#sbs stove league
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phant0m-l0rd · 2 years
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(I should’ve learned my lesson the first few times this happened, never to edit big chunks of text on tumblr because sometimes it’ll refresh for no reason and I’ll lose everything right before pressing send. Anyway, off to rewriting this whole thing I go!!)
I felt like doing this because I watched a lot of kdramas this year. Everything will be after the “keep reading” line. Some prompts will be edited because I didn’t watch any dramas actually made in 2022, so if you see things being crossed out like this and [inserted text], that’s what that is.
(featuring a bunch of gifs I made over the course of this year and never posted anywhere)
→ First drama completed in 2022: Black (2017).
→ Favourite actress discovered in 2022: Kim Hye-soo. I absolutely loved her in Hyena (2020) and fell in love with both her acting and her (she's literally the perfect woman). She was fabulous in Signal (2016) as well. Her ability to nail both comedic and serious acting is a testament to her amazing range.
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→ Favourite actor discovered in 2022: Honourable mention to Ji Chang-wook, whom I adored in the 3 series I watched him in this year.
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However, my favourite actor I discovered this year has got to be Lee Joon-gi. Truly a master of his craft; I’m convinced there isn’t a single thing he cannot do. His acting range is amazing, from subtle and subdued to incredibly emotional.
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→ Favourite original song from a drama [discovered in 2022]: Adrenaline (Vincenzo OST). I feel like this song fit the series so perfectly, but also sounds really good as a stand-alone song. I love its brooding, ominous, yet entrancing atmosphere.
→ A visually beautiful kdrama [discovered in 2022]: I’ll be mentioning this series a lot in this post, if only for the reason that it’s become one of my favourite series of all-time, from the second I watched it, the series being Flower of Evil (2020). The cinematography of this series is one of the many elements that makes it stand out from a lot of other dramas I’ve seen. It’s so beautiful, the lighting is always stunning, the colours are soft, the framing is always on-point…
Take this shot, for instance, which is from the opening scene of the drama (I just had to gif it). It instantly draws you in and sets the tone for the rest of the series.
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→ A drama you dropped in 2022: Strong Girl Bong-soon (2017). I’m actually surprised I made it this far into this series before dropping it considering how uncomfortable the humour made me feel. From thinly veiled homophobia to crass humour to making light of domestic abuse, this series shocked me, especially considering it isn’t that old. So many series have had narratives of female empowerment and have done so so amazingly well that this series feels very subpar in comparison, in my opinion.
→ Favourite character [discovered in 2022]: Do Hyun-so in Flower of Evil (2020). He stood out to me the most because of how complex and multidimensional he was, and how well all the different facets of his character were portrayed by Lee Joon-gi. I felt so empathetic for his character, angry at the tragic circumstances that had shaped his life, and endeared by the kindness and softness he retained despite all he had been through. His character is tragic but is also an exemplification of resiliency in the face of adversity.
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→ A [drama discovered in 2022] with an interesting story: W (2016) had a very interesting premise that was actually executed surprisingly well, in my opinion. In brief, it centres around a webcomic that has somehow come to life, with there being a portal between the real world and the world within the comic book. It’s very entertaining.
→ Oldest drama you watched in 2022: Time Between Dog and Wolf (2007) which I’m currently watching (only 1 episode left). I started it because of Lee Joon-gi and have honestly not been disappointed one bit. Sure, the filming and editing is dated, but that doesn’t detract from the quality of the narrative and the acting. Nowadays, this premise (a revenge undercover story) feels like it might’ve been done many times, however it does not feel boring in this series at all, quite the contrary. It’s been incredibly engaging.
Furthermore, I just have to say… I love 2000s fashion and hairstyles. I mean, look at this. Oh and how could I forget the single earring.
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→ Have you rewatched a drama in 2022? Oh yes. I tend to rewatch series quite a bit once they’ve graduated to being comforting series for me. Not sure if I rewatched The Guest (2018) this year or if it was in very late 2021, but I know for sure that I rewatched Her Private Life (2019) (my comfort series at the moment), Vincenzo (2021), Flower of Evil (2020), Sell Your Haunted House (2021), and Suspicious Partner (2017).
→ A drama that kept you on the edge of your seat: Most action/thriller series I watched this year kept me at the edge of my seat, so I cannot list but one. The 3 that stressed me out the most were Signal (2016), Mouse (2021), and Voice 1 (2017).
→ A drama friendship that stole the show: There’s actually quite a few so narrowing it down to one is hard. I think the friendship between the 3 lead girls (Yoon Ji-ho, Woo Su-ji, and Yang Ho-rang) in Because This is My First Life (2017) was really great and heart-warming.
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I must also mention the amazing friendship between the two leads (Hong Ji-a and Oh In-beom) in Sell Your Haunted House (2021).
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→ A drama you found boring: Nice Guy / The Innocent Man (2012). I watched this series for Song Joong-ki and sadly found it quite boring past the halfway point, which is a shame because it was really great up until that point. I kept with it until the end for both Song Joong-ki and Moon Chae-won but I’ll admit I did fast-forward quite a few scenes near the end and just wanted it to be over.
→ A writer or director who caught your attention: I’ll admit, I didn’t really look up writers or directors this year, but I was really impressed by the writer of Black (2017), Choi Ran (who, it turns out, also wrote Mouse (2021), which I’m only now finding out). Her writing in Black impressed me because of the sheer amount of plot twists and details that were in the series and the fact that there were still very few plot holes.
→ Favourite drama poster of 2022: Flower of Evil (2020) has some of the most memorable posters, to me.
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→ Standout secondary character [discovered in 2022]: Choi Yoo-jin in The K2 (2016). I don’t know if she can really be considered a secondary character given her prominence in the series, but nonetheless I absolutely adored her. The perfect antagonist, not one-dimensional at all, on the contrary. Song Yoon-ah’s acting was stunning.
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I must also give an honourable mention to Mo Tae-Goo in Voice 1 (2017), whose portrayal by Kim Jae-wook was both haunting and captivating.
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→ A drama that made you laugh: Quite a few dramas actually did manage to make me laugh this year, and one of these is Live Up to Your Name (2017). Kim Nam-gil is truly an amazing comedic actor (I loved him in Fiery Priest (2019), which I watched last year). I have yet to watch his more serious roles, but I will.
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→ A drama that made you cry: I don’t know why but, despite watching quite a few depressing series, the one that has made me cry the most this year is Time Between Dog and Wolf (2007). I don’t know what it is but this series has made me sob, whereas I know more recent series with similar premises haven’t tugged at my heartstrings in this way. I don’t know if it’s the nostalgia factor but safe to say this drama is making me feel all the emotions.
→ A drama that was better than expected: Simply because I was apprehensive when I saw it was about sports (as a non-sports fan), I did not expect Hot Stove League (2019) to be the absolute masterpiece that it was. Goes to show, you truly cannot judge a book by its cover. This series may be centred around baseball, but it’s so much more than that. It truly amazed me with how realistic it was, with the characters feeling like very real people whom I greatly empathised with.
→ Shortest / longest dramas you completed in 2022: None of the series I watched were shorter than 16 episodes or longer than 20.
→ Favourite costumes of 2022: Simply because I loved Hong Ji-a’s fashion style in Sell Your Haunted House (2021) and would wear it myself, I’ll go with her wardrobe.
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→ Sweetest romance of 2022: Toss-up between Healer (2014) and Suspicious Partner (2017). I guess the key to a good romance, for me, is for either Park Min-young or Ji Chang-wook to be involved haha.
→ Most disappointing drama of 2022: Strong Girl Bong-soon (2017), for all the reasons listed previously.
→ A [drama discovered in 2022] that deserves a shout-out: Hot Stove League (2019) simply because I’m afraid people might glance over it simply because, in appearance, it’s about sports, but it’s truly spectacular and I think more people should give it a shot. Another drama that I want to shout-out even though I know it’s already incredibly popular is Itaewon Class (2020), simply because it’s great and heart-warming (despite it getting depressing at times).
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→ Something you want to see more in dramas: I’m enjoying seeing more and more lgbt representation in dramas and hope it’ll keep going in that direction because it’s just a nice thing.
→ A 2023 drama that you’re excited for: I don’t really look at future releases, I just find out about them after everyone else…
→ Was 2022 a good drama year for you: Yes- I believe I watched a total of 23 kdramas this year (not counting rewatches) and the vast majority of them were quite enjoyable. Other dramas I watched this year but haven’t mentioned in this post were Crash Landing On You (2019), Lawless Lawyer (2018), Descendants of the Sun (2016), 38 Task Force / Squad 38 (2016), and What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim (2018).
→ Favourite drama [discovered in 2022]: Flower of Evil (2020) (*pretends to be shocked*). Honestly though, this series was such a masterpiece that it’s second only to Stranger / Secret Forest (2017) when it comes to kdramas, in my mind. Everything that it set out to accomplish it did so well. It’s one of those rare series where I struggle to find any flaw in it. My mom, who also watched it (and has watched even more kdramas than me at this point), also said it might just be the best series she’d ever seen right after she finished watching it.
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jeonmido · 4 years
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Would you like to hold him once?
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dramaspark · 4 years
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Stove League
My attempt (I am not very fun nor good with words like other kdrama reviewers) at promoting this amazing drama about underdogs. Even the drama's run is the perfect underdog story. Starting off with ratings less than 5% and hitting over 20% at its highest point. The writer's first ever drama. Sports dramas rarely do well in Korea, but this one defied all that. They even sell Dreams themed merchandise (and some things have been sold out multiple times). I want the lamb Dream Man mascot...
This drama has shot straight into my favorite dramas ever list. Solid from start to finish with an all around amazing cast. Lots of heart and feel-good moments mixed in with just the right amounts of suspense and cliffhangers. Smart, well-written and well produced with great use of music and some fun edits. It is so rare for dramas to actually end well, and make me want multiple seasons. However, even without multiple seasons, this drama is worth every minute.
How is this the writer's first ever drama? I don't even like baseball, but I will do anything to see Dreams succeed. Also, real baseball fans praise the drama for being so close to real life minus the dramatic stuff always happening but they're all based on true events.
I loved everyone. Everyone gets a story, and nothing is dragged out (except I'm annoyed with the underutilization of Kim Jung Hwa). It is so rare for me to love every character in a show, and not have the urge to fast forward. I personally loved the no-romance aspect because it helped the show focus on what it does best.
Thank you, SBS for actually taking a risk and investing in this drama. The writer said he will write a second season when he is ready. I dislike seasonal dramas, but this drama needs to be a seasonal drama. I need more of my Dreams family. I'll be waiting for season 2, no matter how long it takes...please happen...!!
Finally, Seungwoo and Kyungmin for OTP...I love their bickering and one-uppings (mostly fails on Kyungmin's end).
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My Top 10 K-Dramas of 2020
Hi, another year has gone by and we have sort of made through it. Here is a list of k-dramas that kept me occupied and distracted through this dumpsterfire of a year. 1. When The Weather Is Fine (JTBC) Excellence. God-tier. Honestly there are no complaints on my part. It may not be everybody’s cup of tea because it is quite slow-paced, but for me it was very soothing and calming, and the story is just beautiful. 
2. Nobody Knows (SBS) Honestly, this is also a top-tier drama. From start to finish it was executed really well. A great mystery with great villains and even better heroes. It also employs the found family trope so well. My heart is full of love for this drama and the characters. 
3. Stranger 2  (tvN) The restaurant scene in the final episode is still living in my mind, rent-free. This could have taken the number one spot on my list, but I felt like the pacing was a bit off, and the storyline in season one was done much better. However, to see my two faves grow like that? That development? Excellent, loved that journey for me.
4. Stove League (SBS) I feel like everybody was surprised by how good this drama is. I had zero expectations walking into this, and yet it delivered an interesting and dynamic story about baseball. That is not something that can be easily achieved. Namgoong Min was *chef’s kiss*.
5. Tell Me What You Saw (OCN)  This is your classic OCN crime drama, but the cast - and the twist - is excellent. Everybody delivered to perfection.
6. The School Nurse Files (Netflix) Whimsical, weird, and fast-paced. I loved it so much. It was so goddamn weird, but also so good. I haven’t seen an announcement for season two so I don’t know if we are getting it, but I sure would like to. 
7. Kingdom 2 (Netflix) I loved how they explained the outbreak, I think it worked really well and it made sense. I haven’t seen an announcement for season 3, but we will be getting a prequel / bonus episode explaining the character that appeared at the end of season 2.
8. Extracurricular (Netflix) A gritty and dark drama about a high schooler who is a pimp (he says security provider, I say pimp). It has it’s issues but I thought that the topic was quite interesting and different for a k-drama placed in a high school setting. Kim Dong-hee was excellent, I think he has a bright future ahead of him. 
9. Itaewon Class (JTBC / Netflix) Up until episode 10, 11 it was top-tier, I thought to myself: this is going to be my number one, alas that didn’t happen. I already ranted about my issues with this drama and some of it’s choices. But I do want to say that Park Seo-joon and Yoon Jae-myung were untouchable in this drama. That is what we call acting, ladies and gentlemen. 
10. Woman of 9.9 Billion (KBS2) This one is nowhere near the other dramas on the list, in terms of quality. It drops the ball somewhere after the midpoint, and the reveal of the antagonist and his subsequent actions are weak and just plain boring. However, I am the biggest trash for the main couple, them being the main reason for being on this list. I also want to highlight the ladies in this drama, excellence, *chef’s kiss*. 
Bonus recommendations: SF8, episodes: Joan’s Galaxy, Manxin, and The Prayer 
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tomorrowsdrama · 4 years
Updated Drama Finished/Drop/Watch list
So even though I haven’t been posting as much, I’ve still been watching quite a few dramas.  To be honest, I think I might have burnt out on binging. When every other day is spent watching a drama for long periods of time, it kind of becomes monotonous.  That’s probably the quarantine talking though.
Finished since my last drama update
Psychopath Diary - Love, love, love.  What a fun drama to watch.  The characters were so beyond dumb but that was the joke.  Yoon Shi Yoon and Park Sung Hoon had amazing chemistry and their serial killer/amnesiac-confused-wannabe-killer-but-not-really romance was hilarious to watch.
Hot Stove League - Loved this drama.  Didn’t really go in expecting much but was pleasantly surprised.  It’s written in a way where even if you’re not into baseball, it’s still interesting.  More than a sports drama, it’s an underdog/rag tag team kind of story.  Each week it was fun to see how Nam Goong Min would outmaneuver the bad guys with his brains.  There was no romance (even though they totally could have!) but still enjoyable.  Nam Goong Min continues his streak of picking good projects.
Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim 1/2 - I finished both seasons and I’m not entirely sure why lol.  This drama was nice enough and had some cute moments but didn’t leave much of an impression otherwise.  But somehow there was also something about it that compelled me to keep watching until I finished.  I guess that’s why both seasons had such high ratings.  If I had to pick which series to recommend, I’d probably pick the first season.  If you hate annoying hospital politics and unrealistic violations of proper medical procedures, stay away.  
Live Up to Your Name - Very cute and romantic with a side of sageuk.  Kim Nam Gil is hot.  Kim Ah Joong is hot.  Together they save people and have hot make outs.  I think this was the drama that kind of lightened up Kim Nam Gil’s image.  Before that he specialized in angsty characters who were usually set on revenge and/or died.  I kind of wish he’d go back to those roles from time to time.  Haha, predictable, I know.
Tell Me What You Saw - Watched this solely for Jang Hyuk.  It’s the first serial killer/procedural I’ve watch from OCN but from what I can tell, it follows the usual pattern of other OCN dramas of the like.  I’d describe this drama as just fine.  If gory scenes aren’t your thing, probably stay away from this drama.  Some of the murders in this drama were truly disturbing.
Hyena - First drama I ever recapped.  I was interested in this drama purely because of the Ju Ji Hoon/Kim Hye Soo pairing and I was not disappointed by their chemistry.  The story could have been improved and I would have liked more time spent on the relationship but overall, the flaws were not enough to detract from the good.  I need JJH and KHS to do a romantic drama on a cable network like TVN so we can get all the makeouts we deserve.  If you’re looking for a fast-paced fun drama and don’t care too much for plot, this is worth a watch.  Some people may find Geum Ja incredibly unlikable in the first four episodes but it gets better after that I promise!
Story of Minglan - Omg, where do I even begin about how good this drama is?  This was actually my second time watching this drama.  I think I finished all 73 episodes in 4-5 days (kids, don’t try this at home).  I can go on and on gushing about this drama.  Actually, I think I might have to do a separate post to properly talk about how much I loved this drama.  Anyway, if you like strong and smart heroines, period dramas, fully-fleshed out characters, and an otp completely devoted to each other with brains and brawn, this is for you.  It’s 73 episodes at 45 minutes each but I swear it still doesn’t feel like enough.
99.9 keiji senmon bengoshi - my first jdrama in yeaaaaaars and probably a decade since I’ve seen one starring matsujun. Fun, easy to watch, legal procedural with matsujun playing against type as a oddball attorney. Also, reunion of matsujun and eikura nana who last starred together in a movie about twins falling in love (wow the early 2000s were a wild time). I think I finished this in two days. If Japanese humor or recurring wacky side characters/gags isn’t your thing, probably skip this.
Diary of a Prosecutor - This was fine but a bit too slice of life for my current tastes.  If humorous slice of life without much drama is your kind of thing, I’d recommend this.
Meow the Secret Boy - Dropped after episode 10.  Yes, I know what you’re thinking.  Why not just finish watching the last two episodes?  I didn’t drop this drama because I disliked it or anything.  I just felt like I didn’t need to continue watching.  When I first heard about the premise it squicked me out to be honest.  Cat?  As lover? Buh? I had no intentions of watching but then gifs for the first episode looked promising so I ended up watching it after all.  And it was cute and fluffy, with a touch of magical whimsy, which was what I needed at the time.  But as the episodes continued, it really didn’t go anywhere.  The characters were one-dimensional and story was as paint-by-the-numbers as you can get.  I hear that the webtoon it was based on was even less developed which...I don’t know how that could be possible.  Anyway, I peeked at the last 10 minutes of the final episode and well, that ending was a choice hahaha.  Still, I think this drama is harmless and dumb fun.  It’s not something you should take too seriously.  I mean, the cat literally turns into Kim Myungsoo.  
World of the Married - Oh boy.  Wow.  This drama.  Another drama I initially had no interest in after I read about the premise.  Another dark drama about cheating and divorce?  No thank you.  The world is grim enough as it is right now.  But then I saw posts about the drama on tumblr and it looked more makjang than grim.  Hey, sometimes makjang can be really fun to watch.  And the ratings were pretty high so I thought, there must be something entertaining about it?  So I watched the first 3 episodes fully and I admit, it was pretty addicting if not infuriating.  After episode 3, they really ramped up the infuriating parts of the cheating husband and his mistress so I watched a lot of episodes 4-7 on fast forward.  The over the top makjang was indeed fun.  But then it was at episode 7 that I realized the female lead was kind of a terrible character too.  She was just as obsessed with the husband as he was with her.  I read up on Doctor Foster, which is what the drama is based on, and seems like the husband and wife are just going to continue being terrible to each other.  Watch two terrible people obsessively try to ruin each other’s lives?  No thank you, I’ll save myself the heartburn.  It doesn’t help that every other post about this drama seems to be people being pissed at the characters hahaha.
Good Casting - I’m going to have to quit this after 4 episodes.  I tried since it seemed like a fun premise but I just couldn’t.  This is the third drama with Choi Kang Hee that I’ve had to quit and I think I just can’t gel with her acting style.  I know the tone is supposed to be hokey/comedic and they’re supposed to be bumbling on purpose.  However, my problem is that they’re just really, really, bad spies even when I think they’re not supposed to be.
Currently Watching
Ever Night - I have the last 11 episodes to finish and I’m kind of sad about it.  I know there’s a second season but it just doesn’t seem like the same drama.
When My Love Blooms - A lovely drama about second chance at love with the always great Lee Bo Young and my hot tall ahjussi crush Yoo Ji Tae.  It feels kind of like an old school jdrama in how quiet it is.  Might be too slow for some people though.  I can’t believe I dropped one drama about adultery just to unknowingly pick up another one hahaha.
Six Flying Dragons - I haven’t started yet but I will definitely start it soon!  Bang Won came to me in my dream so I think it’s time I finally watched this drama after putting it off for so long.
Will Probably Binge Later
The King: Eternal Monarch - Although I like the week to week excitement of watching an airing drama, I think I will probably enjoy this best by binging it.  People seem pretty divided about this drama but you know what?  Lee Min Ho’s hotness helped me make it through The Heirs so I have faith that it will help get me through this as well.  Some dramas you watch just so you can stare at hot people doing romantic things, ok?
Born Again -  The plot seems pretty convoluted so I think this will benefit from binging and fast forwarding.  @dangermousie seems to be enjoying it and our tastes align for the most part.  Plus, have you seen how hot Jang Ki Yong looks?  Unless the ending is completely horrible, I’ll probably binge this once it’s done.
The Untamed - I mean, gay epic wuxia love?  Count me in!  I’m trying to limit the number of dramas I watch so this will have to wait until I at least finish Ever Night.  
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koreandragon · 4 years
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Baek Seung Soo and Lee Se Young are not to be messed with
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feii1effect · 4 years
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— Let's arm wrestle. — Do you think you could beat me in arm wrestling?
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k-star-holic · 4 years
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'Move League' Manic new X Park Bin Reunion "Dreams after a long time"
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kactors-kpop-kdrama · 2 years
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myepisodecalendar · 4 years
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Running Man Season 2020 - Episode 534: Sparkling Stove League AirDate: December 20th, 2020, 05:00 PM
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geckoph211fm · 4 years
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LOVES “Hot Stove League”
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allaboutjoongi · 2 years
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In "Again My Life," Lee Joon-gi plays a character living a "Godlike Life" following in the footsteps of Namkoong Min and Kim Nam-gil
SBS’s recent dramas have generated buzz for their protagonists who live their lives to the fullest, earning themselves the nickname "Godlike Life-r" (pronounced as God-saeng-rer). "Godlike life" (God-saeng) is a portmanteau that combines the words "God" and "saeng" (meaning "life" in Korean). This buzzword means living a diligent and exemplary life and "God-saeng-rer" (Godlike Lifer) a person who lives such a life.
A pioneer in this "Godlike Life" was Baek Seung-soo (Namkoong Min) from Hot Stove League. As the new general manager of the Dreams, Baek Seung-soo shakes up the entire team by taking care of issues with trades, recruiting foreign players, and contract negotiations, ultimately leading his team to victory. Viewers responded enthusiastically to the scenes of the front office people who support their players all the way to the mound. Seo Woo-jin (Ahn Hyo-sup) from Dr. Romantic 2, a second-year fellow, had great master-student chemistry with Dr Kim (Han Suk-kyu), seeking the latter's approval.
In Through the Darkness, Song Ha-young (Kim Nam-gil), a criminal profiler, has an exceptional ability to empathize with people and uses the ability to read the minds of criminals. In the scenes where he interacts constantly with his analysis team to hunt down the criminals, he shows great level-headedness and doggedness leaving the viewers wowed. In Business Proposal, Shin Ha-ri (Kim Se-jung) lives her life diligently, switching back and forth between two different identities.
This is where Lee Joon-gi comes in: In "Again My Life," he plays Kim Hee-woo who also lives another "Godlike Life." SBS's upcoming Fri-Sat drama "Again My Life" is a revenge drama about a passionate prosecutor who earns a second chance at life to punish the greatest evil.
After suffering a wrongful death, Hee-woo uses the chance to 'reset his life,' which everyone has dreamed of, and then gets sent back 15 years in time. Hee-woo has only one goal in mind: That is, to bring Jo Tae-sup, the greatest evil, to justice. He taps into his experience of having already lived once to come up with meticulous plans to ensnare the powerful politician Jo Tae-sup and his inner circle and implement the plans, step by step. Kim Hee-woo is willing to become a monster himself to take down the evil. Hee-woo will enter the law school at Hankuk University and spend every second of his new life mastering all sorts of skills to accomplish his goal. Viewers will find out how Kim Hee-woo will become a "godlike" prosecutor fully equipped with those skills to bring the evil to justice that he couldn't do in his previous life.
SBS's upcoming Fri-Sat drama "AgainMa" is set to premiere on April 8 at 10 p.m.
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cbk-ed · 2 years
[file #220308] - by bkps megng
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[name] 조병규 - Cho Byeong Kyu [DOB] 1996.04.23 [debut date] 2015.04.27 [blood type] A [MBTI] ENFP, INFP, INTJ (x)
2020.12.31, SBS Drama Awards 2020, Best Rookie Award winner (x) 2021.12.19, Asia Model Awards 2021, Rising Star Award winner (x)
(please inform me if any link doesn't work. thank you.)
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상업영화 / commercial movies
2022, 죽어도 다시 한번 [전우석] (x) even if I die, I do once again [jeon woo seok] 
2021, 이 안에 외계인이 있다 [도건태] full.kr there is an alien here [do geon tae]
2019, 우상 [구요한] full.en cut.kr idol [goo yo han]
2019, 걸캅스 [강한솔, 막내 형사] full.en cut.kr girl cops [kang han sol, the youngest detective] 
2018, 소녀의 세계 [고우철] full.en cut.kr fantasy of the girls [go woo cheol] 
2016, 목숨 건 연애 [설록환] full.en cut.en life risking romance [sul rok hwan, young]
독립영화 / independent movies
2022, 스쿨 카스트 [?] (x) school cast [?]
2022, 밀레니얼 킬러 [정식] (x) millennial killer [jeong sik] 
2021, 김공주들 [병규] (x) killing kim gong joo [himself]
2021, 히키코모리는 안녕하십니까 [기우] (teaser.en) hikikomori, hello [ki woo] 
2020, 하드코어 로맨스 [김행남] serieson teaser.en hardcore romance [kim haeng nam] 
2020, 스페셜 엔딩 [전수원] serieson teaser.en special ending [jeon su won] 
2019, 나이트 버드 [?] (x) night birds [?] 
2017, 그럴 수 밖에 없었다 [성광] full.kr (x) I had no other choice [song kwang] 
2017, 김희선 [최동훈] serieson full.kr teaser kim hee sun [choi dong hoon] 
2017, 똑똑똑 [연우] (not found) knock, knock, knock [yeon woo]
2017, 잇챠 [병규] (not found) let's go [himself]
2016, 오늘 만난 슈팅스타 [무주] teaser.kr (x) shooting star [moo joo]
2016, 비밀 [박지수] purplay full.kr teaser.kr (x) secret [park ji soo]
2016, 아가페 [송태우] full.kr teaser.en (x) agape [song tae woo]
2016, 춘천행 [김태수] moviebloc (x) train to chuncheon [kim tae soo]
2016, 시네마 게임 썸 [상식] (not found) cinema game “some” [sang sik]
2016, 인터체인지 [이준석] full.kr interchange [lee jun seok]
2016, 학교전쟁 [병규] full.en trailer.kr school battle [himself]
2017, 빵셔틀의 반란 [중앙초 야구부 에이스] full.kr revolution of bread delivery boys  [the ace of joongang elementary school baseball team]
2017, 렛 미 아웃 [?] full.kr let me out [?]
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TV 드라마 / tv dramas
TBA, 찌질의 역사 [서민기] (x) history of losers [seo min ki]
2020, 경이로운 소문 [소문] netflix full.en making the uncanny counter [so mun] 
2019, 스토브리그 [한재희] netflix full.en making hot stove league [han jae hee] 
2019, 아스달 연대기 [사트닉] 10-11-12-16.en cut.en arthdal chronicles [sateunik] 
2019, 사이코메트리 그녀석 [강성모] full.en cut.en making he is psychometric [kang seong mo, young] 
2018, 스카이캐슬 [차기준] full.en cut.en making SKY castle [cha ki joon, the 2nd twin] 
2018, 시간 [김복규] full.en time [kim bok gyu] 
2018, 라디오 로맨스 [고훈정] netflix full.en cut.kr radio romance [go hoon jung] 
2017, 돈꽃 [강필주] full.en cut.kr money flower [kang pil joo, young] 
2017, 란제리 소녀시대 [이봉수] full.en girls' generation 1979 [lee bong soo, jung hee's twin] 
2017, 청춘시대 2 [조충환] 3-5-7-8-14.en cut.kr age of youth 2 [jo chung hwan, ji won's junior] 
2017, 7일의 왕비 [백석희] full.en cut.kr queen for seven days [baek seok hee, young] 
2016, 더 케이투 [알바] netflix 08.en cut.kr the K2 [himself, the part-timer] 
2016, 뷰티풀 마인드 [계정수] full.en cut.kr beautiful mind [gye jeong su, jin sung's brother] 
2016, 그래, 그런거야 [환자] 28.en cut.en yeah, that's how it is [himself, the patient] 
2015, 라이더스: 내일을 잡아라 [김민중] 7-8-9-10.en riders: catch tomorrow [kim min joong] 
2015, 후아유: 학교 2015 [조병규] netflix full.en cut who are you: school 2015 [himself]
웹드라마 / web dramas
2018, 독고 리와인드 [김종일] full.en cut.en bts dokgo rewind [kim jong il]
2018, 음주가무 시즌2 [유감우] full.kr (archive) drink, sing and dance 2 [yoo gam woo] 
2017, 사이:비트윈 [조병규] full.en cut.kr between [himself] 
2017, 서울은 처음이라서 [조병규] full.kr my first time in seoul [himself] 
2017, 신감독의 슬기로운 사생활 [조병구] full.en the sensible life of director shin [cho byeong ku] 
2017, 사랑쓰다 [병규] full.en to write love [himself] 
2017, 음주가무 [유감우] full.kr (archive) drink, sing and dance [yoo gam woo]
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2017, 식사 [존] (x) meal [john]
2016, LOVESTART [조병규] lovestart [himself]
2016, 로미오와 줄리엣 [김수로 프로젝트] romeo and juliet [kim su ro project]
2015, 갈매기 [뜨레쁠레프] (x) the seagull [treplev]
2014, 오셀로 [이아고] (x) othello [iago]
2013, 맹진사댁 경사 [미연] the sergeant of maengjin's house [miyeon]
2013, 햄릿 [햄릿] hamlet [hamlet]
2012, 올모스트 메인 [LENDALL] almost maine [lendall]
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2016, 레미제라블 [마리우스] les misérables [marius]
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2015, 《1994년 어느 늦은 밤》, 임형주 (full cut) one late night in 1994, lim hyung joo
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2021.03.01, (02* at 0:54, 1:06, 2:06) 독립만세 [2회] hurrah for independence [ep.2] (*) all I could find is a 3-minute video with most of his scenes cutㅠㅠ
2021.02.13 ~ 2021.02.20, (80-81-82) 놀면 뭐하니? [80회~82회] how do you play? [ep.80~82]
2021.02.13, (147) 도레미 마켓 [147회] amazing saturday [ep.147]
2021.02.07, (00) 경이로운 귀환 the uncanny return 
2021.01.22, (01) 범인은 바로 너! 시즌3 [1회] - 특별출연 busted! 3 [ep.1] - special appearance
2021.01.09, (75 at 22:20) 놀면 뭐하니? [75회] how do you play? [ep.75]
2020.11.28, (257) 아는 형님 [257회] knowing bros [ep.257]
2020.03.15, (494) 런닝맨 [494회] running man [ep.494]
2020.02.12, (145 at 29:36) 본격연예 한밤 [145회] new late night e news [ep.145]
2020.01.31, (331) 나 혼자 산다 [331회] I live alone [ep.331]
2019.12.06, (323 at 00:50, 14:27) 나 혼자 산다 [323회] - 특별 출연 I live alone [ep.323] - special appearance 
2019.08.03 ~ 2020.05.30, (00) (my playlist) 자연스럽게 [1회~6회, 8회~12회, 20회, 26회, 36회~43회] naturally [ep.1~6, 8~12, 20, 26, 36~43] 
2019.05.17, (294) 나 혼자 산다 [294회] I live alone [ep.294] 
2019.03.26, (102 at 13:07) 본격연예 한밤 [102회] new late night e news [ep.102] 
2019.01.31 ~ 2019.02.07, (17-18) 해피투게더 시즌4 [17회~18회] happy together 4 [ep. 17~18]
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tomorrowsdrama · 4 years
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koreandragon · 4 years
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i’ve never seen anyone say that with such a straight face
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