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skelleste · 3 months ago
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Goretober - Eyes
Just a dashing young woman!!
This is not fan art. I will block you.
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xmoonlitxdreamx · 2 years ago
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Part 1: [click]
Part 3: [click]
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randomfandommaddness · 8 months ago
Silent Salt is the Founder of the St. Pastry Order Conspiracy
Solidarity- unity of feeling or action, especially among individuals with a common goal, interest, or BELIEF.
Freedom- The power of choice in actions, thoughts, words without hinderance. - Alternatively, the option to choose the greater good for one's self, and/or for another's sake.
Silence- The restriction of actions and words, and the total control of thoughts. Complete obedience even if the actions are wrong. Tyranny.
Three Updates foreshadow the connection:
1 - The First Tower of Sweet Chaos Update
A- Aesthetics:
- The Backdrop Color scheme for the church Matches Silent Salt's color pallet
- The Shadow sister's order is the closest we get to matching outfits
- Silent's current clothes look torn, but their former attire appears to contain a lace-like fabric (Similar to the pastry order's robes) * There appears to be no imagry of Silent anywhere in to order's church. There are three potential reasons for this:
1- Silent DOES appear, but their helmet is removed (They are the praying cookies at the edges)
2- Silent HAD imagery that was removed after their imprisonment. (Reputation is important for religious groups or cults. Heretic imagery is heavily condemned.)
3- Silent REQUESTED no imagery of them to be made and they operated in the shadows of the order. (Most likely)
B- Beliefs:
* The order worships the witches, And Silent was personally baked by them, so... This could be a case of abusing a belief for the sake of control. We have absolutely no idea what the witches would have wanted, but the order's actions actually don't align with the witches. If they did want what the order is preaching, then Silent Salt WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN LOCKED UP. This actually makes the whole Order built on literal pillars of salt. If the truth got out about the founder, then no one would be fooled by it. Cookies with morals would leave enemas forcing the Order's leaders to crack down on rebellion.
* The order believes that cakes and monsters don't have a place in the world (Similar to medieval beliefs that were influenced by Christianity- Beautiful= Good, Ugly=Bad)
- By the destruction of "The World's Order" Pastry was probably referring to the perseverance of cakes and other desserts (Notice how we don't see anything other than cookies in the order proper)
- This is backed up by Red Velvet, saying "And when you meet your Godly creators, ask them. Ask them about your precious 'Order' that decrees pretty Cookies to live, and forsaken, burnt Cakes to be SLAIN!"
- The weapons of the order are specifically made to purge monsters.
* There is LITERALLY a Book of Salt in their Bible's Equivalence, the Quote "...may thy will guide the fork of your humble servant" is an example. (Of course there are more books, like the Books of Butter and Flour, but Salt being mentioned is suspicious.)
C- The Cake Tower Itself:
-According to the Order, and the cookies of darkness, the first cookies were baked in the tower. As for whether or not the five beasts were baked here is up for debate. But it is possible that they were.
-White Lily being involved with the tower and the witch's banquet in of itself is proof that the order connects back to Silent Salt. White Lily becomes Dark Enchantress Cookie by being re-baked. Did anyone ever make the connection to Dark Enchantress having a very demonic design? The very thing someone like the Order would oppose.
It's not just the design though... It's also her goal! Dark Enchantress seeks to overthrow the witches and recreate the world in her image. And destroying the world that the pastry order protects is absolutely against the order's code. With the Order worshipping the witches, Enchantress is obviously their enemy. But the order is also bad for its own reasons.
If Silent Salt did found the St Pastry Order, then it has been around for a very long time. Long enough to shape the cookie world. Just as Christianity shaped Medieval Europe, The Pastry Order shaped the land of Earth Bread. Even without Silent Salt at the helm, their order is carrying on their wishes. As for their wishes, it's to ensure that cookie kind flourishes, while other desserts are deserted. And there's more...
2 - Cookie Run Odyssey (Where things get dark :D)
A- Asthetics (They're getting more convincing)
- The Cookies in black masks are the closest design to Silent by far - Why the masks guys? Something to hide? (Or someone they're referring to?)
- The weapons all carry a very refined astetic, and also a fork symbol.(Silent's soul jam kinda resembles a fork too. Huh)
- The very presence of the missionaries in the Creme Republic. (Silent's design could be a reference to the Templars from the crusades)
B- Beleifs (They carry the ones above here, but lets add some more salt.)
* The Order Believes that Cookies were made to be eaten (White Lily learned that the hard way)
- The first cookies ran away from their creators (They could be referring to the beasts, but that may not be the case)
- The witches are waiting for the cookies to return (So they can fulfill their purpose of desserts)
- Elder Mille-Feuille Stated "The First Oven will open, and all will become one." This could be referring to the baking and consumption of cookies.
C- Goals and Motives shown in the Odyssey
1- They are after the soul jams. As for why, they say that combining the soul jams together will summon the witches. While we don't know if that is true, it may be possible... But I think that the real reason that they want the soul jam is that it was Silent Salt's final order before they were imprisoned. That way, the order could free both them and the other beasts and restore their power. (Of course, they can't say that that would be selfish!)
2- They are NOT working for or with Dark Enchantress Cookie. We do fight the Order in Odyssey, but during the Final battles, they are nowhere to be seen.
3- The order is trying to convert as many cookies to their cause as possible. Since the youth are impressionable, that's a good place to start. Preaching to the desperate is also a good tactic if they wanna get followers. (Yeesh, they're more like a cult than a church. At least the church is optional!)
3 - White Lily's Beast Yeast Update (Trust me, this update is important)
It is within this update where we get introduced to Silent Salt properly, along with the rest of the beasts. We notice that certain areas of Beast Yeast refer to the five. In the Land of Silence- the Salt Flatlands we see a giant cross on the map. A GIANT CROSS. Yep. Defidenty guilty.
Within this update, we are introduced to our first beast Shadow Milk Cookie, Pure Vanilla's polar opposite. Oddly though, Shadow also has a rivalry with White Lily due to Elder Faerie Cookie leaving her the post as Guardian of the Tree. I always thought it was weird that Shadow would target another ancient hero that isn't Pure Vanilla Cookie... Until we consider Silent Salt's stake in all of this. What if this isn't meant to be a three-way fight, but a four-way?
Silent Salt Vs Pure Vanilla Cookie. How would that play out? Let's start with the very fun possibility of exposing the St. Pastry Order as frauds. After all! Pure Vanilla cookie holds the light of truth, so letting such a harmful and dangerous lie run its rounds unchecked would be against what he stands for! Moreover, having Silent Salt paint Pure Vanilla as a heretic would be very in character for them. Pure Vanilla was inspired by Jesus Christ, Who was persecuted Himself! Oh wait... Does this mean that Silent Salt is going to successfully kill Pure Vanilla Cookie?
The Themes of Solidarity, Freedom, Tyranny, Deceit and Truth. Solidarity is defined as unity. It is a special force that the individual can connect too but is also felt by multiple people. I imagine that the original source of the soul jams power is derived from its core aspect:
- Imagination and curiosity are the source of the power of Knowledge
- Will power and motivation are the source of the power of Volition
- Interest is the source for the power of Love
- Action is the source for the power of Change
- Unity is the source for the power of Solidarity
Now, just as the original soul jam before it was split, the power is still fueled by its aspects, but instead the conditions are a little more specific: - Delusion powers Deceit, while Acceptance powers Truth - Lack of will powers Apathy, while strong will powers Resolution - Lack of Care powers Laziness, while immense care powers Passion - Desires for Carnage power destruction, while Desires for Worth Power Creation - Absolute submission powers Silence, While Individuality Powers Freedom.
Now unlike most powers, Solidarity is powered by a group of cookies with a common goal and a feeling and sense of unity. In order for that power to be strong, the connection they share must be strong. Kinda hard to do when everyone believes in completely different things... But what if they didn't? What if all the cookies believed in the same thing strongly? Then the power would flow like the salt in the seas!
However, in order to have a strong belief, you would need a very solid idea. An idea so important that it would be impossible to ignore, doubt, or question... an idea like your makers. Worshipping your creators, creating an empathetic narrative around them... Making it easy to get both mentally and emotionally attached to them, and most importantly: being able to connect to others who do so as well.
It's why the order deems anyone who isn't a cookie as blasphemes. Cookies are a dime a dozen on Earth Bread. But they are also capable of thinking and common sense. Why else was no other dessert chosen to potentially become the order? Other creatures aren't as bright as cookies. And for that reason, cookies are able to be saved, while other desserts are a heresy! Hence why they have to be purged.
If all creatures of Earth Bread share a likeness in the form of cookies, then they have more in common, making it easier to connect with another cookie instead of a cupcake.
When it comes to Silence itself, we are talking about Tryranny. The complete restriction of words and actions. It's all about complete control, even if it's against the will of the victims. ESPECIALLY if it means doing something that will hurt another person. Being constricted isn't going to last forever, and almost always ends in disaster.
Of course, being deemed a "holy being" meant to pass judgement in the name of their creators lets you get away with some messed up stuff. How do you know if they are acting for the cause, or for their own interests? You can't tell, and that's the whole point. Silent Salt is using a so called "Holy Cause" as an excuse to do horrible things to other cookies and desserts. Namely:
- Making everyone believe in a suicidal ideology (.... What do you even call this? Brainwashing?)
- Deeming any critics as Heretics and killing them (Assassination/Murder)
- Using everyone's impressions as a source of power and control (Abuse on a wide scale)
- Going against the witches, all while claiming to work in their name (The worst evil in the world: Hypocrisy)
- Using the set of beliefs that controls everyone to cut down innocent creatures who did nothing wrong. (Mass Genocide)
- Tricking others into killing for the cause as well (They're still guity, but it's not entirely on their heads)
- He probably turned families against each other as well! Mainly over beliefs. (I... I have no words for this. It's too horrible to even imagine.)
Yes. The list of crimes for this cookie is long. I wouldn't even be surprised if they were the evilest of the Beasts.
Now for the million dollar question: How do you beat Silent Salt cookie?
Well, their power comes from unity under their constrictive control, and that control comes from the strong beliefs in the orders followers. So, the only way to beat them, would be to turn everyone against them. More specifically, dividing the order, and getting them to disband somehow. The number one way to do this is by exposing the order to the truth. And it's no stretch to believe that Pure Vanilla himself will be involved with this part.
Just as White Lily beat Shadow Milk with the power of free will (She chose her own option over the two options Shadow gave her), Pure Vanilla is going to use the truth and expose the Pastry order, having them turn on themselves in disarray. With infights and zero control, Beating Silent Salt is just a matter of skill. Of course, you'd have to be pretty convincing to go up against the order's core beliefs. So, what if Pure Vanilla bought the witches into the picture? It would be cool if he could find out the real reason why the cookies were baked the way that they were. Though I'd imagine that Silent would actually turn the order against him at first, get Vanilla killed, then the witches would re-bake pure vanilla cookie in front of the order. That would be super cool! :D
Also, I forgot to add that the St. Pastry Order will probably invade the Fairy Kingdom. Just as Christianity Settled in northern Europe.
Where Silent Salt Is Sown
Living Things can't be Grown.
Small Note: There may be more that I forgot. Feel free to add to the list!
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dhs-in-disguise · 7 months ago
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More art for my birthday, this time featuring my Spidersona design and Zooble, amongst other things
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comicwaren · 8 months ago
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From X-Men: The Wedding Special Vol. 2 #001
“Something Borrowed, Something Blue”, by Kieron Gillen (W), Rachael Stott and Michael Bartolo (A)
“Wedding Gatecrashers”, by Tini Howard (W), Phillip Sevy and KJ Díaz (A)
“Get Mystique... a Gift!”, by Tate Brombal (W), Emilio Pilliu and Irma Kniivila (A)
“Épée Is Truth”, by Yoon Ha Lee (W) and Stephen Byrne (A)
“The Thief’s Surprise”, by Wyatt Kennedy (W), Jenn St-Onge and Brittany Peer (A)
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glacias-transformers-blog · 3 months ago
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Night Terror and @dhs-in-distress ' OC Scatterbrain. (I hope I got all the details right)
Yeah they don't like him. At least they're not throwing darts and the real Sentinel sdfgdf
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alfaversionlunar · 4 months ago
-Is there something you can't do perfectly? I love it when you do these… Hot Things)
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-Boy, hints like that would get you shot in Texas.
-Wow, but you already shot me with your eyes
-I'm estimating where to start a "cooking" lesson
After the scout stopped drinking Bonk, something changed in him. Maybe he started reading other magazines? or did a conversation with the Doctor during rehabilitation help?
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bluebellowl · 4 months ago
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Thanks @ruvonix, @kitsfoxden, @tocosheco and anon, I actually would have forgotten if yall hadn't flooded me with reminders ❤
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dhs-in-distress · 1 month ago
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Wanted to do some silly expression practice, that‘s all
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starwolfie · 3 months ago
Mellll! What accessory would you like?
Uuuuh…. I’m not really the accessory type of person…
(Because I’m scatterbrained. Put them somewhere and lose them 😂😂 I even manage to lose my glasses, but realize quickly because I don’t see 🙈)
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em-java · 1 month ago
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The albums my top songs of 2024 are from
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skelleste · 7 months ago
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Da secret to success.
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hopelesscalico · 7 months ago
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i made a ponysona for the first time recently ^_^
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ryan-waddell11 · 2 years ago
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scatterbrained boy who I miss so much
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dhs-in-disguise · 11 months ago
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I hate him sm uwu
Also copious amounts of OC memes under the cut
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(This last picture is the OG tweet (obv)) Got inspired by this post from @welcometomybraincomics, go check them out I think they‘re very hilarious
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custardfist · 4 months ago
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