#scammer reacts
maeamian · 2 years
IMO don't share Brand Crap for The Ocean Cleanup Project, they're a scam that every serious ocean expert I know hates for making big promises with no intentions or ability to fulfill them. I am genuinely sorry that Team Seas or whatever the crap Mr. Beast's dumb project was called did them the favor to their reputation it did, but their shit sucks and doesn't work.
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blastburnt · 9 months
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thinking about that one scammer that my mum let me reply to last year. love is real
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hello 👋 can you please reblog my cat post? thanks a lot ❤️
I'm sorry if this "cat" is real. But you are not.
Your blog has very nice and aesthetically pleasing pictures that COINCIDENTALLY were only reblogged on Oct 12. Yesterday, the same day you sent this message, I´m sure not only to me. And the same day you created the blog and the post asking for help.
Another red flag on my time here is that your blog is only accessible via Tumblr dash.
So, if this cat you say exists, I hope the best for him, and whatever you received with that post goes to cover his medical issues.
But if you are the lowest level of human example, for trying to use the idea of a sick animal for some cash. I hope your Nethers transform into cacti, and you never die, just stay alive to have perpetual diarrhea.
To the followers:
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cesium-sheep · 4 months
one of the channels I watch has a new video up about facebook marketplace, and they open with like, "with ebay you have to deal with kidnappers and with craigslist you have to deal with not getting kidnapped" and it's like, literally what advantage does fb marketplace have in that regard? technically it's slightly harder to make a fake account but people sockpuppet and hack all the time? idk bro meeting up with some rando off fb is really no safer to me than meeting up with some rando off craigslist (altho to be fair I have never been that worried abt meeting up w ppl for craigslist deals, just have some basic security protocols)
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millies-theme · 2 years
who... who uses online checks these days.....
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zero-buds · 2 years
Everytime someone says bring back Nate, I shiver with dread.
And for someone who's a really big fan of Nate, I really would hate having to see him come back to Redemption. I saw on a Facebook group I'm in where someone asked how Nate would react to the Jackal Job, and I remember thinking that Nate, the Catholic man, would either not be a supporter or simply not be able to empathize or participate in the con without prejudice.
Look, OG Leverage has a place in my heart for a reason, but I cannot justify bringing back Nate at all. Nate's story could never fit into Redemption for a variety of reasons.
OG Leverage took the experiences Nate had and made a point in every episode why the man does what he does.
OG Leverage was about revenge first and foremost, then doing the right thing after, then building something more.
You know the reason why the stories never mentioned the disabled, the LGBTQ+, or the plain old voiceless of immigrant communities (this one was touched on but not really)?
It's because it wasn't Nate's story to tell. The original message was, if you are in a position where you have been wronged, then you should have the power to make it right. You deserve a second chance. That's why he always dealt with the scammers, the rich white men, the corporate greed, etc. He always tried to give people a second chance from a dumb or honest mistake, or to right someone's wrong.
That's why the Black Book was so important by the end of OG Leverage. It closed Nate's story with the idea that what has been wronged will be righted even if it meant taking a less than legal approach by others who are willing to bring justice to light.
Redemption is not that story. I mean it is, but it isn't. Redemption is the story where those less fortunate, those who are inherently going to lose no matter what they do, get a voice. They deserve a say in how they are treated, and they, as much as the impoverish and the naive, can have the power given back to them.
It's shown with victims like the elderly, the disabled, the people of color, the young who don't quite fit the social norm, and the LGBTQ+ community.
Through Harry Wilson, Redemption also shows us that those with power, need to take responsibility for their actions.  It is not enough to fight those in power, but that people like Harry - who do have power, are vitally needed to change the system.
Redemption does not need to see Nate to accomplish this story, but the fact remains that the message Nate started is still here, if not more refined and nuanced than ever before.
Nate should not come back to Redemption because his story was told in OG, and now, a new story can begin where the crew can be expanded and fight for what's right as well as give every victim of an injustice, an opportunity to tell their story as well.
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eggyrocks · 1 day
bruised part eighteen -> three times
m. list
♪ now playing: space song by beach house ♪
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Iwaizumi almost caves three times.
1: That night. In Bokuto’s apartment.
Their position on the couch is uncomfortable and slightly awkward. A clumsy entanglement of numb limbs. She lies on top of him, delicate arm outstretched and resting on the cushion above them and her cheek flat against his chest.
He’s not even pretending to pay attention to the show that plays. His hand is lightly cupping the back of her head, dragging it down to her neck and smoothing out the frizzy ends of her hair. And he’s looking at her, completely focused on her. Enamored with her. Consumed by her. “That guy’s such a fucking dick,” she commentates on the show, voice muffled by the way her cheek is pressed into his chest. “Hope he dies.”
Iwaizumi chuckles lowly. “You can’t wish death on every single person that pisses you off.”
“Why not?” she counters. “It’s not like it’s ever worked. Oh, and by the way,” she says, lifting her head and turning to face Iwaizumi, her chin now sitting just below his neck, “those Etsy witches are scammers. You still have a full head of hair.”
He tries not to be distracted by her sudden increase in proximity or insecure about the details of his face and how well she can probably see them. Iwaizumi quirks an eyebrow at her. “And you’re mad about that?”
She makes a little humming noise of contemplation, and then raises a hand to run through the ends of his hair. Iwaizumi tenses at once, in an attempt not to react, and is hyperaware of where exactly his gaze lands, and is careful not to let it wander. “Nah, I guess not,” she decides, dropping her hand back down. He mourns the loss of it. “You look handsome as is. But I want my money back.”
Iwaizumi thinks, for a second, about reaching into his pocket and fishing whatever compensation she was looking for out of his own wallet. A form of apology for his hairline not receding.
Instead, he sort of just stares, still in awe that their closeness, on how it doesn't even seem to make her flinch. So much in awe that Iwaizumi can't even think of anything to say. She blinks at him, as if waiting for something, and he's sure, then, that he's going to kiss her.
Waiting be damned. He's waited long enough.
The universe doesn't seem to agree, though, and decides to force Iwaizumi to keep his word. Because the front door slams open, hitting the wall behind it with such a force that Iwaizumi is sure there's going to be a hole in the wall. And through it comes Bokuto and Akaashi, attached at the mouth and hands wandering. So entranced in each other they don't even seem to notice that they have witnesess.
"Well damn," she mumbles, looking past Iwaizumi to see them, "took them long enough."
Iwaizumi looks away. It feels too intimate, for him to witness. "He totally forgot you're here."
"Yeah," she agrees, and then yells out, "Oi!"
They break apart at once, Bokuto standing up proudly with a bright grin and Akaashi flushed red and unable to make eye contact. She's still in Iwaizumi's arms when she says, "Date went well?"
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2: When Oikawa left, two weeks later.
He was honestly almost surprised to see how it affected her. Especially given the amount of threats she had made on his life and his face for the duration of his stay. But she had hugged him for so long and told him she didn't want him to leave and Iwaizumi could hear in her voice the way she held back tears.
She didn't hold them back on the car ride home.
"Ugh," she groaned, wiping away tears with the sleeve of her hoodie. "God, I can't believe I'm crying over fucking Oikawa Tooru."
Iwaizumi can't believe it either. It's rare to see her cry over anything. He feels oddly and uncomfortably jealous, and pretends that he does not. He pulls up in front of their apartment, feeling grateful he doesn't have to drop her off at Bokuto's now that her arm's clear of a sling, and places the car in park. "Wanna fly to Argentina?" he offers, half-joking.
She sniffles, trying to calm herself, and gives a weary smile. "Only if you're coming with me."
And fuck, it's there again. That feeling, that urge to lean in and kiss her. It hits him hard, so hard he feels momentarily dizzy. She looks at him from across the center console with big, wet eyes and god, it's all that he wants.
And then, there is a slight tremble to her lower lip, and tears begins to rapidly pool in her eyes. And before Iwaizumi has the chance to say anything else, she's crying again.
He settles for holding her. It wasn't the right time, anyways, he reasons.
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3: A month later, at her gym.
"Keep your elbows up Izumi," she calls from the outside the ring, standing next to Iwaziumi with her arms crossed. Inside of the ring are two sparring thirteen-year-olds, who fight with a tenacity that almost scares Iwaizumi.
It's the same way she fought, when she was that age.
She leans in closer to Iwaizumi and whispers, "They never fucking listen to me. Good thing I'm not their goddamn coach, or anything."
"Yeah, well when you were thirteen, you punched your coach in the dick, so," Iwaizumi reminds her, grinning at the incident. He remembers it so clearly. At the time he was amazed he got to witness it, and he took the first opportunity he had to tell everyone at school about it.
She rolls her eyes. "Whatever, that dickhead totally deserved it. He was hitting on my gross mom," she insists, as if the incident isn't over ten years old at this point, and she still has to defend herself. "And he like, totally sucked as a coach. He offered me a beer for every win I got."
Iwaizumi whips his head around at this information. "Are you serious?"
"Yeah, and I won a lot when I was thirteen. It was before my slump."
He scoffs. "God, no wonder you're like this. Every adult figure in your life was negligent at best."
There's a gentle elbow nudging into his side. "What the hell do you mean 'no wonder you turned out like this'? I thought you were supposed to be in love with me or something."
The reminder brings a bit of heat to his cheeks, but Iwaizumi grins either way. "Of course I'm in love with you," he says. "I was in love with you back then, too. I like that you're a little insane," he teases lightly.
And she looks up at him with this big, admiring gaze and Iwaizumi can see it, then, how much she loves him. He doesn't know how he hasn't seen it before. He can almost feel it rolling off of her in waves.
He wants to kiss her then, too. That same, overwhelming feeling. He would, if not for the two thirteen-year-olds punching each other in the face, trying to draw blood.
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It happens when he thinks it won't.
Iwaizumi is getting home from work, muscles tight and eyes strained from staring at a screen for longer than he's used to.
She's in the kitchen when he gets home, and she is fighting a losing battle. The first thing he sees as he abandons his work bag on the ground and clears the threshold is her, standing in front of an oven, holding a plate of what he assumes to be brownies. But it's soupy and chunky and steams like they were just pulled from the oven.
Iwaizumi raises an eyebrow. "What the fuck is that?"
She groans. "I tried to make you brownies," she whines, and is quick to abandon the pan on top of the stove. "But, obviously, my skills lie elsewhere."
"Why were you trying to make me brownies?" he questions, entering further into the kitchen to try and get a better look at them. He winces. There's oily looking puddles on the surface. He would try it, just show some appreciation, but he thinks it might kill him.
She leans up against the kitchen counter and crosses her arms over her chest. "Because I'm in love with you, obviously."
And it's just something about the way she says it. So casually. So matter-of-fact. She loves him. It's plain, it's simple, it's true. She's in love with him. The same way that he's in love with her.
So really, Iwaizumi can't be blamed. He really just can't hold it back, anymore.
Iwaziumi turns from the hot mess of a dessert she tried to make for him, and faces her. And in a second, he has her face pressed gently between each of his hands. There's no time, really, for him to think about what he's doing. He just does it.
He just kisses her.
And she kisses him back.
Standing there, in their kitchen, Iwaizumi kisses her, and she kisses back, and something in his chest explodes.
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-> fun facts!
only one chapter left! ahhhhh!
yachi may have walked into the kitchen shortly after this and screamed
she immediately texted her gc with oikawa and hinata
and now no one will know peace
i changed the song from hypernight to space song bc it felt more fitting
highly recommend reading while listening
taglist: @wyrcan @thechaosoflonging @publicbathroompanic @bedeater @rottingt1tz @rintarawr @deluluforcarlos55 @ahseyy @localgaytrainwreck @cherrypieyourface @baskin-robinhoods @polish-cereal @iheartamora @ferntv @eclecticeggknightpsychic @httpakkeiji @does-directions @needtoloveoutloud @rinheartshyunlix @causenessus @makkir0ll @cr4yolaas @k8nicole @cannibalsrider @bookworm-center @frootloopscos @ekeio @michivrse @phoenix-eclipses @hermaeusmorax @milkwithspiceyicecubes @anonnreader777 @mehreya @kmwife @rrosiitas @riousluvs @atsumou @ryeyeyer @faesix @milesmoralesluvs @bae-ashlynn @um-no-ok @kozuskitten @ncthourss @ms-downhill @bellamsby @karasyuu @k0z3me @blamemef0rit
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princhii · 7 months
↳ Ciclos
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bada lee x fem!reader
not proofread per usual, this is vry short just a little smtg!
↳ cw!: angst, toxic, cheating, very slightly suggestive, light(?) manipulation. just sad lol
a/n: literally copy n pasted from my notes..! i’m coping rn srry…if i gotta feel it so do all of u..! also i do not condone anything mentioned below the cut. lowkey just venting i’ve had quite the week 🌷
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“i trusted you.”
“i know.”
you sat uncomfortably on the plush sofa, hunching over and covering your face with your now wet hands. your eyes nonstop letting tears roll down.
the only sound audible being sobs you choked out. complete silence on the other end.
you huffed out an exaggerated sigh and sat up, frantically wiping your tears away— trying to, at least. the older girl who sat on the other side of the couch shifted slightly, her eyes glaring over at you. stoic expression. you really couldn’t read her. she extended her arm out, attempting to put her hand on your thigh. quickly, you smacked her hand away and jolted up from the sofa. her expression once again, unreadable. she didn’t even react.
“do you even really care?”
“bada, answer me. please.”
bada looked up at you before standing up herself. she calmly walked towards you, but still leaving enough distance between the both of you. opening her mouth slightly to say something, she quickly shut it once she realized she truly didn’t know what to say. what does one even say when they get caught cheating? again?
“i know i gain nothing by apologizing. what you saw was real. what you heard was real. it all happened and,” bada groaned lightly, sitting back down on the sofa. “i don’t think anything i say even matters.”
this time you stayed silent. completely.
the two of you in the living room which was now filled with very awkward silence and an uncomfortable tension.
and in the heat of the moment, you couldn’t keep it together any longer. you snapped.
“bada lee, you are so fucking unbelievable! are you even listening to yourself right now?” you shouted.
the older girl just blinked. once again, saying nothing.
“countless times i’ve asked you about her. you knew how those rumors made me feel. you told me not to worry for christ’s sake!” you wept out, your tears once again getting the best of you.
this time, bada reacted. her hands balling into fists.
you scoffed at her weak attempt of an apology. this personally annoyed the older girl. it was made known once you saw her get up and grab her keys.
“why do you always do this? any time we try discussing something, you get pissed and you leave. you go out with your friends, jesus, and now i know you go to her.” your chest heaved with every word. could she really not grasp the seriousness of the situation?
looking over her shoulder, bada looked right at you. only this time, you could see how glossy her eyes became. was it guilt?
as much as you wanted to run over to her and beg her to stay, you couldn’t. you froze. how did you know it wasn’t guilt? because it wasn’t the first time, unfortunately. empty promises of her changing, she never changed. bada stayed the same.
“i’ll be back tomorrow. have a good night, y/n.”
tomorrow had in fact, never came.
you hurriedly typed away, attempting to finish an essay you had been pushing back up until last minute. your hair in a messy bun, glasses slightly smudged, and very tired eyes. the bright screen of your laptop slowly creeping up on your eyes and stinging some.
you felt your phone vibrating from underneath the covers. you put your laptop to the side and looked for your phone, lifting it up to see what it was and who could possibly be calling you at such late hours.
unknown caller id
it could either be one, a scammer, or two, maybe one of your friends or relatives got a new number.
and handing the caller the benefit of the doubt, you went with the second option and picked it up. immediately regretting your decision as soon as you heard the voice on the other line.
“ah, hello. is this y/n?”
your heart sank, your stomach churning uncomfortably, and your chest suddenly aching. unknown caller was bada. letting out a breathy sigh, you decided to respond instead of hanging up. was it a good idea? no. why would it ever be?
“what do you want?”
“can i come over?”
“you’re insane, leave me alone.” right as you were about to hang up, her voice got louder. growing curious, you pressed your phone against your ear.
“y/n wait, please. i just need to talk to you— in person.”
“it’s two in the morning.”
“it’s been so long, please let me see you. let me talk.”
“a year and eight months but who’s counting?”
you hung up.
“i missed you. so much. so damn much.”
the older girl peppering kisses across your jawline. her large hands roaming all over your body, leaving goosebumps along the skin she caressed.
to say you fucked up was an understatement.
both of your naked bodies intertwined and sprawled out on your bed. truth is after you hung up on her earlier, she kept calling and messaging you. quite literally blowing up your phone, it started heating up. you gave in after a while. but only to talk. just talk.
that was not the situation at hand. far from it.
“and you said all you wanted was to talk…”
“and you weren’t complaining when i had my fingers deep insi—“
you cut her off by smacking her away, embarrassed by the truth behind her words. bada laughed softly and pulled you closer towards her, resting her chin atop your head. you felt her fingers lightly stroke your hair, causing you to yawn and grow aware of how tired she had made you. leaning into her touch, your eyes grew heavier. you were sleepy.
“will you be here in the morning?” you muttered.
“of course, my love. i won’t let you go. i love you, y/n.”
your heart fluttered.
“i love you too.”
“are you happy?”
you let out a long sigh, feeling like an idiot for even bothering to ask such a stupid question. the older girl scooted closer to you, arms brushing slightly against each other. the two of you sitting on the park bench, looking up mindlessly into the starry night sky.
“can i hold your hand?” bada whispered, fidgeting with her fingers.
“your girlfriend wouldn’t like that. no.”
a long pause of silence was exchanged. although shortly after, the both of you met halfway and interlocked pinkies. you knew you shouldn’t have, but there was no possible way for your heart to slow down. you knew this was a mistake.
bada hummed softly, leaning against the bench and tilting her to the side, giving you a smile. and, god, was she so attractive underneath the pale moonlight. her eyes sparkling perfectly with the way the natural lighting of the moon shun upon her face. her lips curled into that sweet smile she’d always give you. tightening your grip on her pinky, you looked down into your lap. you refused to look at her like this.
“why did this happen to us?” you chuckled dryly, letting go of her pinky to cover your face with both hands.
“i forgave you so many times. you’re doing the same thing to her, except it’s with me now. why couldn’t you just change, bada. why did we have to go through all of this?”
bada kept quiet before answering.
“i still love you.” she huffed.
“we can’t keep doing this. we’re going in circles. it’s a never ending cycle, bada.” you retorted, sneering at the older girl next to you. bada frowned, crossing her arms over her chest. the two of you stayed like this for another good ten minutes. not a single word exchanged between you two. just the sound of the wind breezing lightly and leaves rustling.
you had no intentions in meeting up with her tonight, especially as somewhere as public and open as the park. but here you were, again.
although it wasn’t on your list of plans for the night, you had made a decision, mentally. tonight you were cutting her off for good. you had to.
to say it hurt you was an understatement. it absolutely destroyed you. this person was someone you genuinely saw a future with— someone you did plan your future with. deep down, you’d always hope and pray for the day bada would keep her word and change. she always proved you wrong, though. every. single. time. after the breakup, quite some time had passed and here you guys were. back to square one. bada finds her way to crawl back, and you let her. she’ll shower you with empty promises of her changing, of how much she loves you. oh, and she swears it. only this time it was worse. she was in a relationship, and it wasn’t with you.
it took you by surprise considering the fact that she was dating the girl she had constantly told you not to worry about. and here she is, being unfaithful once again. you couldn’t help but burst out into a hysterical laughter. clutching onto your sides from the pain growing caused by your fit of giggles. the girl next to you gave you a concerned look, but still not bothering to say anything. she’s always like this.
after recollecting yourself, you took a deep breath and stood up from the bench. grabbing the older girl’s hand, you helped her up. bada’s face flushed a very light and subtle pink. you both stood in front of the other. looking up at bada, you couldn’t stop yourself from giving her a smile. she smiled back and pulled you into what you swore was the tightest hug you’ve ever experienced.
“will i ever see you again?” bada finally broke down.
she was crying.
you pulled yourself apart from the taller girl, gently pushing her away from the shared hug. you felt tears pooling in your eyes again.
a huge part of you just wanted to say ‘fuck it’ and try it all over again. give bada just one more chance.
but you knew how the story ends. every time.
“take care of yourself, bada.”
you walked away.
and guess what?
so did she.
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Poppy Worldwide AU Masterlist~!
Poppy Worldwide, also known as Save Everyone AU, is a different take on the events from Poppy Playtime. Instead of the player character/Angel simply going with the flow, they go out of their way to save not just Poppy, Kissy and Dogday, but every single toy they find. This Angel is haunted by the guilt of never being able to do anything in the 10 years since they lost their coworkers. They won't stand there and watch as more tragedy happens anymore.
Angel reference sheet
Smiling Critters reference sheet, part 1
Smiling Critters reference sheet, part 2
The Prototype / Experiment 1006 reference sheet
In chronological order:
Why are you sitting like that
Who was the hardest to get a bath? (plus some other thoughts and bonus meme)
Angel class sketches
Angel in outfits/Driver's first apparition in this blog
Angel holding a mini wuggy
Angel with an ubuttoned shirt (not NSFW, but it's under a cut just to be safe)
DayNap in cute outfits
Space Riders AU
Fanart for Bobby!
Fanart for Angel!
In chronological order:
Poppy Worldwide: SALVATION ROUTE (AO3 fanfic, still in the works): Also known as the Factory Arc, covering chapters 1-4 of the game.
Post-factory arc:
The Ambulance Ride (Tumblr post).
And that's how you begin to heal (and stop Catnap and Mommy Long Legs from killing each other at the hospital) (Tumblr post)
House Tour, part 1 (Tumblr post).
House Tour, part 2 (Tumblr post)
Yet Another Scar (Tumblr post)
+5 years after the rescue:
Thunderstorm Ball (Tumblr post, DayNap and Prometheus one-shot)
The Experiment of an Angel, an AU made by @/sukisoox!
Just a compilation of the headcanons I use for this AU! Poppy Worldwide follows the theory that Elliot Ludwig became the Prototype, and that Poppy was his adopted daughter.
Why plan Hour of Joy?
Prototype and Poppy's relationship
Prototype and Catnap's relationship (coming soon)
Prototype's gender and sexuality
Molly Ludwig
Daddy Long Legs
Why is Angel so kind?
Angel's past with PlayCo.
Just some fun curiosities and facts about the au :0}
Order in which the toys refer to Angel as their parent
Order in which the Smiling Critters refer to Angel as their parent
Order in which every single toy started to refer to Prototype as their parent
Smiling Critters reunion
Catnap and Mommy Long Legs' sibling rivalry
Angel's body count
Catnap's love language (food)
Fashion choices
Favorite movies
Favorite videogames
Sleeping arrangements for everyone
Sleeping, dreaming and nightmares
Fears and phobias
Coyotes in the farm
Prototype first lore drop post
Prototype starting to heal from his trauma
Angel's PTSD (CW: Self-harm dicussion)
Prometheus ship thoughts
Prometheus ship thoughts, part 2
Prometheus romcom
DayNap romcom
Dogday and Catnap dropping their adopted kid off at school
Random scenarios
First baths post-rescue
Angel and the media
What if Angel gets a pet?
Who gives them the "Talk"?
Swimming for the toys
The older toys getting an alcoholic drink for the first time
How do they react when it's hurricane season?
Scammer calls
What do they do with all the extra money?
Activism in the house
What if they found a toy that escaped PlayCo. during the HoJ?
DayNap wedding
Super silly posts
Angel's neighboors
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canisonicscrewyou · 5 months
Hello friend, I trust you're having a great day, I'm not a bot(lol) I'm Ben, the transwoman who was sent to a correctional home by her parents for wanting to be Trans. You reacted to a post(url! Fartherbyfar) of mine back in 2021- when I made a post of me wanting to flee(I don't want to add the link, so tumblr won't flag me, but you can see the post on my page). I know it sounds cliche, but unfortunately, here I am 2 years later, still needing support to flee. I made an update on the post about my 2 years journey and how my account was locked. I need all the support i can get from you AGAIN - Kindly boost/donate/like and share if you can. Please check my pinned post for my campaign(including my correctional home story).
EDIT: hey if you see this in the fartherbyfar search this person is a scammer and at least one of the photos in their donation post is scraped from an unrelated person in New Jersey <333 Their websites are also fake and you can see that in another post here.
Hey! For sure! It’s just so funny, because actually the post you wanted me to share in 2021 was about an unrelated cousin with pre leukemia who needed donations, literally right before the Ben posts?
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Which I find especially funny because now that blog is deleted and literally the only post that survived was the Ben donation post from 2021.
So I hope you and cousin Grace are doing okay?
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goreroll · 4 months
Criminals! AU
WARNING: a little disturbing topics and thoughts of the characters (which, by the way, have reached 18 years, just in case); obscene language.
Just as a small introduction, I want to say that I wrote and drew this today out of boredom, because all I did was first sit in the hospital for 6 hours, and then drive 6 hours to another city, so there can be a loot of crooked, incomprehensible, maybe a little cringe, but– OH WELL, I'm shutting up
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In this AU, Velvet and Veneer are a little tougher than in the canon (well, they seem to be professional scammers slash thieves (or something like that) who use their fame and popularity to increase their wealth at the expense of completely illegal and, sometimes, immoral things like manipulating someone's feelings, setting up competitors and other frauds). They are both greedy (even more than in canon), a little more cunning, and much more ambitious, since now their goal is to spread their influence beyond Mount Rageous. (This doesn't take away from their positive qualities: despite all the quarrels, they take care of each other, often donate money to all sorts of orphanages, animal shelters and other places just because they want to, and not because of some selfish goals, and they're cuties patooties, and that's it).
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Velvet often sends his brother to win the feelings of some girl they need for something, which is why he develops a persistent aversion to physical contact with women (with the exception of his sister, of course); with guys, everything is a little easier, because he knew from the very beginning that he was attracted to men, At that time, he had doubts about women. On one of these occasions, Velvet, alarmed that one too persistent policeman could get on their trail after one not too successful kidnapping, found out her appearance and personality and, after learning that she was their fan, gave Veneer the task to get closer to her and find out how far she had made her way in her investigation of this case. Personally, I imagined this policewoman as Orchid, but you might as well imagine Pamenilia or ur fem! OC.
I wrote a short piece of fic based on this story~
Happy reading! ♡
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Veneer grimaced behind his mask and glasses when someone roughly pushed him, but still continued on his way to a slightly less noisy corner of the nightclub where one of their recently released songs was playing. When he saw his target, he put on his usual relaxed and friendly expression and casually sat down next to him. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her twitch slightly, but she didn't react to his appearance in any way. With a mental snort, he took off his glasses and pulled the mask down to his chin before grinning and patting her shoulder, trying not to wince.
"Hey! Bored here, don't you?" he asked sympathetically, leaning his hand on the table.
The girl turned a slightly annoyed look at him before she froze and covered her mouth with her hand. Her eyes widened, and her cheeks instantly turned red – either from the simple excitement of meeting her idol, or from something else that he didn't want to know.
"You… you… Veneer?" she asked in a strangled voice, to which he winked and laughed softly.
"That's right! I was looking for a quiet place to relax, and suddenly I saw a familiar face - you've been buying front row seats for three concerts in a row, haven't you?" he asked with a hint of playfulness in his voice. The girl giggled sheepishly.
"I… yes, I'm sorry, but it's very unexpected to meet YOU in place like this!" she said in an excited whisper, smiling broadly. "I'm sorry, I'm just really excited!"
Veneer just smiled wider, wishing mentally that he was as far away from here as possible. Velvet's order to get close to this girl annoyed him (is it possible that such a stupid woman can work in law enforcement? Where is this damn city going?) but he understood the importance of the situation. Perhaps his sister could have carried out this mission herself, but she decided that sending a Veneer would be the most logical thing – after all, their target was a girl. She doubted that her attempt to get close to someone in this way would be well received. Especially considering the fact that among fans, Velvet was the epitome of a some kind of queen who would not look at anyone below her standard (which height was about the of Rage Dome). Veneer was more accessible in this regard, which was another reason why he was sitting here now, trying not to twitch from her casual touches and maintaining a friendly atmosphere. The latter became more and more difficult.
Perhaps due to the semi-darkness of the club, or maybe because of the excitement caused by talking to him, the girl did not notice the subtle tension in his movements when he tried to assume a more comfortable position.
"Oh, then everything is clear," he replied with a laugh to some of her story, which he listened to only with half an ear. "So you don't hang out here often?" he circled the club space with his finger.
The girl giggled (God, that sound was really starting to annoy him) and also changed her position.
"Actually, this is my first time here. It was a bit of a hard day at work, so my sister dragged me here," she scratched her head in embarrassment. Veneer nodded sympathetically.
"Well, I understand about a hard day. Maybe you can't tell from us, but that's what the stars need to do… There is no way to relax for a second because of the preparation for concerts and interviews, rehearsals, running social networks, organizing meetings with various advertisers, and so on," he grimaced, and the girl nodded spellbound.
"I… I never thought about it that way," she admitted. "For me, you are an outlet after all these boring daily activities, so I probably unconsciously projected these onto your lifestyle. Um... Sorry."
Veneer waved his hand, indifferent.
"It's okay, I thought that way myself when I wasn't popular," he said, accepting the cocktail he had ordered earlier. "What about your job?" he asked casually, clutching straw in his fingers. "What do you and your sister do?"
She hesitated a little before answering: "I work in police. You know, something in between policeman and a detective… I don't know how to explain it more correctly. It's a pretty boring profession, in my opinion."
"Do you really find tracking down and catching criminals something boring? It sounds amazing to me!" Veneer grinned and noticed how she blushed slightly and began to wave away. "Don't deny it, your job is damn important. If it wasn't for you guys, the city would probably be a complete mess, considering how much craziness sometimes happens here!"
She smiled at him: "Thank you, sometimes there really aren't enough words like that. And about my sister… Well, she kind of works online… I really don't know exactly what she does. Mostly takes orders, I think," she shrugged.
"I've noticed that you don't know much about people around you for a cop," he teased her.
She snorted, finally starting to relax in his presence. "When it comes to my sister, you can't say anything for sure. We are twins," she said, "but completely different and, in general, not very close to each other. Our only point of contact is Velvet's and your's music. One day I decided to get a little closer to her and started listening to her favorite artists, after which a little bit… Got carried away."
Veneer snorted. "It's quite commendable that you tried," he said. "Velvet and I are also quite different, but this does not prevent us from loving and helping each other. I believe that with due diligence, you and your sister will become much closer."
The girl smiled gratefully at him, and they continued to talk about some useless things. Several times, Veneer came close to being exposed by some other people in the club, but, thank God, he quickly noticed unnecessary attention and put glasses on his eyes. His annoyance and disgust subsided a little when, after a long time, he did not notice any signs that she wanted to get closer than he was allowing her now. There were only two kinds of girls he could tolerate - those who attracted him as an aesthetic object, from whose image he could get inspiration for makeup or attire, and those who respected his personal space and behaved with him the same way as with any other person. And then there was his sister, who was somewhere in the middle.
Veneer was incredibly lucky that the policewoman was close to the second type. Because the first one sometimes irritated him so much that he couldn't restrain himself.
In addition, he thought several times with some desperation that if he had a guy in front of him, he would be able to get more fun out of the conversation. However, he was no choice.
About halfway through their conversation (or rather, the debate), he heard his personal phone vibrate in his jeans pocket. Apologizing, he turned it on and noticed a message from Velvet telling him to finish their conversation or whatever it is and, preferably, take her number before leaving so that he could contact her later.
Veneer licked his lips, put the phone back in his pocket and put a reluctant expression on his face. The girl understood everything without words.
"Are you leaving already?" she asked with a slight hint of disappointment. Veneer nodded and smiled apologetically.
"Yeah... Sorry. My sister has been looking for me for some time, which made her quite annoyed," he laughed and the girl followed suit, obviously finding it charming how much they were connected to each other. Veneer has heard about some crazy rumors in which he and Velvet allegedly had a quarrel and simply used each other to create a stage image of an ideal brother and sister. It was nice to refute him, even if only in front of one fan.
"Uh, okay, I think," the policewoman said when Veneer pushed aside an untouched cocktail that had too much alcohol in it for his taste. "Then... Good luck, probably..."
He mentally rolled his eyes at her uncertain tone and, before getting up, quickly took out a slightly crumpled piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to her.
He coughed.
"I really enjoyed talking to you," he said, half sincerely, "That's why... Do you mind giving me your contacts?" he smiled charmingly and waved his hands at her incredulous look. "I'm not forcing you to do anything more than just friendly communication, don't worry! Simply... Sometimes Velvet's company only gets a little boring," he grinned and winked at her.
For the first time in quite a long time of their conversation, she blushed and, taking a pen from somewhere in her backpack, began to write down her contact details, in the process saying something that it was really too much of an honor for her, that she was very glad to have friendly communication, and that she hoped not to disappoint him. To be honest, she's already done it.
Smiling sweetly, he carefully folded the sheet into his pocket and, after saying goodbye to her warmly, quickly pulled a disguise over his face and left the club as soon as possible. Hiding in the shadow of one of the alleys and calling a personal driver, he leaned his back against the cleanest section of the wall and took a deep breath, trying to restrain the urge to vomit. Perhaps he should involve Velvet in the case. He closed his eyes, listening to the echoes of screams and loud music and inhaling the polluted evening air, and grimaced, crumpling the piece of paper in his pocket, as if it were just another useless check.
... When did everything get so complicated? When did an innocent childhood dream of love and recognition turn into what they were doing now? Veneer didn't know.
It took only a few minutes, which seemed like an eternity to him, before an inconspicuous car drove up to the alley, the driver of which, not surprisingly, was his sister.
The rest of the night was spent questioning, arguing, and planning the next steps, honed until Velvet could recognize them as perfect and beyond doubt. She seemed to glow – for the first time since she heard rumors that someone was trying to get to the truth about the recent infiltration of Rage Seum – and was now more relaxed and willing to cooperate. Even Crimp was surprised by her sudden good mood, because... Well... Velvet, who has not slept all night and has been annoyed for a long time because of something, obviously cannot have the mood to hum something and try to feed the exhausted troll with her oversweetened and burnt pancakes with jam.
Everything was starting to come back to normal. They were sure that they would be able to get the annoying policeman to stop the investigation or, if anything, to silence him forever before he could even hint at their guilt, so the atmosphere in their penthouse became much friendlier.
Veneer really didn't know how it all came to this. But, remembering the promise he had made, he couldn't complain or, worse, try to get out of it. Their sins and crimes had so intertwined him and Velvet with each other that it was simply impossible for one of them to get out of this vicious network without consequences. The veneer couldn't back down. He did not want to leave his sister alone to her fate.
He didn't want all the things he had done to be exposed like dirty laundry.
Death was preferable.
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This all sounds like something not very fun, so catch silly doodles! (this is how I imagine canon V&V as thieves lol)
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That's all, BYEE
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nilboxes · 5 months
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Light cone art so powerfully homoerotic someone (me) furiously pumped out a 6k word fic in 2 days. They're going to kill me. 🔗 : AO3
Extensive notes/ramblings below!
I have not recovered from the mental power I had to pool to write this lmao I couldn't do anything at work except figure these two out and why Aventurine looked so BESOTTED but the absence of the little white dots in his eyes in the light cone and in the leaked models made him look like there's such an edge to him (someone on twitter pointed out that he has no light in his eyes!) and it really fanned the flames like what the fuck is this GUY ON and why is it directed at Dr. Ratio LMAO (I mean why not Ratio is so pretty)
So then I thought, there is NO WAY Ratio is going to react surprised or scared for Aventurine he's going to be ANNOYED lmao. There are possibly 2 more chances in that cylinder before it's 100% in there and I was looking at the probabilities on Wikipedia and I was laughing at myself at how a gay ship was going to make me STUDY probability when I hated this type of stuff in university and I was like yeah Ratio will probably be like hey, you can't stop there, and pulls twice lmao
And I was thinking they would make eyes at each other homoerotically while doing so because wow sexual tension so potent you can taste it through the screen in the LC art and everything just went from there I really cannot get over how Aventurine seems so... sooooooo in love with Ratio and in my head Ratio is like this man is insane what is he on but he gets a taste of that and it's like wow it's actually a little good but Ratio is also cautious so he won't ride that wave too hard but Aventurine looks really down bad for a man who seems like he doesn't care
So initially I really wanted to wait until Aventurine came out before I start my hyperfixation train because we know so little about him other than key facts I have formed in my head-- -he's perpetual smiler (confirmed by a leak of the loading screen blurbs) and like, idk from his design it just suits him and even in his voice cameo with Topaz his VA sounds like they are smiling while they are talking ALLL the time idk at least I got this one right -mr gambling gambler who is very self-assured about his luck, mr smug man. when I wrote he'd win 99.9-0.1 he believes this and if he dies I think to him it would just mean his time's up for realsies anyway and whatever idk man is not very sane -there's some really weird leaks and I'm not sure if it's confirmed but he was invited to be a Masked Fool which made him ALLL the more interesting for me because as a Sampo Mr Scammer fan it doesn't mean if he joins the Masked Fools he wouldn't be able to amass money but this guy seems to really like the thrill being an IPC senior manager provides then which is like this guy is a lives fast dies young kinda guy -I HC from that neck tattoo he could have been an indentured servant (cough slave cough) or a prisoner of some kind, but eitherway it says he wasn't privileged in any sense of the word but the way his character design is so decked out in rings gold watches and even a bracelet it means he's climbed very far, so he is an ambitious man, lots of "material pleasures" as Dr Ratio puts it in my fic and he still wants more. That kinda guy makes for a very intense lover imo very "I get what I want" type, and I really wanted to balance that with his attraction to Dr Ratio and how he doesn't want to drive Dr Ratio away with his crazy but he's also very horny... Anyway I also totally underestimated his height difference with Dr Ratio I really should have pulled up that leak of them side by side but ahh being a short king dom top is so cute on him
As for Dr Ratio I really cannot see him top unless Aventurine power bottoms why but he's so "diligent" in all aspects but I see him being a pillow princess in bed
I also feel a little bad that I wasn't able to write more bickering between the two of them but I also feel like the normally talkative Dr Ratio keeps HIGH HIGH walls around Aventurine because it's hard to tell what this guy is thinking so he's thinking so hard trying to make sense of it all and he says little as not to give away anything that might be wrong
I feel like adding "all is fair in love and war" in Latin omina iusta sunt amore belloque was a little gratuitous but I also want to subtly sprinkle in that Aventurine is so obsessed with Ratio, so down bad for him, that he reads stuff about Dr Ratio a lot enough to come across a translation of the quote and I'm like no yeah way Ratio can deal with crazy-eyed Aventurine saying/declaring love while he's still computing the electric exchange they had so he's definitely like picking up on Aventurine's obsession/infatuation with him and he's like NOPE DON'T SAY IT and would rather kiss him to shut him up than hear it lmao
I honestly despaired at how I was going to start closing the scenes because it was like nighttime and I wanted to finish it already because they're killing me, so like, making Ratio fall asleep while Aventurine pours his heart out (I asked a friend who read it what he thought Aventurine said and they got it spot on so I figure it was conveyed properly on my end and I was really proud of this bit) seemed like a cute way to do it. The narration lied, Dr Ratio heard it but he got selective hearing and totally did NOT want to reply/acknowledge it. Poor Aventurine, but it's not as if he won't try again
I have waaay more ideas about them and I wonder if I can hold off until Aventurine releases or we get more crumbs idk but I want to write some kuudere Ratio (with a bit of tsun hehe)
Special mentions other than the lightcone art that fueled me: this art from Twitter that and this post that kinda made me think long and hard...
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tsams-confessions · 3 months
As someone who's extremely mentally ill- I want to say that I hate Earth: BECAUSE, now hear me out because I actually have reasons! Because she feels like such a liar? Maybe even a hypocrite? She always talks about mental health but every time she talks about it or 'acts" upon it, it feels forced and like she has no idea what she's doing. To me she behaves like a scammer who claimed to be a therapist when she's clearly not. I hate watching her therapy videos because every time I do I feel like there's something wrong about the way she goes about it? Maybe that's just me, I understand it probably is but I'd feel really discomforted rather than comforted if she was my therapist and friend. I think it's wrong for her to give therapy to her family and friends even if she promises not to share. They can't be open with her out of fear of how she'll react and stuff like that. She's also more likely to have biases and stuff because she already knows them and sees them in their day to day. Plus as mentioned in the recent episodes with Lunar, she didn't handle his situation in the right way despite kinda claiming she could?
Though it's okay for her to try and be supportive I always feel she's just making things worse?
Plus I just hated the episode that she was involved in with Foxy- where they have an intervention with him- though I also hated Lunar a bit in that one. As Foxy pointed out, she clearly didn't actually card for Fc? Sorry if anyone disagrees. I won't argue it- I completely understand people love her. But I can't help but feel hate towards her as someone who has constantly dealt with mental health issues and trashy therapists and stuff.
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billy-jeans23 · 5 months
Hello friend, I trust you're having a great day, I'm not a bot(lol) I'm Ben, the transwoman who was sent to a correctional home by her parents for wanting to be Trans. You reacted to a post(url! Fartherbyfar) of mine back in 2021- when I made a post of me wanting to flee(I don't want to add the link, so tumblr won't flag me, but you can see the post on my page). I know it sounds cliche, but unfortunately, here I am 2 years later, still needing support to flee. I made an update on the post about my 2 years journey and how my account was locked. I need all the support i can get from you AGAIN - Kindly boost/donate/like and share if you can. Please check my pinned post for my campaign(including my correctional home story).
I think you are a scammer, your gofundme and ko-fi links are fake. Are you trying to steal card numbers ?? Also, I saw you send the exact same message to a lot of people. If you are not a scammer, please DM me so we can talk about it. Their links :
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VS what it should look like :
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This is not even just low level scamming, this is creating websites levels of scamming. I checked "buy me a coffee" website, and a lot of it seems clean except their linkedin page does not exist, thier facebook page last interaction is some saying they are a scammer because they have been contacting help center for months and never got any answer despite getting orders, and the website is OBVIOUSLY based on ko-fi and trying to be ko-fi without being kofi. Same thing for the donatefundme / gofundme link. Either this is a real person beign scammed by two donating websites or they are part of the scam themself. They also sent dozens if not hundreds of the exact same ask, so yeah, likely a scam.
I am tagging people that got this ask or will soon so you are aware of it @vaspider @canisonicscrewyou @seananmcguire @danielwekwek @quotidianish @discount--dracula @fandom-cereal @the-name-is-loser
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mangocheesecakes · 10 months
I have found a connection between Laura Deramas and the scammer amongsts/amongstss who was recently discovered and since been taken down. I have very good reason to believe that amongstss was either Laura herself, or someone working closely with Laura.
(Please bear with me as this is going to be a very long post. I don't know how to make it shorter.)
So first off, in the "speaking up" video Laura posted recently, while she admits that she "made a mistake", Laura claims that she made the video to "speak up about what I and user neeches "have been doing to her while she's not on Tumblr". Specifically, she is angry about how we've connected her with another now-deactivated scammer, sheeyancjoje. Laura is adamant and insists that she has not come back to Tumblr since I called her out, and so she wants us to stop "blaming her for all the scams that's happening here". Now Laura's acting may be FAMAS-worthy, but I maintain that the evidence I found about her and sheeyanc is solid and undeniable, and later I will also explain why this is so in a separate post. But for now, let's talk about amongsts.
Amongsts/amongstss was a scammer who recently got taken down by tumblr, and who was pretending to be a "Black Transwoman living in Andorra" trying to raise money for "rent support". The post they made was copied word-for-word from an actual fundraiser on Facebook with the only change being the person's first name. Here is the original post and my reblog with the callout and link to the legitimate fundraiser. After posting this, amongsts began sending me irate messages and insults through dm.
Now amongsts wanted their donors to only use "wire transfer or paypal" when donating. They also did not put the actual link anywhere on the post itself. When asked about this by other users, amongsts claimed that she prefers sending her paypal info through dm because of the spam emails she had been receiving lately:
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Now someone had unfortunately already donated to amongsts before I was able to call them out, but I proceeded to send warning asks to those who reblogged the scam posts all the same. One of the users I messaged responded to me, and it turned out they were one of the people who had donated to amongsts. Because I thought it might be relevant for keeping track of the scammers on here I asked them if they could share to me the Paypal address that amongsts gave to them in private when they donated. This user very kindly got back to me and gave me the screenshot they took of the scammer's paypal name and gmail.
The name on the paypal was one "Joan Malubay", while the gmail address was written as [email protected]
Here is a screenshot of my conversation with this user, with their blog and name redacted for privacy:
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Going back to Laura and her "speaking-up" video. Laura keeps mentioning a certain JES SA, who she says is her friend and neighbor, and who according to her "made a tumblr" the night before and saw "all of the posts that I and neeches have been making about her". This JES SA then presumably alerted her about this, which is how she found out and why she was back again. Laura was also pretty insistent that I talk to this JES SA on Facebook, kind of similar to how she kept asking me to contact her mother back when she was still pretending to be dead:
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Checking up on Laura's Facebook profile after all of this went down, I saw that she had made a couple of status updates about being "stressed" and "going through a lot lately". Sure enough, among those who sad-reacted to her posts was a user named Jes Sa. This Jes Sa also commented a happy birthday greeting on Laura's post during her son's birthday 4 weeks ago:
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I also clearly remember seeing this user on Laura's old profile before, though I had no screenshots of her at that time and didn't really take note of her. Curiously, Jes Sa already had her profile locked when last I checked it, so I couldn't take a screenshot and had to take a photo using another phone.
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So instead, I tried another route and typed "jes sa" on the search tab to see what comes up...and what do you know, the name "Malubay Jo an" was one of the first results.
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This Malubay Jo an names Jes Sa as her sister in this pic (Bry Lle seems to be Jes Sa's former name on FB) as well as a "Dawn Syrelle Mozo" as her pamangkin/niece. Upon further digging, I've found that Jes Sa is Joan Malubay's sister, is married to a certain "Manuel (Nano) Mozo" and has at least two daughters, "Dawn Syrelle Mozo" and "Anne Janelle Mozo". On my screenshot of Jes Sa's birthday greeting above, Dawn Syrelle also greets Laura's son a happy birthday.
And so here is now the connection between Laura Deramas and the scammer amongstss:
amongstss was using the Paypal account of Joan Malubay with the gmail [email protected].
Malubay Jo an on Facebook who lives in Davao City has two nieces with names that fit the gmail handle being used by amongstss. Malubay Jo an is also the sister of Jes Sa, the person Laura said is her "friend and neighbor", and who apparently is also here on tumblr.
Given this discovery, I can say that amongsts was probably being run by either Laura herself, or by her friend/s Joan and Jes Sa, or even more likely, they were all in it together.
And Laura's claims that she is not connected to any other scammers on here is another one of her many many lies.
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dreamylittlesugarcube · 11 months
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Genre: EXO AU
Characters: Kyungsoo x Female Reader
Warnings: Kind of some swearing? 
Word Count: 1000
Summary: You meet your long-term pen pal and it’s SURPRISE, Kyungsoo. 
A/N: This was a request and a fun one at that! I hope you enjoy it. Don’t forget to like and re-blog if you do. How would you react if this happened to you? Leave me a GIF in the comments!
Also note: This is my own original work, if you’d like to share, please re-blog. Do not re-post. Image used is not mine, credit goes to Soompi. 
Crouched behind a hip-height brick wall, you carefully checked your phone, watching as the seconds ticked by, second by second closer to the appointed meeting time. 
7:00 AM
Behind you, the giant hands on the clock tower advanced and the bells chimed, each dong seeming to say MOVE YOUR BUTT, COWARD! You peeked around the corner, careful to stay hidden as you scanned the mostly-deserted park, wondering if any of the strangers walking by happened to be your stranger. Though perhaps ‘stranger’ wasn’t the right word. More like ‘person-I’ve-told-all-my-inner-thoughts-to-but-actually-never-met-and-might-
Not for the first time, you wondered if you were foolish. Foolish to have joined a cooking community on Reddit. Foolish to have responded to a post from soogoodmykimchispaghetti. Foolish to have spent over a year messaging a person you only knew online. Day by day, falling for the kind, witty man you exchanged food porn photos with. 
If you’d learned anything from MTV’s Catfish, it was to be skeptical of young, seemingly attractive, well-spoken men online. Especially ones who avoided video chatting and changed the topic every time you asked for a picture. You’d sent him one of yours, hoping he’d respond with one in kind. But he hadn't. And yet somehow he’d still talked you into flying to meet him in Seoul. Which was precisely how you found yourself in your current position, hiding within sight of the meeting place, unsure of whether you actually wanted him to show up or not. 
From your point of view there were three options ahead of you: 
Option 1: He ghosts you and you can quietly pretend this never happened
Option 2: He’s nothing like you imagined
Option 3: He’s everything you thought he’d be and more
Option 4: He tries to extort you for money or join his MLM scheme.
Honestly, 75% of those options sucked. 
You startled at the sound of a voice behind you, losing your balance and falling flat on your butt in the process. On the ground, you closed your eyes, taking a deep breath before you looked up. You had time to register dark brown eyes, fluffy black hair, and full-looking lips before instant recognition hit.
Your ult bias, EXO’s Do Kyungsoo, extended his hand to you.
“Puffypancakegirl29?” he tried again. 
Your throat felt tight as you nodded mechanically, managing to grasp his hand and allow him to pull you up from the dirt. You made a show of dusting off your pants as you thought about what to say.
Hello Soo, nice to meet you, by the way I love you and your voice makes me melt? Or Nice to meet you Soo, by the way I really enjoyed that low-cut white pirate shirt you wore on Music Bank the other week?
Both of those options sounded like excellent ways to freak out the K-Pop idol who was apparently your long-term penpal. 
“Are you okay?” Kyungsoo asked, dark brows knitted together in concern. 
You swallowed hard. “Yeah, yep, totally fine, all good,” you sputtered. “Just waiting for you.”
“Behind a wall?” he asked, quirking an eyebrow in amusement. 
You shrugged, murmuring something unintelligible. Fighting the urge to run, you made a beeline past Kyungsoo for a bench you spotted just down the path. 
“Wait,” Kyungsoo called after you, stooping down to pick up the phone you hadn’t realized you’d dropped. “Your phone…”
Now in front of you, he stood, staring at your lock screen with an expression you couldn’t quite read. In horror, you realized what he was seeing: a close-up of him wearing that god-damned pirate shirt, looking sexy as hell during his “Cream Soda” promotions. 
You quickly snatched the phone out of his hands, hiding it behind your back to try and bury the evidence, though you knew it was already too late. 
Kyungsoo sat down beside you, hands folded calmly in his lap. 
“So…I take it, you know who I am then?”
“Yeah,” you replied. “Yeah, I know who you are. But only now, I swear I didn’t know before.”
“How would you?” he asked gamely. “I never sent you a picture…which I’m sorry about, by the way, I just–”
“No, I get it, Kyungsoo. I do. With your job, you have to be careful…and sending pictures to some random girl you met online–”
“You’re not some random girl–”
You laughed. “I’m the definition of ‘some random girl’, Kyungsoo. I mean, we met on a cooking subreddit thread, for pete’s sake.” 
“True,” Kyungsoo chuckled. “It’s nice to meet you, by the way.” He extended his hand for you to take. “You know, once we decided to meet, I’d been thinking about how to reveal my identity to you, but I guess now I don’t have to.”
You took his hand, pumping it up and down. “I swear, I’m not a weirdo. I just really like your voice, that’s all.”
“And my chest, apparently.” 
You felt your face get red. “I would love it if you would forget about that,” you said, wondering if there might be a sinkhole nearby for you to fall into. 
“Not a chance,” he responded, sporting a grin that said this would definitely come up again in the future. 
“Um…so…what should we do now,” you asked dumbly, trying to shift the conversation to literally anything else. 
“I was thinking maybe breakfast? Get to know each other a little more?” Kyungsoo replied. “I know a great place near here that serves those fluffy, souffle pancakes and I assumed maybe you–”
“Is that why we had to meet at the crack of dawn?” you blurted. 
Kyungsoo laughed, his eyes squinching in a delightfully cute way. “Well, partially. That…and I’m…well, me, so–”
You smiled at his words, holding up a hand to cut him off. “Breakfast sounds good.” 
Kyungsoo got up, putting on a black baseball cap and face mask. His “on the down-low” gear, you assumed. You walked together through the park in companionable silence and once on streets, let him guide you down some surprisingly quiet alleyways towards your destination. A bright yellow awning greeted you, along with the sweet smell of baked goods and maple syrup. 
“Kyungsoo?” you said, stopping him just outside the restaurant. 
He turned to smile back at you and your heart thumped loudly in your chest. 
“Thanks for being Option #3.”
Thanks for reading Clickbait! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Don’t forget to leave me a meme or GIF in the comments. How would you react if this were you? Inquiring minds must know!
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