#scarlet witch movie
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shutupineedtothink · 3 months ago
Ok this has been sitting in my drafts for a minute but since nobody asked for it, here’s my full Nicky headcannon. It leads into an insane MCU witch movie with Agatha, Wanda, Rio, Billy, Tommy (?), maybe Jen and even Alice. All the witches! I got yall.
So, Nicky Scratch. That boy is Agatha and Rio’s but most prominently he is Death’s Son, right. A demigod something or other, an entity, Something Else. Not really human/mortal, but certainly not dead either. He’s in the same class of whatever Rio is. Rio knows this from day one. Agatha does not.
That means two main things: Nicky isn’t really “dead,” (he wasn’t even supposed to be “living”) and that kid should have hella powers. We should have seen some indication of that imo in the show but I can explain it away easily enough in a minute. Either way, under the surface he should have scary magic along the lines of Billy if not far more powerful.
Except while Billy has essentially Wanda’s magic, creator magic, Nicky’s is much, much darker. You know, something fitting of a child of Death.
Let’s say Nicky has Black Magic. 👀 haven’t seen that one on the color wheel of magic colors yet amirite. (Except the Darkhold I suppose, which is an interesting connection potentially.) Or maybe it's like Dark Magic, as in literal darkness. Darkling style. Maybe it's somehow a dark/light binary, like how Rio is technically a death/life binary. Idk I'm working on it, but you get the idea. He's on another level, something adjacent to Rio but not quite the same.
His magic is so strong, corrosive, not evil necessarily but heavy and consuming, that it was killing his mortal body from the beginning.
That’s why he was never meant to live in the first place — like Rio he is Another Being, his magic is Something Else. It’s too much for a human little boy. He needed to join her to really “live” and have any hope of control over his magic.
His powers also make him a massive target for who knows what demons and underworld beings. … you see where this could go.
So in this version, let’s say Rio has a much deeper connection to Nicky on a magical level. She can tell when his magic is about to manifest in the world of the living and takes him right before that happens, otherwise both him and Agatha will be in danger. Perhaps she even tells Nicky what’s happening, and he can feel it coming too, which also accounts for why he goes with her so willingly, to protect his mama from his own power. Kind of a lot for a six-year-old to understand but again, he’s Special.
Maybe Rio’s even been keeping the monsters off Nicky and Agatha’s trail while Nicky was human. Tbh it was a miracle she managed it for six years alongside her other responsibilities. She never told Agatha a) because she didn’t want her being more afraid than she already was, b) because would it have really made any difference, Agatha would hate her either way and c) For The Drama.
When Rio takes Nicky, maybe she stashes him in some kind of purgatory space. Pocket dimension? Idk we have no idea what she has access to but let’s say she hides him away somewhere so that she can teach him to use his magic and keep him away from the demons. This is where I would pull in Alice if possible, after we see Rio take her into the smoke in ep 8 Rio makes her an offer to help her protect Nicky in purgatory for a while, because his powers are only getting stronger and she's starting to get worried something's going to happen. Yes, diverting a soul like that is wildly against the rules. She does it anyway for her son.
All of this of course makes Agatha’s hatred for Rio that much worse, because Nicky is still “alive” in a sense and Rio is doing everything she can to protect him and raise him and help him control his magic. She can’t tell Agatha any of this because anyone else who knows about Nicky is a liability. Again, she really shouldn’t have even let him live with Agatha in the first place, it was a massive risk to everyone involved. But she did, and Agatha has no idea what a gift that was, for her and for Nicky.
All of that said, this would set us up for some CRaZy MCU witch/underworld stuff. So here’s the rough outline of my movie: let’s say the demons finally find Nicky wherever Rio has him hidden and take him to the underworld, Mephisto, blah blah whatever. I’m not worried about the motive at this point. Age Nicky up to Billy’s age roughly so he can be a real character. Btw, in my head Nicky is still the sweetest bean, total opposite to either of his mothers, too good for this world, cursed with this insane power he doesn’t know what to do with. Obviously, we have some opportunity to develop him from there.
Anyway, once she finds out he’s gone, Rio is forced to tell Agatha the truth. There’s no one else she can trust to get Nicky back. (I’m imagining a juicy confrontation between the two of them where we just let Kathryn and Aubrey cook with the exposition.) Rio can’t go to the underworld herself for some reason, because of The Cosmic Rules, and the Jac Schaeffer rules of Rio can’t hang around on screen for too long (which I like, actually).
Rio only deals with the mortal plane and directing souls to whatever comes next. So it has to be Agatha who rescues him, but as a ghost she’s stuck on the mortal plane too. So now we gotta “bring her back to life,” because I need real life Kathryn Hahn in this full movie not as a ghost, you feel me. And she has to be able to use her magic. So we gotta manifest a new body around her ghost form. At first they think Billy can do it, but even he’s not that powerful, not to mention still relatively untrained.
… Do you see the vision yet?
There’s only one witch, who may or may not be dead, who can manifest Agatha Harkness back into a living breathing body. And Agatha HATES it with every fiber of her noncorporeal being, but she needs the Scarlet Witch to make her mortal again, so that she can go to the underworld and save her son. Of course, chaos and shenanigans ensue, and Wanda and the boys end up going with her.
I’m calling the movie — Agatha Harkness and the Scarlet Witch. It’s a team up babyyyy! It’s about women and power, Wanda and Agatha being two sides of the same coin, mothers and their sons, rewriting your story, reuniting and letting go, etc etc etc. Yes I have entire scenes already written in my head, no I’ll never actually write the fic or the screenplay, if somebody wants to run with this please let me know and I’ll give you what I got.
The point is, the story potential on Nicky is insane to be The One Who Brings Everyone Else Together and I really hope they don’t just throw it away.
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it-meant-nothing · 5 months ago
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Wanda Maximoff // Erik Lehnsherr
Your son is right there, please—
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illyanarasputinfan · 24 days ago
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avengerscompound · 9 months ago
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Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff My favorite looks through all the shows.
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iamnotbeth · 10 months ago
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I'm not surprised 😅
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cuntychappell · 5 months ago
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Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlet Witch Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness 2022 | dir. Sam Raimi
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nerdby · 3 months ago
It has occurred to me that it's probably in Billy's best interest that the others didn't live cause can you imagine how pissed off they'd be after they found out that the road didn't exist and all of those trials were the result of him (and the media) stereotyping witches?
Oh, God, he is dead once Jen figures it out.
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velvet4510 · 4 months ago
Vision started dating when he was technically about 3 years old.
Billy started dating when he was technically about 3 years old.
Like father, like son.
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cuntiel · 5 months ago
The humans to the mutants in the X-men universe
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cece693 · 3 months ago
Ok uh Hi am new to this I just saw the " brilliant " fic which was 👏🏻👏🏻. Sooo I was wondering if u can make a fluff fic about clint barton x male reader, if thats ok with you?
Farm Boy (Clint Barton x Male Reader)
Hello! I'm actually not that much of a Hawkeye fan so it took me a while to write this and find motivation, but I think it turned out alright. Hope you enjoy it!
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Clint Barton rarely got a day off. Between Avengers missions, SHIELD calls, and the occasional intergalactic catastrophe, his time at home was precious and fleeting. But today? Today was all his. All theirs. The sun was just peeking over the horizon when Clint stretched out in bed, the familiar creak of the old farmhouse adding to the peaceful ambiance. Beside him, you were still curled up in the covers, your hair tousled and your breathing soft. Clint smiled lazily, taking a moment to watch you before slipping out of bed as quietly as he could.
The kitchen smelled like coffee and bacon a half hour later. Clint hummed to himself as he flipped pancakes, a skill honed over years of needing to impress his husband after burning a few too many breakfasts in the early days of your relationship.
“Is that bacon I smell, or am I dreaming?” Your groggy voice drifted into the kitchen, accompanied by the sound of your socked feet shuffling across the hardwood floor.
Clint turned with a grin, a spatula in one hand and a mug of coffee in the other. “Morning, sleepyhead. I figured I’d let you sleep in for once, but your stomach had other plans, huh?”
You chuckled, pulling him into a quick kiss before stealing the coffee. “You know me too well.”
The morning passed in a haze of quiet domesticity. Clint insisted on dragging you outside after breakfast, despite your protests about the slight chill in the autumn air. The two of you spent hours tending to the garden, chasing a rogue chicken that had escaped its coop, and splitting logs for the fire pit. It wasn’t glamorous, but that was the point. It was simple, real, and yours.
By late afternoon, the sun was hanging low in the sky, casting a golden glow over the farm. Clint had convinced you to take a break on the porch swing, a thick blanket draped over both your laps. He leaned back, one arm around your shoulders, the other hand fiddling with a mug of cider.
“This,” Clint said, breaking the comfortable silence, “is what I miss the most when I’m away. Just being here with you. No explosions, no supervillains, no crazy missions. Just us.”
You smiled, leaning into his side. “You’re going to make me cry.”
“Don’t cry, babe. I’ll just have to kiss it all better, and that sounds like a lot of work,” he teased, though his lips were already pressing a tender kiss to your temple.
You turned to face him, eyes soft as you brushed a hand through his hair. “You know you’re a lot more than just Hawkeye to me, right? You’re my Clint. My husband. The guy who makes terrible pancakes and hogs the blanket at night.”
He smirked. “Terrible pancakes? You ate three of them this morning.”
“Details,” you replied with a grin, leaning up to kiss him. Clint melted into it, his hand coming up to cradle your face, the moment stretching out like a scene from a romance movie.
As the sky turned shades of pink and orange, Clint sighed contentedly, pulling you closer. “I don’t know what I did to deserve this life with you, but I’m not letting it go. Ever.”
You rested your head on his shoulder, your fingers intertwining with his. “Good. Because I’m not letting you go, either.” The two of you stayed on the porch swing long after the sun disappeared, wrapped in each other’s warmth, soaking up every second of Clint’s rare, perfect day off.
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incorrectquotesmcu · 1 year ago
Wanda: These just came today. Photos from a trip we took.
[passes them to Y/N]
Y/N: [flicks through photos] They're blank.
Wanda: Turn them around, honey.
Y/N: Oh.
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roguebeautyqueen · 2 days ago
little details in the MCU that i love
natasha’s arrowhead necklace for clint
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how steve and bucky both have stars on themselves. steve’s is white because he’s a symbol of goodness and virtue and bucky’s is red because he’s a symbol/tool for anger and vengeance.
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how steve’s costume gradually gets duller as he loses faith in america and humanity. thus representing how is own light is going out too as he becomes unsure of what he’s fighting for.
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how wanda’s scarlet witch costume has the mind stone (vision) close to her heart
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also how her costume goes from brighter red to black as she gets infected by the darkhold. it’s even cooler that the black seems to explode out from her heart because her heart is what is driving her actions.
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it-meant-nothing · 8 months ago
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X-Men Days of Future Past (2014) & Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
Asking the Maximoff twins for help but only one of them will actually help you while the other will try to destroy the multiverse.
Peter “hey I didn’t do anything” Maximoff vs Wanda “okay I might have done something” Maximoff
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vladbrideart · 3 months ago
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Stickers and buttons coming soon
Check nocturnalcraft.com
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avengerscompound · 3 months ago
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Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff Captain America: Civil War
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schrodingersachillesheel · 2 months ago
The MCU didn't need to use time travel and their decision to do so directly led to their downfall
If they hadn't done that time skip they could've used that time to slowly rebuild the team and set up for a huge collaboration that solves the issue phase 4 started. (that issue being the fact that it no longer feels like one cohesive mcu)
"but what about the infinity stones?" "how are they going to undo the snap??"
the fuckin power of friendshi- LET ME EXPLAIN
if the time between the snap and endgame was spent introducing the characters and storylines we now have in phase 5, you can correlate many of them to the abilities of infinity stones.
Wanda (reality) and Loki (time) are obvious ones but it doesn't stop there;
with a little work space (America Chavez), mind (Professor X), power (Starlord/Peter Quill), and soul (Jean Grey/Phoenix), can be slowly established. then, endgame can be the realization of these connections.
this would clear up the common misconception that infinity stones are this all-powerful, vague, items w abilities beyond anything else in the galaxy because if masters in each ability working together could very easily have the same result as wielding all six infinity stones then, it's a whole lot easier to continue the steady rise in stakes without ppl saying stuff like "wow so all those heroes died for nothing" when they watch the first episode of Loki.
the reason thanos needed to collect all infinity stones was bc he, alone, would be a master in all forms of power in the universe.
you can still retire original characters in this storyline, as well as explore a much wider universe. everything could still work and you wouldn't have been accidentally concluding your story.
**the actual heroes are totally subject to change i was just looking for examples that are already members of the mcu
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