#schedule should be back 2 normal starting. tomorrow so!! perhaps i will finally have time...
rollercoasterwords · 1 year
snippet saturday!!
ty 4 the tags @spindrifters @fruity-individual <3 here is!! a bit from ch 7 of the wfrau <3
When he sleeps, the dreams are vivid, fractious. He sees Andy, dead-eyed and hollow, like a jack-o-lantern carved out and left to rot on the stoop. He sees Dorcas, sitting in his mother’s chair, framed by the window—and then it’s not Dorcas, but his mother, and he’s a child at her knee, and she’s his father, and somehow all three of them are angry with him. He sees the first boy he ever kissed, in a broom cupboard at Hogwarts—a cupboard which grows smaller, and smaller, until the walls crush their bodies together, and still the boy is kissing him, and Sirius can’t remember his name. He sees Regulus. Regulus, and they’re playing the copycat game. I wear blue, so you wear blue. I stay quiet, so you stay quiet. I take the mark, and look, look Sirius.
I wanted to be like you.
no-pressure tags: @twisted-tales-told @pretentiouswreckingball @theinvisiblemuseum @steelycunt @suspendedinbush + anyone else who wants 2!!
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mirisss · 2 years
I Like The View Chapter 4
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(pic edited by me)
Summary: Minho and Felix both want to get a cat to have in the dorm. Hyunjin and Seungmin want to get a dog. Jeongin, Changbin, and Jisung don’t really care, they just want a pet. Bang Chan isn’t sure about either idea as he doesn’t see them having the time to take care of a pet. However, can Bang Chan resist the idea of a pet, or well a hybrid, when the cute little bunny hybrid stands before him?
Warnings: Screaming, public shaming, threats, panic attack, slight violence
Word count ≈ 5.1k
Taglist: @ayoo-bangtan​, @lose-lose07​, @kingcarrot-thecarrotking, @starjane312​​
A not from Mirisss: Thank you for the patience with me publishing another chapter. I’ve had a lot to do and been quite tired so I haven’t had the energy to write but finally I have somewhat finished at the point that i had planned. Also, thank you so much to everyone who has shown any interest in this story. 
Please don’t mind any spelling mistakes :)
Please reblog if you like it!
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, 
Now, the adventures of tomorrow and every day after that await her. But all the cute bunny hybrid could think or dream of was how happy she was to have been found by such sweet and loving people. Her last thought before falling asleep was: I can’t wait to go clothes shopping with them tomorrow! 
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Even though hours passed before the sun rose and morning arrived, (Y/n) believed only mere seconds passed. Perhaps it was because she for the first time in years could sleep for real without worrying about anything. The safety of the eight young men living in that dorm brought her a sense of comfort she had never felt before. (Y/n) woke up to faint voices and the light sounds of pots or something like it clinking in the kitchen. She slowly sat up and scratched her long ear before looking towards the bed where the oldest member of the band had slept during the night though unsurprisingly her eyes fell on an empty bed. She concluded that Chan must be one of the people in the kitchen as he wasn’t in his bed, even if she wasn’t aware of his daily schedule. (Y/n) stretched her arms and back out a little before she stood up, excitement filling her body as she thought of today’s awaiting adventure. Shopping with her new family. Family. Such a nice word. One she has never had the pleasure of believing in until now. The bunny hybrid sneakingly ventured out of the bedroom and walked towards the faint voices that were growing louder and louder the closer she came to them. Once right outside the kitchen (Y/n) came to recognize the voices of Lee Know and Jeongin, she could only hear two different voices and two different heartbeats meaning the other members were somewhere else in the dorm or perhaps outside of it. “Oh, (Y/n). Good morning!” A voice suddenly spoke behind her, spooking her, which caused her to flinch and start breathing a little heavier as she was caught sneaking around - something she was never allowed to do in previous homes. Once she had turned around and came face to face with Changbin she began calming down as she remembered that these men would never hurt her in any way. “I’m so sorry bunny. I didn’t mean to scare you, I’ll try thinking of that in the future,” (Y/n) shook her head, He has no reason to apologize I’m just being silly… “Don’t apologize Changbin, I shouldn’t be this frightened,” Changbin internally shook his head, anger rising within him as he thought of how the poor hybrid has had to live her life. “It’s okay to become scared when someone surprises you like this, it’s normal. Especially for someone of your background, having lived in such toxic environments isn’t right. You should never have to apologize for being scared,” Lee Know and I.N had heard the commotion from inside the kitchen but stayed dormant there in order to let Changbin and (Y/n) figure this out on their own. Lee Know and I.N knew that Changbin would probably explain this matter the best for the bunny. “I’m still sorry for reacting that way,” “It’s okay, you shouldn’t have to be but I understand why you are. (Y/n), if you ever want to talk about your past or anything at all you can always come to me. I’ll always listen to you, no matter how busy I am. Okay?” His smile was comforting and genuinely kind, Changbin’s personality felt like a soft and warm blanket that will protect you from any evil thing out to get you. Changbin felt like safety. “Okay. Changbin?” “Yeah, what is it bunny?” (Y/n) gave him a small smile, one that had grown from the night before. “Will you promise to come to talk with me if you ever need to say anything?” Changbin’s heart began beating faster, and his whole body felt warmer, such a sweet and loving soul this precious bunny has, and to think that there were people who have hurt her. “Of course, I will,” The two then both looked towards the kitchen door before looking back at each other, Changbin let out a little laugh at which a voice came flying through the door. “Come in here already, it’s not like we’re gonna eat you,” Lee Know. Of course, it was Lee Know. Even though his voice was harsh and sarcastic, it didn’t frighten the bunny, Minho was the man who saved her life so how could (Y/n) be afraid of him? (Y/n) and Changbin went into the kitchen to find Minho completely clean and composed while Jeongin was covered in what appeared to be flour. Minho looked over to the rapper and the bunny who just walked in only to find them staring with wide eyes at the maknae, he let out a laugh before explaining that Jeongin was going to try and throw some flour on Lee Know but managed to trip on air and throw it on himself instead. (Y/n) found herself holding back a little laughter at the image of I.N failing his prank, however, she quickly composed herself before she let it out - old memories surfacing back with countless people telling her she shouldn’t laugh as her laugh was ugly and undesirable. The maknae and the main chef ( yes I’m calling him that) caught the bunny hybrid's action but neither said anything. The boys had a discussion last night in their group chat about not pushing (Y/n)’s too much this early on, everything is different here but she needs time and space to find that out for herself. They won’t get anywhere forcing her to believe that because then she won’t actually believe it, but if she herself discovers that she can do anything here then she will understand that it really is that way. “Changin-ah set the table.” “But hyung-”  “No buts, you want to eat, right?” “Yes, hyung…” Changbin gave a fake pout at Minho before moving to pick up the plates Jeongin had already taken out of the cupboard and then proceeding to place them around the table. “Can I do anything to help?” The bunny shyly asked to which she was met with that wide welcoming foxy smile from Jeongin. “Yeah, you can help me stir these eggs while I get the other bowl from the cupboard… you see Changbin-hyung is too short to reach it so I’ll help him out” Jeongin ended his sentence with a playful smile, (Y/n) answered with a small smile of her own - a smile that keeps growing each time she dares smile in this household. “Okay!” (Y/n) cheerfully responded to the maknae before stepping closer to the pan and continuing carefully stirring the eggs so that they became scrambled.
A few minutes later all the other boys came into the kitchen after Minho sent a text saying breakfast was ready and anyone arriving later than within a minute would go without food. (Y/n) was worried when she heard this and was ready to say that whoever that was could have her food but Changbin explained that Minho didn’t actually mean it, it was rather a tactic to get the members to hurry up and come to the kitchen. Once all eight boys and the bunny hybrid were in the kitchen they began eating. Once everyone was finished, Hyunjin and Seungmin were given clean-up duty with Felix and Bang Chan helping them out to finish it quicker. (Y/n), Changbin, Lee Know, Han, and I.N all went to get ready. “Hey (Y/n), did you sleep well last night?” The friendly quokka-looking human - also known as Han Jisung, asked the hybrid as he caught up with her while they walked from the kitchen towards the bedrooms. “Yeah, it was a very comfortable bed. Thank you for buying that for me. How did you sleep?” “I slept really well, except woke up in the middle of the night and was really thirsty so I had to go to the kitchen and get some water but then I fell asleep the second I laid down in my bed again,” “Oh, maybe you should have brought a glass of water with you into your room last night - you should definitely do that today,” “You know the funniest thing?” “No?” “I had a glass of water in my room but I forgot about it” The bunny hybrid couldn’t hold back the giggle that escaped her. Han’s own smile just grew wider seeing the bunny enjoying his mishap and feeling comfortable enough to let out a giggle. Further down the corridor, the other members who were not in the kitchen heard the giggle and they all smiled to themselves at the beautiful sounds. Each and everything she does makes them all for more in love with her. They all hope that she will feel the same for them, eventually. Someday, she will be strong enough to do so. 
After 30 minutes everyone was ready to go out shopping. “Whatever you do (Y/n)... Do not take styling advice from Chan-hyung or Changbin-hyung… they only dress in black and while that can be stylish I think you should have more variation in your style so I recommend you take advice from myself, Jeonginnie and Seungminnie - And Felix for some things… Oh and if Han even dares to bring up anything about hats - just run, run in the other direction or you will end up with a hat bigger than you,” Hyunjin spoke sounding very serious but he kept a playful look on his face. “What about Minho-oppa?” “Hmmm, I guess his style is accepted,” And so they got in their cars and began driving towards the shopping center (let’s pretend that at least two of them have their driving licenses). The ride there was fairly calm. (Y/n) was bussing inside, she was so excited to finally experience the good in the world with her new family. Family. She would never grow tired of saying that word. “Excited?” Seungmin turned towards (Y/n) as he asked her his question. “Mm, very excited. A little nervous too. I haven’t been in large crowds before,” “Don’t worry, we’ll all be there and we won’t let anyone sweep you away. If you’re scared you can hold onto my hand while we walk, or anyone’s hand and we won’t let go unless you want us to,” The reassurance made her calm down and she was once again simply excited about going to the shopping center. The two designated drivers parked the cars and then the somewhat new-found family arrived at the shopping center. Once (Y/n) had gotten out of the car and the nine of them were about to walk into the shopping center she quickly walked up to Seungmin and carefully intertwined her small hand with his as she looked down at the ground, not daring to meet his eyes. He gave her a reassuring squeeze before he continued to walk. The other boys shared a proud look as their new family member warmed up to them step by step. 
They walked around for about 10 minutes before (Y/n) seemed to find a store that caught her eye. A clothing store (of any brand) that had a stuffed toy bunny in the window with some cute stylish clothing. Hyunjin gave an approving nod after examining the store a little quickly. “Do you want to go in there?” “Can we?” “Of course bunny. Let’s go!” Seungmin began walking, still holding (Y/n)’s hand in his and by that hand, he pulled her with him as she was a bit uncertain about whether she really could walk in there or not. “Come on (Y/n)! Let’s find some awesome clothes for you” Jeongin said as he once again gave her that smile that reminded her of a dessert fox hybrid she used to know. “Okay,” For the first time since they left the car she dared to let go of Seungmin’s hand, for now, the crowd wasn’t too big so she felt safe enough to just be close to the boys but not holding on to them. At least inside the store, once out there walking between stores again she would hold on to someone. “(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Come check out this dress!” Hyujin half-shouted for the hybrid who quickly walked over to him. Hyunjin held a knee-length dress in his hands that were casual but could be dressed up with the right accessories, it was a marine-blue color, with ¾ sleeves and a round neckline that went just below the collar bones so it wasn’t too revealing, with a bit of a flowing skirt that looked light enough to wear in summer but still warm enough for winter with the right jacket. “Do you like it?” “It’s beautiful” “They have it in more colors, I just picked this one because it’s quite a nice color. Do you have a favorite color?” “I don’t know, I like all colors I think,” “Okay, let’s try some different sizes in different colors than to find the best one!” Hyunjin chooses some different sizes among that dress picking out the marine-blue, a lighter blue shade, a baby pink one, and a grey one. “(Y/n), come look here!” This time it was Felix who was calling her name, (Y/n) looked over at Hyunjin who was still looking at the different colors on that one dress. “Can I go over to Felix or should I stay with you?” “Huh? Oh, go on. You can go to him and I’ll continue looking around. You can try these later on,” “Okay, thank you, Hyujin” Hyunjin’s heart skipped a beat as she spoke his name for the first time without whispering it. (Y/n) walked over to Felix who was looking at some t-shirts that were both neutral and some with prints of animals, flowers, texts, and much more. Felix was holding a t-shirt in his hands that was a soft brown color (if anyone wants to imagine the clothes in any other colors - go ahead) and had a bright orange-colored carrot on it, it was cute and honestly very fitting for the hybrid. “I thought of you when I saw it so I kind of had to have you look at it” “It’s cute, is it soft?” “Very! Here, feel it,” Felix extended his arm towards (Y/n) so she could feel the material of the shirt. It was very soft, she liked it. Felix observed the bunny’s reaction to the fabric, he noticed that she kept squeezing the shirt and he concluded that she did like it from the way she didn’t want to let go of it. “Do you like it?” “Yes. It’s so soft,” “Okay, do you want the shirt to have a tighter fit or to be looser?” “I don’t know, I’m sorry,” (Y/n) looked down at the floor in shame as she couldn’t answer his question. “Hey, no worries. We’ll just take some different sizes and you can try them all on and say which ones you like and don’t like,” “Are you sure? I feel like I’m bothering you guys by taking unnecessarily long to decide what I want…” (Y/n) looked down at the floor in shame. “You’re not bothering us, we wouldn’t do this unless we really wanted to” And so they continued picking out clothes until all eight boys couldn’t carry anymore. They went over to the dressing rooms in order for (Y/n) to try on all the clothes, it took about one and a half hours for her to try every single item but she eventually managed. After gaining approval from Hyunjin, I.N and Seungmin (Y/n) ended up with around 75% of all the clothes she tried on. Once the group left that store they saw that more people had come into the mall. The halls were now filled with people who were walking, chatting, window shopping and even some who were running. The noise level was immense for the bunny with her enhanced hearing, the boys barely thought of the volume or number of people. This time they were walking towards the restaurants with a hungry Han leading the group, (Y/n) was walking behind the boys in hope of being protected from any prying eyes and from accidentally touching anyone other than Stray Kids. Unfortunately, her plan was not working once they came closer to the food court. Closer to the food courts you could find a myriad of people standing, walking and running around. Even the sturdy group of idol singers were separated in the crowd which, of course, meant that the small hybrid too was separated from them. (Y/n) could feel her breathing increase, her heartbeat was going crazy, anxiety was taking over, panic and her flight-or-fight system was hijacking. She was frozen. Standing in the hall. She couldn’t see anything, she didn’t hear anything either. All she felt was her body frozen in panic, until. Until someone harshly bumped into her making both her and the person fall down to the floor. (Y/n) let out a whimper, not because she was injured but because she knew this would mean trouble. Across from her was a middle aged man who wore a mean and angry look on his face. He stood up and began screaming as loud as he could, he was shouting so much that (Y/n) could barely understand half of what he said. Although, she knew that most likely he’s saying how this was her fault, the stupid hybrid who caused him to fall down, who hurt him. When the commotion began the SKZ members rushed over to see if the poor hybrid being shamed by this man could be there beloved bunny. Unfortunately, it was their (Y/n).
Changbin was furious at the man but also at the people standing around them who did nothing but enjoy the show. He stepped closer to the man while Minho and Felix went to check on (Y/n). “YAH! Shut up!” “Heh,” the man arrogantly scoffed as he only saw Binnie’s short build, he did not pay attention to the bulging muscles on the rapper’s body. “What do we have here? A little boy about to play hero? Go home, this runt is going to be put down for being so wild and attacking me,” “She’s not a runt. She’s my hybrid and I would watch my mouth if I were you. I’ll give you one chance to apologize to her or I’ll sue your ass for more money then you will ever have,” Changbin was holding himself back from attacking the man, he quickly looked back to see that (Y/n) was safe within the comforting arms of Felix. He did notice that her body was shaking as if she was crying. Oh that man is going to pay, he made their sweet little (Y/n) cry. “And how are you going to do that? Huh? Ask your mommy to help you? You could maybe afford an ice cream if you’re lucky” “Seungmin-ah?” “Oh, yeah. What is it, hyung?” “Call the company. This man has damaged someone under their name, is threatening me and our hybrid. Call them and say that we need our lawyer sent out asap while I get this mans information,” “Sure thing,” Seungmin easily made his way out of the worst crowd as people began recognizing the boys to be more than just young men, they were important people. “Now, apologize,” Changbin said with a stern voice as he also gave the man his best death glare that literally could kill someone. “Why should I? The stupid thing was in my way,” “You could have walked around her or used your voice to say ‘excuse me’, but no, you choose brute force and violence,” “Whatever, I’m leaving,” “No you’re not,” As the man turned around to leave, he was met with the icy look of a pissed of Jeongin. Jeongin and the man was about the same height, I.N was a bit leaner but you could clearly make out strong muscles on the boy while the man seemed quite weak as he was trembling while looking at Jeongin’s bare flexing arm. “Move it, boy” “Hyung! Lawyer will be here in 5,” Changbin chuckled as the man’s face contorted into one with panic. “I’m not moving unless you turn around to apologize and while you are at it, you can give us all the information our lawyer’s going to need so we’ll save some time. You see, we are all quite hungry,” I.N ended his sentence with a cocky smirk. The man was speechless. Never had he been confronted by such young people no matter what he has done. He kept trying to walk away but whenever he turned someone stood in his way. I.N, Changbin and Bang Chan being the scariest in the man’s opinion but Hyunjin, Seungmin and Han were not far behind. And as promised, 5 minutes later SKZ’s private lawyer from JYP walked in through a door and came right over to the crowd. “Move, lawyer on the go here” The woman said with a clear and loud tone, one that screamed BUSINESS. Once the man saw the woman come in dressed in a suit, holding a briefcase and was followed by two police officers, he realized that he had lost. He turned around until he located where the scared hybrid was hiding, still in Felix’s embrace, “I’m sorry for walking into you and for screaming at you” Then the man walked over to the lawyer to give her his information. The man hoped that if he apologized the boys would let the suing go. Alas his hope was for nothing. Changbin would not let this go, not for a million years. Fortunately, they had already intertwined the company with this which meant even if he wanted to drop it they company wouldn’t.
Bang Chan gave Binnie a pat on the back. “Good job standing up for her, for all of us” “Thanks, hyung. But we shouldn’t have had to do that, I’m just glad the company backs us up with this,” The crowd returned to what they were doing prior to the commotion and so the SKZ members easily regrouped with the terrified - still crying, (Y/n) in the middle of them. “Hey, it’s okay. That man was mean but Binnie took care of him, no one messes with our family,” Lee Know tried to comfort her but she was so shaken up from the incident that she could not calm down. The members tried many things in order for her to stop crying but nothing seemed to work, eventually (Y/n) ran out of tears and she shakily managed to whisper one word. A word that warmed the hearts of all eight SKZ members. “Home”. Home. Home, she wanted to go home. To their home. “Let’s go home. We’ll order some food on the way so it will be there just after we arrive home,” Home. Feels good for all nine of them to say and think of that. Many people would say that they have a weird family but they love it. Eight idols and their bunny hybrid. When they get home they will have some work to do with (Y/n) who managed to fall asleep in the car as she was so exhausted from her hysteric crying and light panic-attack.
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2 hours later (Y/n) finally woke up again, during the car ride she rested her head upon Han’s shoulder. Even if Han was starving and would have wanted to eat in the mall he appreciated her skinship. She was somewhat alright, that’s all that matters. No one is physically hurt. The SKZ boys ate the food they had ordered for themselves and let (Y/n) sleep, they would order food for her when she woke up and could tell them what she wanted. Changbin carried her from the car into the living room where he carefully laid her down on the couch and then Hyunjin gently laid a warm blanket over her as their apartment was slightly chilly at the moment. 
As previously stated, 2 hours later (Y/n) woke up from her slumber. A bit disoriented as she thought she would still be in the scary mall with that horrible man screaming at her but as she came to she realized that she was home. The feeling of still being in the mall was just a phantom feeling left by the nightmare that she had to be in as she slept. Small murmurs could be heard from some of the rooms and as she focused her hearing she could make out Felix, Seungmin, and I.N’s voices as they spoke and the clattering of three keyboards. They were probably playing some pc game together. From another room, she could hear hushed whispers and low music, most likely 3racha working on some new music for the group. That left Lee Know and Hyunjin. No matter how much she tried to focus she could not hear any of them, she wanted to speak with Hyunjin as she had not had the chance to interact with him that much yet. So the bunny set off from the living room on a hunt for the tall dancer. 
First, the kitchen. He might be eating, or cooking… Does he cook? I don’t know, I’ll find out eventually. But the kitchen was empty, not a single sign anyone had been in there for a while.  Secondly, his bedroom. (Y/n) walked down the hall to the room with a handpainted picture of a small dog with the writing Kkami on it, she remembered that Hyujin said he once had a dog called Kkami. Wonder if he can teach me to paint this well? The hybrid carefully knocked upon the wooden door and waited to hear Hyunjin’s smooth velvet voice from inside but to her surprise no sound came from the room. (Y/n) was daring and for a second forgot about all the rules she had ever been taught in previous homes - they don’t deserve to be called that… With her sudden confidence, she gently opened the door to peek inside, unfortunately, she found no handsome long-haired dancer inside. The room was empty. (Y/n) let out a disappointed sigh. She gave up on finding him by herself so she closed the door and dragged herself to Bang Chan’s room in which she had spent the night and knocked upon the door.
3racha all raised their heads at the sound, none of the members would knock on the door even if the producing members were working so all three knew who was on the other side of the door. (Y/n). “Come in!” Hannie said, seconds later the door opened, and (Y/n) stepped inside. “Hey bunny, how are you feeling?” “I’m okay Changbin-oppa. I was very shaken up but I think I’m fine now. Does anyone know where Hyunjin is?” At her question, the three 3racha members all smiled. “Yeah, Jinnie is at the company with Minho for a dance meeting, a special choreo thing the two are doing. They should be back in about 30 minutes or so,” “Oh, okay. Thank you. What are you guys doing?” “We are working on a song. We got some inspiration at the mall so we got right to it after eating. Right, about eating. You hungry?” Jisung explained and then he remembered that (Y/n) had not eaten any lunch and dinner time would be in a few hours. “A little but I don’t think I can eat a whole meal. After something like that I often struggle with eating,” “Okay, want me to make a smoothie for you? With berries, of course,” “Yeah, I’d like that Binnie. I’ve never tried one but they sound and look delicious.” Changbin’s heart skipped a beat at the nickname that so easily fell from (Y/n)’s lips. Chan and Han also noticed the nickname and shared a happy look as they both thought that (Y/n) was becoming very comfortable with them quickly so which they were happy about. They all wanted her to like them and feel comfortable, they wanted to give her a home she’ll never have to leave. Because in this short time, they have all grown to really like the sweet hybrid and they would hate to see her leave. So would (Y/n), she doesn’t want to leave these guys. They are like heaven, like a warm coat on a cold day, they are home. 
Binnie left the room to quickly make some smoothies for the bunny, himself, and his producing mates. (Y/n), Chan and Han made some small talk about the coming days while he was gone. Because soon they would have to get back to work with performing, practicing, and all that. Chan wanted (Y/n) to be prepared for how it would work before they actually went anywhere. (Y/n) was a little confused, as she had never seen an idol’s life before she couldn’t imagine how it would be but she was willing to fight to be able to stay with her new family. At that thought, Changbin returned with a tray that had 4 glasses filled with a pink-ish sort of firm liquid within them that (Y/n) concluded looked absolutely delicious. “Here we go, a smoothie for hyung, a smoothie for the squirrel, one for the adorable bunny, and one for myself!” “Thank you!” Chan, Jisung, and (Y/n) all said in unison before taking a glass each and taking a sip. (Y/n)’s eyes become wider as she tasted what must have been a gift from god as she had never in her life tasted something so delicious, so good before. “Woah! This is amazing!” “Careful (Y/n). Don’t drink it too quickly because you’ll end up with a brain freeze and a stomach-ache,” Bang Chan said with a firm but caring tone, one she had heard before from a loving father to his children and she imagined that Chan probably acted as a father to the rest being the leader and everything. “Sorry,” “No don’t apologize, I just don’t want you to give yourself those problems,” And so (Y/n) stayed sitting close by as she listened to 3racha working on the song, slowly sipping on her smoothie, waiting for the tall and lean dancer.
~ To be continued ~ 
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crowdedimagines · 4 years
Familiar Love - Harry Styles
harry and y/n have a hard time staying out of each other’s arms, not that there’s a place they’d rather be Famous!Y/n
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“Well well well.” Harry grins, opening his door wider to his home for me. 
“Why are you acting all surprised? You invited me here.” I get on my toes to steal a fast peck from him as I walk by. I walk into the living room I have grown very familiar with over the years. Harry’s London home never changes, his one taste of consistency.  
“Of course I did, we’re both in London at the same time.” 
“I know.” I roll my eyes, backing up the stairs to his room. He matches my steps evenly, pacing us like predator and prey. I slide my jacket off my shoulder, ditching it for the floor. His eyes never leave mine. If I didn’t know this house so well, I would be on my ass by now. 
“It’s been a while since this has worked out.” He presses a stolen kiss to my cheek, then another and another, “I’ve missed you.” 
“Missed me or a muse?” I bite down lightly on his earlobe, he backs me into his bedroom finally. 
“Always miss you.” 
“That’s right, you are pretty obsessed with me.” I smirk. 
“M’not obsessed with you.” He defends, finally pulling his face away from my neck. 
“Well your discography would beg to differ.” 
“Shh.” He works on the spot he knows would normally occupy my mind enough that I couldn’t banter. The spot just below my ear where my neck and jaw meet. 
“Temporary Fix, Perfect, Change Your Ticket-”
“Alright alright” Harry rolls his eyes, dimples showing up on his cheeks while he fights a smile.
“-and that’s not even counting your solo career” I tease, letting him back me onto his bed. “Only Angel, She-” 
“You’re such an ass sometimes.” He shakes his head, as if in disbelief, but his smile only grows wider. 
“What?” I scoff feigning shock, “You love my ass.” He presses a kiss to my collarbone. 
“Yes, I do. Now shut up so I can love on you for the first time in eight months.” 
-     -     -  
Harry and I were the worst and best things to ever happen to each other. We met when we were too young. My career had just started, I had a singular album to my name and was lucky to open for any band that was on a tour. Harry was a couple years into One Direction by the time we met. 
It was on a red carpet, thankfully not my first, but my first time being on the carpet for an award show that I actually had a nomination for. This was huge for me. My album had done well, but never expected a recognition like this. 
I met Niall before I met Harry. I had bumped into him walking in and he complimented my music, even claiming one of his mates ‘couldn’t get enough of it’. When he said that I wasn’t expecting him to walk me over to meet the rest of the band. Harry had been the ‘mate’ Niall had been referring to. 
I lost that night, to Ariana Grande, who in my own opinion deserved it more than me. That night didn’t feel like a loss though, because I got Harry out of it. We quickly became friends, texting, calling, facetiming any time we got the opportunity. One Direction was touring on a constant cycle, and I had just finished mine. I was in the process of writing my sophomore album, Harry flew me out and I ended up staying for the rest of the tour. 
It wasn’t a surprise to anyone that we started dating, the calls and giddy smiles were enough already to clue in everyone around us. I was able to get a glimpse at the world he lived in with his stardom, and soak in every second he wasn’t on stage. It didn’t take long for fans and the public to catch on. A few too many paparazzi pictures at each concert venue to avoid. 
Both of our managements allowed us to openly date, officially coming out to everyone with PDA and everything. It was amazing. I flew back home to Los Angeles to record my second album and before I could blink I was touring it. 
Things got hard for Harry and I at that point, we could never manage to be in the same city, or get time off to visit the other. My name was quickly becoming a household one, and One Direction had yet to ever even stall in popularity. 
It broke us both completely that after three happy years together, we had to call it quits. Neither of us were ready to give up our lives and it was no longer working to never see each other. We both needed to feel loved, and on opposite ends of the planet it wasn’t enough anymore. It was only a few months after our split that One Direction went on hiatus. 
Harry and I remained close. Some would say too close. It started with just being friendly whenever we saw each other at events or things with mutual events. It took one slip up that sent us back into each other’s arms. It was a New Year's party, we agreed to be with each other, because we didn’t have anyone else to kiss at midnight. 
Once you get a taste for someone you never stopped loving, it gets pretty hard to stop. So that’s how it all began. Harry and I decided to see each other, date, love, fuck, anytime we both happened to be in the same city. It didn’t happen as often as you would think. We both still had home across the world, and varying tour schedules. We both had on and off again partners, that then the deal would be off, but neither of our partners were ever in the picture for very long. For years it went on like this. It was heartbreak all over again though, once we knew that someone had to leave. 
-     -     -
“Well, that was fun! It’s been a while, Styles.” I let out a sigh to try and gain back my breath. We practically just ran a marathon. Maybe two. He does the same, a grin plastered to his face. 
“Too long.” He tilts his head to press a kiss to my bare shoulder. 
“Well I do believe a plane works two ways.” I turn on my side to face him, my head resting in my palm. 
“Mmm, I’ve been stuck in the studio. I’ve been working on new stuff.” 
“Ooh, a new album perhaps?” 
“Yeah, it’s been a whole process trying to get all my thoughts out and sorted.” He clears his throat. 
“So why not go to Jamaica like you did for your first? A new environment that you can just throw yourself into it.” I question. 
“I don’t know, it doesn’t feel like that for me. I did that because it was the first time I was doing music without One Direction. This time it’s a little more on me and how I feel.” 
We catch up for nearly an hour before we both feel gross from our previous activity and decide to take a shower. Together obviously. 
“Mum and Gem are coming over for brunch tomorrow.” He states. 
“Hmm?” I turn away from the shower head to face him again. 
“I think they’re going to be here close to 10:00.” 
“Do you want me to leave?”
“No!” He places a hand on my hip, trapping me between him and the cool tile on the walls. “Never.” 
“So what do you want?” I ask, tilting my head up to fully look at him. To read every expression that crosses his face as the water pours over both of us. 
“I want you to stay. Have brunch with us.” 
“Are you sure?” I ask, pressing a kiss to his peck. 
“Yeah, if you can.”
“My fitting isn’t until 2:00 so that should give me plenty of time.” I smile, “Are you sure they aren’t going to think it’s weird that I’m there?” 
“They won’t think it’s weird. They’ll both be thrilled to see you. I swear everytime I pick up the phone they’re asking me how you’re doing.” 
“That’s funny considering how often that Gemma texts me.” I smile. 
“So you’ll stay for brunch?” 
“Mhm.” I pull him down to my height for a kiss. 
-     -     - 
“Well if it isn’t the one that got away.” Anne teases as she pulls me in for a tight hug. 
“Fuck-” Harry sighs, letting out air as if he took an actual physical hit. 
“Hi, Anne.” I laugh. 
“You just get more and more beautiful every-time I see you.” She holds my face in her hands and she studies me closely. Over the years Anne and I have only grown to be more close, even though I am no longer dating her son she still treats me as family which I can’t help but love her for. 
“Let me give her a hug!” Gemma pushes her way in and pulls me in tight against her chest. 
“Gem!” I grin. 
Harry and Anne walk into the kitchen together with Gemma and I following, arm in arm. I remember this from years ago. The Styles family would like to make brunches together every couple of weeks when they could. 
Obviously if Harry was touring or over in the States they couldn’t, but when they could they make the most of it. Everything is made from scratch, together. Nothing is decided until everyone gets there that morning. 
“How do we feel about waffles?” Gemma asks. 
“And eggs.” Harry adds. 
“And bacon.” Anne adds. 
Everyone turns to me waiting for my request. 
“And fresh fruit.” I smile. 
We all get to work and quickly become a well oiled machine. Them it’s not too surprising due to them doing this over the years, but I have to say I am able to jump in with ease. 
I cut up various fruits arranging them as beautifully as I can. A vibrant display of colors on the platter. 
“Excuse me, love.” He presses a kiss to my temple, a steadying hand at my waist as he reaches for a knife from the island. 
I prepare everyone’s drinks around the table as well considering my task went the quickest. Shortly, everyone joins me and we dig in. Everything tastes immaculate. 
We dive into conversation, the table never getting quiet for a second. Something I love so much about this family. There’s always something to be said.
“Well, I actually should be going it’s one o clock now, and I still need to drive to the other side of town.” I pick up my plate from the table. We’ve all been done eating for a while now, but the conversation kept us at the table. 
“Where are you off to?” Anne asks. 
“She’s got a fitting with Gucci.” Harry grins. 
“Wipe that smug little grin off your face.” I smack his shoulder lightly. 
“Gucci?” Gemma grins even wider than Harry did. 
“I am going to be the new face to the brand.” I smile, feeling pink raise up on my cheeks.
“For the whole company?” Gemma cheers. 
I simply nod as I grab a few other plates off of the table as I go. 
“Can I come with you?” Gemma asks, the two Styles siblings following my into the kitchen. 
“Why didn’t you act like this when I modeled for Gucci?” Harry asks, his jealous side coming out.
“Harry, you got a cologne, but she’s getting the whole company!” She huffs, “Do you know what cool clothes she’s going to be trying one?”
“I’m not getting the company!” I roll my eyes, putting the dishes in the wash. 
“You didn’t answer the question.” Gemma smirks. 
“Yes, Gem.” I laugh, “As long as you can be out the door in five minutes.” 
Gemma leaves the kitchen and goes back to tell Anne, leaving Harry and I alone. 
“You’re coming back here after, right?” He asks, trapping me against the counter. 
“Yeah, of course. I’ll actually be in London for almost the entire campaign. You’re going to be sick of me soon.” I smirk. 
-    -    -
“I am OBSESSED with that yellow jacket you had on!” Gemma sighs dreamily as we enter Harry’s flat several hours later. “It’s to die for!”
“Well, I can see if I can get it for you after the shoot.”
We make our way to the living room where Harry is settled in on the couch with a book. 
“An angel.” She turns to her brother, “Did you know this one is an angel?” 
“You give me too much credit.” I laugh. 
“Thanks for the reminder, Gem.” Harry chuckles. 
“Okay, now I will get out of your hair. I’ve already stolen all afternoon with you. Hopefully see you soon!” She pulls me in for a hug, “Love you.” I let Harry walk her to the door to say their goodbyes. 
Harry comes back after a few minutes and pulls me down in a hug on the couch. He lets out a deep sigh into my neck, pulling my head in even closer. 
“You okay, babe?” I ask, taking note of his obvious mood. 
“Mmm, I was just thinking while you were out.”
“And what were you thinking?” I pull back so I can get a good look at his face. It’s always been an easy way to see how he’s feeling. 
“I was just thinking that we’re both in such a better place than we were all those years ago. I don’t tour every year anymore, and I’m signed with good management that actually lets me make my own decisions.”
“What are you saying?” I ask, wrapping my arms around his neck and studying his face closely. 
“I’m saying that you only tour ever other year, at max. I do the same now. Why can’t we make this work for real again? We’re both more established now and have the right to chose when and where we do things. I know, we make time for each other when we’re in the same city, but there’s nothing saying we can’t be in the same city. I could live in Los Angeles full time. I could live with you. Or we could both go to New York. I don’t care, as long as we can be together.” 
“Harry, you’re sure about this? We haven’t truly been together in a long time. I love spending my time with you, truly, but I don’t want you to uproot your life just for me.” I clarify. He’s saying what I’ve wanted to hear for years, but I just want to make sure we’ve thought things through before I give either of us false hope. 
“It wouldn’t just be for you, it would be for us. I love you so much, I feel like I’m wasting time. It seems like a waste to know exactly who your soulmate is, and not do everything in your power to make it work.” 
“I love you, too.” I press a fast and passionate kiss to his lips, “Although, I do have one thing that I think we should change.”
“Anything.” He answers, his eyes all gooey and lovey making me break out in a grin. I couldn’t keep a straight face over how I’m feeling if it tried. 
“Let me move here.”
“What?” He asks shocked.
“You love London and being close to your family more than anything, I could never ask you to change that.” 
“And I love being close to them too. If today proves anything, you are my family.”
“Let me make the move” I grin. 
“Happily.” Harry’s dimples are on full display. 
“Hey, isn’t that another song you wrote about me?” I tease.
“Oh, shut up.” He rolls his eyes, pushing me back against the couch. 
plz give me some feedback! i thought this was so cute 
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gyusbambi · 4 years
humph; han seojun (pt 4)
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 5
click here for humph masterlist!
story: frenemies to enemies to lovers, high school au
synopsis: seojun and you have known each other since kindergarten. you’re neighbors and even attended the same singing and piano classes. despite knowing each other for such a long time, you don’t enjoy spending time with seojun. even though you are aware of his unfairness, you keep spending time with him. when will you finally leave your childhood frenemy?
note: humph! is a story inspired by pentagon’s “humph! / 접근금지”. originally, this is a seungyeon fanfiction, which i posted on my wattpad. words: 3.8k
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to claim that the cupid-team is surprised to witness han seojun getting along with his long term frenemy would be an absolute understatement. in fact, they seem completely and utterly dumbfounded as they watch you both laugh at a joke seojun pulled in the middle of the bus ride back home. needless to say, the childhood friends tease each other now and then like they’re used to it, this time without hurting any feelings. all of these observations, including the fact that you decided to sit next to each other in the bus, lead to several assumptions and without you knowing, rumors start to develop. 
for whatever reason, neither you nor seojun are aware of the gossip regarding both of you. perhaps it’s thanks to kim chorong, who’s apparently really skilled at being inconspicuous. 
it’s been one day since you arrived home and you find yourself sleeping in till two pm on a saturday. 
seriously, you should fix your chaotic sleeping schedule.
when you finally leave your room to get some food into your stomach, dressed in your favorite hoodie and sweatpants, your mum and juyeong are already eating lunch. like expected, they give you a quick judging look without interrupting their conversation. while you’re putting some rice in a bowl they talk about juyeong’s crush on some girl. soon their conversation moves to something related to seojun, and that's when you suddenly pay attention instead of playing with the cold food on your plate.
"y/n, is seojun’s mother in a better condition now?"
instantly you look up to react to your mum’s question. instead of looking at you, she puts more vegetables on juyeong’s table,
"it's been a few days since i last visited her, maybe i should do it again soon. i really hope she gets better."
"what are you talking about?"
"seojun hyung's mum is in hospital." juyeong answers, his mouth stuffed with food while pushing the vegetables away with a scrunched face.
"hasn't he told you about his mum? i thought you guys would tell each other everything." my mum questioned with a small pout forming on her lips, finally meeting your worried eyes.
"they broke up.", your annoying brother fails the attempt to whisper.
"we're not together!"
displeased, you hiss at your brother, voice getting higher.
"you guys act like a married couple sometimes. it's annoying."
"shut up!"
"both of you stop now." your mother sighs while her hands move in the air in attempt to stop you from attacking your own brother.
"seojun’s mum is seriously sick and i'm going to visit her tomorrow morning. y/n, maybe you should do too? or talk to him a little since he's probably not doing so well."
"i will."
feeling upset that you’re just finding out about seojun’s mother’s condition, you can’t stop thinking about it for the whole day. besides that, you are worried and consider visiting them the next day.
even though their house is quite near to yours, you have to go through the dangerous part of your quarter. as you make your way to the han’s, your hand moves to your right pocket to grab the pocketknife, which seojun gifted you in your freshman year of high school. for defense reasons, he said.
"you need to be careful when you're walking down this street. here, have this."
however, instead of seeing a group of dangerous men, you spot han seojun himself, walking towards your direction with hands in his pocket. thinking of a casual way of greeting him, you clear your throat before taking a few steps forwards in order to greet him,
"hey, what are you doing here?"
surprised to see you in this area, seojun raises his eyebrows.
"well, i actually wanted to visit- what the hell happened to your face?"
rapidly, you interrupt yourself when the boy is finally close enough for you to spot the multiple bruises on his pale skin. this causes you take a few steps forward and reach for his cheek instantly, worry written all over your face.
he looks horrible. bruises all over his face, lip bleeding, knuckles visibly red.
seojun catches glimpse of your worried eyes and feels embarrassed for you to find him at this state. instead of making the attempt to explain the situation, he grabs your hand which rests on his cheek. the touch of your warm and soft hand causes a pressure building in this chest. seojun doesn’t dare to take his eyes off of yours.
suddenly your cheeks feel like they’re turning into the shade of a tomato. besides that, your heart starts acting all weird when you catch glimpse of his intense eyes.
"what happened?" you question once again, this time with even more concern.
"it's not important-"
"did you get into a fight?"
"that bastard lee seungyong was getting on my nerves again, it's not important." he sighs after running his hand through his hair.
"alright. come on, we need to clean those bruises before they get worse." you mutter after grabbing his right arm and pulling him towards your house.
seojun hisses with a painful expression as you attempt to clean the awful wounds on his cheeks. with a concentrated look crossing over your face, you focus on the terrible cut. however, you impatiently drop your hand on your lap when seojun can’t seem to stop moving, an annoyed sigh followed after. 
“could you stop moving the whole time? i’m trying to do something here.”,
positioning yourself closer to the boy sitting on the edge of your bed, you’re ready to treat his wounds for the third time. seojun only grins playfully despite the painful bruises,
“look at you acting like a doctor.”
ignoring his comment, you raise your hand once again to reach for his chin. fingers brushing on his skin, you are able to focus. this time seojun doesn’t flinch. quite the contrary, he’s like frozen on spot. the only thing he seems to be able to focus on are your features. 
nothing but silence dominates your room as you decide to clean the cut on his bottom lip. you fingers brushing over his soft lip, eyes completely focused on them, the poor boy’s heart is about to explode in front of you. he internally thanks to god that you don’t notice his chest rising up and down or his ears turning into a darker shade of red. breath taken away, his eyes linger on your lips, blinking frequently.
yet, his relief only lasts for a couple seconds when the silence eventually makes you look up to seojun, only to find him already staring at you, eyes gazing at your lips.
not aware of your slightly surprised eyes, he continues staring. clearly, your bodies are almost attached to each other. not to mention, you leaned in a little earlier, grip on his shoulder to prevent him from moving. the young boy practically prays that you won’t hear his heart racing in his chest.
aren’t you even a little nervous? it almost makes him annoyed how the closeness doesn’t seem to bother you at all.
little does he know that you feel the exact same way. in fact, you’re so bothered by the butterflies in your stomach that you suddenly wish that he would just continue making dumb jokes or rude comments.
pulling your hand away from his shoulder in a swift move, you blink. still, you’re not able to look away which seems so stupid and unbelievably odd. 
seconds after you catch glimpse of his hand getting closer to yours but that isn’t enough for you to look away.
why would someone look attractive with a beaten face? that doesn't make any sense.
seeing him in this state, bruises, messy hair, intense gaze, flushed face, makes you want to hug him, ask him what was wrong, tell him you were here for him.
however, right when you think he is going to say something or reach for your hand and hold it...
"guess who just ate two big delicious menus-"
the second your brother lays eyes on seojun sitting super close to you, his eyes widen in horror.
"o-oh adult business, i get it. i'll leave now. bye, hyung!"
yet, of course, before leaving your room he doesn’t miss the chance to make gagging noises.
"and y/n, sadly, there wasn't enough food for you."
his fake pout makes you want to throw your slipper at him but you just close your eyes for a second and exhale, trying to remain calm.
seojun only chuckles with amusement.
"mum! y/n and seojun hyung are a couple again. can she move out now?"
juyeong’s annoying voice can be heard all the way too my room. embarrassed, you glance at seojun, who is obviously trying to hold in his laugh.
"i'm sorry for my brother."
"you don't need to be."
"a-anyways, are you better now? i mean your bruises?" you stammer while pointing at his face, wanting to ignore what just happened.
"yeah, a lot better. thank you."
he trails off, eyes darting through the room,
"i-i should probably leave now."
right, your stupid self forgot to ask him about his mum.
"i heard about your mum. i hope she's doing better?"
“thankfully, she is. it's a little difficult for us but we’re going through this."
“hopefully she’ll feel better soon. i’m sure you’re taking good care of her,”
you’re always like that. caring about others more than yourself.
“if you need anything, i’m here.”
he smiles genuinely, “thank you.“
and that's when he leaves.
the sun shines outside the next day. but instead of going out and enjoying the nice weather like other normal people, you lay on your bed while thinking about the previous day. strangely, you couldn’t stop thinking about the way seojun made you feel. 
why did your heart race? why were you left speechless?
in the corner of your mind, there’s been an explanation for your weird feelings for your childhood friend. although, you’ve always tried to ignore it and distract yourself.
but now, thinking about all the times seojun made your heart flutter, it just made sense.
you like him.
with widen eyes you swiftly stand up, not believing yourself.
it couldn’t be, right? everyone feels this way to their friend at some point of their friendship, no?
but the thing is: you’ve been feeling like this the whole time. 
letting yourself fall on your bed, you scream into your pillow.
you like han seojun.
and there’s no way your former frenemy likes you back.
it’s another school morning as you walk into your class. this time however, you’re nervous to enter the room. after all, you’ll have to be around the one person you now feel nervous talking to. what if he notices your odd behavior. praying that he won’t approach you in a way that made your heart flutter, you eventually enter the classroom.
however, it seems like the universe is making fun of you when you’re met with something hundred times worse the moment you step into the room. instantly, all eyes land on you and all you hear are cheers and screams from your classmates,
“congratulations on dating, y/n and seojun!”
“you’re so cute together!”
“y/n and seojun sitting on a tree!”
at the sight of chorong and his group wearing t-shirts with your shipname printed on them, your eyes widen in horror. they think you’re dating han seojun?!
“why didn’t you tell me anything? i’m your close friend after all!”
sua pouts, hitting your arm playfully while your eyes are still glued on the ridiculous t-shirts.
“is it true, y/n?”,
from the corner of your eye you see soojin giving you a teasing smile.
“listen, guys. there has been a huge misunderstanding.”,
when you can finally focus on your friends, who surround you with curious looks, han seojun enters the classroom, completely unaware of what’s happening right now.
the young boy frowns at chorong after setting his bag on his table. yet soon his confused face changes to a shocked one, as he eventually notices the t-shirts, everyone congratulating him with cheerful laughter.
turning his head to you, he notices your helpless look while you tilt your head to the side. totally surprised by everything, seojun has no clue how to act at the beginning. 
finally, both of you manage to stand in front of the class, facing your classmates as they continue asking several questions,
“since when have you been dating?”
“no way! did anything happen during the school trip?”
“tell us the truth!”
frustrated, you move your hands in the air, trying to speak with a loud tone so that everyone can understand you,
“i don’t know how you came up with this rumor but seojun and me are only friends, okay?”
hearing your statement, everyone groans at the same time, not believing you at all,
“it’s so obvious! just tell us the truth.”
letting out a sigh, you turn your head to face seojun with an annoyed look,
“could you at least say something?”
however, seojun only raises his eyebrows before taking his hands out of his pockets,
“would you hate it that much?”
his sentence makes you frown and multiple questions appear in your head. not quite understanding his point, you continue staring at him with furrowed eyebrows before he finally slams his hand on the desk in front of him, catching everyone’s attention,
“you guys better stop spreading all those rumors around. she’s only my friend...,”
disappointed, many students groan before going back to their seats while others still don’t seem to believe seojun and shake their heads in denial.
seojun bends down to your height so that his face is only a few inches apart from yours before whispering with one eyebrow raised,
nervously you blink, sadness starting to grow inside you after hearing his words. of course, he only considers you as his friend. there’s no way he would see you as something more.
friday nights are always the same for you: watching your current favorite tv show while snacking on whatever you have at home. whereas other people from your grade probably club somewhere.
that night your phone rings and an unknown number appears on the screen. thinking it’s a stupid prank, you pick it up with an annoyed sigh.
"hello. is this y/n?"
"yes. who am i talking to?"
there is a short silence before the unknown person starts talking again,
"look, i work at this club near your neighborhood and this dude randomly passed out here. i found your number on his phone so i thought of calling you. can you maybe come and get him? he's seriously wasted a– dude, what the hell, stop spilling all the drinks!"
"i'm sorry but who are you talking about?"
you heard the unknown man mumble before answering, "seojung? seung- seojun?"
"han seojun?"
"yes! that's his name."
a short silence takes over when you sit up in shock.
"so, are you coming?"
you sigh before replying, "i need the adress.”
the moment you enter that club, you want to return to your house. many people dance on the dance floor, totally wasted. everyone is pressing their bodies against each other's. the loud music makes you feel even more uncomfortable. you look around and let out a relieved sigh when you find a bartender with a phone on his hand.
"hello, i'm here for seojun. the guy who–"
"hey, finally! he's right here."
you follow the man to the other side of the club, where people are sitting on the couches and drinks were sold every minute. it doesn’t take you long to spot seojun sitting on the couch. his eyes are closed but his head is swinging from left to right. you can’t believe your eyes. you’re pretty sure you haven’t seen him in a state like this ever before.
"don't worry. your boyfriend didn't hook up with anyone." the bartender next to you said.
"he's not my boyfriend."
"what are you then?"
"i'm his..." you trail off before answering,
"neighbor! i’m his neighbor!"
seojun shouldn't know that you came to pick him up at this time.
without waiting any longer, you help seojun getting up and wrap his arm around your shoulder. before leaving the club, the bartender reaches you seojun’s phone and makes sure to call a taxi. after thanking him you leave with seojun’s heavy body.
while waiting for the taxi to arrive, seojun keeps rambling stupid things you can’t understand. it’s getting harder for you to stand with him by yourself every minute, so you decide to sit on the bench with him, which is a couple steps away from the bus station.
you let out an exhausted sigh after sitting down and then turn your head towards him. suddenly you grab his face and make him look at you. he smiles like an idiot after you brush his bangs away from his forehead. his cheeks are extremely red, his lips pouting slightly and his eyes struggling not to close. your cold hands hold his warm, soft cheeks while you analyze his expressions. you have to admit: seojun looks cute.
after a few seconds he suddenly frowns. he narrows his eyes and tilts his head to the side slightly, looks you up and down considerately before asking,
"who are you?"
“you don't know who i am?"
"hmmm..." he rubs his chin carefully, acting like he’s solving a mystery,
"you're telling me that that's fine?" seojun giggles and covers his mouth.
"yes, absolutely."
"alright! i'm han seojun. who are you?" he stretches his hand out for you to shake.
"does that matter?”
“of course! who are you, young lady?”
"that's not important right now. what matters is that you're extremely drunk. what were you doing here?"
"you're rude!" he pouts and crosses his arms,
"you won't even tell me your name."
"why are you acting so childish?"
"i-i don't know."
"never mind. that's fine."
"yeah, you're good."
you notice how his lips form a small smile,
"you're nice and then rude and then nice and then- you remind me of someone you know?"
yes, that's you.
"my friend y/n."
"oh, really?" you sarcastically laugh.
"yeah! she's like you. but prettier. like so much prettier. she’s pretty."
"that doesn't even make sense."
"huh?" seojun asks confused.
oh no, why do you have to be so cute.
"actually, it’s hard for me to be her friend." suddenly he’s all sad,
"sometimes i cross the line and don’t know my limits. but she's so dumb and stubborn!"
"and why is that?” frowning, you cross your arms in front of your chest, waiting for his response. 
he only sighs with tiredness, "never mind–"
and then he falls asleep on your shoulder.
finally you arrive at seojun’s house and fortunately all the lights are out. with his heavy body pressing to your small one, you struggle to carry him up the stairs. quietly, the door is opened by you before seojun falls into his bed. your head starts hurting, which makes you sit down next to him and massage your temples. however, you help seojun standing up and carry him to the bathroom carefully, in order to wash his face. he lets you take off his jacket and his shoes. finally he lays down on his back, with his face facing the ceiling.
"don't lie on your back." you demand.
"hm?" seojun’s eyes are firmly closed when he mutters with tiredness.
"lie on your side." you pull his body to the side, so that he could face you.
definitely, his facials expressions change. his lips are no longer pouted, his eyes extremely tired, his cheeks pale. from analyzing his face once again, you fail to notice him staring at you with his eyebrows drawn together. soon his confused expression changes to a sad one when you cover his body with his bed sheets.
"i'm sorry." seojun mutters suddenly. you expect him to continue, as he grabs both of your hands and slightly pulls you closer to him. a shiver goes down your spine.
"y/n, you deserve better."
he knows it’s you? 
"i know i treated badly but i need you."
his eyes are barely opened, his words barely understandable. your hands start shivering as his grip tightens.
"i-i should go."
"no! please stay here." he rambles drunkly.
you decide to stay a little longer, just until he would fall asleep and hopefully forget everything that has happened this night.
“i mi..."
you aren’t able to understand his quiet mumbling, so you lean in a little,
“what did you say?"
“i miss y/n."
silence takes over the room before you finally reply,
“i missed you too, seojun-ah.”
your words make him open his eyes immediately. with a surprised face he tilts his head slightly and narrows his eyes,
instead of saying anything, you hold his hand while he’s still questioning your identity. all of the sudden his hands leave yours to grab your face. without waiting too long he pulls your face closer to his. instantly, your eyes widen when you notice the small gap between your noses. intensively, he looks into your eyes. so many emotions can be read from his look, yet you can’t figure out what he‘s feeling exactly. they have the most beautiful brown color you have ever seen. so deep, that you could get lost in them. only seconds pass, but it still feels like you were staring at each other for an eternity. you can even feel his soft breath on your face, which causes your ears to turn a dark shade of crimson.
seojun then glances at your lips before looking back into your eyes again. without waiting any longer he presses your lips together, one hand holding your cheek while the other grabs your waist. you let out a small gasp, your eyes remain closed, your whole body frozen. is this really happening?
when you’re finally able to kiss him back and hold firmly into his shoulders, he tilts your head, deepening the kiss. you feel your heart beating thousand times faster, almost exploding in your chest, as his soft lips press against yours. your face is glowing when you eventually wrap your arms around his neck to pull him closer, unable to resist the warm feeling. without doubt, you are sure that you've never felt something like this before.
seojun slowly pulls back when he feels your fingers softly tugging at his hair, leaving a small gap between your lips. you feel his breath on your face when he hums something before his lips meet yours for the second time, not giving you enough time to open your eyes,
“hmm, strawberries.”
feeling his lips forming a small smile, your heart is about to explode in your chest. seojun was insanly drunk but clearly enjoys the taste of strawberry lip balm, brushing his thumb over your cheek softly.
soon you break the kiss only to find seojun falling asleep on his bed seconds later. not believing what just happened you stare at him, admiring his features before panic takes over you and you rush out of his house.
would he remember any of this tomorrow?
to be continued...
(p.s: sorry for making you wait for so long🥺)
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Blooming most recklessly (Evgeni Kolpakov x GN reader)
What is this? This is 2/10 one-shots/blurbs for my 1 year Tumblrversary celebration, which is a deliciously tropey “friends to lovers” event. Here, the prompt is “Oh crap, I just saw you nude on/by accident and now I can’t stop thinking about you.” with Evgeni, requested by @wasicskosgirl. Thanks so much, Amanda, and I hope you enjoy it! (I didn’t know which way around you wanted it, so I hope this way is okay!).
So many fun prompts coming this week (w/c 22nd Feb), so if you’d like to follow along, pls either request a tag in my asks, or keep an eye on # Luna’s tumblrversary
Author’s note: This is a double trope, because not only is it friends to lovers, but also... they were roomates! Don’t think you need to have seen the movie to read this, though of course it helps. Basics of what you need to know if you haven’t: Evgeni is so under-rated. He’s a dreamboat. I love him. FYI: The fic title is Rilke, as Evgeni has a copy of Letters to a Young Poet in his bookcase.
Rating: Mature, for nudity and sexual thoughts.
Warnings: nudity, reader expresses some sexual thoughts but not explicit. Allusion to a reader being in a “bad situation” a while prior to the fic, but no details specified. One or two very subtle nods to Evgeni’s experience as a refugee, if you squint. Mention of smoking.
Word count: 2.9k, fuck me. I tried to make it shorter but... ah well.
Tagging: @nathan-bateman​ @foxilayde​ @supernovafeather
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The sound of piano music floats into your dream, blooming most recklessly. The delicate, light notes seem to exist merely to ease you from slumber, rousing you as gently as the fingers which skim deftly over the keys. As the music finds you, you stretch, letting your body slowly come to, a beaming smile splitting your face as you remember where you are. As you remember where you are not.
You had been hesitant when Evgeni offered that you room with him. Despite your friendship, you were still colleagues, after all. Plus, you didn’t want to be a burden - although he had gone to great pains to make sure you didn’t feel like one. You know the man enjoys his solitude - which is all too rare for him between his job at Sotheby’s and attending night school. However, he had insisted, and you could not argue too keenly. You were in need of a safe port to land in when your prior situation fell through, and your dear friend understood the need for refuge well enough not to turn you away.
Waking up in Evgeni’s apartment should feel strange; disorienting, perhaps, but, in truth, he had made it feel like home from the moment you arrived. He’s made it feel like home in a way you’re not even sure you’ve experienced at any time in your life. Your friend Evgeni knows more than a thing or two about starting over, and you are grateful to have him by your side as you do the same.
Even on your first morning you stir, feeling more relaxed and rested than you’ve felt in a long while. Your eyes travel gratefully around the sparse room, blinking through the cascade of golden light. It is bare – just a couple of cardboard boxes of belongings, and your pressed work clothes hung out over the back of a crooked, wooden chair. Your smile returns. It is perfect. You swing your legs eagerly over the edge of the mattress. For once, you even want to get out of bed, the sound of Evgeni’s sweet music beckoning you deeper into the loft.
By the time you reach the open-plan living area, the playing has stopped, and Evgeni is tossing something on the stove.
“Ah, good morning,” he greets in his soft Russian accent, with a sweet, closed-lipped smile. He’s just as genial first thing, then? He’s enough to sweeten the black, bitter coffee already steaming for you on the counter, you think. “How did you sleep?”
“I actually slept. All night, which is a miracle in itself, ‘Geni,” you smile, surprising even yourself with the soft laugh which lilts out of you. You’re not used to hearing yourself so… happy.
“I’m glad,” he says, placing his hand gently on your upper arm, and looking like he means it, his soft brown eyes beaming at you. “Oh, I fixed breakfast. If it’s not how you like it, I’m sorry – I’ll get it right tomorrow.”
“You’re a sweetheart,” you praise. “You didn’t have to do all this.”
“It’s no trouble,” he insists, with a single, light squeeze to your arm.
“Is it okay if I shower first?” he asks, his eyebrow raised, and despite the fact it was no trouble, you surmise it probably was, a little, from the way his feet are already tracking hurriedly towards the bathroom. You sincerely hope he hasn’t made himself late cooking you pancakes.
Evgeni works security, and today, you recall, he’s responsible for relieving the night guard, and opening the auction house up, thus it’s an early start.
“Of course, ‘Geni, it’s your apartment.”
You think, if you’re not wrong, that he looks a little upset as you say that, his brow furrowing. “And now it’s also yours.” He says that like he means it too, and with it, you can’t help but pull the man into a hug, the realisation that you have somewhere good to be, overcoming you. Relief overcoming you. The man seems a little surprised, but his arms wrap gently around you in return, smoothing over your back. When he pulls back to search your face, your eyes are swimming with emotion.
“Are you okay? I can stay. I can ask Troy to cover for another hour if you-”
“-I’m fine. Really. I’m… happy. Now go, don’t make yourself late. Your good looks will only excuse you so many times,” you laugh, and he reciprocates with a warm, rich chuckle. Evgeni Kolpakov is a punctual man, but he had been tardy more than a few times because of you lately. Because he’s such a good friend, and he had been there when you needed him. No matter. That was before… and things are different now. Things are good now. And, you will make it up to him - even if it takes the rest of your days.
“Okay. I’ll make sure to leave you hot water,” he promises, before near-jogging in the direction of the bathroom.
A smile lingering at the corners of your lips, you next turn your attention to the fresh coffee, lifting it to your mouth for a sip. Surprise surprise, it’s already sweet. He’s like Midas, that man, except everything he touches turns to sugar. That, or he simply remembered how you like it.
You vaguely hear the spray of the shower starting up behind you as you wolf down some pretty decent pancakes. As you do so, you steal a glance at the clock on the exposed brick wall, and you begin to mentally sketch out your schedule for the day.
You have to admit that this cohabitation is off to a pretty smooth start. You will likely need to figure out a shared morning routine going forward -you idly think- as you hear the water shut off and you absent-mindedly head towards the bathroom. Maybe sometimes it would be nice to walk to work with him early, and enjoy the stroll together. You could even pick-up pastries from the –
“-Oh my God!!” you cry, as you paw the bathroom door open, and your eyes fall over Evgeni, standing in front of you entirely nude, water beading over his skin, and giving you an eyeful of his bare ass and back as you enter.
Unfortunately, it only gets worse from there, as your open-mouthed yelp alerts him to your presence and he turns around, giving you far more of an eyeful than you bargained for so early on a Monday morning. Your hands jump to your cheeks in horror, before you have the wherewithal to recoil and stumble back out into the hallway.
Immediately, you yell a string of profuse apologies over your shoulder, and you hear him mumbling (presumably cursing?) in his mother tongue through the still ajar door as you retreat swiftly back into your bedroom.  
On second thought, maybe there are a few kinks to this cohabitation thing which still require some ironing out.
Absolutely mortified, you manage to take a few deep, calming breaths before there is an insistent knock at your door. You think about ignoring it, but it’s quite obvious that you’re in here, so, instead, you slowly peel the door back, to reveal a hastily dried and clothed Evgeni, half his lower shirt buttons still undone, and his hands currently reaching to buckle his open belt.
“The latch is broken,” he explains, looking more than a little flustered himself. “I’m so sorry. Are you alright? I’ll get a new one. Today, on my lunch break.”
“Why are you sorry? I was the one who walked in! I’m sorry, ‘Geni.”
His hands move around the circumference of his pants, hastily stuffing his shirt in. He still has a spot of toothpaste on the corner of his mouth, you note. That’s a normal thing to note though, isn’t it? How he would taste of spearmint? You shake the intrusive thought away- what’s come over you?!
“I don’t want you to think I’m that type of guy,” he says apologetically, his brows knitting together in concern.
“What do you mean?”
“You know. Invite my attractive friend to live with me, don’t secure the bathroom. Like a… creep.”
You shake your head in confusion, especially with how pained he looks, and the way his fingers skim nervously over his buzzed head.
“I only want you to feel safe here,” he says, feather soft, with full, pouting lips, and you don’t know what you did to deserve him but you’d certainly like to find out so you can keep it up.
“I do. I promise,” you insist, reaching for the loose tie slung uselessly around his neck, and taking it upon yourself to feed it under his collar, looping it around on itself into a half-Windsor as his fingers take care of his final buttons and clasps. “Now, go, ‘Geni! You’re going to be late. I’ll see you at work, okay?”
“I’ll get a latch,” he nods, talking as he moves, and shrugging on his navy uniform jacket. “On my lunchbreak. Really.”  
You follow him out to the front door, leaning against the doorframe as he laces up his boots, and as the awkwardness dissipates, the two of you finally release your tension with a splutter of laughter.
“What are you going to answer when our colleagues ask about your first day, roomie?” Evgeni asks you, gently teasing.
“’Geni,” you laugh, burying your head in your hands, squeezing your temples. “I think I’ll tell them you gave me quite the introduction.”
He smiles brightly at you in return, his eyes creasing. Then, really needing to leave, he wishes you a good day, his fingers twining gently with yours before he sets off down the hall.
It’s just habit, though, him touching you like that – he always has to keep his fingers moving. It doesn’t mean anything. A hard gulp trails down your throat.
You don’t even want it to mean anything.
After all, you’re just friends. Purely platonic. Nothing sexual there at all.
Cut to later, and you’re having a lot of sexual thoughts about your “friend”. In fact, you’ve gone fully feral.
You have already zoned-out several times during a mid-morning meeting, and twice asked for more water, causing your colleague to wonder if you’re coming down with something or feeling feverish. You certainly feel warm, but with an entirely different sort of heat. A one which hits… lower.
The image of Evgeni nude -from both behind and from the front, no less- has somehow branded itself behind your eyes and is playing on a loop. You’re not sure how you managed to commit the sight so quickly to memory, but perhaps it is your keen eye for treasures and antiquities which has allowed you to so readily recall his positively sculptural form; finer than any marble that has ever crossed the table at Sotheby’s.
How had you not realised before? Evgeni Kolpakov is maddeningly gorgeous.
You are trying desperately to come up with some explanation as to why the fact has escaped you for so long. Perhaps it is because you met him in a professional context, where you tend to supress any sexual feelings. Perhaps it is because he came into your life at a time when you could feel little but despair, never mind desire. Whatever the reason, though, now that you have realigned your perceptions, the floodgates have opened, and you are drowning.
You are drowning in thoughts of his sculpted muscles, undulating under his smooth brown skin. The set of his shoulders and strong arms. His shapely chest and stomach, with a hint of softness, leading down to a trail of black, curled hairs and his more than sizeable –
“Are you quite well?” your colleague asks as you let out an audible and entirely involuntary whimper, interrupting the proceedings.
“You know,” you bluster, coming up with some thin excuse. “I’m probably being paranoid, but I just want to check something with the security desk. I’ll be back shortly.”
You are senior enough (or dispensable enough, in your current, distracted state) that no-one protests you leaving, and so, you rise from your seat, gravitating purposefully towards the lobby. Where you know Evgeni will be, stationed at the front desk.
He beams when he sees you approach, as always, standing immediately on ceremony, as if you are royalty to him. No. No, in truth, he’s the prince, isn’t he?
“Hello, roomie,” he greets, clearly enjoying the novelty of your new nickname, and, all at once, you are taken aback by him. His sweet and humble manner. His fun, playful nature. His generous friendship. His talent. His creativity. Sensitivity. Lack of pretence. He possesses an abundance of treasures, unparalleled by the contents of any single auction house. Of all of them combined. You see it all at once.
With a smile held on the inside, you cross silently to him; wordlessly - with an intensity and passion you usually reserve only for your work, now entirely focussed on him.
He has placed his broad, dexterous hands on the surface before him. He leans forward to better speak to you. His eyes are liquid umber, with a sparkle and vitreous lustre more impressive than any gem you have thus far appraised in all of your career.
“Evgeni?” you say breathily, flattening your own palms on the surface of the reception desk, your fingertips a hair’s breadth away from touching his own.
You’re a mess. You even feel your legs weakening underneath you. And, it’s no longer because you saw him like that, in the bathroom. It’s because you see him. All at once. In his entirety.
His brow furrows and his lips pout at you as he hears his name tremble from your lips. As your fingers inch forward and unconsciously straighten his tie, and pick a speck of lint from his crisp uniform. You are close enough to smell the heady scent of his aftershave and cigarette smoke and coffee, which shouldn’t work, but somehow does. You are close enough to-
“-Is there any action on camera six?” you blurt out, snatching your hands back and away from him. Retreating.
Confused, Evgeni humours you and steals a glance at the monitor to his right, but when he sees nothing suspicious, he takes greater note of the obvious tension in your body. Of your clenched fists at the end of your jacket sleeves, which you hastily relax. He shakes his head. Nothing.
You are about to retreat, fully, when Evgeni simply breathes your name, arresting you in place with your back to him. There is a beat before he repeats it again, a little more firmly, and you slowly turn back towards him, your eyes shining with guilt, though you can tell he does not understand why.
He repeats your name one more time, barely above a whisper, and his voice beckons you to the desk, where you again plant your hands on the surface. This time, with a quiet confidence, a sensuality, his fingertips inch slowly over yours, tenderly dancing over your knuckles until he fully envelops your hands with his, his touch awakening surging music deep within you. “Did you…” he asks with a tentative curl of his lips. “Did you want to kiss me?”
His soft, non-judgmental eyes encourage you, as does the warm, reassuring touch of his hands over yours. “Yes,” you suspire, feeling as light as air with your confession.
Evgeni’s pink tongue darts out over his lips, his eyes sheening with a gentle intensity, the room so quiet and still with tension that you feel he must command silence as expertly as he commands music. This time, his ever-moving fingertips come to caress your cheek, brushing over your jawline, your chin, and your lips. “And, darling. Why did you stop?”
Why? Why did you?
All on one breath, you blurt out a run-on, non-sensical answer, entirely fracturing the mood.
Evgeni’s English is perfect, but even then there’s no chance that he caught what you were saying - not with the speed and incoherency with which you delivered it. No-one possibly could have. In fact, are you even sure what you said?
“What?” he laughs, as you fold forward and bury your head into the desk, mortified all over again. “Say it again?”
You groan, and Evgeni hinges you up from the desk by your shoulders, so that you can reluctantly repeat your sentiment, your words much slower this time around. “I don’t want you to think I’m only kissing you because I saw your cock this morning and went feral. Because it’s more than that, ‘Geni. It’s so much more than that.”
He chuckles lightly as you respond, your words not seeming to offend him. “Sure. It was my ass as well then?” he teases softly, and you bring your hands to your face again in renewed embarrassment, until he tenderly peels them away with his own, clasping hold of them safely.
“Would it help if I take you out to dinner, and after I can kiss you first? I haven’t seen you in the nude, so you know I have only pure intentions.”
Despite the silence in the lobby, your heart swells with a crescendo. “Yes, ‘Geni,” you respond, biting down on your lower lip. “I think that would help a lot. Maybe I can even try to… corrupt you.” You add with a playful, flirtatious tick of your eyebrow.
You share a smile with him, and, yet, for now you are forced to break from Evgeni as a guest enters the lobby. Knowing how much pride he takes in his job, you slink back to let him perform his duties, and yet, the guest does not have his full attention. His eyes follow you instead, as they have done, always, since your first day at Sotheby’s. Evgeni visibly suppresses the biggest smile, until he can’t any longer. And, as you walk away you hear him say “Sorry. I’m really happy today, ma’am. Tonight, I finally get to have dinner with my roommate.”
Oh. Yeah.
Maybe you should worry about that? The fact you just moved in with him last night and suddenly decided to start dating. But, for some reason… it doesn’t worry you at all.
Evgeni has always felt like home. You simply had to agree to move in. At the thought, happiness throbs in your chest, blooming most recklessly.
And you let it bloom.
Finally, you let it.
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mrsalwayswrite · 4 years
To Call Forth Love- Chapter 4
So I planned for this chapter and the next to originally be one but as I started writing it, the words kept flowing and oops....now its really long. So I decided to split it. This means that I’m pretty much done with the next chapter so I’ll be able to get it out in a few days! Yay!
Also, Ivar is pretty manipulative in this chapter. Someone made a comment in the last chapter that I want to acknowledge. Going forward this is kind of a theme but I just want to put that warning statement- if this is triggering for you, please read with caution. There is nothing explicit or graphic but its still manipulation. 
Warnings: swearing, manipulation
Tag List: @youbloodymadgenius​
Series Masterlist
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Sitting in the office at work, Kari sipped on her smoothie as she plugged in numbers for an inventory order. She had just finished teaching one of her morning classes and was now doing some paperwork for Lydia while on her "lunch break". 
 She jumped when her phone suddenly buzzed- a text alert. Surprised and curious as to who would be texting her at this time, she unlocked her phone to see the text from an unknown number. 
 Unknown: hey u busy 2nite?
 Kari: who is this?
 Unknown: u fav person
 Kari: OMG! Ed Sheeran?!
 She giggled quietly to herself, returning back to the laptop screen. Normally she ignored any calls or texts from unknown numbers, but it had been a good morning and she was feeling playful. When there was no return text, she shrugged the conversation off and returned to the order. Apparently, the unknown number did not get the reaction they were hoping for or realized they text the wrong person. Either way, she did not care. 
 A couple minutes later, her phone started to vibrate repeatedly. Looking down, she saw she was getting a call from the unknown number. She hesitated to answer, but by the third ring her curiosity got the better of her and she answered it. 
 She sat there stunned. "Ivar?"
 "Of course, it's me. Who the fuck were you expecting?" He asked, angrily. 
 "How did you get my number?"
 He ignored her question, his voice suddenly sounding muffled. "Yeah, yeah, I'll be a second…. damn it. I know!"
 "Who is that?" 
 "My brother.” He scoffed, muttering something unintelligible under his breath, before speaking to her again. “I have to head back into a meeting now."
 "Oh, ok?"
 "You didn't answer my question."
 Her mind was still reeling from the fact that Ivar Lothbrok had her number and was calling her out of the blue. "What question?"
 He huffed, exasperation evident in his tone. "Are you busy tonight?"
 "I want to take you out."
 "Ivar," she sighed, pressing a hand to her forehead, "I told you, I can't."
 "Yeah and I don't believe you, so…."
 "No. I'm sorry but the answer is still no."
 "Fine. I have to go." He snapped then abruptly ended the call.  
 Slowly, she pulled the phone away from her ear and stared at it. What just happened? Before she forgot, she added his number to her contacts since she had the distinct feeling this would not be the last time he contacted her. Once done, she set her phone down and dropped her head into her hands. 
 It had been two days since he drove her home and she said they could be friends. In those two days, this was the first contact they had. She had hoped he grew bored with her since she was not playing his game, that she refused to go out with him. Maybe he finally decided she was not worth his time and moved on? Which was for the best. She could never fit into his world, there was no space for her there. Nor did she want to. She was happy, content with her life. 
 It was better for her to not allow Ivar into her life. That's what she repeated to herself as she tried to focus on the inventory order. 
 "Just put the bags right there, thank you." Kari said, placing the grocery bags, one in each hand, onto the tiled floor. The kitchen in her townhouse was small, two people could barely move around in it without bumping into one another. Thankfully, she did not spend much time in the kitchen. Cooking had never been her forte. 
 "Do you need anything else? I don't mind staying to help." The dirty-blond haired man asked, setting the two bags he carried down onto the floor. He started to shuffle forward but seemed to think better of it and leaned against the half-wall separating the kitchen from the short hallway. 
 "Erik, it's fine. If anything, I owe you. You never let me pay for gas money."
 He shrugged, and tucked his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. "It's not a big deal. I needed to shop too."
 "Still, it's not fair to you." She turned around from placing the milk in the fridge to look at him. 
 "If I think of something you can do to repay me, I'll let you know. Deal?"
 "Do you still want a ride to work tomorrow?"
 She shut the door and jokingly waved a hand at him. "See! You're too nice."
 "I'd be ‘too nice’ if I also showed up with coffee for you."
 She laughed, moving some frozen fruit into the freezer. "You're too perfect to not have a girlfriend." 
 He rubbed the back of his neck, a flush growing on his cheeks and drawing out a boyish smile. "I don't know if I'd say that. I'll let you get to it. I'll meet you outside at nine?"
 "Thank you, Erik."
 "Of course." He popped his head around the wall to look into the living room. "See you, Alana!"
 "Bye, Erik!" The response came from the living room. 
 Kari continued to put her groceries away as she heard the front door click shut behind him. Somehow, she needed to figure out a way to pay him back. 
 Erik lived in the townhouse next door alone. When he learned that Kari did not own a car, he offered to give her rides whenever it worked out for both of their schedules. At first, she had been hesitant, still not having lived in the townhouse for long but eventually gave in because he always acted like such a gentleman. Every time he saw her, he made sure to greet her and ask about her day. He always held the door open for her and anybody else close by. A negative word never passed his lips, rather choosing to focus on the positive in life. A routine soon started to form and every two weeks they would meet up outside of their townhouses and go grocery shopping together. When she did not have to work early, he would occasionally give her rides to work since the bank he worked at was only a couple blocks away. That was the extent of their interactions though. She wondered about inviting him over for dinner as to thank him but she always chickened out in asking him. Perhaps that was what she needed to do after all.  
 Once all her groceries were put away, she headed into the living room, seeing her roommate and friend sitting on the couch with the TV on to the Great British Bake-off but looking down at her phone. 
 The brunette asked, dropping onto the second couch. "How was work?"
 "Good. You?" Alana looked up, her make-up flawless like usual on her delicate features. 
 "Nothing too exciting."
 "You know, if you'd waited two hours I could have taken you to the store."
 Kari nodded, fiddling with her diamond stud earring. "I know, but you're so busy with work and school. I know you like relaxing when you come home and Erik said he was free today."
 "Did he now?" Alana asked with a smug look.
 Kari tossed a throw pillow at her. "Don't start this again."
 The blonde caught the pillow, still grinning like the Cheshire cat. "You know he likes you. He's just too shy to ask you out."
 "He's a friend, it's been like seven months, I think if he was going to ask me out, he would have done it by now."
 "He. Is. Shy." Alana enunciated, as if talking to a child. She rolled her blue eyes, leaning back against the couch. "Shit, he only started to actually talk to me this summer."
 "Cause you are intimidating."
 Alana threw the pillow back at Kari. "Bitch, it's cause I radiate sexiness and he can't handle it."
 "That is most definitely it." 
 "Well the guy I hooked up with last weekend said I radiated sexiness."
 Kari wrinkled her nose, looking over at her roommate. "I don't want to hear that. It's bad enough when you bring them here."
 "You know, it wouldn't be the worst thing for you to actually go out with Erik. He's…. sweet." She quietly stated, eyes back on the TV. 
 "I'm fairly sure he'd treat you better than that fucker of ex."
 Kari picked invisible lint off her black leggings, apprehensive about where the topic was going. Her love life, and lack of it, was something Alana liked to remind her of frequently as of late. "Honestly, I'm even sure anymore he should count as an ex."
 "Well you were supposed to be exclusive, right? And then you find out he's been fucking other girls the whole time. That counts as a shitty ex."
 She winced at the reminder of her one attempt at dating. "I don't…. I don't think I'm ready."
 The blonde pointed a finger at her roommate without turning her eyes away from the TV. "Well don't wait around forever, you'll miss out."
 "Says the woman who hooks up with a different guy almost every other weekend."
 "And I'm not missing out!"
 Kari laughed. Feeling her phone vibrate, she pulled it out of her pocket and checked it to see a new text from Ivar. 
 Ivar: hell no, if we r gng 2 see the Northern Lights thn we're gng 2 Iceland or Norway.
 She smiled at the text, quickly typing in a reply. 
 Kari: fine, we'll add that to the list. Can I please put South Africa back on the list?
 She fiddled with her diamond stud earrings, looking back at their conversation throughout the day. Just looking at all the texts, she bit her lip to try and contain the smile. 
 Ivar had texted her in the late morning, asking her out again. To which she just texted back a one-word answer- "no". Apparently undeterred, he ignored her 'no', saying how he wanted to take her to this popular restaurant. Somehow the conversation spiraled into creating overly outrageous "dates" he would take her on, each one more fantastic than the last, with her encouraging and creating her own ideas. Their texting had lasted all day, and she found herself actually looking forward to his responses. Something she never would have expected, especially after how rudely he hung up on her the prior day. 
 So far her favorite "date" involved him renting out the entire Roman Colosseum in Rome and having a candlelight dinner in the middle of the arena. The most amusing one was when she suggested they go skydiving. He shut down that idea saying they would have to be strapped to instructors and the only man she should ever be strapped to was him. 
 Her phone vibrated in her hand, alerting her to his response. 
 Ivar: u r not swimming w/ sharks 
 She giggled, trying to imagine his facial expression. She actually had no desire to do half of the stuff she suggested but it was funny to get a rise out of him. 
 Kari: African safari?
 "What are you giggling at?" Alana questioned, giving her the side-eye. 
 The smile dropped from her face. "Nothing."
 "That doesn't sound like nothing."
 "Just a funny meme." She deflected, getting to her feet. There was no way she could tell Alana she had been texting Ivar all day. "I'm going to shower."
 As she headed upstairs to her room, her phone vibrated again. 
 Ivar: do u jus luv danger?
 Kari: I'm talking to you, aren't I? 
 She headed to her bathroom, turning the shower on and checking the temperature. In a spur of the moment decision, she tossed in a eucalyptus shower bomb. 
 Just before she jumped in, she looked at her phone one last time to find his response.  
 Ivar: touche, kitten, touche 😘
 The soothing soundtrack of nature played over the speakers in the yoga studio room. A few women were already in the studio with their yoga mats out, either stretching or quietly conversing as they waited. Depending on the day, the ten am morning class could be busy but typically it averaged about fifteen to twenty women.
 Kari bent over, touching her palms to the floor. Even though she would not be continuously doing the routine along with those in her class, she still liked to be limber and have her muscles warmed up. This was a beginner class, where she spent a good portion of the time either correcting people's forms or showing how to do a certain pose. A few of her coworkers complained about teaching beginner classes since when the participants walked through the door, you never really knew what level they were at. 
 Checking the clock hanging over the door, she saw she had five minutes before her class started. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, enjoying the pull of her muscles. The door to the studio room opened but Kari continued to stretch, shifting to a downward facing dog pose, holding it. She could hear some people moving around but she focused on her breathing.  
 "Mmm, I could get used to seeing this."
 The familiar voice behind her, caused Kari to try and whip around in startled surprise, only to end up crashing onto her ass. 
 Above her stood Ivar with a devilish smile. "Hello, kitten." He softly said with smolder that instantly made her flush and a tendril of warmth curl in her belly. Standing there in his jeans and red shirt with his hair pulled back in a man bun, it was unfair how striking he looked. Even the braces over his legs did nothing to deter from his attractiveness. 
 She rose quickly to her feet, wiping her hands over her leggings and peeking at the others in the room. Most were curiously watching their interaction but remained where they were. 
 "What are you doing here?" She hissed, turning her gaze back up to meet his. "How did you find me?"
 He rolled his eyes. "You were wearing a Whole Wellness Yoga Studio shirt when I drove you home last week. Plus, hearing from Gyda that you work here…. You're not that hard to find."
 That made sense, even if she disliked the logic. "Ok, fine. Why are you here though?"
 "I want to take you out tonight."
 "Oh gods." She could not believe what she was hearing. The prior day they had spent most of the day texting and sure it was fun, but her answer had not changed. When he had not text her this morning, she assumed that was the last she had heard from him. Apparently, he decided to ask her out in person instead of over the phone like the past two times. "Ivar… No."
 "Why? You keep saying you can't but never why."
 "It's just…. look, I don't want to date."
 He took a step closer, face inches above hers. His voice dropped low, an underlying current of anger in his tone. Those piercing blue eyes challenged her. "You say that but I don't think that's the real reason. So, until you tell me the truth, your 'no' means fucking nothing. Friends tell each other things, right?"
 "You know, I don't think we should be friends anymore."
 He chuckled, still standing too close for a normal conversation. "Too late. I like you."
 "I'm still not going out with you." She placed her hands on her hips, trying to appear confident, hoping desperately he did not hear the wavering in her voice. 'This was for the best, it was best for both of them' she repeated in her mind. 
 "Fine. I'll wait for you to change your mind." He winked and stepped back. To her horror, she watched as he walked over to the side of the room where she kept her water bottle and light jacket. He grabbed a nearby chair and dragged it over before dropping down with his legs in a manspread, that stupid smirk still on his face. 
 She stomped over to him, whisper-shouting at him. "What are you doing?"
 "I'm waiting."
 "I'm not leaving until you agree to go on a date with me."
 "You can't...no…. Ivar." She whined. 
 "I walked all the way here to see you, even though my legs are quite painful today…. you wouldn't kick a cripple out when they just need to rest, would you?" He asked, eyes widened in mock innocence. One of his hands rubbed at his knee in exaggerated fashion as if to prove the discomfort he was in. 
 She groaned. "I hate you."
 "No, you don't." He gloated, then nodded towards the clock. "It's ten o'clock, it's time to start your class, I believe."
 Without another word, she moved to the front of the room. She refused to play this game. Her answer was 'no' and no matter what he said or did, her answer would not change. The whole time she could feel his rakish gaze on her, reminding her how tight her leggings and purple tank top were. She tried to focus on her class, smiling at the women she recognized and the ones that she assumed was new. "Let's begin. Everyone start in mountain pose. Take deep breaths, let's center ourselves."
 She looked over at the older woman, Ingrid, who called out. The woman was easily one of Kari's favorites, doting upon those who worked at the yoga studio, and becoming the unofficial grandmother of them. Ingrid had been coming to the yoga studio for years but was forced to only take beginner level classes after a bad fall the prior year. She loudly complained about her doctor being an idiot and how she felt fine, but Lydia refused to let her attend any other class than beginner classes until otherwise said by her doctor. 
 Ingrid's hazel eyes twinkled with mischief from the front row where she stood. "You planning on introducing that handsome young man you've got over there?"
 "No, we are going to ignore his presence. He's going to be leaving soon." Kari flatly stated with a polite smile.
 "Hi! I'm Ivar!" He announced with a charming smile, his bright blue eyes alluring under the dim lights. Giving a little wave with his fingers, he continued, "I hope my presence doesn't bother all you lovely women, I just came to see my girlfriend and ask her on a date tonight."
 A chorus of "awwwws" filled the room. 
 Kari wanted nothing more than to bang her head against a wall. Or preferably, Ivar's head. She could not believe the audacity of him.
 "Where are you taking her?" One of the newer women asked in a flirty tone, pulling her shoulders back to emphasize her ample chest. 
 Ivar barely glanced at her, keeping his focus on Kari. "It's a surprise. I wanted to do something special."
 "Young man, if I were a few years younger, I would fight Kari here so you could take me on a date." Ingrid said with a laugh. 
��"I would be honored to take a lovely woman like you on a date." He sent a playful wink to Ingrid. 
 "Alright, let's get back to yoga." Kari tried to redirect the attention. Annoyed and upset did not even begin to describe how she felt. 
 "Well it was lovely to meet you, young man. Kari should have told us her boyfriend was so handsome. We might have convinced her to bring you in sooner for some eye candy." Ingrid teased. 
 "He's not my boyfriend." Kari retorted, shooting a glare at the smug raven-haired man. 
 "And that is why I'm trying to take her on a date." He placed a hand dramatically over his heart, eyes staring at her beseechingly. "Just for her to give me a chance."
 "Get her some tulips. Those are her favorite flowers." Karina called out from the back of the room. 
 "Can't go wrong with chocolate!"
 "Oh! Read her a sonnet and dance under the stars together!"
 "This is so romantic…. like something out of a movie." Someone loudly whispered, making a few others laugh. 
 Kari dropped her chin to her chest. Tears welled in her eyes. She knew those in the class meant well, that they were really just trying to help. But they were helping the wrong person. Why would Ivar not leave her alone? She told him 'no' multiple times, that should have been enough. Her tolerance for his behavior was waning rapidly and honesty she was not sure if she would fight back…. or surrender. 
 The chair scratched faintly on the floor followed by his footsteps landing audibly as he crossed the room to reach her. She refused to lift her head, her eyes squeezed shut. Not just to pretend she could not feel him standing so close to her, but to try and hide the single tear that rolled down her cheek. 
 "Kari." He whispered, the sound a caress of her name. 
 Still she did not move. 
 Gently, he tipped her chin up, forcing her to look at him. His thumb wiped away the evidence of her tear. It was those captivating eyes, the ones that could both scorch everything in view but also send flames of desire dancing across her skin, that met hers. To her surprise, there was a softness in his gaze, a vulnerability, that was reminiscent of the few times they were alone. As if with just her, for a brief moment, he let his guard down and she could glimpse the real Ivar. 
 "Go out with me." He murmured faintly, stroking her cheek with his thumb. Standing in front of her, his broad back to the class gave them a semblance of privacy. "Please."
 "Why can't you let this go?" She begged quietly, staring up at him. 
 "I told you, I'm persistent." He smiled, almost shyly. 
 In his words, it felt like there was such a depth to them she was unaware of. That he was confessing something to her in which she did not have the key to fully understand. 
 She sighed softly, closing her eyes for a moment before looking at him again. "Fine. I'll go…. But it's only as friends, ok? This isn't…. Romantic. Just…. Just friends."
 "Sure, just friends." He leaned forward and pressed a quick, chaste kiss to her cheek. "I'll pick you up at seven."
 She nodded, feeling torn apart inside. 
 After a lingering look that breathed a flame into her belly, he spun on his heel to face the women. "She said yes!"
 A few cheers and clapping reverberated in the small yoga studio room. 
 "I graciously thank you all for your sound advice and encouragement with helping me to woo the beautiful Kari. Wish me luck as I plan to thoroughly spoil her tonight." Ivar dramatically bowed, shooting a quick wink at Kari as she watched him. 
 She desperately tried to fight the small smile off her lips. No one could say that Ivar was not charming or charismatic when it suited him. 
 As he finally made his way to the door, he turned around just before pushing it open. "Wear something nice." He said, pointing a finger at Kari and then walked out like a dream where one cannot decide if it was a nightmare or not. 
 The brunette ran a hand down her face before shoving aside her emotions and plastering a customer smile on. "I'm so sorry about all of this. Let's get back to it. I promise it won't happen again, ladies."
 "Kari, dear, you have fun with that boy tonight." Ingrid spoke up, eyes darting to the now closed door and back to the yoga instructor. "And if you don't want him, let me know. I'd still jump on him in a heartbeat. That boy has the prettiest eyes, I swear."
 A few sounds of agreement echoed in the room. 
 Kari could not stop her smile from turning genuine at Ingrid. No matter the situation, the feisty, older woman always knew how to make her laugh. "I promise I'll let you know. Now, back to mountain pose please."
 Silently, she hoped tonight was not a mistake.
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2manyfandoms2count · 3 years
I love you (not) - Chapter 9
Tackling two prompts of @marichatmay again ('take a break' and 'cuddles'), it's probably not going to help much with catching up on the schedule but it's okay.
We are now a little over a third into the story, and... Are those real feelings that are emerging in the fake relationship? Perhaps... Still quite a bit of oblivious dumbassery to go, though, else it wouldn't be fun :D Hope you enjoy!
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Chapter 9: In which Marinette gets mixed up in her checklist
"I'm sure I'm missing something…" Marinette mumbled as she read through her extensive to-do list of the day, tapping her pencil against her chin.
HomeworkFrench: Dissertation Maths: exercises 5,9,12 p.132 Science: Lab report English: Act III, scene 1 Hamlet History: revision test Extra last minute?
ALYA’S BIRTHDAY PREP: coordinate surprise party + finish gift
Kitty section: costume prototype for single 2
Art project: finish dress
Picnic Alya, Nino, Adrien
“I swear there was a seventh thing I needed to do today.” She squinted, scanning her surroundings in the hopes that it would jog her memory. There was so much going on these days that things kept piling up, but today she was determined to catch up with everything. She didn’t have much of a choice, anyway; most of the items on her list had a set deadline, and it was coming at her faster than she liked. She preferred not to get hit by the truck head on.
Her eyes landed on Chat Noir’s blanket, which she’d draped over the back of her chaise after he’d left on the night of his birthday, over a week before.
“Right! Chat Noir - Ask Chat Noir to take a break, ” she mumbled, scribbling down the last point, before setting the list down next to her computer keyboard. She'd abandoned the idea of full on breaking up with him given how their relationship was dragging on; a break seemed softer to ask for first, and it could easily be followed up by a breakup.
It was going to be a long day, but with a bit of rigour, and thanks to her early start, it would all work out.
“Don’t you think that’s a bit much for one day, Marinette?” Tikki peeked over her shoulder, letting out a small yawn.
“Well, maybe for a normal girl, but not for Ladybug.” She yawned reflexively, and her kwami shot her a pointed look. “I know, I know. I have to power through, though - it’s not my fault I got sidetracked so much these past few days. I honestly wonder what Hawkmoth does as a living, the man has too much time on his hands.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to get a tiny bit more sleep? To help with your productivity?” Her Kwami asked, looking slightly worriedly at the bags beneath her eyes.
“It’s 6am, Tikki, not the crack of dawn. I’ll have to be up by the time I fall back asleep again.” She waved her concern away. “I’ll just let the stress adrenaline work its magic. It’s going to be fine, don’t worry.” Tikki pouted doubtfully. “Now, would you mind reading me the Hamlet scene while I finish sewing up my project?”
This is a disaster , Marinette thought as the formulae she read on the page danced in front of her eyes. It didn’t matter how many times she went through them, they just didn’t compute.
She looked at the time: 6:45pm. She had fifteen minutes before her picnic, and she had to finish her maths homework, her dissertation, her History revision, the Kitty section prototype, and send out individual messages to remind everybody of their tasks for Alya’s birthday so it wasn’t too short notice for the weekend.
She tried to ignore the palpitations of her heart; maybe she’d overdone it on the coffee during the day. It wasn’t like she had a choice, anyway.
She’d discovered as she'd walked into class that she had a class president meeting with Mr. Damocles over her lunch break, which had been when she’d planned to squeeze in some of her work.
Then, while she’d been packing her bag at the end of her classes, ready to leave, an Akuma had emerged. It had been a tricky one, too; Chat and her had spent about an hour chasing it around Paris before finally catching it.
Adding to that the fact that her 6am rising had left her exhausted by the second period of the day, she really hadn’t been the most efficient anyway.
“I think you know what you need to do, Marinette,” Tikki said apologetically, as if reading her mind, floating up to her with her phone in her flippers. Alya’s number was already dialled on the screen.
Marinette sighed and took the phone from her, pressing the green button before lodging it between her shoulder and her ear.
“Hey girl!” Alya’s excited voice sounded on the other end of the line. “Nearly ready to go? We really picked the right night for a picnic; the weather’s super nice.”
“About that…” Marinette winced. “I’m so sorry, I won’t be able to make it.”
“You’re kidding, right? You ’re passing up on an opportunity to have a picnic with Adrien? Are you ill?” Alya said after a small beat.
“Trust me, I surprised myself.” Marinette pinched the bridge of her nose. “I just feel like I have a bit too much on my plate right now, and I wouldn’t be great company if I came. I hope we can find another time to go out again, but I think studying and going to bed early is what’s best.”
“It’s true that you’ve seemed kind of out of it lately,” Alya said compassionately. “Don’t worry about us, take care of yourself! I promise I’ll take loads of pictures, it’ll be like you were here. And I’ll bully Mr Agreste with you after our exams to get Adrien out again if needed.”
“Thanks for understanding Alya.” Marinette smiled.
“That’s what best friends are for!” She could almost see her wink. “Now, get back to work and then go to bed! We’ll see you tomorrow.”
There was a bit of chatter on the line before Alya hung up, as she met up with Adrien and Nino.
“Wait, Marinette isn’t coming?” Adrien’s almost disappointed voice was the last thing Marinette heard before the communication ceased.
She found herself quite immune to it. She decided not to dwell on it.
Adrien enjoyed the picnic very much, as he did any opportunity to hang out with his friends, but his eyes kept drifting to the empty space next to him, where Marinette would undoubtedly have been sitting, were she with them. He hoped she was alright; Alya had told him that the reason why she wasn’t coming was because she was studying, which was fair considering the amount of homework they’d been given in the past few weeks, but he did feel like she was overworking herself a bit.
He didn’t doubt her ability to take on all of her projects, but he wished she’d slow down a little, for the sake of her health. What would he do if his everyday Ladybug burned out?
He wondered what Alya’s curious gaze meant when he voiced his thoughts about the situation. He panicked a little when she said that maybe a boyfriend could help get her mind off of work - firstly, because Marinette technically had a boyfriend, which he was surprised Alya of all people didn’t know. He thought the two girls told each other everything. Was Marinette keeping their relationship a secret on purpose? Was she confused about their status, which, he had to admit, he wasn't sure was himself? Was she (the thought scared him) ashamed of him?
Secondly, he found his heart squeeze peculiarly at the thought of Marinette having a boyfriend other than him . He decided not to dwell on it.
He couldn’t help but take the long way home, passing at the bottom of her building, after the picnic, though. And, seeing that there was still light in her room at past 11pm, he decided that he should probably do something; for her well being, not as an excuse to see her, of course.
He transformed in a back alley, then extended his baton so he could peek through the window closest to her desk. Maybe she was already asleep, but had forgotten to turn her lights off.
The sight of her bent over a sheet of paper, hands buried in her hair as if ready to tear it out of her scalp made him knock.
Marinette jumped at the unexpected sound, and looked up, looking quite haggard. Her features softened when her eyes met his.
There was a hint of a smile on her lips as she opened the window. “Hey Chat, what are you doing here?” She yawned.
“Bedtime patrol, just making sure that citizens are going to bed at a reasonable time,” he smiled, stifling his own yawn.
“That’s nice of you. But, does that mean that I’m in trouble?” she drawled out, leaning forward to boop him on the nose. Her exhaustion was clouding her better judgement.
“Depends, are you nearly done with your studying?”
“When will I ever be nearly done,” she snorted, turning around to take a look at her checklist.
Her feet caught in the straps of her backpack and she wobbled forward, but Chat pounced inside in time to catch her before she could tumble down.
“Woah there, little lady… Your spatial awareness is worse than ever,” he said fondly as she clutched his arms. “Sorry, but I’m not letting you get back to work.”
“But I need to finish something…” Marinette protested.
“What you really need is to take a break.”
Marinette paused to think about it. Taking a break with Chat Noir… she seemed to recall that was on the list.
“Okay.” She shrugged.
“Good. Come here, then.” Chat Noir sighed in relief at her lack of resistance and started to lead her towards her bed, but before he’d let out his whole breath, Marinette was already trying to make her way back to her desk.
“Wait, I actually still have so much to do…” She reached for her flashcards, which tumbled at their feet.
“Okay, tell you what.” He kept hold of one of her hands as he picked the flashcards up to avoid her escaping. “Why don’t you take a small nap, and I’ll stay here and keep an eye on the time. I’ll wake you up in an hour, and when I leave I’ll turn a blind eye on your choice between going to bed and getting back to work.” She looked at her doubtfully, and glanced at the cards in his hands. He took a closer look at them; their content was that of the test they had the next day. “I can read you these while you fall asleep so it’s not too much of a waste of time, if you want.” He waved them in front of her face, hoping she’d say yes. He really needed the revision, too.
Marinette nodded and he led her to her chaise, helping her lie down on it. He started draping his blanket over her and was about to go and sit in her desk chair when she grabbed his free hand and pulled on it, a lot more strongly than he would have expected from her, especially in her exhausted state.
“Take a break with me.” She shifted to her left and patted the newly formed space. “Please?”
Her pleading bluebell eyes were difficult to deny.
“Okay,” he said as he sat next to her. Marinette snuggled up against him and sighed contently.
Chat’s heart skipped a beat. He wrapped a tentative arm around her and cleared his throat before starting to read. “The Hundred Years’ war actually lasted one hundred and sixteen years, from 1337 to 1453…”
His own tiredness hit him like a truck after a couple of pages, when he heard her soothing, gentle snoring. He lowered the flashcards to watch her sleep. She looked so tranquil, a peaceful smile drawn on her lips as her body slowly followed her breathing.
He felt his eyes close, and soon the both of them were breathing in sync, holding on to each other.
Needless to say, Chat left a little later than anticipated the next morning, woken up by the rising sun. Neither of them complained, though; both had had one of the most restful nights in a while, and both aced their History test.
Each wondered if they weren’t onto something in terms of revision technique.
Adrien almost gloated to Alya about how maybe Marinette didn’t have a boyfriend who took her mind off of work, but she had one who took care of her while she studied. Almost.
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hjh-ceilo-monster · 3 years
Who live next door? : Dragon next door (KSJ)
Author note : Finally, I’m back you guys. My uni decide to move my final exams schedule for the third time. Anyway, hope you enjoy my first os after break. 
Shout out : The plot belongs to Hybrid Prompts @Ungnyeo in wattpad. (I think you also have your blog here, but I forgot. Sorry.)
Summary : Your ancestor was a well known dragon hunter. However, now is 21st century and you decided not to continue training. You moved out from your hometown and started a new life in a city. What you didn’t expect was your handsome neighbor/love at first sight will turn out to be a dragon. Not to mention that he is a sassy one.
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Author pov.
“Be safe, dear.”
“Don’t forget to visit us, y/n.” Those were the last sentence from your parents before you left the house. Inhaling the fresh air for the last time and mumbling a goodbye for the last time, you jumped onto the bus.
You tried to calm your nervous self down by plugin the earphone into your ear and listen to music. Gazing out the window, you sighed. Many thoughts ran in your head.
Is your decision correct?
Will you have friends there?
Will your neighbor like you?
Train of thought lost you from reality. You didn’t realize yourself until a voice calling you.
“Miss, can I sit here?” You just nodded and moved a little for that someone to take a seat.
“You seem nervous. Perhaps, are you from out of the city?” Now you looked up and find a guy sat beside you. The beauty of his face made you quickly looked down and flushed. What a handsome guy.
“Did I startle you? I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s..I...nervous.” Your stutter made him chuckle.
He seemed to use lots of effort to strike a conversation with you. However, thanks to your stutter, it made things awkward. Still, he continued talking to you and ensured that you were doing great.
“And here we are, our stop.” 
“Oh, I forgot to mention it. Your address is next to mine.” He scratched his nape and glanced at your house. He then jogged toward his house and turned around.
“Welcome, new neighbor.” Giving you the last wave, he entered his house.
There my heart, shaking as if it wanted to come out. You think you have a crush on him.
A week later everything seemed to be good. You found a job at a local bookstore. The owner was so kind and gave you the job without any interview. Saying that it isn’t common for someone in the town to want a job here.
“Namjoon-ah where should I put this box?” You stood still at your spot. Waiting for the boy to give you an order. 
“Oh over here.” He ran toward you and picked the box out of your grip. 
This boy was the grandchild of the owner. He was as sweet as his grandpa. Having you as the employee, he didn’t let you work much. All you need to do was the cashier work. He became your friend here in no time besides.
Your neighbor, Seokjin, which you got to know his name three days after your first encounter, was great. He was really helpful and always walked with you downtown.
Despite his warmhearted persona and stunning face, you noticed some odd things about him. First, he always wore a beanie or a hat when he hanged out with you. Secondly, no matter how hot the weather was, he would always wear a jacket or some days layer it all. 
Finally, his body temperature seemed to be warmer than usual. You once joked around with him and clung around his arm. However, you felt hot so you suddenly ask whether he has a cold or not. He said that it was normal.
Another week later you guys plan to have a movie marathon and sleepover. Honestly, you tried to convince yourself to act normal and not to imagine that this was an indirect date. 
Ring... Ring...
“Oh you ar...rive” You glanced at pillows in his embrace. You didn’t mean to look as if you were judging him. Counting the number, he carried 4 pillows from his house.
“You don’t need to carry them here since I have mine.” Now Jin was panic. He forgot that you didn’t know his secret yet and it was the reason behind his weird act.
“Ummm I just don’t want to use your belong that much since I always see you do laundry 3-4 times a week.” 
‘Wow, he notices?’ You impressed and got distracted a bit.
“Can I go in?”
“Oh sure.”
Watching a movie wouldn’t be fun if there was no Jin. He could turn every serious moment into jokes, even if it was a scene in a horror movie. Both of you now cuddled on the sofa. The pillow he brought become useful since they all fluffy. It made the place fluffier and more comfortable.
“Tired?” Jin asked. Notice your body that busied cuddling with him and wiggled in his embrace to get sleep. Your eyes were half open and seemed to not focus on the screen anymore.
“hmmm,” You only hummed with a nod.
“Good night then, blossom.” He bent down and kissed your forehead to you who already drifted to dreamland.
Next morning
You woke up because you heard a growl and mumbled of someone. The realization then hit you. Looking around. you were in Jin’s embrace. All the growl and mumbled sounds came from him. 
“Mine...” Your eyes widen when you got to hear those sounds. Every question started answering on its own in your head. Connecting all dots, you got the final answer.
He is a dragon.
“No!” You got out of his embrace by pushing him. Seokjin was awake and looked at you with eyes full of confusion.
“What happen blossom? Did I do something wrong?” He asked with a sleepy voice.
“You...you are a dragon.” Now he was fully awake from his beauty sleep. All of sudden he felt his heartbeat drop.
“Uhhh I can explain i-”
“You tried to fool me, did you?”
“No, I di-”
“I am very disappointed in you, Kim Seokjin. I thought we were a friend and it turns out you fool me. Perhaps, you want to kill me? Why yo-”
“Stop! If you are going to accuse me then stop. Ok, I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you. I trust you, y/n, but I also know you were a hunter. What do you expect me to when I meet you the first time and find out that my mate is also the dragon hunter?”
Now it was your turn to be shocked. First, you fired your anger toward him. Second, you accused him without thinking straight. Now, knowing a piece of new info that you were his mate.
“Seokjin, I a-”
“Save it, I know this will happen. Sorry for bothering you all this time and I won’t do it again. Have a good day.”
And he left.
2 weeks later
“Namjoon I fuck up.” 
“For the hundred of time, when will you stop saying this to me? I suggest you go to his house and apologize to him.”
“No, it isn’t that easy. You know I...” You told Namjoon the full story without missing any detail. You trusted him when it comes to advise.
“Now I know. I’m not surprised that hyung feels upset. I will all feel upset if that happens to me as well. We only have one mate in a life time s-”
“Wait right there, what do you mean we?” Namjoon then chuckles with your reaction.
“I thought you know about this city.”
“I have no idea.”
“Y/N-ah This is a dragon city. Most people here aren’t just human. The ones who look like normal humans are mostly not human either. You are one of a few citizens here that are pure human.”
Namjoon then explained more about the town and promised to bring you and meet his friends. 
“Now go to him and apologize to your man.”
Ring... Ring...
“Who dares to interrupt my bea- huh?”
“Is Jin here?” You asked the guy who opens the door. You assumed that this must be one of his friends. He nodded and let you inside.
“Upstairs, turn right.” You bowed as a thank you before went to the room according to the direction.
You gathered all your courage together and knocked on the door. Waiting there for a while, there was no answer. You dropped all the manner and entered Seokjin’s room.
“Yoongi, I swear I’m not hu- oh it’s you. What brings a little missy here?”
“Jin, we need to talk.” You spoke and tried to be calm.
“And what do you want to talk about? How I will kill you? How you will kill me?”
“No Jin it is no-”
“So what is it then? I didn’t pay for the grocery bill last time that we hang out? Oh no, I brought some of my food too. Let me think again. I parked the car too close to your entrance?”
“Jin stop, I come here to apologize, ok? I fucked it up, yes. I will admit that. I just want to correct things between us. I know I said those words and you are upset. I want to apologize for that. I didn’t know why I got so angry when I found out you were a dragon. I shouldn’t do that. Hell, I should be happy because I am your mate and you are my crush from the first day I arrived here. You might not forgive me and that’s fine. At least, remember that I am sorry for everything.”
Jin froze in his place. He didn’t know how to act, what to say, or even what is his feeling right now. He felt the guilt eating him because of his attitude toward you minutes ago yet his heart full of delight when he heard that he was your crush.
The moment of silence made you upset little by little. His face showed no emotion. You assumed that you were too late.
“I’ll go now and sorry again.”
The moment you opened the door, it closed immediately. The door slammed shut and then your body toward it. Jin towered your body and stared deep into your eyes. You felt like he was searching for your soul.
“I love you blossom.”
“I...” You didn’t get the chance to reply when his lips connected with yours. The kiss was heat and rough yet passionate. He continued to savor the sweet taste of your lips without caring that you were now out of breathing. 
Your hand tried to push his check as a signal. His lips left yours with a string of saliva. Your face was flushed. Your heartbeat echoed in the room. Jin then grinned widely before carried you to his bed.
“Wh..what are you doing?”
“Cuddle.” He answered and placed you on the mattress. Kissing your forehead, he wrapped his arm tightly around your figure. Making you feel secure.
“I’ll make it up to you tomorrow then”
“Hmmm just sleep for now blossom, I’m tired. Besides, you have your whole life with me anyway.”
“Nah, you didn’t ask me out yet, Seokjin.”
“Very well, then be mine?” You turned around and faced him. You decided to tease him a little by peck him before answered.
“I’m yours.”
“Bold and eager are you?” He flipped then hovered you. 
Guess what? No nap time for both of you.
Author note 2.0 : I hope you enjoy this one. I’ll see you next story(not sure whether it’s going to be in this series, but will write something soon). Thanks a lot and take care of yourself.
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minniepetals · 5 years
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— summary: some days were better than others but at least you had each other to lean on
— pairing: bts x reader
— genre: fluff, angst, poly!au, ceo!au
— word count: 5.7k
— warnings: insecurities, moment of harassment 
╰ part 1: buttercream / part 2: buttercup / part 3: buttermilk / part 4: butterscotch / part 5: butterfly
"Wake up Tae," you called at the only man left to lay asleep on the large bed. Everyone else had already awakened to get ready for the day, everyone except you and Taehyung. "Wake up," you said again, voice groggy as you tapped him lightly although you were just as tired as him.
"Says the one who's ready to go back to sleep," Taehyung replied with a voice just as groggy but deeper. If you hadn't been so tired, you would have noted on the fact that he sounded so sexy but your mind was still trying to revert back to dreamland. Taehyung laid beside you on his front while hugging a pillow in one hand as you laid sprawled on the bed, taking up some space ever since Hoseok and Namjoon had left the bed.
"Why did I think that this was a good idea?" You groaned when Jungkook walked in to switch the light on and you were quick to bury your face in a pile of blankets. "You go to sleep late and wake up so early."
The two of them chuckled. "The life of a businessman," Jungkook said as he began opening the curtains. "Gotta get used to it, love."
You responded with a groan and Taehyung let out a big yawn while crawling over to you to pull you into his arms. "Wake up baby bear," he urged, placing little pecks all over your face. "Even Yoongi hyung's awake and you know he loves his sleep."
You looked up at him with sleepy eyes, one eye squeezed shut while the other stared into his beautiful irises. And then you giggled. "Did you know that your eyes twinkle like the stars at night? It's like, whenever I look into any of your eyes, I feel like I'm drowning in a galaxy and it's so, so beautiful."
"Is that why you always get so lost in them?"
"Yes!" You exclaimed excitedly. "It's like an ocean of the galaxy, a galaxy ocean! Beautiful and gorgeous like jellyfishies of pink and purple and blue.."
The two men chuckled at your small rambling, a thing you liked to do especially when you were drunk on sleep.
"You say the cutest things when you're half asleep, baby." You leaned up from the bed to place a quick kiss on Taehyung's lips before closing your eyes again. "And braver too."
"But you gotta wake up," Jungkook urged as he walked up to squish your cheeks together and gave you a kiss.
"Unless you want to sleep in for another hour?" You heard Hoseok say. "You can meet us later and we'll have a chauffeur-"
"No, no!" You were quick to refuse as you sat up and almost fell backward but held yourself up to keep awake. "I'm already spoiled enough, you can't give me special treatments just because I'm your girlfriend."
"We'd do it any time you want." Hoseok chuckled as you made grabby hands for him and without complaint, picked you up so that your legs were wrapped around his waist with arms around his neck, face burying against his neck.
"Sleepy," you mumbled.
"I know baby," he nodded, patting you lightly on your bum as he greeted you with a kiss on your head. "Let's get you ready for the day, hm?"
If every morning was like that with you being a little braver and clingy, small complaints and whines leaving your lips because you hated getting up in the morning, then they knew they could definitely get used to the sight. After all, half-asleep Y/N meant words mindlessly leaving your mouth, things you wouldn't normally say if you were actually awake. Like that time you accidentally confessed your crushes on them.
They only regretted not inviting you to move in with them sooner.
"It's not fair, why does Jimin get to have Y/N as a personal assistant? He's around her so much already, always finding an excuse to be around her even when his schedules are packed."
"It's called a hustle, sweetheart," Jimin teased as he playfully stuck his tongue out at Jungkook whose pouted deepened because he still didn't want to believe it.
"Jimin's the only one without one," Namjoon explained.
"You haven't hired one for a month because you wanted Y/N, didn't you?" Jungkook scowled at his hyung.
"What? Me?" Jimin gasped dramatically. "I would never. And besides, Y/N's a hard worker, she's the only one who can handle being my PA without getting fired after a week."
Everyone in the building knew Jimin wasn't one who kept his personal assistants for longer than a week. It was either they weren't good enough to keep up with Jimin or they'd quit because Jimin gave them a hard time. He was a charming man who loved flirting but wasn't one who fooled around when it came to his job. You had always wondered what it would be like to be his personal assistant but now you wondered whether being his girlfriend gave you special privileges or not.
You hoped not.
Jungkook turned to you, his lips still in a cute pout as he grabbed your hands. "If it gets too overwhelming because he's such a douche to his PAs, come to me okay?"
"Y/N's our baby, I'd never treat her as harsh," Jimin argued.
"No, don't give me special treatments!" You quickly said while pointing a finger at the man. "Do whatever you want, Jimin. If you say I'm a good fit to be your personal assistant then you can't be lenient on me."
"Baby likes a challenge, hm?"
"This is why we've always loved you from the beginning," Yoongi smiled with a wink sent your way, causing you to blush and chuckles left their lips.
"Still not fair," Jungkook huffed while crossing his arms against his chest.
"Baby boy, you'll see her running around the building."
He sure wasn't kidding when he said you'd be running around the building.
Being Jimin's assistant wasn't easy but you liked the fact that he was strict on you even though you held the title of being his girlfriend, something you were so thankful for. After all, being spoiled by them was enough. You couldn't show the rest of the world that you had only gotten the special position because you were his girlfriend, you needed to show them that you deserved that title both as a girlfriend and a PA.
"Hey, Y/N-"
"Sorry, Jimin wants his coffee and he'll get mad if I'm late!" You quickly said the moment Seokjin had called for your name. But just as you were about to pass by him, he took your wrist to stop you and pulled you back to stand right in front of him.
"Why's he making our baby girl run around just for coffee?" The eldest frowned with a tired sigh.
"It's okay," you assured with a big grin, "just because I'm his girlfriend doesn't mean I should be given special privileges, he's still my boss after all. And besides, I'm pumped and fired up."
"And breathless."
"And will be late if I don't go now so bye Jin!" With a quick peck on his lips, you rushed away before the man could try and stop you again.
You knew you couldn't waste any more time when it came to Jimin since time was precious to him.
"Sir, I have your-"
"You're a minute late."
You gulped at the sound of his tone but stood your ground as you closed the door behind you before walking on over towards Jimin's desk where his focus was on his computer, fingers tapping away on the keyboard.
"Forgive me, sir."
"And your excuse?" He asked, taking the coffee from you without looking away from his screen. Any other time you'd probably smile at how handsome he looked but you remained professional.
"The line was long, sir." Perhaps a little white lie was better than throwing Seokjin under the bus. But even that couldn't get through Park Jimin.
"It was one of the boys, wasn't it?" He asked. "Don't lie to me, Miss Y/N." You remained quiet, telling him that he was in fact right and he let out a sigh as his fingers slowed down on the keyboard. "The younger ones?" You shook your head. "Seokjin."
"Seokjin." You nodded.
Another sigh and Jimin continued typing away. "Reschedule my meeting for tomorrow morning to Tuesday afternoon and take care of these paperworks."
"Yes, sir."
"And Y/N?"
You looked up while reaching for the pile of papers on his desk to find him staring right back at you for the first time. Finally, his facial expression strayed away from that scowl of a boss's typical face and a smirk played on his lips. "I love you, keep up the good work."
Your heart swayed. "Thank you."
"Is baby tired? Does baby need a short break?"
"That's alright, I've got a lot of things to do, I can't waste time or I'll have to stay overtime."
His expression softened and Jimin slid his rolling chair back to hold out his arms. "Then let me at least reward you with a kiss."
Who would ever say no to that?
You smiled and chuckled lightheartedly as you walked behind his desk to let him pull you into his embrace and give you a sweet kiss.
"But seriously, I can't linger. Mr. Park has given me orders and I cannot slack off for even a second especially since it's my first day as his assistant."
Jimin grunted as you left his arms to pick up the paperworks again, ready to head out of his door. "Have you forgotten that I'm Mr. Park?"
You sent him a playful smirk. "All the more reason why I gotta get back to work, baby."
"Damn," the man whispered under his breath as you walked out, the corner of his lips tugging as he tried to contain his professional cold boss look. It was hard when you were around. So much harder.
"Park, I just saw Y/N run out of here. Are you giving her a hard time?"
"Me?" Jimin laughed while Taehyung walked in, ready to discuss on a certain project they were starting on. "I'd never do that to Y/N."
"You're such a sadist," Taehyung rolled his eyes before pouting, "She didn't even give me a kiss."
Jealousy was something that was one's worst enemy.
It hadn't been easy trying to adjust back to work-life ever since you began dating the seven men that were the faces of the company especially with the maknae line being open with their affections and the hyungs giving subtle gestures that had everyone speculating what was going on.
They all knew by now that you had joined the guy's relationship and with you becoming Jimin's personal assistant, the jealousy from the other employees only got worse.
"Jin, can I ask you a question?"
"Yeah, what's up?"
A short coffee break was all you had. Being Jimin's personal assistant also meant going by his schedule and he was rarely given any break but with the fact that he was also your boyfriend, the man decided to give you short breaks whenever he could, something you were thankful for.
"Before I joined the relationship, why was it that you guys — well, specifically you and Jimin — turned to girls to flirt around when you already had each other?"
Seokjin took a sip of his drink. "I guess you can say we were looking for a lady to love."
You blinked, surprised. "Oh?"
"Well, specifically you."
Your heart began drumming. Gosh, it was so easy for them to make your heart beat like crazy. "I-I don't understand."
"We only had eyes for you, pumpkin. Yoongi fell in love with you at first sight," he said and you almost choked on your drink at the revelation. "But don't mention that to him or else he'll kill me," Seokjin laughed. "And since Yoongi's the least likely to find a liking for others romantically that easily, we started to observe you before me and Jimin went on to flirt with you."
"But you flirted with other girls too," you pouted.
"To try and grab your attention, obviously."
You made a face. "Worst idea ever. Now you've got their hopes all up."
"But we've made it clear that you're the only one for us so I'm pretty sure that hope's all down the drain."
Even worse. Now some of them were after you but you couldn't tell him that. You couldn't tell any of them that.
So you just hid that all in and went about your days as usual, happy for the fact that being a personal assistant had kept you more than busy for you to worry about the jealousy that ran around the building.
Yet some days it was harder to ignore especially for the ones brave enough to actually approach you. You couldn't blame them though, they all knew you wouldn't tell on them to the guys, after all, a habit you were not proud of.
"You only became Jimin's personal assistant because you're his girlfriend, not because of your skills. Isn't that tragic? You're only making your boyfriends look bad, you can't actually think that you deserve seven gorgeous and successful men like them, right? What a joke."
Some days it was easy not to let them get to you (well, to pretend they couldn't get to you), while other days you were a little weaker and they'd leave while forcefully knocking onto your shoulder, snarky giggles escaping out of them.
And sometimes it wasn't even the female employees. Sometimes it came from the more prestigious ladies that came from rich families, ones you'd meet at formal parties who thought they were so much better off with your men because they were rich and successful. And your insecurities would spark high every time they compared themselves to you, leaving you to compare yourself to every beautiful ladies in any room you'd walk in.
"Lasted longer than a week, I heard."
You jumped at the deep voice, pen slipping from your grasp and falling onto the floor. "Sorry, I..-" Just as you were about to crouch down, the man was quicker to pick the pen up for you. But rather than giving it right back to you, he opted to hold onto it instead, something you weren't really happy about since you needed that pen to write things down as Jimin's personal assistant. "U-Um...-"
"You know, I've met many of Mr. Park's assistants and it's always the first and last I've ever seen them."
"Right, but sir-"
"I guess I will be seeing you a lot more from now on, hm?" He was hitting on you, wasn't he? That was something you learned from the antics of Jimin and Seokjin. But it wasn't something you were happy to find out about, especially since you knew he had knowledge of your relationship with the seven men.
"May I have my pen back, Mr. Lee?" You asked, trying your best to stay calm. It wasn't easy for others to get under your skin but with all the glares and side remarks you'd receive the past few days, you weren't exactly at your best moments. But you knew you couldn't mess up, not when Jimin trusted you to talk to Mr. Lee since he couldn't make the meeting himself. Yet the meeting had ended a few minutes prior and there you were stuck talking to the man that was flirting with you.
"Want to work for me?" He asked rather than handing your pen back. You liked that pen a lot, it was the first thing Namjoon had given you. It wasn't exactly a gift but he did specifically give it to you, asking you to keep it when you picked it up for him after he was in a rush and dropped it.
"I am happy where I am working, sir."
"Really?" Mr. Lee feigned a pout, something you couldn't find endearing, unlike the pouts from your guys. "I've been looking for an assistant for quite some time now and if Mr. Park hasn't fired you yet then it must mean you're the best of the best."
"I don't think Mr. Park would-"
He grabbed your wrist and suddenly fear rushed down your body. "I'll be less strict on you. I've known the man for five years, we have a good relationship."
All the more reason why you couldn't ruin the meeting but the way he was acting made it harder and harder.
"I'm sure Mr. Park will lend you to me."
Your brows furrowed as you looked at him in disbelief while trying to escape from his grasp. "I am not just his assistant, sir, I am also his woman."
Mr. Lee only gave you a sinister smirk. "But he shares you with his six other boyfriends, right? If you come to me, you won't ever be shared. I'll give you all my-"
"No!" You gasped in shock at what you have done and stared at the shaky hand that had just slapped the man. "I..I'm so sorry," was all you could utter before you grabbed your pen back and rushed out the building while your heart drummed a billion more times.
You could already hear Jimin, already see his anger that would lash out because of what you had just done but you couldn't help but await the moment, refusing to run away and just sit there in the cab you caught, waiting for it to arrive back to the familiar building you were used to.
Your heart was beating fast, fast, fast. Hands shaking, legs bouncing rapidly with anxiety that crept under your stomach.
What had you just done?
Why had you slapped the man?
A partnership that was built up for five years and it was your fault. Your fault.
No wonder everyone else all thought you weren't cut out for the job. You should have listened to them and never taken up Jimin's proposal in becoming his personal assistant.
And now it was your fault.
You rushed past Yoongi who could only stare in confusion at your panicked state.
"What's going on?" Hoseok asked after witnessing what had just happened.
Rather than replying because he had no idea himself, Yoongi followed after your steps, sensing something was wrong and was sure you were heading for Jimin's office. "She looked like she was about to cry," the man said and that was all it took for Hoseok to also drop his things to follow after his hyung.
"Jimin, I-"
The door slammed open but you were quick to freeze in your spot at the sight of Jimin who stood staring out the glass windows after ending the call he was just on.
A long moment of silence passed and you held your breath as Jimin turned around slowly, a silent but deadly gaze resting on his face.
"I just got off the phone with Mr. Lee, Y/N. Care to explain why you slapped the man?" His voice was low, more serious than you had ever seen the man and chills ran down your spine.
"I-I'm sorry—"
A sigh left his lips as he rubbed his temples. "What is your excuse?"
You could still feel the tight grip Mr. Lee had held upon you, could see the small bruise he left because he had held onto you so tightly. But was it really a good enough excuse for Jimin? Yet when you thought back on it, your body could only start to tremble little by little as your mind retraced back to that sinister smile he held for you to look at. He was ready to pounce and who knew what he would have done; hurt you, or...did whatever he wanted. Maybe it was a good excuse. But was it?
You stood there contemplating, not knowing what to do. If you told him the truth, would Jimin cut the relationship? He couldn't, the tie was built up since five years prior, something you knew he wouldn't want to lose for the company, something you were sure Namjoon wouldn't allow. But if you didn't what would happen? Would he fire you? Maybe not as a whole but perhaps from being his personal assistant? Jimin couldn't lose another one, he needed an assistant just as much as the other six but couldn't find a good enough assistant because they were never able to keep up with him.
Yet then again, you weren't good enough. Perhaps Jimin had actually let you stay because you were his, because you were his girlfriend. Would he break the relationship up because of what you had done? No way...right?
You couldn't tell, not with the angry gaze that still laid in those once playful and pretty eyes.
But you still couldn't forget the way Mr. Lee had touched you. And then, Jimin could see you visibly trembling as your breath became shaky.
"Y/N?" He called, confused until he gasped with worry at the sight of your tears, a sight breaking his cold demeanor. It wasn't the first time he had seen you cry but it was the first time he knew they weren't tears of jokes and joy or of a pouty face, and soon enough Jimin was by your side.
The door creaked open and Yoongi and Hoseok walked in, brows furrowed with concern at the sight in front of them but Jimin ignored it to focus on you.
"What the hell did that bastard do to you?" He was quick to demand.
"I'm sorry," you whispered breathlessly but Jimin shook his head as he held you against his chest while you cried.
"Y/N?" Hoseok called.
"What happened?" Yoongi asked.
"He did something to you, didn't he?" Jimin leaned away to cup your face in his hands and his heart ached at the sight of your tears. "I know you'd never do something irrational without a good explanation and you aren't one to ever hurt someone. So tell me, Y/N, what did he do to you."
You refused to speak, words too choked up for you to get out so you instead held your hand up to show him your wrist where the bruise remained purple under the bright light of his office and all three of their eyes were quick to darken, a sight that brought chills down your body.
Knowing he wouldn't be able to remain calm, the man in front of you took a safe step back while his fists turned knuckle white and Hoseok took over to hold you in his arms while Yoongi met Jimin's deadly gaze with his own.
"I'm going to kill him, hyung." His voice dropped an octave lower.
"I give you permission."
"Now hold on!" Hoseok quickly voiced in but even he knew he wouldn't be able to stop them. "Just don't get yourselves into jail, alright?"
"W-wait," you gasped but was too late as Jimin and Yoongi had already stormed out the door, leaving you in Hoseok's grasp who held you back from trying to run after the two. "Hoseok-"
"They won't kill him, I promise." That wasn't exactly promising enough to calm you down but in the arms of Hoseok, you knew at that point it had already been too late to calm any of them down.
"No one touches our baby and gets away with it, baby girl. No one."
"He really thought he could steal you away?" Jungkook scoffed with disbelief.
"That man's so shameless, I should have known from the way he treats his female employees. I should have seen the signs. I'm sorry baby girl-"
"It isn't your fault."
"But it is," Jimin said otherwise, brows still furrowed with anger that hadn't left even after it happened two days prior and Mr. Lee had been dealt with legally. "I let you speak to him alone."
"You didn't know-"
"But I should have."
"And I'm fine!" You didn't like to yell, not at them, not at anyone really. "I-I'm fine," you repeated in a calmer but shaky tone after realizing how loud you were. "I'll be fine."
"You don't have to do this alone, you know," Namjoon said as he looked at you with sincere eyes. "You don't have to try and hide your feelings, Y/N. It's okay to get angry and lash out, to be afraid and cry. We're always here for you."
"I know," you acknowledged but refused to meet their eyes and stood up to walk away from the living room. They could only watch you from behind, not knowing what to do when you were refusing to speak up about how you felt.
You hadn't been the same, not for a while but since the incident with Mr. Lee, you've been worse and Jimin was blaming himself even more as he cursed himself for not noticing it all sooner.
You buried yourself into work. Jimin tried to give you as little as possible but you insisted otherwise, refusing to even take the small breaks he wanted to give you.
It wasn't just Mr. Lee that left you cold towards them all, it was also the fact that everyone in the company had caught up with the news and you were once again a villain who came in between two groups that had built a powerful relationship only for it to break down because of you. Namjoon said he'd rather keep it that way rather than to let his company work with people like Mr. Lee but you couldn't help but to let the words drown you.
Yet as you've kept up the act for a week and letting yourself almost break the bond between you and the guys, one day things got too rough and you couldn't help but to just stop everything completely.
You let your pen drop from the piles of paper you've indulged yourself in and stood up from your desk to walk away, walk into Namjoon's office without knocking.
"Baby?" Namjoon called after hanging up on his call with whomever. He stood up from his seat to walk over towards the sofas that laid in the middle, confused by the surprise visit. You walked over to him, sat beside him and let your head rest against his chest wordlessly.
"I can't take it anymore," you said, voice weak and coming out into a soft whisper. A voice that broke his heart. "It hurts."
"What hurts, little one?"
"My heart," your voice cracked as you let your arms wrap along his waist while he let you climb onto his lap. "It hurts, Joon, everything hurts. I didn't mean to hurt any of you because of me but I ended up doing so and now Jimin's probably blaming himself even more and I'm so, so upset because I let their words get to me. I know what they say isn't right but I can't help but to overthink and believe I really am not fit to be Jimin's personal assistant or even your girlfriends in general. But it still hurts. Their words hurt, Joon. They're so mean."
"Who?" Namjoon asked, hands turning into a fist as he wondered just who had been talking horribly about his girlfriend.
"Your employees, Joon. They hate me."
"They're jealous," he realized.
"And the pretty girls you meet at parties. They say the same thing."
"Why haven't you said anything?" He frowned.
"Because I didn't want to get them in trouble," you admitted. "Jimin fires people easily and although they're rude, they also have a life to live and their financial aid comes from your wallets. Yoongi and Taehyung will get mad, I just know it. And now you're upset and Hoseok will be too. And one of them is Jungkook's assistant and Seokjin's secretary. I didn't want to throw everyone under the bus but I can't take it anymore and you're the only one who can think rationally about this so that's why I came to you."
"Name them all," he demanded.
"I promise you I won't fire them unless absolutely necessary but I will have a talk with them."
"Just.." you trailed off, a little hesitant because you knew what he was capable of as a CEO, "just a talk, right?"
"Just a talk," Namjoon nodded. "But I can't promise you the others will agree to that."
A little sigh left you. "They won't." It was pointless to try and convince him to not tell the other boys but you knew it wasn't right to keep things away from each other. They were already hurt with your cold silence and lack of opening up, after all, you couldn't hurt them any further.
"Want me to take care of it now or do you want to stay like this for longer?"
"Stay," you replied, nuzzling up against him and Namjoon chuckled as he was finally relieved you were back to trusting them again.
"Y/N, you didn't give me a morning kiss this morning!" Taehyung tailed after you and you paused in track to look back at him, gesturing to your business call with a disbelief look, mouthing the words of 'i'm on the phone!' but the man just shrugged as he pulled you into his arms after taking your phone and saying "Y/N's busy, goodbye!" and ending it right then and there.
"Kim Taehyung!" You scolded. "Jimin's going to kill me and I cannot disappoint that man, you know how serious he is with these business calls."
"He'll get over it."
"He should cut you some slack since you've been working hard since day one, my love." You jumped at the sudden lips placed upon your cheek from someone else but could only scowl.
"I thought you weren't into PDA," you recalled, waving your finger at Yoongi.
He shrugged with a sly smirk. "Maybe it's better claiming you as ours in public so nothing like last time ever happens again."
You let out a sigh and Taehyung tugged at your white blouse. "I still haven't gotten my kiss."
"After the call. I—Hey!"
"I haven't gotten my kisses either," Hoseok claimed as he held his hand up high so that you were unable to reach for your phone.
"Hobi," you whined.
"Kiss first," he insisted.
"I already-"
"Kiss me," the man demanded either way. You huffed, knowing he wasn't going to give you your phone back unless you gave him what he wanted so you stood on your tippy-toe to deliver a quick peck — only for him to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you back in before you could leave and his lips claimed yours again in a sweet and searing kiss.
"Not fair!" The younger one whined like a little child who didn't get his candy first.
The second Hoseok let you go, your body was pulled into another pair of arms and Taehyung claimed your lips in a slow and sensual kiss that left you almost swooning if you hadn't forgotten where you were.
"I want a kiss too-"
"Nope!" You snatched your phone back, quick to begin rushing off only to stop all of a sudden because you knew Yoongi wasn't going to be happy so you ran back, gave him a quick kiss before running off again teasingly.
"You're three minutes late, Miss Y/N. Three minutes!"
"I'm sorry." It came out whiny when you walked in with a quick bow of apology and finding both Jungkook and Seokjin already inside.
"Have you made the call to Mr. Lin?"
"What is going on with you today, Miss Y/N?" Jimin asked, his arms crossing against his chest while the other two tried to suppress their laughs. "You woke up late, came to work late-"
"Because you-"
"And is talking back to your boss."
You pressed your mouth into a thin line, chin protruding, teeth clenched. "I'm sorry sir."
"Damn," Jungkook finally broke as he and Seokjin shared snickers, "if having Y/N as an assistant means we can go about things like this and have her calling me sir, I'd be more than willing to challenge you," he pointed at Jimin, "for Y/N."
"You have your own assistant," Jimin scowled.
"Who's bullied Y/N before."
"If you asked me, I would have fired her right away."
"Are we having this meeting or what?" The eldest of the group spoke up with an exasperated sigh and rolled his eyes as he took his seat on an armchair.
"I think Y/N needs to be punished first."
"What?" You glared at Jungkook. "First of all, it isn't your call-"
"Jungkook's right," Jimin nodded, agreeing.
"Oh come on," you groaned, quick to run over to Seokjin's side as you took his hand, forcing him back up to hide behind his broad shoulders from the younger two. "Save me, they're going to hurt me."
"What?" Jimin gasped dramatically.
"Us?" Jungkook followed.
"Never," they chorused.
"You say that like you're actually going to hurt me." You gasped, peeking around Seokjin's body and played them with puppy eyes. "You won't, right? Y/N-ie will be good. She won't talk back to her boss or be late or get distracted by the other boys."
Jimin scoffed lightheartedly. "That's a whole lie."
"A definite lie." With the sudden hands that fell at your sides, you squealed at the tickling sensation and laughed as someone picked you up to spin you around. "As long as you work here, we'll always be around to distract you," Namjoon promised with a smirk.
You couldn't even try to refuse their attention even if you wanted to but you guessed you should have known since the moment you signed the contract in agreeing to be theirs. After all, they were your bosses and boyfriends, both you would never trade the world for because at that moment as you were drowned in giggles and laughter from their playful antics, you felt like the luckiest girl to ever live.
The luckiest girl who had no need to worry about other prying eyes and jealousies that would try and get in the way because your men made sure none of that would happen ever again. You were thankful and happy, forgetting almost completely of the days just before that were filled with tears and just remembering the good memories.
Your happiest moment in life. With you and them.
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toujourseven · 3 years
Under the Radar | 3
A/N: Flashback!
Sorry for those expecting a steamy continuation of the ménage à trois. We'll get back to that in the next chapters. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
I kind of decided to include a plot. It just flowed and it would be nice to put some late 20s perspective as the boys are slowly growing up to be dadd-- adults ahem. I hope you enjoy and I am SO SORRY for the late update.I will try to add Chapter 3 next week. keyword: try!!
Do you guys prefer --short chapters but frequent updates OR --long chapters but longer updates?
Stream PTD for baton pass!!! (*^ω^)♪ hugsssss find me on twt @toujourseven ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ
Plot: RM of world-renowned group BTS met you on his private vacation. Things get serious as you both value the same things, including relationships– monogamous relationships, or?
Theme: smut with plot | canon - BTS as world stars Pairing: OC x Namjoon x Jungkook Warnings: Idol BTS | Canon | Threesome, DubCon | Explicit 18+ | Chapters: one | two | three
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Flashback-- 2 months ago
You moved the gear into park and reached for your camera bag haphazardly thrown in the backseat. You were so excited to walk around the hidden coast as part of your solo travels. You looked around the area and noticed that it was indeed a secluded place, judging by the lack of people milling around. There were a couple of local restaurants attached into the residents’ houses. And a lone bus stop can be seen just along the edge of the parking bay. 
It was late in the afternoon and it was the perfect time to capture some photos. You marveled at the pink sand and long stretch of beach. Nobody was swimming, and only a handful of people were scattered along the beach. A couple were laid on a blanket on one area, and a man was sitting atop some rocks with his headphones on. You walked farther ahead where you won’t disturb the other nature spectators and filmed a couple of videos and photos for your travel vlog. The peaceful vibe also stimulated your brain and it pushed you to record some prose on your phone. Nothing can spark creativity better than nature, and sadness, you suppose. 
After the sun has set, your stomach began growling. You only ate brunch and you realized it was not good to be this hungry if you were planning to eat lots of seafood for dinner. You traced back your steps towards the local businesses and chose a quaint restaurant with a rustic theme. The locals were friendly and one of the residents hanging out even sat beside your table to chat with you. After a comfortable pause, while the aged woman let you eat your meal, you heard her think out loud, “Oh poor dear, there are no more buses that come at this hour. He must have missed his ride. The next bus will arrive tomorrow morning.”
You followed her gaze and you saw the man wearing headphones earlier sitting under the bus shed, checking his watch and looking back and forth the road. Suddenly, the friendly woman stood up, presumably to inform the man of his mishap. 
You finished your meal and was paying for it when the old woman returned, the man with headphones in tow. He was very tall and he was wearing a cap and a mask. He looked awkward and a bit sheepish, he must have realized his mistake already. “Oh hey dear, thank goodness you are still here. You mentioned that you were going back to the city tonight, correct? Would you be so kind to give this man a ride on your way?” Then the woman ushered closer to you and stage-whispered, “It’s fine, he’s a jolly nice man, and I made sure he is not dangerous.” Then in a normal volume of voice, “He’s a tourist too and he had some miscommunications back at the station. But he is in dire need to get back tonight, you understand, don’t you sweetie?” She hugged you close and offered the both of you a sweet smile. 
The man rubbed the back of his neck and he looked completely embarrassed. You were more than happy to offer your help but you can’t say you feel too confident riding with a stranger for a 5-hour drive back to the city. 
“I’m really really sorry to impose, but I have an appointment early in the morning and I won’t be able to make it in time even if my… friend drives down here at this hour.” You noticed that his voice was deep and he kept his face lowered which did nothing to ease your worries of driving with a stranger. 
“Oh sweetie, you need to loosen up a bit. Maybe show a bit of your face to gain this lady’s trust. No one wants to drive with a faceless man.”
The man hesitatingly removed his cap and mask, then you gasped softly. You looked around to make sure no one else was around, or no one else had seen. No way. Maybe he just looks like him. But then, why hide? “That’s fine, you can put the mask back on.” You forced a laugh then addressed the old woman, “Better to be safe, right? With the virus and all.” You cleared your throat, and the man looked a little bit hesitant and more wary of you as he put on his mask.
“We’ll get going now, ma’am. Thank you so much for a delightful chat. I hope to get back soon.” You gathered your things and led the man to your car. Before you opened your door, you faced him and asked, “Best to get this out of the way first. My name is Jane, and I am an allied health professional. I live in New South Wales, and here’s my identification.” You showed him your drivers’ license. “Now, are you perhaps, a celebrity?” You stared him down- well, up, since he’s  a lot taller. And your tone is reminiscent of a teacher scolding a child. But you just couldn’t help yourself. He must have felt the same way, because he answered with a small voice, “Yeah.” With his head still bowed down. You took a deep calming breath before continuing, “And you think it safe to travel in the suburbs of Australia, by yourself, without transportation??” You knew you sounded accusatory, considering you were talking to a stranger, but you just couldn’t believe how careless and thoughtless and dangerous the whole situation was. He squared up his shoulders a bit here and defended, “Well, I thought it was safe since it won’t be crowded in this particular locaion, and I did have a ticket back. I just…” he scratched his head and sighed. 
A cold breeze fluttered your coat open, and you shivered. “Maybe, we should continue this inside.” He suggested, eyeing your shivering frame. You conceded, and both of you got comfortable inside your vehicle. You removed your coat, and he finally removed his cap and mask and ruffled his hair. You still couldn’t believe your eyes, but there was no mistaking it. 
When you didn’t move, he looked at you and smiled, flashing his pretty dimples (curse him), and extended his hand, “Forgive me for forgetting my manners. Pleased to meet you, I’m Kim Namjoon.”
You gulped and shook his hand. You couldn’t say anything, so you just nodded and completed your pre-driving routine. You completely forgot that your phone automatically connects to your speakers and RM’s Seoul started playing. You froze and accidentally stepped on the brake. “Fuck.” You heard him snort and then laugh. “Sorry about that,” you muttered, referring to your embarrassing driving skills. Then he asked with dimples flashing, “So, you’re an Army huh?” You glared at him for a second then focused on driving.
“Well, the songs are good, can you blame me?” Then he chuckled and freakin rapped along. Your heart beat so fast because you couldn’t believe Kim Namjoon is rapping along Seoul while he is in the passenger seat of your car. Fucking surreal. 
After a few minutes of silence, with just your playlist in the background, you told him, “You can sleep if you want, you did mention you still have a schedule in the morning.” You glanced at him and he was wearing an incredulous look. You paused, oh yeah. It would be more foolish to sleep in a stranger’s car. “Or not. Forgot about me being a stranger thing. And worse, a fan!” You chuckled. “No, it’s not that. I just don’t think it’s polite to sleep while you are driving for me. The least I could do is accompany you.” You smiled softly. You’re not even surprised he is that thoughtful. “Also,” he cleared his throat, “I don’t actually have a schedule. I just.. didn’t want my manager to scold me. I was about to call him using the phone in the restaurant, but the woman suddenly asked you to drive me. And well, I’d pick riding with a pretty girl than be scolded by the company any day.” 
Your jaw dropped, and the man had the nerve to laugh. “Oh gosh, are you sure this isn’t a reality show, like- prank an army episode, oh god, y’all are not stalking me right?? How did you even know I was an army?? I was discreet!” And that just made him laugh harder. 
“Relax. It’s definitely not a reality show. It is reality though.” A short pause, then, “Your music taste is so… varied.” And for some reason, that made you feel proud. Your playlist ranged from country music, to R&B, to anime OSTs, to Eminem, Barbra Streisand, and of course BTS. 
After a couple hours of driving, your legs were feeling numb already. On your way to the coast, you had multiple rests since you were not in any hurry. But you were still a new driver and your legs are not accustomed to long drives. “Uhm, since you’re not chasing a schedule, is it okay if we stop over for a moment? My leg is killing me.” He instantly agreed, “Of course, Jane. Anything you need. Are there restaurants somewhere we can stop over? Do you want to eat? My treat!” You smiled. “Don’t be silly. You’re my guest and not everybody can do a favor for the Kim Namjoon so I’m treating you.  I need something to brag about to my grandkids.”
Silence. “Oh. You’re married?” You laughed at that. “I wish. But, nope.” You took a deep disappointed breath. “What’s with the reaction? You’re still young?” He asked. 
You parked the car, and faced him, “Well, you know how we have these certain expectations in our lives? Not other people’s expectations for us or society’s standards- just, a vision of how our life should be like.” You didn’t know what made you share your deepest disappointments in life with this man, but you thought, It’s not like I’m ever gonna meet him again anyway. I might even get a helpful advice or two from THE Kim Namjoon. You faced forward then, and played with your fingers as you continued. “I feel like nothing I envisioned for my life, back when I was just a youthful dreamer, ever came true. I didn’t live up to the expectations of 12-year-old me. And it bothers me everyday. As I get older, time feels so much faster and missing chances get all the more scarier and riskier.” There was a short silence as you both digested the sudden serious conversation. You didn’t want to make him feel more awkward so you showed him a bright smile and unlocked the door. “That was what the reaction for.” Then you laughed as you exited your door. 
You noticed him looking out his window, at the queue for the restaurants. You walked around his side of the door and knocked on his window. “Maybe it’s better for me to just buy our food and eat in the car?” He looked worried but grateful at the same time. “I think that would be the best. Sorry.” He really looked apologetic. But you completely understand. “It’s fine, honest. Be sure to lock the doors then, and keep the windows closed. Do you know how to start the car so you can turn on the heater?” He rolled his eyes and held out his hand for your keys. “Sucks that my reputation precedes me. But yeah, I can do that much.” You started to hand him the keys and bit your lip. You were honestly worried he will wreck your car. You sighed, “Please. Don’t break my car.” Before turning and walking away, chuckling at his offended face. 
Chapters: one | two | three
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32297806/chapters/80057497
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emy-loves-you · 4 years
The Prince, The Knight, and The Assassin Chapter Two
The Day Before, Part One
Summary: A little snippet of Prince Patton’s daily life
Chapter One | Masterlist | Chapter Three
Warnings: Child neglect, post-breakup arguments, mentions of eating people and drowning at the beginning (they’re talking about Little Red Riding Hood)
“But red-cap went joyously home, and no one ever did anything to harm her again.”
“Wait a minute!” One of the children called out, his shaggy brown hair flopping to the side as he tilted his head. “My Mum told me that the wolf ate little red-cap and her grandmother, not tie them up in a sack!”
“Yeah!” Another child piped up, sticking his pudgy hand up to the sky. “And my Pa said there was another wolf, who fell into the stone trough and drowned!”
The storyteller hummed, closing his book. “Those are your parent’s stories. Jonathan, did your mother’s story have them eat freshly-baked cookies and milk instead of cake and whine?”
The brown haired boy, Jonathan, frowned. “No.”
The storyteller hummed. “Samuel, did your father’s story have red-cap sing your favorite song while she picked the flowers?”
The other child, Samuel, shook his head.
The storyteller smiled. “Everyone can have their own story. Those are your parent’s stories. This,” He gestured to the book, “is our story. And that makes it special.” Someone coughed behind them and the storyteller sighed. “I’m afraid that’s the last story for today, Kiddos!”
Both children whined, grabbing onto the sleeves of the storyteller’s shirt. “Please don’t go Patton!” Jonathan begged. “Just one more story?”
The storyteller, Patton, smiled softly. He was about to speak when another cough, more impatient this time, sounded behind them. Patton sighed, standing up. “I’m sorry Kiddos, I have to go. But if I have time tomorrow I’ll be at the Mayfairs’ tomorrow, so if you wanna hear more stories make sure you go and give them a visit!” He booped their noses and the two boys giggled, immediately letting go of his arms. Patton chuckled and walked away. “Goodbye Jonathan, goodbye Samuel!”
“Bye Patton!” The boys called out, and Patton smiled softly as walked across the field. On the other side of the field stood his personal guard, his gaze unwavering as he searched for any sign of danger. It was a sight that usually made Patton giggly with butterflies in his tummy, but now it only made him feel sad and alone.
As he approached, the man’s face went through a myriad of emotions, each one Patton knew by heart, before settling on despondency. “Your Highness.” He said stiffly, bowing his head.
Patton frowned, his heart breaking into a thousand pieces at the gesture. “Roman, please drop the formalities. You know how uncomfortable they make me-”
Roman interrupted him, his voice cold and emotionless as he spoke. “It would be scandalous if I were to refer to a betrothed prince with anything other than his title.”
The words felt like a punch to the gut and Patton looked away, ashamed. “You know I had no choice-”
Roman cut him off again, his voice still emotionless as he spoke. “I’ve already given my opinion on the matter.”
Patton frowned as they climbed onto their horses, traveling the rest of their way to the castle in silence. It’s been 2 days since Patton was informed that he was now betrothed to the High Queen of the Dark Kingdom, and Patton’s had this same argument with Roman the entire time. Before the announcement, the two of them had been dating in secret for almost 2 years. But now that Patton was betrothed, he decided to break up with Roman so as to not lead him on. The resulting argument had not gone well.
“I can’t do that, Patton!” Roman shouted, tears streaming down your face. “I can’t pretend to just be your friend. I spent years being ‘just your friend,’ watching from the sidelines and practically begging for your affection. I can’t go back to that, not after all I’ve had. After all we’ve had. If I look at you as anything other than a Prince after this, my heart will shatter into thousands of pieces, over and over again, knowing that you have my heart but I can no longer have yours.”
Patton had sobbed himself to sleep that night, as he had the night after and most likely will tonight. Patton hoped that his new bride wouldn’t mind a pillow that was always wet with tears.
When they got back to the castle, Roman stood quiet and attentive as always. He followed Patton down the halls and to the throne room, where Patton’s parents sat on their ornate thrones. Patton always hated those thrones. He hated everything about this wretched castle. It was all expensive and uncomfortable, it’s only purpose was to show everyone else how wealthy the royal family was. Patton was confident he could sell any of the jewels on his mother’s neck and have enough money to feed a small community for a week and still have some pocket change left over.
Patton bowed his head while Roman kneeled to the ground behind him. “Mother, Father.”
“Where were you this evening? The servants went to collect you for your royal fitting.” Queen Karen asked, not even bothering to fully address her son.
Patton was confused and irritated, but he didn’t let it show. “I wasn’t made aware that my fitting was scheduled for today. Why was I not informed last night? Or perhaps today during lunch?” He ignored her question, knowing by this point giving even the slightest detail would be disastrous. If he was caught lying, they’d make sure that he’d never leave the castle until he was married and shipped off to the Dark Kingdom. If he told them he left the castle, they would push for answers until he gave them the names of the families he visited, who would then be taxed to the point of bankruptcy. Even though they didn’t harm Patton physically, they still made it their goal in life to make him miserable.
They both ignored the question as King Jacob spoke, his voice rough with irritation. “The tailor will come back tomorrow afternoon. You will be waiting for him in the fitting room.”
Patton ignored the flash of rage he felt at his father’s choice of words. Joan was a talented tailor, one of the best tailors in the kingdom. They were also nonbinary, but Patton’s father chose to ignore that little detail. “Yes, Father.” Patton said impassively.
“You are dismissed.” Both royals said at once, and Patton wasted no time as he made his way out of the throne room, Roman rising up and following close behind.
The rest of the night was a rather…intense affair. Patton would travel throughout the castle to perform his nightly duties. Roman would follow close behind, his face stoic and stance rigid. Patton was used to this, as Roman had been doing this since he was first appointed as Patton’s personal guard. But usually, there was a sense of underlying affection; a small smile, a certain light in his eyes, a small lilt in his voice as he addressed Patton. But now it was all gone. No more hidden affection, no more pretending to be cold and distant. Now it was real, and Patton couldn’t even look in Roman’s direction without his heart breaking into a thousand pieces.
By the time all of Patton’s tasks were done, the sun had long since set and everyone had gone to bed. Patton quickly made his way to his chambers, his heart heavy as Roman followed close behind. Normally they would enter his room together, and they would laugh and kiss and touch each other in the safety of his room. But now they would simply part ways once they reached the door. The thought of Roman coldly turning back the second they reached his room hurt the prince in a way he didn’t expect. They were nearing Patton’s room when he muttered, mostly to himself. “I can find my chambers on my own. You don’t need to follow me the entire way.”
Roman frowned. “It would be improper to have you journey there alone.” There was an edge to it, a sliver of emotion, more than anything Patton had gotten since their fight two days ago.
Rather than comforting him, however, it only served to fuel his irritation. “I assure you I am fine. I do not need you to wait on me constantly. I can take care of myself.”
Roman huffed as they reached the door. “It is my duty to make sure that nothing happens to you. Your own ability to defend yourself is irrelevant. I am only here to protect you, nothing more.”
A part of Patton knew that Roman still cared. That he was only being cold and repetitive to protect himself. But that part of Patton was overshadowed by the anger boiling over inside him. It wasn’t like his previous anger, which was bright and hot and loud. This anger was tinged with too many emotions to be violent. It was filled with depression, fatigue, and hopelessness.
Patton quickly pulled Roman into his room, slamming the door shut behind them. “I can’t.” He thought he heard something rustle but he ignored it, instead focused on Roman’s glare. “I can’t spend every day pretending that this never happened. I can’t handle your cold shoulder, or the constant bite in your voice. It’s not my fault, and I can’t handle your anger! I can handle the townspeople’s anger about the war. I can handle my parents anger at how much of a disappointment I am.” His voice started to crack as he barely held back a sob. “But I can’t handle yours.”
Roman had stayed silent the whole time, his face impassive. But Patton could tell that Roman was just on the edge of exploding, his stance rigid as he finally spoke. “What should I do then?” Patton knew that Roman was holding himself back from yelling. He’d been doing that since their fight two days ago, when his shouting had reduced Patton to uncontrollable sobs. But for some reason his cold aloofness hurt Patton even more. He knew it wasn’t true, but it was like Roman couldn’t even be bothered to be angry with him. Like Patton didn’t even deserve that.
“I-” Patton took a deep breath, trying to calm down. “I need some space. And some time. To process all of this. And I’m sure you do too.” He looked away, not able to meet Roman’s gaze as tears started welling up in his eyes. “I’ll escort myself to Joan tomorrow, then I shall retreat to the library for the rest of the day. Take the day off tomorrow. I think some time alone will do good for the both of us.”
Roman remained quiet for several minutes, simply staring at the tears in the prince’s eyes. The moment of silence felt like an eternity, until eventually Roman nodded sharply. “Have a pleasant evening, Your Highness.” Then he spun around and left.
Patton stared at the spot Roman had been standing in, his heart breaking into a thousand pieces at the blatant dismissal. He didn’t even say sweet dreams. A tear rolled down Patton’s face but he ignored it, getting ready for bed. He didn’t even bother changing out of his current clothes or taking off his glasses, instead just removing his boots and plopping into his bed. He felt the urge to sob as tears rolled down his face but he ignored it. He was too tired to cry tonight. He did this particular stab to the heart himself, after all. He was the one who told Roman to go away.
After nearly an hour of just laying there and silently crying, Patton finally drifted off into a fitful slumber. Unaware of the person lurking underneath him, patiently waiting for their moment to strike.
Taglist: @bisexualdisaster106 @self-taught-mess @arodynamic-enby @sanderssides-angst @whatishappeningrightnow @idont-freaking-know @goawayihateyou @cute-and-angsty-princess @artsy-enby09 @girl-who-reads @drarrymalecsolangelo @count-woe-laf
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argylemnwrites · 4 years
Fight or Flight - Chapter 7: Resignation
Pairing: Drake Walker x MC (Riley Liu)
Book: The Royal Heir (canon divergent from the end of book 2)
Word Count: ~4200
Rating: R (language only)
Summary: Thirty hours since The Walker Absconding
Author’s Note: What day of the week is it even? Oh well, here’s a chapter, hahaha. This series follows the Walkers, their friends, and Cordonia as a whole after they flee the country with their daughter during Barthelemy Beaumont’s attempted coup. To catch up on this series, check out it’s masterlist. (link can be found via my bio - sorry, Tumblr is once again not putting my posts with links in tag searches)
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“My fellow Cordonians, it is with a heavy heart that I speak to you today.”
His words echoed in his mind, over and over again, his speech something that was likely to stay burned into his mind for the rest of his life. After all, he couldn’t predict anything quite as memorable as having to announce his loss of title to his citizens and the world at large happening to him at any point in the future.
“I never anticipated having to bring this news to you, but even though I am no longer King of Cordonia, I have no intention of yielding the power of the crown to anyone who I feel is a threat to the safety and prosperity of this country.”
Stefan was following the media coverage of his speech that he gave this evening that provided an overview of the day’s events, including his removal from the throne, Bridget’s ascension to queen-regent until the Conclave, and his intention to name a regent for her tomorrow. Liam knew he personally should be watching to see how people were responding, but he just couldn’t bring himself to do so. His emotions were frayed, raw, and strung out. It felt like everything was spiraling out of control. He hadn’t felt like this in a very long time. Not since Father died, in all honesty.
The weeks surrounding his father’s death were sort of covered in a surreal blur whenever he reflected back on them. Not only had his relationship with Father been more complicated and fraught than it had ever been before at the time of his passing, making his loss a thorny storm of emotions, but he’d barely even had time to mourn in any capacity. His country had been in the midst of an active terrorist threat, plus he’d been processing true heartbreak for the first time in his life. He had somehow gotten through those days, those emotions, those struggles though. He knew he would get through everything happening now as well, but at the moment, that seemed like an impossible task.
“I know that this is an unprecedented combination of events, comparable to nothing that has occurred in hundreds of years of Cordonian history. But I have seen the strength and resilience of our citizens first-hand, and I am confident that we will emerge from this Social Season stronger than ever.”
As far as next steps went, naming Rashad as Bridget’s regent was really his only option. Thankfully, in spite of the man’s ambivalence when it came to his noble title, he’d agreed to fill the role and was coming to the hearing in the morning to allow for a rapid transfer of power. He was one of the only truly neutral parties available who was appropriately titled and qualified. Liam had brought Hana with him to broach the topic with Rashad, but her gentle powers of persuasion proved unnecessary. The only point at which the conversation was anything but pleasant and agreeable was when Rashad wanted to schedule a meeting with Riley and Drake to discuss how best to handle legal and physical custody of Bridget in ways that would be in accordance with the results of the no-confidence vote, but Liam had been easily able to convince him to table that topic until he was sworn in as regent.
“No matter my title or role, know that I will always serve the citizens of Cordonia in whatever way they require.”
He half-heartedly pulled more documents from his desk drawers, trying to focus on the task at hand. He needed to determine which pieces of information were private, and should come with him to Lythikos, versus those that he needed to leave behind as essential information to allow Cordonia’s next leader to govern. In all honesty, he probably should be creating a sort of quick-guide, a makeshift introductory pamphlet with the most important pieces of information required to lead the country to ease the transition of power. However, another part of him felt like that would be a mistake. Maybe he should allow things to be rough initially, giving the people a chance to miss his leadership. It’s not like Rashad was completely incompetent, so it shouldn’t cause a dangerous power vacuum if he just left Rashad without any formal instructions. And, after all, didn’t a no-confidence vote indicate he shouldn’t be attempting to wield any power at the moment? If this was the wish of the majority of the major houses, maybe he should just let their little scheme play out and backfire on them in spectacular fashion. But was it fair to subject the common citizens to engage in such a game of political chicken?
A wave of loneliness and isolation washed over him as he weighed his options. This dilemma was just one of many he was facing at the moment that he wished he could discuss with Drake. Over the years, Drake had, more often than not, served as his sounding board, devil’s advocate, and unofficial advisor. The countless instances they’d sat in this office at the end of the day, sipping whiskey while Liam solidified his stances and bounced ideas off of Drake had helped him prepare to face political opponents, foreign negotiators, and skeptical members of the press time and time over. Now, he had to make decisions on his own, without his most trusted friend and ally.
For perhaps the tenth time that evening, he pulled the slip of paper Hana had given him out of his pocket and stared at Drake and Riley’s phone numbers. He could call Drake to talk, he supposed. But he was struggling to work up the courage to do so. He couldn’t just pretend nothing had changed and ask Drake to listen as he worked through his thought process. Drake had different priorities now. That much was wildly apparent.
There was also the small matter of the fact that Liam knew he would need to hide some of his thoughts and feelings from Drake at the moment. He’d done it before, back during Drake and Riley’s engagement, but part of doing so involved keeping his distance from Drake at that time. Drake just knew him better than anyone and could more easily read through his diplomatic mask. It was really only in the past six months or so that it seemed things had fully returned to normal, Drake’s marriage to Riley no longer a point of awkwardness between them. Now, for Drake to flee in the middle of a coup, it felt like the foundation of their friendship was being torn apart yet again.
A few sharp taps on the door interrupted his thoughts. A second later, the door swung open, revealing Olivia with a bottle of wine in her hand.
“I thought you might want some company,” she said as she strode across the room, grabbing two wine glasses off the bar cart before flouncing into the seat across from him. “I won’t even make you switch seats with me, even though the monarch’s desk should technically be mine tonight.”
Liam forced a smile as she sat down and moved to uncork the wine, noticing the vintage of the bottle for the first time.
“Olivia, that bottle is worth over ten thousand Euros.”
She grinned at him as she poured them both a glass. “Exactly. This fine wine was procured by a member of the Rys family, and therefore if anyone deserves to drink it, it’s you.” With that she handed Liam a glass and picked up her own. Liam could only shake his head lightly before tapping his glass against hers gently.
“To the end of Rys rule in Cordonia,” he said with a little shrug before taking a sip. He saw Olivia raise her eyebrows over her own glass.
“Liam…” she started as she set down her glass on the desk.
“It’s nothing, just a bad joke,” Liam lied, waving his hand through the air. “Would you mind terribly if I asked you which documents you think are the most important ones to leave for Rashad?” he asked as he placed a stack of paperwork on the desk between them, trying to divert the conversation.
His question was met with silence, so Liam glanced up from the documents. Olivia was staring at him intently, and she took another sip of her wine before she responded.
“I can certainly help with that, but Liam… are you… shit, I don’t know what to say. This fucking sucks, doesn’t it?”
He let out a little snort at that. “Indeed, it does.”
“I can’t believe those assholes are trying to pull this bullshit. Like fucking Barthelemy would make a better king than you. You’ve given up everything for this country.”
“It feels that way sometimes. I was happy to do so for so long, too. I always knew that leading Cordonia was an honor, and after my brother’s abdication, I never resented needing to prove to my people that I would be a worthy king. But now…” he trailed off, unable to vocalize the rest of that thought. After everything he’d done to be a good king, a better king than his paranoid, ruthless father ever was, and this was how the universe chose to repay him.
The tense silence hung in the office for a few moments before Olivia spoke again. “Speaking of your brother, I hope you don’t mind, but I gave Leo a call and told him what was happening. I figured this isn’t the sort of thing he should hear about on the news. I think he’s flying back. He seemed pretty upset over the whole thing.”
Liam just hummed at that. He loved his brother, but he wasn’t sure if the man who willingly chose to shed his title of Crown Prince would be able to sympathize with his personal pain of having his title stripped from him. Maybe he could help provide some nice distractions, though. Leo was always good for that.
“Thank you,” Liam finally said with a nod, “I planned to call him tomorrow.”
“No problem. I just figured you and Drake might have… a lot to discuss.”
Liam gave a weak smile and shook his head. “I actually haven’t spoken to him yet.”
Olivia narrowed her eyes and tilted her head slightly at his comment. “Well, that needs to be addressed.”
He frowned, taking another sip of the admittedly very excellent wine before he responded. “Quite frankly, Liv, I don’t know that I want to discuss my reasons for not calling him with you. At least not tonight.”
“Tough shit. You have no reason not to call him anymore. And seeing as he’s been your… confidante,” she said, clearly taking a moment to decide how to describe their relationship, “for decades, it strikes me as pretty concerning that you didn’t rush to call him at the first chance you got.”
Liam sighed heavily. He didn’t really want to get into this all, but she was clearly not going to let him brush this off. “I don’t know what to say to him. He left, and I just…” Liam trailed off, unable to fully vocalize the pain he felt in regards to Drake’s actions.
Olivia pursed her lips for just a moment, her bright red nails tapping rapidly against the stem of her wine glass. “I can’t figure out if you are attempting to punish him or protect him here.”
Her response caught him off guard. “What do you mean?”
“Well, you clearly are all sorts of angry and frustrated with him at the moment. I just can’t tell if you think that’s justified, and this is some sort of passive aggressive punishment, or if you realize you aren’t being fair, and you don’t want to make him feel any guiltier.”
“Are you saying that my irritation with him isn’t justified?”
“Irritation would be fine. But I don’t believe for one second that you would avoid talking to Drake if you were merely irritated with him.”
Liam was expecting some sort of sly comment about how surely talking to Drake was always irritating, but it didn’t come. Instead, Olivia continued on, serious and solemn.
“You must be insanely upset with him if you haven’t given him a call, and I’m going to be honest, that scares me. I’m backing you at the Conclave, Liam, and I intend to throw the Nevrakis name behind a winner. So that means you need to be emotionally ready for this fight over the next couple of months. I can’t have you caught up in some petty bullshit with Drake fucking Walker.”
Her statement was a surprising one. “I would have thought you would have been the one person who might understand my rather complicated point of view on this subject.”
She shook her head. “Drake and I may not see eye to eye on… a lot of things, actually, but I still think you are being absurd here.”
“This critique strikes me as slightly hypocritical, as I am having a hard time picturing you not being at least fairly angry with the mess they have created here. A mess that could have been avoided if they’d stuck to your plan, I might add.”
“Of course I’m angry with them! They put almost zero thought into this, and I’ve been scrambling for more than a day straight to try and prevent this all from spiraling into total disaster. But that doesn’t mean I don’t understand why they did it. This was all in service of keeping their family together, Liam. You have to know that.”
He did understand that intellectually, but somehow her assessment just didn’t sit right with him. “Yes, Olivia. I can comprehend that their motivations are the safety and security of their daughter, but what I cannot bring myself to do is approve of their decision to commit treason and abandon the citizens of Valtoria they took an oath to serve.”
Olivia took a long sip of her wine before she replied, “Do you want me to pretend that I believe your last statement there, or do you want someone besides Drake to call you on your bullshit? I can do either, you just need to tell me what you want.”
“Of course I want you to be honest with me, Olivia,” he said, completely baffled by her assertion.
She just raised her eyebrows and stared at him, giving him one last chance to ask her to lie, apparently. All he could do was raise his eyebrows right back and take a drink from his own glass, almost daring her to do her worst.
“You aren’t pissed that they are shitty nobles who just abandoned their posts without a second thought. You are pissed that Drake isn’t here to serve as your emotional support.”
Liam opened his mouth to retort, but Olivia shook her head and just kept going.
“It’s understandable, really. He’s been the one you could always turn to, and now it feels like you can’t rely on him at a time when you really fucking need that kind of support. But you need to at least recognize that personal pain as the source of your anger here and not hide behind indignation over the way Drake and Riley fulfill their roles as duke and duchess.
“Those two have always been shitty members of the nobility, and you have never had an issue with it up until this point. In fact, you seemed to tacitly approve of their antics as you granted them power that other dukes and duchesses could only dream of.”
Liam frowned, the blood pounding in his ears as he tried not to let Olivia’s words anger him. “What do you mean?” he breathed out, focusing on not letting this situation escalate. A defensive Olivia was the last thing he was mentally and emotionally equipped to handle tonight.
“Liam, you essentially handed them the reins when it came to the Auvernal negotiations.”
“Those negotiations all centered around their child. It felt wrong to not grant them a certain amount of control given the circumstances.”
She tilted her head back and forth for just a moment. “Sure, I get that. And I’m really not trying to make you defend your decisions here regarding that whole mess. But you have to admit that Drake and Riley have kind of always just done whatever the hell they wanted, and until today, you never had anything to say about it.”
Her assessment echoed through the room as Liam leaned back in his chair, taking another sip of wine. He didn’t want to think he was being solely motivated by his emotions here. He’d worked for years and years, since he was a young boy, to ensure that he kept any feelings in check, guarded and secured for private moments. But Olivia did have a point - Drake and Riley bucking tradition and proper conduct for members of the nobility had never really bothered him before. 
“Liam, I’m not trying to kick you while you’re already hurting. It’s probably natural to feel hurt by Drake’s decision here. I just think you will be able to move past this a little easier if you are honest about why his actions bother you.”
Liam glanced across the desk, meeting Olivia’s gaze. “I sometimes just…” but he couldn’t complete his thought. To vocalize that he just wanted the most important person in his life to care about him on a personal level above all others would be immature and selfish. Drake had a wife and child to think about. Of course they warranted more of his consideration than Liam did. But it was just one more thing he lost in the past day or so, that one person around whom he didn’t need to censor himself, the only individual who gave him honesty without question of motive.
Olivia reached across the desk and gave his hand a gentle squeeze. “Like I said, being upset is pretty natural here. If it makes you feel any better, I wanted to reach through my phone and stab them both in the gut when Drake told me they had no intention of returning, even if it meant treason charges.”
Liam let out a little chuckle. “How are you so… calm about this now?” Using that word to describe Olivia in any situation felt out of character, but there was literally no other way to describe her at the moment. She looked at ease, sipping thousands of Euros of wine like it was nothing.
“I’m not sure if ‘calm’ is the right word; it’s more like I’m… resigned, I guess. They are both stubborn as hell, and they made this choice because they thought it was best for their kid. Even I can’t fight that.”
“I just wish they would have gone to Lythikos. Then we could be fighting this from all angles together.”
“Maybe? That was your whole plan, and it still seems better thought out than their fugitive act.”
“From our perspective, sure. But we are worried about Cordonia as a whole. They are just worried about keeping their daughter. And given that Rashad already brought up wanting to meet with them to discuss custody, it seems like they were at least a little bit justified in their concerns.”
Liam frowned. Hana must have filled in Olivia of the details of their conversation with Rashad. Liam had gotten the impression that Rashad wanted to find a way to keep Drake and Riley as active participants in Bridget’s life based on the way he requested that meeting, not tear them apart from their child. “Do you really think Rashad has any interest in keeping them from their daughter?”
“No, not exactly. But I also think that coming to live at the palace as Bridget’s nannies or guardians or whatever Rashad plans to throw out there as a way to obey the letter of the law when it comes to the no-confidence vote is a far cry from being recognized as her parents fully. At the end of the day, I just think they aren’t willing to compromise on any aspect when it comes to being a family.” Olivia pursed her lips and glanced into her lap before she continued, “It kind of makes me wish my own parents would have felt that way.”
Her confession was so vulnerable, so honest, it nearly took his breath away. When they were younger, Olivia had sometimes talked about her fears, her pain, her neglect, and Liam had always been willing to lend an ear and supportive shoulder for her to lean on. But as the years marched on, those conversations had dwindled and eventually ceased. Olivia became more defensive, not allowing herself to be perceived as weak by anyone. And in some regards, she thrived. But clearly, that pain from her childhood was still a part of her.
Liam could identify with her in some respects. Father had always devoted more time and energy to Leo. After all, not only had he been the Crown Prince, but he acted out more, drawing more attention nearly every step of the way. But that had largely left Liam to spend time with Mother, who always tried to balance his formal lessons with genuine warmth and affection. And even though she’d been killed and taken from him when he was still quite young, he at least had her guidance and devotion for a while. That was more than Olivia could say about her parents.
The more he thought about it, the more he realized that Mother might have made the same choice as Drake and Riley, had she been placed in that position. He didn’t recognize it as a child, but looking back on her words now, he saw her concerns, her worries, and her desire to keep him safe. Did she regret her station? Regret raising her son in such an environment? Or did the fact that he’d never known her as an adult mean that he just saw her actions through the rose-tinted glasses of a child?
“Bridget is lucky in that respect,” Liam eventually said, reaching across the desk and refilling both of their wine glasses. “I suppose that’s why royal lineage tends to be emphasized and protected for generation after generation. It’s the only way to battle that instinctual urge to protect one’s children and instead force them to carry massive responsibilities.”
Olivia shook her head. “Or generations of people who strike up primarily political marriages just eliminates all love and empathy from the gene pool.”
“What would you have done, if you were in their position?” Liam asked before taking another sip of wine. The more he thought about it, he wasn’t sure what he would have done if it was his own child. All the options that worked their way into his mind seemed terrible.
Olivia paused to take a drink as well, her free hand tapping a rapid pattern against the surface of the desk. “I don’t know. I’d like to think I would be able to plot things out rationally, but I might have violently lashed out. I don’t think I would have run, but that’s just never been my style. But I don’t know exactly how it would unfold.”
“It’s hard to imagine, acting on that gut emotional response, isn’t it? All our lives, we’ve been taught to negotiate, to employ diplomatic tactics, to foster alliances to protect our titles.”
“You might have been taught that,” interjected Olivia, “but I was taught to fight to protect the family name to the death,”
“Touché,” said Liam, a real smile forming for the first time that day, “but I think my point remains. I don’t think I could let my child be taken by another, but at the same time, it’s as if I cannot imagine myself being guided by my emotions, even if it would make sense to do so.”
“You would protect your kid, Liam. You would figure it out if you were put in that spot.”
“I hope so. I think you would as well, and with minimal bloodshed, I believe.”
She laughed at that, dropping her head back, causing a few strands of red hair to fall loose around her face. “Well, let’s just be grateful we don’t have to find out the truth of that assessment, but it’s getting late, and we still have a lot to do before we need to vacate the palace in the morning. Do you want some privacy to talk to Drake? I can sort through those-” she said, gesturing to the stack of papers left between them on the desk “-while you give him a call.”
He nodded slowly. “Yes. I still don’t know what I’m going to say to him, but…”
“You’ll figure it out,” she said with a shrug, gathering the papers in one arm. “Just meet me in my quarters when you guys are done.”
Liam gave her a little smile as she left his office, pulling out the paper from Hana and staring at it for a few seconds before pulling out his new, prepaid cell phone and calling the number on the top of the page. It was time to talk to Drake.
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Permatag:  @walkerswhiskeygirl   @riley--walker  @bebepac @ravenpuff02 @oofchoices @octobereighth @drakewalker04 @kimmiedoo5  @mfackenthal  @thequeenofcronuts  
The Royal Romance/The Royal Heir: @ao719 @mskaneko @katedrakeohd @jovialyouthmusic @marshmallowsandfire @axwalker @kingliam2019 @sirbeepsalot @texaskitten30 @princessleac1 @ladyangel70 @dcbbw @yaushie
Drake x MC: @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria  @iplaydrake @gibbles82 @drakewalkerisreal @notoriouscs  @drakesensworld @drake-colt-lover-99
Fight or Flight: @masterofbluff @burnsoslow @bobasheebaby @shz256 @iaminlovewithtrr​
62 notes · View notes
hitsuackerman · 4 years
Unpredictable (Overhaul x Reader) pt.9
a/n: yall ready for the date? >:)
warnings: this cannot be read solo, a bit of harassment
Links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8
Masterlist to my other fics: here :)
Overhaul’s waiting list: @jjk-biased​​ @infinite-universe-love​​ @dirtypride​ @blackymomo03​ @azzie 
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You usually loved it when the hours would pass by. However, for this particular time, you hated it. One moment you were facing your desk; Typing and answering emails, documenting files, calling a few people, and praying for a miracle that something would happen in order to cancel the dinner date. The word ‘date’ made you want to puke.
Now, you were on your way home. Hands clenching the steering wheel. The music blasting through the speaker in an attempt to calm your disturbed soul.
The restaurant your chief had chosen was an hour away from the city. It was situated in the mountains. It had a nice view of the city. Even though it was a one star restaurant, the reviews were relatively nice. Their steak was the most recommended dish. The question now was whether or not you would find an appetite.
Opening the door to your unit, you threw yourself to your bed. Hair sprawled everywhere as you suffocated on your mattress. Resting on your cheek, you glanced at your closet and tried to think of obnoxious outfit combinations to wear for tonight. Besides, the chief would never know what you were outside the office.
A buzzing sound came from your pocket. Taking your phone out, you sat down and answered it.
“Yes, Nao?”
“I managed to dig into one of your major cases. The arson one.” He said rather proudly. Letting him proceed, he continued. “So, I looked into the shareholders to see if there were any similarities. It might be me pulling straws, but try to set a meeting with Endeavor.”
“Endeavor?” You repeated. Making sure that you heard him right. “Are you sure?”
“I back tracked the previous establishments. And all of them had a lot of shareholders in common but his name stood out.”
“Nao. That’s like a very thin straw…” You stood up and turned your laptop on. “But I was at a dead end so I appreciate your help.”
“Anytime, (Y/N). How’s the yakuza case?” Him asking questions at this time meant he was on break. It had been a while since you last gossiped with him so you gave him some attention.
“I still have to set a meeting with Birdman. Crud. That reminds me. I have to buy an earpiece.”
“The chief tagged along last time, right?”
“He did. Lucky for my ass, the meeting was short.”
“He was fuming when he arrived back at the precinct. What happened?”
“Birdman somewhat threw a fit since he cut me mid sentence.” The mere memory of it made you chuckle. But, there was this feeling that you shouldn’t have said that. It became second nature to always keep your guard up when you talk to Tsukauchi. It felt as if you had lowered it for a millisecond.
“No wonder.” He breathily replied. “Be careful, (Y/N).”
“With the chief or Overhaul?” You sighed and massaged the bridge of your nose. “Because honestly speaking, I’m not sure who the villain is among those two.”
That statement was rather strange. He was used to your antics but a comparison like that? Tsukauchi on the other line had not been using his quirk on you. Although, he had always felt something off whenever he and the chief talked about you. He was never one to pry but perhaps this would have to be an exception.
“So what are your plans for later?” He asked. Carefully choosing his words.
“Dinner with some dude.” Heading over to your closet, you scanned for some hideous apparel. “You think a Bee Movie sweater will make him cringe?”
“If you cleared your schedule for him, I think your ‘I come with background music’ shirt would do the trick.”
“Damn, you’re right.” Looking for that shirt, Tsukauchi could hear you opening and closing your drawers. That gave him enough time to do some of his research. “I HAVE FOUND THE SHIRT!”
“Would you really wear it, though?”
You wished but you had already given your 3 men cases, Tsukauchi had given you a new lead, and the yakuza case was more than enough you could handle. Casting the shirt aside, you flopped to your bed.
“Any chances you can send a hero later?”
“Give me a name and I’ll see what I can do.” He teased back. “Anyway, my break is over. Enjoy your dinner.”
“So long, farewell.”
You did not wear the shirt, sadly. However, you did wear clothes that hid every single inch of skin your body had to offer. Turtleneck, high waist jeans, knee length boots, and a coat you wouldn’t mind being overhauled.
Taking one last look at yourself in the mirror, you fixed whatever was needed to be fixed.
“You will not go to the restroom. You will not leave your bag unattended. You will put on a fake smile and give him hell.” Hearing the knock on your door, the night was now starting. Inhaling deeply, you swallowed every single ounce of pride.
“You’ve dressed nicely.” The chief greeted you. He wasn’t wearing his standard get up. Instead he wore a plain black shirt with a leather jacket. White pants with complimentary gray shoes. He half expected you’d dress like you always did. Seeing you in your get up made him want to take his phone and snap a picture.
Moments later, you were standing outside your building. The chief had instructed you to wait for him at the drop off area. More than willing to follow, you scrolled through your phone for any messages or emails. The honking of a horn caught your attention.
A Koyota Figo was now parked in front of you. Forgetting that your chief owned a hatchback, you opened the door and began sending out prayers for any gods or telepathic heroes in the vicinity.
The drive was silent. Your gaze fixated on the lights the city had to offer. Wanting to be in a neutral mood, you let your thoughts wander.
Tomorrow, you would schedule a meeting with Endeavor. How? You weren’t sure but hopefully his assistant would let you get 5 minutes with him. An update from Takashi and the rest was also in line. You began to enumerate the stores that sold earpieces that you could purchase for Overhaul to use. Maybe you should buy 2, just in case it fails.
Feeling something resting on your thigh, you stared at the chief’s hand. Biting your tongue, you held on to your breath as well as the want to jump out of the car.
“We’re almost there, sweetcheeks.” He stated. His hand began to pat the area he just infected. “And since we’re outside the office, feel free to call me Yokai.”
“Aight.” There was no way in hell you would.
“Or daddy would be fine.”
That made you wonder. Would it be professional if you would ask Birdman to overhaul your ears and repair them back to normal. Cringing at the statement, you held on to your bag for dear life. Taking your phone out, you began to scroll through your social media.
“No phones, darling.” He warned. Abruptly hitting the brakes.”Wouldn’t want any unwanted people ruining our date. Now put that phone away before we arrive.”
Maybe a trip to the restroom in the restaurant didn’t sound half bad. Doing as told, you leaned on to the seat and closed your eyes. It was getting dull, a bit boring, and a little creepy. Keeping your senses sharp, you fell into a very light sleep.
Feeling that the car had come to a stop, you unstrapped your seat belt and immediately stepped out of the car. Waiting for him to lead the way, you trailed behind him as he told the usher his reservation. For a minute, you forgot that he had booked a private room.
Entering the small room, you were met with a candle lit dinner. The chairs beside each other.
“For a change, you know?” The chief commented. Putting his hand on your back, he pushed you towards the table and let you sit down. Watching as he pulled out his chair, you copied his actions and managed to inch your body away from his. “I have already ordered so for now we can simply chat.”
“Sure.” Your eyes remained glued to the plate.
“So, when was the last time you went on a date like this?” His voice proud of the place he had chosen.
“Years ago.” You forced a smile. “I’m not a fan of fancy restaurants.”
“Well, better get used to it.” He rested his arm on the back of your chair. Moving your back away from the back rest, you fixed your coat to make it less obvious. “How’s your cases going?”
“Fine. Recently got a new lead.”
“You’re using your yakuza ties, aren’t you?”
Finally looking at him, you focused on his glabella, you cocked an eyebrow.
“For the cases I’m handling right now, I had to work 3 of my cases with them.”
“Your side or his side?” He tilted his head.
“I’m sorry. I thought this was a dinner, not some kind of interrogation.” “Always admired how feisty you are.” The chief remarked. “Why are you single?”
Before you could answer, the doors opened and your food was served. The food was being served by two waiters. One of them had blonde hair and the other had blue hair with arrows at the end. Your eyes followed the blue haired man since he wore a white face mask. It made you think of Overhaul.
Pasta was served in front of you while the chief got his steak. Observing how he opened the wine, you took note that both of them wore white gloves. The wine bottle opened with ease and you saw the label. It was one of those wines that Gei didn’t really recommend due to its uneven taste. Once the glasses were filled, you thanked the waiters. When the door closed, you felt the air grow cold.
In all honesty, the pasta was good. And the wine he had chosen, despite it being too bitter for your taste, matched the sauce pretty nicely. The soft classical music somehow calmed your spirits.
As you were quietly enjoying your meal, the chief put his steak knife down and began to brush his pinky with yours.
“Is the food to your liking?”
“I’m liking the pasta. The noodles are cooked just right.”
“How about a toast then?” Taking his wine glass, he turned to face you. “For this new found partnership.”
Sighing, you took yours and merely stretched out your arm to clink your glasses. Sipping on the wine, you savored the flavor a bit and swallowed. Glancing at the chief, you saw him furrowing his brows at his drink. Checking his food, he had only eaten half of the amount. Compared to yours, the food was almost gone.
“Are you okay? You’ve barely touched your food, Yokai-san.” Saying his name made the pasta slither up your throat.
“Don’t worry about me sweetcheeks.” He set his glass down and let out a burp. Thankfully, he had covered his mouth. “Let’s continue where we left off. Why are you still single?”
“I’m not really into dating.” You replied. Eating the last bit of your pasta, you placed the fork down and wiped your mouth with the napkin. “I have too many cases to even think about that.”
“You interested in someone?” He hiccuped and burped. His hands rubbing small circles on his stomach.
“Where’s the fun if you know who I’m interested in.”
“Oh. So now you’re flirty. Wine works wonders.” He took his glass and sipped once more. This had to be one of his favorite wines but it tasted different. Perhaps it was the steak. Seeing that you were still taking yours, he deduced that you had nothing to do with it.
“No. It’s just that you have no business regarding that matter.” By now, you were fully facing him. The sudden change of his facial features showed signs of discomfort. The room was comfortable yet you could see sweat forming on his forehead. His chappy lips were now pale. The constant rubbing of his stomach only made your suspicions grow. “Are you really sure you’re okay? You look like shit.”
“Okay. Ya got me.” Pressing the buzzer on the side of the table, he waited for the waiter to arrive. Not a moment too soon, the door opened and the same waiter from before appeared. “Boy, the food you served is making me sick. There’s no way in hell I’m paying for this.”
“I apologize.” The waiter with arrow-tipped hairs responded.
“Useless employee.” He leaned in and whispered to your ear. All you could do was lean away. “May I speak to your manager?”
“Unfortunately, the manager is still in a very important conference.”
“To think this place has a 1 Michelin star.” He mumbled as he took his wallet. Fumbling for his card, his stomach let out a rather loud sound. Biting your inner lip, you tried to suppress the smile forming. When he took his card, he tossed it to the table and demanded. “Swipe the card. We’re leaving.”
Taking his card, he excused himself but left the door open.
“You’re not playing tricks now, are you (Y/N)?” He held your wrist a little too tightly. “You know what happens when you mess with me. I can give you more than 10 cases if this little incident is caused by you.”
“In my defense, I have never set foot in this restaurant.” You fought back. “And if you even wanted to impress me, WcDonal’s or even just Burger Queen would be more than fine. If you think these kinds of things would do the trick, sorry but you’re terribly wrong.”
You closed your mouth shut. Anger had somehow taken over and the words you said were not the best. Biting your tongue, you cursed at the sight of his mind moving and plotting as to what to do next.
The blonde waiter came with the receipt and apologized once more for the issues. Standing up, the chief told you to wait for him in the lobby. Leaving you alone with the waiter, you took your bag and bowed to him.
“I’m sorry about that person.” Your eyes darted to the men’s room where he entered. “But, if it helps, the pasta was really nice. Just sucks he had to experience that. Though he deserves it if we were to be honest. The amount of times he’s invaded my personal space is just revolting.” Shocked that you had uttered your last sentence, the wine must be a little stronger than you had expected.
The blonde waiter chuckled and went off to the kitchen.
While you were waiting at the lobby, checked your phone and saw messages from Gei. Smiling at the story he had to share via message, you quickly put your phone away once you heard a door closing followed by a burp.
“Looks like I’ll have to take you home now, love.” The chief said.
Not wanting to waste another second, you lead the way back to his car.
Chrono and Nemoto stared at the window. Undivided attention as you stepped into the car with a happy face. In Nemoto’s hand was a glass vial. When the vehicle was now out of sight, they walked towards the manager’s office.
“It’s been a while since we had this kind of fun.” Nemoto commented.
“Agreed. Did you actually down the whole bottle into the sauce?”
“It would be a waste if we didn’t empty this. And, the boss would be most pleased to know that the laxatives work well.”
Knocking on the door, Overhaul gave them permission to enter. He was seated on the sofa with a stained cloth wiping his bloody hands. A huge splatter of blood painted the wall beside him. Next to the sofa, the two men saw a pair of legs lying lifeless on the floor.
“It went smoothly, I presume?” He leaned his head on the sofa back. When he heard the grunts of his men, he stood up and faced the decapitated body. Squatting on the floor, he could feel the hives starting to form. “Nemoto. Prepare the propranolol. Kurono. Give the drug to the two waiters as well.”
With a disgusted look, he touched the leg of the deceased body. The blood on the walls began to morph and the next second, the manager’s body was whole once more. When the manager’s eyes opened, he was face to face with the masked man who had just killed him a while ago. Just as he was about to scream, Overhaul knocked him out.
Instructing Nemoto to administer the drug, he began to itch on his forearm. Cursing at the mess he had just made and fixed, it took a lot of his willpower to push those thoughts aside. Instead his mind focused on one thing.
The memory of you smiling and the want to make sure no harm comes to you.
Besides, he could care less about the consequences.
propanolol- a drug that supposedly erases memories
and yes, Chisaki to the rescue ;) just had to write the trio cause they deserve love and all of them are hot. 
do you guys have any questions? feel free to comment and ill gladly answer them :) take care and i hope you guys like this chapter <3
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teawithkpop · 5 years
[M] - PhysCom - Pt 1
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pt 1 - pt 2 - pt 3 - bc 1 - pt 4 - pt 5 - pt 6
Pairing: BTS - OT7 x Reader
Rating: Mature [18+]
Length: 5.6k words
Genre: PhysCom AU - smut with dashes of angst, and a shitload of romance and complicated feelings,, uhuhu (porn with plot??)
Warnings: swearing, mild degradation, anal play, anal sex, oral sex (male receiving), I think that’s it?? 
ahhh my first smut~ I went kinda hard ehehe sorry this chapter has quite a bit of Taehyung, but they will all have time to shine, promise~ I hope you enjoy, please let me know what you think! ^^
You are Bangtan’s slut. Every group has them, to relieve tension and keep a regular sex life, with all of the health benefits that entails. You keep their hair shiny and their skin glowing. You help them stay happy. And that’s really all you could ever ask for.
To be hired as a Physical Companion, you have to be flexible: at any time, your clients could use your body in any way they desire, no matter what you’re currently doing. The sound of slicing vegetables and bubbling water permeate the kitchen while you make dinner, and you hum to yourself as you start to peel another carrot.
“Spread.” Min Yoongi’s voice calls from the entryway of the kitchen, already fishing his dick out of his pants.
You set down the half-peeled carrot and reach behind you to hold you ass cheeks apart, a serene smile on your face. You don’t turn around. He hasn’t told you to yet.
He takes a hold of the bulbous plug in your ass, grabbing the base and twisting it out with a sucking sound from your fluttering hole.
“Ah, fuck…” He hisses at the sight of you, nothing on you now but a frilly apron, your utility belt, and your pussy plug as you make them dinner. He pushes his cock up to fit between your ass cheeks and up your back. “Release,” he commands, and you let the soft flesh of your ass spring back in place, covering his cock. “Resume.” It’s his last command, and you hum to yourself as you keep making dinner while he gives himself an assjob.
“Dinner will be ready soon, Master Min. I’m making stew.” You speak in a calm, almost robotic voice. He didn’t tell you to react to his actions, so you don’t.
“Shit… fuck.” He grunts and doesn’t respond to your statement, too busy grinding his cock against your ass. “Lube,” he demands, sticking out his hand. You reach into a pouch of your belt and wordlessly produce a bottle. He squirts lube all over your ass crack and gaping hole, spreading it around with his hardened cock.
Yoongi doesn’t give any warning before pushing into your ass. He groans loudly, pumping in and out of you. You don’t react apart from how his thrusts jostle your body.
“Fuck yes. Look how fucking pretty for me…” He grips your shining ass cheek, pulling it aside before slapping the flesh loudly, the sound echoing through the house. You continue to hum and chop vegetables, your body reacting involuntarily as your abdominal muscles clench, bracing for the impact of his thrusts. He spanks you again and again, his hand coming down with more force each time.
“Fucking beg for more, slut. Moan for my cock,” he growls, and like a switch being flipped on, you grip the counter, crying out in ecstasy.
“Please, master! Oh, please spank me harder!”
It’s all a part of the job.
Yoongi complies to your wanton desperation, quickly turning your ass red as he spanks and fucks you relentlessly.
Just then Jungkook comes in, stretching after his workout. You can see his bulge straining against his joggers. “What’s for dinner?”
“Hi, Master Jeon! I’m making stew,” you reply cheerily, then switch back to moaning and writhing for Yoongi’s pleasure.
“Sounds good.” Jungkook walks up to you, his crotch at your eye level. “Handjob,” he commands casually, as he pulls out his phone.
You’re surprised. Jungkook normally doesn’t take advantage of your services, except on a few occasions when the group has passed you around during a celebratory dinner. He usually keeps his pleasure to himself, although the company has probably told him to rely on you more often.
Just as it is not encouraged for idols to drink or smoke, it is not encouraged for idols to masturbate. It puts unnecessary strain on their bodies, and wastes a lot of time that they could be spending on more important things. If they need to get off, they should go find their PhysCom.
Jungkook asking you to jerk him off is unexpected. But you comply, pulling his cock out of his pants as carefully as you can while Yoongi is fucking your brains out. You start stroking Jungkook while he talks to Yoongi about their schedule for tomorrow.
“Manager said we should have the second choreo ready, just in case.”
“Ah, we need to practice it more.”
“Yeah, I don’t feel too confident…”
Their voices turn into buzzing as your mind starts to wander, gazing at the beautiful length in your hands. Everything about Jungkook is flawless, but fuck, his cock might be the most perfect thing about him. You’ve only seen it a few times since you were hired, but it still sneaks into your dreams some nights, when you let yourself imagine being held by some or all of the BTS members. It's an unthinkable and out-of-bounds fantasy, which makes it all the more twistedly tantalizing.
Though you’re ashamed of your guilty pleasures, you remember a particularly passionate dream from just last week, and you’re overcome with lust. Before you can think, you’re licking at Jungkook’s cock.
A slap to your face, gentle but warning, like they’d been taught. “No. Handjob.” Jungkook commands again, though he seems a little hesitant at having to discipline you. Usually it’s the elder members who take pleasure in giving you punishment. “Please,” he adds, like the polite young man he is.
You lower your gaze in partially real shame. You haven’t had a slip up like this in several weeks, but you should still know better. You’ve been trained for this. “Yes, master. I’m sorry, master.”
Jungkook seems uncomfortable, or perhaps disinterested, at your answer, and places his cock in your hand again, resuming his SNS scrolling.
For good measure, Yoongi pulls your head back by the hair, grunting and huffing as he rams into your tight ass, over and over. He shoves three of his fingers into your mouth as punishment, making you gag around his digits in an effort to silence you and keep you focused.
“Anyway, uh… Hobi-hyung said it’s not too hard. It’ll just take some time on task,” Jungkook continues. The only sign that he’s being jerked off is the slight tilt of his head, the small clench in his jaw. He’s gotten quite good at not reacting. But of course, he’s a quick learner anyway.
Yoongi doesn’t reply to Jungkook, too busy slamming into you, his pace growing faster by the moment. “Fucking cum around my cock, slut…” He snarls in your ear, and you obediently tighten yourself around him, faking an orgasm as drool starts to drip from the makeshift gag of his fingers in your mouth. He curls them deeper into your throat, and you know he loves the sounds you make when you have something to swallow around.
Yoongi cums with a groan and a string of curses, filling you with his release. "Ah, fuck…" He moans, giving a few more shallow thrusts before easing himself out of your tight hole. He gets your ass plug ready and as the head of his cock falls out, he pushes the plug back into place, sealing his cum away inside you.
"Thanks, doll." Yoongi says softly, giving you a light spank and readjusting himself back into his pants. He's a kind person, but when it comes to his own pleasure, degrading you is what gets him off the fastest. "Yeah, we just need to make time to practice. I'm sure we'll get it with Hobi monitoring us,” he finally replies to Jungkook, a little out of breath, but otherwise completely composed.
Now it’s Jungkook’s turn to cum as you pump his shaft, you can feel it. He must have gotten some pleasure out of seeing you being treated that way, or maybe it was from watching Yoongi climax. Either way, his cock is heavier in your hands, red and swollen and just about ready to burst. The boy can only nod his head in reply to Yoongi, his jaw clenched and eyes closing as he nears his orgasm.
“Come on, Master Jeon…” You know he’s shy, and according to the records, a little sweet talk goes a long way with him. “Be a good boy and cum.”
You can’t tell if your words helped, or if it was something else entirely, but Jungkook suddenly rips his cock from your hands, pumping it wildly himself as he positions his shaft over your cheek. He didn’t put it on your lips, so you take the nonverbal queue and keep your mouth closed, instead tilting your head to the side to give him the most surface area.
He gives the cutest little whimper as his cum splatters across your cheek, a few drops overshooting and landing in your hair. You smile, keeping your mouth closed as he paints your skin, gasps slipping from him as he comes down from his high.
When he regains his senses, he squeezes his length, milking a few remaining drops of cum from his cock and wiping them onto your cheek and hair. “Thanks.” Jungkook says simply, as if you’d given him the time of day rather than made him cum on your face.
But it’s all a part of the job.
You lift your finger to collect a stray drop of cum from your jaw, popping the digit in your mouth. “Any time, Master Jeon.” You send him a wink with your finger still resting on your lips, and notice with satisfaction the blush blooming in his cheeks.
Jungkook tucks himself back into his joggers while Yoongi watches you expectantly, his eyes glittering once more. “Well?” Yoongi says, pointing his chin towards the tiny puddle on the floor from the cum that had fallen off your cheek. “Aren’t you going to clean up the mess he made, slut?”
You smile coyly and get down on your hands and knees without hesitation, licking the cum off the floor and swallowing it. “Mm… thank you for the treat, masters.”
Yoongi chuckles, reaching down to pet your hair. “Just be sure not to ruin your appetite for dinner. Otherwise, Master Kim won’t be happy, will he?”
“No, he won’t.” You shake your head obediently. “Don’t worry, master. I won’t have too many treats.”
“Good girl.” His eyes shine with that insatiable lust of his, and despite your best efforts, you feel your heart flutter. Nobody would suspect it of him, but Min Yoongi really is a sexual fiend. Of course, you are his only outlet for his promiscuous urges, so it’s understandable that you have such a startlingly vivid view of all his dirty little secrets and desires.
In fact, that’s true of all the boys, and you’ve gotten to know them all quite well in the six months of working with them. They each have their own intricacies and things that make them tick. You know a single word that will have Park Jimin cumming all over himself in seconds. You know just the right place to rub Kim Namjoon that makes him whimper. Nobody but you knows just what Jung Hoseok fantasizes about doing to you. It feels powerful, and it’s what makes you take such pride in your job.
They need you, because no one else can satisfy them like you can.
It’s why BTS only has one primary PhysCom - you.
“Keep up the good work, slut.” Yoongi departs with a pat to your rump, Jungkook following behind him, his gaze lowered.
Once you’re sure they’re gone, you stand up with a sigh, and stretch your back out from being bent over the counter for so long. There’s still a wet patch on the floor, and you grab a paper towel to actually clean up the spot. Licking it off the floor is sexy and all, but it’s still a terrible slipping hazard, especially when you’re wearing heels.
You leave the cum on your cheek to dry. Taehyung will likely get a thrill out of it later when he sees you, wondering what devilish activities you’ve been up to with the other members today. Though the substance feels unpleasantly sticky, it’s not so bad. Kind of like a face mask. Besides, you know for a fact that hundreds, if not thousands, of girls would do anything to even see Jeon Jungkook’s semen, let alone have it touch their skin. That’s another source of pride you have in your job.
You resume peeling vegetables to make dinner. Sure, you could just press a button on your ComGear and a full course meal would arrive by drone in minutes. But you like to do domestic things for them, the old fashioned way. You have a suspicion Jimin likes it too, though you haven’t confirmed your hunch. Though you've been meaning to ask him about the pictures he sent you this morning of some rather scandalous French maid uniforms... You’re in the process of chopping the vegetables into bite sized pieces when you hear the kitchen door open again.
“Blowjob, sweetheart. I have a meeting in ten.” Namjoon’s harried voice calls out, already unzipping his pants as he approaches you. The stew will have to wait.
You get on your knees, abandoning the cooking once again. “Yes, Master Kim.” You smiles sweetly as he grips your hair and shoves his cock into your mouth, groaning as you start to work on him.
Even though it can be challenging to satisfy seven men at any given time of day, the sounds Namjoon is making while you suck him off remind you why you trained so hard for this, why you spent years preparing your body to become a vessel for their pleasure.
It’s the feeling you get of being truly needed and appreciated. You know for a fact that your presence in their lives is beneficial to their health, their happiness, and their overall wellbeing.
It’s the look on Namjoon’s face as he cums down your throat, his gaze half-lidded as his stress melts away. It’s the gleam in his eyes as he pets your cheek, his touch gentle with a familiar sort of fondness.
It’s the smile that you give Namjoon as he adjusts himself back into his slacks. The way you smooth out his hair for him and adjust his tie with a sunny disposition, assuring him the meeting will go well. It’s the illusion of an emotional connection in addition to a sexual one, an illusion that you’ve worked very hard to establish with each of them.
It’s all a part of the job.
Only a few minutes after Namjoon heads out the door, you're granted another visit, though this one doesn't seem to be nearly as urgent as the last two.
"Hey, jagiya~ what smells so good?" Taehyung's gentle voice carries through the kitchen as he pokes his head in the doorway. "Besides you, I mean."
You can't help the smile that pokes through your facade. He's too damn charming for his own good, and your guard comes down the moment you see him. "Hello, Master Kim. I'm making dinner tonight," you explain as you stir the vegetables sautéeing on the stove. You two have been on a first name basis for a while now, but you still like to use his title when greeting him, in case he’s feeling dominant. "Would you like a taste?"
Taehyung grins and comes over to you, taking a whiff of the pan. "Mm~ actually…" His arms wrap around your waist from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder. "I shouldn't spoil my appetite. I have a feeling we'll all be hungry tonight."
The words are simple, innocent even, but you feel a flutter in your belly as you see a flash of being fucked by them on the dinner table, silverware and dishes clinking as the boys all share you for dessert. “Tae...”
His embrace and tone of voice tells you he just wants company. If he’d wanted anything more from you, he would have told you outright, as they all did. But the “physical” part of your job description doesn't always mean sex every minute, and you’re perfectly happy to provide some physical companionship, especially to Taehyung.
He’s the only one in the house who makes you feel completely at ease. It's almost like you don't have to put on an act around him, almost like the two of you could be friends. Such a fantasy has crossed your mind more than once, and though it's not quite as delicious as the ones of being held, and kissed, and loved by them, being friends could be just as dangerous…
Any deviation from your professional boundaries could snowball into a catastrophe of feelings, you've seen it happen before. PhysComs have been fired in disgrace, idols have lost their careers. Giving in to your longing for mutual affection could result in much worse than just heartbreak. You push away any thoughts of romance or friendship, distressed that such things had been on your mind so much lately.
"Where did this come from?" His curious voice breaks you out of your thoughts, and at first you think he might have read your mind, but then you feel his hot tongue draw itself delicately up your cheek, where the cum from earlier still wets your skin.
Well damn, maybe he is horny after all.
"Jungkook." You answer automatically, a shiver running up your spine as he withdraws his tongue and hums, tasting his younger member's release.
"Hm, I wish I could have seen that… he's usually so shy about it," he murmurs almost to himself, running his hand a little lower to grace your inner thigh. "Did anyone else play with you today?"
"Y-Yoongi." You bite your tongue for letting yourself stutter. You're a professional sex worker, not a school girl, and you mentally slap yourself. You have to keep it together. "He fucked my ass and filled me up for tonight. He came so much inside me..." You egg him on with a whiny, submissive tone of voice, waiting for his command and ready to drop your cooking again the moment he says the word.
"Lucky girl… Hyung takes such good care of you, doesn't he?" His voice is low and inherently seductive. It's like he doesn't even have to try. You feel yourself getting wet already, the tension palpable, your heart pounding, and you expect him to command you to your knees at any moment.
But then the lustful aura is gone just like that, and he giggles lightheartedly. "Like this apron he bought you. Ah, you look so cute in it, jagiya."
His fingers play with the hem of your apron, and then he pulls away completely and flashes you an adorable smile. He leans against the counter beside you with his hands laced behind his head. "But you always look cute."
Did he just... fucking tease you?
Your brain becomes a stream of static as you try to comprehend his unusual behavior. Why would he do that? He’s never given you the bait and switch like that before. If he wanted to fuck you, he could have, just then or now or any time he wanted.
What does he want, then? Was he trying to have you initiate things instead? If so, then why wouldn’t he just tell you what he wants, like he always does?
Your rules for your work are very simple. You don't run on implications, you run on commands. Guesswork in the bedroom can make things messy, so unless they explicitly tell you to do something, you don't initiate. Coyness and mind games have no place when consent is the cardinal rule for your entire operation, and they know that. It’s a part of your contract. They all signed it.
So why is he not following the rules?
You try not to let your confusion show, and revert back to your persona of a fuck doll, giving him a doe eyed expression that contained all the things you could do to him if he so desired. "Do you… want something of me, Master?"
He shakes his head, mirth dancing in his eyes. "Just your company."
What the fuck.
“Master, I-” You start to question him, but he shushes you with a finger to your lips.
“Taehyung,” he corrects you. “I just want to hang out with you, promise.” He grins, and he looks so damn innocent, you would swear you’d just hallucinated him feeling you up and licking his bandmate’s cum off your cheek.
You level a wary stare his way, caught off-guard by this strange flip flop of behavior. You’re not sure what’s gotten into him, but the lust from before is nowhere to be found on his face, and he keeps his hands to himself. Maybe he really does just want to spend time with you.
“Can I help you cook?” he asks, leaning over to sniff the aroma of the veggies you have in the pan. “These really do smell good.” He hums and walks over to get one of the cooking aprons hanging from hooks by the pantry.
You stare at his back, utterly confused and disarmed, but you try to set his past weirdness aside and focus on the present. “Sure.” You get out an extra cutting board and knife and have him help you clean and prepare the beef for the stew.
He seems to have returned to normal, at least as far as you can tell, and you decide to ignore the incident, giving him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe it was a misunderstanding, or maybe he just changed his mind. Taehyung would tell you if something was on his mind, he always has trouble keeping his thoughts to himself, so you have no reason to doubt him.
Pretty soon the two of you are laughing and talking like you always do while you cook, and Taehyung brings up what seems to be his favorite topic - your life before you became a PhysCom.
“So, wait. You never had a boyfriend?” Tae shakes his head in disbelief when you explain your dating history. “Impossible. You’re way too sexy for any guy to ignore, jagiya.”
“I didn’t have time to date.” You laugh at his compliment, rolling your eyes while you wash the dishes you two used to cook, the stew already set to simmer. “And I didn’t used to be. The sexiness came along with my training.” You didn’t mind sharing stories about your past with Tae, especially since it seems to fascinate him so much, but you do try to filter out some of the more unpleasant memories of your trainee days.
He shakes his head again adamantly. “No. You’re naturally sexy. No training can make your eyes sparkle so prettily,” he says, as if it’s a matter of fact, and dries off the dishes as you hand them to him.
“It’s the contacts. They enhance my pupils, make them more appealing,” you explain with a shrug. With all the makeup, hair, and body products you use for your job, your natural appearance has since become an entirely different person in your eyes. You’re not surprised no one ever asked you out, you just looked so… plain. You never want any of the boys to see you like that, it would shatter the illusion.
“Let me see.”
Taehyung’s arms are on either side of you, and you whip around to find that he's pinned you against the sink. He leans closer, an expression of playful curiosity on his face as he stares into your eyes. You meet his gaze, unsure why your heart is racing all of a sudden.
“Hm… nope.” He smiles, and his eyes grow softer the longer he looks at you. “You’re still beautiful.”
You don’t know what to say to that. He said it so… sincerely.
Before you can think, his gaze darts down to your mouth and suddenly he’s leaning even closer. Too close. Too much risk. Feelings…
You flinch away, a flash of panic in your gut. This isn’t supposed to happen.
He stops, crestfallen at your reaction. “... I’m sorry,” he says quietly, his eyes wide.
How did this happen? How did you get yourself into this position? Fuck, why do you still want him to kiss you? Too many thoughts swirl like storm clouds in your mind as your worries grow and you feel like you might hyperventilate.
“I… I should go change for dinner.” It’s a half-assed excuse, and you both know it. But you still duck your gaze and slip under his arm to make a hasty exit, hurrying upstairs and away from the stifling situation and potential disaster.
You kick yourself for wondering what potential disaster’s lips taste like...
Your room is your one reprieve in the house. No one is allowed inside except yourself and your handler, on the rare occasion she visits. It’s a huge room, just like every other room in the house, but you’ve done your best to make it cozy.
It has all the necessities you need to care for your body and mind, a soaking tub, massage table, some simple exercise equipment and yoga mats, not to mention all the beauty products that were practically a part of your uniform.
The bed is lavish, but comfortable, with plenty of soft blankets and pillows, and a stuffed animal or two. You can’t cuddle another person at night, so they provide you with some comfort on evenings when sleep just won’t come.
You rush inside and shut the door with a slam, leaning up against it as you catch your breath. You hate to be so dramatic, but this has never happened before. Things have veered off course of your well-rehearsed script and expected blocking, and into the dangerous territory of improvisation. You panicked.
Shit, why did you panic? Why did you let him get that close to you?
You’ve always thought Taehyung was just lonely, looking for someone he could talk to who understood him. Had he been aiming for this all along? You look down and notice your hands are trembling.
Fuck. All over a stupid kiss.
Sure the other boys have put their mouths on yours during sessions before, but usually it’s driven by lust, more tongue and teeth and saliva than anything meaningful. It’s an extension of the sex, in that sense.
But a real kiss? A kiss like Tae wanted, one that’s soft and gentle and full of feelings, is far too close to romance for your comfort. Romance is the enemy, lust is your partner and best friend.
You try to shake off the incident, but your mind keeps replaying the scenario in vivid detail. He’d looked so heartbroken when you pulled away, you feel like a little piece of you broke along with it. Guilt claws at your stomach, and to your surprise, regret tags along with it.
The betrayal of your own emotions is too much, and you heave a sigh, trying to turn your brain off entirely for a while.
As you change out of the apron and into a fluffy bathrobe, you feel your ComGear vibrate. You pull the slim device out of its sheath on your belt, and you’re not surprised to see several missed messages from Taehyung.
Your gut twists painfully. You can’t even look at them.
You toss the device onto your bed and kick off your heels, wondering how on earth you’ll face him at dinner tonight. How could you work past this? What if they hire another PhysCom for him because he feels too awkward around you?
Oh, hell no. You need to fully face this and do damage control in order to retain your client. Fuck your feelings, this is about business.
Just as you finish your inner pep talk, a knock sounds on your door, as if to challenge your spurt of bravery. You have a sinking feeling in your stomach as you answer the door.
Taehyung is standing there, his head hung and hands wringing in front of him. “Can I come in?” He asks quietly. You debate for a moment before stepping aside. Surely, he wouldn’t try anything so soon after you rejected him.
Tae slowly enters the room, and you fold your arms protectively across your chest, waiting to hear him out.
“If… if you don’t like me, that’s okay.” His voice is even lower than usual, gravelly with the pain he’s feeling. “I shouldn’t have done that. You’re not here to love us.”
You stare at him, wondering if he understands the full scope of the situation. He’s tossing around the words love and like as if they are even in the realm of possibility.
“No, you’re right, I’m not.” You try not to sound angry, but he has to see why this can’t happen. “Tae, your contract could be terminated. Mine could be. The media would chew us up and spit us out, we’d be left with nothing. You’d be stigmatized. No one would want an idol who’s attached to such a scandal, or a PhysCom who broke her employer’s trust. We would both be ruined. Your fans would abandon you. Your life as you know it would be over and you’d live in a shadow of disgrace.”
He flinches at your reprimanding, looking like a school boy being lectured for writing on the bathroom walls. “I’m sorry,” he says again. He sounds so hopeless.
You feel another wave of guilt, and come over to try and comfort him. “It’s… okay.” Lies. How could you make this situation okay? Honesty. Always go for honesty.
“Look. I know it must get… lonely.” You have to cut him a little slack, the man probably hasn’t been able to kiss, to hold someone, in years. He was just like you. “Fuck, I wanted you to kiss me too, so badly… But this - us - can’t happen.”
He pouts unintentionally, and you look down at the floor to avoid staring at his lips.
“I can only do what my contract states. Love is not written on any page of it.” It pains you to be so blunt, but you know it’s the only way you can stop this before it starts. “I’m only allowed to be your PhysCom, and follow commands that will pleasure you. That’s the limit of our relationship.”
He seems to process your words, staring down as well. Then he looks at you, realization lighting up his eyes. “So, what if… I command you to kiss me?”
Your gaze snaps up to him in alarm. “What?”
He grins again. “What if I say kissing you is my kink? Then would you kiss me?”
You can’t hold in your laugh. “Nice try, but no.”
“Why not?” He walks a few steps closer to you, and hooks a finger under your chin. “You said you wanted it, too.”
Shit. He’s got you there. Come on, brain, remember all those logical reasons why this can’t happen...
“It has to bring you sexual pleasure. I can’t do things for you out of… any other emotion.” You skirt around any condemning words, taking a step back. But he matches your step, coming up close to you again, this time resting his other hand on your waist.
You shiver as he says the pet name, and you find yourself caught in his intense gaze, unable to look away.
“It would bring me… immense pleasure…” His thumb brushes your cheek, and he leans down, his lips merely inches from your own. “If you would kiss me.”
Fuck. You’re like a fly trapped in honey, unable to escape, but at least you’re drowning in something delicious. You can’t deny him when he touches you like this. It’s been so long, and he’s so gentle. He makes you feel safe, which is not something you’ve felt very often in your life.
His lips barely brush yours, but it's enough to make your walls come tumbling down. You close the gap, your lips crashing together as you fling your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you.
You kiss him desperately at first, afraid that lightning would strike you both down immediately. But as nothing bad happens, you relax into it, actually enjoying the spark you feel from his lips.
His arms wrap around your waist, hugging you tightly as if he’s afraid you might disappear. A small moan leaves his throat as he matches your intensity, flowing into a softer, more intimate connection as you both melt into one another.
His lips are warm and gentle, just like the rest of him. You hadn't noticed before, but his aftershave is precisely the type of scent that turns you on… masculine, but not overpowering. Your fingers slide up his neck to tangle in his hair, and you feel his hand on your back, supportive and drawing you closer to him with a soft moan.
In this moment with Taehyung, you don't just feel needed, like how the others depend on you for sex.
You feel wanted, like even if he had a thousand other choices, he'd still choose to kiss you.
It's an unusual feeling, and it sends butterflies through your chest.
You and Tae stay like that for quite a while, just kissing and holding each other, and it’s everything you’ve fantasized about, but somehow better. Maybe it’s the thrill of knowing it shouldn’t be happening. That this isn’t a part of your job.
When you two eventually part, you're both gasping for air, cheeks flushed from sharing in such an illicit activity. But your high comes crashing down when you see Jimin staring at you from the doorway, jaw slack and eyes wide with alarm.
“... What are you two doing?”
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joshslater · 5 years
The Reformatory
A rewrite of jd07201990′s swimmer story. Similar stories and bonus material on my Patreon.
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Dear diary or however you are supposed to start.
So tomorrow is the big day. Dad and I are sleeping at a Holiday Inn at the other side of the state. Well, I'm obviously not sleeping. How could I? So I thought I should start a journal of some sort to document this experience.
Some background. Two months ago I was in a fight with Mark Samberg on the football team. It had gotten pretty bad between the football schmucks and us swimmers. The jockheads were constantly harassing us, calling us fags and prissy boys. It happened often and was getting boring. As the captain of the swim team I asked Mark to knock it off and get his players in line. Idiot as he is he tried to knock me out instead, and I lost it. In our scramble I managed to knock him down and was about to kick him in the shin when he shifted and instead I connected with his knee. Apparently it fractured. He'll be able to walk and even run, but he'll not be able to play again for years, so he lost his Scholarship.
His family sued everyone they could. Me, the school, the swim coach. In the end all the lawyers sat down in a room with a local judge and came up with something they all could agree to. Mark gets some study assistance to get his grades up, the school had this quickly brushed under the carpet, and could pretend I was never student there. Me not graduating wasn’t really a blow, as my college fund now went to pay for Mark’s education, as compensation. They were rich enough to afford it anyway, but they wanted to see punishment. I get the honor to spend the next 180 days at the Lepinski Adolescence Reformation Center, where I will "participate in all scheduled exercises, activities, therapies, meals and medication programs". They can tack on some extra days for bad behavior without going back to the judge, but essentially I get 6 months at bad boy camp for standing up to bullies.
What will I do there? No idea. The website talks a lot about work ethics and responsibility and working together with the local community. Sounds like labor camp to me. I'll guess we'll know tomorrow. But first we have to visit the hospital for a check up. My first day in prison will mostly not be in prison!
Day 1, Monday
We started with a checkup at the hospital, and man did they do a thorough job. Our appointment was at 10, but before that I had to fill out a form with 100 questions. The doctor spent more than 30 minutes doing the most extensive check I've ever had. Not only that, but after the check we had to go to the sample lab to draw blood, and finally I had a CT scan at noon. After that, and a quick lunch, we drove to the actual reformation center, which was in a smaller town 2 hours away.
It's an old boarding school building that they've turned into this "Reformation Center", and it clearly looks more like a prison than a school. Just a heap of two story brick and concrete buildings out in nowhere. Not much of security, but then everyone was there "voluntarily", meaning that we all had a proper punishment waiting for us if we left. I hugged dad goodbye and was shown to Mr. Kerwin’s office by the entrance guard.
Mr. Kerwin was a lean, ripped man in his forties that oozed military discipline. He explained that he was responsible for my rehabilitation and that he wouldn't start soft. He would give me a packed schedule, and if I didn't pull my weight he would add more days for "noncompliance". If I didn't like it I could run back to judge Stephenson and ask to start over in juvie.
Perhaps that would be better, because the schedule he showed me was totally insane.
4:30-5:00  Breakfast 5:00-8:00  Exercise pass 1 8:00-12:00 Work pass 1 12:00-12:30 Lunch 12:30-14:30 School 14:30-17:30 Work pass 2 17:30-18:00 Dinner 18:00-21:00 Exercise pass 2 21:30       Lights out
He explained that my breakfast, lunch and dinner would be pre-portioned and I was required to eat all of it. The exercise passes would be lead by himself or one of the assistants. Again, I would have to follow every instruction. The work passes were done at local businesses that wanted an extra hand, and changed depending on demand. The school passes were done as a group on whatever subject Mr. Reed selected.
Next he ordered me to get naked and place all my clothes on top of my bag and move to the other side of the room. Having done so he pointed at a stack of clothes on the table and told me to pick my size and get dressed. I quickly dressed in one of the track suits from the table. There was a baseball cap also, which confused me, but was told that it was instead of sunglasses when working outdoor.
With that I was given a rule book to study and was led by an assistant to my room where a dinner was waiting. Turkey, rice, water. I was reminded of lights out at 21:30 and wake up at 4:30. The assistant left and locked the door. 10 minutes later he came back with my journal book and pen, and told me that they'll keep the rest for now.
Having eaten the dinner and having three hours (I'm almost sure 21:30 is 9:30 PM) to kill before the lights go out I'm now summarizing the day. I'm sitting in something very similar to a prison cell. Bed, toilet, sink. Everything is clean, though somewhat worn. Looking into the mirror is kind of depressing though. I look like some jailed gang member.
It's kind of weird that I haven't met any of the other inmates, sorry students, here. I saw some of them while coming in, but perhaps this is their kind of hazing, or they do an official presentation tomorrow. Anyway, I should study the rule book and go to bed, since I didn't sleep much last night.
Day 2, Tuesday
So much to write about, so little time. I might have to split this into several entries since lights out is in 20 minutes.
I was awaken at 4:30 and given a tray with a large bowl of porridge and berries and some chalky smoothie or shake or whatever to drink. After that an assistant lead me to the gym room where we went over various machines, mainly for cardio. Elliptical, bike, treadmill. Weird thing was that it was only us two in the room during all three hours.
Sweaty and a bit tired I was then taken outside to a bus where some of the other boys where chilling. Apparently everyone else had breakfast between 7 and 8. They had no idea why I didn't join them there. The bus then drove around town and the driver announced who should exit where. My group of four people exited at a farm before town, only about 5 minutes away. I don't know exactly since I haven't been given my watch back.
There we spent hours just moving hay. Don't they know about tractors? Sweaty, itchy, tired and hungry we were then picked up and driven back. At lunch was the first time I saw the real common area. To my surprise there were more boys there than had been on the bus.
Everyone else could pick what they wanted from what was served, but I was given a ready tray with an heap of salmon and pasta. I was starving though, so it wasn't a problem to eat it all. I didn't have much time to talk, but the guys at my table were nice. Somewhat rough, as could be expected. Apparently you were chosen for the different work assignments, and if you were not picked you stayed at the center for sports or craft or similar things.
After Lunch followed a session with Mr. Reed. The first boring hour was on English grammar and the second boring hour on US geography. I aced the quizz getting all 50 states and state capitols right, so I didn't learn anything new after that. Then Mr. Reed announced who had work assignments, and I was again selected.
This time I and Troy were dropped off at a different farm where we spent almost three hours helping with fencing. Mainly carry posts and sawing them to length.
For dinner I had some meatballs with roasted sweet potatoes while everyone else had meatballs with tomato sauce. Mr. Kerwin picked me up and led me to the gym. Unlike the morning session this was all about weight training. Most of it was on finding my limits for different exercises while Mr. Kerwin pointed out how I could improve my form. You could tell that this was what he liked to do, and encouraged me to push a bit further. Once we were done I had a bottle of post workout mix of some sort and a very quick shower before rushing back to my room.
Here's the thing. My room is on a different floor than the other guys. Also, my schedule appears to be different and much more rigid than the rest of the guys. I also
Day 3, Wednesday
I couldn't finish the last entry before they cut the light. My entire body is in pain right now. I woke up like that, and it didn't go away all day. Same schedule as yesterday, but different tasks and different dishes. The assistant really pushed today during the morning session, so I was exhausted already at the bus. Planting bushes at the city park all morning didn't help. I got some rest during Reeds rehash of elementary math. Then back to doing fences, and top it all off with weight training. I asked Mr. Kerwin about the schedule and why it was so different from everyone else’s. He said that everyone's schedule is individual and that he'll adjust mine as needed.
One more weird thing before I fall to sleep. Everyone else is using their normal clothes. I haven't gotten mine back yet.
Day 4, Thursday
FUCK! I was back on moving hay today again, with Sam, Trevor and Rick. I'm still hurting like hell and Rick is one lazy motherfucker, so old fart Farmer Joe decided to complain. The end result is that I am getting 2 days added for noncompliance. Sam, Trevor and Rick got nothing. WTF!
Day 5, Friday
We were carrying merchandise all morning and Troy heckled me on how I got more days because of the piece of shit Rick. But he then said that it was a weird coincidence that every work shift I've been on has been the toughest one.
Instead of going to class I met with the doctor from the hospital who made a visit. He asked me about how I felt, where I was sore etc. Then he gave me an injection which he said would ease things for me. I didn't feel much different, but I was getting really sleepy getting back to Mr. Reeds class, but it might just be that everything he did was too simple and boring.
Apparently while I had a check up Troy had shared his theory about me being a work magnet, so there were some groans from the guys placed in my group. God damn fence work again.
Man, I'm tired. I was tired even before Mr. Kerwin gave me the toughest weight pass ever. Fuck, I'm tired.
Day 6, Saturday
So the weekend schedule is different. There is still a morning work pass, basically only used by the local farmers. But the afternoon is free both on Saturdays and Sundays. Conditions and terms applies, apparently. Since I haven't done any cleaning or dishes all week (how could I?), I'm assigned washing clothes, sheets etc. Man, how much better it is to carry laundry than hay. Best job assignment all week. Lots of downtime. Only real drawback is all the humidity. It’s steamy AF here.
Still fucking 3h workout pass in the morning and evening. The other boys were pretty vocal in mocking me on my way to the gym.
Day 7, Sunday
So the day started out as any other so far. Woke up sore. Breakfast alone and 3 hour gym session. There are no work passes outside LARC on Sundays, so I was hit with cleaning, together with Kyle G. and Rick. Rick ghosted after like three minutes, but KG did a solid work. It took us all the time til lunch though to finish it.
Then my first free couple of hours all week. It’s insane. The other guys were low key avoiding me, so I did what Mr. Kerwin had suggested and had a walk in the forest. It was actually kind of nice, and for some weird reason I didn’t feel like sitting still.
Day 8, Monday
Same shit again. Mr. Kerwin gave me a shot in the arm this evening. Apparently I’ll have one each Monday from now on. Whatever.
Also I found out today that the others don’t have formal lights out. I’m on my own floor so they can lock me up and cut the power. What the fuck?
Day 9, Tuesday
That fucker Rick slacked off again, taunting me about another two days. Ha! I got 10. Mostly for kicking him in the teeth. They locked me in my room, so I had lunch there and sat in this boring ass cell during class and work. Fuck, I don’t know what’s worse. I had to do some body weight exercises to keep sane. Fuck this shit.
Back again. I still got to have my evening workout. Kerwin was pushing harder than ever. The order of exercises was different too. Apparently to make the major muscles tired so smaller muscle groups then get to work. Or something. I don’t give a shit.
Day 11, Thursday
They fucking work now, don’t they the little shits. They know I ruined someones career to get here and another one for slacking off. They better pull there weight
Day 14, Sunday
I think I’ll stick to just write on Sundays. There is only half an hour from evening gym to lights out, so there isn’t much time for writing. I’ve even skipped shower a few times. It’s not like it matters when you start every fucking day getting soaked with cardio. Not like there are any girls around to impress either. Sunday has a different vibe tho. Cleaning, running in the forest and taking a long shower.
Starts and ends with fucking gym time though.
Day 21, Sunday
I really fucking like the forest runs. Its like you don’t have to think and can just run wherever and grab whatever and smash whatever. Fucking love it
Day 28, Sunday
Yay! A full fucking month!
It’s crazy though how much stronger I’m. I have gone up one size larger track suite and 2 sizes larger sneakers. Working hard to make me the best I guess.
Day 42, Sunday
guess i forgot about writing last week. i think the monday shots make me angry or something because last week fucked up someone else on tuesday. at least they all give me fucking respect at least.
Day 92, Monday
i dont give a shit abot reeds borin ass lessons and they fuckin repeat on a loop or some shit. today he was back on gramr and the states. i most time dont fill out his shit but wanted to do it again today. fucking aced most of the states. not so good on the capitols tho
Day 203, Sunday
only 2 weeks left tomorrow lol then im gonna yeet the fuck outta here !!!! adios motherfuckas
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Mr. Kerwin enters the room, carrying a folder, and walks behind his desk, not even looking at me. I am sitting in his precious fucking antique chair I pulled from the corner. He’s sitting his ass down, rifles through the papers in the folder and starts to read from one of them.
“John Hamlin agrees to 180 days of rehabilitation training at the Lepinski Adolescence Reformation Center, where he will participate in all scheduled exercises, activities, therapies, meals and medication programs, with a possible extension of 30 days for noncompliance and a possible extension of 60 days for infractions as described by the Juvenile Rehabilitation Act (JuRA), section 1103 (b).”
He looks up at me. It sounded like easy shit when I said yes to it. I thought half a year in a bad boy summer camp, or worst case something like prison, but that would have been miles better than this fucking non-stop hard labor shit. And 180 days was a fucking joke. They never fucking intended that to be the actual time. Have someone else slack off and the slap another 2 days to the time. Kick a chair to pieces, 5 days. Punch a guy for being a cunt, 10 days. I’m close to having another fucking outburst again. It must be all that fucking shit they put in the food or shakes or whatever. I fight it. I don’t want to show any emotion in front of him. I don’t think he buys my shit.
“There is another document in the agreement that you haven’t heard. This one between Mark and judge Andrews.”
He pulls out another paper from the folder and read it.
“The state hereby directs Mark Samberg, or person(s) by him so designated, to design and oversee the rehabilitation program of John Hamlin to be administrated at the Lepinski Adolescence Reformation Center. This includes physical exercises, physical therapy, education, consoling, dietary plan and medication, as long as it fulfills the positive development criteria (Appendix D), is within the available services at the Lepinski Adolescence Reformation Center (Appendix A) and within the given budget (Appendix C). Additional services require external financing and approval from the Reformation Center management (Appendix B).”
That doesn’t make any fucking sense. Why the hell had the judge put Mark in charge of my schedule? I understand why he’d want to make the experience suck as much as fucking possible for me, by why had everyone agreed to it? Kerwin looks at me as if he can read an open book.
“You are wondering what has happened to you. What was the meaning of all this? Stand up.”
I jump to my feet. There are still weeks he can add to my time here, and I don’t want to give him any fucking reason to add some shit.
“Stand with your feet as close together as you can.”
He’s never asked me to do that before. I can easily tap me feet together, but I can’t really stand still with my feet right next to each other for long. What the fuck is this bullshit? My thighs are too massive for that.
“Sit down again.”
He leans back and watches me with a bemused smirk.
“Imagine that you’d been away from swimming half a year. Even if you kept in shape it would take you months to be back in good enough technique to clear the swim team tryouts. But you have not kept in shape, have you? You have a completely new shape.”
The blood is draining from my face. I understand where this is going.
“With your upper body build you can physically really only do butterfly strokes properly, but if you can’t bring your feet together the leg kick will just be a wild thrashing of water. You swimming medley would be a hilarious joke. We haven’t even talked about you almost doubling in weight, and how much more oxygen you would need to swim. Sure, you are much stronger now, but old you would swim circles around new you. And that is of course the point. If Mark couldn’t have his sports career, he didn’t want you to have yours either. And the judge agreed.”
I’m surprised that the chair doesn’t break, as hard as I’m squeezing it. I’m boiling with fucking rage. I have to really focus to not to act on it.
“Now the judge specifically set out that this transformation couldn’t be punishment in itself, but rather that you were trained in a way that just wasn’t optimal for swimming. We may have gone a bit overboard with the body building to leave you many options though. You’ll obviously never be competitive in anything with speed or agility, like football or boxing. The metabolic conditioning, hormone treatment and gene therapy have far to long lasting effects to change you back from where you are now. You could try wrestling or weight lifting though, unless you mind showing your erection through spandex.”
“What the fuck?”, I said, as much as a general question to all the things he’d said. What does metabolic conditioning mean? Gene therapy? Erections?
“The medical regimen that Marks family found for you kind of put the feet on both the gas and the break at the same time. It forces the body to grow a lot at the same time as we try to stop it, so it has to try even harder. By injecting stem cells with the right CRISPR-modified DNA we could get rapid, major and long lasting changes. Well, I say we, but all I did was to make sure you kept to the exercise regimen, for a little cash on the side… Surely you didn’t think you got larger feet and dick from eating much and working hard?”
I don’t understand exactly what they done to me, but the result is pretty fucking clear. There was no way I would swim competitively ever again, if I could even fucking swim at all now. I would come out of here looking like a fucking balloon animal muscle jock, and shedding the muscles back to where I were would take shitloads of years.
“The hormone treatment finished two weeks ago and last blood sample shows that your natural hormone levels will keep you muscled and pumped probably well into your forties. So this morning I also cut you off from all suppressive medication as well. That is going to spike your hormone levels and mess quite a bit with you, so we need to see just how badly fucked up you are before we can release you.”
“The good doctor say that you’ll be more irritable and have more excess energy than before. Both something you can work on with regular, hard exercise. But I want to see where you really are at now, so starting today you’ll have no required gym time and labor passes. You can wake up when you want, eat what you want and do what you want.”
“You said erections?”, I asked.
“Yeah, the suppression medication should have kept you limp. You haven’t jacked off while here, have you? Well, you heard what I said about gas and break and compensation. Your body has been pumping massive amounts of hormones into your blood, and will continue to do so. But now that you don’t have the suppressives anymore you should expect to be horny for the next decade or two. You’ll be nothing but a lumbering muscle dildo.”
There’s a crack somewhere inside the wood of the armrest. Fucking fourteen more days, I have to remind myself. Don’t fuck any shit up before then. If I let go of the chair I’m quite positive I will knock him the fuck out. Fourteen fucking more shit days.
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xmagicxshopx · 5 years
Spring Cleaning - Chapter 4
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Genre: Fluff, Romance, Comedy Rating: PG - M ( future smut ) Warnings: None in this chapter Pairing: personal assistant!jungkook x ceo!reader Notes: AU fic. Not idol!jungkook. Single quote marks ‘ ‘ are for thoughts and double “ “ are for talking. Additional Notes: This chapter may seem like a filler but I think it’s important for character development since Kook and reader are spending time together and getting to know each other~
Tagging: @deolly​ @katebacks​
Summary: Your mother built you to be a thriving business machine. However, in her old age, she’s growing soft and wants grand kids to spoil. Your home and yard are a mess due to your busy schedule. So your mother attempts to kill two birds with one stone.
MASTERLIST || CH 1 || CH 2 || CH 3 
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“Good night, Mr. Jeon.”
“Good night, Miss. Kwon.”
Last night had ended just as the night before. Only......it hadn’t? As he laid there in bed staring at the ceiling but not really seeing it, he let the events of last night play back in his mind’s eyes. You had told him that you were going to call off work tomorrow.....which would mean today. You----The workaholic who literally worked till she dropped, was going to take a day off??? It almost seemed too good to be true. Yet here he was, another morning rolling around and this time.....he wouldn’t have to watch you leave for work at the ass crack of dawn. It was Monday so normally you’d be getting up and getting ready for work.
“She seemed to really like breakfast yesterday. Perhaps I’ll see if she’s up and I can make more for her.”
Changing into a simple over sized t-shirt and some sweats, he made his way out of his room and instantly noticed the smell of coffee filling the house. Hmm......Well he knew that could have only came from one person. You. So it would seem you were already up. Not surprising but hopefully you’d still be somewhere around here and not having lied to him. Now that he had time to process everything, he was genuinely looking forward to you staying home today.
Taking the stairs two at a time, he reached the bottom in nothing flat. Subconsciously ruffling and fluffing his shaggy long locks, he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw not only you sitting at the dining table sipping on coffee, but your mother too. Well dang.
“Jungkookieeee! Darling! It’s so good to see you! Come! Have some coffee with us!”
While he had managed to keep professional eye contact with your mother, he was pretty sure he could see you visibly cringe out of the corner of his eye and he couldn’t help but internally snicker. Your mother was quite......obvious with her intentions still despite everything. However, he offered a warm and friendly smile before saying casually in a light and happy tone,
“I’d love to, Mrs. Kwon. Thank you.”
Of course she motioned for him to sit next to you and who was he to defy your mother??? Trying to keep a straight face and not grin like a moron, he took the seat next to you and decided to sneak a glance your way. You seemed to be texting someone at a rate that not even he could keep up with. If the look of deep concentration was anything to go by, he decided it was best not to say anything to you till you were done.
“How do you like your coffee, my dear?”
“Oh just black is fine, Mrs. Kwon.”
“Ugh. Gross. You’re just like my daughter. You two need more sweetness in your lives. Some sugar and cream. Lots of cream.”
Thank god he hadn’t actually took a drink from his mug yet or else he would have choked just as he nearly had on the noodle from his soup last night. What was it with these Kwon women??? Always full of surprises it would seem. After cautiously taking a sip of his coffee, he glanced over to see what your reaction had been but you simply kept typing furiously away on your phone.
“So what brings you over so early in the morning, Mrs. Kwon? Is everything alright?”
“Oh I just happened to get a frantic text from my poor Jiminnie this morning. Something about how my daughter might be in trouble because she was calling off work today. So I rushed right over.”
However, the tone that your mother spoke in was anything but worried. In fact, her voice just happened to be dripping in amusement. Something that the male instantly caught on to. Taking another sip of his coffee, he noticed you grumbling as you finally put your phone down. Goodness. Weren’t your thumbs about to fall off?
“I still don’t think it’s that big of a shock. I’m taking a day away from the office. So what???”
The table grew silent while you huffed and took a sip of your now stone cold coffee. Oh well. That was okay. It would be cold like your soul as you thought to yourself. Even though your mother liked to pick on you, even she knew now wasn’t a good moment to poke fun at your statement. While Jungkook hadn’t known you for very long, less than a week in fact, he knew enough not to comment either. It was then that your mother decided to break the tense silence as she cleared her throat and asked casually,
“So what are the plans for today, my darlings?”
That was a good question. What were your plans??? Now that you weren’t sitting there texting Jimin an entire playbook on how to run a company for just. one. day., you finally had some time to think about what you wanted to do with this time away from the office. The growling of your stomach gave you the first idea.
Grocery shopping. Ah yes. You were supposed to do that with Jungkook sometime soon. So that way he could fix food he knew you would actually like instead of just guessing. Hearing a soft chuckle over next to you, you glanced over to see Jungkook smiling to himself in amusement and delight as he silently got up from his chair before padding over to the kitchen and announcing happily,
“Mrs. Kwon, you should stay for breakfast. My treat.”
“Why thank you, dear! Mr. Jeon has quite the manners. Doesn’t he, sweetheart?”
“Absolutely selfless, he is.”
Your tone was one of a deadpanned as you silently grumbled while sipping on your ice cold coffee. You could practically feel the male snickering behind you while he shared a look of amusement with your mother. Two against one. How unfair. While Jungkook went about fixing breakfast for the three of you, your mother pipped up about how it would be a good idea to start making a list of all the groceries you’d need.
It kind of reminded you of the days where she was training you to be her successor. The one to take her place in the company that she had held so dearly once upon a time. But now it was almost like your mother was teaching you how to be a normal human being again. Honestly, it wasn’t far from the truth. You didn’t know it, but your mother felt incredibly guilty for having turned you into such a workaholic. A soul who was alive but not actually living.
As he stood there in the adjoining kitchen cutting up peppers to put in the fried potatoes, he couldn’t help but watch you and your mother at the dining table. It all felt so.......domestic? The real question was.....how did that make him feel? The initial feeling was that he liked it. But should he? This was supposed to be a job and a job only for him. Cooking, cleaning, being your personal assistant so that you could focus on your company and not have to worry about life at home so much.
So then why did it feel like he was fixing breakfast for his girlfriend and his potential mother-in-law???
Shaking his head a bit to clear it, he continued working on breakfast and decided to listen in on your conversation. Perhaps focusing on tasks such as grocery shopping would help distract him from these odd thoughts and feelings that were bubbling inside his chest and confusing his brain.
It seemed like in no time at all, a western omelet fit for royalty had been placed on three plates as well as Jungkook coming up with his own little healthy touch of fruit salad as a small side dish for each of them as they all three sat at the dining table. But not before the male had kindly offered to refill their coffee mugs. Needless to say, your mother was glowing while you were brooding.
“My my my. I’m going to have to come over for breakfast more often! I could get used to this!”
“You want him? You can have him.”
Having quickly become used to your sour humor, your words didn’t phase Jungkook a bit. As for your mother, however, she still lightly scolded you for being so rude to someone who had just slaved over a hot stove to make you breakfast. If your mother only knew. Jungkook thrived in the kitchen and being a slave was the last thing he felt like right now.
“It’s quite alright, Mrs. Kwon. I take no offense to it. Please do enjoy your breakfast before it gets cold.”
Wow. When your mother was all feather ruffled and huffy and puffy......it made the two of you look so much alike. There was no denying that you two were blood related. In that moment, Jungkook learned that the apple didn’t fall far from the tree. It was actually kind of cute, really. Thankfully, your mother took his encouraging words and ran with it as she finally took the first bite of the best omelet she had ever had.
Aside from the occasional bickering between you and your mother, breakfast was actually quite lovely. If it hadn’t been for looking over the grocery list the two of you had made up, Jungkook would have started feeling all domestic again and that wasn’t what he needed right now. He needed to stay focused on his job and be just your personal assistant. Nothing more and nothing less.
‘Stay focused, Jeon.’
Once breakfast was over and Mrs. Kwon insisted on helping load the dishwasher, you had made the announcement that you’d be heading upstairs to shower before accompanying your assistant to the grocery store. Both your mother and said assistant simply nodded with smiles that were nearly identical in mischief. This only caused you to narrow your eyes suspiciously at them before huffing and heading upstairs. Still not fair.
“You know, Jungkookie, there’s a carnival in town this week. Perhaps you and my daughter might wish to go?”
Dang. Your mother wasn’t going to make his latest internal struggle any easier, was she? At first, he really hadn’t minded her obvious attempts at match making. However, now that he was starting to feel these odd domestic type feelings, it was becoming much more difficult to shrug them off as just all-in-good-fun teasing.
“A carnival sounds like a lot of fun, Mrs. Kwon. Would you like to join in if we go?”
There. Maybe if he could try to turn the tables a bit, it might make him feel a little less self-conscious. While he appreciated your mother’s enthusiasm and confidence in his ability to please you, Jungkook was in no shape to be someone’s love interest. For several reasons. Reasons that he really didn’t care to think about right now.
“Oh my no. I wouldn’t want to intrude. But I think my daughter needs to get out more and she seems to listen to you better than she does me. So perhaps you could convince her to go, hmm?”
Well that didn’t work. At all. He should have known better, honestly, but it had been worth a shot. After assuring the woman that he would at least try to run the idea by you, that seemed to be enough to satisfy her and she proceeded to insist that she could handle the dishes if he too wanted to wash up before heading to the grocery store.
With that, he nodded and headed up the stairs to take a quick shower and make himself decent for the task at hand. While in the shower, it felt anything but quick as he got lost in thoughts. Thoughts of you and your mother and how he felt about having breakfast with the two of you. It was nice. Really nice. But he was probably just overthinking it. He had a tendency to do that with things that confused him.
After getting all washed up and towel drying his shaggy mop of hair, he then proceeded to comb and dry said mop. Honestly, he felt he looked more mature with long hair but dang was it a hassle to take care of. Once his dark locks were perfectly quaffed, he dressed in a light yellow button up shirt tucked into a pair of ripped skinny jeans.
There we go. Not too dressy but not too casual. Spritzing on some cologne his father got him for his birthday last year, he checked himself in the mirror one more time before determining he looked good and professional. He could only imagine how his best friend from Busan Jimin felt. Having to wear a monkey suit day in and day out being your real assistant.
If only you knew that him and Jimin knew each other. That your personal assistant and company assistant were childhood best friends from Busan. For some reason, he just didn’t have the desire to tell you yet. That was something else he couldn’t quite explain. Why exactly did he want to keep it a secret? What did he have to gain by keeping the information from you? There he goes again, thinking way too much.
‘Get your butt out there, Jeon. They’re probably waiting on you.’
After giving himself a small pep talk in the bathroom mirror to just act natural and that he’s on business as your personal assistant, he took one last deep breath and exhaled slowly before bracing himself and heading out of his room to truck downstairs. He could do this. He could do this. This is a business trip to stock your home with food that he will eventually cook for you. Just business. Just busin----
He was beginning to think he was going to be the next poor sap stuck in a monkey suit if this was how you always dressed to go grocery shopping.
Pointed toed heels that looked more like weapons rather than footwear. And dang did you look dangerous in that pantsuit. Keeping it classic. Black. Pitch black. Not to mention how it hugged your body in all the right ways. For a woman who either didn’t eat at all or ate nothing but take-out, you still had a gorgeous figure. Or maybe he was just biased???
Your hair was pulled back in what appeared to be the most tight knit bun he had ever seen. In fact, just looking at it was giving him a headache. Maybe if you didn’t have your hair up so tightly all the time, you wouldn’t be so grumpy. But he wasn’t about to tell you that. He’d like to keep all his body parts attached, thanks. Seriously......those heels could poke someone’s eye out.
“You ready to head out, Mr. Jeon? Mother has offered to watch the place while we’re out.”
“Absolutely, Miss. Kwon.”
“You two enjoy the shopping trip and I’ll just be here monitoring the dishwasher and maybe dust here and there a bit. I’ll make sure Jimin holds down the fort at the company as well. Just go and enjoy yourselves!”
Well.....as enjoyable as grocery shopping could be, anyhow. With an obvious eye roll, you simply snapped your fingers and started moving to the door, heels making clacking sounds loud enough to wake the dead. Given the fact that your floors switched back and forth between hardwood and marble. God didn’t your feet hurt in those things??? Weren’t your toes squished???
It was when the two of you finally got outside and was swinging by the garage that he realized it had never been discussed who’s vehicle they’d be taking. But judging from your confident steps towards your sleek black Hyundai Palisade, it would appear that you were driving. He shouldn’t have been surprised, honestly. It made perfect sense. With his truck, he didn’t have much space in the backseats and he highly doubted the bed of a truck was sanitary for food to be packed into.
You had already climbed into the driver’s seat by the time he got to the passenger side. He was no psychologist, but from the short amount of time he had spent with you thus far, he could tell one thing.......You liked being in control. Of everything. Wordlessly climbing into the passenger seat, he got himself buckled in and watched you start the vehicle before the two of you were finally out of the garage and on your way to the grocery store.
“Okay. The job is simple. We get the list out, buy everything on the list, pay for it, and get out of here.”
Jungkook expected nothing less from you so he simply smiled and gave you a thumbs up before climbing out of the car. The ride to the store had been silent as the grave and he wasn’t about to ruin that. It was an odd peaceful kind of silence even if he could feel your mild agitation radiating from you in the driver’s seat. If this had truly been your first day off from the company in---like---ever, then he could understand how tense you might be feeling. You probably felt like a new mother letting go of her new born baby for the first time since giving birth.
Walking into the store, you immediately pulled your phone out to bring up your electronic list. While you did that, Jungkook took it upon himself to be your assistant and took a disinfectant wipe from the public dispenser and cleaned down the bar handle of one of the carts from the docking area. With list ready and a cart set to go, the two of you made your way to the first section of the store. The fruits and vegetables.
So far so good. You were being very cooperative and well-behaved during the whole trip. A nice change from the first time the two of you went to the store together. Perhaps because you were working. You actually had a task that you needed to complete. Again, Jungkook was no psychologist, but he was pretty sure if you weren’t working, you just simply didn’t know how to act. Which was kind of, sort of, really sad.
“Okay so we’ve taken care of the fruits, vegetables, meats. Now what?”
“Well if we’re going to have stir fry one night this week, we’re going to need some rice. Let’s head there next.”
There he goes again. That feeling bubbling up in his chest again and filling his stomach with butterflies. Dang it. He had been doing so good too. But watching you retrieve items here and there, sometimes needing his help because the items were too high up, it all felt so.......domestic. That word just kept floating around in his head. It felt like the two of you had decided to go to the grocery store after work. Discussing dinners ahead of time and all that. Gah he was going to go insane!
You, on the other hand, were having a hard time focusing but for other reasons. Your assistant was dressed quite nicely today despite the lack of professionalism. While you approved of the yellow button up, the skinny jeans were a bit too casual for your liking. Or maybe you just didn’t like how well they hugged his thighs? Nah. It was just too casual for you. Yeah. That was it. That had to be the reason. Maybe next time you’d make a comment about dressing more appropriately for the job. But today you’d let it slide.
He smelled really nice too. You briefly wondered what cologne he uses when you realized that you couldn’t reach a box of pasta for Italian Nights. Without even having to ask, you could feel a huge warm body coming up behind you that smelled just like your assistant. Sure enough, Jungkook extended his long arm and easily plucked the box of pasta from the shelf before flashing you a bright bunny-like smile and handing it over to you.
“Here you are, Miss. Kwon.”
“Thank you, Mr. Jeon. I appreciate it. Now you know one of the reasons why I don’t go grocery shopping in the first place.”
Wow. Did you just crack a joke??? He was pretty sure you did. Or at least tried to. Smiling and feeling more at ease knowing that you were starting to ease up a bit, he continued to push the cart that only kept getting heavier and heavier as the two of you walked down the aisles. The rest of the trip went mostly in silence aside from the small discussion of price comparing here and the task of picking out the least beaten up box there.
It seemed like in no time at all, the two of you were heading up to the register and placing the items down for scanning and payment. This process too went mostly in silence but, again, it was peaceful. An unspoken agreement that there didn’t need to be words exchanged in order to check out their groceries. This was a job, after all. He needed to stay professional.
Thank goodness you had brought your vehicle instead of his because he wasn’t sure if even the bed of his truck would have held all these groceries. After Jungkook insisting that he do all the packing and storing into the vehicle, being that he was your assistant and all, you took this opportunity to send a quick text to Jimin asking him how things were going before shooting your mother a text informing her that the two of you were on your way home now.
“I think that was a very successful trip, don’t you think, Miss. Kwon?”
“It wasn’t as bad as I had initially thought it would be. Although I don’t remember groceries being so pricey. Then again.....it has been awhile.”
While you spoke in your professional tone, it still made him smile to hear you yet again trying to poke fun at your own self. You were lightening up. Even if only just a little. Progress was progress no matter how small. That’s how he looked at it. With the both of you in the vehicle once more with the back plum full of food, you put it in gear and started the trip back home.
“Thank you for helping me with the groceries, Mr. Jeon. I feel our next task should be shopping for items such as cleaning supplies and toiletries. Not just for myself, but for you as well. My home is your home now.”
Dang. Maybe there was something in that chicken soup he made last night that he didn’t know about. Or maybe all you needed was some real sleep and rest in order to feel a little bit better and a little less moody. Not only did you just thank him, but you said your home was his home. You were certainly giving him whiplash with your crazy mood swings.
“And after that, we should focus on the grounds of the estate. Compile that list of tools and equipment you’ll need and we will make another trip out.”
“Will that trip be today, Miss. Kwon? Don’t forget, we need to eat lunch soon.”
“Probably not today. We’ll run out of time. Because this afternoon, after lunch, we’ll make a run to the store for items such as the cleaning supplies and any toiletries I’ve failed to stock up on. But again, we’re shopping for you too. So purchase anything you need while we’re there. It won’t come out of your paycheck so don’t worry about that.”
“Thank you for your kindness and generosity, Miss. Kwon. I greatly appreciate it. I will do my very best to make this arrangement worth your time and money.”
While you knew what the poor man was referring to, it still sent your mind straight to the gutter. Trying not to snicker or, rather, trying not to snicker too noticeably, you found yourself finally pulling into the driveway of your huge estate and pressing the button that would open the garage door. Once the car was parked, you turned it off and sported a smug smile while taking your seat belt off as you said casually yet teasingly,
“Be careful, Mr. Jeon. Anyone who didn’t know any better might think your intentions are anything but pure.”
At first he didn’t get it. Those doe eyes of his blinking at you in confusion as you smirked and got out of the vehicle, but not before popping the trunk and unlocking all the doors and heading inside the house. Anything but pure??? Why would you say that? It almost sounded like you were trying to say he was.......OH!! Instantly, he could feel the heat sprout all over his face and down his neck and even to the tips of his ears. It spread like a wildfire as he quickly climbed out of the passenger seat.
He would never do that to you! Never ever! He was a good man! Suddenly needing to pop the top button of his yellow dress shirt, the poor boy managed to resist as he tried his very best to focus on the task at hand which was to pack the groceries into the house. Oh god! Your mother was in there!
‘Heavenly Father, please give me the strength to deal with these Kwon women!’
After saying the quick prayer and doing his very best to calm himself down, he cleared his throat and began taking bags into both of his arms. Given his muscular physique, it was super easy for him to pack several bags on both arms. Unbeknownst to him, he was getting payback as you came back around the corner of the garage to help him.
Muscles. Lots and lots of muscles. Bulging muscles. You had to stop yourself right on the spot as you had just came from informing your mother that the two of you were back from the shopping trip and would need some help packing the groceries in. First of all, you weren’t quite sure why you felt the need to help since it was Jungkook’s job as your assistant to do this stuff and he would normally be doing all of this by himself anyway while you were at work.
Secondly, why were you still standing there eyeing him up like a piece of meat??? Perhaps it was because of the.......dry spell.....you had found yourself in recently. Yeah. That was probably it. You were just horny. Sexually frustrated. Yeah. That was it. Pulling yourself together just in time for Jungkook to turn around, you managed to plaster that confident smirk from earlier back on your face as you gave him a curt nod only to watch his face flush pink all over again.
“Oh my, Jungkookie! You look flushed! And no wonder from packing all those bags. Here. Let me help you.”
“It’s quite alright, Mrs. Kwon. I got this. But if it wouldn’t be too much to ask, may I have a bottle of water?”
“Absolutely, my dear boy! Anything for you!”
The male was grateful that your mother was so easily distracted. Not to mention he could really use that bottle of water right now. He needed something to cool himself down. That smirk you had worn was just a little too much for him right now. He was still rather flustered over your teasing words from earlier.
It wasn’t that Jungkook was innocent. He wasn’t a virgin, that’s for sure. But......that topic was just......different for him? He was the type of guy who wanted to find his beautiful princess and turn her into a queen. He wanted to love her and cherish her. Settle down and start a family with her. It wasn’t sex to him. It was making love. So perhaps that’s why he was so taken aback by your crude words. Because that’s not who he was. Again----He was a good man.
“Here you go, my dear. Take a moment and just relax. Sip on some water and I’ll take these into the kitchen.”
“No no, Mrs. Kwon. This is my job as your daughter’s assistant. I just needed something to help with the spring heat is all.”
“Nonsense. I may be up there in years but I’m not crippled yet.”
Knowing it was no use to fight with a Kwon woman, he simply uncapped the bottle of water and let the ice cold liquid run down his throat. There. That was better. He just needed to cool off a bit and it would help him focus a bit better. With the cold water running through his heated bloodstream, he set the bottle down on the foyer table and went back out to help pack in more groceries.
With the three of you working together, all the groceries were now packed into the kitchen and all that needed to be done was putting them away in appropriate cabinets and such. Jungkook insisted he be the one to do that while you and your mother decide on what you want for lunch. This way you were stuck with your mother and couldn’t tease him any further. At least for a little bit.
After deciding on barbecued pulled pork and a side salad, Jungkook quickly went to work in his favorite habitat. The kitchen. While he allowed the pork to cook, he had taken time to make a fresh pitcher of lemonade. Fresh as in fresh fresh. No powdery packets or any of that imitation stuff you can buy in the store in the water enhancement aisle. No. He was taking real lemons and squeezing them into a pitcher of heaven.
Filling three cups up full of ice and lemonade, he set two of them for you and your mother on the dining table where you were currently trying to calm down a frantic Jimin as he practically screeched in panic through your cell phone. He might as well have been on speaker, honestly. Sighing heavily, you excused yourself from the dining and connecting kitchen area to go up to your office where you could have a proper conference call with your frazzled assistant. Seriously. It was one day! One day!
“Jungkookie, darling, could you have a seat with me, please?”
Oh boy....
How did this keep happening to him???
“Sure thing, Mrs. Kwon. Let me just check on the pork really quick.”
Trying to buy himself all of an extra few seconds to brace himself, the male actually did check the meat and it was coming along nicely. With nothing else to help him worm his way out of this conversation, he tried to act cool and calm on the outside as he took a seat at the table next to your mother.
“First of all, the lemonade is wonderful.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Kwon. I felt it was appropriate for spring time.”
“Indeed indeed. However, that’s not what I wish to talk to you about.”
He figured as much. And rather than saying it out loud, he remained silent as he waited for the older woman to speak once more. Although Jungkook couldn’t help but notice how her face was suddenly etched with lines of sadness and guilt. She turned in her seat so that she could face him more and he did the same out of respect. Clearly something was bothering your mother.
“I know I don’t make my intentions very secretive. But you have to understand, Kookie. I’ve destroyed my own daughter and I need to put her back together. It’s my fault she’s like this and I need to right this wrong I’ve done.”
“Mrs. Kwon, with all due respect, your daughter is her own person who makes her own decisions. You didn’t do anything to her. She’s chosen to be this way.”
His heart was hammering in his chest as he realized this conversation was taking quite the deep turn. This definitely wasn’t the conversation he was expecting to have given his previous exchanges with your mother. The woman in front of him now was torn with sadness and misery. It broke his heart to see someone as sweet as your mother feeling so sad like this.
“But it is my fault, Kookie. I trained her to be this way because that’s how I was back in the day. But now that I’m getting older and I’ve slowed down.....I realize now how important it is to stop and smell the roses. That life isn’t entirely about work. I did that to her. I treated her like a robot to be programmed a certain way and now my little girl is gone.”
Oh boy. Now your mother was starting to cry. Oh boy. Okay. He could do this. He could handle this. Trying to stay calm for her on the outside, he got up from his seat and briskly went into the living room where he found a box of tissues and came back only to offer one and set the box on the table while he took his seat once more. Gently rubbing the woman’s back, he spoke softly,
“Mrs. Kwon. You were only doing what you thought was best for your company at the time. But things change. People change. Perhaps your daughter enjoys being busy with the company?”
“But she’s not living, Kookie. She’s alive but she’s not living. She just goes through the motions like the robot I turned her into. She doesn’t get out and socialize. She doesn’t treat herself to anything nice. She’s breathing but that’s all she’s doing.”
Suddenly, the woman took both of his hands in hers and she sniffled a little before putting her full attention back on the male. Good lord he hated to see women cry. Especially women as sweet as your mother. He could feel a lump forming in his throat as he gently gripped her hands while he waited for her to say something.
“I need you to help her, Jungkook. I know it’s selfish of me but I need your help. When Jimin reached out to me and told me about you, I knew you were the one who was going to bring my daughter back to me. And maybe......”
He felt his eyebrows knit together in confusion as he listened to this new round of information. Jimin had been behind this??? Wait.......oh.......Okay. Now it made sense. Your mother was looking out for you......while his best friend was looking out for him.
“And just maybe.......you can heal too.”
Meanwhile, you stood there at the bottom of the stairs with your back against the wall listening in. But all you got to hear was that your assistant needed healing. What did that mean? Was he sick? Did he need this job to help pay medical bills?
‘What’s your story, Mr. Jeon Jungkook?’
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