to pain and he stalks off, head and shoulders hunched down as tight as the day you met him
You know you don't have a chance of catching up to him on an empty stomach, so you watch hopefully as Inanna melts into the trees after him and turn to the nearby woods to forage
The afternoon passes slowly. You have nothing to do but wait for him to return - if he returns at all, and the hut is cold and dark without him
You're able to greet him with a better apology and the biggest, heartiest hot meal you could make in one afternoon, but it's a long time before you see him eat without hesitation again
You love Portia's optimism. It's easily the steadiest, most uplifting thing in your life and she can turn any daunting or overwhelming situation into the start of a grand and exciting adventure
It doesn't matter what you're facing down, she's right next to you, rolling up her sleeves with a can-do attitude and plowing ahead
Some things, though, have a degree of complexity that require more than a can-do attitude and a determination to move forward no matter the obstacle. Some things are complicated, tedious, painstaking, and drawn out so long you forget why you're doing it
The puzzle you're working away at is one of those things. Since you've started traveling the world with Portia, you've encountered all kinds of magic that you'd never heard of before, and it's given you a hope that she's pushed you to pursue
You're trying to get your memories back
And it's exhausting. It's been month after month of researching and documenting, staying up late into the night brainstorming with new leads until your creativity feels strained enough to be as sore as a pulled muscle, all for tiny pieces of the solution
Portia's been your star, staying awake with you and doing her best to follow along on a subject she's never been taught, always giving you a pep talk to push just a bit farther
But that push is starting to feel like pressure. After months of keeping at it, all you want is either a breakthrough or a break
Portia walks in on your little meltdown, in time to see you lean back in your chair, sigh, and then groan as you begin to pack away your notes and samples and books
"Uh-uh!" She's tugging on your elbow cheerfully, nudging you to sit back down. "Come on, MC, I know you can do this! We just need -"
"To push a little harder?" You finish her sentence for her, letting out a tired laugh and rubbing at the ache behind your eyes. "I don't think so. Not today, at least."
"What?" she asks teasingly, "are you just giving up? Don't tell me I need to give you a good kick in the ass like my brother."
You feel your eyebrows scrunch together, plagued by both your discouragement with your project and the feeling of failing to be the exciting, brilliant magician Portia has so much faith in
"I can't do this anymore, Portia. The answer's been at the edge of my brain for weeks, and I still can't find it. I need a break."
"No, you don't!" There's so much hope and excitement in her voice it makes you feel sick. She grabs your shoulders and leans in so close you can see the spark dancing in her eyes. "You just told me it's right there, so reach for it! Maybe you have everything already, maybe you just need to make yourself remember!"
"No!" The overwhelming hopelessness and shame claw their way out of your throat as aggression. "No, it won't work. Do you even know what that does to me? Do you have missing memories?"
She falters, smile fading. "No, but ... no, I don't."
"Then how could you understand?" You see her frown as you start to gesture wildly at the months of research. "You don't even understand most of this, much less what I'm dealing with! I'm sorry I can't live up to your expectations, but I can't just fix this!"
She's scowling now, chin wobbly, but her stubbornness wins out. "I don't expect you to be perfect, MC, but I'm not letting you give up. I know us. When you're with me, I can do anything, and I know you feel the same way about me too."
"Not about this." You slump in your seat, staring listlessly at your mess. "I know what I'm dealing with, I know what I'm doing, and I know I'm not enough." You see her getting ready to start studying your notes and try to make sense of them for the hundredth time, and lay a hand on her wrist. "And you aren't enough either."
She freezes, yanks her hand away, and storms out the door with a broken sob. It's not until you see her reaction that you realize the extent of what you've said to her and seek her out to apologize
She's quick to forgive you when you admit you were wrong, but it's a long time before she joins you at your research again
It's been exciting to watch him grow and change. You know that every time he shows a little more patience or acknowledges a mistake, it's a hard-earned victory. Changing yourself requires effort, and you've watched him put in the blood, sweat and tears
It's especially beautiful to see the way he connects to other people now - before, his desire for friendship led him to bribe masses of people to his side. Now, all he has to do is find a common interest and everyone at the tavern table is drawn to his enthusiasm
On a night like this, though, it's harder to hold onto your admiration of him. The two of you encountered a group of young mercenaries on the road, and what started as advice from someone older and wiser became a swap of war stories
He's yelling excitedly about the adrenaline rush of sending his blade through an enemy's ribs, instructing the younger mercenaries on how to aim for the heart, and you feel your own sink
His smile looks crueler in the flickering candlelight, his laugh harsh and grating as one of his new friends shares their own gruesome torture suggestions, and you soon give into the compulsion to stand and make your excuses to retire early
It's hard to look at his face when his eyes show concern for your quietness, and you miss the way his gaze follows you out the door
You lie in bed, tuning out the raucous laughter from the tavern, and try to sleep. You're spiraling into the past, all of the evidence of his cruelty and selfishness overshadowing the man you've shared your life with for the last several years
Long before the Lazaret became a funeral pyre, he was just like the brutes fawning over him now, delighting in battle and bargaining away the living hearts of others for his own gain
You flinch when you hear him bang open the door to the room you've rented for the night, matching the motions of the Count of Vesuvia to the sounds of him removing his armored gauntlet and preparing for bed
"Did you hear those kids?" His voice breaks the stillness when he notices your open eyes. "Little idiots, just 'cause they got some blood on their knives, they think they're the best of the trade. Don't worry baby, I showed them."
He bends to kiss your cheek as he climbs into bed next to you, and you turn to face his shadow in the dark. "Show them what? How to kill more effectively?"
"Yes?" His voice comes floating back confused. "I did? Gotta aim for the heart if you want a clean kill."
"A clean kill?" You can hear the disgust bleeding into your voice, but you can't stop. "What else did you tell them about?"
"Oh, you know, just the deals I made, and the plague, and the masquerade." He sighs wistfully. "I thought they should know what they were really aiming for."
You snap and sit up in bed, taking the covers with you. "I can't believe you! You - why? Why would you lead even more people to their deaths? Do you even care at all about what happened to Vesuvia? To me?" You ignore the sounds of him shuffling frantically around, crossing your arms over your chest. "You really haven't changed at all, have you?"
The sudden flare of the lamp by your bed shows Lucio's expression, one arm reached out to give him light to see you properly, his face a frozen mask of fear at your icy disapproval
"MC - I didn't - I thought if I told them about my oopsies they would know better." You see him swallow and fight back the tears at the corners of his eyes, brows furrowed in concern. His voice is small and hurt. "You really think I haven't changed at all?"
You can see his doubt, his hope in your faith in him being hurled back in his face, and you rush to apologize
He forgives you once he sees your regret and hears you admitting your mistake, but he doesn't bring his past up again so easily
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seireitonin · 7 months
You mentioned you have a post on how Toby would be like if he had a kid? Can we see it? 👀
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When his children are born, he’s literally twitching with happiness and excitement. He looks at his s/o holding his kids and just breaks down in happiness. Like crying happy tears. He kisses his s/os face all over and hugs them. He looks down at his children with nothing but love. His heart has never been so happy.
So if Toby had a kid I’d think he’d raise them about the same regardless of gender but I can name a few differences and how he interacts w them depending on gender
If he had a boy oh my god…it would be perfect for him. Toby is literally hyperactive and up beat so keeping up with a small boy would be no problem for him. I can see him chasing his kid around till they’re both exhausted. Toby’s also loud so I can see him and his son having random screaming contests. Toby and his son would definitely play ball in the house and break something and would quickly clean it up together before Toby’s s/o could find out. When questioned about something being missing Toby and his son would look at each other and shrug “I dunno…have you seen it,kid?” “Nope! I haven’t!” Toby definitely sees himself in his son and aims to be the father his dad never was. So when his son acts up, he doesn’t get upset or take it out on him. He takes time to actually teach him. They also definitely have eating contests together. Like seeing who can eat the most food the fastest. They have races, they play video games together, they wrestle. Just Toby being a good dad to his son.
With his daughter he only had one name in mind, Lyra. Toby loved her more than anyone just like he loves his daughter more than anyone. Her memory will live on in his daughter. The name just fills his heart with joy. Toby looks up YouTube tutorials on how to do his daughter’s hair, she has loose curls like Toby does. He also learns how to do her hair from his wife/ s/o. “Do you like this hairstyle, Lyra?” “Hmm I want the ponytail higher” “You got it! Let me find a tutorial” Toby lets his daughter paint his nails and put bows in his hair. Toby and his daughter bake together, sing together and go shopping together. Although she’s still a little kid with a lot of energy so Toby and her have races and run around playing ball in the house alongside her brother and Toby. Toby definitely sneaks her candy because she’s just so cute. Constant forehead kisses.
For both of them he teaches them how to ride scooters and bikes. When they’re older he teaches them how to fight. For his son he really ingrains in him to never hit a woman/ girl. Toby makes them dinner as best as he can or at least supports his s/o who is cooking. He has to look up YouTube tutorials on healthy meals for kids because growing up and up to a few years ago he was living off ramen and other instant foods. Toby gives both of them lots of hugs and affection because that’s what he always wanted as a kid. Him and his kids take naps together after they’re exhausted. Toby sleeps in the middle mouth open and snoring and his kids are on either side of him, resting in his arms. Toby lets his kids eat dessert before dinner, but is trying to stop because he wants to be responsible. He takes his kids to the park and chases them around on the playground. He made them a tire swing in the woods. He’ll do anything for them.
Toby definitely still has mental issues and mood swings but instead of letting his kids see that he’ll isolate himself and let his wife/ s/o take over for the day. He doesn’t even want to risk behaving like his dad in anyway. He doesn’t want his kids to see him as anything but loving and supportive.“Your dad’s not feeling well so let’s go to the park.” Toby is scared that he passed on some of his issues to his kids but even if he did, he’s going to love and support them regardless. Nothing in this world will make him stop loving them. Toby broke the cycle of abuse by just being a good dad. He rebuilt the family that he lost so many years ago. And he’s the man that he’s always wanted to be.
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Venus my dear have you ever thought about fox hybrid childe? Like the fluffy ears in that mess of orange hair and his already sluttaly low rise pants hanging just under the base of his tail? With both a happy trail that runs down towards his cock and one that runs a short length down his back towards the mess of fluffy orange and white that is his tail? Like a full on feral hybrid, and why not add that good ol' knot on his cock too just cause I can!
Now think about fox boy childe and him bring so eager to have you swallow his cum that he knows your mouth, knowing full well you won't be able to take it and will be stuck there, nose pressed into the wet mess of his happy trail, eyes rolling back and breathing shallow as he watches how you struggle to swallow his load.
Or maybe....
Childe smirking down at you as he pulls you forward and make sure you feel how he swells behind your teeth before he comes, fingers tangled in your hair as he sighs, only now that you're truly stuck on his cock dose he release your hair, chuckling, as he watches you and your absolutely wrecked appearance, eyes rolled back in your head, hands falling from his hips, where your pathetic attempts to push him away had failed, just watches how your arms drop limply next to your sides.
Your blurry vision just starting to fade in and out, and the last thing you are actually aware of before you pass out, is one of his hands petting you gently and the other wiping the tears from your cheek as he coos down at you, ears flicking and twitching as another pulse of his cum floods down your throat.
Just think about fox hybrid childe...
ermm… me vs hoardin all of cors asks!! for me n me only!! but… i suppose i can share… cor i luv u i’m givin u a kiss rn mwah mwah!! U^ェ^U
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fox childe thoughts!! nothin too fancy just the fuzzy lil guy bein evil wif his knot!! point form headcannon format :3
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fuzzy fella!! he’s used to running around in without having to worry about how he’s dressed. hybrids like himself get certain privileges like less people caring about how they present. sure, it’s based in the idea that hybrids are ‘less than human’ but Ajax is like most in which he’ll use it to his advantage. he love love love loves walking around shirtless.
he’s about 6’2, bulky, and muscly. being part animal means he has to stay well in shape for hunting and the many other physical activities that are required of him. his tummy does have some chub!! the tummy chub is good for keeping him warm and healthy through the winter months. also most certainly a hairy boy; a happy trail no one can match.
loves having his tails and ears washed!! please do wash, condition, dry, and brush them he will make a little purring type noise like a motor. he tends to be a bit messy with everything he does, eating, playing, and existing, but a clean and fluffy fox is a happy fox!!
when it comes to his… more primal urges… he’s well aware that full humans aren’t built to accommodate certain characteristics. that won’t stop him from forcing it, though. he’s born to express his needs a certain way and will make it happen even if it hurts you both.
Ajax is already most certainly well endowed. about 8” hard with an upwards curve. he’s got a bit of thickness too but what’s really thick is his knot. his cock is great for splitting you open and pumping you full and it’s also delightfully heavy in your mouth.
he is an unashamed face-fucker. this does loop back into his base instincts of ‘cock in warm wet hole? need to go hard and fast to breed mate,’ though it’s also a personal preference of his. Ajax could hold back if he really wanted to but… why would he when you look so pretty covered in tears with your face turning blue?
lover of messy head. with the way he’ll be bucking into your throat, you’ll already be producing plenty of saliva and tears to moisten his dick but it’s not uncommon for him to spit down onto it as well to make it extra filthy. all fluids will end up being swallowed by you, and maybe him, in the end.
him… knotting your mouth… i am admittedly a bit hot and bothered by this… think of it sort of like sticking a lightbulb in your mouth. it can go in find but, you have to break it to get it out. Ajax’s knot will go in your mouth fine but, you’ll have to wait for it to go down to get it out.
he gets off on seeing you sputter around the massive load of seed lodged in your throat that you can’t properly swallow. he’ll most definitely twitch and shoot out a couple more little bursts while watching you struggle and whimper over everything shoved in your face.
Ajax won’t be completely cruel about it, you’ll still get plenty of praise and pats to your head!! it’s almost enough for you to ignore how he sets his hips fully to your face and covers your nose with his fingers. truly, he does want you to pass out.
he just thinks it’s cute when your cunts been fucked so nice that you end up knocked out so he’s gotta figure out some way to make that happen when it’s your throat he’s fucking!! doesn’t mind forcing it at all.
you’ll wake up clean and with a big fox man curled around you. he’s very easy to forgive when he licks your face as kisses and wags his tail; his own set of charms.
foxboy childe 100/10 a very wonderful lil guy!! mean, sure, but very loving… and needy… and aggressive… and protective…
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i wish i had better thots tew add but… cor u have done my brain in once again!! i jus wan my lil fox guy :((
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swiftsdelucaa · 1 year
Can I please have an imagine where the reader is dating Addison Montgomery and they decide that they want to try for a baby via sperm donor. Fast forward a few months and the reader finds out she’s pregnant. When she tells Addison she is over the moon. She kisses the reader and ends up proposing to her. Another fast forward and they end up having a baby boy. Fluffy please?
❛ 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕'𝒔 𝒖𝒔 ❜
𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: Addison Montgomery x f!reader ♡
𝘼/𝙣: So sorry for the wait, I wasn't feeling good :( But I hope you'll like it!
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What's more beautiful than being with someone you like? It's hard to say. You and Addison looked so good together and you both recently decided to try for a baby. Both you and her were thrilled with this choice and were looking forward to nothing more than to have a family.
Since Addison had little chance of getting pregnant, everything was staked on you, the idea of carrying your child made you even more proud and eager to become a mother.
You started with a few donations, choosing a decent donor was as hard as fun, but unfortunately you weren't immediately lucky. You were both doctors, you knew it would take time, so you didn't let yourself be discouraged. Let's say that after other unsuccessful attempts, your enthusiasm gradually vanished, but Addison had that energy that she was able to transmit to you continuously, so you continued to believe it. God, how much you loved her.
Finally, just when you didn't expect it, it happened. You were pregnant. The answer to the test was more than clear, you must have watched it at least a dozen times before realizing it. You couldn't wait to tell her, you were so happy, her reaction would surely be double yours. And to surprise her by venting all your happiness, you have prepared an excellent dinner.
Addison returned about two hours later, it seemed more for you. She followed the delicious smell coming from the room where you were, welcoming you with a warm smile and giving you a light kiss on your lips.
"Wow, I'm so hungry" she said as you turned to her. "Hey, what's up?" she asked you having noticed your particular happiness.
"Addison Forbes Montgomery" you took her hands, making her feel more curious. "You have no idea how much I'll love you seeing you with our baby" her face lit up, she was probably still reworking. You placed her hands on your belly.
"You- you're pregnant?" her smile became the most beautiful thing for you in that moment.
"Yeah!" you exclaimed, unable to hold back your tears.
"Oh my God Y/n!" she kissed you intensely, then stopping everything to say something.
"Y/n L/n, you'll make me the happiest person giving me a baby and becoming my wife" she looked at your eyes, her words looked so serious and full of love. At that point the tears increased, you didn't know if for the hormones you had taken or for the inexplicable happiness, maybe for both. You began to sob laughing, unable to control yourself.
"Yes, yes, yes!!! I'd love to become your wife" you kissed her again, this time longer than before.
So the wedding and the baby have been the only priority to you in this period. Both had decided that the wedding would be after the baby's birth, also because you didn't want to seem an awful monster on the best day of your life.
For the baby you had done every possible exam, you wanted a beautiful healthy baby, and you'd do everything to make it sure. The funniest thing was that, well, barring your stupid hormones and weird cravings for food that no one would ever eat, you couldn't agree on just one name, you might even have combined all possibilities at the cost of pleasing both. He was a baby boy, and she'd liked to call him Henry, but you liked Jess more. So... Jenry...? For a while you thought that was better to stop thinking about it, at the sight of the baby it was hoped that the name would be chosen immediately.
When you was in labor she was in surgery, trying to save another baby. Let's say it, you were very stubborn, you would even have been able to stop labor with all your might just to have Addison with you.
"Where the fuck is the girl who's gonna be my wife?! I want her here!" you were yelling at anyone trying to calm you down, then Addison finally caught up with you and you began to realize the situation better.
"We're meeting our son, oh my God Y/n it's awesome, I love you so much!" she squeezed your hand as you screamed in pain between the thrusts.
"No, it's not-" you tried to tell her referring to the 'beautiful' experience you were passing at that moment.
When you were finally able to hug your son you did nothing but look at him laughing with tears in your eyes, you didn't believe that such a beautiful thing could grow inside you.
"Ryle" you said. "He's name is Ryle" you looked at Addison and then turned towards the cute baby boy you held.
"Yeah, Ryle. It's perfect" she kissed your forehead and gently stroked the baby's cheek.
In these two months Ryle had already grown a lot, he was becoming more and more adorable. Well, during your wedding ceremony he cried and screamed almost all the time, but somehow it made it special.
As soon as he was with either of you he calmed down, and there were no words to describe that feeling, where the son recognizes his own mother. But you can say you're proud of everything, of you, of Addison, of Ryle, of all of you together.
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corrodedseraphine · 1 year
angel's touch | one shot
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pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
fic based on the request from @mylovelycrazyworld, thank you dear I really hope you won't be dissapointed!
request: I wanted to request an Eddie x fem reader fic, like the reader's love language is touch and words of affirmation and eddie is still a bit new to it, kinda have a small fight cause of miscommunication but eddie realizes that he needs to make it up to her with something very special (you choose what cause i trust you 100%) and a fluffy ending please 🥹 angst/fluff, established relationship
TW: mentions of near-death experience in the Upside Down, blood, pain
3 932 words
the one shot is also avaliable on ao3
It is my frist request ever, so you can only imagine how happy I felt when I got it, damn 😭 When it comes to the song... I wrote it myself, so it is okay if you don't like it, you can always pretend it is any other song you like!
eddie munson masterlist | general masterlist
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"Don't...let go." he choked out feeling that these were his last breaths. You were lying on the cold ground holding him in your arms after he decided to become monster bait. The words were coming out of his mouth accompanied by blood, you had to do something to keep him from bleeding out.
"I won't let go baby, never," you said. "And I'm sorry..."
"For w-what?"
"Dustin, help me." You said, tearing the sleeves off your shirt. "Bring a sheet from the trailer." The boy wordlessly ran to where you ordered. "I am so sorry baby, but I have to. I am so sorry." You started making makeshift tourniquets out of the material you had. You pressed a large piece of sheet to the larger wound on his abdomen, pressing down with all your strength. The pain that spread throughout Eddie's body was unimaginable. His screams and begging you to stop spread throughout the area, but he did not have the strength to defend himself. Dustin watched it all with horror. Tears flowed from your eyes as you kept saying how sorry you were, that you didn't want to hurt him but that you had to, that you saw no other way out, that he had to hold on until the others would return and they could help you pull him to the other side.
"P-please... stop," those were his last words before losing consciousness. 
"Steve! Steve Faster!" shouted Dustin seeing them running from afar.
The following events passed by at a rapid pace. As soon as you got on the good side of the trailer you immediately sped off toward the hospital where you spent almost every day for the next few weeks. 
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You didn't leave Eddie's side for a second, constantly holding his hand and telling him how much you loved him and how important he was to you. It was only the beginning of your relationship when all the chaos happened. Time flew by and the wounds on his body slowly began to heal and no longer hurt as much as they did. He joked that he would rather go back to the Upside Down than return to the hell known as Hawkins High, but the two of you agreed that on the first day you would wait for him outside the building, and that's exactly what happened. Filled with anxiety and nervousness, he was approaching the entrance when he heard your voice.
"Eddie, baby!" you shouted running toward him, then hugged and kissed him on his healthy cheek. Feeling your touch he stiffened sensing even more stress. When he looked around he saw that everyone was watching you. Feeling the panic rising in him he moved away. "Are you okay?" you asked seeing his reaction.
"Yes, just wounds... y'know sometimes they still hurt." he lied.
"Sorry..." you said grabbing his hand. "Ready to go back?" you asked wanting to change the subject.
"No." He sighed.
"It'll be fine, let's go." As you proudly stepped through the hallway holding your boyfriend's hand, Eddie felt the stares of others burn new holes in his body. In the past, it wouldn't have bothered him. He used to do everything to be the center of attention himself, but now he dreamed of getting away from that place as soon as possible and never coming back. He only lasted two lessons that day. The second was with difficulty when he sat behind the cheerleaders who gossiped too loudly about him.
"Did you see the wound on his face?" asked one.
"They say he has them all over his body..." 
"Gross. I don't know how y/n can stand it. I bet when he fucks her it's only in the dark."
"Maybe he has scars there too?" the blonde smirked.
"Poor y/n...I don't know what she sees in that freak. I was already shocked from the start, and now after coming back? She still looks in love, did you see the way she looks at him? She snuggles up to him every minute, if she could she wouldn't let him out of her arms."
"Maybe he's giving her some kind of drugs, some strange love potion, or has actually made a pact with Satan. Who knows."
"Jessie, stop watching movies, because you're seriously out of your mind..."
"I heard that Marcus wants to try to ask her out and get her away from the freak and his scars. What do you think she'll agree?"
"Marcus is a definite hottie. Who wouldn't agree?"
That was an overkill. Hearing what they were saying his heart was beating faster and faster and getting more and more breathless. He struggled to hold on until the bell rang, and when it finally sounded he was the first to run out of the classroom, where you were waiting for him right by the door. You greeted him with a broad smile but he could not reciprocate it. Immediately recognizing that something was wrong you asked what happened but he didn't want to tell you. All he did was to say that he felt sick and had to go home as soon as possible. You offered to go with him right away but the "no" from his mouth came out too quickly and aggressively. Shocked, you agreed thinking that he simply needed some time alone to rest. When he returned home what was happening to him could not be called rest.
He was lying on his bed staring at the ceiling and trying to deal with the thoughts that were coming into his head. It was a real storm. Eddie never had anyone who wanted to hold his hand in public places. He never had anyone who dropped everything just to hug him. No one was ever happy to see him, no one was ever brave enough to give him pet names and kiss his cheek in front of other people. Later he met Dustin and Mike, who introduced him to you. Something instantly sparked between the two of you, and at the very beginning he himself did not want to let you out of his arms for a second. Eddie who constantly called you his princess, Eddie who every now and then did everything to be as close as possible to you and steal a little kiss from you, Eddie who during lunch wouldn't let you sit on the bench saying that your place was unquestionably on his knee... Eddie who didn't expect you to start doing the same towards him. He was used to being the only person in any relationship who makes an effort. For him it was normal, he gives all of himself and the other person only takes, so when you, in addition to taking, began to give him love and affection he did not know how to behave. It was new to him and in a way frightening. But after all, this is how a normal, happy relationship should be, right? When it's both sides making an effort, not just one. So what was wrong with him? Why did sometimes your affecionate touch burned him? Why was it that sometimes when you touched his abdomen he felt that piercing pain again like that time in the Upside Down when you tried to somehow stop his bleeding?
The next day at school passed similarly, during breaks you didn't leave his side still holding his hand, and when it came time for the first lunch after his return you took your standard place on his lap wrapping your arms around his neck, placing small kisses on his face from time to time. The eyes of the entire cafeteria were once again on you, people whispered to each other without taking their eyes off. Eddie felt that he was about to choke, with all his might he tried to act normal, but he couldn't, he felt too overwhelmed, so he was relieved when Robin called out to you from the other end of the cafeteria.
"I'll go to her, okay?" you asked.
"Sure." he replied forcing himself to smile.
"Are you sure, you okay?"
"Yeah." he shrugged his shoulders.
"See you later, baby. I love you." You kissed him on the cheek and walked away.
"I think I'm about to puke." Gareth laughed. "See you later, baby. I love you." he began to tease you in a high-pitched tone. He always did, the whole Hellfire always laughed at you, but never in a bad way. The truth was that everyone was rooting for your relationship, and the teasing was purely friendly. The former Eddie laughed it off pointing out to them that they were pathetic jealous people but now he didn't respond with anything.
For the rest of the day he was quiet, far too quiet and despite the fact that you tried to talk to him he would not explain anything. You spent the whole day wondering what was going on and worried that it might be related to the Upside Down. What if Vecna still had access to Eddie's mind and was trying to mess with his head? Unable to sit still, you quickly headed toward Forest Hill Trailer Park. There you found Eddie sitting on the steps looking at the evening sky.
"What are you doing here?" he asked surprised when you approached him.
"We need to talk Eddie, I need to know what's going on with you, is it Henry? Do you still feel his presence? Do you have visions?" the worry was painfully evident on your face.
"I'm fine." he muttered focusing his gaze on the ground.
"No you are not Eddie, stop lying to me!" your nerves were slowly taking over you. You would do anything to help him, so why didn't he want to let you?
"It's just... too much!" he shouted hearing your nervous tone. "Too fucking much! You are... You are suffocating me y/n..." That was the moment he cracked. "You're always too close, you don't leave me an inch, I- I don't know!"
"But... you asked me not to let you go." you were in shock, the fact that you were the reason for his upset was breaking your heart. Tears streamed into your eyes, you couldn't believe that all along you had been living in the belief that your behavior was a sign of the love you felt for him and not something to overwhelm him.
"Sometimes it feels like I can't breathe, sometimes when you touch me I feel the same damn pain as the other night when..."
"Do you think I wanted to hurt you? Eddie you were bleeding out! I had to do anything to save you!"
"People keep staring at us, laughing at us, talking shit about us!"
"And since when do you care what a bunch of assholes from school think? You never cared!"
"I know and I am sorry okay? I am trying to be normal I am really trying, but I can't!" his voice slowly began to break too.
"I'm sorry Eddie, I'm sorry for every moment I made you feel bad..." You felt like taking him in your arms and kissing away all the pain he was feeling, just like you did before, but this time you couldn't. It hurt you even more.
"I just needs some time... some space." He said more calmly. "Can we do this?" he grabbed your hand.
"Of course we can." You whispered squeezing his a little tighter. That must have been enough. "See you at school, Eddie. I love you." No matter how much difficulty it took you, you had to adjust. You couldn't stand any more moments where you had to make him uncomfortable.
"I love you too..." he replied feeling the weight fall from his shoulders. 
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The next few days were a huge challenge for you. You put all your strength into keeping your showing of affection to a minimum. Now if you hugged, held hands or anything else, it was always Eddie who took the initiative. Terrified of starting to overwhelm him again, you stopped taking the first steps. And Eddie? did not feel good about it at all. And he hated himself even more. You were no longer waiting for him before entering the school, and your pleased voice at the sight of him was not the first thing he heard. Walking down the school corridor without holding your hand, he felt even more lost than before. Eating lunch you sat on the bench next to him, not feeling your weight on his lap he nervously shook his leg under the table feeling cold. When the two of you met for movie marathons you took a seat on the opposite side of the couch. When you were going somewhere together and he was driving your hand didn't play with his hair or gently stroked his neck as you used to always do. All pet names disappeared and only Eddie remained. Only Eddie who lost the only warmth in his life at his very request. After all, he was the one who wanted it, he himself asked you to give him space, so you respected it.
One day when you decided to have lunch with Robin he noticed Marcus walking towards you. He knew well why he was going, he knew well what was about to happen. He watched with a tightened throat as you smiled the whole time while talking. Unfortunately, it was too noisy in the cafeteria to hear exactly what you were saying and lip reading was never something he was good at. Your conversation lasted less than two minutes, when Marcus walked away from your table you stood up and moved straight towards Eddie asking him to talk. With a pounding heart he motioned for you to follow him into the hallway, where he found silence between you.
"So this is how it ends, huh?" he asked sadly feeling his heart breaking.
"What are you talking about?" you asked surprised.
"I saw you talking to Marcus, he asked you out... Listen, I really want you to be happy, I know I'm not good enough-"
"Jesus Eddie!" you exclaimed. "How could you even think I said yes?"
"Because he looks much better than me? He is better!"
"Maybe Marcus looks good, but he will never be as handsome to me as you are Eddie." You walked closer to him. "With or without scars, you're the only one I can see." You raised your hand wanting to stroke his cheek but halfway stopped yourself by withdrawing your hand. Seeing this, Eddie felt like crying, he wanted to take back all the words from that night. He needed your closeness again, he needed your warmth, he needed you. "I know there have been some misunderstandings between us lately..." you continued. "But I still love you and I have no intention of stopping. That's why I want to do everything I can to make you feel happy again."
"I love you too." he replied quickly taking you in his arms. Surprised by this gesture, you reciprocated the embrace with pleasure enjoying the momentum of intimacy that had been scarce between you lately.
"Have fun at the rehearsal with the guys okay?" you said pulling away from him with a slight smile.
"I will." he replied reciprocating the smile. "Can I call you when we're done?"
"I'll be waiting."
When you went back to the cafeteria, you returned to your seat next to Robin, causing him to be overwhelmed by feelings of longing again.
After classes, he and the boys drove to Gareth's house to practice before the show after the long break they'd had. Eddie could not get into the rhythm at all, constantly messing up the chords he had enough after the first twenty minutes. Resigned, he put the guitar aside and sat down on the old couch that Gareth kept in the garage.
"Are you going to tell us what's going on?" asked Jeff crossing his arms over his chest.
"I'd like to know myself." he replied irritably. "I don't understand anything anymore, I don't understand myself."
"Dude, something really must have happened, the distance between you and y/n hurts." Gareth sat down next to him handing him a beer. "We are your friends, we want to help."
Convinced by his friend's words, he told them everything he felt when from the day he returned to school, about hearing what the cheerleaders said, about your first little argument and today's conversation after Marcus asked you out. "I just don't understand it. First I couldn't stand her closeness and now it's the only thing I really need. Every time she showed me in any way that she cared about me I couldn't get rid of that voice in my head that kept telling me I didn't deserve it." He sighed grabbing a small cushion and hid his face in it.
"I think we just found your problem." Jeff commented.
"First of all, y/n is the first girl in all of God's world who proudly showed you and everyone around her how much she loves you," he said.
"And you guys kept making fun of it," Eddie answered.
"Just because we laughed doesn't mean it was wrong! Dude, you don't even know how much I would give to find someone who would look at me the way she looks at you." commented Simon.
"Maybe at first you actually felt overwhelmed, but then I think it was more about that voice in your head." Jeff concluded.
"Yeah, a girl can be the best kisser in the whole world but if my brain sabotaged it all every time by telling me that I don't deserve it then I would go mental." Simon added.
"Remember this moment you old asshole, because I won't repeat it again." Gareth got up from the couch and faced his friend. "You, Eddie Munson, are my friend and you deserve love. You damn well deserve it. So accept it because this girl is capable of giving you the most genuine love that exists." Gareth was right, you weren't the problem, as he thought at first. Feeling his remorse eating away at him, he knew he had to make it up to you somehow.
"What can I do for her?" he asked aloud more to himself than to the others.
"It's actually very simple. Do something that you always do best, write your girl a song." said Simon throwing a pen at him.
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Quite a crowd gathered for the first Corroded Coffin concert after the break. Most came here out of curiosity to see if all the rumors about Eddie's appearance were true. For the first time in his life he felt like running away from there. He felt his nerves tying a knot in his stomach and his legs refusing to obey him to go out on stage.
"Come on dude, you've got this." Gareth said putting his arm around him. We will owe this stage as always."
Munson took a deep breath and, along with the rest of the band, walked onto the stage. They were greeted by loud applause and cheers from you and your friends. The first song didn't go too well, as stress seemed to win over Eddie and his shaky fingers had trouble hitting the right strings, but the more he played the more at ease he felt. You sat in the front row and looked at him with a smile on your lips. It was obvious how proud you were of him. Focusing his eyes only on you, he began to calm down until he finally managed to feel like he was in his own element again. When it came time for the last song, instead of immediately starting to play on, he approached the microphone.
"The last song is brand new. It's dedicated to the most important person in my life. For my angel who is now sitting right in front of me." He pointed his finger at you, and you could feel yourself blushing in shock. The initial quiet sounds of the guitar echoed around the room and after a while Eddie's voice joined in.
Have you ever wondered  How does it feel  When you meet an angel? Your soul lost in the purgatory Wandering without purpose 
And then you see her Not knowing why she chose you She takes you in her arms And the devil on your shoulder is screaming to your ear That you don't deserve it 
Her touch can heal your wounds  With bare hands she can fight death She will snach you out of Grim Reaper's claws Your broken and shattered sould is on fire You feel lost and you don't know what to do Ange's touch burns Angels touch can bring you back to life
Have you ever wondered  How does it feel  when an angel loves you? You hear all the demons whispering  That it's not right
And then she kisses you Not knowing why she chose you Her lips are drinking the sadness away from yours  And now you know  She is the only one you need 
Her touch can heal your wounds  With bare hands she can fight death She will snach you out of Grim Reaper's claws Your broken and shattered sould is on fire You feel lost and you don't know what to do Ange's touch burns Angels touch can bring you back to life
You can be a fool You can be a coward  You can feel not worthy anything  But when you feel her love you can't resist  Lost in the chaos without a map You can only hope that your angel will take your hand  and together you will find a way out
Her touch can heal your wounds  With bare hands she can fight death She will snach you out of Grim Reaper's claws Your broken and shattered sould is on fire You feel lost and you don't know what to do Ange's touch burns Angels touch can bring you back to life
You don't know when tears began to fly down your cheeks. When the song came to an end you quickly got up from your seat and ran towards him, unable to stand it you threw yourself straight into his arms.
"I'm sorry I had to." you muttered into his neck.
"It's okay baby, I am sorry too." he replied while squeezing you even tighter. "I missed it so fucking much."
"Me too, baby."
"Can we go back to this? I'm sorry for everything, I thought it was your fault but the problem was in my head. Every time you were showing me your feelings I kept thinking you didn't deserve it."
"Eddie, you deserve the best I want you to know that. I want you to always remember how much I love you, I want you to always feel that."
"Will we figure this out? Together?" he asked uncertainly.
"Together." You replied pulling him to you and kissing him. Feeling his taste after so long and his soft lips on yours, you found it too hard to pull away.
"Disgusting!" Gareth shouted, throwing a drumstick at Eddie.
"Shut up, you jealous asshole." this time Eddie laughed and showed his middle finger. "You are my angel..." he whispered. "And I love you."
"And I love you, my silly little lost soul." you laughed.
In every relationship sooner or later problems arise, now you knew that no matter how hard they can be you and Eddie would fight for your love as a team.
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taglist: @i-me-mine @phantypurple
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sequinsmile-x · 8 months
Hi, would you like to write a new chapter of Retour Des Morts please? I think it'll be interesting to see how they come back after all that. Have you ever considered writing where Emily doesn't come back to the BAU? Sometimes, I think if she already has a home, she won't be doing what she did in canon. She might be more into building a new place and also reassuring Jack and Hotch (or whoever will come next :>)
hiiii bestie
Ever since you sent this in I have thought about this constantly. Retour Des Morts is one of my favourite things I've written, and the fact you asked for this close to two years after I wrote it means a lot.
I hope you like this and that it lives up to what you wanted <3
Retour à La Vie
Aaron and Emily work to put their life back together after she returns from the dead.
A sequel to Retour Des Morts
Words: 4.1k
Warnings: pregnancy, lots of big feelings
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
They get married within a week of her coming back from the dead. 
It’s not what she’d ever imagined her wedding would be like. There’s no white dress, no crowd of wellwishers watching with tissues clasped in their hands as she and Aaron exchanged vows. It’s just the two of them and Jack in the judge's chambers at the courthouse, a small bouquet Aaron had bought her that morning the only traditional sign that they were getting married. It’s no less special to her, no less meaningful, the happiness she feels when the judge declares them husband and wife overwhelming. 
The first kiss they shared as a married couple tasted of their tears with a chaser of desperation, the fact that just two weeks ago he’d thought she was dead not lost on either one of them. Whilst it’s not what she’d pictured she’s glad it’s what she ended up with, an intimate moment with the man she loves and the little boy she loves as her own. 
She knows Aaron was still struggling to believe it was real, that her suddenly being back with him wasn’t a cruel dream his subconscious was tormenting him with. She could feel it in how tightly he’d hold her, how he’d look for her in a room the moment he stepped into it. How he’d bury his face in her collarbone as they had sex, as if he wanted to crawl under her skin and stay there, desperately seeking solace in the place in her chest that she’d carved out for him years ago. 
She can’t blame him, because she feels the exact same way. It’s what she’d spent 7 months wishing for, what she’d pictured when she scrunched her eyes shut in a cold, uncomfortable bed in Paris, desperate to fall asleep. The memory of his embrace, of how having his arms around her would shut her brain off, stop all the noise that came with being her, just out of reach. 
When the team found out they’d married in secret the reactions were mixed. Fury, sadness and confusion at being left out painted across their friends' faces when they all went to Dave’s house for dinner. Their accusations of keeping a secret fell flat when Aaron reminded them, his glare fixed on JJ and Derek, that he’d been kept out of the loop on a lot of things. He was angry, and she was too, and she didn’t know if their relationships with the team, with the people she knew had made decisions to protect them both, would ever truly recover. 
She smiles as she hears the front door open, the tension in her chest that she felt every time she was separated from him, from her husband, dissipating immediately. She knew they couldn’t live like this forever, that it wasn’t healthy for them to be so codependent, but she was giving them both the grace they needed, and deserved, for now. She sits up and places her book down, not sure she’d absorbed anything she’d been reading, and her smile only gets wider as he steps into the room. 
“Hi honey,” she says softly, “How was work?” 
He blows out a steady breath and leans down to kiss her, stamping his lips against hers before he walks around it to join her. He places his briefcase on the coffee table and sits next to her, his hand heavy and warm as he places it on her thigh. 
“Long,” he replies gruffly, smiling when she raises her eyebrow at him, “I missed you.” 
She places her hand on his, rubbing her thumb back and forth over his wedding ring, “I missed you too.” 
She’d made the decision not to back to work yet. The thought of it paralysed her, fear she didn’t quite understand overwhelming her every time she thought about it. She was unsure if she even wanted to go back, if she wanted to put herself back in the line of fire in a dangerous job when she’d already lost so much. She also knew Aaron and Jack had been through so much too, they’d buried her. They’d mourned her, and she wasn’t sure if she would ever be able to forgive herself if they had to do that again. 
She wasn’t sure they’d be able to forgive her either, and the thought of that hurt more than anything. 
Her gaze drifts from their joint hands to his briefcase, and she frowns slightly when she sees a newspaper sticking out of it, a circled home in the open real estate section visible through the open zip. She smiles at her husband curiously, her head tilted as her eyes meet his. 
“Are you planning on moving sometime soon?” She asks, reaching for the newspaper and pulling it out, her eyebrows raised as she realises it’s one of many circled homes on the first page alone, “Or are you starting a new career in real estate and you don’t know how to tell me?” Her smile fades when she looks at him again, the tension in his jaw, the way he avoids her gaze, enough to make concern flood her belly, “Aaron?”
He sighs and shakes his head at himself, his lips pressed together as he tries to find a way to tell her. He’d wanted to wait a little while, to figure out how to broach the subject. She loved this house. They’d spent weeks going to viewings and looking for somewhere perfect, but he was starting to feel suffocated here. 
Any joy he had once found in these walls had been buried with her, but they hadn’t come back from the dead, hadn’t crawled out of the hole he’d forced it into. 
“I…I’ve been thinking it would be good for us to find somewhere new,” he says, and she stares at him, her mouth falling open slightly as his unexpected confession washes over her. 
“Oh,” she says, her eyes drifting back down to the newspaper, the pages crinkling slightly in her tight grip. 
“Yeah,” he replies, clearing his throat, hating the tension that had quickly filled the room, “I think we need a fresh start. Jack too.” 
She furrows her brows as she looks up at him, her teeth sinking into her lower lip as she blows out a steady breath, “But…we love this house.” 
He doesn’t understand the anger that licks through him, burning in his veins in a way it so rarely did, a phantom that had haunted him since his childhood, something he could never quite outrun.
“We held your wake in this room, Emily,” he says, harsher than he means to, the way her eyes widen, how she recoils away from him ever so slightly, the thing that calms him down. He sighs as guilt chases away his anger. “You sit in this room and you think of the night we moved in. When we sat on the floor with Jack and ate pizza because the couch hadn’t been delivered yet,” he says, unable to stop smiling at the memory, but it fades quickly, “I think of sitting right here with Jack after everyone left after your wake,” he clenches his teeth and looks down at his lap, tears burning in the back of his eyes, “I think of the fact I slept on this couch for weeks because even the spare rooms upstairs held too many memories.” 
She blows out a slow breath and looks up at the ceiling, shaking her head as she wipes away a stray tear from her cheek, “Aaron, I am so-”
“I don’t need you to keep apologising sweetheart,” he says, reaching for her hand and holding it desperately, her bones popping against each other, “I want to move past this with you. Move on with our lives and just…”
He drifts off, unsure how to put it into words and she squeezes his hand back. She places the newspaper down and shifts closer to him, their knees pressed together as she cups his cheek with her free hand, forcing him to look at her. 
“Just start living again,” she finishes for him, and he chuckles, the sound wet as it catches on his ribs, and he nods. 
“Yeah,” he agrees, clearing his throat as his voice cracks, “I want that more than anything.” 
She looks around the living room, at the memories on the walls in the form of photographs. At the tv stand they’d built together, the fireplace they decorated every season. She once thought she’d live here forever, that this was the place she’d build a family with him, but when she was gone, dead to him and almost everyone she knew, it wasn’t the house she’d missed.
It was him. It was Jack. They were her home.
“Okay,” she says quietly, resting her forehead against his, “We’ll find somewhere new,” she says, stroking her thumb back and forth over his cheek, lamenting the loss of his beard since he’d gone back to work. 
She smiles when his eyes get brighter and his smile gets wider, as if a weight she hadn’t known he was carrying had been lifted from his shoulders, “Really?”
She’d miss this house, but it was something she was willing to lose if it made him happier. She nods and kisses him, tasting the smile he presses against her lips.  
Six Months Later 
Emily sighs as the car comes to a stop, nerves making her belly roll as she stares at Dave’s house. She lifts her hand to her mouth without thinking, ready to chew her cuticles, but Aaron catches her hand halfway, linking their fingers together and squeezing. She turns to look at him and smiles tightly, relaxing slightly as he lifts their joint hands to his lips to kiss her knuckles. 
“You okay, sweetheart?” He asks, squeezing her hand again as they drop to the centre console, “We don’t have to tell them tonight if you don’t want to.”
She smiles softly at him, love for him warming her from the inside out as he looks at her like she’s made of something precious and she shakes her head, “No, we should tell them,” she says, placing the hand not wrapped up in his on her slightly rounded belly, “I don’t think I’d be able to hide it much longer anyway, I’m starting to resemble a blimp.” 
She was convinced it would take a long time to get pregnant, the warnings of her doctors in France echoing around in her head as she and Aaron discussed expanding their family. They’d decided to start trying right away even though things had still been rocky at the time, their lives and their relationship on unsteady ground, their love for each other the only thing that kept them on track for the easier path ahead. It had surprised her when she stood in the bathroom of their old house with a positive pregnancy test just two months after she came home. Despite the timing not being ideal, she was happy, and she knew he was too. She was almost halfway through her pregnancy now, and she knew it was time to share the news with the people she once called her family
No one else other than Jack, Jessica and Emily’s doctor knew about the baby, about the little girl growing steadily under Emily’s skin. It wasn’t because she didn’t want their friends to know, but because of a lack of opportunity. Aaron saw them every day at work but she still hadn’t gone back. And now she never would. She’d met with Strauss only the day before and officially changed her career break into retirement from the FBI. She wasn’t sure what she wanted to do going forward, what she’d do once she was more settled back into her life and her baby was born, but she knew it was the right decision. 
She wanted to be what she’d never had - a present parent, and she no longer felt like that was something she could do in a career that had almost killed her. 
“You’re beautiful,” he says, placing his hand over hers on her bump, “Both of you.” 
She hums and leans in to kiss him, stamping her lips against his before she pulls back, “Come on,” she says, “We’d better get in there before Dave sends out a search party.” 
As she steps out of the car she adjusts her sweater, making sure the baggy material isn’t clinging to her bump, and then she reaches for Aaron’s hand, squeezing it tightly as they approach the house. 
The evening is easier than she thought it would be, the slight tension she still felt at times around them, JJ in particular, more bearable than it used to be. If any of them notice she isn’t drinking wine they don’t mention it, all of them content to act as if nothing had changed, as if seven months ago she hadn’t been dead to almost everyone sitting around the dining table. 
“So, peaches, are you ever coming back to work?” Penelope asks, her lips pushed out in a pout as she looks at her friend, “I miss seeing your beautiful face in the office. "
Emily chuckles politely and she looks at Aaron and he nods, his hand on her knee under the table a much needed comfort. She takes a moment to breathe slowly before she looks at her friends.
“Yesterday I gave Strauss my official notice that I’m going to be retiring from the FBI,” she says, pressing her lips together when she sees the shock spread across their faces, a tidal wave of emotions sweeping through them all, “The paperwork has all been filled out, so I won’t be coming back.” 
The room falls into silence and it hangs over them all, cloying and suffocating like a thick blanket as her words sink in. 
“Why?” Spencer asks, the first to get his ability to speak back, “I thought you loved your job.” 
“I did,” she says, smiling sadly as she shakes her head, “I do. I just…” she looks at Aaron and any tension that had gathered in her chest disappears the moment their eyes meet, his love a balm for any ailment she felt, and she looks at her friends again, “I love my family more. This is the right thing for us. Jack is doing so much better now, and his therapist says it is partly because he has a more consistent life now,” she shrugs and chuckles humourlessly, “How can I take that away from him just because I like my job?” 
Dave sighs and sits backwards, his hands on the back of his head as he looks back and forth between her and Aaron, “That makes sense.”
Derek nods, clearly not agreeing but aware of his place in Emily’s life now, how he had lost her trust, “We’ll miss you, Princess. We already do.” 
She smiles and nods, “I’ll make more of an effort to come in and see you all,” she says, aware that she was partly to blame for how things were between them, that her resistance to going to the office whilst she was on her career break had been a factor. She places her hand over Aaron’s on her knee and links their fingers together, “Plus,” she says, clearing her throat in an attempt to hide her smile as she nods her head towards him, “I’ve already promised this one I’ll bring the baby in to see him all the time anyway.”
There’s another moment of silence, shock and joy rolled into one as it fills the air and her lungs, making her feel like she can breathe clearly for the first time since she’d got out of the car. The room descends into chaos, and Penelope is out of her chair before any of the others can even react, wrapping her arms tightly around Emily who is still sitting down. 
“You’re having a baby?” She squeals, making Emily chuckle with her enthusiasm, and she nods, placing her hand on Penelope’s arm that was tight around her neck. 
“Yes,” she laughs, “But only if you don’t choke me before she’s born.”
“She?” Penelope squeals again, forcing Derek to make a joke about his hearing as she switches to hug Aaron instead, and they all laugh in between congratulating them, and for a moment everything feels exactly as it should. 
Emily eventually steps out for some air and to grab another soda from the kitchen, shaking off Aaron’s attempts to go get it for her with nothing more than a soft smile. She rolls her neck and places her hand on her bump as she walks to the fridge, grateful for a moment of silence away from the dozens of questions. 
She turns and looks at JJ, her smile tight as she nods gratefully, “Thank you.”
JJ clears her throat as she steps closer, her arms tight over her chest as she looks at the floor, the awkwardness between them still as fresh as it was the day Emily came home, “So you’re 19 weeks along?” 
Emily nods, her hand on her belly as she sees JJ looking at it, “Yeah, I turn 20 weeks next Wednesday.”
JJ nods, her teeth sinking into her lower lip, “And you said you’re having a girl.” 
She smiles, “Yeah, a girl,” she says, her smile getting wider when she feels the baby move as if she knew she was being spoken about, “Jack is excited, he said he wanted a little sister from the moment we told him.” 
JJ’s smile changes as she steps closer, sadness creeping in, somehow making her eyes seem darker, “There was a time when you would have told me the moment you found out.” 
Emily immediately feels anger rush through her, rolling in her belly alongside her daughter, and she clenches her teeth, but it’s not enough to capture the words that escape her, “Well, there was a time when I didn’t think you’d lie to me for 7 months,” she shrugs, “I guess things have changed.” 
JJ closes her eyes and shakes her head, “I don’t know how many times I have to say I did what I had to do,” she says as she looks at her, “One day you’re going to have to forgive me.”
She scoffs and shakes her head, “No I won’t,” she says firmly, her arms crossed over her chest, “I don’t have to forgive you for this. I don’t think I can.” 
“If it was just me…” Emily shouts, cutting over JJ before she clears her throat to calm herself down, her daughter’s kicks getting sharper as her blood pressure increases, “If it was just me,” she says again, her voice softer this time, “I would have been able to get past it. But you lied to Aaron, you let him and Jack think I was dead after they’d already lost Haley and I can’t get past that.” 
JJ clenches her jaw to stop herself from crying and looks up, “I did what I thought was right.” 
“We had to move. Because every corner of that house changed for them. Jack still has nightmares. He sleeps in our bed more often than he doesn’t and Aaron…” She shakes her head and looks away, turning her head so she can wipe away a stray tear before she looks back at her friend, “Sometimes when he first wakes up he still thinks it’s not real. He never says it, but I can see it in his eyes. The flash of panic, the relief when he realises I’m right there. I don’t know if I can forgive you for doing that to him.” 
They fall into silence and JJ sighs, running her fingers through her hair as she shakes her head, “I am sorry, Em. It was an impossible situation.”
“I know that,” she says, “And I know part of it is my fault, it’s because of my decisions before I’d even met Aaron. But your decisions put them through something we will live with our entire lives. I can’t forgive that but…I think one day I’ll be able to live with it.” 
The spark of joy that flashes across JJ’s face makes her ache, “Really?” 
She nods and chokes on a laugh, “Yeah,” she says, wiping away another tear from her cheek, “Really. My little girl is going to need her Aunt JJ to balance out the crazy from Aunt Pen.” 
JJ laughs, the sound catching on a sob as she pulls Emily into a hug, and it feels like a step in the right direction.
Six Months Later
Emily shushes her daughter as she paces the living room, holding the two-month-old against her chest as she pats her back, burping her after her 3 am feed.
“I know sweet girl,” she mumbles against the baby’s temple as she fusses, wholly against the idea of settling back down to sleep, “Life is so hard when you’re 8 weeks old and Mommy can’t constantly feed you.” 
Renee was born on her due date, arriving right on time into the world in a way Emily had joked ever since was something she’d inherited from Aaron. He’d always reply that he was glad she’d got something from him, since the baby girl was Emily’s double in every other way. She couldn’t deny it, as the weeks passed the resemblance became even clearer, and features she’d hated her whole life on her own face, such as her nose, were suddenly beautiful to her when she saw them on her daughter. 
“Give her a break, she just happens to love your breasts.” 
She smiles wryly as she turns to look at her husband, her eyebrow raised as his eyes meet hers from where he is standing in the doorway, “Well, at least that’s another thing she got from you.” 
He chuckles and walks over, stamping a quick kiss against her lips, “True enough,” he says, kissing her again before he pulls back, “Have you been awake for long?” 
She shakes her head and looks down to see Renee is now fast asleep against her, “Maybe 30 minutes or so,” she replies, walking over and slowly lowering herself to the couch, “I’m sorry if we woke you up.” 
“You didn’t,” he says as he joins her, his arm automatically around her shoulders as she settles against his side, “I woke up and you were gone so…”
It was the year anniversary of her return from the dead, of the start of the journey they’d been walking together ever since. Sometimes it felt like no time at all, like she’d blinked and she was here with him and their children in a new house. Other times she could feel every second, every moment of doubt and pain and sadness that they’d had as they navigated to where they were now. To the life she liked to think they both deserved. Quiet and so achingly normal she sometimes wanted to cry at the beautiful simplicity of it all. 
She hears what he hasn’t said, what his brain will still trick him into even a year later, and she sighs sadly, pressing her lips against his cheek, “We’re right here.” 
“I know,” he says, capturing her lips in a kiss, “My girls.” 
She smiles and nods, the moniker never failing to warm her from the inside out even though he’d said it countless times ever since they’d found out they were having a daughter. 
“Your girls,” she confirms, kissing him again before she turns her attention back to the sleeping baby on her chest, “Sometimes I still can’t quite believe I have all of this.” 
He wasn’t the only one who was prone to thinking that this was all too good to be true, that one day she’d wake up and she’d still be in Paris, the last year of her life nothing more than a fantasy she had come up with to sleep through the night. 
“You do sweetheart,” he says, kissing the side of her head as his hand shifts to the back of Renee’s head, his fingers following the swirling pattern of her dark hair.
“We’re all right here,” he says, repeating her words, “Rey is right here with us, Jack is upstairs in his room,” he says, kissing the right of her head, “We’re all here.” 
She nods, turning her head so her forehead is pressed against his cheek, the feeling of his breath skipping across her skin relaxing her, a gentle reminder of what she had now, what she’d once died to protect. 
“Yeah,” she says, “We really are.” 
Tag List:
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Cw: nsft, overstimulation, eating the hamato boys out, worth noting in all of these they can either be dubcon, or assume theres a safeword, or assume that the genetically engineered supersoldier killing machines arent throwing u across the room be they dont want to. Apologies for neglecting Donnie a bit I'll write about him more throughly in the future <3 my favs fluctuate depending on the day. Also pain/impact play on genitals bc :3. And crying. Mwah
Im just saying it would be fun to eat one of their plump tail slits out until they're sobbing and pushing you off and squirming to get away because it's too much they can't cum anymore
I feel like Donnie? Would put up a fight and try to brat probably smack you at least once before you smack his pretty cunt and shove him back down, he'd ultimately go nonverbal and let out those choked throaty moans and high pitched ah! He does, trying so hard to stay still, eventually breaking and arching his back, wrapping his thighs around you, tapping and signing 'too much no more please mama/daddy' or whatever he can think of to appease you. If you call him a good boy and praise him for being brave though he will try so, so hard to not struggle. He wants to be praised and good and has SUCH a huge mommy/daddy kink and praise kink because of yes. You can train him so easily with flattery and cooing over how beautiful and obedient he is, what a good job he's doing, how you're so proud of him for being so brave!
Mikey would be giggly at first i fully believe that if he's approached by somebody unless he feels patronized he doesn't bother bratting or pushing them away, he's happy to take physical care and affection. He's letting out the sweetest little moans with his warm, raspy voice, making little jokes, playing with your hair. Then he cums.
And you don't stop.
So he's laughing and thanking you but saying that's enough, he's a bit sensitive now. You ignore him, burying your face deeper into his chubby slit, lapping up his slick like it's your favorite meal. It probably is. His hands tense, his fingers curl into your hair and he tries to tug you off. His laughter fades, replaced by his breath hitching, his pretty eyes tearing up, and he managed to stay pretty still for the first round but now he has all that pent up energy and is overstimulated so he's squirming under you, arching his back, crying out your name.
Your hands are going to leave marks from how tightly they're gripping his soft thighs, forcing them to stay open as he squeals and whimpers under you, his hands yank on your hair, pulling you closer in hopes the counterpressure will help. It doesn't. He sobs, tears running down his cheeks as he tries to look down at you and beg for mercy, before throwing his head back to cum a second time, a third. He probably sobs something about you being mean, how this is NOT nice. You take a break for a few seconds to ask if it feels good when you make him cum over and over. He glares down at you with all the spite in his adorable little self and says no. You inform him that you know he's lying, and good boys don't lie if they want to be listened to. Honestly, he should know better. Healthy open communication is important. You make him describe how it feels out loud as you make him cum four more times, biting or sucking just a bit too hard on his poor clit when his voice breaks and trails off into nonsensical moans. Eventually he slips up and calls you something embarrassing, something he's been holding back for months. You make him cum one last time, scoop him up into your arms, and carry him off for a bubble bath and lots of cuddles and hydration.
(I imagine he is SoooO stubborn about admitting he wants to call you any type of mommy daddy sir maam ect be if baby boy hates anything its being seen as just little and being patronized but he'll make an exception bc a: hot and b: if u actually respect him he'll let that guard down)
Leo has so many damn fronts he puts up he almost loses himself. As with everything regarding Leo, getting him to be vulnerable is so fucking difficult. You have to be open, let him in, be gentle, and when you do push him to be honest, don't let up. You need an answer out of him. It doesn't need to be the answer you want. But you need an answer.
He won't give it to you. He hums and jokes and dances around it. You eventually decide to just get it out of him. He's kicking his feet, reading a comic book on his bed when you pull his shorts down, nip at his tail, tease him for wagging it so hard already, flip him over, and start eating him out lazily.
He's happy to tease back at first, smug, bright cheery tone ringing out as he chatters endlessly, even as he gets close and cums he's talking. His moan is too much like a porn star, practiced. Performative. It sounds a bit different the second time.
Third time and he's laughing nervously, pushing you off as best he can. You grab his waist, pull him further into you. His quips fracture into whimpers and breath hitching.
You are goddamn determined to make him cry. You need an answer, sure, but he needs emotional release more. You let his thighs squeeze around your head, his hands are slapped when they try to pull you away, so he grabs the sheets and writhes under you, rutting his hips up into your mouth despite himself. It takes so long to get him to cry, cumming hurts at that point. Your face and the bed are drenched with his slick, your tongue shoved in as deep as it'll go as he actually moans, actually cries out, as tears finally make their way across his gorgeous crescent markings.
He went limp a few orgasms ago, now he just twitches under you, whimpering your name. You haven't asked in a week, but you get the answer you want. You eat him out awhile longer, just to make sure he gets enough emotional release, then sit up and pull him into your arms, kissing his markings and wiping his tears, pulling a blanket over both of you as you rock gently. The euphoria he feels after crying is more than worth it, he thanks you over and over before falling asleep in your arms.
(V self indulgent sorry all. Also leo walks in but it isnt test dw cuties i wont terrorize yall with that here)
Raph is amicable to whatever you want, very raised eyebrow, 'huh okay i'll try it' with a wry smile. He loves eating you out, fucking you, domming is kind of expected from the partner that's three times as big.
The first time you guide him to lie down on his back, he assumes you're going to have him drop so you can ride him, the (or if he's trans like yours truly, he's just confused, looking up at you with the sweetest puzzled smile, it's a weird angle to be eating you out but okay then.) He reaches to pick you up and help you sit on his face, excited to bury his snout in you, or reaches down to make himself drop. You kiss his hands, gently place one of them on the back of your head, and lick up his slit with your broad tongue, drawing a yelp out of him, before your bury your face in his cunt, soft thighs tensing around you already, he's scared of crushing you so he holds them open. You finally get to hear him whimper instead of grunt, the dirty talk and low voice he usually feels obligated to use is gone, high pitched whines taking it's place. He falls apart immediately, hands flitting between his thighs and your head, scared of hurting you, the fear leaves as you hum into him and he cums hard, forcing you deeper into him, thighs pressed against his hands as he rides out his orgasm. You have to check on him before continuing because he's sobbing so damn loud, it takes a minute to figure out he's saying "no, more please" as in 'no, i'm fine, please, please keep going.' You oblige, and no matter how much he wants it it's a lot, he's fighting the urge to push you away, squirming and panting under you no matter how slowly and gently you take it, poor sensitive boy. He's literally screaming by the fourth orgasm (Leo portals in, takes one look, snorts, portals right back out). Eventually he pulls you off, crying 'no more no more' then regretting it, you tell him he tastes so good, there's so much slick left dripping from his pretty cunt, can't you just clean it up? He holds his thighs open, trembling, soothed by your words as you take breaks to explain how this is so good for you, he's being such a good boy letting you be selfish and taste him as long as you want. Raph doesn't know what to do when you offer to do things for him, it feels weird, he doesn't like it. But he'll do anything for you. And if you making him cum until he screams makes you happy, and is actually for you, he'll let you do it forever. When he's a trembling mess, near passing out, you promise you'll be right back. You walk out and return with snacks, drinks, and a warm washcloth and towel. He's cleaned up, dried off, cooed over and brought his favorite plushies, you watch whatever he wants on his laptop under a million blankets and cover him in kisses and praise as his tail wags.
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