#scarlet harlequin
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tadc-harlequin-au · 3 months ago
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Hi. Sorry for disappearing, I was mostly on main because I am terribly sick, but despite the body aches I was hella restless until I finished the whole other half of the cast so now this is officially done I can finally take a long step back and rest my old aching bones without my brain yapping at me /lh
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Also here are the standalone transparent designs for everyone's enjoyment
Scarlet belongs to @thescarletnargacuga!
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thescarletnargacuga · 3 months ago
Harlequin oneshots are coming, but they need time to cook and I need to get my sleep schedule in order
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Maybe it'll help fix my writer's block for unseen
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thatpuphex · 1 year ago
I've no plans to interrupt the stream tonight so let's get back to Paldea! Also, more animated motes are available! LINK
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magua-vida · 2 months ago
Me towards: Nocturne of Oblivion, Motley, Duruthiel, Adroniel, Echo, and most of Black Tabby Games's main characters
i miss them (fictional character i think about literally every single day)
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harlequin-eldritchkin · 7 months ago
The beginning of Babylon, starring Margot Robbie as Nellie LaRoy, who is based loosely off Cara Bow among other 20's actresses, comes in to snort cocain, dance, and overall live a debaucherous night all in hopes of becoming a star. Which she does. 3+ hours long movie, but very, very good. The opening scene is also a lesson in gnosis and the results that follow.
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Harley Quinn and Nellie LaRoy alchemized into one being could also be the Scarlet Lady, Babalon* herself. Not in the sense of debauchery and wild nights, but the power of sexuality, chemognosis, and being unapologetically oneself. To let go of ones sense of ego to allow ones atavisms to play.
When these atavisms play, the mage, or wish-maker, in this example the character Nellie LaRoy, the mind is set free from obstacles where the atavisms can do their magic, manifesting reality in the wish-maker's image. Nellie achieves this gnosis through cocain and uninhibited dance and screaming.
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The writer and director, Damien Chazelle, even had influence from Kenneth Anger's book Hollywood Babylon. Kenneth Anger was a writer and amateur film maker that had his hand in the budding occult scene. He was fascinated with Aleister Crowley and his philosophy of Thelema, who was the mage that brought Babalon from the depths of mythology into the modern world. Makes sense Nellie LaRoy would have Babalon energy.
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Go forth into the desert of sulphur,
And gaze into the triangle of fire,
Call unto the Red Abyss,
Where the Scarlet Lady dances,
Azazel shall open his black wings,
And show you the hidden things,
Of malice and war,
Of strength and glamour.
Bacchian rituals commence,
With aphrodisiac sense,
Where gods loosen their garments,
For the tast of the every Flesh.
Upon this day I mark the Sun
Upon this night I mark the Moon
Upon this twilight I mark the Astral
Upon this mark I unite the Worlds
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Sources: Google Images // personal altar
*Babalon is the spelling Crowley used when he wrote about her, Babylon is the spelling Chazelle and Anger used for their media
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literaryvein-reblogs · 2 months ago
Word Alternatives: Colours
BLACK atramentous, charcoal, coal, crow, darksomeness, denigration, duskiness, ebony, funereal, jet, inkiness, melanism, melanotic, midnight, niello, obsidian, pitch, raven, sable, singe, sloe, smirch, smoke, sombrous, soot, swarthiness, swartness, tar
BLUE aquamarine, azure, berylline, cerulean, cerulescent, cyan, cyanosis, cyanotic, electric blue, ice-blue, indigo, lividity, midnight, navy, Oxford blue, pavonian, pavonine, peacock blue, robin's egg blue, royal blue, sapphire, turquoise, ultramarine
BROWN adust, auburn, beige, biscuit, braise, bay, bronze, brune, brunette, buff, burnt umber, burnt sienna, caramel, castaneous, chestnut, chocolate, cinnamon, cocoa, coffee, drab, dun, embrown, fawn, grege, hazel, henna, infuscation, khaki, mushroom, ochre, paper bag, pumpernickel, raw sienna, raw umber, roan, rubiginous, rufous, russet, rust, scorch, seal, sepia, sorrel, suntan, sunburn, tan, taupe, toast, umber, walnut
GRAY ashiness, canescence, cinereous, cineritious, dullness, ecru, fuscous, glaucescence, greige, grisaille, gunmetal, hoar, iron, lead, mousiness, oyster, pewter, slatiness, smokiness, steel, taupe
GREEN aerugo, aestival, avocado, beryl, chartreuse, chloremia, chlorophyll, chlorosis, chlorotic, emerald, foliaged, glaucescence, grass, greensickness, ivy, jade, loden green, holly, olivaceous, olive, patina, patinate, pea-green, smaragdine, springlike, verdancy, verdantness, verdigris, verdure, vernal, virescence, viridescence, viridity
ORANGE apricot, cantaloupe, carotene, carroty, ochreous, ochroid, pumpkin, saffron, tangerine, terracotta, Titian
PINK carnation, coral, coralline, flesh-pink, incarnadine, peach, primrose, roseate, rosy, salmon
PURPLE amethystine, aubergine, bruise, empurple, fuchsia, lavender, lilac, lividity, magenta, mauve, mulberry, orchid, pansy, plum, puce, purpure, purpureous, raisin, violaceous, violet
RED beet, blowzy, cardinal, carmine, carnation, carnelian, cerise, cherry, copper, crimson, damask, encrimson, erubescence, erythema, erythematous, erythrism, erythroderma, ferruginous, fire, floridity, floridness, flushing, gules, hectic, henna, incarnadine, infrared, laky, lateritious, lobster, lurid, magenta, mantling, maroon, miniate, port, puce, raddle, rose, rosiness, rouge, rubefaction, rubicundity, rubor, rubricity, ruby, ruddiness, rufescence, rufosity, russet, rust, sanguine, scarlet, stammel, vermeil, vermilion, vinaceous
YELLOW aureateness, auric, aurify, banana, begild, bilious, biliousness, cadmium, canary, chartreuse, citreous, citrine, citron, engild, fallowness, flavescent, flaxen, fulvous, gildedness, gilt, goldenness, honey, icteric, icterus, jaundice, lemon, lutescent, luteous, luteolous, mustard, ochroid, old gold, primrose yellow, saffron, sallowness, sandy, straw, sulfur, topaz, xanthism, xanthochroism, xanthoderma
WHITE achromatic, alabaster, albescent, albinic, besnow, blanch, bleach, bone, calcimine, chalk, cream, cretaceous, eggshell, etiolate, ghastly, ivory, lactescent, lily, lime, milk, pearl, sheet, swan, sheep, fleece, flour, foam, marmoreal, niveous, paper, pearl, phantom, silver, snow, driven snow, tallow, teeth, wax, wool
VARIEGATION (diversity of colors) spectrum, rainbow, iris, chameleon, leopard, jaguar, cheetah, ocelot, zebra, barber pole, candy cane, Dalmatian, firedog, peacock, butterfly, mother-of-pearl, nacre, tortoise shell, opal, kaleidoscope, stained glass, serpentine, calico cat, marble, mackerel sky, confetti, crazy quilt, patchwork quilt, shot silk, moire, watered silk, marbled paper, Joseph's coat, harlequin, tapestry; bar code, checkerboard
variegation, multicolor; parti-color; medley or mixture of colors, spectrum, rainbow of colors, riot of color; polychrome, polychromatism; dichromatism, trichromatism; dichroism, trichroism
iridescence, iridization, irisation, opalescence, nacreousness, pearliness, chatoyancy, play of colors or light; light show; moire pattern, tabby; burelé or burelage
spottiness, maculation, freckliness, speckliness, mottledness, mottlement, dappleness, dappledness, stippledness, spottedness, dottedness; fleck, speck, speckle; freckle; spot, dot, polka dot, macula, macule, blotch, splotch, patch, splash; mottle, dapple; brindle; stipple, stippling, pointillism, pointillage
check, checker, checks, checking, checkerboard, chessboard; plaid, tartan; checker-work, variegated pattern, harlequin, colors in patches, crazy-work, patchwork; parquet, parquetry, marquetry, mosaic, tesserae, tessellation; crazy-paving; hound's tooth; inlay, damascene
stripe, striping, candy-stripe, pinstripe; barber pole; streak, streaking; striation, striature, stria; striola, striga; crack, craze, crackle, reticulation; bar, band, belt, list
mottled, motley; pied, piebald, skewbald, pinto; dappled, dapple; calico; marbled; clouded; salt-and-pepper
Source: The Concise Roget's International Thesaurus, Revised & Updated (6th Edition) More: Writing Notes & References ⚜ Writing Resources PDFs
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thore-lb · 4 months ago
Best Scarlet-s Scene
In my opinion UwUr
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TADC Harlequin roleswap AU belong to @tadc-harlequin-au
Scarlet belong to @just-mary-ann and @mrs-nightshade
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leonsdolly · 6 months ago
Tammy Faye
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Leon Kennedy x fem!reader
Synopsis: In which you love Leon so much, you'd do anything for him.
CW: nsfw 18+, angst, obsession, depictions of murder, subby Leon, oral (m receiving)
WC: 4.4k
A/N: inspired by Tammy Faye by Nicole Dollanganger !
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Red, black, red, black! Your hands are painted with the brilliant scarlet hue as you scrub them vigorously under the freezing tap water. You glance up at the filthy mirror to catch a glimpse of yourself. Black streaks of mascara trickle down your cheeks, mixing with the blood splattered across them like unholy rouge on a Venetian mask. You force a smile through the cracked exterior. Pierrot gone rogue. If he’d stabbed Harlequin eighteen times in a truckstop bathroom less than ten miles from Raccoon City and made sure to pose him all special for a handsome cop to find.
It’s as if all you see these days are red and black. How you long to catch a glimpse of the blue that swirls your lover’s eyes. The faint baby blue shadow you had applied that morning was a poor substitute. You screw your eyes shut and try to picture the particular shade of cerulean that you live for. His lovely face is overtaken by the gut-wrenching smell of copper and mildew as you open your eyes and continue scrubbing at your flesh. No matter, you’ll see him soon. For now, you focus on washing away all evidence of your inundating love. You scrub harder and harder and harder. Jesus, how much blood could a girl hold?
After what feels like eons under the flickering fluorescent light, you turn the rusty faucet off and smile widely at your reflection again. If Leon were to see you now, would he be enraptured by the way your thick mascara coated lashes frame your teary eyes like a doll that’s been trapped in an unopened box, forced to watch the most heartbreaking scenes play out through the unrelenting acetate sheet? You shake your head forcefully, expelling those thoughts out. The cops will be here soon. A twinge of giddiness zaps through your heart at the thought. He’ll be here soon.
You reapply a fresh coat of red lipstick - Dior, of course, before taking one last look around the dingy restroom. It’s filthy, but it was your personal respite for the past few hours. You wrinkle your nose at the row of grotesque urinals lined up against the dirt encrusted wall. They were filled with mysterious liquids that made your stomach churn. Thick reddish-brown goop that lay still with unidentifiable objects submerged within like a bog in Hell. Who would even think of doing something as disgusting as sticking their hand in? You turn away and push the door open to be greeted by the warm summer air. The night sky looms over you, a black sheet covered in stars that twink and blink and wink down at you as if to say “your secret’s safe with us.”
While this truckstop is gross, its beauty lies in the fact that it’s tiny and desolate as hell. Sure, the city is less than ten miles away, but the dense forestry surrounding the Arklay Mountains provides some coverage along the highway, shielding this particular stop from careless eyes. If you weren’t careful, you could miss it altogether unless you paid close attention to the fading signs. And because this was in the middle of nowhere, there weren’t any workers manning the facility at night. You wink back up at the stars and circle around the bathroom towards the gaggle of deserted semi-trucks, towards the one with its back door unlatched and open for all to see, towards her. 
She sits up unnaturally, thanks to the crate you had propped up against her back. The emptiness of the semi’s trailer looks as if it’s about to swallow her for all that she’s got like a black hole. The shadows of moths fluttering against the lights dance over her, contrasting the stillness of her features. You tilt your head as you cross your arms and glare up at her. You’re still prettier, right? Her skin has taken on a sallow tone that appears even more unflattering in the harsh fluorescent light. Her hair is tangled and matted with blood. The black blouse she wears is torn and looks even darker with the stains covering it. You gently smack your lips, feeling the satisfaction of freshly applied lipstick. The whore got what was coming. 
Gone were the nights of crying on the kitchen floor as Tammy Wynette played from another room. Gone were the days of having to excuse yourself in the staff restroom at the station to wipe the raven smudges away from your eyes. Gone were the moments of sheer exasperation and disgust as you watched her touch his uniform clad shoulders and lean in close to let him brush his lips over her own.
You pull your dainty white lace-trimmed gloves out of your pocket and slip them on before padding over to the lonesome payphone. You deposit a quarter before carefully dialing the three digits that would summon your lover like Beatrice descending from Paradise.
“911, what’s your emergency?”
“I’d like to report a dead body at the old truckstop about ten miles south of Raccoon City.” Click.
You put the inky black phone back on the receiver before smiling uncontrollably. Butterflies erupt in your stomach as the anticipation of seeing him very soon washes over you. You love him so madly, you’re convinced the only way out of it is 500 mg of midazolam, 100 mg of vecuronium bromide, and 240 mEq of good ol’ potassium chloride.
The dense forest behind the truckstop beckons you with open arms, and you oblige. You skip over to a spot that will allow you to have a front row view of what’s about to transpire while keeping you hidden among the foliage. From here, you can see the girl sitting up with deadweight limbs like a marionette being forced upright with invisible strings. The strings are in your hands, but you were forced to seize control of them from her. Who knows what her influence would have done to Leon?
A bat of her clumpy lashes here, a hand on his firm shoulder there, and your Leon voluntarily hooked himself onto the strings, dancing to the tune she hums from her spot in the dingy break room. You suppose you can't fault him entirely; it's in his nature to grin bashfully and gaze at a woman who fawns over him with lovesick eyes. After all, that's what you love about your sweet rookie cop. Sweeter than candy floss, tantalizing in every aspect like a perfect little peach ready to be plucked from Eden. He just needs to realize that you had always been leaning against the counter of that break room, observing the two with astute grace.
“Excuse me, could you point me in the direction of the chief’s office?” You dissolved.
The first words he had ever uttered to you solidified that you wanted all his words, and you would give him yours. You can’t even remember what you had responded with, lost in the tranquility of his eyes and splendor of his smile. You didn’t miss the way those eyes softly ran over your cream silk blouse, caressing and thumbing over the first few buttons for a peek of something more, something buried deep within your soul. Those lips pulled back to beam at you, beckoning you to press every part of you onto them until you shed black tears from a warmth you weren’t accustomed to.
You hear the sirens approaching from your protected spot, silently thanking nature for watching over you while the love of your life approaches.
“Come get your gift, sweetheart,” you murmur. “It's all for you, everything I do…”
Your heart thumps faster as the sirens scream louder and louder until they reach the truckstop. The slam of car doors echo throughout the otherwise silent night air as the officers’ frantic voices jumble over each other. You hold your breath as you identify your darling's voice among the two; your heart is about to blast off for the moon, leaving a red heart-shaped chemtrail behind it for all to see.
Some tinkering with flashlights and crackle of walkie-talkies, and there he is.
Leon rounds the corner to face the semi’s trailer, face going slack as he takes in the stage you set for him. He stands transfixed before her, immobilized like he’s now the one behind the acetate sheet. A pretty Ken doll, waiting for someone to tug at his strings.
His partner, Officer Redfield, flanks the semi as he joins Leon. “Fuck.”
Officer Redfield wastes no time in flinging open the car door and jamming his button to radio dispatch while his partner pales in the moonlight. You can't really make out what he's saying to dispatch but the terms “DOA” and “requesting units” and her name float over to you. When dispatch has confirmed that backup is on the way, Officer Redfield walks over to Leon and hesitantly places a hand on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry, Kennedy.”
Leon shakes his head, a little dazed, a little frantic, but pretty just the same, and your thighs clench together. “How could this have happened again, Chris?”
Officer Redfield sighs heavily as he gazes up at the displayed corpse with unease. “I don't know. Goddamn it…”
He says something about how great of a colleague she was and how the entire station would miss her, but you can scarcely hear him over the blood roaring in your ears. Your beloved had asked how something like this could have happened again. Again. He knew. He was at least putting the pieces together. Your cheeks hurt from beaming in the shadows of the foliage; he was acknowledging the gifts you had bestowed upon him. A girl from a coffee shop whose smile drew him in like a shrimp to an anglerfish. A brute of a man who dared to connect his fist to such a lovely cheek during a drunken brawl at a bar. Both posed for his lovely eyes only, their last moments entombed in the polaroids tucked away in your desk drawer.
I’ve done it again, you silently mouth to him. I’ve done it again.
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He doesn’t show up to work the next day. Or the day after that and the day after that and the day after that, and your organs fail.
An entire week passes, leaving your heart to writhe in agony from his absence. You stare forlornly at his empty desk from your own, shuffling papers mindlessly and feeling your hand twitch towards the letter opener whenever Chief Irons walks by - the bastard was the one who granted your darling “time off” to “process his emotions.”
A feeling of solemnity looms over the entire station as it whispers in hushed tones about who could’ve ripped away its beloved receptionist, a young woman who was in the prime of her life. The collective mourning is enough to make you want to vomit all over her desk, covering the slab of wood in your spite. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
You skim your fingers over the mahogany surface of Leon’s desk, feeling every crevice he feels as he hastily writes up reports and laughs at the other officers’ jokes like an angel breathing life into humans formed from dust. You long to see his splendorous face again, long to hear the stumbling of his words as his superiors tease him, long to inhale his reassuring scent as you brush past him to heat up your food in the break room. 
“You friends with him or something?” Officer Redfield’s voice shatters you out of your reverie with a jolt. 
“Oh, um, kinda…” Your voice softens at the question. Were you friends? Absolutely not. You were something better.
“Well, a few of us are gonna take him out tonight. Try to cheer him up after everything that’s been going on. Hell, we all need to cheer up. That last one hit way too close to home, especially for Kennedy.” His expression grows solemn. Three unsolved murders in such a short amount of time doesn’t necessarily boast confidence in the local police department. “You should come.”
You’re hesitant to respond. While your instincts are screaming at you to politely decline the invitation and instead observe the gathering from afar, a part of you realizes that you’ll get to be close to him. The thought makes you flutter like a little lacy thing in the wind that’s been pinned to a clothesline for as long as it can remember.
“I’d like that, thanks for inviting me.” You beam up at Officer Redfield. “You’ve all worked so hard. You deserve to relax as much as possible.”
“I don’t know about that.” A heavy sigh escapes his lips, and it looks like he wants nothing more than to tip his head back and let the whiskey slide down his throat, burning and clawing and gnawing at his esophagus until his vision turns black. “That’s three families who are cryin’ themselves to sleep, wonderin’ why this is happening to them.”
“Right.” Your eyebrows raise together in a display of faux sympathy, and your lovely mouth twists in a way that one could interpret as a pout of sorrow.
Where was the collective empathy when you were crying yourself to sleep every night while he was undoubtedly hugging her to his chest as they slept peacefully without a care in the world? Where was the justice in forcing yourself to be satisfied by your own fingers knowing it was a poor substitute for the heavenly cock filling her up? Where was the sense in any of it?
You slip back into an easy grin. “I’ll see you tonight.”
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Raucous laughter and clinking of glasses and billiard balls missing their shots surround you as you enter a bar that’s rather homely in its own way. Your nerves are powerful enough to puncture flesh as you had primped and fussed over your appearance beforehand. This is your first outing with Leon, and you know that looking like anything less than Aphrodite’s descendant is not an option.
You see him before anyone else, just the way it’s always been. A modern-day Adonis standing unsuspectingly among the mediocre. His beauty wafts over to you like the aroma of honey and vanilla and brown sugar brewing on a stove, sweet and utterly tantalizing. It wraps itself around you, commanding you to drink it in until you relinquish all control. You’ve already given it all up for him. Gazing at him like he’s your cult leader, ready to usher you into the New World where it���s just you and him and no one else. You’ll do anything to preserve that world.
You make your way over to the group, greeting them and exchanging pleasantries before ordering your own drink. He’s leaning haphazardly on the edge of a pool table, and you casually stand by him, gripping onto your glass with trembling fingers.
He looks rather exhausted. Faint shadows encircle his eyes, and his blonde hair is a little mussed. His clothes are slightly rumpled, and he looks glumly at the tequila in his hand. His cheeks are painted with a subtle flush from the alcohol. You try not to reveal the utter state of adoration he’s put you in as you speak up.
“How are you, Officer Kennedy?”
He throws you a sidelong glance, and you catch it with bambi eyes. “I’m… hanging in there, I guess. I’m sorry, I don’t know your name.”
You feel as though he’s taken an ax to every single appendage as you giggle softly and tell him your name.
He gives you a small smile as he nods at you. “I see you in the breakroom a lot.” His smile heals the bloody mess he just made, regenerating your wounds until you feel whole again.
“I do too. I’m really sorry about what you’re going through. I can’t imagine how you’re feeling.” You tilt your head sympathetically to show him you really care about his well-being. The angle also shows off your good side.
“Thanks,” he sighs. “I don’t know how something like this could’ve happened to her. Been beating myself up all this time wondering what I could’ve done to prevent this from happening. I don’t know. Sounds kinda crazy, but the other two cases we had felt pretty c-close to me too… You think I’m being real self-centered for that or something? It’s only my first year on the force, and I-I’m trying to process all of this. S’a shitty feeling…” His lets his drunken ramble fade away.
“I think you’re a good and kind person who is just trying to make sense of some horrible events that have happened.” You gently touch his arm as a way of offering comfort, and the feeling of his skin underneath your fingertips evokes an overwhelming surge in between your legs. “Don’t be too hard on yourself, Officer Kennedy. You can’t blame yourself for anything.”
He blinks back tears that are starting to brim along his heavenly lashes, and your clit throbs underneath your dress. 
“I really appreciate that.” He smiles at you again which brings forth another wave of sticky arousal in your panties. “And Leon’s fine. Don’t need to do any of that ‘Officer’ stuff with me.”
“Leon.” Your favorite word in the world rolls off your tongue with practiced grace. He doesn’t need to know that you cling to the two syllables every night with frenzied cries as you try desperately to make yourself cum.
“Leon, what do you say we find somewhere a little more quiet? It can get pretty rambunctious and overwhelming in these places…” You lean in closer to gaze up at him underneath your pretty lashes, allowing your carefully selected fragrance to pull him under the depths of your desire, a siren calling out to the shipwrecked prince.
He lets out a stutter as the alcohol-induced blush dusted over his nose and cheeks intensifies further. It’s enough to put a Botticelli painting to shame.
“S-somewhere quiet would be good.”
You give his arm a gentle pat before leading him outside where the crisp night air kisses your faces, giving two lovers a proper welcome. The back of the bar is relatively secluded, and there is a small wooden bench that you promptly perch yourselves on. For the next minute or so, the two of you sit in silence. Your heart is about to blast off towards the moon as the realization that he’s here with his thigh pressed against yours hits you hard.
“Thanks for listening to me back there,” he finally murmurs with his eyes cast downwards. “I don't really want to get into that with the others.”
“Why not? They care about you, and want to make sure you’re okay.” I’m the only one you need, and I’ll make sure it stays that way.
“To be honest… I don't want them to think that I can’t handle myself. That I’m still just a stupid weak rookie who can’t compartmentalize his emotions like a real man.”
“Oh, Leon…” Darling, sweetheart, baby. “You don't have to prove anything to anyone. You’re a talented cop and a great person. You feel everything the way you want to feel. No one’s judging you or looking down on you for it. Trust me on that.”
You’re so caught up in reassuring him that you don’t realize your hand has floated up to cup his cheek until he stammers something unintelligible. You let your thumb rub soothing circles on his soft skin as you continue.
“I mean, anyone can tell how kind and sweet and smart and skilled you are. You have the respect of everyone at work, including mine…”
His flustered expression causes your breath to hitch as you gently brush his bottom lip with your thumb. You could write poetry inspired by the way his lips curve into a shy smile, pulling his faint dimples out of their slumber and letting sweet nothings be whispered to them under the moonlight.
“You want me to make everything better, baby?” You let your murmur be as soothing as possible, an elixir that promises to heal the broken man before you.
He nods bashfully as your forehead touches his. You let your hand fall from his face, and he whines softly at the loss of warmth, and as much as you’d love to mentally record the sound so that it’s playing over and over in your brain for those unfulfilling nights on the kitchen floor, you swallow it up with your own lips.
Your first kiss is what people go to war for. As your lips move together in tandem, you’re overcome with nostalgia for a time when the aroma of freshly baked apple pie wafts through the home and neighbors wave to each other over their white picket fences and Leon comes home with a twinkle in his eyes as he kisses you and the bundle in your arms.
This is why you did what you did.
He whimpers into your mouth as the kiss grows deeper. His hands roam down to your waist, squeezing gently at your sides as you let your tongue intertwine with his. You move your lips south, along his jaw and towards his neck where you set up camp. He lets out a whine as you press your lips particularly hard against the sensitive spot by his throat, taking care to pay attention to the two little moles peeking back up at you.
“P-please…” He gasps at another scrape of your teeth against his delicate skin.
“Just leaving a few marks to remember me by,” you coo. “Making my pretty boy even prettier.”
To your delight, his hips shift uncomfortably at your words. You lower your hand to meet his crotch, gently palming the growing bulge underneath his jeans. His head tips back, proclaiming open season on his throat to which you attack with vigor. Your thighs squeeze together as your lover pants towards the moon. You’re so focused on making your pretty boy feel good with your soft rubs and passionate kisses that you’ve scarcely paid any attention to the soaking gusset of your panties.
You slowly but surely lower yourself to the ground, internally cringing at the feeling of dirt on your knees. Oh well, it’s not the worst thing you’ve ever gotten on you. You perch yourself in between his legs and fumble with his belt buckle. His head returns to its original position as he gazes down at you with flushed cheeks and hooded eyes.
“Y-you don’t have to.”
“I want to, baby. I said I’d make everything better, right?”
“Mmm, yeah.” 
He sighs as you successfully unclasp his buckle and shimmy his hardened cock out of his boxers. You preen at the sight - it’s pretty, just like the rest of him, and weeping for your attention. You gingerly take it in your hands, marveling at the girth as you stroke it up and down with slow movements. He whimpers at the feeling and involuntarily bucks his hips up so that he fucks into your hand. You let him do this a few times before deciding enough is enough.
“What do you want me to do, sweet boy? Tell me, I’ll do anything you want me to.”
“Your m-mouth,” he whispers.
“What was that? I couldn’t hear you,” you tease as you hover your lips over the head.
“Want you to put your mouth on it,” he says, sounding more brave. How cute.
You hum in approval as you plant a kiss on the flushed tip of his cock which elicits the sexiest moan you’ve heard from him all night. Your hips roll against nothing, seeking pleasure for the ache in your cunt, but you force yourself to ignore it. You can’t be selfish tonight.
You softly lick at the sides before working on enveloping his length with your warm mouth. You bob your head up and down, relishing in the heavenly noises escaping his lips. You savor the taste of him as you slowly lift your head off to suckle at the tip before diving back in again, letting each inch tease against your throat. Your cheeks hollow out as you gaze up at him through your mascara covered lashes, letting your eyes go hazy with pleasure.
“You’re so pretty,” he heaves as he grips onto the hem of his shirt for an anchor. It’s all too much - your puffy lips stretched wide to accommodate his girth, the black tears trickling down your cheeks as you take him in for everything he’s got, the way you’re massaging his balls to heighten his pleasure. “I’m gonna-”
You pull all the way off, and you swear he almost cries.
“P-please, keep going. Please make me cum, I was almost there…” Tears bead along his lash line, and he desperately reaches for you. Your heart swells as you feel your emotions crash over you at the sight of the man you love crying for you to make him orgasm. How far you’ve come since those melancholy nights on the kitchen floor.Their sacrifices weren’t in vain after all. 
You smile up at him and proceed to pleasure him in the way you can - the way he deserves. The lewd slurping sounds you make fill the air, and he tries not to thrust harshly into your mouth, but it’s all too overwhelming when you’re sucking his cock like it’s your favorite thing to do in the world.
He throws his head back and lets out a high-pitched moan as he bursts into your waiting mouth. You swallow his load, savoring the taste of his cum and trying to commit the feeling of it all into your memory. You pull off of his softening cock and press kisses to his twitching thighs as you observe his blissful state. His chest heaves as he attempts to catch his breath. His cheeks are as flushed as ever and a bit of drool has escaped onto his chin. 
“Th-thank you,” he breathes.
“The pleasure was all mine.” You help him get fully dressed again and capture his lips in one more kiss.
“Do you maybe want to come over tonight? We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to… I-I just don’t think I want to be alone right now.” His eyes are begging, and who are you to deprive them of their desires?
“I’d love to.” You smile sweetly at him and take his hand to lead him to the car, winking up at the stars as you do.
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tadc-harlequin-au · 7 months ago
Ermmm so about the whole "don't expect a lot of art from me" bit
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I lied. Go read @thescarletnargacuga's "The Bull" fic NEOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
("The Bull"/"The Abstraction" is actually a pretty important character in this AU. I am not kidding, you'll all know eventually, I've been hiding some characters from the roster and The Bull is one of them. I've also been telling Scarlet a little bit more about this AU, and she had the idea to make a dream sequence involving The Bull and I am IN LOVE WITH THE SONGFIC.)
Okay but in all seriousness though, THIS is the last art dump you'll expect from me for a while so enjoyyyy :3 I couldn't help myself with these, the artstyle is SO easy to learn, and so much fun to try and imitate.
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Once again thanks to Scarlet for writing such good fics for this AU! Y'ALL BETTER THANK HER TOO SHE'S BEEN FEEDING THE LOT OF US SUCH GREAT CONTENT
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thescarletnargacuga · 7 months ago
What uh….What was going on there between Jax and Gangle in the fanfic with Cade and Anya?
I am genuinely asking cause idk if I can let my ribbun shipping brain go wild imagining what is going on between those two 🤣
Why, whatever do you mean? I didn't see any-
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Oh...well that doesn't -
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Em... I can explain...
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paper-fowl · 4 months ago
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Motsi moment
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AU: @tadc-harlequin-au
gotta give credit to @thescarletnargacuga too- they helped me figure out what Motsi would've been in the au
They're like this.... Giant... Snake... Monorail...
Very fun
they also make an appearance in Scarlet's The Unseen series
I can't wait for the next chapter- RAHHHH
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just-mary-ann · 5 months ago
Ok, so. I've been curious.
How would Scarlet's Seth (Shadow Caine from her Raceway AU @theamazingdigitalraceway ) and my Lilac (Performer Pomni from Harlequin AU (AU belongs to @tadc-harlequin-au )) would interact?
It doesn't make any sense, but I'm still interested.
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magua-vida · 2 months ago
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I know there are more differences and similarities between them as well as details I haven't put, but I make do. I'm also aware that The Masque of Vyle has Motley on the cover, but I wanted to challenge myself to draw him in the way recent lore describe Solitaire outfits (and having to paint even tinier motley patterns looks trickier, I have neither painted nor bought a model to know, tho). I'm kinda wondering if I should invert the black and white instead or if this version is more visually interesting.
While I was drawing him, some things had to stay that makes Motley... Motley. His domino mask and exposed red-painted lips are pretty unique to him. Attitude-wise, I find it hard to imagine Motley being mostly quiet and just speaking in... iambic pentameter or something (unless he's going incognito). He's a chatty guy.
As for Nocturne, I wish he's recruitable as a companion. Rogue Trader made me wish there was a game with Harlequins- the gameplay being like a 3rd-person POV Dishonored in terms of combat and stealth and Slay the Princess, Disco Elysium, or Scarlet Hollow when it comes to narrative design.
Donate to help me get a new non-broken laptop? https://ko-fi.com/maguavida/goal?g=0
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mrs-nightshade · 4 months ago
Harlequin and Harlequin Swap Au's by: @tadc-harlequin-au
Purple/Lilac by: @just-mary-ann
Honorable mention: @thore-lb
Chapter #3
Pomni opened the door to her office, looking side to side to assure nobody else was awake in the bunker, thankfully it was rather late.
"Clear... C'mon, let's go."
Pomni walked almost silently through the bunker, occasionally making sure Scarlet was following her, which he thankfully obediently was. They made it to Caine's room completely unnoticed.
"Here, you should know what room this is, go ahead and change, I'll wait outside." Pomni spoke curtly as she opened the door for Scarlet.
Though it seemed Scarlet had different plans, gently wrapping one of his arms around Pomni's waist and swiftly pulling her into the room while she was off guard.
Scarlet closed the door behind them before walking over to the wardrobe, already tossing Caine's hat and outer coat onto the bed. Opening the wardrobe everything was rather similar variations of Caine's normal outfit, and there was a suspicious black box in the corner of the wardrobe.
"You're not very picky, are you Caine..." Scarlet muttered quietly to himself.
There was a soft mumble in the back of his mind, Caine was almost completely asleep in their head.
The suspicious box finally caught his eyes, he crouched down, checking under the lid before grabbing the box.
"Aha! My outfit!" Scarlet exclaimed happily, moving to put the box on Caine's bed for easier access.
"Huh, I could've sworn Caine said he'd gotten rid of that..." Pomni spoke more to herself than to Scarlet.
Pomni looked away as Scarlet started unbuttoning Caine's vest and shirt, preparing to take them off.
"Hah! Why are you turning away? All I'm doing is changing shirts, all our pants are exactly the same." Scarlet chuckled softly, looking over his shoulder at the Puppeteer.
"Still I haven't seen him without a shirt on and I won't until HE allows me to, don't forget that body isn't just yours to flaunt."
"Oh, you're both so very delicate..." Scarlet pulled off Caine's bowtie and vest before continuing to unbutton the white dress shirt Caine had been wearing. "Oh well, we'll have times for these things later."
Pomni backed up to be just next to the door, looking just about anywhere except at Scarlet. She wondered about how she got here, just a few minutes ago she was relaxing in her office with Caine and now she was stuck practically babysitting his other half.
Pomni sighed deeply. "Caine, why must you do this to me..."
After about a minute Scarlet had finished dressing himself, though Pomni still had her eyes averted. Knowing Pomni hadn't yet seen him Scarlet decided to gauge her reaction to something.
Scarlet took off his own tie and unbuttoned the front of his shirt to show his exposed heart.
"Hm, y'know I think this open shirt look really suits me, what do you think?"
Pomni's gaze didn't even waver at his words before she spoke.
"Scarlet, button your damn shirt, as I've said Caine's body isn't yours to flaunt."
Scarlet didn't like that answer. He decided to try something.
"Oh gosh! Scarlet w- why would you even??" He spoke, his voice slightly rougher and pitched up with embarrassment. Pomni's breath caught in her throat. "Y- you better not have let Pomni look!"
Scarlet mostly closed his jaw, only leaving it just open enough for him to see Pomni struggling not to look at him.
Hearing Caine there, flustered and possibly shirtless Pomni found it so tempting to look. Even if Caine yelled at her to get out after, she wondered what he looked like. But before she could look she heard a chuckle that definitely wasn't Caine's, Scarlet's chuckle.
"Ahahaha... So sorry my darling puppeteer, I couldn't help myself, it was adorable to see you get embarrassed."
Pomni grimaced behind her mask.
"How often do you plan on invading like this?" Pomni asked sharply, annoyance and frustration in her voice.
"Mh, we haven't worked out any specific schedule yet, so how about I just say "often" for now~." Scarlet purred out trying not to chuckle at the fact Pomni still refused to look at him.
"Of course you haven't... Just finish getting dressed so we can go." When Scarlet had called that he was done Pomni only glanced at him before grabbing his red tie by the knot to drag him back to her office.
Scarlet made some odd comment about it but she didn't quite hear it, mostly blocking out his words.
Getting into her office she positioned him in about the middle of the small room facing her desk, then she let go of his tie and pointed at the ground. Scarlet immediately sat on the floor, nice and politely. "Stay there until I tell you otherwise."
Pomni usually spoke directly against using a puppets base code and commands against them, but in this situation she felt like she had to.
Scarlet rolled his eyes as Pomni turned around to her desk, suddenly an idea popped into his head, a little loophole in one of his commands that'd get him out of here if he played his cards right.
Scarlet closed his jaw almost all the way before slightly adjusting his posture and standing in place, he almost looked just like Caine, there was just one last trick to seal the deal.
"Hey Pomni can I head back to my room now?" A slightly rougher, lower voice asked...
Pomni didn't even think before acting, throwing off her hat and mask before turning sharply to the puppet behind her, not even questioning that his jaw was closed as she practically launched herself at him to kiss him, her coat falling off in the process.
He seemed to melt into the kiss for a moment before gently grabbing her by the hips and pushing her away from him.
"Ah. Ahem... S- sorry, about that Caine... I- I uh..." Pomni got embarrassed, whatever questions that were in her head quickly getting overshadowed by self consciousness as she covered the permanently damaged side of her face.
"It's uh... I- It's fine, ahem, could I just, head back to my room for the night?"
Pomni sighed softly her hand still covering her face. "Y- yeah, of course you can Caine."
Caine gently moved Pomni's hand off her face before "kissing" her undamaged side. "Thank you my darling."
As the door to her office closed behind the assassin Harlequin Pomni sighed, almost dreamily, before moving to grab her mask and hat again.
"You're welcome Caine..." It took a moment to finally hit her. "Caine thanked me for letting him leave... Caine ASKED me to let him leave, Caine wouldn't ask he'd just leave!" Pomni knocked herself in the head "Idiot!"
Pomni quickly put on her mask and hat, deciding her cloak would only slow her down before dashing into the open area of the bunker. Scarlet was already almost to the stairs out of the bunker, turning around to let her see his eyes before closing his jaw and blowing her a kiss. Then he turned on his heel and started dashing up the stairs.
"Oh, you little..." Pomni dashed after him.
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forthegothicheroine · 1 year ago
Hmmm... what about a Batman Regency au?
The vibe I'd go for is "Hammer Frankenstein meets The Scarlet Pimpernel." Ruffly clothes and glowing beakers of ambiguous science everywhere!
The Bat is not pro-revolution, pro-monarchy, or pro-any country or empire. He rights wrongs no matter the side!
I'm normally not the biggest fan of the Joker, but I think an evil Commedia del Arte troupe would kick ass. Joker and Harley as Harlequin and Columbina!
You know I've got to throw the Scarecrow in here, so he's the anarchist. Similar to the Liberation of the Night in Fallen London, he does not believe that anarchy will lead to a utopia but to a world made democratic in chaos and fear. He was probably at the Villa Diodati and has had an unrequited thing for Mary Shelley ever since.
Selina Kyle is a mistress of disguise. She might be that unaffordable courtesan, that blushing ingenue having her season, or the masked highwayman holding you up, but she'll disappear with your heart and your money in each situation. Bruce disapproves, but doesn't think she should hang for it.
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kafus · 2 months ago
Hey Kiki, not sure if you can answer this but for this gif post
Does it look like a bad egg glitch from Platinum? Especially with it being level 100 and since eggs can't fight they just flee?
so the egg isn’t actually fleeing here, on top of there being no dialogue to indicate a flee, this is also just known behavior of encountering an egg in platinum - it plays a bunch of animations and sounds, including shiny sparkles in this case too. the sinnoh part starts at 8:26 in this video if you’d like to see an alternate recording of this behavior. https://youtu.be/-WvI0ex7FcY?si=4qBFYXxApHT22C1d
i’m not sure why this is what happens unfortunately, but i do know a lot of methods could have been used by the creator of the gif to cause this to happen, it’s not even necessarily a glitch, could very well be external tampering with a cheating device or changing the ROM (i actually feel like this is more likely but gen 4 ACE is a thing now and there’s also many glitches i am unfamiliar with so who knows)
all that being said, even if it is a glitch, it wouldn’t be a “bad egg glitch.” because of internet folklore and playground rumors i think people have a massive misunderstanding of what bad eggs actually are. bad eggs are just what happen when pokemon data is incorrect/corrupted. since gen 3 every pokemon has a “checksum” which is basically the game running some math over the pokemon’s data to make sure that it’s all as it should be, and if that fails, the pokemon will be marked as a bad egg as an anti-cheat measure. this can famously happen as the result of glitches, or tampering with pokemon data improperly. bad eggs aren’t even really a glitch themselves, it’s intended behavior, but they can be caused as a side effect of performing glitches.
bad eggs are more common to see in older games, and are known as such because they read as bad egg on the summary screen, but actually you can still cause bad eggs as recently as scarlet and violet, they’ve just appeared as normal “Egg” instead of bad eggs since XY, and they have slightly different implementation depending on the game. all that is to say you CAN see bad eggs in platinum, in any game on the DS actually, and there are a whole variety of ways to obtain and see one because it essentially just requires even slightly corrupted pokemon data, but encountering a wild egg does not indicate a “bad egg” and is a completely different type of thing
i hope this satisfies your curiosity well enough! if you’re curious about how something like this could be performed on actual hardware i would encourage you to research gen 4 glitches or romhacking tools, neither of which being my personal expertise
edit: hold on here’s another video of someone encountering an egg with the same animations/behavior in 2009 with an action replay code!
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