#saz responds
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crossovershipsandedits · 7 months ago
Please consider looking to see if characters have a canon orientation (like lesbian or gay man) before posting ships of them.
Hello! I hope you're having a wonderful day~
To address this ask, I first pose a question myself; Why?
The point of shipping, or really any fan creation, is to show your love and support for media/a character by expressing yourself, your thoughts and your theories/headcanon's through your work. The reason a lot of characters are loveable and popular is because they are fully capable of allowing fans to see themselves in them and see their versions without destroying the canon.
For example; If we look at Zoro from One Piece. As far as we're aware, bro has little to no romantic inclination. And yet his top ship is with another man on the crew, who happens to be woman loving Sanji. But it isn't something that feels wrong or out of place, because the ambiguity is there and their relationship is prebuilt, fans just need to figure out how it moves to romantic. The ability to see past the initial "Oh, Sanji loves women" and see the potential branches for this path. Yes, it's probably canon he legit loves women like that, but it could also be a trauma reaction based on his back story. Or it could ALSO be possible that he's bi/pan/etc
In short; Just because someone is shown a certain way, doesn't mean that's the only option. As fans we have the freedom to conjure up theories and beliefs based on the information presented to us.
Another good example would be Naruto. He's married to a woman, and yet it's still VERY much suggested that he loves Sasuke the same way. There is no "definite" answer. Assuming there is purely because of the canon relationships is a little closed minded in my opinion.
AND, even if it is stated, people change. We weren't born thinking "Oh heck yeah, dong". We develop our tastes as we grow and learn and experience new things. A great example would be Deadpool for this. He starts off in love with a woman (I'm speaking film wise by the way) and continues to love her, but very much over the course of their relationship begins to experiment and opens up that door for himself. Some people need to find the right person that makes them question themselves before they can confirm anything. Or, on the flip side, they need to see a lot of potential and not react lovingly/sexually to them in order to put the pieces together for aro/ace.
Life is a mystery bag of tags and labels that we as humans made to understand things better, and that's ok. Be who you are and love what/who you love. Be YOU
Anyway, I think I went a bit off tangent haha XD All I'm trying to say is, doors aren't entirely shut because of one thing or another. Fans can and will continue to express themselves and their thoughts through their loved characters, and that's ok. It's healthy even! I know people who use characters to test the waters for themselves because it can't hurt the people around them. It's harmless. A bit of fun, if you will.
I will always say this to these kinds of comments, ones where you should ask yourself "why am I bothering to send this?".
It is easier to keep scrolling past something you don't like, then drawing attention to it, and yourself, by commenting something that could hurt or upset an innocent person, and honestly makes you look like a silly grumpy guts :)
Keep sailing guys, gals and non-binary pals!!
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galacticrainbowsaz · 8 months ago
Thank you!! And haha, sorry about that! I forgot to switch accounts like the dumbass I am! I hope you've been enjoying KnY so far!!
And yes, I get that a lot haha! I ship really rare stuff, so this kinda thing isn't new to me, unfortunately :')
Seeing no SabiTan art on here makes me sad... Sharing is caring guys
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sergeantnarwhalwrites · 6 months ago
A splash of Saz's background and a splash of worldbuilding
Shhh yes I am typing straight into a tumblr post again from my phone at that. Call it dedication. Call it laziness.
Tag list: @outpost51 @nanashi23 @winterandwords @jezifster @kk7-rbs @aether-wasteland-s @dumbthunder @manathen @the-void-writes @livums @vacantgodling (Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist!) 
The bear morpher huffed, taking the drink from Ian's hand. Knowing he was drunk enough to not hit her hand away in time. She took a sip from it and pushed past her nerves to ask the other three morphers nearby a question.
"How long have y'all fought?"
Julie laughed at Ian's quiet grumbling as he stumbled off to get another drink. They'd been camping in at Julie and Ian's quarters for awhile now it seemed. The crickets weren't chirping when they had first entered but were practically screaming now. Saz was sure they'd been drinking for a few hours now. But it was one of the few things they could all do together with little animosity.
The hagfish morpher answered first, "Fighting under the elder morphers? Since I had enough strength to throw a rock and make it hurt."
"I was pressured into it awhile ago." Ian responded with a sigh as he returned.
"I was basically drafted by the elder morphers. I didn't have a choice. So a couple years now I guess." Elliot said, quiet for the moment after losing over who'd control the music.
"I've been a wrestler for awhile. But none of the war tactics stuff under your belts." Saz stated.
Ian shrugged, "Wouldn't call it war tactics just yet. You didn't know about anything building and you lived with the humans."
That ripped a collective sound of aggravation from the hagfish and smaller deer at the thought. All this work and the shit was going unnoticed.
Julie tossed the pocket radio to Elliot, more like at Elliot, so he could change it, "Thought you were a smuggler?"
Saz grinned and nudged Elliot, "Aw so he did talk about me." She scratched at her scruff and scooched a little closer to Julie, "I was both. Smuggling people in and out got me my money."
Elliot chimed in now, "It's how I met her too."
Julie looked up at the bear morpher, "That how you made it into one of those human cities?"
Saz shook her head. Swirling the beverage in her hand before taking a long drink. The bear morpher tilted her head away from Julie, her locs following the motion.
"Adopted by some humans actually."
Ian and Julie's face both twisted. They'd heard horror stories from morphers about it for years. So many bullshit reasons. So much death. The occasional win, just for a kid to be shipped off as a lab rat. Or someone's living trophy. Hell the elder morphers had whispered about it amongst themselves when they thought no one could hear.
Elliot's eyebrows shot up, "You weren't born in a human city?"
Saz chuckled and shook her head, "Born on a morpher base in the outskirts. When there were still multiple I guess. Seems like it's just one or two now."
"And a human felt bad and plucked you from a dying parents arms," Julie stated.
"Or they were looking for children to toss to the labs and you just happened to fit. So they kidnapped you and made bank." Ian stated.
Saz simply shrugged, "Don't know. Just know they took a gamble because I could've shown a very obvious trait in five years." She gestured to the two deer morphers.
Elliot scratched at the antler that remained. Ian flicked his ears and looked away. Julie stretched and rested a hand on the two deer morpher's heads. Shoving Elliot when he chose a station she didn't like.
"Still impressive that you dodged animal control for so long," Julie said, a smile finding its way to her face.
Saz looked down at her nose and then to Julie, "I was just a kid the first time, I busted my face the second time, and got saved by you guys the third. Don't really know if that's a good job."
Julie sucked her teeth, bringing a knee to her chest, "What do you call making it out of a place that hate's monsters alive? Typical day?"
Saz finished off the drink in her hand in silence and rested her elbow on Julie's head. Careful not to rest all of her weight on the hagfish morpher.
"Typical day. Routine. Same thing, yeah." Saz said simply.
She rose to her feet with a groan. She needed a stronger drink.
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foolforshera · 10 hours ago
The next chapter of Long Ago and Far Away is up and ready for reading. Saz walks into the Valley of the Lost, ready to take the next step that's needed to keep Catra safe.
Tegris had seen a lot of people walk into the little Horde recruiting station on the outskirts of the Valley of the Lost. Some were hard cases, some were trying to find something new or just different enough from their mundane, and some were on the last leg of a hopeless life but hadn't quite faced that reality yet. Tegris had to admit though, that out of all of those people who came to enlist, they'd never, ever seen someone walk in with a baby in a sling. That was part of an already crowded field of things that Tegrisw was noticing, the other striking one being the look on the Magicat's face, filled with exhaustion but with eyes that still seemed to drink in every little detail. The clothes she wore and gear she carried said deep desert Magicat, which is why they weren't surprised when they caught a glimpse of a dagger in the small of her back when she turned to look over her shoulder briefly before walking up to the table under the flapping canvas awning.
"You recruit for the Horde?" Saz said, taking a moment to speak carefully as she worked to talk in the common language from Bright Moon, a second language for her that she didn't know well.
Tegris nodded as they responded in Magicat.
"I am. Are you… are you looking to sign up?"
Saz let out a little sigh of relief. The person at the table spoke Magicat with a weird inflection but she nodded and responded.
"I am. She comes with me."
Saz lifted Catra up a little, who peered out over the top of the sling at Tegris.
Read the rest at AO3!
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sazernac · 1 month ago
the proposal...saz the proposal og. you made me cry. its so real to have rhaenyra a nervous wreck when trying to propose but the way mysaria kept calm, trying to be supportive while rhaenyra got it together made me bite through my fist. but this, "There wasn’t a single letter from the Lyseni she hadn’t read or found a way to respond to because Mysaria’s words and unwavering presence were a balm on Rhaenyra’s tattered heart." and "You’re the air that I breathe and everything I am in this moment is because of you…”
these were heart wrenching and so beautiful. thank you for your work!
My absolute pleasure! The proposal scene was my favorite to write because I felt like Rhaenyra would be nervous this time around because of her feelings for Mysaria. It’s not based in anything but love and I wanted to convey that. Thank you so much for reaching out
For reference.
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loki-cees-all · 1 year ago
Hello, my darling Cee!
I thought it was about time I dropped in here again to remind you how amazing you are! I’m so grateful our paths crossed on this hellsite because where would I be without your mind blowing fics?? Seriously, my friend, you have such a talent when it comes to world building and story telling! (And I know I still need to catch up on some of your work!)
Thank you for being your sweet, hilarious, thoughtful, talented self! I’m sending you the biggest hug from across the Atlantic until we can finally get those hot chocolates together! Love you long time!! 🩷🩷🩷🩷
Me @ you:
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This has been making me tear up since I got it. And I literally don’t know how to respond to it, because the brain goblins are insisting that it isn’t true. With absolutely every fiber of their being. 🥺😭
But you wouldn’t lie to me…would you, Saz? No, I can’t live in a world where Saz is a liar. 😤
So I’m trying my best to force the brain goblins to choke on these words! It’s easier said than done, but thank you so much for sending this to me. I love you truly, madly, deeply!
And we’ll laugh and laugh at these stupid brain goblins over hot chocolate one day!
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maple-seed · 2 years ago
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You’re such an amazing friend and I’m so thankful for you! I’ve lost count of the times a comment on my posts or in the server has made me ugly laugh 😂😂
I hope you have a great day that involves all the bubble tea you could ever wish for!
I love youuuu!!! 💚💚💚💚💚
Saz this is so kind thank you so much. 🥰🥰
I'm glad we ran into each other in this demented corner of the internet. You are a joy. 💚💚
(Today is not my birthday. I am responding to an old ask.)
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devils-claw-inc · 2 years ago
Hello and welcome to devils claw inc! My creepypasta oc blog.
Here I’ll be writing, drawing, and talking about my creepypasta oc, Alex.
Though before that really quick. My name is Celine! (Pronounced Cell-el-ine) I’m trans masc nonbinary. I’m a beginner artist and I’m 16 years old.
I also respond to Saz !
the tag i’ll be using when i’m making a random post not related to Alex is
#Celine escaped again
my pronouns are he/they/it
info on Alex here
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crossovershipsandedits · 1 month ago
Hello !!
May I ask if you are still taking requests? Or if you are just inactive in general on here…?
As your last post / reblog on here was about the drama that comes with changing a characters CONFIRMED sexuality for a ship or for other personal reasons
(Not trying to go back into that mess and to open up that can of worms….)
I am, yes! Life has just been Hella hectic later and after the Incident™ I thought it best to take a break :)
But I am back and taking submissions!! It will take some time to catch up unfortunately, because I want to pace myself rather than tire myself out making the requests, but they will get done!!
So yes, asks are OPEN!!!
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larktb-archive · 2 years ago
I and some friends know u irl and you’re fucking embarrassing for this xx
I never responded to this ask because this was during the whole saz debacle and like... this one was genuinely funny. Like yes I believe you.
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alliumdykes · 1 year ago
maybe i'll try and get him to respond
saz c
he also did not like my keyboard XP
mmmmmmmmbbbbbbbbbbbbbb=]]====== [nnnnn
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sergeantnarwhalwrites · 1 year ago
OC In 15 (or less)
Thanks for the tag @kk7-rbs! And yes I am winging most of these dialogue lines.
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
Uhh I tag: @televisionjester @aether-wasteland-s @jezifster @the-void-writes @illarian-rambling @vacantgodling (Only if you want! Open tag too!)
Let's go Julie from Fucked at Five.
1. "Why even believe the elder morphers? Ian and I caught on awhile ago that these old fucks only care about revenge."
2. "Fuck Elliot. And fuck you too!"
3. "These new recruits are clinging onto humans being these saints. Like humans wouldn't stab them in the back— Haven't stabbed them in the back."
"Or take your eye?" Elliot spoke around the straw in his mouth, unwavering at the glare of straight up evil from Julie's eye.
"Shut the fuck up billy goat." Her hands bone dry pointing at stumps that once bore antlers protruding Elliot's skull.
3. “You don’t have to worry about that. Focus on this.”
4. "I told you I fight to win, Elliot."
5. "Hungry?"
6. "I don't think any of us would be mad if we had gotten those donuts at the stand like what an hour ago?"
7. "I've killed more people than you and you still like me."
8. "Maybe I should feel bad?" Ian muttered, chewing on his thumb nail
"Nah." Julie responded
9. "Think I can get Saz to go swimming with me? The lake shouldn't have too much algae." Julie questioned aloud.
"Is it training related?" Ian asked.
"I'll tell her to put on a bikini while you make your decision."
10. "Sleep can wait. Want a Mini-Mart hotdog? It's like a 5 minute jog. But we can make it an hour long walk."
"Fuck yeah," Saz laced up her shoes, dressing surprisingly fast for a woman who was only in socks a couple minutes ago.
11. "I think— I think I pissed her off."
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avengers-hamiltrash · 4 years ago
2 for soulmate with spot and sarah!!
Prompt: 2. Draw on skin = On soulmate's skin (I also kinda made it a high school au)
Pairing: Spot Conlon x Sarah Jacobs
Warnings: Cussing
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: Hopefully this is good! Happy reading!
Read on AO3!
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"Y'know, there's a kid in my art class that has similar paint marks on his arms," Jack told Sarah.
"Really?! Who is it?" She frantically asked.
"I'm not going to tell you."
"Why'd you even say anything then?"
"I'm sorry, Saz," He raised his hands in defense, "Can't tamper with the universe's plans, babe." She rolled her eyes and started to walk away from the table.
"Love ya!" He yelled to her as she walked away. He burst out laughing when he heard a faint 'fuck you.' Davey smacked him in the arm and said, "Don't mess with her, Jackie. We both know she could kick your ass."
It was right after the end of school when she bumped into him.
"Hey, why don't you watch where you're going?" He asked before he noticed who it was. "You know what, it's fine, never mind." He had had a crush on her forever, and he knew it was completely and utterly stupid. She had her own soulmate, and he had his.
She didn't focus on what he said, more on what was on his arm. There they were, matching orange paint marks. She was unbelievably happy that she wore long sleeves. She attempted to say something but ended up just speedwalking out of the school doors.
The second she got home, she ran upstairs and burst into Davey's room.
"Thanks for knocking."
"Shut up." She looked at him with anger burning in her eyes as she paced his room.
"Wanna tell me why you came in here just to be angry?"
"Did Jack tell you that it was Spot fucking Conlon?" She raised her voice.
"Sarah! Language!" Esther yelled from downstairs, "Sorry, ma!"
She pointed at the TV remote he was holding before she started speaking, "David, I swear to god if you don't tell me, I will shove that remote so far up your-"
"Sarah!" Her mother yelled yet again.
She sighed, and he responded, "Uh- Yea, he did." She deadpanned in his direction, "Then why the hell didn't you tell me?"
"You've literally been complaining about this kid since eighth grade, and I didn't want to deal with your drama."
"Sarah Jacobs, if I hear one more goddamn curse come out of your mouth!" Davey and Sarah looked at one another and mouthed 'hypocrite.'
"Anyway, how did you find out, and does he know?" Davey wiggled his eyebrows.
"I just bumped into him, and no, he doesn't know. But he was acting really weird, though."
"Like, what kind of weird?"
"He was nice to me."
"Oh lord, the world is ending because Spot Conlon was nice to someone," he spoke with a sarcastic tone.
"David Jacobs, you are the bane of my existence."
"Cool," he paused, "But seriously though, you need to tell him, even if you hate him. Plus, you never know he might be better than you think. You know how much I used to hate Jack and look at us now."
"Yeah, you turned into the most disgusting couple I've ever seen," she hesitated, "How did you know that Jack was soulmate?"
"Saz, we were in like second grade, and he started scribbling on my arm mid-class. So you really don't need to make a big deal out of telling him."
"What'd he draw on his arm?"
He sighed and laughed, "The ugliest fucking cat you've ever seen."
"David!" Their mother called for a final time.
She went back to her room that night and thought about everything she could do. She ended up drawing a little flower on the back of her hand, then immediately stopped when she remembered that Spot would see it and frustratedly threw the marker across the room.
She woke up the next day contemplating if yesterday was a dream, actually not a dream, she thought, more of a nightmare. She got ready and practically dragged herself downstairs.
"Well, well, well, look who's all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed!" Davey said sarcastically.
"Don't." He raised his hands in defense as Jack had done the day before.
Once she got to school, she was determined to find Jack and smack him. But first, she ran directly into the person she was trying to avoid.
"Sarah, really need to look where you're going," Spot said.
"Do you really hate me that much? Are you completely annoyed just having me within your sight?" He asked, only half sarcastic.
"Nonono- I just, uh, I'm in a bit of a hurry," she muttered out quickly and went in search of Katherine.
She practically ran when she saw Katherine, "Kath, there is an emotional emergency."
"Uh, okay?"
"Spot is my soulmate." She said with wide eyes.
"Oh, I'm happy that you found hi-" Sarah interrupted, "This isn't good! I have no idea what I'm doing!"
"Well, does he know?"
"No, but I don't really want to tell him."
"Okay, he needs to know. So, just tell him."
"We both know I'm not good at socializing, especially when it comes to my 'love life'."
"Then, just write on your arm or something he'd see it. And if he doesn't see it on his arm, he'll see it on yours, he pays enough attention to you know that there is something different."
"What do you me-" "And this could've been said over text, but you apparently want me to be late to first hour," she said to her friend, "But if you're worried he doesn't feel the same way, I guarantee you're just over thinking it."
She started to walk away when Sarah called out, "Thanks, Kath!" She began to think about everything Katherine had said. What did she mean that Spot pays a lot of attention to her? That was the only thought that rang through her head most of the day. She made sure to look at him every once in a while to see if he had been looking - she felt like a child doing this, but it didn't really matter to her then.
She finally decided to write on her hand to him, meet me in the parking lot after school. He looked down at his hand curiously, read it, then looked around at everyone to see if they had a pen to their hand.
Hours passed as Sarah patiently waited to talk to him. On the other hand, Spot was a nervous wreck. He wasn't ready to face whoever it was if it wasn't Sarah. Then the overwhelming thought hit him, what if it was Sarah? What if he got to spend the rest of his life with her?
Sarah sat in her car for a bit until she saw Spot wildly looking in every direction. She sighed, opened her door, and waved to him. He nearly fainted when he saw her. He didn't know what to other than walk up to her.
"Soo. What did you want to talk about?" He questioned, both sarcastic and excited.
"I think you might know."
"So, we are actually soulmates? This isn't a joke? And my real soulmate isn't pop out behind one of these cars?" He genuinely asked.
"I wouldn't joke about this, and for proof-" She stuck out her arm, "- that I'm not lying."
"Oh," He said and suavely grabbed her hand.
"We are holding hands," Sarah squeaked out awkwardly.
"Imeanifyou'renotokaywithitIcanletgo." He dropped her hand.
She quickly grabbed his hand again, "No, it's fine, I was just, kinda, sorta surprised," she paused a moment, "I'm not gonna lie, I don't really know how to do the whole 'relationship' thing."
He shrugged, "Just do what you think is right."
She immediately stuck out her arms awkwardly, "Hug?"
"Sure," he laughed and wrapped his arms around her.
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violetwolfraven · 4 years ago
33. You’re in the hospital and I’m pleading with you not to leave me and to please just wake up. Javid :)(Davey in the hospital and if possible, happy ending lol)
Bold of you to think I have the emotional capacity to not write a happy ending (or at least the potential for one) with my angst.
Just to spice it up, let’s make this in the reincarnation AU. :)
Tw: non-graphic injuries, referenced car crash, and implied past period-typical homophobia
Jack was no stranger to hospitals.
He’d seen 21st century hospital rooms, all sterile and professional, and he’d seen 1917 battlefield hospitals, chaotic and bloody. His reasons for being there ranged from scolding one of his little brothers for being stupid and falling out of a tree to holding a friend’s hand while they died slowly of an infected bullet wound.
Jack hated hospitals. He hadn’t liked them on his first round, but he really hated them in this lifetime. They had too many bad memories.
He really hated having to be here.
Because in no lifetime had he ever seen Davey in a hospital until right now.
Sure, Jack had literally watched him die before, and nothing could possibly be as bad as that, but... this was still scary.
All it took was him hitting one patch of black ice. One random chance of fate where water froze over the road in the night and put all three Jacobs siblings in the hospital.
Sarah and Les were alright. Well, they were both currently hyped up on pain meds because they’d broken a couple of bones each, but Davey had managed to turn the car so they didn’t hit the tree head on.
He’d turned the car at the last second so he got the worst of it.
“Just had to be the hero, didn’t ya?” Jack asked quietly, “Guess some things never change. 121 years and ya still do dumb shit like this. Like bein’ right on the front lines with me when you’d never been in a real fight in your life before the strike. And in case you’re gonna say this ain’t the same, it absolutely is. It’s just you puttin’ other people’s lives over yours. Idiot.”
Jack couldn’t decide if he wanted to laugh or cry at how this talk was usually reversed.
It was always Davey telling him to stop being a self-sacrificing idiot and put himself first for once.
Of course, that usually ended in Jack reminding his boyfriend that putting himself first led to things like Jack disappearing to where only Specs could find him, but...
Damn. Why couldn’t Davey just take his own advice?
Jack guessed he wasn’t super good about taking his own advice, either, but he could still be mad about it when Davey did it.
“You ain’t allowed to leave me. Y’know that, right, Dave?”
Davey didn’t respond.
“We just found each other again,” Jack insisted, “We’s been apart since World War goddamn 1, and it took 16 years after we came back, so you are not allowed to leave me.”
Jack grabbed his boyfriend’s hand, holding it close to his heart, sitting on the edge of the hospital bed.
“We got a second chance, Dave. And... I’m still gonna love ya if we lose this one, but come on. We got shit to do, here. Y’know that we don’t gotta hide this time around? Hell, we can marry each other if we want, instead of hidin’ behind you marryin’ Kath and me marryin’ Saz.”
That felt... weird to talk about. Getting married.
In this life, they were only 16. Jack was younger than he’d been when he met Davey last time.
But he’d died at 36, back then.
Especially since remembering his first life, he definitely didn’t feel 16 anymore. He already knew he wanted to spend the rest of this life with Davey, and any more lives they possibly got after this.
But he really hoped they didn’t need a third chance.
“Oh, Davey,” Jack whispered, “Please don’t leave me again. We deserve a happy ending this time.”
“I agree.”
Jack gasped, realizing his boyfriend wasn’t quite... awake, but he had one eye cracked open.
He was vaguely conscious. That was enough.
“Hey, Dave. How ya feelin’?”
“Like shit.”
That made both of them laugh a little bit, but Davey winced like that hurt.
Jack brushed his hair off his forehead for him, trying to hide how scared he’d been with a smile.
“I knew it’d take more than a car crash to take ya away from me.”
He hadn’t, but he really hoped Davey couldn’t tell.
Davey squeezed his hand, “I am never leavin’ you again.”
Jack knew that was a promise no one could make, but he kissed the back of his boyfriend’s hand and pretended like it put his mind at ease, anyway.
“I love you,” he whispered.
It was a habit, staying quiet. Still left over from a world back when they had to be a secret even though they didn’t anymore.
“I love you, too,” Davey whispered back, “I’m not goin’ anywhere, Jackie.”
“I can see that.”
Jack smiled, leaning forward to kiss him on the forehead, “Your doofus.”
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cake-writes · 2 years ago
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you really left us on the biggest cliffhanger on a dutiful disaster lmao 😭
I'M SORRY BESTIE 😭😭😭 I really want to continue it, I've already got a good 80% of the next chapter done but THE INSPIRATION 😭😭😭😭😭
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solari-writes-things · 4 years ago
🛑 WARNINGS: Spoilers to The Phantom Menace. 🛑
✨ requested by: @sazafraz​​
✨ Pairing: Gray Jedi!Maul x OC
✨ Summary: Maul returns to Norella after a journey of self-discovery, having kept in contact with her through their Force Dyad.
✨ Solari Says: You’ll recognize this plot, Saz, because it is one we’ve talked over before on Discord. I hope it brings you as much soft as I hope. <3 For those who do not know, Norella is the Empress of a system called Lucent Prime, a fan-made kingdom that @sazafraz​ has thought of and told me all about. Also, Maul had only been stabbed. Not bisected. Know this, before moving forward.
✨ Prompt(s) -
Kunzite - experiencing unconditional love.
gif credit: to the OP.
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Norella’s eyes bore into the bustling city outside of her quarters window. Her drapes were pulled apart just so that she could thoroughly observe everything that was occurring--for any sort of signs that she could possibly receive. She remained hopeful, passionately hopeful that he would find himself back on her planet once more.
She missed Maul. Her heart ached every time that they would see each other, as clear as she saw the structures that were sprouted out of the ground below--all without the physical presence that she so craved. Her hands crossed behind her back, letting out a heavy sigh as she turned slowly to finally go perform the duties she was set.
Heron, her assistant and father figure since her parents’ passing, had his arms folded behind his back properly and bowed when Norella had moved her attention to him.
“What is on our agenda today, Heron?” she asked quietly, her posture professional but her eyes just hinting at her small bit of sadness.
“Nothing out of the ordinary today, my lady,” he answered honestly, straightening out.
“Good... I do not think I can handle something out of the ordinary,” she responded, her eyes averting downwards.
It was like a switch flipped, the parental side of Heron beginning to peer through the cracks of formality. “Is there something troubling you, Norella? You seem... off balance.”
The charm of Lucent Prime was that Norella and her direct assistants were all force-sensitive. As much as it made the Empress feel more at home, it also made things much more difficult in terms of stowing emotions.
Heron had been privy to Norella’s growing feelings for Maul. She had been responsible for him when he was found, stowed away on a supply ship headed for her planet after his battle with Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi. He was injured, barely hanging on through the sheer anger and vengeance he had stored inside. She had helped him regain himself, and during this time they had discovered the Force had directly connected them.
He began to calm down. He became less angry, less fueled by vengeance, the longer he stayed in her care on Lucent Prime. When he processed that he had been abandoned by his prior Sith master, he had decided to leave Lucent Prime in order to discover what his life was meant for. He wanted to figure out what he wanted for himself, if he wanted to build something after he had realized that no one from his past life was coming back.
It had been months now. After he had made his presence known for almost three months time, he had promptly disappeared.
She could not fault him for wanting to pave his own way, it was something that she knew he desired. A life of hatred, a life of abandonment, was something that would have drove him mad should he linger on it for longer.
She was happy to get any update she could. Little by little, she could see him change. His posture, the way that he spoke, began to change.
“I miss him,” she says simply, knowing Heron would understand.
“I know you do, my lady,” Heron responded, his eyes much softer than they had been before. “I’m sure that he will reach out to you again, in time. For now, we must focus on the task at hand.”
Norella nods her head a bit solemnly, before beginning to walk beside Heron out of her quarters. The door shut behind her, she lets out a soft exhale as they traverse the massive halls. The clicking of her heels echoed in the empty halls, as her mind began to wander during their short trip to the throne room.
When she was about to begin her ascent up the three steps leading to her throne, she pauses. There was a shift in the air, a breach in the Force that she just felt stir in her stomach. However, as sudden as it was, there was a familiar warmth that accompanied it. She places her hand over her heart in response to it, feeling it begin to pick up it’s drumming in her chest.
She turns, her eyes much more lively as they searched in the throne room--as if he were going to barge through the door. She hears his ship fly overhead through the walls, lifting up her skirt slightly so that she may begin to move quickly.
She begins her running, her heels clacking on the floor. Her guards tried to step and stop her to due her sudden movements, but Heron raises a hand for them to stop. And they do, pausing in their tracks and watching as their Empress moved as fast as her garb would allow.
She charges through a blast door that opened up, causing the warmth of the sun to leak through and crash against her skin. She winces a little due to the sudden light change, but her eyes quickly adjust to the ship that had made its home on the landing bay.
The doors hissed open, and she could feel her heartbeat rise the lower it got to touching the bay floor. When it gently clattered, she began to approach it slowly.
She could see the beginnings of his dark boots stepping down, making her heart race just a little more. More of him began to reveal itself as he descended down the ramp. He had his dark robes on, his hood up and over his horns and tattooed skin. He paused when his eyes rested on Norella, and she could feel his content coursing through his veins through their dyad.
She picks up her skirt again, speed-walking towards him. As she drew closer, she could see the difference in his tunics that lay against his form. They were black, with intricate designs that only shown when the light hit against it. They were beautiful, and they suit him much more than the simple black that he had worn when she met him.
“Maul,” she greeted, smiling sweetly when she got close enough. She wanted to hug him, pull him close so that she could receive the physical affection she so craved.
“Empress Norella,” he greeted back, bowing in formality when she addressed him.
“I... I wasn’t sure that you would be returning,” she admitted, attempting to swallow the feelings that she could feel boiling between them.
She could feel that he missed her, just as much as she did him. That he was also starved of affection that he so craved, hungry for her presence. She watched him closely, on his body language that gave away her assumption. And if she payed enough attention, she would begin to notice more differences with him.
He gazed into her eyes, and she felt entrapped by the blue that he had. Something about the way it contrasted against his red and black skin drew Norella closer and closer to him, finding it harder to look away. “To be quite honest, I wasn’t sure if I was to return when I had left here, but... I found myself thinking of you. Often. So I reached out to you.”
“I... appreciated that, you know. I enjoyed seeing your progression, your face,” she folded her arms behind her, averting her eyes downward.
She could hear Maul step closer and closer to her, and soon his body was only about a foot from hers. She looked up at him once more, a little surprised to see his soft expression as he studied her. He felt as if it had been years, even though it was only months, and seeing her beauty in front of him was almost surreal.
Like he had been dreaming.
They didn’t need to say anything to each other, in terms of their feelings. Their dyad made it impossible for them to hide the swelling love that they felt boiling in their chests. It was almost overwhelming, as Maul reached up and placed a hand at her cheek.
She leaned into his ginger touch, the aspect of it almost feeling imaginary. Something that she had craved for so long, and finally able to receive it. Nothing that they experienced through their dyad could surmount to the moment that they were in now.
So he leaned in, his blue eyes much more gentle than she had ever seen them. She knew what he was trying to do, and frankly hurried for their lips to meet in the middle. To describe their kiss would be a cliché, but she was half inclined to agree with them; there were butterflies in her stomach, fireworks setting off between the two of them. Whatever it may be, she felt it amplified by the Force--by their dyad.
And when they reluctantly pulled away, he brought her in close so his arms wrapped around her. His palm held the back of her head, so her temple was placed against his chest. She hummed in content, her arms raveling around him as she relished in the attention she had finally been able to receive.
“I take it this means you’re staying...” she said, her voice a low mutter as she almost drowned in the feelings she had.
“I realized on my journey, that I couldn’t see myself anywhere else,” he admitted, his thumb brushing against her white hair.
And she smiled.
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