#scalping cw
meatriarchived · 1 year
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❛  when i get out of here, i’m going to kill you. i promise you that.  ❜ / guy in no position to make threats, making threats (im handing him over to thomas knowing it's so over so do whatever u want with him <3) | @lifesver
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oh but what if i were to continue from here - cw for d.eath / g.ore / v.iolence / t.orture / s.kinning / s.calping
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gut-wrenching screams from the girl hanging from meathook ceased abruptly as chainsaw worked through her abdomen, body jerking lifelessly by the force of the blades and motor ripping through flesh and bone.
the saw is silenced as its' yanked without care back out of her, sending a HEATED PILE of maria's insides splattering down onto the floor below her. turning to place the saw down, now off, thomas turns head towards the BOY opposite to what was once former friend, and the air continues to fill with the boys hoarse, horrendously heart-breaking screams and cries and wails, of THREATS THOMAS KNOWS HE HAS NO BUSINESS MAKING.
and to lelands' ears through his own spitting of VENOM at the hulking figure before him, comes a deep, yet quiet chuckle.
amusement was found in hazel eyes from past leathered half-mask as thomas looked down at the boy.
thomas moves closer to leland, head tilting down at the boy - a crumpled mess of tears and hate and broken determination - and large, calloused, dirtied hands reach up and grabs at lelands' jaw, forcing his head from side to side, ignoring the continuous onslaught of insult and threat to observe the face on this one. how jawline curves to meet throat, how brows accentuate the eyes glowering up at him...thomas finds his other hand touching his own face gingerly, carefully - and eyes darken at what the man has in store.
hand rips off lelands' face and he grabs him by the arms, hoisting him up quickly to free him from his suspension by chains on the beams above their heads, throwing him onto the ground to break chainlink as the force of hitting the ground knocks the air from him. without a second to spare him to catch breath, thomas has him lifted once again and tossed over his shoulder, turning to the large slab of wooden table in the middle of the room - to his butchers' block - and drops leland right atop it, head swinging down first to black him out - to give thomas enough time to keep him still.
as leland's vision blackens and blurs in and out from back to back impact, thomas scours about for heavy nails and mallet, and limb by limb he circles the butchers' table, hammering down steel onto ankle and wrist and throat to ensure no likelihood of escape for the brave, resilient, DOOMED YOUNG JOCK.
as he does so, thomas recalls the last few hours - where the family had been alerted by luda mae's call of a group of kids' wanderin' about, to keep eye and ear out for them. he recalls peering out the windows of the home, to see this same one ATTACKING HIS FAMILY.
visions of him knocking sissy over-
visions of him tackling johnny onto the ground, fists beating down wildly-
visions of him trying desperately to get thomas' attention, of grabbing anything heavy he could find and lift to then THROW AT HIM-
jaws clench and teeth grind down against one another as thomas remembers all too well what THIS ONE IN PARTICULAR did to HIS FAMILY.
thomas' grip on heavy mallet in hand tightens, and, as anger surges in his chest he lifts it above leland's body and brings it down onto his legs - SHATTERING BONE, ELICITING SUDDEN SCREAM OF AGONY FROM HIM.
the sound is DELICIOUS to thomas' ears, and once again, for other leg, does he bring the mallet down - BONES YET AGAIN BREAKING UNDERNEATH WELL-WORKED MUSCLE. and as leland writhes on the table, his dear little friends' face above his view, staring down blankly down at him, thomas circles the table to stand beside both youths. hand reaches up, oh so tenderly lifting maria's face, head drooped without life to keep upright any longer, and looks it over, brushing away what was once beautiful brunette locks to get a better look, and then lets go - letting head drop down once again.
thomas looks to leland again, spitting curses and threat in between sob and anguish and pain in spite of his position. in spite of knowing damn well that this is the end.
thomas sets mallet down, and lifts up a blade in its place - a delicate thing in such massive hands, kept exceptionally sharp, exceptionally precise. and thomas returns in front of maria, gathering hair in opposite hand, pulling it away from once lively features, and sets blade against throat, and ever so slowly, carefully, experienced, does it glide through skin to opposite side, curtain of red slowly oozing down to chest from incision.
and thomas ensure leland watches - in between all USELESS BABBLING AND SPUTTERING AND PLEADS - as he meticulously continues incision all around maria's head and face, until he meets the original point of entry and he sets blade down. and dirtied fingers push between skin and muscle to find holding, and thomas slowly PEELS OFF HER SKIN FROM AROUND HER SKULL, strings of blood stretching from muscle to MASK.
he carefully removes her face until it is resting in hands, and thomas returns to the side of the butcher table, eyes focused on leland's face as he drops maria's down on his chest, hollowed eyes stare in his direction.
as leland devolves into horrified incoherence, thomas' hands reach to back of head, untying his half mask and slipping it off, dropping it off to the side. it has used up it welcome across his face.
thomas can see clearly the closeness that these TRESPASSERS, these ASSAILANTS have with one another - it is akin, in his eyes, to the bonds of his family. and like any of them would weep over the loss of one of their own, thomas knows it is the same for THESE ONES.
he already took care of the first that johnny brought home - the girl, whose face lies atop of her friend. he remembers her clearly. doe eyes wide in horror up at him. her kicking and screaming. her pleads and sobs to let her go. thomas almost felt sorry for her. she seemed kind. yet, he had seen the claw marks made by her on johnnys' arms and face - and he knew she could not be kept around. she harmed him, and she could not stay alive to do WORSE.
and now, with these other five running about, attacking HIS FAMILY, HURTING THEM, BEING CRUEL TO THEM, INSULTING HIM-
thomas knew very well where to dig in and twist the knife with this one. and he's going to dig and twist just a little deeper before he ends his miserable, short-lived life.
hand finds maria's face, turning and fiddling with it, finding the cut separating the back of her head, and - eyes keeping down on leland, meeting and keeping contact with the young mans' own, THOMAS SLIPS MARIA'S FACE OVER HIS OWN, slowly fitting it over his own features, tugging and pulling carefully, until maria's face sits so unnaturally, so horribly stretched out, over the disfigured features of his own. adjusting it as eyes stay focused on leland - through sockets that once held maria's kind, gentle, warm sunbathed honey-brown irises. the eyes that he had known for so long, now replaced by this monsters' own.
SHE NO LONGER EXISTED - and he parades her face now, taunting the life of a girl far too sweet for the evils of this world.
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❛ when i get out of here, i’m going to kill you. i promise you that. ❜
another amused sound comes from the man looming over leland. his threats mean nothing, and thomas knows that he knows this. he is all but wasting breath and energy fighting against restraints, eyes wild and mad, tears overflowing in all directions as helplessly, hatefully, he stares back at the man who has made mockery of maria's face.
thomas finds handle of chainsaw once again, lifting it and giving the string a harsh tug - letting it roar once again back to life. eyes find lelands, and voice sounds out above the mechanical screams of the saw as thomas retorts back to him - responding at last to all the vitriol lelands' last breath were wasted on,
with that, chainsaw is lifted up in air and comes down, vertically aligned to his chest, and as was done to maria moments ago, it breaks through skin and muscle and bone into leland's abdomen, sending flurries and sprays of blood and intestine and organ in all directions, painting the room in a fresh crimson. and as quickly as they began, leland's blood-curdling screams die off into silence as body jolts and jerks about on the butchers' table, until thomas has made an utter mess of body.
saw eases to stop, set down beside table as thomas walks slowly to the head of it, looming above leland's blank stare up at him. hands reach for it, and slowly caress against face, tilting it from one side to the other, looking at skin and nose and jawline, at lips and cheeks.
small blade is returned in hand as thomas leans closer down to the boy, and, like marias' before, thomas slowly works at peeling face from skull, carefully separating muscle and ligament from skin layers, until he holds it gently in hand, looking it over, ensuring there isn't need to fix edges, before standing and walking to the old sewing machine some feet away.
the man plops down into chair in front of it, switching on light in arms reach and finding thread and needle, creating adjustable ties for when he's ready to slip on another HANDSOME FACE.
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luzzyluz · 1 year
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had this idea ever since Kanye came out as a nazi
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c00kietin · 10 days
just went to the doctor and turns out I have this:
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napping-sapphic · 1 year
Reason of the week for why i need a gf/partner: take bath with me after work to make sure i don’t fall asleep and drown
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mwolf0epsilon · 1 year
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They thought a medic would be able to handle his own health. They thought it was just a simple albeit persistent cold. They thought it'd go away and that everything would be fine...
Well they were all wrong, weren't they?
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graveyardcuddles · 5 months
CW: self harm mention.
This is pretty upsetting, but I literally couldn't get this thought out of my mind, so I'm subjecting others to it now, sorry.
So, I don't necessarily NEED an angsty backstory/explanation behind why Astarion's hair is short. The explanation of "he was a cosmopolitan high elf who didn't strictly follow tradition" works just fine. And the idea that Cazador cut it himself is already awful enough to imagine.
That being said, I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone bring up Astarion's "year of horror," where Cazador had him sealed in a tomb as a possible explanation. He talks about screaming until lost his voice and clawing at the tomb until his fingers were worn down and bloody.
What if, over the course of slowly going insane during all that, he also started ripping his hair out? :(
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twilightakiishi · 4 months
i need to smoke a joint with togame
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jekyllnahyena · 2 years
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fuckin weak sauce for gentle caring and touches of people u love
(was fuckin about with a brush and wanted to sketch hands and then i noticed. hey. that actually is something. I.D under the cut :D)
[I.D. It’s five digital drawings featuring commander Cody and a star wars oc, Hyde. All of them are done on a papery texture with simple, sketch-like lines. The first drawing shows two hands, Cody giving Hyde a mug. The text reads ‘You.’ The second drawing is of Cody’s hand getting band aids put on by Hyde. The text reads ‘You are stronger than I could ever hope to be.’ The third drawing is a close up of the left side of Cody’s face, only going as far as his scar. Hyde rest a hand against his cheek, thumb gently touching said scar. The text reads ‘So please. Live.’ The fourth drawing shows both Cody and Hyde’s hand holding a cigarette each. The text reads ‘And just maybe...’. The fifth drawing shows Hyde from behind, just from the neck up. They’re wearing a beanie and sweater. Cody’s hand rest against their neck as Hyde reaches up to touch it. The text reads ‘Come Back.’ End I.D]
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syrips · 3 months
i had a dream i was crying alone and wyll somehow found me and hugged me and gave me a kiss on my stubby/thin hair scalp where i pick my hair at and anyways it felt so warm and cozy and anyways i love wyll
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kylermalloy · 1 year
Nai shaving his hair off in a fit of panic, & Vash follows suit later when he sees Nai self-conscious about it
Alt idea: Vash going missing/being kidnapped, & Nai keeps getting excited by his reflection, so he shaves his hair off so he stops thinking he's found Vash.
I love this ask, partly because it’s almost the exact reverse of what happens in the 98 Trigun anime. Rem cuts Vash’s hair into his signature spiky style, and Nai, in a fit of…rage? Jealousy? runs away and shears off his own hair, complaining that “it’s all wrong!” when it turns out shorter and choppier than Vash’s. I’m still not 100% sure what that scene was meant to convey, whether it was a rejection of Rem, a desire to be like Vash, some combination of the two, or just a way to show how *wrong* Nai always was. (Idk man, the 98 anime isn’t kind to Knives.)
But I love this idea! Vash wants to still be like his brother. He wants them to match, and he wants Nai to not be alone in his self-consciousness. It’s a very sweet gesture, very Vash.
And the second idea…listen, there’s a reason twincest is so amazing. The boys look like each other! They can’t look in the mirror without thinking of their brother. How delicious is that?! How…inescapable.
Nai can’t bear to see his reflection anymore and not have it be Vash. Constantly reminding him he doesn’t have Vash anymore.
But even without their matching hair, Nai still sees Vash in his face. In the set of his mouth, the shape of his eyes. (And has Vash really been taken? Or did Vash leave of his own accord?)
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wellthatschaotic · 2 years
habing a very mental ill day
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bother-blame · 2 years
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uh oh. sugiura, the colors are different now.
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screampied · 2 months
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𝜗℘ feat. toji, gojo, geto, sukuna, higuruma. how the jjk men eat you out, ‘till the jaw aches
cw. fem! reader, cunnılingus, dirty talk, praise, edging, nose riding, hair pulling ( geto ), slight mommy kink ( choso ), squırting, overstim, p spanking, dumbification, puśsy drunk men, spıt kink, biting, i forgot nanami nuu, sukuna uses his hand mouth.
wc. 4.0k+
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“i’m hungry. spread ‘em,” balmy hot breath fans against the inner parts of your thighs as you sit still. lazily, you lean back against your bed, meeting the feral gaze of a very feral man with dark raven strands running down each sides of his face. there’s an almost pout forming on his lips before he kisses your pretty twitching pussy through your panties.
without hesitation, he ogles as your legs sprawl away from each other. he rests on his stomach, preparing to dig in before you stop him, lightly grabbing him by the hair. “s- sugu,” you breathe, feeling a tingle brew inside of your tummy, mixing along with a fluttering concoction of butterflies. he stares at you with a raised brow before you pull out the sable black hair tie that was secured around his wrist, pinning his hair up into a messy ponytail.
“oh,” he hoarsely hums with a shrug before preparing himself to dig in - licking a long sloppy stripe that forms a sticky wetness against the cottony fabric of your panties. “thank you baby. always so thoughtful.”
geto didn’t have to tell you twice. whenever he came home, he wanted you. whether it was thirst or hunger, the only thing that would clench his thirst and feed him right was that pretty thing between your legs. he’d eat you out for hours, up until his tongue is numb and his jaw is just aching.
“thirsty,” he huffs, and you could hear him swallow every few slurps. your legs were already shaking in dire anticipation. geto’s irregular breaths were gruffly strained—he runs his calloused fingertips against your slick folds before lapping them up with his tongue. “mhm,” dark eyes flicker back toward you and he grabs your wrist that’s dug into his scalp. “pull. harder,” he grunts, instructing you to tighten your grip against his hair. you’d almost forgot it was one of the many kinks he’s told you he’s into. as you gather a good enough feel, you drag his hair by the ponytail, pulling harder and harder until he grunts. a sly smile presses against your pussy before he chuckles. “good girl. better had.”
as he’s shoved face first into your cunt, you notice the shine on his lips were painted a pretty crimson. with his eyes close, lengthy black lashes flap every so often as he’s devouring his favorite meal of the day. of every day.
“sugu, sugu, suguuuu,” you whimper, the sensitivity of the nerves that store inside of your clit making you fail to stay still. he inhales, gathering a decent wad of saliva before spitting right onto your cunt. it’s so nasty, he’s nasty. you watch with wide eyes, feeling yourself twitch even more before he licks it right up with no shame. out of nowhere—you felt yourself blurt out your thoughts you didn’t expect to come from your mouth. at least not so soon. “s- spank it, sugu.”
“spank it sugu,” he mocks your words, rolling his eyes before briefly moving his lips away. “don’t tell me what to do,” and within seconds later, he spanks your cunt anyway. damp droplets of your slick plop onto his palm and he groans. “last time i checked, i don’t take orders from sloppy wet girls so lie back ‘n let me finish eating, yeah?”
“yes, s- suguru,” you pant, the quake within your thighs never subsiding.
there’s another eye roll that comes from geto, and he goes right back to eating you out like a starved man. he doesn’t even need to use his fingers, his tongue was just enough. more than enough actually. orgasm after orgasm, he’s emitting out the most sweetest sounds from you. you’re so loud that it bounces off the walls. he hears the reverb of your voice and it makes him snicker. “louder,” he growls, slurping up a remainder of your saccharine flavored juices. your grip remains in his hair and you bite your lip, preparing to finish yet again. “i wanna hear you. i want the neighbors to hear you. i wanna hear a scream come outta that pretty tight throat.”
and he meant it — your pleasure meant everything to him. with the way he’s sucking, you wouldn’t have lasted a second longer.
the moment you end up reaching your inevitable climax, a potent bawl rips out of your throat raw. he’s munching on your pussy, eyes shut with an innocent smile on his face as if he hadn’t just made you an entire broken mess. “s- suguruuu!”
you’re shaking, panting.
it’s as if every finish was way more powerful than the last one. a breezing squall of wind prises from your full lungs before you fall back. your legs remain spread, mouth formed into a circular shape whilst you’re still making a cute attempt at trying to catch your breath. “c’mere,” a low voice murmurs to you, and he sits up to go toward you. geto’s sweltering body heat radiates against you. he tenderly wraps a hand around your neck before pulling your bottom lip down with his thumb. “open.”
with half lidded eyes, you open, already knowing what’s to come. as you part your plump lips apart, rolling out your tongue, sharp hooded eyes stare down your throat before he leans in and spits right inside. you moan, feeling his free hand toy with your cunt some more, clearly not finished. “uh huh. now, swallow ‘n give me a kiss, sweetheart.”
as his hand squeezes against your pulsating pussy, you whine—swallowing, shutting your heavy eyelids before pulling him into a sloppy wet kiss. beads of sweat from his forehead press against yours before he returns the gesture, tasting yourself on his tongue.
“mhm,” he grunts, now starting to suck on your tongue. it took you a while to realize geto’s eyes were already open, and he was looking straight at you. abruptly, he pulls away and gives your forehead a kiss. “good girl,” but then he makes you lie back, spreading your legs even further.
“but ‘m still thirsty. let’s see if i can make ya squirt this time, pretty.”
“dove, you wanna ride my nose, don’t you?”
a low voice coos at you as he’s reclined back against the sofa. he’s sexily manspread, work clothes still on and unkempt — tie pulled off halfway and he hums, watching your abashed expression grow. “it’s okay, i don’t bite. c’mere.”
and with an usher of two swift finger motions, he tells you to come closer. with your panties still on whilst you’re slowly sticking your own arousal between your legs, you prepare to hover over his face.
you pause, parting your knees apart and on each side of his face before huffing. “a- are you sure? i don’t wanna suffocate you, ‘romi.”
“that sounds like heaven, trust me,” he whispers, grabbing ahold of both of your thighs. it was a secure grip. with two broad hands, he outspreads them - gentle thumbs stroking against your sweet, candied skin. “so perfect. so nice ‘n soaked jus’ for me, huh,” and after about a few seconds, you take your seat down on his face. higuruma gruffly grunts, a low guttural moan escaping from his lips before he smooches against your cunt. it’s slick, not only slick but sweetly sweet. “that’s it, dove. ‘s just you ‘n me, don’t be shy. ride it.”
you whine, biting down on your bottom pulled lip as your pussy grinds against the bridge of his nose. the second you ride against it, the feeling sent your entire body into overdrive.
with your lashes fluttering, you feel the bumpy texture of his hooked nose - it’s rough and gnarled—perfect for riding against.
higuruma lowly grunts at seeing the way your hips leisurely pick up its pace.
you were a natural, moving against his face whilst your hands find their way into his hair. his messy, knotted strands was like a maze. your slender digits entangle through his darkened roots, giving them a firm tug before your head tosses back in ecstasy.
“f- fuuuck, hiromi,” and you start to feel his tongue lay itself flat. you’re rubbing your cunt against his slick-spit lips and his nose back and forth.
over and over, you’re already spiraling,
profusely, your legs shake and jitter before you whimper out a desperate wail. “jus’ like that, ‘romi. p- please,” and as you continue to use his face, he’s meeting your eyes. it’s only been seconds and he’s already pussy drunk. a sly smile spreads across his lips before he slides a thumb down the opening of your cunt. “ngh, fuck.”
“yeah, dovey. ride my face—mphm,” and he’s interrupted by your cunt silencing his words. your taste, he just couldn’t get enough. higuruma’s already got a slippery snail trail of your arousal that’s coating his chin. it’s got an almost glow to it, you yank on his strands until his head falls forward. a throaty chuckle comes out of him before he flicks his tongue against your clit. “heh, easy now. my hair’s one of my best features.”
you couldn’t even laugh because pretty soon, you were about to reach your chilling climax. its shivering, frigid and you felt like you were walking on eggshells.
“fuh— fuck,” you clench your jaw, feeling your legs merely collapse right then ‘n there. it was unpredictable, you were an entire full blown mess and his tongue wasn’t making it any better. as you continue to thrash your hips into his greedy mouth, you’re clinging onto his hair tightly. his nose, the bumpy texture continues to rub off against your swollen cunt before it finally comes.
you come,
it comes all at once - an overwhelming bundle of nerves surge straight out of you, electricity pulsing through your veins as you come undone.
you’re sucking your teeth and you don’t even realize it. as you’re slowing down by default, feeling his lips steadily suck against your tender slick folds, he purrs.
“oh, my love,” he breaks away for a moment to breathe, warm breath titillate against your twitching heat. “made quite a mess out of me, huh,” and with a thumb, he rubs against your pulsating clit, giving the nub one final kiss. “such a good girl. my good girl.”
“baby? c .. can we try this?” and you have a sheepish grin once choso’s showing you a video of a woman getting ate out. however, he’s imagining it’s you the entire time, feeling his mouth water at the pure thought of tasting your sweet cunt for the first time. it’s lewd, probably too lewd for him but he just couldn’t help it.
“sure, ‘cho,” you give him a soft smile. even your smile alone was enough to get him hard.
and it did.
with choso though, despite being over hundreds of years old, he was inexperienced but he was also a very quick learner. he tried to remember the video, the tongue work, how the man made the woman feel. but the second he’s diving into your cunt face first, there’s no prying him off.
you’re laid flat on your back whilst he’s right between your thighs, using a single thumb to trace down alongside your curves. he makes sure to pay attention to every part of your body at least he tries to. heart eyes blow its way into his pupils, dilating as he admires your pretty frame. “y- you’re so pretty, baby,” his voice was so soft and gruff. it almost sounds like a whisper.
not even seconds go by and he’s already drooling right before your pussy. a shimmery coat of saliva pours down the inner cracks of his lips as he gets a view of his meal. god, he couldn’t wait. every few seconds, he’d pull away to coat your slit with a multitude of amorous, sweet kisses. once you wrap your thighs around his face, he’s slurping anything and everything out of you.
you could barely stay still, going into a state of shock of pure pleasure. choso’s tongue was long, he makes it extend all inside of you, not missing a single spot. it curves its way through the inner parts of your cunt, taking time to swallow your taste and moan at the flavor that now lives on his tongue. your flavor. it doesn’t take him long to reach your sweet spot - because once you release that cute squeal, he sucks against it even harder.
“w- wanna make my princess feel good,” he murmurs, already drowning in your slick. your pussy was sopping wet, coating his chin with such ease. every once and a while, he flicks his tongue against his chin, relishing in your taste. “fuuuck,” he whines, feeling a cute tug of your hand drag his ponytail against your cunt. “use my ponytails like handle bars baby, ‘s okay— mmm.”
like a good boy, he slurps you clean, pressing a hand gently on your tummy, brushing a thumb against your navel as he’s happily luxuriating in your taste. “c- chosooo,” you mewl, feeling the intense shake of your legs arise.
it’s like a wave, everything’s preparing to crash down all at once. with the way you sung his name, it sounded like a harmony, a symphony.
his pointed ears twitch at the sound of your voice, the way your hips thrust into his mouth makes him drool for more.
already . . you’re stupefied. he’s drunk from your pussy and you’re drunk from his tongue. “ugh, jus’ like that, baby. you’re doing so good, making me feel so good.”
“i- i am?” his face cutely lights up. choso gives your cunt soft licks, delving his tongue in and out, exploring every depth. choso’s head moves side to side in a quick motion. it’s attractive, he’s already sweating and strands of black hair stuck against his forehead like glue. choso was a sucker for praise, especially whenever it came from you.
he can’t help but creep a hand down between his legs as he lies on his stomach, touching himself. he groans against your pussy, feeling your hips stutter from his erotic tongue work.
“y- yes,” you whimper, grabbing ahold of both of his soft dark ponytails. his eyes lock onto yours and he’s entirely pussy drunk—droopy eyes and that sheepish little grin. he looked so pretty, but the moment he stares down, choso knew that your sweet cunt was even prettier. as he’s lapping up your honeyed taste, slurping against your folds, you rub him against your soaked entrance with a more hastily tempo. “so good, choso. m- make me feel so good all the time.”
“i- i do?” he whimpers, moaning from your taste. he’s trying not to rush, he wants to savor the flavor of your cunt. your praises, it was enough to make him make a mess in his pants.
so much so to where he can’t help but reach down to touch himself. reach down into his obsidian black boxers, stroking his flaccid veiny cock. with choso, he gets off to you, your pleasure was always his pleasure. once he sees you nod, he lowly moans again against your cunt, quickening his tongue work and pace. “i- i do,” he repeats, kissing your folds again, and again, until you end up cumming on his tongue.
hard, it comes quick. it had your mind going for a loop — you couldn’t think nor could you register anything out of your little empty brain. you feel a hard pressure pressing against your abdomen, a pool of heat ghosting on your body and you get euphoric tingles. right away, your legs give out as he’s still dug between them, flopping back and landing with a cute oof. choso’s lower part of his chin was soaked and he loved it. he slides your panties back toward the center before having a soft pout. “are you okay? w- was i like the video?”
with a soft exhale leaving your windpipe—you huff, cupping his face. “even better,” and you lean down to kiss him. he moans into your lips, leaning into your gentle touch, sitting up to press his body against yours. swiftly, your tongue licks against his upper lip, tasting your taste that was lingering on his tongue - it’s sweet. choso could feel his heart racing, and you gasp once he slowly trails a hand down between your thighs. as he’s on top of you, he gives your cunt a gentle feel before licking a needy stripe up your neck. “c.. choso, you want more?”
“yeah,” he whines with a subtle nod, and he doesn’t even realize that he’s humping against your leg. “please— pleaseplease, take care of me now m- mommy?”
“nuh uh, no ya don’t. get the fuck back here,” and a small squeak leaves your throat as he’s dragging you back by the hips. clumps of creamy cum stick against the fat of your thighs - it’s spilling, oozing out and he licks his lips at the sight.
you moan from his touch, feeling his hand caress against your curves. “bend f'r me, yeah,” he whispers hoarsely, witnessing the limp arch your body submits. “atta girl,” he coos roughly, bringing his face directly up close to your ass. “what a fuckin’ mess,” he smacks his fat angry tip against your needy slit. kissing his teeth, toji grunts. “really milked the shit outta me, babygirl.”
indeed you did - as he drags a thumb down the swollen bulb of your clit, he stares at the excess cum that pours out of your hole.
“ngh,” you whimper, feeling his toasty warm breath tickle against your wet folds. the second you feel toji’s tongue lap against your entrance, your thighs only grow weaker. you were already so sensitive from before, and the moment his tongue licks against your pussy — you were over. toji’s nasty, smearing his face all over your drooling cunt with the most cockiest grin on his face. the curving slant of his scar brushes against your folds and your toes curl at the rough texture. “tooojiiii,” you gasp out a sweet elongated hum, slapping a hand over your mouth.
“such a fuckin’ messy girl, huhhh,” he quips, flattening his tongue to slurp you full. your legs shiver as your eyes start to roll back, feeling his thumb tantalizingly plug its way against your puckering hole. “messy baby, gotta fuck you ‘n clean you right up,” and his breath against your cunt only makes you twitch more. you moan over and over until your voice was a broke record.
it feels peculiarly cool, a frigid slick coats against your folds as he latches his lips. you whimper, muffled moans clashing against the soft surface of your palm before he playfully bites your pussy.
“such a crybaby, maybe i should stop hm? ‘s it too much? thought you were a big girl.”
“n- no, please,” you choke out a weak sob, the pleasure practically giving you whiplash. your ass swerves against his face briefly, making an attempt to rut your rear against his face. “i am your big girl—don’t stop, ‘toj. ‘m gonna cum, hngh.”
with a scoff, he continues to swipe his tongue across - flicks turning into sloppy, sultry sucks.
it’s to the point where he’s practically just making out with your pussy, tongue kissing and giving it solid french kisses. sloshing sounds of your wet pussy rings against his sensitive ears before he inserts a single thick digit. with gracious ease, you clamp around his finger and you let off a breathless moan.
“c’monnn, give it to me. all on my fuckin’ tongue, girl,” and as he’s sucking you clean, you heave, feeling the plush of your tummy cave in in rapture. once he gives your cunt a rude abrupt spank with his free hand, you let off a cute whine. he tchs, narrowing his jade blown irises at you. “fuckin’ slut. get turned on from jus’ about anything, huh,” and your thighs jiggle with recoil. your shrilling babbles only pitch and grow louder before he’s nibbling harder against your pulsating nub. you huff, digging the edges of your teeth into your flesh. already, you’re dumb and it’s moments until you cum right on his tongue. “mhm.”
as you blissfully succumb to your teeth shattering release, your chest slumps into the mattress and you’re left stupid - entirely stupid.
your tongue was lolled out and your eyes flickered back to the very depths of your craniums “fuck, fuck, fuuuuck, toji,” you slur your words on melodic loop, chewing on each individual syllable. as you collapse, you feel yourself dampen between the crevices of your thighs.
“allllll clean,” he snickers, giving you pussy another smack. you whine, feeling your cunt all tender and sensitive. toji pries his lips off, licking them clean before dragging his thumb across his scar. it was wet, his stubble was drenched, and toji leans in to give your filthy folds one final suck. you’re too stunned to speak, trying to wriggle your ass away from his mouth but he drags you right back again. “not so fast, baby. ‘m not done,” and before he flips you over on your tummy, he spanks your ass just to see the little jiggle. “but since y’er a good girl, i think you can give me one more, right?”
you’re interrupted with a mean slap to your pussy.
“that’s enough talkin’ baby. ‘s time y’er pussy gets the mic,” and the dark haired man gives your folds a soft, loving kiss. in a low, hoarse whisper, he hums, staring straight at your twitching entrance. “ain’t that right, princess? uh huh, thought so.”
makes you squirt for the first time and immediately gets addicted to it.
“heh, angel if i had a dollar for every time you squirted f'me today, i’d be rich— well, technically i am rich,”
and of course with gojo, not only is he a good eater but he’s a fucking blabbermouth.
he’d literally talk your ear off while you’re riding his face. white thin strands of hair nearly occlude his view of vision. as he’s lying flat on his back, he needs to take a few seconds to dig his hand through his hair, combing the strands back in place. your legs tremor with desirable euphoria.
as you shifted your weight against him — his chiseled jaw all shiny and glistening with your arousal, he simpers as you prepare to speak. “s- shut up, ‘toru,” you repeat yourself for the nth time, eager for him to start up again. his tongue had you craving for more. this was his favorite view of you, without a doubt. just straddling his face, rocking your rickety hips back and forth until you gush out again. sucking in a long breath of air, you bury your shivery fingers into his smooth snowy-rich scalp. “ngh, talk so fuckin’ much just finish.”
“ugh, well excuse me,” he rolls his eyes, pretending to be offended. the white haired male used a single thumb to pry your legs open before he rolls out his long tongue. it’s clean, a pretty pink tongue that’s already watering at the tip. drip after drip. your breath hitches at the sight, he’s hungry for more and so were you. “let’s try with my fingers this time, pretty girl. think we can do that?”
you nod, inching a hand down to touch yourself but with quick reflexes - he grabs your hand only to then spank your pussy, earning a cute yelp from you. “ah ah. words, i was speaking to you, not your pussy, dummy.”
“y- yes,” you hiss, feeling the stutter in your waist accelerate. if it wasn’t for gojo’s hand gripping against your left hip, you’d have surely collapse onto him. “i can take your fingers, ‘toru.”
“fuck yeah you can,” he purrs - hot breath going right up against your slick folds. you whimper, watching with hazy doe eyes as he starts up again. gojo feels your cunt sporadically twitch in his mouth and he groans. he creates a swirl with the tip of his tongue before slowly inserting one finger. one eventually turns into two and the stretch, your legs were on its last final final hinges. you moan at the thickness of his digits curling all around your soaked gripping walls, swabbing up a nice amount of your slick slippery sweet. “yeah, listen to her. she’s got so much to say unlike you.” and his pristine azul eyes were staring straight at your cunt, not you. the wet wet squelches from your own slobbering folds makes your hips jerk forward quicker.
as he’s vigorously plunging two fingers in and out, his tongue continuing to slurp you clean. you whine, tugging on his hair, holding onto it tight for support. a hand claws into his silky strands before you hear the sloppy sluuuurps that slither out of his annoying mouth.
“sa— fuck, satoru,” you sob out, gasping once the tips of his digits locate your g-spot with such ease. he was so quick, his fingers knew exactly what to do. mimicking a bowling ball grip, he fucks his fingers into your swollen cunt, still latching his lips onto your pussy. “ngh, ‘toru. i just finished. satoruuuu.”
“babyyyy,” he mocks your moan in a faux manner, fully exaggerating the way you sounded. you rode his face at a more steady yet faster tempo, already feeling yourself about to collapse.
the stimulation had you floating on an incredible high. white thin brows of his arch into a furrow as he’s melting in your cunt, laying his tongue flat before overzealously sucking against your clit.
“mhm, that’s it. make another mess. awh. don’t be shy, ‘toru’s gonna clean—mmph,” he pauses with a grunt, giving you a half glare as you yank his hair forward. his smug grin returns and he briskly pistons his fingers further into your gummy walls. “as i was saying, ‘toru’s gonna clean you right up. always liked the mess.”
you’re spasming — the only thing you could see was a multitude of bright colors. as your jaw drops right on lewd cue, dangling goofily, you felt a gush of pleasure ripple out of you again. your thighs practically stuck together, the numbness adding its own kind of gripping sting before he quickly snatched his soaked fingers out. now, you’re just a drooling babbling puddle—with huffed breaths, you glance down at gojo who’s got the biggest grin.
as he’s lapping up your mess, you feel the tip of his nose swipe its way against your folds. he couldn’t help but smell you, your heat. you were so hot, in more ways than one. cerulean blue eyes meet yours one more time before he snickers, a tiny pout curling against his lips.
“oh, baby. are you cryin’?”
“no, go on. finish touchin’ her,”
hoarse low words embarrassingly creates a pulse between your thighs. as you stare at sukuna, not only are you knuckles deep into your swollen pussy but you’re also caught red handed.
curses, you knew full well how sukuna wasn’t fond of you touching what’s his. to him, you were his and that included your precious cunt. crimson red eyes bore into you as you slouch back, continuing to pump your sloppy drenched digits in and out. “keh. the audacity.”
you felt a burning heat settle against your skin, its feverish. you take a minute to swallow, a slimy coat coating the entirety of your fingers before you whine.
“kuna,” and he sucks his teeth - staring at you play with yourself right in front of him. with two hands, he spreads your legs, not wanting you to hide anything else. his touch send a feverish thrill up your spine and you gasp once he lightly smacks your hand away. “p— pleas-”
“quiet, woman,” he grouses, using the fat of his thumb to spread your quivering cunt lips apart further. he gets a full face view of how soaked you were. as you remain sat against a fluffed pillow, you gulp at the sight of the demon - licking his lips, forked tongue baring out a single fang the more his mouth stretches opens. within a second, he lolls out his long tongue before getting a sweet taste of your soppy pussy. you whimper, the texture of his pink muscle makes you shiver. “mhm,” he grunts, the low vibrations tickling against you.
but you start to feel an extra tongue glide against your soddened folds. voluntarily, your back arches and you heard a loud slurp before meeting the view of one of his broad hands.
you remember sukuna telling you how he had tongues on … certain other places of his body.
he’s told you about his stomach but never his hands. “s- sukuna,” you whimper, the texture feeling frigidly cold. it tickles at first, his clammy hand smearing back and forth against your cunt. “fuck, fuuuuck,” and your head leans back, all types of emotions foiling at your brain. and your irises slowly became docile. both slippery tongues were forked, long, and slimy. you shudder the entire time, gasping in long exaggerated breaths as your thighs try to stick together from the growing heat. “gonna cum, ‘kuna. ‘m not gonna last.”
“yes you are,” he snarls in correction, the mixture of two fat tongues diverting against your clit sends you pangs of obscene rapture.
he hums in amusement at the sight of your back and how it effortlessly arches for him and only him. another one of his hands creeps between your legs, plucking them open some more. his words were dangerously husky, they stirred something inside the empty depths of your tummy, making you pulse. speaking of, he feels the crazed pulse throb against each tongue, and his slurps become more carnal. “my, what a sloppy cunt. the audacity to be touchin’ her though is beyond me, little one,” and you could hear the possessiveness lingering off his tongue.
within each slurp, suck, and suckle—you just knew it was impossible to last. the stimulation of both concluding muscles against your folds makes you go further and further toward the edge. you’re so close that you could almost taste it on the tip of your tongue. sugary sweet with a sprinkle of saltiness. “sukunaaa,” you whimper, too weak to even pull at his hair.
you were at his very mercy - one of his favorite things in the world. the way you’d murmur out his name in that sweet pathetic voice, a desperate cry for more.
but alas, your words would always fall on deaf ears. he’d edge you ‘till the end, until you’re begging. with your legs feeling like practical mush, your jaw tightens before he finally lets you finish on both jarring tongues. “you’re so dramatic,” he grouses with a scowl, allowing you to conclude at your climax, heaving large breaths every few seconds. even though it was just minutes, with sukuna, he made anything seem like orgasmic long hours. “good girl, thaaaat’s it.”
and he moves his mouth away, allowing his hand tongue to do the remainder of the cleaning. the sensation was unlike anything you’ve felt before. you whimper, achy pipes in your throat all scratchy and hoarse from how vocal you were just a few moments ago. the tongue that rests against his palm sucks you clean—it’s more tender and gentle and you’re a stammering mess, secretly adapting to the strange yet pleasurable feeling..
you’re still trying to recollect breaths, invisible glue sticks and glosses between your legs before you glance up at sukuna who’s got a sly smile. “w- what’s with the look?”
“oh, nothing,” the demon retorts wittily, leaning up to press a soft kiss against your neck. his touch made you shiver and you wrap your arms around him almost instantly.
his cologne as always, was loud and made its name known across the entire room. leaning up against your ear, he licks it - which turns into seductive nibbles before he whispers. “i was just thinking. i think you’d prefer my stomach tongue a lot more, princess. i promise i’ll try not to swallow ya, heh.”
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mellowwillowy · 3 months
Bathtub sex with your husband because he was suddenly all petty and jealous with your servants helping you bathe.
CW: NSFW, slight yandere, GN Reader
Your husband had always been an understanding man, he thought with a cool head and logic all the time. He would never get jealous of his love rivals, reasoning he was way better of an option than they would ever be.
Yes, he was not arrogant but he knew his own self-worth. He knew he had always been the best for you.
So why did he suddenly insist on helping you bathe?
“Dear, did you mean bathing with me or did I hear you wrong?” You stood next to him as he prepared the water for you. The scent he chose had always been floral, something that smelled innocent in a sense.
Your husband shook his face as he felt the temperature of the water. It welcomed him warmly, assuring him that it was the perfect temperature for you to relax already. Yulian beckoned you to enter the bathtub and so you did.
He pushed a cart of bathroom amenities, the aromatherapy candles all lit to light the room enough for as he switched the lights off.
You sighed at the sensation, slowly melting into one with the water. Yulian sat by the tub, his hands slowly massaging your tense shoulders as he hummed a lullaby for you.
“How lucky are the servants who help you bathe to see you like this every day.” He whispered into your ears as you giggled.
“Are you envious of them?”
Yulian stayed silent for a moment as he poured water over your head, “Recently,” he spoke as he poured the ointment into his hands, “I’ve been seeing lots of divorce trials.”
You hummed at his reply, leaning into his hands massaging your scalp, “And?”
“Most of them come from… affairs.”
You raised one of your eyebrows at the mention of affair, “Are you saying I might be cheating with one of my servants dear?”
“Not really,” Yulian now focused back on massaging your shoulders again, “but I can't help but be bothered by the fact that one of your servants might be admiring you, enchanted by you.”
His face inched closer to yours now, “And while they are at it, they can freely see and feel your body…” his hands slowly felt your arms up and down, “and be around you every day, helping you dress, attending all your needs while I'm away.”
You've never seen your husband act like this before. This was the first time he had shown his jealousy blatantly.
Yulian started pressing chaste kisses on the back of your neck, his grips remained on your arms. You squirmed as his hands snaked further into your nipples.
“It's so unfair, I'm your husband and yet they get to see you so vulnerable more often than I would ever be.”
What was once a chaste kiss soon turned into hickeys, purple decorating you from the back of your neck to your collarbone. You recognized this gesture as his way of showing his pettiness.
“So today,” his fingers tweaked your nipples as he kissed your earlobe, “can I show you just how much I love and adore every bits of you?”
The two of you were connected in the bathtub, his cock throbbed as its snug inside of you. How many times had he cum so early yet still had the strength to continue? You knew your husband couldn't last long but that didn't mean his stamina was to be doubted.
His precision in hitting your sweet spot had always been pitch-perfect. It never failed to make you squeal and tighten around him, pushing him closer to yet another orgasm.
Yulian hid his face in the crook of your neck, trying his best to not bite into your flesh, and opted to bite his lip until he tasted steel instead.
You moaned out his name as you felt like you were about to reach yet another orgasm as well. Your hand intertwined with his, you turned back to kiss him, tasting his blood while at it.
“So close… together?”
Yulian’s cock throbbed at the mention of it before he nodded along, “I-I’ll try.”
Yulian lifted you from his lap and positioned you to lean onto the wall before he continued ramming into you like a starving man. Nonetheless, he still made sure to prioritize your pleasure as well instead of being selfish and chasing his own release.
Your knees wobbled and you felt really weak yet his strong grip wouldn't let you slide down, at least not until you two were done.
Ragged breath and breathy groans, the bathroom smelled like sex instead of florals. The whole candles flickered with each thrust he made and the water rippled with every shake your legs made.
It didn't take so long for you two to come in unison. The bath water that was once pristine and clean was soon mixed with both of your bodily fluids. Your insides felt warm the moment he came inside you again.
Your knees slowly gave up as the two of you slowly collected your composure. Yulian’s hands never let you go as he slowly lowered you into his embrace again.
He started peppering your face with kisses again, his fingers ran over all the hickeys he had left all over you, some were in a very visible place.
“How am I supposed to cover all of these dear?” you pouted at him as you pushed his face away from you playfully.
Yulian raised his eyebrows before answering you, “You don't cover them dear.”
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angelsrcute · 5 months
(´∀`*)ε` ) ౨ৎ N–sfw content !! ; Dom!Teacher!Toji + Bimbo!Student!F!Reader ➜ cws: Degradation, unprotected sex, reader has huge tits, vibrator use, Dacryphilia, blowjob, breath play, breeding kink, baby trapping(?), age gap, slight spanking. ᡴꪫ‎
‎ ꒰ † ੭‎ For the event!
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Teacher!Toji whose favourite student is you, a pretty little thing. Your grades are average though.
A vibrator in your cunt as you try to stifle moans, the hand in his pocket plays with the switch. Toji who later has you against a wall in the bathroom, your legs wrapped around his waist as he fucks you. Drool falling from your lips as you get more wet on the thought of being found like this.
Teacher!Toji who says he'll ‘help’ you with your grades but just proceeds to just fuck you stupid on his desk.
His thick cock hitting your womb, his grip bruising as your eyes welled up with pathetic tears, skirt hiked up to your waist. Your ass red cause of the harsh spankings. He plays with your huge tits, “Shit, you're such a stupid slut, made to take my cock.”
Teacher!Toji who makes you suck him off after classes. Calling you a pretty slut, tits peeking out from your bra. He swears he can cum just from the sight.
Eyes glossy as you try not to gag on his cock, a harsh grip on your scalp as he makes you take him fully. Pretty lips wrapped around his cock. God he could just fuck a baby into you.
Teacher!Toji who has his hands around your neck as he pounds in you, his length stretching you out, he says it's his way to congratulate you for getting good marks. Definitely didn't grade you better just so he could fuck you.
Teacher!Toji who edges you if you get in detention or do bad in exams, spanking you with his belt, he can tell you enjoy it by the way your cunt drips. Such a sweet thing.
Teacher!Toji who's fucking excited once he has you knocked up, his cute little bimbo with a child, now you can't ever leave him. Tits full of milk and your cute belly all round just makes him wanna keep you to himself forever!
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omgeto · 1 year
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summary: you annoy your boyfriends, they annoy you, you fuck and all is well. that's the fic.
cw: afab!reader, dry humping with toji, gojo eats you out in the shower, nanami spanks you and fucks you against a wall so slay mdni. come for the smut, stay for the dialogue.
an: this was fun to write actually, I had a whole geto part written but I deleted it all so rip to that, I hope you enjoy. this is barely make up sex tbf its more, your boyfriends being bothersome and fucking you afterwards. not proofread so ignore mistakes pls
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gojo satoru was an attention whore. you’ve always known that about your boyfriend – loved him for it even. the way he’d bask in the attention from you, his friends, even strangers on the street, his eyes lighting up at the mention of his name. which is you knew when you gave him the silent treatment, it annoyed him like crazy.
“baby please,” he whines, as another hour passes of you being completely silent, “i didn’t mean it.” 
you walk straight past him, trying to keep yourself busy. it was hard to ignore your boyfriend, he was just so lovable — but you had a point to prove. he was tailing behind you, not letting you out of his sight. he was like a small child, a puppy even, his lips pouty, eyes wide, begging for your attention. 
you head to the shower, since surely that's the one place you could continue your charade uninterrupted right? wrong. gojo is right there with you, simultaneously stripping down with a devious glint in his eyes. 
as soon as the shower water turns on, his hands are all over you, you’re just how he likes you — naked and wet. you try to suppress your moan, to stand your ground just a little longer, but it was getting hard with the way his fingers were separating your pussy lips. he lowers down to his knees, his hair brushing against your stomach as he tongue drags across your wet slit.
“you gonna talk to me now?” he mutters, the sound muffled as you push his head deeper into your sobbing cunt. he smirks, knowing that what he’s doing is working.
gojo’s tongue swirls across your clit, nipping at it. his hands work their way up your ass, gripping against it as he nuzzles his face further into your pussy. “f-fuck,” you sigh out, already cursing yourself from breaking your silence, but you just couldn’t help it. the feeling of him lapping at you was just too much for you to take.
“what was that baby?” he teases, looking up at you, his face drenched in both shower water and your pussy juices. your lips part slightly, the feeling of you about to cum getting overwhelmingly stronger. 
you head rests against the shower wall the water trailing down your tits, landing in gojos hair — making it easier for you to slide and tangle your hands in. he hikes one of your legs onto his shoulder, angling his tongue further into your pussy using the way you scratch and tug at his scalp to go even deeper.
you’re just about to cum, grinding yourself into his face, but just before you can — he pulls away. he stands up on his feet, giving you a peck on the lips, before exiting the shower — feeling satisfied.
“toru, i forgive you,” you call out of the shower, needing him right back in there to finish you off. you couldn’t even really remember what he did to annoy you in the first place, but you both proved your points. “you can come back now bae.”
he damn near twists his ankle running back into the shower, an eager smile on his lips as all he wanted was to hear you speak to him again — to hear you need him.
“you forgive me yet princess?” he says with a grin, pressing kisses to your neck. 
“move toji” you snip, half heartedly shrugging him off you. technically toji hadn’t necessarily done anything wrong, it was just one of those days where you were not in the mood — and toji just knew all the wrong buttons to push.
“is your period due or something?” he teases, laughing as you roll your eyes, “i could’ve got the paracetamol, all you had to do was ask?” 
“fuck off,” you retort but it had no real bite to it — you both knew that. 
“aww princess are you upset?” he continues to mock you, a prime example of toji getting on your nerves and enjoying the hell out of it.
“shut up,” you mumble, letting yourself be taken in by your boyfriend as he pulls you up onto his lap. he’s quick to rid you of your shirt, exposing your boobs, to which he grins at — amazed at the sight.
he pulls one of your tits in his mouth, sucking on it hard as his hand works on the other boob pinching at your nipples. “t-toji shit,” you gasp at the feeling of his tongue swirling against your hard nipple, his head resting on your shoulder as his mouth envelopes your tit.
you grind against his thigh, as he continues to suckle on you. his body moves with yours as your clothed cunt drives against his leg. his lips move from your tits to your mouth, pulling you into a deep kiss as his hands start to fondle your breast. 
“you really fucking yourself on my thigh, huh?” he smirks in between kisses, tugging on your tits harder, “i don’t even have to do much to get you off.”
“f-fuck,” you moan out, overwhelmed at the feeling of his hands playing your boobs and your pussy gaping trying to clench around nothing as you vigorously rub yourself against his thigh.
“y’gonna cum for me princess,” he teases, raising his leg up slightly causing more friction between your pussy and his thigh, “gonna make a mess in your panties for me?” you nod, your forehead resting against his as you moan against his lips, buckling against him as you cum. 
he gives you a final peck against your lips, satisfied in pleasing you. “you still mad?” he jokes, already knowing the answer. he lays his head on your chest, using your tits as a cushion, smiling in content as you stroke his head.
“shush,” you hum out with a smile.
“see i knew all you needed was to get your titties sucked.”
“why are you such a slut sometimes?” nanami asks, roughly pushing you forward, your hands pressing flat against the wall. 
you had barely made it inside your house, before your husband had your dress hiked and panties off. you went out on your weekly date night, and tonight you decided just to rile your husband up a little bit more than usual. 
he spreads your legs, easily slotting in between them, freeing his dick out of his pants rubbing it against your wet folds. you liked it when he was like this. any time you had sex with him, it was great, but there were rare occasions when you just wanted him to be a bit more mean — and tonight was one of those nights.
“i’m sorry kento, i didn’t mean to,” you lie, if he could see your face he’d be able to see the pleased smile beaming off it.
“oh cut the shit,” he comments, as his dick slams into your pussy. you were soaked, watching the way he was jealous of the waiter you were ‘flirting’ with earlier, already had you feeling things, “i know what you’re up to.”
“and what is that?” you ask coyly, playing dumb — oblivious to the obvious.
“you’re trying to get me all riled up, so i can fuck your slutty little brains out, isn’t that right?” he asks, his dick hammering into you at an unforgiving pace. he was sliding in and out of easily, driving against your spot with every hit. his hands roughly grip against your hips to keep you in place. “and it’s working.”
nanami continues to drill into you, spanking your ass with hard, repetitive slaps as his hips meet yours. your mouth widens with every slap, the feeling of his large hand hitting against your ass cheeks causes you to moan loudly in pleasure.
“f-fuck kento, fuck me h-harder,” you gasp out, his hand moves from your ass coming under to flick your clit as he continues to pound into you. you were close, he could tell, but he wasn’t letting up with his relentless strokes. 
“are you sorry, baby?” he asks, his thumb still pressing on your clit, rubbing on it just as hard as he was fucking you, “tell me you’re sorry.”
“i’m sorry, i really am,” you mewl, feeling your hands slip against the wall as he drives into you hard, you body crumbling at the force.
“do you want me to cum inside this pretty pussy?” he asks already knowing the answer, his smirk growing as you nod, clearly drunk on his dick as it thrusts into you further.
“p-please, i need to cum,” you whine, practically begging as you throw your ass back on his dick, eager to cum. “let, me cum.”
“c’mon babe, cum all over my dick,” he growls in your ear, spraying your walls with his cum, grinning as you release all over him but he forces his dick back into you, plugging your pussy with both of your cum. “shit, that was great.’ 
he eventually pulls out of you, giving your ass a final slap, “y’know if you want me to fuck you like that again, you don’t have to flirt with a waiter for me to do that.”
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an: so what do you think....??? dont use the dividers property of big emp
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