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alkalische · 5 months ago
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scareye who's kind of hot
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ivi-ivisek · 2 months ago
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Finally I finished this!
New ref for Scareye. I still love her old ref but I wanted to make some updates to her design and draw her more detailed because in her old ref I rather simplified her
Anyway hope there are no errors and if there are... oh well
Now I'm about to ramble a little bit about her species
So Shooting star merfolks are small/medium sized creatures that got their name from resembling shooting stars when they glow and glide above the ocean. They live either solitary or in groups and they are very friendly towards other members of their species. Shooting stars may bond with other sea creatures. If they live in teritory of another larger sea creature they may try to offer a truce by bringing them gifts, helping them with hunting in exchange for not harming them. The sea creature may start to protect the shooting star. The bond after some time still may remain "professional" but in other cases the star and the sea creature can become friends.
There are cases when the shooting stars bonded with sailors helped them with fishing in exchange for sharing the catch but in other cases if sailors were disrespectful, overhunted and threw trash into the ocean the shooting star led large, dangerous sea beast to the sailors, this gave the shooting stars a nickname "snitches" among the sailors.
That's it for now
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superchat · 6 months ago
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sakura-code · 1 year ago
I thought of AU In which was kinda similar to your spooky AU;only difference is Yuma became a supernatural, ghost and Being Makoto’s familiar in a series of slice of life or just one shots
Yuma remains a ghost or he grows over time and becomes a reaper( I like the 2nd choice better)
As a familiar he protects Makoto while helping him solve situations also following Makoto’s order
And no I’m not writing this, I’m no writer but I am a thinker
Ooh, interesting. Though I am not sure if I will write this AU myself either. It’s an interesting idea, though, and I might take some inspirations/elements off of it for my AU.
Oh wait, brainstorm! I have an idea I might try out where Yuma does get some reaper-powers as a Homunculus due to Shinigami’s power lingering, becoming a fellow protector of the Homunculus alongside Makoto.
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scruffypegasus · 2 years ago
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AF Chibi Scareye
Art Fight 2023 attack for IVISEK
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ivi-ivisek · 2 months ago
YEY I'm glad that the idea is not as cursed as I thought it would c:
I'm also glad you like my doodle! <33
Just crawling out of my cave to say your art is very cool!
Also after seeing your drawings of Seb and Prorva regarding their vision a thought crossed my mind. What if either Seb or Prorva or both of them had some secret patterns or colors that are visible only to certain creatures like birds. Even humans has these secret patterns. Just imagine them secretly having the mantis shrimp colors so I doodled it
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Love Prorva very much btw she's so lovely!
I'm so sorry for such a cursed idea. Rainbow Prorva is going to haunt you for the rest of your life...
Now I'm going to crawl back to shadows. Have a good time!
Gosh that's actually a cool and interesting idea. Love it, as well as your art 🤲🧡
I'd actually like to try to draw something like that
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melzezdoor · 5 months ago
Running through Chapters 11-13 over the past week just to go through Babel in a day was such a wild ride ya'll.
Just finished BB-ST-3 and I can't feel my heart bro its just too much.
Pic spoiler below
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Insane how I went from not caring about her at all to her becoming one of my favorite parts of the event.
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zeravmeta · 5 months ago
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really does hit the moment that both the bloodthirsty king of vampires and the warmonger nachzehrer king are utterly baffled by the sorrow they feel the moment theresa dies
because that's really the only reason why the sarkaz, why theresis, are declaring this endless war on the world starting with victoria: it's pride, it's suffering, it's anger, it's revenge.
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it was cruel of theresa to ask them to forgive and forget, yes. the suffering of the sarkaz is not something that could have been fixed within a single lifetime, the wounds ran too deep. no matter how much they wish they could have believed in theresa, the suffering of the sarkaz would not just vanish no matter how much she did. the core issue between the sarkaz and the rest of terra lies in their ancient grudge, the thousands of years of entrenched bitterness and loss that the sarkaz suffered and still suffer to this day. they have no home, not even kazdel, because the only thing kazdel really is at this point is the reminder that they once did have a home, have dignity as the teekaz rather than just "the sarkaz, the devils".
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but even then, theresa was simply born ahead of her time. they were not ready for her future, and they all know this. babel was a dream that theresa tried her damnedest to accomplish, but they were too bitter to accept it. no matter how much they wanted to believe in it, the royal sarkaz court, scareye, the countless sarkaz we see through Babel, none of them could ever see true unity.
it's a unity that neither theresis nor pre-amnesia doctor could conceive.
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theresis and doctor have their own roles to play, and their own promises to keep: the sword of kazdel that will revitalize their past glory and strike down all who oppose them, the last survivor of an alien race dedicated to completing the ancient project of a world long past to ensure its future, they are unable to accept another way.
"I can't accept your beautiful and fleeting dream, theresa. not after all the sacrifce."
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they were not strong enough to believe in her. no matter how much they loved her, how much they wish they could have seen her dream come true, they simply couldn't.
it was always going to end on that bloodstained floor. they were always going to sleep, and dream that things could have been different. that one could have let go of their past, be it the long held suffering and revenge or the guilt of duty as the last survivor.
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we will always be equal. i will always hold your beautiful dream in my heart.
you have to keep going, even if I am not here anymore. you're free now.
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cerastes · 6 months ago
Something I’ve been thinking thanks to Babel is that you could make a banging game about the Babel period up until the end of the Reunion Arc in the style of Nobunaga’s Ambition, specifically more in the style of Ghiren’s Ambition, the Gundam spin-off.
Besides the obvious Grand Strategy element of managing your greater territory through a mix of generic squadrons and hero squadrons — Babel having Scout, Ascalon, Ace, and the other Elites, while the Military Commission has Ulsulah, Manfred, Scareye, and other such individuals — and the protection and seizing of supply lines and settlements, it’d also open the possibility for one of the signature features of the games: Alternate histories.
In Ghiren’s Ambition, you can try and replicate the canon events of the story perfectly, but you can also heavily derail the established canon for incredibly interesting alternate takes and outcomes. For example, in our hypothetical Theresis’s Ambition, assuming the scope is from the beginnings of Babel right up until the end of the Reunion Arc, we could explore possibilities such as:
The Sarkaz Royal Courts being spurred into action for either side. This instability, in turn, could spur foreign powers into action and taking a vested interest and side in the civil war, greatly expanding its scope.
The Leithanien invasion of Kazdel being a lot more successful, resulting in a far, far more unified Babel and Military Commission. This may in turn result in a far earlier, unified invasion of Victoria, or a far more emotionally charged civil war once the siblings’ differences become irreconcilable.
Amiya’s condition being a lot more stable, leading to Doctor, Amiya and Savage to actually push through with their plans to venture into Yan next. This could happen through either a lot of earlier medical advances, or by outright preventing the accident that gave Amiya oripathy in the first place, this obviously having major implications in the rest of the story.
Theresis early killing Doc when he has the chance. Likewise, lots of implications here.
Doctor not going through with their betrayal and keeping the Shipwide Defense Systems operational. This would have immense implications in the future of Kazdel as well. Furthermore, this could lead into an early Theresis kill.
Rhodes Island failing the operation to retrieve Doctor, and instead, they fall into Reunion hands. As they are a clean slate here, this could very well mean a Reunion-aligned Doctor.
Ursus seizing the Doctor, thus resulting in an Ursus-aligned Doctor. Probably one of the most nightmarish scenarios. Possibly as a result of Kal’tsit successfully pushing back against the notion to retrieve them from Chernobog in the first place.
Ch’en’s leaving Rhodes Island to dry in the Lungmen operation actually costing them that entire battle and Operator lives, subsequently breaking relations between the two factions.
The Chernobog operation in general having a different outcome depending on the level of preparedness and development you come into it with, such as an early Faust kill (Ascalon comes along and hard counters him, maybe?), the possibility to have Ace and Scout survive, the possibility of other R.I. Operators dying instead, the possibility of Reunion personnel/mercenaries dying or going a different route altogether (Ines legitimately dies, W caught early and thus needing to go back to R.I early).
FrostNova’s fateful death being averted, and successfully recruiting her into Rhodes Island.
Reunion!Doctor somehow resulting in events that successfully removes Kaschey from Talulah very early, wildly changing the direction Reunion takes and averting Mudrock and Big Bob’s defection as a consequence; this directly opens a route where Reunion and Rhodes Island can become allies, but it’d also be very difficult as these two reasonably sized powers joining forces might spur Lungmen/Yan or Ursus into deploying against them with absolute force.
The possibilities are so ample, I’d love this game.
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lackoftrumpets · 8 months ago
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Decided to go all out with another massive attack this year. I went around the artfight website and other online places I frequent to gather characters I thought looked neat. I hope the attack looks alright because my monitor has been compressing it when ever I try to look at it outside aseprite. Scale and size might be a bit awkward in the attack because I draw most sprites in 36x36, so I'm sorry if some details look a bit strange. It was an interesting and fun challenge to draw some characters that had so many small pieces that added a lot to their design. Below is a list of where the characters are all located on the mass attack. If I accidently missed you or made a credit mistake, feel free to reach out so I can fix it! I hope you all enjoy the attack as much as I had making it! Link to the attack! Ship Beam: Kailani (@something-paranormal), Nous (TheQueenOfSpades), K.E.R.F (Kerfus)
Beach (Right Side): See Lion (axowotls), Perri (xazzy), Kal of the Sile Forent (KRoland2000), Hewei-Mota (@cobaliuu), Jowan (SpaceMermaid001),
Beach (Left Side): Icho (@metsaahenki), Typhon (@xenoscribbles), Starseeker (Itsa_ArtfightAccount), Lime (Paraclipse), Iris and Benjamyn (@plaguedogs123), Llanite (@spiralflute), Beach House: Tony (@130bpmnot2slow), Toshi (ceoofsilliness), Aza (MauDarling), Kai (@uyukat), Mr Midnight (Trashpandaowo), Cate (@snipdoodle), Dock: Pancho (Astro_Eastie), Savour and Sammy (@kittyknight), Seltur (Kosys) Beach Sky: Bane (AsimiLykos), Scareye (@ivi-ivisek), Hue (@maple-and-pie), Quill (Esmont), Sparkle Puff (Winelys11) Ocean (Left Side): Dave (@katicin), Reid (@spetatler), Pod (abhorror), Shard (@trikstergodessstudio), Samantha (cleoziep), Lorelei (@that-space-ace), Jellyfish Princess Oe (O3Oyh), Spotty (MonSonia_Gator),
Ocean (Right Side): Abyss (@themermaidslagoon), Lunar Tides (yewrunner), River (@jokester71), Seavarin (Merlebirb), R'lyeh (TheKraut), Vanilquana (_0liM4ma_), Seafood (ToxicElysium), Do-Ve (@ebony-the-dork), Poogie (DragonThatDraws), Beam Room: Tania (niachic), Landon (kadothorne), Beau (goosejohn), Nova (SZ11) Window Room 1: Nas (Karlach), Nova (@tem-tem-timmy), Mono (@apolloprophecy), Bastion (RatBoulevard), ORBIT-3 (folykl) Ship Engine: Kai (Argo_Chicken), Kara (Karacreations), Goldshine (@iridiss) Greenhouse: Larimar (Januzs_), Tetra (@neonwabbit), Quinn (GhostCats) Cafeteria: Benjamin (@saveraedae), Billy B. (GUARDTEN), Echo (Khryso), Cat (SilverTheCat), Red Mungus/Cooper (@sillypotatochipz), Goople (Sashi The Okapoi), Jupiter (@sillybr3ad), Maroon (Freighter), Tia [Mogus] (ManaketeSilver), Frostbite (YoshiKid141) Vents: Radi (Mooncaller), Suri (@to-much-a-thing), Monotone (@sillypotatochipz), Ricochet (eggtoasty), Reni (adenator) Main Deck: Howell "Wiz" Larson and Sophia "Fi" Gilmartin (@kayspaceprinceart), Fletcher (@deepspaceart), Quince (@beakerhoneydew), T'Sel (@cattrek) Window Room 2: Nova (eggtoasty), Luna (EllaPlay), Anya (@jinxedjay) Computer Room: Pudim (Clearth), Somni (@takonyatchi) Andromeda (Elizadesu), Osmium (@astronomalyy), [] (Spoopybug), Hannie (Hanniebaby) Window Room 3: Anpu (Lxylia), Echo (@darkecho17), Diz (DizSlime),
On Top Of The Ship: Pleiades (Xephina The Eleven), Cosminior (@npc-arts), The Lich (@meemrasmus-stash)
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nexxaro · 2 months ago
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Unfortunate Events
“You did what you had to do..”
As the pack lunged at the dispersal roaming amongst their territory, Zalika was told to stay behind to guard the pups. Scareye rushed in, dealing blows to the dispersal. As he returned, blood trickled down his jaws onto his soft fur. Zalika questioned if it was the dispersal they met earlier that day. It was. The two embraced, grieving and wishing the dispersal ran when they had the chance.
- Zalika (Mariticide’s Hex) owned by me
- Scareye (Blind Sided) owned by a friend
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shorts-wars-confessions · 1 year ago
you just know Preston would have the edgiest warrior cats sona known to man and he'd name it something edgy like Scareye and give it a backstory that's basically just his in the wc world and make edgy amvs about his sona killling Riggy's sona (that he made himself)
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ivi-ivisek · 11 months ago
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I felt a sudden urge to draw my oc Scareye. I just love her so mcuh
I made an alternative underwater version lol
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This version is without the blur because I felt like it
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feidff · 9 months ago
And here is a list of the members of the SnowClan and their roles (Their names in the clan are written in parentheses)
Leader: XAsgore (Bravestar)
Deputy: XGaster (Scareye)
Warriors: XChara(Snowfur) , XFrisk(Spottail) , XAsriel(Softpaw) , XUndyne(Riverfur) , XMtt(Longpaw) , XMuffet(Spidereye) , Cross(Crossfur) , XPapyrus(Icefur)
Queen: XToriel(Fluffytail)
Appearance: XKris(Darkpaw)
Medkit: XAlphys(Whitefang)
Perhaps the list will be updated
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softieburz · 2 years ago
Hello Noah o/ :D I hope you're doing alright :( we're here for you if you need anything
hi wilbur !! :D o/ lovely talking to u again!! im uhm well i am very Scared you see but i am being so brave about the horrors i am facing (scareyness) . you guys r sweet :DD we’re here if u need anything too ! mwah 💛
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myrfing · 5 months ago
thinking about scareye’s obsession with the siblings and how he ordered all the challengers to theresis slain with their heads presented to him even though we know he has no interest in symbolic gestures like that. him and the sarkaz give theresis power without him even asking or trying just because there needs to be a vector for what all the slain heroes of the sarkaz represent or rather what sort of meaning they are given. him trying to see if he can “change fate” by moving small stones in the river that theresa was trying to swim across because he as representative of those of the sarkaz that lack any sort of belief in anything can’t even conceptualize what it means to try to challenge fate and preordination the way the siblings were
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